HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-22, Page 40 2 TRA OLINTON Xr4W8.RJa0C)R1) Taninry 22nd i Qn-a , _ I _____i . I . ". ­ _. 1 $ . W "'ITT TOWX=Tr. , i . ------ ____ W""WfflWm--V.-T-: , ", '' The News Record A111111USM, cotlsouxv TOWNSurr, . ______ '.1000"Na"W""N"" I . Ur. a d Mrs. G ,eo. 1 - . . . WINQUAX, I ____ tiox rejoice at Mr. Percy Coupland Of Belmora was . ­. I 4 A . Tlic, storms Of tile past week jlave At tile nlectIlIg of tit. 11 I .. . I 1. . 11 is Imbli4ked evvy Tliuradv,r M the arrival of a bouncing boy. the guest of his wmsin, Mr. J. Cottp. . . e Ingham 1"ar- 11 I Thi 11twe'Ref,ord Print' the roads blocked badly. I ; 1, 14 ou" Xr. Russell' Sundercock returned lund,for # It-'%- (lays recently, nivrs' Vl4x COU'Pally held on Tfiesd y A14BORT ST .-UMN from Dakota last ,week after all ab- Dir. John Xcshallaocl of Uallitoba. jlr- C011olls has his. portable saw. afternoon a rvsoIfIt*o1l was ,niade "to MoKINNON & 0"'"ss"' selice of seventee !]I going fill]. blast Ill Mr. W. Long's roclues I . % A; V P . Tornio; of # 11 Illontlis. Ile looks is ViNitilig frienda around this part $walup anti it tile i,ieut. Governor lit Coun- I . ubscriPt!oA-$z per ye*r ilk well and returmi some thne in March. again. we understand has pur- cil to accept tile, surrender of tile com- . advolace ; Sx.So may be ch&iijoi I . . , ll His cousin, Mr, Smith, who ace - Air. J. P chased the t inber in Mr. Tbos.'Veag- palWs charter. It was shown by tile I" 11V Fr J11 I 11 not so Paio. No PafOV diACQ1ltjnue4 paille$ hiril, Wif.,j om Auburn - Brown of Goderich paid I . I until all arrears are paid, unless at "ever in Ontario be- ' a all's swulnP for the handsome surn, atiditor's report that '596 was still in . . I . . fort: and never saw all appIg tree til. cutIv. living visit 0114 day rec- ()I $1oOo, . . tile hands of tit(" treasurer but be . e_!__­ !! *t d , - . . I . - _ _._ ,a . . tile Option of the publAillor. The Ile saw Cojlncil or A.I(Ion,s jar 'In . - . .1 . _. . , . 11: 11 046*44­4 4 O I 0 14 " * .-, I .. I I . . . . date ge or- After tilt,- storm tile skating rink lias Mr. Isaac and 1 lj.,, st.s Alinhic and tween 04 cost of tile rvleaso,' 4 f .tile I I . I ! , I to which eveTY subocriptit)n its chard near loondesboro. been cleaned ,oil and is ill good co3l_ Flora Currie N eye t1leigrIlleat' (if Mr charter ($,5o), cOst Of audit ) , " L paid is denoted on the label. . - I s . directors' ' Advertising rates-Trausient The 0`44Y friend$ of Mr. Murdle Ross 4't")n aLruln. . and IsIm Andrew III I on Vrida - and. secretai-y's fvcs, tit(! 1111onies oil JANUARV SALE - . i I as were alsu Air. anti Urs. Dick I a, 10 cents per no pareil ng tile guest of Ile tisernknt adver" are Pleased to It -aril. he is rcc veri Aliss 4flizabeth Couploild of King is tyail hand would ilot be- more than sulliclent . I -_ - . . 14 front his recent illness, r cousin, Miss 514bel of the Nile. to meet. the liabivtie, thus jelirlig . . 1. line for first insertiou and 3 cents Coll ) I Mr. Williall lit) fund for a division anlong 1 C4 Rol land, for 4 few weeks, i Fisher of Clinton was sliarfl.. . I I . . per line for ea.h ouLsequent insertion, Miss Rate Webster' has returned !.v. Mr. Sloall is In C(0IjjngWoQ(f -in Belllnillcr oil Fridav on 1)11 4ill(js holdLrs. This is 4 solnewlt,tt similar . It 9 . I ....... from , SNAPP - . Stuall a4vortisenAents not to 'hip- this week $Attending a wedding. Mr, Tlios, (,,ledbill i)f Godericli­ ' stat . . a week's visit In ar s.4 # 0 I Stray- Qy to%vns ' L of affairs to tilt. ,National Iron I I I , out inch. Puch as 11 Lost 11 44 One Of those events in WhiCIL all , Mr. U31liant, YOtIn9blUt had. a, very laid UP Lit presentat ills W 'I There is I%" 011011181asol okbollb I I 1 a Works with tile exception that the " Stolen," Etc., Inserted otwe people take son Alfred s llux company have made no a i c1tt, ofir Jittitlary sille that is very - you s,,o, It Ill th, . c ­ ad," , more or less interest, I sucecssful auction sale last.week, Of B911111iller with la grippe.' ,r(Jwols ()r t;,l n n h subsequent ill- nanielya Iv-eddi g, too place t the . ' , ssign- nitleb to out III; fig. opperm ". u k a Xr, J. Phillips took PON-5oosion last The, tolvilshill Co Inellt, blit the sharebolders of both who (1101V visil, fhosl,ore Ave vwi see it, 11) 04T.Irlervasing volon e r but . sertion io cents. R. C. church, Brusn-Is, blonday aft liticil. likis Appo I .. . . I or- Monday Of tilt blackstrifth shop which Mr. Xornlan IC inted fare aboot ali e. ness front (]fly to till.y. %Arhat doc, 0 sl Communications intended for publica. noon of last we k v. F , IL _ Q Re . liall a , ,lit tile -'ill 1' Simply 01H-Ttle shopp. ather Qor lie purchased front Mr. J. Fergimoll, tile slsc-4801- for X r Albert Martin and Miss Mar c of BlYtit 'lit() vivinity hiLve L-ontiditIlve in till$ a . . Lion must, as a guarantee 61 good officiating, J The contracting Mrs,(Rem.) Header I 0,11stling year 1`11111i"Mr. Samuel jjj, _ ,,re ' y ,*,"'g,1"""'el"'I . tore, its niethodo '* 11 coran ,Ion was, the guest .%Ott as COWctor. . It. S kly annottloverut-lits. Th r Jantiary , parties were 111. J. Rvan Of illo 0 . t . Lark, both formerly of Wingbaul, py vollil., k;en. and prove that till , faith, be accompanied by the name yi, I ( Mrs.. Janics youll we , warrictl at St. Aitdrew's manse Sale Ir its we'sily, ill) ovol4ion for big money-SAVIlIg tin personaJ needs. of the writer. I . X last week, . I I going a- London) by Rev. iR, .Johnston, OIL L, furthk-r prouf bee theiie Jant-lary Sale offerings tot' this Week : . , Meff Mr. John Shultz is Oft"the sickolist round addressing . and Minnie Rolanol of )&,aft, I Mr, Gibble Of California is Fo I To insure publication in current issue Ryari, fl'brothor of the groom, acted at present, I the lea ties of this Tuesday, Jan. 6th. ,The happy couple I . . . copy for advertisements should be as best man, anti Miss Lavill of Sea- I township. . . 