HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-08, Page 7I Janvary Btu, I a0a � III= 40LOTON 1qr4WS-:RZ00XD N [A OFFICIAL APPOINTMUNTS IN'TIM4 CARD Or, T I I XXX 8 TWO no 9V414 FOR $AIX has bou lit DIOCU$A or LONDON. The Xmas Tree, in connectX911 with, Mr. Albert Berry of Michigan 11 Olte.of thooe, felicitious events which, bir. G corgo I'll To the Electors of CoeltrivIl. Townsbip: St. John,.-. church took Place on Fri- .9pjilding a few day-,, under th fifty two racres of bush iront Mr. JOS. The undersigned off4rs for sale 0, IN' I parcu- never foil to bring unalloyed happiness 04,-kh Of tile Brown-wo Line and i0 Ladies and Gcutleducu,—I take this franiv housf,. on .v toria street like following official appoint to the two interested parties, and in low offering it for salv lit lOt, t . uit ic (lay evening, januaty 211d, When the t 'entralia is which, another victitu was stnitten s 0 s 4.6 opportunity of thank.4lig you vlost =01 tlip railwty track. small or- ha,,,c, been, juade by His Lordship tile chUdren and parents spent a very Mr. James Blair of C puxchasurs- 114 will sell it !I' chard, spendirug 4 Week with his uncle, Mr. with Otte of Cupid's shafts, defti) small lots,as alle acre which will gnab- ,stable, etc. Bishop, ol London in tile 410cesc, of ien,clyable evening, Me it, t cordislly tar the support >,Ott gave 'no 9994 Well, . ic.. Also Small fritline hQUSe loll James London : Rev' Father Noonan is r,s Eve a number of the Cliristmas Eve. 'le those of our farmers whose itrewoo4 on New Yea on Monday and Which again clectcd street, near the knitting factory, lists Alair has returned to 140U4OU caSt' took place on ,'4 changed from Biddulph to Dublin to Voullg people gathered at the parsoll- Al as on of the marriage of ,tie a tn=bcr of the township coun- dAyi with friends it W the Occa-�! i's diminishing to secure ;XtIother sup- cil. I will endeavor in thg- future-, as. acre Of land, gootA well, etc. fill tile vacancy made by tho death of -age and sperit a -very pleasant even- after spending A lew miss Lottie Bristow of 1%,ugul'ondville Ply. Will be sold an wasj, tt Rev. Father Fogarty. Rev. Va, ler are here. ,rius. r, a (-) f q e Mr. ill the past, to serve your interests ther ing. Rev. M nd Mrs, Nil Mr. and Nrs. Win, Worthcott x. and Mr. Reuben Frost of town. Tilt; Richarol. l,ul*cr, who has beell '�V�thfully at the council board. JOS+ AbLEN-SON- MeMenainiu, pastor of tile new parish Nery highly respected. isited Mrs. cesemolly was Performed in tilt,, prus - - visiting relatives in, this, sucti<)lt for Clinton, January oii, Of Clinton and Blyth, will succeed Mrs. Wiflialn Purdy also entertaiuQd, Stalth N. Johnston this ence, Of a, select.number of juiluediau several xceks left last Week to re niatrintollial Yours respectfully, Rev. Father Noonan in Biddulph. Rev. I YO1 Xg pool�lu on New WeL turn to the Yowyll. a 11ullibtr 0 McIliarmid has. returned relativfs and friends, tile Father Ilisonneault is appointed Ad- ycar,s Eve. Mr. Hugh I spending his Christ- knot licing mode secure by the Rev. Mr. and Mrs, John McNaught(Al (If JOHN WOODS. HOUSIEC POP, $.kT4V4-. wini%trztor of Clinton. and Blyth. Elections. took place oil Nomday and iron) Ottawa 4fter Mr. 1,ihaw. �Ijss. Maria Bristow oi T,Icler�sulitll spuI, ),)tinclay at AIr. Ja%. Goderich Township, Jan. 7th. N appointed a large nuillber of votes were Polled 21�� �aruilton performed tile funqUan of 's. ni,ciolaidays -r. Rev. Father Statiley is %lith his siste rolics, 13 Turn" Aid met at Mrs. supported The undersigned oilers ll.