HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-18, Page 88, I= � 1111 r ZRA t OFFICERS OF o. r. if C, -Lu, week the secood "'JU4, of the 1votes. town 1049UO 01`9421iud for the vei%,. This UVWW IrUtPAT, DW.Kunswuh, �qft Wow 0140 JIL Coulloction with organ F*om- purch4504 A, 114114. factory tea , and it pro;Qsoo, &, �gm A strong some gentlenilp's olvl�jr cutter last, Local xqtleoa�# , m, Its oface,* Are' Ron Pros. 'week. De'corations, . R 4 Mr Wal Dober1f, 131; ' Prea., W a' The Collegiate Frolilk 074"" 'Doherty; vice, J . rnatlt�te clomm for X040yed 4aly at ooxono ibblags ;. see. the boll it 0 on Tueoday ottorAQQA Conic and see the ist;�rj� it, its holid W 1 0 led 100turkope � �; 1 0 1 01apt 17, Will next, the'vild last, XV,"C Def A g 0! h t a k o*n Y'l. it, bayin- e4t, the ar MISS. HAN"Ut 008h P0,144 4.0A S Opalow oriph,carotaker of the 00) Co a ta a 4 is or trea0urer, Jlo h4w had lifty Our Christmas decorations are noNyl .111P. c, and tAPY# states that. fople te Monts his yeii, which Is equal to one us they. are well worthy of a visit BROKE U'S ARM'-ff&rryE4aSVSOl1 a wdek! 0 of the late Thom East, of the Gravel hire has been ildthing li�e the RAISED THEIR RATES. -At A read, Rull4tt" while returning - Elsewhere w M in town to his Dr Fowler, III be found A #M of thCy h9int weetiliF of Western Ontario, home from Clinton, on Monday even. wbobas started a dental d Oteluien he d at the Tecumseh House Ing, about six o'clock, met Witli 16 MN, olace Above are uncommon and out of the ordinary., . W� recently they un ' ONeil's groory. Up pur- $I.X%loolded to fortune that will disable, him for. 6 rates t ome Poses visiting Auburn o4ery )4004&y. would like you -to see them,. and Vou are welConic raise theit o xe Ular time. When About a mile from his attwright, Londesboro, draw dollar a day houses, and to :;I for home be got into 0, drift t whenever and as often as former $1.600nes, * and the 0 -of nod into town t116 Past you pliase. � A and wo borse, in trying to free itself, upsettile W100 At netted him $4.()D. This IS WILL MOVE ABOVE OLD, p. O._ cutter so quick, that he hmd. not time et raising Last to, -free himself before it was on div pigs at so a hun. Monday Morning bright And ear� blia, anc th top of 1Y the Obinamen were on hand to I With such force at Ili the The next regular, meeting nigilt -of as, fAll he fractured his left arm besid sUIU0 control of the HP es Just Six Days More .yes laundry, dislocating his sho Ide theRO U r. yal Templar$ falling on Xillas Mr kf4yes does not rpooe moving eve. members �re Asked to meet oil the from town at prese tou TuesdaiOvelldng provious, the% 22nd � lit, ut will Occupy Ancient Or - just 6 days more to do your Christmas. shopping.. Wh welling ahove the old Post -office. der of Forester's, one inst at bile d A, 0 IF. ELECT. ­t -Tho is left to do must needs be done in a burry, This is a g9od putil he o"n get.ti-ake), of a -go of the strongest .04 open- socr4ties In town. will li%�a the follow- Mrs W A 1010119h, has been lying at. Ing Officers Ill the cli,)Irs to took after deatWo door for tbe pasb.10 days with store for people who are crowded for tim.e. Everything is ar- ing,for . a lauildvY. pr ranged for easy seeing and buying, and selections can be Made fOOOTOBVIR'S RECORD. -- Exete busillesS,'118 elected at their. last leuluoilia and Pleurisy, but at last. u r had meeting, -p. re r case� of' � Chief Ranger, E Hovey; fports Some hopes wore entertained Scarlatihn during 040 Cbi-f Ran r, J Derry; Sub. Chief r her recovery. from a big stock without wasting any time. month Of October, GreY t.