HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-04, Page 2I
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- 12 -4 - - I i - . I ,� I - . I,— . . , ��. �. -.,.,�...-��--,.-.,i.-�-�,,��.�., �l "',---1. I'll "
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. I -1 . I � � n� "'L . __ - .. � '"IMIM''014AT"It
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I. I----- .
I . __ !I_ 4evelope4% large tr*O 'With Or"t a 1.6arS64 Postogotwouvoral Mass.
I .."..''. I. �.. . 1 ;, i ,,, � Britain, Ak trade that IV greatly profit- _n .' 'L ' � I I 1-11.111-- � 11, . �� 1, �. ' �' poeemow 00 XW 010 11111110% . I
A , I .ProayAlk PIU W I --'. " we"
, I
I -
I � I IV).
I I . P � MR4 ,� Sir Wm. Mulockiss4istlagulshe.0 ' ' - T[r ' ' . 1kA=,PM,"QWl M &S
4 J ia ,� collegian, a Reftsox% I . I " -1 . .
, le . . rid' medalist in modern A Gin Pill
, .b., and is Increasing enormously. V VC � a . I . 0ZXN" I.,
: I " �"*� h' _XW* a**0 WOW* "Owe
& higher WIN will dietroT this trlide,- U languo X11
.... I Sees," Of ound" of a scholarilillp " People ere yerltsbl* ;1=2% Interrogation 09100 '
. , 11 In ma emotles, former,11 the vice. " )' � why ? q I
, We cannot 84 our butter, chow, % , Points. The IaytrlsbVw4q%t9 by Me ft*W
I . .7 I
I'll .... I'll I , chancellor of * Vniveral y, a great � .
I ,
I � � ers I L ' ug, himself 0 Doctor, of lb' 0, . 0 . .
. ... r I . , r woriTt CW8 hoilioi* cau". And yet very few - I .. ---.111, 11_11. offl.1111 r --o, A,____._1
: I bacon and othe products'",wilto Motu- 14 Whon the butte AtroA of loarial 'The z C7, 14 � IV, . X*X" " 1111". . .
, . . ' I *
!in W�, . �Jn P4, I S , L, q
One d' 'esess , er land, unless we are wil . l; � to take come put a penny in the peo � . ' I � it. . . W, ba"ONA
,, ple think of him In tligit light He .
. � Staiads out as -a of affairs. . owe w. e ,
11 , perfor to otber X14oey reme,41es, one re
I IT *son in that . -
I . I
i ose of Ayer's Cherry � e cannot do this I a brilliant in4 , . . , . I Analous, SOLUUTOP. XOMY �
D 0 1 # Ik A .* V "to owds in return. ,W . . I -11 P I n IA 4-;mA Ani I,.+- - #1 AA t 'a mally-ATvil � CA i- r "i
I In rills art satist-tip in tholractio I -ing 16 -19 ;-
VV us a Q %4& &At . J "I R - �, �4 G 0. 1-P , - � U � 1, .
if tile t4t,riff prohibits it. � W 4.4 %, . a d sucmqful 4 : 1wirifyint from the itart, tbertby jiTceting a speedier and �
. , � ' " , . minis riator of nat- . ..
nignt coughs of children, , The GovernmeAvs duty Is to "a proverb. It often seems to lonal interests. . Sir -Win, MuloWs 1*Prq;4rt4iu,qur.e. The effect is Immediate. Alli Druglistso I
I Nocroup, Nobronchitis. A lee done to all the people of Can- isasmuding argument for the i mcts. per box, 0 Wxe,ji for p,so or.direct from . " Q#9r OACK 1p
I y work though -no one has ever "I"' � -
Uat the millions who eltrn a living b. ace of the university mian'In pol� "044 Dituck Co., wINNIPIKO"MAtii. GIN, NIAt 00 Nor Congo
! . the manufacturers prelele ere . , - . . ., I
their toll P.9 welt as told why. itlo , Th ime In W� RouseiatOt- - . - - � - I'll, -_ ��� .- AES. ,."4
1 Cherry' Its policy has been I o carefully guZd tawa, manprofeysional men, lawyers, .
I every man's rightoo unil it has certain- When mothers are worried doctors, w d are known loosely as edu- . I � I . .1 I I I - - � .1 .. I
i ly shown a disposition to deal getter - I cated men- but ob distinction should be � � ' � . � . , I .. ... 1. I .. I I 11 - .
. .
J with the man 'because the children do made ,)Z een men whohavemerely � i Q l�� 1�1-1:1� �.,�, �, . To 'Rewl, . .
Pectoral ufacturerS, who not , .
, oual . � �11$1 _ _.
I doctor's medicine for all h.k,y n mastered the technic of 4 superior � � I � .
.e ever enjoyed so. prosperous a i 861,19,644 1
. , I ' *
period, . gain strength and flesh we kind of trade and men who, have ab- . . ' ' �.
affections of the throat, bron- No one man ol! class or section of the I Two .Papers for the l,o"4)�.00,ieynD.01�E!ood:,H,IdothTo.,,- P;,!,,r
chial tubes, and lungs. Sold couti to Aictate Say give them Scott's Elnul. sorbed the ideals and learned the easy � . I . I L or f: A�n
, try can be permitted postures of mind that go with a libertil, won
for over 60 years. how the rest, shall be taxed, and that sion. ,. . .� education liberally entertained. and Price of, One . I
. 11 I bnve used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my suchan attempt sbouU be made Is assiduously applied, The lawyer who . .
family for aight years, There Is nothing equal most unfortunate for all. it is -like the penny in the . Is merely a lawyer may have common . I . .