�s cottage on sistant priest to Vicar General Bav" here, Uessrs. I.aniont and McNaugli- L-ridestuaid While Mr. Xrus4. lobert Stelck oil 1%fouday re, %:s week. King street for sale. 11.1itere is hard ard in St. Thomas, Rev.. Father ton were elected by large majorities. tl the groom. After the ccr�inony wah sullied his duties as principal of the 1,AND FOR SALE IN HULLETT., Father S611ley Lton Mr. XYm. Kyle has rented a. farm and Dr�s,%oll succeeds Rev. Bar, William McNaugL is visiting itnds over all sat down to do justice to Zurich Public school, soft water, a good ostable, Ptc- App'y at the house, as assistant it% Win4sor . The riewl� this week with his brother hLre. licar'Wetaskiwin, Alberta, and it the sumptuous dinner provided -for I Mr. Will. Jarrott, has taken charge sis- removing there in the spring. The undersigned offers for sale a JAMES DUNFOV jol Clintom., ordaircd priests—Vather Minn and mir'. George F Oster avid his two. 0 has been then%, After an. evening SP411t it, 80c- -of OIL acadomy in ti. .6. No.. 94 God - Parcel of land cunsisting of 3o acres, ached. to tile ters, 1%lisses 1,ititia, and Mary Ann, Mrs. Willian, Ivis0u, wit ; the guests, though Father Eniery—am att i'l amusement, crich township.. Ile is a; sterling th -her daughter, a being part of lot it, cog. 3, Nullett, their spending - a inonth wi loathe to do so, departed for their Young nian and we have no doubt will �'athcdral stall. are home froih� tile West. visiting Mrs. Brownlee, has returned home, 1he lot, which is five miles from C11 parents and fricods, nd the young couple satisfaction in No. 9. jilles a wel*c give entire n- 11OUSE FOR SAI 4'. -)4rah Archer was very ill this Last Sulsolav Rev, F. I,.. Mallott tun, is seeded down. It will be. sold M is s " I orivett. to their -home in $eaforth, * I-lillsgreen wishes him success. I pleaso— to say 'that preached the first of a series of ser- , on easy terms. For further particu. The week, but we are s on -, 'Ibe Seven Deadly Sins." On Wedue. day morning of last wee.k Mr. James Webster, Sit., his son, undersigned offers fc,lir salc a, moll si- Mr, Robert -Wiilbs . tiet, and llUssrs. Rob� lars apply to 1y; storcy cottagtV with five bie4roolusv siti! is ilOw recovoriur. as mentioned last Week, Mr, Charles E. Powell, a former xe. dent of $caforth, was married. in eit and Richard Webster, all of JAMES ST. JOHN larre dining room, parlor, et c, Situ-. was , Jf)rid�-," and lie preached an Stratford �O` Miss Xinnie INIclut0ii. Lucknow, were, guests of Air. J4mcs,t ide Of atcd On William street, cqn� Te fiient to THE WILIP, eloquent sermon, speaking On W They will rcside,. ill Stratford where Turnsr and Mr, Jaines ColoivaxiL last Holmesville P. 0. the Collegiate Institute. IN)r further -Auction Sale, week, race, position, personal appearance� Mr. Powell has a good situation. week. Dec. 16th. particulars apply to Ja; n es S ;ocotts 'Mrs. Jacob Ryan leaves next religion and humility, concluding With Michael O'Keefe, all old and much The $acranvent of the Lord's Siip- barrister, ded visit to her sisters, the effect of pride. Next Sunday he hoi an extcu