HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-22, Page 70 January 2nd, 1903 01101010.10.111, eta TSE cLnwrort NEvcrs.azcoaD The Molsons Bank Incorporated by Mt of Parliament, Capital - #2,500,000 Rest 2,e$0,9o9 HEAD OFFICE - -MONTREAL. Vat. Molson Macpherson, President, James Elliot, General Manager. Notes discounted. Collections made. Drafts issued. Sterling and Amer- ican Exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. SAVINGS 13ANK Interest allowed on sums of $t and. up, compounded half yearly. FARMICRS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more en- dorsers. No mortgage required as security. I. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. G. D. NicTaggart 1 I3ANKER. • 14 General Banking Business transact- ed. Notes discounted. Drafts issued. Interest allowed on de- posits. Albert street Clinton. J. SCOTT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Office—Elliott 13lock - Clinton. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Notary, Public, Etc. Office—Beaver Block - - - Clinton. RIDOUT & HALE, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to loan. C. B. HALE JOHN RIDOUT Twenty Years of Itching Piles Mr. Alex. McLaughlin, thirty years resident of Powmanville, Ont., writes :— "For twenty long years I suffered from itching pilaf), end only persons who have been troubled with that annoyingdisease can imagine what I endured during that time. About seven years ago I asked a druggist if he had anything to cure me. He said that Dr. Chase's; Ointment was most favorably spoken of, and on his recommendation I took a box. After three applications I felt better, and by the time I had used one box I was on a fair way to recovery. I continued the ' treatment until thoroughly cured, and as that was seven years ago, and I have not suffered any since, I am firmly convinced that the ointment made a per ect cure, "1 consider Dr Chase's Ointment an invaluable treatment for piles. In my case I think the owe was remarkable when you consider that 1 am getting up in years and had been so long a sufferer from this disease." 6o centa box at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. z. Chase's Ointment wea. MONEY -MAKING EDUCATION. • STRATFORD, ONT. Young alum and Women, what are you worth ? • That depends upon what you • are worth to others. A business or • shorthand education will always •enable you to get a good position, but the education must' be strictly first class. Give us en opportunity to- tell youwhat we are doing for 'others; Write today for our catalogue, Stud- ents admitttd at any time. • • • • . W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Marriage Licenses B. R. IIIGGINS . • • • -ISSUED' Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance., . • BY . Mortgages'Deeds, Etc., drawn for . . . • . fi each. All work neatly and • . .. . . • cheaply done. .. J. B. Ratnball .'Cliiitot, BRUCEFIELD, &T. . ,s,....,,,,,,,„,„„„i.,„*.— • ' - • DR. W. GUNN, - R. C. P. and I,. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Night call at fron door of. residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyterian church. • . . Office—Ontario street • - Cool' Cotton Root .Ccitipouna Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe effectual. Ladies ask , your druggist for 'Cook,' Cotton Root Com- ' pond. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous. Price, No:1, $1 p 3r box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $2 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps. The Gook Company Windsor, Ont. tar•Noit. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all respousible Druggists in Canada. • • MUST DO ONE'S PART I. JESUS CONSTRAINED HIS DISCIPLES TO GET INTO A MUST SEIZE OPPORTUNITY. spirituel. Daystars Are Only Overcome by Nock Wrostlinig Alpinist Our Werdly Interests, and Ood Only Gives the ' Powers to the nen Who Overcome Themselves and Their finrroundlimik Irnutred according to Act of Parliament of Usu.adu, in the year 1103, by William, Huily. of TO. rent°, at the llep's of Aerioulture, Ottawa. Chicago, Jan, 18, — Many people who are passing through (a period of trouble may obtain consolation and encouragement front the dectrine Rev.. F. De Witt Talmage teaches in the following sermon on the text Matthewxiv, 22, "Jesus constrain- ed his disciples to get into, a ship," There it Is! See! Yonder