HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-11-27, Page 1*4 I 0 J � le N 4P_ � 0 . Ir obbibib a % ... . . � , ­­ .:.--- ISomethIng . Usef ul . � I 0 You coin got your qaTiop and O&M. - !up oared for And poict back to Yotl � On Demand on I we will 'Pay you for the I privilege of caring for your %noney, � � A loollar will give yog an ai:a. . I Count With U13 at uxetet, Hapsall, I Clinton or Zurich branchgo. THE SOVEREIGN I I , .. BANK OF CANADA I � W. 13rydone, H. 7'. Rance- i I i Solicitor, Mauagsr, Clinton. ; — �__ — __ _. _ - - . . , West Wavanosh UOUNCIL.—Councit met according to adjournment, members all present, P,�va McQuillan in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, ' Treasure�'s statement showed balance on hand of $9q,1.60 filed, The followin- , checks were issued -. -Collector refuna -of Mrs 3 Alton's taxes 41.10A, J Alton, gra,vel account $4.80, J Foster, gravel account $12.10, L.T Smith, damage by railway $&oo, J Nixon, brLisbing'and eulvert, 2,con. $39 72, A Kirk, culvert ' and inspecting $5.25, Win Bray, Work on loth con. $1.00, P Watson, ' gravot W.82, J Henderson, tile $34.70, J Me- (,,IiIqky, rtpait bridge 12 con $3.00, W' I Smith,repair hill 4 con. $3.50, FA Thom, repair drain 12 con. $1 75, Thos Taylor, gravellin , 9 con. $22.53, G Ward,haul- Ing tile N.50, Thas Agnew, culvert, 13 con. $3.5% Thas Phillips, tile $10-00, W Milligan, gravel $22.70, Mrs Campbell, i ave 60, J Whyard, nails - $1.65, G iqlaylelr�',gravel account, �9.W,D Me'Dou- ald,on rader $6.00, JOB Garret,arnount of warg on drain $17.95 E J61instaft. irading, gravelling, �tc. $J -97.88,A ohnE;ton,,grading,graveliingiete$92.'70, J Bowles,inspectiul $3,75J, ilpatrick,. gravelling 4 con $ .79, P VV elsl�, drain 9 con $5.00. Council adjourned to meet an Dee 115th at 10 o'clock. W.. $.I Mc- 91­ - F1'.,k . . . . . a — __ . _ , - , i " I ; .... ;Z;;�;­--i-_ � - -�:: �. . ­ I . . I � 1 Tuckermitho . . I . Kinburn . St Helens � --a--*-. a * N+14 _41_0__4 6-.... - 8�_47 a_'1"4_,, i ti . . etyliU6 .GWAMP-100i out, I ' outyieti-xis's P. Nott addresseil . . . $pECI.kLjSaRVICL.J._ReV MrMcNaIr . S EMDEN Dvim,rc, -The cit'zen-iof St In Harrill- Helens terribly shockea oil vled. ` Alls"a -,%-W,_ . . . ., � . . . I the League At Turnor's on Sunday last,. ,and ' intereeting ton. Wife ha,ve left 0 ],%hour were Great. blessing has. come to. the nesday morning to learn, of the sud.dou CoMplete AsSolm(nt � �. � I . . I . . . �_____ . . . � - I and gave- a very _ � ,per p'l , 4 Rev A. Allen has closed his meetings church labors, a young aiml and community through their death of Alr James Todd, , quite a, number give evidence of tN years., and son of Mr Thos Todd, . I _o,r_ . S,ehosl Itooll, ol.,st Andrew's Qlurch� Xippofi. a bad rhe1. . 'tee, and has colitmenlred 41 !" this P-1- of serleadf evangelistic services tit All"111 being soundly converted to God,and of that village. The deveast-d youll . about w= had � CHAN01114414 VESTS I U I .wreck. Rey. Mr NeLennau, pastor, a 4 appointment, The trustees of. ,this the, S'Peclatmeeting�, lubristians, are greatly revived. man only returned it coniinued this m eel, ago from manitobil, where Ile had - . . I . � . eight others, byarued. � ntment met on Monday At Alma, a8eoni important business for the year h� the pastor. , spent a few , months, aud appoaroll, to ' AND I I � . I . � q, � ­ I . . . was transacted, I . I . be in the best of spirits ana good - . A.N­m-ETtB.,,atY-On Sunday, Dee. 0, health. He retired to lie I as uslud oil " Cosens, Brussebs, will T. W. . ' : CHEST PROTJUX rQItS Its - . . . I The vil I lage of Kipperi was thrown children was held on Tuesday. Some Tuesday where in the neighborhood of 100 per, wous-bliss McLean, of Blue -vale, spent o, few days with her friend, Mrs Preach White. A number' from here took in atlo.30,�4.30and Rev of Tuesday ulght,(afterattendinga ovigh- in Kinburn Methodist church b0i's t6res Ing,) in colapazl� with a 7pan Offeringsre. cousin of thi� name ofThonvis"Ponuell, . � * . RLL P"1nr!;. , , ___.._,___ .