HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-01, Page 3111 January Ist, 1902 1 ___ — - _­_ ­ I;: . .--- _­_____._ :._ _­­­­___ -...-. 7ULP OLINTON $VW-S-RX00xD Efl ­ - ____ - for her there. 11 she, im to be found . . I I - . -1-11 . I 1-1- ---­­- ­___ .... to M;_7;_,_ 7 0-V V ; X lit neither of these places, then it I "Pet's .9onol Dean; captivatca: 'vern NPoice ner aeop-sympatily. 11 I � I I E!Vn Totimintad &#lam o must be too true that she has fallen boardvd, Scuttled, And Funk. 0 per- J10 flat still and silent for % mo� sible to enter, solve OA one's Illinois And Adam hu boon tompa", M" , Author of into the hands of the Smugglers. dition!" Yelled the adintral, julilpilift'- m9nt, *lid then liet started Up And %lid knees� was rvvealed. The nar- OlYer since. - ImAglua A vi*g senbW Ranly. alarmed, but &till Incrodu. �11) kind St4ulPing 111) and down, Sefted his hAt to go. row 0141,8111 bild ovidently, at .some rfe- " The Fatal loub, sprang on his horse and gal- 91-480119 his 'Wig With both hands, AgArte You going Out again Ra,v?,, mote period,, been. made by a con- A woman rancid buttor while k*ep. . ) Maud rercv's Weddin ' loped rapidly in tke direction of the i in We tempest Of grief. O Pet, my a,vked ErrAinle, ,surprised ing her attention ftod on � oprimot, d end Uneasy, vulsion, of Nature, but Art had since , Secret it White Squall, while Ray, at an equally rapid -and exciting ace, took - uarlingl 4.1,v the body anti J)onea of . Paul Jones, you ought, to'be thrash--!, , Yes; for an hour or ' A not .stay here, wItIi this to a afe'ver!jIve I� been empki,yed to widen, cularge, and 941104 W41,14 Me ranclam, UUT.Wr 11 A wff�). , man may be tempted by IsprIx"als " The Unascen the opposite road leading to D I � ad Within An Inch Of Your life! Oh, heart alld brain.11 conceal It. The huge rock was made I to fit securely, and could only be to buy common 00apo, that Ishe M" 'oom", Bridegroom," .00m, Hollow. ho, _,, oll-ohl" ma-d the Admiral, in a final He walked rapidly Awa, y from the. I opened from within, thus defying de- ,� not know will soon ruin her clothes . � hands. Runty was the first to return with burst of glef, AS, lie filing blia- cottage, and as if voluntarily, his I tection. Those in search of Vat that and But ohe000n finds oot a 0 if, the alarming tidings that nothing Self into his chair and liegan. a steps turned in the directioA . . of the day had passed- over the, spot a 497,- the difference between eoftnmon , "A Terrible had been heard of her at either Acres MOP0119 of his in ftaiod' face. shore. ' . on times, ,without dreaming in that, soap sp. fte IIA44 L place since. While thu* engageu, Another step Suddenly he I won. Bar-& prize , I . paused. DI -4 his eare most reitnotio Way that there, could be "41191" ':)QAP'-vc t BY MAY AGNES FLEMING Secret." I resounded without - a Slow . In Itself, Her clothes list I I ''Oh! I should not have let her go! , linger- deceive him, or did he bear voices an Opening concealed among the Ap- � ouger, I , *--* -*--*- -*---* - *--*-+- *-*- *--# -0- _ I Should riot have let her gol" said' Ing, doJected step -and tile next mo- Underneath? HIS OWA Steps were, pArently-solid rocks. � And. her bands are. 04ved from � E'rininie "I ought to have kept her inelit the pallid features find mild =1111`10d, by the velvety carpet of Captain eczema' . 2:0 *0 I . , Reginald turned to the Ut­ I I SighL of hei ill(, next luoillelit .,,tl,u gllll-g 111 tile '""" ItI10, III $a 1%Iill ling, I %%,ts ,,it. -I, bel Lady Hit who hjjLI bItlI,,j-jO lot)i,ed down up 11W lAft Li till thl' rest of 'is With .',at I fullest halltetle Lind %t'SULI PrIldt'r niade riot tile ,lightest ()hjc(-tioll be vuul.Alt in Illy arills now, oil t contrai v, blit, hvId flit with an erwr that I'VarlY slialigled tile. A ho was lowt,it-il, itild we Were fished cliII91119 to Va,(h other, Lis if bill:,. to hold flit to thel last. gfisli. J�a RiLa, itecuriling it) the incoinprehen IbIV UtIsloill of Lhe filuiale 11'ex gelleILLI. fairited stone dealt tile III WeliL site -lotivid herself ill saft-L, It',9 illt0restilig to faitit, Lind I N% i 4-kingr round for a nict, plave L follow her example; but oil selloff th0lights I concluded I %vouldn' There were rio nice yoling 1,1di( round who understood niy cuse, tiff to he tickled with biarrit feather Vind b(! drettichud with col -d water 1) It lot of sailors, was not to I Thought Of. I.ady Rita was Carrie to the cal,ln; find a great fuss an coininotion reiLmetl tht-re for the nex two or three jl()urs, while I wit latking life eam.v, smoking a cigar o deck. ThVTI file earl, her '114irient Illade his allpollnince all(] conipit-tvi (let tagi d iiie� INIth graLitude tin 1-11,11ths, Which I Stoo� lit,(-, a hero lintil 1.11P ('0111)tL'Ss also vanic. Ill, fears -'I'd 1)"ol.k-st-ations of everlast, iriv garatitiallo were it little. too illuc alld I fled. I blilsh to say it, but beat till iligloriolis retreat. for thank an� things onf,� vasily gets it surfei 11 of. ­ ''AIIII.V, I'alltl', you have sailed I high cullipally I'llely", said I"'ItIlillie llcu.r! Itil(i coil ill ess—dear file! I ill, gin to f(TI (111ite ill "'we of you." ''SO �'011 Might; atoll I JI(q)p y 0 will N"Ititille to cherish life f(,(,:ing But, Erniiniv, do you know—li,)ugh as you. have. never ewen hint, it's like ly YOU don't — but you have th most wondel-ftil resellibla!lf-e 10 1�(.,,( De I. , 'ourcy I ever belield ;11 ,,,,N, ]-iv.' .'I .Ord Ile Courvy!" ,.xclaillao.i I- - 'r minio, L� ,rowing pah. as .�,Ije V(IIIVI)I haired Ketura's fcjjrful dellaticiatioll against ,ill who bore Ifbat nartip. . 'Yes, I-ord atilt Lady lie Clolarc,� . title col' P"Osollt in Washim,ton City The val-I Says Ill' lliu'4 illw""ys felt " desire Lit Visit th.s coulliry; hill hith VVIo, circililistancos, preveral-od hilil The colillit...'s is it lovely wotliall — orill of flit. illost Ill-amifill, I lll;ltl" W"Pt, iil�: itlld its 1-lo011 its sjl.