cted resident of SeaSorth, died On per was dispensed in the Presbyterian of Mrs. Pentland cmd. Xi4s VOIItY of speaks oil 11 Anger." His sertuous are respe MRS. LAIRD. Ong, tful ex 0 TUCKERSMITH FARM FOR SALE, Clinton, June 23rd, FARINI STOCK, I.IOUSEHOLD FUR- Baltimore, Maryland. alwAs th i position, i r s 6f he oaturdlay lu-st at tile age 1 76, -years. cl it ell t last �)und&y. He was highly Yes c6ted 'by 611 Who Rev. Mallott bas begun, a series of P NITURE, ETC-. ppardi who triiiii. - s becti in,%tructe'.d Mir. and Mrs. John She ui- Ili the Presbyterian church the Rev, 4new him. servilons on the *I 6even Deadly Sins." The indersigried ha returuLd some time since frOlIl. Bla preached a Last Sunday his topic was 11 Pride," The undersigned offers for sale that FOR SAIX :r, Davidson of Varna I by - Air. Jepthoe Holland to sell by have gx;ne to visit Mrs, $hcp-' 31 ' L In the next SundLy it will I)e 11 Anger." choice 15o acre farm on the Huron A good Durham bull, us t two years public auction at Lot.36, Con. 0, tObo people 'at Fergus. Mr. Shop- good sermon in the evening. Mr. 34- XcCallum, who has been, in i a " I! It" Lernan preacheA with Road, Tuckersinith, one mile east of old, With a splendid pedi1r, e It, Possess- God,rich, on Thursday, January 15, Iffrol, is the oldest ,;()I; of 6 r worthy morning Rev, Mcl HAY TOWNSHIP, Clinton. New frame bouse with surn- Ing as he does two of the b est strainsl igo3, the f I ollowing high irade, pa-triarchl hli'-.George Sheppard. He his usual . acceptance after which -ii the employ of Mr. George Coleman.� mer kitchen, first class bank barn, of Durlialus in the country I the Match- -cow) 4 years old, I high grad6 cow 81,111 ill' buying and lax,,e number partook of tile �aqra- The nominations forr . the township for the past- three years, has engaged. drive slied, hen house, pig pen, silo, was very mcces t out about two with Mr, Job less and the Brampton H el 'o, his dam three years old, i farrow w r- cl council brough n IvioNaughtoil of Tuck - CO , a Yea s ling western latds whereby lie a- inent. led blessirs.. P. LaMout qrsinith for a year, Mr. McNaughtoil two wells, windmill, and small Or' being a graild-daughter c 4 - the noted ling licifer,, a broad sow, in pig, 5 r. vmed considerable wealth, He "is ratelaysrs. is to I e congrat lated upon seburing chard. The Bayfield river runs across average weight-aboUt IIQ Ii, ely to make his home in Ontario. ai.d Williliam, Stelck were nowlinated e services ofu so trustworthy a bull Abbotsford, the first� I irize bull at stock pi S, th back end of lot. Thirty acres offlats, the World�s Fair. (,ibs., 15 T!dils,. l, plow, r hay rake, ST, JOSEPH. for re(wic and Messrs. Alex. Thompson, the finest of grass land. This is a liniox p. 0. 1 donderat, i road '�art, i heavy cart J. 1,.. Goetz., Wendel Smith, 'Williain Y OlIN1111a splendid farm, well situated, and TYNDALL,BROS while Air, August Stelck and Robert McArthur for MY 11 Ortwein of Kilmannf., try I with harness, i pulper, x scullier, i ST. -HELENS. On Tucsday week Mich., 'is visi ing )ter parent,-, and !ter will be sold on easy terms. h rows, i horse land traller, and Nelson, Jr., were digging a coun.