The Clinton New Era, 1903-12-18, Page 7;•;
IB 0ti XIS
Landsdowne Ai, *riety.
Lady Lsnidowns rays M. A. P., oetu.
1460 s 006116664164 partition In 'society,
end, of Itt. re" Lunsitorter Meuse hats
become the social centre of Louden, It.
chatelaine has been reeponsible for a new
and IVONam* departure D thernitittem of
politioal reception*, Inotead of ng
her invitations to members of the present
illovernreent and their supporters, 1Ie ex-
changed duty and dullness far brilliance
and variety, with the result that her even-
ingParties have become the most sueeese-
ful on record. Splendid entertainments
Were given at Lansdowne Hem. 41811
the tiorenation season, end pumme
witnesee4 a notable tranquet, arranged in
honor of the Franca Ministers who tie-
etunpanied President Loubet to England.
Dinner took place in the white and gold
ballroom, and eighty guests were (seated
at one long table, which was decked with
the splendid silver candelabra and the
two Score massive silver bowls which are
among the moat cherished porseessions of
the •tanieturices. On this occasion each
of the forty (diver bowls was filled With
La ranee roses. Lady Lana owne malo
a dIstingulshet1 figure at the coronation,
and, like Lady Spencer and the Durbess
of Bedford. had her lord's coat -of -arms
embroidered on her coronation robes. it
has been stated that the most precious
pearle in London belong to Lady Cork,
Lady Iveagh and Lady Lansdowne; and
certainly the pearl necklace awned by the
. latter can find few rivals in the markets
of the world. Pale blue Is Lady Lange,
downe's favorite color, and she wears it
on almost every important occasioe.
• 44- 4.
• -
Miss Nettie Blackmore, Minneapolis,
rtells how any young woman may be per-
manently cured of monthly pains . by' faking
Lydia E. Pinkharres Vegdable Compoo
YOUNG W071:41N: —I had frequent headaches of a severe nature,
dark spots before my eyes, and at my menstrual periodi I Suffered
d agony. A member of cthe lodge advised; me to try Lydia E.
am's Vegetable Compound, but I only scorned good advice and.
that my case was hopeless, but she kept at me until I bought a
ttle and started taking it. I soon had the best reason in the world to
*sage my opinion of the medicine, as each day my health improved, and
nlidly I was entirely without pain at my menstruation periods. I am roost
gesttefuL"—Nxams Brace:none, 28 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Painful Periods
• _
quickly and permanently overcome by Lydia E. Pinkbam's
ble Compound. The above letter is only one of hundreds of
• • • 1: " which prove this statement to be a fact Menstruation
. a severe strain on a woman's vitality, --if it is painful something
Is wrong. Don't take narcotics to deaden the pain, but remove
the cause—perhaps it is caused by irregularity or womb di
'Bents, or the development of a tumor. Whatever it is,
J. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound is cure it.
If there is anything about your case about which you would like :special
advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. She will treat your letter as strictly
confidential. She can surely help you for. no person m -Anserita can speak
from a wider experience in treating female ills. She has helped hundreds of
thousands of women back to health. Her address is Lynn., 'Mass., and her
&dyke is free. You are very foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation.
• Details of Another Case,' •
Thum Mita. PporsAx:--Igooratee and
carelessness R.
is the cause of most of the suffer-
ings of wornnI behave that if we properly
understood the laws of health we would all be
well, but if the sick women only knew the
truth about Lydia E. Pinkbaues-Vegetable
Compound, they would be saved much suffer
ing and would soon be cure
"I used it for
British in Somaliland. •
. .Aceording to the latest advisee received
from Somaliland, Gen, 10gerton's: advance
against the Mullah • is not 'likely to :take
place before the middle of November, The
delay Is due to the Abyssinians. not havieg
taken up. their positions. Ab ,ssinlan eo.
operntion with the Biltish, wb eh was not
a tactical success in Gen. Manning's cam-
paign. although the 'Abyssinlan force§
scored several successes, will be tin im-
portant feature of .the coming operations.
