HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-18, Page 1,.�.V In . , - 11 11­1'.�, -11 "� .W,71r� , I , A��- ­ �;_WF1111711110197r_,T r, �,W��W,T'77­: �-Tww�v -4.'- R', -,� I " f, -','117rT-,. 7-1rFW.-,T-11r "­'�7w7V,'"1,W -i�­- .;�, , 1, -,Y: F , ,W .. - -, 7 1 . , �771111..11117 1� 11 11 I . � �F "qr"11RTr11T,;_ I . . . A I S I . I � = AM. ____ __�... ­ '� - I �- � .11 � - - ap"W""Nor"M r M, � . ­ I � P ­ - I ­­ 0_4j&.4 , , j 4,,.AJ 0 ­ -9 ir ' 9' - j _. �- ______ __ - _ .d, An in � j- , I I I I :1 11 9 . � 9. .1 -r _. . � 001fl 4W �1�A '� A A4, ..... im III, ill"MAN 1111111 a% 1 i _4 !!� I - _,_ 9 .- 0 !. r - 9. _- , ­ -0 lmt�!!" ! _­ � - - . � .i .- I ­ - r. -_ - _ j .. — ­—, - -___..�,­__. _,0, ..*"WkA��. �-i.�-#­W-_;;;-_-_,.;. �.__ .- -,' '_� ­�­�-� --- 'Zi'..'r, .09--1.1- ­_ . I . - 9 __ r _ 9 . . -_ . .­ 11. � � ­ - ­ -9 - : 7-- -1 . . t�.­" .1 I , I . I . , .. �, .1 . � I - . �. 11 I 1. . , " ,'4-,i4_,-_9: ',­_�. ­ I ,*�� -4- ��- � 4 1 9 a ... r I j. . . .: ,, -140�, , ��, 4#-� A,V�* : 1 - �p 9 , -.10 � .. -�ro..#Vd,...r , .0 ,4,.;ow., " , , . t � . , i, I., I � 11 . . . . . .- �­__. .,­�.J-*-��_- - j *�_ - I r I . . � - I - , . i � . -"-% . WW%.I�F4kW�IPPW4��" qN.10% . . . I �, 1, I - 9 �, - . ­ . . � -1 . -1 r . . .1 - I 11. I . I . . .1. . I , , r 4-04 A*�g 0.0 I 106 W *10 � . � I * � . 9 1. � j . I . - ­ � .. 1% , UO" 1110 "M 11 - , , - I . I YOU r�ad the' New _- " � ., rw%w: oir pqbqori;�. 9 jj -.09- . Ij - I - ., , I I I H"E 11 to in 01w1w., A, , : e 11 Era's anerous offer f.)r' - t . �' I . � I *WYM, a.44 1 ; , '' �� ;� I . 1k, 1, , . � a year? :rWO good p" I j : i = '*_'A,A_t44, 1* .It-,'.: ., �' r , "' ) ' ,., " I , ,# � � 14, . _ rs � � - -1 %_1 I .. ... � . . . . r .1. - �ptloa' �; jjj I . r r iRv='Pr,:�J Of, oUb ` ` " , � , , I . I . i . I to �t , , , � 1, , -�, '? , I .. . � 4 'r .. , 9 � I I f6r the price of one, One dol, I R9 . - rrr - , . _­ " .ew � . . - \k 1, , : � ". . ,,r ... -� t I I - 1_9�,4' _ 9 � I - . I I .. . . . - ­ . . .1 , ,,�� " , ­ ,.- I I 11 11 � . 9 jjjjjjjjjjjj ���� 999 � . o. I lar Only, in advance. ri j , - � : 9 , A, - 0. � i. or o ,, o I ,� . r . � I . . �: ,t,� n -T. - - - . , ' ­ I . . I . I . - ' ' ' r � . o I I . . I r. ,. �.. ' �* r 9 'r ­ — - � � ­­ ­_ . .­ I . - . � - . . - . � . I �� I I r . � ­ . - .... � I I—, .., . , 1� I U I o , �_ ;aQ9W ? j - !.; , , XWjXJdts3sJj�) 1M ' . ' !I. ,.� . �! I- . I )I.j.e'�.." �r "! �. . ; :� ` I I " . I ! it I . � . I ! 80"T AOLAM rob I - � 9. 1 . f. - - t � . r.1, - , OLMTONe -0, NTAB10o DBOR4131a -18-.1968 , . .1 9 . . . 9 � � . , . . I . 0 � :.� 11 j ... I � . I I I j . � __ � 1 9 . j i - , ­ M4 . I . I I I rm 2 =0 WW .41 � � I . .. . I , . . . . . I , , 1 .9 i I x � I I IL I i i 7. -17 - 1. - .. .1 - , 9. . . R .r - . . � . ,! i -,#r ". � . - —,r I. ... . I I I,% � r .. 99 1 ... � 9 , - - , � I . I . 11 9. =;� � 9 1 . - - 9j 1 . 9 , I . , i . i j .i � . , . � j � � � 9 , ; I 9 . . � I � r � , , i � � r � I I � 11 �t. , � : � " � , , � r . I , , It"bovol,% � I . � I'll.. . ,_", I I 801340 9 � j 1, . . �; . I j . j :, r" "" . . . --- . I , . :: . I I I . � I .. . —­ � J . ­­�� r . I r I . . vo**q0� 14,�!% W,b 10., %, q*ftRK%MW%0W Xozus."Nro and Mtge Ratcliff ape - It! Load New . ... ..'w'"W00#-0 __... .. I �. � . . . j .At RUAT, ROTATE. -The farm of 100 WNW The - Aakbenl 'Will, "dition , . :. a few dayo x�sltiyig friends. fnSeafdrth, Acres, on the 19tik equess I I . . I . 111fititiftit � 411 11 �i 'T, ,. � . I *d Nttorsou haq� ta, .. slon, belong.,, I I jj . . .. - . . 9 1 , L, I 11 11 ,_4L_7A,_4L�*"X7WVvrJ." I _ . .j t .; ,to tho estate of , the - late 100hara I � Rubs . � - . i .i. , Some, Ing the sAWmIII on ur Colwell's alte, W , sold by auction on Wed- rrrrrr jjjjjj ...... ...... .. 9 1 I To Town L S r, . _j . j r L kon t9be joh, , 9 bloplay, j � r � .. , . thlOiq fa , of , . grIbers, I .1 AMong the: Churche I ... CHRISTMAs aows � � , rm ; (JuItQ Ar number Of mop OXO bUfi no . . . .. � ,t , _ 71 t, Mr, D Laoolu As customary, the meat shops In — ' r . . 'r � PAOTIC T418 X"V'XX vqoa M.t,r I 1 9 � . . ; I . $1 9 Lg �bolngg the - No;�b Frfoai , sin j . . 4 ,,10seful. ' cutting down trees,kn4 irtting outthe purchas 0. 1113W. ,� town will don 0, gaY Attire for the , .4r, b %Christ. . I -Dressin 14T I . � . . . I timber'so that $prup Uoh Will Soon ,_ '0OVX0M,_Tbe HUllott CQUAPIlt." on Christmas trade and pub U . was, Is a %90 00104 . Rev. J. A, Turnbull, Toronto, was 11 g� cases 1 tafa ),?r i�n eXtr& 019144, Sbaving'Sets �� I � . . . . bet 41141ug of the pas . X - . ; " the recipient of'i bandso . . 9 1 9. 11 Yot.10anget )or savings &04 earn, , r Tows'ey, esd the 15th, granted the disPlay of all kindst of the 0491orest, fed . ,And with I 9 extra rush in � me birthday - "I � .r To a � �I, .. � . 9' ", "' 1 j I I 7&Z pall, b1tok to you -who has. son on a trip arotaid, the t1t'on beef, 14mb, pork goo dent 6 the sea ' . XAUICIA�e 80ts .r,., Up ored for I ..r of ,- duck, lberS : p Qn I oriday. Both )Ar and Mf�, Cuff or, Collar Set$ i , , . . the �d ratepay6ts lix IrRultert, who as, turkey, . , son, subser resent X ,2 � , - t . . . I . world, is at._prosent At the home, of .his � r P4 chicken, th I 'Turnbull axe 014 Clintonliplis. 9 1 . . 4 . Inother. L Owin wereaskingfor a Sectional bouus of a; . at will tempt the jino$�, to theNgwEnA may exr - .1 9 � t* . orionce 1. . Handkerchief and Glove, �i � � 9 j , .1 . ..: On Do'Wad , � . 0014plaud and Vr the bad roads Me 44009.0Q to. aid, the Guelph Junction, assiduous buyer, It Is., but Once, a year diffloulty Lin securing t eir ps,,, . Tha services in our churches on . � _ � '' '. . . I Edmonds were uu. Railway extension to Qoderi,h, via and that time is at Ohx,lstimas, that iw I I ,sro as. promptly as USUAL Tc day were Very rusagrel . 