HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-04, Page 6. - -_ _ —I"" �­ I" - " : UrTING TX1F --- It" Jit"t"s, 04441;g% .;;..%,.W;-;.;"--;,--;,11--,-".,�,-�.,—.- I .- ------- I I I I . . ,.,,e ­_ o - ��4��!� � I Z--:1;;;!!!; i I I i`_ "" I—— ­­_ N___ .­ -, li � ____ Dwu'106" � 11 ­_,�� --R . I ., 15VKDEN !Cornell' University r.ulletift NO. Itt so Tbo Wot � , P I , 1 4P4 i ! , , , i _- i.p.. ­ ­ � ii ill ____ --- -1 R � 11 ItflOrds some valuable suggestions . ,,hv 4# 4 cu" I 1. - - 0 - 0 . - . .. 1. . . ! I'll �a "]k a 0'0000 114441—ANTI-P11414 - oil 1, severe torm , M14 1 - - I - . - �, I A obsperou k,071q;ur,.V �ot � - .1 .. .. .. ft I �- � 10 hens andleggs. It mentioils, one White re4ch of SU If Within th, � , � ....... _ �. ­ � _ � � 14 1 , P .. wgmpn,d AM -to, o bottle ,svith nerveo 1:1140 mp strength Legborn flock Which averaaed tor tile stitute of V41141, AtIld 04 only r I Still. � 1. I � I �_ .1 - �_ � _ .. I �, .... � �,im . ft�, ---- L-__ � . . 10 - I . - AXA4 smorg4rA 0111%tterip,il n Ycar ,116-9 eggs per lion; another � of Asthma el TO L& brother. But" I , . . �11 -11"..." W � oryos, aggr OL brother Acooptm jbio most ustfu when "0111= chroblo troubles, T140're 14 no allato and Frooloto 1174 and the I . I 'he 4 JoOklvd "Po I of1loo � '10 . , $1. 444 -rill r4lb to 00 govil, tiale In ek wownay., .... aye a third 134-8. th�� Mrs. A. A. Va'abuskirk, Robinson , As - person u . It As 4 "makeshift," ,ad I I , - ,, r 90 Of All being 129.7. It will noesirghle 4."d lucowpo� - When the sleep is rest) oss, oZi,ets are *At. Therefore, , ;'Joelple. Its street, Iftacton, N.B,v state$., t( . ­ .:� - food causes, dibb-c4s. Ilead seen, that the average number I I 'to e PA1114 . I " - Nforent front a11ytjl111,� el,, of 11 F 9 r years I have used Dr. ionallip, Of ,qlmogt an he coin . I acbe or dizzluess, pain$ In the , her 4aughtel. t .. - .and there ja 110 allst4iffn eggs proLifue,ed per lien is much less Cha I � pan. � . I I . of her own A . I __ '13co. Dr. than that Often Clainie(I ' inSeed and Tur r, b than a Pro her. side Orbavig,ttidipstlon,pal. Its won(Jerful 1111lut � . se's Syrup of L . one 0 plla4oll. Up eati Record, of 'ati BOX at or � TI I . r poor, coil- I^nh4rdt bas prepared tile 200 eggs and more per lien liave be 11 46 for MY children 'XIIJO Is a I i 8tip4ted, aty ;irc(t ont, do� I 0 whenever Any girl who% -'sa Injustiqe to I I a I I thVAOe cold. I used it first with up Peen elfaperone, or � formula entirely freo fron Irequently �ublished in the agricultural mothers. — Ur".110ea-34st 040 trial of the Injurfolis Wirredients press NVe. have I brother wj,, , _' , a by, b � . Leollhardt's AN�7,1�1,11,L and elsewbere. Inasmuch asiaseveraformofAsthma. 41, you thitt he is the J�o,t . .. I'll � f I will I'llghten. th COMM' 'It V) PrQ9011t 44V Pills, Possible person for the omet , I 1, I 111. e burden 11 etc. 'tllesc Rocks re0rescilt the better class never tried anything in the way of I 0 that Is dragging you tjown. It Is the Ideal iysteni ­ 1. 11 11 .11 I , . froAtment. 1,1-1,e. .,)o ,en 04 P'3111tr7men, tile' fowl were in all L! A cough medicine that worli:ed 6 I W,40 .has, onjoyea Me society Any mail I The Xind'you Have -A I It bOgit's 'to work In the pt,,r box U J4(fy 1144�T 01 a youn- I . -of dealers, or 0 I lways jf�oughto � , stomach from whica FAuva"Ity' Inticil better fed and cared I We chaperonage of h " . I 044,Wuldh has bam t - tile ljy for than average right say the same. 91. or . , I r 00 Years, 40M borne * . ' ' "" � blood La red and tile nery6lk � 1, controlled. �_'� y '4 that all claimed ecords Of more than d ro I liave, acted as clut erollo otbera who he 016"tare of Teo y re leVA ught I , . say that i man , and h ' 1. . I 'O' take4 to the wor - quite iaturaj,ly and 'li`a� 0 "I� ' : � I I _�. I- � 44�r c"4"Na' sauslactorily, It seemed to go brother will Ill, Use for ove . . I I Co , I I " "Ll"a flocles' It would se"111 to the disease I" ANTI-Pli,,L embraces a new ,ho " ,,1,S r' let, per year sliould b S t Made Under his perso - I r I parts :and b ow I" "all fr'�Q 'Lim, d fi . with plan , . . , as be - Vie t "a �s Of Confidence,. In I I I � sQual SuPervisiou since Jtf$ I . en Q any ildtires.. k I _!�"_n_! ��_"--*-W__ __ __ - abuada'at, W I being 4c! 1 this evil %;0 . I . - y verified before to 1 44, �'M�w . ., __ 7: ______WN�� � once, it if, COMM AUOW no one to. deceive you in tjklg* . � -_ — -_ Z;_�� cepted. . . . SYRUP % addition I I All tifaucyo . � . The I . I 00m CHASE'$ that the chaperon 4. on knowled.,., , � Unpopularity of Whiskers� I Ine aver, OF I r counte . I __ ige, food cost of the ga �. I - Islikes her offilce, Is ' I 4. It's, x1nitati -as-�gopdPlare but, . I . � . . I . .9 cents per 'With and endanger the health of I Dickens I duced ranged frDill 5 he you) , ents t t trifle 003 and 44 Just I ,Jolds I -lis own. - � disliked. b I Commenting oil tile fact that Gover� � " , _.-A cg I .LIN EEO Ann ons, and r the me)9 lady she chaper, � I ... a a and I I Nor rider Mourot. Dos* Dickens, it i� Otte Zroerl in April and May to 49.1 cents - S 1W -the OU719 lady, n Who would OW . 1. . . II-301xileirlon,00 against XXperiuleut. . . . Doelcery has 1hol n asked, resilI7 per d0zell'in December, and the aver. -A man is liked boAt as I y I Alexa , - , lc� ilfte -just divested 4 his Own against the flood of modern age per year was 9..- celits per (Juzen.