HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-08, Page 8W Wr , M V- � FM� ra ' TIM CLINTON NZWS-RECOAD . . I 0 . t. .10I.V411111 4anuary Sth, 1908 777777=1" --00, 1-1 A. I 11 I:"" ­ I -1 ­­-- - SLEEP ON A 001.0 SMOKE�, ' ' ' CHAMBERLAIN AND MILNER ' " M I f'M I I . - ­ - I'— � � I Z �4-,..,fat I.. -.,� Vlamnis *a Evlotr r1pa Nald to So g4r .Blot atchariestowm .,c-taii where Their 10180ding Plies WME- D'1`;`,% ff I I laolquintak cure. . . OVER Hf 904,90111810N P0101K -09810 MRS.! Greeting W&O Impres4ve-A zulu� To Nov. ojqox. Mr. sherwood Walker# a I . . � )11 4' Por . ,and Cement. After giving 4 fair and patient trial . I I 1 land 8eaport-At Pirotorl - fireman on the Canada Atlantic Railwah M 0 K 9 M E R, is I, < , Q "I-5 " �1. 11 . I ' I a Now living. at Madawaska,"Out., wrote. -III . � ,� , �, , � ' , to eacb of wally' Alleged .. t .,r I ." . , 14 ' I . �., �� �'o � 'f�,;( . Oner, the British Iligh Oominis- Sometimes the protruding piles come � 3.- " . FO R- SAL - cur" for How Two G. T. R. Fireman Lost A 01pher Mossjaqo� laring$, th.. , Charletiton, xittai. Jan. Q.,':.- Lord am a great 6uffarer from bleeding pil", 11 .- -;11", � .�iv , sleeplessness the writer stumbled across , I . a .1 I t '. " f ,J a, olm Their Lives Nape Merrition. . Nowai of His A01ostion, 3.1 , .,`klylk";�f,' % i R , rl'�' 'j­­,� , . , - - - ­ , pie method of Inducing somno� . . . sloner Ili South Afrlea, and Colonial down, causing much. misery and unea.al 21 � A. 1.c,p� - lfl� . lQuee, that lials the merit of being, harxii. I V ,;,�' ­,F��'.'--., ov I � . ' - I'll - Secretary Chamberlain had an lin- ness, and at other times I am: subject to ; �.`:�,�,� � .----- ­­ -­....- . , . , " . pre.sivo'llieeting here ,V,I.Iday in tile bleeding ,,�,�',',' !� '1",�,;4�,�',','-�',­ 1411 Ifi/ I . I piles, and tbey bleed to such all ,;�'�,` ;�-�-�,:T";,""'', , less and in pensive. To imokers the. , , , '. , �� ,.,,,;, � 1A lex , pilleago ExpVO4" Croollom Into a Light Pool* Was. IMUIA004t, pud KO, Hap, A . at crowd of sol- ,extent astv make roe quite weak. If Dr, ,;�' �, -,.7� ;�� t ,�,, 11 � . P , remedy Involves. no cost whatever, but . .. J'��'r � -1;" " I !�� . ! ';, W. 4. 34ufflue At I 9.4k. Satarday-Two En- i ntlY W2,100% the XA9Y WAY -Nation- diers; and civilians, man of wholn Chaqo�s Ointment will cure this awful alb , ::, 51`111� I an) agent in this dj - . L Xl*OOrM, Soyor,*J L parp , � ,'­, ,��,R,'*,'�,-- , I � � of nonsmokers the capital outlay of . . '7q . �,V, I �­ %,,, I grigi, " 11U ' "� g . , ''Ji., triet for the Owen Sound . , . 'Uthikll' out came miles across the Idt y Injured III $t. 4, -; I &I Tressur,Y Is Baulgrupt-0evorutu _to Wit_ meat yonwill have myoverlastin I , I L . the price of a pipe Is required. It must WVA, 110 I $vital, Will Recover -All PALO* J Has Only 02,4 L 00 01.1sh-sololort With, negis the reception of the conunisslon-, tude,f' : . I I . . S,� 7'' " ,. '. , 4 . I , ­­ , � . I - ­ ­ 11, I , Or by his chief. I .ord- , ., I'�� , Portland Cement Com- --,--;, :-- - � . be a wooden pipe and ,,curved, not sengerw. X*e4p4a. - Corquar,a I inq On March r, z9o2, he,wroto ­I'Aciz ,: , � �Z? " � , - if z I , ­,;;; I 11 � , ,�­--- . , I I;; '. .1 L�;. , any ,,Ind am prepared to stralglit. .� L . . , mess out Pay and Food, an(t Itevolut galtilli Ing to my promise,.I n9w tak'e pleasure in ,I I . .1;", Having. retired for the uIg Lord Milner alid his �thff mounted � writing to you. if you remember, you I . P I . . ,lit, the sut- Opened and. AdjQ,urued. . Itecuperatool x9oRee caracits. the steps leading to Mr. Chamber- � . . ferer should lie perfectly flat on his I I lain's special truin, and there Was sent me a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment for I . . I I supply either large or . St. Catharines, Jan. 5. - Two NOW York, Jan. 5.-A cipher mes- a bleed les some three months ago. I small quantitit,s. Contrac-,, back, discarding pillow rests, and pulT look of. de'Ided pleasure. on the thin illtg , Grand Trunk. 0reliten lost their lives sage received directly.from, Venmuela used F"ithfully, and can say that It . steadily at tin empty pipe until he reels -and two engineers were seriously in- Saturday night indlemtes that Prosi- features of the Qolonlal,Secretary 4O. proveda. Godsend, for it has entirely cured Rattenbury Street Works , tor,,; and other,-, who in - o. 4 .,L be grasped Lord Afllner'S,Lha4d. me of bleeding piles. . ()Ireet L 1 In I)ortJ,r$. 'Jf�,()l L. ill it it. tb roughly drowsy. The desired, result jured lit .collisio between the Ohl- dent Castro has either. abdicated or a I tend buildhigwalks, walls . usually Is achieved after from about . cago. express And a 'light engine, Is About to abdicate his post as th L d,-, sialth, Natal, '.I an., S.,".' - Col. ,01 would have written sooner but I t�hlix find Na(vilial gunratiteed. I ' 0 1 I sixty to. it hundred puffs have been About two )allies east of Morritton . executive head of the Vener4iiel4n Sir llenry'Afci�lallum, tile Governor wanted to be able in tail you that it was% or silos of cement will do " - made. The pufflug should be done station, about 7 W.clock Saturday � Ajovernment. - I of Natal, niade an imlYpktant an- . permanentcore. Tblsyoucanuse for the J. G. SEALE alid, CO - . well, to communicat - with � k , slowly, with a raing. The dead Are: an I * s-nstralaPosition, Is Critical. . nouncernept at a - banqpet in honor L benefit of -other si,ffering people. There .PROP1a1,,TOR$i. I e . . . deep Inhaling movement. mO of Colonial �1,ievretary -Chamberlain The. eipellin - , I . . Abraham. Desault, SarniA, t1rew I Now York, Jan. O. -Tile Herald's Saturday night. Ile said that the are several people hero who have been 0-r"10- . . me, The Sampon braud - dellberAtely 9 al'otions must ' be ulade of the Chicago express, I cured of very severe cases, of protruding . I I . " . act red ' . . ' With narrowed mouth, correspondent at Willemstad, Oura- (lovernment bad decided, to 6tablish pi - los by using this great ointment If 60 , I . of Cen6ent, waunfi ti Purilig, -the entire operation the pipe C. Waring, London, fireman of con, says yesterday: President OAS- a new . seaport at UrtIslatuzi, Zulu- cents a box. at all dealers, or Edmanson, *" 0******"**"*****" by the OsNel) ��'ound l'ort. should no't be removed, as each dlsplac� mogul engine No. U75. tro's Position - Is daily becoming land, and Ili this way-cionne4t ' the 13ates & Co,, Toronto. L .. . The Injured-Thornas Duckpit and I more critical. 