8 Sets . I : � . I . � . p I � QA- , I able to relies. tonded�, Military Brushes 1 9 got to their country chu. r ever 90b Ali opportunity e avoid thIsA4 far as Voss 1K at Mirrors and W09 will PAY You for *9 The Skating has Already Bl7th And Aubur th said su to be , of purchasing , lbleiwe Owing to the blizzard whic raged all ' be r n el .in an ii r . - � t, , t r, "I , r c - ,gun andtlie , ,d e ' Ing M6 steak Oi 4 roa6t oir would Ask town subscribers to day, Trosn 75 to 125 bein a , � privilege of "ring or your mon , raised by the issue of debentures pay- j . oika - I A bour Goods - � , ' . r ' . ey young people Are, an ICIP4 in - I I a0l call it our oface uextThura:4 S. Ph average . L _ 910f able in 20 years, and Ichargeablo only prime e export heifer, or two-year- atteudane . . . Hair Brushes ' . I . . IOUs. W1 Urr O'QIQC 9 , . 10 � . 9 . ­ I � - �, ' R Dollar will give you an so- 'Peter And I ,Did, And, theie Is .Afternoon,. afte 101Z I Shaving Brushes' i. � � I * r . nter. lia's Lillie upon the portion of the township .9 , nothing sweeter or . 9 .1 . r fo D.T C ..... j , r . ­ I . � . for their pavers. I Papers no dent of ffuron, . . . . h . . . . Pattersonattended the the weddin more. palatable to be hadiin the meat , ovidah, a sin 84 . 31. 9 j .. I . I , I . count with no at Exeter, Heneall, comprioWg1he Maitland blo e . � b . . " .,,,t . ': r. r. . Miss Me Clannigan, Wingliam, f Of ck, all tb Jine. Below Will be found 0 Oallod for; will be malled asugu�, College, took the services at Middle- . av!0g � Irrors j j 1 99. r . � ; i on or Zurloh branches.. , "t 10h, 18f - .8having Alugs, I I ., 011ut ,h and 12th concessions, also %ch but I r . . . j Wednesday; she was a former teacher IS tQ11's. , k1olmeaville end summerbIll - j Jr . j r h j . ,,J r the 00 Ilth and Ift concessio from lot I to i,1,1rs list. And If you ,Call next week, 41, . 9 , g1jr, . " r , ­.. - .. 9 � 9 , 15 Anarf 6M lotS� � as a selecti j ofx - I . . j j . A% Was intiel). en,o r at,, r 9 . 9 . , , here and the best wishes In .ns, ,% An an churches, last 95un4ayt and . . . Oloth Brushes - � , . . I ' � THE SOVEREIGN r %to the Bass Line, that � will .not be &%�%l %1%0%o%0%A% BolineV Brqshes� - . . 9 1 1 . I munit go with her to her new home A b I hard . '. , . , I ,% , yQd as M 11 . r . . � ,!: , , .. , . rl Vaw wilt therefore bq pre aredand r tochoosefrom.:- . . 9 . j 11 . . out. . . eket Oka I . :1 � At Ot %W4. " The last meeting of the- r,nb lobed, and submitted to t e vote of ANOTHER LINE * SPOKEN OF- , It is expected that Rev M 1 9 alle, ts . 9 � 11 . ' , . . . . I . r XoLen, I .j: I r j � - V he freeholders of the ab I extra. heirs . 1. . 9 ' :. 1. V I Society Will -held on I W, It. FITZSIMONS & SON'S EXHIBIT An organization of men styling. them- Tien, *hdyyAsrecontly injured by a � . , BANK OF CANADA I Auburn Choral be' r r I I � � Friday Qvoning, Dee 17. I.ove described 9 . . rist al, a _ � 1 9 r j � r, , - rsfeed by,TolmRoynolds n r ,f r selves the Ontario Traction , � ' - .. . . .., . . 11, i *V Brydone, JR. T. Ra . � . . portion of the4ownship, some day to Hullott weilrb Company explosion in 'the Presbyterian ob�rch Pei Lne.9, in'fanoy boxes . j.. � * not _' _tI1A0lb§,-JoXtr#,ho,ifer, Will a PIF at the next sossion of the of K pen will J, � . � . - . 9 r. . � .. wards the end of January, JAMES fed bt'y�sli 11ill, Hullett" weir I . fr 10c to $54 -per box - � . r ,j,,,,,, L : :, �, , .� . r. 1� - I - I .1 j 6 . have 80 far recovered - .. . . . � lbs; sp ig, I - solioitor, Olwon. . j CAA&B]Mt .Clerk.. h 1080 s . , 11 , 1jr Manager, . o . Logisaturs, for a charter to operate A as to. e a r to take his . r ; j 9 9 . 9 his � Work on, Sun. . ........... 11 ------ " jj , r Wipaktani - helfer'by-John Wise, j ker- systemof rallftys'in Western On- .day next. � .1 " . . . _ �­r ".. I j : . � . . I .. .. , :: � ,, , 99 - - - - - - Wan4ed.­500Q Turkeys, 1r;o for choice btook NOTRS-MiSs Phemo Govenlock, W�q Smith, 120.5rl bs" 2 E . . . � 9 I . , . I ,. . � . � , .1 : , Offers, by W Hardy,, t4rIO, the motive power to. be cord, Rev. 0. An 9 . 10, 9 . t" ; �:.'. �: , � If Your live buyer won't take them at the,price has. been teaching near, Wiarton, has TuckersmhI112340 lbs ; 1,Si* week ..% y . I ,. 1. r erson avilig * resigned ... i ��� j . I . . . . . a* Old pressed air, electricity, or any Alotive - . R. P. 4"Veki () S 1 , , I , ,.. , I we will. We want sill kinds of fowl," dried been sulaged as teacher in Nor A$ ,Calf %QB4rubridge,280lbs-,21a, . the rectors I j . r 9 4 : .� 9 . ;p I b aus. large onlons and rarfpri. GRO. � . nibs,. of in a Ill e vest . .. . I . . WrbjGe, Witloham . . I , Hullett, or ne:kt ye4v at - S a b I I power other than st&m. The system has re ues - ell Drug tore OfInt � .. . 11, , r .alary 'of vM Penn 150 each , 8 lambq, by R. will, if it does all 'it sets ou trt e , is to a 9 . S . on... . I . r j � I I t Ab . $300. Miss S, J, Mccool, Clinton, paid FiWinions'I'Sont.185 e4ch ; 8 hogai spread ovei q . t to do, ev. .. G. 99 on ( ormerl of 01 t .. � � I . . j . . I , I Mal ,Cer,'OaleotDrmiGoods.-ThislEtt]4e a short visit to relative's !a this vicin- W. Archeri M5 each ; 5, . he nits an area.' It, - will field as big. a - I . j . .1� j ­... . .. ; '. . -------- ___ ffreatee Sale ofr solely Dress Goods ever offer, - as b A1 - a � Mesa r I will , _V 1. 11- .�_, ' " - I - -.� I 'L � � .� Wr touch London, Stratford, Sea,forth, Acce � t. , . r e ten, .4;! - -,I?x onokers, sunc,'rl,g, � �_ ­ .. I � 3, the country, and Inaludes all th -fail's ity last week.. T H� Cole ban taken r a Taylorj200. ea6b.; 2 .. 0 , ,0$e8r, J'QJ) ,11"e-,40. :.. 'L 1i 1 4-11- do ­ W I P ,, � r I A- r '" � � I 11 . . ,) c7, 1 aemo, 2'1"O&W, d "" I'" i 50c.. 60o. and 05a. Rues for W.; .t. . . . r . bogs,by Auctrews,. Nitobell, Clinton and Wingliam. T H j . ? I . r , Osi ion as engi .q 0 ' -firar*,` � ,:, 11 i I A I in � , neer in. a Sawmill at 245 each, 'Also, a large ... , of r.. . ,y,ar,11qes on,l 9,,k ,.. I _ - 4;, r i Stevens is Making pre� kindsi of P ultr on hand. ! - - ­ , th - , r ' " , -mristih-as and, New Years '754J'atu64J.00_0f'Zeq foi- No,.