HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-15, Page 2TUB OLINTON NEWS-IRECOUD
_0 0_ 1-11-
"T Vo'l *4 %0 0**6� o 0000 heal ',Q%wek and PourWg tho fiery 11- his
q I of a "Shct* -evidently the apple Of p
THr, S4E OF XXW T003% 'UrVil $TOOK- his throat. Not until All Stuffed U
I , 01 the boy completely collapsed did the
A WIFE. THE MARKETS. $1.1'rt. W , GROR IRUNK f9lift C, eyo.ot That's the condition of many safferere
yfry� P#0Uj%r "IX%jP)j Cat at Wheat u1suor at, noth lovorpool anot molt vork, join, vo._3seeyro-RtceIpts, dloguatinoy spoetaple end. The v t
Chicago, hat,4rday-Live,41 and General �340:,drvsa.0 bo®rt sttallV4 04y dresepo. uft� was takelt home iuseutsiblo, and e 'He told meshe was a peacb." from catarrh, especially in trho morning.
Co4qurg-Thie 41u4b,"d 60% 0 410 five 0 ever*1 iftlea %e to. 20C i�ir lb.; 01007 Well, a t Any r4teo they Are a
w 1. -7 0,
Livq, litock-Ths Latest Q110111*1101M "T 01 X # a At 23ports to -day. Fireman McHarg Killed and TwQ lingered In e
, , Berni-conscicius sta e Great 4ifiloulty Is expert W clear -
Watch For flor, �2030 beere 6Z till last nisr(ht, when be died. lane looldox palp.11
sk 7 4%jArt*$ jf tieet and 1i)W
dres"d sh"p. Engineers Injured. No Wonder catarrh 0
Saturday 4s,tillng, Jan. 10 Ing the head stud 9mas.
Pert Rope, JAR, O. -A case, new %(I to IY#fl Irbe Xped of illodloob. Soda Mint. %u
22; pity Oressed vagis, see headache,
intho c Candollan "'ver And corn future$ Ile to 14c per III, (:OST ()F FHF DURBAR. I Impairs the taste, smell and hearing,
rjiltinal record and jAmIn-Recelpts, 4870; both
courts, was tried '- I'll to 0410, higher Sl Pod 1amIW . . AT Collision on Saturday Near Part Robillson Juder ordinary social and gastronom'
at Cobourg. yestel closcd 14C r1t e "P Very Wells or solle sold 'At polluto.4 the breath
L r . , , ideraugeo the otora
day in the voulity C urt, before Ilis. d ic conditloils, there is probably a gr
at $8 to 25 per 100 '#link% 1 #510 -Two Freleltiol Qatar, Ju QPV()*-to India, eartburn. a;h and affects the appetite,
more heartburn than It
11opipt, Judgti Ilenho That a 11 -alk M A c I'. Ite4sed, mutton, 5%c to iiii per ib,i 00YOrn""90t will Pay 03,150,000 d
-Two -Total Cost, 410,0Q0,009,
In this enligittened age should sell Ilia tdor.24(? lambs. coneral fractions U To care catarrh, treatment must be
t an Santa Trock
lylilo 10
.% It I( j6r1% 4� Hogs-Rocelpts, 2= bead. , go -site
wife it r 4 watch seen's all"orit In- rolloIIIII;, Are tho closing quotations at of the Cars Rolled XULQ the 310vor- London Jan. 12.-C.able despatch-, constitutional rtitive and tortic.
