HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-22, Page 2. V�. a � * I 1� '7-1- 4 , I I I . I 1( � � I I I I I 120, � I THT: OX41NTON wraws-1-MOORD; I January 22nd, 1903 . . . � -1 .��1;1' ­ I I., ­ ­1111­1­1� � I - I . 1 I I i_;.,;," � . . .. 1. ....''11 ­ _­­­­ III. -IN, -1. - _­ ­­ I M�1909"Mlw I ___ - ��_ r'-* �- . . - - - _.___;_��,�_�_"L_,__-__ �___:_"Ilw- _­­­,".. " 1--l-__ , , ��.�­ _:�,� ir M "I - .. ____ W _--�:- ., , ,:��4 ___ 1- __� � , _­ , - ­ ., . 1. 11 . � 1 -1 � ; ­__ , . ,. - I 1.111W � . __ _�..L�� `�_'�`­��`_"'� . . � THE MARKETS. TWENTY MEN LOST. THE APOSTLES, UNTI.NG CAR180Q. I System witil a x0*1441d. L � VVISIPJA Valklolk $toki Y_Wboat )Firalk 0, $t9ank roc L __ Olue- $);at Thil,onwh the ,ueurt, itt "I have nearly run m,y legs, off Acb .. .4 'ilit VJ!oka Cu L an 1 , going, ing joint$ . 14-mblesus ltleidov;ed Upon Them by I Two Hundred Wards,: I about a departwen 11 010 Of ARS, BRI8101 Chicago--Xive Stock Nalrkotil-TIlok VQlaudere4 Ill %, Valo-Wrovlotgo , . t store making a few I , L , tile ii1eatieval Artists. I The caribou Is very tenaclons of lice. , purchases for ray Wife," said the man In the fingers, toes, arms, sad otlit,r -.-- - X�ateilk Quiltaflow. . kI nil Doe" 1yoobod V11. The mediceral artists, having Do Idea ! 5'JyS �& W. Wjttt" 111L CQIIIcr1.s wt,eki.y. �. 'With the bundles, "I belleve tliat I parts of the body, are joints that are J. . Saturday Eyealog, Jan. IT. Londoik, 'Jail. IJ),--'rJlQL litt'aln p4tok. of tile personal AptIograllee of the Sav- 1 woting about bullting those anitilaN I was directed to Bix. clifforeat parts of Inflamed and swollen by rhoumatisru­ FQ.ul play I� SlApeoted, 'bY 13.' "Verpool Wboat' 'UtUroki olayllneell ;,Jd er Upupa., fronk' Cardiff, for Cut,];, bas lour'lk followers, adopted it set of Wgus, ra 'Nowfoull(II.-tud. My coillipailloll llso,l � the establishment fox, each article I that acid condition of the blood w1doh %d from yesterday, gild corn futures V . I I L 4d. or emblems, for each, which Boon b1_1 : it 30,40 Whichostvr and the writer usetl i bought. I was sent Upsta s, down. I affects the muscles algo. , tective 0ampau . At Obleago to-diy May witc,at advanced been Illi -On" 8-111VQ Friday. '1VrVVh4.0 . . Ir I I . I I %O above Vrlday, .%lay corn declined 3/jo, which hus'liten washed ill) oil tile came familiar; to all. The oniblein of ' ill, .,� ,11,1111111cher. With Buell stroll., i stairs, across the shop, along the aldle 1 afly . I 4III4 X;Ly onto declined %c. . . .1 , , $ufforers dread to .move, espeol I coast 110,1V Cf,rl; le,tyes no dutilA that Peter was elther a large key or two galls %,q, wero, seldom able to stop 11 ' Rlid from one, olut to another, just up � 11risto,ty To - Two Ilea Visit. LEADING )VIseAl �I.VRtill,,.. j:;ho foundered lit a gule. Silo was . I p after sitting or lying long, and their I L liff a Tallk That L al�ld hu(I a Cre 4eys crossed, which is readily explain* big sttlg With it $lll,,Ie shot, evet, Iviaell I though nobody know wl I US of Own(, ' , Uere anything, condition is commonly worse in wtA V4 tile IlQuee, Wherip tile Party Proulk Following are till. eloslug cillottIttle ,(I Ill Col'k, w Of ed by referring to the words .of Christ 'bit Ill it vital spot. � One that tlie Writ I wits." I . 4up-taut Wheat coutrea to -day.: !40 rilen, 1xild some stcol'age puplell- . . weather, Whiskey 'Ibi-4140 T40aco Ue . I (.NTattbew x .* .1 1 "Y u evider . 111suffered dreadfully from r1keumatism' . , vi, 19). "And I will give Un or shot through tile be, I 0 p1doilialk a J1111. May. July. . Utly dou't understand the - * NOW YQrk � N. Cot completely au4 What T ...­ ...... 1. . ". .), 1 ,4 ,1�1% ,rs on board. . rt ran with the I . .go L I ,to thee the keys of the I;ingdoru Of rest of tile drove foi- 200 yllrdg, .is BYstem," sugge,sted his friend. but have be cured by -Ifood'� L l $key ,ifterwarli Alut ttlAu chtealto ........ I ..... 7s% 74% Wrby, fs-,Ii-, Jaii� I9. - A thr Sarvapar L U04-wito War; Dead . o . u His Ital I 4 8 .., 0 ee- b "Indeed I don't. - If It is -a systeip, it fUl.1p L. Illa for which I am deeply grate- tura- Toledo . . fi "I . .... waSted, schootiev, supposeJ to be tile heaven." The emblem of Paul was 4 tbougli lie liad not boon touc ed. be, WS WRANC)CS, SgITH, Pro Cott, Ont . ,... " I . 6 . Duluth, 9�: 'i *,,;;:::::. -, (; ..", 7.9 ' " "I haq Lan 11usband's Suaisgo. Story, . ,h ii .... Carrie Bell, deal-leadep. from �it- sword and a book-tbe latter to remind ! fore collap9big. Wile,, wt. Opened 111,11, 18,beyowd My Understanding" ho An, attAck of the grlp which lett tile TOAMN'ro -s�r. 1..j.%v1�g..N,,.. ... ,+.If._. . . Joilin, for t:lty 4liland, is usborobot, . the beholder that he was a teacber of i he had only one bullet hoic, anti his, BWer0d. . Weak AndL helpless and suffering from, rheu.- ! Windsor, Jall. V.-Petective -Call.- Gr4ifirk- .1 totg up netili 1,1�,Ijy Nec., lit lbo, Day men,'the former to Indicate that he was beart was out lit two. Another went . "Well, It 19 a oyctem that ba not with, matillm. I began taking flood's Sar9ap4- I pull yedterduy luornIng ictur L , rilla. and this medicine has entirely cured Aud front � Wheat, red, bush. _.._.$Q 69 to $0 70 of Fundy, rrhe ye�sel is break Ing 111) beheaded with a sword. St. And Out method.," replied the other, "YOU I me, Ihavo no hesitation In soybigit saved . -il Wheat, is-bote, bush ...... 0 w 0 72 � . rew .about the same distance on the Jump . � o has bel. exutuin- Wheat, spi'llick bugh...", 0 W, 0 W TbQ vessel was was usually figured standing by a -cross with both. fore Shoulders broken and at did not realize, It, but it was at great MY fe." X. J. McIbo;fAx,p, Trenton, Oat, I i McGiogor, whul-o b I I % Ili the beavy wa. 11 .1 -atli of 1118. Whe ., bush 11) , . bition of Stock for yoUr benefit, it 0 ing bito the IllySiotiOUSL it(,, . lit, gowe 0 (A . .. abandoned at son solue days ago and shaped like a letter X, that being the bullet through tile neek, Oil several exbl . I I 'L lit-ans, bugh, _ 2 30 1 00 of ,�iaey l. rt.�Low, 1"uj'�IlVr JJlL(,Ct-Vui,4i,o ... the crew ix,scutill, . . form the cross upon which legend I other Occasions tile stage Wile,, hit would have been a great (letil of trou- Hood's Sidrsaparilla . � i - t 0 . St., Anilrews, N.. It., %Ion 10.-Tbo ble to have seated you *It ope or the re. I RCmOVQ$L the, - I tre blocked until Coroner Iluiis.trci Polls, bwqlk 0 76 .