13e6et by foreign enc` coast with the newly 4ime.led terri- ; F or an. upwto-date land Cement Company is . Ing and replacing movement tends t9 David Dake, engineers, both of 1.4 a r, I mies %float and by domestic foes tot -les . . . , I . . I akefulnem. . . . � of Vrybeld* and, Utrecht. . . � the best coment on the W. nia. I I I ashore, the cordon is rapidly tight,7' . L.Dr. Chase's HAIR CUT .. . . ble of great concentration The collision occurred ailmut f . . � . . I .1 market. I I Those capa . I , orty ealng around llial� I Thence connection would be made I . --- . I � . . of thought should, If smokers, Imagine yards ,west of thetunnul iIinder the with the Tranavaal and there Would - .01-21tMent - AND.- L I they see� volubles of ,smoke, and the$ , e Welland Ca4ial. At. this, point, the Its; treasury bankrupt, the 'Vone-� be no occasion for using, Delagoc L L � ., . . . . . . . I ruolan, .Government is now absolute- Day, the seaport of Forti,iguese.East ' ,� L .CLI�AN SHAVE ., . .,wbo eschew the burning weed will be track takes a sharp curve and is en- ly without money, and the outlook . . . --:LL .. I L '. � L . . , . I .. I I . . . I . . a . . � I helped by counting the puffs, . I closed between high -banks, inaking it in Caracas is ontinous. , Wben the . Afri%... . * . Tbos, A. W Ikere, I As, sleep I& often suecessfnjly wooedL I ossibIeL for Vie men: Ili charge of , elld a Ile$ I I � L Pretoria, Jan, 5,-'rho'sp6cial.train' NVU*the Andlence Laughed. * try the leading -barber. I . � . 1. . . I . . ilill ,01 which now appears inevi- -bearing 'Air. Chamberlain- and his At'a public butertaindient ruceliVy .0 .. . � 1. . . . .. the"engineS to see very far ahead of tal)l ,, . . . . . CLINTON L ­ .. while yet the plbe Is In the mouth, astro muist pripbabl. - ' . L . them, The westbobild engine was yIcI( if to. his enemies, � .y party arrived here last midnight. . conjurer 'hild all e.XPQrICUCe WhIC11 WaS, I . NOW DOOR TO IRWIN'S GROCERY , . . . . . ,. 'J'he Colonial ' Secretary 'met ivlt� an . . . . � . 11 : I I'l I �I I 11. "... ,­­- I bowbi of rdeerschatim or clay are not running light to Marrittom, and it is The Na.tional Bank of Wilewela, � highly coulleal, though quite disastrous recommended, since thes4 are liable to supposed -that the engi neer in charge, 1144 now in 'its coffers only $2,400 I enthusiastic reception. . , , I . , . fron) a professloaal p.nint of vlow. Georgp D, Rob' I I � ,n . 1. I I I ertoll. . . . be brokon when the coiUlngof slumber Thomas Ifuckpit, failed to 'carry out cash and the other Governmant re� . � - ILI ving produced a ii egg f rom U pre- . I . . I - . I Allows the pipe; to slide from the orders delivered to him -at Niagarm .sources are about,exhausted, I . . . WN .. . GETTING TOGETHER. , vlously-opipty bag. he announced that .... . ***+"q1-*"<"" I . L � � mouth. Nervous people may be reas- Falls, . There is a telegraph station Jt 'has becolne impo,"Ible, to serve- . L., he would follow up this trick by briiig. � 1, - . . - . �� I L sured that there Is no dau-, in falillig st S,t. David's, 4bout midway be- adequate rations to the t r*oops tin, Irish Lancl Conference Ili Dublin �Xay ng- . itig froni the bag the bou that lald the ­ -­­......- ­ --.7!tIIXM 1. . ger ' - ,. I .. , L I asleep. ivith the stem edge of it. curved tween Niagara Falls and Merrition, der arms, and for, the first time #Olt in 11ractical -Cerisiatiou-No .' egg� This little arrangement he left to . . AGENTS WANTED.' I I and instead of taking a sidingthere since 1892 the soldiers in the field - ry LoUt. . . pipe caught between'Ptie's teeth. sleep . . Citil Vor Compulsory' Purchase. - � his coofederate to car -He pro- I., . I . always occuslons the grip to be re- he probably 'thought he could reach can neither be paid for *their servicet .Rither on full or part time - I I . , moved. That may hold also of straight Kerritton before the express - was ex- ' nor Properly fed. - , L , 1. Dublin, Ireland, Ja I It, 6. -The Irish eveded to draw the bird from thp bagf: ' - . � I . . . . . 11 � I . . . � . 'L I IL If .th ' ' ' I but Whaf wa§..hls surprise'.ou fill(Ift L . . - � � . F . . .. .1111, I 11, .�r I .. I . 1. pocted to arrive there, � a financial' outlook is bad, the Land _ Conference - which Was called k)y I I .!",, f v . L pipes, but for other. and obvious rea- 13oth engine and express wer0i �go- niilitary situation Is hardly 'n)o'-e. Lord Dunra - L Lo the wIleged hen was an old roost6r, " �� '... � ­ "!" k . � . . , - - satisfied with your incorne? L . I '. Iv,4­'­ " F, �. L . . rd . Are you 11 -,?j. ­;.L' .. . I vert, Ill"a Y*ox, and �tllat , � , ."' . sons these are less suitable tban those ' Ing at a pretty.*rapid rate, and the flattering from .the Glovernmental Othevs interested ill tile Iri,;h agrar- Which strutted ab with Is yoar time, fully occupied ? If not, .. .. 11 � .� "I , . - .. I ,,� . I , 1; " . I - ' . * L 0 �' ii, - �­�00'1.1­ , 'Ir", t', . . . � . 'i � "'. n ').. -,,.,' . with curved stems. - �­ .1 - force of the,collision was.sufficient,, Point of view,, On WedneS<Llmy tile q tionS, L Wit I -a Ignity 1,awrite us. We can give you employ- � 2U'. ­�,,'.,!­ 1,�`� I ! L lan ues i v ruffled feallivi and 'off6ilded III . . .