HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-11, Page 2n W.11 - � P a . ,. 11 . . I . � � . I A . � - - . . � I I � - 1, "" iiiisi-ft-A&L.Ift �- 16&�5 � , ,.,.:- �'A' � . I I � 1 2 - . I I . . . . I . . I - . � . . �­ . . . � . I "W.U1.5 . I ­­­ I ;_­ .- , .1 I ....--- . 1- .­­ ­ ­ I . . �. . ­ u 11 .� 9. � _ !-!-- � I _­__­.­ - _ . ItI ­ 1. 1; . I � 1.11 . �, .11 - - -_ —_ - __ A . ­ I . . ­ .. - - 11''Film - ­­­ ­;, 1.11 ­ ­ % Villaildiirial NdhtaQ , __ WIN Al I 1.� '" . I 0 I I � ­ " . I � xvv imaur-.7 OURIM . - . . Sole $. � I 0110s"% we for I . . . I .� ' I I 11 11 I I ­ � MO In IN*$ Sad NO � I ' Sir Ch,u 1116bert Tup llnew : 1, 11 I I 'Threo actions for dam" I for &Ili �*. - ` "o" 0064 residence corner a .. . . - - , his retirement fronil'active "litles. ..... ..... ::::: od libel, arigingludiroctly-out; of the for Two* Years pag tea 99 �# " - � , "! 'Inno I Gamey Invowtigation, way J�e buril ;;-7!;,PAA1yl,rU= to"Fi.052itee . — , - A e,�,t S ­­ I .. , At I An earlr 4ato In tuo cottrOx of the land. 064121,16" twa eyew In 1�"-XWAW4.4110141 11 I � I- ,__ I The Conseryativos, of Sault Ste Xar!6 � . . , The la�r 11,11,71,01DII14 .0i , ­ _­__.____­_ - I ` .. � I flatatiffineaoll od thesecases 011,11i;r Irssleed, x1relis House for sale or to rent W olds, bronchitis have Aled a petition against the return I .1 I ... � , - % "I . -� For hard c . , . . I Is Air Olin M McEvoy, barrister; of. 1.11, . ( .. I :-- 44olackon, who was oneof the coimsei of 014 .Jr , 'I I I 'Ople team to trust In Dr, Chase's A comfortable cottage, containin, 7 ro ins of 0 N Smith, X P P., ,and ask for .his . ver Pills, to when.alt other treat, ,with a, , d 0 0 asthma, and coughs of 41i ... ..* I I the Government. In the investigation, . ­ 1 rth 4" ,f Water, quarter-aere lot ::I . . mataAH." t Ith9p ring disqualifloation, . � .. And t,h each in- - Fos Medicine seems to 4.rr m;900EV Stible.'NVill, b kinds, you cannot take any,, � . . I 11, . eAmount clot � , Wed in , . Stance is $10,000, 1 direed on ypr;r y to the disessod. part, and W�easo,ymbleVlne� I thing better than Ayer's I � - . � 1. 1. I 0 ,. . - I .. The London Free Press, Printing pffix;4 veliefsod I � � ". .Ag J)o - I "John Carleton, UP., in an . I Conipan MIL IUVID cure, . .address , V . I.., a6f is named AS the. defendant HistNalt, fartnerp Pon jKoD14. ' I . . � at Waterford,to his sonstituents,urged . , In one the aootlon4. notice Of Which 9% WeJIUA County, Ontario, wdtes:-141 Yorkshiro 090, for Serviv Cherry . I has alrea4y been Served,- It is alleged to, eta" to you it . . . I that reciprocity'with the, I I , . iat I had, a pain In my , UniteitSt4tes I __14 that, the Fiee Press () =4 left. sidefor over ' � if a,recent date I twenty yeam Kt The un4ereiguoil has for was preferable to preferential. trade . I � contained a telegrapl�lc report, - throw- I br . Service a thoro Pectoral , . I could not turn over in, bid, I w ad Yorkshire Boar for morvice, Ter�`z I 1. . with Great Britain. I I . . .6 (. in sU . ion on Mr McEvoy,. in con. =4 up. I lad cramps In M feet 4 000 at time of service. � ., � _ , � . .. nettlospic - I u with the disappearance of the an4 wy hands. wore so entire y unless Cherry Pectoral. Ask your . . . I I . leaves of t I � for, . I - own doctor if this is not SO. , . he. Crossin ca.shpook at- the , could scam, ly IiAsnyihing. I To Rent, I A�pplication is made for a Fenian !. � ! I time of the investiTtti(W. � OqWuey 41sm, a was, no doubt, the cam . �. �T­ � --. �. I A1-_ He uses it. He understands raid medal for the Prime * Minister. . R R Gamoy, M. . P., is the defend- of all my suffering, and sometimes the urinary A . , . I I Ant in another of the cases, and, Alex tionble would be so bad th . at I would lave to ot Con,, 10 Goderloh Tow hip, fo n a youth he belonged to the A -day Wright, the or - the Conser-' lift up five or dx times during the rilght� Fo" ____ why It soothes and heals. idht To ro - I had a terrible Cough for weeks. Then I I Who r. S t.a rt R i.l. �, I � gan Izer fox I rent., 11,110ARYDORN, Solicitor for"015wner. vative party in the. province, Is 'the fusistil lbegan using Dr. Chase's. lqduq. . . r -ions , , letely, Fahn For Sale, took Ayer's Cherry Pectorul and only one thitbaskavil!e volunteers' and turned and you will find the world Ve defendantin the oth Liver Alls, and they cured me comp I bottle completely cured me." I MRS. J- 8. DANFORTH, St. J05eph. briell. out for active duty in 18M. much 17 er. The Act I � . % . . 250., .00. J. 0. AYRR 0 .. � , . brighter tor -morrow. A good against these parties are based on 1.6m .79 years old, and quite- well now, list — . All r1clilsta. Lowell. Mmpos , . � - ._ 'R comPlexion-th4. bloom of perfect Statements made in speeches -by them, still occasionally use these pills to keep my 0 3, bet, of 1.41,21,nllg� I It we ", a , - � for hea.lik-bright eyes, clear brain� also implicath 1, McEvoy In the system I, I Tb , towash"I"on' .1. on ; . The Mail and 114apire wants to know 15 M � _ � good order. Several persons to ,I, 0 -0d these arc within the reach of all who . mutilation of the Casb-book. r_,i I. offer. I ,ty of � iat the Government W going to (19 take care oi their digestive organa. . whom I Aavo recommended Dr. ClWa 10P. I bl-. .h. log house. ,. " lie Coughs, Colds w, . . , . ­­ � � ng -Liver Pills have been equally beriefite&O 0.1 tr ird. Pero ... about the qu�stion of the dinner pail. Take a teaspoonful of . _ - 'T. P. . . I I NOW IS THE TIME -On general Dr, Chase's Kidney-11ver M the CON" I , You will hasten recovery by tak-. W hy should it do anything when the I . principles it is a good plan to buy one's - of old age, one � - - pOpill a dow. iss *2e Ing one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. . . . Christmas- presents early, In that all dealers. rtiult and 0 ,; box, as pail is full to Overflowing. � way the purchaser not only avoids W, c.hase. on evay box. C', !, - M& Land tor Sale . . . ____ I- - ...