� - I e`U90 be Is broad -min 4 Chaperon be. 0% I . f, 11 .: hie countenance of a a I TURPENTINE, � . ggs 1 25 cents a bottle, farnily si;e (three times as . . . I velebrated and Atilli,.4t inIlliort&I tories which Ours law the shops The -average Selling price of the e ded and menerous, . I the bookse lers? , lifessr.4 "Oh . us does not want to lead his, J&jtor into, I � I - '.. . I. W whiskers. thp Ni,w � What is CA;*TORIA . : set ly] � . York "Sur." zonfart & If& I )11�;u ])�& 111. Batos & C � ", 1. . I� varied from i6.8 - the most orowded parts Of t1te flower I i 11, his old I$( cerits per dozen - much) QQ. cents, at all dealers, or 4manson, - show and . Castoria is a harmless SUD . . "The twentietil coiltury I April to 31,25 cents' Per (107ell in -tll- O., Toront 1 . i -Oi!ys: I fpwiing %oinellhat as 3 be- li,ihero, have been looking Into thei I J 0. talk inanitle ' 0i. . . , the ti'llet0euth 9114,17y years p r unry. witli an averaqt of 21 � ceuts for 1. To Protect you against imitations the he doesn't irepr,o-ve her S. to old bores; 4 90ri0s Dr4s and $1oo 8titut'D Iror castor oil, Pare*" . I a . AnI por, say aomethin If She flares to, .. , 0,10thing $yrups. I . over a quarter of a- milffo I signature Of Dr. A. W. . . It is Pleasant, 1[4, , � .11 list these 'lave averaze4 tile wh;)Ie year. Uere wer� r12M f0"$v`1 - fimous receipt book Chase, the serve 4t cOuti 9 funny. Re does , � Out., in I . I � 'ee"I'Luly begall, i'llOt"'ll, of colmie, not so considerably. tMit L. stxlrtl�r Lind ullivelsa -y suluoth, but it is 'C ti S neither . I � v. , �n 0 far � from are o very bottle, � 11141 'W"Pilille llOr other Wa-rcotfe , � doubtful if it will run paralloji through all L I copies annually, and that a x in tile three flocks, and it cost an a AulbQr, C tenall-c6 0 ,ale pre- � � eragq . � and f prim seventr . t substance. )It$ a I . I there being any decline, . of just about a dollar a veal � -- -, -, '! - , Neit POse As the goddess of pro * ,, . r, � . r4ut0e. It 4 . 1, its quaxters with its predecessor. There , Dickens an,d the 4edna -the Interest In per pen for their -77'' 7­—'­­r"�!� her does priet�r. 0� I go is Its gua . estroys Worm$ �. .. I I equeut, asles of his food. Under file ' 'he take his sl,st I lsbuess,- It cures Djarrh4Qea and Wilit, . . � were no mustaches no beards, when , , prices 1, v and a s Pever rll:. nine: the wor" are Increasing every ye= . at whi4 food and ' The Orijin. Of COITee. I cowPalry Of ulidesirable me er into the . colic, I I . � * 1� teenth centur 'dawned. Side whisk - It . eggs were figured I , . I . Chitoerons o ll, ap lady , 1%olleves, Teething Troubles, cures ()Onstlp � ers b - I Would appear that t9e difference in the the food cost . , � � . fteh do; 11 89an to cti7 Lind sprout before it 44 per cent, of. the valu; , . I . . �"' and r, latulon... I atiolli " . 0 to the history of coffee, the, le, song a Wide berth, -,and intro I us's books 1.9 . produced, leaving s6 pet '9'ead runs that 't a8silullAtC6 the Foods regulates the 6ad run fax In Its course, and they gTew remarka6ly .0 44ces Ur k,� 15t0luach and laoweig, giving healtlr7 * , � It individual sales Of Dicke of the eggs ' A be gives M04 per. . '. I mall, es ecially Fent. to provide foi I little sister only , . , : . , .1 I Obor, interest on . - .circled tht when. on,o it was, first foun4 good, honest, ose Mea,who, arqr A . , . bolder after a time and or thinks of tile long list Of them *The Investment and . .9i"DWIng Wild in Aritbia, HadjI 0 � . . to th r. 7ili, Chii(jr�en,s Paniaeea�The Moth and natural sleep. ,! I I . t in war, L 'he brO . � ejeo VVIOAd, I - . . . tion in value of le(itupment, depreciao A dervish, discovered 1 1285" ,$IV T thex chaperon can. - his, . I I I throat and chin, leaving bare the uppei ry of . . I W110le-hearted fellowS � 1. :1 I least popular !a the "Ohild's IJJF& . . gas and pro4ts. hundred and seventeen yea,ra_n 10. ac� ,sister Much advice tirgt will be Of . . I 4- The lip Was Subluerged about fg6o,: gland," and, as give � . land In the later years of desbruction waA allobt, be sit osed, . I CIE . . . W` more Mums CASTORIA 1. 1, . J Was dying of hunefor in Use to her thun etiquette books, He . ,�� -.1 Dur. ----,. hen, the W11 erness, - earl point ALWAYS ' , UdIt, to yield to the assaults of the baT. i the standing favorite WI�Plckwlokp? . . . I . Arding a 0 ,w, a tug the past three yeiiwa, however, there . I . . � Owe small round berries, Out the men she should not 1. � � . . . � 11 he -tried. to eat them, but the were bit� can unbesitatIng,17.eXPOS4. !", .� . I. ,. . .1, � A Wonia ,s Face -ter. ,their w 0 Bears the ! iker. Ile human countenance began t,c I has bQen a"great increase 11L the sale Of know, and he � , levilalbit. itself again not Iang after the , a y . -1 pvar, and froni that tiMP down to the I the "Tale of . Ile tried roosting the , OrMlemness . . - I I Signature of I . t Two Clties"--so m 0), so . . . in, .and these dozen litt . r a . I u . . He can, tell he . '. . ..Nondsft , J - 1, ivq�-y recent past the linsupported mus. I that It would come first by-imany copies � . 1_1� , i . he finhily steeped 14 some water held in le thing's 'that stamp tile ood . �` 1 I . . ­ __ 11 11 . . � for those . arbicUlif years. .No a6uht. plakilly Indica I the hollow of his bAlld, and -found tho amu as a good many ibad a dS.ze . . - . .., I tifelle was the prevailing -mode. Novi I this Is mosel �� . 1103 rhe ( onditio4 ' decoction us that mark the � OtTers , * . . . - ­ � I 1. L. '. I I I faa-hiOn Is changing again. so th y due to the success of �N refreshing As if -he had par. * vho,t hef% . -.1 I - I ­ . . of Kier .; of I .There is no bad one for, I . . /, I � I . I at the Ir . " take I .. � .. �� I 11 , � .. I 1, n men tire , Martin Harvey's Flay, "The -Only Way."' .. . Health '' . Solid food. Hdburrjed back to his slater In -t tear of 4 brother leadin � . , �.� ; 1. lo . . I Mocha from which he bit 0 indiscretion, 9 � , ,�i �� ".:, g coninival -bills plece___�tlle story &Zmatjzvd-�- . . I'--"- d been banished . . ... . .. " 'ed, and their fathers -� completely I While , ;, have euvered I and, J�vjtlu'w the Wise Mon to partake ol last thing he Would do, That ' is the I . . 1. * � . . ". - I He takes at the . � � �, lips. a youtil, Of to London. there right �gye, his discove same time a li�e% Interest U*x A love at. ,. . I l p IVY 8 , I ": Weight of civilized pree(deaL with them, I Next t, "Plel . y ' , leased fair, And does -his eat to leave the youllf I 't rof J with it ' thai they made. him a Saint. ough . . . ' I e story I$ told, writes T toge ler' ter tve� nil �� � :` . Perfec,tifealth, - Dawle . , howas - R. , � vOrite 'udged by circulation, is. "David , I P Th 'couple alone � -e the was a brisk demand 4all . y for the book, . ObeeksanidtheRIM-41.8 �: Th ' nd Tou R -day haA , was being performed in , 9, no-, I * 11� An examinatlun of tile i.ti,lily alburns oil twick," the permaaeiit'fa� . Lev . . I . khO last four centuries willi demonbtr I ppo,rfieId," and, indeed, there is uot . ,� . �. . I . y, j r., 'I n ,, 8 u ", Ll . . . . I , that the Unw.11l.sl�v:-L,t: ,..I ate � 00 I I . �_ . . . Introduced Into the e-93 " t6 b coffee was Intervals' ' . ; 1� 0 X, - . . aye- Always � . . . � . The brother'chfi. ' , , ' I . . ' , ; I ;61e bet Ve !