-)wns)AP 8 Ranger AT Webb; Sec., F W Wa , tts- The Collegiate Institute board met cases of diphtheria, arld to * Hay, HUI Otb SellifiP Woodward, Frank Herman: for theiz last session Ili IM on. Thura- Avi's Qk GOderich and Seaforth a 3 unior Wo6dwardi Frank r, Vans, Sell,' day evening. death each, from tuberculosis,. a The members Holiday Handkerchiefs"' AshfieldS cases pf nd ior Beadlj,Alek. Sloman; Junior Bead, terms expire whose Searlatina. The le, W T Herman -'Auditol . -S, E Hovey I this year are Jae Scott above wris credited to for the co Ruron county r Herm %a and J McOlitcherty , Tyus. I UI1tY and D A Forrester for Never such a collection of Handkerchiefs in this'sto is tbec'Qnta916ns disease sthat existed 'tee tke town re as IS duringthe Mouth of er. 8, J UcClachert, J Derry, F Peck- Ootob itt ; illysiclan, Dr hompson. Christmas Holiday rates for fare -140w on our counters. Prettier goods we have never shown.— and a thirdcommence on, Wednesday A GOOD iolclll 4 jo is next. Better values we never had to off6r. There are thousands -he ' -A goo ke told- "SHORTY11 IN good till the. 4th of Jan., and re of a numberof Passengers in one of Mr R. J, Single fare for to Select from, and almost every kind that"s Made. Daint� bits our northern Cautelon, of w. hose success during the Thursday Xmas will be good from Ar: towns, WhOM. When it firSr days Shoot at the St Thomas tIrhthe till Monday, The latter I traili eived on tinienne,daty bile of tournanient; was mentioned Ili Iiist ars wook, of delicate embroidery, fine hemstitched Irish. linen, and pure, their humber bustled around amongst weekis Nrw BRA, met with. still same for New ye Silk goods in hemstitched and initials. tbOsegoing away on that train and ter luck tj bet-. Mr W H Cole, who resides just Out - took tip a Sul.-scription for ae following when In. side of town, on the Wlnqhan� � road, Children's Picture Handkerchiefs 3c and So. tor bFij I .. the train competition with eighteen Other crack states thAt this Year put in 80 days 39 So Punet"411. *After shOts he captured the $100 &ish prize' thraalling, and still hits about 30 day's to the conductor to divide amon in QuWli This having hanoed. over tfie Molloy collect by killing 20 stralgi birds. In work befDre he will be tbr h 110y'l Handkerchiefs'5e and 10C. ed , it live 9st tile 5th event he e the crvw they learnbd that the t got 61-Cof. the 2nd has been it record year or t , shors. in money,-killingellve. irds out of 7, arge percentage 'of the Embroidered Handkerchiefs 5e, 1 0C and V, that they, thoil ht was' . on time' rwaas 'and took part of I St money in the. th Owing to a I -tra fine enibroidei,edltfaiidkeL-clilefs. 2.15 t 24 hours Ii Ex c, 356, and-. 51.0c.,-'. e� They Wanted their event memben of the Lawn Bowling club nioney returned but the train hands b His score being, 9 ont of 10 live contemplating being aiwlty` on the Wal Linell t mbroidered Handkerchiefs 600, 75c and $I.- gav'e them th He returned home eyening of tile 296h, t e la,ugh, he il�te set for bringing with . hill., a their annual.9upper, it was� decided to Ladies Renistitched Linen Handkerchiefs 5c, 150, 25c, .3pe, LEFT -FOR THEr P pup. R HOIKUS -The Postpone the.affair till th JrAt of the Gent. fluien's Linen Mindkereblel's 20e� 25c and 30C. WkIss of Model students that year. of cavebpen in attend WILL END T13H YEAR AHEAD, ance at Ulinton _If The.storm.ot Monday w4s' So bad Pure Silk Hand erchiefs 25C, 50c and 75e. school'. finished their labors