The. British Government has undertaken,
wl_tli. the consent of Lie Emperor Menelik,
to reimburse the Abyssinian troopa who
are co-operating with the British forces,
The Emperor's troops have, moreover, been
supplied with a quantity of cooking. pots
and other utensils. The. two British offt..
cers, Colonel Rochfort and Major Cobbold,
who accompanied the Abytislulans on their
successful northward advance last spring,
will again be with them, . Further, the
War office bas placed :two doctors, Cap -
taw H. D. Dunn ot. the Egyptian army,
and Major J. Willes-Jenninge, R.A.M.C.,
.--both.- of whom have- had Soudan experi-
ences, at the disposal of our auxiliaries.
The British force which will start from
Bohotle will consist of between 1,200 aud
1,400 fighting men, with eight Maxims and
several guns. The Mullah's force is now
estimated at 70000 men, one-tenth of whom
are armed with modern rifles. Theenemy
have also the three (gnored Maxims,.
which they know how to work. The tout
of the troops at G'en. Egerton's disposal
Is 7,000 .uien, with 0,000 animals. •
Marisges of Only Datighters.
There has been quite an epidemic. of en,
gagements and marriages among society's
only daughters this year, says The London.
Express. It is an admitted fact that the
only daughter .of a family is. a fortunate
being, unincumbered as she is by it bevy
Of older or younger sisters, and conse-
quently able to enjoy to the full all the
good things fate provides through a. first
London season. One of the priadlpal mar-
riages in point this season was that of
Lady Juliet Duff, Lady, De Grey's only
, daughter. Another was that of Lady Mur-
iel Digby, the dangliter of.Lord and Lady
Ilchester. Lord and Lady Chesham's only
girl, Miss Mali Cavendish, now Mr.
• Manningham Buller, was another, and
Miss Arbathnot, now the wife of • Mr.
Robert Lygon, half-brother to Lord Beau-
champ, also comes under this category.
Weddings yet to comb are those of Miss
Pearson,. the only Child' of Sir Weetman
and Lady Pearson, to Lord Denman,- on
November 26; Lady Marini:le Greville, who
,is engaged to Lord Helmsley, and Miss
Erste Hope,who isbngaged to Lord Kerry,
• and is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs:
Edward Hope, the latter bereft an. intimate
friend of Lady Lansdowne.
Oi it' No
The walking sick, what
a crowd of tIlein there are:
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases" that's
what the doctors call them,
which in common 'English
means—long sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
• It makes new flesh and
gives new life• to the weak
Scott's. Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It, makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
or ordinary. food.
Scott's Emulsion
taken. as long- as. sickness
lasts and do good -all the
• ti me. .
..There's new strength.
and flesh in every dose:— '-
We will be glad
to Send you a few
doses free.
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label hi on the
wrapper of . every bottle of
Emulsion. you buy. •
scorr & BOWNE,
Toronto, Ontario.
50c and 518 all druggists
• •
Roosevelt's Proclamation.
President Rosevelts Thanksgiving pro-
lamation, Issued oetober 31, named Nov.
asi "a' dayof pralse and thanksgiving
o God. In no other place and at no other
line, saYsith e President. "has the. ex-
perinient of governuient of the people, by
the people, for the people. been tried on
so vast a scale as here In our own coun-
try in the opeuing years of t he twentieth
century. Failure would' not ouly he a
dreadful thing for us, but a dreadful thing
for - all mankind, beeituse ft would mean
loss of hope for all who believe In the
power and righteominess of liberty: There4
fore, in thanking God for the mercies ex-
tended to us in the past, we beseech Hint
that He may not withhold them in the fu-
ture, and that outhearts may be roused
to war steadfastly for good and against
11 the forces of eil, public and private.i.
