HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-15, Page 6!j FA I I . . , , i 1 , . I I . . . . I I , I. , U . . . I - - 1. __._ — -_- _._,._______,_ _ — . . ­___ __­ 40"ST HIS NF.RVE. I THE UYSTBRIOU$ VISITOR IS 00,I)F'Rica, a , ", C., % - FARMER LIFE IDEAL NOW INVADING MANY HOMES.' XU',.'1,'ifN.R AND 2-."A', ; t . 11 X I I Ult t4e $b0clix. OF THE , IT STRIN 1 'S YOUNG AND 014D Wil 010' tit will manage tbo I . V"P.L" . . I dorich ho,, -el this year again. I I. 1, Portiand Cement , "" . ; It menis to be tile general bolial al ` I 'A WAT At Watt IrIkat'"Ig It"cle valleit to I 0 1:1 at W. H. $111i Suffocating , " Z,jy. , There were thIrty inkii, In the White $0110 10 TO or; IENV190, ARVI JIMSICALLY MMK AND Arr. .Albert Dick.soa, yQtingest son MONUMENA 4 ­_ I Worigr saloon When, tile siberlir of SlIvel: . 11RUDISPOSM) TO DISE'ASE'. of the. late postmaster, is riow on tile i 11. i. county sauntered tit to arrest big Pete With Croup I 11_:F, .1 agu4XV14 SiN c4tv okovo Know Noik- . -staff of tile Dank of Qo)alluerce - , , ­ . I . - I k ".. ­ .­. - -1 I . 1 j. %:_ . t =,_ Thquipson for murder. Pete wits play. IPW of Wo lualovenlac*eep and AI- It 1, Mr. Vre ,Stewart bas returned to, Croup 14 the terror of every mothal , ,,,Y, ' ., ;, I FOR SALE lug 4 U4114 In 4 game of lick ' McGill olle e, Aigntre,r or, and C ,g , 0, to continuo Us r , I , - and the cause of frequent ­deathm i 2, Z, 11 I after nodding to him the sheriff stood thq vxr% 09 Vork lor Iffaird akad In- 1. Paine's Celery ,his studies. mong,wriall children. Pr. Chase's .-y Im "'Im , _, _,__ I., oemaniat t1ke Aftwolra IN 01alre. I I , ­ - , ", .r V op at the bar and called for a drink. I 34iss, 111abel. Polt!sockjaft lost week la$Yrup Of ,14tueceil and Turve '_, " . .,..I. - 11 to attoild a business college in Tor. brings PrQWPt relief to the loud, 11,11"! I "I . , 1111 , I am agent in this -dis- 1410 Uacu was scarcely turned when it some 4*' 1 ' Compoondo .1 r's 1 , . of the f4 , rinero who are 1i I.. Pete laid down. his cards, pulled Ills . courplged -because they have not made 1. Onto. Ing cough, makes breathing easy and 11-.. a " ... , 11 ..... . I 11 preventx ovIfocatlon, it to I fq,,. trief for the owen Bo' FORTIVIQ% THE BODY, CLUANS-AS mothera' ; ,,; I und gun and fired sl,x shots as fast us his a to tune 91% their farms aAd who feel .1 I favorite remedy for c , 11` ,; , - I . .. . r . THE BLOOD AND QIVIRS I . I . I croup. bronchitis, wh. 0 0119115, colds, .. ­.­ I 1 Portland. cement com- finger could pull the trigger. ',The she0l% Inella . I I jo pint Cougk "d .1 7_'A' . . o.4 to v their brother toilers 14, . I '.1 "R., f ,. elly. . - I never moved. When the skii0e, bad the 91ty, julogi Ingthat.11je In tht altj . $TRF4NGTH TO RESIST =YTH. A'Stlinia. I " . Pany and aiii prepared to rolled out of the open door and we A . I AIJ, ATTACKS i ' Mrs. Z W. Bond, 20 maodgus.14 ­ .1 ..", . SUPIL)ly I . I , is more desirable than. theirs, easier . . 1 A Very pretty wed ding took place street, Barrie, Ona., 8a,Y6:-"1196VIn%- I ' .. eitlier large or I could see, the 413eriff stood -in the, same it Toronto a . clue, T I . and AlIe4 with plenty of leisure to ell, The I . few days ago, when Miss tried Your medl &falth I . small qualitities, Cox)trac- I position and, w0re the saine smile. One mysterioua visitor "Grip" I . a very 1. is Sadie Stewart, dauphter of M -r. James biCh In Its powers, of curing cougit and )oy *11 the pleasures with which the now invading many homes and strilk- , Rattetibury Stroot wo bullet had burned his cheek. a..fsecoud Stewart of Blvtl nar- croup. My little girl has been subject, - . I Jk 5. tors and otbers .w.ho in, , had grazed Ills ear; n'tbird had cut rustic imagination gilds #u4 grlorlileji ivn&klown th6 young lind old who are r 1 y I . '. was tillited in I to the croup tar a long time, and, I Direct ortcy.s. Wolk,11411- . . ., ,go I I ; % ! k - . to Mr. tharles Fraser, One Ok I i'a I tend buildin ' * ; B It, gave 011P an -110 gull ran teed. those distant nee ., 4 1 businesi found nothing to curt it until I a watel gwalks, walls through his shirt collar under V e left' nes and activities, . or nrtdi,posed to disease, It is ' s prospetous young Pr. Chki,se's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- - they need only try to Rod out their. now well Imawn tbAA the Ldisease or silos ofeement will do - , tar. Big Pete was it (lead shot and mistake. "For fields are green" An4 sircaos rapidly to the various mem- men. The interesting event took placo pentlim I extinct speak too highly, of J- - Cr- SEALE And CO . 0 . , I ' . . . , yet he had missed Ills w4u At fifteen - . I at the residence of Mr. George Stow- It" I I I well to Communicate with . I bers ;of the h6itstholkls into which it . feet, lose much of their attraCtIveneso upon has been introduced. it accords with art, cousin of ill(.- brIde, it% the pres- 25 cents it, bottle, all dealers, or Ed. I`ROI1Rn4T0jt$, . me. The Sampon brand , " it ,nearer view. . eneL of 2o invited guests, Rkw, S. Car- Xnallson, Pates & Co., Toronto. . . -_ - . "Got through, Pete?" askIiil the sher- To the eltv man of ordluittv mean* the theory of infection, also, that the ruthers pertormim, the ceremorty. The I . ­ ­ . I 1.1-. - I ,; . I . ­WM of ceuient manLipact U*rcirl tu, jureaking a silence that wa§ pos - , k and opportunities, who, like the ordl- tively . , "14case Raq usually atmenou tile peo a ple liabl to infLZItion.