- eta. . .quantity of all, Luscombe, of London is, solicitor for BXPTIST C I 10,e2j ., '0 l . ­ . Excursions. � GJCO.'E KIN4 Wingham. elgrave. Win . I I .1 u �. Y, r j e ap 'Ji ts.. , r � I . . . HuRcH.-The ,children j fvars,in a 040, �_ I I .&* . _-�,;�",, ""', j r .. stations to erectan. ,addition' 'to his _, F63D&M .. . 0 loan . . I . . : the Sunday School -will enjoy their au;.. j I ' r � � ,� .. I I r an; - __i_.__2 _,, -a- 9, a I a &Moil a A Is, I I . )L �" _jj Oa&R-MING WEDDING -At, the 011quiv-S EXUJBIT, - nual tr". t on Tuesday evening next. f - k+,._.j 14& �1 ­ ­� . I ,jo�,`;_# , OrIRISTMAS 4rn next surnmei. Mr and Mrs 6 Me- .- I , heifer,fed �y . . ANOTHER OLD RESIDENVIONE Besides the enjoyment of. iseein " . . Iv, . _w I ... � _ !, , � �,,,�� , �� residence of Me J Martin on Wednes- ool attended the funeral of the late ' r GeoMIddleton,Godev. �-Deathclaimedanother former rest- I 1 1114 1 r ,-,, . OLE FARE , ich township,weight 1150 MEL; 2 heifers, dent of Clinton . . . little ones get t4elp prizes off f I , �r : "j `��e � � -Good going ThuradaT and day of this Week was solemnized the � . g the , Win Usham.,Goderich,last Saturq,ays ,,,r and GoderichtoWnshi - the tree, �� !�', 7, Dee. 24th and 25th ,03,Tebuintng *34or .%b fe&Sg� p I .. . I I . for . Mire ejofhis,dAughter,GracetoX,r 'he being 4'br6ther-in-1 atter, t Fridt . in the.person of Peter ,rendered, . I I � *. " . . f� j I e Monday, Dec. 28th, U Arl . I by Isaac Jones,6oder township,236 - 0 111E, a good: Program will be . -o hnd'PW9d' - Holt , , L - The bride awor the lbs ; 2 heifers, by I W Hill, town 200() . Lo 0 .. ing - _. . I I '" j PARR AND ONE-TElIUD Garfield VanStoue. I On account of 40knoos and the state - Cook, at t e age of years. Formany . - . r . . I �j . 0. j , j � I � -Good goM Wed- who was 1;iven V,Wayr lbs .; 1 extra fine Calf,* by TriCJC r Nos., Me Gee Cox . � . . L I j . , I Vs Jhursday and Friday, Dee, 2Tu6,24th . . by her father, of the roads, the entsrt%inmeut ofS 8 . years he -resided inr the latter township , who was sent up from : �j j- 1. . . .� .1 I I , � - a . � ex9pisitely gowned In white silk, No 21 has been inliefinit Godekich-township,Mbs 4h b but healthr failing him, fie moved into - Huron ColleVe-to take the . - j 1, ,, r ' I and I returning on or before "day, was sSSL ely Postponed. ;, OASf y . . work At The�underslzuedivlll pay the highest , r . '!'.' 'i . ; 1� . .. Jan. 5th, 04, with tinnumnis of Duch lace and . � . . . .Gee Dale, Tuckovamith, 150 earell ; 4 town some eight ears ago with,oilis Ididdletons, obaesville and Summer. I � . ' . . . , I i� I" - . carried 4 sheaf of bride's roses. The , - . . r — . � . , , . r hogs, by. 0 Middleton` , 06derich town- family, taking Up hill, was not able to inake the, circuit .. , s s . I , , : -,. �, , , , �l' I � I . . . , Kis residence in ,the . . I I r . � I � . � I � bride's maid, Miss Laura Martin, were, ` ' ' . 1). 200 each ; I hog, -by Sh house at 7 � ' r ! 11, , ,� It . - ,�In . � . . ' . *Ile hl c1f 10 the storm. He got as fai- as. T OGS'OF,��A - , l . . r :11 la . . . I I I eton's'batr N � 1;. .nyo,,Db-� pate blue crepe do Paris With 010tt, 5jor lbs; 4 lambs,by B - one of his 'ears , - - KINDS - I SINGLE FARE -Good going Thurs' ,,,qe Dale, resent Occupied by.J. Wise- , 1� r � SLA, or Friday, Jan, Ist, returning � . .touches. j . SPEorAL. ftuvions. r . , � froze LL. I - F rpvtval I urphy, . .M&U- : wo years :,qgo � .lid -went - f , , - L� �� :', I rr ,foo Moaday, Jan. 4t�.., of'white, while MISS* Freda . 7 , pecial Goddrich tawnship, 120 each; 2 lairills . to . London and -did not atteinpr, to go the rest 'of and.,H .. ' . I ' I % ­ I. VinStou6 services have been conducted Auring I for treatment, but . tn w. EADI i . . 'tt . � , Sy'. . NG BOLTS Lq � 1, 1�!,. I , 11 PAME AND ONE -THIRD -Good going Wed- and Miss Nora Smith made two P the past three weeks hero by the thd by Geo Tibbut, Goderich township, 110 gradilalIK, grow woise, Until , death �81 . . . � j . � . . . . I r , 11 . . I . . . ; i � . I uosO.ay, Thursday and Friday, Dee, 80th, Blot little flower girls in' their whlt:6,rTilK astor, Rev M J Wils 1, assisted by came.to a release. He leaves a wife SA.LVATIOiq AR. r. . .. delivered at the Stapleton Salt Wqrl�4 � ' 1 ,: � i �'t �, �� �t , � r � ­ 01 11 � each and F6WIrfed by Goo Dale, Jos. MY. -The * annual r ' . �. . J., :1 : . I I . I 'a"J 6n. let, returning on or before Tuesday', droa, holding the ribbons which ' juxed, Me Tyn.ex Mrs Ratfiwell An& . and j , during this winter.� , ., - r , . tj� A . � , . ,oO, " .-An =,'04. j forl "'a' Mv J W Robinson,- Dungannon. -,. Rev � j 84d.tWo sous -Harry, of Oshawa,' ' , 'Christmas tees 'and entertainment . � . ,�'.. .., , . strong and cofivincing Q U � o0cheese, lari . na, both be- v eks; on . j . I �� r : , ,, . . ed the bridal alsle. Miss Mrina Brobinson'is a others, &IS a . a sake, h . . lo Dr Cook, of Goshen, India . vill be 'hold" in the barra' -Dee-11 - ' ' j�� � � sue .. I . r . , - the fun . RANSFORD � � r, , -� ,I - preacber, stv�ight to -the mark t, etc � . Ing in attendance a�i era;.. beld Christmas night, it 8 o?olock, .U�_- . . I 'I, . �1� � ." Dinsley-charmingly rendered Mend . , %nd re- . . � . I- ­ . It. &4. . . . . . I . . ,P , ,� . - elsshOn7lowedding inareb. -Me Herb sultsbivebee *%nifesL­The Holy, . I. -Monday, interin . j . I . r , . r It �.;� . Purchase your tickets at Town Oface � . it in. . SCAUTOWS . ExmniT.- � on , ent taking place. in usual eiithusi k is being, displayed' - . I I 1. . � . . I -1 1 �,,� � r : " . . . a -six . . " r r . " 11 . � and save d6laV at station. Wightman -supported the groom. the Spirit has been present botivictingain I ­ . Clinton pemeterk. '. . . . . . , in gettiug up the progr h proA , �.'Iloftlirl 11 , , , :4�j! . � 13Y . - '. 5 . I _ . . . j , am, - %I AnC(' Gelnfli.r ' "�', � I ,, I whic . ; . � I -ceremonyt�was:pekf6rmed Rev Win. Uses in the Old fashioned Way, extra fine heifers, fed by Goo Stan- .Misep to surpass all .1. I I . j - ,, I I Sor asep- COME INTO SERVICE.r ON; 2fot.- one�,. The � � �:, �r r" � . 