on MO there is one.. departillent of the' n town',4 business more tbail - An3V' othe that -OUP of it car of pigs that, was to day and those who collid left on the r have been delivered to D. 0antolon.' afternoon trains for their homes. -H&!f that.18 conducted in a satisfactory and but one made - ltj appearauQej � Fitz - Handsome Cushion Tops of tile nual'ber have - secured, 'School,,, sblf-sustkinirig basis, it istheo . ometery. Si vrhile the obhiir bAlf avre. nearly to 'This place never looked better than it 1PES4 a double deck on, a, 'did the past summer, more work d6ne voting to. teAch or pil 0 price paid was You can h rpnse attending andmore money expended than former a house these Nornial or pu'rsuing th Mra 0 U111t ardly have too Many Cushions in $4 -go 7 t: 7y . eir studies years., and --yot the year 'Vill an El with'a, J. Cunitin furth6r. The class, as a Whole. have isfort'line days, and there is not much chance of making a mistakes�le'ct� been studious slid slirplus Of some $15. The receipts fro to have. all. his plants frozen tha:t were illame had the m .30 1 lot, and this.souece f th ra Ing a nice Top as a holiday gift. We opened so ilk on xhibition in -the express oMee,'Jast me new ar- though the exams are Sai by 'them or e 1,ear just closing e will be. in the. rivals last week. Handsome patterns and color combinat to have been'hard yet we loolk f neigh Orhood of $4W Sunday night. - This means a heavy. or afwhich is diei $100 MOre than lastye ions, goodly precevtai� tO.Pass Withhono ' rs, ar' loss for Mr Cunninobanle asthere we in many different styles. Not more than one. or two.. of any TRU And with tiling and draining the lower a nilinbet of- . choice ferns,. for t re z one kind. -See them. S'XHES TORETIRF,---�With the fronthalf,'at�o-naiderableexpenso,tbere Christmab. trado, he APProaching year near at band brings will still still remain a ilest eggtocom. ' Victor Goodwill, who'has taken tip thOilkht 4hf retiring, trustees. ; During mence neityear`h! work on MrCrioh land in'Assinallgimeand who has spefit Handkerchiei Tops� new designs, 50c, and'.7.5c. thepaA few ye. I li?s it has got � to bd a .has been a v4ry painstakinj officer,and 'the'last few mo 'aths of his second year TapPStry and Damask Cushion Topsy verY-,,�Rudsorfi rarq thilif fbk"a school trustee to live rightly deservesall, that is coniing. to att e� . . ending. tb the Work of 50C,60c,$1.00and$1.25. out, the Ii ��of his, term'. necessitatin Min.'. getting his the�al:ipointraent. of another duri 9 �. ., .1 . . . . .. I . roperty into condition; has returne I d ng 'FOU -Nu NVHAT.RHMAI - tome to spend the winter.' He speaks. 11andkerchiefToPS, complete with frill, 50C. tho'year. Ofthe board of' el but OF �VW of the w . est, and.will return e rly fgh, NED faur.vi�ere elected in regular otm HIS VOQ -,$Oiug two- w6oks ago"Pert Fancy Handkerchiefs, for TOPS, emleh 20c. the Arst. of their.'te at Rovey.'wa Oub shooting 'and In, fol. -Ili the spring. rill TOM Thes Cerds, 10C. and 18c. 'are ?JQssrs HodgQDs,.. Iriwill, Bdi , e 1OWInk some timils discovered' the re-. The Coll iats'lustirai6d is in a f1buli'. comi mllins of what 0 ishing con iti and Aghe�V. - The trustees to see was apparellQr a dog. zi o)i.' The attenditnce.'Is- Cushion Forms, 5%,. 75c and $1.00 k re, Some two weeks previous . above the 9,v I election in Jalluary� ullless�;, put in -to this time erage, audi number of Eddie Sheppard -had lost hia'be4iltiful students will startmork after the hoZ, xe A Turner; St George a Ought to y ,exam I a-. . com- Ward- Dr Agnew- t John's -, .:rhos have been stolen. Mt Hov Mpnee.to-daKI andwN �Onti S cOckcf sPiifiel, which was th days. The bi-monthl, Boac,' Im, St Audrew's� and Will Downs kininingthe femains ey on ex-.I.Tuesday.