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Editor and Proprietor
Hon. A. 0. Blair, in six years,
added $12,000,oi to the debt of the
co.ntry, as the result of his experi-
ments on the Intercolonial Railway.
This large amount has been handed
()ter to Hon. W. S. Fielding for atten-
tion. he Finance Minister's duty is
to pay an annual interest charge of
,..375,0oo on the amount and Mr. Blair
contributes not one cent to meet the
expenditure. It naturally conies out
of the pockets of the people. Then
Air. Blair comes along, after adding
set eral millions additionn.1 to Mr.
Meld Jig's aheady heavy burden, and
pats himself on the bacle because he
has an alleged surplus of $96,000. On
any other railroad the. 5375,000 inter-
est charges would he paid out of the
funds. Mr. Blair has Mr. Fielding do
it for him. Imtead of a 596,000 sur-
plus Mr. Blair is out $375,000, less
$96,000, or $279,000. And this has no
reference to the amounts improperly
charged to capital expenditure during
It is a matter of cononon notoriety
that although British goods entering
Canada enjoy a reduction of
33 1-3 per cent., the average duty
collected is considerably in excess of
that levied on Lnited States imports
The British shipper suffers in several
ways. In the first place the Fielding
tariff was so adjusted as to raise tht
duties on hnglish goods and reduci
them on American goods. A seconi:
injustice to the shilper from the
Motherland is itt the excessi‘e vain
ation placed on his wares, and the
inadequate aseessment of a similar
article made in the United States.
For instance in 1902 we inif:)orted from
Great Britain 650,943 gallons of lin.
seed oil and limn the United States
41,9,16 gallons. The ITritish article
was appraised by tbe customs at 70c
per gal!on, while the American oil,
although superior in many respects,
was nly valued at 47c per gallon.
The goveinment's attenticn has been
repe..tedly called to the iniustice of this
unbusinesslike arrangement, but it is
still in vogue. Hon. Joseph Chamber-
lain might have been more disappoint-
ed with the Canadian preference if he
knew the. wridle story. Linseed oil is
one of eany articles similiarly treat -
Jo eph Brunet, the strenuous Liberal
repr4sentative in parliament tor St.
ante Division, Montreal, has been
ans.ated and disqualified for seven
years. lhe decision was reached by
At ting Chief Justice Tait and
Mr. Justice Lorangcr, after lis-
tening to what was, without
doubt, the most heinous story 01
elec:ion stealing ever brought to light
in Canada. lhe court found that a
sy.stematic campaign of ballot steal-
ing and personation had been planned
at the central committee rooms by the
Liberal party and that the arrange-
ments had been carried out on this
lines suggested ; that efforts were
made to defeat justice by spiriting a-
way witnesses to the United States
and that most irregular practices had
bten employed in appeals to the Su-
} rone Court of Canada with the horc
that the usefulne.,s of the lowei
(our. s might be destroyed.
The judgment cites that, "gangs
of telegraphers had been employed ;
cards had been, given them at the cen-
tral committee rooms by one Louis
li.vierge and they had voted four,
f vac:m/05c times in some cases, twen-
ty times in others.. It has been prov-
ed that Couicelles had voted five or
f;ix times and got paid for it by a
.n. on Break, signed by Arthur
Brunet. In the same way Lalonde
and Laporte had 1,een employed and
pr,id for passing twtnty votes each.
That the respondent Brunet knew of
the corrupt acts and countenanced
lhe forceful aspect of the case is
that the whole responsibility of pro-
ing the chari.,es fell upon a private
aitizen,- Mr. J. 0. 11. Bergeron. The
government only intervened to par -
Con the chief of the criminals, Arthur
Brunet, who was stilt to prison for
his trimes. The anreals of the Su-
] reme Court of Canada, which were
hiracterized by that tnihnual as cc.n-
tenirt of court, were conducted by
Naeoleon A. Belcourt, the Liberal M.
P. ler Ottawa City. Frain start to
f rib It Liberals grett clad Liberals small
fig 'red. itt the plot. But justice has
teen meted out in a small ineasnre at
1 ast. It remains for the electors to
I ow Hon. (has. Fitzpatrick, Minis-
ter of Justice, and others who ennui-
-% ed at the criminals, that honest Can-
adians are not to be disgraced by such
olitical debauchery.