concel-I, able. :put A luipotrtaut. wh"t vinaes to-daY Dead wAroutaut Was ILI orribly Al angled e Advise oil old mail to marry a Woman 041 was III for four months wjth� catarrh
� itch is the fact . CHICAGO LXT# %TQCX,
IvilA.-It prpi,ps , the charge bro'1%,lit by Jan. Alay. July. ChIcArij Jan. 000; received from I)elhi S, tui ay osn In the head and tbroat. Had a bad cough
Nom, York ........ N)V4 793" nomitia ;d good to pr4n* steers, $5.40 tq, -UlrAvle There Were Nat More Dgatlis. nounce the ldepartul:e from there of young enough to be his datigbiter, nixot and raised b . lood. I bad become olls-
Crow.., Attorney Xerr again t, Albei t 0 76% 73' R S6,50; poor to medium. 43�20 to f5; stockers the Viceroy, Lord Cun-on of Xedles- be way ask If you CO
take. him for it tool, uraged when my husband boughta bottle
-of Verey ear and toieder., $2 to- ;4. ; cows, #.1,25 to St. CathaijIves, -Another ton, and Lady Curzon, the Duke And but lie will not ber oifoxideol.-AteWsou. toolls, SAr ap rilla and Ir r lat . tied me,
]Reynolds, Town0i:1, a R.11:14119 S,
o0o Jan, 12. of )10 8 it pe a
DAi t1notith Ueynolds.was ye:,terday Duluth, No. 1 .4% $4.50. heifers, $2 to $1L25.; .6anueri, $1.25
wreck occurred on the Orand Trunk DUkhess of t1onnaught -and other not- to try It. I advise All to take It. It has
c nvicted of inciting to commit big- ,rmto,�T k -ie, to, $2.50; bulls, $� to #4,40: calves, $3.30 to, 0 tol %e.
0 1 $4.85. cure4 and built me. up.11 Usts. U.vou Rv.
., all ir and Wife. Wei a. woexAs-red ateeri 43.74 to Welland division at Port. ROlAnSQ11, abilities and the end of the Durbar Joe
awy id h:9 4r( IDOLPO, West L orebir 0 N. 9,
95,000; worn. displav� People are now beginning
Hoo-Recelpts to- Monday@ about 6.10 Q%Ioel� t9atuiday
09r to Ill".. 40,000.; left oyor, opened steady , ing between two freight tialus, A to estimate the cost o the festivi- OUR QX13111IN'
cqn,�'Jcted of bigamy. Whe 0. 111ST.
On Dec. 10, 1900, George AlLert 'Wheat, white, bush ...... 0 6q easy; mIxed a double-header Grand ',rl'Link And 4, ties, According to one estimate, 130od's Sarsaparilla
,.closook Ad butchem', $6,201 to
* W., 7 46.60, to $&be; Fo)I()wjIjg is.olir ch-bbing list, the
Reynolds avid, Annie Clark we'emar- NN'lleAt, sprIng, bugh..... 0 W 0 46,00;� good to oboolve. 440 Wabash. lip to 5 p.m, the inniti. Wic cabled from Delhi, the Indign GeV- rates being goo(I to old 'as. Wf..-Jl 4.4 Oures catarrii-it soothes and strengtil.
Wlu'At, bash. 0641.4 .... roughs, heavy. #6.201 to $6.4 licht, ;5.90 to,
ried by the Presbyterian minister at 1 30 1 50 f,(I.26; bulk. of Wes, .$6,30 to,;6.45, was still blocked, although au'xiliar- erninent will have to PAY over $8.- ens the mucous membrane and builds
lhod to�e.h,r AS 0 70 . .1 . --necelpts, 2000; shetp. new subscribers :
Norwo�od. - Thay .... Sheep. and Lambo ies from Niagara Falls end Fort 70,000, and Lora. 0=�On himself is 'Ihe News -Record kill(! Daily Globe up the whole system,
11 and wife until lw.,t tali, It III
IRA, oi. 1) w 0 51 and lambs Wady,; gwd, to 01101ce, wethezo, Erle had been working all day. supposed to -have spent many thou-
WAlter Reynolds, rle,, [)its 0 44 0 $4.25 to.$4.75; fair to ebk4ce wethern, mixed, PPL
brother, 034% 0 35 $8;95 to $4.25; native lambo, 44, tg #6, The accident' ha R., Just South N&nrS of nds sterl ng in e - 'I he Newgi-Record and 4 2,
an older I ..... . poll "ter Daily Alail and
ageO 96, came home from 111clilgilli. i
Jue IV lent, bush . ....... 063 0 55 T IV" -son 1 g ests. - Among 425
]BITISH Ct of the Port Robinson Station at ttilaing.. his pet A, u nipire
110 resi�ed a forn auntlet," the noti've -princes, the Ntejam of HY
ier latimai k C:,X- Seicoloot- What is known as the "G The
London, ;aro. 10,-LIVo cattle firm at Me The News -Record and Welling Mail
isting betwean. himselfand.George's Atelke, cholee, 'No. 1._46 00 to $7 20 Aillericau steers, dressed very close to the-Ohippewa River. dorabad heads the list, with. ex- and Rnipire 3, 25
wife. George resented, this aliclia- ILWICV. 9004, No. 2....... 6 Wr 640 to 14c per lb. for Ofr $500,000. The total Cost he X
10 Weight; Cautiollan steers, 120 90 140 Pei 104 The double-header was going south penses
tioll of his wife's is, or els-1 Tltaothry seed ....... i_. 1: - I so re.frij.*rator beef., 9c Par lb. on the Grand Trunk, engines No. of this . unparallel(U show is _ ti. ews-Record and Uvening Globe
affectioir IOd clover ............ 1. coo 0 75 ee 2
lie was t1rQd of heir$ and offered 760 and No. 725, and Wabash en- mated at conslolera ly over $10,000C The News-Reco Ha
to Hay and Straw. ,rd ati.41'rorouto Dail� gar
Eell W, and his household effects to per ton 00 to $15 W 250, MEN Q gino 1,482, going west from Niagara 000..