- * I* the. School nue until Holiday Gloves SL James; ' the.latbei 'having r6moved thought itlooked - - I n ;W-111 qlose roin'town there will lea -�t � be on'e­ like a dog of that-. kind and r'eporte& ti I Jan. 04. now member; on. the a f6i n the same -to -Ed He led out to. I Gloves Year. the spotand I a tei ions are out announcing the was not long in 'identify. blAirlages of Clem 0 , h Afain we remind you of the Suitability of abo rd Jour", da ln� rely ton to lis§ 'STubK TO dog. It Ourriej of Point themasthoseof his.pet a -bben - decoyed t ere, and that of Miss'Lillie Creighton to A th for hol y gifts. They are' always. accep-tabl,e, - and -His 068 evidently tb, T -As. 31r 'Wil an extra pair or two never comes amiss. No Kid-�-­ McLeod was returning to Seaforth shot and robbed ofits curly -coat. He E.. froin town.last V�'ednesday afternoo Wheatley, of the American Soo, on Glove stock like ours anywhere near here.' Style§ and. n i§hot-6ntirely- without' suspicions of Dec. SOW,. iii Trinity church, - Moore - he met with all ex erjeX6,0 that WhOnith IItY e . . I P Was - parties are and feels town. The above is a brother and sis- not, inviting. When approachin Seaor donfidentIfe whole tiutil.t ome ter of.Mrs R.'E. Hilton, colorings just right, qualities good. E V' r Y.. pair. -fol,t will L guaranteed. h the bold -back straps on tue cliti, out�before long There --has been:a Z ter brok Christmas. e a, owing the cuttor - to, come nuinbei of Pffied animals'made.away I . - d' is gradually, getting oil to the animals eels, -frijhteuIbg7 It; with the Past SuMiner And all..,have nearer an We sell them at *1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 0 and cam* -,ng I It nearer. Are you preparl er pavir and can 0 t to run and kick, 1,nd likely gone the same way, Ing for Have you: rou lit your give you leading colors as well as blac?" at, eaqb. price. struPkApace.that the hors -presents Lose no e.1 the a W -S not T7et ? b matter. be merc-hants.s,��e '11 anxious . . . . . . . known. to possess, Those wb� wit�. HAVE YOU'READ IT ?-"The Old that You should .not put* "'d the- UffiCir thought that it Orchard,". by black- Clole, it 0 (Toronto, - , 4117. an injury itle of a book deal' o - W-Ouldsurely culminate in - " ­ Will.Briggs) is the ti longer. What you can d to day never for Al r- Mc.Leo4 but 'he stuck to his Ing With oue.of the, gr6alest Put Off till to-morrdw 'POSt and I de evilsof.the A Bissell Sweeper ­,"""11V xterously suezeeded -in. day�.:- intemperaw-e., The author, who The;Ouil�is Will -have their' opening. Pulling the horse.up - withe clergyman, 94 ut further Isa well known 0anadian ime oxi Fair,s Cialriage-being done. morning. The club is ina flourishing If a house -keeper has 110 Carpet Sweeper the C4,JnCes a I le a good ii�dience Will says he had WrIti" under the" abo suedonymi ..pond, on.0hristmas 've Condition, and the meriibera � are keen during.1that. act but rehabit3tes old ideas -and ol arigpinents. hiffis'elfquite as much at home juarnanfier that compels t " J�et there is nothing will please her better than a 'gQ4' One for �'gerhoivliedd4a P' 3 -attention, 0 at the game a aah. 'A row of Unaw.AY hOrsO .�'as on. - th'e Those, along. with many new thoughts -are amps wil ovor th P Christmas. Bissell Sweepers are good. They are� *ify�'the. ge� e 94d on the subject, are -wrought. into. the 19 gameg,'andlf-ne6essarya for the III lit best made. More of them sold, twice over, tha'ti tho'se.