HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-12-04, Page 1.
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IOLI,Wow q ()WTAR101 . DECEMBER 4 1908''
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.1 r thing I of U. 8,-a_T;-;.-y6J�Z -;.,;.g;"f,f".: "'4V-'1o"'iWeVe;h h ur'r"c"t',e'sn' a x: t P"=A,1111.- . .Loeal Nens. *-A-1+k**H�"_kJ.j,J,J,
4 A I . I .--�ome Milli . r reach ill 4 even, f,arlug for thei Aid 1, 'ar ' illson, who . � . "17 -
. O'ear! `T0hdeegu,1q11. asofloa6he 'Or gunda anIldollal000D�n-&Mlla�oorts�tB.011We(l)le$Aof Belfast' � has I I
le 1. next a . &. Dec oth, mornin "4 , a r . p'in tvheeyho�Vp t4l in Mon. AN VNPRECEDENTB D,SUC0E,qS
� .. have -engaged J �e . & a 0: trea I iioVar 200 peopl
I : Useful $, No. $ ing, rithelft,at7p.m a uniou r CbristinaiswIrMI114 . I foil some time with t�pboid favor, e attended the OsAt*
"). I T, (VRobertson, ofAu. service Of the Presbyte 0 ion,s.,- and Miss M. 1, Olark# Fordyce, arAved bome this weqk to 1.6 onie r and sale of work on .COMPlete Assortment "
. burn, as senior Man. andMatho- for a school concert, We understand cuperate, Thursdity
Miss Cameron, Bayfidld, and Miss Lo. the, town ball,, and ils ; .
��:; You can get your savings and earn. $W, aud.U.1si Clara Houston" of in. , rch in the lnte�est Of the Bible Messrs Bowels, of Belfast, and Markle, evening last in . - Or. - I
. te4oher, at a sala,Z. Of 41A clAu .
inge cared for and paid btlok to you cardine, as junior, at $270. . society. Addresses will be delivered of .1 n, Varna, Are tile asts of Miss B. e, in the afternoon, Nearly I 1.0 �
� I . Ramiltort. And X , No. 3, are resigning at Obt stillas, rb "'a" or *
by,Revs, Vil $70 ivyamsrea lze
. aunedy ; so and that Mr B ckard. MrsT. 0. ckard is visiting . dfromO this work, but
- . � u0bacian, '110"14, III Mitchell. Miss Moir. Clinton. spent one piece being I oft unsoid, between . ' I
TURERHING-M. Bruce isaboutft- offdring will bei taken. . CRA31
� � On Demand Ulle succeeds M Of HL _ . ME VESTS 11.4 I
I r Bowels, while W. Taylor,. Sunday with Mrs W. B. F, orater. $10 and $11 each fropp fish pond and . . . .
4 his season's threshing; he has put VARUEA'S INSTITUTH-A I meeting Of East Wawanosh, is to wield the ro � AND
I . in nearly 80 * days of good work. F, was held in Hill's I candy booth, and from adyn' . .
and we will pay you for tl2e Yuniblut has I hall, here, o Tues. at NO. 3 for the co mingyear. NO'rES.-On Monday evening at lesions . .
. not been abla to'wor day, afternoon and evenitiv. Th nearly the same amovmt. This is tile
Lea ue the pastor gave a report of the. ladles Of St p1tulss
I I a pres- NOTES -Mr rOwlw- Con erence E pwor 1�
I privilege of caring for your looney, for a few days, owingto asli tclefect d I Mrs H, B church., first ac- CHEST PRWECT,011�i - 4
I I ident, Mr Rod, Young, occupied the pombe, of Cargialul, are visiting friends tion, th League Conven- tempt at a Baza,jr bl'It it is lil,:ely to
. in hie engine, which had to a sent to .11
A Dollar will give you Ali AQ- Te hair and made a brief address,. Dr. in t held'at Chatham last. week,'at be An annual afrair in the -future. I _ . ..... � - __ . ,.-
' . souns with no at Exeter, 11ensall, . the shop for repairs; in a day or two Aceed, of Georgetown, gave an address er his vicinity. Miss Peterson, tea0li- which he was one of the speakers; it . . . . RLL PRIflFs. I � . .
Clinton or Zurloh branches. he will resum6 work as vIgOrOusIY as on the horse. and its diseases, in the of S,S� No. 14, spent Satiti-dayand Was very interesting, Thecont I * .-----
. �� � ever, he expects. I SundaY in our to , AN EDU()ATIONAJ� FAIR -The - � . . . .
. I
. 1. . wn. -Messrs Isaac caretaking of the church was aw`tawcdte'0df Ontario provincial Winter Fair of . . . . . I I
"I .1 I afternoon, that WAS attentively lis- and Chas. Milleramd. Rugh Rutherford onMonday evening at the meeting of 1003, annuallyheld in Quelp 1 1 .",11 .M.% -1.)
THE SOVEREIGN SCROOL REPORT. -The following is tened to, many quest'ions in connection SundAV4 with friends in Goderich , 11 11 con. .0, - ,
ard to, W, Mulholland, nection with the AgrienIt'Llral
' . the report -of S, S. No. 7,for November, therewith being answered. MrStalth, Miss aygie, .McDonald is at present the trustee bo. a I 0 It (." _ 10 Z) . 1�, .
-1 based on daily marks and written. ex of 14angside, gave A, good addre . ss on the, frien Of Miss Gillis, Whitechurch. ay evening Lieut. Dela- the date set fol, thlef year being 7th 6 . 11 .. ..
� , * DA aminations, The names occur inorde. _ .D � mere, of the Toronto Light 4 Go . I � I ,% I .
, - BANK OF CANA � ."'WeZ �.;: .
, Next Mond c -,v C., li :
I of merit, 5th 'M * r . Seeds, In the evening r. Reed spoke Airs (Rev) Dunn and son, of White- I ,16rse, 11th of Dec., promises to bethe Inrge.st' - 41L . .
. . �j;i ; gr la again on the horse, Mr Smith speak -in whOW."s in' South Africa duAng the and, best exhillition' of live stock, .10 Dfug Store Clinton. I."
4 � . .
tggie Rlliott� *Chas church, ,Visited Mrs Miller on Frida recent war, will address the League, poultry and dressed --darcef s . . I .
11 Brydone, R. T. Rance Sunderc *Wm TAmblyn, on agriculturaleducation. . Jas Suelf, last. Miss Ma r i .114 ,
Solioitor, Manager, Clinton. , Alfred 0611inson, * Will ex -president, -gave tin interesting mle Rutberfordisspen - PS ever 44
I Sundercock, . ac. 1. 2 61101TING IN FAVOR-Anotharevi, seen $8000 is offerea in prizes ,tilct ** - —:.--- - - I 1-0 "I .
n, . ) �
. JaE;. Brigham; J count of his -recent trip to the west, itg a few wee, a with friends at Kin" dence of the- unqualified success of the daily lectures will be given by t. 10,
. r 4th -Frank Tambly lough. M is$ McDonald, of Llicknow, .1 I goverii. 11 . , .