�,�, , ,., K . ;0 �;: '� . . . .1 .A. :" . I . ;�., .... ,,­,�.,,F,�47'­ ,� -7 17, � I I by the -mon . . � . r'. ­ ­', . � .. � � to cause the almost complete deinol- L Goverrinient -troops, Under 116closta, ranging ill() Sale OfLland by the land- aud'set up as vigorou tritnt, th oil good,terins -or .. . �#'��. . .1 ,:.�.;, , . . . � . . . . I ' I s a crowing fis If. . .. . " .1 , I . . - , . . I I 7- ition of both engines, The boiler of President k'astro's bcst� general, Were * lords. to'the t nants, met aga,iii here If ha4 -cited from Its noctur­ contract to pay )-oil Well for,such .. . ­ . -­;�,;. I , L. , ' . i * . ., just awak . .. . Accure. for us at odd ' J T � Q�, . . one was. driven into the other,and-the disostrolosly defeal:e(l near Cuative by Sittuiday. The only aliseateft. we"4' nal slumbers business as 3,OUL . 10". .1 , . - . LONDON'$ LORD MAYOR.- volatloXia�I.V tj I nala , 0%1 - , . , - -i, - . I , . I I I . .1 . . *s. and. trappings -were twistled tile re' . 'oolis -under 0eil. Lot'd Dunra-ven, chairniall of the conw- The whole audience shrieked � with �fiues. IVQ oliploy .both i - and .. I 1", I i: 1i . . , I I . . bodiL . L i I lemale representatives.. Tlfe next tit I, �� \ 4 ,�, "I".1'! N`,'� N, , , , an(i broken, but the wheels rentained Antonio Pei nawlez,... . tile.- Insurgent Nrefice, .who is siuk, and John Red- � ree j%­'Y..,�.�� " t, Illa.Power an Well,an the Area He . . I . * laughter, and the unfortunate conjurer, 11 � i , " AVI t , ll,.k I . I I - the rails, ss commander.' ' . L . Months is,'the very best time to sell � �', : , �. ­�, 6,�'; . nule!kfis. Limited. I .� intact and. oil . An expr.ps . I I I . inorid... A report was. delkyvil, lip and wade a bdIt"for the dressing room. . -our goods. NO deposit . is required; � "" . .'' ,'�, .. . . ' . car was ,telescoped by the tendef, but.' F.resident L Castro on Friday -sent Lt o : b- led by kill tllos­� present and for- . .. . I., I'll I . , .. I ) A4 . I . . . The lord mayor of London Is not the . . . L . . . I I . . . . I I I . . . the passen ra. were not damag- the fi* rit 1,55100 Andine troops, With Nv rded to the L ord Lieutenant . Of . out.fit is abs6lutely free. . We have the. . . I . � �f ' L . L . ,ger ca 9 . . I . I I ... Gool)­111�Al,TH .FOR CA13ITAT,, -st i ktl�scries in - Cainlida­6ver 800 . . fill powerful official It ' e is thought to be ed, and. the passengers 'escaped .With two Field going, tile entirc, force under Ireland, the Earl of Dudley, L. Tile. ... . . . I a r,t,,L .1 a HI6H CLASS � . I L . oj UL ' Campbell Acos-m . 11 . I .. . -w, . . I . . I . I . oil the. continent. lie Is not the mayor notbillg mOre'than' a shaking- up and the con"I)II-110 '11, conteilts of the report have not yet' I . -a large rature of valuable ne; . . . I I L %. . : , . A!aintaiiiing good healtli i.-5 t6.' the .acres- 6 . . I . I L . of all London, but only of the city. of a bad scare. . � ta, who Will try - to cheek the fill- I een given., out, and while - tbe agi,e,,-. "Ina -or'ty ()f 'L I a + specialities and all our sto.ck is guar- HARNESS SHOP I . le. -the inos�.vi�al .. I � L . I London,and the City is but a frael .Fireman Desault waa �inped. be- Vier'advance -Of the revolutlonists InctA rol4art.in­the reportlxconipleteSL . tille- I l nted.' If. ypu Want to . . I . L � . "tion in the world and nature afl, reliresent the: .largest, 1no * . . ... . . . tion of the whole. - Greater London has., tween the.head of the locomotive and toward the capital along that line. its present work it 'has ,been. r(solv- fords no inoroi -efficient strengthener . st popular Good' civality harness, both light Thel,e � is no�L doubt that since tile, 6d ,]lot to (li,solve the conforelioce, , for th � st lmoWn Lnursery write us. It and 11 -Inoderate prices. - L . I roughly, h.popillatlon pf.6,000,000, but . the tender, with' bothAegs tut' .o'ff . . , . . 9 systeni and restoitatjvL for the .and. be . . . . davy,.' At . Ill'ibe-650 acres that comprIse the City - -vilifle the engined� of the e�pr6ss'alldi expliation Of the armistice .the rovo- . I A urvat . .-Step Porwai-d. . , lierves, than Dr, Chase',-, .Nerve Food. w.ill be' worth your while., �' � I I sell st '8askatchew ' . I , � . . .. :. . - . . . . . L . . be an . Robes, . . ,Tail. . 5.-The.'Dublin cor- -tain y . , . . .. . . I there is a resident population at night the fireman of the light engine were lutiollary forces have been thorough- . I - ' STONE & WE14LINGTON London, Naturally, gradually.aild eci it . . . cs, Val I . �co�qmriizca ' and 1114' . I . . . . ' also. Rugs, Blankets, Trunk - . of only 88,000 and bS, day of little over thrown aboatiift;3� feet. 'The 6ligi­ lY : . te.rially :respondent. of The Obsci-Ne N ra s i�uw,, red corpuscles in. tile . I CdnFXdiV.s Gfeatest Nurseries . . . L f , . , r stays the I . 1. . . . .L I strerikth6iied-. Their armies ar(% npw � . .. . -eat" new, licaltliv naive. calls . . I . Toronto Onf . ises, 1�tc. 1. .. I -even. iv -the near of the light engine ,wa ound Olt ., .. Wood, ci � . . I . I 300.000, - And , Itliffithis area . . . S , I . . $ . . .. I . report, of the, Irish .Lanil Conference . I .. L 'L . . I . . . poweis Of the lord Init.Vor and I of the . the.bank., ' . . .. nlar�qbing "PoilL Qar"eas 'from 110 l"' d o es n o t, call' for - colf1pulsory . ])tlll:- and plits into tlie'systei�i. . tile snap, . . . L . . . - M ' . Fire broke out sliorUy after'thbim- -061L three differen.t directions, , .9 or and vitality, that defies dis-., , I I . � � . . . .. . I dia", hilt'it. elvzll. th(L J)atl� fox, fln- 1-1le gy - . .1 . . Tile, 3overninent in this inimincto. . 1. . twetAy-six alilerui.en'and tile tivo-hun- " t,Ari the .express car, but it' was , G I . . . I Lase, � . 1. L. . . '' . . . . � . I . ' , dred odd.c mon ,councilors re. ii.y no. pac ri:iis is �,hort of anininnition as wc,fi I . t%l lagis.14tlon� on the (Juestion.. The . ... . �� 11 . I . . . ''.. . 