- I 16" bU_L-h.,-1,.­,.,"""" ' gays he was crucified. The emblem of I went off with sucli strength that when . cause Of �heumatism no juriow makes tits rvport. '..." 0 51 .... � ,ature of tiWease," B�rfeY, bush. ,.a ......... 0 4 3 0 511W brigantine ALLille, . bound '. to "i t * St. James the Great was elther.4 sword, outward applica on can, . "A suspicious fC . OL 85 they fell they clug their antlers Ill tile volving stools and brought all of the I d Take it'L , Oats, bus"I . ....... . . 13uek�i'tkeat, busli. 0 53 055 . lohn front Barren J�sland, wit)i pho-s- referritig to,tbe fact that lie was also ground' and turVed Complete . SoMer. goo(IS Ill the store and paraded theul. - Said DetectiNe Caull-luu, "is tile I&." ::::--: I "" . I pbate,* is oil (lie rocks tit Ilog Island I ,- - =___ that the body 1tty (!rosswise oil tho beedrs.- . and Ili likOy to prove a to loss. beheaded, or it Vigrlm's stafC, be being saults. . . lit front of you; so you were started off - . I � Alsike, clIdice, No, I., $0. 7,5 to $7 23 . tal great traveler. I I and-ollrected. fror . . .. 1,ed, the feet against the wall. and - Als:lce, goott, No. 2'..:::: 6 .10 6,50 The crew are safe. The vessel anti 4 .i The first caribou we killed was a ,a place to place so a� . . I I ' I tile head hanging down to�%ard the '111knOthy seed ............ 1 -,N) I 81) Cal -go art- said to be-losured, . St. John's erablem, was a caldron, re. fawn, We ple4ed him ollt because we to make a tour of tile establishment I . . , - . The I floor. Over tile I'lt tetaple .we$ a Ited 01tivel . ................ IS �J is W T110. mtoalut-r 1.ahu Ashore,- I forring to his experience In thd boiling wanted meat, niffl, being young, Nye ItUdL get a general view of the goods In . .. . WLIN-, clover, ijer burj4._8 QU 10 Ou 11. St. PhIllp's emblenk is an enigulti. I In fact, each department, Do. you,see The ad, ' . rugged gabh, about two inches to "g' "Aily and StrJL`kV_ Gibrattar, .,Jail. 19. - The North " � lbougl I he ought to be tender. , � .H . , . I which was tither inflicied by a blow -er ton ............. $13 00 to $10 00 Gornittil Lloyd's 4teliniev Latin., Capt It wits a spear and a cl-oss, yet. � it IB however, Ilis ineat'was almost useless, vertislii g* , scheme?" . . . I . . L . Ill. b , .that you are right, In I or by it fall. The woniall, ,.vas about epi.11*11.4" V%T VAR ..... ..... 6 00, 1) 00 Malcliow, from Me,11tvi-ranean 1. , known that lie wits hanged. St, Bar, -loan, � tough, stringy and very- dart- elleve agar 30 .,,cars old and ber hus band - neally titraw, 1,00040, per ton. - , PO tS . X Y. . � . . Straw, olteaf ........... I 5 00 .,--@ for New York, wout, ushore at 4. O,_ . tholoniehy, who was "flayed alive," Is in* color, This was'. ditticult to under. boy, for that is the only rational ex,' . . I . $35, They were illarried, six it . 10116S .... 10 11K) ..;. , L - . . I . . - Flullts aud VeAretablem- . . Clock yc�terday niorijing at Tuivara, represented with it knift, and his $1011 , stand, and the guides, for some' reason, planatioli 1)f the proceeding.' ' . . . I . ago, wheti, it was said, the wife be Ap vl i's, , L win -ter bbl ....... $1 00 to,*l r)o tell Will", ea, . st of the Itock of 01bral- hangling, over his arm. Matthew's em- 1 'wore unable to offer tin explanation.' I L. . . L I . . S L . . I . . I I L I gan to ollink heavily. - POtattq-S, per bng ......... I ,-4) 1 25 tar, On board tile steamer are 800 blem is it, squat* . . ­ .Shoe . I "Oil Stinday nig -ek ago, Cabbugo, per (1oz .......... () ,_)57 . , ,e, supposed to 1111y.e I HoWever, I learned- the reason later. � . . . 0 41 . I . . � . , li t, a wt . 9 30 saloOn. passengers and 1,200 cilli- some reference to Christ's calling, St. . -It appears that during the mating sea- - FOR OVL-R SIXTY YUARS. . . . I . . � . . . . the neighbors hergol shouts, and OIA10114, Per 1111611 ...... �., 0 75 ' . . . . I I . , . Caullitcluer, per doz 050 j'Ui L gl'antS. .Sbe is in no'd�ngcr'l Thowas, havIlig been "plerced NvIth it " son tile fawDs are weaned. The old ' . . . . I , I . I� . � Curses co;l.hig ivoill. tile little .house, Turnips' .:, I'll 9 le Mrs.'Winslow's Soothing Syrup hwi � �nd concluded that a brawl Nv . � :"**: � 0 2A . 9 05 Ilark Ourimil at ,-,&a.. , . dart," 1) tured carrying a spear, I stag, d0vIng the fawn away. frotn'tho. I . I . its g'0- Dairy Produce- . I . I . ' been used 4); millions of mothers for I . . . . Ing oil within. The noise continued Butter, Ili. rolls ........... $0 20 to $0 24 Funchal, Maddra, Jan. 1d.-Tbe The calblem of James the Less was a M -, h b until about 1.80, when the huilland HVV, Jlew�lald, d.z ...... o ,Jo 0 &J British Steamer Drunswi,i�, Captuld club, lie having be . en*11beaten to death I mother, will strike. lit . vit his' orns their cll�lclreu while teething, If dis- . L, is tile best slioe I '. - . I With a f & , L ' and chase him halt ,a mile, ,As soon turbed - of night and broken of your . - - f( called at a neighborinj house, and Poultry- .1 Brown, from Maranhain, ,11ru,11, I)e-, a 'got;, " St . Matthias all ax, he as the stag gives up the Chase and ' rest by a sick child sulTifering and . . in AiAeric,,i )r . as�.ed %%,here he coul,li obtain 'a 'cork- Chic�wnis, per paii ......... $o oo to *1 75*. Comber 21, for Liverpool, at'14%04 - having'.1icen beheaded. 'Simon's. ein* I � �. n'ICI) . or wonwn, I L L Ducks, - pok, pa1r,.-, . , 0 t ' I L 0 I 00 here yestplIalty. 1,4110 reports that .turns back to -the doe the fa,Wn will re- Crying with pain of Cutting teeth send � . . . stab' le, 'I want to eject two nien 11 oin , Turkeys, .per 11)_ _:'.'.'.1 0 15 ' 0 IT . " blow Wits a saw,'.TIi6 legend says "be turn-, then the stag ,will chase him at once and got a bottlQ of ,I I Mrs. � Illy IIOI1SV,' said he, Bristow Says Geow, per Ili ..... :_-.... 010 01.), U16 British barilue Vor6nicLk, Call- . I .1 1, I I . that euily fix the evening. � his w I fe, - TOXtONT .� I tala ,';)law, was., buinjol tit s6i . t, .1 L 7 was sawn asunder." * 1. I 'again. This is kept up for eight or tea , Winslow's Sootliiiig. Syrup" for child, . � . I . . 0 Wve .s,r4)t;,r,. - . " . U. 'lye . . I . I . . days, with the result that from worry, ren teuthing. It. will relieve the poor . 