� jS IWILII tifill, vvt'r * \ � Ill.' "t � S " 1. I 11MV0 III-III'd of he]- hLIfore," Slii( Frilliflio, Ill it low. "1111duod toile. Ill TooS."-!,(.-gs saw her 111,111l, 31 -Ills ago, xvh(n he wits, if, Enq,lailti, At least, I ililik.--itio it Wits ,Slit,, for She Was the lvifo of iho old earl's soil, alld "Nil.' 'J'ooSYJ)1'9S StQ'S L1111.1, shice I. ho death of his fathor, he has T�pvll J.ord De Court. , v. " "Ves, so he hi";." Said littrity: "lie wits 11it-rit Lord Villiurs: bill r(�tt)ly, Minnie, your likviiess to hiiii is (Illite uonderful." -\%-(.'I!. it's ',lit uniisual for .9Ir;mg­ ers to N'sellible one another: ihouqh I s"ITOSO I o"ghl to fool ilattvred by lool.,ing fil till, rvinot(­4 dpqrle lil,e 01W So ""('fit oild dist higuishod. Ilow ' 31111ch F %N­dd like to s(,e, th(-in Ijoth," f,itid I"1111illiv, 11111si,10Y. "And their '1111pliter- this Lltd-v Kitzt—wns that What. yull called herl Ily tho way, RnIlty. I ilv%er llf-ard divy hall a dallght(w." .. Ye" th"y had two; I lit, oldest 010:1. I beliON0, %\Ilt-'Il a Chil(I; .,rill 1,ildy Rita—well. Soule say she L�i ]'of t1wir daut-,hter, but all, allopted ('101d I (101"t I flow how th,it may "" 0101,1"ll , 3, Cert,011 it IS, SlIQ does I ol ],)ol, like vither of theill -- I ot Lal" So nitich iis yt)ti (jo, ].',,Ill illil.. " . 'No 11-Y'refilithi livre lon.0" said VI fililli... half 11tw-ingly. "O [,';it) y, h0\V 111"Ch I .,hould like to see Ilwill," ­",\v1l, perhaps you LnAtv; ;,I I he overflowilig, of their gnititit 1,.. tj,,�l. inolde Ine proilli%;t. t.0 visit !lit.Ill 4-tl f;lIIIijjft, N%ljj)p Illpy r(,jjI,,tijl(,J L11111 if �.flj'll ()Illy colls"'lit, to ],,.,.Il , "OUr I-roiriisv. ,all([ !wconie All -s. Liawl,.Ssl \% 11 * % , l-11 ('all conic Willi mv, till I I I flow I ho , v will be olelighh-ft to \%,,,I - (")IM, Ili.%' Wife." ­Nojl�rll-v, Rality." Said Frilliniv, 1, lifth� 11111).1thrill , v. "Ilol�. !,hsilr:, �1)11 ;JIV, I ;till It'll to fit. al-collill4thle lot, �ottr silk, liolk Mieu lv,- pitri(ql. I Ilope?" -\%01, all I have to say about it, i�. that thvry will he ,j rjj�j� of Awe;ich of I)Vollli�:(" all, before the collvt ow, of theso dial's, if Yotl ill- Ivillilt 10 back olit. Are lwi Ill v - I ;11.(.fl to pay Ino five o)r Six 111011silli'll (j.)Iljlj-. if I)Ilifl,"'s Its at plils,vi. for lit , v �ofll;lldvfl kplilles, lna� . I itsk. IU Iss Cv! Ilw illW.", .. "is it \ wir affiq-1 iolls wery wort h f-11, b-IlIll Ih.1t Suill, Mr, Lawh.ss! ".)\%. do 1w svilsilde- if y0tI C;Ill, iIjIj 11.11 III(. how long �011 art goll)", to W.1Y lmwv " *A-; If) bohm ,wilsild,,. ',Nfiss c (,I-- Iiiii I r1l., I floth-r IllYs"If I till) thilt. fill\%. ;lIlfI nio, slily of. (11,flortilre 11111"'t d"l-vild lit :I 1,11(-ilf lllvn�tlll. (,It , \01V" ' Now, Haitty, I sbi,]] g,.q 011`1V, i" �oll floll't slfip behig, so 11,111-1-11 I- , -,Ill" �ilifl l"'riwiliv, flll.,Iiilv_� !d-phHY. ' I (lid lii,l,(- t_,oiw,- it) -,4-;, \oollld hale 1,111 it hill.. ,,,)I,,, ilito l.oIll. hi'aff ' but I 1wro-,-joe it, ha,A lind (,fill,- I, (,.()I,- It:iiy vffocl_ I wish �oll colild s(�p 1:.,, T) ­­ si-< \­,irs ha\v inii(If, )iiirj ll� l"t-1114. Mid 11wilghtful its a J1 (I ". � , , I ( '.11(-( I Ill- will he quite filitiolls in , 111� prol'."iffil �0 " . INPII, I %%i,,Ii him joy of it." s;i id 1:11111 , �, "llowevvi- elvr , vovw to I livir 1.,,11. ;lild. Illukih, tills i, 41 t I ov ,(",Ijjlt ry ( ; ood 1) , \v, riot%. Miss (.vr- Ill., !IIV I ';, I f, it tiff I Ill' 11 pill (w ( 11 or j I I, I It voil I I w I � I 11 v t o ho' on � I ) 11 I .\'Oil ti.;iv Niok wit ft)r life tiff holir or so JlVft, 1-0 (I. I * N -1 1; - 'A I I I 0- I if 0 I- I o %%' . " Anti lNitly rode rapidly ill I lie .1 I I pct lot) (if Ili(, flarin�, While I 11 it if- - I, ri. rind vniered, withwit corvinon.Y. . Vill' Odfllirkd, AS IlRual, wos Mono Ili 1�p prit'lor, find gave hi(4 twl.livw a 1­11t,11,01N wricomv. 0ii I 1, i llf� h is 1, ind w�if lip h;id hnld (if lhv honfilp of it puttip, inifil [Infity wim-f-d find ;,'I"vtj it lll%kl.\, Thf-ri )ia\ 111f.r ral- I'li­(I to flip li%;Ifilliche of Jill.,,liong itilh i0i.ch fhf� wr-ir-tit inaiilavr ov- ,,I \%livInivil him, f1wity r­,,(�. and roda ) ,litirward, fit -fl4rJlr1qn tho household I Iwo f. :-�,irjlrkie the household. lie did --at I"a"'t iill of Olvill lie found, vv h I ch fivero only 11w svi'varil.q The judge ITnA gotirt, And so was ]'at.. all night. I knew it was dangerous " 110 eYk*i Of Mr. Toosypege beamed MOSS And grass that CoveVed the terly-astonishe . d Raymond . , And gazed. ­--f—,"�i--_­_�!a--� --iiii-iiiii-it.m - I I "A', h crossing the heath, and I should not ; Upon thank from the door. I . place, and� he, wal-Red. to the outer at him for a moment, 'with 04 peoull- ­. _. ._ . _ 9- y. Aunt Deb, Pet staried for have ,t her attempt "OrIandO . . 'Yes ; fl,r ,smile of sarcastie triumph,' Then . CAD19RAS , I k- hoine neatly kill hour 1( it alone . Oh, I ." shouted the afflicted 090 and listened. Intently. I I CAMJI�RAS ago, " .,,till if Holy would only conic!" I admiral: "she's went .and did iti there was Voices u , nde I rileath talking stooping )fie: tall body, he passed . . � * it, 1:ont,l% soinewhut alarmed. ­ 11, hat But another long, seemingly inter- � Yes, Orlando, she's gorip.,to Davy,s In low, cautious tone. . . � , I oll (*tin little become of har,?" minable hour passed befo�re Ray locker, I expect, before this," . 9. His heart through the opening, and disappear- , ga,ve a grea-t throb, and he got down od In t1le- Seemingly Interminable, T 0 , . b- "Lors! Mars'r Itauty, how do dib- nutdo his appearance, and then he "Admiral Hayeriful, I'm real Sorry on his hands and knees arid Veered darkness beyond. ' I Ixj , . . 