Itt Thursday before Xmas the nup-
tial ktiot was tied by the Rev. C,
Iretherford between Steplu n Stothera
and Miss Margaret Mallough, youngest.
daughter of Squire Mallough, all of
.A.elifield. The youlig couele shortly
after the marriage left to visit rola-
tivee cot of here on their wedding
tour, We exteud crengratulatliops,bop-
ing that the Pf.1104 'Mil 1)0 a iong tuid
liamy oar.
"Mr. -11. Ointelene Who US heed
suffering; withblood poisoning ;in one
of Ids bands,. is fluproving.
• Mr. Cedinbre with a gang of hay
pressers. is.; busily engagtd itt Goderieh
toweship •
Rev. Wt preached a- .very
(AVIA Wilton Olt bndtty rn St. J;ohn'e
cleurtb, it helut Xtnas service,
Mrs. McCombs or Palinerston is
spending New Years ,at Mr. Robert
Hanley s and Mr. John ktrettes.
We were very much pleased to hear
that Mr. Harvey Mulholland has tak-
en over the store from his brother end
intends to carry on the businees, he
and his sister. We are glad Harvey
has so • much pluck about' hint and Yee
ben e he will ineet with success. '
Mr.and Mrs. R. H. Elliott spent
Xmas in God rich at tire home of
Da,, id Pi ilson and in the evening at-
tended the wooden wedding of M. and
Mrs. J. F. Andrews of the 'Huron •
Mr. James Elliott and Mr, Sharp
spent Xmas in the county town also.
Mr. W. J. Cantelon of the :Wood,
stock police force is spending Christ--
mas week with his mother and other
friends in this township.
Mr.and Mrs. David Isaacs of Souris,
Man., have been the.guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John McCartney for the past
couple of weeks and have also been
visiting other Mends in the _township.
lhey purpose making an extended vis-
it, we are pleased to hear.
The News -Record wishes you a,
Happy New Year.
The date fixed for the aneiversary.
services and tea -meeting in connecticn
with Cole's Methodist church is the
th and I 2th of January. Fu ller
particulars will be in next week's is-
The yth school house is undergoing
a few needed r,pairs during the holi-
Miss rear! Fisher of ITullett is
4anding a rew weeks at Mr. Reuben
t•rigg s of the yth con.
Mr. Tom C( ok hes returned from
Philadelphia after spending marry
menths in that city. •
Mrs. P. Col,. is spending her Christ-
i:as holidays with her father, Mr.
John Peck of Stanley.
We are pleased to sec Mr, • George
Cooper able to te out again after
his recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs of Manitoba
spentthe latter part of last week
at the home of Mr. George Cantelon
of the 7th con. •
Mr. Alex. Welsh of the Bayfield
Line sports a dandy new cutter. •
Mr. Robert Cluff has been. Iaid up
with l•lood poisoning in his hand for
the past week.
COLBOUNX; Toilworn?.
cuite a number from around here
attended the tea -meeting on Xmas
night and rezort haying had a good
We are sorry to say that Mr. Sam-
uel Stevens is laid up with an ulcerate
tat. toOtit at pre,sent. It was Mr. Stev-
ens yrto lied the misfortune to have
th•daveleing bursted to the ground on
Deettaeher zsth. Bverything was lost.
School closed on the 19th for Xmas
hoLdaya and Miss lielyar leaves for
the Normal school. The people of
No. 8 are sorry to see her going from
amongst them as she was a faithfUl
teacher. We wish her surcess wherev-
er her lot may be east. Miss John-
ston, daughter of Mr. Alex. Johnston
of the 8th con., Will take charge of
the school for the coming year.
The Xmas Tree held. at Bemnillet
elittreh on Xtuas Eve passed oil lovely
end the tree was handsomely decorat-
ed. with many handsome presents.
Mr. Edward Million and daughter
1 Ray are spending. their Christmas
holidays with friends at K.oinolta.