9, . - , i spent a few'days here with.04 briole's . Laidies'll.tack Oppoissorn Nllltr4, full furred, well Hned and I sent in early. forth was bridesmaid. Owing to 014 still winter weather Life will,411 worth $3-'_11, foo, $2.25. . Over loo guests river rink is once more in shape and Miss Falmy -Allin has returned ilonle I aunt, Mrs. Mackenzie, before leaving . . l I Contract rates--- fhe' following table were invited and although sqvexe Win. sl t. ,, after ix ,cekis visit with t ools for their Intpr . Litdies'Oloth Capes, in black, brown and grey some with parties frequen I . ills, 0 hollie at Attler, At;.Sa. i, Q- , I ter weather prevailed, a Irs. Reuben Grigg of God, doulkle capois, wovtll lip Lo $ assembled a I t the residence of the - jell L,OU,l _, .' Oil Monday ot last week Air. Alex, I our rates for sPecified- per goodly num- ackenzie from China and in I . N I shows c;j1-1rV11!19v . 11 Mr. anti , . . ; 50, for 08V, - . . discourse in' . I . I 30to42,'j,egillarfj()c,,glllepg,lee450, an Interesting Orr of tile 'Ali)jon - IlOt( i at Fordwich . 13bil-La And drawers, slZeS fro - I iods and space bar iship. Met%'N Heavy Wool Fleeved . to i yr. 6 WO. 3 Mo. I mo, bride's parents at Walton to honor V11110fiv,%surch, . . I closed a deal With Air. - John Carr . I . t Cr)!tirnn ... $7000 $40 00 $25 00 $85o tile event Tile pre -gents for the lyride of this " Auburn, on Wednesil , I . .But it YOR witntsolid conifort during this(,() I . I . eek. .1 I . . ay I . ---- -,. I whercl)y )It- is to collie Into possys. ioll . I I Id weather tiny , : Stim.fielil's All -Wool Unshirlokable, Underwear, We . X Column ... 4000 2500 15oo 600 were both nunwrous axid,costly, chiefly . (if tilt, Brunswick hotel -in this to,vu . . "ve tile . tit in all sizes. Specilit sizes toy, large"mell itt . I Airs, H. 31alley'after all absence of I AY T0WXSgJ.,P, 11, , l 800 25o among which were A handsome Parlor thirteen years is renewing old acquain - . On the Ist of March, . : $1,-$1.2-5 I $1,35, and $j..1)0 per g,trnlp '' . . , ... Column ... l800 l000 h , by tile Brussels, R, C . - The auxual I . 11 . .nt. . . 5 50 200 ,. tallces and vi.44ing relatives here, S c meeting of the Hay I . . . . I I Ask,twsee our Wide soft pinlabt d pr1nts,jll,gOo4 pit t I, . : I Inch ......... 600 350 200 1 25 church choir -of which the bride is a now ros ides Ut Kalamazoo, Alich, . 11 Agricultural Society was held last .. . I ,,,, regiflar price, 12J'e, sale price 0 c. , t erns I . . . . I AXXVAT, TMEETING 010 THE G . I arm lining with ritrap' and I . nienibcr-.and a Dominion piano by the The Your, week with a fair attendance Of 1110111, . IeAvV NtIleskla klitts..w . W. J. MITCHELL, bridegroom. The young couple will Wcj1 attelf 9 1'eOPIC'S Meetings are still W9 I . . I . tied notwithstanding tile not ber.5. After Secretary Fatist's annual . RIW buickjoi t wrist, worth Coe, FAle p , I Editor and Proprietor take .ill) their residence in Mo!Cjllop, , very favorable w report was read and passed tile cle . UR,tUNQ11 AGRIC'WrTTRAI, SO- Tot . _rice 45c. . I . - ' cather. . I c Q114TY. , , I ke a. look through out, Xillinery. DeparDinent, Xon will May a lobg ajid happy life be theirs I'lle library bt)ard . ti011 01,01licers for x90 I . . find ")any inoney-saving chance$.. . I . t, is ille Wish of their numerous friends last - held a meotlug with at 3 was proceeded - , * " . . .All Our Trinizued I I . , week and id resultell as follows ; pr6si- - The annual 11ILeti . 1-106 at halt price to cfeap, . . . . GODERICH TOWNSMp. ILL this township. . I . . announced a general. derlt, IN,,n, Ca lig 'of the Grey Ag- I .. . . . . . I I . . . . I I 't 1110tilig.for Tuesday evening.. of this Idwell, re-elected Jor . a rlealtural Society Was' held in'Brus- ' I I . . . . I .. .. . I . M iss Xincrva Carter of 11711iteclill week. I third t( rlll , Ist vice, Jacob Sararas- -S(:Is On Wednesday afternoon of I --.-- . . . . . . , colt, Ill rch . . q I . ast, .. I I ___ 4-;;; ­­ - ,- - "z . Tile officers of the Goderich District, is visiting* Iter s , -miss I,, Carter, The Misacs it(! vice Fred, Willert ; directors', week. . .. . . . . I ­ .tp . 1.,. L. 0. L. are as follows : this weel--,. have been vis CUIT1619 and Slater, who 501111 ' ) .t Tile suc I . . . . I I I . I I . ... I . 11, . , ,. N . I . . . ,;. ' . Master, R. Y. Cox iting ill this vicilliiy for "fall' 11 S Phillips, C, .Eillfer, - . .-treastirer's' rcport showc(l . * I DePuty,111. A. b6r of friends and ac-' a time as guests of Mr.W`illi Geiger, R, R, .Johnston, W, B LIM receipts for tile year to be $f:'115, I M I . ". Iffilliall A large num' a1r, Rob- John 64 " , . . - "..'i , quaintances of tile late iw5on and others, drove to Scalar Battler, Fred. Hess, Sr., C. Oswald and tile expenclitures * .63, leaving W.ACKIN . 0014 * BLYTH I . I , . . . . I Chaplitill 11. W. Currie I Airs, Margaret S P! on and Johr i "O'NAAA ' . . W . NON & ,,, c. -Secretary Charles Johnstone ided ter fune-r , Jtrtnda ,id also vi ited I Dcclwr L 99 Of $I.813. 15 which in- %N^^A0VVV%AA^V%AA0VV^AA A0,A^^^^AAN^AAovk , , . : , . . I UcCool of Clinton attei 1 4 The society k I Re retary I T. w. Bell . , . I - Re s . 6 is Ili a L ^^A^^^^A^N^AAovk . . .. liliThe Miss" tj I Fill. -Set at on Tuesday.. I . . . am Robinson lately, . good' fiftimcial standing, al ugh tile cluded a. balautp front: hist year of 'I,_ .0mmm 1111 I - - - . I . Charles Askwith was hoille .120,j.3. There ____.,___ - ___ -_ - - , . I D. (if C-1 F4- 3'. P,Ili()tt Messrs. Win, Taylor aito'T4, Thoinp- God from on 11(lend is reduced to abont were 126 members oil . . _._____ ____!!"_T._7 -- __ _- _ - -.! , I . Lecturers, James Wells anti sat . i had each succ ssfllj wood -bees last - is, COIlegiate'on Sunday. - ' . _ . ' "' rp' ', crich. il'il .'- ing largely tin - doubt - to t1w tit(,' roll for f962'and. 43 are already - - . - . Jantes , h1l % luff4 voirabte - tv .. I 1. . . ­ I Craigic week. . I I I . i * . Zella'Macdonald 'has resuined: Llither last. fair day. registeKed for tills ymir. The socji I , . I . . . . . . . I I . I.. I I I . I ,J` I I liter studies at tile London Collegiate. Q11ite, a bit wor new blood has. ,been is in a very enviable po.qition, tit . . . . Mr. Robert .Marshall has been under Miss LOY XcCOOI who . 