4 eilibL.L. Vart of tile Verollick'k. S. . im a slied him- to go out and buy , 30 Reeelpts-were.not large, OT carloads, coln. W are L DI!ulls Courtesy An.iong'.the Swedes. xercise ,a nd change of � diet, the little skliterer triediately. Depend - cents' worth of wine, - . kkld of NO Cattle,. 1100 hogs,- ljoo sbot.p. cre on boal.of tile wick. ' . . A , and laiilbs,-I�3 C,lIve$. ­ . TIIC Milailldet' took to tile j.,C)ntS all - Ineat Of the fawn becomes for a time upon it, niothers, there is no mistake - "Whon be got back he found Ni o . (I The Swedes are a quiet. taciturn peo. .1 violent e . � I- Prices fanab flom L , F"Xpottvattle-cholce leads 6f hea _ 'pie. There Is:- no Jostling 'even among : , about it. t ,cures Diarrhoea., rugli'7 '' . I . . c vy have not been board of. 'tile Ver � 1 uup4lat4ble.' ­ '. stranue inen Ili the room. Th V had sh-1ppers ,ire worth T5 to $D,25; weilluill . . ' . . ­ lates, thc:- St, els, ,eares . . a hottle of whiskey, which the,party rters, $4,0 to $5. :: . olltM 'lVas OW)led L by William Thon,_ the lowest classes. When a tralu lea7es I - . � . 1. . onlach and Itow ' .. I Bristow was split three times ,',, , . . . Wind Colic, Softens the.Gunis, i7educes ' $3.00 to $5 00 drank. tlpOport Bulls-Cholce heavy export bulle son 4� Co. of AVindsor, N.S. - .. it platform or a stefimboat,a- pler, the I . . sold at $4.' . I . . . . . I . . . . . I . I * 25 to $4.50; light export bulls, � I I I L . . .Inflamination and.'gives tone and .ell- L 1. � during tile e,,eutilg. lie says, foi a $3.50 to $3.75 per ewt, I I . ____ . . lookers on lift their. hats to the rlepart-. I Ste L . . I . L fresh supply. 141nally" the st,ratig . 0 . .BlItchers' Cattl-Cholce picked to . fe ill I . . . . � . Ini pusseiige�s'and bow to- t . hem, a co, I In- I . . . . . . . ren - teething. is pleasant. to tho ' ta " .. . . men put him out of the liduse. When. - butchers' Cattle, equal in. cludilty to best DISAr--LED ST. LOUIS. . tillineut whichAs returned 'by the pas- t NVootlehurch parish, Wirral, 113jigiand, and is the proqLcription of .one of the . I L . . I I . - I - physicians and . I exportors, 107r, to 1150 Ills each, are I . . I . . 11 ' idest anW best fLnn�le You Cv�n prbeu ' I .. . lie rLturned fit the morning the -men ircrth $4,74; choice picked lotii Of butchers, An Incredible htata or .A songers. You are expectell'to lift yo�r has a pari.0i cow which *ma;;;t; bor- 0 tht. 'United StatcS. Price rO were,gone and tits wife lay dead * on - lielfers and steers, 980 to .1055 Ills, Quell, . I � . Wairs ltevvalojd . . . 1.1*. rowod for ,'a year at a stretch for 64 nurses in . the )led. The door. stood open, the .01Old at $4.50, to $�L(3,5 per e1vt.; lands of on the Arrival or, tite 14olig-iminyed . - hit to tho shabbiest persoix.you meet in. � . I . I 25 cents a'bottle. - 'pold by'all drug- ihem from . , . I .. .1 Medium butchers, $3,00 to $4; loads of good ; � � the street, and to enter a shop, office Or m,iio; sis tile result of a lecacy.; gists' throu�rhottt ille World. Be sure 1 ., ­ . . wind blowing through on. the corpse 's. sold. at ;4.25 Liner'at .Uor Berth. . . 0: L � . 1. � . . ,� . .1 . I L - I . I Illunfelind. Aid. I . whole sytstetn, I.,. Mrs. . . . . . I � I . . . to $4.50,1 'ecianatill . L � �, . . . bUtchel . bank With the. hut on is considered I .rgy to tile - . . . .. within. Bristow claims )its ,%%,lie was, butchers, $8 to $3..,)O: rough,- $2.80 to $31, New York, .Jail. 19.-Aftel- all In-,. bad breach of good mauner . s. * Ili retir- . "Well," reniarked Miss. . Innocence, 0 luslowl . S - Soothing I . frozen to deLl,th. . . . caliners, at $2 to $20.25. . . . . . . v, §Yrup'l for child- ' . .FRED. -T. JACKSON. 11 Stol.y",. . L . Exporters and Butchersp' inixed-Load Of Alorious vo�age of t6il teoll I duY�, 11 VO - Ing from'a restaurtint: you aVe expeleted "tile govdrnment tilay not belleve In and ask.for 11 Mrs. . Winslow's -Sooth­ . .. . . . . . *'This is the husband' COO- rvixed butellers,. and . exporters � sold at . hours . and twenty niiiattes, thd St.. to -bow to tit . e bed . upants. Bowing gnd women taking the Initlativ�e� in matters , ing Syrup." - . . . I - - I .. . . . . tinve-l' the detective. "The- nelgh- �$4.40-to $4.60. - ' . . . 1. . Loui,,i, pride -.of .the L Ainerkan Line hat - lifting are so common that t " . 1, of-loVe, but this city ceitainly does." . . . . . . . � - . .� � I I � . . I . bors -do not believe there were .any . -,Feeders-V�eders 1000 to 116o lbs each, be peo- . . . I -__ L I . .. . i , are worth $4 to �4.110. and nitit 6eders, ,fleet, tied up a� hot- berth Satur.da.y.' pie Seem to nicive'around -more slowly f, --I don't seb how,",replies Miss An- I I . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . I . . I . . .. . . I I strangen, in the house. The noise, 800 to 900 HIS. each, $3.50 to $3--85 per cwt. SIIOI'Lly mfure tioon, ahiiu, the ivvl- . - MONTP,EAL POLICE FORCE. ' . . . . . I t h cy think, wits made by l3ristow -Stoekors-Stockers, 500 -'to ,700 Ills. paeb, ' than elsewhere In. order to -observe ffii� t1ke, With. m4re interest .than. might . I L . . . . L I � . . 1. and big wif6." . . I of good quality, are wofth, $3 to, $3.25 er c6aws of hundredg who gathered oil .. . . . . � I L . . I .. . . .. . �. .. . .. � .S.HINOLA L ... . . . . ewt.; -off colors fuld pool, quallt,y of file tie -pier and. of tile' iiiany"craft lit courtesy. . � I . . ; have been expected. . Investigatioll Has 11 . . . . . . . . .. . . L ' . � . . I . . .1. ()Oil 8�topped by all - . L _____11? * * . I saul� Ivel.-lit tire woith $2,23. to $3 peI Lhe bay.. . . I . I . . . 1. I. r. .."It's plain iis print. The,.city c1dik . .11 . . . L . L . . . . "JIlliCilon, by judge Lavd-rivic."' .- ,: 5 is tbe.best,Shbe T"Olish - S- - . - � . . - I . . � WHY STEEL RAILS WENT UP. . -c-" . I L L Ao inc�odiblo state of affairs ' wL"%;' . . ; Is advertisin- in tbe'newspaVeis for . . . afilch. Com-s-tNilleb ellwo and springerl - Appearaincem Decep,tivie.,. . I � . , I . . M'. . . a], -)all. 49. -An ill:, 1:11. tion, hre of iniftatioll. , -1 . 1* , . I I . I . .. :sre worth $04 to $5rr each. ... . I I . reveptled Nvith the arrival of the IoN;­' Tate --Appearances ire' not always to'. - sea od pi�okosals-.'1,11 replies' Miss Ijino- , Maner i c ' ' H Bew. . s .1 . . .. I . . Calves -Calves sold at $3 to $10 ea6, . Or delayed liner. ' L . . . has been granted by jud,,, I - . I .. I . I . I I . Cauadlukk Contract May'Thils 1(ave to, Be . 