-illora', . Mr. B. S. Phillips) set tron an . . Masse who was also ' noinlinated, with- brothers, Messrs. George and Frank a quantity of well ( olern an. i fanning inill, Mr, Alfred Bond Of Kinc din� vis grave they met with wha:t might have ARTHUR COUCH, Clinton June 9th. HORtIC ULTURAL f 3OCIRTY, ur,d - hay, will be sold by bulk or ited his brother, Mir, Fred. Bolld-of been a la.tal. accident. --Uile ' both drew, lea-,ing the other four el- Mrsi Joseph Hudson and Mrs. Jas. ton, i first class' coal Sto�vc nearly Helens, last woek.. men were, in the, bottom working a ected by acclamation. , After the-incet- St, withdrew �iogan, Jr., who were so severely in - The &,nUllal illecting c f tile Clinton IlL%v, I heater, i cook stovc, 1 heating Mr. Charles -Durnin has bought the nionuitient that stood at tlie head ok ing was. over Alr.Stelck, also ed some tinle, ago by beingthrown ultural Soci ill be held ill. on August's his nomination for reeve,, leaving the Jur Ildrtic ety w I �Iruln; i extension tab,le, I. fall leaf farm of MY. Tho,-,. White Which �911 ti -c grave fell over roni -oving rapidly, HULLETT FARM FOR SAL the council chamber, Cli ut(n, OVL Wed^ table, I kit.hvn table I couch, I - shoulder, who beld it for about, 3o forluwing this year as, our toard f -a vehicle,�are impr I t,.ins too acres. but. are yet far from well. Though resday, the x4th Janua ry, '19031 'at loinge, /1� e.oz. dining room chairs, I There.was na-schOO1 at St, Helens s.conas to allow. Nelsonto ran out, without a, Reeve, . r. i,a- . .1 The undersigned offers foir sale Lot half pait se-, elf Lill tile I k,itOien cbairs, i cupboard, witil, owil:g' to tile illness' August i,4 left In $oie �onditic,u, but niont ; councillors, Thompson, - Gioet"", now a -citizen of Hcnsall Mrs, Hudson evening, school' ths week . ax 'A t is the first li%ed ainong us so long thqt we still 42, Con. 13, Township of Hullett, con- gia ' doors, i hall rack,* i -ha ' i ticithing ruore than .. a Smith ' d Me, rthur, I WMI COATS; A. M- uging of the teacher, Mr. C, A, Tebbutt,who we hope it is rd her as one Of ourselves., 'Pros. saved both time in the history of the township rfga Sec,-Treas:. is Jaid tip witIf Pricul"011ia- jar. Preence sisting of 15o acres, no acres cleared 111,110, 4 hand laturs' I clock, i dres" of %nind. and in a good state of cultivation, 10 Clinton, Dee., 2�tllj 19P 2. 2t 'I'll. onitnodc, i liureau, i first class Moll. to. elect tile councillors by ac latua acres stump land ar.d balance good wa'hittg�11"lachille ncarly*new-, i new Air. G ecirge Papincau. is again able tion, to be . around gift hardwood bush, never culled. The lot IM� i , waslitub and "1)0;krd, ' cr being sick for OWNSRIP. 113ADBURY.- rtuVr , , . . -eks, McXILLOP T is well watered and fenced and is ehurn,. 6 cords dry. short. wood soine, three or four wt- eorge is PLANK FOR SAL ti CHRA:P.. an ns Jve a. mile from a church, 2 miles from Au- a quantity of potatoes, a, Icitt . tity of, ue and lie says it burn and 9 miles from Clinton. A ruit, standsi'picture.