11 � Y, bil I know?" .said Aunt Deb, who canie clashing up. pale, wild, and to hour it, I really am 1, for one moment 9v 1. #'You go next," said Black � , said.Mr. . Bart, I � er the cliff. Right . to I%- give" to lirufaility now land excited. TOOsYPegs, wiping his eyes with the- beneAth .him were Solna I . � he thf-ii, "llar ain't nebbor no tvIlin' - northwest corner of the yellow ball- rou h, � balf-dozon to Ray. i 1100%th-looking Without a moment's, besite4on, the '�' C I . , - littlaii linib pokes Ills eyes met Ranty's as he enter , a U -" ameras i I her- ad. That glance told all -t ,ill had I of sailors ly %%h:tI' (fall it, danna "I never felt Set bad about garb ,, and one of, them, Young man obeyed; 'and descended the I 0 Lit st-!f .She might be at dent old failed. . I anything In illy life; I never did, .1 _13lack Bart, he remembered to have narrow, stcepl,stePs, fAintlY-1111111114- CAM4PAS I . I llitr'ns or site inight be at Dismal "You have not found her?" said assure you, Adinitral Ha:venful, But often seen in � Judestown. I 'Had lie ated by the dim rays of a darlle-Tan­ - . I . QA=1LA.9 . ii )loller, of- She might be gone to old I Itanty, hurriedly. xto by can't they go to I , . I , !, I Davy's locker discovered jY I Ili rrl ...... I ,, ','No, but I heard enough to con- after her!" I last? the smugglers' ba,u4t at � tern held by tb l dmitted . I I . 1-1 . "Old -r3'!" interrupte , if. to yes- I � them; arid following the smuggler- S- ]Jut (I Riolilty rl lily worst suspicions. La "OrIando 0. ToosyPegs,'f staidthe Laying his h0ali close to ,the captain through the Ion , rocky pass - Ili ungrily. ­%VJILLt (10 you Illeall?" . � W34 HAVU AI,A 9 ,., .,RQr� RANGA, 010 I .'%Vt,ll, ole Mars'r I terday afternoon, Orlando 111ousypegs admiral, .-wvorely; "I hope You don't ground, he could catch.at intervals, age, entered at last, the large outer- CAXERAS BUT THE Bl= VOR , . o- liall'y I[Ltt('fkll ; I .1:1 l S lie %a w one of I he going, a fel- invan to poke fun at people ingricy; t this co , Aversattlon: .1 . .1. P Y. ditt. aill't fit) tellin' nhar she is!'' . . room7-the rendemous of the outlaws. . ''Well. that's true t-nough. I wish low ('killed Black Bart, accompariled because if you do, it shows !L very I � 'fyelg: hQ'S gone for good;* cleared . I The rQughly-dressed, rougher -look- A. CERAP CAMBPu is,� I is by suine one else, he could not dis- il"PrOPel- spirit on your part, .and a I OUT,,, when he found lie. must . . be dis- Ing men July, or,sat, scattered about Bjto�VWIB WO !2, WHI.ta. WA SF , . 0 .-;lit, %fert., here. however. peellaps l,he cern who, but doubtless another- of tota'i deprilvity I should -be Barry to I .covered, Whas .P. pretty mesa. you In overy direction, some asleep on the � . . . 'I'T, - . . . � � . — . d won't. he huck to-ni,ght," Said Man- the outlaws, take the forest -road see, Orlando Toosypegs," � . . made of it Bart, takini the wrong Door, Some talking in low tones, And . . . 11 . L. t.N, WUll,ilIg ill) find down the vooryt, 1,,aftillg this way. Pet has been 11VIly, lily graciousill said the as. � gill,. after �11,­ said One of them others amusing themselves - as they AT, $2. I � . �s a"'! Whistling it .sell air. waylaid Land entrapped by hem, ton!.qht-d find aggrieved Air . � I I , , I I . t " Toosy- "Well, it wasn't My fault, growled', Pleased. In a:r , ote corner, sa� Persons.in neighboring towns . . I -e can too no doubt; for- neither of pegs: "what have I saidl I in Sure Black Bart. I -low -was I to know WOrnallWarguerite, her arms dropped , Who , are thinking of purchas I '. d As he hall partaken of the evening � thei , am It the . S, iw-ul alone the everling before, ",u ; them have been seen since." Admiral Havenful, I hadn't the re- one from Vother? Serves the old on a4 little table, her head I I . . . , Y111f; on Ing a'camera will receive an . y was lie forced to sit solo at break- Ertn7inie dropped, like one sudden- motest, idea of being funny, 'that ainner right too, to get taken In. them, as if asleep, Her presence ac, I )a fast, Neither Pet nor the Judge had ly stricken, into a seat, Lind hid her ever was; and if I said anything th,.It D--nocTarnet"i This comes of trusting counted for the -unusual Stillness of . R . aStMan catalogue by drop- ". . d returned, nor were any tiolings to �1 fave in ]let- hands, Brother and lov- lvasn't right, I beg your pardon for these internal land-aIiarks.'s the men. . ping us a ear,4. Other cameras ,,, . . all he obtained of their wh4c,reabouts ; ev looked in each others' Palo faces it, Land can assure, you I never "What a beautiful hunt they have She was not asleep, however. As the Eastman can be . I ..: t and. after breakfast, Rallty ilill1led- AVith an unspoken: "What next?" meant it." I had over the beach to-dayl- said all , the new-com6rs effittered, she lifted he " I . , - , r . supplied. 'Films, developing s jaiteli, rode over to the llarl'01S. I.Well then, enough said," testily other, with 9, low chuckle. "They'll head quickly, and after a fleeting . powders . and other. light iUp. .. I lit the cottage, he found Ility, , ,,14ow be at it to -morrow, too, And have glance at her husband, fixedhoreyes . 11 %% hu interruptLol the admiral. . . .. had just returned, who wits recciving CHAPTER XXXIV. Snowdrop, look have; what are they' I the-ir labor -for their pains. Well, steadhiatly on .the stranger. His plies can lie' sent by mail. . I I y till �tc(`Otlflt of Itality's arrival frof L going to do about Pet?" I I I cap'n, does the gal still -stick to her strange resemblarpee to . her husband I . Our cheap 1;XPOsUre Meter . d tile lips of F.'rininie, lvh n the ei:_ "What next?" ''Ray and Ranty have gone to story that 8116 ain't the one she - was the first thing- to strike bar,. I I tralice of that . to ought to 150T. . . I at '�$e gives the correct -expos. I 1. I . I young, gentlenjill, hini- ''We ought instantly engage the I Judestown to got the Police She halt star- up, dashed, back her. 'ure Uri . . 