HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-18, Page 44
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_orobiq root
deAn *nd freib.
T hl,s store Is ready w orapletv:stock ot sensible ChrIAM45 ()Ift- he need Of 91 in the C90M of blea.dintrable speech
the offerings for this sale much will be found spw St, -buyors, at Toronto Wt Thurod"o Sir Richard
Cartwright mvAq octmos4tementathAt
Christmas Are worthy th o oonstolers4ou of every
Holiday Linens at Saving PrICPs
elector, We believe them M =407
Handkerchiefs .11 14 1 Couservativesas well 4a 14berals, who
Table Linen at 33c
J W Aire more desirous for goodandefAcient
inch wide full bleached Table Linen, t, 1.
Ready for what we be -
elegant designs regular valne 50c. Qhristm government than they are for purely
Vaas, bale price lieve to be 11 An Overwhelm- party government, and the fact that
Th ing Holiday Trade." Hand- r,,iberal or'Consarvotive'gov
cTable Linen at 48c %�! kerchiefs for all. - Handker- etnineat is at the li�ad of affairs,, lanot
8, to 70 inch wide all flax and half flax chiefs for thousands. Women's of so much moment as to bayeonethat
Table Linen in a choice lot of designs, X Inell.'s and ebildrell's,from. the looks after the welfare of the. Domin-
e price 480 richest lace or O=Lbroidery to ion, That the present government has
regular price 65c. Christmas Sal 0
the plainest bemstitchedl admirably done so is sh wit by its re-
cord, and a few sentences culled from
I35 Table Linen at 90c kerchiefs make sensible
., Hand the speech of Sir Richard,presen. t facts
00 yards of 70 inch wide Table Linen, elegant designs, and acceptable gifts, always highly appreciated. YOU W '11 that, cannot be controverted ; facts
extra heavy quality and warranted all pure linen regu- find m4ny advantages in buying here both in. price and in that provide . food for thought ; facts
900 illbe of
.1ar $1.35 value. lDhristmas sale price choice of stock from which to select. This list I w which prove the development of Can -
interest to you. ada; facts which are creditable to the
4l.60 Table Linen at $1 Children's plain half Linen Hemstitelted Handkerchiefs. at 10 for ... administiation,and facts which should
Extra heavy quality, 72 inches wide, elegant designs, Children's Fancy Handkerchiefs at ........ ........ f win the government she support of 0,11
satin damask finishedy regular value 61.60. Christmas Ladies�, 12%c Hdndkerchiefs.at 4 for 25c independent electors. Here - are n few
300 Ladies'pure Linen Hatiolkerchiefs, nicely hemstitched regular, 12.1c.
.,Sale price 25 of them
Christmas sale price 4 for .......... ................ t spot e of one year, under the
,2.75 Table Covers at $1.50 Ladies' Embroidery and Lace ffandker;iiil�i;, 05c, 20c,� 2125c, to $2 Li2nral"Tol.inistration, a number of
4. It been added to Canada,
$Ize, 2 yd. by 21 yd., all pure linen, with border all Ilen's Handkerchiefs e ave
at jec,'20c, 25c & 35c to the number that. were
round. Cambricatscanal0c All Linen Handkerchiefs Rp4elld' n%a.ycars under their prede-
$3 Table Covers at $1.60 cessors."
"say ir, that the increase in the
'Bize, 2 yd. by 3 yd. Christmas.. Clothing for Men of trade in the period of
seven and a half years has been more
Towelling at 5c an equal to* the totalincrease of trade
-heavy quality. and Boys, at Savmg Prices th
all pure linen, good in the entire thirty years which pre
ded our regime,"
clothing ce
There never was a 'time� when' you , could buy "Onlookin at the homestead entries
that g
,A Christulas Sale for so little as you can now and'. here. 'We are going out of I find etotal entries werb 1,-
384 In 1897, but I'And 31,m entered. in
the Clothing business and have, marked every garment in the 1903.. So instead of doing as much
Ribbons store so low. that they should go at once. We are determiDed work in one'year as their predecessors
Ind his co-
J- bad in ten years, Mr Sifton
to get rid of this clothing stock as soon as possiblel�sa in. mark- adjutors have done as much in one
d satin ing the price'down, we lave lost sight. of cost or. real value year as they. did in thirty years,"
Thousands of yards of silk an "I say, air, that we have greatly - re-
"Cribbons are here for Christmas selling, all Here's the way we will sell.them. Auced the burden of taxation, for our
�,,�to g,) at money saving prices. .�Any .,Men�s $6.00 to $6'75 Suit. for $4'.00 British preference, was a more. far -
it (4: 8.00- it it 5.00 reaching measure than' perhaps even
its frienib or foes Were not aware of.
