HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-18, Page 6. . . �6 N ;T1 17 LbAlliffil"_ . 1 ,,J�7" 1 . 41.0 i�� .�i,4-4*., , � � - - - __ ­_ I . & . R0 I mom T� - . -1 ­- loll I , oil ­ �_____ - ___�.. Rulsals and Japm 1. ` A T"'Ple T"wov- L ' THE. MORT T01N1d­"`­';'­` Woholaws liapp 0, 1. � �1 � -1 - - - - - � - - O I ,y Reawk, I I L I - � - I I - � L - - � TWO *VaV4n$"L VWpor$. .. I $4 . Y4 X'Ublle OVIA. $a from tblo rlwmboku "W16, I 4"Ift""IROW I 1. ,� - I I . . _. ."&. � �_. _.,_A�,_ - ;_ '�k .E_A_"sA_&2W_j%_A�A,L,_k . I - ­- -NL __ � - . - 0�� ir . W Jr. 04. A,i TAWho", Us" 0** _ _._1 1. .� � � L �� - ­ &A . 40-000W Tork), The a4l and The Toralurl. "Me int Xqrtbem Wisconsin TooftUr - . .... LL I'll .1.11 .1,1% o'tbe gobing resod of S - flow Iron - ox T,0414ta AAnbsoodor to Turkef, .44 said te - . I � I , �.e , quayt aidta . � . 1. . �, , _.__ �J 4 L I ( fiblinbun, make the avalversary, of the In. U OL williciistim-'.but, , lK , .. .­­ ­­ .. I I I I Uke with a curiosity luthe way of door Renewed the Youth Of V" an ivaw!4 of fm orpb*A* IqM L 0 - .1 I . - , L '""lon O;t Chl"'t by 'TaPs' 14 1$94 Rn Oc' ho=# he wished to sell. Failin I t 0 hue 4rk' ,1 a Woodstock Lady, .C. wit a Fka*; . ,- c4silqu for cQml*rinw JapaWs strength a sale, -be took the horus back c, t PWabur Hie rtp,dy . I I - .1 , . 'thou 444 VOW. Cppltritotitic the Ioav Joined ,to iaduatry,,ciruW. WWa �' I ; , " I . , .. forces .oc tho.. v . . Al avira,tion. The Montreal "Witnems"' de- ' , , , to- r*. I . " i :,, , J . ,iv1O,Lq% powarit lo theso FWbep 4is treasure as three sets lot ant. January 19, 1903.0 in life.., TWO vW7 of No you* wWp,h ik ...... 11 .. I .. � . , � . I w4t0v# at Oat 0104, with t1101 f9rcft to- lets, Inextrica"to juterlo,4td. Two. oats I hAVP fa ,10 ox"s . �.A � . . A i ., .kon 'Your very p4biWbod, lu the Boston l`lro4 , . 1. daX - , -', - . � - ftes his . Ing 44# b . . . 7rwer,ol,=* _ea� of an L .1, . 1, ; 11 " � , L ; 1?6 % "I I �� ,; , _�L � . Displacoftent In air antlers so ocked are rare, but not valuable Tablets becat`$ieJ a.wkm reitua-tion.. . . I i i'law � � I � ., �, UK � :003'. unknown. U. is belIeve4 thlit the � Min- i 141 , . beau Chi of wAs run Be was"'ri"'Ing 4IDmg & narrow - - Ala--' ­ t'sh r �A .t 4.4117a 1p eiva fialA .the only i3et down in health and tryro"XI, Suddenly hie sn'WanotowteOLM __ I lbeke - An lers in the Br 1 94,176 `890 three- � 4 World., U U -5 0 III . "14114'U".4d rogh " L" , ' 221:074 ! strengilIf an ssUrc. YOU' I eppropollin,g from Ille, �Qp . I -, "'T"p"M - d . L . - - .poate, okeown. L I American squa ron .. .. KRA. 62,608 The accident could JJn.VeL happened only or Mr, Li4sliuivtn, ,to -turn, olit would %%e lond You r, ` " squadron .. _ . . aal streng,tt, they did me any atnount -S 10,0% 67,07 In One way. Two bucks of oili I 1 w4, L Itave me=* this, Sinking of Uio oawja - 11ave AlWqya, Bouglits on& 43110b uhor 7)"A , Eelr=lln squadron .. .. :: 978 34#426 ,Were fighting in the forest and becan)(11 " I , . I All these figures are goc4, I have not felt so well to flio hubs iA -the mud, Of a di,W blalet , . a VO fDr'0VQr '00- IYCargs 19W bOiTL6 thd, f4gAStPrO Of I (or Independent of locked, Thgn, while they %yere, stil* . S at the the other tea,ta eould have ,ttiruod out, � . 1, �� , I Pedo craft, and, malfing thq same ex- strugglin hira back appeared au� these thany years 'a � 4114'L has 1?eext ma4ei undor b)s pero - , L Is a t, wltUout daconvanience. I . 11:�� . �� , , clusion, the Japanq$s navy now displaces charged t tein r3g, howevelr,, . I L . 601141'ktpervislou since Its lnfhn.cy� . . both, probably rep present .titne. .1 arn, 68 years - Tho driver of the other . . I L 0 , '11!�� � . . I I- I 11 . I . 940,511 tons, The Zip -considers that tbi until his Own horns became fasienqd. 'blirit *Ut.L ]Me WaSL Q . I VlOW UQ One to 4CCCIVO YOU Ilk 1Q1 , eatedly' , , s 4owed. no deSire -to 1. - . lop, countriy Is consequepuy in a position to The Indian says lie found the horns of age and I feel more like 40 L Its Own against any Single power fat mxn,,�aiald 'he and Mr. Leishman ap- AXI 001100rfeltS, XmItations and I;$ Justoas-go,oillt are- but i L hold 1 , north of Flambeau La4e, about a mile than I did at that age. I can proached o4ch other till tbp nockes, GI - 310xperiments that, trifle With - uge . ", � L or morrelptoweerres '0cail-laetiBurph9aninto face', two from the wat( and coda tit ' Irealth. olC ,Nyouldi.oluo . -r. They were lying on the . their bom& ,touched. ' R"'h, it was . . want, , , r e L to its aid. ' Further, Japan has great t Aide Of 4 11111, ond'there wore no bones ASsure you the Iron -ox Tati- pWn, ivas det-�.rnllned not lto .turn ouL I . .0 aild "Citil4roxi-:0 xperl-Dn-oo against r3xperltnenth. ,. " . oeograph I Ical advantages, and thus from near them, Tits condition Of the borm . . I . Ovary Point Of view she would have noth. . lets have done all for lrl�, and, Thq Stopped, --face to face, and for a ! 4 , , , . . � * 1� Ing to apprehend at ,sea. The 'Tomitirl's proved that the tight ocearred not Toore i eXpeCtil I wbIT, glared- at each otbeft, irr silence, ' i � figures are mlivil the same as thOse (1n()(,. than two yeark- ago. The antlers were far more th�n I ,, rivally the 14t man ligbited f6 cigar, . �� . What, ta CAS TO I :.1 , . ed, but this papor cannot see that Japan all of full-g,rown buel,4, showing elgh, . I 11 L L - AIA It.- I 11 ' r hA ,ou for the great crossed ,his legs, and�.b = .0 puff com- 1 1 . is protiting.from it . nust t , nk ) . . L I . . I 1, strength, for. llvl6w- and.ten points� encli. . t � - � . I castOvi'-V Is d UArWess subStitute -for Castor oill, parew . ed by the light fteher foreign policy, she - Nrtably away, Mr. Meshman ,took out . . seems its 8 its she was wtien the The third pair had been driven !it o 41MOUnt of good I have re-, A Vite, and Smoked !a turn, : i , gOrIcs IDiops. quil, Soothing, $Trupso, Xt Is rleaput. 