I to It for coug�s and c,,I(lx, especially for ch'l- I I . , ` - $1600 Cash Oets Two P a- . , . , I . - I
, �
I . rooft M I 1,
i I
dren."-Mus. W. H. Buyxxxt, Shelby, Al. *The country, is Frosperous, sense, but his common sense will get a W, T1,
I - , , , . 0 a west half of lot 21, Bayfield Cox Qed
I nes rests on a so id basis, her expatin Milk because, it works and little commoner eve da is if - . . -
! 2.5c J. 0. ATER CO., I - ], that I
. . ;T �� I Vera for Next Year. stick township, containing 100 wires c 6"
.OD. 0 4 "loom*. =
;; A I 1.'d% goils t S. Lowell. Mass. Sion has been steady and growin be makeq a fetich oirl7i. unt I at last lie . . I . land, looffered, for sale on 4110,11Y
for __ - and her manufacturing industries are' because there - is � something I .. - barzQloll lwuso� plenty of water and stoe,ii
� . $1
1 __ - . . . . hasnomore breadth of viewlthana, .
reaping a rich harvest, while her hairpin. When a Inan is a lawyer I orchard. Particitlars on 4 cation to
astonishing about, it. . t -We have ma dearrangements ti- . LT. P'NaDALU Clio. a
t labor is well employed. It is, not the d a Master of Arts and a Doctor of 1-.� .with the publishers of the Monw. I ... .
1 Night Copghs . - an . I .
t of patriotism on the part of pro- Scott's Emulsion is Simply Laws besides when to professional .
, . � . . I treaA Weekly Heridd, where -I . Laud for Sale .
M,rtld interests to seektoplace further trainingisadaed a liberal education, # by we can offer the Clinton .
Keep the bowels open With one of trade restrictions or � tax - burdens on. a milk of pure' cod liver oil then:it is to have the common sense . . . . 11
Aver's Pills at bedtime- hiiet one. . I NEw Eat. and the WceklyHex- . . I
the masses of the peo and the outlook- iuoueperson. Na- For We tbi6t splendid eight Acre. lot. fozim
, ele,, and it may . , Ut th ir,attlI6 price of one I
I not prove to be good actics from the with . . ";eo c every sall'scriber pay� IngagoreYust on the northera outskirts of
annomm� 4 -1 some hypophosphites � that one had to be a poet t �,a ,�to I Minton, he gravel road a,ad base line pass -
point of view of the party in whose = Betvi`! g r e a t ideas, and a man of I � .
.. es ecially pre ared for delicate. I a year in advance. side. It is excellent land, wall
ffittll interest the plot was hatched. . p p � 1. ,. . � business to carry them out. For poet., I his isan unprecedented offer 1:1.0211 11.8110-harket aarden, or private residence.
� . . . .
-f Canada to -day is attracting in stomachs.. I I � -never made, before" and sp- . �a
WIN-AlOUSKIta ore read a man of liberal educa�iou, and , apply to - MRS.F. ARUENTH rlouk.
and better imr�igrants than it ever I . ;� . . youbaveSirWilliam, The.combina- lies to new or old subscribe.. ____ I . . .
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1903. did before. 'Foreign capital is Seeking Children take to it naturally. . tion, though -not unique, is it rare one tut holds good only to sub- . Farm for'sale.
___ � . Iments in gritat manufactarin . . I the House of Commons of Canada, " I . , .
---,-. , _. - __ St, 11 . tions paid in adyaliace. . -_
_ �� inve I
, they -like 'the taste ' , .
ta � because Scrip � a- Iruoker-;
A Government That "Does L_ institutions, proving that our . I . . �. . If it were not too large A question for' Subscribers who are In arrears .One of thebest 100 nor
I fro* farms ii
Things" laws are not unreasonable. , Our and the remedy- takes just as thisarticle, it couldL be provedthat ! Can take advantage of this of- smith for sole 11 miles in Brucefield vin the
� agricultural intere W We - , everyone in Canadian politics who pose I -Q 11 Milt Road, SealortA i 4 miles.- Splendid lee& -
S1. prosper, ferl-by paying up the Arrears tion'schoolo calls, -large orchard, about 9
� I
, are increasing our exports of manu-, naturally to the children, be- sesses it, is either a' risen or a riiing and a. year in advance.. ' - . . . IT,
(Toron7o Star.) I ., . . . . Christmas Canadian Magazinei . Everysubscriber who renews acres of good ush$ good state of cultivation,
factia . man,� � 2
rps. t:arns, iarg
It is possible even yet, by listening ry cause j * is s*o perfectly ada te I I ,� ohpd,. comfortable house Apply
Last year Mr Drummond's Indust t . p , d . .. i.. bi ' subscription to the Naw - q PLUMSTEEL, Clinton,
I I . is .
caretully, to hear ejaculations of Sur- sold in Great Baitaln .in competition' � I . I . . ERA's paying OI.00 in advance . . .., . . -I!
. . with the world much mara from than. to,their Wants. .. .. - - ' ' The Buffalo'Express , clamors for the. I �can have a. eoyliv of WP,4r1v YTer-p - . - Farm -for Sale . .
prise in sonie (ludrters that the Laur- Belgium, Hollaridand Germany com- . V weak and I . I al . � . . '.
ier Government does things. A tra- bined. Fa�ctories clamor for men* to .. For al . pale and reconvening of the joint high. commis- I 1, d also, $1.00 pays for both the I I � I
. enable them to meet the de siori, that'steps' looking to the socur- papers. � . . � . � South half lot e3, con 16, Goderibil Townshi
mand'. The -iin children Scott's E - � I . Lo bills rtilrlarlca 40 &,ires; good clay loom, $'.acres fall whe a
dition had grown up in this country, tl .mulsion. .. Iii acA ioust. . . � .t
banks are establishing -new branches . . . . . � Ing of. more friendly. trade .ielations . able offer.we also offer theNEw , odframe houee and frame kitchen, good eel-
previous to 1806, that the Liberal party allover the country, and the eyes. of is the .Most satisfactory treat. .. ',ERA arid Weekly 0 c o oter
. I . ay betaxen.. Itfears . coment,clstAerin; hard water pump; frame barn;
,.with Canada m. . Herald free
was merely a party of negation. They the commercial would turn our Way. I I .1 I . I . . for the- balance of the., year to ' two frame stables, sho,e? house, and pens
. No peopleare more prosperous- none ment. - . � .. - that "there is growing up in the Dom- r p1grough
were sleepless. critics, but co'ustructive . 0 1 . � � . all new subscribers. That is, oo neve - a a r n otee runs
� . .- . . t ale . y to ON.DODDSWORTH
k � y . . We will -send you new subscribers to the' NEW At opr es, or 0 ton P.O. . I
Ina e greater rolress. . In no countr inion a sentiment that may result in a
is the I I . I �
eAlwards. They were -so the Conser- Y I idleness or business C%.- . .