1. self, cut it Short. W ted I I der all conditions And, 111.111 and hoart - %. I serN ives of the -) udestown police, and search. They think she is somewhere The reply to this wa n so wild, dishe,�eled black hair, and , I - was tile greetin" betwevil tho two ! b"gilk a vigurous search, 1 thin),11 : along the beach, in some ' hidden '10W A'tono that Ray could not hear ad upon him with a I sharp, sti gELZ-. ,a f. itself in -a' short time. - I ,d I'anty, cave tile sinugglers* have there." - It, and in Ill . splelops - pay .or I. I h friends; for novel. brollivi's loved vach , No" I .. s Intense eagerness he look, -.The men, too, stopped in their by. savib over and und . . I Other better thiin did they. ! ''Search! Have not the police and I "Urn -in! very good,'! e leaned further Over to listen. But., customary a I vocations to look. at thef . 1.91 er ex- -. "I suPPOse Pet was ill perfect ov- tit(, Vevellue oilicers searched for- this I odniiral, noddin Ills head,'-approv- 0 &lance. He new -comer, and.scano him'from.h' . posure in nigatives. - I . s , . IT as he did so, he I at his b . �, . I . . . . I � I ', strove to save himself, but In vain; to foot with inquiring eyes. .Rayts .. . �. . . L Stal"'CS Of df�li,'Ilt ,It your unexpected infernal Smugglers' den for the last I ingply; "Perha.ps they will. find her ' I lead . . I 4 . . I return", Satiel ErIllillie, taking her . six i.tiontlis WiLh011t ceasing? and yet : yet. I'll go over to -Judestown my- ,over he Must go;' And seeing there dark, , flashing eyes fearlessly an ' , ' 11 work, and sitting (town oil Ile,. low they were as near, finding it the fit -at ' self, and. ship along with tho rest. was no 'help for it, he took a flyina countered theirs, as he glanced vai ' . . rocking -chair, b"' (lily Lis they are now." We'll Seoul- the -whole coast I leap,and landed right�in the midst ly round the room in search of Pen - H.B.'00M . . , "Pet! y the wirid.w. I �.so that I t,. ' - - BE$ . , I - ),`Ii fly the little grLdabout -Ought you riot to send if she's above water anyw ere, we ; of the astouxded freebootersil ., I "Another Prisoner' my . good Inds ", . Chemist -And Dr . . 1your father?" I f ? � , � . Uggistf. never Avas at hollic all last night, ; suggested Erminie. must find her." � . I With interjections of surprise and.. said -Captain Reginald, aw he errter- I . .. I . . . I . if and whore the d,!jjce to final )lot,, I Whose face was perfectly colorless I'll go too, Mr. Havenful," said I ala�rm, hall. a dozO.n bright blades in-, ad . '. . . , I I � . . 1 . . .., . . . . . don't. know." with fettv for Pet. I MrI. Toosypegs, with'.more alacrity; stantly flaphed.in the moonlight; but, 1, "'Who' is he, ,captain?* . who I is J�e?,, ' '.-- . 11 11 I . � I "Not tit hollipl!" said Frininie, in i "I suppose I ought; but where am than, lie usually betrayed, "that'.is . eke 'any violence. cotild be offered, the - -ch6rused half A dozen virices tog6th- , . . . - surpt Ise. "Why, Where call she Ile, I to lind him? Ile has gone, as w0i if you think there is no danger with ,t4ll form of the outlikw'chlef Inter- er . . . �. I .. .... I . . . e th(,n?" as Pet, and no one seeins to know : them smugglers." Posed between them, and fither .and � "'Nis name *1 have not yet' ha,dthe . To Our. .1 I ''Well, Miss Oertilaine, that is just Ili what direction lie may be Found. Blaine thfiih�yes! " roared. the. ad, son stood face to face) I I .I.r - . , what 1 wolild feel very much olilig The smugglers can't surely have tak- I ". I . . � . . . . ... . plea:sure of' haaring� Seeing us,,un- , I I 1. . . . . od j.miial fiercely. "I wish to the � - . . der, the rocks, and being of an lnqliir�- � . . � . - It) You to tell Ille. It's very like look- ell hill'. too!" � Lord ITarry I could only come across . a - , . . . CHAPTER .XXXV. * .. Ing ipirit. � . . - ing for a needle in a holy stack. ]'in ''Though I know it will be fruit- some of theml I'll be blow . ad if I - - . . : - a . . ­ . .. an I leaped' down. among us, iendfs'and.. . . . I � d witli;k"', ceremony presented him- Fr* I s Inclined to think. to o,o lilll)till- fill. less, I see nothing for it but to fol- wouldn't give thorn the confounded- .:Silently they confro' .. . I . � .. ., 1, . , nted,oach other self. I persuaded. -him to accompany . 6 .. . . . I . I her. The best way is, to talke things low your advice, and inform the lost keel-haltling they ever got I, -those two, so nearly connectgd-.so aVe much pleasure in , .1 . . I ' I easy. find let her- conic home ,,-]I(!,, Judestown authorities. The shore 10 . me here. and It, . . their lives. If you Ave afraid, Or- ng siaparated-so strangely encoun- :, making ' ydu ' acquainted with, him . . CU t . slit, likes." I I Ili every direction iriust be searched ; Itiondo Toosypegs," .9aid the admirtil I tared now. Did 110' "Still, small,". ow. 11c is very urgefit .to fi I . .s. .omers'. I , . � It . Ad out I ­ . I . I . . .. . . . � A. ''Why, it's most singiliza", said I for if Ileaven arid earth have to be facing round Willi savaty inward -voice whisper . I 1. I �... . . ... .a abruptness, .' ' to each that what has become- of Miss. Lawloss ; * - ' I . . � � �., . , � ._.. , - F1.11011:0, "I I'llow sit(, -1 for � rotised. we must find you sister!" ex- 1'stav tit home!" . . �. i thei, ere fdther,tind son?, ,Was, the And, as .he As evidently, a Ir . lend '-per- __ _� .., . . , ­ � . ' � stItriv.. . .. w clililned Ray. . I voice of I . . . . . __ . � . . . holl-, ,ind took the roact iiql(jilig, to "Adtoiral Vavenful," said 'Alr.'- Nature% slieni, that tbdy b ' s a - loveir, of h do no . .1 , . I . . . 4P ,ers, I could ' ' - .. : , I I . . . , :1. � � . . . Ileath 11M. Ilerb,lps sll(� 11:ts chi ll',- i '%Xhot if they have taken her off to Toosypegs, alwashud anti rather ter- should.. gaze .,upon 'eabh � other its 168'thau Promise to. let'-biriL se6 ' ' . . I . .� I -d her inind ttii,! weilt to tilt. i,11lite �,va?