HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-04, Page 2I . I . . , "' - 12 -4 - ­ - I i - . ­ I ,� I - . I,— . . , ��. �. -.,.,�...-��--,.-.,i.-�-�,,��.�., �­l ­ ­­ "',---1. I'll " . , . , � I I ,, . , I � I I ... I I . I . I -1 . I � � n� "'L . __ - .. � '"IMIM''014AT"It - --- . I - I I. I----- . I . __ !I_ 4evelope4% large tr*O 'With Or"t a 1.6arS64 Postogotwouvoral Mass. I .."..''. I. �.. ­­­. 1 ;, i ,,, ­ �­­ Britain, Ak trade that IV greatly profit- _n .' 'L ' � I I 1-11.111-- ­ � ­ 11, . �� 1, �. ' �­' ­­­ poeemow 00 XW 010 11111110% . I A , I .ProayAlk PIU W I --'. " we" � , I I - I � I IV). 1, I I . P � MR4 ,� Sir Wm. Mulockiss4istlagulshe.0 ' ' - T[r ' ' . 1kA=,PM,"QWl M &S 4 J ia ,� collegian, a Reftsox% I . I " -1 . . , le . . rid' medalist in modern A Gin Pill , .b., and is Increasing enormously. V VC � a . I . 0ZXN" I., : I " �"*� h' _XW* a**0 WOW* "Owe & higher WIN will dietroT this trlide,- U languo X11 , .... I Sees," Of ound" of a scholarilillp " People ere yerltsbl* ;1=2% Interrogation 09100 ' . , 11 In ma emotles, former,11 the vice. " )'­ � why ? q I , We cannot 84 our butter, chow, % , Points. The IaytrlsbVw4q%t9 by Me ft*W " I . .7 I I'll .... I'll I , chancellor of * Vniveral y, a great � . I , I � � ers I L ' ug, himself 0 Doctor, of lb' 0, . 0 . . . ... r I . , r woriTt CW8 hoilioi* cau". And yet very few - I ..­­ ---.111, 11_11. offl.1111 r --o, A,____._1 : I bacon and othe products'",wilto Motu- 14 Whon the butte AtroA of loarial 'The z C7, 14 � IV, . X*X" " 1111". . . , . . ' I * !in W�, . �Jn P4, I S , L, q - One d' 'esess , er land, unless we are wil . l; � to take come put a penny in the peo � . ' I � it. . . W, ba"ONA ,, ple think of him In tligit light He . " . � Staiads out as -a of affairs. . owe w. e , 11 , perfor to otber X14oey reme,41es, one re I IT *son in that . - I . I i ose of Ayer's Cherry � e cannot do this I a brilliant in4 , . . , . I Analous, SOLUUTOP. XOMY � D 0 1 # Ik A .* V "to owds in return. ,W . . I -11 P I n IA 4-;mA Ani I,.+- - #1 AA t 'a mally-ATvil � CA i- r "i I In rills art satist-tip in tholractio I -ing 16 -19 ;- VV us a Q %4& &At . J "I R - �, �4 G 0. 1-P , - � U � 1, . if tile t4t,riff prohibits it. � W 4.4 %, . a d sucmqful 4 : 1wirifyint from the itart, tbertby jiTceting a speedier and � . , � ' " , . minis riator of nat- . .. nignt coughs of children, , The GovernmeAvs duty Is to "a proverb. It often seems to lonal interests. . Sir -Win, MuloWs 1*Prq;4rt4iu,qur.e. The effect is Immediate. Alli Druglistso I I Nocroup, Nobronchitis. A lee done to all the people of Can- isasmuding argument for the i mcts. per box, 0 Wxe,ji for p,so or.direct from . " Q#9r OACK 1p I y work though -no one has ever "I"' � - Uat the millions who eltrn a living b. ace of the university mian'In pol� "044 Dituck Co., wINNIPIKO"MAtii. GIN, NIAt 00 Nor Congo ! . the manufacturers prelele ere . , - . . ., I their toll P.9 welt as told why. itlo , Th ime In W� RouseiatOt- - . - - � - I'll, -_ ��� ­ .- AES. ,."4 1 Cherry' Its policy has been I o carefully guZd tawa, manprofeysional men, lawyers, . I I every man's rightoo unil it has certain- When mothers are worried doctors, w d are known loosely as edu- . I � I . .1 I I I - - � .1 ­ .. I � i ly shown a disposition to deal getter - I cated men- but ob distinction should be � � ' � ­ ­ . � . ­, I .. ... 1. I .. I I 11 - . ­ , . . J with the man 'because the children do made ,)Z een men whohavemerely � i Q l�� 1�1-1:1� �.,�, �, . To 'Rewl, . . Pectoral ufacturerS, who not , . , oual . � �11$1 _ _. I doctor's medicine for all h.k,y n mastered the technic of 4 superior � � I � . .e ever enjoyed so. prosperous a i 861,19,644 1 . , I ' * period, . gain strength and flesh we kind of trade and men who, have ab- . . ' ' �. affections of the throat, bron- No one man ol! class or section of the I Two .Papers for the l,o"4)�.00,ieynD.01�E!ood:,H,IdothTo.,,- P;,!,,r chial tubes, and lungs. Sold couti to Aictate Say give them Scott's Elnul. sorbed the ideals and learned the easy � . I . I L or f: A�n , try can be permitted postures of mind that go with a libertil, won for over 60 years. how the rest, shall be taxed, and that sion. ,. . .� education liberally entertained. and Price of, One . I I I . 11 I bnve used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my suchan attempt sbouU be made Is assiduously applied, The lawyer who . . family for aight years, There Is nothing equal most unfortunate for all. it is -like the penny in the . Is merely a lawyer may have common . I . . I to It for coug�s and c,,I(lx, especially for ch'l- I I . , ` - $1600 Cash Oets Two P a- . , . , I . - I I , � 1. . I . rooft M I 1, i I dren."-Mus. W. H. Buyxxxt, Shelby, Al. *The country, is Frosperous, sense, but his common sense will get a W, T1, I - , , , . 0 a west half of lot 21, Bayfield Cox Qed I nes rests on a so id basis, her expatin Milk because, it works and little commoner eve da is if - . . - ! 2.5c J. 0. ATER CO., I - ], that I . . ;T �� I Vera for Next Year. stick township, containing 100 wires c 6" .OD. 0 4 "loom*. = ;; A I 1.'d% goils t S. Lowell. Mass. Sion has been steady and growin be makeq a fetich oirl7i. unt I at last lie . . I . land, looffered, for sale on 4110,11Y for __ - and her manufacturing industries are' because there - is � something I .. - barzQloll lwuso� plenty of water and stoe,ii � . $1 1 __ - . . . . hasnomore breadth of viewlthana, . reaping a rich harvest, while her hairpin. When a Inan is a lawyer I orchard. Particitlars on 4 cation to astonishing about, it. . t -We have ma dearrangements ti- . LT. P'NaDALU Clio. a t labor is well employed. It is, not the d a Master of Arts and a Doctor of 1-.� .with the publishers of the Monw. I ... . 1 Night Copghs . - an . I . t of patriotism on the part of pro- Scott's Emulsion is Simply Laws besides when to professional . , . � . . I treaA Weekly Heridd, where -I . Laud for Sale . M,rtld interests to seektoplace further trainingisadaed a liberal education, # by we can offer the Clinton . Keep the bowels open With one of trade restrictions or � tax - burdens on. a milk of pure' cod liver oil then:it is to have the common sense . . . . 11 Aver's Pills at bedtime- hiiet one. . I NEw Eat. and the WceklyHex- . . I the masses of the peo and the outlook- iuoueperson. Na- For We tbi6t splendid eight Acre. lot. fozim , ele,, and it may . , Ut th ir,attlI6 price of one I I not prove to be good actics from the with . . ";eo c every sall'scriber pay� IngagoreYust on the northera outskirts of annomm� 4 -1 some hypophosphites � that one had to be a poet t �,a ,�to I Minton, he gravel road a,ad base line pass - point of view of the party in whose = Betvi`! g r e a t ideas, and a man of I � . .. es ecially pre ared for delicate. I a year in advance. side. It is excellent land, wall ffittll interest the plot was hatched. . p p � 1. ,. . � business to carry them out. For poet., I his isan unprecedented offer 1:1.0211 11.8110-harket aarden, or private residence. � . . . . -f Canada to -day is attracting in stomachs.. I I � -never made, before" and sp- . �a WIN-AlOUSKIta ore read a man of liberal educa�iou, and , apply to - MRS.F. ARUENTH rlouk. and better imr�igrants than it ever I . ;� . . youbaveSirWilliam, The.combina- lies to new or old subscribe.. ____ I . . . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1903. did before. 'Foreign capital is Seeking Children take to it naturally. . tion, though -not unique, is it rare one tut holds good only to sub- . Farm for'sale. ___ � . Iments in gritat manufactarin . . I the House of Commons of Canada, " I . , . * I X. �-. ---,-. , _. - __ St, 11 . tions paid in adyaliace. . -_ _ �� inve ­ I , they -like 'the taste ' , . ta � because Scrip � a- Iruoker-; A Government That "Does L_ institutions, proving that our . I . . �. . If it were not too large A question for' Subscribers who are In arrears .One of thebest 100 nor I fro* farms ii Things" laws are not unreasonable. , Our and the remedy- takes just as thisarticle, it couldL be provedthat ! Can take advantage of this of- smith for sole 11 miles in Brucefield vin the � agricultural intere W We - , everyone in Canadian politics who pose I -Q 11 Milt Road, SealortA i 4 miles.- Splendid lee& - S1. prosper, ferl-by paying up the Arrears tion'schoolo calls, -large orchard, about 9 � I , are increasing our exports of manu-, naturally to the children, be- sesses it, is either a' risen or a riiing and a. year in advance.. ' - . . . IT, I (Toron7o Star.) I ., . . . . Christmas Canadian Magazinei . Everysubscriber who renews acres of good ush$ good state of cultivation, factia . man,� � 2 rps. t:arns, iarg It is possible even yet, by listening ry cause j * is s*o perfectly ada te I I ,� ohpd,. comfortable house Apply Last year Mr Drummond's Indust t . p , d . .. i.. bi ' subscription to the Naw - q PLUMSTEEL, Clinton, I I . is . caretully, to hear ejaculations of Sur- sold in Great Baitaln .in competition' � I . I . . ERA's paying OI.00 in advance . . .., . . -I! . . with the world much mara from than. to,their Wants. .. .. - - ' ' The Buffalo'Express , clamors for the. I �can have a. eoyliv of WP,4r1v YTer-p - . - Farm -for Sale . . prise in sonie (ludrters that the Laur- Belgium, Hollaridand Germany com- . V weak and I . I al . � . . '. ier Government does things. A tra- bined. Fa�ctories clamor for men* to .. For al . pale and reconvening of the joint high. commis- I 1, d also, $1.00 pays for both the I I � I . enable them to meet the de siori, that'steps' looking to the socur- papers. � . . � . � South half lot e3, con 16, Goderibil Townshi - mand'. The -iin children Scott's E - � I . Lo bills rtilrlarlca 40 &,ires; good clay loom, $'.acres fall whe a dition had grown up in this country, tl .mulsion. .. Iii acA ioust. . . � .t banks are establishing -new branches . . . . . � Ing of. more friendly. trade .ielations . able offer.we also offer theNEw , odframe houee and frame kitchen, good eel- . previous to 1806, that the Liberal party allover the country, and the eyes. of is the .Most satisfactory treat. .. ',ERA arid Weekly 0 c o oter . I . ay betaxen.. Itfears . coment,clstAerin; hard water pump; frame barn; ,.with Canada m. . Herald free was merely a party of negation. They the commercial would turn our Way. I I .1 I . I . . for the- balance of the., year to ' two frame stables, sho,e? house, and pens . No peopleare more prosperous- none ment. - . � .. - that "there is growing up in the Dom- r p1grough were sleepless. critics, but co'ustructive . 0 1 . � � . all new subscribers. That is, oo neve - a a r n otee runs � . .- . . t ale . y to ON.DODDSWORTH k � y . . We will -send you new subscribers to the' NEW At opr es, or 0 ton P.O. . I Ina e greater rolress. . In no countr inion a sentiment that may result in a ' is the I I . I � eAlwards. They were -so the Conser- Y I idleness or business C%.- . . � �_ I the pen n -Y. .L e, a serious loss to American trade." The ,E4 RA, -paying in advance . . . � . . . vative thought ran- so fearful of tak disaster; in none �sdch 'confidence. in I -I-- - I I . . . - .1 will . . . . %-, . et'both papers from now to - - . . I . . I the f uture. Our preference to Great, - �' sample.iiee. - . Yankees are a few y1ears too late in , . 4 � n. Ist,1905,for $1.00 cash. - - ' : 1�14 1 1, � -ya . I Fanii lot Sale .. . Ing a false step that they would never Britain has led to an agitation III the ' . I � . � . . . . � . . , - . � . I . moving. Asitistoday.nojoint'coni. Anyone whose subscription, . anything Motherland tb five us a preference in � Be sure 914� this picture In . . . .. to the NFW P,RA isalready paid . I . . . .1 . ,- . takeany. If one want -d her markets. Is this a state of things the form of a label is on the mission is needed'. to enable them to I . The hudersigned offers his farm south half of � , :Wrap . . . . lots 9tud 10. Concession 12. On iTio place is a 6 . F per .of ueN�tayr�� bottle'.o' in advance and who wishes to * done, he bad to look to the Conserva- t , tifyt,beoutburst? Is.this a time M11, 'n uIs on yo b show a desire. t' h ore - ." 'aISO 0 Jus � . s .o ave. in friendly secure the Weilkly Heralil. . stoay ad a half frame house with stoue celIer; tive party, which alone had "the gen- to reverse the -wise and. ino.dArate Lib- "'.- I . . ' . I ' , d u b e, barns, s c , and, all necessary itis of government." as br9iight -such b7- - 5COTT* 13OWNP., trade relations. Let them ppll.down � may do so by 6endin, d I ' OUtb I a, ones at . to I never falling . � . . -, .. %us a. o� - eivAl policy .jVh1ch, It , .] . I . . . . . .. .. . .Jar. and hav , el mark- I I a king a' e an ell c acres cleared, . � . . 511cces-S& I . : . . * 'Ch.einigti, -. � ' 'their. spite fence. - .I . .. . I . . ed'.% 'year ah�ad. 7 , , - sores .1 n' I I , . rter. from , But the Laurier Government had . . . ., I . . . 1. . .. .. 41 - Chu 0 , hool an 09, Ice . . full Pattie- . -air"P"o . Toronto,' Ontario,. . - I 11 I �� . . . . The Montreal Weekly Her � -,pot bV.en long in -oWi�lir until they dis- . .. . . ., . �� . . . . . . ., . . ald, which we.offer to our sub7­ .. ule, ly, . - . . . . _ . I r- . . . . . . I Just think of the Toronto World ' . Be 1. . I R. . I NOXI Blyth, Onti . � . . I No use for. WhitneY ... . - sec. and ti.00, all druggists. - . I I .. . .scribers, miust n6fbe confused I . I . . � . . . . . pelled this i'lluston. They did not � _ � .. .1 . . I I . I I I .8, gratuity of 01000 - Herald and.. � _. . ... ;. I I . 1. ., � � . . � T i 11, - seriously_proposing. . - with the 0 : I.. . .. 4 .. . . PUALIC Z%U .. KiRK I. I ­ "'."o"" . "IDOUT & "Alog - CONVITANCERS, 00MOWWWWN Reg Asta.te and Insistalsoo AgGiet - . oney to loan. - 0.10. 11A= JQ= EMOUT � . . .. 1. ­ I . . .W' Go CAMER014 . formerly of camecon: ]gel$ & Csimensai' BARRISTER - Aim SOLIOITOR, oMos-Ramilton St opposite Colborne Ron, . � GODIN013. ONT . I .. - DICKINSON &,GARROW I ftaxtzs-zEs, Soxiciwons, me, . I esce-coria, nalialuton $to andilke ftlear , . Goderle�, ent.-'. I I H.L.Mck .Aspa CRALGARROW.LLMA . _ . PROUDIFOOT 4L MAYS, BARMST1011s, BOTAOrrORS, NOTARIER :WBL ]PROCTORsIN T331111 MArMIMM COURT, Ito. Ofilce. Nortla at., next door to 81raid 0 Private.Funds to lend aklowest rates . . . of ilitoreqt. I , W, . PRGUDFOOTO . ,R. 0. KATEI . I . . . . . I . I . . . . . .. , Medioal - ... . WH, OrNN, N.D., / �,- � . , . 1L. It., V4 Ir. a S. FAInburgh, . 1, . Oftice--OnGarlio Street, Clinton. Xight, call � at front door of office or residencel_ Reitilm. boxy Street. L . . '' . I. I . I � . � . DR. do, W, SHAW- ' PHYSICIAn'. BURGEON . L AWnchear at Office slid %.rosidentie-O , QLpositeowngliBb all urch, formorig. c, .9io.'at;v.jjr.Appletdu.OliutonOnt. ' . - � . . 1. DR. Go Ws. THOMPSON . I Physician, Surgeon. No special attention given 0 d120 of the . X . I . Eye, Bar, Throat and N . - . . . . r ftee and rtealdence--. I . I . Albert Street,11 DIOCUS North 41iflitatte*111MY . . . . � I ., .L . I . . G. W- Nanning -81111thOL.D.9 C -A, � . . PHYSICIAN& SURGEON. , , . . . . . � . . I � . . . 09FIVE-Main Street,, Biyfiela, formerly L � ' , L, ' , ' , . . . . bacupied by Dr. Pallisterr L' . L L . . - . � I - . . . . . . I . .. L I . . I . I . . . . (From the ottxwa� Journa ,Incl6pen- . . .. I I .. 1. . .. I f 4:- 1 . Farin.torSalle. * , - , Dits. iteNia . stand still, lest a forward movement . . -hap$. the'- result to "CA !" Sullivan:,tha.)mail. it aiuf .. - .-Weekly ..�Ia.r�t,� Montreal, I . . I I M&FOWLEW.-P �- . . .. and one. Liberal. Pei _ p . , . X .1 . I I .. , . i dent -Conservative).. - � . . . . L Which is ely.. separate . . . . . . . I ... . .. . should attract a shower of criticisms; I *11.be more impres's' e in tabulai d . othe Conservative pa h e, abus- , . . ... � I . DENTIST% d ftllft0k. . . � . . Ur Whitney and the Conservative Wk . iy li� pers av I I . � . .. . % .. .. 1 . I I . ' . I . I L . . I.. . . . . L I . . I I � i�bliwc - - 7 Theunderaiiiiied offers for Pale his choice . - . . � form I I . . _ . I p tion' � ' � i fi,'iiv �of Hul Office open every 4&y,-&nd-'S9Aurdik L'' : ' they went forward rather, with a yig- . I � . . 1. - * ' I I I ed in.s6ason and. -.out of sgiason. His ,11 4friendslift 'LIS to double, farm. lot 81, con. 6, tow lett, ton; . . L . . I I . -. - . " , . ; 11 10 o'clock. - . . I Opposition have given� the oeoplebb . Members.uns&Lted . I . I .. 11 .sistingof5O4orea. On the iDle6e Is a - comfort- .night,unt . ... I .. � . - .our su Cri . -or and courage which this ,country . . . . . . _"'r . .bp � ption Ist this fall. -an -a- b ck., .* � � .. . at Whitney rule Conservatives' '.,..4 Liberals.......,l brother is captain of the st�amer,]?Pie', I ��. .. ablo , a ty I 0 a, on -.Will visit Auburn every �Monday;. Dan- - - - . . . . . . -1. 11 . . I . . , reason to believe th . � I . . b Ilue,as all hard evb a n ring "'i' had not seen since the first provressive � Workers cor�icted or reported: which. would probabl. n every. Tuesday; Bayfield ever3o , - : days of Sir John Macdonald after his . . L . . . y have been - lost * . . .. . . . and we . oper is 11 a ate , in . 'I%nno . . . will.be any, better than Ros's rule... -No Conservatives _..B Lfber4ls .......... I **18.1.����" t U4 Iles of Olinton a n n sel w I . % eeany. ; _ . I . . . . . , , I . . . on �Lake $up�rl6r' with its tioo;boo - � . .1 . I -Eight act . I 1. . ., . L . .. I .. . ... . . .0 -moral . - L . -of church, school and post office. ght � . I reason of policy. No v ason of . . . Totals: . . . . . . I .1 . L . . . I Will be sold on reasonable L - . I .. . . . I .. - . . . '10 ,,Lb r . -2. -cargo had not the captain in political . . of fall wheat sewn. . . . . I . . . . return to power in 1878. As tonipared . Conservativ*6s..., 'L I e ils.. - .,4. OL f I terms. For full partioularsapply ­ � I � . . I � : . . I , . .., ' ity. In what respect of ppliey has Mi . . . . . , . I � ! to with the lethargy of his last years and I . . ' ' ' I ! - W. J. Wo,BRIEN, Sunimerhill, P,O.: - . . . . . Sir Wilfrid. Laurier 'denies all the - 0 ei s arch of his broth ' . .: 1, . 01.8m .1'.. I . ; .. D no 0. : EAN EST HOLMES ' . :, - Whitney placed hi m,self' .differently - L . . I � .. I notoriety g n 14 P it" � . . I .: I I . I I .. .. I�ZN,Mt�' . L., '_ ., . , �� ' . . � . . .. I � . L . the total paralysis of-hispart,yu-bich rumors.currept abont th6 general elec�- en V or this the World su�gesits that � I . I I . I � I . I . I . I . I . - .. , , , . . . .. I before the people P - There have been . . I . I . . . s .. . . � . . . ; . ­ . . . I . I '4al L .... (Baccagilor Lto:Dr. T. 0. Jilrucie. . . . 1. I . I - followed his death, -the pace of the . . . I. . . flons, saying that the press was. res- he.should .be generously rewarded� , L . L _' . _ in - - I Mew Liberal Government was little volumicions platitudes about!�Itaprdv­ I . . . L i L . . - Farm For S.. e..�,:'-:- specialist Crown. and Bridge Welt . . . . I . I � I � . - * li.D.S-Griiduate'R6�-slooHageDinfid Ur I . . . ,� ponsible,.And not he, for the cotitinned and no one di6agimes with it. - ; . . I , ­" - , L . L Short of amazing. It was ,.in adminis­ Ing" this or - . thati and -'developing L '. . . . . ' . I I . . .1 I I :. I . . .. � -.1 .- . .. tp goone of Ontario, ToroAt6,-.1 , .1 .. I v u, - �itatements made, Witbo�it foundation I . � L(A.12,.Bayffeld con., Gbderich 4,118 bArlb )1,11. S.�FhA-olasa Holior graduate of J. ",- . . . - � I . . . d - 1!safeguiir� I L . . I L . , ': .... , (85bleared,bidancehar(lwood,witb.A)Ar . fration of business men, who cared .something else, an ng � . 01 . . . . lge ( . tat I)eVartment of Toronto. - Utft , , � � . - ,W,an- . . . olution 6f ffe�e are some purchases. repqrfed . - . tity of cedar on it) in' oodsitate of - cul va m, ion aid 't6 preservotl r , . t of in fact,-* relative to - a diss . S. i K NVU visit anlo - , , and -all that sor L . .. I I I I .. . Xendlingplik . stailoditeli= Bayfield eVery � the public chest, , . �.. . . I . . to have, been inad6 r6cently by*P6tbr � * opinions. of Ingr-lik I, abiint.five adresfa lw eat,andconsiderablefall - �� little for tradition and everything for i6 Parli�aneiit.'­ � . ., . o I Win do Comfortable brickhouse large Monday I . . . . .. . . 11tit in what matter of Oubl . , . . �- I . .1 I 1 have been using Strong'i e one . ofiko.r over W. �&3rlor &Son's Shoo :at( . I results -who did not ask to be judged ' thing I . . . . . . . . . . . . I =on Nh.%.%1i.g.u.der.e%th driving shed and a . . . .10 , 4 . . . I Veregin L the Doukhobor leader , Six for several months with res that other outbuift.- about" § son orchard, I I . I I . . f / pDlicy and practic6- has Mr'Whitney . 1 . 1. . a 4. . I . .11 . . t . . . . I 11-L . , I mostly winter f tf- ' welt;;atered 'nevedall- . . � by the things they - refrained from . . . . Ition: 'warrant me in r6com ending 1 to my . ­ .. . I -or anything v . The opposl to the Grand Trunk hundred horses', thr.ee hundred gang.. . It ,lug springorsokau� two wells' Sevenmiles I I . . I I I . 1. .. . . stocd f itally'different to . . . L . . I , L psitientp with every onfiden ", in I s from Clinton and three'from - . . . . . . doing so much as by the things they . . . .Si PI . Bayfield. Posses.. L . L V ' *, L ' L Paciflc-m4he �, gteiati - .transcontinental. abblp ows, fivo tlixeshingmachinesi: .claims. RFERGUSONM.D. oroner -sidii at au�, time, reasonable* terta. L . . I -s . � . I . . � the Government L. orators ?, i-4- W,hat I L � . . L . . . . . . . . , . � I ., I A V L . .etennary . . I— I . SL firither particulars to I q St. , I . . . . . Aid. r e& � but and the five. traction. eirigines, two ammilli, J�ozldbn,Lont. ' .:. . L "r . , , . 