We pray for strength and light, So that in
he comiug years .we may, with eleanit-
ess, fearlessness and wisdom, do our al-
otted work on the 'earth in such inannee
s to show that we are not altogether un-
rthy of tits blessings we have rece1ved:1A
Perhaps. the Colombians do not believe in
the power and righteousness.of .1Iberty,q
r perhaps President Iteosevelt made a
ental reservation in regard to American
epubiles other than his own, in view of
be report that the Administration kneW
eeks ago that the. Panama revolution had.
een planned.
Of the body is the secretion from
the kidneys. When that is
Clouded, or abovrs a brck-dust
deposit, look out for trouble in
the human system. Heed the
arning. or 50011 it will be too
ate. Keep the kidneys in good
&king order if you would have •
ealth and vigor. The best
kicbiey regulator is
Trade -Mark
U=Jr U
t Stimulates Weiakened, `clogged
r overworked kidneys to healthy
tion and the result 15 50011 man
fested in the improved condition
of the entire system.
all druggists; box of 60 41116 DO cents
Refuse subtitled:it
' • • Actors' Wives. : •
It is filth: lucre, and not family jara
as 6, • rule, that causes , so many
ixrpular. married , Thespians to ' sop
estate and .star at the head of their
.own companiea. Su long has •theY
:are nobodies, marriage makes no differ
but once they'etand itt the Items
light .that beats anthe center of Mit
;stage it seems best for them to separate
Maxilla Elliott; 'who tea broken boot
'from her husband, Nat Goodwin, so .fa,
as her theatrical';'efforts are • concerned
acia,d become:quite too popular to sharl.
businesti and public favor with her clevel
husband. O. 13. who is .star
ring her, was confident that she would
in a successful play, draw audiences jtiat
as large as. she and her husband' hal
drawn together. Thathis judgment“Was.
good is proved by the fiet that in Clyde
Fiteh's latest play; "ffer Own Way," ehe
is crowding the Garrick Theater in: Ne‘s
York. In the present arrangentent Mr
and Mrs. Goodwin are able tit•get -parte
that suit .thens .without having to strng
gle to find. plays ,that show 'them beta
'to. equal advantage... James K. Hackett il
another popular actor who. 'no longet
appears witnhis wife. It is not probable
that their •earnings 'would be materielly
increased if. they played together.. The
cane Of E. H. &them • and! •Virginih
Hinted is the same. • They findit mitt
Mere Pridttable to be'. single stars. Bich.
ard Mansfield is isle° 'able te, do better
work new that , his Wifo bets retired froris
the stage. Charming as Beatrice Oameror
was in many robes, there were: Others
totally Unsuited: to her; but sae the:wife;
of the attar she had to have relwayes thl.
part nekt to his. • This not Onay
aged niten3r of the lkiarisfteld productions
but:, ft was a great injustice to . tht
actreces, who was called on for work she
could • not do: Now that Mrs. Mansfield
Chas retired, her liusband can engage the
Women best suited to the leading:parts
his. play. Julia Mailewe'si great
financial once ese began only after her ap•
pearanee as a separate star without the
supportof ther husband; Robert Taber,
One Of the crimes' charged against 'the
theatrical SyridiCate was that it •• forced
Robert Taber • and hie wife, who Were
opting together, goitO' different porn.
partiee, • As 'they. were divoreedt 'a short
time after this artistic separation oe
mired,however, the sopa-ration could:
not have been very •difficult for theta to
bear. Miss Marlowe's position is better:
now than it ever was, and Mr. Taber is
• one of the most successful London adore
to -day.; No American, has, indeed, done
dialf so well in London for such a long'
time. Were he in this country, he would
certainiy be a star. Difficulties in find-
ing playa for co-stars baire always
trembled managers, and ultimately led
to the artistic separation of the actor&
Louis Mann and °lora lApinann,who
were married)before they Made their
drat success in "The Girl from Paris,"
tried for four years to get a play that
would suit both of them, and met with
very moderate succes. New they have
separated:, and prosperity once more
perches An their banners. Kyrie Bellew
has been a much more successful ,actot
during the last few veers than he ever
was during the days of his artistic part,
neroldp With Mrs, Potter. And she, te,
had fared better Since they have bees
traveling in single ,haxtess.