� �_ I the pen n -Y. .L e, a serious loss to American trade." The ,E4 RA, -paying in advance . . . � . . .
vative thought ran- so fearful of tak disaster; in none �sdch 'confidence. in I -I-- - I I . . . - .1 will . . . .
%-, . et'both papers from now to - - . . I . . I
the f uture. Our preference to Great, - �' sample.iiee. - . Yankees are a few y1ears too late in , . 4 � n. Ist,1905,for $1.00 cash. - - ' :
1�14 1 1, � -ya . I Fanii lot Sale .. .
Ing a false step that they would never Britain has led to an agitation III the ' . I � . � . . . . � . . , - . � . I
. moving. Asitistoday.nojoint'coni. Anyone whose subscription, .
anything Motherland tb five us a preference in � Be sure 914� this picture In . . . .. to the NFW P,RA isalready paid . I . . . .1 . ,- .
takeany. If one want -d her markets. Is this a state of things the form of a label is on the mission is needed'. to enable them to I . The hudersigned offers his farm south half of
� , :Wrap . . . . lots 9tud 10. Concession 12. On iTio place is a
6 . F per .of ueN�tayr�� bottle'.o' in advance and who wishes to
done, he bad to look to the Conserva- t , tifyt,beoutburst? Is.this a time M11, 'n uIs on yo b show a desire. t' h ore - ." 'aISO
0 Jus � . s .o ave. in friendly secure the Weilkly Heralil. . stoay ad a half frame house with stoue celIer;
tive party, which alone had "the gen- to reverse the -wise and. ino.dArate Lib- "'.- I . . ' . I ' , d u b e, barns, s c , and, all necessary
itis of government." as br9iight -such b7- - 5COTT* 13OWNP., trade relations. Let them ppll.down � may do so by 6endin, d I ' OUtb I a, ones at . to I never falling
. � . . -, .. %us a. o� -
eivAl policy .jVh1ch, It , .] . I . . . . . .. .. . .Jar. and hav , el mark- I I a king a' e an ell c acres cleared,
. �
. 511cces-S& I . : . . * 'Ch.einigti, -. � ' 'their. spite fence. - .I . .. . I . . ed'.% 'year ah�ad. 7 , , - sores .1 n' I I , . rter. from ,
But the Laurier Government had . . . ., I . . . 1. . .. .. 41 - Chu 0 , hool an 09, Ice . . full Pattie-
. -air"P"o . Toronto,' Ontario,. . - I 11 I �� . . . . The Montreal Weekly Her �
-,pot bV.en long in -oWi�lir until they dis- . .. . . ., . �� . . . . . . ., . . ald, which we.offer to our sub7 .. ule, ly, . -
. . . . _ . I r- . . . . . . I Just think of the Toronto World ' . Be 1. . I R. . I NOXI Blyth, Onti
. � .
. I No use for. WhitneY ... . - sec. and ti.00, all druggists. - . I I .. . .scribers, miust n6fbe confused I . I . . � . . .
. pelled this i'lluston. They did not � _ � .. .1 . . I I . I I I .8, gratuity of 01000 - Herald and.. � _. . ... ;. I
I . 1. ., � � . . � T i 11, - seriously_proposing. . - with the 0 : I.. . .. 4 .. .
I "'."o""
. "IDOUT & "Alog -
Reg Asta.te and Insistalsoo AgGiet -
. oney to loan.
0.10. 11A= JQ= EMOUT
. .. 1. I .
. .W' Go CAMER014 .
formerly of camecon: ]gel$ & Csimensai'
oMos-Ramilton St opposite Colborne Ron, .
. I .. -
I ftaxtzs-zEs, Soxiciwons, me,
esce-coria, nalialuton $to andilke ftlear
, .
Goderle�, ent.-'. I
. _
Ofilce. Nortla at., next door to 81raid 0
Private.Funds to lend aklowest rates
. . . of ilitoreqt. I
. . . . .
I .
I .
.. , Medioal - ...
. WH, OrNN, N.D., / �,-
� . ,
. 1L. It., V4 Ir. a S. FAInburgh, . 1,
Oftice--OnGarlio Street, Clinton. Xight, call
� at front door of office or residencel_ Reitilm.
boxy Street. L . . '' .
I. I . I � .
. DR. do, W, SHAW- '
L AWnchear at Office slid %.rosidentie-O
, QLpositeowngliBb all urch, formorig. c,
.9io.'at;v.jjr.Appletdu.OliutonOnt. '
. -
. 1. DR. Go Ws. THOMPSON .
I Physician, Surgeon. No
special attention given 0 d120 of the .
X . I .
Eye, Bar, Throat and N . - . .
. . r ftee and rtealdence--. I .
. Albert Street,11 DIOCUS North 41iflitatte*111MY
. . �
.L . I .
. G. W- Nanning -81111thOL.D.9 C -A,
. . . . .
� . . I �
. .
. 09FIVE-Main Street,, Biyfiela, formerly
L � ' , L, ' , ' , .
. . . bacupied by Dr. Pallisterr L'
. .
. �
- . . . . . .
I . ..
L I . .
I . I . . . .
(From the ottxwa� Journa ,Incl6pen- . . .. I I .. 1. . .. I f 4:- 1 . Farin.torSalle. * , - , Dits. iteNia .
stand still, lest a forward movement . . -hap$. the'- result to "CA !" Sullivan:,tha.)mail. it aiuf .. - .-Weekly ..�Ia.r�t,� Montreal, I . . I I M&FOWLEW.-P �- .
. .. and one. Liberal. Pei _ p . , . X .1 . I I .. , .
i dent -Conservative).. - � . . . . L Which is ely.. separate . . . . . . . I ... . .. .
should attract a shower of criticisms; I *11.be more impres's' e in tabulai d . othe Conservative pa h e, abus- , . . ... � I . DENTIST% d ftllft0k. . . � . .
Ur Whitney and the Conservative Wk . iy li� pers av I I . � . .. . % .. .. 1 . I I . ' .
I . I L . . I.. . . . . L I . . I I � i�bliwc - - 7 Theunderaiiiiied offers for Pale his choice . - .