'has been is introd . al*'s ' . . . . 1 jit, dressmaking . in Mrs. William Downs of Toronto ticed into this directorate for to goo eirther and other favorable I NTTA . . I . I tile weather ol. w, 1 . for tile past fortni -Clinton dtiring the the guest of J(* Alq_ -L STOCKTAKING ' 1 . . I )S, Laws6n ailloc tile this year and it., is to' be hoped that circumstances. The election of Ofl,cers i . . . . I the fair of l9ol ' .. . 1. I but, we are glad to hear, is now ,In- Past. sill riner, ,has r4turned * to )ter funeral. Of . her sister, M , will be a Inenlorable - took 'Place for the ensuing year 'I . . . . . . ­ . proving rapidly. home. I .. I . .1 . . I Beadle, Sr. - I . . . rs. Geor ge I of Ili its histc; y., resulted as follows : . and I . . . a . I 1. . I , . . . . I'll . on . ' . . - . " 11 \ Airs. William 9ckinier of Ethel and Mr. 11cl of Pilot Mound, I.Vaiii- " . I I . I . .0 , Presiduait, . ,James , p . - . I SALIEG AT W -TA- ' Z: her two children are visiting at the toba who 4can - , . C 11110il elect 2fict oil 12th. Jan, Yhot, S Jer . . . . I YLOR-St Sox's ...'. lit .()fit, :time lived near, Slin.L. ' . I - ----- - fOlIQwing subscribed. to the. Vice President, .1 I . . . . - .1 . . . I I I . . . . r .T. D. Warwick, Y,S . . . .1 . . . . ".: cusy 110111c of Air. and Airs. R. H. El_ inerhilit; ienewcd acquaintances -here - .1 . I .. . . ­ . . 1. I .. . : :, . lict . . . , , Lt. . ek,. He expects 'to .1 Sr"YTH. I decLirationg of. olfic Sec.'-Trcasurer, A', Ili, Kerr . ., . I 1 I I - .ill last we e and qualification I . .. ­ . . . .. . I . . . . . . -r I .. I . . ; , Peter Laillont, Directors 1-1. McCracken P. . -We takesto,ek on tbelst. of February and -have sever. . . . .. :., . , oeve ; Alex, Tlionipson, - . Scott" :W. . t . I . Mr. Geo, Sharp of Chrystal. City, load of horses back With hiin in .the : Several of our citi;wlis atteh . . I tv Robt. ' McArthur Lid , George :Rob]), Robert I PI-li =es Of Winter goods that We ' . ­. J 1 : C1 r st of his ullcle, Mr. -spring. . .. tied the !be t a I I , Iliott. He is genuille son of I .. .. funeral of the late John CaIllings , Wi *Nicholt Joh . want tu clear out I)erore I I . rl R. 11 E . I . In Molel Slitith, cotinc*illprs, . All. ,tile . . Il. McGa iil- ,Tames .. 'that tillfe.- To (10 So we have niode big redurtions on thotse , 1. .1 .. . . . the breezy Mr. XcBurnie, also of Pilot..Mound, Rullett :on Friday. I . . I old officers were Evans, P. Robertson', David 6 ' . . I West and although only Manitoba, I . re appoinl,ed at . ilioi , i - goods mWell ateans'. tha'6 .it Nvill be a go6d time to' ., - . I eighteen years of age stands six feet, ) a renewing . acquaintances Oil Suftday tile ail nlltil thanksgivrng ,'"llariewthey received last year. ' - Millie 'and Robert Macoloiiald, . . . .. . , . I : . . - s . fine around 14widesboro this .. . .service% at 8 ­ ' I . . Auditors, F. ., S. ,icott a d. Albx . ... . . . . . I . I. . 11 high ill his. stockings. Ile is a . :week, ... . t. Andrew's church `.were The clerk ivas instructed t I prepare * - .11 .. I , .., . I . I , ar - Strachan. . . . .. . .. I ' ' . . I . I , :, . broth of a boy and takes very strongly Mr. William Ricliard ' held, Rev. 11 y of Listowel being it. by-law of tile , - " , I I .. I I I I , ' " , . soil - W116 has. tile ! pcciaj Schwalm Draill 8611- Messrs, liollne , BUY 1300TS All'D . 11.1 . I , after the Ellicitt a de of tile house, - -been engaged with Mr...W. Ittear for the it' was ,i .4 otild Notell of, JVat_" .. . I . i i . . preacher. Notwithstanding, eruc7 Ili accordance with tile eligincer's erloo have, bought Mr, A%.' L. Oili . I . . . . , SHOMIS . , . . Mr. Alex. Ostrom delivered a load Past te w. years, " Wets to leave short- , .ver.y stormy dav,-th,'re was report 'and Draitiage Act. I - , . . . /I , .. and that mo,ttt,, I . F Of hogs ill Clinton oil AiondtLy whicl., IY tO join some,f1liends -' a very good. attendance ' In tile even- dLbQi1tt1l7eS be issuLd - . . stock and took ossus . .. . I/ . .. I I . .. . I I . near Toronto, iNg the " - . payable Ili live . P sion oil . . I .. I I . lir. voting friend, success'. . - 11111,C)l larger .,at . 'Monday:'. Mr,, Ouflilette purposes, going : . * Tbreoi rnfirlths . of .winter TzA and tilit.tie early to cut . . . . I I I . I - t * , - hirices, - . . . . , . - . 1 5 'Ili a ewiple ofd but all out, felt goods `6 ching . 11"t"'d 11i"I c011siderabli over 24oq. We wish O' . Owing jo attendailee was ytarlv,. payinwits tile . . . 1, We are pleased tO see Aft. Gect. Hall- We understall '' the Methodist church being 13anki IIQ;I,- ­ . . Motso, I If,; N% e. weeks. . .. . OP 4 1 . . d Councillor, Warren. r tile - ptirix . Mr. Will. Radford.has bought , Toin eta and InUst 'go. - Come. When 'the at . . . I: ley arotand agaill closed fo . sa I 1. .. . . . I . . ave got thetr Mitt- i . , after several days' contemplates moving into Londesboro congrega )se of giving thl't , Orders were issue(] for the, follo, Illg Colc,s house ,Oti'.tlic front -,streef , if . 1. : . ,.o.ck. is, fairly well - - . - .. . I illness. . . I . . . Lion the opportunity to jo . . and-, - ­ - as0rte -' I I I . I ".. . . in tile. sprfng . . . .. ' Ill a I . . . -, .; I . . I . . . . . I .. .. I . . .. I . I . I . I . . I ­ . . . . . I . in, . , mouilts .: HoSpittil for sick', children, is going to' Illove toAlle village, , 1-10 . . . I * . . I I . I .1 . . I .. .. . I . .. I . 0 'BlIckled IFelt Boots. - ' : ' .. i Many are wolid oquent r liar, . .1 ..: . 4 - i. t. shape and much , , ering who is. 'to. be . preakher's :. reinarks-, aCcepLed, a, p(g;itj*O oli Sce oUr Meri's F tir I _ .new waster.4heri'Mr, W. L. following "Moudgly eve 'ja tile . , I " The township roads are in excellent . . . . I 06 worship'and.to llutell to tile el- .10roilto.. '$fO ; S. Jlaboircri wodd fo . , has , if v i : teaming of graill, tile post on . llall,'$4.'75 " J. Dechur, wobol'for hall, liessinaker Ali- Robill."u. .tit , . , . , : : . . . . . . .", '. wood, etc., is flow being done. ' , OttirnL tte severs .,his, connection . I fling. a., rgo ,$3.,, A. `iiigriim,; rep. cill, c 11 : ,. '. . J ... . . . , sizes`6, 7.,and 8 oiil, , wol-tik 82 25 gofn (), at - - I .. %. . . I . . . . . ifli- -c6tigregati" was present to (Y I T, 2' ` -AJr*. W. " 1, .. . . . I I . , . . ... . w . on 1. licar the' - It . wolsay of . Copstq'iwe . has ., I 1 F3 0 . . ! . .. . .. .