C Py%mk,**�w%%e%owAb,w�%ftoww%ow,wi - Norinali*Knox, May Caldwell; Sr� 3rd And R. Holmes, M,P... referred to ci�r Wasthe guest -of Miss .'AlatilleMiller Dominion Poultry Station At this ment experts in ag,deliltilre. "( I ;L
Vorter's Hill � -�-Herman Sundercock; Jr 3rd -Elsie tain legislation passed during the " .Point, and the favor with which;this 1111P16 X N. 13. - . ' 1 4 . .
late tbisweek. MraildMrsffliackleton,of accomodatlo�n will be provideti for,. ,ill * ..
Lear; Ist-Pearl Cunniii . I ..ent concernitIg far- Crewe, visited at Miss Ourran's On exiieriment by the GoverAintelit is whoattend and tile secretitry of - the "' ' . I A.
%bain'Xilland session of parilam . . I . . I
'HOUL ItEroRT-The following is a MeVittle, Elizabeth San( erson, Nelson Iner", such as the cattle, ard (Ill!!- Thursday last. - Revs, Wbaley and Me- looked upon by. the public, -bas been recePtiOn c011"IlittOe cau be, -fin Compound Syrup Of !�* I
'S( _ c I � 1114 at I
. report of the pupils of S. S. No. 5, God- Lear,Bessle Cunningham Goo Brown. *tion, .draina a under rail"ways, fllc.s Kay, of Lucknow, exchanged pulpitis shown by the f the City hall, of that city. Singo� .. . I
erich township, based on punctuality, ' hose receded by # � attlen-cle-cl, every causedby rAllyrays, inspection of seeds on I act that throughout the ONss fare for return ti . e flust- . \� hite Pine al.)d Tar- Z . .
and lay. erfect s Sabbath'Itist. � A sleigh load com- Province tile station at Holme.,ville 41; ettil btl had tit
good deportment general profl:c- ( , pelling :�Llst, Hotman And binder twi.ucl, and the . 1+ has repeatedly attracted attention by all. G. T, 'R. ticketagenis - Tills is the + , .
11 .
V I I lency: V -Wesley Vanderburgh, Ben Sunderco6k ; 2ad, Win Tamblyn, Lar- marks act, � . � - fruit prised of sixteen of our Young people CMS'Colds , + I + .
. . I .� atteude the gritifying results- from its,work- best educational, fair held in the�. pro, . . . . .
� Lindsa, : Sr IV -Mae Lindsay, Grace, est number of marks .--W. Tamblyn,- . su . do,tea-ineeting. in connection I . . 1'* , . � .
Torrany -1 .
" I DD3qx DOATR-We regtet. to iin- This -week Lieutenen and,hould bo tnken . Largo botiles _0 5 c 0 1
, ce, Rhoda Beetles, 13ruce Cox; - - I AD, Teacher with E -�sldlle church, Dungannon, on I, , t bl DO 'an'are' vince every year � I .
. . . I . tiounce the death of Mr. Thos Gibbs, Nov, 2(, And report; having bad au'en- OiN86onto, arrived for a re weeks' ndvantage of by those intol-esteci Ill . . I � . .. ; .11
� Jr. 4- Edna Hudie; Sr. III -Ruby Pot- . NOTES--Afessrs Brunsdon &Rober.-' Who died somewhat. tinexpectedly. oil joya-13h time. ,' u ilversory services in stay, to examine into- themethods f1lining'and the raising of liye ,jtook, +
J ter, Belk t,'ox, Clara Gliddon, Ruth tonarearecting owermill�foriqessrs Saturday afternoon. Deceilsed',ivas in cotinealon With Christ church, here,' pursubd here, with a view of establish� ANOTHER VI&IM: ()p jVr1l,i1,- "t-4-A-f(I . - I
I I .. 4 4-1-;-P,$-$--l-ii-t-.1-1-4-%-,H�H
,�) Tichborne, Douglass McDougall; Jr. W. McCool -,in S hisordinary health on Frid galar�,(,. poultra,, station at sonle PLAGUR.-Another youngr life lilt . 9 .when the 0. T. P. get.,; tI)r,x1LrJI to- til�) I
.., T A Rogersolf, H. ay, and tire to be held on Diw 13, -f6r wbicb 111i . I
, 113-E'lina Beetles, Lucy Uftraliall, Woodyard, who has he Jonathan Mc- while engaged in - buying a stove in. weparations are being made. Air and litarlo, likelyStrat- been claimed by thatnio%t'deadly fc)(- coast, for at Vreqenr.*tIie. (,. p. 1,. 11.%4 1 . ... .
Della Tichborne, Willie Stirling; Sr Brien farm on the base line, -is having Gerry's store, Blyth, was taken ill. Air Efts Angus Meltenzi&, of Kinlough, ford. The now concern will be capital- of malikind-const, I - too n1lich too bqndh-, but two loakii, .
I I -0L orge Lindsay, Willie McDonald � . . ulption. This tilliel it T ", .. . .� .
: asaleftiorder that hemay moveto Gerry seeing that he was sick,lelib bin, .Visited ,at W Shorriff's--last week. ized,weunderstand,at.$100, 0.00,and is the Youligest soil of 1pi"ank W, Crich, c"'I I`e' IL-11-11—V-iF,�'ll—Ill-l��ill-�.11- I
Olive Cox, Charlie Young,. Theron Dakota. Those -who want to buy a Ills fur coat, and sent him hot . Miss JOhuscn, -of Stanley, is'at present I Tuckersolith. Charlie, .as lie wit* well . . .
Beetles. Willie MeDou . -lie by his will have among its sillarebAlIders, sevn - ,
gall; Jr. H- good farm will. have *.ql,n opportunity bay, but lie never recovered from what the guest of her cousin, Mrs Robinson I 'known by, learned the hardware bual- AA c
I . eralprominent finariciers; who. have Additional *,�sval A' irg, *.
Charlie Cox; Pt. 11 -Percy Gliddon, on the Otb, to buy the farm of t1he late seemed to be .% stroke, of Parillysl.p, 'Woods. Mrs A. 1) Cameron, of God- ecome cbn�vihoed of the passibilities ne.9s with Harland Bros. soute six� - -_ * ., . . . I
Gordon McDougall, ArtburTichborne; R. Waite; sale takes Placelon the pre- -Deceased came to ill I I . . le4l's . - - . �
is 'Coulltry� from 6rich, was renewing Acquaintances in, il raising,aud marketing: the propel. .ago, and the'y0ar fo w6it ,to , took a4vailtazo (it ,the dkJ;1:ky . I
Pt. I -Allen Beetles, Willa Cox, Pearl mises, lot ;37, con, 10. James Snell, Linton, Cathbridgeshore, in about the this vicinity last week. Milton Sher- uld,of fowle this was ori6 of'r,be ob- Toronto, and oferked Ilowill T. E'aton oi"!,,�tny,olk, ,it INIre �N'�'Idtebend,� r1l:3 .
- Potter,Ella Hastings,.Gertie Ypvng. whobad tile Misfortune to losehis year.1875 living at. Walkerburn until riff has return6d home from Kinlough. It establish- Co.. and while thpre contracted the
Miss CooPER, teacher. Oct's of the Governt)mllt, i for t-0 - Week, tile Prildticts. of the bru,Ai i'�r
. buildings by tire some time , t about 4. years ago, when lie bought the Thos. O'Lawgblin,. who- ing this station, and M -11014L��of V.ilig4'Lain.: 3hilly,bealit"
. . I � 0-90, IS ge - was in Alberta the fact. that not 6old that set the fataigorixjsa_�%?url-ing- rs �.