Secceseful Censer.
A Nerth.Weitern -lend oomplisnr, 01
'what Might be called a Bridle** cm.
posed of some of Torontoricherilt, men,
host recently been organized, with.
capital of five hundred thousand, dollars,
none of the stock 'being for sole. The
following is a list of the shareholders of
this close corporation: Non. Robert Rog.
era,. Winnipeg, president; J. W. Lang;
mum, Toronto, vice-president; E. W.
Day, Toronto, general manager; Thomas,
G. Blackstock, Robert L. Patterson, NV:
R. Riddell, K.C., S. N. Janes, S. F. Mc-
Kinnon, A. D, Nerds, R. Haratone of
This company was formed by Mr. B.
W. Day, who as a boy went west and
resided for fifteen years in Winnipeg,
making his mark with the Massey -I -Terris
Company in Manitoba. Re left that
company in 1895, to become the Western,
agent of the Globe Loan and Saving. So -
tidy, of which afterwards be became
general manneer, with headquarters in
TOMO, Which position be held until
1902, when this most successful loan
coinpany WAS antalgainated with the
Colonial Loan. A. year ago he was itt-
'ited to undertake the organization of a
newly-projevted Employers' Association,
a work which lie accomplished in a won-
derfully short time, Alr. Day malting it
the third largest employers', association
on the continent within one year, and it,
will doubtless prove to be one of the
most useful or,ganizations Mcieli has
been formed. Mr. Day, who is dtilt
young man and has amassed considerable
money, seerns to have been again smit-
tea by the W astern fever, and is leay.
ing shortly for the North-West to take
the active management of the very
strong concern mentioned above, and lot
a time ,at least Toronto will love one oi
its most active and respected citizens.
The Test of Respectability.
The NeW York "Evening Post." points
out the feet that Oarlyles favorite de.
Ilnition, of respectability, n "gigman,"
Seems obsolete in the light of modern
developments. In, place of the old stnd•
ard "lie keeps a gig," we have substi.
tatted "he has st steam yaoht." Most
amusingly vtla thiS latter-day measure
of wealth brought out in the letters from
Paris of the promoter in search of en'
undrwriter. Question arose as to the
financial responsibility of one ready sub-
scriber (apparently wifigout ready eash),
and the astute American applied himself
to the task of rating the fellow. But
how 'did he go to work? Did he go to
the banks the ageneles, the Boure? No,
he simply chserved the man's manner of
Mien lie discovered that the back.
ward Underwriter kept a yacht, his
aoustg were instantly relieved, ami laa
tasted tst, joyful news to NeW York.
Evidently, we say, in the lexicons of to.
day we must look to *de the entry: "Gip
Man; modern. yttehtsteas."
Smart Society.
Mrs. de Flashe (to the Major, wbo is
telling a short story)—Er--yea, major,
but don't you think you ought to tell
this story in: a tittle lower tone of voice?
It seems, a littlerispe, and the young
lady on the other side might 'overhear
you. The Major—Gad, madam—she has
just told the yarn to me!"
inmarracers Arprkzi.
The Roy. W. F. Brownlee, Ridgetown,
Anglican minister, has written the fol-
lowing letter to the Muskoka Free Hospi.
tal for Consumptives ;--
Dome Sir,—I fell in with a case to -day.
in my parish, a young woman very ill
with consumption and I promised I
would write you regarding her entrance
into the hospital for consumptives in
Muskoka. The case is one of great neces-
trity and charity. The applicant is about
18 years of age. She is practicallywith-
out a home, staying at present with a
reltive. She is bright and am iable,e,nd
would like to aiyo. .A8 I understand,you
reject none on .account of poverty. I
commend the case to yon as on0 most
needy, and if You can send 'me instruc-
tions or papers for application to .the
hospital, I will see to raising necessary.
means fOrhor transportation and have
heir gantlet once, as I imagine she is not
beyond receiving bon.efit.