Mr. Jack Grimolclby spent Christ-
mas with his sister, Mrs. Mooney of
A number of the friends of Mr..
and Mrs. Geo. Knox spent Christmas
at their hospitable home. •
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen and fam-
ily ate turkey at Mr. John Allen's,
oandon, on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. William .Knox have
returned from a pleasant visit to Lis-
owel, Palmerston and other poInts.
Dr. and Mrs. Beacom of Mt. .Forest
spent Christmas with the fortner's
;waits and returned the next day.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Beattie were in
Seaforth for Christmas.
Mr. Geo. Knox had a very successful
vood-hee on Friday last. •
Mr.Thos. Cowan of Thornhill, •Mani-
olsa, is on an extended visit to his
daughter, Miss Lucy Cowan, and other
es in this section. Mr. Cowan
it one time owned the farm which
Mr. Robt. McDole sold to Mr. Patter -
on last fall. He has done well in the
rairie province.
The following officers were elected
or 1e;o3 at Court Constance No. 157,
... 0. ., lest Friday evening :
hief Ranger, James Hinehley
l'ast Chef, John Smith a
Vice Chief, C. Rogerson
Fin. -Secretary, G. Stephenson
Rec.-Secretary, C. McGregor
Treasurer, R. Anderson
Chaplain, WTI'. Lindsay
Sr. Woodward, W. Clark
Jr. Woodward, W. Thompson
Sr. Beadle, R. Hotham
Jr. Beadle, R. Armstrong
Court Deputy, John Britton.
Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tyerman of
'inghwii paid the'r parents here a
lying visit last Friday. •
Mr. R. .T. Bla e, teacher at Wessen-
airg in Wellington county, is spend -
ng the vacation at his home in this
M'ss Nellie Medd, who has been at
Carnduff, Assa., for a couple of years,
has returned home.
The News -Record wishes its readers,
each and all; a. Happy New Year.
Mr. Howard Fowler of' Toronto. is
;rending his Xmas holidays with his
ather, Mr. .Joh n Fowler.
Mr. Frank kettle bought a number
of Hereford cattle from Mr. Lou Farn-
ham of Constance. Mr. Kettle
tk'nks he will go into raising Here-
crds now es he thinks they pay the
Miss Girtie Freeman is under the
Dr's care at present.
Mr. Will. Montgomery of Muskoka
has returned home to spend the win -
ler with friends.
Mrs. Henry Cook islaid up with a
sprained ankle. We hope to see her
around again.
Wedding bells will soon ring in our
midst again.
Mr. Sam. Love sold a sucking colt
to Mr. Forbes near Blyth for which
he received a good figure.
Mr. W. E. Mil'er of Peterborough
ame home for Xrna,t and, so we hear,
to attend the we 'ding in which one
of cur 'young men will figure promin-
Mr. Alfred Butt has returned from
Windsor. We regret to learn that he
has not yet fully re.ovcred from ..the
effects of the accident which betel hitn
several weeks ago.
Mr. Pert. le &limn is home from
Toronto for tin. holiday.
Mr. Wi•lia.m John -toile, . formerly of
our le rg bet now of Stratford, is
isiting friends hereabouts,
Misses Rose and Annie Weight of
Hilton has e been visiting \friends on
the Line.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fulton of Val-
ley Centre, Mich., are visiting at tha
Ia.tt.r s old home, the Thompson
homestead on the /6th con,
Mr. It, 0. Reid has tetureed to his
hoe e in Ftattley for the holidays,
Miss Mabel end Mastet Ruesel Stew-
art of Clinton are visiting at their
uncle's, Mr. George Tyner'e,
Mrs, Robertson (formerly Miss A.
McLean) a Hatttiltett called apoa old
fritnds hi this vieinity the past wok.
Miss Lizzie Johnston eit Pert 1-Ittroe
en is visiting at her fetheee,
After an illness extending over •
year or more C. Fisher -breathed his
last. on Sunday. morning- week at the
age of. .aheut '8e years. Mr. Fisher
was one • ofthe pioneers • of this sec.
tion, Hewes of a retiring disposition
and these who. knew Min intimately
always held hint in. the highest es,
teem. The deeeased leaves his aged
rartner in life ane several sons and
daughters, .