_ - lllll;w2 ting materi4l -oil the ground to eiect old �heesc factor for several montlis,for the ben.' onlyare, Inany far .. . . t , � ., . iful things %%,(Are to I eseell, ana. Aliany .
I � . y property -_.ori tile -N W.T.1 mers turning their that. d'ventually ended. his exi�, enew on .
111 new ones Miss MaggieNeCool spent bank of the i4ver, anctmoved thereto. efit of mqiieal�il,.. has returned home ,,,,,)tionto POultry moreandmo earth. Dtiflngthesuinnier of 39(X) he Purchasers found, . , - I . . I .
. 41 - Fuutfl�'Ii WIFAI rela%VbS in. .filinton. A. He leaves a wife, 5 soils alld tw( . . . to, .- 1, . I .
I I . . . � 1. �.. . .
.1 - ) . ,, .. . . . but also -capitalists, as it means of so- went to British Colu mbla in'hoarell'. of Tbo Free Procs of [,oliiloil, erktS, . . .
01. ' art'vi 1, r'll it last Sunday - with d-tughters liviyig. He has been , a I curinga profitable inv&tnient,,must bealth,-but not , " , , , , *
, U S ' Tuckers*mltb. , , , . -t ining as rapidly ,is Qrsnton Gun Club with two ropl.es,).�_.' .
I -1 I ife i� I
. friends in V�'ripgbam. jil� cole. has long Methodist, and was it most faith- . be gratilYing to all. who.bave the in- bawis'he(Ito,,tftcr.st)en(lin,.-, ii, year , . .
urcli * � xON I
I .re�engil,gecl with S'McCool for next fill atteliclant at ell . C �L'Tolil!BREWAI.tl).-6tiMoiidaiy , terestsof the tountr At .bttive8.4t tile ByRritford tournattlent, .
. and Sabbath 4ast the towpShip I y , . heart'.. In there, proceeded to Mon taiia.-froln Itere bllttbis' is a ini��taku, I
J year. JaSMCCOOL of Clinton, sp(�nt School Bain a member of the Sons Ost one of its oldest the matter of extending. tile trade of he went north to. Alberta, and tile past* CA,.�ey� spol.�ell of, , -a& 4%i c rror and . . .
I . a. few days with friends berelast week, - Of England, le Was aburried under and beat known i�esldents in the pergon Canada, and Increasing the, returns to stiminerbetr�tedC�tlif(irnittt)iit.i,etii-ru- - ' ' -m-re frow God-, I � I
. � Ofsimoll.McKenzia in his -73rd. He 4 . erleb., Brantford.turlipci (,,11n'fq)I�(1IIg) I I . .
1� _.� � R Smith, of the- G. T. R.,,Hiple ' their'auspices on Monday, 'the: . re- came to this-10caliby w6en but a babe, at citizens, the Minister of Agricul- . ed six,'weeks ago to his hoine in a Tery down at. .their tOtIMILME-tit and t he .' , . . . . .
- . , pent
. - ;., . last Sunclay with. his frien&I 8npar mains beffig interred' in Ball's collie- - with 4is parents, in 1831,* where he I,' turebas-imile many striking, -innova� Weakened eonditlon,'- aud. 1,,vadually . to%�hbliib decided to do the sailwvv . � I . .
. 11
I 1", t .. . Londesboko. - - F. Youngblut,, who has Itery- � He was a quiet, 'uno,",tentitions continued to reside ever since. as tidns, of �.whlch die establishing, of greiv wor;w tilldeaths claimed him '011 it e 111jo t1lat city's till.n.' .. � , iiell.. . . . . . .- I .
been engaged in th)�esliiug, straw'_* nian, whose d0ath will be regretted by, *43 . About oultky stations Is -by tic) ineims the -Thursday. He -leaves but onebvbtlier; , , .1 I . . I . 1. . I � I .
cutting etc, .has been forced to lay -every' ,years ago he' married a Miss Me- Fleast We congivatulate, Me Elford, Newton, of Saginaw, arld� loving Par- "TTIP Ltky� si-iotv I ow;,Ii, to � :, I
C"Colatectionelry � . ..., one... . ;.. - � � .. . _ to wh - ' . ,, POU - I %�, . . . I... _.
. . .
, .
. off. by -his eugine buini � . . Quillan, oni five children were tbem.anager here,, oil the -j cuts to' o- . I , . . I
Afresh stock of Stewart's fine Cho- . 04 out. . .. - NOT.813 -Rev MrHamilton exchanged born, and all r -success tbi in urn, the loss of -a respected tbeinability of tile egeetitive oft', 1,3 . .. .. I .
colates to hand, also some Choice coal- � SCAOOL' RnPORT.-Tbe. lolloivin l� 'pulpits last Sunday with Rev Mr.D& - wi . eside. 1n. the 1ownship. .station has.met .with, due entirely to son and brother ' The. hineral, -%vill. be, Hilrolf,poultry �&ssocjiltillii to "cure a' 11 - -:.�
fectionery of other makes. - shows . I 9 ir� th tile exception, Of *a son at the Soo, his untiring effort., I . - I . Aillit jlid,�e "tile dilt(% of iheir� .�. I
. tile relative standing Of. the idsoh, of Varna; taking also the! Hills and besides.these t - hold ilii:Sunclay,'ait, '-I' ' i I I
. I p. in.,* niteribent 0ol)IP � ..
' I . . 0 mourn -his loss lie .. I � . ade. naal . . . .� . .
I GROOERIES. o Pupils Of S. S. No. 5-for.the m6fith. of Green ap ot,ritment for Rev Mi Me_ leaves a loving wife. . SOU00L NOTES 0 poill6ry 6xb1b.hI(-U:Nt4Il nut .. . ,
New Raisins, Currants. Nuts, Figs, . . - McKer, -m;-Tlie , followinz is a I t`,AW pl, ..Ift Turner's demotery. � an - tic .
nan o . . .. �' I
. ovember based on writt - Ml zle?s . PIIPI s 0 ,.. . 8 No.' 3 , , * , , ,insso ( . ,�L � . held for it wobtli later-thia year, Vei. - , I � .
� an work, tit, 144 FKI - The annual meet- 'death was due to general decline from report, of the "I f S , �', A --ST10 OLLEGUTE . -P:d to ,th� 5th now-: bbipg the. (llates� � . ' � .
... I 9
1 - . . , , 1:. .
I, ept in an up-to-date Grocery store. T enclety will be'field in old agi�,becomipg..qtlite.6hildishatliist, : ..
Dates, Canned Goods and everything - � tendauQs-. -and general proficiency : lug of t&e B:i� lepSo As 0 on 'punctuality, good' deport -
b e,.
i . . 0 � - INSTITUM BOY -The follow is S.A. .8harp, Dutterfitild,*- who has a; - - . I
I Sr5th-Robert Vadd6n, Viva Muir. theMeth dist church,on the evening Although possessing a ciba I ment - and general proficiency: V . . ..
addresses will be given brance of thin Initation, and who$-, , I - . .
C �. - . - - ys ths b occurred in - his Pickard, Oscar'Tebbutt . itnd frout the I . . .
I ' �
- Hatjy' M60001., Jas* McCool; John a he funeral was held - .Dr J. Nesbit Gunn,' son. of Rector Atlaptic to.the Pacific, will', be here - to ' L �' * ..'