[Note by Editor.—Sir' Win. R. Mere-
dith; Kt., Vice -President of the National
Sanitarium!' Association, . or Mr. W. J.
Gago, Chairman of the Executive Com-
mittee, Toronto, will gladly receive con-
.tributions •for ` this and several other
equally piteous cases calling for help.]
• . ' • • • r
• , • •
• , 4 • •II
• v, oh.,4
41.• VO,c
ustp klin'TEEN YEPS WITH
' • • 000O.nistiors..
• itt E. 161 St; NeviTork, Sept. s, 1602.
o n. J, •
dentlomen :-1 Intro nied yoarSpavin tura on
my horseit tor the pust fourteen years and it has
ntways giVon Wm good results in every patieulr.
I also nave one of yeur hooks t ht' T have foul
very wenn. If you litWe nny Tater edisiOn or
the !' Treatthe on the Horn and his Disous9,"
will yea 1 ittdly send Me on.
Respectfully yours. ' B. rutss*.
ft Is an absotttelv, tellable remedy for spaying,
Cuhs, inngbones, etc. Ilemoves the
linnets and leaves nese:W. 'Price bit six for 51
As u liniment for familyue 11 has no equal. Ask.
your driareht A:tr11iEpit/42s SPAWN (WEB,.
eh° Treatise on the Bonier the book: free, or
address •
. , . .
Heart Palpitated.
Mired Mrs. Edmond Brown, Oat,.
wise* she had alinest givens 60 1.046 •
6. 6V6rsttint WWI tole.
She writes "I was so run down that
I was not able to do my work, was short
of breath, had a sour stoniach every night
end could scarcely tat. My heart palpi.
tated, 1 had taint and dizzy spells and felt'
weak and nervons all the tittle. My
husband got MO a box of Milburn's' Head
and NervePills but / told him It was 60
use, that 1 had given up hope of eVet
being cured. Hehowever persuaded mi
to take them end before I had•used hall
the box I began to feel better. Two boxes
made A new Vanillin of me and I have beet
well and beige been able to do my wort
Otte since."
Milburn's Heart end sleeve Pills tar4
so ot. box, or 3 for Stessodt deelers or
THE T. illiatinti CO.. Llinitstli
T0403004 OUT.
• ,.."°,11.18
•They're happy in the kitchen
Since 13creV1i came to stay,
The chef an his assistants
• Have learned the sown %yaw.
Of making Soups and Sauces—
, Delicious Bouillon, too.;
That's why the work is easy,
And they're so quickly through.
is .the most useful and convenient assistant to the
cook in preparing rich a,nd, deliciously flavoured
soups, gravies, entrees, eto. One teaspoonful to a pint
of soup produces a, marvellous Improvement in flavor,
strength and appearance.
Ne* Railroad Coming to Clinton!
The rush is now on. Everybody Wants something
nke,for Nnit$ and New Tears"; Our stock is well assort-
ed. • W. ore selling at PANIC PRICE%) • during tIm
day Season
ew Raisins. Trenor's selected Sultanate, Black Basket and
Ito *v !lusters.
• New u rran l'aned. Patras and Vstizzri.
ew Fgs, Pones, Almonde, Filberts, Peanuts. and
• Walnuts
TeasesOnr B sok, Green and Japan is pure, clean, healthy and
cro4 kerychina and Classware.
W , impure direot. from the English and German -manufacturers and we_have
lan e* and best astureed so.len se ihe County. Latest designe and new patterns in
Dinner, 2 ea ard TtIet e)eti, aud fano 'Aims Tebi Lamps, from 25o. up; yes; ten per
cent. cheaper sban T. Eaton &• Co, Call and examine quality and prices.