­,; Ly f4r Imuch to 011oose betwe�n the two. � 't Indies in Peron � I :. "A. -Wolna'1n'sfacP,11S,tIfl,.,,l 'Well known i by Chirac, a Vrene 1723, Jile only is fx%re, beeLiusor. - - In Use For Over 30 Years. - ' .. I .. . h phyaicla ­­, one available is, he ,A,J . . . . *T years of thilL 1it1;,. ther considerable drdli I a Norman p . 11 Who SNO i;reater fondness 10i; his 0 , lo bils It * . . I � THIC CEPITIUR Come ' - .� . li � � ter of it. Fnr rt�arlv two hundred I them there Is it ra, .r, t,orh Wes I . I . 1: t1lP beard wits not I to "Oliver Twist" and the �'Olff Curiosity ' PlIvaician. -,is IL 1. utleman. by the' �Pame of Do ANY. Tt iAURRAY. f, . . . . -' Permitted to '41t.-ut. A gri-ot de:tl of en-. Shop,,, the sales of , -1 .h a . Iiiii-mr whiNi reflPets Clieu,cia, cap I-linebody - ,Jsi�&_,% . TFtCCT. N . I I" I J ode , Wit sWeT. tho, rw VCVIK crry. : I differed unfailinglY t1l0enodition of hep,h�,tjth titill of Infantry oli* his.way 11 SOCJ t ss . E� I onp can toll.at a glailee If shf, f, . ... r .0 Y. I 1, — . 1. . . . . - I � tent I 'i Well �fo Martinique a Single Plafit. The . I . . . � � .of - V07age 0 Sea ____� I . .. I . . I . I I NNINNOW, � , .0 - n, ri may be found in the , three hundred co ' . , was a stor � .� . I kJOUS YOUll : from eaA other only to the eX toura.,gement for the Shaven but amb] 'All 011 av I , , , . . . my one, the vessel.was . . . . . I . � . ,�,Ie* . or Ilot and uquil,lir One ,in t0lI kl1hat - drive � NO DIFFE RENCK - ' . ., . . � . I . I ... V ideney'of r ­o T1r*ffPq qtates. Froml h Or! tile tronbI6 41 * n. out of her . __ . . . I e beginiting with Three ot er .es which nuiv 8' it So � often- IIAPPPIIS, water became 40. course; and drinki No.distincti , I . . . . . - -_ ­ 9 - --- . . . I "'ashington down to, ranked together are - be that instpIld, . of brig . nap 1 611 is made as to the kind . . . .. I . I _________________________"_�_ I I Collis tiMV W I "XiChdfas Nickfeby," .lit . scarce -that it was d'a 'of Piles tlla,�, . I . I . . . On the IV -11 te 1i �':-' `rA fuund Ind t "Dombey and Son" cbeeks-and nn elp0ir . step,Q'08, rosy tributed lit *rations. Do 4MIeux, with. I 'a' . flem-'Rold curess. .. , * ' . . . .1 . . � . . .. uude . ' * IF ANY 3MMBEIR Or TGUR IPA .. I . I � and "Bleak Rouse.o an- The names internal,Eiternal, Ble6d. . . the Usto fo - MMY Dit . . I I . . . . Only three CIM281 "Little Dorrit" and "Our (lull eves, pal(I �hei`e ate - affOctiOn for his dOffed plan.t;.div WIVES. .. r . . . s y were of the , SA11011, or a --greenish ort, b8 rellitived Porm4nent.1r, by SISTEDCO � * M1.1tVal Friend'$ ided his Ing Blind, Itching. Suppuratin,F'. etc.i_f rilfraorcan D=1 1. . . r nging it to Martinique, alt are s!mPIY' names 'of the diff , - Fallure Imp I.' . . . _. . _HY Irartin that bespeaks dl4eilsp,'and po . erent , � cod -or drink . I � re- come alon- In OGILL-PIL with ". cornplexion, 41,10 a langizidtlem,4s. or step' �.,Jn Of water with it; -and succeeded J , 0 VIII& Tagtolgos SaMSMIS rl of I Maote vazlety known as sideboards, which Chuzzlewij,pp, &� b 1're- P onsearetyin HO n to .1-1141's -an weak, -not in'So hopeless condition. hourth St4ges through which evei) estimon .Ossible. .Fre46 swu 10 . I offi-red no considerall . and the Christmas books Parly death li - case -will I . t - 142.8,r1cm Sent Basis& �W, ,, . _ I Is obstrui,tio "t far behind'. hutilewit" is ; MOTHERS mm"X 9' " 14' Jwduu stroot, T 4L. %,AkA . .. . 11 he factis to which an illu, . e tlan'ted- it in _' -Pass if it continues' long.enough.. . .. I .� NOT the observation of t 19VIltitin C , llnt * the'right trmtlnellt is There - . arouto.-c they were linked. 9tratio ies0rt6d I 0 0 . NEft " . � . , . I . . . . - , n of the"slightfiv The, Whole trouble ��, h -his garden, Protected it Files are aused by'. congestion, or � . .. 0 '. I .. I . .. . , . o� . . I � . .. I . . - r John Quincy Adams cissitaile , $a of vi- lie's wlfh t- e I)IO' until wit a fence Of thorns - and watched it Sta nation of blood in the lo�*61, I . � o ,na en a were amiable in their moods, and, clared that It garated . th it is en- daily until the.end of the -year, when lie An 9 it -takes all interail . . *JbOwel 1.-'--__7— - . � .. . . . I :, . C!oented a etubb(yrn pair, Alartin J'a3l, Shown. When it -was published,he de- no rp] ease fri el"o '%Nqll be' .gathered two reme . I - I . � 1. . ��q .__, , I that Dickens's books have rldhed-ahr] in -vi od'hiad Ill . o . I . dy to re- . . I . � . .11 . . Zachary Taylor's were evidently the un- was A ,h4ndred times the 'r',,,,, . estinnal .in suffering and diseasp. distrlbut�d ar Pounds of coffee, v;hIch fie Inove the cause .. .. a . I . . . . I I I . . I � obLrusive expression of a famy for tri - I beat thing he had -done. But somehow )IV - the srreiltest of ail , mong the inhabitants of. the Dr Leonhart!�'116ln Rold !a a tabl ti - marefMonram a , � gn �im plijigin . in hlood-ronewel,Ria Dr Willi, . 'Bland to be Iiiated by them. Prow. taken Wternally., - . I I * % ­ , —an" . � . I I - � . . I I . WArgs. Lincoln inau the or!-Inai sales were quite -disappoint. lms'%Pink Mart] i ' - ft's were sent it , mt. cure �nd * " 0 � ' . . . � . anxious as life -and beiuty, and the,one ,Sure w1gloyr ' . to Santo DoMirigo, Guadalbu 11 is .a permane is - -, -field. Arthur (with Dun.' I I ..-He was� . n6t t6, - bid beigliborin�--i4l -Ws.� , Pe. and other Of Piles 4as eve 116yes, Gai t. to whethej*,tha reading pub ft -0, whioh was carried on by Gran I Pills.. Good 6lood ineaus healtli,v' 11111116 ed ep trees.in tur I . garated the bearden Ing, an5 Dickens was really ' - I n ' - ' I . . r been found . . I . .. . I to cure. ' - . I . . . . .. . . . . forsakin him. Evpry y0ailt improved. Wi * odgdodistotakeDri. .The-roftoee 'It] . . . . . dreaTS--0, and ,make voizi � . I t of aj! 'Je_ZJ ..