1.1� r � . I : revious -w, r I., I . I r �11.11 ' Lowei rector, of St Paul's Mr And , bury, London Road. live weight. 5700 � string band and dia ogues .are "pec, - E rqq0t. Twit Chelt Spent, L &',(ow ' I j , ; :tj ly that they.go to the pebitlint for t I 1, � , � The dawn 6f 4 better train service on Cl. Ts , '11� :,�'. . F. R. Hodgems, Town Agent. Mrs V&DSt6ne left on the ­.8.05 train seekers � .the new churc mas lbot2fat-helfees, byW`na,Sta,ubur . . r 1, � ' ), � ; � �r I ,%, the StrAtford-Goadrich division is . a ially intoresti4, . 0 ers.ekpected lastwe�k-with friends. hi Det.voir. :, � I 1, � - ,�, o ,,, r _ , j. . . I I j - j , 12 has.been bap- - 2100 lbs ;'I calf bred and fed ,-by Ro. t t from surrounding cor plMc I . Ij ­ for a short trip.. On.their return, IVIr tised with il;:u 'Old fashioned Mothiidiit K", lost himing up.. which will'oheor the . . �, , _� , � " '1� , I � . , . " , I .Lt.r: ,,�­ ' 'Watt, jr , Hirlock, 025 lbs ;, I calf, by irs, ,,,,, its , �Orpu Dalton, 'Esq, �tftepopular r j .,- r, I Varna &XICLArs Va;u8tOneWillspend the win- revivdlarid'aoulb 6 d ' * th k hearts of &mmerc . WmLiS ' re Vs of Ashfield, Was a caller at'tho. � ' , :r 2j_' ter at the -residence of brid. (?gr j an � I aye .�.we , an a DA, Forrester, to wn'; a ring . well as .CHTYACIL �Xotwithstanding . � � , , . Intended for last week. . r Wn An-., Thos. taqleo, 'Igs,by ,'r , L father, to God i a g6ro4 serving IRY' . 2 ' " p the tia,vellin - On Thureda the gtorm, the choir wos out.ia Stro, g INEW ERA offlceon:. Saturday.' :' � �. 1� � � where Mrs'VanStoue will be at h6bote niversary services -Ili behalf of theS Portees Hill, 625 lbs 6 - 2 Y 13 . * ab' I , I. 1. 'I ) ptiblid. . j . , I . . 0 - Gee E week J DMc onald. District Passen- force last Sunday, rendering'good � an- I . j j I I . pigs, by, .Uep, town, 420 lbs-, �2' , - � 1 1 1 1 - MARRYED-Miss Lizzie Foster &ad to'her friends ii.Tanuary 5th and Oth,- bath School will be held next 8abbatb, . . . Dr. andMr6'Sbaw,- Capt. and Mrs I , .... I . . . . . . .. - ..g4pr agent, of the G T.R,,was in. thems ; Miss Lillie Odavi sang a solo, � . t, Mr William Dowson were united . PW Veyand I,byR Walker; . .. -town, � ­ I . �. h,isthe:prsAcb_ (I. at ,a I MoTagg4rt, and X. Fair4ere - I I -in ; .Rev 31r MAgeej deric as I . I , . � ; . ., -. . . ' t,byGooSh gaye out the, glad new I - j . le ' . .. I Wedv . . . ­ 1. . . . . mbs,-by ; kthat on S�pd several excel, nt duet.p wove given darice at I 'ondou Mond j .: � � , . ;,. L, I I h:ol bonds of matrimony, on ;� . erfortheday.,.' , � . .,. j. I . arry Ta or,. Hullett, .and I , the opera I L . in atter , ., , . � I . j . j . . . q; . ,and afforthe. 21ab 6f this month'. two .... The Chriftian End . . 11 ay j I I � .1. I I �,�� I . jj � . I I � I 1 at seven o'clock, only I Tuck6ralultb..' i 5 extra lambs, by, Sand Void, Htillett, extrwexp . resseli,�vfll -be Out onthis end .. Monday eveninq W savor met. On night. . . . I . . . .. .. . . . I., , I . I . 72 A3r evening, . . . dkdhwmA._ % .. ; I ... I j . I the Immediate friends of the bride and DIED IN' TE19 'WEST -Word was re I - a so. Poulter of All'kin s. from Mrs a . ith.* a 9064 atten- ' � . . I -sking the " I � � ,j I . I . * ent'of the- 2nd conces- ee� in - f the gu W.. . I ,,, I , - a former resid - city at nine. due in Clinton at ten, i6a, the W. M, c - the past month, retuinell't . j. 11 ­ NoTES-Miss Lottie Weekes is visit ' 'a ' ?gjnt - . - Newcombe f6i� oftheline. There will b6ain6rning dance - Mia�s Malis Ca Miss Warswick,Gxi I h,whob4sbeen ,'T� �' ' ' villiams, Oluff i ,a, "I I greoin being present. ceivied. here.last week of the - death of wallis, W Snell, J express.froira Stratford,'leaving. thai, . subjeci .... �bwl est of'Mrs . - " B&C Mr Crich. 0 Lovett, also ii ii W , - S r�(UtL c � 11 . I ing friends in Walton. Miss R. Elliott Sion, in the argon of Me George he:rolf dressed po Thee 11 be he I this Tfurs- . O her b I I � ­ - . I � I � � - . Freati 08 well as cure clay � . � . . � , was the guest of Miss Logan Wednes- Wattlirs,who 9 ' 'p.r�.� . . . " .: . . j . 011ie � I led ,at. D6vII'g �Lako - nitry ftsaas e dus. here at I I . . I . -1 d meats .49 another will leave Goderich at -'5 Tepijig., , ­ . I . this Week. . . .. � I ''I "A I . ." ,. I . t xn&bologna, j . . . . I . 5.20 for Stieatford..,_ I his -is � . . I � I � I I . . day afternoon Miss Logan and Miss Dakotiw Hs WAS oil a visit .to his -1 � . . . Lionel Naftel, Of the .Bayfleld toad Miss Beatrice Oreenewas the, g . . . � - the.servi . .. 3. , Uest ,, I 11 I � 3'� '. C4w8ron, of Bayfield, have retor da liter, when tAk6ii ill, and. he'. ei- j I . � . . � iqT . dewhich'WelRhouldha�ip hail 'Will receive his ordination as deacon in of Miss Hattie Baker,'of. Fullarton,lugb I I , .. !. PM r � . . , d . .. . I I I i nod _ I � .. .. j. I years, a , an. which the traffic War- the Anglican manii *t q4tir at, the 'leoture. in, , , I . � . � - � j 1: " "' * After visiting. friends in Holmesville. p1r , , o -to . . � � .., '. I '' * r , itliLed,gcut-we'return,'thaiik6to'the G . a ry on U - Be , , � �., . . , .� '': , � Week and , : .eqb f rshe could...be removed . ,b S ridg, Dee � . `, : n is at present Ill With the PIS ( I . . .1 S 4. , . . 20th, at Hamilton, MrXaftol . Af6nday evening. - I I , , Ur, Joe Haga )'wh home.: He leavesa. .wife, two . tailey , .. . . . I wil -com- the' on . . I ,�­ . . ". �, - I I , T R for the k6liet even* at this late I its his Course 1 tfi I CILIA. .. - . ... ., � � 1. ,,_,��, � � � mbinps. Mrs MeNaughton plaged the sons and two daughters. -, He -resided 'NOTES. -.J4s'A1k4,r1hqqd, While' put-, hour. ' - ' , . : . j . t n so gy a ififty Mr and Miss M cDonald. (if Listowell . j . I I . . , I . I I 'after whichb ' . ,'' j , _ I . I . �aivevsity nex, Ea'ster,o : ��. ' I I . . I ,orgim in St John's church c Und,y, herefora ood many. years, and while ting down straw for the - Cattle this . I th e brother and Water of Mrs It, F , Stoli- . I . "I I " . ff ... DEATH OF RATONEHAM-It was .will, take charge.. ,of the parishes -of - dart, spent'& few days .With her lasf : .