Agent for Pefatt's Food for Horses, Cattle, ShCep, Poultry and Elo8,ts.
• Good. lautter and Eggs
J. • win,
• Do you want an Pvfrcoat or, a Suit of clothes, sut
Underwear, Caps, Braces, Collars, Ties, Armlets, Cuff and.
Collar Buttons, Socks Mitts Gloves and Top Shirts.
Ladies and Ch'M ens Underwear, Hosiery, nevy
Dress Goods in Grey and Black from 25e to $1 CO a yaro..
We sell Pratts and Hess' Stock Food—ask for a circu--
Lard', Tallow, Osios; 13ens, Dressed Chickens, Ducks,.
Geese and Turkeys taken at the highest inarket pries in rode:
• , • •
• Caen or Trade for Butter, Eggs and Dried APP lee.
Clin.ton Sasla, Door, and
Blind Factory
. .
This factory is the largest in the coanty: and has the Very latest improveq he,'
• chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. • We carry an extensive ..
- . and 'reliable Stock and prepared plans, and give (nimates for and build allelaSs- • •
es of buildings On short, notice, and on the closest prices: AP work is atipeyis. - •
ed iri a rhenhanical way and aatip.faction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of, in •
terior and exterior mteril. . ' • • •
1.,unther,.Lath. Shingles.,Lime, Ssh, Boors. .- Blinds. : Etc-
Agent for the Celebrated GRAY BILL' .SCROOL DESIT, roanniaAtired:
• , - at Wisterloo, Call andget prices end Estimates befoie plaeing 3 cal...i.........6.eidert.
S. S; (W)FER. -: - PRI
IOPETOR . ••• '
. • •.**General Bnildet .and contractor. . ..•
. .
. i
There is no other article which. will please your friend so
much as an Easy Chair, a Couch or some other piece Of
Furniture, such as a Secretary, Music Cabinet or a fancy.
Table. We have a large stock of these koods Our pictures,
Easels, Work Baskets and Screens mike very acceptable
presenis. Suecial prices this week for our Piatis, Organs,
Violins Sewing Machines. and Talkina. Machines.
Christmas Greetings.
To all our t's iendand Petrone we extend a merry Christmas and would say by
way of " Big " that S-6uwill be mere likely to have each if you come here for yotir
Christmas Goods and Presents. We as usual have a large aesortment of Dry Goods. • .
Groceries, Chinaware, Glassware, Candy. Nara, Datee. Figs, Cramberries, Canned
Vegetables, Fish and many other useful article% Your inspection requited, it
will pity yon. Then we have a large supply of Herbage= and Dr. Hess' Food to
improve your stock in the winter. Bargains in Overcoats'Matte Blankete, Belle.
Terms NO or Produce such as Butter, Eggs Dried apples, Tallow and lard
at Reeseetinity,
Lin,hest Priem Poultry wanted for Cash oryToruaares.
Londesboro Emporium R ADAMS
Dee.9th 1903. . .
We have a very fine assort.
the r ( made in our (PA n shops, frotn
• tient of Cutters and Sleighs, --all •
iit.,•41 best of mittegrial. Prices low,- rebn
'2;tairto sidering quality. Be sure Alla
call before purchasing..
attended to,
Repairing promPtI)
Rumball MeMth,
u..ron Street, Winton,
NOW Sthe
tra, videNg, hoer tem ye ,iMMOVed permanently bY sisTERs
IP :ANN:. IiMlieit We a it it A XILY DItIICP,
giving 1 5at3e8s Sa01azI4 IVIT,,etiption secretly' itt
teen or orient. Petiltero.itnnegibie. Veen sumnte,
teethnoniai4, pr" *. sent .4, it 1. 'Ws, le '4‘ RI
ItEMNDE CO, 12 Jordan birettr ', Can.
time to renew your subscription to this paper