- . .. . . ' .. . . I. . Revs, I . . . le a .a - galli. e 6 .. , _ . . AS" given ' by ' ' - ' . 1, C -O I e's t4reshing._ I . 'S Veral, otil _ . . -9 1 .: , . ;! Tile appointments made by the mun- the village. :,There'are said -to be three splell(li addr*Q' " ; Alex. P"rellaSed title of 'T . .81,50. 'Tlldy ai b ' ' ' icipal counril i d 3 - -Lqrne luker; cul,, $ .5() . I . I throughout tile to . a Cry tionds - and . . *. .. I . .. . . . I . - , . . . - Hardy, J . 1,-dj ' Zinlinernian, b0lt.s, Qtc-, 7 e Town- 'Lughles . .. . . .1 .. I I I . I . . .r . . . ,meet W tit approval parties watching developifints v . . . . ti 1: I - ' - _. I . . . .. . witiship. ; . I .. . e ., . . - f I i n es U . , t I . : ­ .. closely. .We. .NVO to which w.ere. , H611 cs; ship clerk, noinination, c.'p $6 - . I - . I I . I -1 . t 0, go. at S 14 . ,g e.r,,prices. * 1. : . 1, I ..: . I ,. . . . . I . , , I . . . . . 1. 'ed . . I. . I . . , . I I . . . , 1. * I If ever those three young ladies of . "lit be. pleased see listened to with. mark IN,,Ill . Xlopp., Iton x P'llses, 1. I . . . . I I. . . I . %:, , : . I . . . . .1 , I .. ... .. . - ; D-S e .. . . ! , '' .. - . . 1. . : . I. * ... . . . 1.* it retained b .6he of -the citizens. I attLntion. , , . ))Of,'' 75c . t in' I ­ . ­ '.. I . I . .. : .. ... . '' I . Stanley had their nerves aroused it Dative' ruintir says that it yot . I. bach, aect., $i,5' - . .... . . . . ' ' . I I. -It Will pity-youto C!tli and Soo what we 4 0 oing. So . ., , . . . t, 1. . ing mail Air.. R, T,ivill I 01 . .. q was one . tone's many' frienj4 Collucil w . ... . I " * trouble to) show goods. . .. . I I Sunday flight . recently when of Londolictro- -is expected to Soon . AN`- ACFII qG - BACK. , - '. I . . ­ ­ . .: Cash and and price. to . ­ . . .. . .1 . ,*regre.t to. Warn 91, t 4q is not recovcr . . . tile. first'indication .1. . all. . . I their sported driver freed hiinself frour tit 01 meet again oil- Monday, it 'is . . . . settle down to the -steiner real in r it" his i a ' 1, , . q ofkiotncy I , I . .. . .. . S, ..I . I . . . . I lid. da of, Pebruar , Ut 2 O'clock ­ - N4 6 . ., . I ., I . I shafts of cutter, the ladies lighting -in life on the,gill,conce i iti6; of wj . llnLss 4s rapidly a's . ' 016 y . y di ease I -be .taken .ils a - . . . I ,ss - . I I sl is .. I .. . al a shmild sig'. . . . . . . .. . . Ion.- .. . led, for., , . . , . . . _ . I 1). in. ... . . . . . _" _ . , I . I . a sn6w bank, The numerous reiders Horses 1. . I . . :. , I . . . .., I . I lial of dallger-a . use Dr, ,. . 1. . . I . . . . - I , -Record will join with u .still- Seem to be - ill .grelat dof- 'Mr. Will. 1%143011 is eqn,finle(i to .tile . - . . .. I 1. . I o . . cila-se,19 Ki , dilev-Livei .. Pills . while yo t . .. . . . ' I ' I of Thti News -s mand. Messrs. G, Cockerline and R, house with Ill gripp!e .' I .. . . . . -­" I . .. , . IL NV . iLrllillg t() . . . . . . . I - . ill wishing them bettlr luck in future. . . . .. . I . . ... . . . A Wm''TAYLOR , :& ':` .. . Carter . ' here is lilITZ-' ,to :iNqid tho dreadful I :.1 I I . . I .. . .1 . . I I . .1.1 ".. . . . . I !.SOW -1, : ' I. .., . I . A number from here attended thi each disposed Of title, animals 01, . ShIonday tile.. rwnaims of ., .alllcs . ' ' , . , . . . . I art at good figures recently. . . . . I -Mccombs, Who had. )),evil' ill. for. sev r- I . . 1,r,AST J IAA 'A`XOSIT - - i , Pains.and certaiii fatarity (if this . . . . I .i . I . . . . .. . , . . . 1. . . I . . . 1: ter- .. . I 0 6 . . .. ..1. . I . . . .. . I I .. I . -ocial given Ili the Day- . iible disease'. Theire. j.4 n6 ne Price I " gallery .% . I . . . . . ash and.0 I . . . I . . . . . I . ,. . I . . . .. . .. .. . . . ." . I . . Ilk) LNI . 1, I . .1 . . ; . Butter a .. * " .. !. 1. , . . . : 1; 'Neil I%IcNeil Of -Lakelet' has ' years ,were takell-Iraill his lait: rest- , -The .first council.. Inetting for 1periniefilLing wl , , . E` ..' i field parsonage last Friday evening. Airs. al . . guess -work ' I Thd been 'tile guest of !ter suit Ilan 4 denee to tile. Ulli(ill cettletery 7903 . prescription. T) you 11, . .. . . . . , ad' 996 .taken aB.CAjh. - .. ., .. I 1, Misses Reid of Stanley were en- nd f6r:j4iLr- was.lield' oil. J all 1-2tll nlen, )c -s- Ie . ilse .t lis I . . . ­ . I .. I . I . I 1. , her daughter, Mrs; L.'Peadock. . Ineut, The deccas . . . ­ . ) rs pr , . 't .,, hws relief in* a r(!- I I . . . . .. . . . , . , . . . . . town -ship air . I -.MeCalltoill ' . tl - I .. . . . '' . . . . . 1. . .. ... . . . I . . .. J " j0Yi1l9 Goderich . last As , ed so ' ICY his. farm An ent -beink : ..To)lin . I rWvQ I -inktrkawy short thu'le and b' - _. - " - , ___-, , , , . , . . . . 4. I. week as guests Of we Incliti6ned last week* Mr. Morris about two.ye'iLrs ago and cattle . e ause'. of, _.. 4 . !L- !! - , . Mrs. John Rathwell. ,Henry Freeman *has bought tile * old to. reside in .John Ei 'tillis' :J61ill 7,klunzies, S nt iLs collibilled a-etion' Of liver and ki& - I I I . - - . I 1 . . I- , I , . " ' . I . ... . .. . I I I . ... ... . . . I . .. . . I '. , Miss ,Scott of Clinton was the gues, Me I Blyth for . the ribiliaNder itud'-Gavifi:AAllson, e6fuicillors. - ., neyscures complicated cases whiell b . . . I . - . . . . . , 'oil farm.-Ior his son' R6bert,. who .of Ills day4. . , . . . . I . . . an- ! 