Bananas, Florida and Jamaica Or - cC&rtney; V -Albert say concerning it former student here :: services are in great dem, .
. FRESR FRUITS, . � r remem- Evalelia M what the Sarnia Daily Observer It!-
., � I Sr 4th-EfYIe Jackson,. gadle -McCool, Sr.' I hire to World - 'wide re
.,;,. of Dec. . 13th;
� anges, Almeria Grapes,.Cranberrie , etc c by- resident. Ininisters, Frank Lon arly life. -, Florence Lav-
- at the lowest prices, I . � . Vod an,' Alba .,. Win Hog. - manhast' . . x 5- , on K.Egerton- WiIIS6n;LJn IV -France " I .
�, ,� I � rt Voilden akdri charge of M Brifilsdon s Thursday to-Raird's cenietery, ,I large' 8 .16,;�; of Allia .Critig,'is .expected to Judge, the -hirds. The offlivers Coin_ : L .. .
�1 I . ; . I
BRICERY, I gArt.Wft1 SnelL Jr 4th -Mabel Me.: bhopper;, since the, new a gine* bas miniber Wriling out -to PAY their last Potter, Howard -Trowartha, Maitland ,eturn from I .
1, . Cool, * Essie 1. Mair, Ella Webb, ''John been put lil"it it In . . - .the Old Country in about . Inittees and local fanciers are inaking . - _ - I .
� . as 'worked spXndidl, iespe6ts to the ,no, Johnstonj Ida 11111161.1 Goo 'OI I .
. Order your Xmas cake now as it Jm_ . . 011gh;. L &, III g e C - a week, where he has been m an arations " earnest, ahtli.t . f
. I Wallace, Gertie .Vdddeh and turns out a,' " . .iIorybftbedecbaSed,' cl . -Leila d , L MUr,el Advanced study of his I h ; It; h0p_.,; I I
� . r liking , . in
, proves with age. . , Frhrik'Hib�. . lot of chor .. - _ For �: . . L I- - ._...
. . , I .
. . 1 4JIg -inil'tilsoin, most stiecesiiful yet, held. !. 1. . 0.
. ge ook' I die on edheiday a.t the diough,'LuluMillholland, MyAle'.0on- Germany. ,a L goib . . . . . I I . . L I
�1� ria t . ,.,
. rt, HIsie Br wa;' Sr3rd-Margaret' 'Adams entdiltained the 6fficers of the M,41%,Rl.A'oE.17A ver :1.pleasaut inar- Willson, May M-c0aitney, Etta Col- hospitals of London, rofesWon tile ITT,, will - lirpve th4A
� -be 'O _ 0 a eiglith' annual . , . .
1WC_AL,eiri3rL-.tn-'ig.. Cole, Bart Nott. Jr Bible &616ty'to, . V, 9 t . .
3rd"*Della, bid. tin oyster s er the ho' Sine - .ft,,vay� )I.,,. has. . � I.,. . .
I I Cask for Butter and Eggs. I Cool,. Ernest, Vi)ddeh; Mabel Lee -night; with stich.& genluo V��e Of YIN Arnisitrotig when'.his nell, Pearl Huller, I : . ..... .. I _l*_..._____,__ L . � ...
. , . , .__._,. - , . . . .! 1.
. I ,Othei Ift . .Clalice, Badbut, obtained the degrees ;'11M.Rob.S., id' . rifte- Wbmanls.'o�po t * , I.
�� I L to L *say , Oste-9s thlrddaught6i,Miss Ida,"was'unit;e& Edith L is," - hnillig'.Stuidy; Jr. Ill- . �'Ielx- . . o. . 'L .. . .... . I r u'_ft-l.ty..(,0 ,.. I . - . ... .:L
. tb6 had ft, in marriage to Jas][3oYce,.'a 'Sturdy Pearl ' Hasser, - Cliftord. . I . .
V Pearl � Fawcett. Sr 2nd_Flossi�' it is unnecessary I Y av iv I .
, , . Brown', blbxy Jacks � . �
ill, - SUCCOSSfill . John ,L.'R C. P; London. The best men .— . . I . . - .
11 . CIt I Nile . . . on Orval Rapson, good time, - R. - Holmes, M P, is ell farmer near Brutefleld. Themarr . . ge -McCartn rewartha, ClAr-,- pect,to fail: once or -twice at �ea,zt before A'sh6rb 'filn . . * , , '-- - -. . .
. Charlie Vodd6n, Eph�'Aftf -Snell, Sept- . deavoring toget. the PoAmasier Ge I la ei, 'Myrtle L e since a guea, many � - -.. . . L". . I -.
.. �. -t of the 1A . .1' � ' .. . . 11- was performed bUev E Sa obtaining these degrees, but Dr Giiiin ladl6s in town. It arrl�dand shi.Ip, re- . ' I . L . . I
.. Methodist church Appleby. - L een successful - throughout. - In ceived throiiFh r head- , ,.. .
I . I ..
,,, ,
; -
� 1,
I I; I "
, #;4
I �1 ii I
11 -;K
1, � 4
� 1, I t
� W. .- t
. 1,
0 .
I -
Mon! e I .L . , a . ,�� . I , . . . I L
ancial repoi im )er of . guests � At 11 Charlie Lavis, 'Lorne ervis, Lizzle this: be is to be congrattil -tted, L a's it in- d 'kWcirnans Opportuiiity� , Ild re I I �
� .-The annual fin.: 'Wallace, 'Armand- 'Mc000l,- Sat e�alto, grant, a nial service on*Ahe fore a lar�e nt . wers be- elIce, potteri.Ella Unvery'a9t., Jr. 11- ha� b
. Raii FINANcus. T . t
ill Jr 2nd" Cora ' M6CoQl, Motiling traidwhtfi, from, this p I _ - the mails a lette
'Tr here, shows the Aace; 0!0106k. The bride was beat]itifully a . Badoltu;, Frank'Williams, Hoiiier'Can- dicate.4' not only ability, hilt also a. ...
J, . following es to Richarc! Vodden, it'is much. n e
_( . - W Ho gart, eeded, and wouI4 be a . tid- I . � . I
i have been raised on this circuit for the . *tited in white Or ing as follows': . - . . . . .1. .. I : .
. . I . . I . L
Edith -Hobbs. . Sr.Pt,I,'t',"-e1 dha -N, ebb, greatconvenlence., Win. Crittietiden , . epedo cbene, After' Won; Pt. � 11-1�Torman .killer, Nipol- gietit deal ofliki-d work,. .Be . ,
��` L' year ending 31st of May last --To i he Ploy, Cole. May Appleby. �r Plt,l§t� having see' . tht! ceremony all paito6k of . ' . I I . sides to'k- Dear Friend, L . . . .. � . I I . . . I . . . . . .1
. ured " b ' ' . . IL a'sump- -eon Gravelle, -Ernest HulWr - Albert , . . I
.1 . .
aigi tory L I I . . n petmAncAt bokne.eia- . '. -1 L . � .
, � Quarterly Board, -Nile, $475; Shep. , . a 19 -in the organ. fae- tubus 41hner-,. after which. the bridal' Procitov, Poicy. ) , ing .I. general course in medleinei-,he . lainengiged! ' I .