- __ � I ___ —,- . I I I � the last day's -rush, and possible'. bad . — 1: -Ab,b � . . . a, h O' 'O"m 're ' '* '* ' F' 8% R a on d g 'Re A.b.0 � 47-'t q The rapid development of the.Carla- I , I I weather, but t1lo'eirly buyer has the I I .— b h ' no h r 'e t ii P' ' . * u a y a 0 0 . rt era Out' Ir -0 4�, - &L � .A - I . 1EffCjrVeSCjn-t first choice, the�best and biggest, col- . hu -r d � d base line ", V$ Q f,V ' ***0****"*"**<8>� ' to t " go' ek .8 Rv 1 - - 1'"s . ./ � ' ' 20 t I ,� 4 4 W5, �,, * % I . Cl 9--4 'than Northwest's shown by the faqt* 11 * . '. choose froin ancl. also lids I . h idr., t is ..11._t land 09WRID&Y, DECE -It I 1, h, g 1903, nl , _ It the chance of correcting a wistal,,e or - � 11. i '.I inety-one new post ; ' �. .� , , Tivo Paper's f4 the . offices have been established West of ( . : - c a I .- , txm ii -f e ra r .1 . on . private rj.,den.� ,M)3& , I durin P. -a f ra ====-_=_�_-. � -,--- ��=- -._��_Z__��__=== - improving on A P60P choice, ' Vie its of It Quebcc Politician. - � . I - SUPPLY- Salt in . ' Winnipe.. This , Sa .. THE K9ALT akers .1, t ly to . k a , , F. r r . MRS AUfJBNT I., look I . — I Js about double the. I . I are in the same tr lible A* I . Price of, One - I/ - Farm tor sale. i number ill the whole of 1902, . � I i4i a glass of water ewry imornin - S the flour . a . . . I-, I . , I . I I . - TN, NQ!1!4-�al 110fol"ll Club Javp a - . , and you will find that blOtclift a.5 men, in that supplies of barrel mater- . — � , One of the beat 100 aor� farms In Tuckor ' * - I I � 11 I I � . I lalare Almost, it notentl�dly,,nnob- . :9 amith for sale li miles from Brucefleld an th din-ner to flon. 11. Prefolitalil(l, an . eruptions will give' tainable, even At advances in value at $1.03) Cash Gets Two ra- Alill Ro4d, Semorth 41 miles, Splendid loca Ili the course of 11 s Aldioill&h forced to leave the coast - clean skin.' Thr6w a,imy the powder . �1 tion, ech'ool opposite, large orchard, about Saturday night. . I . 2 to 300 pe.o cent.,. The salt Industry Pers for.Next Year, # . puff and rouge -pot -they are coupter�. . � acreg of good bush, good state of cultivation i , I address, the Minibter of Marine re- by British warohips .on, November . . I has met with one reverse, After another . . . �. frits of.,nature. . Abbey's will cure 411 through this year, until the worst I _ . � . � * 2 barns, large shed, comfortable house Api.1 last, three French fishing.vessels have . constipati , the enerny of m d . I . to . . H, PLUMS'.rEHL; cauteal . � .on I . I ear I ne in the shape of I . adearrangements .. � .__ � I ferred to the part that the Province of . . . . . � . , . seems to 'have eel I .. -� We have in. . . I � . Quebec had taken iu the Ittat general returned. to the French Shore to . efi� I .. complexion, I I lar stocks -of all kinds of salt and no I m1th the publishers of the Mon I I 1 ` At all Druggists 25c. and 6oc. � . ,�* . , - . .6r Sale . . -T, 0 treal Weekly Herald, w Farm gage in the herring fishery, Police '. . pac age. It is understood that sevi3r- hoie� . . . election. "Thereturn.ofsoinanyLib. . U__ 11 . ,. . . I . I . . I have been dispateliedto investigate - . . . � I I - al establishments are' stocked Jo the I a* I we can oiTer the 'Clinton , � - — - . . I South half lot 83, con 15, Goderich Townsh erals to power," Ile Said, "was not be- . rafters With salt; - In fact, apearances %,,w EnA And the W`eeklyHei- �� 40 a, res; good clay learn; 5 acres fail who II, callse.4ii. Wilfrid Laurivr%vasaFronch- the matter. which it -is thought may MeiliberofParliameiitl,,mfiiott,,iV.(,&k- indicate that there will vtiry soon be A aid together,atthe price of one . good frame house and frame kitchen, good eel Canadian, but. because lie was the restilt in serious friction in the lierr- Ing 4� Oldham, England, And ref � err . Ing. large. surplus over tiny possible wants. paper, to every subscriber pay- lar top plastered;, opmaut floor, soft wits . I . . .. . . ­ . A CLINTONIAN TO . 60 UP -A in- ayearin. advance,. , - I cement cistern; hard water purap; frame barn ing fishery. . .1 , n two frame Stables, shoeF house and pig pans ' . chosen leader of the Liberals of every I . I to Hon -Geo -E Foster's visit, said .lie 0 A I tole 11his is an unprecedented offer Good, never-fallitig I ' I . . yra 1�uenet­ ever. made before- and ap- the lot. ApFly to ALTON DODLSWOR11f . I I . . ttaw, ' "'t * .�_-ll ,7 ngereokruns t roug . -y province. it is It is probable that: the c'onimission, . thoiight it would begTossinipertinenoo' ally. believe' . plies to new or old subporlb&s E - l'ii 't'4'_1 S e AV I c ,ing . on the prom sea, or Clinton P,O, . nationality in evei tha M rust h* , pei - . for any party politician fron, this 601,n- session of the �Doniinion arlianient.. ' Buth6lds good only -to sfib' --- I - ' I . -teetly right that ,%ve, of the..saule appointed to inquire into the q�jestloii I will witness a most important depar- t sdriptions paid Ili adyance.. : . ' * ation will hold , their 'first � 1. Farin for'sale � - race, and Nvho worship at the sianie of transport, . _ try to'go to Caua�a to .Wl *her wh.it turein.theadministi-ation ofmilitary 'Subscribers Who tire in arreays . . . . � churell 'with him, have sympathies ' i she ought t9 do. If ,Mr Foster had Affairs. The ministry ilitmd, so -it is ' t k dv4ntage of this of- .1 — � weeting next week. ltis� probable that ; . stated, to. apply. to the Imperial