is the disciples' boat, tossed about on the waves of Lake Galileo, Every Mo- nica the disciples expected their boat' to founder. Some of them were veteran fishernaen, yet they had given up all hope of ever reaching land again, The danger of drowning in Lake Galilee was not the only danger, nor indeed the greatest danger, which • threatened the disciples. They were in spiritual danger.. Having seen Jesus only a few hours before feed a multitude of 5,000 persons with' five loaves .and a.few fishes, they had lost sight of his spiritual Mission and were about to hail him as a • temporal leader. Like the multitudes which- had been fed, they began to • whisper among themselves: "Why not. make Christ our king? Such a mir- acle working. leader as this could nt e only feed us and clothe as without any work upon our part, :but he bleo could liberate us from Roman tyran-: • ny and be to us another -Moses, an- other Joshua �r another David." In order to counteract this design of making him merely a temporal king, which would have brought Min into collision With the Roman' power and have degraded his• mission into a mere insurrection, he . determined to teach • the disciples their weakness .and helplessness. He compelled them to launch their boat and enter into a fearful cointrat of at least ton long hours with the Galilean tempest. S9 in order to compel me and you to look. away from our worldly inter- .ests, which are •absorbing our thoughts" and desires, and lead us to. Seek from him the 'higher spiritual blessings , he has. to bestow . God. clouds -our akies and brings upon- us s. tidal, wave of crushing disaster; that we' may' be driven to. elimb into his loving, protecting urine. The dark, tempestuous nights of re- ligious persecution have often 'been. in God's sight, the brightest and the, most blessed: of.suneldny days for the chuech. It was by having his'eyes temporarity blinded that : I'aul. gain- ed epirittial signt. 'Was. by exile to a lonely ,islancl of the Mediterran- ean that -John 'was :enabled to see NOS. I and 2 are sold in Clinton by his marvelous apocalyptic visions. It. DR. SHAW, H. B. Combe, R: P. Reticle; E. Hov- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ey and Watts & Co.—druggists. • • 011ice—Ontktrio street - - Clinton. _ • rhe Kiliop Mutual Fire Opposite St. Pauls church. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases ol the Eyc, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and Residence— Albert street East; Clinton. North of Rattenbury street. DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- lister on Mein street. BAYFIE,LD ' Ont: DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. Will be at Bayfield every Wednesday afternoon. Office— Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery, Clinton. DR. G. ERNEST HOLMES, Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D. D. S.—Graduate of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar- io. L. D. S.—First class honor graduate of Dental Department of Tbronto University. Special attention paid to preservation of children's teeth. Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield, every Monday from io a. in. to 6, p. m. DR. J. FREEMAN, . VETERINARY SURGEON. A member of the Veterinary Medical. Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. Office—Ontario street - - Clinton Opposite St. Paul's church. Phone 97. DR. BALL VETERINARY SURGEON, GOV- ERNMENT VETERINARY IN- SPECTOR. Office—Isaac street - - - Clinton Residence—Albert street - THOS. BROWN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales conducted in all parts of the counties of Huron and Pettit. Or- ders left at The News -Record, • of- fice, Clinton, or addressed to Sea - forth P. 0. will receive prompt atteotion. Satisfaction guaran- teed 1, or no charges. Your pat- ronage solicited. ••••••••••••••••••••••••dmilaalliMMII•MINNME••••••Iti • kNat.'• r.; f:X1)21tithiCE Thaler MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS dte. Anyone soutfug a Sketch and &sceptic% may taming ascertain ear opinion free 'whether en invention t probably untamable, Comitinnica, none airletisl, comidentiai. liasebeek on Patent4 sent free. oldest nosey for accurtua,,patente. through taken teugh Mums & to. receive spedat *lotto, without central, in the Stiesilifit illilefittill. A.,%.4.6..,,,i,,,,,,,,e4 wenit,,.. 