- �c , LWI, Ilarri Ilianis' Pink PlIls. . tree isan ever,greien, ohrul�, ,Money back if -it does, : '._ � � . -be osti- ou f , . 1, . I.. I I . . . . . . . . 10. ;I I. . 11 . Lie of his expansr- ( I 0 ­ .. . n � so...'' Harrison, -tho ,f 01 0 g. h s a n .-Cold ' . S "It Yielded not a, lit' Its P"'t On, and -if thart -were ld grDwiliff 'in it . . . . I . before lie retired from office. Mated on its whole isa,les-w-and. , tO'inany ca,ses Which. Illustrate 1J 1. a n1tur4liwe, to a1elklit A guarantee -with �ev I . I . .. . . . : � 1. 11. .1 . - I .1 . I �­ . I . . � I . 'Wil, . act on the trdtb Of thio nia-� be cited that of Of I!Ourteen t , .� .. . 6iy paekag4�. . I I 'I - . _ . . . � � . . I .. � .. . the first mustached Presi Clevelan.,' those of the past three o ei bteeh teat, It -is usual- . . . - I .. . I ,. ". I .1., � � .. I ne . - to I � - I - . . i,'46 not negleot * ' .. � , " . .. J-'A­,,eVelL tl . e ,next e , -h wever 'for conven- - -XI�od-zory —iS Gm-ef 7P­r_0,f6f9Qj�"34jbI) but �ufthas . "Pickwick" do la:'Peradc - I C . dent a would probably cow ' yea,rs onl��ft: Miss Anvinda Ntnlihousse� &6. Anne . Jy- kept frimili � . If. YOU have a coug Lie second, while A101Ua1e3 and "David Copperfield -,, Quo.. who 'sava., 46 � !ones in picki c , 4.botffe - Id reli - 'e.rema6d� COM . .0 I � 4 � .1 I'Ved the tradition of ,the -.­ � .In -his ie t For . I .1 4g,the berries,' as$ e- .oftha..o . I I Smoot-" article on Dickem-, con wore, thangix months I SuNt,ed great�. a Ong the, branch which giow, Of bkf0rd- - In #e P1 .room imm6ill?.1; pifte. a 1. . .1 .. PoOod Syrn - - NY - . p of . ... . clared that ' , most . I I -will. care 9�iy .. I I . .. 1, . 'Great 'Expeetiltl * 11 ess, bordering' a] .: Atrid,resemble In-shapa-ind colo''ordi fired Ordffiary ��ujjh. - . tle 7NIn 8 inburme'do ly.- frp.?P. ,weaka 08 009% to -the . leaves , ZY Above Ills -own Brofessor. Vaitch.-lec-' ,' and Tari it � onx wag ..on -n.ervons,. - r n. OA 1,ogia.. One,day, , . .. I erhaps the b h - Th �t - I . the'. peroration ys., . ­'. I '. .. . . I � . --------,* . M a . I . .1 I — _#___ � ." , of * . ... a Gives �tetttt r, 88tidai' ., L eat of his novel Orostra,6011, J SUff.red � "y ' "" 'S, e ree Oannot .be grown I - F.;;O,r of -logic- was ted . . ... . - , . . -, . , a s frorn - llead�i�bes, .. . IL . 646n fl�an' .. . .11 . I TO Cure a �'okd in One Day fit OOm6s fourteenth id tie -'list, but the heart. Palpit&ti6n -of the I Abpvs ilia ir ''' � ftle 25. . '. .1. I .any-, Other I . . .... I . _­ , , * IV6 it L , ' 4 attaceesfully, Oat .line,. lieither� can A be 'WIM such ralituroug - applause -0 it . ,.c,Qugh%r6JnedY-'� FU11 4 ez-W ': . . . I I... ;,.,. - ­'- .,%.:..: - 7,aie Laxative Broano Quinine TSibi,is recent cheap'edition �hlts n I I . and.pains inall favilimbs.. I bad 'I , Sti� grown in the "tropics; 'The -bro4ht down some pieces of calling in- � 1. , , I I .. . C. .�. ..., . �. - ,I%" - � . ..,*. . .1. I :, , : ,.,itsta refund t a very no energy, no appetite. i10 col6r, and most cceWizI-*cI1IIIftti,. 1. ., A- :. I I .�'! - , Ali 0�11g, large Vogue. ' )duction the room below. As -thabits of plaster, hamois .. V�s , , . �. . 1, - . . L . I Jlie.: Generally ray nights Were - fl-eqnently that found it an , : . ts-'and .,.*Ch6 t Proted6rs�_Aij: S" . .. . I -be wontly if it fa Is I speaking ttew'tll the Pug, Sleepless. ' ­ r C , . I .S 10 '-%"f-. B, W. txrovu's tjignature is on public demand f6r ilidiiid altitude Xllblat four 0 about Me room Profeisor ,70bb . . . . . � .. I . .1 Izes. I . L . : . Attlifferfinttifileg 1,('. I -bli,pli,smil' feet. 20r, - . .1 . , ­ .1 .. . . a . . � .. I '0' * 1S . . ea(b box, 2jo, ,O�Sulted. three much .above .4 y remarked; "Gentlemen, uar pre- . r : . 11, ­ . . .... �, .. I . .. � . tSL.Whieh.J]te& ilone-of them seemed able ger of. frost lwb' .� Q . 'the�l K 'L ' , , uat noveds by Dickens !a lit harmony doctors, but . Ailythirig ' . . , TO F11 With the verdle ry. *Opinion L to ellro Ine. I- this Is -in dart ? ich'is fatal . . Inloes, Will not buppbA th,o oonelust �`*f ' � . I �OVEY .. Dispensl K . . NCOURAGE NATURE, STUDY has pronounced , . A frie id * ' ' J ,to the tiS6.. I . On L I E0, �.­ , *L ' , Piiij, P . 'is grown . .. .. . _. I i. . - on them. :�J' I C-69 , 0, tlicf or. f6gle." � , . I a hatbet !Rle to take Dr ,A.ViIIIal))S, .illS , "Lich below -this � . es -, M . . f0a _. -1 . � . . ... . . . .4 ,: . . . I . L . I :. - words, the b of his'Which -the lltl�r_ ! .and I ftnally - foil . 11 -I.,shade, which . . , 'it requiies',artifichii, � . I . .. . I. . I . .. CLINTON. � � I . I ,. . . -' 8 -lie time ago the Ontario Govern up - n StMllely un -ed . 0 "d, Lwh�n - I of . � ... b14�nr oks L . -.1 ' , I I . . . L .S(.t ltsi(10 an appropriation o I L, -r 0 * * OWL 0,)OLS'USE WASHES I I . .1 . L . . L. I : f, y critics have ,exalted are also in,&&$ 1 With t �d her �advico . materially' increases the 41 . L I A.N-D.8XUPFS . I .. . . ;� . I L Mid to encourage nacure studies ill bought by the public. , . , - he. .use of the firs' -L 1' Post I . . ill"Ma , , . 1. , � . L ' Put' flUblic schools. The fli-st call fronif . I . . . I .. I health .b , . .. . . t box, my . of. production and does not produge. Thinkin% perhaps 'they will 'cure � . � . . L �111011w= I . . . .. * L � . egan to .; rove, ,and as marketable berries. . L. L., . . . ­ . I -.1 - �. . . :- . y res re .� - UP lao'one -Y heard'of �� , � ­ � * I I I ... ., . I I . . . __ I re . . evet . .. — .. , this grant was made last week front . ______ - 11'box,es complettil I now -this particular requirement that *toffee .a genii ine . cure foll6wing such .�� Wailt, . . . . : five ItJs owing to . Catarrh,�� � � Carleton and great intere t ' = linve, e,� . I . - - * he I ladac . . I . I . ' s . .. I . . . . . .1, � �. .. . . _ .. .& 'PAins have di h of'bih . .. . erves � � . '. : : . - � a is being I e WaaLgood talk- , a 900d'hPPetite headac es and hits� never been ,successfully-, iIr d,l,e less tr6atnlents, There . sense7 -6`tafifr9% . + , ** exbibited by the Pupils of the schooT . . ... y . sappeared,. and' T nevp' ' . -ijort a 9 4 . is Suit one D ' ' I m.i - , Mexican proMlpb. and thorough cure fo� 0 . . . � ap '..,� I . I I . r I : .. . dary... .1 ., felt better in rft� life than 1. do -110"W. . . . . 