. � form I I . . _ . I p tion' � ' � i fi,'iiv �of Hul Office open every 4&y,-&nd-'S9Aurdik L'' : '
they went forward rather, with a yig- . I � . . 1. - * ' I I I ed in.s6ason and. -.out of sgiason. His ,11 4friendslift 'LIS to double, farm. lot 81, con. 6, tow lett, ton; . . L . . I I .
-. - . " , . ; 11 10 o'clock. - . . I
Opposition have given� the oeoplebb . Members.uns&Lted . I . I .. 11 .sistingof5O4orea. On the iDle6e Is a - comfort- .night,unt . ... I .. �
- .our su Cri .
-or and courage which this ,country . . . . . . _"'r . .bp � ption Ist this fall. -an -a- b ck., .*
� ..
. at Whitney rule Conservatives' '.,..4 Liberals.......,l brother is captain of the st�amer,]?Pie', I ��. .. ablo , a ty I 0 a, on -.Will visit Auburn every �Monday;. Dan- - - -
. . . . . . -1. 11 . . I . . ,
reason to believe th . � I . . b Ilue,as all hard evb a n ring "'i'
had not seen since the first provressive � Workers cor�icted or reported: which. would probabl. n every. Tuesday; Bayfield ever3o , - :
days of Sir John Macdonald after his . . L . . . y have been - lost * . . .. . . . and we . oper is 11 a ate , in . 'I%nno . . .
will.be any, better than Ros's rule... -No Conservatives _..B Lfber4ls .......... I **18.1.����" t U4 Iles of Olinton a n n sel w I . % eeany. ; _ . I . . .
. . , , I . . . on �Lake $up�rl6r' with its tioo;boo - � . .1 . I -Eight act . I 1. . ., . L . .. I .. . ... .
. .0 -moral . - L . -of church, school and post office. ght � . I
reason of policy. No v ason of . . . Totals: . . . . . . I .1 . L . . . I Will be sold on reasonable L - . I .. . . . I .. -
. . . '10 ,,Lb r . -2. -cargo had not the captain in political . . of fall wheat sewn. . . . . I . . . .
return to power in 1878. As tonipared . Conservativ*6s..., 'L I e ils.. - .,4. OL f I terms. For full partioularsapply � I � . . I
� : . . I , . ..,
' ity. In what respect of ppliey has Mi . . . . . , . I � ! to
with the lethargy of his last years and I . . ' ' ' I ! - W. J. Wo,BRIEN, Sunimerhill, P,O.: -
. . . . Sir Wilfrid. Laurier 'denies all the - 0 ei s arch of his broth ' . .: 1, . 01.8m .1'.. I . ; .. D no 0. : EAN EST HOLMES ' . :,
- Whitney placed hi m,self' .differently - L . . I � .. I notoriety g n 14 P it" � . . I .: I I . I I .. .. I�ZN,Mt�' . L., '_ ., . , �� '
. . � . . .. I � . L .
the total paralysis of-hispart,yu-bich rumors.currept abont th6 general elec�- en V or this the World su�gesits that � I . I I . I � I . I . I . I . I . - .. , , , . . . ..
I before the people P - There have been . . I . I . . . s .. . . � . . . ; . . . . I . I '4al L .... (Baccagilor Lto:Dr. T. 0. Jilrucie. . . . 1. I
. I -
followed his death, -the pace of the . . . I. . . flons, saying that the press was. res- he.should .be generously rewarded� , L . L _' . _ in - - I
Mew Liberal Government was little volumicions platitudes about!�Itaprdv I . . . L i L . . - Farm For S.. e..�,:'-:- specialist Crown. and Bridge Welt . .
. . I . I � I � . - * li.D.S-Griiduate'R6�-slooHageDinfid Ur I . . .
,� ponsible,.And not he, for the cotitinned and no one di6agimes with it. - ; . . I , " - , L .
Short of amazing. It was ,.in adminis Ing" this or - . thati and -'developing L '. . . . . ' . I I . . .1 I I :. I . . .. � -.1 .- . .. tp goone of Ontario, ToroAt6,-.1 ,
.1 .. I v u, - �itatements made, Witbo�it foundation I . � L(A.12,.Bayffeld con., Gbderich 4,118 bArlb )1,11. S.�FhA-olasa Holior graduate of J. ",- . . .
- � I . . .
d - 1!safeguiir� I L . . I L . , ': .... , (85bleared,bidancehar(lwood,witb.A)Ar .
fration of business men, who cared .something else, an ng � . 01 . . . . lge ( . tat I)eVartment of Toronto. - Utft , , �
� . - ,W,an- .
. . olution 6f ffe�e are some purchases. repqrfed . - . tity of cedar on it) in' oodsitate of - cul va m, ion aid 't6 preservotl r ,
. t of in fact,-* relative to - a diss . S. i K NVU visit anlo - ,
and -all that sor L . .. I I I I .. . Xendlingplik . stailoditeli= Bayfield eVery �
the public chest, , . �.. . . I . . to have, been inad6 r6cently by*P6tbr � * opinions. of Ingr-lik I, abiint.five adresfa lw eat,andconsiderablefall - ��
little for tradition and everything for i6 Parli�aneiit.' � . ., . o I Win do Comfortable brickhouse large Monday I . . . . ..
. . 11tit in what matter of Oubl . , . . �- I . .1 I 1 have been using Strong'i e one . ofiko.r over W. �&3rlor &Son's Shoo :at( . I
results -who did not ask to be judged ' thing I . . . . . . . . . . . . I =on Nh.%.%1i.g.u.der.e%th driving shed and a . . . .10 , 4
. . . I Veregin L the Doukhobor leader , Six for several months with res that other outbuift.- about" § son orchard, I I . I I . . f /
pDlicy and practic6- has Mr'Whitney . 1 . 1. . a 4. . I . .11 . . t . . .
. I 11-L . , I mostly winter f tf- ' welt;;atered 'nevedall- . . �
by the things they - refrained from . . . . Ition: 'warrant me in r6com ending 1 to my . .. . I
-or anything v . The opposl to the Grand Trunk hundred horses', thr.ee hundred gang.. . It ,lug springorsokau� two wells' Sevenmiles I I . . I I I . 1. .. . .
stocd f itally'different to . . . L . . I , L psitientp with every onfiden ", in I s from Clinton and three'from - . . . . .