�,,�.Sc Ribbons at 5c 44 9.00 6.00 In addition. to this wo.have absolutely
i. ribbon suitable for ebildrens wear in every doubled our gross revenues and very
Hundreds of yards of narrow it CC
wanted shade regular value up to Sc Christmas sale price ............ A-00 11-.00 7.00 nearly quadrupled out net revenue.'
15c Ribbons at 10c ii, Worth $12,. 8,00 f *So rapid had been the growth of the
ds of silk and satin ribbons in all sbacles of pink, Sky, Turquois, to 13 to $15 go 9.00 volume 6f trade. of Canada, that with-
,aIr rose, Cream white, Gold. etc, regular prices up to 15c Christmas in the space of seven yelr% under 'our
Y d
10 $10 Overcoats' at �.06. me,0
sale price ....... ............... .................................... anadm had more than doubled
th total volimie of its trade, as com-
20c and 22c Ribbons at I 5c
12 9.()Q ared with* 30L years preceding., In 1867
it I ' Phe total volume of trade amounted to
200 vards of vride and narrow meek ribbons: regular values 20c & 22c Boys 6.50 to $7 Overcoat.. 4.2.5 t
Christmas sale price ................................................. A . ny Mens 1-.50 - Pants to 1.00 just $131,000,000 ;in 1896 it had grown
'30,000,00D, or thereabouts, bemi
30c Silk Ribbons at 20c '100. " 2.25 to $2
Hundreds and huudreds of yards of our very best silk ribbons that come .1.25 an increase of $100,000,000. From 1M
to 1903 it has grown to '$459,000,000 -
in every wanted shade, the regular va' lue of which is 30c to go dur- 3.00 to 3�75:,-_ ..to 1., 2.50
ing this Christmas sale at ........................... ..... ..... .20 Icheers) - beingan iner ase of $230,000..
Boys 2 piece Suits.,worth 020 for 1..25, 00 in seven. years, as against an - in-
rease of $100,OW,OW. inthethirtyyears
A CHRISTMAS SALE OF LADIES 2 44 "it 3.50 to 1.75 preceding,"
�4 cc to -
5.00 " 3.25
Boys"odd Pants at 40c"W'orth double th'at. price, The Seaforth Expositoz says: -"As
The woman who wants % new coat, for herself or girls wilt find it to their
n electionL
advantage to coine here dui ing this Christinas Sale, The list below tells the 'L Every -suit in the store is made by one,'bf the very - best the prospects for a. Dominio I
in the near futurebecome more eviden
reason. :makers in Cana( Lilly guarantee them to give good the est Huron ar I e 2
la and. we* f Conservativeso'f W
Ladies'$8.50 Coats for $5 -1 wear. '';:YOUL -can buy a. real good suit for, loss, money. than, it
casti.ngardund for a candidate who
Your choice of abolit 20 of our beA selling coats in the very newest 5.00-1 would co'st you to baveit.miade-by a tdilor will be most - lilely to down brother I
styles that sold up to $8.50 for ............. : ............ I ........... Holmes and bringthis somewhat un.
Ladies Coats worth up to $12 for $8 certain-gonstituency back into �he
10 ladies, coats all in newest styles; regular prices $10. 00 and $12,00, sale fo . I . .2
8.00 Conservative d. thoi
price ............ ..... .......................................... names. of four probable candidates,
o $5 Coats for $2.50 d
Children's $3,50, t but as'the choice has beeri ina, e,. I is
f 20 childrens coats all of which were. new this season 3 t
Your choice o AIF AIF not necessary to publish thieln.] I
............ .................... 2
regular prices up to $5.00 for ....... none of them -need be anxious for the
ss.so Cloth Skirts at $3.50
'honor, as whichever of them is, et
Your choice of 10 cloth skirts all made in new styles regular value up to ed he will have. a. mighty rocky road to
$D.50 Christmas sale price ...................... ........... 1'..'15 0 CLINTOX travel and With a very uncertain end-.
Ing. Inthe first place, the constit.
uency. under th6- new -redistribution
All Postmasters who are paid by per- . act is not nearly as favorable for ..the
itBob" Macphefson, M. P., for Bun- The Liberals have filed a'cross peti- Couservaties as it was under the old
rd, has been re -nominated. don against Mr M1acampb6ll,. who is centa'ge on revenue, received agratify
�***++g I a arrangement, In the second place Mr.