Walter, the consideration being a, (81.111pi" pet, tcon ....... 600 9 OD 0, QN STRIKE, NVorld 3 ou
watch bought ill Michigan for $15. otraw, 1-ilose, per ton ..... 5 00 �4'401s, -craglied together. The News-Rocord and Toronto, Fven-
to thi. , r StrAW, sheaf The* fireman ' on the Wabash, Rob- 2 50
A bargain 9 effect was.niade, 9,50 10 W an& Anneattairso in McKinnon ert McHarg, I Loindon, was Instant- DOMINION REV ENUE, ing News
Vomits na Works, GL Oistharjuss,� On$. o Thz News-Recoid- and Daily Free Press Shoes 0,41
A 'under killed and both G.T.R. engineers
the marriage license procurmf pplep, winter, bbl ...... *1 00 to $1 1W ly % r. Shows an increase of 63t!Slosool qVior 12 c;
false pretences by the two brothers, Potatoes.. per bag- ... 1 20 1 20 St. Catharines, Join. 12. -About were qlIght1v injured,
At � gosineath, and huabato4, - No. I Cabbage. Per doz..,.,;.:: 0 25 030'. 250 emplo'Yes of the McKinnon, Dash Same Period Ii.ast Your, The Nowts-Recoird end Daily Witniiss
a per busb� ........ 075 Tile wreck oocurrod at a point
took charge of his two, olilldreill I 'I 011lon & Idet4J Works Co., went on strike overlooking a steep embankment and Ottawa, Jan. 12.�D.uring the 'si 3 00
Cutolflower, per dox .... 050 100 Ix. .1 is tb e best sboe
his wife and brother were being niar-, The News -Record and Hatroilton Daily
I ANIrid-ps, per:bag ....... :1, 0 25 0 35 Saturday morning, and an a resull, both engines of the Grand . Trunk months'ending December the revenue $p ctator' 3, (?Q .111 America r for
ried by the Methodist minister at vinfory Produce- the company'x worlis. are closed train were hurle4 downwards. Sever- oqhpws an increase of $3,579,007 ov- e
Warkwoith� in November, 1902, Butter-, Ill. roll . a� ......... $0 20 to $0 25 down The trouble centres In the . up In er the same pedud last year The News -Record and 14ondon Free menor womer
The husband No. 2 took IMmoollato Eggs, new-luld, doz......: 0 85 040 al. cars of, both lines are piled Press 2 75
wouldfrig. "d . annealing roomp.. a heap, two rolling in the river. The current expenditure was-, in -
possession of his brotber'o. wife, two Pow4try- where the men aBk for a better scalp. The, accident is,supposed to have civased by about half a million dola Tl,e News -Record and 'F�vening Free
children and household furniture. Chickens, per pair ........ $060to $1 25 f wages and better regulatf®rns. Th(,t been caused by the air brakes of the lars, Prcas 75
Ducks, per pair .... 1 (X) 1.00 Record and. Toronto Daily
0 The. News -
The affair ' culminated'. yesterd'ay, Turkeyi, per III ....... 0 13 016 moulders ask that a schodulo, . Of G, T, R, train failing to work. The As compared witti the'pix mobtlit PrIces ran.g. fam
when - Walt . er Reynolds' and Annie Geeme; iiei lb ......... 0 10' 012 price#, for piece work be arranged so weathe)� , was bitterly cold, the tlier� lalst yea:r there.w4a a decreasti in the, Star 2 50
Reynolds, who were, defended by E4. TORONVO LEVS STOCK. that a- Ingt-clite, to.oulder will -not mo the capital ex)enditure of $2,577,233, 'the News-Rceord and:Daily I Advertis-
meter being about zero At .1
C.. S. Htlylakle, I( C., of. Cobo . 9' 11 The dead fire- or 2 501.. $3.00 to $5.00
lIrg, of live stock were. not large -47. average less thar $2 per day. The time. f the ao�cide t. Thus the total expeliditure is �2,- , -Record and