1$. , . . I'laotung . =te reached the ot,berz jiist above where they wer; ceiVe ., � .. I I .1 her." Tile . 4 from taking the Iron- hen ,tbe fat w4n. -took lo, neWepaper i � contains Uelther OPIUM, Morphine nor other Narcotle , I L Nichi Nlehi of- Toldo sees no cause to joined, and the branches of them Were . froin under the .seat and began to T%d' " 1 'substance. "Its age. Is its guarantee. It destroys Wornifs , . I worry as to the future, even if japan .,�.at equally looked with the branches , ox Tablets. . Evidently, Mr. Lelshma�n rea-soned, t1da. . ,� has to endure a good deal for Ilie TOO. . I , , . . I . � . and , ment. "Suppostag", it says, "that un- of the otberi. I MARY L..DOUGLAS, . was to be a contetell; -of patlient waittno.! r allays FevOrlshuess-, It Cures Vi arrUcem and 'Win'll . � f -� . . . � � .I They Were not broken or �cblppcd in - ... fting he was not "r � . - - - __ - - - - - . - . . A30r.,,A f,-,-& ell,# (u.nd at patient Nval I good.1 ;�'. C011C. 'It relieves Teething Troubles. Cures ()nnstinatiogk. 4 I I ­ - - . I ,,, The Czar is Not a Cad. .. I I I . . . 7%e C=r of Rusoia haa a keen sensi 6.1 � ,:, of jusitice, which display,q itself occasion. . . I . . ally in an unexpected but pradeeworth 1. , �11 . , mamer, as tbe fol-lowilng brue, story ;Ti � , , serve -to show: A Ruw,ia,n officew recedv. I . � :.� I : ing but a slender Salary was one de I -am. . . y � �, 'I, , iveen Tiding i it a ti The other officera .1- -.1 , of the regimeft were fthrious at wheit 1-�_� t1ey caed am insult to the un-Iforni, and , ". -it thalt be had tibe ,4 1. intimated to the culpi ;��. 11 Option Of (-itbfT sending in his papere , � I ,::- or being cash-le,red, a.nd the unibicky sub. :!,�-, altem ehose the fornmr al-ternla-tive. Be- .'' � " fore he bid thrie to do ,%a, iiowever,, the 11 %.1 I., Czar h rd of tifie affab- and witho a any way, Whielt seeLms. to indicate that. when ,the third buck hall made his last charve 'he fastened firmly that .. 1.7 P ., Do not confound Iron�ox Tablets with .. or e1sp it was to be . a contest ,that Would i h and Flatulency, It � assimilates. the . I I I I I Food, regulates the be decided by'a coup of eointe 6011t, E, . I � Stonlach and Bowelsp, giviug,healthy and natur . ' I Was so -there' was no'rnom fat- any. ,one of his � . liquid, , preparations. which depend upon - . -iscd alcohol, for immediate dru g -l:160 - accomplish- -a coup, -lie made d ?, .. al sleepe,, I I I , up bis min . to break f -Xho Chil4ren's Pan4cea-The Mother"s Friend.. . I I . the silence, a,D4 between pu&, . cints to play in the forks of the others, I . teed all the liorna, Were so stolit1v , effect, and which create a babitwhicb � � . . he said: . I . . � . . . I . .. . � "When.y - I ' ' jol , , ned that,they could not be,moyed'A b nothing more nor, less than alcohol. 4sm. Iron-o.x Tablets build up the sys.. . . . I itt if you. do(W-t I .1 � . AWW" ­� per I'd like'to look at CASA I otere Uirougb: with ""t Pa- - CE N U M -F. S"MRIA 9 -,` I All vid as If ingliled in . th;t They are as ri., . . fashion from steel.. I tern tiaturally-they cannot create a 4%nbit.11 Iron -ox )plides realolnde= I f . . � mind?" - � . . . . . . . . . This Tem-Airk caused ,the fa4b marr,td� ' , " .. . . Bears the Signature bf - I . �111 . . . 1. I .., 11 . - I .. . is s;l food, which drug -d "Ise alcoh . " . . - . : . laugh ljq� apologized to -the other for .. � I . . . . . I CORNS BETWE E X I an T,,)T,,,s,- . . ' ' not, . . . . vifty rron-bx Tablets, in an attractive his cilurlightless, drew 40% carriage, ouih 11 __ ­ - I .11 . � I I A. I , . me that Mr. kolshinan?s could pa;% and ­ - . A I . , . I ; I". or -on tit(, soles of I he' feet, can Ile cut,- . ed by a few applications. of Putnam's I . alunthpini pockeit case, 25 cents at', drlitg- � 191btSIL or sent, postpaid, on recel t 61. . t the two parted gq^1 ftiends. � L . . I . '3 I . ., I I . I ._!, . I . . -, . . 11 . 1! . , .� - f . .11 � 1- I . . i I I Corn Extractor, whioli acta painlessly, . quickly and with certaint�. The- IfPutham'swl cutes. price The iron-qx Rentedy Co., Tix. Ited. * - XV,WLarville. Out... .. . I . . _. I . . �. . .1 . -V " , . � 1. . I I . THE MAN. WHO WORKS HARD . L . 49 . 11 I . I . I ... " - I . . I .. I.. . ,, I . gR?nnine ah�ay�. , . litil it. . I i L ! I . . .." ,� . . I __ �IL . . . .. ­ ­ - . f t ,Vlr I . � Pereeverz,mcp and w; 1,jiowerbemus! , � I . � . f, " � , " I I A Touchdown If.iminent - Minneapolis . ., * __ - � . . . . . . I . __-.1 . . . . - have, litit whether he nas, st,rengtaianclL V ' , 4y .L momeat"s &Li.y, d-onw-d Ilk colonel's uid. . ----" , , vigor.is another considerAtion Hard : - L I , . . , `ii:�� I � Journal, I . . : . . t, Sto my "F;rs Night.n. - - I itu J&1U'U' IN HUM AM S-Duugu � . .,Grni Of the reginient in question. and, . . I . . . I . I . 1, .4J 1 t � I A . . wo�kivgcqen usually have ,irritable !, �, . . L. � it',;;, - eamtering out of ak piflace, hoilled a. fortunately war breaks out betwoen',Lx* Mon%ey Discipline.. .. ; . � I I �,,�� � . -train and, en-teiring ii. ,,;at calmly an and Russia, and, fiirtljer�­ St!PP0.9111C, . .. . - , " LQ , nerves and should fortify theirsystemS L L ' . . . U, L, . . . . . .11 I , . I 1. I I I -a tonic - .. . . I , , ­;" . . do Wn - - as , one "Of'.the , ­- I . '­ '­­_ . Commeziting on. the reLeeptiQn.,4'. f Ill, with a course of FerrozQne, .. In sie .For Oyer' 30 Years. , I � - - ,L -UJ it stoppe<l in fro -lit. of the ha,rrack& , , aweg,.in the 3\Tew . ratriorus� plays, .11, J. W., Data "'recently revitalizes beyoncl - - . . THE CENTAUR COMPANY, " MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK errit.'