§' it" .'Xi6s.srs, Win. Bcr'fv and Thoina-�'Ros a' t0ugh 0 'OSH, At five o'clock on New Year's F A ...at . ined f . A k' chen h,1ve �arrivbd iron; Tqariitoba and'.' in more than inflaunnation .01 01C lung$ WRI.4T W. A IV AN very pleasant evLtt took place' &.1; tilt quantity of li�rd`T o0d plank for -utensils, etc. the: Nviuter in Ontario. to do him ell Public school is located on the corner sale chcap.' Suitable for barn b . r, I spring r6eker X sow- Avild to spend tip The annual family re-uhion -of tile resid ce,' 0' M" and Mri, J. G. has. for Griev�, it el. . - . I of the lot. There is a good two-stor- ing Yocker, i 'large rociceri. carpets, werL'. not required to Mr. Philip Dtichariu�; who b 'ug the'marriage, of their stable floors,, culvertSi ?file electors S&tnuel Ker T. Beatty.' A[ - etc. I i.cloth, r6ller blinds,'lace cur- &ducil- some time. Worked ju Seaforth -Woodsi. laon of Mr. 'and Mr.,;, r I (.or oi ily lace 6 Christinas Day %wlle'n daughter Liziie to Mr. ev brick house, 2 bank barns'and out R.A.NSPQRD niarki their -ballots for county c to k p emony was p-arformed by . I R. & J4 e 'old without wrs ter the I;uildings and a good bearing orchard. Clint' tailis,. etc. All, will.1, s lor in di�ision as 13. B. was lionle for New'Year holidays, cer on their six daughters gathered once -the guests , re - For further particulars apply to N reser,.e as the proprietor is giving lip -cigneul'aie ausgrave luoro around tlie. old -to the Ov, 4th. 11 It n and, J, B. AlcLpan were elected Dr. Routhier and Mr. Be hearth. FW�e of tbo� Rev; farming, I taticu, the fornwr to. take attend ng llusine dining, room Where the EPH. BALL, Auburn P. 0. farin will aiscV be 'offe r,.d for . by ace aul. ss at Ottawa con the daughters are Matilied and. these. paired ill. . I . . .. . cerning. the St, Joseph Land -Ini rov,- . laden with good ings. -of:'-%Ir, Thos, R., Hays, who p table.' was. �ir husbands were present, as August Sth. le at time. and place. It place. with'the a's tastefully decorated AUCTION-SALF, OF PURE the samo, with neW fraii nient, Company. Thia room N% )RN8 consis. s �of - 20. acres; le ve M r, Rprimic, Jeffreyi Wife and.moth- follows : Mr. and Mrs.'David Cook, and bunting. . The bride BRED SHORTHI -Mr. -Jolm Wyatt. has r� uted a farm. Jr.,- of Clinton, Mr. and MTS, Williarn with ilars sed 'in' or-, I I)a'ota are visiting rela� handsomely dres, '110. Ilse, hank barn and all acre of er, of Ngrtl . - !e NOTICE. i� In I;crt Cainpbell foif a,. term rahafti . of - Ashficlol, . ik,lr, zmd Mrs. Was X ry eiliug� *,rd. -'file `place in good condi- I S. .. .1 . � . .1 tiN e -ro 1 he 11 s oine, Mr. awl go"vu of silk, nun's v Bros. wil; an� ell. M r. JR a s a , u6d here -v wi SaAkeld .1 hold their 'find the * cli ure 'Daniel, McPbte of Coti, t t, Lihilmned With lace llual sale of.puie brei .1 $.horthorn cat- tioli all seeded down, Term.,;- made of veal 1%roote of-Wa on, who. - mate.7 wilde'r.. than he Mrs. Alex, Yowli .64 Colborne - anil white Rolliall sa 111, Notice is hereby given that the 27th on , day of %aie. Sale at Mr, jonalki: x vousin,'" little Marian, tW On Tuesd of.'January j. kqio�;V n ly- fall;lig - out of a wagoli blowing. prairies. 'of , AsW, and. ribbon, He ay, 13th d got trift I I arme and . Ud- tir� &zd Mrs. Harry, Ryan , . lett was ' the Rower girl.' The annual meeting of the members of the iock �harp- Iric-ago-, is still I.ceping poor� -Alessn. WilliEiin Due, , j Of Scar,, 1903, at i.�o O'clock The 'sto6k con� -O.c VI t fic*�d Mr. and Mrs. -George BissU McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Com- leriiis-­All; siviliq of $S, an(l under,: -soll c. Talbot -.W DryselIile have- boug I a Gqderich Were -'also guests ..911. this twen.ug was spent in!