�� , �. I I I . . . . I . I .; I I . world's goddS, was i, man . df � Stirling Moorefield, Drayton and.Uotbs�y. .At. . '. ., � � � . 1. j L . . , ��, I , ,A0 organist being absent, � not blesse with a great deal of this week,, fell through the. hatchway Qjia 'with ie9tetithou ,h not with surprise, week, returnihg. on Satur. day, � - � . ,, �;, I , . j 8 I I ­ � 9 . .: ��,,Q� �, � j t, , Bayffeld, integrity and uprightridsti. I About hurt him elf; V,V6'truit Ike w . Ilsoon-be that word WAS received here * on M . ,. , , . , . . oil. present lie takes the , Sunday. $ervices 11 '! ! I . , . . better. I . . . I . . � inspect bb'ind PkIncip I C , . ' ;, I � (From 'four ye�lrs age he Went tothe west. . .. . . . . , I I day, ofthe death of. Rich. StonehAmi attfieseplac a oturninVo Toronto .or Ro - I I 11�1 * I . . a am . �i I j our regular ootrespondent) j . I � j . . . - o , r seen, who were. in'lown conducting' . . . .. 1�, '. I .. . 11 . Clinton. Decieasedbas for � -. - ! I I . � I I formerly of r uring the wee � � fo siuU d t ; �, I �,��. I I . . j I . . ' . . . , . . . � . . 'years been &'greit sufferer fror . I I I j, " :,- 1"Re."Mrs Johns ' III at NOTES.'- Chas. Layton has secur. . , modeke ams finished -u M : . . I � � I '. I . * - x I I . ,, � , ­ � . . � . j,t���, . va# on Is VeZy recov- ed a position with Th6s. Bipwn;t Sea- qiAiabe' j The Rev. - M. 1H. Goldberi, of,DUn6 returfibli to their homes, ioBrussels. . � 1, i,'�, , , . I , pent, we hope for herapee . �144itionlll LOCAI.Newss ' - US ind spinal tro-*e, being tl&,ble to I ' ... � � . I . 11, . . . . I 0 ' I I �, , . 111j� " '' , , j. ,e forth, in the interests of the Mass I , .. gailnon and.Pt. Albert, who has been of: laen8alf, who � � � I L �, o y work Me I E McDonell, 0. j , , , , � � oft. Death entered the home of Rev. ey I . I I . . . . . . t do an' whatever for 4ffl6lally±ppointed f6 the -Parishes of I& well krown to i .... j I I � ,:", I . rem Word was iredbiv6d hero this -week. .. _ � 1. ,:"P�� 1, ,1 . Jobn and Mrs McNeil on Friday week; Harris, Op., and -16 ,Will � ove there' th L years, , Us was formerly in employee i Middletows, lHolpiesville And S' . . many i town re- , , � I I .V I ,'�, 1. � .1 Uteir little girl of ten months was Selz- in a short time. , Mrs. A. Edwards has at Miai'Macphetson, Of Wbodstooki - of the, DohertyOrgan Co.', but had to ummer- farned to his native: heittlf-inst week, j j I I I j I , �, 1�:% � a4 with brain fever, and after intense . rood home from avisitwith.friends formerly., of. town, is iiiffeking from a coaaew4,,irk-6*ii�gto.hisilluess. After hill, was, in town. Thuridgy looking for. i I � � I . i ". , . retu after a sojourn in the'Old. Country in - . j . . I . .. . � . a house, and. Will take up his residency 'search'at,health j for seve al� i . �4 _"j" a8mv passed away, the bereivea pa, in California. ,.. F .W Crich offers his Stroke of para) � , � � rred here.b th end. of the) iear. - He: , r months �, - �': I . . V_ . . .. y8i � .' ' the death. of big Wife, which ocou . . i, , �,, " efAs nave the sympathy or the entire firm on the 2nd con.forsale or to Tent; . ,� . . S. I . .efore e 1, . j I . .� -1 I About a year -a � . j .) - About ayear ago,-he.*ent to Hensall Cora pasL ,. . ,. , - .. I , , ,­. I ": :' ; . 1`� . I I I � � I . community, Owing to affliction in the his'ifitentionsareto go to Saginaw, h6retoseek school advilita so I � � I . I j -11 . I I ,%oo Mr Saml Caldwell, to live; subsequentl*'movin 'to h' . es ' - where his s9ii � uton -is. note( ,.� I I '. i,� I Of Aubur ,. move to London,'In order br6thees h . - Is , � % representa,, - . I ,:,;�� lha=0 of the pastor, the pulpit of St. ,'Newton, resides. John ' n , . . Ouse !A Toronto, w§sre for which! Cli -We is Rev C R Gunneand lay - r . ., .� � tbat-his wife,who was suffering from, 'his. children!s sake welcorr4 th6 Re -V tive, J Ransfdrd, both m6pabers of the - z, , i ' * " I , 1. ' , . . AAdve*'s church was occupied by, J. Uriah, is'lmpr6v!ilg in health H. Crich 0: throat, - might have e, 'death took place. - ; The remains were gdatletaii z.Lndbis estimable family to Huron' Diocesan eiecutive, 'were ,in '. e �, , . - ,,,,,,',`r I atty, last Stinday.. Rev. J. Snell recently disposed,of a 1audsome blood ��, brought' here for interniebt, the body, . Pend inany session with 'that body. at. 13ishop . L I , � I . I I I i prove, being met at the station by"trii . I � . occupy the pulpit of Victoria colt for a good figuroi �­Wewtozi Crich it�- Shedidnot-im town and trust they *111 a - . I , , , V I L , " sWeet church next Sunday, morn' returiied to -his home last Safurday,af­ , oil Wedne I aday - ­MrS. . dertaker happy years ilix our midst. . .1 . Cron*n Hall on Thursdaylaud -Priday' L - ' ' � "A' I . 11?g I Stevenson and a committee of Oddfol� g oi�U=31.w- , ons - liu- of this . week. � - . . j . �. I . . . . I I I., 11 ; � ", I . " j� - .1 ana evening. Missionary services will ter spending a few week withbis par- is her Cousin, received lows,who'6scorted itto theOddiellow6' O.NTAitio j I � , . I ' ' ' , 1� I ,1� . I death. He attendd the ball,of whiehor&r deceased. had 16ng . . j . � . I ,- , 11 � bapreached on' the Bayfield circuit onto here. Miss E., Johns returns home, ' ay� e ristin" services will'beheld . MrW J. Holtali�j one of the - Steadiest, . , . ,��j I . . Hepworth for,.Ohkistmas next funpral, to -day.,: Mrs Cald � � � � . ­ .. .. , well leaves. ijeon a member,'vilierethe friends w' in c . ic Ion, with t4edii.irch.. Special. employeeg ofA ',' left 'Mori- I . ' 1:: !�L , next Sunday by Rev W M Graham, Of from. ­ � . . L . I -do family,4nd'hermany*Hfiton friends, . 1. . ere . . . _ . )he foundry , I , .. .. :: I . . - - , Perm . * the choir, alld the d ty afternoon for. Xiiisas I city. and I � � , L, I 15,oderich ; sl? , ecial collections And sub- Thursday. I �.. . . . . . * 1 r.et - . . . . '.. aitted to look on them for. the u 101 . eveningde- I I - 1, . � � � , . . � . I .. 