. I_ that China was so unwise I o ozisi nlon cey ct , - Z �, Ili Its lot with Russia, 'thd - c0llq('(Iuell0e '-York -17ooll C .011i 'old 'a' r�porter that &t One: time that rebuilds and' , - - I � . . .r ­ He desirNi the officers to be called, and would be that J,Inglai,ia Would _111 60111_ olit, . a In011pr in On!, k,.% - alltelling�* It's just wonderful' the. ___ 11 I __ . L . . J 1� . when thev %%Pro awwmblpd, addressed pliance .with the stipul,ttions.;f her ,al- and her baby. Soine visifor4 one day it the . Opening - production - of his strongth that Ferrozoue imparts. -to . . L I � ... l,ance with us, have to join Ili ttio fight gave the moffier a eboaolatt� pepperinini. ,lay, '�Tho Coquetto,"� he I :' thought . . I . � . I . I W I , �.'!'� � I w I)lo;)d, - - , them Vllu,�: "Cel".3elne'll, I hove just rid. I P br6keu-down inen. Itformsne' I I �� . . on our Side. L in that event there wo6ld I I . I ��l . den from the lxdaf�e in a trivi. and I , take place a fundamental change 111L , she ta:,tod. it. ?,!wiAPd her lipi, Winked. '-obody .connected JvIt-Jl the entert;Zu- I . . 11 I . . � I . . - . . - ­ , � . -)kv if you desire me to se-nd condition of thtngi; in the.fnr east!, _ pd pat.it all into b'or 111,011th-orly ,tv ,ient would leaTe' the theater .911vo.. 'nouiviahment, and where formeirl . . . 1. � wish to kn� the a supplies the system *ith abubdan'. � 7 - I . . `�11'111`11 . . . I remove it tit on",.f., mid wniudc and Milk "was tte . little there . I . � I . I I ...... ". 3A my Parers. I preounte I have dis- It Is said that -the 130jisli Gbveelimpir I.-- The house,". -he said I was tiredness and lassitude - Fer. ft" . ... . . . 11 . �, L ... 7" .. -:.L � .11 doing all in Its power to. -h-vPvt li,i-quit. much barddr. .Vfer a Awcontl A 'of Walps, managed by - 0 W-impt-Od Is" ' . -A---. � . . . .dlil graced mv nni'oryn le re... . 'rince a= roz6ne establishes a teserve of en . I L � . . . I . ,�,� , .&Silre,"'roplied Hie major, nery ties and it may be thlLt Rxif;stan st;ltes- peated her experiment, ind again 41114tiiv ."Owen-thail. The' piece did not go very- . I. ergy . . I . . � i I . I ;,- 011817, me� believe tha.t Britain would givo. -way . . and vim. 'Try Ferrozone,-pr e W9. - � . � . i �, . . . . I . 1. �* 94 removed the pepperinii � . e box. . I I . � I YOQng Mal %Lnd -romou to'-prepate for . , - . I a-, your majc.,ii.% could never do ltUt." on even, point.'rather than rish; anaMer tit. . Vell, and at the end there were calls for p iL. . . . L . � -_ ­ .�. . . .t 1 "Then," repided the C7 . . , , C, ar m i th a slaffle, costly War following no on the Ooce' mote she.j,ut,-the dainty"In her ­be-autlipr. I did not mind'golug out, . . good.situations, Apply to . � . __ , . , L I., I closel . � � � I I � � �,!-,. "Isis I ,have not degraded -the uniform, enormously expanqivp co.1111.7 iu.p Souill mouth, but once al-OTe took- it out. ior a, shifflar play of mine, 'The ,Shop Queen Alexandrahad &narrow es6apb � . . ; .L-. ------- ....... . . . . . . . . . --- . _ � . I ,;,� �� Africa, It Is, however, sfgnlflOnnf� tllnt Then,' Witt) watery eyes, the loid file can. 'Tirl,t haa:'.run twenty mon-bbs, in the I � ___. L. Ueutenant D- carilnot have done so, Japanese officialFt of the. -higiiest nink th&tL the Iroin fire at -,Sandringham- �' . DiDtninion . L I . . ­ vArted the decia ra t loll . ".. and will thus retain his commission in have recently reli*Ql. . dy -,arefullly �n the 'ledge of h'er oalge, jaj$ty, a.nd I felt - and gal- . . . I I . . ,. ( , L ,, ,� . _ pit . � .. . . . . . , 1. . I . I.. this regiment, even if he, like me, dam that their Govern­rnt is acting tit full turned her back, %valk�a- over to the lery would treat me wi-th some courtesy, . . . - . , 'Ll RACXINGPA-IN IN THE JOINTS. . . , I I - . I " tio Ade in a tram." accord with BO' It a clais, Find the opposite side, tii,ize4 the r�fls with both as one Who bad, at least, pleased them . I Bushr. ess'. . . I . � Anglo-Ja L % hL . Also eve L L. . . . 10-04 ;1 panese treaty. he Britisli Pori hands,and gRZQd out as if alie ad never once. But the 'Boo I, that oam4s ry form ofrhesarnatism,neur- . I . . I., I 0 1 eign Office know$ and' un(loubtedly ap- . ' . ,over the a gJ4 and scia, ' . . . ' I I . . I .11 , seen a peppermin.t. ,:: - I footliglita !t.h-a,t night as I made MY ap* - . ca are best cured by �� . . e' oege. , ' ... ! . proves of every -move that- the Japanese :IL16 1. I ervi ine: t e qu P ' L . . .. I :�: Governindrit Is making,­and-beonuse Of .imeanwhile I baby. ivbo .had lbeen pearanve wits really like a ,tocruadol . It . ickest relief to mus- . . I . . _Ij . . . . . L � . . ; 200 More Bright Young Men that Russia, the most shameless.tr I . was.al .b lar aia: e�tdiscoved. .IVs'becamsel 1. . L . ; 811tv, d wit -h visitor.4 in,a corner, lina re-. most, palpable. I fairly reeled am4 I I . . , . The best e(lufpppd-I1t19itle9# and Shorthand I L : and Monten Want6d breaking power known -to motlern hil- Se , I .Came . . ervi We strikes , in *and penetrates . . :� ropelled to g1VL = to the front. 'eing, the pepper. Staggered ba.ck as 4t , at me like ' College'ih banada.. Iteduced tuition rates, . 1. . tory at all everitt, 10 * co . . I.f' mint, lie pichii(fit . I � Tight to the core of 'the ,pain ,, that % � . . �. greater beed to the Japanese remon- . I � - , up and�,tasted*jt.­But. something tlhat.might beL watdexl- off bad . . Write us . regarding Our couraw, of 'study; I " of hie mother0s three experiinents. ba'd: left lek giVes such unboundered. sAtisfactl6h. and . . .1 ' stran*ces. .Russian-ne,x8paper threats. . - t the tO ness of -thib ,curtain befwoen prospects of ..securing situations for , I 0 . .. i . To t.