1.,,,,„„,t,Ift Sittiatkal Of tiny onetime leartne. Terms $3 t, ar t i fout months. Si. Stud try en rieweeettleta uNN & Cleo. i otoadway, New 'yrIt to...tti., 0. P It..tiratibinstem„ 1), , 1 • Insurance Company Farm and Isolated ToNvnProper- ty Only Insured. OFFICERS J. B. McLean, President, Kippeh P. 0.' Thos. Fraser, Vice-President, Bracefield P. 0. ; T. Ba Hays"Sec.- Treastiree, Seaforth P.. '0. ; W. G. Broadfoot, Inspector of Losses, 'Spa - forth P. 0. • •• • DIRECTORS . • W. ' G. Broadfoot,. Seaforth ; . John Grieve, Winthrop George Dale, Sea-: forth ; John Watt, Harlock .; • John Behnewies, 13radhagan ; James Evans, Beechwood James Conoolly, Clinton; John 1VIcLean, ICippen. • . AGENTS. Robert Smith, Harlock ,Robert Mc- Millan, Seaforth James. Cummings, Egniondville ; J. W. Yeo, • Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be• promptly attended toon application to anyof the above officers addressed to their respective postoffides. • GRAND TRUNK SYSTE111 THUR.. TABLE. Trains, will arrive at and depart frein Clinton Station as follows : BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Going East Express ' 7,38 a. rti. It • 41 11 , 2,55 p. Mixed 4.15 p. m. II West 10,15 a. in. '‘ Express 12.55p, n. 41 11 It 7.05 a. tn. 11 4.1 11. 10.27 p, LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE DIV. GoixgSo,t1th Express 7:47 a. tn. Mited 4.15 p. tn. " North Express 10.1$ a, Ill. 44 44 Mixed 6.55 p. m. A. 0. PATTISON, F. R. HODGENS, Agent. Town Ticket Ag. M. C. DICKSON, • District Pass. Ag., Toronto .......,,,......„..., Hair Sp IS WitalIMMOMMINIMile.01111111MMIWIN "1 have used Ayer's flair 'Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant for a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends."*. J. A. Gruenenfelder, Grantforkall. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair- splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting' has begun, it will stop it. $1.10 a Ws, All Mob. If_ your deleted cannot itteply you, Norm MI One dollar and we Will express you a bottle. Be auto and give the name of yOUr nearest tweet office. Address, J. O. ATER CO., LOWS11, Man. iiiiiiii-111$11111111, was not until Rome had .been .bornea by the bloody Nero; :Who • latighed and fiddled. Whilethe conflagration raged; ;net until. the Christians had suffered:under the -fale-charge of •be- ing'the incendiaries that • the thuren was purified. and telly' launched on its great evangelistic Work. Itwas when Martin Luther had to face , the diet Of Wornis and had been impris- oned ' for months ' in the Wartburg • that the 'reformation was' started: Arid ie no time of • church history can you 'find thata great religious awakening has occurred or a great religious; leader has come forth with- . out the previous roar of the Galilean tempest, as it yawned to destroy, the .ciiiirch and. engulf Christian. faith. Some time ago I heard a' - greet 'minister 'of our coiinti'y developing this thonght. In part, he Said: "The reason WQ do not have:. Savonaredas • and. John Knoxes and John • Husses in. -the present day• is because we do not bavo .the :ancient opersecutions which nitrified and ennobled the an- cient catirch." • Sonic people are foolish enough to suppose that the • best and greatest day of the, early Christian church was when the • Em- peror Constantihe joined • the 'church with the state and had thousands upon thousands 61 his subjects'bap- tized by the.: priests 'in :the • different rivers. Bet I want to tell you that when Constantino joined •the church with the state it. was a sad day for the history of the Christian chtirdh. With the regal ,power of the church, •it became a corrupt' cherch. With the regal: Power of, the church there came the sips Of a licentious . and niercen- any minded church. Then came .the sins of :the dark ages.' It is by per- secution that the Christian church IO purified, . not, by commendation of sinful kings and fawning nobles. The chuechby its past history ought to know that God's loving and saving voice can be heard in the growling thunder as well as in the, whispering stuniner Wind. -Me divine love can ' often he seen in a flood of heart- rending tears as well as in the smile of an April shoWer or in the pale glow Of a June ;sultrier). • What tempestuous struggles have accomplished for the. church as •whole they may also accomplish for the huinble individual