. doing so much as by the things they . . . .Si PI . Bayfield. Posses.. L . L V ' *, L ' L
Paciflc-m4he �, gteiati - .transcontinental. abblp ows, fivo tlixeshingmachinesi: .claims. RFERGUSONM.D. oroner -sidii at au�, time, reasonable* terta. L . . I -s . � . I . .
� the Government L. orators ?, i-4- W,hat I L � . . L . . . . . . . . , . � I ., I A V L . .etennary .
. I— I . SL firither particulars to I q St. , I . . . .
Aid. r e& � but and the five. traction. eirigines, two ammilli, J�ozldbn,Lont. ' .:. . L "r . , , . 1 .4 . V I . or . �, . . .
L . . I . . .. .
respect has he distinguishe .himself .project-luis b1most-di. I I . � . L - "L. , It .. I . - . . - . .
d . . . ' David it.. Gode ich.o . . .
L I . I . . I .., I ... . . ... �: I .. . . .. ; . ... . I L . .
This fell with shattering surprise up- us a champion o.f.publie riglits'? For . . I L ent in- t,wo.statiouiiryengln�sl fivdilourmilis, Price $1.00. For. sale by. druigisto,. of �, . . . , I . ... , , .� .. 1. . .
Conservative partyi; from. preS L . . * L L.: �'� . ------.; - . . L - .
. � . . by mail on receipt of, price. . ... ' . . .. . .. ., . ' L ' ' ': . ... �,
on a party which expected to be speed- L . I . L I L d* ations,'will:'not. ,mak L.*t a;16ading four hundred §i s, ' b L . I , DR-46.1FREEMANY ,I\,
years there has been'& battle, an ever-� le . . e. I et .of. � ,arrows, eight W. T. STRONG, Manuftoturing Che ' . . Wanted. - , . I . . - - ...
' ,
ily recalled by an impatient country . u6ju the next election. . The Grand L hundr ' ed stoves. - Evidently. the Douk� . L .� _ L L 11I.F. . . I ' I ;. . .. L. . . . JT�MTEUIXAAY SURQZOF,� . . . . . . .
growing battle,Jn the,. Legislature. and* 1sP . . . .. �, I . . � 1. . "'. . . . ., . at, London, Ontario. * . . ., I � - , �. I..
0 - I . . � . * I I . . Member of the Veterinary Medical A asoolai . I
that wanted something better than a befomAhe public, bet iw*e�en . the inter. Wunk.Pacific has alread sixteen sur- hobors are preparing for h641th '' k - tions of London ind Edinbuirgh, slid GV&da-. ' ... �
.1 I �y . . . . 1. I . 'y'"Wor. ' *__ _. Girls wanted for Biscuit Departmeltitzoages .
. I L .1 .
. . .., I .. .
�Uovernment whose highest notion of . L I � : ., . : `an&d_raJthfjL1L ArAt month, $4.09 oer week, second men , 1%0: &to vf the Ontario Veterinary College, .
ests of the. initss W i the. people, and- v6YoFs-:)n the'field,.and it is announced , They'ate not, all religious mazdaes., - , " ,person to travel lor well . ar week, further advances on viece work-. ., TRIUT PIONAGES OF -ALL ANINEAW I . �
. - - � T
success was to hide from, criticism. . . . '. . � L. . , I .. . L . IL ;. I .. . established house In 96 few counties, calling. on: Willfurialshaddressesof first-ciass lioardizig, ' . . .. . , �'. . '. I . I
municipalities ag4inst private com- tha,lb�` the �.-i§dction between Winnipeg . - .. I was . Mo. 1. . retail zoordbants, and agents. Locialtairit6ty.. houss?oa .. � . . . I . . . 4. .. I
.. ; ., L I .. rd $2.50
. . I I . L I a., , W,e,r week. -_ - � .
And that surprise bas not wholly dis- . . ' - . .1 . . %* '� IS siry $20 00 per Weekwitkexpetises addition. . T 9 MCCOR 10K WRPG. CO., Lend' . , �_ " - -_ . . .
pames -and promotor6. Where. has, and.Lake Supe�ii�r 4111_ be ready 'for' ' Alludingtothe conitant charge"bf W; 9.11 payable ih cash each -week. .- Money for . 1. . . . I .- . . L' . ... . .. - , .... . . L I I I
appeared from among Conservatives. . . I _ , . . . , . ion L 1. � .1 I I . .�: ! ... L .
. I ez . * L . . . .
. It pg.ses advanced. Posit thanent. � .. ..
� per� .? '. .
. ' us . C ' TANDARD _. . L . . L M : ,
. . Nowhqre,. grai .,in the fall of.] 605.'. ,1�60truption` made � by Q sh .1 . . . . . .. I
Ambitious projects, emanating from Nr Whitney stood v. P.. ,the n ,traffic . . . insdivative I successful and rus . . .. i . I I . 108.0611aifteouws.-i: . . I
I .1. In
. I L . . app!a - . L. I I i. ;L I HOUSE 930 Dearborn St., hicg�gil! I I .J i . . . : :
I . . ,
ently. . - . . .� 11, . This will be -cheerful n6ws-f6r. the paper the Londbn A dvertise'r:, draw a - . Notice. , ., - - ;.. , . - .. � I ... -
Ottawa, still call forth wonder that _,�� 11 I 1 . . .
. . I .. I . . .. . L . .. , _ . . 1%. I . '. L . 1; . .1 �, - , .1 . - . ..
the Liberals are not afraid to risk get- ... 0'. ,,,.;. *:..', . :, I' * . :.. �� .. . . ' - . - .1 � .7 - .7'. I . . .. . . ' ' . I i . . 1, . I I . .. L . . .. . ''.
, . .. 1. --:-� 'Of - ' L . C6 to 'Rent 'We have for service - at - our farm, London - , : . I . -6 . .
I .-� ,� West, which. , ig':en husiastic . over the .attenUoii.to this ' act : MI;. % L'. .' '011ft s -� . : - I 'L . . I . , .
. : , t I . L . f its . I L -
_'�Lg thOr ItI990 Lauddied by such rap- L I . I . . . I '. t " , I . . � ., I ' ' .. . .. I I., . Road, a. ore Scotchbred Shorthorn Bull and. '.. '. .
'id travelling. The idea tbat Liberals It would be like him., 1 - public I' ..�: � '' , . � . . xThoro red Yorkahlre.floar Registered, from . � Ci L.. ' I . .