-ainasstenographers and book- what Is likely, to happen to Jamn, and only. a -nibble for. him. ,That disposed of, me and. it. . . -I -caught cold- in my : shoulders While graduate9i *.CstalpRus I : .� .1 r . . � I . . I L . keepel-S. And positions will be guar- rumors -from Peldn or VnIdo, arv:'-,nnt to ' t th . Side. L Arid­lt. endurid, too­eu�: driving"and suffered- great pain, writes . . . oebt . fr . ee., Address � i ' , . ... _. I � L . I . : nS $1 gul(1.91106. he,' too, . o . . e oppo dured Until I felt =7�self, pulled aftld I I . � . .. I .. I . .. L . I . I . . .., . L_ . auteed to those who thorou hly qnal- be relied upoil . (if fnr walked site I . 0 E Dempsa I' used Nerv.tI.. � . .. --- . _ ___� I 11 : . . . . 1. I .. I AY;_. _1_____k____. I . . I � . I . A. I . I I . . ,. . ify. velop.rnentq.� to file - jerked abotit, and realized that the 'cur- � - . *I . . . . . . . .. 1� .., The Canada Business Vollege of eastern diplomatic d` , sei7ed the T;1118, Land � stood gazli I . ne Ireely'anT w - . . , . . -J­-1Et-.Atc1C i I . � . L . . .. .. 1lg 011tL . t Berlin I same extent as offlr;tj utterances from. Witli the same air of'utter kbiftptlon as tain, to the ,and of'wh , As soon quite well. I - '�� , . ... . . I . . .". 11 , . I . . - L ., en re- , , . Pept "C".. Confe ation'Life Idg: . . . . . � . - .� . . . 1. I � . is inotfiel"a. - , : WaS I �,V. fomt der * , ' 'n ., "' ftll,aAteiamlne� . Chatham, Ont., an institution thAt I the British Voreigh'Offle . e� . 'L ; 1. I L ich I fiad been h I d Nerviline an excell t I � . � I . . I . .. I . . . ,. .. . . L . has tnade it great name tor itself in -i I . I . ­ - . 1.14 � lioldili��..-�,16'h:on�,clenched'&�n�, 118- medy for rheumatism* a ...,.L . . . . .. � ! . � . . . - % . L Torbnto.' Cut. I , ' ' ' I%$- ' ' - ' L . ed'�Oivti oending.. I looked about, and-'ibe'e htoo - well as for 6old on the chest. 'I recom- , . . . - I turning out competent office help and 1 L Club for Women. � As.soon at the** latter hid* cool 6L _ . d ,ud neuritlgla As . . I . � . Oursibak of,bigh art. pis�nos"of - A , � she. cameL back again; and looked Jor the 'L wenthal, the color of pure marble. He ' ' mend Nerviline highly and wouldn't . estdasededgna,l'and containing finist W i * I . . I I . getting S its students placed in good .k scheme Is on foot to estabil,sh In T,o*, pep rinint., Not tweing it"L she swept, stepped'doW , ' L le,'and then L . L I . . . purchasable. for Mon . ey. . bee our very � . . L position , is now makin an urgent. WItrou, . . . ' , n pushed. me said be w 0 - - I I I �tionol . L appeal for a sti I greater number of . . -y and paw all along tb'g ledge 'where. gave thpt audibu a vast amo-unt of In- . 1, : . . ... � 9 don an International club for litei,ai . ithout it." Prl e 25c. . 0 1 lateatstyles of i*eWtdnsd organs, at . best . '' . I i . triLei L 'Mr..H. H'. Asquith opposed &Lpref ' ". t I - � scientific Women, under tl',e name. ok -,the I Ellie had left.it, but in vain. Suidd 'I forma'Vibii' coneerhing' -the private - eh - QQ9 : bright young man and women mho .en I . I 1. � I ' ' er- . . -:as. 1nairtlements. tented, tuned or I 'and the idea is me�tlp­ i . - of aaoh andevery individual com'pos-. . , . : ad. Grsmopbonev and Musio in vat. . ' ' ' , of a ood Lyceurii Club .sho rin .to the''bally, and.twiiting.,his ce -Canadian wheid. - I a � have had the advantages . , . . . ter bn o,n ".., . I. .. I I I , I pair . . . . I I . : ' English training, to go to Chattam with warm,4upport.' A provIslonal.corni 1;'. head to face herself, put one lianid'on -Ing it., 11 ilo not'believe'-�hwt ti. co*ter : . ­ *. : - . I . . I .. I I .. 11 L. iotyL&t. . -, L . ... � .., . . .. I 11 . . .. -or I mittee, Which* Is In process of, formllit ; eacli of his 'jaws, pulled bis. mouth -.viU P f -1 could, have comp" THE.V8RDIbT'OF'1�UBL1C, OPIX- Our winter forro befilus on Jan ' . . I I .1 I . . _ .1 .1 . I � _ , th: L to, * ,. rom Whitechapt . . ,. 1. I ­ ­ . . .. , L . . � . - . . ' '' � and take thot ,gh preparation along I already Includ6s e- iiaTpes oi� L.6; I oplan.... stuck" heY head- in, and gave 'a big 'L ' . . . Oil, and we should be . bleaned G , . C4 HOARVS­� . . L : . these lines, Last year the proprietors .. ff a . wi th the iiiatager . that night. --in the exi ' . . ION L .1 . . .. * have You with . us. None i5ut L. . . I L . . .1 . I , ot this worthy school were successful I Frances Balfour, Mrs. Moberly B.ell,' Mrs. I � Then sbe'turned Mtn. over nd, Iii � . . . I . these 01 good. character admitted. . I . . . . . . ' I � . . , f'6hfjiZle Billingys�dite. black- ' , -best r�y tiin-( . ' . . . ; I . I . ,. ' Perfnse o - Is with the gitiole ,.6ve . .. . Qood in oral ,lufluences, . . . . - 4 10 &It snatiorlu ra �', in getting'345 students placed in good I Oscar Beringer, Mrs�. Cralgld,, xrs.­%Vaite.r,1 spaliked. -him. sou..ndly.' I I . ­ I I ! L ,.guarded :114in 'intil tW were .stilled). � . . superioli � I . L . . . ... . ,,. - 11 . . I . � .1 � . . I .That's why Putnam's C ,.Extractor . . . . , . I . �, - I . , orn S,vateing Slid Inbtructions Rail- , . �, . . positicus in the 11 months ending! Crane. Mrs. Katharine Tyrian-Hinkson­ e-- . I L - and blidn, the:-blackgdarded'solme' more. has been inL the lead 16r the - last - half ' ws;y fare to $110 refulided. .1 . . . . " I . . . . . . I , I Ask for . I . :1, , June 30, and they claim that nearly as Mrs. C.,E. Humphry� ("Madge" of Tri3th), . . I ­ . I. . . . 'Ile ,padd -for ith-at speech with 'a fortune, . . . special Propomition. Catalog -ogto . . , � - � . 