workers in the church. God flts many of the humbler workers for his vineyard an he 'spirt tuellY prepared Adonirain Judsonthe great missionary, for his work, • loot' seven long years Mr. rind nre. Jinn -ion seemed to labor in he testified for Obrist amid almost in s twin mot table difficultie; • for seven lona years he and his wife every four wee' s sat down to the communion' tubi.' almolutely alon, They had not yatus lido One Convert for CIO f, Al the end of these sloven Is ie. yearn of se(lnIng defeat the Ms- Wrt' sof 1.1y ?wrote to hint that .,. bud la.Uer surrender` WS MISSIOb AL f riiee• and ettart in another doe Irani jsdan, with his I ej irit aglow with the awful oto Ow° seven 'long year*, aretWered the • Mieelotiary 'society in theta memorable words: "Not No! cannot and wIll not, • ourrendee this Succees its as eertain here es the promise -of a faithful God can make it." Then came the great oute pouring of the Holy Spirit! then Derma slaw ita day of Pnteost. So, my brther, In the Chrietian tey or in the Cheletlan pew, lighting against Amusingly overWheintieg th etudes, remember that God has aerst to you that tempest for a puepose; • remembet that yo,u are being fitted for your work, 0 you are faithful to him, as Adontram Judson was be. Ing -fitted for his work; remember [that in this dark hours of your tem. • pestuons blithe (1tit,i1144 ° 44.6.4e 404 45 And caring for you air he watched the disciples struggling on the Naves of Lake Galilee; remember that at the fourth watch, or just At the breaking of the dawn. Christ, as he did of Old,, will appear to yon. walk- ing upon the crystal paveineet of the deep. uoci, when he wishes to lit us for great and true work, sends us a liar.. ricane of trouble. Ile compels us to battle with the Galilean tempests for a whole night. Do not be weary of well doing, my brothers. You are one of God's favorites. Thera is a great triumph of gospel tieelitiness for you ahead.. The dark, tempestuous nights of financial .1.uitr have often Peen, hi God's sight, the bright, blessed, sun- shiny days for the merchant, "i'lrlow is George Watson getting along?" I ask you. "Well," you answer, "I do not know how he is getting along naw. We were, boys together in the same town. We came to the city at the same time. We used to room to- gether, but we have drifted .apert itt the last few years. At first c>orge made quite .a sueeess. Ho saved up a little money, and then started in business, But George was -always trustfal fellow, and be had & dis- honest partner. I believe the part- ner swindled him out, of some money. Then the panic came, and his . credi- tOrs began to press him. • Then the nent thing I heard was that George had failed, He moved out of our neighborhood. I have not seen him for .4 long time, I heard. hwever, that he *now quite an active mem- ber in church work. He is also one of theactive men in the Young Peo- ple's Christian Endeavor. society. But I, fear George is not doing very • Well. Whoa a business manbegins to, get mixed up in . church mattere; as a rule; it implies he has not a very big .business to run. However, to telt the truth, I do not knew what,- George is doing; except that I have a feeling that his credit is not very: high in the business world," Is that all you know • abent George? inv friencl,I can tall you that George Watson is getting along a • great deal better than you are. 'Tis true he was caught in a linancial storrn as fleece as the Galilean teiu- rest. which threatened • to engulf the . disciples after Christ had fed the anultitune.s, but after that tempest' abated he heard the '.Voice of Jesus calling him to' the trur. and nobler' life. And George would never have heard the voice of Christ hail be not, first heard the hurricane of „afinan- eiaa,, ldstornt shrieking about his h • George Wititsou lauded iti this city Christian boy from a • Chritian. -hewn Pe 'carried in his -satdhei the. Bible which Mother 'gave 'to Iin: the Chrietnias before he left 'the old hot -wetted.. The Very first taitlybath altet he "'cattle to Chicago, :he hunted • up k a 'Clitirh and joind a Sunday school elaS. ••The girl whom he 'af- ferward. Ana/Tien . was 'a, tneinner • of that sante. • kunday Felkaol. • frh& 1, 0111)10 was Geol:ge Watson made to nig a sudeese :in business.. . woOlia ed. hard and had nromotion after prentotion. Then Sundays he would feel -tired, rfailegiected chitin:h. Ills . wife would stay home with lam.