" , bf e Mair, Mary Vodden,. Elva, Me-' . movedfrom.Loudes''boro to-Clin- . . Munnin1%, Rtirlin , I I 'iPntofwrUmgftV , .
) L * . . PAT Y *ftct,Om.pf1 nu . , - 19. has giVen special ,Atention to eye, eill" , P 7.= ,,,,,, elettqR.aday. , 1. .1 ,
pardton. 6135 ; Ebenezer, $115. Total Cool, EnrolLIed aften`danc6 41, -.-ave ftonbnW6dilesday, 'A number,).ft-he t t.. �lried bY . L.1 mber of. D a in I �se dLn , . . g Js sent, I tonamee, , .
1 ry; ,Pf. I c0artney� throat an at ne by the Woxnaii�s I .. ...: � �
1. I . .
,'. I I . tun1tvC,o, Whith.paySL me teen ara. . , .
Money Raised on circuit,'. Qu,irterly age2g. A.,F.,Jq xsi Teacher. r.. members oftha Ora .guests; left for Seafortb� where they, Lulu illsoni Alla, Colelough, Blan,ehe tinue thesp as special )li�eq .- Thir. im). It" "'' " ** ,
e h , ose work, And may cou-,
I.., I I . 4. . . nge Lodg ere; at- took threelo'clock train vhen Ile L monthly. ' - . . . � . I I . .� . L ; � ..
er I sep L .
I Alissionar ; ' . fended the funeral of their lAte troth Their lilai,i,y friends vVish1beni, & long a L � I 1. I I
Board, $7Z ; Trustee Board, -$1,500' .TAX MATTE Ch . for Toronto,. Husser, Delbert, Huller, io, h Pill-, commences. his --prawtice. � Wherever- ' You can clothe �ame by becominq a subscrib, I 1 L .. .
,)$191; Women's Missh As - The'Collectors' roll " , . Wednesda ' , I . . I - war, L&ttle L avls, Perna Elfor . -Gunn locatei he will be a ,alutible �r. wh1oh will cost one dollar'for ei year's imb- - . , . .
It OnarY, this yeai iepresents - ;1 total of nearly -6 n , Flood Y, BI h
$70; Sun ay Schools .4ki .q__A _:i� . . Yth, oil . Y; life of ,, ,1 Ileis L . NO-' Dr.
. . vy D eit . I d . .. . )II'lu,* avoragefw,., �0
$ V - $10,000, the bulk of ,which has' yet to . upped a carload of flour . .. . I "... on- rc n Thursdaw
� Aid, $1 ; Epworth League', $136 ; SUP' be collected. 'Mr. Smith, the effl, cien this week. . The 6pples axe All'vlettred . . L L . L. - - �, , .. . .1 Dec. 17, ,I public examination. will , -be I
__11 I erannuation, $t5 ; Educational, . Slo ; Collector, says I t away from the sbatiOn" - - , . L . ..Stanle * I . - 1. I held', a6mmencin AtLi'Velti6k... From
� In *tIIAt - money *haO pottie. . . ., . I . Rye .., . " . ., '.
�i; Contingent, $2; General Conference, . I .. . I lfl,-
�. . I MBE 1 untilA the,.. pupi �' will be examined
I � � $6; Union Church Relief $2; Sustent , more slOWlY this' Year thad in. an L I . . . .. . --- I" - , WE - R-Atain-:-�Atthebomu
1, �, year of his L . .. .. Y . I . � . . ', o"lle byL a -number of - visiting teachers,
�.,., tion,$2;Tem erance,$2;Uircuitincl experience; this -Is singul .' " . Godcrlch: To,Wuship' ; .: . home ottlie bride's parents�Stanley,ofl
,�.; - I` I at, ' �6 I . I Wedn-esday week,11itis Mar At four a; lunch will ' be served,. after.
I dentals, $5 ; Total, $2835. . .. 1 ill via* of the fact'that times -hii,ve 'FAR -All MUNTE15—Mr P�t . .. �yj Louise 'h' h ' ,
I . . .been. better thin umajl� 116w6ver,he f, L I � . . er: CdoWs second daughtei -of Geo Alairiwasma'r-' w le, a -program Will.'begivOn,con-
. arm, ort the 10th cotledsiloli, has been- tied t6 Allan Wobbero an'buiployee of sisting of short addresses, ,- recitations, :
. L "I 1511f,feld .. � pxtects'that every dollar* will bci-piiid rented for 4 term of five years to Mt. �tl,6 C, p,R of'London, and son 6f Wm dialogues; �chortises_ sol6s,;vlolln abd .
I . in .y the 14th, which is t6. time ljmffi� Paler MbGee, df Bay ' MISS Jel . .
COMICIL—Met on Nov. 11; rnei ' � after that' 'date * A L �prceni�ge will be, *y�ar . I ,fiqld, 4t. $170. a ..Webber, Rensall. We Alair moutItLotgan music, etc. Coma and
. nbers I I . b I'
. . Acted as. bridesmain and: Chas Jinks' I ring your basket; everybotly'welc6n16.,
all Presailt; minutes read and passed,' added on 41,11 t a-xes*, r6maining mnpai& - � 1�'14CH001- . REPoRT. - Tile folio: '� ' suppotted-the grOOmL,tbe cer6mony be- N. W. Tkr,w,tR1rxiA,.te chdr, , - .. .-�
number of accounts were passed, which' Mr Smith.' 'has been in tl*e employ of school r6povf shows the standi . n . 1, . . 1. .. .- . 'It L 1. I I I .. .
will Appear in the Financial, Statement .the municipality for 27 years -.20 Years 11gof he 1�1 arform.ed by Rev. Mr Shaw, ken- . 'L. .", . ... I �
L Pupils inS. S. No 10, according .to the I . I I . I . ..
in a few weeks. A by-law for the pur- As. Assessor and 7 -as Collector,. His ilumber Of 'Marks. ' sal ! I . . I .. .. . :.. 10ppen _ -
I . I . . ' . I .
pose of consolidating the by-l&,Wg of. predecessor, the lateThomas-Vellan, Inotith of Novembet L: urlqg-.;he * Iiq&rtS.--Wrn. BU . ittery, Grey,anil Mr. I - G I ETTING tBiTTER �Tha publ I it, NY . ill.b . 6
.obtained d ' ., , .
was neatly 27 ye -Am in the position of - Stewart, Warwick Cole,, Willie Wise I . . t.qerious�
the township, was read, for the first Si 0b"Wille Mai, ton, Monktoii, visited it the home L lad to leaxn that the one m`0s
,Collector, which proves -that when the -Thomps6n0r4thBert Wlse,Robi .
time. A petition was presented by , . .H. , -,reo Baird last week.. �.Miss May' Y .
of C �1 injured in'the recent accident, Rev
-by-law . Campbell, who wab oil .1 Mr McLennanjs: III a fair way of 1.100ov"
John T. Griffin, asking that a municipality. gets a good manIll'a, Thompsono Agne tin Assiniboia, .
bepassecl entirely prohibiting cattle 9 iblic Vo6itlon'L it IS 6 Middl4toll; Frank . .' L el
I loath to part.with Perdne, Harry Furrj, Mar I y Ellwood, near 216ose Jawi for three months, re� L -y. It will also be gratifyingtb learn
from running at jar im. -The' taxes Allis Year * avertige Roy Furry ;, Sr 8r - Frank Elliott, turned home last Friday, after a I a- that he is not likelk to be permanently
!pal elac- . # wrence fatt, -wife and Vwoson4 have gone on it slightest impaired, .',F or L A time -hiS . I
to the ratepayers'at themunic -a Ellivoed Las . igoratitig trip. John
. gel, and the inten- about61-2mills on'. -the dollar, which Chas Wise. Ett sant And inv ,. of� injUredi nor will his sight be in tilt,. �
. tion is to have the matter submitted is slightlylligher.than in former, years, Bell, Fred -Thompson, 'Chas Switzer., t I ti) see'relatives. in GhloagoL this
tion on Jayi. 4,19N. Council due to local improvementsin tbe.shape Jr 3rd &tLh*ell ' "P beart froubled him, and.it was .feated,
Dec. 15, as per statu meets on Of A new - school building and !to I -Katle-Pordne, Cora. R. I week -, war Wish them a pleasant trip., that i6rioui result.might, arise there,
te--W. STOTYMRS, .. If_IS.n0t n; Albert Johnson,-2n.d.4Frahk Wbit- ., m I . c
Clerk. I . . . brid a , likelY that the taxes nloro'L Hazel Switzer, Olive Ellwood, . . I .. . . . .. : ,.L., from, but even this has Passed, away,
. will te any lower for several years to Heubb'nJohnscln, niankMarshall.;.:Pt I . . ,. 'L ,.. :' ' . . .. . 4inL'axcbIIent spirits. OnSua- t
- col . .- laruceffeld' . I . � and he j. �
. . day the doctor spent over three, hours
. The no, and no blame rests - upon th6 2nd -Elva Stewart, Stellv;� Bell, Rose NoTpS,-Mr Scott it; faking- -in � large I -dr vingpor-
23rd of December, Wednesday Council in this respect, for the best,bf Whitmore. M,.HALf,iDAy,.TeAcher, a titles of graiii ai his, storehouse;
L .
eveninf, is the da and date set for management cannot preveh L t 9,u n essin his wounds andrem.0 "' -
� I �
( b it"All' ' , .Kobt. Murdoch h' ch of w 1) I .tions o burint,skin that bad to be pull-
. NOTES—Xr Gerry,, of B h, ad off, andwhile his congrgati oin was
the ho ding of fle Baptist Sunday wooden. bildges will" hive to be replac� Sam Switzer "Id to Alair has mo I
School Christmas tree. Look . . his bea,ut! ul span of se lately dis ersing, Mr, I&L.6ananwas able to I
good time. . . .. itself will P n 11 Ou �
Out for a ad by Iron onesi - and this in � t ,
I I I . keep up the-kate. Tboxi there are also Egyptaili 6 lbs; these ponies were d by Mli Xilov. . A hundred new .
. Wa ell tll'e
- -------- �- vacto Ave . V, .M &a they paeSe& only 6ha I
I IN � — InciaentAT And, unfor�3een ,exp foriiierly owned Mr Plu -miner, of ks h -been Added to the public" closiestrefAtiveshave,beon allowed to f
Z . enses to � Blyth, who showe them at the Tor- boo �ry this , I
be proidded for, so that there is not nLfb V lib . week, Th�' anniversar see him, but hs,he Is now. able to, leave 2,
'� IM1111,1191LIMA much prospect af the fair taking first prize for -them ser, ices of the Presbyterian ChurOK his bed,it will not be loligbefoieothers
� ,rate beingoany 0: will ke held on Sunday, Dec 18, ivhen a
� lower for Some time to,come. ` . - and at. Other places. Mr Wilbett' will be permitted to, call bn.him� His S
. __ _. .� .. I Canteloh has returned front Manitoba Rov'MrL Alurray, Xincardine; wiI. be Rippen. work was supplied for III I in oil I
DARID . �' . '. .. . . looking, bale and- hearty .George . resetil to preach on Sunday and lec- Sunday last by Dev.Mil Sawyer, . Who 0
L Auburn. 11� Steep ought -a very � valuabI6 -hot-so on c6't will supply it for the next two, or three
11VE STOCK " IT10111 1S. ' L , ,. Mr fure Monday evening on thesu
I NOTES - OPOraotions have started from - Goo Miller, Ur Steep.. always "What I saw, in Sv�itverl4nd.!' ev a work at tile 1611sGreen
I Guelph Dec. 701 to Dec. I 'A Nvoeks� and tb
I I Ith t0wards the building of a now Presby- buye'the best. The 'many friends of Mr Smith, a - former missionary of t
� Return fare $2.1.10 . ppointment. by, Rev My Hamilton, e
tiirlan church, as- gravel is being hauled; Miss Agnes Coo at are ple4s6d.to hear o Londesboro. � Rev Mr. Davidson of
, I . at&IIM L I China addressed.the W F M S,,annual. 1%
I idjpja good going Dec. 5th to 11th, re, thefirstof three- in ants of the that she is on Ter road home' from meeting on Tuesday week but m*ing Varna, will look. 'after this
I turning up to Dee. 14th. , .contributions is -now pa . pface, s
. ' V,able, C. -Manitoba. OnNovl8th,.]J,rH.Str.it_ to the Eltormy'evenih%the attendance
hilq working in oungla Mill zer, of Gainsi Michigan, f6rinerl, f 11 not Ill . , tile 0 erilig was over
W -Fall partloulars regaiAing these e M - G6derlph to�inship, was marrJea to $40 1 for the samelength of time. Ibls,an- t
xour- I bad the misfortulie'ta, al y 6 11 1, ticipated that by the end of that tinle, �
. slons, oil appliaktion I=0,,re,',Wk %, Simpsoiri, and son Cecil. Ur M ctennan may be Able, to resurne
I . most lose'& finger, Sag. Carter spent MiSsMeXinnoniclauglitell'of Rev M't haye moved to Heiisall wheretheywill his own work. � . . I 11 I ..