- rito intense excitement on , accident at St. Andrew a sons were present;,. only a few adiilts the socialat Ontario streetchum on veived h behallofLadles' Aid* Fund., in wno is employed ,it Aft T )dd'�i, and nc- � . . . . � _� __ -_ _ _ _ _., ---.;- - evening by an that seriously being among them. , Tea was. served Presbyterian church, , Tuesday evening last. Mr Ra Holimer Singing ' dayi I)v Kinburn" choir. On Mon' thing was known of III-, dLath 'it! the -t ,svill be giv . the 7tb, a coWer en ' � � � . I at the rear of the n1ured nine Nersons, And wrecked the In the - basement the church. church, having commencedat about Satui-day even' left for Toronto 6 III . Ing last, accompanied. - by his brother, who commencing ( Rv it 01111- . povs were called 6u. Wedne-; � I 11 At 7.30. Rev 1, B., Wall, TIR. The *ccusln got lipar, 1. ,ht;m . * 7 ' Ru P. Reekle 8 6 therpar of - so oolroomr I )y ' - On'clock.- The church is lighted t rvi�08_� re hold '011 ' --' _' '_� - 'i�"a � Ice t 1 e 0��" "lo%`oYa h , worked th � mej for Mr ('or- � e past sum d both intend looking for Situ- address, wln,.B.A., bf Se-iforth, will givean. 1 the lamp, when, he iound t1w �qlirit had Rev Dr. Daniels. Will lecture d - � � . . I i. 1, acetylene gas, .the machine d a te in eelin ,being Sun ay"101 ri in a small room to the rear in We Y'll U W I? 4 0 d I � alse nish, an ations in the city, John Crich'still on taken flight, it,, the I ( V %�L.; 1-1,,,t 11'New-Fore6s," and the Ontario St, . . 1. 4na cola in, death� the calls I)N:ige INLI1. . . . . I i Oridgi Store C.1tittLn, ' lit t n yn , 4 n Mo um of $ X, and �avtN da ig I W 0 an ah' � � . . the s basement, as sboWn in the following I continues in very poor st;ite of I'VIethodiat " Crich. Aliss.Jennie choir Are expected tosing. alysis-of the heart, div! probabiv to Aamissiorland offering t,%Icen atthe I , .. Htlgr. . I + C : . 40. I I I f . dance of pirov a ans, A SO= or th diagram : I I . � . . . health"llsoclias. Q I door. Irant, the popular teaclwr of No. 4 . . lv�viug eaten he.artity befure.ret . Wged was of it iltuet.dk, Ll,iftion. D6c _. . . . -1. . -_ ___,; � I I . * - . �, ... , I . I . . . . I I I . . I I , .. . I llas been. eiigaged for the onsuing �yean . . , - , , 1. � . . and was a, member of tile PI-eAwtt?1rian I , Auliurn, -te . , .. . + N B-� + . . . I . . . . . . . I :� . . I W I . . � � Stanley. - I . . . � church,, tl ces at the hol'ise., servi and vulul'CH.- no '. j. W. Robintion, of being conducted by Rey Ur I . to Dupgannoni is Y 'v Vl'bi,�tvlev. . . . V . . . . I I + ' . .. . 1. I . I . ./ I I .. . I A , . .. . I � . . M: I . Spulors Ac(nDr,N,r.-A 'prominent anuounced preach The vaung ni-an. wan hIgIlly miisio . nil, sermonsat each of the a - 'dia th_� conuxilinity.-antl ills etiteem� I - : Cbmpound S�TLIP Of "' . .A., . .1 4.� . � - . . - . . 9... young lady of this. township, lnet Nvith . -ys. few da pointm=1 on Oil,; eirruit -next Sat- sudden deadi. isa, great shock to every- - \�hite­,.Pine - and TarA . . I I � —I- ,% . . . , � I . ;1-1 - - ta . 1. I . I it serious accident a -since I)atb,.Nov while in Toronto. She Was stopping, land4tbungannon, ' 29th, And Rev, T. B. Coup- one, forcibl)t.'.,paIIid,g up the s)1,nIlII, i1h, Thespecials6ry ices I "Be . � I . ! .1. " CUres Cc -ids.. - . . ..