... L , contrAct.., The Governmen can and lions of expenditure of funds .1 -_ . . 9.1 IFIGHM I... _. ! ;' - .
L 01_111� ' . . . L I . . , to , ' . �
. L ' ' ' I ... * ill ell Jon. , L : ... .: ' I 0"' d stock on both sides. both extra kno � , . . . OLPMN, 02;'Zpp '' L , . .... L !... �.
will spend money in meeting the de - . the Opposition. on its the' On I Ovei Taylor & Son's GiOre-.131111fisilile. for. . .
It . . I &I 'ge tIrld * Government has n0ver L . I ... 1. ::1m.ls, to.. $1.50 and $1.0 .. I . ' Asa' C ' ' L
man&s of an era of limitless o - A good story is bLing told: -in M6nt.. . . � . r .. . . L. .. siiy purpose. Apply to . � - . N �ora Buils General Agent ojrFidelral Life 111111`11131ce � . . I
. I.. . . . . - public L Ve have for sa1eL3 70'JAR .shortl I ' . . I .
and mirn c growth real says The Witness; illustrative of - I . .1 . .1 X. 21, tf. No. XG Clinton. And some cows and heifers, will be eel - a on all the. latest approved pkial4with , - � , -
,ty nayper un V . L . � . I . . * They are all Pure bred, , p -
ulous natio transportation �'policy in e erV, Pro� L .given a dollar to other than A. U. MANNI d it 1 oliale'
.. .
' L . - . . .. . I
,has yet its novel aspects in certain vince of the'. cou t ' ' L ses ; no railway steal Or L "inside" � reasonable prices. _rivilasea and Options L meet &dTantageoin t
circles. the high spirits and'keen `wit -of the , !,. . ,4 ry.. .. I . I p1QrpQ . . I L .. . I - .. I Iwo bet& alsoL a lot of grade vattle, stockers and .. the Insured� Annuities Issued . . .
I . i i . I . tL c dt L or _in_. ' : ' . I . I . .. 1. I I ... L I I .. I I .
. I . . haterest in con ra. ,ts,,. no dire - . feeders for - sale'R pt , . I .'. I L . . .. r- I I
But the Laurier Government has Premier. A reference, i o Air Tarte's . ' ' . � � . . For Stile 'or to. Rent , ' im. . . �
. While the -Toronto World.' devotes dl%et application of public funds to - . ^1 I . - - � I . O-Wif. , I UMSTSEL, CVntQ I I.. . � I � . . . �
� . L, . . . .
. .1 . . .. I
L I I .
never been afraid of opportunities. solicitude for the hea] th of Sir Wilfrid' nlu'ch'6fits'spaileto partisan effort to - . I . . Lot 29 eon. 2. Stanley . � ; . . I I ... , ''. .. .
Theyhave built public workawhere . � ,,, containing loo.acres . : . Mi GEf Lic, hima
at the time he was in, ' election or �. party purposes can be in, good'stste of oultivat on for sale or to rent MARRIA .
there was need tor them, and chal- . � , weak health 4, represent the Liberal policy as h.%ving... . 1, I L f I ly to JXO.L McGREGOR, I b L. 111CPHIERSON - ' 11 .. � . . . . ..
langed the Opposition to "divide" up- year ago will be re L membered. At tue . . I . -eliard,ed 4 in one copper for term 0 yeare,it9t. .. . . . 11 � � . I . . I
ga st it, a not on romises or M , GREGOR, 2 oop..H. * - . . . ,. .. I � �
.. I
. . I � damaged . , I .1 . . .1 . I . 1. , I . . I . - .1 . IS -SUED AY" .� ..L . I
. 1. . I . . n I � _60rial benefit It" accrued to an � y , . i Beiallorth, P. . I .. I. .. I �J[XSUHANM. ... - � . Jo Ba.� IRIM.4411' L . L . I �
on details if they dared; they have Laval stu of per . ; . �.. . . . R _Tuokersinith �Oi . I . . ,
. dents' dinner last *eek, go umns%bear eloquent testimony to the . L. .. . J?6b.' 7�tf.: . . '."' - I 11 . . :,.� L � % I . . . Clinto
Iways., . � . . � . . � , . , ' . . I 1. .. I . . * � I . . I . ... R.�'L - . ' �
bought and projected great Pal L C 'beral minister,.orniemlier.' . . .1 I . 11 . I . . .L I � �
I U . . . 1. . . 1. . . I . -1 I . .,
to the everlasting disappointment of the story goes, SIr_WIlfr!d * me� Mi., pr, 44 . ' . -L . - . . . . Viro Llf ` 'A"Idiblitt '' lr)ate class . I . . I : .. I -r-,--, . 7. .
. I . . I . !!. L, . I L e. lie I.K. . I � .. . . � .
. . iriister� dordiii,11 * ogress an it. enjoys under the . _ : � .1 11 ".. ' gal . . *. - OW103g, � . M&OXATBROOK, . CLIN70 :. : . I . .. � . . I
men who expected thein to confine Tirte. - - The Prime M y moderate tariff and.. good rule of the .. .. . I . I . .. FaIM'for . . - . . ..
. . ,
themselves to the finger -bowl items of . . I . . . . I �. .1. �. . . . . .
I . . . I I . Cokrespondents'writing to the'De- 1. I I . . : ' L L . , 0 .. ,� . .. : . ... � .1
Ited his former Minister of I � . I .. - , . __ ___ .1. I.., . . �,. WX SNELL, " I
tlie Auditor-Generial's gred ublic lAurierGovernment. Here' is ' a spec- . . Lot S9, Condesaidn 4. Goder ch Tp,,. 'about - 2J, . -.1.1 . . . I .
Rideau Hall in . P' 1 , I 0 1 . . .
. I . .