11 � L - in ., . . . . . � � . . . . , tell I a It all, Ph one 45. . �, .many wore good positions had to 90 Mrs. Thomas'11 ,,,' . . I . .. for po'pular'Indipation. t6ld it centur�. Woures corns painl6sslk " . . . . - ,I . o , . . . truly, ,'%find. * Lon.gard'. (Ile .., 99 -in -4t the k hours and never - fails. Vile 'only ... . � � -MArIBLL47i"'AmoGRANRE I � . ,�. I . . ". - they expect more Longarde (Dbrothea, Gei�ard), Mrs. Xatha- . I ,.... . . .. . . . Prince - of IV-a:14� - Theateri and;be, -too utnam' .. for C rns'and Waits. �' - ' � ,R. L.--8110 . I fR M . I � . I— J_ i I I .,. : : unfilled. This y,eaz Nervousness.*. .. . I . . P a 0 . � , I I I I I . �� calls than ever. The greatest shortage rine Macquold, Mrs. Mary R. TV14tifi,'Mrs, . � . Is , ,stubborn to let..go, held Ott unitil -he was . .. .11 . . . .1 . .. * . . ' . Leamington princim]. , . . . . I � ,�:, has been for young men and they ;kilos Meyn' . . . �. � . I � . � I . ". ' " ' UNUMEN154 I . ell, . Mrs..'Mplesworth­ Tvirs, � . .. and , Indigo' � I ed du.V, �, . . . I � . ­ I ". I . Mrs WilliamRoywas-ac��ibteci at . I . . . .. . ., . . 1. . I . ; . . .. . 019 0, .. I � . � � .. : . I 1; . . . � . . . , . I . . I . ... . ,,'Iresil I W .1111 .,* I !� �. ___�._ . , . , . . f the charge'6 throvnng � . I 1, . . . . . I . Mrs. 1�1,e * o- Jitillift badIt up by njr. Chase's . . aci I face '. . . I 11 . �. . 1� will undertake to guarantee a position Hubert Bland �(E. Nesbit), Mrs..,Ileevez � 1111fisbiess, and ste;k-hesidaAe , an I - i .9wen,Sound o I � P . ��, u I to every young man who will graduate (Helen Mathers), I merit �Shorter. , �. I I �. . Atldetics:vs.. la , ... d irr Mrs. Emma- Boycie's' I . . I I . . . . . I I . . . � . I 1� , atwages ranging from $35 00 to $80 M * (Dora Sigerson); Mrs. . Flora Annie' St I 6el ' . .. . I � XeIrve Food. - . . .1 ­ I . I .. . . . . eanty- � - , - � ­ . I I . � . � � 1. . .. - �. � �. . I . � k � I per x3 . . . .. I . % . . -_ ­ . . I -the chest and ,Wheezing ai6 . I . - . . . . . - I . - Sc Lockinen 4 _�. 1. . . . . .. . . I , I. � - . aonth, the prevailing, f1giiresbe- the Hon. Mine.. Alethoa. Alv'IeI. .Mrs. .L' CAPT. WILLIAP4 HENNI&EI&RIf, I � .. I .� ­ ; . 'I � , I .. . . . I . * ' ;?�' ing front $39,OU.to $0.00. .R., wairord, Mrs. Humphry 'Ward Ise . . 'ih e ' . and completely- cured by'Dr -IT PH '1O ... 4 . . L . . M - SL,' Halifax, XS., states 1-l'Bef66 -I 'began An, Mat,11 . xchauffe comments as fol- - . I L $ . �' . . ,.. . � ", .. .. . . . ,;. I �.. I I,. Alula Tadema, itil,gs Jane llarlo�4, Miss wing Dr. - Chase's Nerve V cod I was troubled - Iowa . I ork a -the aubjecl� of Athletics . for 4MIOLiklilorway,Pine Syrup, - IVs� the . . .. . .1 ! 1. - I . .. 0. . I , . . i . . Rho4a Broughton, Miss Jeo:wiette Gilder, I I .. .. . pest eoul . I I � Mlss.Beatrice luarraden, .Miss Lila Hep� a t deal with.diiziness, nervousness. and. WmOmen: * I . . . . ..� ;h remeAy, in tbe� . ivorl& E . iisy ' I . V. . . . ' ' . . I . . . . . , I . ang. ja istd app 6 , . ' 'Ernest Cashol, sentenced to be It I "' e 'l*&lA-Qr t,,r,,e 11 , ear. to b . I I I I 1) � 11. - ;, worth -Dixon, bliss Netta, Syrett, Miss' =hheaciaclid, which iieemed to be caused Vh " a to talce. . Fric 25c. , " . . L . . � . , , , � . � I . r, Alice Stromach, 'Miss Sarah 'kitior. wiss from Indigestion, Since using this.preparation. - itoing a, tei , a .than ever befine- . . . - DES rROTS W , ORAL$.. - . .. . � .. . I . . . . .. I . , bet a . . I - ' � " I . ,ed on Tueseay for the murder of Ruins We'raggart, Dr. 5opbla Jex-Blake, and . feC X time, an the" distressing symptoms. have Jor witich the),. .have to th&nk'th6`im:, . I . .0 I . .. - Belt� escaped from the police barracks otliqrs. A, repregentativo­ povIsional . .. . . I - I I . I .. - , I I . %L. at Calgary. . committee Is being organized ill every I . I I .. disappeared and. I �c�-. . moderate indul,gence in athletic exercises Mrs John Lowe, New Germany,,. N S, - I Al, . : I . . . . � . . . . ... . . I . I . .. . . Olt so- mliny women 'noW adect.*­It ��V�rites : . : �11' h Ve gilven �D .to . . . 1. . � , country on ibe'continent, In �ihe colonies . . I 1. . I sidet that I am entirely'. v�hl a r. � L .' ' I I . . ' I . I � . , w's L .,, � ­­ I ... : I . I . , . .. . . . . . I .. I __ , It Is propoi . . . . neter used any. le im ossibl. fo,V a woman - io, -,abandon Worm Syr0p to'm'y ren with ex�- I � . * . �. _. I 1. � I � L. L L in. li,'�.I�e, , .* . , . I I and In Amerlda.. - - - .. �, cured,,, I" chiia I I L sed that the Lyn6i�. . ., her p t, . I ' S1114 . I . . . � I . I L offering the usual convenlenves of a . medicine 6it seemed to Tt, ina � cellentrisults,� .They, are fond of tak- Carlada. ft 11'.. . , resli . . . � position In the gehente bf . . . � . L.. . . � Dss CO&ge .. I . I I . I . , I ' I . I Y, L requirh�,g . , , . .. I 11 . I . . . I . . . . *M.A. . � . L . 'eniial club, should mahituin all Inrot- L I build� ine i4io, thorough- em;tiorl. without, losinm " . dbhing;. and ing it aud it acts perfect ' . � L . . . . " Members 'visit- � ' . . �, yo te � . L . I no c&tbart . s . 4 .0 .. 1. . "Twhi .' i .1 � Arouse Your Liver. mation bureau for. the use of autll0s.' I L -and to'day I am_ in. , . . ic afteiward, ." I . _ .. .. . ,. � CIIAT 11A*L` .ON+.. .' 'Ratte ,, I Jouritalists.and students. .- I 'rL the. attdinment ,of 460"'cnilie stie-lqth . .L . .. % . L I Qivada!s gr : . hbu*. . J��G[ . � . .. bet health thoinIhave . ; . . I _eatbst s . . . .. , , I I . . ahool .of Basin 'L. . I ing countries other ihitn" their 'own ,for ' . . a and skill �involyes; *for Wonlanj the, pen- G -H16 - I opess, Short-, . - , . ., . L � . I . P � . . . %. You cannot have comfort un-' any length of time wo . bieulci. several years.,!l . a I Hopkins, .Lbarristeri ,6s fineb lt�ud andPenutgriship, will ro- sia.for.,the ; I . . . I I ". uld receive Intro- . . . . '. ' , I I . Ity of uglinega-that is, fr6m'the stand-. , * New Year on Monday, Jan, 4th. . . .. I . . . . . IONIF ... -...