Mr. Ed. Werra of the • Soo arrived
here last evecke: He Will remein a few
weeks. Eddie .says -trade is- rather
quiet in New Ontario: pet now, '
Harry 13oesen.-erey of Grand
Bend has taken: poseession - of the
Queen s hotel -at. St. Jose h._ Harry
is a good hotel *nnn as.d wdl inake
a success the •city. -
Mr.. Josiah Geiger qf •.N.ortli Dakota
is visiting his -parents,. " Mr, Mr.
Moses Geiger, Broivnson Line. .Their
"son A l'red ,of Napierville College. es
also at home' for the ',holidays. .
Mr. 1 otiis -Preeter , and . Miss- Eike.
both ofeDaeliwood, were. united • in
inarr:age on Tuesday, . •
Mr. Jolin - Wagner returned 'from
ota this week.: •
• • •
Mr. R. W. IVfackeneie and wife, Mr.
M. H. Howell and wife of Gocleriche
Dr. T. G. goln-es of Fort Wayne, De -
trait ; Mrs, Howell and son Wilfred
of Onondago . spent Xmas at Mrs.
Mrs. Redd and daughter of Clinten
spent Christmas" at Miss B. Ford's
Mr. John MeCartn.ty and laterily ' at
Mr. 0. Cantelon s Mr.,: W. Stanley`
and family at Mi.. W.Eicoat's, Tueli-
Lrsmith ; Mr. J. W. MeReberts, wife
and daughter of Mitchell at Mrs. T.
C. Pickard's.•; Rev. T.. R. Couetice �f
Iowa, A.. J. •Courtice of Chicago Den-
tal College, Courtice of, Crewe,
Mr. F. L. Elford and family at Mr.
A. J. Courtice'S ; Mr, 'rhos. Webster,
wife and son of Lucknow at Mr, Jelin
Dempsey 's. . -
The Xmas entertainment of the 24th.
was a grand siteceae and reflected cred-
it uron those who trained the child-
ren. After the program. Smiteappear-
ed and distributed the presents • to
both old and young.. The proceeds a-
ftounted to about ;26.
Mr. F. Leonard spent a few !lays
visiting friends ' in Brantford and
Bright. • "
Mrs. IV. A. Cole, and children of
Clinton visited. her father, Mr. W.
Mulholland, on Sunday.
Miss Alice Stanley of Constance
sre. t a few days as the guest of her
parents here. • • . •
'Miss Edith 'rebbutt of Goderich
spent a few days wider the parental
Mr. H. glrord spent a few days vis-
itieg hia daughters in London.. • .
There was considerable excitement
the nominations 'op. Monday: Messrs.
Sturdy and IVIichlleton are running for
reeve, whele for ;councilmen Messrs.
. John Woods, James Cox, g, Curzon,
John Weston, John Stewert, 'T. Bell
and John Ford are hi the field.
Fleming, foreman of the ma-
chine shop at Bell's factory, met with
an aecident the other day which was
both painful and annoying. He was
fixing %mile machinery when a wrench
slipped and struck: him in the . face,
lireaking the nasal organ 'and ,injuring
the fa..e btdly. •
Mr. taco. Newton hag accepted a
sleation asr fitter in a large harriess
bus:ness at Tot onto. aftd will leave a -
bent the first of the. year.
All accident happened at the building
being enlarged for -cold storage by the•
win .hatir • Produce .Co. on Saturday
ttlich nearly resulted fatally to Mr.
John (rot es, . whO was one °Me
bricklayers woeleing on the job, !'
Qnre More. fias the hand of death
visited our vichilt3r, this finie
away a lair young maiden in the per-
son, of Miss Sadonsi Hone of Blake,
who passed away last Sunday morn-
ing to the Great Beyond. For some
time past the deceased had been gel-
ler.ng from a lingering illness, whielt
gradually eollapsed into a more criti-
tal and a more deathly conditioft. All
that loeing haeds and medical skill
could do was dotte to relieve. the suf-
ferer, but all • were unavailing and
elle gradually Saw: lower and iowet
until the fetal hour epuroaened oti
Sutday moiling when, she was called
away to her home beyond the skiei.