-of" 11 development of a charmink little piece roof nl,,y be, put -over theic other make. a y HARD. O'k� -TR,A..IN SERVIOR"The. of rominde, th . at runs I throughout the e, We have two grades, priced at each thaw 'Of' Saturday " follo�wed by a whols. The scene of the sto s -green and as Pretty - as summer . reez0 - p] rk- is Mid time is the eft'elct produced by the Saturday. evening-, theTails being so present day At ROdgens Bros. have layed. "*�e -.qth'railroads - in 'Western Ontario; the deseriptionof decorAtion th conditions is, accurately slippery, th t -engines could not pull drawn, while sketches of t lavished on. their palace dry goods ""P-$2 50, mid, $ a 'their trairis f hosethatob- house,, for their Christmas 'attire. It. asterthan, aboul;20 miles tained hilf a c4litupy ago will an hour. Th pealto B* e WiligbAm. train reach is -worth seeing, some - ODD Ba by gweepeir ed here - the -pioneers. The'WriterisaaKsbest Southern Sinillax iKaids of nt She p. mi and the Toronto. in,expOsiijon, but Some 0" t I and wteat ing.be- �trlllnSundaymopnjug. The sagesofdo- Ing usedin-the,trimmings, I ..� . %, I Baby Swee e'rs fer the little totts, made by Bissell, compf6te' Sunday and Monday com -stOrm Of 80ri0tiOu,'aS, for instance the fight it Tile hand of affliction alioted soill: I e - p pletely Par- "Thd Briton's Lod% " lecidedly what. Sorely lizedthings, The Gode t ol, . are o rich train' in inttlr�sting. Proba lythe oil the family. Of Mig 4 do to feet of the book is the-incessau't draw� with brush and self dumpers, light strong and' durable.. Ju8t th6 morning bad all it coul WAShingtoh Tueida morning.. When the thing for children. here, and the Wingliaim. train 'Ing of. mora this'966d i4dy su ered a paralytic Is uvon the least rovoca- 'stroke. ' We. �regret.to4nnounce -got here well 06n - to'�nine;'. . The.'1155 . tiop.. - The 'steney with W Ich this her life is des -that succeeded in making, Cligion at 3,15, Peril 9 Almost lay* the. antho paired of, and it is only and' it 'went no a engine question�'of a few- hours b6fore n r, further, 'Ql)en,tothechali� ging." It VO`Each 260 is donevould .9 MAY 0 accounte I for by Iffe fact, that and e6uple of coaches bein sea down b '' with mail and Saintly spirit will have taken ita,flight, Those Cheap Ribb 3,29'Was made it passengers, and the he feels -dee ly on the subject and can I The 0gening might, I of the rink,;which- ons. p 'hero and selit to Scarcely fbitear-to strike a bl k was' 1 . b Saturday evening, was Stratford, about C-30. Freight buji- may Assist in driving a spike. 'ed, 0*,�hat �iet ri"th'a Iargeturnout 6k the hoss was 13tl peQ;�- 'the first in the c6ffin of the monstel? he d6tests, over8 6 this favori6a, p t in . 'The Ast Sa Us 15 IniXed, orit.may.boduetob's -11, firliftl6rditikh butaIlfthbig its tUrday,, We t' Alril S days 10 1 ca Ing* How- lee Was , as i e. 'The ueyer sold, We them fro getting h ay r Ing, ever, the book, once Started will be arille-j'agood'enough at thb first of rilon As cheap Ribbons as those we put on sale I b,1n m an agent of an F_n I ere d glish Ribbon House at half his regular price, because he wanted to 9 etthem. 0XRI8TMA:8 WINDOWS toad to the end -and we hope to 'see the season,:but this was worn smooth ou di PI . I more-froin, the pens ofthesaineauthor.