� . .1 L. . ductlons to members -of thi club"rearding 1 200 mote bright ybubig &,so . I . . . til it acts freely. ' t�L n6tingyouriiicreite ard'-which ceaturlu l4ave. set'up. Beauty, biotberbriTistor, Wildarn Steers. , and women, in - addition to those W I . .... eLINT . � ; * twe n,ty cent� it Lindsa� for, kicking, a we isbAll laead . � I To enjOY In that country, and foreign utembers : ' L, . in: weight while Asing this. , lits gen�Brsilly ukderstood.. depends, chiefly.. . . I � - Direct imp I visiting. the club In London would have [ . a now have, ' oi-ters. WorkinitniMr- . � I i . � �. , . . � . . 11 . .. .. . to Moab the e3UP -for Ofiloo hel r1his year � - and MstaFia. gusrantiied. - - ', . . . I I . ; � , - ou.,can upon -th&6irves loroa ,ad. by solinessfi,ild ' , . And will guarantee to place V at n . . � I . . . perfect health and feel like a Introductions -to English inernbers. so, - - , �, . .greitt food cure, y. . ue g 'to . I that their stay migbt.be madeL as pleas!int � . . L .-Prove. for it terufiilty that I I Raging- Headalches,that, nothing. else. more at good wagew. .. . umberor I . , I . I , . �itel. -on. - I I . new person take - possible, . L. � it . round4ce& of outli Ld, a4adial expres-- ' -a 845 in the Ii mon�bs:exidlnj June - ' 1. Memb.,.ship wIll be restrict . addin firin will care, are qai�kly_quieted by Mil.' - We place : . L I I ad to. -(a) ,Wonlen ,orbD have publlshed� . S Lf new, 81611 kl'of -stra frort. , . . . . - � L . . . voi L I ',L . L , . 480th dti we ges averaging ;6t.3 per annam, -and - k . ­ . -any original literary or black and ��hlie CaPt. Hen,mb flesh and tissuc to the burnlij. Storlin� Headache Powders. 'near &;i,3nany.#Qod plAitions had to sib'unfill- . JALS ..G. SEALU.4,�., I . � ' "Ailaong the lower �oiassea bebLuty- is Pkice. 10c Anil' 4e At, all: dealers. Refuse, - L - .L . . LL . ,. . ..., .. !, ". . .. work, arid wives of.men dfifflnguislied in -body. Through e medium of the blond ;ind, TiM qiic�pt Ilk. . .. L Ili ­ ­ -1 I I . : I :. � � fed. girls, substl t;6 . . . ... I I - L Od- you have not seen our. Catalogue, you I . . . . . . �1. . 4 literature and journalism; and (bJ ,women nerves Dr� Chase's Nerye Food send,; now I . . � very young, Well- I. -tu. 3, I . .. . . I . L Me Illot yet familiar wish.the bast Canada hali � . , . . . Beecham' S wi,_ university qualiffcktions., This. ft pompsLratiVe idleness,, quiet - � I . : I ., . . I . . . . L will he seen,de es all. writing wo vigor and enerqy� to every oigan &'the huonan - . . surround- ' . � L . L ' . ' I ,, L . to offer. ' Write for lr,. , � . . � - . - , I . I . .. . . . . . .. 'oak . , . I ra"WartIsts, doctors and 'd 6�prcomes.A . . L Illpy, Line cal ropose, favor William Armstrong, a Grand.'Tiunk . I ,. 6. slewlithlaift & Go. - ..; -. QW91 CO&O - LRoot Co "11141101110. 11 .. � I * k . ittal aiid,-I)Iiys! I I . � . men, blac whi a sysicm,.an il;ease. So cents 4 . e. i . : ­ L ; I , id . I . . ll women with university degrees. The box, at all dealers, "or Edivansbr'i', BAtes arid 'th deTelpPment of beauty; while work, btakentim; was cr%shed to death in the ,. . .. . . Toadleall Iravo . . I of the and Stich sports,-ganies, a.-nd exer . ard at Windg6t. - ' 'I L . I I 014%" - ­ . r * . . % I tal -necessary for the formation - . . I. cites as y . OHAT"M. L - 29 the only Isaft. 'to . : Pillso I c1fub' Co., Torunt&- TO protect )!on agaip'st innia- Of - I -?I '' .. - . L' L . . % . . I. I . .. .. . - . 11 . . I . . . 40" I has been gUaratiteed. and It Is. bript'd - A�. V; call for moie'.than a trifling amount I . I . . regulator on V411ch Votism . , I It �ind' Linixture of Dr.. I 1 7- . I . - .odepond Nn the 110410 . ;:, ! to secure -a club house In thd,neIuhi3or­ . dons the portrai Si , r , , , . . xertfort'hirden. . _ I . ' CHIj4BJr AINS L � L'' � � � - , - - . . I . � . I . . . cutit . " , I 18old Everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. hood of the Strand. , . . Chaw, art on evory bo� e , ,the muscles and expres� - , , . . 13,0W FOR AN � IDEA, ' ' � and Vine, of need.'! L . . . L 11 I 1. I . . .� . ! L . . I . . .1 I ' ' . L ' . . . .. . . . . . � - L I L . - Prepared InL two devew .. . . . . . . . � L . L'. . I . I . . sion together, With axt" iomlly unfavor, ;. Mrs J B.Rusk, Ruskview, Bere 16 a- chance for out readef& To; I . . ,,'., ____ __ I L . . . I .q . . . ;, . I . .. I Ili ist . . Ont.,says: . Strebg_th, . Vo. 1 .. :A411 - able ,toS. t&, .. ' - : I . - and Nft. ".. . ,� . . I- , I I . "I have used Hagyard's Yellow, Oil for any,poirgon who � can suggest premiums, . � ­� ' No. L -For ordinary cama . .. L . . .. � .." .. - by. far the -beat dollo . �. L ,,� I .; I (Uqualsout was fdraftlyllistown in CAURdst =Iwo �ljuiked O;one.) . . . . . I . Orrhe beautiful %voillf-Ti of .to -day who Chilblains, and found it most,eirectual. thatican. be 4dbpted and ,will Proye * '. I .19 .�. ... . 11 . . L . I I . I I ! - I . I are kliown to the world: " -such ItL . . I . subdicine, linolwn. . , I "'. . . � . . .. I . . I . 11: . .... I .L; . . I . . ar6 not relieved the 'irrito,tlon. almost im.; 'more poptillarittid greater v4luo than ggkq'� - " L ' L ; * ,-04j, 1 . . . . . ­ . I. . . I I . . L . � . ,� . I . . .. . . .. I . . 1. .. . : I , � - , '. - . , . � � . . , very.numerous. But -Nirly tz' the ceh-. mediateIV and a few applications nadft the two. piettires, Is Heart Brokciel and . L oomiAl caso-10 Iff , . . ' , .. . . . ' L . , ... I L dollaraper bom . . W I . I '. . tury. .painters ' were: hard . I 1'..