Her remains were ` ..interred in the
13roitsou Line cenietery on Tuesday
%thither they were followed by a large
concourse of sorrowing friends. The
faleily k ve the deepest. sympathy of
the emir° community in this their
hour or bereavement. •
A precious one from thein has gone,
A voice they loved is stilled,. ,
ple.de •i.a vacant in thole home,
Whieh never ran be filled, •
Cod in his Wistioln has retailed
The boon hie love bath given
Auti though :the body moulders here
The soul is safe in Heaven. .
'Tia hard to break, the tender ton!
Wh it lo.e has Lound the heart,
'TM hard, so bard to ;Teak the wads
We must forever part.
Destreet loved one they have laid thee
lzr thy peaceful grave's embrace •
But thy memory will be cherished
Till we see thy shining face,
resteeful be thy silent slumber,
Pefteeful itt thy grave so low,
.11,tut no mere will join our 'Amber,
Thott *to more our sal will now,
Yet again we hope to meet thee
Wien the ;thy of life is fled,
And ilt ;Heaven with joy to greet thee
Whet° no fareWell tests are abed.
Mr; and Mrs. Morris Pik of Davota
*re visiting friends Item.
Mrs. Wm. Stephenson of Marlette,
Mich, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Wiley of Parr Line,
Miss- Annie ;Consitt will attend a
wedding in Woodstock next week.
Mr. lbs. Jarrott, who has been
principal of -Courtwright Publjc. school
the past eight years, is home ,for vaca-
tion, and ;in a few days will leave for
the West.
A number of the young people took
in the Christmas tree 'in Hensall
Ihursday evtning,
Mr. Young of the Nile is visiting
his daughter, Mrs, Andrew Love.
Mr. gogarth returned to • his home
for vacation this week.
Mr. and. 'Mrs. 0,- N. Hill left Tues-
day morning. for ITuderwood where
they will visit for a week or so. -
Mr, Charlie Miller is home from
London for his Christmas holidays.
• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barbour Of
Erin spent Christmas with their
daughter, Mrs. William Barbour, Jr.
• We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Joynt on Lhe arrival of a young daugh-
ter, which event took place last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods went
clown. to Stanley to epend their Xmas.
Mr, Manson Reid and Miss Sarah
Buchanan were married on Christmas'
Etc by the Rev, Mr. IVIacHay of
Lueknow at the. manse,
Rev. S. M. Whaley has returned af-
ter spei ding Xmas at his old home.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of the Queen
City are s, ending their holidays
th s neighborhood.
..Mr. and Mra.• Adam Scheeler and
family of Wirieliam spent Xnias holi-
days in the village..
Mr, R. R. 'Anderson, our teaeheie. is
spcndiag. his vacation with his par'.
nta near • Seeforth.. .
ellIrs. James Olive and two sons Ed-
ward and Frank, were
irpas.St vtla'0,4.nnt...time neighborhood • the
Nets. Tcaisoa .haa purchased • the
property alongside his hotel property
IrOm William Smith Which now gives
'Nets. a good ,frontege, ' •
There is now a good opening . here
for a eractical blecestui h, Our old
:tradesman has .disposed of ' his shOP
and lot to Mr. Petirson•the' past week.
Mr. and ivtrs. George Hawkins spent
Xnias wi.h their eon, J. Ben, • flaw-
kins • of Goderich, • •
e Will. and ...Alf. Bennett:sof .Chicago
are their .parents at present.
• Mr. John Riehardson is .hon -re After
three rind a hall yeses absence.
Messrs. Horace. and' Bert Ctiiirtinz-
hain of • GOderiele spent' 'Xmas ••. With
the r •prreWs. . •
Francis• Cunninghamand daugh-
ter 'Mary are vieiting at Arthur this
Mr. and Mrs. , Robert • Durgin -and.
5021 . spent. Xmas with her parents, -
Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford.