pleaded guilty to charges of big my, like News Hamilton Twice
'a carloads, composed �of 400 cattle, 1300, hose, 33 annealers a.re receiving 12j.'eents man was terribly mangled and it is 109,776 less,
and received sentences of four nibrotl1s, OW sheep and lambsiand 20 calves. a Week $pcctator, balance. of 1902
0 -demand 15. cents per. a miracle. that more deaths did not
Expert Cnttje�Ch ce loads. of heavy ship. an houro; but free 75 You Can pr
each, In the county JMI at Cob`tkirg- pers are I%orth $5.25 to #5.35; medium at- hour -.1 occur. The other train hands jumP74. Thousands Without Work. ocure
George Albert Reynolds the' fir., t porteo. $4.65 to $5, "Pol- - t bixllo 'rh; -men working in' de- ed and saved their lives, The 'News -Record and Toronto Week-
sburg, Pa Jan; 12. -The ly Still 1.75 thern Jr6m
husband who was defended by J. 13. L1,1port Bulls -Choke bea,. the other A iwitchnian Killed. Harri. jr , r . r . .
ovold-at $4.25 to ;4.50: light export bulls, partments went out Olt strike in- I . , Pennsylvania Steel Works,' at Shel- TEe,Newg-Reeoid slid Farniil�rs` Ad'VO_
M60oll, M.P., was conict�,d' of in - f3,50 to $3.75 per cwt. sympathy with their.fellow-workers. Winnipog, Jan., 12'
.-I-rugh Veintyre ton., w -,as clbs(-d down' Indefinitely. on cate 75
citing his brother and wife. to com- Butchers, Ciottle-chodce picked lots of
mit bigamy, r and rel-eived th ev, butchers' cattle, equal In quality to best was killed while.. switching cars In the account Of thu lack of fueli tllro�ving' The Newi;-Rccorol and' Weekly Free FRED. Ti'JACKSONo
C. - F' R. 'yardS 'Saturday morning. several thousand inen out of work,
rubutlis in, the same place. mporters, '1075 to II.W II)S..r t-ach, sold At] Xuoiloatii)n From aernitany. 75
$4.63 to $4.85; ellolee picked - lots of
In passing sentewe, His llono; -butchers' belfers and. steeri;, 980 it'k ioxis I' Berlin. '.Juii, 12. -The emigration Wheii found, he was alive, but died The coini)any is crowded with or�ders, Th 3 - News -Record and Weekly I -Tail
u in a low'ruciments,' lie was 217 Years and e�orts. are being made.to secure
pointed out'that the lightriess of the, Ili eachl'oiotld At $4,50 to $4.75 pfr ewt.l. for the year -0 through Hamb 9 1 of . agm and , unmai�rjjdL . coming here enough fuel to reSLIJIler operations and Rinpire al�d two pictur�s "'I'lle
sentences was due to the1griorance loads, of medium but6fiers', $30 to $4.30; 'and Br6mea,� amounted to 26Q,884 NiAoir.' -and AIC6ntentinent, barkin-�oi
of the �parties'cojie that loads�..of goo& butcheks' E;&Id at $4.35 to Increase of 63,586 o ver six months ago, from 'St !rhomas., ne-kt, weeki Of 1902 free 75
erned, and . . . i r$4.60; common butchers!, ;3.25 to $3.60, persons, an . I r d . .- -1 . Herald
their-, offence against society and 1110j- rough $2.80 to $311 canners, at $2 to 42.25. ' 1901. The number of emigrantS Sai of Hwokesbur The. News -Record, and FAMR S is tbe best Sbo P
rality had affected no. .,en -;Xx;6rtors and Butchers', Inixed-1-4)ud of ing , from. thww ports -has A. FIENDISH, DEED. oilld.*Weekly Star and two' pictures,
party, irijifriously 2 it Alone". amd 11 Purity" 75. H BeWa jl�S
mixed butchers' aud, -exporters sold at since 1898, the majority of thenigo- OttaRa, Jan. 12. --The body ofthe. i. -e of i mitati6
$4,.25. to 44.60. ound lying dead -oil the C. P.