- The rook+. money he . eernod the ;renter • Were his responsibilities; and the. less 'hie religion. Then 'came .thd,panic and the' 'Mangier cyclone: • George . Was at fiest overwhelmed by the ca- tastrophe. • Then his. ;irate lean to clear. Ile called his wife into his study and said:. "Kate' this is the happiest time •of my lifa. I can ti u - lay -say' that' to -night I ain glad god '. took zn:y ,Money. I know, Kate. that I was only thinking of •zny gold and. not. about ,the good. which I could do :with it.. Kate, We will. give 'our Selves to God 'to-eiht. .• We Will giveto nim. our children ana our whole future ,lives,". and ' we *ill promise God that never again shall we work. six -nays and twenty-twe hours each Week for tbe world and: onln give to God two hnuis of.- a hitren. service On- SandaY.'" 'Plat is the. history cif yOur friend 'Pining°. That' is the reason: You • row hear: Of George as an elder in the cher, h, as a leader in therayer. recetieg, as director an the Voting Men's '. Chris- • tiati Asoclatiim, as a church visitor who .oever refuses to call oft the poor, it was a dark eige t When that . nminrial storm overtook George on, Lake Galilee; but that .sterm drove George to Christ. Oh, ye mer- chants, in those hours of \ trials and. finantaal einbaniessment I want, you to • make your troubles the stopping atonesto a complete consecration to .the cross. I want you herd- ad now :to feel that Christconstrained you to enter the leaky boat of financial shipwck s that you might troly • Oee his 'face, as the dIeciples sate the living Christ In the fourth' Watchof thanigbt On Lake Galilee. The daricitempeetuoas nights when the shadow, ef • the death angers wing hovered over the home have often been in Goers sight the briht,. shining days for the breiten hearted household Circle. it was awfully' •harti for you to hear the doctor say there 'Was no hope. You felt that tither petiole- 'might die, but sonie- • ho* • the truth -wee neyer fully brosght home to:you until then that .your mother or wife or child cotild ever be taken, , Sine° that moment not only this life, but the next, has ofoarnryeo. u an entirely 'different • ' WhY did you place upon her coffin plate the words. "At rest'?" 1 id you. mean that her siren was lo ie an endless sleep, which shall nem. have ae. awakening? , You used revel in the theories of • Darwin's evolution You used to claim that the 11t,vslal Man Was only a higher fo.m of '11, developed aninittl. Mari Was born like a dog; he must die like a dog. you still cling to those theories when you placed upon her coffin lid the 'words "At reat,1" • 01, no, You immediately went beck to the sweet faith of your father and mother. You ciated in your own life justas Ethan Allen, • the New England hill - dol, acted lin reference to his dying daughter, She . called the great Ile- volutionary soldier into her bed- room and said: "Papa, 1 ant going to die. Mantilla seas therearo a Christ and a. hereafter --if I. trust him. You say there is no hereafter. I ani dyittg, papa, and I must make my last doeision now. Whom shall believe? Shall I acceat martituree. Christ or year infidelity?" The great /soldier's frame shook with emotion. • Then, though he had Just finished his fatnous infidel book called "Beason. the Ordy Oracle of ran," he turned awl mild, "My darling, you had hat- ter d17 la your mother's faith, and not in my unbelief," And s.o when the death angers Wings began to Antler twee the bed of your lovod ones with one blow it not only stri.ek your heart, but it also kneek. ed your Infidelity clean out of Yettr lite. You Immediately Said, ail you • looked tarn the stela faro at.crid in the casket: "1 lenow he livn. X know r,he is living in some other world for me." And as you look up to see where OW other world is do you not feel that you were being i struck by tt, Galilean teMpeSt, as were the diseiples of old? Do you not feel that through the dark shad- ow of the death angel's wing you have been able to see the spiritual face of Jesus °Mist as never before? It was trouble that did it—tempest- uus trouble alone whith made you use the hillock of a grave for a kneel - ng stool at the altar of mercy and pardon and love. The dark, tempestuotis nights in your sickroom have often been in God's sight the bright dawn of