1 lei.. pols.seligOrS unalll- be trusted� . - . . . I . _. cence.. - .]� , � . I I ,P ­�el',qae ' . .. 11 I .. Sol . , �.. . iar I - . . . I . " � ­ . . . . . I L . - . L 1. . XestectiNng.the J)Ohce, hv,vstigation, .1 � - IvIlicli.-fill-e1lailled to '­ I . ::... - I I .. , froin' $4.50 to $6 pOr cwt lilbusly cl ged fliat. lagei.ts 'of tile L - 1. � ­ I I . . . I - . � . � I . . '. . . � . I . � . . . foi L * ' . , I N, .�%sbolld] 'bibl. . . Cancelled. , Ing TAmbs-Spi-Ing Iftinbs sold.olt $4.75 Brady--ThaVs so. lVs a mightj, brikht . ­ I ., .. : rr pro(100<1111g. I . . . - - , . . . L � t , o $5.46' L� . . . . I . .line h'ad,beLu guilty of gross rocklcs� .i Vollovet4 C.i.au,.. -1 I I --T �vt r, O r-. .. . . . . ) I -I. L N . L �' L e , 11� it 'out, Jun. I0,--I'x -iL ' . 'i - 19. -It is 111cily that Sheep-71?rlces $3.50 td $4 per ,,cwt. s lir.sending tb(� St. Louis. t So.% book that lives up to Its cover. .' OIW .. hoop ipp y , : i.k 6 S1 . I Ottawa_ Jan'. I ties. . . � I n, now w-otirletor i) Z * L , , I . . . �L . I I I 4; ­ . . I I I o . , . I . . I cited the excited Inebri. III Lof OIL, 0 ­ ewosl 'and hacks.at $2.50 to $2.75. 1 , .. . ­ I I ­ _ _ , . . ... . the tender provisionally accelited. by . in a.condition Utti f - . '. 1. I .. I . . I , as he rusbedAuto:tlie:hQteL "I'm a ter- I eq If ps . . I - I I . .. . . . . . L 1. . 0 I " the Minister of Railways f6r supply'- . . Tfligs"Best sel6ct bacon Ilogs, not less. . . . . _.rly L unli l"' ol tllV " I . .1 I ­ � .. � . Cartier Hotel, thlil. Sotl I -day X%h�. lic . . . . I than 160 Ibs. nor inbre'thiin 200 )bs. eyleb, y9yU90, ­ .. . ,� . I . � 1. . I I ­ . . I I . . � - . . , , - . . � - , 1. . . . - � 0 0- � . I Ing 25,000 tons of Steel ralls Will b L, : Mr. Oars, -sold at $0.121/ d ' ' Austr1a was the first countryto adopt , icir I 'I'Lin a man eaterl l'ib.ibe., biggest , [lift the .M(aitrea], po,li, v foi:c( t:.'11 L L ' 'Sh.iiiQla i �, 010 oll),.y..'. - j per c,�vt.,, .11;rlits, at, tier '%voi-naut- b6ilers,* thoti leake . . . . .. 1, � , ' , . - , . . I , L . . � I, . ­ I ' Ill X16ine ho,L,I -keel)e�.. It'L, cl, . . . . $5.871/1: soive. '$4.56- to ;5 per ewt., � and a I 'the way .jro uii that .eve hit the pitel Wow . . . OAalos thilf L QV, ",11, cancelled. I Ill ,,-, I aq 9 r . . . I . ill' I .L I ,outiltiniptou, held Ahe system of oital Cards. Tlls w 11 mlit"il - by* X� - , . Th ­ holn., the . Stags,* $3 !polt.-Cwt, - . . p . . ­:., . . it- pe -sol -I A - . I I I I ... .. : , ... . I : ' 1 1111V6 customary,"", -remarked -the e. Nvu,s . aptim - . 0 . I . ... The name of the film tow __ I L lilie 8hip back: and 61volVed. tier . in In 1$69r. . _ * . - -t, lin'llie. ho.will jjt�k; public*,"at .. i ... � I 1. 1-11 . L . � . jrASr I1IVF1PAL0 b.�,TTLIP. -'.R.101XV�11 � . ng.10(t Ill. L* . . . _� -.1 t kv 11 o " I I . . . . . contract was awanded has not bleet). I . � . � . . the gre.at peril of .bei 'JI)JOSS L , L . I . . . bouncer as.-be.gazed at the. subsequen I I . I p * . .11. . .. I 1. L . divulged, but. it is said they arq , lo�. 1, . Vast .Bufflal6, Jail. IT.-Cattle--Reeellits. I at sea, by .tile L exhaustion -of tier COO I . I - . . 1 -7 ' , .* 4: .. d Is loaded � the proper fline, and told Olht- ithe -.' '. , ' SHINOLA:- . . ... . � . 400 head; dull barety steally; T'eals steady; - . . . . . . .. L A Dubious ComplAinent. .1 wrecie'optside. '.'when ii. gui I Ilut 1.) $ '200 1 ". . . ... cated ill Driglitird. . I . to � I . � . . . 11 1, hv: could be 11rolixotcd. ' L - . . . . . I tops,' $9 to, $9.75 -, coirunon good'. $,1.50 to supIkly. � I ... . - . . I to fird It." I . . . . - . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . There wei flft6enLl . . I --The a I . I . � . . i .y. , loi*tin would not,. - . . I ­ 11 . I . . to� [L' captaiii, . F I . . -6 prob4bly .some Ali hii:Lmation nias.� niceting was I I.. .. " , . . . . . . . L . 1 $8.75. - - . . . . . y tia.ve -name. a braud .bf clgars I . I I . . . . I . . . . . * .. . . . . . � . r .: . . . . .. . . bled in- ihis lll�il:11'1'oll, L and' retired ' t1 - . . firnis that made -bids, and their ap- Flogs-ReMpts, WM tead; 0mi,; rle to, . heltl':on t9e high Sv�ts,Lby the pass,ell-. for Barker," ... I . I ' I . . e. I , '' . I ­ be L L Patro � I uota:tions liEKI "to th - . lot. IOV%,tq*., ho�a.,.v' $6.70 . . � I . . . L 11 : ' . - - Pli�kvuv tit on. , _ froin, the, force ill ltl.�.kust, He ..is lllm le.New Roe Store . I plications for q � . to $0.Rl; mixed. - gers oil Jan. 10. IffiLly appoiiitecV,a .. :'.'I -should Consider that. quite an... on- .. I . ... . :1 �. '. . .. . I L . . . I . L . belief that an enorinous demand. . . � . . i . . . e -$6.60 tc,$6.70; Yorkers, $6.50 to $6.60; pigs. ., - VP . . I . *. Tbd Second Story Man -Well, B114 T. coillh-clent that worit d0c's not ciount, .. , . I . � - eX".. $6:-50; roughs', $3.7-5 to $6; -stags $4.T ;to Committee 1, . L' ., . � . I . . - . 65 O *tit. iland Of capit, 11.us- - or . . ,IT ( .zvt - N - . . - - - - 1. I L. . . . I ' . . ­ . 1. . . .1 how'$ business? .', � . L and Will. give 11'.14 Vf�asolls before . , .I .1 . . . . . . . isted, although all had the one. b- $5.25. - , . , . . I . SOW thut he either.hail a fast Nv o.s t- , :"YOU L wouldalt If you knew L the. el, . . . L L 1. the . .. . ow Sh oe . .q..' . . Ul:d 0601 . `,he(�p nnd LaJlIL1IS_It!,cv,Ipis. 14.100 1wad . . * .. . . . . . The urglar-Well, *Olrtl hav- - lii�eAigating Voininittee. . . . � .. . . . I � . . JcA in VieW.L The 1,0'.11 ' I S . ' . .33ank,13 I . � - - I L . . sheep'.At'lldy; llilllbq. 15C 6 -L)Zw lower; lot ; bound steiamer and trai)sfLr the , - .. . . I . . I . � - � . , . . b � - . . I 1. L I I.. .. I . . . L . . . pill . garsil' . . . . I -a lot of - Xellerg. . . . L - T 11�� . I . . I L I . . I I . trust, thererore, raised ,the pi*�141 . , I I ,� L :fie �4omjetlti�n fr,Qm do . . . . . lanths $5.73 ,to $5.00: CJI1l'qLto gilod" 4.2.1 songers or that he.pilt ill to llalifa'x .� * . I '. � I . I I . . . I .. I . .. . . I . _. . . I . i - . On 1) I . . I ; . . ' ' L . . . . f � . � inal,ing it hupos's *4 . , . .. - .1 ... "I .W#9 "do& ,,*L . L . . I . . . I . .. . I I . . . - -25 �'or Bostozi. t. ­Ilus.,O�v Said tile - . #A __ -2m- ,Ij. 1 CrRF� -FOR' AM, ible for the lowest to 05.45; i-earfings, $5 to -T __ . _ � _ _41 ___. � -� , ­AvAn�_-_, A . .P, . . . . . . tenderei, who Could hale had the to $4.40; stwep, top, in,:.,<ed, �4 to $4.26- . . .0 .. '. _.