AIr Ross promises a surplu trving to unseat� 0 N Smith of the Soo, ing Christmas preieut in the shape of Holmes is a hard man to. butt, agianst.
4* POLITICAL r IOTES V a of $1.000,-
000 when the Legislature meets..o That , R'S.Lake, Grenfell� was nominated a permanent increase of ten percent to. Since he has been the representative'
-5* items of interest from the beats Santa Claus. by the Conservat I Ives as a'earkdidatefot their salaries.. This will be particular- ne has cultivated the constituency
-5* political field. the.Commong for the nevy constitu "all 'as' ep � in close
A- . ly acceptable to, country officers. 'most'assiduously, d'h k t i
D Monet,Liberal Al. P. for Lapr4irie, P le and although he
_1* 4C- is reported to have come out in favor -eney of Qu'.Appelle.' touch with the 4
� Bradford, Pa., iron mills axe in the may have made a few mistakes, these
of reciprocity with the United States.; t.An,'Ottawa telegram says :-4f a ill all be. for
o be brought on bands of a receiver. Ana they' have. Yf I . gotten when election
The Halifax 'Daily E�ho' says -that genewrail. election is t time comes, if Huron Is properly
It is said that W. R. Brook, M. P., t. t th a 4fad qu teprotection!"too; Mr it 'L -
of Toronto will not run again. He is it is in a post ion o say -that no. date nter it cannot be held before e 9, handled it will send three repre§ent,&
good politit- hasasyetbeensetfor the Dominion themiddleof February. There'.must lain, If they* were tives to support -Sir Wilfrid Laurier, lit
.too prejudiced to make a Borden should exp' I
elections, but that an authoritative, be time left after the munitipal con- v, - the Opposi- the next P&Iiament as it does nnow.
an. tests are over for a six weeW,,- caat. a. Canadian industry, hoi
Campbell, M.- P., for West announcement maybe expected with� n on the issue of. tion would use theirtroubles as an ar g -
Archie in a week. federal 'politics. unientfoi-bi her,tariff I
been nominated by the Lib- PM�rgeover, the . new li6ts cann6t be
York, has Arrangements have been completed ready till'February. But as: to the ex- The Goderich Star, alluding to the
4--rals of the new constituency of Centre in London,England,it is believed,tothe Act date it is safe to say that this ka' The Annual Convention of the West Nntv EiWs -reference that something
York. satisfaction of the Canadian Govern- a 'on, . wb
as agreed not been ever considered in council - It Huron Liberal Associati ich is should be done for Xr Joseph Deck,
To Imperial Govern-entb ment, for the deposit of $5,4W,000 of itwa.9 settled the government-Wuid ordinarily held in May, was not, 'held says be will be substatibiall. rewarded
t:) allow the Dominion Government to securitiescalled for bythe Grand Trunk never keep it to themselves a Week
a? oint a Canadian to command the Pacific contract. bir. Rays leaves.for however much they Might desire to do at all this Year, owing _partly to the.i when thei change of gwernment takes
InIfitia. Canada to -morrow.
The British Colutribia Legislature A despatch from Kingston. says SO, absence'of both'the parliamentary re- place in Ontario, He deserves some�
The Oonserva ive orgt . tniz, representative thing more than a vague promise of
has adjourned until January 11. The Gen Taylor, M P for South Leeds, (ion- t, ers, who, a, who were attending that kind,,for he way.be considerably
with Hon Mi Tarte, called a weeting their parliamentary duties, A' Con- older before the promis� can be niade'
Manitoba Legislature will meet on servative, is likely to be 0 posed ini at.Napiervillei Quebeco the count -vei, will likel be held
-vention, how(,
Donovan. presented by Mr D N Litere, 00
January 7. coating convention by EX [oneti th rat -the latter part of this montk- the date 9 ol�
Mr Battle, who was nominated by In 1900 Mr Donovan Withdrew to allow member, were much, surprised shortly not yet being fixed.
the Welland Coiiserva,tives, for the Mr Taylor an unaffinious, nomination, after the meeting opened at' hearing
Dominion, has declined to run. He's on the assurance that he would get the the� gTeatei part of. the crowd insist. BORN.