1, A, - learn w th . ) . reg I dfther death . I ". - , U& ' - � .1 be taken on behalf of I wil I I . . last tfine. Q,visl " - seriptions will . . . Ij .1 I 7 . —. I . .� I 1: " ,The b6�', iful �bvrlal ritual vot J a . ill be one of soni, the subject Y'6kolhomaj-'Indian Territoryi t ' It' ' ,. I I the General Missionary fund. Mj? Ed- - . - j . to'be "The XmasGuest" Andthemorn- his father, br�othersiaud sisters, whom , . .. j .11 I . j : I . ,eo!borne .1 . .. � I R. T. OFFICERS 30*194-1;6y�hy of the societywas said.'over hini., the . ' I . . . . I j ii. _. 11 - 'wards, sr., *he has been quite ill - for I . . .. .. . I Council, No 130,�RoyalTem'phirs, 610ct� servicea being conduct, ed by Rev. Dr. Ing sublect. *'-The Sta;'�"_..On lqs,j� he has not- seeii:.'In four'years. He � , j , j , ,�. , "I � some weeks, has almost fully recover- EVANGBLicAir, OEmnog. -,,Sertices. offic : assisted by Bro; Fred Aleock,_' -a . . . . . ..", 'j, . � . ed the. following Cook, Yao's night the men folks Are goingto pxpectqtbrdtUrh' Ome time in Jan-, - � � � . 11 I I � I � stores in this place have put n era 'for" I%4 &t. The pall beaiers wer�'Messrs Wesley: tage of 1904 -being lear year liary., . 1. . .. . . I � 1. '. . r ,e& The* - ext Huriday morning and evenhog,the their last regular- meeting hold-Thuis-. takeadvan j . I . : ­ � . . : �) , _ on their Christmas garb. and now pre- pastor, - Rev A D Gischler will preach .da evening : Select councillor, F W, Moore, El. B. Chint R."Zolthes, Fred and are giving an entertainmen to be. Mrs ir Pr Tisdall returubd -Thursday , . � . ,',, :1 . . I _� �1. igintanattractive appearance; it wduld At both, speirloes; the subject -for hi's -- Alcock; Vrank'Hall',' and -F. -Seymour,: closed Ny. ith refreshments. 'A program from a lengthened visit to her pae.-�. � � t ' - , , ''I, ; atts .vice Councillor, S 0 Andrews . - I wa, : �- . Mr 13toneham was a man universall e re male element and- Mrs Hoare," of Strathroy - , , , , j � ,� . I be wisdom on the rart of the people,of Ove0ing discourse will: be "Excuses." Chaplain, Will Townsend; ]Udordhi� . .1 . is: to b adered by the eats Dr . . I � y . , . , I '.` �' . , the adjacent coun ry to come and lit- The Clivietmas entertainment of the See. Mrs F. W. Watts; Pin. See .. esbeemed. and a grown up fatin . Ur. of the church, and they will toto. oat andber sisteri- Mrs W K Pea,Me, lwh�� I .1 I I I � � ; , SP" " t these stores And thus Satisfy 'Sunday 'Schbol will take. Place on , 11146'r1l; of I . has -1 j ee . �- � 1� �1, 00 . �Oscav Rogers; T!reas.j'Alice Burneil', .7-i've him. He was also a inew - dd.the. ladies', formei record for giving b n'I ing dan erougly Ill. at'. bei� - � , . . I � olio . I cy a first class entert4inmeut. ' � , :. . " � progva will be renderdd,consistinl; of * Thompson And . I ther8in.. , , U . P . . I - home. . ,.e learn t at Mrs Pearce Is -. . , . ,2 � , tbamselvea with the choice stock they ,Christmas EVO,,Dee. 24th; an excellent Auditors, Dr A Castle : theWOrkMP' , 01irrYing a $20QO I - W( t%l ��;, I . carry. in Herald, Russell -Andrews;. Deputy, . .. �., ! ST PAUL'S. 0,U.U1tCH­On' , doing aswell' as, can be' expseted with ' .. �_ �i��­ . I � . - - - 11 _" . of dialopuds, 11rills, iiiarches, eelta., I . .,.. I s6arament !of _th Sunday , . . .- I ' I . . , . i � . . . S....81 inging by choir ; .Herald, Clara Lindsay; Guardw Maisie THA TOWXWI3STS,-YUdgm as n ,,a for Improvement, which we I I j tion - scho�.Iloors: . _ entw 6 Lord,s hope � j . I., " . j . � � . looram� to Carling,, Sentinel, H W Watts; Or� reiidere&it Toronto. last Week in' supper *ill b6 administered it 8 a. in. 1rustWill. become genuine. . - t .. . ... j I . , will &§. open at'l, in �Pr the, .. . t: I . I I 90 el Oanitt,. Mabel Twitchell; TvuNteiisj F cait of Big art' Va. The Town ' There will Also be': celebration , on . , � , ­ lit of . . . ,. � I I el*IB-�V begin at 7.30. d earations will of' Clin-, Me E 0 Dockrill, passen er age . . � I Look H . I W watts W .: R - Hale. -, . Christmas day-af & , . * I � .11 . be in bariion:� With the season, they .. � I , . Fluker and T I . . - tdh, in thelattet's favor. The report . - , teethe moining ser-� 'the 0. p. R. was in town *hursda;y Ott - . � j, �: . . , , '',j . . will be of Such a, nature u this vicinity ' WHERH -DID THE., DISH GO TO in the 16941 columns -'of the dailies, was 'Is Commencing at 10,30. - The church business. Mr DocYrill'ig so Well, and j .. I I" ,' . ­ j, � � I Biest White Mixed Candy 4 lbs . for'asc. has never witnessed heretofore. . I -Lastweek Mr i W Irwin Sold a fine - safollo�is.-I'AdtioAto'recover darn- chancel will be prettily dbcorated for. Uvorably'known here anion - t the . I. I. . t�'�_ I Gem Drops a 3 lbs for 25C. . �­. . I ­ I I , set. of dishes to � a lady 4'io town, he a es for injuries' sustained b plaintiff this occadon,the choir to undertake 19 Fathom. j I 1. " . . . j . r Is ' boYso that he feels he is- one . . � . . . . . � I . the work.-..# Next an _ a ways en a is usiness rip$ -. � 1� shocolates . . ffse per 1b. . I . j . I packed them himself,and seen them t=ugh falling on. the sigewalk on j Wednesday ovenhig a I . j.. III 'b * t. , , : , � . j I :, . I .1 . . 1. . , . .. - for . -1 01 �.11� ,�' � .the ebildren of StPaulTtSunday.Schob to' beba ;, � I ,' 1i tyeams . . . i oc per 1b. _ ' ' .. turn6d'oVer to the delivery, to V � I I I I Loikide baro. .. �. .. I boy, VictOri& stre6ti owing; as' alleged . e. would ' have . ,: I I - . F%e chocolates and Bon -Bons � . . .. .15 , � I . . j. delivery to the purebaser. Befom ar­ 1. e nE. li so 6 of.detindants inper;nIt, will enjoy. their Christmas tree enter- pleased to have heard him- etprosa one ,,, , - , . . Ij � LCialuRom"A'. Sunday �8 riving at the place theboy had, four or n ,, I e 81 0 alk",to becomeLlh a dqfee- tainment, to be held 'in the, school ray of helps of the 0. P. R. - corping, , _, � . I LL � , , I from ;aSc, up to 75C per 1h. . chool'enter- five other ralls ,to makei on L his way. . : ve'au - angerquaconliftion. Nono- rooindommencing, At 7.80. A'select this 1 formation wao, , j � I L' I I , . W I I Lj . tainment will be givdri in the Motho- , ... . I rogram d aftorbyldisdeb , , 7i put the � in . . . ­ 'L ftanges-adwo.