�-_ . .. � ..'.- . ­ -".-- ­ - _,.;_ __� ...._,.._,._ '_ ­ ] .VoR,NlS OF 1< J * T L .. . .. .. � . ! ., . .� ­_..". .- �=f!�r, . .11 Nl�y '39 sn , . .. . I . . L I I -7-1- --:'--- - _ -DI, A ,. . . 'fl J'St - � - L , _�'!-_ �-��.�_=*� .1 : ., . L # . LPI :feet WIAS t0t) dangerous, but I . contract to ca�ry out his offer. . I etkils to goW, $2 to U.N.. ' .; I." L L fl- t 'he . . ­ 7 I . . . .1 The silver -lead 'inine owner . HIMISIC CATVLN MA . --r. .. . 41_46,+_^ - � � . _# S of . ,I�_o!tl#"#,te!,+#!e!_tt*&_&!t#_^***" � . I 1( I., � .. ton, bCCaVSe.hi.S,C0.aI- UI)IA' . . . ". ,*t&+* ­ 'Jackson k , . I . . lit Illight. II,tJ C to. lit -ad for Bos- !�* ### . . .. I . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . - � : T - British Columbia had an ,into �Icw , n. �7*-�Llv,e cattle sf� s + . y w I a I S LSL . � , .. A#** . ttete . ! . , . , . . . . . I. N�V thd adersigned druggists are . Fred%-."' mr-11. . . .11 �. � Ailierican allY at liehig burned. -up, . . 7 1 1 . �. I . . I . . � . . � . . � . .. I . . . . with thi! nienibe!s r ud Jil tp, r I . foir Steers, ' I . I , . ... I . . ; � . . . ' . .. �.. . 1. . .. ... . . ; S� Jully 11repkiled. 'to' give the�folk)willg . I . .. .. '. ,. . . . I of tile Govol)mukent . eauf�dl"kk , . I �� guaralitce, -L 1. . . . . . ' � , .The St. Lduis av6raged 9iOT knot"3 , . I �� with , wt:ry 5oc. bottle. *of I � �h ateeis, 111,11C to . I �� . .''. I :� ,� , . ... . ­ I . m�.-.--.--�- ­_ - ____ - I ire 01), -and oil , one , ; . 1. . I Dr., Pettinoill s� X.iduey,Wort Tablets . . � I , ** noon Saturday, when they renewed . . ..: � . .. I I . ' � . I . . . I . I [I .0 11 _. ) � . .. . . .. . - , , * . . � : %-, .. ,� - . .. 1. . . ' a& I:twgred oi.ly 11-15 . . , . the on1v remedy in t 'd � th'a . - '! " --rr'., .Y1 , - � . � . .. . ' . . I . . I I.; I .t . (Illy of the Voy I .M. � . I .1 . .he' wor. t. , I . . I their deniand for tile iIIII104[tiall Of a . � . - . . . . 1: , I I I �.. ".. . 1, . _ _ I I ­ . 1 ' ' , .. . I n 'n �,V­1'; , . , OLF. t,.,-'��, - � . .1 I , . knbtS. . � : : I . � . � : �.. 11, . poSiLiviefN, cures: all :troubles'. arisialr P.�I*n , . ... I . S­Ltle of duties oil lead nod lolid ralo- THE * BEAR - TO THE LION. ' . : i Z , .. . . .: I . I I � MA ,� IiI46tc_ ..;.. k. :� 4 . . . I . . . . . . . , . , , 'i are th I C.Avned � * . . , . I I . . . . . " -, or-cliseused kidliLvs- ; : � Iii .L­J-U4,,j� .-�.;.. � , . ; , . . . . . ., 1. ­ . I �. a 1v1I,,Io.13aIi suit. I � . I from wCal, . � _ . V'4,7 . 11 I ­ . . , , "' , niPw-ed by the - -, . . * 'A .1 . , . N 1.11��­ I _� . . . T`c O'%3�t . . 11 'E- -, I HIN9. SAL . � .1 . . I , . I .0 1 2 '.- - � ,d We '_� ' I , ' d -c - . I in Sir Hioliand Cartwright's roolil at I . . I -ing' her e;in I t ' . � . . . 2%'L Per lb , .fri4crikt.r beef lie per: lb. dui I I , � I w - . : . � t. , : I . .tq equal t:) tllw-e I 1. . I . � ,.: - .L .- .* .4 .. - IX .1 � dtl( . .. . I V;, C - - I'll, I'nitt:.d States u1nder the a n: 4tefuses to -divo" " - B, r4isel .ag�aj kj.4� the Ulie for: fh,6 deluv!� :1)11.4- ! �. . � I I "11101iLy clikerfittly rcftirnc�f I - U. I , I .. I . a� . I - I . . sour . I . . i . . I . -Dingley t 1, . Adhesion to . �. , ,ers chargq,tll'�it t1by, Ivere wil- I % � I— . Sufferer is not rclilLvell and ill, �l . `,[ *1 1 " - � . . I . iff. I . 'Suirar'Aaveeni ant. - . . I I -, _. -_ o- � . . . f I 6 1 1 �ri - 1i S", �­� " � I I I . . . - . . pr(Aeci �.. - --- � I .. . . . I . . . . I I _ . � . . fully inisled 1;ky a.gents of 'th , I , * . . . . � I . I . . � � after us . � . . . A deputation of cat: le dealers . . . . . ­ . e coin- � ;v, J . � I � . . I . .. . . . . . .. : I . I " , . e of: one bottle. .. Thrc� to' si x M .. . I I . � �� , (5 ­ I .1. ... . � � � I ­­ � . ... 1) n-sburg, Jan..19. -.Russia Pany, and that'they �iavd good - 40 ,� . . . .. I I. .'s effect .&�q sliffig and perulail � "* -_ � headed by, Ili] St. Pete I . � . . . . - �. . . I . eg.al . . I . . . . I . . . � . I .�'. . . . I . . . . . . . � . . � . bottle toni � . - . . .. . ­ ­ . I - . . I . . . I . . . . , * ,�'. rlyz,v I . . . r 1�.,*i� , __ .1 . , � I I .. : I . ent cures. U -not A, - .'. .Ak ­� I - , I . "a"' 1 "f n"10'soll 01 has j:eplied I . . . . I . . I . . . . . V .�_! p)�)�` to the British .note of ground for clan. ages. . . I i . efie've& and 61% 2b:l - " . . ­ . . . I . ­ . . ,,, ­.., . I I � . 17- -1 - , �5' " ' the. subject of , the � . " no !iilune'y. , , 41:,.Z,; . I I Pwthshiile, delegate for the Qanadi- �-Nov. 30 last on � ____ 11 . : .. ., For tile rlex't t lifl, t' (Jill S % we go 0 ti. t , Vou 'wastd .1: ,el, 4, . Wt . . -clitation Associ . . . . , pu rpogo clo,ilin 11 . . _ . . gi��-KQT Z,;',-Z'!lfAA1;q1K,% t .1 I . . . � � . " - �. � .. ' - , ­.­ � ­ -I f . . . . . .. 1. � . . . . . . � . . _ . ?,m;,�,' . i_7-W;,:%7-;�-7,�7Jr I Fishel . - C ST �WAY. I . . � I .. . . . � . . . . - , 'n ,� - . � . waited upon lion.' Sydney . s . " . f - - � � `,;��;�� , 1. , all Cattle Inil atiorl, If ' . . y ., . . I .. . �� - . Spligar. : conventi,op. She reiterate -i , . SCHOONEk. - . . P- r. REUKIF,, - .- ` . 11 I . I ,6viou . . .1 - .i, '.1,14"", I I I .. .1 - 1, the views . exprk-s-sed . in . pi . . . . . I . ­ . . 11 . I . : ,),tit -ill 1ti')tVr fi)(ft%re"Ir"Ot bpro-afl$ red tiec, i -I pl-it;e e, I. I t "'if ­ -� '11, ,'�. . . . .... . -licit n and urgod , tha' ' - . I . . . * --eve - , - ' Druggist, 'Clinto . :1 '' . Suturday afte, ) .. . .- � . . - -i Ing I ,. ,q , 1�, : 771"cb- 23�' . ill . . I/,.' 1-1-1 111.1 I I ,�, . . . . .1 11OLMS says. .9he con.�iders :flib'British . . . V . . . . ; - . I . I ... I I . . .� , � . � ; ­'. ,?...V,W'�,� "2`4 1 * . 'A',;�I� i7 ,,�q retiewed offorts he inade for the , r,�- - , 10 ' o'u.' . . I � . : . , I . - . . .. I .1 . . �� -41, 11,0,1" ­­,,�-� � . . :, . . . - . . L' cont � ent us. to b � e attenip,t4, - . L .1 . " 1L . ., I . �., . ,� . � I . ,. .. I . "" 14", "' , . ,.. .i* � ' . Captaln-Let Hor �4;p bio 'u6cica - to , . .. ,. . L . I . I , . L� .. , .. . . .: !, * . . . . . I . "', L,�. .?4 ';�', �'­�;; �'.,,"�­,�.'.,i 1�' . . � inoval of the embargo on, ,Can to Intel, ., . all. 1, , .. .1,6 q . � . . . I_ L ,, � ,� . . . . . . ,. 