­ silggested Rarity. strangers gaze9 . 1. '. . I I . . � and., . . . i rifleil by this outburst, "I beg pill,- . .1 I * .. . � I console' her In* heir captivity.." - " :; We Wi8b You Alt . . I. . - 8111!1111." ''I hiirdly think so; they would riot den, and I ain'i th,� least a The =en,tstill grasping their swords i .� T�f a - speeph' was' receive . d with a : . . I ., . .:.. . . . . frald, I'll , ­. . I . .1 �. . . . . I . - . . . .. � . "No. that she. (4(frft," saiii -() precipittate. At all events by -o had -encircled Ray, and , . ,. �. 1. I I . I . .11 . . lit-rily. ! Ile s , , with you, and do lily I)cst to . I6 . . � . � .. . were. glaring choler and a laugh by the men. . Ayo � . � ' ' . I . . I I -I %%,a.,; there fast flight , 'Iflet, I tI. hig i coninionving if. thorough scarch !film(, I,.,,,) you to 1<0201-11LLUI the Sinugglers, upon him � with,. darkly-threatenirig flusIled and irritated, t1!jrn'ed to the - I . . I I . . . .. . bere. ']Ill., girl's bewitcli(d; kintl It(.,'.- i diitti-ly, we nitty discover so"IL' clew Whatever they may ))a. Miss Win- ' 'a eixker, and.said, passionately:, .. . Al:� . . . . eyes, as fie. st6od boldly treat, and P ­ I . . . . I hajv�i she rode off on soine, (juixotic I to licr XvIlereltbollts. We had best re- nie, good-bve. Doin't tAl.-.e oil about. undatinteoll confis' . . I . .. .. . . . . . . Y onting the smilg- , '"Let.me See ,her, theni. Where is . i, .- ; . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . exlWdition bl* herpelf." : lura immediately To .Judestown, and . it, because -we'll .be -,tire to . find gler.chief. � . . . * . sheT' , I . I I I � .: . .� . . . ­ .. . ... . "SlIk., Wits oil foot," -,-,fill E'l-II)i ,lie. cillist all we call ill the search." Miss, Pet arid bi-ing her- home, I "Well," Said thaiPclrsOnAge,. calm'- .."Easy, MY I dear :young friendw�'. . . ­ .. . . , , . , , surveying the intruder - - ,%. , � � now really growing alarined. ,,Slit,,- I So saying, the two Passed out. dare say the smugglers will give her iy ­ I - from h6ad. easyl ' Getting 6xcited and fierc6 nev- * - ... . Ha � - I light %vas faille of- soniething- So I mounted their horses, and set off for oil), if they're Only asked politely." to. foot: " who the. feful fiend are You, er pays' in -'this *arid. - You will see :- . .... 1 . I. Ippy. I . . I I . . . .. She started to willk hollic, 0 lialltv, ! .1 kidest own. young� jo . �%thai I I I . .. I � ­ . .. . " I .1 . . I � . The adliliial heard this comforting nan,' You come tumbling the young.'lad " . - I arn afraid something bits Lappell�il � If that morning had seemed long . , .1 y time -enough," - - - - I : lk"r 4 . ,. . . '.. . . . � 11 assurtinve with a sort, or unspeakable I froin'tbe.,clouds'artiOrl t us: ii, this - - At this moment,' the, w man. Xar-, :!�, , ; * , a I" - " I , '_ I , ' lnd . . I . . I . 0 , I y . to her." I to Pet in her prison, doubly long (lid contempt, and then waddi . fashionl-" I . . .9s, .. ", ­ . . .. ; od out; t . _ . kadrite approached, Arid laying. her . -... , jN.ew.. e "Oh pool' Er'llie! Whitt coid(I hap- it allitear to Erminiv, Who, too ,Ull- He is a, . I . I GVJ6 , . ' groaning bodily And mentally ; revenue -spy.* 'Let us pitch. hand ,on hei husband's, arm, and fix.; . - - . , .. . ... ... I . . . ... and lic.ath easy ,Ili(] restless either- to sit stil or, mounted Ringbone, arid accompanied him in.. the riveri. capliti, 11 %j&j I I . � I Poll to lier between this , Y, bc , N%ork, flared Lip find down the roorn, ­ I .- : . 4 Black I Ing her shArP black eyes on his face, . I . �­, I I ... .1 . I . . I I . . ­ . ­. .. . . . Hill" Nonselive,-, said itrijit __ by Alr. Toosypegs, set out. at the Bart. ' � ._ I . I . a , . I. polilt�ad to 114y, and said -somethin . I . . . , . . .. . : I 11 :. I . 9. .. . .1. !.. �. . � . . '. � gbilling to look unt-as . of- jws.svd Ili and out of tile cottage, tile of half a 1110t, Lul lioue . . for - Qme, my. good. iu`aAo,W riiLpid tone in. Vien,h. . .. .. . . . . 0 . .� . . . I . .. I y. 1. ,.Silenee, sirr C . .. I � . ' sirnIW!­ her eyvs to catch if glinipse . . ,. y . I .. I . I . , . . . . ,. .. . I . I . . li, answe . . . ..� , . � . ,. . - . . 1. "Afl,liat hour dial she leave hot,(,. �11-.,Ivstowll. . Olit. r. ,What Is your:.busi- - 'fyaas," drawled Captaln,Reglnald, . Minnie?" asked Ray. of 0,u liest who would collie with I)Lll'illg tile remainder of the da ness here?"' '. �. * . . .carelessly. over, , I his . . � .1 But the morning pass- Y.. "MY, business 'is, to dis ' v . : passing Ills hand ' . . . � .. . . "it was nearly dark; and Slip littil ' 'll!"'s (if 1'1�t' F"I.111iWe was left alone, half wrld -*.'a CO ef�' the thick, black. Whisker f, and -lookin ' ' v P. Maitland I . * . 5 . . 1 �9 . to will),: Lill alone over that. lonesottiv . young lady yqu� have so basely a,jj,a . . 91 ­ . I wl llvd lio olle clullo; and sick, weary %vith alternate hope, torror,*anx1pty'. : indifferently at -the. young man. "Xf. ' ' ' ' it(' worn out With anxict,y and dis- . . � . ; � . i . '- ' ' holath. 0 ]Za� ! something inust h:, fl�- ;I ., ' killil expectation. . . . OU are 'the leader of thi's is rAth,rili �irange. .' I . Successor to. Ogle: Cooper . happoned . ;Ippohitnicrit, she sank down on it v . . .. gang of cu . 1. noticed. the re- - . � . . � . . ,witt, and hid her face in her no mosseng-er t -throats, 1-demana teob�-. semblance myself, How� I . � . .1 .. .. .. .. . ''.. .. . .. . . . to her!" cried J.'rill n:e, h But flight caine and Itistantly infor., ad w,bere. sbe As I I" . .. s. Yourill"?_. , . , - � , . . , . � .. �, � grIffiril,' Whitt, with vague altivin. � . I , if at ptissionato burst of tours. kinds had arrived to relieve her It,orturinti - . . tive?", . . ..� . I. .. . . - I __ - .