all "battle" but won't fight. sup MoVAGG&Rt-InClinton on 0m. 18th,j to
c Ing Monet should be given an Here Is a record of Canadas progress Mr. and Mrs. G. 1). MeTaggart, a som,
ztc�ort of the convention at a later jhat Mr
Friends now say the time has. opportunity to s eak. In answer to a in a -nutshell. The figures stand for
There is an unconfirmed rumor that arrived. L.&UNDY �in Hallett, on Nov.20th., the
%I W
Bon Hugh John Macdonald may be statement made y the Ron P. R. Le- lie of Mr. E., 0.1,saudy, of a daughter�
the Conservative candidate in VV inni- Somewhat of a sensation wad caused blane that the meeting 'Was a Con- milliol is 01LA101E -In Goderich on movday DRoam-
peg at the coming Federal elections. at a meeting held in Pembroke, 'by servative one, the crowd insisted that IM 1902 bar 7th., Mr. a -ad Mrs, Craigie, a son.
ent has In Hon. Mr. Rom., when Mr. Findlay, ark Mr Monet was in him own county and Total foreign trade. 239 421 V91tGus0N,-Tn Ashfield, on X&v- 28th., to
The Ontario Governm ex M. P. got up and said: -"I am here should be heard, Mr Monet delivered Total exports ...... 121 311 Mr. and Mrs Thomas Fergusopo' a son
course of preparation a bill which will
embody temperance legislation which to solemnly protest against the. treat- a strong speech on. the work of the Bank assets ............... ..... 321 M6 SU,]TH.-In West WaWaripgh on Dec, 2nd.,
the Legislature will be asked to enact. ment that we have received at the, Government, itrid was heartily recelvo Total bankoleposits ....... 3W to Mr. and Mrs John %. Smith, a daughter.
hands of the Ontario Government In ed. Totalbank discounts. 461 X41141E . D.
says he will not go into disfranchising us for eighty weeks of
Gain Notes in circulation ......... 8t 55
North ellenfrew. Seeing, that his Own the dear -bought privile e of being' re. Sir Wilfrid Laurier made a rather re- Gross earnings of raillwaya:: 50 84 VANST0NE-1IARW]fTq,-I)k winghani, on
Rd that they presented in the cotincif's of our coun. markable trip on Tuesday from Mon- :: 24 42 Dee, 9. by Rev WrA T,Owe, Mr. Charlop
Strty friends intimitat Railway freight tonnage Gartieldvalftstoicto , as Grace Martin, both
d" not want him there, he is simply trybymenofour own choosIR It treal down through the counties of Total letters posted ...... A16 213 of w1bgham.
making a vir is an outrage that should and be L'Assomption, Montcalm and Joliette. 7PRALiCIC-CL'9LTAI*0--1n Winghot . no on
tue of necessity. W,
In North Renfrew the Conservative resented by every thinking man inthia over the newly-opeued Chateauguay Dee. 9th. by Rev. J A,'�, McLeani, . MaMr;
Adipaigners have hired the halls at country." Mr. Ross, in reply, jui3tified and Northern Itailway. The striking . At the 0onservative Convention, for iurnbe�rrl to Ila g.�,
Westmeath and Beachbury for every his course, arid claimed thit the - elect- part of the day's proceedings was the the West Ridingi held at Auburn, on 0A1=nFdro*P1Vk.'�1J.
the week preceding the elec- ion could not well have been called crowds that gathered at every statioli 'Wedwesdayo. the choice fell upon Mr. StTJUD6E-ARM$TR0VG.-At tho homeof
night of the bride'sparentso on Dgoj. 2nd,bl Rev Mr.
tion, so that the Liberals cannot get a earlier. It is said that Mr. Findlay along the line to welcome the Premier, E.N. Lewis, of . Goderich. He wits sawers. Miss Ida, third da ghter 6 Mr. J'ohn
hall to hold a meeting. has for some time been regarded as it At every stop he was presented with Armstrongolto Mr James Surge, &U of Tuolcet-
"Kicker", and has no following. an address, to every one of Which he chosen on the first ballot, his oppon. bmiW
The absurd story that Peter Ryan In a h anner, The ents being Mr D.A.Forreater, Clinton, GARDOX-TAYLOU.-U the home of thot
received $36,6W for an afternoon's The Toronto News says: -The Ham� responded t Tplit "I d and Robert McLean, Gbolerich. Mr btide, Oth. cobdemion of Morris, on De o. 8rd,,
work selling timber limits is the sort 11ton Spectator declares its conviction Premier seemed 0 8 1 goo health, T Up
that the true reason for the general and the hearty Ineal that he ate at the Lewis, who i's a lawyer, !a a son of the b v. Mr. Holmeb, of ellyth, Mr. J ohn It,
of lie that will travel several conces- , hotel in company with the prominent lato Ira Lewis. County Crown Atbor- Gardom,of Elliaboro, Xor West Territory, to
.lection, which everybody anticipates, t4 Miss Sadia. daughter of.Wm. Taylor.