1. I � I asking the re(juest. . once at the observatory *of I . boun , " d A � ' ' hd I -- - The idea ig thio, V& , Am ever 9' k-. . I I L . � I atarrh . I . .., . e I .. I .. L . ., . 1. . . :1 that where any public school 'board of go, England.. Sydng. Smith�,wal- rf., , , ]e- again. yon, M* ,b - _­ . . . .. and . it is fra�rant, he.itlin%. catarrh- '.. . . " . . . L . .. I .. I . . . . .r , I . ". L I . I I . . ay e I !.,. L (;entle7 - , . I . . � . 1. Toting me I and womairto , . . I L 1. L z '. � , . � surp that Dr Wil Rem* jer.:..'. . ozone which goes right to t o, root of, ,* - : L . � trusta 6 would purchaseaplotof ground --re, and although be too the vronder- li4ins'Pink' Pills will. . I . J� C . L i $I, . . , .: - L ." A11D 11, . . ,prepsr6 for .�.. ' . . . . I ittear the school and devote it to, the r,al work of the place seriously, -lie ),ad . be ray -only doet . t� . . I ., ... . 4 . " .� . the trouble. .. It, destroys the geryins, I � I L . I � . . .. 99od flitun0ions.,JLApply to . - . ., � . 11 .1 �.: I . ... .." study of nature such as the growing4of a light .manner of '6xpressin Or.. -11 � Ile �011c . �V]Ilg 8 . j�le Lo f 't WrItten.-fet- ..beals the ffiflamin L . I . . .... . . _. ,� . . I . L . ­ . I . . . I . . ., . I . - himselfo' ' 19Y011 have arivdiseaselik6 . �Po . , ed menibrancesand . . I .. � I - .. . , , . . ,�. ... I._— ; . . ..'.. �, L . . I 1, * .L : arnerinin , le�r, I ,nures Any -case no matter ho . . . , I . .. . . . , at: .1 8 suggested for use when you, dozet 11 � . . . .. I . . I I . pknt,s and cultivation of gardens,that The party had been led up�i�07.jook ,j,� indigestion, limit-ptili)itatiol neiiral- , care to,say ib.right out. . ,. ­ �Ate-6PIongstanding, ,11_10j[VP�': Sti ' . Dominl6ft . , . I . L the goveennient would give a grant Jupiter, and :this -.was �is, commelit:; *91'a-1rheumatisin,br &nv of' , 11 . L . I . L ex6iml) ent- eak Spell$ I . I.. . I., . ..1. . ... . . 'L. L .. . . . ' . ; bogtL of troUbl6sl,e�u8p(j by. e. other jX&u$e ' , W � I . I i 111 . . . . I . ,equal to the amount expended by the "Jupiter? If- you hadn't told "Dear $1r -You will pleA$e ed foi- -years.. with Catarrh Teniedles. ; z .. .�, . . . I .1 I. I , . I l . . me;' I ill!$ but found .',()a . I '. L . . � . . . � ­ . . : . I... . . �. . . . . � � ,, . I L 1. L . , ; school section. It is hoped in this way should have ta;�6 It for. a bad shillinMA i Dr Willig-tyis, bad blood I but I &In-$Or'iy-to tay Lthat : I , tarrhozone, the most .. . . I . . . � Lausiress, ,.. ., I. ­ . . . I Pihk Pill-, will. surel the letter $' . 1 . .1 � ­ .. .'': . I . .� I .. .1 � I . rational and satisfactory tps,w �J � ,�L .., .. , , L.. . .. I I . . � I � . �., I 1. I I, . . I . ­ . . iI 1. . I . . � , to create a greater liking for farin life "Whore is Sir John. Herschel?,, asked Jae.! CIIVP You. Be � I$ jnl*in f In'th'$ ty�ewrlt4r, Wherea$ ." wtl . . : enrefill to, Fk-tbefreinuinie - o' . . . . . I "' ­ � :' L .� . I 40H -with, the. filli name * Naegacbern'of Water*llhi. I . ... I . . : . ''. . e - :`" � � I . I . . I Ong. . . a is at the Cape. 01 I ,Dr tfnao�.,, L 'It cure L � I by children of the rural sectf Off the guests .,. , _ I I cannot dorbettek. .I wi$h to $ay .1 .. . . . . . .. � .L Good Hope," said the astronoffieri Airy, W IllittIns' I ever, that I . , how- me for all . . 1. . . I 011.ege.: . . A f YOU -$hould happen .up urol use . . HAve, You spare time ? I ]'link Pills for Pa'.e Pfiople " printed on : For a sure C S'. Or R H S 0so -I' . ' . . ... . I . . � ' . . .1 L , $troet $ome lay- $oon, I Would. coli$ to .outfit$ ] , ; - .-� . 0 8'F3ydney,R.$,, The best equippSdBqljineSg`%a6i 14horill,ad - . L . .. q - ( . 1. I I ' .1 it a $;ure, �f great ploa*uil'if.7 .1 I I . ze. 25c.- , ": . LL � .. . I . ... : '. �111111111 . Obllege ,In catisdo., Iduca t,itic i . L . . Our goods are iiz,cd ' southern henitsphere-11 "Ali 11 RII.medicine dealers' or seltit ' I I ­ .. 1. L . Advicti t ' n rat.es, . your income bv work at night. Others I stars of the the Wrapper around1be ];olx isold by , . Ider $1, 00 - trial, si Increase "Ve was ordered there to obs6rve.tlie ouly.Catarrhozono, Comple' are doing it. � �box . or . EFIX L nost .paid _ on Would , .. - . , 1. . . .. . . . I a all Suffenits, from , - . Write up: regarding o,ur oearsea of 0 . . L . I everwhere every day. aid fin Imilh, ritS ii,L and $ec 14 about 4 certain Ouft�l. _. �_ - _�.-. 4. — _ 1_ - - ,_�� — ­ I . I .. .. I Write G Mar- I I - boxes. for ' 'lop . I . I. study, - , 11 ­ "' " "' !'() co I N . % 169 W. , FO*10t 'lot I .1 Morve Trouble is I situations - 11, . . . . . shaR & Co Teas London, Ont. I " �­ ;� yo "�. i32 5 . 1writing'to the ,I)r .Williains, ." rtiatt!i. thal $h6uld be $attled. - 'r*L u i .' .0 lgrosewan� - �aiv . . . . . . � I . And vo Pcts Of -�eauting . I f6c . .1, .. 1. . " i 'Ll'n've q0., Bro, Vneere . $ery is, Now Jormy tells & story of 0;,&mwU boy . . . I ,P,te.'.'! catfilogge Bent fret., Adarm . . are advl,,, . N�d .. . , - ;O "y rs ey ' . '�'�iu � . L Ckville, Ont, - . &AV' etc. -Columbia. � 1�b . . . I . gkokLan ,'4 . 'to nome , wh - y u ore - .1 ell"_ . L . . your ' till a at - " O'd�, ry . - . . .. . L . � : - - . .- . , . . .:' ' ,; . r . . L ,� , . , , . .. . . � . I . . I . . ,_ . . &P I - , . ... . L . � , . , . L . . . I . . . t. . r . I . . . I . I . I . . L 1 �4 L ­ � .2a else of the ehl2f -4ratclanakrtw " Ir . , _ . .. . . pvjtch."� ,a ,� . � .. .0 . I .. . who was O�,er supplied with'greo:a� qRg, 1. , , . .. L . L . � air . . . . r _ ,. . � . - - - ' I S? . I . . d ; '. . . . I L J,4., 1 ;� ,% ]KA . . . I . , , , , . , I—. � . � J - - . . . . __ , ­ . . . UI W I ic L . . I . mortals a,ee tol I to ' lul . g et ,�' , d . Ullflatments in Zuricb, . _. . I _._.__.,..I. ., of. n . ..*�. I saYs The Lon,loo . r . L , . . I I.. L I . . . .L .. . 11"NW—_ I I . .. ". I . � �. .. . I lone to a" One. , -MY Was itu- .1 ... ..: :_ BOX';�Or : .. 10 �. .. .. I C . T., . . . . . . , .. . I ­ ­ I I Globe, the - WE 811OUL'.D: TA-Xl,l :jN � 'I .1 I ., I .. I .. L . .. : , �. ents -downsin. Union County," said the, ', I I . L . r I ,. L . L. ­r� ' � re In to be seen a remarkablf Hagvard's Wlow,-011 tak ' ' . NTER. . . . I I .. . .. . GET A'. . F ' ' Pept 'Ack,kqonf6�er . . - . I . L reduces sWellin 6"' Out 0ain EST.