- Dr. Rich:1rd . bride looked charming ilk a'stylish ',w;Lh Dra Chase's Syrup, painful. "And you -you are not beeled"Pt - nary farmer, boo no bank account tO 0 fall back upon In case ot emergen y, Sisely, in his book on "F4pidernic In- flnenza," -.says the disc;i,sc is alluost suit of blue Vrench broadcloth blouse of white liberty silk trinkrued I . Linseed. gasped Pete as his - arm I sunk slowly life Is one I'demnitlon, grind" and with, entirely propagated by infection. with a beLutiftil collar of silk, apVli- of . . . . down. . . r "No; come on." out the soothing influences of nature that the farmer to -quiet the in past wi,'iite.r seasons it has been fully and happily demonstrated that (Ilia, wearijig orange blossoms in her hoir a fid - carrying a boclklet Of white I I . , and Turpentine, "You didn't bring your guns?" surround . "No; fever and unrest with which the strug. "ahle" tiefy Qoinpaund I -i C I I is B6 tower carnations &iid maiden s hair ­Tcrns 1 The bride received of ]land- . . . ' . - __________ . I m If you are through shooting, . gle, competition and turmoll, . around we'll go." 14 of afety 'when Grip . I,-, prevalent, ' 11 lien this scientific ;And 'healtli-g4ving , a number ,,ome and useful preseri , 'After ts tile .---­­ _. 1. I I . - I ­­_ . him keep his nerves on the rack clay Pete laid his two guns -down on Ilie. I djcinc is -used it strengthens the illL cureitiony and congratulations they all , . . . . AFSTIIF4TIC DANCING. . , table before him and walked to. the After day. L As a rule, such men are not 'Ills their own wasters, but must order I itery ()its centres of all the vital organs proceeded to the dining. room where a beautiful and tastily decoraWl table . . . . . . . Dancing has alwa*: $ licen regarded door and out Into the street. horse. was tied to a post 4 block away He . their speech, demeanor and inclinations . . . I It purifivs the blood, regulates d' - tion I I . iges gives 9. healthy tone- to- the was snread and an. excellent supper served, which was followed by. niu ic as a pastinia- and ,social diversion and it is surl-rising to hear that.it is, ill reached the boyse, mounteil and then to please the powers that have control' . . over their dally doings In order to !keep who,, .a systens, viiabling.young and old to feel sacure front the ra,vages of diti- and ,social games, all of which the - I 6crLaill pliase.4, an efliciont u1bans for . headed down the long street after the . bread In the woutba and clothes on the case. Weak, nervous, ,spcptic and. guests tit oyed, Among the 1. guests physi"I .dovelopintent. A lelViii Ballou sheriff, who was giving film ni . )t the A: 1. I .11 r .1 ID ; ) 0 I were Mr. and Airs, .114cl,arty Of 00(17 Gilbert in The' Delineator for Vebrilary ' t1le OwenSound Port- I . . , laynd Cement Company is . . . -the 'best cemen . t on t1le . market. - . . . . . . . - I I Th os. A. . W. 1k . I . I a er. . . I . . : CLINTON- . . . . I . . . . . I ----I— . I I . . . I R. -JUCKO . 1. I I., .. I uncAs a uuti, tuemsewes an%4 tneir 11g JR -01, a W it in a .o s a . 'of Morris, . I I . I I . . . slightest attention. In five minutes the . . .. . L I I ery Compound a true protector and -erich, Mr, and Mrs.$cott . descrilles. this forni I of dankOng, aesthe- . ' ' - I __1_,__ ­ . . . pair Were out of sight. I families. . . "ield fro , I Mr. Freil.1-1aggitt of Blyth, Mr. Hugh tic so-called, and- produces statistics =__ — , - , , — . . - I 'What ailed Pete?" was asked of The'farmer, if he does 4Qt feel well, till Ila the dangers of Grip. '* A. ' . to demonstrate. that it is of physical . . . 1. McLean. of Harriston, Mr. George . . AGF4NLTS WANTIM I . .. the barkeeper, who had come Ito the can rise In the ,morning at whEttever tria.1 of one bottle wilill banish all ex-! Bqylp of "Ierich, Miss Dora Stewa't benefit and eminently coliducing to . . . . . I hour It please him so to do, for., an. '.sting doubts,, . 1. , r I door of the,,saloon. .0 Of Toronto, Miss Jannfie Fo*ley ' of grace.and. case of manor. A class of -. Uither on lull -or part, titne - . . . I ' I I . I . I i "Lost his, nerve " he brusquely re hour or so or a day or two ,does not , . . I I I . . . Toronto, biliss.Stalkerial.d'of St.ldarys young ladies .wfio practised this exer- I . . . . I I . -W , - . . . — , . ., . . . - -;a during a short-porijod, sit d ail .. , I . . . . . , % I e ,much differeh e fix his affairs, . Miss H. Burrell. of St, Catharines, , i. owe plied. mak . C 1. GODEP . Iliss N, Sutheiland, Miss 14. Alheale,V, inpariable "increase in chest measur I Are you satisfied with your income? - , 11 . . except at tho.mbst critical periods of . I . ,,XQH. - ,.,,. . . r . , . - - a- I I I ( . . 