HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-11, Page 7tith, 1,01 Try Us for Christmas Presents. We have goods suitable for all, onsisting of useful, handsome, durable and accept- able articles, such as Watches, Clocks, Chains, Charms, Lockets, Rings, Fountain Pens, Ebony Goods, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver, Silver-plated ware, etc. k; these goods are new and attractive, and of the best quality, and the prices are right. New floods are arriving daily. .1 the befl? IL • 14• RI3LLYARi ibe's old stand: Opp6site Town flall. EYES TESTED FREE :u. j'1LlDOUuiLuUU.JJLt1LjL Chairs and Couches, aere is ro other article which will please your friend so as an Eel : Chair, a Couch or some other piece of iiiture, such as a Secretary, Muaic Cabinet or a fancy ie. We have a large stock of these goods Our pictures, Work Baskets and Screens make very acceptable resales Special prices this week for our Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and Talking Machines. J. H. CIIIELLEW, iffildiVoliMUlittilMMAIWIANAMMOI Jur New Store In the Combe Block Will not be ready for Christmas trade, Last June we gave a large import order for Christmas Goo-ls, expecting to open out the New Store at Christmas. We have decided 'to offer these goods at our p !sent store at cast price. This is an op- portunity you cannot afford to miss to secure r',ristmas goods at wholesale prices : enuine Leather "ravelling Cas ,7.50 Travelling Cases ••• • • .00 44 GG ly rl'ad ,Ltieti 011( and also ' ization. tender, ami ssoo 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.50 C4 CG CG GC CC CC CC CC 44 CC es: for $5.50 5.00 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.00 1..75 14. B. cemBe ehemist and Druggist. ktPtRIAMMPAIMMIYMPAANAWAM THE antra NEW ICU The Grand Trunk Pacdlc deposit of $5,000,000 has virtually been made, At Ottawa James 0 Dorian, a plum. ber, fell off a roof and died at the Protestant hospital.' Mr E P Stevens has been nominated by the Conservatives to Appose Bon Sydney Fisher in Brame, Que. The committee of the Montreal Pres byterian College will send two men to Scotland to look for a principal. Another daughter of Elias Mehm. of Stratford, is down with typhoid fever and the parents still refuse to call a physician. Large parties of farmers and art. isans wilt leave Yorkehire. Lancashire and Wiltshire and several Sccttigh centres for Canada next spring. Mayor Breault, of A.mhersburg, has returned home after an imprisonment of five days in the ice of Lake Erie in the tug Thistle. He says he was lucky not to have starved to death. The sale of 826 square miles of On- tario timber limits realized $3,677,887 - 50. The highest price was $31,500 per mile, paid byT. Mackie, M. P, the highest previous price being $17,500 per mile, in 1892, Defer, the French Revolution., Before the revolution the government established warehouses at which the inhabitants were compelled to purchase their stores of salt. These warehouses were numerous in some provinces and few in others, but whether sufficient or insufficient for the needs of the pop- ulation they were often situated at a considerable distance from the towns • and villages, whose inhabitants had to trudge miles along bad roads to buy their salt. But this was not all. It was prescribed by law that the head of every family must lay in his stock of salt not at such times as might suit his own convenience, but on one stated day in the year. Should he fail. in this observance be was fined, and he was also lined if he purchased a small- er quantity than the law prescribed. His hardships