a day of Christian usefulness. It was physical pain that helped make Fredetack W. Robertson one of the greatest soul winners of his day, It was physical pain that helped draw the multitudes to the cross when Robert Hall preached in Lon- don and john Summerfield preached in Ann:erica:. And it is physical pain whiah nearly all of us have suffered in the past and physical weakness whieh many of ue are suffering now whieh ousht to make us turn our faces toward the Goed Pbysician who can heal the body and heal the soul, Now, trouble comes to us en one of two ways, and it rests with every one to decide in which of the two ways it shall come to him. It may come as a sa.nctifid trouble or as an unsanctified tnouble, it canes in both forms to the thieve.s who were crucified with Jesus. To the one thief the physieal agony was unsano- tailed trouble, causing him to . curse and deride Christ; to the other it • oante as sanctified trouble, causing him to plead for Mercy and love. Uneanctified trouble conies to a man who stands by his child's open cas•-• ket, and it embitters him and camas him to set his jaw in rebellion and say, "No godid Cod' would have taken that child out cif my arms," Sanctified trouble came to a young ofilder of my church and caused him to say to the visiting minister: "I- do not want a pastor to come into my eickroom to make merely a social call. I Want him to come in to pray; yes, 1 want him to come in to Pray." In the midst of your sorrows and trials .are you ready to let your troubles become eanctitied troubles? Ane you ready. to sing about, the tempestuous nights of trouble, as the Christian poet • once sang. about' beautiful Lake Galileo? It is not that the wild ganalle Cornea down to lap thy tide, But he that was pierced to Save . • from hell • 'Ott watle.ed by thy side. ' Graceful around thee the mountains Met• , . Thou calm, reposing sect. But, ah, far more, the '.beautiful • Of ...Lstis walked o'er thee. • Are you 'ready to feel that in the darkest hours of your aight Christ, i't waiting to speak • to youa • that • Christ is ready. .to help. you that; he is tervily to :appear unto you? There is an old and familiar. story on 'a Christian lady in. 'the' far east who had two beautiful boys: 'Both her sone died itt •• the same night while her. husband. Was :away. on iotaney: When the father returnd; the Mettler • met him with a smile and said: "Husband, • wnile you.• ' were gone a stranger eciine arid left two beautiful jewels tit my ebarge. Then he returned the next day • and wanted them back again. 1 gave them to him, Should I have done so?" "Ye,"..answe-ed the father "If the two aewcis belonged . to the stronger, you ,'11ott1d hteee done •as you did." "Oh, husband,' answer- ed the wife as she led him into the death chamher was tattelleing abeitt a stranger, . but about ;our. Father, Cod. There, are our twO bey:3, . dead: Vali we not. say: 'The Lord .gtie 'end the Lord •hath taken • ttwaY. 131eSed be the name Of the Friend to -'day in nour troubles can you riot hear the voice —of Jesus speaking t� you? Can nou not; will you not, see that even in this: nark hour .Tesus is Watking toward yen., stepping lightly upon the . crystal payment otthe deep? . Hattie° el insults. ' • A curious Industry; has just been begun by a:Covent Garden seodsman —that of providing relatives of sol- diers Who fell in. South Africa with seeds from the battlefields where the Men met their death, Among the memorial .plants that he hopes to have !wee presently are the aloe and the mimosa -African Ileview. • • ion. Cashed the dirges. Sho--*What caused the row' between Belle and Jack? • 110--11e sent her a cheque good for one hundred kisses, and she got. Tom to' eaSh thine. —• Melbourne Weekly Times: • . • Illockneysi and Dfteludiundsi. Hackneys or skyscrupingkneeaction are to some extent freaks In horseflesh Of little More real value to -Mankind than dachshunds, the sawed off dwArfri among doge. ' The little child who said of this ridiculOuit spinyfOoted, bowleg- ged caricature. of .the canine* race that. It mud have been born ender a bureau • hit the Mark exactly. The nose smit- ing, cloud capping horses that tryto throve their front lege over their ears at every atldeare grotesque aberra- tions from sound and 'admirable types. They and the dachshunds should dis-. • appear g . . Intestinal • Indigestion Thera