-, . ist d1turch,'O - go*ovti when the dishes wero upon. ce -was given 6 L ( . , is being looks whutIng L . j . I I. . I I I I . . . dants Until July 5tb, 19M, - Logan. , I - ,; ,,.,o�� � - 1K, . hi-Istmas night, consist Of 6 cidbnt i ' th lefefi- Mud MoNaughton, Cluff ind . , ,. ' � "', ow edupAt the other. end of On excuse . Mrs. 0has B Hale Alild wife returneil' � , I ". oet Mexican Oranges . i6o per doz, g Of singing, recitations And address- ._ the road it, 'The , prizes will be arranged b . . !: � I . was. discovered that one Of the larger offered by the plaintiff for not giving . I . I I , I switornta wavoi. oranges 2Dc up to 600, 1 es. -The.pastorwill take the "regular L . . . Miss Hine And Mrs Phillips, - Y fromthe Soo'ThtirsdAty evening. Mr ' , �, . , I I � I � , I . I 25cuptoMcil,dozen.. . Fork, -next Sunday mprnin . X Wid even- I ' as missirig.. Of 2dourse the notice in time was that, until she Con- I I . . .. .. I . Hale since taking up, his. residency fir ,., qe'l 11 � .., . . I . . " . 01orlds Oranges , suited her solicitor on July 6th -she WAS WESLEY UnURC31. Last ' Sunday . - L, 11; L � I I ,. AlSairia Grapes . . goo Par 1b. Ingo . . . . 4 - . .. Ad re urned to the store And laid her. not aware that any notice wa's nieces. wag the celebratiou'Lin, this church of that once gvowin % town his teen in . .1 ... "I I I . I . 1. . I L co lainb of the, absence ofthe dish, the real estate tisinessi He otateg ,. , ,., _(', � I L -, ;.. I uO,-Oq Sunday the Rev Mr . . ear L 1 4J- - � 'r - NOTE A L, ' il , attic in his tones -that h y L -coutennary of, Wealoyism. 'In that-wheft he went there, *som6,A7 ,., ': �.�t PU P1 a with Rev . I I j 11 . - lahmiltonexchanged I It ' .... is . ent and the -other that er ; The other excusewas that when the Bi .�. . 6R0eRRIES-,d,,., I � .a I On hbA fallen some time .before the morning & special mIsEgoll4ry dis. officeg OfLthis kind were doin a. flout � It - I I : "I , ' I .1� , L'� . . � I I . . Mr Shaw, of Ed ondville, .O*Inl Lj to It no . 0 hold the salo�Mr TrWin And was injured she bad gone to the course was jiven by theirpastor. Rev ishing business, but WhOm heleft this ' - � .,I I ]hied Fruits, Pickles, Saled, Dressings, U gL Oil I Natices, eats 8, witice meat Jelly Ire Council and had got nothing, and she H- M. Mann ng. bearin thesubject week, You could count them all on one 11 � . 12 Pow- tits severity of t weathbr on 11_0 I WAS -iompelled to send to the makers . I L I j� L, ders end all, U day evorlint, -the Bible Soplety' meet. for a duplicate, and felt pleased whey, did not "feel like Joing to L the Coun- and a -collection of $110, wag .taken 'up . ", � , . e nei 'efee for � L hand.' Everything is dead, the, OnIr ' ' I . ­ , - I I turistulas was". I Ing in the othodist church was very a card Airived Tuesdivy stating that it. all Again. Held, hat there WA4 120 at the close. This shows extreme 11b. geople doing, a . nybusiness being run . :1. 1 . j . . . .could be hill.-atiawould be along"with reasonable excuse, Within 3 RdW. 1. drality on the part of thecotigr tic . . I poorlyattendod, tbooewhowere-thard Aga I n. oalersv who cannot supply .them fast - 1, . his next order. ink IV! - the absent ones. missed a grand Mr Irwin th ch.18, gee, 130, sub see. 5, for not who ovidentlyappreciate theirchurch's enough for those wanting to gOL ot tof '' ,4 1 1, 'Iltiff oily a tba,t ih #.16 ilofj ' ""_ L . j � I . . . , ' ATI C. rig .1. I I 1, L, I I . I I 1, Lennan' S . address, which was given by Rev Mr it most have been taken from, the ihg the notic6, No notorie its- ly� efforts in the spread of ChfisCs Kinseti the place. and'the rogulatt t ' rains CbA I , r I , I I . .,I ., I . Shaw, Me Soasph Addison has* re- by somenno while the L boy was into sit to the Accident which h sue I dom. here on'earth.... A special OhkWt- ha d enou L, h It * I 11 . I I I �,�11 �� . '40'"bVics, Fruits, Confectionary, Broad and turned from Manitoba; for a visit ; he one of the.other places behitil to'call at. t1a,intiffpand the deren ha no was service will be hold in connection move th Me Wale' at= - . � . I . . . j . I 4 I . qakss, Fish and, oysters. L. , hasibeen-away0out two YeUsi The . nowledge of it, Action is issed.. but with the Sunday, School, on Sand&V 8, r "or Of aps 1100 will got go- . . I . ,mat , boll . �. �. shipment of hogs' that should have A MY�TERIOUS MAX -Last Taos. without c6sts. . 00, .. , afternoon, when an address will be . those lar . , . L ,� "L: , r - .- 7­�­ - I 1. r been made itobi here �on Monday did dy evening Willie Ratteributy. w L as id 11 ont - tic , given by, the: a8tor, tooether Withr , I 0, am - Ift o purposes Ve_ . L r .. � , ( , _ � I f6r plaintiff. R L _ I � t� ; I g . I . I Ll � rn ng in the I . �. � . .. . -some men started SU looted to an 61periOnce that one And JEL Beo4,ttie for d . special Singing t thechoirandothers-, . ..r . . j I . . not take plate. -g, 11 & L to' L " , - 11 ., . t- home but had1b take the hd&9 dotsuot&tallonV7. To th - ith PAYSMALI R SALARTM.-The the i F, be on behalf of the . . . 1 9 1 . � IL I I . . . I . L ;� I X mr-3 back. again oiving to the 'Weather. �W big father his had been W.ar2nj1rXQ Seaforth Expositor In cobtle6tion with L. . .. �, I , , Sick Dhildren!s Hospltal� Toronto, And' 4ft . j - � I . I . _� . Adams had quifZ a trial to keel) *am Until near midnight for the late train Net the tenoliers of the it is otxpeeted that this .will be most,. , L4W . I � r I I I �� 11, ._ I IS L as g I. � I - , . _r Zo-;T.rA , 7 . kah flit-napowas broken from. Fri. to got in. , They ratirod together, Wil- generous. I L . . . . - I I I ,�. � I X;A ,::;; , . Us also Ing alone on tho top -floor, He 0 school of that town, Compares _TheL Cho, � j j. � I j j L . 