1 .4 . V I . or . �, . . . L . . I . . .. . respect has he distinguishe .himself .project-luis b1most-di. I I . � . L - "L. , ­ It .. I . - . . - . . d . . . ' David it.. Gode ich.o . . . L I . I . . I .., I ... . . ... �: I .. . . .. ; . ... . I L . . This fell with shattering surprise up- us a champion o.f.publie riglits'? For . . I L ent in- t,wo.statiouiiryengln�sl fivdilourmilis, Price $1.00. For. sale by. druigisto,. of �, . . . , I . ... , , .� .. 1. . . Conservative partyi; from. preS L . . * L L.: �'� . ------.; - . . L - . . � . . by mail on receipt of, price. . ... ' . . .. . .. ., . ' L ' ' ': . ... �, on a party which expected to be speed- L . I . L I L d* ations,'will:'not. ,mak L.*t a;16ading four hundred §i s, ' b L . I , DR-46.1FREEMANY ,I\, years there has been'& battle, an ever-� le . . e. I et .of. � ,arrows, eight W. T. STRONG, Manuftoturing Che ' . . Wanted. - , . I . . - - ... ' ­ , I - ily recalled by an impatient country . u6ju the next election. . The Grand L hundr ' ed stoves. - Evidently. the Douk� . L .� _ L L 11I.F. . . I ' I ;. . .. L. . . . JT�MTEUIXAAY SURQZOF,� . . . . . . . growing battle,Jn the,. Legislature. and* 1sP . . . .. �, I . . � 1. . "'. . . . ., . at, London, Ontario. * . . ., I � - , �. I.. 0 - I . . � . * I I . . Member of the Veterinary Medical A asoolai . I that wanted something better than a befomAhe public, bet iw*e�en . the inter. Wunk.Pacific has alread sixteen sur- hobors are preparing for h641th '' k - tions of London ind Edinbuirgh, slid GV&da-. ' ... � .1 I �y . . . . 1. I . 'y'"Wor. ' *__ _. Girls wanted for Biscuit Departmeltitzoages . . I L .1 . . . .., I .. . . �Uovernment whose highest notion of . L I � : ., . : `an&d_raJthfjL1L ArAt month, $4.09 oer week, second men , 1%0: &to vf the Ontario Veterinary College, . ests of the. initss W i the. people, and- v6YoFs-:)n the'field,.and it is announced , They'ate not, all religious mazdaes., - , " ,person to travel lor well . ar week, further advances on viece work-. ., TRIUT PIONAGES OF -ALL ANINEAW I . � . - - � T success was to hide from, criticism. . . . '. . � L. . , I .. . L ­ . IL ;. I .. . established house In 96 few counties, calling. on: Willfurialshaddressesof first-ciass lioardizig, ' . . .. . , �'. . '. I . I ' ' municipalities ag4inst private com- tha,lb�` the �.-i§dction between Winnipeg . - .. I was . Mo. 1. . retail zoordbants, and agents. Locialtairit6ty.. houss?oa .. � . . . I . . . 4. .. I .. ; ., L I .. rd $2.50 . . I I . L I a., , W,e,r week. -_ - � . And that surprise bas not wholly dis- . . ' - . .1 . . %* '� IS siry $20 00 per Weekwitkexpetises addition. . T 9 MCCOR 10K WRPG. CO., Lend' . , �_ " - -_ . . . pames -and promotor6. Where. has, and.Lake Supe�ii�r 4111_ be ready 'for' ' Alludingtothe conitant charge"bf W; 9.11 payable ih cash each -week. .- Money for . 1. . . . I .- . . L' . ... . .. - , .... . . L I I I appeared from among Conservatives. . . I _ , . . . , . ion L 1. � .1 I I . .�: ! ... L . . I ez . * L . . . . . It pg.ses advanced. Posit thanent. � .. .. � per� .? '. . . ' us . C ' TANDARD _. . L . . L M : , . . Nowhqre,. grai .,in the fall of.] 605.'. ,1�60truption` made � by Q sh .1 . . . . . .. I Ambitious projects, emanating from Nr Whitney stood v. P.. ,the n ,traffic . . . insdivative I successful and rus . . .. i . I I . 108.0611aifteouws.-i: . . I I .1. In . I L . . app!a - . L. I I i. ;L I HOUSE 930 Dearborn St., hicg�gil! I I .J i . . . : : I . . , ' ently. . - . . .� 11, . This will be -cheerful n6ws-f6r. the paper the Londbn A dvertise'r:, draw a - . Notice. , ., - - ;.. , . - .. � I ... - Ottawa, still call forth wonder that _,�� 11 I 1 . . . . . I .. I . . .. . L . .. , _ . . 1%. I . '. L . 1; . .1 �, - , .1 . - . .. the Liberals are not afraid to risk get- ... 0'. ,,,.;. *:..', . :, I' * . :.. �� .. . . ' - . - .1 � .7 - .7'. I . . .. . . ' ' . I i . . 1, . I I . .. L . . .. . ''. , . .. 1. --:-� 'Of - ' L . C6 to 'Rent 'We have for service - at - our farm, London - , : . I . -6 . . ­ I .-� ,� West, which. , ig':en husiastic . over the .attenUoii.to this ' act : MI;. % L'. .' '011ft s -� . : - I 'L . . I . , . . : , t I . L . f its . I L - _'�Lg thOr ItI990 Lauddied by such rap- L I . I . . . I '. t " , I . . � ., I ' ' .. . .. I ­ I., . Road, a. ore Scotchbred Shorthorn Bull and. '.. '. . L 'id travelling. The idea tbat Liberals It would be like him., ­ 1 - public I' ..�: � '' , . � . . xThoro red Yorkahlre.floar Registered, from . � Ci L.. ' I . . ... L , contrAct.., The Governmen can and lions of expenditure of funds .1 -_ . . 9.1 IFIGHM I... _. ! ;' - . L 01_111� ' . . . L I . . , to , ' . � . L ' ' ' I ... * ill ell Jon. , L : ... .: ' I 0"' d stock on both sides. both extra kno � , . . . OLPMN, ­ 02;'Zpp '' L , . .... L !... �. will spend money in meeting the de - . the Opposition. on its the' On I Ovei Taylor & Son's GiOre-.131111fisilile. for. . ­ . It . . I &I 'ge tIrld * Government has n0ver L . I ... 