�. . . - rzt rl - - . "Harct to 0hoose," - - , .;,. , . I - ' . . ' of por,4 I . i6cdmplete. cure." .. . L andthe quidk refer di your dru Ist. for boolift I �;j . . I . . 4 1 1 . . , , ' len - .. . '. - . �, . .1, . . . -1 , � `h ' � L . . ba.h. * _� ton noat 0on1poun o 7hk6 ho otbW . '. JW . . L , � � ' � - put ib It to ki�p.paeo .With the dcmju4$ . -,: ' c6 Coloured map. ofthe DomijiloD It 91 . L 11 , I , I . . L I . ,r - of lovely iVftTen. Those beduties rode Jo n McIntyre, it 16ne lor near with enlarged maps of this province, 011% aftturefl wad Inifttionam I I � \� . I � . quiet hoiaes,: used a needle slol I and Burford, was burned to death. . 'which are thi o. 2 are. $old' 4 # I ,�_� � I . . . . . . W, y� � I 11 a Year given I with Tb de^gerom � . 0 . . I . . . , . I . 1. &� recommended all drugOsW In the D& . . . , 1:. , , e . . . ..a I Bu . . . . - Played tbe:hncp� To straddle a bicycle ' ' ' . VantilyHerald and WeeklyStar of . adulon t= Wailed to my iadftaol . . L', I L I . iring '. , F - " � y . Take a Laxa�LiverPfll befOre-reti I . . I would have been an impogsible, if no -t at) =- a C.0 i:. I , ,ii . . . . Montreal, and. publishers'of that great on MO and four 2 -cent posts& . I . ,. . , L ,.�. � ., , , . . . Al"'I", - 4J 11 'feit for an , and it will. work while you sleep withw. Week1i wilipay one thousand dollars. 89mmos QW& compattry, , i . . , I ,., I . , ., "., improper, . . Tone Of themi had out griping, L I ., L .. . . � % . . I _ Oures Billousnes�, Con� This yeaeS ptenini .. L � w4SN" Dab I , L ,� I.; A 50c. Bottle of LiquoZone, and � div 6. it to "You, 'to , T60a . L ,I , � Owh ii - machine - a-19 ted. . I � Ms are 'certainly . ' . . � I . L I . . . � 'Of. OLtl stipation and Dyspepsia ai-�d make NOU immense value, and will bo hard to . No I and No 2 arli solil in Clint it b . , 4 '.­ 11 . I � 1. . . . . . A . "The health, r g icls .13 certainlY feel better in thd'imerning ... P'ViCeA c. - Elut,PaSS.. , L:,. 'I; �___. I . . . I . . -41 . . -1_ I � .., . �h -Improved, -and . many, a, 1116derl, . . I 11 Uowiyer'l there' 1SL $I)OW R. 1). COM 0 -91 I . . ( * Vqnmone-liquid oxygen -is the only form into tho. -1) " atontsich Itirouct . muc . . . . Waiting for ady-o'he who C. , OV4 , W gbe&J E Hove and V. ...L , . � *rldritm-ilropsy . _ ug . Y. ; " . ,�, blood that no gerin. coulif . � fatler , an . . !!4� . odt that can kill germs in the bodi live in an Dyspepsia I . . . . .. .Throat Tro . Mels, th,* ' . . Burglars robbed th* � . 1. impt L , atts, . . . . �:Jblcsl ,, bald pat0h on top of e T. 11. & B-.. ate, - ., . ists �,;. y 3pembrane or tissue. � RCIeviii-twelvelso �truberdulo a his, head. ' I iion ".Brantford of $676 . ... I . on thenti 1. I . I I .. ­ 1%, . : . �­ y Ift6re expoged to the gaze of . .. . . I ' L . L . I . . L I . . I . . .1 . . I I I .1 4 I . I . without killing you. Nontanknowean Itiquozone does that., The results are rltirets�:,Gal stones, Tuthorw-uicersl . his nt , _ . .1 , . "I � -other way to destroy the cause of any so certain that we publish on every, b6ttle GoArL,-Gout - I.. Varloacele daughterl tham 1§ comfortablej .. . � .. . ­ ,, _ -_ ­ � I . . I . , 1". , I . I , , ­ . I . I � Hi�ve you spare! � time? - Increase . I I.: germ diseam Gbilorrhesi-Glett I . Wowen's Diseases . gat Cat � and at& d at' RHEUMATISAI IN SHOIJIMERS k. fit ill ht'. Othsr� , ' L .. L' I . an offer ofS i,000 for. a. germ that it, can- . ALI . . . turs, are .purchase � ­ 1. I There died at her home in tfie town_' n - a � , - .. ":t It is new to America, and millions who notkill. Yet oxygen is NEitureligreatest 3 1 disenscs that begin vvith fever -all lullank* im grftt cost, ,%rid 1por�ralts of ,grand -L "I had the rfieumatism in my shoul- y6ur I 0 oble bV Ivor g,00&g I ,d1Lx,tr1ot1u­­st1I catArrh;--all contagioud dliestses--sh I sh�p of Ashfield on Thursday eveningi. A To 'd q are �Se � . h ell It!$ of mobl, P , �. I., . 4v, , ainted' in youth, look down dOrs so bad'tbat I could � 'not r . I I need it don't knowofit. Fortbatreason tonic -the very source of your iftality. Im ure or polsofted blood. . It # �Vrlfe G .Ma . Ifoven2ber 26th4. Mrs t h I �r Our . � P McKhy� widbl eve I g . MeXay. DeCe, - r' c V f, tb�ir iniplits. Rheumatic of the late Kenneth %8_ .1 ,i 1191 . punUyin In mrvoud'detility L quorane acts as a vital. ith-0,11f - r envy upon I took Milburn's I Ost At w a r whe�e ely y d& V . we make this remarkable offer. We will Its effects are lexhilarati itcr, accomplishing whit no drugs, can,do; eau,;r, 0 sh I & 'go.gas Lon� 01) ont. . ,� � ''I But g . erms are vege 91 ... I , healthy. flrin-fawod, fln't-footed, musell. -Pills andhit've not had it trace of it ea was -born in the'year I811, at Apl9le- � . I . . . L , , buy the first bottle and give it to you if. vitalizing, fa I I . "L I L I I . 11, you need it. We will do it willingly, this excess of oxygen-theyery life 6f an. ' ' hr savotmqors. The af)ootle of rnodora- sincei Jphn Kirtol L IL, GI on ' boro, Man.. crosso Rosa -shire, Scotland, and W en I . . - . I � . . L ,Ou. - ar"107n '" . I . � . 4, gladly, to convince you at once and for- animal -is deadlyto, vegetabl'i matter. I 50c. Bottle V're,0. 11 '-fg,.-t. 'llearing". until ox- . 11� . . de"as, Tl,tVe SOL ' The house and I va � 1� I ever that Liquozone does kill germ.' . . . 'J�yl lon't, indulged i L ot of Arthur Me. eighteen yeats of age �; 11 . 3= to NO* I I ;., . S. We spend 14 dayi iti'making each hot- . . I . . . I . . . ", for Gt 're, Turnbery Scotia, where . sho �and re. 11 I �!, -and the result is liquid vehlte(l alt,re,ql-.4 I 1\ 4. , � . � If you need T,iquozone, and hsvt- never- .11 , I V11 -1111d nalliber eallso b t, ti. old to Iletcher Roo. mained there, until 1851. , I . . 