1, . . I . . . . . I �_ I . day noon till Wedilsaday afternoon 1* boltei gis doorf as Was efist6nigry'L for now talaries with those now ST JOS19'PieS Ir which hit . r , ... . - .. �, I I I . ,air% I . r . . L j . ­ 'r X .. - he used coil oil in lamps. Wid a stove 19 Rings,* . I I I NZ,./ ­,% L I . � I ��i' �_ him, to do Clinton teachers, Which f&e still hAd many new:rdeinbers added to 't L � L : d - ... .1 1. to heat the store. - . and utrobed for the � I lit than what We pay here ,A8 Will of late# Smon 51st them being Will &,ad . . . � : ,�.. j � I J�'!r. A- . . . 1. . .. . r Befovo Miring, something dauseg til I -Mr , I . j p .1 j r 51 . L 1;1r . r . ngoor,miolq 4)p 00Xb6tUN0E.-T6 to, look tinder the bod� When 4 myster- 11 n by the 11 uroa .below. Ernest ReYnO ds, Uhas Shanahan And . - � . JOUS Miku Was topkiricipal'i of i0o Ladlept 90 lit 16i"t � , I tZw; . Sft Miss McKay, Edward and Jerome Badour,will Show 11 I 14' 'u. jIt r , I a I Mrs Thomas Gibbs and Family : DoAt found, attetChed out. - atutage 1. the following . .r.f R" a to I all, � Ij ,r�9; ,; k� I I , miss i3allanprne, $= -, Miss off to goort adv , jj I ... -Irrieuda, -In behalf of the members of How he got there or wbete he camo ( �' �Othov - ­=,_ I �� . The S. 0- R r ttie, 0200; Mies othune, $285,- Mra, services Which are to be rendered oil Pxw UK j uAs , . 'L � , . � . - Lod Of Loi duSbu U h, from no one knows, nor did any one . . r i ' . . . I "F . I r .f , jW - jj *a Iter, $330 The,following are the Christmas day* . I . kind of Jewelry. For We - � I . T, � L No 148. 16' her Ty. toner =7 me. Bed him previotte to thigi Hurriedly reasim given over the awairies paid , I I . . j , , .1 I � ___._ . 1. r 4 , . 11 n of - MOAVINO ilmvloz to go I wa pay OP60161 siftsattolk I I . 11� r �11 4 ,6ui, late busbmd and her, in the ya ng Cho mes n I-Angole on RiAh " I . - father's room, taking but three steps ope 1 - ot =v thio, lini. 11 . � . , ( - —, r J I sin.,st-eigympathyof the Bee UnbO1tlbghiSdOOk he made for- his 6 year ; ut Moffitt, $50" miss Me. rmoft L � �, , Klty� SO.:., Mamie Blifitla a,, &Ito. Mrs Phtwv to 114 �t .4 � I .. , L $10 ;Mies Ba,llantyne, $5 -, Misa .� - , lotion that h b fallen by the down the Stair= His f4thet hesid Belittle, 410; Mies Bethumo, $10 - Mrs Gtalr011e, Chorus b . : . � . ­- ,%­ . ecease of our z6holit. I I . - I -to the bor abd Asked What CoUltdri 45, The folloWib are the mass-Pdr! I ,i ,i .. I 11 1: �; . 11 , � r . . 10 brot er. While him tome � , rftuitlo 2nd no, with Wo throng , You Will find All the fa"r- I . . . .11 . we feel the, loss very much our loss Is ublic Mesa, Vos Gtavellej Miss rinhohViostuh, , . 66JAbinatio" , �L,, � , � r I was the matter, Stating there was A in Up ravalle, ohotuev oh6lrw I f rr . I A P Phil iff, ite 'Stones VAd, . �, ... A 11 . . . I L notto be Compared, with yours, -we man under, the bed, Sbe graba a lamp school, Ali compaxed with those Paid ONortory-"Adthte Fidellp4? solo by, Philip . I . . � ,�. I * . tWat that out loss is his gain and i.Q And a big club, ,and went 'up, to the in Ssiforith - Pri-061 g6l, 11000'. Heat . ot thoir bost with tis � 11 � r 's � � I 'he I onjo utt and Mrs - I I gling 'the Presence of his room but touldliftd, no one, 400. seecti Malstant, $W51 Cht . gboy And 0lathilliodso . pedrinj I . . .. I I - Assistant L4 9 9 I N A$ Irtl8fle .rhotogr&PIk . L . SAVIOUr an th6 isdeem64 that have Ing down a traveller in No. 1, remark � tt, $= - $15 , 5th, r 'OVV gone -you they oft 0 � .__ , 4th, * , 5th, rt, mlirjory 1911110411doo Rableso, , .1 . I I I .before. Wewouldoommend ed that fho follow _ were lat,kibi; oth-, 8815d However, In oobnod- . . I � � . . . .. r to the "re &nd ptovIdence of hint,wh6 for was in his room, They *sub In, , I -hit $tato, orphiroo, 0001so , , . I . AA r $19! W*lth the above we m 11"ItI04 Annvy0i.L,07,50 . 0 1 ., . dooth all thin a Well -, he has ptomis but th6stranger, on being questioned, 0UrL Witlinlini "lary Is$ � 0 *too*, TortAtiolos _ L Uskog an ideal a,nd. Inexpen. thak 146,*b1ch ol%tifig "An#618 on JqJgk,JL � .. . &*s. Chri$bn1&4L Gift, . to Sustain us In the hour of used 0 Could Offer nordMOU016 excuse acting is $10 lower that Ssafortk% But as V "Pers -6 D"llmdo between - wh oh Wili be ]gvvy Hing sit 'Ilia vor I : I . We #91 be o , 'that he will WWI- leAVA 0 forsake move like a debientood m,11. ife waa sob 1, , y book I . I , 1 4 1_�. � t o.n, N , , . ,� I ]a r,a, . &.____"_________� L 0*00,00O."o - - - 1""""*""""*04 'V I 'IL I , .1 I I ill .� I.' I. 'paralysis oft! pert treatindi however, an( PlumMer,'Wh , word of ,bei L . thos* who put their trust In him. 1� well di-sased and looked texpat Olint6pla t"ahars do not change very Ali" q1 idt*eetrkouttc�tXmm#ALUR&Yti6nrb-#..S qUAti L "I ' I ofitlatlim r u 411 day _t. ritUOU" t'Alto , 6 "Ar I$, both as to valuo &lid . . � Vill U a , ting foil your future hitpplupo be. , k often it to but the fitAb yekrof a toach- 2 tlk* - - priLl , , hOW#Ver L VA ho WoUldnot I t ff U, ­ . . L'� 4 W, 6000tubity to �00 YOU IlsVe Ug,#ery truly, y6Uea Ila I*h#klf, L of ,=a ,era 116 In the aphoolf rth&t We are L I" *1 -,.AIW, .11 1� . - y L 0 , adh . . � I I 14 . 11 escorted Mm to the dow, Olt t this sum. Sho4ld they at& I ,16 - - a Is h I . b . It 11 L foarsoowft*�, SAM solo � . I I It 010 , e I" 401=04 _ In rob of I � tht "g6e:-ftakAy to tAke hIS J%eitk'L ItoUre- t v li�QRIQ% 19A 0#01 V�Mu-ld all be g" '" V6 0, '� 'brujiLh . � I I Oom grotw that he *iw not hold until the mat munt bf *" Which r 0 a - TWA TIVA Stgo, I L JAUM We =Oxx I # ; ift � "A opuda; 1� 0 , 1. h0to 10111404 % L Ito"$ 1. . Axillo 09000901t %0" 001dd U" b6ft 1"Med Of him � ' xtka It , #T#6ty 04#tAlya , . I ., . . I . � r ,r .. " . I . � I , .., I , I I . I r , " I , , ­ , , " , r . . . . . idV-o'c" �., � _ , .Iii ILI,., - ". ,�'-U�­­ / t_ -A4 . ­Qfi�%.`-,_*_.;.L L , I I ! - � I - ­.AhL-'._'1 1-�'- Al ' ZA.A11L - .. .,.,;, , ­'__ _ _1 L_ A' . -k _. �2_ _ .� .�." IL.,­,­­_��. 1S." �t... : ".1AL&L�AA&W , , _