'How do you mean?" I . . planting And harvesting.. He can liave * ' Mr I -Tall and Mr, Brechin, , . . . ineut wid in the' call of tile -leg aud . a is your timo fully, occupied ? If not .. .. . - . "Why,, the sheriff coming, without a Mrs: Clarence Eug ue Jones leit on ... . reduction in girth of the ankle ; Other write. us. We can, give you employ) . . his own opinions, and* voice them, too, Monday for her home- at D . . .. _,A gun and standing'there to be . etfoit. Airs. . . . . trials have produccd like re,,jults, ,. . ment by Oe -inorith oil good terms or . i . . took all his sand away and made a wo- on politics and -religion and all the Jones. was the gaent df her. , mother, . . . . I .. . . 1. . I . - .. .. . I . contract to pay you well .for such . , , . -1 11 11; . I I , . , FIRI;, . . I . . man of him." . I . ,stirring. questions.of the day without Mrs-, Tutt, for the Clkristitias holidays. . .TIIr4 SKIN W4 , . . . . . . . 1 I . . .business as you secure for its at odd L . I " . I , I .. . I , . fear of antagonizing tho powers that , Ivirs, A. A, Powlie .will. spend this So dreat.1ful are the sensations at . . I . times: We- employ - both niale and ,j.,.At.%", , I . " . I -­ , V1 I rj .* i, F411-.. ,k 'R M-l.t . "Suppose the sheriff had had a t'.... bilkili t , ,, ,, " , , ng., it0dug eczema that victims I # L ; L. " ' . we whiter' at Mauitowaco Wisconsill, Manlwy Drend Soap cleans kitaltan uten. The next three ,! , - "IQ" - rll:, '_ . . : . I.k , , I -d the u", who,can."sack" him If Illi sleN tile, L fenlale representatives. I i'.4 "., r , , Tlfe man jerked his head towai pinions do not happento colitel ' mtly doscril)4 r sulloriligs by ilo,.r..et-1, i., I 1; ; , .. ,uVN rl' ", f I (M aNd tinirarc,' k,ijivou'and months. is the very b6t time to sall ­,. XiZlt?,-),' i 'L ,.,-! t", , 1 - AWL 0 de. Qaptain Kenneth Campbell, lef on fraque -re. , I . , i,, i ,: , , , , . 'I' . . , i'N ,: . = li"N' "" . - I ­. I , 11 ]Jrida of -ctitlury. our, goods, No deposit Lis roquired.' , , I field wherein Afteen or twenty victims', with those of his m0ters or llover , Saturday to return *to his position on S lying that the 'skin is. all. on. A 0113; Ai.!d a, I . V . . had been buried and said: . . dredge No., -2, Breyiiiiin Bros, To'lado Tit(, stinging, i1jiting fires, of ocy,pinki.. are L.- I . . . . I . . I ., . ' . "He'd 'a' bin over thar." . . . lor411 (tile boss). . 'i,* uiclw . . —"'?"""'-"-"""O"*'"*"-WL-o . Otitfit is absolutely free. -We have the -, . I . . 1. I .. . . .. Nllhila' here he was the .giiest j I , ,qtie A by .tlkt use of Dr. Chase's 0 . . That the farmer is a, bard worker no- . .. . I . I . I lar&st nurseries - in Caaada­rover 800 HIGH..CLASS, . - ::Aj2d will big Pete get cliYar?l . .. I mother, Mrs, J. Tutt. - Pinbnep.f; ,The first few. applications ' . . . ..: _ I - body can deny, Tilling the soil. to not . - . NOTI=- TO CRI,,DITORS, ' acres a large .range of valuable 'U* * . . I .1 1:1kely; but he'll have to I . ­ . I N Ilat a majority Mayor Lewis, was. may' cause a little lkneasilless but cure ' . L . ... L . ' . . ew ' ' ' . HARNESS SHOP - . cave here. easy work. Since .God gave. the cow- . st a t 'resrjjt , L * . . . . specialiti6s and all our. stock -is guar.. I The boys have already put him'doutl I I - .given, .270, It smacks -of ,City major- 18 ir , o and tile skill.is cuied - . I anteed &s represented. if yoil -oarif to I . . .. . . . - I I , . L- . * lie is shrewd, vi-gorous and am- . . . . gest; Tilost popular '. Good. qu . ity 4arness, both light . L 1. L . 'mand to man to "earn his bread by the. itie" Witholit scar ok b1cil"81" - L L I Notice is hereby givoi, pursuant to ' I , an N. G.11 . .1 .9. . I : * I tile statute . ,in - that. fellresint. the lar I al 11 . sweat ,of his fac0l. the fArmer's life - iable- 1.6 surely lie will try and do - L I .. . . ... . :beital.f), that all ' . . .. L . . I L , . . . . . . . . .1 and best kitoWn nursery Write us,; i 'a,rid heavy, ' at 'moderate L prices, ' . . , . . .. I . . . is baving claims against ilia' . . ..t I I WAVES OF WATER. I has been a life of toll.' It takes some . his, ditty t6wards. his native town - for . .' ' 'L . . . persoi "_ Will be worth your while. I . .. . . - . . S L , .. . a I tate of Mary Bell, late of Clinton, ill I sell 'best - Saskatchewah Robes : . . . strength and effort to dig a living out -Goderic)l clailos Mayor H. N. 1,'ewis , - .! HURON' CdUNTY:,,_0URT . . . .L I sToNZ '& WIMLING ,TON, . I . I ... L , I . of the gro' d. It is not easy to . . for one I of' her sons.' - . ... . . I .. , . . . tile count), of 11tiron, Widow deceased,- , ' Also, Rugsj 331anktisi.. Trunks, Val- .. I un , earn a . I . . . I . .. . -re,l ly­ - Canada's Oreatest Ntirseries .. I . The Nile Is the only river In the living, much less a fortune. without . , '' L ... . .. . I Division court sitfings will 'Ile are aired to send.,by mail or del' . I . , . I. .. .1 I I . . held . . lsesj to. '' - . . . . . world that flows for 1,500 miles without. L . I . . , this county ditring - ille prws . . ...,.' .. Tbronto,. , Ont. I . R , . I . . . . . effort, and the.farmei is not the only ­ I ; . I I Ill a 4r or:, to .1 olin . Bell -of. elilitoLil, -*Out., :or, . . . . I . I I . " 11 . .. . -.1 , . . 1. . 4 - GoddieliFebriiary 2' All- . . . . L . . I . , I . . L . , a tributary. I . .. . . . "sweAts," Bra . fit workers,. TO IN C I RE ASE YOUR T ' L .as -ollows , . I j olill Lashain of Lond gboro I I Out, ex- .. I . .. I ., ow . , . one who I * . . L . WFUG11 I rch Ine'l, July 3, - u I . . I .. I have 'no sinecure, although some per-.