The parties in 'this unique domes- Feedersi,-Feedere. 1000 to 11M lbo. Pach. Ingto tho, uriif�d State' -s-.. ro .9or' Young. Mani * tobla, iraroners. Rqured" Man on Friday nea . r. Gr . aha . The.News-Record and Word and Works WhioCh 'a1n.e(j.tO:' I
tic mix-up remain- unaffected in their so*e'Wort"L $4 to, 44.50, and light feeders, Whiskey Inic a Ilalfbreed Boy Until ll� tra fi M's and Hicks' 1903 Alinatiac 7 70 a Ye'n
$4 - Callapsad Under snow. The. News -Record .6.0 Weekly Globe N
relationship, husband'No. � prqmis� 1300,,to 900 lbe. each, $3.50 to � POM �L Cannery tation, has, been idernt' ed as Thii N �sound like Sbinola.
Ing to, take back his wife and Child- ewt. Be Callaptied-11 e lij Since Dead. triap Clarkej . it shnnt�man, - I p* es ol, 1he Governors of the
: Victoria, B.* C.. Jan.. 12. -The 0 knol ictur
Stookers-Stockers..506 to 700 ]be; each, 0 t r - o ince 0 L
ren he had sold as soon awtheir scqm� of lead quality,, are 'Worth $3. to 43.25 per steamer Amur,. which arrived from Winnipeg, - J an. IQ.�It was .* all &. ITawl esbury, The body was buried. Province -of it a I S 179i, bal-7 0
tences, expires. cwt;", off �cokvrj. and poor uallty of the Skaguay last evehing, rep,orts tizzlt �oke. Four young -farmers � were in at'. Cobdcn�. Ile is supposed to have ance.of 1502r free 65
Ola is the only
main* Weight are worth f2r to $3 per er -'e. The - bad f,tll(.ti off th4 train a . rid was frozen to L Shin
Cwt, the Columbia Cann �, on. Hair, s' Neepawa for'a good time... L y
a' 1, Cl Qllapsed as a result of 0, e Ilenry Spence a half4reed boy, aged death..' 0 r*i A
Wilph Cows milch c wo sad springers analb C
are,worth fromai $0 to $58 each. L large amount of snow which fell . o.i 18, with them and dceidLd tq get The. ginal.
MR. HAkBVRy'S'jI)EA -C.1,,Calvos oidol -at $a to. $10. each, -of Tits los. him 'drunk. R 0
Its roof q,amounts to sev 0 91 t SHINOLA
from I .
$4.50, to $0 per. ewit. Henry: was will-ing, "and'n'w 'It' ip
Spring, rAirnbs-Spring IStaba. Worth eral thousand doilal-B.,
Dorn 'When
and' rev )(noiloosition of 111006144 6 '$4;Z;to $4.90. all a. iragedy. � The boy. .4;ed - last Sir Richard Smoked Out.
Agricultural Produce. Sheep-Priorge, $3.50 to $3.75 per'cwt. for Timis 2Cxpireo*M'%vch,s1, :"night. Being roused to conw_,ious- 'Barley...-,. 0.38 atrollize �th'e Nov Shoe- Stordo
to 0 P
ewes, and bucks at $2.50 to $2.75; Ress a couple 0 oro his Otta�wa, Jan. 12.-F li-6 Saturday �0 So t 0 go.
re. 'Jan.' 12i�It is notified for of It urs lyc�
LOndoni Jan. 12.�The F � sident of Noge-Best select bacon Item not Ottawa, . night did,. about t2,000..dankago to� .......