� Pocial Colonist o114k WaV *xcura Sunday at Nile, The Choral Society McKinnon, Detroit. Mr Bell Switzer 'reside, W Graham and,wife, Clinton, . . . . h
' L
I .,�- - -&us sj"i4. . is progressing With its Priday, evening of Ooderipb, srnt Thursday with his, visited in our vicinity this week, . �L % .. - I � , _ . I... . .0
practicA and lesson, under the'leader- brother, Sam.t wit zet; he has . Seaforth. L . I ' . Wextfield ii
*'low on able to points in Britisil COMO)- , erected . . 'V
. '
I - SCHOOL Anrop.T-The following TO" 9
Col- cliciWaidod at the Dungannon tea- hebought recently. - A mopt enjoyable A CuMOSITV-While workmen were ort shows the standing of the
bib, Koilifins. Utah, Idabo, Oregon, , ship of MISS Paterson. Knox church two fine red brick houses on the. lots '
orsdo and California. . .. meetipgon 1hursday of last week. evening was spent at the home of Mr making preparations to excavate for a n ilth of d
.--.* - The Workman have had an orkanizer Goo Cooper's, two I' S, S. No ath, for the mo Pupils t
., Tordbase your ticketo at Town Office .loads of Clinton's furnace undbr the BA�k ot Commerce Xoveinbor,�Uh-Willie Buchanan. o
, and save delay at station. canvassing in their interests hope lata4 yotui§ People Coming ollt,� Mr and 'house, -occupied by Mr Parkes, the MabelMcDowell, Lillie Cavil Absent. ai
' ly. Miss Gertie Armstrong was a, Mrs ' &vies Ferguson, of Kinburn, mana er, they found a petrified caL St 4th -Hilda Boyle, B61va Campbell, ri
%.� F. 9. HodgenSo ToWn ALOP,nits riest at Mrs Howson's recently. Mrs a ont Sunday on the Ba f
. . Rlchair&, of Brussels, is a guestAt 9 vileld. road, The a eleton of the animal Was perfect Sobitt Rolfer. Myrtle Armour, Jr 4th. t,
__ � t e guests of Miss Alice oon, � Ill every detail, And 4e skin covered Xellie oyle, Maggie Rodger. Dell fo
Sinit Searles' , during hot visit she was . . — P i , ___. I " I . the bones wq coin (
taken allite ilk and bn Sunday hot � � . . . lately and perfectly McLarty, Saines McClinton, Ada w
. V ,
busban and son Weredowtito see her. East Wayaitoih its in life; while t IQ careass,was rigia Stackhouse. . John Buchanan, Varle d
L I L. as'stone. Itwa8foutid. lyin
Misses Annie and Minnie Marsh I oill XOTVS.—Mrs Henhersonja visiting orliffie left there by some g In a bed Wightuim�, Claim Bamford, Alary bi
I Wednesday in Clinton ; Alias L Anfn,e, her daughter, Mrs Will, Notbev� . men when Diinblir, Emma Campbell. Berlolin, it
' tile for .s at repairingthe house some,years.11go, Johnston, Jr .1rd-Rfissoll Woods, 11
I Mngs,. , who has been Visiting at ho present Mrs Coultesand Miss Roivland And it is thought that the cat was then G6orgo Hoover, Eatl Roov at
a,bout three months, returns, to the, Virsited at Thos, Rogs'one dayrocentlY. caughVitilder the house and had been NoLarty, Alvit McDowell eriboseenctil. :1))
- . 'Onie Nethery v1s. ariehup'tind hardened by the lime. Sv2nd Thomos Rodger, Sohn John- bf
. S"It shortly' L I . Misses Ada and Mi � _
I -
V 100 Ladiest 96 at least _ ited with Morri's - friends on Subdal`- The curio bas been placed in the mus- ston, �Crissyl Armour, May Tunney 01
. Hatry Craig visited friends In"Billevalo euM of the CalleglaW Institute, Frank McLarty, George Cook, Jr2fia
refer Rings to any Other last week. W. Quitin visited Morris L � � Q
SVr)D=,TDEATH.-Chasr+lOodY0 One friends oil Sunday, I John %,y)e, Maggie Tummy, .May of
Clid of JeWelry. For this ofthe pioneers of the district, edsud- I Mrs Nethery and I
I morningatthe eof81 BelgrAve last Week.. d with friends, ill q I
L denly Monday Mrs Henderson visito , GodOrwh. Cook, Jennie Tuhnoy.. Sr Pt lat - W
61 Attentl TAt IT -k Ittion ALL R1411T. -The safe a iO rt 'look. Jr Pt, to
rewon vve pay speel m I .", ,ow, U fin& C
. Years, Deceased was born't a,van. ... �- 11 i ,condition of Goderich harbor Ot- al h Hoover, Loallp Buchanay. of
L to this line. county, Ireland, removing to Canada Mar be
. 70 y0ars ago,andsettlingin E'tiniskil on, I wiftahank eatied,from the WOWS report 0 Nov elson obison, Gus Boyle. H, 1.
You will find all die fit q All of the movement of vessels.,- Olutisit, eacher.
"I" Durham county,and move to flu le .'"ravited.-9000TtIrko A,160f6rolloid6 litoelr. "Goder1*0b,Nov. 27-Arrived-StrAPaIr. 011uncit-Last Sunday Rev Mr so
. fte Scones and coinhinations township ,% yearg a 0, st seq , I It Your live bayer won'? take them at thoNrlde mount, froin 11'ort William, wbeat - of Dungmmon, preached a it,
movim"intoo lftlth. Ae wa WOwill, WowAnballkindaoff6wl, tied -
at their beat with ug , M a Or lng-,'frorn 14"ort William,wheat., I ,rrnon
, ' Roll'
# 0 rj,le�besba. largo bulabs and taw fur,. GEO. qt% Neebt missIolnin'ry sc In Westfield th
'' . ofthe 111age ouncilfor 3) , U G, Wingliam Cleared Strl Pairmourit,for Fort Wil. church, The disdourse -ea
Diamonds, peak -110, . Years, and was a prominent Conserva- W very
, 81all h0rStItA GfOrW4 0oods.-Thiiiiq the lialp, light- I aft. Wexford, for Fort practical throughout, t the 0 80 it tit
, rtikeralds, 90bies, . tive And Methodist, He leaves awidow gretitealt bwo of solely press (loods over of?tv- Williarn,ligbt. The steamer Neebing, sublerl tion hie' a 6un to st
Sol,phires, 0#61L S MX Sons, and two dau teVS- (IV. Of ed ih tho country. and Ilielu q -1 ill
Ed ' f linportr Graliam, at -rived this evenibg I 1 .55 was ken. is a oil Ill
.tfo deA'ttlt t.1119 fallt. Captain
olivilles, TUrqu"018i Detroit -, Roy Robt J., toston ;L hil rko.. coo. skild 056, lines for 350.; � $11
. -, 0 756 and $1.00 14108 for SW iota, with one hundred thousand bushels no doubt be greatly incre a 011 io
Toronto; W %, of Albany X Y, ., � OV40, X XIN4 Wbighain Wheat, after an exceedingly roughotts. tile colleotots. do oil, wor .
. 9 wy Ring at ibi very beatt Mmtth0w, 1'A,rr7 Souftd, and b ,A,,: Of , - --_--il . .... .. � - . st"
� Lotideolloro, � . , . saga downthelake.'The steameridraw. ", '� ,,,,�, ,,,,,, I
b6th as to valub Ana quali , " �, I turdax hals feet 0, Inches, bad not the least tit
t.V fl It'L is havitif The. Buffalo hbcpreas of, Sa St. Thomm Gun Clt%1h Is having a
� . The G. I hard luck of p ublishes A, victure of four members of di eolty in reaebing the elevatork"
ft. )at# w* " shootilif tournament noxt,'Week and so
6 J4 GRI' I I % club, the most The writton examinatloft of the Clintoll s club will be represented, At ,of
17% 6.60 Anoth ell loilesittgestet;tf"ogrtht)ffthtoritpetkts#'t 'lie Petro" aurl'll�
. tilt fate in t o lot being that Olintoft Model Class Will be hold on r emilt RJ Captoloft has aig
k, James Liviii �plfled hiq i th
Antone the w(Al tho Oth and Ift of next Week# The ptoption. of attending and ther# Will h
. . , 'L wee 01 bg trains 40 hour or If"Ttle"T F,
JoWdOr amdoptlelalif more, 1. known pastor oftho I
I I eth&lfsbehurch, orld exatainatioll follows,
,� . 0) I likely bo othe". tit
. I
acquisition to the corrimai&yandto
his profession. He .took his 1;relir
. min.