4 , - " NL . . - - . I . I . .1 *T . ' Moved 1 not be reached l.ity till,,, ordinary treat- , ,; , , . . I - I . ,, ()f Miss Milla Middleton for. a 1UN" flow 11, I bV All' Ellis, secoltd !d by Ali. I . . . . I . . -, . I .. . ., aving . the cage uo,-doubt, be . On it today evening tile.' V 11 ... . .. ­ - I - . I . I I 1. I I (lays of the pa, . . A. of M went, m I . . . I . st week: I 1- I I .. - .. `., . ­ .. . .1 . ' - . . . %'I The tea-inecting in cOntlection, witv Ina cady for:thL bird -e the . unglisf, 'church held their. . - elv,ics, - f1tai t, i,'. I"Orterlit-ld'l?e r&ap- I . I. .. . .. . I ***####****##"*##+* , . I 1. . . . . .. - Lill r - Uri Fre - , I . I . . , In ' I * . #0#**"+"#4"###*"***##**###+# . - Cole's , ,, a IVI f - Hunter's place. . In the , second Pointed clerk salary Ss carried. , , .. . . I . . *4 , I I 8 , I aft t ke scrile.4- of winter ezif fell - . . . . .1 . -1 - I . I . , , * I .1.11 . . . . church was a decided succf s 4 atter I ortaitat its iii,:the F inlay, . nd'orsoll. was -also i6-ap- I _ s dep rtllre We IK?se a good teinperance'liall. Th -re. . .. . . . .. . - ' . L was I .. 11 . , : ' . .. . : 1. I I . I . . ., . : . I ' . )cceds 6re.for the - " . 11 Q 11 ,N,.: , '. . I ..". . . %A . OASH S TO Rm E , ... I r. " . I . . , A. ,9()O( Pointed,Areasurer *Ott s',iii1c conditiolli. .. T o SALE - tea which thoroughit, : . attendaftec." The pro* I .&AT THE ^REAT. I .. The ladies 'to a crowded church servet ileighbo . a creditable , .REOISTEX I , " , I Tile. to 1 ow s rj( e. f , as -,last year. salary $So ;,anti James, : . . I , ,.. . I .. - - . . 11 I . I 1. It. , 1, . . . - satisfied the inner mail. After tea. i, iia,jett, lilLc'l-cl ct. of tl t b hip of Pu I is 0 assisting ,in purchasing a - ,.w. Bone 7and'I1ctLr ' 1. IScott 'auffl . tors I . ::.-Thursdav , jail, 29 - . _. -7 ....... 7 = _.. I . .­ I .... I . . I . grand Program was rendered. viz.-R.'Feiris, reeve.; Henry- new .Organ for the -church ..., 1. . . I - . 11 3 , tit, I at 11,0011 I . OIL _. .1 .. .. I . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. 'Of accounts: for`19o2, . , I, If, ,Mel jllop ext lisive 1. i, , 'I'll' Warren William -Uoonj Wnl.,. 11afterso W#X, 11amIlton has b ' . . le 1. . : 1 4 1 . " '1%4 i LOS. sor, .a I)OP11 - . . . I . I . . : . . I I . . I - I I Ss Cole as accompanist, was ap. ill Londesbokoi (-)it 111o.nday,. Jail, .12t,li . ' oth. the -ability "011 as Ile I'As', Jils011- lye.' asscssor'for ioJO3, sal-ary same William WeIntQsh, ­ rbprlctor ; Thos,', . . . . . I .. I . I I . -, again. I fit- . and expeijcnc neces- as forinerly, $55 -carried. . I , , . '13ro-li, .auctioneer: * , _ I 1. ,.. . . E'' ' ' . I . .. '. . d1tet bv tilt, Misses Richardson, 'witl a I .Mcs eca appqjgted. lq,jlis. Mcn7.ies_ That , W,illiam Rob- I lll)le 3(1:1 *4a, C, ,,,, stock. and ini lctficllts.- - and 'kl' M61%fillant' 4)ullcillurs, met a jar selec JANUARY .S plillided again and b ,AL . .. . . when having . . . 1. . ..... . I . I . also with guitar accompaniment show. made the-usuail declara- s a ry to perforin'the duiies o . I . .1 ,. - I . . L . . . . . . . . i . f. .the , pf- : 0 for iqo3-Tbereeve 7 11, at T.p. in.., -.at the . . I We are clearing 'Winter Goods at sweepl*ng reduction's dur­ - . I . '. 'I 1 1,16 , . . * . . I . . . -1 . 1 e(l their musical ability. The recita, tile business. cc, etc. they cominellbeii satisfactorily., :. . ' . . - I .." . I . .ng anqary In is ihev are sold at less th I i 11 I . , , . n . ,. B ard of ilea:Ith. "'binary tions .01 . , IL -no], Die srs james McGee, . -Seaforth a 'chojeoi , an-.tnana- I . . . 11 I I . . . . ­ Of the year 11. Murray and Miss.Emma: . . . * I . '.. - tions. by Gladys 'Ruth Switzei tilt-, reeve in , Res. 1) . . and clerk a 14 I ,,s XeGed hotel, 6 I . inany casL I _ C, III Ile", ial . and . . I ';'Inilcs front. Sea- .1 , lo . I acres, ,2, 1 , 1. - . . . . .Walter, MbQowan, alid T-,Lllle f, ,)r.'.Of 'OO . I . factu er'.s 0 si but We need tho roo'in for Spri tig goods. - ­' * ; " . ed the audience. Miss yellauji corfrirounica : bfuiray",or. Brit:cefield.-Ii I .. .. . . . F . .. ­ I - . 11 .1 1. ­ . . ''I . . ... . . . I I - .. I ave been'.vi,sit..' 'Dr, I I - .a. L .. . . I . . I .. .. I I J, captivat' the chair. . The l6ilowilig s mwlil, .rice" gave two choice ones. Mr. Hoare tioli;i we-fe, r ccjvdd tind read'- :' .1 filg Blyth 'I* ads.. , I .Itl'nl I' UcAsit .Belgrave illed cal forth. :J iiws Lockhart, prOprietor I. . ." . I.. . I was At .,,,, ,,riei Ilealt"'Ol"CeI7. L . I .. ) ..1. I ; . Jtlsf a few Mens, iiiii , . will be clo Lred 1',egar& " I :_ I From * tile . , , , , . `TlWs, Brown, alictioneer, , . . '. .. Contswhich. very liberal with his . ehiiii7nian 'uf' tile Tr st' . ... .. "Thims I I I I .. . le,sscif-cost. _'... - I .1 I . . . . : . I . , - . . .., 1-1 . I , , I - . ol a I . . ... . m .. I 1. .. .. :., .. ... . .1 - grattlophone sel- . . u linuill! hle tihg'oi tile Mor- ' 4 t I P. 211 t Iot* I , - I . .. . I I I V Fund of, the Sick Children's Hospital, ris Agricultitral Cololuuniciti6n froin J, Ross - il_ , F`eb, J§tb . . 1. I .1 ,m' : . ` . I . ctiolls, pleasing Olo: I . 1. Soci ty the' reports, crtsoii, ;Lagai 11 I . . . . . . . . . , . choir in .1 and V01111g. ThL 1'orotito, atiol oil the nlotion . of -kitig for a dollatiolk 'life Lr' 't - London road . . . . . . I i . - prL1301 -Otai recei i .1 i i as J8,. coil.`. , k stinth, I Treibendoins reductions . 7 es of Clothing,,I... ., ' '. . 1* '... ... " . their pleaMug lllt l ConXI ted.sh6wed the t . Or . - .1 ' .in 11 tin , .. , . . liter . Pts tO. .aid tit(., Sick, Chil(lrell,s jl().gpit L n surVey, il,, iiiiieg front k-ippell, i H . L : I, . , several c toruses-, inchifling a Good saLT I . . . '. - cillorR ti.arren alid. Moon the stIln Of be ' $1346,C)o and the . : f4ilu - c "y , * - . .. 1. I , . . . ' Hyt, I expwiditures $r.- Toronto,, received, aud oil inotiol . f stock^ -'and iniplequ s .Rubbers au.d Overshoes will Ile .. - . . - - ; graiitod*.a. . a (Ion 0 J Icil - . ent, .-Robert Mui- . . . Cleill`Pd' Out at.- BAV-- : ' : I , . . . . I I I I . I I ' I I , I . . . . song which ciosed the program. Tilt said in titution.. . , M. , , ) N ,as granted I .Tbus,, , Brown, . - . 1. - , ... 