1. ::1m.ls, to.. $1.50 and $1.0 .. I . ' Asa' C ' ' L man&s of an era of limitless o - A good story is bLing told: -in M6nt.. . . � . r .. . . L. .. siiy purpose. Apply to . � - . N �ora Buils General Agent ojrFidelral Life 111111`11131ce � . . I . I.. . . . . - public L Ve have for sa1eL3 70'JAR .shortl I ' . . I . and mirn c growth real says The Witness; illustrative of - I . .1 . .1 X. 21, tf. No. XG Clinton. And some cows and heifers, will be eel - a on all the. latest approved pkial4with , - � , - ,ty nayper un V . L . � . I . . * They are all Pure bred, , p - ulous natio transportation �'policy in e erV, Pro� L .given a dollar to other than A. U. MANNI d it 1 oliale' .. . ­ ' L . - . . .. . I ,has yet its novel aspects in certain vince of the'. cou t ' ' L ses ; no railway steal Or L "inside" � reasonable prices. _rivilasea and Options L meet &dTantageoin t ' circles. the high spirits and'keen `wit -of the , !,. . ,4 ry.. .. I ­ . I p1QrpQ . . I L .. . I - .. I Iwo bet& alsoL a lot of grade vattle, stockers and .. the Insured� Annuities Issued . . . I . i i . I . tL c dt L or _in_. ' : ' . I . I . .. 1. I I ... L I I .. I I . . I . . haterest in con ra. ,ts,,. no dire - . feeders for - sale'R pt , . I .'. I L . . .. r- I I But the Laurier Government has Premier. A reference, i o Air Tarte's . ' ' . � � . . For Stile 'or to. Rent , ' im. . . � . While the -Toronto World.' devotes dl%et application of public funds to - . ^1 I . - - � I . O-Wif. , I UMSTSEL, CVntQ I I.. . � ­ I � . . . � � . L, . . . . . .1 . . .. I L I I . never been afraid of opportunities. solicitude for the hea] th of Sir Wilfrid' nlu'ch'6fits'spaileto partisan effort to - . I . . Lot 29 eon. 2. Stanley . � ; . . I I ... , ''. .. . Theyhave built public workawhere . � ,,, containing loo.acres . : . Mi GEf Lic, hima at the time he was in, ' election or �. party purposes can be in, good'stste of oultivat on for sale or to rent MARRIA . I there was need tor them, and chal- . � , weak health 4, represent the Liberal policy as h.%ving... . 1, I L f I ly to JXO.L McGREGOR, I b L. 111CPHIERSON - ' 11 .. � . . ­ . . .. '' langed the Opposition to "divide" up- year ago will be re L membered. At tue . . I . -eliard,ed 4 in one copper for term 0 yeare,it9t. .. . . . 11 � � . I . . I ga st it, a not on romises or M , GREGOR, 2 oop..H. * - . . . ,. .. I � � .. I . . I � damaged . , I .1 . . .1 . I . 1. , I . . I . - .1 . IS -SUED AY" .� ..L . I - . 1. . I . . n I � _60rial benefit It" accrued to an � y , . i Beiallorth, P. ­ . I .. I. .. I �J[XSUHANM. ... - � . Jo Ba.� IRIM.4411' L . L . I � on details if they dared; they have Laval stu of per . ; . �.. . . . R _Tuokersinith �Oi . I . . , . dents' dinner last *eek, go umns%bear eloquent testimony to the . L. .. . J?6b.' 7�tf.: . . '."' - I 11 . . :,.� L � % I . . . Clinto Iways., . � . . � . . � , . , ' . . I 1. .. I . . * ­ � I . . I . ... R.�'L -­ . ' � bought and projected great Pal L C ­ 'beral minister,.orniemlier.' . . .1 I . 11 . I . . .L I � � I U . . . 1. . . 1. . . I . -1 I . ., to the everlasting disappointment of the story goes, SIr_WIlfr!d * me� Mi., pr, 44 . ' . -L . - . . . . Viro Llf ` 'A"Idiblitt '' lr)ate class . I . . I : .. I -r-,--, . 7. . . I . . I . !!. L, . I L e. lie I.K. . I � .. . . � . . . iriister� dordiii,11 * ogress an it. enjoys under the . _ : � .1 11 ".. ' gal . . *. - OW103g, � . M&OXATBROOK, . CLIN70 :. : . I . .. � . . I men who expected thein to confine Tirte. - - The Prime M y moderate tariff and.. good rule of the .. .. . I . I . .. FaIM'for . . - . . .. . . , themselves to the finger -bowl items of . . I . . . . I �. .1. �. . . . . . I . . . I I . Cokrespondents'writing to the'De- 1. I I . . : ' L L . , 0 .. ,� . .. : . ... � .1 Ited his former Minister of I � . I .. - , . __ ___ .1. I.., . . �,. WX SNELL, " I tlie Auditor-Generial's gred ublic lAurierGovernment. Here' is ' a spec- . . Lot S9, Condesaidn 4. Goder ch Tp,,. 'about - 2J, . -.1.1 . . . I . Rideau Hall in . P' 1 , I 0 1 . . . . I . . . " . . report; they have taken hold of the Works,aud la'L Ing his hatid 's .. L . .1 . . . :L. ; .,. p4rtm6ut of , Agribulture * A 'Out the miles. from Baylleld, a miles from Clinton, I .. . . -yF ; I . .. . I.. I . iso'linty, ftuetioiif4w� .. .� i _ Y. ympath.; !men from a,recent issue ., . I . . I sh- . L 1. . . . I . ,tit - containing 80 acres, more or, lose; good fre � -L a Mo.. :. , plublic services and resolutely put etically on 'his . shoulder remarked-' - . . . .. scarcity of hired help,. say. that'-. i is water creek raulaing throng L h sameL the -year JOHN W .. a I He= prwured Auciflon"r% Uoe for.., I . ' them on a business basis until the . -,commercial travellers'all `bvei the' . I me house,bern IWX50 . . . L Lila Coun y I solicit a ohm* . � slyly:: "My deal, fellow, how you are to'get a wife than to And a round; 2 acres oichArd; fra HOLMLAVILLE. .. . I . . ofAurou, T the, �' . govince rep6rb)a,1ustling business for .qasler . . . For particulate a to undersigned on the' . 1. . oat". Deites furnished by mall 'phoise, 6de- - I post -office and the Intercolonial have ageing. You are getting. -.quite ray t e year, and an 'especially active call female L Servant !or ',& farmhousei" premised. -WN, 1PIMNER, � . Agent for thfj MANtVROTEUM - X ASS1171RANCO h or povionsil Incei0ow. V11149'M 1410,1101111- . " �1' . .. become dividend -earning institutions; ooking. Yoo I _ .1 ..- . _ . � . I . . . is . . I . I . .. . . . �, I. , .1 they have 'Irushed" the work of deep- and worried 1 will gave forallforins of Christmas ds and , 11, Co. of Manchester.