. " . .
report; they have taken hold of the Works,aud la'L Ing his hatid 's .. L . .1 . . . :L. ; .,. p4rtm6ut of , Agribulture * A 'Out the miles. from Baylleld, a miles from Clinton, I .. . . -yF ; I . .. . I.. I . iso'linty, ftuetioiif4w� .. .� i
_ Y. ympath.; !men from a,recent issue ., . I . . I sh- . L 1. . . . I
. ,tit - containing 80 acres, more or, lose; good fre � -L a Mo.. :. ,
plublic services and resolutely put etically on 'his . shoulder remarked-' - . . . .. scarcity of hired help,. say. that'-. i is water creek raulaing throng L h sameL the -year JOHN W .. a I He= prwured Auciflon"r% Uoe for.., I .
them on a business basis until the . -,commercial travellers'all `bvei the' . I me house,bern IWX50 . . . L Lila Coun y I solicit a ohm* . �
slyly:: "My deal, fellow, how you are to'get a wife than to And a round; 2 acres oichArd; fra HOLMLAVILLE. .. . I . . ofAurou, T the, �'
. govince rep6rb)a,1ustling business for .qasler . . . For particulate a to undersigned on the' . 1. . oat". Deites furnished by mall 'phoise, 6de- - I
post -office and the Intercolonial have ageing. You are getting. -.quite ray t e year, and an 'especially active call female L Servant !or ',& farmhousei" premised. -WN, 1PIMNER, � . Agent for thfj MANtVROTEUM - X ASS1171RANCO h or povionsil Incei0ow. V11149'M 1410,1101111- . " �1'
. ..
become dividend -earning institutions; ooking. Yoo I _ .1 ..- . _ . � . I . . . is . . I . I . .. . . . �, I. , .1
they have 'Irushed" the work of deep- and worried 1 will gave forallforins of Christmas ds and , 11, Co. of Manchester.* kingland Whose funds'are I go." .. . ." L 11,
to take rent care of yourself, Or we noveltil", There are no - Thisis not. to be -wondered at, for the . .. I I I � . I , security are rated at olijbiXI;QW. - Also the Me- m .1 . . L ''. I .- . I . . . I � "
ening the canals -a task over which w 10093 tr;av- . I MUTUAL INSUAMOR Go.: A classes of . . _ .. � . � I.,
e ecessor were aw in ; In shall belosing on oomeoftbese days.". ellers nn. the Ontario'circult, -U�t therL- girl, Who.becomes a wife is . 1"'S Mon Root compwn& 71.'ItLolpisks and towit p taken by L .. I - L f
I . . .1 1. ..... lowest rates. Mnt�e Asa Companies . . . I . 'L,
o'r"t, t e have, on all lines, adopted Considering t= this -remark. was neverbas been so 0 ' LaditsO Favorite, "= - .
ish 0 d a year for the -Ihfasiter in her own house - . ebb reprosertad. Money to his. had fr on 4 per . 190110Y � (
a made by the man who was said to be' ind ividulal knight of the grip. iv . .. . . I 4 .. . �. I To the only safe ralliabld asiatup,accajol.liaiif .0 nature of gtoesil . . . . . . I .��
olic o * achievement rather t an & dying a year ago, and addressed tothe I . . Servant Innone." . coglalator on VAQ WOMM Diall .
polic of eeping "under cover." .� � L I I . .1 . . 'I misil - , H,Imosvillis - postal card;;U p,,,. ' , __ L . .
manwhoWas understood to be the . __ � .. � . . .. . . L -can depend "in the hove fetc him. . .. *:. .. tie funds to 4gleg e4mt "Ii imp-.. I
h re is no doubt that this is the L . . L and time of need." . : � I . w0rds . IZ-0. DONS. L '.
.. I
tell a develo I . Mr Thomas XUrrAy, X'.P' for L Pon . Prepared in two - - - - ., _ ., . ,. . ., L .
sort of government wh' sriosb ready believer !'I the statement, Annexation has no merits; laut if it . . � . , ,
, - degrees 611 -_ - . _._�, L . , � .
,p- it, was repeated as one of the best pol. were thebest thing, on earth for hu- . and No, .26 . L. I I . ,�� _
ing country -needs. A timorous Minis- . . . � Strength. - No. 1 � . . I . I � . . ;
try, at this Juncture in our growth, itical stories of the year4 ,r � � I . . . I tiac has decided to withdraw Lfrom Vo.l.-Vorordloia a"" 1JI L ' I .1 I .� I .
. I . .. I manIty and Pauladiaps Individually, , . .1 � . I . to by tat the.be.5740111114 MCKILLOP NUT L - FIRE TAICKS. CAMPBELL tOND961101to I
. -
would leave iis mitrks of cripgling in- . - . . I , . . i . . I it wou I 14 still mean the destruc I tioin of Parliament. flis. successor, in the., . _. .... I - medicine, known, .1. '. I .a I as. L L �
action upon us for all time. ational &DO . ) 'Parliamen I t I . . Liberal vilinks Will be 1VIr � V Hodgins. '00, . 'r special , cases --10 'dogreem 'INSURANCE Co. - �' 0 1 'NU]IRR orX .. I
- . . . ly, abil'the disappear- - 44 . I I . I '.=�,.. I � � I
- , things, . !"or-tbree dollars Per box, - .
fipportunities are evanesceni minion meral er of, � Canada nittiog4l L . . . � _=2: - - .
y . storekeeper at Shawvlllej while the kE r drug e
. . lillst. for eo*o%Lvd FARM ANb ISOLATED TOWN PR6PEATV � ." ' � I
in speedily away if thevarenot has supplied Toronto Saturday Night ance of the, ve -es ONLY INSUREDo. I � . .1 11. � . L' - t." 1. - - ,
. . ry name of Canada from s:!1JFLoel* Wmvoun . Take no othOt I � " . ,,, I
I when within reach. A'Minis with a slate of th6 Whitney CabbAet, 'its place on the roll Of . . . .y I . . orrogwo. -. L 4.41 . . L , � ,; i q A- _, - .". 11
seize try Conservative candidate will probabI : Wdstareo a hattatlons ar
whose sole purpose was to keep down .1 . liations,.or pep. I no. It and V9. t are sold an3 . 1. A McLean, President, Kfp,yr.P. 0 T . . I 9� . .
be Mr Odo J Bryson, of Ottawa. mend;=b all druggist* In the Do- Fraser Vice Prosideo Brubefle d, . 0 i Y.. X . . � I
. ladreds, ottongues,-TOroWito . ,. HaYso A�o. Tram. heat L
expenditure, whose first virtue was which some of the Conservatives see in ples, or ki liorth, P. 0. ''
parsimony, who avoided doing busi- their dreams. Hereft is. L I I . I . C ,Mailed to any addrem bIRMWORS, . I I . . . �
Telegram. - . . . . Xr R L Borden and bir T Chase Cas- e and four 2 -bent posaa Jas. Ctinnoll Portiirgr Hil .7ohn Wait, Ifor-
ness in order to save street car fare, Whitney, Dundas, Minister of vdu '', . I 4 - I . orgrell "09 Company look, 0 Dale%Ahtonj M. bbeener, Seafovth,' The - Novelty Bakery - . ' .