did not stop even there. On making his annual purchase he had to state the different purposes for which he intended to use the salt dur- ing the ensuing year, and in the event of his being discovered salting his soup instead of his pork according to his statement or his pork instead of his soup on the day he had named he was also liable to a fine. His kitchen was never secure from the intrusion of the inspecting officer, and woe to the house- wife who was detected in any petty, infraction of this law. 04641,1"1111,%%/444,11101,11,NIVity ehristmas Selected Raisins.... • 3 lbs. for 25c. Currants (new fruit) .... ..4 lbs for 250. Sugar 27 lbs. for $1 00. Tea 5 lbs for $1.00. Ginger Snaps.... .... ..3 lbs for 25c. Call and see our assortment of Toys, Fancy Dishes, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Gloves, etc. Ready-made Clothing going at Cost. Morrell& Holmes Telephone OfficeaLondesboro. 3.HOOVEIL. er Clinton Market Report.• . Corrected every Thursday afternoon Wheat 0 75 a .0 76 - Buckwheat . 0 40. a 0 45 Oats 0 26 a 0 27 Y 0 40 a 0 41 Barley .0 36 a 0 37 Peae 61 'a 65 Flour per owt 2 00 a 2 25:' Hay 000 a 600. Chickens, ver lb.. .... 0 08 e 0 10 Pork; live ....... . .. 4 25 a 4 40 Blitter, roll 0 15 a 0 17 . " t • ub •• 0 15 a 0 16 Eggs per doz . . .. . . 0 17 a 0 18 ' Pork, dressed .. . . '5 50 •a 5 50 Potatoes, per bneb new 0 35 a.. 0 '50 Oniond ... . . 14.0 80 a 0 80 Wood ...... • :• 2.50 a 2 75 • eorn. fOr Sale. Lott's yellow Corn for Sale. Cash or time as arranged. We pay high- est cash price for all kinda of grain. Driye right to the warehouse, Clinton Dec.10th. W, G. PERRIN NELSON BALE artistic Furniture Always makes a Home beautiful. We have it here in Iron, Brass, Wire and Wood./Every Kind and Every Price, ItwII1 be a pleasure to hew you through our Store. Undertaking in all its Branches. Satisfaction Guaranteed. HOOVER & BALL, Sunday calls answered at the retridenee of Mr :Sohn Powell, or of the prineipals. 71.10 Thos. Brown's Sale Register. On Friday, Deo 18th, at 12 p. m., on W Jobe farm near Windham, extensive sale of well bred horses and cattle to- gether with - implements. William, Jobe, Prop. •• On Wednesday, Dec 16, at 1 p„ ra,, lot 23, con 5, McKillop, farm .took and im- plements. James 13e11, prop. For Drunkenness THE and eeleyDrug using Over 300,000 Fl 11 re Addr9ss Keeley institute 7S6 Qaeen St. Wect TORONTO, ow • Cares - tan& etvte striptly ttatial. • 3ew Advertisements 5 wwwwwwwwismw 'BROWN.t All this week we will be busy displaying and turning up our stock for Christmas, but not too busy tu sell goods and give our patrons the best:of la- tention. Next week we will be pleased to show the newest and prettiest Chr.- mas presents on the market,and you are invited to come in and have a loolc. We still have a large and well assorted stock of winter goods such n'$ is , Blankets, Quilts, Underwear, Ladies and Mens Night Robes, Hosiery, Glovcs, uele Mitts, Flannels, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes and all at Bargain Prices * ___......./20, A. few of our money saving bar Staple Department 50 pos. Flannelette, regular 10c, for ...81e 25 pes English Flannelette, 12c, for • 11c 15 pes Wrapperettes, good pattents. 12e, for •PC 25 pes Piint,.good pattelnr, ug 15c to1Se for 80 Ordered Clothing Dept. Mr. Downs has this Department in hand and is an up -to date and artistic cutter. A trial order solicited. Dress Goodstlep't. Home Spun DressGoods. 100 yards 5G inch, rep 50c,for 4ne yar3s reg $1 5, for... .... . . Si 00 10 pcs single fold all -wool. Dress Gooas, worth from 25c to 35c, for 12ic Waistings. 0 yds Fl such Flannel, 32.incties vide, fcur • good pititenis, regular 50e, for • • • 25e LUCINE SILK WAISTING ---in fawn, greys, purple, mauve and white, 75 yards, regular price $1.00, for . . . . . . . 50e LADIES' READY-MADE SKIRTS—Clearing out of present stick to make room for others: 2 doz assorted sizes in blue, grey and black, regular $3.50 line, for r $2,75. 2 doz mixed greys an I black, fancy patterns, regular $5.00 line, for $4,00 • Hundreds of other money -saving values too numerous to mention • Work wanted,, Good, reliable boy of 14, wants work after 4 o'clock p. ra., and on Saturdays. flox 170, Clinton. For Sale Two Cutters. one nearly new. Wood accepted On exchange. JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton • Successors to R. Coats & Son,. .. , . .MWMPAMMMMIWIMIWARWRAMMMMWM1ii,MMMMMAAk .1-i-1-1-1-1-4-1÷1±1-:-1444+÷÷!1•+÷.::-../++++,1-:- ::..I.,÷ ...÷÷÷ 4- Wanted • • 3 or 4 girls to learn Machine Operating apply to THE JACKSON MFG. CO. Tax Collector's Notice • Boarders Wanted Comfortable home for boardere, with or without lodgings. For terms apply to. W. PINNER, Huron St. two doors west of Baptist Church. 1 The Hullet collector will attend te, the fol lowing places for receiving taxes, a Lon dela- boro on Tuesday the lst, and on Monday the 14th Dec,,.at Clinton on Tuesday the; S'h, and , aG Constance on Wednesday the 9th 1'e. ROBERT SMITH, Collector, linilet t. Caretaker Wanted For the Clinton Collegiate Institutc0 Duties to commence let of January 1901. Salary of the.vresent cartaker $150. Ap• plicante may obtain a shedule of the duties from the sacretary, M. D. TacT.AUGART. . Found: String of Single:Harness -bells, on the Bayfield road, betweon the railroad and the 2nd eon. of Stanley. Owner can have same by paying for this -advertisement, WWI TAYLOB,,:Lot:32. on 2, Stapley. Caretaker Wanted Applications for the .position of Care- takerof Willis Presbyterian March Clinton will he re:eived up to the 21st Deo. 1908. Salary $112.00 per annum, Payable quar- terly. Schedule of dutiee, which ate to be- gin lst of January, 1904, may be seen on application to W. BRYDONE, Chairman Trustee Board. HIDES ANI) SHEEP SKINS —WANTED— Delivered at my hide house in Clinton. 0. S. DOAN. • DRESSMAKING! Litegt STYLES in CLOAKS SUITS and DRESSES Good work and satisfaetion guaranteed. Mrs. Hallahan & Rose Opp. Mason House - Over Ifarlands Store Hiss Laurine Agusta Kaiser House for Sale or to Rent. That new brick veneer house on Princeas St. just approaching completion, owned by undersigned, is offered either for sale or to rent. It is two story, with all conveniences such as furnace. bathroom, &o. Apply to WALTER MAIR,rummerhill, or J . MAIR, Clinton, Deo 4 tf, Teacher of Voice Froductim and Singing in English or Foreign. 1 heartily recommend the above as a Teacher of singing, she being (mite tapable end most painetking, also thoroughly taught ;front ele- mentary to highest grade in singing. STANTON, Toronto, 11E811)n/4oz-1i. Pltansteel'a, Ontario St,, Clinton, I .) 0 Q 0 0 ci 0 0 0 0 0 r) WE SELL ONLY THE BEST New Fruits Arriving Daily. We have 50 cases of New Arguimban selec ted Raisins that we wish to dispose of this m,onth. In order to do 80 we will oe11 • 4 11)4 selected Raisins 25c 3 lbs " " 25c 4 lbs " Currants 25c • Also new Peelp, Nuts, • Dates and Figs 5 Further announcement next week. W.T. O'NEILL Highest price for Butter and Eggs, The Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Co , Head Office ler Canada, -- Niciiirent Total available Assets over $61,000 000 Lance paid since 1836 over $200,600,000 G. F. e, Smith ' J. Gardner Thompson, ZointMesident Managers. Under our new system, our agent in Clinton ;A authorized to issue Fire Insur- ance pol-cies on ail classes of 'risks direct to insurer. Na interim receipts, and no de/ay—pedalo:Acing delivered to custom.' ers at once, D. L. Macpherson, • Pent ± Mackay Block, e inton: 1 Yorkshire Boar for Service • The undersigned has for service a thoro- hred Yorkshire Boar for yerviCe. Terms 503 at time of service. • apply to J. BECKER. Clinton. ocezovexszoz:exmatextecao A FAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. /A 'ergo wide -a wake, working, hustling resalt-prodnoing school -the ,,,.gBwineas College in Canada today. Graduates Aiwa's get positions. This college places many of its graduates in other business collegea as teachers, Winter Term opens Jan. 4th,9 Handsome catalogue free. W. J. ELLI0T1., • !Principal. ................././...4.0./..~......./... 4- $3.25 Shoes for 75 cents, THE • Molsons Bank Incorporated by act of Par, tiantent 1855. Calital Authorised $ 5,000,000 Calital tali la - ; 2,856,420 flmm run,' -•$ 2,720,77 8 Total Moots ; 27,000,000 WIA, VOLSON MAOPIIIMSON... PreSidOh AMES ELLIOT, . General Matador Notes discounted, Celleotions mlide. Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and told. . .. 1 Smtlinigal Bank. Interest allowed on sums of *IA and upwards from date of deposit, and COM. pounded half -yearly 6 FARMERS! blatiel advanced to farmers At low rates. Sale name collected. if. 0.13112WIJIR, Mgr., 01,,INOisi, 014V le • • - • .1. • •••;•• •• • vre have alimited number nuin.ber of Women's Buttoned and Lacecl. Shoes, the regular prices of which were. $2.00, $250, $3.25 and $3.50. Some are Goodyear welted and have turned soles. They are ;31 first-class stock, but are a little out of -I- style. In order to clear them out we will sell them at 75 cents per pair Don't fail + to get a•pair of these good -wearing shoes at this very low price. • • WHEN YOU Bin' RUBBERS (TFT KINGS • a.!. —STUB PflOOF. THEY'RE THE BEST, •• Jas. Twitchell, Clinton +++441±1*+44++#14,14++4+++.1.+4*+++.1**1"”1•44++++1÷1•4` MoKINNON & CO. - BLYTH Christmas Goods • • Christmas is only three weeks. away and shrewd cash buyers • are making theirseleetions-now wbile the stock is at its •best and ,.; they ,have first choice. We have made great preparations for the Christmas trade, Below we mention a few lines taken at random from our immense stock, which will moke very suitable Christmas presents :- .. • C . Japanese Satin Cushion Tops, elaborately embroidered, in all' colors . 1 41, out., 75c, $1 $1.50, $2, 3,2.00. Lithographed Cushion Tops in new colors and designs, at 2oe. lac, 50c . .... - • • Japanese Silk Table Drapes, Mantle Drapes,. Piano Drapes, etc., at and 75c. • • . very close prices. • ' Way$11\215natilnedrs*Vi.n 1 en, . Ladies' Eid Gloves in all the new shades. Ladies' Fancy Belts, in new designs, from 2be to $1.75. and $1. Men's Lined k • id and Mocha Gloves, in all the best colors at 50c, 75e,$13 rs at 35e, 5 Ladies' Fancy FaSeinatO0e and 75e. in plain and fancy stripes, at 2,5c, 35c, 50, 75e . , handkerchiefs in endless variety, in silk, muslin, lawn and linen, from 2c to $1. • Table Covera, in lineo, tapestry, chenille, ete.at from fi0c to $4. Ladies' Leather Wrist Bags and Pres at all' prices. Ladies' Astraehan Gauntlets in black ancl gray. Children's Gauntlets. in black, white and gray. Ladies' Silk Stock Collars ;tt 25e, 35c,50e, 75c and $1, .A.lso a full stock of other Christmas Goods too numerous to mention. MoKINNON & CO. • 443 kirii.W.V#4,i1404114**OnatieriVeleitl00044 onir,411-a