- It you, -are' thin, Weak and emaciated - ,2,,L dersigned, on or. 'before tlle:'24t], day " Off the Cape of Good Hope Waves rili, Ala 2, It ay I,' i I ' u tors of. saicl astate,"or to ilia un- - . ' . L thirty-eight feet high from trough to . - you i September i October x, November ' L I ,, L *' : Ir PAYS, TO ADVERTIS14 IN , I I . and want -to increase r 1I.A.-sh .. ..Ild I . Of Lj ant i9o, L .%.L ,t _ , . . . . L sons, Imagine, that all ,they have to do. ... . I Decoinber i, . $eaforth, -Yebrikar t ,iaryj 3 ) : an itcliiized _ THE NE,WS-RECORD. ' . . Re -' -fffc K ' ll . . I I crest have been noted. . , I . . -1 u,e L I "' . ' ' ' , , ­ , . . . ­ . . . .1 . I to to sit at a desk'"d add. up figures weight you should try I)r*. Wi&s.u.s T 13, n O tileir accounts duly I . . . . . L April 7,:,Jlllle 8, September 14, N6v-. .pyoven.ly . — . . Prismatic lake, In the Yellowstone L a penlu their fingers: Tit* . Nur e Food. You .Can. luel it doing voil , declatation.i"Land that af c " . _... . . . ortotwIddI6 . a froll,L eiriber 126, Clinton, Tebruar ' r the -said *_ _. . L .. - — I 1. W _ 1i National park, is the largest body or 'life of L - . day to (lay; asit strikes* ai. I .. y .1" AP;' data tit, -ex-ecutors will d.istribiite i . .. 11 L . : L . I . . ".. . .. . .. . L . . I I A -salesman behind the Counter . ril 8i Julic,q, Scjitcjjibc i5,­* oveniber . I . I .3no, , I . iarigome slid won' nouli . " ' . . .ic I . 'N . .X . I . I . 11 A .: . . It, r66t . of ,tile trouble and cr.ates, Lie' Of ,L. hot water In the world. . . - . V "'L sjjid . d6cca . Ild .Will L nj)t. . I . .L is most we., ", . Otb L. 7 llni'sscls FO)tuary 5-, ,April - , June est- . . , sed a, low. A K FOR NER Vous . .- , ' - Three rivers As big as the Rhine The beautIfu newrich' blood; -.You can prove that it 3,* September 9, L ,, ' N' oveiAlber 4. Exeter, -Ile respousil,le, to .any ,petsop whorilso- . SE ' .1 . L 1 days of spril'i go" by-" btiilds. up new: tissue 'gild adils" ilesir if L. ever for-An'Y'clailil of w I hich ill 1 s . L. ' '% . L . L I . ... . . . I would just equal trt . volume, the Gan. . thef. birds are sin lng, via they build I.. L ' I Febritsxy Io, Ma - 5, .SL ptaikiber 3-i' 1) I V shall . , I L . . .. L . . I I . .. I I you; weigh yotirsdif ...tach:,week L,.Vllile' . P-- . I . I . . . I , ' . ha ve liotice." - - ­ .:L - ' . . . -. ry . I I. . " . . I ges, three Gangeses, the Wilsslasipill ,ih lr nests,,tho flow e*r's . are. blooming I#, using it. . ... . . . camber 3 D'ungrantion, .Februk It not then I . . :. . . . . * I , . I . * ' ' ' . . . I and two.Mississlppis the Amazom . i the valleys And bn 661111sides, And, the . I . ­. .. . . . ... . -A '' " ' .. .. . .. I . AFFECTIONS, .. . . . . I . . I . . . . Clay L .1 1, Septelliber i7, December 8, - - W- .. . . . I . . . L. . . . . . . .. . .. . . ' I . - . . . . . I . I . . I . The St Lawrence river Is frozen four , grass Is grow -Ing -greener and greener- . . I . . . . . - Bavfi0d; ! ebrvary x8,' A!,%y .'i-2, . S)OP- ' : ' ',)olicitor -for E\ecut' L I . I . . . ... . .L L' . . . . . . . . L. . . I - . . Ors. , . I I I I months of the year, and i6 navigation -in the meadows, yet never -a glimpse L' . . L . I t terri-ber . i 8': - DecOuber' . . I . When sea air is ord red to a nervous person, she u - . . 1 9, ' AVinghaln-, :Clinton, -TqLnuary Sth,' 'igo,j, - , , * e .. . . .. ... . , I gually . . Is so difficult that an average' of one . does be get of the beauty of the bright . t . I ZT,TRICIt., 1, ifellivary ,. Apri,l 4, J1111d 4i Sapient- .. . . . __ . . L . :rfishes down. to the seashore, s - time -011 the -beach . ' L . . . . ., . . I . ' . . I I bar io, Novenl1ber 5. lorrie, Fcbinary .- __­ Z_ - . . . f I . I . L L Mj L .0 . G ­ _ _­__ . ) . I _. steamer a month is wrecked In its *a- Wood except when . he can take a car ' . ss .Iara I K6ehl6r rettirried to. -kk ' 6 ' ' ' . . . .. I . .. . . . . ,gen6jt1l, her jensi , I I . . _ , Ling 0j, Ojl1A 4, April 2L, '.J tie- 2, .S ptember 8 'N - No L __ I s niore or ,less ovef . the.. dxp I . , I ; I ell L Clincon , :.Collekiatc Institute aft,Lir, "' ­ TICE .TO. CREDITORS. , , I . tuths after. two o'' three weeks . . . . teks. .. ride, of an eir . Sunday. or . crnber -.1. - Zurich, Febrtiary , , ov L . 1 . Ail d . rd r . . I . . . I I spending he '.Vacation here. . . I SdotL . !,'. . TA, * the estate, of - Isaac Rattenburyf I . ay. - - e ' r eimba - 2, - December ,2: * C on, ... . I . . . . .. up L Mav , . . Askel Chin. in Tibet, Is the -lake' lidid ' ' . . I .. . I. . The num , ber 'LQf de . ailis in, this vi reo t . . . I L I .. . . ­ 191.1 to 'tuake by. ekira work. for .the - ' . I . . .. - which lies at a greater height than any A grocer's 4lerk' works more holdrq I I 'has L teen I . vc Ilarge recently . Fiebrikary I t, X ay 6, Septorliber 4,I)ec- "" . . , I decWed. I. . . I . - I 'b.rkf lioliday. The .rdsult'is an ek- ' I . . Pursuant to R.'-$. 0.'(1897); cal). . .. - other In the world. .Its.level is 16,000 and harder than the average country . * Ifllitv eInber 4- 41yth, February X, lkla 7, . - - I aggbration of tiervo' . I I . . k' ' ' Magain called 1 129 and affi-ending acts, notice is here, - , s.troubles.t The feet. I The lowest is the D Qy, vbo,can'g'o to the lic and d this'wee We art . up Se temb' - -, ead sea, 1,2 4 I , ortier"'. an L taking off .01 two p or' 7, Deceniber 5. County L " . .. . . I u . 