Par- . - " ' "' ; , The unaers . igned off . era his farm ,south halk o . , . been it nittin of importarice.,Mr E.minott �' . foT, bay paking tip. the .arrears . p�trhapsvvarmer than those of other next week's ineeting will be devotedto ­ . . � . lialnent to h4ve.the British North Am * � lots. 9 and 10. Ooncession 12. , On the place is said, he .would . strongly res'ent1liscom! erica Act am ended soa9toadmit-ofh ar in ad viinef-,' . � 11 sto-i and A half frame house with stoue caller provinces- (cries of no,no)-butitis laying out the plan of the commission, i " t- - a"t,"ery'e driving bouse, barnat sh(da, and all necessar the -position �gubscriber w,bo renews ., well understood also that in this pro- so tho -� Ing to Oldham totake part Ili British' Canadian officer ,holding * *� his subscription to the NEw . I .. I outbuildings, -one %mall orchard, never failin tit those who are interested in . Of General Officer Comillandingthe " sgrli�a creek and well cistern,90 acres cleared I vince of Quebec we have no prejudiCe, pros ' I party politics. ' 111ir Foster is AT01, . � ERA, paying OLOO.in advance, . I I acres bush. One mile' and a quarter fron enting* material And views niav , . . ., y Canadian Militia. It is further stated can baven, eonv'�f Wa,4rl V3-TPr_ church,school and post office. Forfallpartic either of race' or religion. (Applause.) have ainple notification. - . I I . ... . � I protectioni , st to the backbone,". declar- t1lik: ' the Imperial authoxities )lave I aid also, $1,00litqs for both tl�e ulars ly to. , - - . .. "When a inan conles froin the ranks, . . .1 . . . . . ., ed bTr 14' , been sounded on this subject, and that , 11 .Sept 82T R.H. KNOX, lal th, out � . . .. - ,mmott, "and be came here to- io objection will be raised t6 the pro- . . . ... . . .. . . Y, . .. whetherheisof French, or.German, Farmers from sevciral st ar ! pose . 'as - I a friend of 0audaian prp,ferbfi- . r an o I. pai'lona"C"t'i,ititi, to tlAls, -Peillarx- , .. a . . . . . I . .. � . 1. , 0 - gen secret that Lor,d s6 offer theNEw- , . .:.� . . . esaine meeting in Chica ' . . tial treatmenE to fireat Britain. %Wben .be quitea reeable ERA and Weekly HeraId'frPe . FAral for Sale.'..', * .. or English extraction, it isall th . . � . Sit'. ' P wou - Able offey.wo al . . I . . I . Eund,i,'N . . . . I . I . . . � . go to talk ovt;r plans t . . to-be.rolieved of bis, co'inmixnT . Tak... . . . I . I . I . .1 I with its if his principles are right. . . . -.a nian like Ur Foster, not only out .,of. Ing fox . for the balance of the year to . . ­ � . . rVU , .. . The undersigned 'offers for Oale his choice In fora farmers' ;riust. The fa.i-m&,§. of - - granted Iliat all. this comes to :'all hewsubscriber*s. That is, farin, lot $1, con� 6, townshlD of. Hullett, con --1 sistlngofWacres� Oath 1 . .. ` . 1 I .. . ..I.Office't but OlAofparlilinie,tit, Aviiobad )ass; it is plainly 'stat6d,'that Lord; - - eW subscribers to the X9w I 6 D Ace is a Q fort that spirit we carried Sir Wilfrid a food exporting. colln try cannot in tlie I fought . t .. � I , . � . succe sor*w. I . 'RA, - pa.y . brick.house, 0 .011 .. . . �� . � I I . . I -,' . . n tter, C.B;,. A;D.*C., � . i a small orchard, neve it ng. string oil in a IM' tl'eY'call smash manyof the trusts I ;; . ave it general electi . . I ' in both comes here to. instruct lie what� , get bothpapers1poxii now .to and well. Property it wait s1f.'sted, , at We inay b, . titidonald' 116 'O 6 ill-b&ColoneL � I ablo story-and-a-balf. El :r t Latirier into power in 1.900 and 101., nature of . thingsorgariizetorai wo b�e7eledi6rts and had faildd: b` 8 E will I sepric�s - TV illiam Di ,Ing in Advance, buildinks, I . D.O.OX.D., No. -2, Toronto', the Dom- JAn-*lst,1905,fOr-$1. cash. - within 4 miles of Olt , . n ' " . I . means iu s6ription of ,htireh, school an oat oftice. Hightaores all) SUre that Liberals and the . � e. I ' The ed toirquirefor his credentialsai)d ask, tovecognize his services in SouthAf- . '�']i� 0 - of fall -wbeat sewn. Uill 1,e sold on reasonablc fi-tv months, but whenever it comes I that -rob t6iii If they ko. deair 1,our*fiscal policy sbould.be; larainclin7 inion Government adopting this .. (IR . nton and Wn minutes wad .1 . % goo" farnie�rs of the United - States ,uphold k - . : . ��. .. rica, with -the. first to th5�,��* RRA is already paid . . terrh full particulars apply to . . . . . I ivbom does this. illan represent"?" . . . 01 and 1-intflotic citizens of eveq-y 1,1,0- . Canadian cpntln� in advance and who wishes to - 16mv. J. MCBMEN, SurnmerhilL, P.O. vinve will be the present tariff Sys � I . . . . i "ut;". Col Otter is a native of Olin- I seen T.T. I- I I � . .. . . . I I ,� ready to giveg. lipipivg . tem and 'have no. � . . . I ­ . 1. V_ . .re the Weekly Herald also . 1_ . . - . I - . ., . in. an& no mail is better � I . . I . __-�;� . . I - t . . I . -lain o;C I ust� �.%;� ,t s .. . I . . . qualif � led for A dol -1. . I . I hand t,) dw (;Qyernniqnt, h,e(-,11l.;1e j116 1 right to WWI, V � !ou , I *. I � . , , . . ., . . pposition. * , . ,. 1. . .. .. . ... � 11 i ' nay do so bvsqadln�; us , I . . . . . . . I . � .. . . � . !. I I I , . . . .1 .. ., � . `�-%76r-fitbent havt� given it belpitig _='. ... I . , , � - , '.' seaforth � .. . I . 1, , I . � I : ., .. :; ., . . - -1. lar and ihaving his lZel � mark- . - � ' .,-: ."Faft For Sale.. .*�' � . � ­,­.o­*6he��, . � . - . � ­ . �. . . ... . , I � . . ''. ' . � ' .. . . ... - - . . .. . ed A .year ahead I . hand to them." I . . . . ., , MAit)RAC,U -Tfiesday inorning'Of, last I .