1. . . $io was atioll t, tile **, leaving a , lice f The N ,ils(,11. .and , . ,; - Proprietor ; . gatn ).,1001 I . , I : . foil ba,la 'O $1,iiii, I I Owing. officer'N vLrc elect d : . .: , _ "a I auc- 'o, - . . . . .. I . proceeds amounted to $40, 1 . . for that pit I .. .. t2y,"ecr. . . . I I .. . I.. ... . _ I 1 .1 . , 2 . I . .. ,. : Tile Prof . . E , rpose. . . . , I . , . . * , '# . , I I I . . ...., . . . I I . . t0wIlshiP council inet on Moti- fo . I, Augus In, ith, - C. 'I ,. Str . . Ilis I . . I , I I . . See our Heavy'.Nvo I'Blan.Let.,;;t'th .. I .: . . . -.1 , , )rd,ta - I I at-' . President - J B Tjcrna , _Wi . I , -, - .. I . , P . - I eY are the"best valce ill ' .. I :: . v, . . . . . I . - . I . ... , day ( I . sking ior the pos - 18t Vice tltoilo rt' . :'. tsou-Tllat SeVell cOples. :of ! -, I . . . . . I - ".1 I , . ... I I . ­ I... . )f last week when the following , I. iti011 Of town , Ferris : the:trade. . , . . . 1, .. . . . I . . :1 .. I . - 1-1 1..; persot . lip engineer,Ailid 'over,: ' : tile Municipal World be ordered , for .. I ­­_:_ - I I , . I I i . I . . I '. I , . . . I. :- - . . . ,, .. . I I . - .. . . . . . . ,. I il 11 ' ' ... I . . . . . I I ,. ­ . . th counc, all(] . . .. . . I : ... . I . is made the necessary declaratid . . ., . . . 2nd Vic.,e,, 11,11liani Jackson I t Men's -Ileavy. Wit,ter Shirts at 4) per-c,ent, landev.the usual , , i)f ollice and property, qualification ; From Willianto Carter, applying .to ' ' tredsurer. for 1901- . i 'OTICE ' - i . , , . ", be I I , Directors, Geo, - TaYlort William carricol.: . . .. . .. . I .. . IN . . I I . I . . .. . 1' John Middleton, reeve ; .T. C Woods re-apipointed a . . 1. I I ... .. . . . . ... ... I . Price. - - . * 1. . I I . . . . . . 11. . I : . I . R'town9hill' -assessor. : Pollock,. , W Taylor, John The clerk r ' - . . . . .. ... . . I . : . i.... . , .. _- ' 1 The .usual bylaw. . illiam" eparted that according to . .. I . . . I . . . . . . . I . . Jaines Cox, J. 11. Stewart and Johi; f. , , . .; .were .Passed for * Armour; R, Ii. I . . .1 . ... I I.. .1 . . he harg'ains-In %oh I e'Carpet I o nd . Lote . 6 Oil j 1 " . . ' 1. . . I . 1. . I I . I McGowan, T. W.. tlte rettil-us received by him Accounts owing to. 0; 'Co See t I . . . . I . "I " ., Ford, councillors. 1xing .salaries and appointing town- , . -IT3 rate- . . oper 10- 'Po. I - Went., 11 . . I 11. it n: Depart- . ". ors, G , . . ' Sloan): i,Ruddc)I,,1 I,, yifig, .1 1: . I . .. .. I . . .. . . .. . . I . 1. ­ . ... o'! ,. . . . . . . . . . 1i 11loved by John Ford, eorge SItepliezisoll and . : I Li. payers had ()If M()lld tlil. Jail'.5th last, . 'fifty .be paid at - P1,blaitiand' I I . .11 . .. . ­ 1. . / .1 . I . I . ' I s store, . . I . I 1. . seconded b, ' )"P 011ie ,Ktolle, W% Onfigh.; ' in ,favor I I I . . . . I . , . C. . . 4 .. Marshall Brat; . 'Voted . .(if' Lh ' bridge on river 'All" a - *-. , 8otne great vtllups in Ladies' Rea y tjjade 8 Lilq . . . . . t I , I : Janics Co'x, That bylaw No. I now , thwaite were- appoint- , , Auditors, S. Herrington, J.. Me . I I ecounts not paid b "15th f - I I ­ . . - .. . . . , . -ead be passed. . I 'd I . . . .- . .bylaw anti 274 -had vOted against it. I f . I the p 0 0 . I' - . . . I . . ., . I I 1. (I , . ,, I , 'S.. , : .. 1. .1 ., . . . . I .t I I L auditors'alid %will I' et.to ex%inille Murchie , -ebritaiv Will be - placed - in , . . 1. , I I lie. . . .. I . 1. , .. I ; I fOr 4 . I Millinery tit half pvIe6, . I I , . . . I . I . I . , I I I The ustoll luotiolls for fixing salaries and audit the. treasurer'S Dooks Orr, . * I I -tile cotitielf therefore considered that 1, -, , . .court . . 0 . . _ . . I I I I 1. I ; i The. following have, bem e - -no , furthor'action oil the ollectioll'. I 11 : . : 1 . . . . .1. .. .. . ,_ . :. I . . . I . . .01d appointing offi-cers were pas$ed; Thursday, Jan. 22od ;'-Williarn Carter, iieLts. Of ,illt A6 O.; * lected of . -ir part .w c . I I I .1 . .. . 1. I . . . .1 .. ." . - , its I . . . I I . . I , .. I . I 'I', . . , O . 1. . I . . . .: .. . .. , . I h n't forget fha -th - Janu r y 11' I . , , . .., Moved by J. C. Woods, 2ecouded b assessor ; Rob -rt '. Stilith, collector, I refit terizi . . . if W r. the cur- lieceasa be taken oil tlfl nattcr. .. I . , . . : , I . ese edllbtictlq are'fol 11 efore . . a . . to * . ­ . .. ' I I . . . . , . . . * , 1 . . - . I . . .. I I . . I , .1 . I , I . .1. . . . . . ill th(k illic. 1 . : r,J t., COOPER & C.0 - .. . . , .. . . . . I . . I ... . - . . . I ... I . . I . . I,- .1. B. Stewart, That bylaw No. y -Tile. local . board - of health will be the . . . * ., ry . " I . I I . .. 0 . . ,yve take stock, I .. I I : - . . I 1 2 , ," WN W418 justru elint ll jail.. - . -, , . I'ā€” - q . . . . . - . I . I . reLve'and clerk; John Carbert,,. John Masterl W Cuming I " t eted to notify: - _... ' .­. _ ­, ___ -''.!! _ _'__! ! n . I - - . :: flow read Ile Passed. I I . , , . . I I I . The c L , . 1, . .: - . I 1. . ,! , . ._!!!! ­ ­! !­. _1 _­, I _ , , W . I . I The following acefounts iverc paid : S. Nretint and Ge ige Watt, - , Tast Master, D. Nichol . , . I. tile collector, to liaNre his roll return-, ­ - -, * I . I . I I . . . . . . . I . . . I . . _ _ ."" ­ , I.. I.. . I., n e 1. Porenian- C , Johnsto ' . . . ed to the,treasuref: *not late . r tillin tile . . I - . .. ".1 . . . . % ..:. , , I . I. ... : I . . 1. ' . .7. Andrews, tile, 5,1.8 5 ; Allillicii)LI1 , rs Jor, the supply of rock chi . , . ' ne I I . . . . . . lotisE, , . . I . .. 60'* .i . . : . * , ;, A I I ist Of Febrailry next,* . 4 ­ I . . -r­.E. : ` . ..I . ­ 1. . I OBEAT a. . . W01'Id, $5 ; 11'. ar load of, t . . Overse I . Bradwint . . I Debentures ,* is , -, " * . Do . . I . : . I J. Patton, posting and also for a c atillarack . L . . FOR-*SALU, Im M.. ... ; 11 . . ,BLYTH 1. . I .. .. 1. .Were, pas,e,( . .. i . . I '- .. , . . I . I .. I . .1 . I . trtlLsarer's report 52.,50 : J, Gait plank, mostly ,i6 It, long 'and 3 in. !Treasurer, A. Millic - .. I and signed . . , 1: . . . P1.0to.1-10i 131o'e1r. , , , . . I . '. . Use Of POStollice 'box for clierk., $I I thick, .will: btt'recei *ed, 11P to). Feb. thl Ffnail6ict, Dr.'CiLrder . . . for,payinent of tilt. ft Owing accOulits: The undersigned offers his cottage on 4. . I . . . . . 