� -A publi . I .1 COUP46 . � . I., 040nXife Bit%. t, . g:and-alla '4 'I e Ineetill ' ' the ifiter.' '.., ' ­ . ., � . asman, .",*and found'. bim tryfzg', t& ,,, . .r. 1. . r . . I . - . I I � . L r . I '. .. ;. . � . .... . nflamma.- g In . . 10 .L ­ . �. 1- . .. � ." 0. - ID,ut, .. . euriceity in the way of watch or cioac , y, ests.6i the Cbildr' ' ' HHADAVIRE' VANTSIX&D-. I 0 a. Young Son 'j�llo . � ': , L .. '. I oront" , t L: . .�: Xnaking . ' ' 11 I . . r L. . 'r . I . , . . . . I .0 I . . ... ,., .1 . � . :- . . 7. . .a..... . - The tirnepie,ce is In the form 04 'On. Cures RfieumatislL.' On Oh's Aid Society. of.- ' Mri E W Le giv:eogtine raedlolne t . . I . I M 0 . I � T . , Stiff.foints,- tario: is belin L " a too inaliv gxii�.applts, While ,. - - ,� 3 . . - r a ball, which meves inii)erceptibly, down Uontracted Chords;Sore Tbroat,0ro (IL , held' in Goderich Q�;.sa; ,Galliis, St Giodfro-y, . P� Iliad eaAe � ILBURN-1 . r . 7!---! -- . . �. . Quin PL on the 27th of �hg J Is month, Mrs H.Lr_ lin 8 : "I have use Milburn's'. Ster. i a Christian f3dience neighbor was assur-. r . . I., . . .. . . . r L . ­ I . I 1. -,- . .. � .., . ' ' - . . .., s . , a &.. eadaehd.Powd6ra for sick, bead. at r. . . I . � i . an Inclined surface, without roiling, Tbo sy, etc- It floes lifit. stain'� the vie, tb tuatron , . M =_ 1 . " . " r -, : �' bkin or soil th6'clothing: PrI66 250, i', 9. Intr the,boy that there was.notbing ' WIL 11 I , � '. . I ' . I gffimm - I . _ , . - � _. - � 4 , length of this Inclined surface, I I . 'e gathering.. At Present , . _T . thi HEART AND NERVE I ' , . . Which is dress tt - of the hiocietjr,is to axl- , e . After taking tW*0 � PoNvddirs * .4 . . Oftteen inches Iol1g, is accomplished from London, Ont is- interested in a' ' is a.branc .there felt better and 1,ias -able, to get up � I .. tbi ins1ter with him. , 11 �`k- � I . . . , t , h I .. - - pe- . of this sbolety r' and I .ought t.6 -kn " he boy... q , � . . .. .. 11 , erein two., young, .. . . r r . . . . .. I I . . . toil to bottom -fout hours, Then culiar lawsui " ill our county estAblishecl & onwi.th. � .. . ow, groaned, t I � . I r I � .� . . I � . r, � . . . I . b .. I I in twenty men ate suing ' w ' town, and good v�6rk is - . . my . work.".' ' .. Iva g�!t. Inside Informidion.1-1 �..� �. :� : � . I the . .1 . I I . gl!!S� 1 � ) . .of r . . . == . . . . .1 . Itbe -ball" only needs lifting til the top PPOPMetor oUthe f being reporte ' ­_' .. . .1. . .1 ­ ­..— �-­� .. I . I 11, . . ­ I I.. � . GrijKg House for damages.; They took celqt eases:OfdfrOm them - -Vroin re- ,. L t) - _fiatto' . . NEURALGIC.r � r . . -PILLS- .- , hy ­aanadnosi 13k:st., - . . . . . &gain. This extraordinary , 1 Ong . eferred . Expfa .!n. . � READACHR *1si �' '. . . I . .. 'a :1 , . I., I . R I . I. .� y nig.it . or re-, " . . I � . 1. . �. r . . I .. . . I . . . . I I . .. I � . . I - last, an . i6e and Mayor of V . I ­ . . Our"gPecial advantages are: . . no spring, and therefore ueeds 116 wind - - ted to the poli . . .. timepiece has theirdo into SuP156ronSunda" child - inisN11jean ' r . I , . . . . � ,. , , r . 5 were ejected afterthe 810,11�lt . ears afterward -the man who refused . .. I � . : , V.SUALtY �. � . . . .rr . � B'est systems - ra r � . . . r . the anost6tie. &ndr' . . He SaYs t "I ha ' trubbOrs, cheap . . r , re Puzzled to know caliod. for his r I r . . . I .. ve been ailing -for abou fif Of OUJUrfi-r ,,,Jr., 06t thoeoUgh 0 ". �. r. the animal feed froin table, , at t'q deal wl Violin I Attended with blindlng'�)ain� but re- It year from deranged nerves, and very r boBril,ileasant,townpioe . I 7DR. The "banO.sl, are kept in motion � y let - On, and tbey it `v t r - ther how . t'i � -be sliding along a.n fneilned plane Which there were. guests so d. � I th-tliein, we Wotild which be. played without Litilastrig a aot�' li-f comes qu I . I I .. i influences, Itaild wJ11ters ufl city . I - . .ate * fuggest the aid and 4dvici of the of � ... Lickly When eVviline is I often- Weak -spells would come 0 r me and, ' � .0 bul'Ousi railway fare to I � . ., R6 . the - C:0 . I r _ while r' 1. rl,,,,. � I ; rebate . ---=7== 40 J& 03 %# %=LZ.aW . I ers of ' the children's society, The chil- air, . surgeons -wem .'TI.nn L-.1 a�)plfod, for 1 is t.he stron esb vain -r I b'e so bid, ihat I sometime ve ' - Cataio t- I . I L I o . -t. n id t a reliev , 'r , t be a thought J f anded. ,% IN.. I . I . . r TW KJW YJ ft . 080 dren I Was. spealci�g of the to -, er in 'r .1106.., I r . r Domilbs in I.ties ion are sinIply growink friend. r , . 0 world. T consid waild unable td'stirvive them, - I . h!awa : I I I Q"d-- ____ . . , . , er WrIteforit. ,P oil, . I , , _.�Of - I frcil�U . ' r . I NeMllne.& most inagiCal r remedy for bten treated, by I . I . � I Impstm, or-, "I * . . -to a Worse conditi(iii, And un- "I got L nournlgla.­ I , , doct�orq and -h ve taken � . A, La. BROWIV. . . � I I . 90 SP t1Z,"t f.� I Am subject to' violent; numerous prep.irations but Loam in8toi2,. - : .. Principal . . . I . . . - 1 ' less sonlethi rig' ii; *done fOi. them -now . � 'bravery. out 6f.the Affitir " , �a Writes Airs H (� Ha . . - . none. of them � . r, 1. � ABSOLUTE 41 C4�, , . . Od doal of a, r . . . I I _ 0 . . : Still Worse end awa, t ' ' th houlal . ttacks, r,isr ' hel ed In, , the leak. I firlaily got a box - 11 . � I I I I .I. � . : � I " . r � ... I ' . . . . I 8 them. - : .-I - zn�� Up as &'.j,�!;,', 9f . . r . . 0 papers all- . . I . .. . . , �% A nil � , . r ' but I playea altimore, "but never of.Ailiuren'sInOrtarld'Nerve Pill , 13efore - ., ; . . � I asionary In ' 'r , W.01TY if. Nervl­ . it MR VEGETABLE C ' S r , � . . 1. r China - - endeavor A PT Wasn't anything 61 the so laking4hem Ldid, not' feel- able � . . r nati... , �niq;y . 'tie is in the house, The prompt re- to:do any . . . . . to convert one.of I Bil 1� Oe Suppose I , . r . .1 ORN nfraid Of chloroform, lief - that . I . I . I . ' � I - I . . CURE . . ,and a Wervilixie -brings Inakes work, but now I can ' ' . . 