______, , . . e . -ty. . . . � ermined to. - a bold Der -the � . . . . I I . ; , i . .. . . ­ �, � " Ik h ' V. what in Ifeaven's na�j) . anxif � . �Aid.Ray, det 1 plit, . .ore she dould repTy, i, curtain I q " . .. � . . . . c0lild hitve haililo-ned to 1) A heavy, plodding step coming lip 'lall withi front - on- the matter 'since he wits-, . . . � . I '11'�_k: 1, I 11 or?" If,, (d . n the cottage was silent, I In' ,was pushed aside; and , with . � Ittinly, catcll'i'14 the infoction of : I'l. the ,graveled walk in front of the I oo. . , , for 'it, .. 1, .. I . ... � . ... I . _. I wide � " '� 4 .1'", Ketura had Iong avo ro I cd ; �. . .. I .. . . I I " cotto.ire routed her, tit last. Shu - "Who , , . . 11 I . open eyes; fluslited chocks, arid won- '' minie's I'vars. "No oil(, has over hf(Al I the regi-ess. Lucy' was'sice, If I.,,' .1 I -wl" whistled .,the .eaptaj . -_ Molested oil sji�itiL to bet feet, and stood with i Tit, I 'while, the, men . 'A. de�, delight, and. Incredulity bil cver�.. �� I - -I--- tho hoath." I chet'!is flushed, lips patted, eyLs (if- , li-if deep, douth-11 I %.e slk oil p! ealial, .. set,UP &it Insolent feature, Pet-sWod biffore'them'.. Ray's, ; .-i . . , . ­Tllosc� lawliss sill ligglers ,Iff V. [I , to' livi, ra�e. . . lau�gh�- f.'Fbfio..c'OOIn6ss and effrontery. voice h4d'reached her etLr, find. h I alf- I , I - %. . I .. * . I I �. - - ' I . tilitially pr0%%)jII,, ilrotill4l 11ol,N., 1.1,;, it lifted, land bosorli heaving, with eager Standing in th, shad,,w o -f . th,,; .1hat modti�t demand canhot be easily' 'inclined to doubt . 1 1419s, .. ... . 1. ..% . � I h I the evidence -of her -.. . . . I . f a ILI � ­ . . . is verl' unsafe for it youilg:' , exilt-utilt:011. vine-slmlird porch., E, beat'. And w at I w :'re at.-, Young s.ofteses, she stood there,'literally 1; : I . . , g i I I lit , ' ritt'nie N-vatebed ­ . I ell, Illac . C, 1,111110 I ... sIr?" .. � - .1 . I I.. . . . . I .- I ­ . . oot� .. I I... . I.. I . ... N t n(tire if) such it lot, . I But it was only the admiral, who with restIcss hiip.�tlunce for t;h:? 'i,k *"Your- re-f0al. will not ' . . ... �. I . ... T b _�oiitinucd, ' . . . calce slit � . 0 6 . tected. arter Ilif"lit. Goud heak niping Ili, looking more I.Lira of sonic oile front Judestoll-n­ � . matter Inuch . � . . � I 1. :1 . . . niplete!y mystified and bewildered . . . . . � I . I . 1, . I . � . � . I . I I . . .. , I . I , . . . . , . if sliv shoidd have fallen into ff.��,(',i' her %%hnle thought of Pr-t.aiid . I I 111. Pinde to-Illorrow, your . retreat will . . �� .. . I I . ­ . .1 I � -� . -it Illy, Starting I i "o P I. ,suredly 1) � 6 ..discovered,.'.: arid then . � . . �— I I . � . . . I . I I I hill)(k!" cl A N up, I if I that) any one had ever seen him be- rot�ah!e fate. I . .. . . as . I .. � . ­ . . I I � I . I 1. . ,.. .. . .1 I I const vi'lloot ion. , fory Ill thch. li%vs. I .3101.1 Will :eVery onla"Inee I ow.yotil city. itecord % I It .1 .. ' . '111, clock strurk nin,.% and' -th x , t the doom' I .. IN . 4, ... - I, .1� I I I I . .. - . "llelin-a-lve!" roared the admiral, ' jour diabolical tictlong d , . The. � y"Record, tin, 6M.- I . �, , I .. i I I ­() 1f;AY! I Ilf)J)L, rf,A. 0 11LINII do � Len: and 8 -ill no one canle. . . eserVelf" - . 96W'.Yoij Cit . . .P. � . ��.. .. . I .. . yoll 1-1.1111l, 111julo .,Jj,� lljj�')" ex, f,t'i Ille(, thr!iwiw, Ills huge head in tile I..'ril ill;(, was, Wlout to:f,,o in, v�lvn- . � . . . . .1 �. : " And � wba't may that:- be,'Irloia� cjjn.�. CIIII .publication owned, an lasued..Ify._ . I HVIII lliv, chv4i)ing her hajAs )'()()Ill. -What tile dickens has little the III'mcler of 11 -Ises' . . aid''the , . 1. .. � ,4 . . I ill 1111'r . . hours', co�.,Ijng �did Youth'??' s. . � SMAgglet-chief, the municipality, IsAlle'litIggestneWs, - � I . tal t(�rror. I Firi-Ily run afoul of flow, or what's I , with a sneer... I I I . .�., I . .. . . I thro!,L Ii tile fore.st road, ar;-v%t,c,fl he . . . . ,.paper in the.w.-orld...1t 'appears every . . . Ill tht' ',Vilod 1111�lo'Lly'?" . . � "Ha ingl" sa;id'n '' .. . '"I 11 'ry ill no 1.01imr. Sollie of I Ill steps." . . t, p.,, aY, boldly;' ". a 4ay-An the year, .Sundays and legal' . I . . I t` . . , 4 I 1. 111%11(_'�-s Q -11L4 are contintially pit,wi- "o Adiniral flavenfifil! Pet's lostl 'll -L, Ilext moillont linl-.,;c 'and rid,r, fAte good for. villians basio holl Y9 excppte , find sometl �. e - � iff, I I In,-, ilrol:rll the Woods und Shor,�, itild � been varried off by those dreadful cattle dLv,hin­ at a inad. extited . ehough tto forcibly rarry off- . I . da .. 'd mes conot - -j al-' . . .a helii� 11 . - . : - . . . � . -itill i sill I lg.41ers I" said Erminic, sinking - less young girl 1 " ., . : . . tall 6 #is many as ,383 pages. . ..� . ... I . . .� . .. . . hoallb. , it 111"y Saw Ilt"t - )11�1'1 loll, 111) to the gate, and I'lay:Joup-­ . . I . . . I'awk-S.'', hu. ildflvd, chi,vi,ilig Iiii.l. ) Irick Ili a ir"ili !)first of pos!ijonate ell on and approached. . I . Withjow ' but passionate impreca,; � I . . ., ,. . . �. . �. ...� . . �­, ! I . . . . � .1. . . . I I I I ' .. . .1 . , . . I sch. ;ind 1,ilin. his Hri­,tho-y N" II;d ! gri.l.f. 4 1 tions. of 'rage, the outlaws closed I � Iminglikad,01,60'alLe . 1. . � . , . I I , . . .-Stalid front tillf:01.1" exclainled tile -0 I41% 11, thore any news of lier? around Ray- find his inotti A wall thirty.feet high'and thirteen . . . � I I . . ll!;Iki. h, 1, ;I llri!�Olwl' fit ojI(-j.. 'Ih J." , Is. �:Io fo,urid?" eagerlY exclainiod.E rr . mi . career . ' . A .Better! - I, flo flt�vd ill 6014,11%. , old xiiih,r, fit if slow, bewildered toile, . . . � might 6,vai � ended, then. an � d . .. feet bioad -.could be built all round ' . � .. .. . ... . I . . . . I to .e I oo (1.111, of . �olllllq .1y nifil iv. . . . there, �, . . . I .. . (fre;-drill for theln (I o. ,1,11t.%, ,11.(, . e% ery rvi. ., facility collil let( . ,.No; nor is she lil:cly to I but that tho' cailtiffi a *Second, time England with the.coal annually rais d . . . . . . . , ](,I* - k1stolinding Intelligence. ... . � . I � . . I I s. .. in that country.