00 . L . I - . 'L , , . . * . I L' I 1 - oil ,to.elir6nicle the . , court And Sit gate quarterl y. sitti.ngs. by given that -.ill persons, having ­ .. .. .- . tilli. given, to the cure wa too short. - , - . feet bblow the sea level. pitch quoits. and' gossip'with his, erditles morg, Frederic,, August Zimmerman.of rro clanns, agai . i I ist the" a . state of Isaac * .. I, I . .. . . I . e I . . I . 1. . , . . . % I I . . when tile city -young nau Is just get- - . . for motions, etc., January 12til to 1-7, _ _ - , . .. ' ST- MRS WAt] RS h.re. a . S good - - L' ., ' . . - -Zllrich , and Wiltiain Schroeder. of tile. April ftk -to­iitli, July 6tIl.to i1th, a the t O*wn'of Clin- - &Zz_ "I , . . .JA I ,. d. ' , __ _ I . Not All Reforme . ting from worki alid-, as toi. the 'man Goshen:Line. Mr, Zimmnerman wa,q O . _ : . I . he has . octol, ill. Cotintv coitrt Coutity_' of Huron, geutle *- I . .foT the.,13erv s As the sea breeze ; btij L .... . ' . At a dinner given by a philanthropist who delivers L Milk -In the.. City, one of the hist settler's of Zilfich, be .or . .5t.11 tQ­rO . man,, dc walkd, are re(jidred' oil : .or .1 Z I .. . LLL — _. . 4i case..Qf ne . rvdus weakilEssi'like the. .. .1 l,r L . I . . sitt`.nks for, trials, ctc j 'and 'g6ieral L I - 11 . . to the Soclet of Reformed Criminkils-a'. ..LeveDL harder work and longer'hour& ing a' resident for nearly fifty .years. - . . . . . -11 I . - . ZS I . 0 . , , . age I . :YegtrS 'before tile. 31&t* da,y of. Jantiary -next I 11 , . . 1. . . ­ . I. jin L great _ of go sdssions,. ,Tune gth.''Lan(I 1)(,dct)il)cr L(i . go,3) I to. I send fly jr, ' '.L' ., - t 11 sea breeze, they- ' .. 11 ­­ . S . a. I to- ,ill. . - . . . . I . .: L- . I Z, I . . I gentleman comr,luined to his.bost I I I k Cott i 'for iail.postpaid or de' , . : % . . . require time . _ukId- 'AA " 4 the -morning nd eve;ki iarlier lie rtacl d L. j Ila* . i . L I - . YL'. illy court, sittitip - . 'L. . - WA'VXRS are I L .1 I 1. way through the festivities that he had his 'Wagon LIS heard on. the streets And -*and passcd peacefully.awa on the 14-- - . I . I I hver­ to '_Ivllliani w. Farran, oi'the ,ZZ .. I ST a `siu , I - . I , ' t * 60ito of : tit itist L . at the residence of. -his trials' without jilry, - April. 7th ' 1' & - . - , JAMA9 . ti. e . '. losthiswatch. The hostwas dwan of. himself. rae ngL from op..to in son, and October 6th,. at'fioon, - an . .%Lid Toivn of -Clinton,. private, bank- - 11 Z 11 14 ilder and a' rec6iistructj e', not ' .1 . . . I great Ingenult L '' I Henry,., with :whom he:had -be n ' re-. . U on . er, . and- 1-farry .'I'.- Rance of tbs said... I . * a, . , L . y. He caused all the - , the high 'apartment :bulldlngs In the . . . .. *other; day specially appainted. - " stimuldilt., O,uick teinporary results . ' O' t'. - . . 'ding. I . .. I L. L .1 . and. . .OfAllc'sov . - . . I p gd ; b .. lights to be turned out. Then. he b. - cold and sleet of a mldwliit es morn- 's, (hambers on" Mondaysi 'Wc(iliesdays L , Town of Clinton, manager Z I . I I 'ut , ., . . . _. . n L tile (loath 'of. William 'Scliro"Qder - . I - * ' E I I 1 . ' craign Ba nlk,.Ihe executors of tha 'I' I I are not -to .be ex perina- . . seryed: "Some one here has &.wateh Ing; Or in the cu ryatlng beat of sum . and Fridays .at ji o'clock a., ill. ... . , saic - a , I I - . . . - . this t6wriship loses, 6 comparafivqly. - ., . . . -L I ...: . (state, orjb ,.ilia usidersiguid,. their , nent fin f - 11 follo%'v, theii 1 : - - o him. If - by the* , eck speed liegoes, and . . ­ . I proveineli Ny.1 that does not.belong It liter. At bre'a" I young tuan I at .. .. . . . I . I I .. . .. . , time I have counted a hundred It Is'not. One coi! id . ,almost Imagine that his life -- .. it! till to A .year or twd . .. - '. . I I - - I _. I I ,solicitor, a statement '11, writing ,of I I . patient uses I .. . , I .. I. .1 .. I I 1. . . . . . . I . 11 . . .. . ago, was a strong, healthy inau,. full of . . . - their claims. with full. partictil,,Lra of I .. . I .. I. :, i I .. I .. .... I . I placed on the floor In the -middle of the * 'depended' upon, getting tbrough his . .1 * a CC) .. ., ' ' .' . 1. promise.. for a long and useful life. A . GUARANTEED CITRF. FOR Af,l, * their ., a unts and of tile nature of the S'i.'jAMjS WAImRs h 1p stoniach, . I . . . .1 . 14, r I I I e . . I . room, the police -will be sent for." lie rounds In due season. Competition .,Is 's6jbe -tinie 4go the deceased was Att- FORAIS O . ll,lt)',\Tl 4PY.'.Ijl,';I- ,Al, ,, . - seen Wes (if any) helct by them, all . . . . . . digest f6bd"And .send the nutriment ; . . . .. . .. , . I I . . . .' 11 .. I . : I . I . .1 I i . : . 00 great thathe must,negloci nothing -acked v I . ­ — . . .. I : counted a hundred, and the light vith so.me. disease in! ilia .right .. - v(rificd' by'-statatoty docillratioll.. - - I I '. 1. __ . . ­ .. . ' N 01V MENGT TOW thiotigli the blood and this is'; th6.,.' ... . . . turned on again. Thirty-three= , and always'.,h6'pIea'Aant,and,. obliging Lye, .,m hich.. gradually Lrew. worse and We , 01f.. Itudersigned drtiggists' are 'A notiC6 -is ftikher.