1. . . I . .1; . I I . . ' .1 er & It I . I I . . 0, I. - I . . . . to order 6, step - is. hard.'. . ""#**#++"a 04 ##+#+f -+#*+4###+ . . I Star, TILL clerk was instructed' Recorder, T. Ji Huck, . Vras I,Og.1 It ,i6o tile '. per King street for. sale. , The . *##**"#4*+****##*####;*# printing, 56 ; Peterborough nide, W. Porto . - . Fred, , re . - Tilues, supplies, 78C ; Hospital for copies Of the Municipal World for the G cr. .. Toll anti ,Jailles Wilson, $4.75 and soft water, a tood'stable, etc. , . . . 1. ... . . . . . . . . .... . . . I . . .. - Sick Children, $5 ; R Grigg, grav- I I . I . Hamilton : F` ("Litteridke, Wittgritaill, township ac-' App, ,y at tile house, . 1.1, . . . . . L I . . use of tile councillors. ­ .I. Watch C. . . . . . I 11 11mil il- , I I -_ --- ____ - t I - -_ -_ I I -i I : i I . . . I . I I . . 'count -ill full for tile ill 1902, $147-31 ; * . . I l 1 %. , , , ­­­ , I­ LA, Mo. CotifteillorsMeMillan.' and Patterson 0 . Watch: J. G. R-11ligh .. .. . JAMF,S D'UNFOR-D, CljntoAl - * - .. ,. . . . I . . . . 1, 1", Otitteridge, East A'awanosh .share I .1 . ... . I . . . . . . -_ - I -3 The following are the ollicers for tilt. Illoved'that ,the clerk Petition tile war- At the allittial. inectini"Of .tile Pub- dary $6o , Municipal World, "account 11"m . - , I L 11 don anti council of tile, county of Hur- lie library board .. I . .- -_ ) current )-ear : John Thompson, as- tile treastirt:r's .,,tate 'iff 'flIll , . _. _11 for stationery, mupplid.i, etc.1 . . . I I - * . I call '.a public int etjllg of* rate- tile a balance oil hand OI' of builditt culvert, 'off southern boun, . . , .,ws%or : Lonis A. Anderson, collector - on to lit - .allowed, - . - John R. Holmes, George Holland payers .and 10unicipal officers of tho, $21-15. The following -directors ,. were to ' I ,, &I"ditor-s, John Cox was re-appoititedi , the advisability oi elected : A. .1 I A St 'Ilogpanl ' Pon.. At. . ROWE - & . HOLLOWA) . I ' I 1-41 county to consider ' 7_12 -, I 1'.. Porterlield, part aphle. . ik W'. Sloan, A. Elder, J (late, I I . . . y "f,q its board (if health for three years. hold of''the grant Inade-by the $ jljtlt, *A. E. Bradwin, j.. Kc ' exPell%es of .last municipal election, . . . . . . . I . . . .. . . . I talill . I . ' ' ' ' I I I I . , . . . . I . " , The clerk was jll.ql,licted to notif% Ontart), govertintext for tile improve- Murchie, ' Ai . 11. $3,5 ," ,services wq clerk ill 1902, '.*'. . . I . . . . , ,, . . Robinson, V. $85 - '. , I .1 , Willialn F,IlioLt of tile 13avfie!d Lille to .121'ent of highway. . .. . Postage, stationcr -all(( xprcss cl - . . .. . I I . I . I . I . I ,It s. Holuiw4,J. A, Jackson, Dr, Lind . ,iarg on S I .. . I .11 RrIe eVe . . , . ., . . urni ure . 1 I Ferris s' . , * . I I I . I I -P . . %I remove his fence front tit' oly' cs,'T901, 55 '25, I I . I . I . .. 40 .. '40 . . . 4. 0 1 e public high- was authorized by tile , The 'Officers Of tile' Ladii!s"Guild of council adjotirned until Toesd - . I . . . _-MP-- . ....'..1. 1.11 I 1,11. . . I , way. council to purchase tile temperance Ity I ay, tile. . I I . 1 ;_ , " '' . . . , . . , .. . , . !"It are 4 rot' loth (lay of Februs, . . . . I . . . I . . . !, , Trint church for 19o3 $ 1 1 1. I I . , . I Ii Adjourned to meet on tile first Mon- hall, Londesboro, Which lias' been for ItAvs I-. . I . L 1. . . I rJv . I . I .1 . I . I . I r . . I .1 I . ,. . ... . . . .. . 1 . I . 1. . . ,; ;,.O j (lay in l0ehruary-Nixon .Sturdy, sale for some time, forlthe use -of tilt . . . I . I I : . . I I . i ; ;-, . , . President, Mrs: Cc(). Powell . . I i , . . . 11 . . . , 1 clerk. . . (owlial c . i I I . . ., . , I is clicaper thalt we ever had client be. . . . 1`011 I 1111011,, 101v I -oil ""116i I ild b1i I I I I . I . done oil very favorable terms,, and Sec -Treas., Mrs i T_W. Scott . . . T4rCXNO . . fore and -we t1l'ink they are quite, ag, I . . . 0 on , Fil r.11 i tu Ile y - . . I . " , I it Avill henceforth I'L w4eil as a rot,", Visiting 6yininittee, Mrs. Hanna, good US we eVer hall 11iem, Thev, . . . I . ' I ilit,which we understand lie ha,*. V! e, Mrs, J.. Echnonds I I. . S 01110: ) I. _, . I I IV. fi ,m tbe Clint " * (110. , I . . . . . I cil' rooni or ior any other township . Tit(! body of 0b late James 0. write abOut with tile safrie Vrietk ' . I I 11 , Oft as Becanso their $flick N largearld vt,vll a, . . - 14SO114tJ I I XeNILLOP TOWNSIUP. - business. . Airs, Us,, son, ,Mrs, Proctor and Sinith, brother ( , a lead pencil Only they leave tile The dealgriso airti, tile liewtsk and illo . . . I Mrs, A. 1-1. Tierilay. )f Mr, Pletei Smith doc ... * i,itipressioil with iuk_ No use for ,4had- The coinstruction al)d fillish4jrL, tilt, 11t,st . Winter has set in in eartiest a Council adjourned and will ineet. it, whO W',)s killed Ili a railway accident' st tilt -to.tfil t I . .. Ild gait' in tile township hall. lit, Livnd6s ri Tile fol1lowilig have been elected of- L I . 0 I I . snowdrifts tire visible on every hand.. I Ill 111"I)ing, Minn-, Ott Jan, 6th, ar- ing or fancy writing, 1)ut lu. t I tile. . Materiltis that Wei I 1. I . I , Death has invaded tile )Ionic of Mr. boro, '011 Fell, 7th at 10 it, IlT.-Jaints cers. of tile Masonic lodge fOr the pre- rived 1wre"Jast week find the fit tr not thit bitypral o\ptletatiolls I . : Campbell, Clerk, Nent year ; . . . neral tlihig for rapid, plain Alid durable Andprivestlintarecils onoqrell. I Arthur Galbraith and claitned Mrs. I ­ . . . . (ook place Thursdavafternoonfron, wffiting,lOoj;,& like it rot . .1 y ,%tt1,nt,1.a , , I ­ . 11 I . .111taill pelt allot I . . , . I . . -Scott : ' I . . . . I , Undbraith (or its victim. fflie was B4 __ . , '' . I Master" P. W, . . y , the old hoinestuad mi tile 1401 Coll. of works itt tile saine ink supply fashion . . Alan all kinds tit rpli.-t . I . I I I Vast Mister, Frill& Wheeler - Irl ; Past V`awanash, Mr, Stnith was Coll- UA a fountain I)c1l,but dol 't writ . jilst . I . , iping. nll) olsweipg ttlicl , . I . . . i . -1 'eara Of age and leaves a husband and . . . ductor (yr a Vinber train ill tile Ittinber like one. t I . Pieturit frilming*11f i lollm Rfs privC... . . r . . 