- towards the last and, Somewhat cub UP my Windows of the to' t of the way before he took stock. Now' we - I- before quitting t 9 ness-places are beginning, to take on -DECEMBER NEETING,-T'he 15th. Afurnitur6 dealer of GOderichile- them over to you at less than half the actual retail prideS their Christmas attire. In in of -December meeting of are handin ime dame. other week and the busy. stir of the town livere4aloadof'furniture In ()Iinton They are heavy quality, all pure Silk, 'And- -comei.'in the Sol- will near be over'with. 0hrisfinjas cound asarpointeil by law,to r6colyo )list week, 'so says the Signal. lowing widths: Ow is, -the thetinanoia statement from J&u1st'. e 41�'. time- to take, on your best. appearance, 19W, Call see no obje6t In persons going' 15th, 196, 60 Jan Ist 19M. &ISO a "itate- 'We have in our' At 4 eents and- show - buy6ts What YOU have. to Dec. 15th, 101, and from Dec, tQ,that town to get such articles whon Those who have been' busil Own midst two�up.to. Y engaged Mont of assets and liabilities, Was hold date furn�tfurerstbres, that* carry as All Silk Ribbon I inch w: this wise are-Bodgens Bros., eleth- oil Tuesday evikhInt and these were fine & line 0 fu niture as. any -store ill ide. Ing Store, 6; strikint. display of sus. duly presented bV, t e, clerk, read and the County with as tempting prices. penders, in one and ats in the Other - I explained by lum,* a d -adopted- by the 69 pieces all Silk Ribbon, good qualitv, hes; weight, ill crearn, pale Tozer .& Brown. liziens And ' 11 blue, pink, cardinal and many other Sh es, gefits -1 act? I Last Monday was the last, ,for a mbde to retail at go to Ribbou that. is Wear., R P Reekle ebony goods =;nj�!�ewherewill IiSfoufid these dayr per yard .......... ...... .... 100 --Per yard, now selling at Opp It will be� soon that our receiving taxos* aud'those who.hav ........ 0.... er's .130okstOrci fancy Al-ticlost I liabilities are -not much wore than half Paid since or are to�% e- ......... ....... C, China etc. Hovys perfumes, etc, Wes ly, will be chare Newcombe a till range Of in Of what out assets Are. and -yob a still e4thAS%intoresb. heilduenotioels Ivell to this Offoct and people wilfully en's at 16 better 'statement might have been %sobey the nlaudM6 without offering At 7 eents goods, and COMbei Of travel made to appear and which the provIU-. sets. it is unfortunate 0 , Our �ial 4udiOr permits, that of Includ' some valid excuse for not so doing, All Silk Ribbon 1.3 ineheS wide inerohants at present that eir, in our Statement of assets th Ing 1�11Y ha�-e-,-n-o other altepnetivo show windows arer not mile 1 0 grano- the" cOugh up., I e vice lithle sidowalks laid, which 46ount to the extjrA' asseSs- 54 Pieces all Silk Ribbon, full Ii indhes*Ide, Mithe popul&r-sh to them on Account of being- coated $20,000. The Arst. of butto unpaid, to date. Ina 8051� ro 'insins h .100 We a butwearein hopes of the Mature, that of the old our loahs.t6 a Ribbon t' at, costs wholesale more than t e pt ad With frost nt. no Vv selling at per yard ............ I ....... I sk blue Ill school A Moiitrea ........ Tee telT weather subsides before long. deb.t.,litutea, -.Vill fall due in I I Paper thus refers to a Ol. These latia &Mount to $2 000 but by a recent 0OUPIO Of Qlinffti - On Thur4da p evening, Dec 8rd, Miss Rdnaroster, Pit 10 eents AXXJXPRT5 4DENTPD18170,CESS Special 406 of Parliament, call, be rem -The Christmas display opening of It Springfield Avenue, ofitertaffie 1111)6'a DryGoodfi store Was An 3�eatsr, the Same as the gratiolithid honor of her Ilth birthday. . . The pari, days proVioug the em g room were vegr daint- re ilk Ril-bon. good