— . � . . . . , . �. I . . . . . . I . '. I ! -_ . . I , .1 . I I : . . � Like I'lon Mr Stfatton, Roil Sit- ljryw I . . I . � ' � Tb 'M mtreal'�Weokly Her-' He remarked that not long ago It . . " week Nv'itnessed it pleasing event In St. The Itiver. . - . . Lot. 12,31ayfleld con;., Goddrich. tp., 118 a'cro . . . � had been looked upon as impossible den is bestlikedwIlbbehe is best-known. , I Jarines' chiarch,.when 1VI.r 13idniiis An- ' - ­ 1 4 . � . � . . . .. 2 aid ! ne hicoh'. we 6ffer to oursub. - - 5 cle�ared,balanoe hardwood,with Is . . . ' I : I . � w s, must not -be confused. � , Ity of cedar onit)g4 good Bta . I an* . I I I . scril i to TZRI161.2-r to eleeta, Liberal in any of � W2, . V, - I drews,.&-popular young . nian of the I . nx. Roy go T .1 11 ge . at -but live acres fa. w eat,ind cons the six 'Last week theBrooklyn,13aptisfellui . � - derablei fed divisions of Montreal. but at the I . -ch . .1 , Compom-'ri 1IRPSG, , Family. Herald and.* . -i ast I mj�.Was united in marriage. to. MISS . . plowin done, Comfortable, brick house large . W hstablingunderneath,driving shed and . tov . . - B6nmiller, Ont,�. . Weekly 'Star, .� of Motitreal,� . barn VA -tion five Libel e A farewell gatherink for Mr Drr- Ellen Murphy,daujIlterofMrs Michitel . I ele( -als had been elect d. held , I I . ' � - Uoderich street east I - The s-,! Where Maitland . which is an 6ntivel" . Separate - 'other outlittildings; about' 2 sets . orehard, . With Peter Lvall. the well known con- den and hiswife; who are . ren�oving Mut4phy, of � - , The.ft . ills 1, The fall * . I I . I . . . . I . ... y . .. �. . � . mostly winter frult], well watered-nevevX.all- . as pwformed I nine . . .. I ing spring creek sn� two -wells 'Seven _11__ division for the coming election thpy And pi�ese' . NowfrietAds help �iis t6 double' ' from. Olinton and th�eefrora BayflisId. Posses - tractor, their �andidate in St. Antome. from there to Toronto, ceremony w at plunged, - . . publication. . pure , onto . d . O'clock by Rev F ather Corcoran, and . Flo.wed,-flowedo south-west from rock . Our * were sure to ca the whoie six. theni with all addr6ssivn'd a', handsome I was witnessed by. a number of fidends I to rock - - I . . . .subscription list this fall. sibn at any time, reasonable .term, A 1� for touch ,. - . . � - " ' .1 . � I . . .. . i . further particulars to CHAS Tp St. Mr 11'relontaine ed but lightly and co,,tly silver tea servi I � and relatives of the you . The 'Role was ileav the 'Lack'.. � , ­�:,� , I ��illillil�� I . . . 11 - David at.-. .GodericU. .* . . I 11 on active politics. ri ree trade and ce,� 1dr Dry-� e . r e. as, � iven ng. couple. � I i. , . I .. . . : 11 , . . . 1�2:, $��, . .. . . . 11 . . - . uftra-protection were both ell t out of den, in returnin th 6 I .11 .. � . lier The spray I The sl)ray.! that now did- , . I .. 1. I I . . I . 1. .. . . I � 11--.1 . ..... I __. ... . , - . . � . � . . I . 1. .. .. .. - I . I � . _ . . I I g anks, sitid that. h1i I J ­ att ews, fl - .— — . I . I . � . . .rot 6r 1 1 , r . e ' . , I � . . ... � I , . I . . . I . Z 6 ,a or' . - W . the question. There were signs of had united with the Br6 I . . it Ivit S,i t t .. . � . . ­ . . I I 1. . . � . . 11 -, . . . . dyn.]Baptist� .. . , by,d r _ Sister, al A Town the riv broad and bare,. Wiinted-Falthful person- to travel for well. . . � � alited. .... coming industrial depression in the church forty-tw . -yl, . S ' n exv, , bil t. 6 -. oni 81 I e : . � . I �.. I I . � � I � United States. butau : 0 years ago;. abil" had 1 0' 6 1 And all the children'yell and cry, .. o8tablishedbouse in a few counties. callhigen . . . __ . _y such depression since that time h4ld every office irk the was 11, 0 b � r . eo' . 4ree I., . . retail merchants and agents. Loculterritory. ,. GirlS Wxnted foi Biscul . . . . . For they wqre free from 6 e - 11 t Departments, wages would be felt less in Oanada than any- gift of the -church.- Hewished his de-� � . .; � . � � I .. ­ . I 1. I . I .. ar * , ' . Saiarjr 620. 00 per week with exDevats addition. first niouth,'N-00. per weelt, second-ritonths .$5.00 ach week. Money for Jr week, further advances on' viand work. . � PAU-At, SOiM.--,Alr Williain Bubolz in d the rock si* bleak - L - '- a .advanced. , PosiLion * ' eat. L . ases OfL first-class bowdisg . &I all DEL bad been preparing for it The devel - . has sold -his farmon the North Road, . . Y L exp,snse porman will. furnish addre where else, because the Government parture to be regarded -, as onl� tem - sw S aroun sea-gu . yable.1h cash a . . . opli ' oKillopi'to- Mr George . Stewart., of I L . I . . . or week.' , 8 �Lssist, the M " g d h 1. - porary, and lie- would. bill . he wa, Ils ,Scream .And .BtiAnoss successful and rushing, STANI)ARD Ous' board $2.6 . tient and pro . nt I - L I . 81V 0 gress that bad been church financially to the. same exte T who �'rin_ . I -HOUSEI 230 DeRkborn kit., Chicago. .. . . . T. V10% AVFQ, CO., Londoh. . I . . I. . . . I 1. . I . .0 . : I .. . ­ . I .. made and were yet to be niade would its in the past. I 1. . �, Seafortlijoi*tbe SJJLLnj. of, $0,5W. Mr e el - ed from man� , 6 k, � . . . . . , . , . . . . . . I . a cree —_�—­__�. - --' ­' . � . . � . � ., ­ 'L � . _. . I . . on until good times . Bubolv purchased -this farm a little e _% offief , � . . . varlry the coun6v � Th old !� 0 �'fill . Sh . I . . I I . .1 'L Till ye, , y heart is filled with, steel.- . . , . � ' ' '' . .. � . . � � I . I ouldcolueagain. On thetariffand __ .. , . over a year ago 1rohi the estate of the , I . . . . � . to'nent., - - .� .. , . . I I , , L'6611. . . on all public questions the government I I . I . .. late George Dprir*ance. .It is an, , ex , .The Hole! .The hole I 'tis close at hand.' � . . . . . . . . I L I . �. . �.. . Nofle' , ' L - . . I . . - . . . . - to the counsel of L . . .1 . w -.