1`17 PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN � - am : .1 U: , ,. L . . soon subdued. ,A *wreckilig train frorn a . . . . . tellort inakcs . reco in melidat ions ' Ili .I.... . ... . . . . THE NEWS-RECQR-D.. . - , R11 L AGWRII � I ineans autocratic. ... .. I. . ,* 'PaIISL� arrived, at.tbe scene Ili.. as of money, the bloOaadb of -the al- . . -1. I .1 . . .. 1 .� . - . . . . . . , I . . : I . . . . . l Niagrai a . ­ . L . faVorL Of " Acted teutints. I .. . . .. . .. I . . . . . I I ' L Iled powers. having cut.off all POS��Lj-.. I IM L 11 . .. 1 . . LL . ­ - - . ­­� -­.- ­.- - . . . . . - . Aluch of Ojiat used to Ile within his. 'an bour 'and a, balf and the'Jine was . .- ' of :the conTer' , KTY.�VEARS. - . . . -7-- ---- ­­�­­�­ "W" MWOOM I and their province has,been taken ovbr:L - Cl . . .. . bility of restoolung. its arsenals. D(' - Tbe : members ence, . . FOR OVER, SIX .. L . -"--Wm- . ---- � . � I . � . I . . 13 . * eared before'lliglit. . I ., ate I a S , volitiolled tile * do�rr, spondeiit,;,�. are, .. .. I IL 0e)W's SootilinL 11 . . I .1 I I L I. . . L ; . � . by the Loiadoll county. council. I fact . . 01reman D�salllt '-was, killed - out- per" efforts ave being made to gvt 'L Mrs, Win. I g SyLrup has ., . --- . I . . ' 1. . . . pleased. NV!tfi tha�YoSUI,t ()f tilel, . I I i I'll, -- ­ . -- I " . .d - Pi ­ . '*. - lnQ(,A- been ii�ed, by. iiii1lions of in I I the ilverage, Loridonei 'never Ithinks of riglit, , and FI died cartri gas through fi-orn uerto Rico. I , otliLrs for - - . . I . T reman Waring �1 ingsi: all([ thOre a WIL1 icelllli� dieir childr � vhitd -teething., If dis- .. .. . . -- . . . .. . . � . 1. ord wityor a I s all edict -thaki . ng, 1. ng' There are only 2,000;0004n stock. I . 11 - . . tile I . . .Iibout. heclf jan bour a1ter i -pax --hi the ­TJnl,%s tile" blocRade be su-4rended 11. that a v- t .is . kell I (� I 1. an . . . . . . . .. � . � ill..,L . ­ -1 ; . grem step-torward has bei'll turbed of-Aiight* and broken 61 youf , . I . . . L . . an . I . lawgIvill.,-1offlel . He standsaltogetb!�: Sf.:. Catharines ho.9pital, where tWe - . taken ic�)Nvar(']% the sett,lement 6i * .,it -by a sick child. sufffleri L and ..'T11g; I . I . ole medidal. - -(i -f - . 4 1 .. .. I . the re AgL . . taff had ass6mb -a to 1. Uninediately Pi sident Castro's all] . . .. . . - .,: .., . Or apart Ili thd popular juln(ffrom ques- . wh s le. . . . I . I rISli quesiion. , I .- . I.. . I . . I . .. . . . . rebdeir iiiiinediate aid... , . . from, power, elther by ab-dicatkon oil, . .., .. .1 crying with ,pain of cutting teeth send � tions of'rati,s ffUd aqsessments.. schools L � . .. . I. . � I .. .L I . 61 11 Mrs: . . . * , I. . . . .1 . . .Coroner . Goodman' e , rapmrfnelod a .ell.fo-reed doliosition, ,scen1sJn.e-v.it.p.J)Ie, .1 I ---- . at once and get a. - bottle I I I I L I ' . .and police'.'. Very few people dotild.say, .1 . I ;, I ... Fin - 1141 al 11A n ic I at, Caracas. L . IS WI�E I . Winslow's, Soothing Syrup" � for oihilIl, I � . . I ' what legislative'. f unctiOns, If, an , he jury which Assembled at 3 o'clock Ili.' . L .. I . ­ L H /l D9U,NKARD.. ing. -It. will relieve the'pobr L .1 .. L . . I .. . � . L . ran teeth L . I sland OC Curacoa,.t ' . I I � " . , . y the Merpitton Town Hall 'and, after, Wlllanistad, 1, I . , . 1. I . . I .. � . AERI .. . L . flffaiiftjl_ P, Lk"Jj�C� - . . I I fulfills. .They, iiiiiv have heard, that be� , hearing thi evidence -of tile7deceased ..Tan.. 6.��Tbcrc was a c al�lie­ � A. -Xa,va,on.­0Yjta1Ltrs A, suftililonp.. little , sullever : finmediate.1y. Depend. � . �A . L I .1 . I . . : I I IL � - ' , ' . . I . I % . .upon it, mothers, t1lere: is no mistaj�e .. . ... I .1 . I IL . . . - 1. L . Dr. Vanderborgf � ' larm Satiwday,' A, large utlin- Against Her. V 'ixgland's Sfrkii.a- . . I. I . .1 . : . Is the chief tni�glstriite or- 'the courts, Arimian, and Grand . at . C eas , '. � -out it. It,. cures. Diarrhoea, regu- . I I'll . I � . ' I but beyond ihaf tliel� kilowleft ' e. ' of . L 111.4 Tkiiii-k-physi6imn', adjoilrited'till Tues- ' but Of small traders.aild pi-ii-al,ti- Ae I r. I . .. nticr:!.� .. ' ' '" ab � .. : . '.1 . I ' , ' ' ' L I . 1. . ' L ' I . . � .. . . . . , est 'New Licensing Aet� - ,'late�. tlic�'..5tonimcb ,and Bowels, cures ., ..... . . . . � .. liveciso dotle's does Udt sti'lly. -1� Is the day -next. .:� I . L , . pursiiors L went .together to th"o OfIl.ce , I . L. . .. ;.... ,.1. ... . ' . . . I . � I . L 1. , . I sue! . Ill and decorative 'side 'of. his, p L dsi- I Engineer' Dupkpit's eoll,arbo'ne. is : 01 . 11"t, Bank of Ve�cmucbi for the pur- Loildon,*Jan. q , ,�-The firs t.'llotable . Wind Colic, sof taw; the - Gains, -reduces - I . L . . . . OF I . . I I . I . i ' .IiI . niatibn and gives. t6ne'..aud .eti- .. . , . . 'on;! his left knee joiilt ' Of exchanginj� .the bap . . .. I . . . I tioii that hupre4ses the, pubile. The brok . fractured Pose "" ' .1, notes case, uu.-ler*- ' tile, nL!w llcql)Sijlg . act. teethin -is PleaSalij Lto .tho taste. ,� . . . ,. , L . . . . . L . . ,,.�, , . -badgL And he has a�deep scalp wound, t for silver. Th(j b -efused X L is.'the Prescription of one of the . '- I . . . .. I . . I . I . . . . I lord mayorAs ue�er.wltbout his � - En- ank' I fo which wtut. itito ofAct New 'Yb-. r's' . ­ . I . . I . - , ,I) O . 4 C.f . .. . . . L. L . . , . and rarely without'his robesand chnills gfim3r Puke's most'abrions,linju . _: - chtin,4 ll�bre'tllahL S . O.. worth: f notes' day- caule* 1�4) L in 'a L 1, liddil, Police , L I est and - i3Lst ,female physici I ans .And. - . 1. . I . . L I . I . . . ' � . ry -is - . -1 .. . 'in' the'aftei- � . . ., . . I, ' . of oillce. He I , -1&�s a6rood In a imignif . L,m brokeriL leg, I -%c ,has also- several ­forany.,onc pQrson and.. -1 Court yeiterday. afternool), when- nurses : in. Ahe United -Stato. Price' ., . . 11 L .. - . L. .. . . I . - L . cuts about 'tile body. - Botf, :Will -like- : noon closed its doors. 'L L , '.. . Sir oil ,a Laws6n, the Ang- �5 , .., . . . . L . . . . . . I I ' artes Alle .. . . I . I I I .. icently'.%gilded coach, with, powdered' L I I . . . . . . ­ . . . . . L . _cllts� a bottle i- Sold .',by .all:.drug7 . . . I.. I . . . I ly recover. , ' ' ' . . I . . ' , , L, ­ I lo-Indii-L)i newspaper offlLon. mild writ- L - . . I . . ' � - . .. 6u* mien and footmen in.cocked bats . . * . . . ,L . . . . sts Ahroughout the. worla. -- Be spre - � . . . ­ � I HANGING TO A �RAFTER 't . er, a gy . . P W � . , C cl -nee breec J ' . - - -, le(l, .27 Inju I .. I . . - ., agkl�iilst gi. .1 Xrs., � I . . I . . ,�� L pplied fol I H' .0 An I L Kieo' U . L. x Imil red. ­ , .a. slunilloll, I to, . . low - . . . ' � er L , �. . A L I and silk k illes,'sending a gleam' L . I . . . I . '.. . I .1.11 . I ille whole system � . . . L - . I . . C', ' I L .1. � . , I . - . I � - Lady Lawson,..%�Wow- lie dcscrihe�l a-41 Winslow's "Soothing.Syriip" for,thildw, - .:. .. 111. . : . L L . . �. I. L . . . .. . on. . Birmingham, Ala., Jan, 5.-Tn Sat�- �� �. . . .- .. L :� .. , ar(] L . .. . I . L ,. ,� " . . I@ .. . L. 11 I L 11 . . of gold through the.4irty drab of L* I . a habit"dai'druak , The summons W,S LS . . . L . L " . . L L . I . . . � . . L . . I . * I . . . . I I.. . ­ . L . z mes'. . , . . . . I . . I . I . I . (IOU. L ' L, L. . ". . lit'dny jiigb�'s Wreck� oil th6 Southern, �i-�i')A:'Iiiiil'��L;;"il�e-litt',y Farmer ItemMIng . . I L. Land ,ask for "i 'DI17S. L NV.i:n'slo' .00th -L 7 . � _ ; . � ... �'.. ­ . , . . . : I . 7. L %%,A,S granted. ., � I . L. .. . . . I . . . I . th' 'Ti . . L Railivay: .,i L h& ' I � . : . I . car city, Engineers ��LNX r Watorilown, Continitted . I n Syrup.11 ... . . . I . . . . I I .. . ­ . .1 I I The lord'WayoVs sh6w.-on Nov. 9 Is ll L this . I Sill(4410. . ., q,l " lie , . .. . . .1,11 . ... L �.. . . I . . L. I L . . - ,. 1. 111bite 'L" L . .. ­ . te w act enablas ,either m7 blis- . . . . . . . . � ., L . . I � .. .. L . III,' 'L ' ' L , was. the 'only ' person killed. '-' I S I ntprtl �"Ar 'a3 . 1, ­ . IL aJI(, 0 1'. * W i,fC I . . ,. I I . . .. I � . . ' ' . L I . 1. . .."L �. . o1glal .s few annual �ilg6nittq�'. . I ... a . � to secure- a sepaiation ........... - � . . I one of, r ­ . as Men. y Derzaiq.d. . I. . . . .1 T is pretty hard to keep: well informi�d on -the - - � , Twent -seven- passengers were , mor'o -, I. I . .. I . I � I .- ­ - � ' L , I . . I . .. . I y . . I I . . I I L L I . aud,*iincoaflias ItAs. has a warm place or less-. injured, - I . : . I , .L1fftIJjjItOU,. Jan, 5.-Poter BinklL,y, . in the cv.se of liabituitl :drunke'lliless, . ..:- - jqv�SIICIPAL XPTICE . - .. � . political news', the S CientffiC,newS, the litdrary , . , . . . , . L . . ace � , .1 . I . . . .,. � . I . . I tirld .411.0us - . flio police to. t0rest all . . .1 . . '', I .. .: . I . * I . '. . .. .. . In the hearts ofthe popul, and, - be-. .., - . . . .:a. veal -thy and highly-e-�tcemed' f * . .. . I news,Jhe Odudatioiial m' '�.6 ' e tS L the gkea,t' . . , . , ­ . . 1. I . I . �. ar- Ane'.riate ariVwheve, except. Ili it . - � . .0 mn , . . ,doles all this. lie lias.some ri"fitii * .. . . ' . -esidill L Wdterdowo L Com_ . , I - . � I . .. pl-l- .,I -hereby - given thd't a by- - - . ­ . . . . [ and I 'Cult '111NIMS M'i= DIE. . mel . �'.j L .1 near _ . . business developments the hiindreds of interbsti .. el . . r. . .. . i . Notice is � . ng -.-. ! . vate-house, wilt.thev uisor(lerly or law- was -passed by the.'Alullicipal'-Cor- - ­ I . . . I .. . . . . provi I eges 'of, 4W .years" ,standing. - No , -- � . .. .. . .:,,, Uflifed soleide Scitarlda'y, morning I)y . I . . d valuable afticled in the h ndfedg'of. excellent . . L . . .. troops -way 6 Cauglktlu ,X Ind 2,000 FeetTroull S . th. a rope . t i ed to, . 1i6t. Alter conNict ioh, drunkards aro poration of the town, of Clihton ' an . . . . ti 1. . .. . I . . . v.11 . . I .on, . L .. I L . L . . nos the City 'bothidarles �. bSr Val urface , lin'll,gill", billl��E�lf .. . . L . 1 .. I magazines., M . 'b' I I I ­ .. .. ling Coal. L, I I . . I � , blacklisted for the 'space of ,t day of November, A. 1) . . I . -uf the only way. it. 6an:be done y .. . � . 06igil him- . . . I -raft6r, in his. barn. ­ I L . . .1.1irea. . . � .. . . ' '' I - L . . . a , . -var.q. . �f hey at-.cnilrt 1,o. ol.t.%ill 1.1(,-2, I.rov I issue O a)- . the - ave I o ' , 1 Djni�lcv had been, ill 'for.� . .N " , 1. . ige usy man'..and: woman is-�. to read a'� -` I Without hls,leave.' Tlie.sdv I 4 . , . CaA I t .Aia'� i; idiiig' f6r the ' I a I �. . . 17� ... . - self has to agk pernilssi n to'efiter t io � S1prj.ngficId,, 11I.L, Jan, 5'.:-F pur min-; . I y,. I),. &irik ( uring. that pe. i4d they III.* . . I . 1. � . . I , , L . .. . 1. ' I 5,6a�rr. aiid Was sci.ed whh,..tha idea fj'Lj)j� I �a : f46 -; 1. ` ,� enttl�6s,to thb'mniouUt,6f:,S8680.38 Tor 1. zirie-like I I -The" Re v�i e of Review.s' ),. a I . . . . . . ­kor 'ets , ivere, pro ably,fatall ; . , 0. Milga WL .. . . � , nd, as -1 . I . . . vity wails"Just as. he:lno to .aql*. b ' ly injured that his. allairs wereAn I)a'('l b' , I 111Q, .while: the:'pulllicaii ,the plifi)-Ise �f paying the costz of- - . ...it is the only mAjazine of the; sort it is a good- . j . I . � I permission to .eater:ihe hoiise of 0m. and - bt.. noiniber of. ot.het:& baft -.bui.-n-': 1 . lli� ,f ,Illily S III)e . , , L . . .. .. . . . 4 ' . ­� fi I- . 50 f - -ovei - " . . .. . I I . I . I . . .1 '111 N""alit, .wtpI:.I.N1ng .thoni Is. �i,d $5 bi a . ctrtaiu Lw�l infln nults. undertak � % . � L. , *. I �, , - ' - allin I I and , '" I (�.i 0 i'4 Po I ' - � �a L I hi $ ''o f0i , � � . . .. , . ad an4.L; ' . . 11.11OUS, . . . . , (.lit by,ft g con. in an ex, " , ' L f,'r i t c� M il de; * om d, $1 0 0 � to r u, lwemid en, during t . t Ing- to send 2-5 a. �e.tr'§� subs�6ption. - -. , , i , .. I . I L . � L .11 . . s. "� .1)1( -):.ion of I . .doill't lie w'w­ luentally.. d'L.;a,11g,e(I -at 11 ... .. . . I . . . . . lie said 3 ar and.that sach . � . . ' ` �.. I I . I .. . 1. . I. .., . . . . � dtl . -�' - � I , I . . ... I Injiv st. 1 L the Chicago.- .: L' . ' . ' . . I I . I . . -I'..:-"- ...­ � . ­ . .. .... ­­.­­-�­ IN I the, tillleL 110 . (Xvnm I .. . . I . bvlaw was registered in the Registry . � . . . . , ('jilillnit 11 . , .- . I . I . . . . . . . `Ir..dcn.-!1fIi,nO�at. Auhiirn Saturday. . . ted the dt+.d. 1,e- - . 'o-vided for , (Tilice at Godeitich, ill the Couilty.. of * � . P,IZESIDENT POOSEVEL - - : - I . . . . . . I . 1�eosva NVL14 �59-, -.yiars. of, -age, alw . JJ1lprN.)lllll'(mt J.9 . pi . .T, says. . . , 1. I I . � I I I . . Three hundred and fifLy,nien waire in . . I . . . . . . I I dvui!!� ftr(Is N"'l�llp­ in Charge of, . I . . . . "I know that throughLits. columns views. -have been*pre� . - I I I I .1 .. . . . . � .P A"& tile mine At tile- tiffie, btit all except leAves -three solls and Xwo, d6lightel S.- . I , ..a- child. I-Diron, on the i9th day' of. December; . . . I . . .. ... . . I I y ties a f Q., . ! ., liy mbtio� to cluash I ented io, me thai I could not othirwise have'.hIid 2CCess to, 1. . . I I&P- fourt an. or lift Ile o�%rnecl a '200 -acre fal,ni,. _ , alider sdvep a , . . A. D�, iqo�.: A or-, . . . I . . . I I a4r s . Na , (], eQn. who 'were Caught I I we I I . �- because all earnest and thoughtful meni-rio matter how widely . I. . . I I . L .- I . I 's.et aside -the, same or any . part there-- - , I . I . . . r L @��' V, C r . ,%% ill tl.)(,- antl,y, 2,000 feet fl,OIT1 the. scocked -and Willi gpod buildings; De� � . L .. . I .1 - -. �, . . . . I their ideas diverge, are given free uttera ci in its columns�11' ' . - . . 1. . � . . . ' ' . . m . . . b " at reticbilig pla;,os ! sides having' Plenty. ;-waxly money. . NE.TTER,ItY Zi.l�,JL�nLY'6(;,00(3 00 I I . . n . . � . . %y surface, sudeced f jo­ . . L. I , P-.' � of inust- ,be U�11(10, With[L�n one inontli � . . . I I . . 1. I . ­ I. I—, . . I I I . . . . � I I . .. ­ - L ' ". �' . I . . . I . � � . -h o iho. -date Of registration and � . ' - L. L . I . ... . � . �1� . -Xplo-ii0liL was said. . � . : . �. ". ., , -n L -an(I "Opartl1le"t L cannot be made thereafter. . - ,. . . 11 I consider it a . . I . . . .. , . L I or safety,,' Tho a . .. ... ­ . . Canatlia Paelfle .L . in . EX -PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND says, -' . �, I � . � . 33, -84 *� . . . . .. . . I . I 1. nxe b6ch. caosed by & shot. -'Itl-'- XTLO- - I . I . . . u . . to h. I -;CII 1. -, . : brealus the lfteeora.� ` � . . I . very val able addition tomy library " . � . I .. . . I . . . I., L . I . . . . L ) . I . . . .- ". �. I I . . . . . . . . I I .. . .. , .. -"-*,j_ 1. . L WILLIAM 'COATS, Clerk. . T . .. .. .L I I I . . . 11 When the butter - ,won -1 . . ... ., 11 . 1. .. i I ... - L L,: 1. � ... I I ­ .1 � I ­ . . I . L . I . . ' ' . 130: Jtii_1a . I � .. . .. I .41? . TEEL A.TRAI� AXIYX H.4 ' , Pelod-Malsterial , hinipeg, Man., J:ail. � 2L,-Tb.e ,Vew-� - ,. . I . . evi Of L Reviews. CO.' I .1 .L I . I . j V, , rrvnife.r'311111 I Wi . . Dated this 22nd day. . . . . The.'R * evvf. I . .L I ­ . I * %J. -a -Ey In the Seviatp fftr6i,� I L L .. .11 . . I ...L. . . I . '. I . : *. , ­ .. . . . .. I . . .L . ' COMP_ PUt, �L L penny ,-.in the , I . . . ... -. .4.1 . . . w. . . �� .. . . . . . - .0le,heil. , . Vear OfL I 1)ft Was 'a. Wirindr. yvap , -in of bteeniber' 1902,.' I . .. I 11 I . .?. . 11 L - ,�3 Astor Place, New "�otk. .. I 1. 1. . / * %L. . � Two Bimliet; Recovored Vroui a Cai-e-In,' ' . the business tran.�Llqiions of .thp CIL- �. I . . . . I I I . : . � . . � I 11 1. I /. I . I C11 L fl,", L . k, - . I I . . 1. . .. 1. . . .7 , � . , � ' - ;. I I liacifIC L L4n_Cj t, �\­-, -�Ii ---­­-­t�� I . , . L . . . .. . 1. . .1 I 0 . , L 11 .ilent, _,jut ,,, 7. � . L a , f JeWS .;. 'L... I " . I . proverb. L It. often seerns 'to victoria:, P. c."Jun, 5--A�ter, be- Incident., Early returns indicate the . y *Ilear- . J . ­ . I . , . ea'dTheReview o Rev * . . . I L is L - -ie dai :r .3 an. 5.--7-Tho - Seu ato riatel cc- iiadian bo -pal . U . an,: old, tin ir.'y ', hi Ilritlifli Columbia. '.L� ,' . arip, . , . I . I I ­ . I ' I tions passed off -yesterda, . � . L I . . , . y without. t.l,,, ye -bett L ; Noll TO CREDITORS, � � I L � I . ar. of 1902 -was . Or b I I . L , . . 'ill fol- .Over re-Oveflon of Premier L�Coolllbe$ L front IV '86,000 000. , �, I . . Jn ',tl:e,. d.state of %1§aac Reltienbury'L L . . . . ' L . . . . . .1 . . I . I . � . I L' ing. .buried vindee a C.7LVO- ' . The sal I a I s for the I' onth . *of Decant- . . .. - � � I . *dee� L - I .11 L .L ­. . . ,�, . I . . . � I ­ I ' , ,L, � . � * L . work thoiigh*no one.haS ever a yeor in NOL. I I ' ;5 ' lope �at the Union ' the''(.1harento Q, ' , 1) . . ' . asec . .:� I . 1 , - . 'It- 41MI&EM I I . ' . . ­ � I .... . . I L ' ' � I J11fel. 'e, - tj .qliant, Lt L $. -0 � .(,1897)1 ��y -7 - �� . * 1 - , . . ed L r .R1 ael s . �01 : I I . L I ure and of :Fl . het totall , 5 7 7,3 8 2 ,I) r, 6' R. rap. - ­ �. I . . ,I,(j8i . . " Y", , � , .. L .,L �. . . ' the - of 3 pulli L the Al ,� L289 I I I . � .. . . I L . ' t . : �Nf i:lc�q ' th pin,an I namee Alinister Irom . ps, Mari- .S . . . . .. . . old wh . 1. I . L' .bo( les L C - . . I I A-5, as. against, '131 -� inq iind 4mendiftj acts,'notice is he�e-, . I . I ... . L . .. . .. I I . . . . . . .. . I . . . . . I 11 I I . .. .. T NiokallA, fol,11100y it, %,ailing h' ' * huk ' I . .. . ' ' 1 . . . � I , . . !: I . S 11) ,. tilneg, t strengthening*the Rcim,th- I wlf.�s . in by given. that: - all �peri;ons having . I . 1 :151.1.0 cv,res for �40o,�� --,LZ'-. ---­ ­­ -.-.­­----­­, -:­­ -,--.-. -.--- ­­­. -�"- aster, 'oil .coasu *%esscls, - licall Inaiplity.; - - . . . . . L . . . NV.hen. mothers.:,are,vorried - UI ul,,d i�. `�. . � -1901, 'Fo*r the.- year of � . - . .�' , . . I � 1. . . .1 . . I s I L ' . 2 - again. . . L. ", . I . .1 . . . . 1. . . . , � , n ro 100- tllc' clailn.i-' I st tile' estqte of Isaac .1 ,. , I � . . . . � . 1. � I . I . Ciiiiiaman, haN'a just bte ,covered. ' -Later I-601MM ,;]low that ttle 1"Iniq­ sa I ( . . , . . 's Wele 22,42,10,000 axl-.L�q foi- $8, il)urv, late of the iown of 01' � L l because th6' cbifdr�n do - not! They wern - ,killed in conipany with ' tellal. ma.;orltyAn the 1.1ppei- Ilousti 1,�(),000-, agall3StL I I .. -, Ratttr . . . I IKII DO, L CoulliV of, Ha L . jj:t ' tll . L ' two others dia 11*0 in N0- ,1 has becii-sti*ciii�,tlic,nc-ti.�'I'lic Col s v - $-), i (), 6 I - � , f* -2 -ftercs' f6l' tQ.U,' in t& ron, gentle-, . I . gain *strei., and flesh- -Nve L . ) Cr It., ( 4 00 ,11 .1901, , I'll 0 'I nvr(.�am Ili inaiii, - dLCeascd, a',rc rcqi . iired -on � Z�l . ; .$lope -in July, 1S)OL, - . L - I .0"i .. . or 1. . I ' . � I L . . . I �jves hm�c elact,d five Ili vessive merea­ � .sold is thel'efore, I,Z80,000! before the 31st day of January n6it - -n Scott's EMU1. L ' . . . L ­ ring a, 1, .4 I .. !, 11ppublicalls; the I ibevals . -res.�e ... . I 'L. . I . "' ` JADED' I ERVES .!OF- WOMEN I , I . say give' tliei . . . Tried to, Uob Jeiv'el Itoolm - . . 25 IlIppub- a,(. . . (1903) "to send by lam il, �Postpaid or Ile . . 1. I.. I . .. . . . . . I I I . . L I . . �. I I . 1. . . , )icans, 18 Racticals, and 34 Radle . . . - I . I . . L . � I . . I � al � . I I Sion. . . . ..London, . Jan. 5.�In a. despatch ! �,,ocluljsts, I . I ­ .- . �. liver to, William NV'. Fa,rran of ille * , , Are Many tirpeS -an,indication, or symptota of fluneflonal I . � . I I . . I - . 'St"'AIIOV R-MALSI) MAD.— Town of I . It is . . . I .. . I in Dellil, the col,respoirVent. of The I "),pile, 'N11111"try of Fliterioll, Claim.1i , , � � N .A . . said. L Qintoh, private bank -w . L L, . . . . . like the penn 'in the ,.I"P . . . . . . .. . . at, and ' 11arry T. Rance of. ths said - - . deriltigetnents, , .. . . . . . IL I I . y , laily Alfail* Says: L ",& body Of I'll- - t1lat. the (ILO L (11. � I I . -- . L . . . . . I v nment galned I.-) Load, Hus..11emA a 31("1100r.of Re ain . They are in,inost cases due, to functional wrongs,'to wbich - . - .� Orks 'and: than,; made a� libld,attempt Ili brim -1 Iost two,, m'net gain of 18 seat&. -, - � . I (l elk bell fr6wfi-bf Clinton manager of the Sov. . . . J . L . . . . I - milk .because it W � I , the guu . vii . . ,4 xoo Its 111.(4.,ptf�n. - '. . cl,eign Wnk,. the' lixecutors of the said . L . I Woftlen only are subject. . . . I . . . � .. (laylight Fi-Iday to attack .. . -- -, . .. . . . . . I � . . .. L 0 le Jewel �IvOoll . I I of arts 6,%- I -, okill,t) 11V211MY'Tty DICA11711. I lVontreal, Qv - o�, -Jan, �'11.-ITon, I fr. (8tate,, or to the tindersigifed, their . . . ',' OIIT , Olt XgRVM "' W01ned - I I ' because there --I is � Something. end roi), ti . . . . , . =20%1� , � .. 11 I . I I I 1, ,esontative of the sblicitor, m. statement in writing. ,-of - the - nightmare of doctors. - . , : . I bitlo.n. Whore :gvnia valued, at $I,- . .. rl Armand, the repi .. wre , ­ , " - . � )4'.Ntroyed�-Illg Wifels, Wvhdoji of- Rolmitig I -clalins with full partlemlars of . astonishihcr about it. . I 2)i,50,000,wevo in k&-J)'llg`. 11'elubers of , -John Ceafg!8.1louse I i heir I 0 L I . � L . . . .... . gily, in the Do- ' "CRAXKS" is oft6ti the design*atioti- - . L . , . s 'and of .tll(,, n � . Scott's Emulsion is I ,81'm* the police -force and tile , .. IN-ep 1'rozen. I L 4enate, (lk'd Ili , city ,their account ature of Ulf . of those' patients by physicians unable . . '.. I Jewele, 1, Ir - L I � . . . winion- .1 , the '14st , , cirrit. as ,(if any) held by illani, all L. . I . , ' I . . ti4. "Wit, after a scidliep.succeedecl I', Ali,- . night. S(;nator Arniand was'one of. so' , . I . . tatid the cause .of their � . u d L li-�er oil - . ,villb, Jan. 5.-A hre Which �ad tile few le.ilaini'lli likellih,614.4 * of: the I . I . . I a milk.. of. re co Ing the attemilt.!, , N , .. Dol le verified by siatutory d(lelaration.'. . to unders I ' - . . P .. � � . . I . L I ..� . ,. .fat.111 results .. oi curred near Ala(loe, I , And -flotice is filrtlier given that . irritable. condition. . I I L . . . Hastings Uounty, when tile re6iflt noc 80nate vo,ho saw polverapplied to . . . ' . . . with sorne bypophosphites Oro Make 300 I.-nallies a year. , I i of John Ciaig Immuer,,wera -ved, . thlit, 116 dy by royal Iroclatuatitin on after the 3ist day of J'alittary, x9o8, I . ST. JAmng WA,rups have rendered . . . . I . . I bul � its or�aliLftti n fit 1867. 1le had the said executors will proceed to dis- I great service to. such.piiysicians in I . I especially prepared for delicate ! 'Alontreill, Jan. 3. Nghty mcte.-; (it The hoiis,��and'coptents were.totalfV 0 . I I . 11 5 -r - I . previously lAvit a member of the tributethe . assets of tlie estate of I . land have lie ii Longvti(� destPoved. One bf.th,i family'sJltde le� L CoUncil i � . stom"Ichs. - . ' L I i , Oil p6rchmsed I !iSlative of - Cailada. Ile tfid,vaid' (lecensio-d among the persons N. I I Great Britain,,:who prescribe them to' . . I . . , I . . . 1. ­ . Point, Just be�Oild the it limits, (hildren 'was burnod to death I)eforc ' entitled thereto, liaving regard -only �Z- Wervotis w0ltlen. * . . .1 . I 'I . . where thq new lo(.011lbtf% Is, was I . L,- . I . ,� y,orks a, a io,�.,I;-'Aance could be. rendered, - 31 )Orm at. -Riviere ,-Dosprafriv.q I I *,-� . I . . - -e to it I ' T 1L L.". to claant, of wh'ch they -shall then 14 . -ST, JAMAS WAVARs afford great . I he v.,Aablished� '. L -in 1.8'10. wva. . . Sz I, Children tak iaturally Otte,, IQ wag [L.Conse have notice - I I to Some 000 men 'Cra ' lgr Plat all her clotl'Jllg,. and bad _ L � ; and that they will .not, I I . relief, simply by strengthening every - I � tive ill T)O11A.-S. , This loaves 4.IX S I L a,gs � because .they liki the taste . will Ile employed, all([ the will b(- to fien ti) tha� barn In lici* night dro-a 13C llabl fo ill . eta . I e ly . . a or any I - , : L � ,� . gin buf1cling engines Ili August next. On the way thei,e' ,she had - her IeLi vacancle.i in the Senate, .1 . Oeol to any person or persons 1-1 organ'Saffected by the. functional, � . - the remcdy take J ' I . . . -- part th r �� ,, - . a n d' S Just as , the otitl)ilt to lie 100 a year, . ' frozen. L I L I Wrong in Womeli, such a� weak , . . . t i I I(Illect by Mootria siltoolr.L L of Whose claill'si against tht mid ea- A �� . . . naturally to the cbildren bem I , ' "(J lto�('oncll(1(1. L I L . i[Ttleft, Jan. ").-Thollins 0,11aillan , tateAlICY Shall not then have notice, Stolliach --v- Weak , ba I ck-. . dud . wealt L . . I I " ' i - UrItIsli Asti6nssattor at Jtoffit" i ' . L -At ' Sty . � tS bmve aged 85, was I illed by aii' electrl' 1)atcd (it Clillt011 this 1801 :,�z ,nerves. . � � . . , hna, J'an. S.-Ropor L cause it is ,so perfectly adapt6d. , London, ,Tail, 5.-It'14 officlafl,)ratl� ' - -�,i(. t ' , c day of Dec., A. D., x9o2. 1z 'IPL stottlachp . . unced that f'inal E'divaed bat4 III). bI.ein, shock yostcrday . afternoon in. tile 4t ST.. JAMAS WAVURS 11L tS. L -'.. . 114) L I received here front �0111'1(ts . to th& wan pointod Sir Francis Levonon Pertle, plos.ly connected with tile Co'. t. o'i holler shop cf bis father whilo . I W. 131tYDOND, � . . . . . .L 'L . . di'gest food and ,Send the nutriment lo Of , L . �At( . L X. C, b.., to sliceved -Lolld Car), E;mxonv of & ' possible recon(iliation chaltring Ineanddscont, globas on an 11olicitor for the said Executors,- 61VE StRENOTH TO WO . I Por all, wcak and pale -,Ind ffaivley, as British Ambawso.dor at , tlectric light wire I . . . 1. - . I through the blood, and this is the. � . I , . I I lletovo�n the Cepwn Princess andLhar , . I STOmACR W0XHEAoTIiwrA honest WAy to get bealth ati(l strength, - . ... . . . . I . � I omm.m- ammunwowww'2111:110111. n1w. I a I k . thin children Scott's E Inulsion. , (101DIC L . huld'alldi, ­ I . ­ I .. . ­ ' L . . - . 4A 1 At rUNMONALWRON65 flae kind that last$, develops aild . : . i . qu (I L ...., . - . . � � . , sz Ey NIUCH J� ID&STIZI I .. � . , > * I � * � > > � 0 t 4 I .0`> It > * XX X. - L. . I Ii 7", , , Jl'. "'., , - , 1, � � is the most satisfactory treat-' I Ilor Irria1c. I . laloroVe. . � To euvii 4 cold in a night-ulla Vapo.;cretlo. !-.lonlwy Brand �)llip nloans kitcholl uten. I THE CONYTIEUTION breeds th6 energy which. accolnu*, , ' . N I - . I It Is il golenin duty devolving on all i't has b 'If, s*.ecl, iron and tinware, wilvou and �� I I I I � I A eatitankprous Old farmer, Who L 12, can used extensively. (luring niore i . � 11 `� plisher, nitiCh. . � .. ment, o) menty-four yeam, All Druggists, Turltz at,d all kincla of cutlery. 1�- .. � L .. . 1 , to make the utinost possible Out of N y 2C �, Iff . . . I hardly ever agreed .with -anyodug hist I 4A MN . -- I We Will send you , , thehiselves. Men Reelt the hi-I)est do. L _ � . .. I I . . ­ . 'L I . . . �� 14 119me twed At. Yawed WattrA . 12;;��­ wire sold to lifin, edine holne onit Wet " ­ -- -- - I-Iodon-N ', Is j,q to p1mat L ' . I Iln� . the poliny, i. 0. veloptnont of their llocits and herds 'With litieh iticots L - 0 a day and, placing .his bilck to tile- Ilre. L Z11 -t mootif ,,On 8 O - - theitu on tuy list of rtllabldv.�l 1� ts. , ' VANIIT,V fITTARRAT,8, 'Wore -1.40e," waaale phoafhadfle, , S. . . sample free. stood tip to dry. .Ind grain rind flowers. The result Is I,- 4h%QVAPRJ,C ' 3btt Chas. It. Spritig6ri . . I (. Z- I !rk- Ilo-mt Z%g1T81h-RgMMt1. 1 $-%- out a . I , I . . . I I After sonle.1jitli jlMe his. jApl& tliftip4l t1I6'imVr0dd flora And faulla 6t these - How Ina. -Y X'ar;ous falitily t1twar. * -, 861d Iffid. M01111216odod by all �, -�Z �RITAIN Y- - � L .16 tolfe t1l'It JfJLl.q �(&Jft 1.1 A ift. 6 IF M n & , W%A . Zondfttj�Xtlklkado, . I I to Win and sifld- fk,V. VVV. V � � IF .. VA.V0. U rele, inarriagem out of spite anj alter- f drUggistA In Callada, Onljr rell. oil rliqqls,5&LhaMi I . the forlit of a tat) -A is oll 0- , able zatillain6 dli§06vare(l. fift I �g'.:-,_ .. L � � � , . wrip er of every bottle eg I "-John, you'd better wnteli �oursell or should this evolution conso With the ,t Oliq Of %�ills 111i lit ha.'e ]:Let% l;re- . . . I k4ges guaranteM to cure all 11. I I . � Binull.lon you Luy. I lower order? ,%hould the, body of ere- �c ted by a gentle eo. 0,11180 xusL Weakness all effects of sbuse ­­­ - you'll bilvii your thilitiels," 40 of pills ?" f I SCOTT & BOWNE, To Which John replied: ntion Improve ad not the head, which AVith. the I or and 14(hicys sluggi: It tit excegg, x6titAl Worryl h3tesagivo, um of TO. I ­- . ­ � . I 1A006, OPIU111 of, Atinit:114itts, Usilled oil MOO 1�4. - chol'.21sts, "I think PH need to burn My tro'd- If' win ? . Ild torpid, di ,04i It Is in;paired Wild f I)II06, Ono Irkb"WIf alit, $5. vwtvillpkowo . I A, It 10 otatedL thilt oil the JOW6r gibe no :ned.' But Dr. Chasel,,q Xid- IMMottre. amp eti fr" to tit "414", 1. ,--1 - L . Totlotlto, Ontarlo. Rel's fli'st-01 t�lll , 1'illS, I)y in"igoratilig tho Tho Wodd Corapim _ _ Q, or, Oat. .1 I I . --- "indeed. John, you'll lined to do ftfieth- 111vilellv", I Soc, and $i.ow, � 11), ,.�, VilldgO or fttM Js fV06 from tualarl �Ictloll of these orgatis citsare goti,il, di- Wood's 11110sphodine i,q sold Ill Un- Price In Caiinds 1. $ 1. 00 �- 'kild$u 50-41#1 1114 of th6 kitid. Thev're bdrot- , "I, A$ . . . 9- .141ti. , , 94101i'=A ultoed,ibountt � gegtioll and sotald 11041th. ofie pill a toll by 11. U. C Rcekde, too dy'll-I'mulon, Tit . attibe, P., 11 $IX bottles for $S.00 ... � i' Itovi,v au4 xvntts & Ot) - is oists . 6 .� I . dose, -25c 4 box, 14 i1r I i �, I I ,e'�, �2. . ., 9 1 . . � I . I . . . J I I ( �� I . �, 1. I . I . , I . I ML -i 6.W�.-,-.1­,,.�­--A&.., ,i,..-..------- J.'­­I.- '-. ­­­ . I � . I I � I . ----1- ­­..­-,..,­ f ­ - - 11 ­ -...I...."..111 , ligillilighlik", - ­ 111-A