sions while the contradiction is putt- ! , r before starting ney, and is this yestr Mayor of the
ing on its running shoes. is that Sir Wilfrid Latirier's health Members of the part� I has never tAken an
will not premit him to remain in pub� baekforMontresil, was an indicatlon county town: He DIED
flow into the lie life, and be i's sim of the fact,-* active Part in political. affairs, but. is MONEIL -ta . field, at the Matice, on r) to
Money continues to y remaining as regarded as a good candidate. and will IJthff0f6Jr?0rI0 C&Nell. Itiftht daughter of He V:
Canadian Treasury in an ever- rowing the French f1probelof the Govern- doubtles's strobg fight. and r McNeil. stgod 9 months and 17 da,y 6.
stream. The receipts for The five gh the electioris, in iorder It i's, said that the, Department of 'Put up a
months ended Nov 80 amounted to --- - . 0 .0�0 SWOXERAM.-XII Toftito; on D6o. i3th
$29,166,W3, as MaAitiSt an expenditure to secure the Quebec vote. After the qho Interior purposes issuing a souv- started a rimor to the, Richard Stoneham,late of Ofij�tou,aged 61 years
of but $15,191, , This gives a, sur. election - -win or lose-Lattrier will re- enir volume cbntdning views of Can- =Some Ono has � LAgHAU.-In Qodatjoh imMea. 10, 'William
tire. But in the meantime he must Ada. and ageogrAphy of the Dominion. effect that the present Dominion repre. Lashant.
plus of ordinary revenueover ordinary take pretence, in order to deceive The first Hockey Match of the sea- sentative for West Auroin, Mr nobert bfCOOZ -In Undon on Dec. 11th, Peter Cook
expenditue of 413,975,601, or nearly Gebec and ensure power to hi's party son will be played this Friday evo�ning roijarly of Godorloh TownahiPo hged
enou h to meet the whole of the in- for the next five yeaVg," Our itifoi between the Exeter team and a picked notmes. is not going to run again, b0- yesr,31
tereaf charges on the construction of watidn is very alffetent frozft that cause be haw received n, goveromen MeWTORIMOX.-Id Morris, on Ded. 6th!
the Grand Trunk Pacific. which The Spectator has roceived, team from Clinton's players, t ilula solena otowoj *If6 of Frank McCutobeoill
e underatabol that the health of the The attendance at the first monthif appointment, Thera Is not a word of Jilted 66 Yeats.,
11on.1olin art of North Lanark W
N1199 sition for the Prime Minister basgpeatly improvedi, band concert given,in the I UITCWU.-In Ailiffeld,,on %t
is likely to h V, oppp �own ""I truth In Ito in any mAnnor, shape or AifredZ. Ritchie, AturdalP ylorya
Conservative nomination forthe Fed- thht the approbension of at early Wednegd&y n*ht did not draw a very 28th.
erad elections. John R Lavell, M. P., bveAk-down Etta qWte ditsappeared ittil large house, $5.45 being thd total cash form. He hits no govei-nment positioli "Yo.
Yeats tb come, witG big :receipts. The nearness of Obtistinits nor bas he asked for any, sind even re- Me FADDgN.-Iti MoRiMil Datember 10.
for North Leeds and Grenville, is that for mail'
�ow Is, he Is likely to W. and the show t0vertised for Thursday used to app6int himself to the com-
shelved bV the redistribution of his health ds it J h4d something to do rt to oRtion of , at when -
moin in Parliament as. the leader of lAht evidently � IMFtH.-lu MOXIII0 on Ded. 5th, Mot *Ito
Wntiq. Hence he thinks of retirin Icy, ter'peg tO f Alexander Xatr, t6glh ol yeats4ndO mbuths.
but his friends and the Smith's Fal; the Liberal party, To the mass of w th the smallness of the house. Tho e I a' le oppor e ho 0
News v go before the Conservatives, The Spectator 'probab- music however Vendered by the band 1 6 onore ositio of repre* WZMAMSOM-In GkOY Oil D66. 8rd-glift
ay his name will i -ludod, th(A ood ptwswill be as wag WoVth e and tive of, est '. ur n fol' some both CArdifft Wife Of JAM46 B W0114111801io
TAnar convention and it will be hard ly lit(, fl of a better pattonaf
A6 bhoosa between the two WAVII090s, *01c6me as it 1$ 110 Libera.10# those in. at endance were Well V 0A010d, time Yeto Agood 0 yekto *ud 2 "Yol.