1. ­ _. . . , " t �, �,'.­, A— ,,Z�­ �� . I . � . -old i L % , Nil , , . . .. I 1, - L . I . . . ,. U _-, .�, 0'T".", 1". . . , I . , � r; 'fere . Ili Ii. - -'d ' i . * ' Isla.fion a . . , I L Collect Insul-Kne elle . Uote ti, fe W,._, , - . . , -, �, . . , I . �912q �1_1 '' .. . a V C. , ­ � . I �. . . . . , f! '. . . I. �; `­ -, - . . .. - - oniestic leg nd � .. . L � . , . , . . , '. . ... . . ­ ,. %Mouy6y nraiiil'.SoAp cliIant 1,jt�,Jle -oil ,. f", . I 7k I ... cattle. . . . � . ei . . L . .. . . '. .- .* .. � I .. . . � �, � ,, L . .. . . .. . I . I . . . n lit - �' . I L . . I .1 . . .. , , � . � , I L. . . : 4 . . . - ropudia�t . . ! . I . �: " .: .;%c,:(. -I, . i r rl� nll(l: tillware., ..,�,,i , ", , I . . . . .. . es - the L idea ' that' aubtlier" St. Jul,in's, Nild; n 7- . .. .. . . . ­ � . . % . .. � '' . .. � I .. � . , .. .. i " ,�-`�-.L:�L� ... 1. . ... K, . ­" I . .. . . . . , .Ja' , 17. Capt. ..* , . 1, . . . . , . .1 . � .1 _ 0 . I JL . . . 1. q. I .. . . . I j ' _ L ___--��­ �_ � I . � I ... ... . I , , . ­�, ­tl Er17 1XI..", 7'.. . . L . . - . ­­�­­ ____ I _­._­_'_­_ -_ FZIA r, 71 - .. . . . . . . .t .. . I . I : . State it Lily Ili Its�- own, flit Alder Al-.holls;' -vi-'hii was reeclit,ly � ... , . . . . .. L , I .1 . . :. . .. : � -.!I 1,�M(71i;. ry'. . L �, ' � -,!,X' *, �,� *� - ,�,�', " . .1� : %, . . . 1; n .cres press . �- � L :., .:.' I I L . 4b For�kz� ll� (I . . Of cuth, .. 1. t � If'; I . :,�,�', , . I, . � . . .11 . L . . . � I L . - , "' . R . I L, '... -nal leg -aclltod . front - 1��ivfliirid'. - 'the , . . I . � - . , . foi,, a-cha ge.,in Russian Intel - extt � � oil , L . . L I . . I . . : . . . I , , . . . .. I t.11 ..� .... I It �, : . .. t: ' of �jJJIS. L . , I . . . .. . . ii, I ... I .... I ��. . .1 I � I . I . L. IT PAYS TO ADVYRTISr,4 - .i�,Ia ' 91'a L S '.. L� . . L , , , ! � . . . - in thc�cvont charge of CaStillgL away Ahe.sehoozier _ � : .. . ; L. - . .-..- ­­�_.___ I LLL P ,, � 1. :,: : tion, or , . F * 1. 1. . � . ­ ­ . I- . . -,-RFCORD.� -( pd,als that it -� coast * . ­ .. I or LgLdib,. . For Men "L.'. 1, .11. .. . .1 -'�- �­-7­:- 1 . I ­ L I)o-dd off tl,,e '. I .1 L . .. A I I . I 1. . I . � L, .. 11 Dess'OL Lubriidoi . I I I , , .. EN THF, NEW', . licit ug"ecing tOL its lit ) s . .. . I � . .. '. I . L &I . . . . .. � - . � . � . . I I I �. I . L . . I . . � I . . I . . . . L can penalize Itussi 's . products. -with- last octo'ba'r, ill"old3l. to. obtain. the . .. I . , . . 0 ; .� . . .. . ANN I UAL 'MERTING. �, . I . .. . " . . � 1. I :. .." . . . I I . 1. I 1.T.1* ,- I I li"IMM11--lL L .a . I . . I .111 w0tn6il?ii Felts :.N - w ,tve� 0 " S' - - ' .. . . , _' . . ­ ..� L., ' -.- . _. . t -Inrz llm�,rar­;­x! T.. ..--,- I I out ,vit,lating existing coinmericial lnsuranC6 all the -.-,L.SFvI, Inade it coll- . L I ve ., Ill llfeil?s e h, . .. I .1 I I I . Rat.teitibury StreetWorks. � - ... I .. . . . treaties. ... L . L I . . . . . . I .,9 -1 I - , , oose & . . 'file 6nnual ineeting Of tile L Clinton L . . . . ... 1. .. I I . . . . I . . . � . . I .. I . .. I , . . . in 'which he a 01 fl. P , , � I.. Gun 'Club 'LimittlIL will* be. li6ld_ at Direct I rnpor,tei s. ' 'Worlcniftn- I .. . . fession Thursduy llight, . h V' . L' 0A Bo6t,q� Glitel, . Tclekope Boot I telt I . . � AdmiftL . . ' S,a L' * implicated: a 73%fr , J �vrett of. thiq COI- I . ,-I 1) . ( I . . . . I . . I . I . .. I I . I .. � sbip.4nd -Ah � ,� , L I . � .. � L � - The. note declarbs that RiAs can . , " Slil)pers ; ,,11-40 801110, al'so ill : high. hIce . and 11� ic Mason House an Thursday, Jail. . IteVial. 96aranteed. ..-� . . . ill L 110 eventuality . -give her adhesidn* Ony, who..sldl)ped the caeg-o of Tilsit 1. I I . . . tj . . . I � , . . .1 . . . - . I . I . I ''Ii . I 2(All, I903,L for. the tran.sadfi<yh of gtii� J.. 'G. 'S)6At_E'.� ,a A' C .� .; " '. .. .'' . . . . . to tile. 1"I'LuSSLIS., agreelki6lit, and -con- Which the Ito sic 1)(it'd cairiod whCn Cl,IIjr6r�..,. 8 J)Pel'� fu V bilch-le alid 6 fill'] rar)ge of t)� . � I 11 0 , , . � IZF . I . . I I ­ , . She was, lbst. Jeri�ett was ar',�eiited . , 7 ' ' . . Oral J)usincss. . I L � . : . . �. .. . I . .1 . . . . .. � . I . I . - - .. I I . I cludis.. . . - - I I . - bo'uhd iii cardilitil 01'�Ve L' t1l,6Xipg' Stu -) Proof R'b� . I . . I POPRI14TORS. . 1. I . . � .. , ' -1t 'i av The' Inslin n e, , on tike . I P. . . I . . . '.1 .1 u I . . : . '. L . - . ... . . I.. . . . . '. . ',,Ait Groiat,I)ritain.clecl nes'arbitta- "I)p ' '�l ' ' , . I . . . I . L . . I . . I . I I Y e,: 0 d . I I 'I. I " L . 'i. O' ' ,4 ' L �' J. F,. ' DLACXA1,1!4 'Secretarv, . I � . I 1� . � .. I _ . ion,'and as the` penalty Clause ,'can- . - bl tick leather, . tv ].I fit I .,I Manit6b, yers ioe. _' L ' ' Presicloih rtt!��_-_ ..".. I . . .1 I I . . . I. . , I I . . citrgo amounted to., $30,000. Four and . L . , ' . . . . . 1. J. .U. CANTV�LO,Nl , .. .. I . ­ . .1.. I - c - barg,ifit .,,,,]:() I)LIj. - L � ... . . . .. Clin, . . : . . . . , _. 1 C ets, , ..., .. -is - 1� I . ton,: Jan. loth. � 'It . . I - . . . . . I . . . .., p .11 I The walking �ickl whaf iliot 'be. apl)IiL,d to Rus,,ian sugar, un- of tile" witn'esses,for- the -Crown- wo� " , L 0, I . I . I . . ational Qonlinissi'li d drowned &i. the tilne u'i the logs of I. P - , . � , .d � ,_�Vol as low ver',81I0CSj i. ; *W-ftw I I w,, I.. ,. . .. . .., . . . tit the Intern, rk e-� I . . . . � . . I ... " I I . I '. 1. I '. . . , _--�­ . , . . . . ... . . .. . _______=T!�!�!!� '� _T! . I . . I I . - lf`�� , . . . . a crowd of them there 4 IIN-1. YOsqel �off - th I' � .. V � , . . -.,--.- , . . . re - clares till,- Rdsgilk:n sy.siteills to � be a an o I I S . coast last . , . gild Rubbel�,9�. : .. .. .. - I L . .. . I . . I . ,:. , ' ' . I . . . . I . I .� . . .. . . � . .. I.... . . -I,- . ` . . :. ' hokkutNL . 'the,, . 111L onth. - .' . . I I I I I I , . I . I I . . I . : I . ­ 1, ... .. 'TI , . . . JUCKOWN . . I YI . I . . . . . I � I . . - : . I MV,11, XG OV "ITIV, HTIRO\ . . . . , I .1. - . . . . I . . Persons- who are thin .and . System, atiy ful .exchange � I I I . � . . I �& Y'L, C . . I . . . I . . ,. - . . I I . . . . I . .. 11 ' . . . �, , . . ­­ ___­...­.