-givoi .,that , 3TO- * 1 .) . I I ­ I ., I . .. . . . . . . .. .. . I C.0 N H,WWn&OTME .- I .. - - th ' ', - ': .. $kill ully prepa" -t --:following ..f I'% , , , - EV , 't rLINtTIONALWRON05 a most unfeasonable,of Customers. ;n. s,bite o t all that_medical i, red 6 givdmtlla ter a , iyary, 03r h6nest,%vay to get health and stre ,g some watches lay In the middle.of .the to th * c ' * ' ' 1,4 . . I . ' - bottle . ,(4, , ,31st day'of -Jai' ,iq I th6_ kind- It - ' " -: ' I I . 1. .. . fear of losing on . are the . rliarapteL , with. Qvt6ry ioc the Sal . d exetutots .will 1jr ., p . ljk t Imts, .- dovd4s aij room. . . . ,for. I e. There . co.114 .do 'the - trouble could not . Ile g '' . oceed 1;6'dis-t" , E41CH * BLODDaST . d -.. , , - .1 .. . . chac4d and'it has:been known lot Dr. PcttingiWs Kfdii y-W,ort: Tiiblet,5, * , tribute the - a! sets of Alke estate -' Of' *. , - Tht'COhSTITUTIO " . I . I . . loemen, carrying fifty:p6tinds and often. . I breeds, the' ener Which. accom" , . . . I OV_ * - ie only reim . . Z. ,0, . . . - . . . I S - ' gy . , . . . Coqghs, cold.*, hoarseness, apdother throat soine ,W'eeks that his chance for rec , 0 - . edy -in' the ivorl'd, that Ahe -sa.ia deceased ainoilg the persons . . , if '. 1, . I . I . . r 40, . , 100 pounds - of too up four. flights of . . E ,ft L p ighes fauch. . . , -e quicirly rolieved by Cr6solei4 . er itively. . ctires. all trotibles.'a i in I . . .1 . I I . I'll .. aflnients at stairs, .wfilch..Is no easy task, and as It.. y Was eiy slight. This dctith. took Pos 17181 9 - entitlad --thefeto, havhig.regard only .. --- - I . 1. I . . . . . . I - tablet's, ten cents per box. All drug&ists . ' ' , 'Illace on ilia .3rd Jan; iat the aid of ,from weak or discased kidlwvs .,' ' I Ao,, Claims' bi whicit they shall -then ' . .1 tZ. tIr , I I .. 1. . I . . 11 . . . I is not skilled labor the pay Is probably . . "M ' '' chccrfxil!v-.rc i I I %_ jorkr,3 'e, I Ftoln petsonal experience T , . I . . . . . . __"rr"r71_f__ "1?_:_1TrTT --- tr_ _ . - ome:lorty odd years. He. leaves. a. , 1, oney ­ I turilLa f -. the " have notice , -and that they will not.. 0 . . . al4A4,able to ap &M. . oie than It: should be, considering Wife; .one, -6alkghter, twb sons and. his, sufferer is not iclieved and 1111proi,bil . .. I I -, , Montr. al -C411 Boos 0 1 I preclate the great ' ' . . .. . .. - . , . . be. liable1br the said assets or any, - >_ - - I value or the St. lattles Wafers.'s . ­ . . I I . tile .amount of.:sfrength expended. aged lather'. Both fti6ials,took place after tiso.of one bottle. Three t o s ix _Z _V%wa . .. . Mr. I .. 1. . ,:. - I part thereof to any,per.qon' or ptrson,, .'. ,_ R PRIC — I . Charles D. icaflip, : Hard as tb6. work. Is aild' moderitte.ils on, Wedn6diky, Mr. Schrocder's in. thii lesleffect d$itoiiishing and perniall- -of i0i . '§: . Ur BRITAIN 41- AMERICA .. 1. I . . 11 I . .1 a . , . Ose 'clabils, agitilist the said as. ' ,All h . I . ,. .Dublin, Xrelandi . 1. . . - 11 PQ - & A I . b6tl . . I f - r h not'm . ,tr - . . : . . I . is khe ,vay, no man ,can it or . 0 os. Ills job, so be has to be very careful not: . I . . . . I to antagonize his employers. " I I - , I When you can't cat break., T11'e'litan who does busfilesg. on A, . . smifll scale and Is his own bps . s prob . . . I fast, take Scott's Emulsion, ably finds it no.eagler to make a living* . . \* , . . ' When you can't eat brea'd for lie has to do the greater part of his . ,Own wbrk, a.0d In the caseof 'a -'bad or . and butter, . take SC0jtI` unitro; table seag6n is sometimes not -go .S. a .. . . . . . Jortwoon and Mr. Zimmertuan s,in the af icritoork, Both 'were Isuried in % -,Lite I . . I . . i,i tlierakk cemetery. . , I .1 . . . .. .. ' , . : I . . .. . . 11 .. 11 . . . . - 1. . . I I . . .1 .. . . . . . I . . . .. . I., . .. . I I I food* Aalt ,Breakfast. . . . . . . . 1, . : * JS A FOOD V'OR HHAI,TI-1, 'N lt,rj yt,"YvIl. . . NOT VOR . . . at L ctir s, not jCA1 ed and cured, . I ' . you w&sste. no inoney. I I . I - 1. ,. . . . : . ;, . . . . R.-11, 1iV,F,KM,, . ,-, ' . . .1 7-FeV . . . Drtiggist, Clihton, 7 - 23 1 1 1 : . . . . . . . ... . . . I .. . I. . . . I I I ..; 1. . . I .. . I . ­ . 1. I . 1- ;R'S MAGAZIN . SCRIHN' '14 I ., .­ I . . I R . I . ' I . ry nti-wbci.-.of' Scribribr's The' Janua . . c.,c,ate they shall ikot tit - ha'a ljotjcL . ell v . . . I . I ,. . . Dated at Clinton this isill, . I I i, (JAY - - -D,j ' of,Dec , A. . 1902, 4t - , - , . . .. I . I .. 1. . . I R . . I ... W 13RTD01'1 I . . .. . ­, 4Z . ... .. .. . . .. 11 . Soll.citor for- the said.1r-,xecutors-. .. . I . . .1 . .., . I . . 1, -_ ,.. . .1 . . _ Z* ru0ists 41. _M lszz I . . . I . . '. . .: I 11 . I L ..... . .. .. . .. -., - . . .. 11 11 11 .... , . . .1 . ... ::: I , . - . %. , I, 11 I . .. 1, .. - . I . I I _ I 11 . I . i PrIce In Canada : $ -1.0Q ; . -a . I Six bottles for. $8,00 . ­ .. ... ...... - ­­ . .. I .­ .1 I. N - . - . . I . . . I . . . I I . .. . 1, 1. . I I I I ... well off as his hirelingo woo is sure.ox. . I . . . I V . I . . Maga./hie, whicli 111ar)Ls.thc beginning .''. 19 , . . . . . . . I -: . .. I . : . . , ­ . ". . I - Emulsion. When you hive .-Ills wag,es at least. .. . . .. I . . ­ .. . .