0tir village .has again "been Visited'
by a , very serious fire.' Early on
Monday: 2i -reveling, • about oseloek,'
John., Schoenhals• flour mills in this
•place were totally.. destroyed by. fire,
'togethene with.. several tons .of flour
ready t er ship, also a large quantity
.61 :hran .a,pd shorts. and. several .litin-
•dred .besLels of wheat, mostly Mani-'
toean.. It puts two men 'out. of eme,
leyment the year, round.. The- .
was. lirst built in i841 by John Haw -
kit. and.: has . changed hands, . eeveral
tinies since.. It hada capacity of 72
barrels end was purchased by, Schoen -
hats & Bet -et grime: years ago: Then
the firm changed to • Sehoenhals Se
Ries' who conducte4 it under' that.
firth.aeout three -years ago when'
Mr,Selicienhals too''- the businese "over
.to :hie -self and : 'had a very. large
trade, yr.: Schoeehels being a first
class. miller'. He. has in the neighbor-
lood of 82ecio insurance: which.' Will
not. te 'ecaral to half its value. • .
. In, • its report ..of the .nothination
proceedings iii Division' No. 7 the
Bly• It Standard.had the following :••
An interesting hit of, news. came :to
'the- frontduring ' the speeches 91 seine
of candidates. • During the.. past
few.: years Goderich has made' a • prac-
tice o, sending its insane people to the
Huron. county riouse • of .Refage, • in-.
stead of conhaing- them ie the county
jail nail they could be placed in an
asylum.. When once in the -House ,of
'Refuge they . were.:left there, 'although
th xe is no 'acconimodation whatever.
bor insanl. people.
Dr, Frank• -Boles Of Minneapolis, Minn.
.carne home, for Christmas, .
We will have it on hand right along
We • keep almost every ktrawn kind.
Tilson s Oats, Quaker . Oats, Force, •
Malta Vito., PettiOhn s •Wheatine,
Fairs' Cream of Wheat, Farina, Swiss
Focd, Lealth Peed,Self Rising Buck-
wheat Flour, Rolled Oats, Etc,
Have you tried 'W beatific ? It's
n ideal freakiest food arid sells Well,
7 pounds fOr 25C. Try it. '
It Is 56 Years Old
. The Canadian Almanac attains
this ripe old age with the issue for
reo3, 1 ke first number Contained toe
1 ages ; now it has considerably over
400 pages.' It is replete with inforinty,
tion for all classes of citizens, indis-
Penseele in the °Mee .end useful hi
every home. Price 33c.
is compact, will go in a vest reacket,
containe three full pages for each les-
son in the year. The cotnutents are
brief, but every word counts. It is a
model of comteacttless, condensation
and sn,gestion. It is a book for
study, not ;mere reading. Price es.
Peloubets :idea Notes is good for
the teachers of advanced classes, with-
out dottbt the best help pablished. If
you do not know it come its and
look it over,
Diaries that help voU to overcome
the forget habit, Ali styles for the
poet et or for the desk,
Agents Parker's Dye Werke,
10 'iv, • D hip 'llat
Often the, Cheapest, Always the Beat.
MILER—GARDNBR—At the rest-
den,e ,Df the bride's mother, hi
Clinton, on Dec. 31et, by. the Rev.
Dr. Stewart, Jessie Gardner to
Robert J. Miller of thejlase Line, .
den e of the bridem
s other, in
cIininnt,on Dee,
315e1 by the Rev.
Dr. Stewart, Elizabeth Gardner to
Wilfrid, W. Collyer.
SMITII—HBILY.A.R—As the residence
of thnt. bride, in Clinton, on Dee.
eeth, by Rev. Mr. Dunlop, Mary
Helyar to Hamer Smith.
RE.AR14,,LY-1-11I41,—At the helm of
the bride's aunt, Mrs. M. Brewer,
(Is Lee. 22-1..1, by the Rev. Dr.
1:111.. non'Miss B. J. 01 Lon-
don to Mr. T. n. Rearely of Port
MN—JONES--t the residenee ofthe bridc s mother, on December
24th1 by the Rev. W. M. Martin,
13, D., Ale. Gercion Maims of gen-
sall to Lette daughter of Mrs,
John Jones of 'Exeter North.
dence of the bride s father, on the
24th of December, by the Rev. W.