- ' 7. . - - - - - - . . �. I . I . . - I %. . . .. . �. � � , I.. 0 "To ,e .11, . . . . . I . . '0111,111ill, ! 1IT'sut b�, this I be, - - ritq interfered. ,, worse than srmg!2- I (0), ft Nvas I1jy faillt, it was lily fill, LL.,4 -1 can .-ve." said lia,v. glor)rnl� . .. I � . I . 11 .� :. � . im . : . 1. . 1. � � . . ­ all I 'it I ile. sald, ;afithorltat- , , . 1. .1 I . I � . I I . . I '. 111"I" Illi'll SlIS10H. This s:i.u-gIjn,, foullf" rriod E'rininie, with flitter lly. ''Not the sli htL,.Q -rice of her, "Back meii,W' . . . . . I .. . . I .. I fimcy, sorv"s ])tit a cloilk lot. tllt� hwi f -en fourd. though Ili,, whole ively. "Let ihe-e be no.blood6hed , ' . . Tamarisk Timber. . . . L. ". � ". . I .. . I . I . � . . 1. . . . liol:w crillit svlf-ieproa(h. "I should not haxe I to -night, . Tfi . . . .Could, not 15�- had :than to liave, � - of piracy. I 11'j -'e b­r(I I I bl'u'll bit.-; 1)(342111 searched, from * Is -foolhardy' fellow Is an - TImbbr - o the tamarisk wood fi-is - '.. your family group taken difring' � - , I n1lox%od hvr to go last flight at all," . one . . of � . . . I . I lb�lt (livir lewicr-4,aptaill 11, I , ;!.I I I-Ild to anothcr. They havagiven-it completely in our, po .. I,.,) u . . w6r: as though . been found perfectly sound In the. an'- ' . �the holidays. You will -never look ­ .. I � . . I al!d imother biti-st of tears followed he were q . . Ill y call llilo- is ollo, of till. �? I o.-; I - fleclarlilioll. ill) now, and gone home for JEO-1 . Wiinging In mid Air, 'so he 1-.�(kl(-:�S al.d dw-ing dv', ' k with,imp unity. . I clent temples of Egy'Pt.In connection : better �than YO I - 1 tit, . . I u do'at present and, - . -pvrw�nf" (bill ! "'I .n I froll: -11:dor!" reiteratod tilt, Ilight. Partly Lind die atialival stwy CPLn. sPee, � Pray pro -s with -stonework v�h . . .fell Is known to. be Pet'lla I lit . � , . t6b Ps -the _fA�ily w-ini never be " -k i ild if;Ill, SHI lit- wide, "Firvily car- -1 M inighty edifying and Interest- 4.000 years old., : : ... rather a a,,l 0 a .. ' ' - � . X d 1 p VoOl fl-th, gvilvral war itiripi, t lit- : ,Jv,destown till hit.flit; and till,- 'Ceed,. Illy dear all,. . Your eo�lcvs,L- at least s. all day, Wit, lliiq and those of th.� (,I','%%* , wd off b� lv� sinugglers! G IL''Ilt is to Ile restillied to-illorrow, tlOI �. I I � ; I mas an � aw Year . . _ . thi-I I h;I%v Scott rot,irl." 111)(Itit here. , ,,00d Willi tile sallie sliceess, I.suppose.11 Ing.: So lialiging is to ood for ,. I i ., . �� � . I I . � _. . � ­. . � I . I 0 g . . . �, . � . I . . . , . .1 'Solna. of us,.-filitz 'Now, What wotil( . wittillite; a car . , I I . � .. . . ,�, If-% I 0 he ctif-throjits, SI1o%;Ig(- I.t).d! Keep her round a point or I le (ItIng himself into a chitiv, and I 1: . " '' , . YoU'-feconiniend to be done With Uji, ,%t Is c6mmonly�the\way. . "�,� -I1-:! -,h for tin,%thirig froll, l".11(i, 1--nilvil Ill; head cii his hand while . %hen. 9L Is lilli. '111111-dv). dolt,im.w.d. - I'livy will tolike her- off to sea, VI 0 HBK " 'o " " . (:rvIlt Ik-all I I, Ili, thick, Jet.-hInck hair ile Supposing you. w fire our. judge trying -0 fit a large\cork to.a.'small . fly's PHOTO ffuhld-, - - (I ,he will never come-haCk. ) - fell ILA ily . "Burning at 'the - stake, -perlin I a . 1. ; F. U. . . I .. . ('it " if I"Otrollilla should hale fall(n 11 Till (_ ove - his fAce. . I , pal" bottl :to. get a knife afid trim the cork. 11 � . . . .. . 1. . . . . . illto their h;lII(I,!" Said fifty, P:I(.itlg I'vI,­%%(.J t I-71-111illie, in it N% out . sugge6sed Mack Dart; "and after Wills, Is'a, waste of time, kor It Is- -only , . Ll_�_ ! I lw�. . . . . . I hin-st of grief. "I"Var Ray, lot me got you -'some that to be hU qUarif necessary to let the cork SOak'In boll- , , . .. 1, .; . . � till fill(] (IoN,n, Ili much agitation, .. I:o%V, Snowilrop. i I Is I hom slipper ; .j,ou have tasted nothing . zig, drawn. And . . I "Ittit it (.41. not too, ll�ly; it is !:If- ('11 , - slm,o carly this niovitaing,;, .11 Wit . 0. . . I . . I . . . ­ .. .. . � I Ing water for fiVe minutes, mind It will. If . I .� I : I . I I I . I I possilde. olo,llrd. 1 tell You. 1111Y. a rnhjiite, will . ,,, ?, . . "This U no time for fooling,". ex- . lit the neck ot � the bottle without any . 11 �� . 0 . ., .. . illitil. � st, ill Ili, ad ... 1ra 1, facing briskly "SuppevI Do you think 1. could clainled 11MY, inipotUoUsly' "I' de . � .. . I I .1 'Rll;lt C-ild thv-�o bitecon, r, . .. - fu ther trouble. .. I .1 11 Im"ll,ly mlill, J%if!j Ilpt'? A It!, u rol till ".Just st-ind by till we a a cat' now?" lie cried, With ficree Iln- rnand.'to be instantly led to.Miss F .. . . r H � * , i - Pli/P She --110 ho for anyont, h,,w we'ro coniin ,. The question l.i;, Patience. "I do not Want any. Gol"? Lawless.0' . 1. . . . I . .. . .1. I - r. I � . . I I I . . . �1. It . . I . ... I � . . . � ______-l!tt0�"_____ _ 1. la',v in 10 n,%% V.1lore's Firv'fly? That's tile ..Vearest "A demand I am most happy'A6 ­ �.. 1. I n-�I` - .. low," sii:d Raiit�-,. gettin.L, (p-o-olif-ti, ain't it, .Snowdrop?" Ray, do not look arid . . .�_­t_T�­Ml _ 11 # � 0 . 111;11'1,1441 ill -ip: . � . I it" of hilil"elf. speak so strangrely. Perhapq ' you comply wlih " said Captain Regin, , ­ - . � . � . . I . I . . . . . . , . . . � ­TIlVY ')light lokv h,,r, Ili flit, hope off Erminic, I nowin.4 the adililral rilust will find lier to-worrow," aid. "It alwA.Ys do like to oblige y . "" , . . .. " ­ . . .. . .. . - . I - - oht,tirlifig 11 ljjrg�p rallsorti for her ra- I,r, answered, inade a motion Of as "Perhals-perhapsf When a -man guest's when I can, This Way, my I � *++++*+*"� 01010040100-I , I h,,y might -- ()h! ,. lease, or I. he wmt. has lost all he loves in- tho'world, Ling tir. But Just keep your. eye , � . is too horrible to content- "Now the question I.,;." went on there is groat consolation fil acold YO �111 you? -and sea that he . - . I . . thollizill on him .. I . . plale'', oxvIlliffled Ray, almost ficrip Ilitt adinlral. bringinq the fIn-,cr I in we', Wish You'' , � , 'j)cthaps lie may find it again.' Do does not give,you the slip.,, .1 I I . � 1. ... . . I . ilown upon the, palin (If his other- "AY, illy, cap'n!" said -])art. "Had. . I , C2 " IT "I�Altl'Y, N%hy fire we losing tilt . it. xedly Lit them: you think those holl-hounds woul.d. n't better bind and blindfold. him?" . , .