— , . , . . . of its lard voluoic, contains two of I , " . . . . 1.11 1 , . . . I "I. I I .. . 1. .. . . . ... . . I . . 1. . ' I I . I . — I I .. I I . I That man who, owns his land and A brakfitst: gritin food preparatioi the '14otable . feature.,; of tile coming a .... -­ . . - ___ - _ - ___ -d--014 - - . - . ­­ _..____________,... ________.____, --- .. I been living on a milk diet aMl. I that tireg thot , ight, ,consideration' &. . . . . . .. . . I . . . . bds.go,D(I health, Is a poor fartner-who . .. . . year. It Is s0dom.fliat the oppor- . . .1 ___ . . . . . . . .. I . . . . - 'Taticit Ixfom.if call Ila .used ni,,ty ' . I . -, I in,11.6 .at 1 .klst & living for bin,_ . or delir,Ller .is offered .to prescrit the I)rilli- boll r 1. N D _.j6_ !. - — I I _,__ I - _.i. . . ...!p . 11 ., - 111010sessi . - — . . I want somethinda little more calinot Is not a,--afe article of'dict ho health au.t I tters of a. Woman Who has .. " , , c solf and family, It miiy not be a,samill Seel'ors. Life, is too.sliort, health too , '..", 1, . . . I . . . I . I . ., i THE 1. " I I I . . .11, . I I nourishing, take Scoi S tuous 11-flug, but it,way be a -compata- I tile Ili, ]lost "'.0cial kind ollidial positions . r . . . . - . . . . I . . . . tively. comfortable one. This. cannot. pLuumim and - thne too valuable :to at t1w, Courts of Europe. The letters - . . . . . . ., I I . . . . . I I . I . I . . Emulsion. . . iiiake any art.1cle, of diet a food 'for of Nhidwite N 'addifigton, wffie of , tile 0111. . . . . . . I I . ­ . :. I . be said of all, sorts of occupations. . I thtlught. . I . -Wil " sho%*460111 is Irl"ahl. . .. . .. .1 . I . . . . . aluillelit. French Ariibas,sador, Mr. I M , I To get fat you must eat , ."'here Is another hope aboad forAhe . 'Malt Breakfast Food has pagsed the ij, Irj M-ildding on, I-egi.11 ill this litilli: - Well filled. With ,it elioic7e . , . D1 I I I . . I - sn!t - it doe not demand farmer, If be dbi . ba e good luck stage of iftfalidy , s I r I I . . . I or$ with enter.tairiffig and witty. ac, , (., O I I I fat. Scott's Emulsion is a". Zis,yearo 'be may the'nimt. There to h(mrs 6f thought befote it can. 6u- oilts of, the -Vn."Iish court in tbe flection of Cutters and, - , '. : I . . . I . . 1), . . . * . . , . . . " . " . . . . 'T . . always it chance that there will Wk ail) es It medical men and ilia ' sf q, 111. , . . .1 . great fattener, a gred I ' , it- used.: the 411.41t.'eq, Matialti-L, Wiiddillgtot64 ob-, L I .. . . . .better yield in crops, and a better price "lost, noted food, expects place it at . - . I - I . I . I . I . : Ow li ad of all grain foods .because of servations hAVo_th0 gr ,ater .'v0tic 'to . .. . I I . I . : . . .. . I ... I 1. .. I . . I I . . Arm dth giver. . In the market, , Ttio Iomput of uncer- .. I American roadem I,ocaust. %I%e Ls tit% I . I I . . .. . - .5 1 . tallity nilds zest to life which a settled its licalth-giving a-nd tnergy-producing American, the datichter of. &, Pre4dellt 0111' V ' X1)6.1'ience ,.Of Iffe. I or I . , . . Those who have lost flesh aiuount or w,ig(.,s from montli to month .qualities, It is tile food for tit weak , itinbia, -Colle - gre arid" tj roves to , us' ,tliat I I . . .. I .. . 'in- rr it I . . . . . .. . . . a .. of - Vol Kingf, wflo ' Lvftls lli'il: I)IISt 11 . . -bo-2— Anil front ypar-to, year cannot give, and and strong, the athelate and tile 'janirlittr of Rufus . . s alvi,eciated . . , . . want to increase all Gy Ale is always $tire of onougli to eat oil valid. All over this continent, ilia falne crican winister to Eng!aiid. Tliese Our work i ., . ) .. L I __ ­ Ll I.. .. . I . - -_ I I . I of Altalt 11reakfast Vood has been es- !Ltters .wure written to fler relatives our sales dulino the pait . I . tissues, not only 'fat. Scott's the 6rin of some sort or another. talilit-hed as -a, health food. All g1roc-. ,,,, tlb:,,q 6oinitr at, the very time, , in t3 - . I ., . . I 0 . Tfi e t I . me is comIng and Is not far dig- a 173. . . I . seasort boirig. thei, largest . . . . wiliell the evoit,4; described 'were fresh . I . , . . Emulsion increases them all, tlint wtien ,the f.trineetj lite will be . . . .. . . . . 'In her Ireiriory They are, .therefore, in 3' ears. I How Cart [Kee ith .. . looked upon .as the Ideal life by many I . i - ,.. , I . I I . . . I I I . I . bone, flesh, blood and * I spontruieons, natural airl unconven- I . . . I. . . . .. P up W . of tile world wellry toilers of I IMXSALL. .1 tio-pally bright, Tit' illustrations are . Call and inspect . our ;. I . I t the Timts 7 . I . . fre4n ortrajis iind other piettir" in I 1 4 . 0 1 . I . I I . crowded elfloR. ' Even now the otil: I Mr. Pol,ort 13tillard has rettirlied r - addin, . I . . . I nerve. I For invalids, for' , I briglit dieum of mitn a drudger In the i I wile from Brandon, .Mali, Bob has a atadaine W, . rton's own collection. stock before pureliasirly . I con. Moroi- 41id offices I,, of a' happy time . . 0 . . .. . . elsewhe,;e, I 1. T IS pretty hard to keep well informed, on the coming when It(? will have a farink a good siluation there in tile car shops, . __._ - . . . . . . I 0 -c news, the liter I . . valescents, for consumptives I tit liod . -tile inisfOrttille to t his .. . . I. . I . I p litical fitws, the scieritifi ary I . I . 