­. i__ ­______. _­ 1 .:..._..._­­­�__- ----7-7- � � '. . . of views ! befoi-c the: colninisiSlon Set, . i : , -, I , . . . . � .. ... . . . . � '. . COuNT 6V'�CV � �, . . . . weak but not sick enough.' L tie, th . . . . I. , . .. . . . . I . I S .1 . . . .. I . . . " . . . e �6slilong Would not be pro- 'I �. INDICTM) BY. GR,4ND - JURY. � . . . . . . : � . . :. , . . . ... . - . I � . . . . . . . ... I . . . .. .. . _ L ..' ... � ... ' L . . . . � - * . I . . .. .. .. . I . � ., - . I .. 11 . I . � , ..diI(#,JvQ,..of results..". ..... . . � . .1. . . - � ' . L I . . , : IF r: Men. - ' L � L .; L I .. . . . . . L . L . The council. of t1w �orporiitioti ,of the I I ,�, L . . . to go to bed. :1 ­ I . � . . : �. ... . . . I., . , � I .1 . . ­ . .... .. I . ' It " � . . I . ..: L I . But officials of Mar and. Wiliki) lustitiao . 0. ' . . : ' . I tile I . .... . . L . . . : - � , , . 'It, � L , . . . V . Coun Ly L of Juron L,&,illL Illeet in, , � I . . � . .1 I . . .. i l(iVeS 6 , . . I . I of .. C L , . I . . L ,, Chronic " tha't's . . , Have Le(kL . . . . , It o o.Q , ,intl 1 . , d_ I .4 . . cases Coninklitea For Murder. . the Province, a I Men s Willerpliclof 0%�(�ls . . . V . I ' ' L . � . I �. I . � I . I . . . . � . councii. cliLt-hilicrin 1.1m town 0 ",:: 11 . L �t - �L 1 . N, B.L, I L , , w0l1th $1.75. tp goilt. . ....'. , _'. .. ... . " L. . $1,25 I ,� tile .. " . . NVInni I ekP , Jan. 2 -The trial of . VmdoActon. Jan, I7,-Tru6 . . . what the doctors Call hem� e L . 1. , . .. . �,rivh oil Tuesday 27th day of the' � . . :1 . - . I a, . ' .. Jolin �Putvaln for th huirder -of J. Ifflis were brought ill by. the , run . I . � � . lonth, itt -,, o,C .. .1 L : q d L Also bist quality 0ned. R11111 ers lit ............. , . . 0, present 11 . lock 1). in. - . '_ which in common English I'l-othero, 'forillo,ly Of Sandwich, bit ,jui-y at 10.45), last idght�'against At-. . . . . . . . .. I . ­ I . Me . L . . . � . I . �V. 1,A.NF,l Ctc'rk-. .1 ".. I I � �.; , � \. . . " I .., Snake Isla, id, Like Witin1pog, I -4uper-� � I * . . I � . I . I �. . I . I . . . I., a, batedat Coderich this 'J301 � I , . L . . I I i,L"" on De-* bort V. -W000llwid. -ho,.was . L', �,'�. ­ . I . . go, %% t . � .. i . . ,-;, .;, �., . I � I L , L . , . . . I �_ " ­�, tz, V.,; a before Magis- inton(le)It of � . dr,ty of January, 1903. . I � -11 1. 1. "I W .'L . . . . . . . : . ". ; ,',,.?! , . . . , dies-,, - a I .. . I . pv�:� . means -long sickness. - I ecimber_L22, took plac tlio i,vuCand Dumb lnm .., For La ' . I . � I trate..Scbtt,. Mr, �F. lleal). defended x,tit.-Iite .)icl'O;. 11.11110-st, Powers, who was., . . . .. . . . . I � . . I � I � L . . I . .L L ., L . ,, . . f . , , . I . To stop the continued the prisoner-, ind. Deputy Attorii(,.V-. assliitani - sullerintendent,.. and , Nor� . . llv*v-114 " 'Mili'll's Boot -8 roP s)ilJt)gs- Oat yotf'caniiot aft.old , . I '. I 1- - . 1. - . . . :­ ... : I . I . . . . v ts 1.1 . . . . . . � L . . . . � I �� I J. 'O'lloilly: '11JUJIL I . . . I . . . '! � I . - � I loss of flesh they . need Oq,ieral Patterson anti lVood.,vidge, .'foil of the allporill- ,W . folllls,q. . . I . I 1:XOTICI�L1 I A&�V, i ' ,� I .� ,I " 01 I A 1111IN . ' -I)POSCOUtOd.. , .. .1 I s . . L I I . . ... . , I 1\,� , , , I . � PutVaiki, who wiis coin- 60ndeM., Ili connectioft , with dul I L � $I' . . � TO CRI,DITORS. �i & 11% , I � 0 . � . - . . . . 0 pide-Butimi Boons. Dongolit find Ano. V16 - . . ­_ - I I ,; - I �� . . I as brought 6 . �'M �111 .. e witted for trial, W here charges of veducing-tiaid having, illicit' . : .. . ;e, 1� � , .`�`. " �, � Scott's Emulsion I I . I III I "' " "', � , U . L . I :;L� .. I 1,�j . . L , � I . Forth . I - , . . . I . - - is hereby .given, pursuant '' , ': .. , . L I ­ � .. . relations with the fultittle deaf inutes . . m Xi(f,voill too, wprt- Sold llt.$2 to $2.50 101, 3, Xcitice to WN.A. .� � ': ,- . . . . - "t"c"Y' ' . 'I ii, file ,statute ill th,itt bel A43; . . I . . . ......... ...... ­�'. I,* ....... �,. $1,tb, , all, that? al I . . 11 11 . feeling. of weakness the y , , I . I of the instittition, Two counts were . . I mle, prive. .. .. .1 1. . I . , � 1, ... . . I . I I I . ' . . � . I I .. . I . .. ­ . . 6. 1XII'Solls llla�tillg claillis. "Igninst tile CR- . .. L L' - . ' . . ISlon. . I 8 n g, I tate OfL Mary Bell, late 'of Clinton, ill I I � .,: . . I need Scott's Emu * .- .qt -.t,?. r,,,,.,k ocflity,­ '. .,found against A. F, Woodbridge ' 25 pldrs (hip Dongeda Kid Tltittoli- T3oot .,(.(,, , 1.6 W CLASS . � . . . jo."L . four- 'agliiiist Powors and oil(., agabixt, . We, 1,eguffu- priev, $1 75 ) I o $2, Wile lit -lee $L25 . I O' *tile countyicit Huron, wiclow decensed' -'HARNESS SROP - Buffald, X.,Y., Jan; Erpos-t N, Woodbri(Igo, ,Thoolefendantshave I . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . It makes new flesh and Stanton of I . a�e required to s6nd',by mail oe clelWl ". " - . . . , -lainilton, - Ont., I C) . ,. "" L . the 18- all left -the w-6vinje. , ­ t , _;') I)II".4 ri"flo Dongolil, 16111 Vic! 101 11111(.oll . tl . . . . I.. _old nogro, who shot and killed- .1 I . � * I 5 . Or to --Tollft 11011 of elinton, Ont., or . gives new life to the weak - . . I � . .Booki. emiri , life ri,gidav $275 tor $3,751 I Good quality 'harness, both light ' . � . 11 I h4thia. Conrad, his 19 -year-old sweet � . I . 41 . - I . ollv�mle IMCV.........".. .......L... . , *1.7.5 Joint Lashant of Iiolldesboro,- Out, ox- and heavy, at nioderate pr . I system. . � .. . heart, in a , Broadway saloon, , was . -_ . , - " , I li� velitors' cit' said estate, or to the, un- ic � es. - I 1 . I � . � Saturday night convi'­ted of murder . . OrOOL- lier Literally. . � - 25 pairs Ocingolit Kid 13tittoty l3oot,i, I-egtilike , . ,, I . 4 Irlied,' on or before thc 24th (lay 'I sell liest Saskatchewan Robbs, . � ! econd degreoi The . I .. $1,50. -'Ille lillc('� ......... j.-. ....1. $Ixo 1 1� "I'VS, 11 . I � Scott's Emulsion . ill tile S, I . I % 'tatci t . ets verdlet rulImbeth Cady Stanton Was once I . . I � . of .1;1nuary, ;gol,* an itemized -, - . also Rugs, 131ankets' Trunks, Val-, � . . g varvies with It a sentence of life . . . I . . � I . . � invoit, of' �Iioir accounts. duly provel bv i4es, L,'tc. I . . . . . defence gh1fig! a piece of'advlce to a roomful I. I , 30,1111h.s fil'.13olish .0,1111, 1110 Ville.0il (Ifixill. . . I I . � I thin and weak persons out linpi-b,onnient. . Stanton's 'I, , , - Ilre ell-itiloN 11 (leclaratloill and that after the laid. I 11, . I was tbat,the Shooting was accident.. of youngulell In at little Village Oil the - AA . 