1, I Chaplain, John McMilltift . . I : I . I . ­ . .. I . I . thrve children to wourn their loss. . W111011AX, , . . . . . Undw-tilking lit 41l its brallothes . I . . I . 1. .1 Secretary J At. Ramilton , . I . woods 11car Irlbbings when lie was . I I . I. I . 1. I .1 . .. . . . I Alism 11c,ster Godkin, who has bee Ttwvsurc ' J* (t. Emigh . knocked,on' and loct his death, Ile I . . : 1, It . . . . I . . .. . . I .. I ill for'a length of I is, Tile annual meeting of Turnberry Sr, m E 11 left here about tiventy cat's ago. . I I .1 . I . I Little i we regret . I tit fiav, , I igh I I . I 'T,, 1_) ,VrK1,xs0N I .. . y y low at Present. 0111 Willia osidencof of 1,1r. A X. Ross Was . 1. I . . , ver Agri cul tta-al Society was field laA Jr It'ardett, , J, IT, Chellew The r . .) I '^ I Alis Mainic week. The aliditor's report'showed T \ . . I . . . . I . , ,NLf-111 190';Ind 101111111'Al INiedor. f f - AlcRivell, who has been total sr, Deacon, James Hill . tile scalitt Of it pi-etty -holue, weddilig F or Grell WAO Pleas p re , " . . I . I . I . .. . ­ I . reco`iPts Of $73Z36 and total ex- , Deacon, Robert Vj t Oil Wednesday of Iasi week whoin his 1 . . - . - I Alitelliling the collegi., of Inugic. at Tor- Inildittires Of $S99,08, leaving a bal- Jr , . .. I .. . - __ ______,_, . 0, .._____ __ . -0tit(F. spent the holidays lit ftoilno_ I, Guard, S, Irvine . S141ter-Ill-lew, Aft.q. It. proet . . , Mr.Calvin I-liliell apti alict of P33 -M, Tile liability con .i&tg I or, was . . Alld Satisfactioll I . 7 1 . .. , . I D'avids( Aliss Maggie Of a mortgage of $ 50. J. .I. L11hott, Tyler, James Barr. I united lit Irlarriage, to Mr. Georga . ting use a, foutit , I J . 011"4P. . , 11 . )11 have got snarried 0091 take" V- S-, was elected p -sident W. .1. . I Graham of Gloderich. Tile ceremony in wri aill Pelt, hilt - R Vve, A 40, , , MP hOusekeePilig oil die old )toiuc- ,,cItd,r , rt I - was parforilled at high nooll by tile flot at too low it prim Nve have it A # 0 - 6 J10 , 11 ,"ItCafl- 'We wish thothl Illoity year.0 o , $Oh ]st vice a ild John Moffat I I I . I. oway I . I f , lld vi I Rev, A, G. Ilafris,'in tile presence of 'elleap lien at it cheap price,bilt thev fire Night and $1111day Calls answered )if rosidollre oil Princess . bappiness all(] prosperi cc. The directom elected are -, eo., $TAXCU . tilt, relatives and itillnediate friends of not the kind we like,to sell Or tit(, kittd tv, 1Z. A. Dollglas, Thomas licit, It. yow- , ' 3ft, directly back of Pre.sbytefl t I ..lestsrs. Martin Tboinfoll ai j .1jill 'Icr, %ril Mt. and Mrs. Iletvr Paphicatt tile contracting parties . After the you will like to usa. They are alwaY4 I I All 1.11111rch. . I Mcl,alighlin have a contract foll, 0 liall' AlRXW,01,, W, J. Currie daughter are at and ready to Write, aiways till rightl it i­tl! .1 I . . I " - . . Lt'- S', present tile g.tte.,,ts, of fiftrtY congratulations (;f all present - --,, --- , - t,t .t!t! .-t r .!,! "!t! ,t-. . :4--..,.--. :-'.1 _'_­­ ­___i,M_ _ , 14flughan, A. Rintoul, GeOrg,,, booll to tillsy mcn, a collvcbfellr l to . ._______ :_.t___ _ tifig wood foi Mr. August Hick- Criliekslantok, J. ,,4. 1,inklater. T . her Parents, Air', and Mrs. G. Clark, the' li doldillg 'PRTtV I I nell alld are isligillivifig it he . sat down to it Allyolic, Theyare, liandier flign i1pi.11- . . . 1 $1 ( A the Woods. Officclk' Ot secrotdry and treastirer were . and Other friends, suillptuous weddi;ig repast. Tile I. . I I . happy coupk, left I)y tile Il,tljp_ 11 I I . . . Mrs. Cutinhighat ,, a (Orinet rL,si(lent divided. IV. Robertson Was re-elected , Mossr ast two tit, quicker fliall ,tit ordillary pelt, __ _. Iā€”- I = . I I . I I #)J Mexillop, nellf 1.0adbury but a' ROI)ert Lindsay and liJavid traitt for Toront ) where they will Ali clean As either, easy to fill, regil- X17'r I /% A r% Nige fte , , W110 has beelt absenk !if Nallitolia rot Secreitary alid R. A. Don otaA trear,uror, Alilsolf visited Itielids at Illuevale, and lated, insulated anti reffable, . . tal ornalocinud Fence - *1 I I 11 : I I I . : :, ? r I I I I : : : , I y , , - i I I I I - : I - 1 ; I 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 - . I . I I . I I ., I I I Rol) I 11 .. I a I I 0 , I .1 I I ! I I I I I I si, ,_ I I _- - Olver twenty Years, is holne oir OL visit A very )1appl- WeddilIg party gatfler aortic Ott Saturday and Sunday. Spend a, few Weeks before *r0toriling to . I ­ "mb(IRDMO,(Iuir&l)ldallcllow-t)riced. 01)(4411Y AllitAblof for font ed, at I", 11 their hoffle ill Goderich. I - : '. i , iiii t " ' ,,"oltoi " J16 , : _ fwleos L , 6 Culd will allcud a, potiple of Intinths iii ea' 11's on We(ItlesdaV to Rev. AItt 111114fit of Ilohneavilk WIM Mr, Janleg J,Vong has jOld, Ilig saw Agents Parker's Dye Worl-s_ -Andilividlon In tOwu 10ts, 00ftl0t0ticil, oftbarilm, olto. 1teW6 . withemq tile filarriar ­ . 11 1. ; .1 ! :: ,6,JT . "'Iffils 116 . Lill I* tj te -to Mr. Thoinds Ir. ttloibh""Btt4iaoo$,Oue&ilptit'do- WrIM tot tau mraoulaft Ontarin, 'c of Martin ligh Preach Inisgiollary seritiona find take tflill in this villa& X J , to"90 *CNTS PCIR RUNNING, 000T. ausbabottl; I 80 Mift Clara Collite.q, 16,ii a. Ilp. tile listlal fillbildflPti011 ift tile Reth- Treleaven, Who will rint it infattire - U80 V496 PAM Pgbeii And Poultry Rotting, A little .4011 of Mr. Sotottiog ))oil, . lye Ilv ­ ­ I 'are,,, There Wff ,q a large "Iffill)er O( ­ ... - I 1 who wofs very iff, hAo tc ,011 list clitirch oil (igtidgy tioxf, 240 'Of I Mr. Trelpaven has severed his poll F* a N I" , , 016 PS46 ftre P61106 06., tiblitm 6MU0 '04 'Coverq4" I . Tho W", D1 0 1 . . . .1 rots Who to Ott An too5yable tittio, 441ttlary, , Ll 1110ttliortwo,outW& . . 1100004 with VIC gri'st 10111, I 10 11p, r 4 i'tra. t , . r I olion the Cheapest$ Alwqs the rm4t. r I 111--1._._11 JW pp '11 1 1­0*­_ *0004 P.C. *Ad.9t..11o1my #.I ' . I " I . I I I I I " . I I ___ O.. t 11 . . .. . . ;1 . I I I , ,. I VMWhA."i&_. .0&, , ",,L - - .. - . , 14 14 -J,-..--- -.1.11. . - d ; -1 11 , ­ ­00 . . - - . . - i I