4 � we Christian, me go to heaveill" To. .. I . .. I . I r t-hought I'd keep the leg. and -.0 v"t I ft . woyk as Well as ever, . I � . . marked Ah Sin. Oyesn ' I Putnatn's PriCel�is to me. A few applications thanks to one box of, your pillg. They. - % ": wijill I � . . . , . ' . . . . SECURITt , replied the'mis. no aLids'. butcorni Extractor . contain' - ch&uces�- ThM all at 'once, I, thought. � nev r entfailed to.kill tbe vain. I'can have Made a new Man* of - . ted . 10 ont, 8 . S . blonary. "AM lite," ,,Sopr � � � re,17 vegetable in of my fiddl C6 me, and my' " retorted the heathen, I le. itoll. never beard mo, play ,, the nnend'Nerviline !or stifffless, �'a&ice to. any Person troubled as 1',,�A,, is . . .., . I. . I I - , '' , .. I . I . . I . . I I 1­._� ' cOmPosition. _ 'a in : . I - A man to x6preakis -Ile , , '. . I . I Cenuine I -but whirt for youno lot Ohillaman Into, I I PlIthani 8 never t 3 4 the fiddle, did you?" ' e joints and rhouniatisin." Try� to ,get I boX of Milburn's . 'Heart and N.erv' eriball AnAdIVO Girogile A 1" * I It i T . , "NO, I - never diVP - � . . . . $I I . ' ' a in'tbiI town Of Clinton ard sue. I - .1 1 I .: � issiona,ry with f' ' , ,ly Painlesslyt* liernianiblatly., "Wen, that inside Ole su%ical � I . I to miding con tr,Ys And tike orders for I 'FAIL 11 said the mi � . I 4zneliea when you let him Into hen�ent* ',or causes d $comfort cures tinic Nerviline youriself. Price Zo. . . pill � 1, N urs . I . opera- . -_ Price go cts. per box, or .3 $1 nil , I r In � I'" there's no labor.pairty- in lit . . us , , ,g at 1111, Auyu,ifa, Gn.kt, ___��-, — - I . . * . ,� . . ­ . . I . , ' I . ervor, . . . I. %VOIL F1 * * f_�_ . Moll J t nothin , !A 1885 -as Brig il;blaata �'Ayld 1118 'WRA dealors"or ; for .25, I I . . . .. e 'Oh's,, of I . - . . I � � t , * , ; . � , Ill Abraham Benedict -of the,.Xe The a country gchool Asked I�011d stand my fiddling ODUld et"d , 'were bbing driven about Ireland by A � . OTIR HARbT. S PEOTAtTILYr, I � . bar tells the storJr 6 � a. youn w York his Pupils one day if any of,them could it . lay rother. maFillobbly Jarvey, who could sea . I � I I � ; Carters I lIIn9-"­ChJoA9a "Tribune.,, , - , . TIHE t MILBURN CO., 11mits . � ' . I entered a. strect Oat with all man 'who. tell hIM, who Joan of Are Wit& The . I . . I � 06 silver lining to tile cloud overshado . . . d� I n Finit Trees,' . tracted the and 41- W- Small .Fralto, Ornameli . 4 � , . 1: at question Was follo-wed �,y Profound. si- 0 !--q­.,-7-7-`�-' . � -, Ing'his - country �nd bis ol:ija. 0 `­ . . VOROUTDioNt. , - .� t ale, 131[trob, Iteees, , seed vot"toe . � . I . tenbioli' -of anoirl6mani leneb. gr,tl ala,r . . . � . 0 1, I .. . . . .. vineo � I The ,;! I og ON OURIJID, . 'Wever mind, Pat," a Bag- . I . . I . . - . I Who enquired what kind of ad Some , Of the Pupils stared at the . 0INSTIPATI radeL, . . .. . ate, . I . Little Liverpilist : oung wan I I It W46i twhor, an, owe turned and Stared at . I. I tshman, . �Iyoulll have a grand, tini * stock true to name and . free frow"gim, . - 0 I . . � � . 1 $ forsa e .Toes scale. ,& . . replied, "It Is V; OrOsll' one anothev MI%James OlArk-, Commands, Onb, When they give you Home Rule," "C" MaR961d , 1 l)`1 %`M�n 'in ape and an Irlebman.11 uThel, r Las if seolcitig informatfoll writes - -I was reatl . . In the hices a, I y troubled with , Wor tanner and w6 will -for 11 ghti-man Ammanebt position.10; ik . . . . ) 4 r � 0 a an Cstipation, a y for a, weok 7" 11D�rfvla? all � Del, I JVibred,in tOWU at $3'60 - I . . . . Must Dear S.anature of , '" , rP both relatod to Jt,n responded round fbilm, Vinally a, boy Reada,h d � 'ad * I ri . . . . 11. 11011, -yes) I know; the Laza-Lixer Pills and they did me lao , ' �Itlt I 0 . . I ' I , I flit, , i�lhfilan. . 1 burst; fluL wit 1. I tri6d I took, Wh On "Ittle 84 IlrY or a oinnaloajon . , .� � I 'Was x0ah's, W116.11 11 . . . . he "' &.- " '.` -0) amvered Pat, .. . I 1� , . . . STO ' 8]q L, ' ' . _ . .. . '110000000, , - � . I . good than AllYthing I ever took.,, . J� - ­ . I. � . . . - '_­ . � . .. par irdho I . � M13 & W-ULLMOT . . I . . " I'' � , ,-rf 1,4-eko 'Pipwburn. X. ,c4,9 1. 01160, When they *ore talking litcra, . _. .. � . . . . I . - . I , Forabill Nurferie . I I . .. . -4--- . .00VGn .D. . A-'P6rest * . I a . . I . ;;:��� ::�� % 04 , bed for weeks with ? bel Strong sai Mary M4CL no is at it - , or, -GRiPPn . .� . . . . . ,. . . I . "0�1: , ture Mrs. Iso . , ' ' I . lerilleffilto . I . I . . i .1,0741 Ali4notninvo. %vitl,. I Louis Stevenson. "At least; you ila�,ojlo Publishers fr a again. * Ror In thio Sp In When Gripe NY s aq-;. --- . �_ �­___,___ —, . Over 800 Atm. . I I . , e . . Set Pa-Slitillo Wrapper nciow. . I . � , ' . . . I 0 ONSO that before. the end Ing I 09, tloYattack an t a r . �,l p 118ing MI blit � mannerisms.,, Mereupon Stcvc,nso� Qf the mon h we 0 cotilil � I . I 'n"'; I took h, copy I shall have & now book ,* CONSE ' a _. -)x telipVt�d �f Ilia own "Morry Men,), row her radium.ti was so severe that I thoughn * Toronto, . Tl­;� 1dollo 1), pped en, called ,,�Vy t ld RVITORY 0, TAW7 small anil as ousy . . ,7 IN I ,)x,js.'con)pIel6Jy, which I I I . Ontario . to take as sagar. , . I "" 11, was readilfg,out of her hands, Riblid, Annabel Us,, C W cough mv§Olf to ileath. I got a, bottlo� . Studio of Music. � . I � I . . . . "It Was a, wonderful clony, the Y�ubg lady , '110 � . . . d read . has . rItOAhat Of. Dr Wood's Norway pi tiyrup ,,,nfI � . __________________� . . tgla.of 'stal I been ITVI - ,_ I -_ , .. . . . . . . 