* social aniuse- sists of. 8. bulls,' rqnE-� ing in. agies 'froln hey . will be Pany Will be held in the town hall, . al't les cash .1 ()It over. that aiiinunt io months' '.vllo'lias been well -dl'.Zgiug outfit. T 5v occasion. menU. the bride received inally Iircs 8 to 2o inolith 0 5 feina .3 -ed n6tes. 0 -teent. in wliich.sh�,, s Seafcrt.h, 11 lien are credit will b j,�Lll On a; . I)ro% -di t -ning ents.,.J.io�,vin the us V g on Friday-, January 16th, cf..N%hicli are with alL O'g..'' Wel'illop fof a rv;,tdy-' for Worlic at the'opt: WHIli, Ch istmas is , spent on the o'd j teach ng school is in. ie.nunleroifs friends 1�,oi, at i o'clock p. ill. Business will the best lot of C attl they have.: yet 5 1 er, ceilt. I er annuin. o, 11 L11111,er of vc.c�es_l,-as rvti,rt:d and in- si ring_ cad . it has bec' c, 'the custain 0 eciisist of receiving the directors', Inot ut$. and Mr. Joseph hotnest am of the. lqq) y c6uple-in �xteudiiig good of.ered 6o�taining- M lie 78tudy.,of liledicil!c. !N -r. Fred.' Bah�uger P ienibers of th ttrids to Login I. ot ur -do* con to spend New Years- at'tbe -ItOrnes Of secr'etarv-treasurer's and auditors' re- Lady Jane, Nonpal. iliy' 'r, BRO st , wr tractors, pro- Ye. wislies. eil and Bea lEpTI1.A. HO1,J 4. Cray is awkly, vI. the daughter-; -ill tuttv. This Miss ports, the election of three directors, Proi rictor. Ali�tir�nuer,. Aher,lidints to go ill) to Spanish. River )6k. . � place at- the residence, Mr.:. Bert.. Robdrts 'tihg his on is 'fi�' families. relati-,es inAlil;beri and McKillop, rind also two for the township of Tuckersmith Terill to th� have sotne. government gathering tc. s'—Eight vion ths, credit.. S le She, iutends be-* 1�(,""C'c they, tniany, friends in a �Outll, of here, of Mrs-. Alex. Youtig %,here the day and one for, the township of Stanley, to be for a leasautiv. These ss wedding of his..nece,Mi. heia l6t llgllt� wbrk itq�.dc). ipost� p attecoled the g. aNN a an Jeffrey of St, JoseivIthas' t A on *0 1 Bayfi�ld HARD . S 1,1', 'as srp d other business for the good and . cl . I .113 -Ile -A E* BU51 -Air. Fran, 1,itv.je Grieve� Road, : Goderi i:' tc �1WL11ii), 11 R all among the.. triost high- iadil were All', -ith a,big 1--aby Coll welfare of the co-pany. The re�tiiAng� of. GodLrich. i:Figaie�cd his .1101,11C W f'llulll�.s are in their ie,;peLtive local- I The McKillopt are J. B. 'McLean, W. G, south Write for cata-, , :1., . . .. . .. . t the little d ected by acclaxii-atlIn. -IV - I-., - ly Yes t' WAI.TE.C1 'RC Birth was givLn .0 t I etc'., to boy. directors ogu�e . 'ibe tilidersigned- offers'.his hardware .'Dee, '28th. ties is the'wisit of their. until Broadfoot and Thomas Fraser, who age of 'Stiti er; priucipal of.-T,uck- lendsi .including. The SALIM D.'BkOS Ila ner on St:nday Jr. thIe vill 4senberry'lias purclias- erous, are eligible for re-election. i;sine� s -for. sale in .1 a% RTISX. E Oderich. 1) 1 '>�r. Harry Bo. ill se family re.-uniinhil )-TO ADVE 0 591,19 now I ublic, School; wit' Record, - 'that. e T PAY, It' 7v%irs. Stal 4-r h' from NZ*$-RUCORD-. or Bavfield. ed OL nlate f6r his driving �rsc, IN. THE % .T. B. McIXAN, THOS. E. HAYS, to R. P 'Bay It Wh:techur(h friends may. long coutinue. President. Secretary. 'THOMA-� OUNDRY OUATT, field. are" vi'siting Wit hig brother Ed. _Nov� 12th. eaforth, Dee. 29th. Auctioneer, - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -