HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-04, Page 51,04 Boliday Shoppiug No better store can be found than ours where you can make your selection of Ohristma G The stock is well and carefully selected, consisting of goods usually found in .an up-to-date Jewelry Store. The stock is all new and of good quality. Any article may be felected now and held for you until Christmas Call first time you are in town. No trouble to show goods. W. H. I4I3LLYAR,, Biddlecombe'e old stand: Opposite Town Hall. EYES TESTED FREE I.;II IC CII:II�!J! l:U_ILlLJ 11 1i 1- r_f rimniuwwomtiwwfi+iwowimwwwmwrwn r� Your Boy or Girl1 would enjoy a Brownie camera Buy one of Them. Amusing and in-. structure, can do it all with aid of Developing Machine' WE HAVE A STOCK OP EVERYTHINNG NEEDED. Brownies $1 and $2 J4 B. eOMBE• chemist and Druggist. NIMPARRNWMYVYMMANWANWORMAI Wanted 8 or 4 gide to learn Machine Operating apply to ' THE JACKSON MFG, Co. I Found. String of Single garners bells, on the Bayfield rood, between the railroad and the 2nd con. of Stanley. Owner can have same by paying for thus edverti,ement. WIL TAYLOR,;Lot 32. oon 2, Stanley• New Railroad Coming to Clinton ! The rush is now on. Everybody wants something nice for Xmas and New Years. Our stock is well assort- ed. - We are selling at PANIC PRICES during the Holi- day Season New RaisinseeTrenor's eeleoted Sultanas, Black Basket and Royal Clusters. New Currantsa•Cleaned Patras and Vaetizzes. New Dates, Figs, Prunes, Almonds, Filberts, Peanuts and Walnuts. Teas•eOur Black, Green and Japan ie pure, clean, healthy and invigorating. Crockery, China and .Glassware. We importdirect from the English and German manufacturers, and we have the largest and best asserted stooke in the . County. Latentdesigns and new patterns in Dinner, Tea and Toilet bets; and fancy China Table Lamps, from 250.. up; .yes, ten per. pent. cheaper than T. Eaton & Co. Call and examine quality and prices. Agent for Pratt's Food for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Poultry and Hoge. W Irwin WANTED . Good Butter and . Eggs gi BOys Do you want an Overcoat or a Suit of clothes, suit of Underwear, Caps, Braces, Collars, . Ties, •Armlets, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Socks, Mitts, Gloves and Top Shirts. Ladies and Ghildrens Underwear, , Hosiery, Heavy Dress Goods in Grey and Black from 25o to $1.00 a yard. We sell Pratts and Hess' Stock Food—askfor a circu- lar: Lard, Tallow, Onions, "Beans, :Dressed Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys taken at the highest market price in trade. • Cash or Trade for Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. . A FAM0B8 SCHOOL -CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. A large wide-awake, working, bristling result-prodnoing echool—the best Business College in Canada eoday. Graduates always get positions. `This oollege places many of Re graduates in other business colleges as teaohere, -Winter Term opens Jan, 4th, Handsome catalogue tree, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. House for Sale or to Rent. That new brick veneer house on Princess St. 'just approaching completion, owned by undersigned, is offered either for fade or to rent. It ie two story,, with all conveniences auohae furnace,bathroom, deo. Apply to WALTER MAI11,11Snmmerhill, or JAB. MAIR, Clinton. Dec 4 tf. Caretaker Wanted For the Clinton Collegiate Institute; Duties to commence 1st of January 1904, Salary of the present partaker $150. Ap- plicants may obtain a ahedule of the duties iram the/ secretary, M. D. MoTAOGART, THE CLINTON SEW EILA Miss Laurine Agusta Kaiser Teacher 't of voice Prodactlan and dinging • In English or French. 111 eartily recommend the above as a Teacher of Singin g, sloe being quite capable and most painstaking also thoroughly taught ;from eli• mentary to highest grade in singing. RESIDENCE,—H. Plumsteel'e, Ontario St., Clinton, Canaries for Sale. Two birds it year old, grand singers, are offered for sale, ONSLOW MUCH, Clinton,. House for Sale Thot beautifully situated residence corner of Ontario and William streets is offered for sale. Apply next door to Jas, Smith. House for sale or to rent.- h. ent- A comfortable cottage, containing 7 rooms, with hard and soft water, quarter.aore lot, with bearing fruit trees; good stables Will be either sold or rented on very reasonable terms, W. BitYDONE. For Sale A Well established delivery business in the town, of Clinton, The owner has good reasons for disposing of the same, Address P.O. box 156, or apply to Frank W. Evans. ,.;n.IIOOVEB. NELSON LiALL Artistic Furniture P1ltirays makes a Home beautiful. We have it here in. Iron, Brass, Wire and Wood••Every land and Every Price ill will be a pleasure to show you through our Store. Undertaking in all its Branches. Satisfaction Guaranteed. HOOVER EI ,&.. BALL, . Night and Sunday calls ante/bred at the reeidenoe of Mr ;John Powell, or of the principals, DRESSMAKING! Latest`Style,in Cloaks, Suits and,,Dresses. • Good work and satistaetion guaranteed. Mrs. `Manahan & 'Rose Opp. MasonHouse' — Over Harland's Store WE. SELL ONLY THE BEST New Fruits Arriving Daily. . We have 50 cases of New Arguimban selected Raisins that we wish to dispose of this month. In order to do sowe will sell 4 -lb a: selected Raisins 25e 3 lbs a . tf . 