- , .., I , .. 1, I I L , C -L * 1, were ready to listen eading Cotiservati s I . : :1 . . ves are At it Jos' exit tdrin, contains 100. -acres, is The swirling *atergifoat ed and rollen :,� the re w . I aL PAS- . n . � . Over Taylor & Sou.'s, gtore-suitiblo for - W.0bait'eforsei-vice at our farmi London ­ op'e' but it was impossible, afs. to know whether Mr -9 D-% Mon antly ah psavenietitly- -sitlai,tJ and The'.11voodnian's but stands on theland - .. Road, a. I . k is to It., . . fty.pUrpoSe. L Apply to . . . . ure Scotch bred Shorthorn JBull and. it, to "please every I-, . - .. ,� i a. . . 9 _ I" put � S On 1 a nice 3 . -the ver� eva pe, bol - ­ .& F6.TAloro red-1orkshixe: Boar RegiatiieA, from the e,,,h . lia riew brick residence It .makes n X.- 21, body and your wife." - be recognized as conservative leader. and good out, .buildings.':*. Mr - Stewart I I .. I . IL I I ff,, Wre. A : .,. Ef, MA14NIN.C. Clintgn. ImPorted stock on both aides. both eXtraL fins , * ­ ' . I . . ­ I I eL tb, . ff , ve'a coinfortable'llome in ihi I wn;l, o down Eand pretty spoil I . - — 1. A331 :* _ - for the provine. by e 41 erent . will 'ha 9 -Go do -G ' ' I I . . . . . . . � . . Lmals, terms $1.50 and ;LOD a , . factions of the party ' I . farm.. Ile obtains �posses . sion o . u the Tile Maitland is a .river wide . 1. . . . I. I L � . . We'llive for sale 3 young ,,�horthorn nalls, . � ;For.$ale .or tolft i Rdva L tageSof Reciprocity Theirouble has - , Till Pipbr.'8 dain shall shriekand loom .� 1. I .ent. . , and some cows and - heifers', . will be - sold at ' . been ca - - I . .�" first of A7pr1l .nekt, Mr JBub6lLZ talks . . . I ., � ieusonabiepriesq. Theyare'all.pur y the refusal of Air Augh, .of going South, with ther hope that � As ft.-Ores-th good boa;Vs side. , , -_ . , . we bavefoals.6 a to rs ana. used b * .. * I a e may benefit hi A I ... . to O.. . . . ­ . , . Lot 29, con. 2. Stanley, coptaining 100,aerei. feedeez a . J O,e, bred ' I - ' Vil n t "' . The Lake f Th6 lakd I .1is fair to see. In -good state of aultivatidn for sale or to rent 0-30-tf. , -. .. R. PLU I Olinton. . ' Graham, of the Montreal- St and . ,ban .. � r ,O!ot of;rrade cattle c 0 . � There are very few inen who have � . ar) __I ' . USIPE91j, . wh h h not been for term of years,4p y to JNO. MoGREGOR, . . .. . . . . given its inuch study to trade q tiestion, one of tile chief - contributors to .the ' so, he thin as satlsfact7 'It makes -you clinge to see it f6aw-, * � ba promises or MRS V. McGRWOB, 2 don,,H. ' - . . I _. — � e and. which - is -the, : � . ­ . as John Charlton, W. P., find to the Conservative ol�ctlowftmdi to allo' . e ne ssol I ' . -'Tis love's,.own sapphire flet it be . R..S.-Tuck6romith, Se%forth P�-.Q. .. i . I � I Cry I I h a d his farm. � 11 The .spirit makes you roam. Feb. 7-w-tf. ' .- - . . 11 I . 'D - NACPAE RSON " � f r'. ' . w _a I so . I .1 . ..- . . . . . : . . . . L. . . . questionof Reciprocity he has paid - Mr Monk to be nientiol3ed io!,his pa er DniTa Or Mn GRMNIT� I The , I I I . I . . .. . . .1 .. .. . . I .. I., . . . I I . ­ I . I � . I I .. 1. . . . .. . . . I .. . . . .. .p - . . . I I . _ I — I I I. I d , "e Pass- .-The river Maitland I' you I , I . � ­ I .1 I . I ' close attention,so that his views there. as the Conservative lea er -of.tbe pro- edaway it the r6idenc'e of. Mrs John , can bear, - I . t . . INSURANCE, . I I ... I . I ,. I ., . . . By listening to what the old Ones I my., � . . . Farm. for* Sale. .. ­ . ..... I... . .,­ — . ,. .11 ''.. il on carry soine weight. In an address vince. Since it, difficulty . that oc- Cricb; in this town, ay, I an,. YoiVd hiiagine'the bush was old �s I , ""; 'i. L & . L .1 FArp, pt . curred bet other of the. early pioneerl..0f, this , . :. . , and , � . .- . . . I . .1 e Accident plijie Glass before his c.071stituents lastweek, said ween Mr X6ni and Mr, - sorel. I . . . 4. Goderith Tp.,, a .. I . . . . .4 ,. . I .1 . . . county. in. the person THr Joh. �, Grant, Aq:no .k.ou.seeltday�yday...` . : Lot SO, Concession ibout 2J OFF CE'L X . . OXAY BRQCK, CL . INTON. Graham, the Conservative leader has . miles from Bayfleld. 8 miles from Clinton, I . I . � . . . L . "As to the advantages that recipro found that tile, columns of .the prin-' .father of Mrs.Tohn Cilch. -Mr Grant -. w 1, . , - , I containing 80 acres*,, raore'or less; good fresli- , . . � I I I elty in natural products would confer I llaax�itcfi�d. the 'advau'ced age. of 70- — __ '. - * � . . . I ' - cipal. English *organ were not - open to. --- -1-1 - 1. T I i�! _=!�= _,�­— water creek running through'same the ar , . upo -al dispos 'im - years, but until a few weeks ago he I - I � . . .. - . . .. � round; P, acres orchard,,frame house,barn x5D .. . , ;the 14-,Ingli6h seemed quito smart and was Able to go. . .- � . .. . . � � 1. For particulars a to undetaigned on. tile I . I I a I n Canada the genei, ition and that latterly . � Prerfifses,,r-�WK, b � 91 . JOHN, We YEO ' was to estirriate them far, helow the Uonservati ve paliers have been tryin figNES. -. reality. The e . � . 9 all6ut town, He had been confined. to . . . I ., . ­ .. . . I 1.11OLIVI.S I VILLE . . . . lessons of 18,-)4, to18o(; to fore Mr TM-fe into Mr Monk's histesidenceaboutsi.xweeks. Rehad . . � 1 . . I . . I ­ . -7�— Asobt. for the KAXCrlFFTE1,.P1 � -E ASST . JUA . NCR I were. forgotten, for t be generation that pl4ce. Thf� Frenclipress are boUntlAO' been. a resident of 8606rth. for about I I .... I I . . . � . , ­ I . -, . . 1, � On, of Warioliest participated in the advantages of reci. stand by Air Monk. . . . . I . � . I er. Uglana ivLosefunds are I , 1woeity at that tinie had passed Away. I .. . I . . � foiir yearo, coming here from Ethel, in � I . � , Woodlis � . .. . security are rated at 814^00V. Also the Me.. . ­ . . RMLOPM11TVALINJIURANCF.Co. 'A clasmesof Jt neeaed no argument to establish tfie . . I I I _. ­ . � the tdIvIiShip of G�ey, Ills. wife died' I . � The Ore - of 'farm risks , nAd town pro orty takela, by . � . . A' - ­ E . 11 ago. , . � . . . . is an told, well sa . lowest W66. FLrst'd ass bali Companies. .groposition that two markets werc The Hamilton Times* pol . many. years . � . lished Ints out . . I . . and reliable I also represerted. Money, to be had fr,= Q per . ... .. , . - . I -_ I = Preparation. Hasboon cantuplsaa6,�.Inx a ikstpre of ssnrlty.� otter than one, It war, absurd to some of the disastrous results-dis- . I � ,suppose I hat freeaccess tothe markets .. . . . ViNtWoOD-A few days ago AS a oplillons of .. . Prescribed andoused :Daily mail � , Bolmosvilla - postal c&kd wil ,business nani. in Sexforth was coming I I . II,cladhig Phylifelans. . . " over 40 years. All drug. fetch him. .. ­ : I -f80,(XX),fXX)peopIeju-9t on the other astrous to the masses-ofa higher down Main streek, he noticed A man . I have found thesuppository in I �. I 'elsts in the Dominion I I . I .1 I . .. . side of all imaginary line would not .�' � of Canada � . I I r I p protective tariff as exemPlifledby t1le driving in the opposite dirqct i ad6 by � , I . sell and ,' — . _! I" ­61�., _rove most, advantageous. In the New . ave,y-fln p ,r. ion with: WIT Strong of great valuoin. bemokl-� . . % recommend an being . . . � . . .. . i -gland Stittes and the States andtbe s 9f the Carnegie St 61 Trust I i I dqo %I of horses and A very hoids, They. are the'best I ever used T , BOO . , the,onlY medicine of � . . , . En working. . I e . I a e CA wood. and )% its kind that cures and 6s, 1,�'�jayfj : , al I HeKIL L TIRE States of New York, New Jersey and in the United Stat 'Car- I The business man V Hutchinson, M 1)., Medic, . . ; . the man with the wood and en- Officer, London, Ont. .' .. permanently cures all forms or .Xervoui Weak. -, . Pennsylvania were, 1:3,500,000 people ill la? '10961th alves unlv��g�l satisfaction. It promptly and . ted towns and cities of over 4,QX) inbabi. negie.'s return totbe: Ubfted ,Sta . te4 is . quiredof him what be would take for . . -1. . I � ,. I . .. ItS88. ZMUSiO793, 8 I permiorrhwa, 124polencV, INSURINCE C06 . . I tents. This vast urban population wa, said to lye c , his team, He said -he thought he bad Price $'1.00.., For- as, of and alleffects'ofabusoorexcesses; the excessiva FARM AND 1S '' , onnected With'some. Move - money enough t le by dr - i t OLAT9D TOWN PR,OPPLATY as ae I . O�bay the team, but he -by mail on receipt of price. "99'.0 at - use of Xbbacm Opium or stimulants, meow z 014LY INSURICI), ' I cassible to ourproducersoffnodas ment to st stock, did -not, think a rich enou h to � � oMenits. - .. � I . . I Ganitir Consumption and an Early G?ave. J.B.MeLeazi,President,'Kfppiin.P. 0 T, wasthe Population ofHamilton.Toron- Steel Trii 8 W. T,"STIRONG, ManuNotilklng Chem - brace tip � -be kadliftin Worryo all of which lead to Inilirm1by, to, Ott -Ta, Montreal and Quebec. Re. The preferred stock of the .greatest buy the load of wood.. . The woogman it . . .. , Price it reppa,kag, or six for $5. One will lraser, Vice President. Isrucefteld P. 0 , Y. E, . . chuckled to himself And drove on. We , London, Ontario. pleaAe, siz wil cure. Mailed prompty on re. Hays, Sea - Treas.',�oaforth, P. 0. 1 . ciprocity of trade would insure higbet- protected combine in tbe'United 81tat- i do not.vouch for - the absolute truth- e=!!��__ - . .. I I . . . beiptidtPrioc# Send for ties pamphlet. Addreal - DTRRowonS. . . . -_ - — _T.M===T�� . The Wood Company# , Jag. donnolly, Porters Hill.John Watt, Itarm prices for wheat, barley oats, potatoes, es is now in. the neigilborli0iod of 50 fulness of.tbis Incident, but we give it I I . I WIn4W* 0111's C&h&d% look � tuvnips, I)eltyls,,PeRH,fl.11it,cttttle,hoi-ses, . . . Mr Xnox, of Win some ItG Ddle,01inton,M. Chesney Sestorth, sheep, lambs, eygs, lumber. ores, quar- an(I the e as. it Wits related to us. ,1ham, for� Woods Phosphodine is sold I eahwood.,T. G. Grievo,'Wifithrop, ornmori stock hAs touched . . . . I.. . time 'accountant ank pf in Olin " "'vit"a"U's Brodbagen, .. .. I . � I I . ton by It. P. Reekie, F. W. Watts �.B n hid o* ryproductsan lilany other articles, ( Hamilton hare, I 9.".T.R.I. or luspootor.of losses I ' X ican Imy- , 1). ButCarnegiv does not tak6*many I. . sillat his llom`(� in " ` Combes, and �T. E.'Hovey, Drug . I In. I It I . n I' ree whbat would I ,cal,ty. . . bringArnei I C..,;Ince . � I Hamilton, Mr Xnox Was ill charge of ­.- Ju- . I . , ' s. Ile did not put his inoney ,' ' the Wroxet" branch w1hen he was glst�, . .. . I LOINTS , with 0'�r . Disor ers of Childtood. .. . I 4.,W. yoo. ry eraintodirect competition , . own buyers, would give us the ben"t into common' stock. lie holds $24o,. � . A " I - . taken Ill. Ills young � friends .here .. . � I , olmsevIll'o, Robert SnJJ Her. . I . "--.-" . I . 160k,448- Culuraing, kgmoindvlllo, gftinoh. of neaily perfect arrangements for 000,000 first moptizate bonds of the .. ", . . wish him speedy recov&y. � .. . . . . � . ! . ley'.80ftforth. . .. I I . � . I. . I I . � I ; I holding wheat and flour and putting it and his wife 1210001000 more. - It Is an undoubted fact that nearly . I I . ____ . I . . . . upon the inarket in such a way as to T HOWnianywhorun from house to I MT(Aarnegie draws as 1' allthe disorders ftom wbich infants house and sit in . I , " � I , I . � .. stiffen and bold up prices, and would bonds the tidy suni of $12,000,000 a I easy chairs and talk , , � . . I result in raising prices to the level of year, while big wife bas $IJ and young children suffer Are caused &wily their neighbor roputation, have .� ' Beside . I k I � . 1. 1.G DirAcTaggar American prices at corresponding pocket money. I MOW: f0t' by derangements of the StOMA611 Or *ever given Joan Ble co I S earwriff t I wett's beautift-1, Untral .' . It , �jlll bowels.' As A cure for these troubles ve a thought, when she says In . . � points. The present year the cattle, moneyfol, the Carnegles the Stee I Ist Paby Own.Tatilets is . . . BA N N Ekt ' I inarket, it, is must earn. 00,0000 to meet m- An(! above All absolut y safe, rsTh � 1,19ch I sold upon the Torento entle, effective that ivine expression, I . . 3ain, Lpiring,Ont.,givos her p tice I Even every child ot tbine, 0 . t ALBERT ST, , CLINTON (,]aimed, would have brought $10(),(M terest and dividends, Those entrusted C of 9 o'4 "Our Father, thou, . . . - with this medicine in the following General Ranking .8toklikent niore than thp arrimint received hold with its managements fenr thatit can eir �erfe Me tM rke the prices paid in Buffalo been paid in not i�ontinuo to do so. W '. IS by the bonds ofl vef I . . s to the Truses I ittle one its muoh good. its Baby's Own mine." I Having urol,asea the butelldring, . . . ranitacted ,. . I . , Toronto, 801nowl'At liessill'istic A, All Street is words '.-'41 never had Anything do my 'i A brother, Lovd,00f �t , � fliture, '"il that Pessillils')Is Itftects Tablets. S W business o V, A. Powell I anA pro- .� I — , . I ,he as troubled with her On Saturday evening week, as Chas F I 'e - , pared to furnish the people of Olin- 110TES DISCOV14TED - Till-', WORST KIND. m mv other stock of the kind on the stomach. and was teething, and very WIIA011o West W.AWRhOsh was shovel- Xotes . leaned, Interest allowea on ruarket. Manyeeopoinies nreplanned, cross and fretful. A few doses ()f the 11T)f the snow away fromtbefroiltdoor ton with all kinds of Fkeph and I . . I After Piles have existed for a long including the discharge of thousmids Tablets completely c(Ired her.and I I . . I tinie and passed th, can of )is residence, lie took it weak spoil .cured Meats, sausage, bologna .. deposits, 'Oligh different i of nion And the reduction of gal ries lard, batter and eggs alw&ys ktpo o�l . stihges, tbp,qiiff( " t a sincerely recommend, the Tablets to andfell to the ground, Hisaon Goorgo, . -rin so ilitelise-pnin andwages It i8AIways tbusinpro. Other mothers.,, .. . . sehing, throbbin T . whohad been etittirig ,wood In ilia hand, --1 I'll— . — � 111VOY'S form, filled , tectodeonibines., The nianprot6cted . '. I . to bursting with %lack blood. � I is not tho wA$o eilriler or salitric I his medicine promptly ctirps allsto. bush during the afternoon, missed Ills ' , � I V. ,. � Symptoms inditating other troubl�s ,d cm� WACII lilip bowel troublea, breaks it, f4ther when he ,calnehoineabd thought it, FlWineige At* * - J. 1'. TINDALL , i p loyoo� Ile IF; I'llwaYs It fair yli�rk for colds, revontscroul),dostroyswo 1) h-��had"probablyfloneto Dungannon. . . Rind . . ; . may appear the a thoroughly Pile -sick i the, Pemioinizer. 1311t, as Ill the case an a F4 8 le rr tat p ccompanyin 0 Inquired of his neighbor, Robt 13ow- � tvelphomr M � . . � I � . � I person., I of the 8teel Trust. ths-1-inati.who-is. , . - I DANX4h, . I ! momwi� r . '1' 1� I I Wbb back 11101es b4y le , IN "11; I d 50 ft n 9 1 ewy$ �* i * ` X-1 I I .4 * * # W I I .1 �* " X. .X �+. 4 # + .1 .1 ( I I I . I . - 1, "is is when Tlem-Rold, the only i _ t � I � n - fteel - - I __ -41111, o - drs,-_.1fh ,"a(IscalLhis,-father...,.on.--tlio� - __ �,,..��-�.,,..-�-,�,-�--.----,--- ___ I I I , - , � 1____.._--_,_____..-- ...... I ­_ ­ -11____---_11 - n- really protected, And whose income is i0i 6 ealers or writ I I 11 at I -0 a road And then went.back to search f i -&I _----7 I ,r, 1.4 the inan who holds . ,or , jOrders nonv6red projaptly o I ternal, the only absolute Pile cure, i thO last t6 suffo . Met's saw . CLIXTOX� Olm - I I I brings the, results that has made Its the. bonds, that represent nit Invest- writin The Dr Illams, ed. ..him. After some tirna 91, 11 patte,oi tkotowt, . - I fame. I ille , o. . , rockville, Ont, � ok%�whlch lie traced and 114ally 1. . . vilig hogil I for - I I ; ment that may 'be all ( very largel ptl4ate funda to lob 6i It will cure the most stubborn case composed y _.. -1 I . found him lyin neat, tho A-0tit door, W ri on blortgagoe 4 toction is nor, 1 ont W11 aostiot 6 Ityar by I Of water, Pr)o" obip! r"-perions ha beat current kattla in existence and a borided guhranteeto for the mim Who carns. Ile pays the Itiasul)pooe(lt,%i%tbisdeatltivas sup - that effect goes with each package. bills", . Prince rl'dwt" 00118"Vatives 110,ve erindUccilbYtho fall. 110 wits &pioneer V1169, w0ta 0 the: abop. 0ancral )34nkl : .A, n re-floolinate4 ­ 1.111.11 A 6too,91k1l business tran000ted , I . I , Mr Alcorn, M. P. , Of West WiWahosh, ­­_­ -1 owed on deposit## , . I I .. I ­ - . - Sale notes bought 0 4 . I . . I �, . I . 11 . � . I I I . .. . ,,, I I I � . . . I I �. 9 I I . , .. . I . \ � .. I I . , � " �.11­11111� I—, .. I . I � I _A.111� , " "�_i_. I I , "..�.�.�l,,....,-�"-..,...."..'��--."�,i--.-,,�*�--�..--,--�.*�-..-.!L.- '%..,�"M.,--A�-,11--�,-,--,-a-,��--�--!----,.,�-----,-U--i---- LI -4"- -ANA - -I 11 AWA&A&-AA..�_ .&-* ---,----i,-,,,�-.��.,--,..,,---;---AA 0 "_1 I , - __,_ __�� A" ___ halkia'.i- I I I �_ I V, . . - NO 11* low . ­ ­­ . V"alloom J$%^"K- . . . $01000800" "W,f" 4"N. t -'8AV-#X,WM0 W&V4 0 r . . - Xt *6, , � I 1040l" . . Ir Bleak, formerly "evow br X 016"1tZX"`0"` I �) . . MONIST " xxxv, - I I W. BRY00.1f V. I 1. I I 0 44BISTER, uOLTOITO , . . a Zq0T*A,y , PUOWO. STO., . I QX4NTQW . __ , . .. __" � RIPOUT 8L MALE . I . — � 0 CONVICYANCERS, CoxxisaxoNNI. o, - Real lEstaZte'and I ranco Agent . 4 aq) lruA "a I . - � 0.1B. RALE, . I JOHN, RIMU111 � . I r I W' Go. CAMERON fo�merly of Clainerop" ,Uolt & canioroo ' I BARRISTEA ANu SOLICITOR � Oface-RomiltiQu St opposite Colborne Hou . . . GODIMICH. ONT . . . . I I . DICKINSON & GARROW BAURiSvElas, SoLlcmorts, ZT0. Offfee-Cern, 3111amanton0t.pindtlite Squav . J � '. � Goiterleb, Onit.. , I 11. L. Divir ason C040. GrARROW. LTJ D 1. . I — I 1, I . . I 'PIROUDIF " GOT, 4MAYS, BA TERS, SOL GITORS cTotta lr4,1� TIU118D RE: MA111 XOTARMS :F98ir, . TIM14 COURT, ao. � I OMce. North at,, next door to Signal 9 '. I I ,Private Funds to lend at.loweat rates , , of interest. :1 I I W. PRGUDFOOT, , . :R. 0. H.�Xs ­ I . . � � I � . 1. I.; - . 01 . . Medical. - e! . 1 9 : . WM. GUIN14, N.D�,.o , I . - . � . . � y . . � L, It.,' -'V.'11. A. S. Edluburl,j, - . . .0filog-Cinoarit, Street, Clinton. I ight call, at front door of office or reelderjoe, it&%tsa. bary Street. . I . . . . . - I . . .� I ' � I .. D R - J- W -.'S 11A.;AW. . . , PHYSIOIAN. SUI&QUOR . . - A3ec uabeur oto., office �*ad resiaenoe o r tarlo St_o colts Englis formerly o, ; buniedbvtplc.Appleton,'c2le�"'t'o".hbnt. � ... . . . . ,_ - - __ - . h ..' - . ' . PR- C) -.W- ' tkompsw I ., Phyalclau.,,Surgeon, W . specl . dh� of the II a v 14 . Eys�t=r�'�AJ=tah , . . Ofliceoud Residen"ce:- - . . . . . . � f Albert Streetl;d Blocks Nortli of RAtteuburr .. � a . . . _ � I ; . .., G.M. Manning. Smith, N.D.V OX. 9 � . . 1. .. . I . FSTSICIAN &:SUJAGEO�T.- . . . OFFI(JF,-�-Maiin Street, Bayfieia, formerlp. . . . ­ .. . . . . . . ., .. q9oupiedby Dr. Pallisteir: ,, . � I � . . . I . � . — � I . . . 1. . . ._. . IDRS.. AGN . EW, &.F4DWA4F.R.,- . . � . . . I lWiTISTS, .. MINTON . . I : � .. . .. 1, � .. I I . . .. � Oftioe open. every day and Sit�urda.� . . . nIghV until 1061oloo'k. ';-:f ; : , '.,, - .. . Wili-visitAuburn every', Monday; .Dun� garmoli every ,Tuesday;. Ba3field eviiij. Wedn6eday. . - I . . ,� . �. � I - . I . . . 1. . �. � — _. . . I . I . - , I. Kim. a. Gf. ERNEST."OLMES . . . . . � . . DENT11ST . � - , , . .. , I � . . . ,� ..* . (Succissor tobDr. T. 0, Bruce. - . . . i . gpeclalls$ In Croviin and Bridge '7 1%, A D. S,-m'-Gradu,Rte Royal 00110siD Do,. jib � . . . . . goons of Ontario, Torontoo , .0.'.D. S.�Firstrclsss Honor graduate of IDen-* . ,. .tal Department of Toronto - Uttiverafty. 8 scial attention paid to preservation 11 egildren's teeth.. I Will visit i Baifield :ever -A . Monday. . I .. . . .1 . I � I I .. Office, over W. Ta.vlor &.SoWs shoo ticii . . . I ., . ­ . I I I — _____ I � . .. I . . . � , .. ., ,. . . . . ' .. .,Mjn . . I � _ V. %;-tennarv- � , . . . . I .. . . � . I I . .. .. ­ .. . . . . . I � . i I . . . .., . . I- .. .. ... � ­ � . , . ''. � . . . .:1. �'d- FREEM . AN I - 11, '. � . I , ... DIR. . . P.. ,­ �, . . . . :, IVETBMNARY S1J1tGlK0F$1* - : I n . . . - � . - . Moinb6rofth�Teteriii4iyMedibalAssocia.- ,tions of London &hd EdinburghIL'abd Grada.' I ate, of the Ontario Veterinary College, .. . .TRX.AT DISEASES 02 ALL ANMALS .: ,�. . I . . .1 . ­ . I I I . . . . �� . . . . . . . _.? .�_ . . . 1. .. I . .. _� I ­.. '. . . . .1 . � . �1 . . � . 1. Alisce"llaneous - . .' . I I.. ..' r. -M 0 ;� . . : .. . � � I . . . I .. I .. I.. ....., .. I . I. 11 . .1 I .. . - . . I I � . . .. .. � ­­_ . . '. I .''. ­ .� . 1.� I . , '. ­ 1 . . , . . - I.. I Co.L- FISHE.Ri. . .. , *: . I.. .. ­ , I � 1. !­ .1 I I IDLTNTOX'_�, ON%,., .�_, . . . .. Gcneira]IA4ento eral A '� C 'suraise e r 4 g n f 'Fcd "r i �i Oi; - Is so sta ad pIa3ls,wttb% Is n 0 ate me pt�rol'rattageo,M . p a t ; I i all � tions az I MvI ages and Ilaure4. Annuities issued � . . I . �. . . . . . . . , . ­ I . . . . I , . IMAR " RIAGE . L . . . . - . .. . . . ICENSIM . . . . . � . � - � . I . . � . . . 1. . ISSUED BY. I I . . , , � J. Bil'Rulfiballs �.Tlhjtoil, . . � 1. I . . . . .­ . '. ­ ''. __b_� " I I I ... . . I 1. ,�.: ­. I . . . I' �_ � -.�. I. , , . , ­ : �. � . I . WK.'SNEMU .1 .. . . . . . I e6unty Ituctioneero I . . * '' luvini procured Auctiorleor's. Zloerive Ir (.or " I . I the Coun yof Huroir, I solicit. a share Of the.. 88169. Dates Itirnished by mall, !Iphonj, .tole. . Rffh or 1pers6nal Intervkw. Ch4 - ble .1 , . 1. . mas reason . . . . ..; . . . � I . . . . . . . �, � I . . . . . I . .� . . . . , , _ . .1 - I 1� . . .� ., No 11, cy, .. .. . . . . - Private funds to Z."t . Wards , � . 49,rer cent and up- - , �4 .W. YDOME.' . � ,. . I I . . I . I . � � I . � . . I . JAMES CAMPBELL -LONDESBOSO . _ . ISSUER OF IAGJR 1,03NOM 11 . � . ­: N wtZ66seareilpired , . . � I . . . I � . . ===-_-_---=7_�_,__,__-- � , I . I . I . . . , . 4-W.-~-040441.4-01160 �.-w*#"*' , . � . . . I . . . . . . . .. . . . . I * , . nqu Ue IN-avelty I Bak I , I I . ary , ' and Restauran't . I ". . . . .1 1. I We Alwayo.keep on, hand a I 4 rge . , and Well assorted.sto6k of goods to' I choose from., . I � . . I I ' I .Mixea 041ddy fkom 7o io 10o pot Ili, . . I . I Bon-beus 1 I ft to $1 pet Ili, � Fancy O'bottilaiss ana nrssfAR . . P , Wo 0 6o per lb� . . . :'Fe , Ago aria Dalis. . . . I : Melitan Naval and Valencia o0, I anges 160 to 50o per doz, . . � Lemone.25o per dog. . . � Don t forget this is- . the place for I al) kinds of bakes pantry, eto A,.goA line of pipe (ligaro ana . (6baindo .ahvayd on� hand, 4 Baltimore oygiers alwsys onfisn�. I I , * � .. We are 1044org, Ill.this 1106j! . � . ­.­_ ___ _.1.1._1__.__,_, -..--__.._._-__._-__- I 11.'BA1tTL11J'P I � ' Successor of J, MoOlay, Clinton, $ to '.� N ". Miss