0 howe till Ills owti In tile country, Where .',', 1,,,,. , VOIZ OVER SIXTY VV,ARS, ' news, the educational triovemeats, the . great . I for weak childro, for all , he Cat) rest Ills t1red brain and nerve' fingers critshed alew dayi Ile . _ . I V'pa . I 0 il Ile elt un to tile West . I R 11ring ,promptly attended. to,' . buginess d6velopments, the hundred 'of interesting ' . 0 he alto beneatil .1114 owl) vIne and '," Mrs. willslow'i Soothing Syrup itas I . I s , " I who need flesh, k0tf . 101g-'ror apple-teep.-I %V110ever d0splheo a as Sooll as lie Is tble to resume work. beat, tj,,ed by inilljous of mothers for . , I . and valuable Articles in the hundreds of excellent ' I . Ilonsall school board inct oil 16*atur- . . I . . . M an be . doneby . I tarinor's life Is it: toolt it Is tile Most , day night widt. tile newly elected theit ch3dren while teethifig, It dis I . .. I I agazines. About'the only Way it c I Emulsion is a rich and -Com- Indopendent lite on earth. - 0611110Y n4tnt,eri prosent. Oil motion it Was turbed of night and broken of yoar - . . . the averiage busy ritarl and woman iii to read a I . fortable food, and a natural C'mitlefilan. . . . . a re d to purchase a plaiiitarittin for a sick child suffaering and . , I tnAguine like 4' The Review of P.evia,Ws," and, as r . . 1. tfte use of tile* scl*lq, price to be $2s "Y ith lain -of cutting tooth send and RN 1111 . . C :; ti 1, g W RUNALL HICIIIIIATH I it is the only magaZine of the sort,'it iS a good . tonic. , 'almet' Inkide f ' at once an get a bottle of "Mrs. . . I . Calculating, Art helits were also ' Winslow's Soothinj,t ,SyrUp'" for child- I . I . . thing to awad $2,50 for a year's subscription, , I Scott's Emulsion for bone, , P,01dorly Adorer-. -1 aull sittY-nini? and pur.h shtg wood. Trustee StolienitAll tell teothing. It will relieve the poor I I-161,011 Sb., Clinton. . I . . .. I . I . I I -,a- . . 11 . . a Vier $800.000. . . yos, elected treasurer and. Trustee Ran- little sufferer. himiediatoly. Depend . ­ I I . : ! , !_A.r _L- ­ -;-. - PRUSIDgHT ikoosUVELT says-, . I flesh, blood and nerve, Frifil Young Thlit,g-ril give you tit hie secretary of tile board. . . upon it, inothers, there is no mistake . . I . 041 knOWthAt through its 4olurnot views hlvd been pre- 1, , answer tho day after tomorrow, I, will AINs R,lizo. HiLygiiis, daughter of Mr, about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu- zojv. Ap". . hooted to me that I could not otherwise have bad siceess to,- I - It. Iliggins, 'Unborne, by taking the fates. the Stomach wid Bowels, cures I I becausa all earnest and thoughtful men, to matter how widely , . I - I . .1 We Will golid you have to figure it 611 out in the moptijilq I dose of modicine frotu tile. wrotig. hot, Witid Colic, softchs tile Gums, reduces I Vdaft phoorhodIA80 thaIt ideas divttge, ato gjv6ti, fte6 utterance in its columns." . I . . A, freesaw le, tables.. , " I TM Orhat knplith PMWV. . I .. . , . P . . tie was brou ht close to, death's door Inflammation and gives tone till(! all- 0 Acid an i 1*00likknelided by till , % . . . I . . - — I . but by almost superbuttlan effort, Iter . drugglats, itchmAda, onlyrall. 9X-PRASIDUT OROVPIP. CLEVELAND astyst I'. Be Jurt that this pidure ... 11 Iii X 0A644tr It A very valuable addition to my library." CoNtIt T0*4"gooflon. I ren teething is pleas,alit to the t1iste able nwilloins difJObVek0d. fift . lift waq seved. I I k - ]a the form of jk ltbel Is on 1100 and is the pres On of one of tile , V #"rdh6w to eura Jai . . lunk, I stoled wuz only wnth Some pettv t)iibvi)ig han been going ori " f rais o Xt oft n too All otretts of slinso I . . I . tht wra oldest and best fet'nale physiciana aild or6166990 NbutAl 'Worry 1608hivo woomo, The Review of' Reviews Co. . tiger of evely 6'tlt 00," Aft)(I tile 0corgla darky. Ile". bless Olt around tbwit of late A week ago Unit I . of gnui sibnyou buy, hursle in the cit $tates, Price bAO06. Opinin of Athatilp,Itts, Malled on rodafOli 11 I om. of de lowyer dlili)lt iob!apgo 60 ter, last Shitkilty ."ilia obe witered Vt. X s bf price, one Ip tj Astot Place, New Votk I 0,11 drug- 10kaf . Ir . by 10901XV0. 0hdWjllPk440 . .25 cents a bottle' $old oft WX cuft. Amp lets ire$ tolkilliftAidraft. . 1, .. SCOTT & 13OWNE. Prove 410 louereend" Rohfti0'.q,rcsidchce qnd took. a IddiCS1 gists throughout ilia world. Be sure 4 Of oft 0 CHEMISTS, Ilp" Watell and $545- Oft 14"Ay ergy to the whole system, 11 Mrs, Tub We" 0000".4 IN 004 94 Read The R9V . ii gilt last Mr. W. Tiloore's botist was Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for thild- Woodlit 11hosiphodfiR6 it sol(I ill Cjjll_ —1 , Keviews . toted by the cellar window and a I Toronto, 'Ontmio. I A 11161) 10 III(% 1461111 tIlAt tigea '"Oujda ell , And ask for 11 Mrs, Winslow's Sooth- tolt. by It. 33, Colullo, It. 11. Re I 11 . _1 I ­ .1. 'I., I .". .1'.. __ _ 11 ­­ 11 $0 . , (1:k i , I _., __ , .- , , " .. I ­ , "I" -- I 00, AM 41 j Aj Arossl* otV34-0, uo l) b t1$'-j)k$4A. gold Poll, $10 a114 .4 Watch WOO st,01- tog OY rupt, I I 11 1 Tlovey 444 WAtts 4 COL.-druggiaLt ; i ­­­­ __ 17-1 11 ,, . '. C#,& . . . I V, I I ) I iw . I . I . . I . . I . . .