are forms of indigestion and dys- pepsia which can never be reached by ordinary itomacb medicines and Inacalled digestants. The kidneys and liver are involved, and though the stomach may be all right, It is the part of digestion which takes place in the intestines that is imperfect. All over the country are people who SIM suffering from just this kind of indigestion. They don't get well, because they dont use the right medicine. Dr. Chase's Kidney.Liver Pills are admirably oohed for this very trouble. They act directly on the kidneys, liver and bowels, reMOve the dime, and make it permanent cure of intestinal indigestion, backache, and diseases 0 the filtering and excretory Organs. Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are veg. *table la composition, end remarkably prompt and effective in adieu. They are kept in thinniends of homes lia it standard MediGh16, and have proven by years of trial to he without it rival. One pill a dose. 2$ Was & hot, At III dealers. or EdiriStiadflo Bates it Co.. Tottato, Dr, Chase% ladiseptiver Pills SIN GRAVEN UPON MARBLE. Warning to Those Who Totixe Strati During worship. There le a quaint old pariah Church in Plorien, Brittany, built in the early part of the fifteenth century And. hay- ing, With many other primitive ar rumen:tents, the bell rope from the bel fry hanging Own from the roof of the nave and dangling just in front Of the pulpit, eo that the process of bell ring- ig is performed in full view of the congregation, But -what was more pe- culiar was the projection et rigbt an-. glee from one of the walls (alo near the 'pupit) of a ecuiptured hand and arm of full 0110 as though held out from the shoulder by somebody built into the solid fabric of the wall itself, and the hand opened and, palm upward and. tin- gers extended, had a suggestion of ap- peal and, solicitation wbich naturally provoked curiosity. •As there was no inscription or any- thing to hint at the nature of the story that evidently Itty. behind the sculp- tured lineb. I made inquiry of a charm, Ing old lady Who was decorating -the altar with flowers in view of the net day's high mass, and She told me that many years ago, in the faroff past, there was awicked villager who went Indeed to mass, but was far trem de, vout, and on one occasion he so far for got himself in the service on a hot swat- mer's day as to • hold out Ids hand through the open door or window to an equally undevout friend outside for a ptneh of snuff. ' The • pinch was duly given, but St.. Peter, the patron saint of the church, was ee scandalized . soterrible want of reverence that he straightway paralyzed the' arm of the offending snuff taker,. Who thereupon took to Ina bed and died, but not before he had 'ad- :mitted the justice of his punishment and had left directions in his *Ill for setting up in the church of the nihrble reminder of his sin in order that all fix; ture Villagers in Plurien might be warn- ed against the terrible enormity of .al- lowing any distraction to interrupt the. devout hearing of -the mass. It is a • curloos story and reminds one that there, has been an infancy in religion as well as in most other of the great motive:pl.:mere. of existence. • . •. dEMS. OF. THOUHT. . . The rarest of flowers is candor—Ra• etne. , ' • • One' golden' day redeems a %weary Thixter. • Common sense is inatinckand encighl. of it Is genlus —}I W Shaw• The misfortunes .that aie hardest to beer are •those that never happeni—• •• The • highest exercise Of eharity. is, charitytoward theuncharitable,—Bucks minster.'. . • • ' • He Who..belieVes 'n nobody- knots that he bimself is' ttot•to• be trusted.—'. Auerbach. " . . • • - Superiority to circumstances one ot the meet •prominent characteristic0 �f great men.—Horace Mann.. Self, laudation abounds •runong the • unpotished,- but nothing can stamp ce men more eharply as 111 • Cheerfulness is like money well oz pended in -charity—the more ..we dis- • pense of it the .greater our possession. Open to Persuasion. "TS your husband a, strong 'willed man?" asked Airs. Sampson of her neighbor Mrs.' Towne. After a nun !mare reflectionMrs. Towne replied: "I don't know;" she said dubiously. "I always thoiight he was, but the oth- er day be Went into a department store to get at new rug for the sitting room' because he said he wouldn't go another day with our old shabby one. • "He happefted to get off on the wrong. floor, and he came home With four new- fangled flatirons and a porcelain kettle and no sign Of a • rug. So you see I don't quite know what to say aboet him 'since then. "All he thld me was that you never knew just What you needed till you saw it right before. yott."