144 i I 1) o o I' I h esf fled, fol-illol, - * L 8, cittiL, :tile. eXecutors Will distribute the of the rut. It. makes. new, alf . I 7 . I I subject of matrialolly, ."Whal . . .. priee $3 Lo $3,50, out- side ,. pi,1141; ......... $1,70 1. � cst,ate of Nai m.%s cl atiol � ,I I - I d do 0 . will not rich blood, strengthens the . , - � - P121 i'lly, ShL, Said, ",choose a woman . . . I I . I I . � I . ..130 1*011;poustl�ld to any persolt whoillst). . - . X1116d Ily a Train. I . with a Billue and it -ilotind set of booth.0, Rubbers and �111� v.\er for a1W.Clathil of which 014Y Shull R's, TfiG Kowa. � -Ives lood gpaclou.4� 11ra. Strititon,10 . re. to . . .1 . , � � votice. . . . . . � . I nerves and g' appetite Iminfra, N. Y., Jan, 19-bert 8 11C . I not, thell ll�vL . ley a- I . 0 - , . I . , a farinel', living near Millerton, marked One Of hel- IISt*IlCrS Ill Ularill, 4 114 � 1 . . . - ___­ ­­­­­ __ ­ ...... --'_.___- 1, ", t A Nill so,f'orullent of Nlool's Ittill Bovs, lleltvi, Ittli'll"T � . . W . . 11Ryl)O,*mA, , . .�. I . , - ordinar food. , while.driving home in a hay "do they ever coine without spiries?" * Hox $1.4 %vell as a Colllplet.n litil, (if J3(;y,Jy and MiNso,4 So ol , 0. I foi , � ""(l y Igging, wak Instantly killed, at 0 ,.w- __. Boot -4, , . . . . � : . bo . . Solicitor for , i-lIxecutors. . . AGV,XTS NVAXT1,Q'D. I � I � � 11 Scott's Emulsion can be ' . � I . - I , o-olodic I t I . 11' Clinton, .Tanuary ,5th, i9o'l. ( Saturday night, together. , . . sh - Ulther on full or part thne - . . L I taken as long as sickncss with his fWo horsibia by a Tioge. coal . HOPE FOR ERIN VETo . I '.Vfll,','V[(.'�TORI.A.11001'--I,'(1t,lit(Iii�i,' fine wr,ar wo keep 11� --,--�..��''-".-,L.r"-t'��--�.!��-!.t,---t-,.,�,t..w .11 . .. � train. - 11 . � . - I tile Vietol-lit, bool, evvey 11;tirwarvallf.ed . . (11� ­ 2 , , I I � -_--__,__1 . . - I I I . , , � . . I .. * V 1. . . I I . I I J161ho nedinowt I . I . I Vol . lasts and do good all. the . . t011eves Irish ITCH lie . Are You Satisried Nvith your inconic? . I � �� . ' � I flIV4'11 ('11114100 Par 100ace. . I . TI-If!',SOVle,itti,'I(;NIIOOT.--Foi�II)t,ii's�'llie %voarwt-koop 0$ EMU Market Report Is Your thil'o fully occupied ? It . not, , . I I . I it(. aild box .(.air also ellaillel � . write tit. We can, give you employ- .. � -le. Landon, Jah, il),_Jobn Redincind, , . tilude fill tile latest Insts, . wheab. . ........ .....i*16 filent by the '111011ill on. good tettits or i till rArlit Cauadlitu Appointed, � . I he Sovereign ill vl(;i,l,(,(I, yalo . . London Jan, V. -Ma or 1), J., V, M, P., tile II+,b Ic eq I vou Well for such � I There's new strength n.t., I , i .a(lop, r . I)onding I I I I l3arfey."... .41'. . � oiltract to lluy Royal' Canadian Vield Art it- to a NNAltionallst, a.ddlo, 0 .*M to 0 40 "' "a lWel"elited to . NVenIsn Ittlep it full line of Tponksawl llags, . . biltillOss as you secilre for Its at cidd, - , . and flesh in every dose. . lery oi Xingf3ton, Ont., at proSent, oil hilit la V0:11hurg'.11 satill-dav � I . . , � . I 01tts. 4. i ....... 11 .** ... U -I 0 110 to 0 so . tilnem We etliploy both -inale and . L . . I , Ilight, . leave here, has Illicit nominated by Said le holimed that tile f.101 Pting lit %*otir photo and Ilave it 01111ti-god will). gilt, . . I idq of . . I . polifi.....A.. "..". � ...... 0 75 t()�O 10 feniale represcittative,S. The next three . ,_ � L, I 'L . I . I . Til,arl Iloberts, Vield Mkirshn), CoIll. ]r011,1141 Would "'Ooll 800- It Illeasilre . . I'wime fox- $1,21' ), A.sk. for dicketi. . Rye .. '.4......0 .... i. . ... 0 40 to V 45 inoliths is the very best tilile, t0L$CIt' \ . � 11 _ � W6 W I I I , bt glAd itk4ndant-Iii-Chief for the Staff Col, be0olne IaW.Which would heat tile I our goods. No (Japosit 1� required, to seud you it tow lege, For this he* halt qualified Some wounds of contulles, allid give . .- ­__._._­__ . . I .- _­­ _. ___ .. � ­. I . I ­­_ ____ __ Pototnoa per ImAhel.;....., 0 25 to 0 30 q - - � tile . Outfit is absolutely free. We have ill , , I L � d6ses free, I Wile ago, )to will now join the Col. Irish poople, a thance O( ' . ,. . I . � to a . L living In . . I . 8ut ,r rolls and crocit . � � 0 14 to 0 15 largest nurseries in Calladit-over goo I I lege oil the 212nd Inst. Majol. L4'&ton peato $%till prospe-ity oil Cliell, own . . . 13tiftop in tlih ...... �. .... 0 19 to a 14 no , lit sure thilt this r1lot"re Ili !a 'tile 11rat Colonial ofticer. to be 900. It this chance of Nottl1ing tile I ' . . I reSL ---- eL Jai -go religo of Valual I lie IJCW� I : 1: I I I 4 E : I I 1. I 118" I " -1 11 RU - �i': * il., i - - 11191 I I : IV � the forro of a labol i wt flit 6 t . , uggs per doz, . . 4 .......... C 15 to 0 11 Specialities and all our Stock i's guar - bol. . . Ifl 0 LL 1) WrAp er of tvety tla of noininited to the Staff College, Maj. Irish land question Nvas lost by the . " Ray .......... -� ........ � I 00 autbed. r's represented, If yon want to I , educated at the 11. M, C., Xingaton, r, lleditiond, there would bb it,, . . Vvoinl ... ...........'.... 0 15 to 0 18 represent. the ]arg"t, nimt pOpular scolrr & 0OWNIal, � Tlo served In ther South African atim. OVAIMI'llei'lling JUNtIfiCation for such A eii, Livo Ilogs per cwt ........ r) Is to b 75 alid. best kiiown flursery Write US. It Chenikiso 0 . , no - will be worth your while. r, Emorl 16h you buy. . Or 10aton was born In 10,60 and wa-4 lWeAltion of the measure, continued I 00 to 7 �xt . \ paig 'a 1899-1900, it 141-0119, monAcilig and dftUg,orOtl9 i Jas.': �Twi'tc 'e'. � Ci . Move Ver ewt ...... . 40. 1# 2 15 to 2 16 STOXV, & W1J',T,I,tN(,'T0X, . . Torofitoo 011tarloo ­- ' . filove'llent In 11-olalid las lie Wo.uld bo DrAn per ton.. t i 6 6 ...... 14 00to 14 00 callada's Greatest xur8erieq $00, Afid $Is AtIldfustitto, . Sorry 'to sea. . .. . , 0 - #*#"## ### shms per ton .......... 16, 00 to Is M �t . ­ - .. Torontox OItt4 I . . I %'14'*All#4�V#.W*,,% - ... * im 00'. "". %**-" ­ ­ . . . � i. I I . I . . � I I . . . I . . � � � I . . . . . I I . --------- . ____­_.. L I ___­ ------ 1, _­­_...�­__­,_ -_-_-1_,1---1 -1 t -1-,,.--J.-�--,k--.--,,--.-----I,,---,&�--,---.---_____-,--__,�_---L,-r�--i--_--,____A"ABM&k&-L ­-, 1.