Watiba that app lo�atjinns for weak heart gave its lust beat, lie of Sir R g,.tr NeW S110
the Board of Airlculture;-Mr. Han�*. thin 100 lbo.j nor mom'than 200,lbs. oac)i. infijr I khard Cartwright. Pews......
the hous ....... 0 7.1 W (i 1�-
bury 'speak Leicester Saitir-, - Of cars, gold at,$6.12%,perL cwt.�.Ilgbka, at* 'the general 'service 'medal� for . the jold as.much as he L -mild reniember,
Ing . at oil O'Q.onnor street. .. It., originated 6 40 to V 45
$5.8T%;-sowo, $4.50 -to $5 pet. cWt,0 aud- f what �appened ior-iiiiii. Lastnight an Most
day. promised tho., agriculturists .;atagg, �$3 per cwt, Fenian Raid 1866-67 and 'the -. Red .0 ' in a grate, andAhe--parlors; d P., tnt, eS oo�r I ViSli 1 .0 p to () 80
a coroner's jury.held -an Inoritiest over .0 41
every assistarite Which 'the".rOovern_ River Rebellion in 1870 will not be.' I &f the'upstairs Were badly damaged 4
Awr BUYVALO CATTLE MARKICT., . 81st X th :remains--aAd the'four-nien'finPli- 0 1,4.'t 0 15
ment was1h a --position to - grant entertained after., 'the arch Slilticharol Is the jueif'& Ilon,-Mr, Butter. rorits'and crock
East' Buffalo,' Jan. 10 -Cattle- Receipts, .#
the: '&4. ,, $% cated are held. ofi'oharges of itian�
them.- Ile said that ... Wlt,116 200 hpoul;. oteady; veals -25c lower; to Blair, who lives. 'immediately. oppos. Butter in 0 1.3 tra .0' 1.4
slaughter..' 15 to 0 1
inand for the�lmposition of Protect -i to, $9,50; cominon to good, $5,50. to $9.75. 'JaCKBOD r:.. r :�. .
I I ite. Eggs.perdoz... C
inporrted agiieultureil -ReCdPtI%'St`00 head: act ve; Joe tis Sistei'of Lady-Tharapison., I t. was'.lis� Monday night that the 7 W to 7 Ff .4 ego T i�
ive duties on' I H098
leryin foi; e, 15c lower; heav to'$o3,75; mizedi' foul'work.-was.doho. . As. 'long as Roers tor'Flolit '%VjtIj Irld
produce was like. g th ' I , , $&70 *1
$O.OD fo $6.70;' orkers,- $43.60;- Pigs, $6.50. Halifax. N.S., Jan. 12.-m-The.de&th Spence was abl'e to hold li(nisolf to-, to 0 16
mooh," it was intereiting to'
Ben 'to' .46.601, roughs, $.5.75 to .$6;ntfl98. 44,70. occurred here yesterday of � Francis P�etorfa, J". � 12.r -'One. hundred..
to $5.25 A�, wife,of Jo"ph A. Chishol' g ther he
e yield'6d: to brutal persv&- rAve llogs-per ...... 5'75'to 75�
how far the, foreigneh, could be 'made' bar- ':and sm men, including twenty former Doer TO ..A.DVERTISR.'
to Pay -on many of the a.�tieles he. Sheep, aad'Xambs:-Re�elpta, 12,SWr beaj age,of 89. . years. -Lady - sion vallowed 'whiskey in large 2 15 'to 2 10 IT PAYS
lambs rl"ster, at the doses.. When ll� be6anle unable 'to soldiers, will kave here fol- Somali-' Flotir'lie'r cwt...
sheep 26c higher,, -yearlings and,
exported without, Uxjttring the. home,.. *8.30.to,$6.40; Cjjlh, StQAd3,r;' too'lambs"$11lisa Tholiiption, 'Wife of the late Sit, John 'Be S ass&iates It d to_dojY to,rjoiti 'the Britisli olk', Briin per,
- to $6.4D;, culls to good, -$4 *to $tk25;. Y6 Thompso n Is a, sister of'the deceas I)editlol AheIritol Mu all horts per ton.. lb 00 -to� 18 00 IN,- TIM NFWS-R]�CORD.
The �ekip.ting grain duty help him it, Ill irther Idn 14 00 t 0 1.4 00..
con.5umer. i bingo. �$4.50 19 )51..ew4t9j.-$4.50 Var; thertigAves by holding his i. agai n§t
- Its
was. an object lesson in :line.,
Pen It
Ity u
WS 'a
re av W.n
p F11 e. 10, Cpe
P C .. . Z %.: T