arv.,studiesat.Lucan Hi -h -School , and
Clinton Collegiate. InstiF�te, griaduat-
lug in -medicine from - Toronto Univer-
sltY� ' Dr. Gunn is, Avail khown in- .,Sar-
nia, as,he vras in the General Ubspital
here as hous6 surgeon, for somv�tille'.Il
1.1. � . -.11 . . . I
- . ' AN
SUPPLY ' -In. conversation -with o4r
stove dbalers aladWood.,and toal- mer.
chAtits, we' learntbat the, scarcity of
wood,accompautedwith.it6higb priee�
this. fail. has made -the demand. so
great for furnaces and'coal stoves that
th-y have �been unable to meettheir
sales, having to return de0osits'-that
had been made on stoves bbfo're they
were deliverod, And being -now ,,unable
to get thein. They Also., state that
their orders- to the * foundries have
wiln'turned down, and often -when 9,
lozen had been ordered would only ve-
" oIA4 two. or, three. - Messrs Davis &
1divlarld And Harland Brog. ordered
hair iisnat*fall and winter...su�Plies,
Ailch were delivered', but these ii6tod
'O tima� and'to (late the� former firm
lave. d ubled � their sales of former
ears, . The, supply Of furnaces has
)can as limited as stoveso Rax6nd
ros hair g At present -many. orders.
orthern tilt, cannot get thenishipped.
niontat those havinq furnaces install-
. �
cl'by t is firm- are Tozer & Brown's
tore, Messrs O'N611, Cockerline and
attenbully ill resideiices,Also Moffatt,
f -Varna, J. Colwell, of Londesboro,
nd Reid Bros,, of StAbley� ,. Such a
hing.as a wood stove is not being ask-
cl, for thesedays, and it is only in ex-
reme -cases Where a, coal 96ave of
ome kind or other cannot be got, that
he wood Aove is sought. ' .
. I .
I I . .. .11 .. ..
oVit wnsT-'Mr a e6 1-11nahlY, ivho
as spent the suminer in the prairie
roymces-In the interest of the Mae.
erson and Hovey Monarch Thresher
orks, travelling as far west a Cal-�
ary And north,'tells many Interesting
. �
lings t1tat naturally occur In the
eveloping of A now country such as
ur west, when railroads. are'scarbo,
(I it becomes 'ar priveleire for the.
ilroads to entry your freight rather
an a duty on their part, when paid
I, doing so. Agencies sometimes
ork together in a new country to its
etrinient and the present season has'
ought,about it condition, that makes
hard on the:.8ettler this fall Mr
inolily Aates that on his road home
several stations or lather loading '
aces'for grain thousalict of bushels
such. stands out exposed to the in-
outent, weather wit,fi. no hope of a
vering, imless buy4fts with some ray
hope of getting it, r;pllroaded out,
ill reftiqo to touch. This is it serious
so tov the farmer that is depending
the sale of his grain to meet his
ly'llents an(! enable him to live
Iroughout the winter, And yet
me of: these same people. think
ere Is no need for n, second railroad
rough that vast country. Amerl.
n land grabbers tire also making it
pleasasit for thatiew s6ttler. These
010 in With aninflux of people, buy
10,000 'acres, Bay at $10, pays &
till sum on tile saille, and then it
aves no Alternative, but for the �
ttler to pub uplils harde.,trilad m6ney
two or three dollars an aeo more,
the main line of the 0. P. it. ,
Wells do no� txverlelico the trouble
getting iath6ir set ers effects that
ose on the branteeh non do, inkny, .
wing to wait inon ba. 110wevor,
ego conditions 'we ot tw chaiage
ac"'I)t"m YOU thust till Oat "WiCaddli blink . -
on the other side of Ithis. letter amd- return it
: With ote dollar (bank nWe or,money order) to
"The Wonifiu's Opportunity Co.".and they will - -
�upplY yon,with instructions. ilatl6n ,
,and all you have to dods,tc cafetully Berl, etc..
ly. write and niaillIve)ettersdAily.' n . lie . at-
. Read cart fully the 6th rajde,4f this 10'tter, ,
which e. .
I Tplains eirervthi g., : ,
Trusting you will" b�cnojne intarez,t(4, I re. �
ma;initruly'yours, _- - . . . , . 1. �
. . -
. , . . . . ,
I .. i . 610121 C . .
' . I I.. 11 ., . hilt . 012, Ont, .. . % . 1
,!.�Thci reveise -side 'was:. covered witli
Print6d'anitter, showing , .. easy It '
. was to."make. nion'ey I�y ,
I I . �. . rking for'
"The Wotiians Oppoitu , , Cdl� Of
Toronto." The letter is, appare'ntly ,
*writton (thilulgil'it is possible toxepro,- ;
duce letters 'by thousands that looK
like writina.) Some of the letteys ar*o :,
signed by'initials, ' others . are signed -
Z6�(12�1011&63i, Ofit." ,Many .persons,
!, ng it Oarfectlygenixine,�andau .
. �
. -
easr way, of Making 'money.. sent',%
artothe "Woman's Oflportunity
CO.., Toronto,"' The Postal Departt:,
illent at'Toron to, we aie told, held up
the letters, tind retuttied'. them tothe:-
senders, on:.tbe ground thitt the busi-
ness was, riot a legitlintste olie. One-.
litily in town, -etiblosing ,a postal note
for $1 in her letter,- Mcliessed it ta
116702.. Clinto .I'. There - I is no such
numb.,er ifi. -',�'e . P6�t-offi.O'here, and
- I
t . he'letter a ' , 'tucl;lly .found its way to
the Dead I, `6er 'Office -Ottawa- frodi -
there it was.': �Aurned) 'to thes'ndet,
� a
og� beinft stamped 1vtth ..
woi:,ds*to effe hat the business
conducted by thelteompacly was a -
fraudulent onei is probable.the
letterswere distributed all overthe,
L rovirice. , � I I I .
� .
I . ... . 1. ... . -;fthmiller .I . ..
. ' I . .
the westlast Saturdar, ; he 'purposes
oingbapkAgafti.inth6sprilig. Miss
Elticy Mohring, left this wook to spopil
'I -
(,=Ie of weeks in G,oderich.- . miss
I Blake was the gtiost, of her, sig -
ter, Mrs Chas Oke, last Sunday. John
Long had the misfortune to lose &.Val�
tiable cow last Monday. , .
AT Roarn. --�An At Alome wit% given
the Sons OfTernperance byGeoNevell,
IlIst Wednesday evening. About thir-
ty -fixe members,,were present and A
most olljoyabletime was spent, Ample
music vas furnished by agramophona,
During the evening, asumptuoustlepast
was served and the gathering brokeu
aka,lat&hout, everyone beingsatisfiN
with the evening's entertainment.' ,
. I
. I
.. %Oir .
. .
I .
. � " �
,0 . �� . I
40'. %,&,,,,
�. �,� " �* , , ,,,-* , I I
, 111.1111)qw �
. i - .,.
.. - . �W*� &?—,*)�
A Merry Christmas
. . ,a Ing �
, I 1 You CA)a mi*6 thl - dollil
'Illistmas a niarry day for all your
riends by sonding eAph of them .%
'ood pottralt of yourself or family.
Atrango for our sitting bo.
orehand so as not to to kept waltiogs
wary"a 4hoto $014, to,,