M. Martin, B. D., Mr. John A.
Fraser of Manitoba, to 1Vlary,
young st daughter of Mr. Peter
Morrison of Hibbert.
STEW ART—MILLER—At the resi-
denee of the bride s uncle, Mr.
• Thomas Baird, on December 24th,
by Rev. Mr, Dobson, Miss Maggie
Miller to Mr. John. Stewart, all
of gowiek. .
METZ—CLARK—At the residence of
the bride's parents, Grey, on Dec;
24t12, by Rev'. D. B. McRae, Mr,
William E. Mete of Drayton, ()A-
taxia to Mise Flora,daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Clark.
MACDONALD—TROM—At the manse,
itt Wingh .m, by the Rev. D. Per,
rie, on Dec. nth, Mr. D. W. Mac-
donald of Zetland to Miss Bessie
JeneThom of Turnberry.
ROSS—CLAR.KE—At the residence of
the bride's parents, on December
etith, by eve R. Hobbs", D. D.
Ross, D. D, S., of Moosejaw, N.
IIICsiiiP1..'Wteol:sliriBss., ,B. D., Mr, Jesse
Ingram, formerly. of Morels toWn-
Bateman of Grey to Miss Martha
Edith Beatrice, on-
ly daulghter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Clarke of Wingham.
13ATEMAN—INGB.A.IVI—At tlic parson-
age.; Ethel, on Dec. d3rd, by Rev.
NIALL—GRUNDY--At the residence of
the • bride's parents, in Lucknow,
• on Dec. '2oth, by Rev. C. H. P,
Owen, II inalfred, daughter of Mr.
Fred. Greedy, to . B. Niall of
Atlanta, Georgia. . .
• on Dec. '24th, by Rev. Mr. -Dough-
erty, Ella; daughter of Mr, Win.
Richardson, to Edward Dikeen
.. the Zurich Road, gay.
•MACDONALD—DRAKE—At' the rec.,
tory, • Emmett, on Deceteber 24th,
by Rev. Mr. Dougherty, Millie,
deuehter of Mr. E. Drake, to
John Macdonald, all or 5taild.
residence of the.bride's parents, on
Dec. 18th,. by Reit. Mr. Rether-
ford, Margaret, youngest (laughter
of Senire Mallotigh, to Stephen
Stothers, all of Ashfield.
KEMP—In Clinton, on December' 28th;
. to Mr, and Mts. Harry : Kenip,
daughter. , •
MITTCH—In Clinton, on, Dec. 28th, to
'Mr: and Mrs, Fred. Mutch, a.' son.
MONTGOMERY—'In Howiele, on Dec.
• 9th, tee Wife of Thomas 'Mont-
gomery :of a daughter.
13ehnore, on Thursday,
"Dec:. x8th, the -wife of Mr, John
Mulvey of a son.. •
IALACKALL=InWIngiram, on bee,. 21,
the wife of C. Illackall of a dangle -
PAINT Blyth, on. Dee. 17th,
the wife of Mr. Allan Bainton of a
MeGOIVAN1--In East Wawanosh, on
Dec.-x7th, the wife of Mr. R. C.
MeGovian of a, son (still born),
MACICAY—In Seaforth, on Dec. 2oth,
the wife of Mr. Adain MacKay of:
• a daughter.
HOVEY—In . •Clinton, • on Dec. 27th,
Mrs. Charles Hovey, aged 58
years. •
HALL—iit Exeter, on Dec. 24th, Mr.
;Tarries Isaiah Hall, aged e8 years.
MeLEOD—In Wroxeter, on . Tuesday,
' Dec. x6th, Jennie 1VIeLeod, aged 39
WYLIE—In gowick, on Tuesday, Dec.
Toth, Thomas 'Wylie, aged 85
years, 1 month .and 5 days,
RAP:- Ilullett, on Dec. 1 -8th,
John George, infant son of Mr.'
and Mrs. James Rapson, aged 5
inentle; and 16 days.