. . Gdoors,ionbl , L .
would be at this time, when Oianada�s . I . grain have been elected honorary pr&. . . W J. Hv&ua,Boeobw.00d, J. 0. Grieve. Winthrop, 4 .
.hour has struck, a, national calamity I cation, la, yera - .. . . I . 1. , in'Clinton bv J. ftonswels Rr6dhagon I � . . I . . . I
gin, Lanark, Provincial Ttea- I Wtt.en Oaby Cries . sidents of the ba,wson Conservative No 1� and No 2 .Are bold ' .8,,hDittetarinsPeo�;roflt)oi6gi3this own =a u4urat, ,,� -
. I
surer, lawyer, . . .. . I I IMP1100010" .. . Convention. L ... I . I H. 13. Combos, .T E Hovey and F, )�V. woolity. L . . . I I I I I �
� .
A Demand for More Duty , Miscampbell. (not In 11ouSe), Crown When� baby cries almost continually � "r . . Watts, Druggists I IL . . . . AaRNTS L . We always keep on . hana alorg . a . . . ;
I%. 1-1-... .. oft"0000v . . �,�� I - X. W.Yoo, Holmosville.1tobert Smith Air- .1
. ,IS. lumbermah. I . it is a certain sign that there is, Some. . L V.A ilift.u. and Well aboorte stock ! a do to
. Latu I I . look Jas Commit Ho,ownd-11 a ol
Mr Drummond, presiaent of the Hanna, West, Lambton, Provincial
ting the matter with its stomach or
T116 Isequ . e air the Seasons
Manufactories Association, made a Seeretat , lawyer.
Hendrrc, Hamilton, Public Works,
howelso and the mother should at once
give ita dose. of Baby's Own Tablets,
. . *
I . . . I W. W, W.. I
crein he asks that contractor. . .
opeech last week, wit . . I �
'whieh sweeten the sour little stomach,,
Lay my summer things away,
Relics i)f vanished day -
the government raise the tariff to a Finlay MacilifIrmid, West E'lgiln,
Apldulture,'farmdr� I � I
. promote digestion and 'gently relax
- -
the bowels, Mrs Fr6d McIntosh,
Tennis racquet, shoes And tihilrb,
parity with that of the United States. I
.Dr Willoughby, East.-Nor.thumber.
Wabigoop, Ont.,w'ho hits had exPer-
Golf clubs now quite free from dirt, .
Cycle costume pressed and brushel�
His reason for this is to prevent what land, or . � . . I
is termed "slaughtering" by the Dr Pyne, rlwt Xotlontq, Speaker.
ionce, writes : I 'When my little boy
was t*o months old he beigan to cry
. I.Ay them by with voices hushed,
Lay them by with sober wieno
Americalls, in case of a surplus of pro. No doubt some of the persons uaw-
I .
and kept 'It UP almOsb continually day
11,Pdnightfor several weeks. I gave
While a tear slips down unse � oni, -
Close the door and lock it fast
ductsin their own markets. What ed will be it! Alk Whittioyg'Cabinet-
him medicine, but 11, did not seem to
On, those rolics of the past,
the manufacturers apparently want when it is formed, The old ,story, of
is it prohibiting tariff, that will ex. "How to cook &Ure'ilomes in here,
case him it bit. I haa)tlot tit this time
used 35aby's Owh Tablets, butthe poor
little follow was sufforilig so muell
. f, I I d, I
What a flood o ridem. weillg
Ali% della I
elude all imports; and compel the con- Y,)lI Must fil'8`b catch, the hato. Ahtl
that I sent for a, box. He obtained
In these things of
Mornings sweet with tete-a-tetco.
sumer to buy at highly protected. befbve'Mr Whitney tao form �Iny
kind of a. cabinet, he niwt hmve a
ease Almost from the first dose, and in
a few days was quite well. Since then
13venings on the brink of fate, , .
Summerdayg that flitted by -
r1res. Mr Drummond represents . � .
he has grown spleridldly�, and is a
Lightly as 4, Causeless sigh, .
less than fifteen hundred manufadtor- mitiority in the House.
. .
bright, lau�hing, good natured baby*
I hold the tiablets in the highest re.
Weeks and months of fairyland, I
. I
Records traced upon the sand�-
ies,and ignores entirely the greatb6dy 0.0- - _q
gard and cheerfully re.ebminend them
( ,,lose the door and drV thetear-
of consumers, whose Interest the goV- Tidking.of purity of' dections, , here,
to till mothers. , .
,This Is the verdict ,of 0.11 Inothers
11ark I the c , � 'Winter's here I I
, . ,'".. �, .
ernnientbave to consider, its Woll as Is *iast4temokit that TAbetal ii(46papers
wllollavousedtlIOT4blets. Tbi,�v are
Now attbgeribei,tigottheNnivr�n&atid
that of the inanuffteturor. .. throughoat the Provillee are publish-
1110 raise the tariff and mak6 it re- lug *. .
good for ehildtonof ,all Agog iWd sit-
ways cure all their minor ailments.
Montreal Herald t6 30, 186, ION, for
Solil by meditIne deAlets tor sent by
$1, Those who rionow theft subserip.
Intivoly equal to that of the, Vnited Aftoe the Provincial 44ections last
I Pro.
oat* six GotiservatiVOSeAtA WerO
Inall at 25 eents & bt)x 1) wolting. The
Dr W11114flis, Med N
00"A fAt the Herald Also. . In either
I )y got absolutely for nothing a
('488 t li
Staterij ,Would mean a, very great In- r
I leAted. and mil two LiberAl meats.
#,# Brockville
I 21 licto vaimr-the Hiorald-thab to It.
I I of .
loy, Boatorth. � . I
. I .
choose from. ' . .. 11 1. � I I .
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