—Youth's Cona- 'Anion. • . Hie MI/stake. The puzzled plebeian who is. attempt- ing his first meal on a rallwaY allilag ear is obviously perplexed with the uames of tbe different dishes. • After seine study of the menu he says to.the waiter: "Tiring me a .plate of this alfalfa - delta." "Beg pahdon, sub," whispers the wat- er, "but dat is de name . er, de cab, sub!" ' Appropriate. "He ealls the babe Coffee." "What a nettle! What does be call it that tor?' "Because it keeps him awake nights," • One per cent 'of the population 0 In- dia Profess the Christian religion. Afr?, Vocals Phoaptodlio,, The Great:English hernedy. Sold and recoznreended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine 'discovered. Mx packages guaranteed to cure all forms o Sexual 1Neaknes, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one paokaiM 21, six, $5. Ons win/geese, totti cure. -Pamphlets • free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsors Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Clin- ton by IL D. Combo, R. P. Reekie, E. Hovey and Watts & Co.—druggists ',010M11.10111. ill110111611W 7 Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into tbe stomach? Established .s$79. Cares While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur face with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. It is invaltl- able to mothers with small children. Is a boon to asthmatics. • —Pon -- Whooping Cough Bronchitis Group Coughs Catarrh, Colds Grippe andriayFever The Vaporiter and Tamp, which should lust a lifetitnc, together with ho de of Cresolene, 150. Extra supplies of C2012110 2S 222S and 0 cents. Write for tiescrip.tivc booklet contain. Ing highest testimony as re as value. . VAKI•CRF801.14Nr.te sow BY 1.)12100,T5 5V.E5YWHE2e, • Vapo-Creeotene Co, : z8o Fulton Street aIziotre Dame Streei New Yuri: Montreal ...nrrazzarar.-atr.twilaymelomagamosmamerew..- The Poor Rule. Iiwoter—'Well, it's a poor rule that won't work both ways, you know. Jigins—I say it's a poor rule that would work any way. If it wasn't poor, • it wouldn't have to work. • Quick Inference,' Judge—Ile has otter) declared that the lot of the poor is to be envied and that poverty is often a blessing. • Fudge—Whatl Is he as rich as all that? A hen In Bronfiey, England, id al- leged to hive laid an egg which weighs a rtivfor of a pound. • •—• . • ...For. that hangs on sew: 4.101.0•.• For obstinate. cougheand colds there is nothing: equal to that .old reintble remedy. Gray's Syrup OTiZed Spruce Gum. Prep:ired from Red Spruce Gnm it is soothing and healing to the Lungs and Throat.. It stops' that tick- ling lathe throat, andafter a few doses that tight feeling in the chest IS relieved and • the cold and cough pass away. • • Try a 15 cent bottle. ay's Syrup of Red pruce Qum ' rq...................,.frravelaisnastasnummuervonwmkamosnwar.....nnarms.11 •<><><> 000.00 00000 Por am). up-toilat 0 HAIR CUT CLEAN SHAVE 1e9dincr barber NEXT DOGE TO IRWINS CiROCEEV George D. obeton. 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0•04?O4i.00 'ittersforSaio •". ,ow is the thite to buy yOttr Cut ters and Sleighs.: • We Aillhave a -.kW left whiclt are selling at very low pile- ., For a Portland taitter, sold in the regular' way from ,538 to $4o, ournrice $35. • . . .' • C.' For a Piaui,. boxcutter, Sold in the regular way from ' F,,28 t� $30, our price is f25. ' . sold in the regular „val; at $28, our price is $24. Lil eral asi,inetts •61I for spot cash. • We are also headquarters for , re- 1. a' ring and . rent !dell leg all .k Inds of rigs or uneltinery(hit prices for 3 antiarv are away t1OWII. 11 you have a; rig Of any kiwi in med of repairing call and ..get our prices before goinie. e'seWhere. All our work folly eleven, teed. D. 'AlcNAVGIIT ON, Varna, .}.4.• • 44, r." le, X VA 4144. 6.•'10 P • 4.1 Why do we Weal. . • ' Dealers all over Dominion Say th.::y glve better satisfaction th:,r, any 01:11r8. people say they fit bc tto, look bawl, wear better..Becal,;:.: tlicl are hcncstly made out of pure ac rabbet. Granby Rubber's wear ntie !re