40 FOR HEADACHE. A t. a bn I, I ,ni -s " 110h 11 lie saldtu'%ow Ill DOStOA vork"I ' "' Juicily It cured ino -in a 'surprisingly �hort I ' � . . . I . ,har4 . . rmr let aftor the ovenOdming I many, many t) ' this bo -OL, it is tible, ,. � W, Glenn Carlipbell,'Organist a I me W011. to Imag a,. "' . I I director of Willie Preshyteritin ad Choir � . I . . . . I S I 'hav)o written I , lqaryl 'dclag thything. Xrs4 It Myers, Isita I , . . Oral; Of "Shatilrock TTVI Sir 'Zioni;t"i derfuj clear Ilight, of stars"', , quiLet . . . I c's-111irbour, X, 8. (,,Iinton . . . church . Ill ERS FOR DIZZINESS. T I � . . FOR BILIOUSfIESS, Jpfon vdtl: ,,you Americans Ara hard lVol-al,41 . droct a Child , . .. I . I ly. . .. � , I . . . I . . I Teacher ol pifinotoftef 13ii)O.Orgall . ahcl all 1- . . . . . I I The fourteell yvar-old, soll of Rm. brikilelle,j vi 1llurqlcaL,1,ho(n,y. � - I V� P FOR TOP too 481 Vordli 10, al%v '6i� VEAWW . I I 'ff LE ) beat, You reillind 1110. of tile SC( � itya ffilin when alLf Mayor RadellInIpjit, of I PUPIls preps red . I . .Pin LlyER, man who caine lip� to London and waF. seriolisly to Ileglect, Some 14 h Btivrio; jv;t.4 ��(qq_ for all it 0 exa-intiticips or. mb Toronto odn� EXPERIENCL , . I I 14 health ul I I . � � P1 LL - Set upon by two nighwayinca, �Vjloln 111, I ,yaterleal and She Is nea' . I , * ""Patory,,L�0110900ttyuiversity- NewStudlo "­ I f F alwqo t1l, Wd In it. fire whivil, (111111.1,Yfict HL � * 11. 11 they I VI�tL�--civIGet)0118'k;ll.00gtoro, AllareWelcorne, 1, ' I . tfmc they had`ovPrenmf,.� ],ill, they wort Time's f1leasitut Worm, 8yy r trittford by I` . .... .. 1. I . - I . 0 �, , 'tt gellt, , I FMS GNSTIPAVON so unincrelfuliv eL L Use Coll V1118101IN and deattlInt you I hyst6rift), ' Ilor loud pr rl estatiolig ausly burl oniall'.9 lioll,�e reevilt ly, " r FGn SALLOW SKIN. Mauled that by ,tll( IMINATF, L1l(,1JJJ to -,give D ag4lust, flit desecration of Er 0 Li I I i be preii;,ent � I ___ FDA 7urpnu -lit), - -, . .1 � � I -------- I------ . , � . .,--. . __ _.___..1PU" i0N LIN Which & Vatll0gle free library Were t�o first . . I �b . 'Iveenu givo ra'S11101 V �� - � . 031all? Win W .1118 NVIL11011f; i . . 40.4361 is ov c� , ",-a z.,A. k* I -M�L ft . I I lit ready to cro to the bo,spit,.xf tbetll Ide'stroys 00 WOL 'tl , -S?M%V& _IATUPE, i njul,11i 9 . no; Z At, to Persons of &I . (1b � "I. I cW0tftbIc..a Reltreq. Alfil th�y only I'miTul tuppOnCt, tile ellild. 1�1,lco Z-550, � . . of & hOW11119 tavile �vhiolx has now I I . grailt"i of ablli,Y. Agent.% book�keel3e 4!1�, M . At I . 1, V, .. ..... 0 1 raraT IV, . ��Z,t 1��7.lfl' ., ��W�j.V. I � � � . _,,I I - 11 . . , .� - Toitched ItA climax. Sidney I", a Scholl Tile KiNd You Have Almlys Bought letkil,farmorIA sono, tivivyers, inechal I �� �-­ � . - 0";;V� In I his pooket, wl1er(-at, 1)af, of t1lem lgaiii., I , Mr. JL A N a ker, 4V - Whose gre Roara the 09e I � 0 rs . V .� � IT , V 1. lie#, rk;!, I I - ,,, C ,�. I cr-,- . . ., - 1, a Ilicity; 11111.1 110 d!lllllt lavo ob-N,oace,"i ko'ka of Island 10,, Xm�. it . ittest fault 14 that he I . 91guature 61clans, Pr(noliers, KilcitIlls, wArkied and 86", L., . V .1 I �.V A . TP, I of hysteria �Or or - I � 1�" . DE:,.v,,�,!, I . .1 ADIt VIA, -,35 CURE ', iino Ille able . single women it . 11, 1CK HCADACHE� and , WO ('0ftipsinions, arebolieved If lar Ild wfdow$ 11611itiaza hie " I 1- ­ I __ 11116'uil t'dakilledi)otli, f , I to have been d as it ,oil of I I agn- other .. ortlifrow $400 to$%�to P6 ammurn. we ......... . I �:i � ­�. �­�� rown6d. celing, says 1 4!z�- W�AP4_11_1_�'V- ?.&Vo paid oovelaleariVasseys *A0 weekly copynio. we4 1, ­ - � __ . , Fit, at tha for AllT'0I1(Vs(%ndfnqnsJc(0b . . �., ". .., ugb of �)0815 COrelli's objection is ths " ' I Years, Write fully anti We *111 give Notia 111111 ftr1dfl0.'VV1J1! - ,� . . , IM"WAft, r , I _­ I "--- __ 0 oleo tried to got the Site In t P081610" -to Ault. -nitain nor ppj:.�I,)n frea JvJ �1, I '. ", , , , , , ,,03in.6 I . t,,Li,-,;2MVw myr,w "__­ I , I I 41sputo . ventlon fAJ)r()11ft�"ypaL(1lltabIo. Vobtll:;,,,'. . I , , 0 AAWAL n .. . . . -tr 0 MON __ . 4 too library Hktrdy.� & Co. ARtMi"TSON (,,a, tote., I le(mJd0llf at. 11andbookoupaiv311M . . . . . 4, I Eli & T. THFBUADJtJ,;y_G I tions(Attle(If . : . ­ Of her:6wn hu, found � Aug. 22nd k liatf0f.d. � � Wit fred. ( 11108t 11960cy for ne,xlrn onig, . � , r' .115"" ' I 00" " 11 PV0 too Nigh. Miss i%rell, 10 a I . I Ilawnto tatten t ron,11% munit &Pe.tovolvo I . I E ­ - I '' ----------- I #Pc'el4tftotfce,wttliouttNlitirtre,iutho ' I TO OV6 11' prose, �'Advarflsihg, corrospiindeftoo, gin NOW sub-lic4�ibei,sgo.ttileXL.�Wl�,RA,111(1 � 40 � ^0A I 01, ' co shrIller Than ever, rotortg t4h, , i"J In Une Ny kad , I ____ I to, on he; a ,,, , " � . I 6 Irwo b" I IN a mean thl% and kur � 39nquiry Ag6nto, . � , . . I I " � , I � I , I I I I I I - "-, , I I 'I . .. Taka lonative Bromo QUino on Lev, 11 , 0 0 ;0 h4lo him to the couits, I . . . �� I S cal ,� n. Ulli.4 V'2,20 . � 90V h1e.90 6 10 $1. Those who reliew their subso0p. A handeonle 1lJt14f,tated,W0ekl$,r r,grRog (,IN I almr­�, IN 1W Oattleal Herald to 4an, Ist, 10M, jo, Iffic rma, I I MWIM bom sold to " 22 woftbil, . I �Ifefi. another pamphlet, al 80 Plait St.,, Looden" maillan'd y , 11 a . . . - — V 'I g I w9wilet I,. ". I I $ 1 . tions get the Ile lltul Istirrial: Terms, $j.gl �_,__ . 1. I US k. 4 ,.";Ov�� 6 fb TkIlth Aboui rald also. in elther tilts $1, 86dilyall"GWAdMIora, . AN . — ewl . . I . ­10WWq4MMriMW1!`1fWXq1WW.d WMIMM., I "o 0 OAd,061144 It 00i 41 AaaA14A j3a&joke" & 19##t1a1t3,t �! Dt"dway, N . � ___ I AdId 6 - 0q. ; , - . r Imio to 6-11, 10 11811MAWO and aftics gratis. , taft t oY 1got albsollutely'fornothlug a "'o "" __ h VA to T) ' apel;� � —, "'...'' , F 24 'e' the ef4ld V �, to It. . 00�g 1P, 'WoX I tU XJ L rk .41 Coll qN." 46 04 t ,." __ . of YUC ftklftodii L __ I I _­. . oor,Vtl . " . I .. ­ �, ­­. -1.�-....,---"�---.---...--.-,--,.�..,-.,�--�.. -_-11.- I . . 0114, I I . I 71-1 " .."�.."-�--,-.--",�.....,-..-� ........ ­­­ . 1. I . . . I / I I � I . , �� 0 ­.- �.111.---..-.,---.-.-_�-,�l-.-�..�.. , ­ -.1�-1--l..,.-..-",---,-.--,,.-.�-.-,-�..�-� .. .... -,--."-.-,.�,��l-..�..--�--.,-..,-�.��..-��. __-1.-1-_. . - . I . . I. 1. I .. I . . I� . � . I .. -.�'�-...�.-"--"'---L,_�..�,�� � . . . I . . � _._,_.._,_____..__ _ I . . . . . I ­ ­_ � -r-1.���..-.-..-,�-l'..,.-,..,,,.-,,,-.-.... ­ . � .. � .. . � I . . . . . � . . . . . �� . I . I . . I . 0 . I ! - . . . I . I � . . . I 1 17 � . I I I I % . . . � 666W- ­­­ . ...... __._ .... ... .. , _ . 1 . � I . . _�__ _ , _ .., ., - I I I ­­-­ _ I , � I � 111,111ir V, , 14A%&*"-,a,a�,A,&—,.,-,*,.,"�---�.--�—��.'',- ­ I - ­ - ill,,Ilillli,,I-,M-I--.-,---�midowimi-,�i6,,----ml�mia-� --,l,A6",W,�.A& ------ A&WifA, _A _ - 1'4�. -, _� �. 1. � A&�, _ _... - 4d