25c 4 lbs . " Currants 25c Also new Peels, Nuts, Dates: and,Figs Further announcement next week.. T. O'NEILL Highest price for Butter and Eggs. 6 ZER& BR CLINTON_ Get your money's worth DHOW by dealing with US.. With every pur- chase u -chase you SAVE MONEY and get the best valuein the market. If YOU can't come, send the baby, and you may be just as sure as TAXES that you get just what WE advertise. Every time a merchant advertios what he can not give his customers, he loses ground, and we are here to stay. We expect a big shipment of Christmas goods next week, and t� m'kze room for them we are offering argains hi. 'very Ieparbncnt taple Department 50 pcs Flannelette, regular 10c, for 25 pcs English Flannelette, 12c, for 15 pcs Wrapperettes, gaud patterns, 12e, tor 25 pcs Print, good patterns, rag 15c to 18c for 8c 11e r, c 8c. Ordered Clothing Dept. M"r. Downs has this Department in hand and 'is an tip -to• -date and artistic cutter.. A trial order solicited Dress G,vd t. R1 • X it Homme Spun Dress Goods. .. 100 S'2rr?;t 56 'nr_h,` red 50c. f >r, 100 yards reg $1 25 for. 10 pcs single fold .all -wool . Dress. Goods, worth from 25c to 35c, for Waistings. 0 yds French Flannel, 32 inches' wide, four good patterns, regular 50e, for ........ 12ic iif7C 25c LUOINE SILK WAISTING—in fawn, greys, purple, mauve and: white, 75 yards, regular. price $1.00, for .. 50c LADIES' READY-MADE SKIRTS—Clearing out of present stick to make room for others 2 doz assorted sizes in blue, grey and black, regular $3.50 line; for 2 . doz mixed greys an 1 black, : fancy patterns, regular: $5.00 line, for $2.75.. $4.00 Hundreds of other money -saving values too numerous to•mention Successors to l R. Coats & Son, MM v ► ; " 1 1MM M1 iVi lniMW1 Ul ►W,' ust Here: ! We have just received a large shipment of the well-knownPRATT'S FOOD FOR STOCK AND POULTRY... Calx " and get a sack of this food and save half :your fodder and grain, Get two sacksand save all. Wften you are coming, lring your . Dried Apples, Fowl, Butter, etc, and we will give you top price. Call and get acquainted .with our tailor's work, Morrell& Holmes Telephone Office-Londesboro. - e McKI N NON & CO. - BLYTH Christmas Goods Christmas is only three weeks away and shrewd cash buyers. are making their selections now while the stock is at its best and they have first 4haice. We have, made great preparations for the Christmas trade, Below we mention a•few lines taken at random from our immense stock, which, will make very suitable Christmas presents -- . Japanese Satin Cushion Tops. elaborately embroidered, in all colors at 50c, 75c, $1 $1,50, $2, $2.50, LithographedOushion Tops in new colors and designs, at 25e. 35c, 50e and 75c. Japanese Silk. Table Drapes, Mantle Drapes, Piano Drapes, etc., at very close prices. Ladies' Fancy Fascinators at 35c, 50c and 75c. Ladies' Kid Gloves in all the new shades. Ladies' Fancy Belts, in riew designs, from 2bc to $1 75. Men's Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves, in all the best colors, at 50c, 75e,$1, $1.25 and $1,50. Way Mufflers for men, in plain and fancy stripes,. at 25c, 35c, 50, 750 and $1. Handkerchiefs in endless variety, in silk, muslin, lawn and linen, from 2c to $1, Table Covers, in lineo, tapestry, chenille, etc., at from 60c to $4, Ladies' Leather Wrist Bags and Purses at all prices, Ladies' Astrachan Gauntlets in black and gray. Children's Gauntlets inblack, white and gray. Ladies' Silk Stock Collars at 25c, 35e, 50e, 75e and $1,. Also a full stock of other Christmas Goods too numerous' to mention. MoKINNON & CO. ••••••N•••••• O•••••••••••••••••••••••••41r••••••••i►4s••4t••••••N•NN`. . •2 i • A ••• • I •.. • 1 You have presents to buy and feel,:. no 'doubt that the selection of appro- priate pro-priate' articles at prices within the lim- its ofyour purse will prove .. no `small task. ; We have made extensive preparations for holidayselling with;. a large assortment of. beautiful, artistic, and, in a large measure;" exclusive goods. The attractiveness of our stock and the absolute fairness of our prices combine to make giftselections a pleasure. Watches • Ladies' Gold -Filled Watches, $9, and upwards Ladies' Silver and Gun Metal watches, $3 and upwards GeRtlemen's Gold -Filled Watches; $9 and upwards Boys' Watches, $1.25 and upward Fancy Clocks, Rings, Silverware Cut Glass, Necklaces, Sterling Silver Ebony G-oods, Lockets Cutlery Manicure Sets, Broaches, Field Glasses Purses,Chains, Mirrors Braces, Pearl Goods, Novelties An early selection will provide against possible disappointment. We will save any article for you till Chri.stmas OUR PERSONAL, GUARANTEE GOES WITH ALL, GOODS SOLD 0••O.O.Od•••.H.••.AO.O.4•.O.OiAO•♦O4•4•+0••O♦•i••i••i4.4:O 4 i0•AHDAi i♦8.4.44+O••40•• 4 : ♦•4••i♦M♦••••♦Oi♦f++iR,•♦•4 ♦♦HOO+ A. J. Grigg, Jeweler w. and . ••/•NN♦•NNNo•••1NN..4**NNN44iso•o“..~080+4440.“.....***