* kingland Whose funds'are I go." .. . ." L 11, to take rent care of yourself, Or we noveltil", There are no - Thisis not. to be -wondered at, for the . .. I I I � . I , security are rated at olijbiXI;QW. - Also the Me- m .1 . . L ''. I .- . I . . . I � " ening the canals -a task over which w 10093 tr;av- . I MUTUAL INSUAMOR Go.: A classes of . . _ .. � . � I., e ecessor were aw in ; In shall belosing on oomeoftbese days.". ellers nn. the Ontario'circult, -U�t therL- girl, Who.becomes a wife is . 1"'S Mon Root compwn& 71.'ItLolpisks and towit p taken by L .. I - L f I . . .1 1. ..... lowest rates. Mnt�e Asa Companies . . . I . 'L, o'r"t, t e have, on all lines, adopted Considering t= this -remark. was neverbas been so 0 ' LaditsO Favorite, "= - . ish 0 d a year for the -Ihfasiter in her own house - . ebb reprosertad. Money to his. had fr on 4 per . 190110Y � ( a made by the man who was said to be' ind ividulal knight of the grip. iv . .. . . I 4 .. . �. I To the only safe ralliabld asiatup,accajol.liaiif .0 nature of gtoesil . . . . . . I .�� olic o * achievement rather t an & dying a year ago, and addressed tothe I . . Servant Innone." . coglalator on VAQ WOMM Diall . polic of eeping "under cover." .� � L I I . .1 . . 'I misil - , H,Imosvillis - postal card;;U p,,,. ' , __ L . . manwhoWas understood to be the . __ � .. � . . .. . . L -can depend "in the hove fetc him. . .. *:. .. tie funds to 4gleg e4mt "Ii imp-.. I h re is no doubt that this is the L . . L and time of need." . : � I . w0rds . IZ-0. DONS. L '. .. I tell a develo I . Mr Thomas XUrrAy, X'.P' for L Pon . Prepared in two - - - - ., _ ., . ,. . ., L . sort of government wh' sriosb ready believer !'I the statement, Annexation has no merits; laut if it . . � . , , , - degrees 611 -_ - . ­_._�, L . , � . ,p- it, was repeated as one of the best pol. were thebest thing, on earth for hu- . and No, .26 . L. I I . ,�� _ ing country -needs. A timorous Minis- . . . � Strength. - No. 1 � . . I . I � . . ; try, at this Juncture in our growth, itical stories of the year4 ,r � � I . . . I tiac has decided to withdraw Lfrom Vo.l.-Vorordloia a"" 1JI L ' I .1 I .� I . . I . .. I manIty and Pauladiaps Individually, , . .1 � . I . to by tat the.be.5740111114 MCKILLOP NUT L - FIRE TAICKS. CAMPBELL tOND961101to I . - would leave iis mitrks of cripgling in- . - . . I , . . i . . I it wou I 14 still mean the destruc I tioin of Parliament. flis. successor, in the., . _. .... I - medicine, known, .1. '. I .a ­ I as. L L � action upon us for all time. ational &DO . ) 'Parliamen I t I . . Liberal vilinks Will be 1VIr � V Hodgins. '00, . 'r special , cases --10 'dogreem 'INSURANCE Co. - �' 0 1 'NU]IRR orX .. I - . . . ly, abil'the disappear- - 44 . I I . I '.=�,.. I � � I - , things, . !"or-tbree dollars Per box, - . fipportunities are evanesceni minion meral er of, � Canada nittiog4l L . . . � _=2: - - . y . storekeeper at Shawvlllej while the kE r drug e . . lillst. for eo*o%Lvd FARM ANb ISOLATED TOWN PR6PEATV � ." ' �­ I in speedily away if thevarenot has supplied Toronto Saturday Night ance of the, ve -es ONLY INSUREDo. I � . .1 11. � . L' - t." 1. - - , . . ry name of Canada from s:!1JFLoel* Wmvoun . Take no othOt I � " . ,,, I , , I when within reach. A'Minis with a slate of th6 Whitney CabbAet, 'its place on the roll Of . . . .y I . . orrogwo. -. L 4.41 . . L , ­ � ,; i q A- _, - .". 11 seize try Conservative candidate will probabI : Wdstareo a hattatlons ar whose sole purpose was to keep down .1 . liations,.or pep. I no. It and V9. t are sold an3 . 1. A McLean, President, Kfp,yr.P. 0 T . . I 9� . . be Mr Odo J Bryson, of Ottawa. mend;=b all druggist* In the Do- Fraser Vice Prosideo Brubefle d, . 0 i Y.. X . . � I . ladreds, ottongues,-TOroWito . ,. HaYso A�o. Tram. heat L expenditure, whose first virtue was which some of the Conservatives see in ples, or ki liorth, P. 0. '' parsimony, who avoided doing busi- their dreams. Hereft is. L I I . I . C ,Mailed to any addrem bIRMWORS, . I I . . . � Telegram. - . . . . Xr R L Borden and bir T Chase Cas- e and four 2 -bent posaa Jas. Ctinnoll Portiirgr Hil .7ohn Wait, Ifor- ness in order to save street car fare, Whitney, Dundas, Minister of vdu '', . I 4 - I . orgrell "09 Company look, 0 Dale%Ahtonj M. bbeener, Seafovth,' The - Novelty Bakery - . ' . . . Gdoors,ionbl , L . would be at this time, when Oianada�s . I . grain have been elected honorary pr&. . . W J. Hv&ua,Boeobw.00d, J. 0. Grieve. Winthrop, 4 . . .hour has struck, a, national calamity I cation, la, yera - .. . . I . 1. , in'Clinton bv J. ftonswels Rr6dhagon I � . . I . . . I gin, Lanark, Provincial Ttea- I Wtt.en Oaby Cries . sidents of the ba,wson Conservative No 1� and No 2 .Are bold ' .8,,hDittetarinsPeo�;roflt)oi6gi3this own =a u4urat, ,,� - . I surer, lawyer, . . .. . I I IMP1100010" .. . Convention. L ... I . I H. 13. Combos, .T E Hovey and F, )�V. woolity. L . . . I I I I I � � . A Demand for More Duty , Miscampbell. (not In 11ouSe), Crown When� baby cries almost continually � "r . . Watts, Druggists I IL . . . . AaRNTS L . We always keep on . hana alorg . a . . . ; I%. 