weight and full Vdath'all the pop-, : ployees ot this Consolidated debt debentures, of fly decorated. with 'nink a" t-wv -4 inehes Wide Unprecedented suceess. , For Some sidewalk debentures. To meet the lors and dinin All Silk Ribbon 2 1 Newco bowed and Spread over it period of go abou'i.twenty of her little ffieft& In pieces ular -VI (1 -1 in this lot. slic as pinks. blues, creams# tardinals, large store had been busy arranging 't�,Ow, 00110 'RtO Of $2,000, and. 1.0 sand chraj thodecoratingfor this oct-asl�jil oherty of YN etc. a Ribbon made to. sell at 20e now selling at per an 1 $1 000 we. have in the So santhemumq. Migg Mll, 1()C., their efforts Wore plainIV,, v q 'it-, AsSiStOd in receiving yard ...... ................. I ................ Isible in a bank td Our. creait. 'to meet those to the 11 charming effect, As Witlif-4sed that date, 15 OW, Basides the receivi 0 ttleguests.. All. pronouncedMhq9 evening, Their large wi'�dows in, the a ove reports, com f Edfig a charming entertainer. At 12 1-2 Cents front were tastily dressed with linens Were bad from Me$srg Mddd and An. A Toronto Paperitl6fetting to a social and handkerchiefs And the, Interior draws resigning as deputy n ng a or!n in that elty.pays the follow - All Silk Ribbons 3 1-4 10theS r6tur I th udde decorating Showed tip the best of the Offiefts,,these ware accepted, and a flow F, 60 pieces heavy all Silk Ribboll. full 31 inches wi season's productions. Fro M 8 tO 10 the bylaw passed appointinl� Joe VV.%Ikt)r Ug collip linefit to 'two po 4ular Clin. In do, towlas (tit the hours for sight Seeing and listening to alld Chas Hollyar in'their places, The tonlans t -,'Mrs Bolden, 'herbourho price wasa, good deal mote anthopheow6ask,'now Selling OWivIg accounts w1sre Also pl%ased atteot, entertained a few of her f 1 popular slindes for trimmi and F ancy Work, the WholesA16 the mile 0 by the town ban(l Was thor. f011 on Tueaday, to afternooh � tqA0 an t on 11 At your choice per Yard ....... ...... 12t OtIfFillY 0140yed bK the many who Mayotf OX enops, $8, Npw, EitA $2, d to hear hot nle0es, the Misses ackson, of y2c", to4"Qv' '00ft 0 Wit tley P In etary Xohn 0 load k th te ed rthan, the spectators was quite An r day and Thursday Orld SU3,Medictll 1160th Clinton, who are 4ftendill th Store Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednes HAvQ trItiltatnd furish n4usio. for officer $30, H 13eattle B, law serVsto of Musi, . . . . . . novel Idea 000tss,$212, 0 Oriell,, $1 wart attracted a, 14rge num evenings next Week, 011d 4no doubt H o9g, was Lillian aya beau u Y And Shows r0funded*1 dolT tax; Miss Whitely, Qreattt ent and I I mb I In: bev 'to view the prett$, things tQ was &IIOw0d A refund df $2.75per year Vr I " Z1, is a clever accom vbuld not oth6r vtIso ist, *vhh(lo, a le owstonishodauSIN I 'have w bein scortiorlot. Jassteopwas al- R'llted those, present with hersinging I-Nowcombe states thA6 he lowe 4 rebate on the taxes of old UbMed With the Success of h ehas A, marvellougly rich, swedt" Pug. d18014r, 4ud reports many Kftl� build111% bear tho organ faotory. grostvahge for one Ao, ens C"INTON spoke f4- h o*Qng, 1000 Hodg utiboonfl!. 6 onaboll t eft 444611viled to We6t YOU119,and has a oftoteharming juoix, . I tl�$ 4th of January. bort 1)", Is* is" IF you will view� ()Ur stock, 1k Which will be on c9inpleto ay in a few days, the Christmas Gift. 'perplexity may be P easily solved, The, favor of your inspec is tion is solicited, 0 The W o Do FXA-1 R Coo, Ofton, tho Chea'Pes''t" + + + AIWAYS the Oest. Bestv J I