� . I � � S,tandcox d -� . I � . . hpre, whiff your Ilmd, arid looking fi. : . : . . -si'ster 11111 Ill I . - I . .. y be qPare ]let- a moment, once they got . ­ . � I . . . . ,qIl(LJl diiiig,,r! This is no titilefor "I he (Itic.ition is, What did Firiffly 'her lit their powerf 0 jPetronilla, - ifxo, k ft Will be needless, as, In all. I . � I — I I . .. idle tailkinv- About! Ifloulit'! d ",III afoul, of? She iniust halve run bright, beautiful Petronilla lost,lost probability, he will never set foot on , � I � - on in svarch of h,,r! I Will ins 'It - lifflul of something, mustn't she, ,ever! I I I this shore again." .. . . � I . . .. . � , 'Elev Ator . tallt:� flit ' ' . . . . . I follow", Silowdrop?" "llay, 'Rayl" exclairried 1431-minlo, in �'X Understand: 'Dead Men tells no . I . . I . I I . . I . / -11,01, hill AV "Y-0-8. I suppose so," said Ernlin- low I tal-lost", All right, cap'n 11 said Blaek" . . I � . 11 I . . � . . . . lot.(, lilt a flailliltv. Qay, be f� le, riot very clearly understanding bro' terrified tones, as a nowlight Bart, with & demfoftlac�'l laugh, as � I I . stallilliz in this wild pooq Ihe adirtiral's logic. ke upon her, "did you love Pet. . A I . - OLINTON - - � (hii-p,­ ,,.,!,I ijiltity. ,,flow fill Noe voililla?" I � the whole, party, With their Prisoner . . . . . . . ­ . .. . � .. kIIoNV that sit(, is riot siifefy ll,iu, if "A.nd that something she run fitfoul "Love9" he eriald, with Passionate' In 'their Inidst, started. alotig the . I . . . . . .� . I � . I ­. . I . . I � I .. . l'i';11,111 ]follow. of- sonwiviii I,,, 1. of iu supposed to be smugglers," fl,, ' I � . I ... . . *L . ' ' i n ; . freeness, starting up And sit 1kilig beach alf ter the daptain. . All- kinds of ,. ,I nolost oil, n, ,ill this tirrie, while Nt rnor,A the 4.a.lib,00l, oil whose snine- his thick, ddrk hair. "Veg, I lo,veti. Pot Upward of a quarter of a. milgo . '... H . . fire 1,;I% Mg ithollt l)irtttvs I till a;,- o'llit ohll�qc if they walked along tho long, "F . grain Wanted and , . ' -Ind lhc l0it0v iii -air her With a love that you with your Aandy) , � . . I . . I (1110n.."", N%11.4 RION%1Y beginflill-.f: to (fait.n. gentle nature and its only I hose slippery beach, and then . ihey sud- 1. � � I . the highest prices paid . 11-0 � 1, 0, ' . . donly diverged, and 'turning, an ab- - .. . � "FliII1111111 I . "Oil. she is not! she I,, not I- cri. d Admiral ilav(liftill %,t.11llt do can love, whose veins, like mine, rUn rupt angle 'among the rocks, they . in CASH for any T"i-nimiv. %%riiiginq hvr hands. 1. . .� . .,h � YOU think Ilwy will do with her ? fire Instead of blood. Now that she 'farl"d felt* 1;f"1111 Ili]]. aw] ))lid no S:irpl.v, they will not kill herl" ex- Is forever lost to me, I may confess cantio to a part of the hill overgrown Ne .. X ear quant ' ititi,tili(n of �,,oitig iiii.0%li"I'V Msv. Iiiiiiird Ernihile, looking lip Implor- Whitt no living mortal would with stunted spruce and vedar . I . . . ity. , I . . . � I t%ild nrid flaring its she is, shv lvoll](I A ,I tt,. "I've bushes. It Was a. bleak, lonely I I discovered also. Yes; I loved hort I . . I . . riot Nenturi, to waill lhroiiv� . '-fust, You hold on s, minuto Ion plael6k, little frequented, and with'no � . . "all at tho Elevator and h I lip ror- It- What do you think of my proajjnlp� Si4l, of g like, a hut or rav- ., .. . 6 . I (,,,f tifivi- nh�hl. oh. what, (-tiff have vr. INPI vou, Snowdrop?" said the tion, little slater? X. the beggared I Aillyt � .1 -.11. �,_� seb . I . lw(oliw of hvr?­ od:i1hal, lookirur ern, or haM'ili�tlim far or near, But . Us before selling, - I . I fixedly at the grandson of a despised gipsy, odtjcat� here the Whole party Came, to 'a, 81m- . ., I I � I . . 1� .1 I - talking," silid lill'ol- lying on his broad left palm. ad by the bounty of her iinclo, dared ultaneoug halt; and .the smuggler. . . .... . 41 . I "llie art, losing timi . . ltn,v. v%hogo face -Iraq flow perfoctl , y *Aud don't .,,,oil keep putting me to lift my eyes to this heiress boanty) Chief, putting his, fingers to his lips . . 11 � . -.­11-4-� � I I I l I I I , 'I . I GP G I I I colorless with contending emotions, olit hkV thi9. Pot's run tifoul Of and bdile—this proird daughter of a, gave d long, loud, sharp whistle. A. jt. OR100 . I � ''INInulit 11janty, and rkle to Ifenth "ITIlIgg erg: I hey have boarded her, prolider father. Loved her ? Yes; bo, While Ray Watched these proceedings � . 1, \ 'A - . JIM wid 1hp. White .Soluall, tiond see ,lift] She's l(nochad un,der and sur- yond thd power Of words to tolill, solonitilla 10tvallelit a . . . .k . � I * , with intense interest, part of the 1 60*101ft3ok . if ;;If(, ban returned to either pIfLC0 ren-dered. Ain't that it, ,'f­',nowdrop?" One whito arm wag around his neck thick Underwood seemed to Woft a A111CP yoti left.. I will go to Dismal "'I'livy have carried her off — yes, arid Erminie's Soft, 'pitying lips hu, go rock ,was violently disjoaged I I CusTow, OUT. . . . , Jjollow Rod Judestown, and search sir," Wept Erininic. Were Prosted to his forehead 61 1 I . . . . . . from Its place, and a, narrow, IoW I . . . daine. She did hit apeak—ho, Words oponing, 04t It Sii%,404 bardl 11 Ili ;;",,'I::X' ,iiii�������� � I I Do Vr,Qnhart,1 Vfavo ft"dbo that lifjlolo oo,reso b,0. . I V potq . . . . . ­ I � �