1-1-... .. oft"0000v . . �,�� I - X. W.Yoo, Holmosville.1tobert Smith Air- .1 . ,IS. lumbermah. I . it is a certain sign that there is, Some. . L V.A ilift.u. and Well aboorte stock ! a do to . Latu I I . look Jas Commit Ho,ownd-11 a ol Mr Drummond, presiaent of the Hanna, West, Lambton, Provincial � ting the matter with its stomach or T116 Isequ . e air the Seasons . Manufactories Association, made a Seeretat , lawyer. Hendrrc, Hamilton, Public Works, howelso and the mother should at once give ita dose. of Baby's Own Tablets, . . * I . . . I W. W, W.. I I I crein he asks that contractor. . . opeech last week, wit . . I � . 'whieh sweeten the sour little stomach,, Lay my summer things away, Relics i)f vanished day - the government raise the tariff to a Finlay MacilifIrmid, West E'lgiln, Apldulture,'farmdr� I � I . promote digestion and 'gently relax - - the bowels, Mrs Fr6d McIntosh, a Tennis racquet, shoes And tihilrb, ' parity with that of the United States. I .Dr Willoughby, East.-Nor.thumber. Wabigoop, Ont.,w'ho hits had exPer- Golf clubs now quite free from dirt, . Cycle costume pressed and brushel� His reason for this is to prevent what land, or . � . . I is termed "slaughtering" by the Dr Pyne, rlwt Xotlontq, Speaker. ionce, writes : I 'When my little boy was t*o months old he beigan to cry . I.Ay them by with voices hushed, Lay them by with sober wieno Americalls, in case of a surplus of pro. No doubt some of the persons uaw- I . and kept 'It UP almOsb continually day 11,Pdnightfor several weeks. I gave While a tear slips down unse � oni, - Close the door and lock it fast ductsin their own markets. What ed will be it! Alk Whittioyg'Cabinet- him medicine, but 11, did not seem to I On, those rolics of the past, the manufacturers apparently want when it is formed, The old ,story, of is it prohibiting tariff, that will ex. "How to cook &Ure'ilomes in here, case him it bit. I haa)tlot tit this time used 35aby's Owh Tablets, butthe poor little follow was sufforilig so muell . f, I I d, I What a flood o ridem. weillg Ali% della I elude all imports; and compel the con- Y,)lI Must fil'8`b catch, the hato. Ahtl that I sent for a, box. He obtained In these things of Mornings sweet with tete-a-tetco. sumer to buy at highly protected. befbve'Mr Whitney tao form �Iny ' kind of a. cabinet, he niwt hmve a ease Almost from the first dose, and in a few days was quite well. Since then 13venings on the brink of fate, , . Summerdayg that flitted by - r1res. Mr Drummond represents . � . he has grown spleridldly�, and is a Lightly as 4, Causeless sigh, . . less than fifteen hundred manufadtor- mitiority in the House. . . bright, lau�hing, good natured baby* , I hold the tiablets in the highest re. I Weeks and months of fairyland, I . I Records traced upon the sand�- ies,and ignores entirely the greatb6dy 0.0- - _q gard and cheerfully re.ebminend them � ( ,,lose the door and drV thetear- of consumers, whose Interest the goV- Tidking.of purity of' dections, , here, . to till mothers. , . ,This Is the verdict ,of 0.11 Inothers 11ark I the c , � 'Winter's here I I , . ,'".. �, . ernnientbave to consider, its Woll as Is *iast4temokit that TAbetal ii(46papers wllollavousedtlIOT4blets. Tbi,�v are . � Now attbgeribei,tigottheNnivr�n&atid that of the inanuffteturor. .. throughoat the Provillee are publish- 1110 raise the tariff and mak6 it re- lug *. . good for ehildtonof ,all Agog iWd sit- ways cure all their minor ailments. Montreal Herald t6 30, 186, ION, for Solil by meditIne deAlets tor sent by $1, Those who rionow theft subserip. Intivoly equal to that of the, Vnited Aftoe the Provincial 44ections last I Pro. oat* six GotiservatiVOSeAtA WerO Inall at 25 eents & bt)x 1) wolting. The I Dr W11114flis, Med N 00"A fAt the Herald Also. . In either I )y got absolutely for nothing a ('488 t li Staterij ,Would mean a, very great In- r I leAted. and mil two LiberAl meats. #,# Brockville 11�4. - I 21 licto vaimr-the Hiorald-thab to It. I I of . loy, Boatorth. � . I . I . � r choose from. ' . .. 11 1. � I I ­. 1. I . .. 0 ,- I - � .1,10 i i I . . I 111toa 046ndy frota.10to 1.00 pot III. , . I , I I . . le D I 11 .- I t � MeTagg ar . �� Bol,*1=4 Ile to $1 per lb. . , I I ., I � � SA10ran randy*03011tes .1111d preik me I � 11 20o o So pot lb, . . . ALBE RT ST t r,' CLINTON . mg, ana i)ateo, I . ... . . I Cgentral Sankling 313lusinest . . r0XICAn Navat and Valencia of! I I . . transacted 11 . - Wages %So to 50o pot doz. .10 .. I . 11 . I . I 14OT90 D18001UNT.91) � Lemoille,950 pq doz. � I Now idanea. Interest tillotiod 64 1 for Doll this Is tha place for a6posits, I all kincilof ofikes piiiefryo, sta I � 1 . . . - . . A, good inie bt pipe dititti And, - . . tbbt000, altntycon Italia. .. � I I I J, P. TINDALL . I . . Aaltimoro oyaterd always oil figna, ; . 13ANIMU, � I I . . I . . �L . , . , . ; We &to le&dofd I:* thfil.fifte. I . . 'evrN1.1,0X0 ON!, I It, BARTLIPIP .. � P&Mdfimas to 1641i bit wortgR&O at . '. :. I b6ot dutrout rate" 03noval lftoklng bldsmwo tratkopfAil snadellot of 3, M601ay, 011004, . I I . . *A"Mi 4110*aa oil dd"di## .r I . I �.. 1. . mi%so, and 16 Is ezeeedit) y doubtful r, cut 0onKervatives were unaftted 4 ieft r1h tht price of sub,ioription, � lswiliow mught I . 9999ww . I , . I ittlip fouldfitAnd m wia bAvoll, , I ­, ­ I . L : � � � : � , I , . , I I .'' �_­1_11 ­_ ­ .1 _. � %..wi,LaL&u&_ a, . I . . " �. I I i .� , AAMM" . I . ..�L.�X_ . 1- It"�**4W&L-1 llilllkikl� - , '. �� I � - se"k,­.i6�"�,_4 " I I . -0 , ­ IL . =61 ,,-.,-" - � - Adh"w""_ - . � I -L