pool Ift Ow
Are You R.,V`%ady for K
'Santa Clauzsv ? A�
When Sao% lionors, your f.'
woe with a Christmas
ift ntw Friday worn -
I , be sure that your
house is swept and gar-
nished so that his w0colne
y be complete,
Don't fail to visit this
to rnake selec-
store your
tion of Cheistmas Gifts, -as
we 'guarantee that Santa
will bring you all you
ca plewr
Ig I ere you will find the field tor. selectloi is the
uldestg The prices are the lalreO-
ehoice Gift, Books. - a
The new and popular books
are here,- bound in *tFancy
Cloth, , Morro'co, and Burnt
Boys'a-ed Girls' Own annuals
Chatterbox and Sunday
British Workman and other annuals
ALL TEIR POWN are represented I a
our stock�-in Cloth and Morroco bind-
. I Various sizes, and prices-. from
RW to $2.50 each.
25c. 13ooks-About 200 volumes of Cloth -bound
Books, standard authors and -tities, regular
price 35c to 75c'eacb, choice for - - - -. i ....... 11 ... 25c
50c, a . ocoks 4bout 10() volumes large sized books,
titles and well bound, regular prices from,
75c.to $1.50, choice for.., ....... .. ................ 50C.
Books, nic�ly colored i ...... Be to 5ft
Pliettire .........
Bound Picture Books .............. .....5c to $2,00
Linen and Cloth Piictura Books ............... 5c,to 50C
Toy Department*'
Santa Claus li�Ls.*claimed our se6ond
floor to show his i In In e n s'e
variety- of Toys. They. ar e.
conveniently. - arranged. and*
re4dy for -your inspection..
Dolls.. ........ . Ic; to $6.00
5 lipEngines ............ I ...... 75c 0 2., N
agic Lanterns .... to �.50
Iro nToys-'...'.-'..`----' 5ct6' �.00
Banks ......... 5c to 2.00
.'.'.25c to 2.00
Rocki�g Upilies .......... 75c to 2..50
ehristmas m0ardsm.New, stock, consistin
t� of several kinds of
patriotic me . lections, suitable f6r sending filenda at a; distance.
Christmas, o00k1etxarDaIhty little bookli 6W, -�vith choice words
ifully do ored illustrations, 5@ to 50C each.
and beaut . I
L dection of Art Calendars,
, i(7�lendars--An. -immense a(
4 wonderful. values. Our 5c line is worth a quarter. Beautiful Calen,
dars at 25c, 40c o.nd 50r,.
W�ite 'your '.'Merry
Christ mas " With a Wate
Orman's IdealrFousts,
tain pelm and SEND
ONE to filf the wish. It
is an IDEAL Pen. and
makes, an:IDEAI� presefit
In eAse it does tot, suit
,.the recipient?s hand, it is
exchangable with us.
Bibles and- H . ymii Pooks# ov -�g A A
No'Better Bwk' t1iju. the Bible, and not mote sultAl 0 Gift for Christmas.
Special values at 50c.-a;nd $1-00
Beautifully bound Bibles at $1.25, $1.60, $00, UP to
S&00 and $6.00 each. epara
Prosbyterian.Books of Praise, a te, and cbmbinta
With the Bible, 10c. to $3.60. pombitted . W, iih
MethodistHymn Books, sepi6rate or
the Bible, 306. to $3,00.
India. Paper edition Methodist Hymn Book.at $1.25,
;FtM,;#2,.w and
Fancy ChinawarellA
The finest assortment
in the 'West.
we have been :,deluged
with prai8e and apPre0ittiOn
of our enlarged china dopart-
ment, People like it beoiause
it is. bright, tasty, clean And
".AnvAnfent.-It von have not
already seen it, come Along.
and we will show you throulb.
The special-pAced t&l5es
ateeonvenientto, select from
and just now contain tn&nY
good bargains.
AwSee the Cups and Saucers
and Bowls on display this Week.
We reCeive reneWalS and subsCriptionS for all Maga-
zines anct Papers, at closest prices!
W,, coolper. & 00.
_W1. Ak Ak 111ad, IV,
-?"K' Ax W, 0& 01, 7 V