SMITH—In Veingharn, on Dec, e7. tle
steetkoWWWW1/1/4NefeNVWWWWWWVWe ito'VeNtit.,40~0110WW101
McKINNON & Coo 1
-43Lowriin I
New Prints & Ginghanas •1
It may seem like forcing the season to, [Mow New Spring Prints and
Gingintins at this season or the year. But our custoinere like to get them
early and have them made up during the slack season when then. is very
little -other wore to do. We have been very (WOW eeleeting our printe
att to quality of cloth stet fast eoltn s. We have them in different gentle,
ties, ote 5c, 8e, Ifie and 12ie, including the celebrated 0111113'S Printe, which
are guarauteed tast colors.
Fur Coats & Caperines
heve done ^large trade Furs this season, We bed to repeat,
several lines to keep our etoek complete, Our stock is in good ehape now,
and as the season ts pretty well advanced we will make big reductions in
prices to clear, but the coldest weather is yet to come and now is the tittle
to prepare for it.
Men's Fur ()oats, in Siberian Dog, Gob Bear and Bulgatian Lamb,
from $15.00 to $25,00.
Men's Fm. Caps, Coney and Nutria, from $2 00 to $4 00.
Metes Pereian Lamb Ceps, fine curl, from $3.50 to $0.
Ladies, Buffo.. in Ohlo Sable, Mink; Black Oppossum, Coney, Bto
in all the new shapes. from $1 00 to $10,
Ladies' Oaperines, wit h short and loug fronts, in different aombin-
ations, trimtned with head and tails and chain fastenings,
from $2,50 to $15,
Ladles' Astraehan Coats, nice close curl at $22.50 to $40.
We pay the highest price for butter and Kgge. We will pay 5e per
pound for Dried Apples.
W. -.T4ylor andSon wish
their many
.patrons and
friends .a
New'Yo.4,r •
In. TAYLOR. .&
Cash and Oue Price
Butter and: Bgg* taleen.as Cash
A Few Big Sna,ps
For- January
Bos' Heavy Frieze Overcoats sizes 26 to 33, also a few
Metes Heavy Frieze Pea:Jackets to .be cleared' •
out at sweeping reductions
A bargain in Men's wind and
Waterprbof Pea -jackets:-.•
Just:received. direct from the factory a big
kik; in ;Mon's .FAncy Colored. Shirts.
the millinery department . all Ready-to-wear and
'rritnmed Hats to be cleared but at tremendous reductions
Special bargain in Black' Tea, regular 40cper lb. .
for 25e while it, lasts.
Chest`e E., son of 1VIr. and Mrs. t
Edward Smith,. in his 7th year. M MoBEATH BLYTH. ;
MeTAGGART—In Usborna, oa Dec. t
Pretoria Block. ,
21St, Martin McTaggart, • aged 73N4011444••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• years.
IVIOIRIn Hensall, on Dec. i8th, Mrs.
Robert Moir, aged 75 years and 6
months. : •
risnFat—xit Zurich, on Dec. pst, C.
Fisher, aged '82 years.
The Tempters hold a debate, " Re,
itolt ed that steam has been of more
benefit to mankind than the press."
Rev. Small spent Xmas at ins home
in Arthur and while there tied a nup-
tial knot. • ,
'lir Municipal Pot is simmering.
The best °lase of work •
procurable has been
manufactured here for
many years pant,
WE WON'T call on you a week after
your bereavement.
WE war make the work to suit
the price.
WE WILL make the price to gait
the work.
WE WILL give you the choice of the
production of the work
In design and Matrelal
We are the ONLY prse.
Beal men in Olintbn in
otir line, Do not, be
talked int() placinglone
order without first call.
logon us. ,
Matt to Caanaittiai Ut)ta
Some reasons why you should buy
from the Clintonyurniture Co.
Because their stock le large and well assorted
The designs are the newest and moat upettedete
The construction and finish are the hest.
Materials that wear out t,he buyers' expectations
And, prices that are easy on our customers
Ales) all kinds of repairing, upholstering and
Picture framing at inotlerete prime.
Undertaking itt all its branchee
Manager and runeral Oirector.
R. N. Rowe, A. J. Holloway
"light and Sunday calls answered at residence on Princess
St., directly back of Preebyterian:ohurch.
frv is the time - to.... ratqw...•
suhsotiptioft to, The Ne14$41.eciiii