1, tle of'l,iquozone, I, s g, street, Brussels, has Her husband I ­ ' :. We p&id $100,000 Ixygen-the best thing in the world for tried it, please send us this coupon. we ( "Y I ao',,by'itntl erazo to be Xillop townslhip� tor -the sum 0 of Mc' d family then removed :to Ashfield, � . you, yet certain desitrattion to'disease 2611all ; "... I Iv, ,�,n I r,eklessly - oijeour- . . I of $900. ilained till death. I . .. I � will then niall you an order on your local !' I . I I . . . . lawTere she .1 Ter I Ceiltra I . I � - I . ] � I T germ , W drevo ' . '. . . __­._ I I ., . lie bottle, and we . - _r_T,!.1._ , �N, ll 9 hi .r the, lAquozone,ladell diuggist foi a full�si age' . 11 I for the Zhu t0l)Li Ozone for America. ood goes. . I . ' .":"' '�,JW�J. :.11' ,Ofj*�40 haS much to* . . . I I I � I t1iii. '. . . . will. P It. . . I ­ - I . 11 ­ . I . . . . . .. . . We test �ay your' druggist ourselves iov; J , - . I- . � . . . . I . .1 1! C U P"Lle I S then we � I I C1. � . �.. to ro- and* 4amp, to 11 RO . 'Meat Mo rket ; , most difficult germ diseases; . . . is is out free gift, Made to convince " , , Vlii-06 peopte o i F , act for years in the . � -Thi ow Af - N' . pen their � " bought these rights for the highest price I OU;to�soliow Oil WhatLiquoZoneis, and ,be. . :.in ., enza HAL . � Germ Dideeises. - ' ., y I I dns�- , ' �:Ir! .-ii,l vwr�beg� -.,,,Jth % pg- - I o. Ili justice to yourself, . ­ � � .. I . I ever paid for a scientific discovery, . I what it call (,? lh,, - I 1111, ,I Ii. fhe,oitt�r Jifi- is alwv�yq DANGE, Mo. � I .11 . �. . . � � . p1pase accept it toidayl.for it Places you � . #I '' I I I . 11 We Id that price because Liquozone These arib � the - kno*u, gerM diseases, 110dof no obligat'lon wbatcvor. � 66,&I, I 4V flIA witl0n, Thp �Irlornfng I . , flaving purcl-ape&'tho buitelledlig � .. "' r . � does T.t ,11 the skill I, the world can- All ths,tutedicia, can do for these troubles. Liqtioz6ne costs Soc. and $1., ' , , tub, lia's 40�41' I '-ONV Orddileed fatal ill-, .. I When ,yoq get 'a Cold, Axi'vVZ11 Acts on 60 bnsinesn' of V, U. Po,4oll I am. e , not do without it, Anv drua that kills i I- I I I 1.1 I . Ir A . pared to fh fob the 601A18 of Air,.: I 9 to e p .Nature overcome the germs,- 1� , germs is a poison to you and it cannot be ,,fill ouch restilts are. Indirect and un- : � taken internally. The best physicians, certain, Vqtiozone kills the eirms, I I the world over, employ Liquozone alone wherever they are, and - the restif, a are I . I for germ troubles ; and any phT,B'C'an inevitable. 33Y destroying the CRUS6 Of 1, who doesn't is almost helpless it any the trouble, it ItIvarialify ends the disease, 0 germ disease and forever. . ,. I I Astbihn ITA Vivtf-trifillenzi .1, I'., I . Ablicest-Atie2lits. , itiTner Maelists just 0XS-Cfelms Dr6fiellitill ; ta Or I . . 46P "If ! . . Blood Volsitin encoll, Ita r firiglit'd DIApasei I iver Troubltt - I ,1 Uquozone la simply liquid 6sygen-tio Dowel Troubles� slitria-10uritigla I arugs,noaleoliolinit. It is the discovery C6119lisi"cOlds Many IfeAtt TkoubItil I , , conolimption i L I - 'I " olly, I ,� , of Pattli, the great German dhentist, Who colie-erquo pleu""3' AOQUI., I _� sbftt ko years on It. Hit ohleat Was to 4200150000ik - Rheuinatisill . . �-Vwj arm it all 1:16 physlatil, tritining - && ��hbro is 4aitgor foi,'tbo,io, with6ut - . . h R rl.Vp0,,&rt11t1or1xa,do not be satisded With something ontire mucous membrane of the body _rOliOv04Pcu- 91 tonwith 611 kinds of Vfooli and ! . . � . - I Oftrod MOM& - hPMAI ktl1DWledgd. `1bo (%hjef dj,�least- . of , . Ole day is' overstrafti,antl ib fatit"S a I I I, "I ��� to check it. . . gestion - Cure$ Constipa. Satisagei boloohit, -� - , lard, buttor and oggo alwayn kept an : � , Nervous, �iso.rderkl I ... . . .. .. i , I I . The greatest danger Is in tlph,' billousness, and *&­ pepalA -every large gland bond, . . . � - I I i . , "Affoet tbo,,Juil.�cularl� gfron.g." which M \ ( . N� I the llngerIng' results Of 1% Of tbo body Is brought , I it., FUZ611mors A �Ivsm, I . . . .�culftrly f0f 0110.4e, ivlibt ivould ; I � � f(% , * . � I .. half cure. ­ I . I , under Its Influence and. A � � � . . � . , . 1. . , 'MaklyAlifellistorywould . 0100-011t cure established Ile, . . 1phone ?6, . I I � ,� . I I . 11. ­ I I I . � � I . . . . . ; road diftorent to-alty It that scytra attack ofcota I .With is medicine perfectly hityrultm to bull,*Omart, or child, 80 0euts of 1. oritero dallvo:ed pro I mpbly $2 -all l . Pilate ok tits 62WA. . I � d!!�! �__L_'-,ttt -­- -,-.-..-, . ­.. .- . . I . 0'A..93W,C)0.VLT.dL. , I . I and U Grippb 'hold beft doalotm, or by addrtagug . N.:0,-Voirtions havink hogs for I . '1164"tho pThe Kind You ROO AIWAY9 8001H lifopbtly, bindl6d. , A hard witsox'FrZA Co., Niagara . � shipmobt *A coAter a Ityar by I catatrix-cancer Skin Disease* Uquozelfit--bur ttikdentatk tame-nawappetri 41SUAtUft .1% ___1_1 I.- cOILL Will 4411116 Ill T01161#64IF-4 N11118, OlktAdO. Jrft0 1101A��, Ving Word as lat Allopi I , . , iO NWh " CZCM Of 60gCOA 111taPle DystuterY-DIArklift $06faIA-Syphilit I 01.1 "Cry bottle O'glialli$te IIiJ`nifJt4LQsOn% Of M;4c' � tit pat� ple to a4y siddro"" .­ ­­­­ I 11""________. I ,- -, - I . , 4amplf . � I - .. - - __ . I I . . . I . I . " . I I . I . I I I I V . I I � I I � I % I I � f, I � . I ! I "I'll, . L I , -_._�,�� 1. I I I 0WMM,,.,_i,11.h_,1', '... ._ - . J,:,;_­� ..... .. 11-A1._.__ __,L_�_I I "I'll _Iri�� - "I ,%_',_Ai&L� !_k,�� . . . . . . 11 .-;-&: -�L A ,, I I �k .. _A ­._Ai_ ­ _.J_ .. - �d I - - th, '4, Ad"