-i .03 Cd � , I . . . I . ;t� 8 ::� . . .. I . . . a,' 0 ba - at the home* of a frien - d over nig lit an is said to have blown out the gav,, jn- . ,Junction to ' ye. also rea Iv, forat at Donnybrook hai;e been closed with such ,in baur� as ye thitil, it )C'�he Son es Were very ii)- fait- the servic . . . � � . � ... . . . . . . . I I; . . Large Dottie$ 250' . = . T1 = = I ,kulli torium - St Andrew's Church, . . - 4) ­ . . . . ., . I . . . sf eaA of turning it off.. Next morning . was discovered in - tilpified con- success , -ira a- ot Man cometh." The e. e�t qvnip, teresting and helpful a nd seVeral pe I I is nd4d to, r thylof the wholesectiot*� exto, J. .. I . - � I ; 4q i . . ­ - . I . - . C111 6 2, .. . . I I . . . A z . she it � i pl. *ettle �v oi0d a k dition, aud for.,ioult I , . sons have. united with -the ,churell, the bereaved par6nts and faitd,ly. . , ' The p,t,storadministei,ed.the8ttei�ainent . 'Of . , _K � il_114_1 _k+H_H_I_t.�� , . . .. . , �. - . . . . I . . . . . ., . 11 . . . . �; - . ater was 1) bed , of boiling *, s atli even. NOTEq-W. R, Mille", I'V111m, I. of the Lord's Supper lastSal;ln I . � 1 "d '- . .. Westfle. . . . . : 4z I . I � I �, ; . . $= . - 1�fi . . I � . . ..... . ... � � I I , - 3 . W � � I . , . O�ace beside ber, spitting, er beln I Ogg, .Ing -,vb ich were sobadly scalded that'it is . theguestof Mrs Wits Njraudlldr�s niliniher partook of the and a large . -if tor ttn ex including mo, St of those, John Mi tier htive' returned , - . . . . . lmtend,ed for last'%veek. . - I I . _1 . . . . I I . _ . 1. � . . . S , . . � . I le f said she will be a cripp . or life. - - ,who c0ranAniQn, A x5,rs .- "' tendisd visit to iriena-s , -,.,in,r st Ced for the King- * rl hAve lately ar * No,ri.,s. - Gordon %'!�,,�htniaii and W � . I . . w . . . I . � . I � 14 . . . 9. I . . � . I .1 . . I I . 1. . . �. I � I - . . .X(yr i -Mrs, Rev..Robt Craig ii n d E , ' New . III dam. . I . and elsewl:ove, -§ Chlawi (if Maill. _1. . . � . ,it piytsent the gniest of 1 --vi, toba., is Taylor, of Goderfr1i Model Sclioo!, I ., ir borips liere. , .4pent 811ilriday at thf� .1 a . I I I I . I . � I . I I.. � .1. I . . . . . I . � I . I daughter, of -Albuqueerque, accompanied by IVI x1co, I - - i's Me... J. S .� CORREOTIOV'- Our COrreSPODdent, � ' brother,,Iv. H. Gordon. mrs W-T)on- ­Ais;� Alinie 1�llchalIz 't", who has been , , - ­ . �� . . I . . ^.I � .. I . . . . I .. . . '. . . . I . � . I I . I � . I . . I . I I . . . . . . I . , Stewart, of Bropksden, were visiting I ' McCullk's , Monday As in grip,voits error bat week, in , w, old, of Winghant. aild Mrs Thou I regard to the Rev S mall acting its dele- 1p';111 of Sault Ste. Marle, who alteulllti kI in - --tutory io IJotro:t einplol ,I box I, *6v for �io;iie tinie, is at p'rpsint enj - Ing. I I F I I � I . . � . I + . 1. I I . . ­ 1. .. . . . . . . . .7-11. I . . . . I -Room where gas machine is kept. 1, tit Mr Joseph on last'; Mrs. Crai - will shortly return' to Uco, ,Miss Lily her harne, In Rew 5(ex fate (without speakiug-Y ) kit the Hul-. "their bvother's ftmeral +iiri-i 'irlsitinw; g,sinoethoteverend ett council m with their paTents,! NIr ;ind Mrs Tho -Z � . Y . her vat -at !on at home. J'ablQ01,1641071 � t. Ing In tne t"llces dmino� bas-beell IMS I` ` ' ' 0 I . . . . . I � . . --Wall forced in by explosion. , . . I � 2 . . I. 1. �.. . ial Nvas held. .' - - . . . . were sac . McCowanleft this week t O visrr Mrs - . . . I ,=tA, ar , gentleman away at the, tirue,: Todd, at present..+ 3ollu.-Aft! I'' ., AB (T.L.1 ha.s. � and did not so act. * Our apologies Are disbosed..Of hip property to.ja,�. I �� ae'. tile pa --t week -,a few in,we duys'-work � . will Wind 111) the lius,;Tleti-K for ihe. year.. - ' I S -Basement 1. � . . i I . . !; - . I .�. I . 4�Burning gas+jet., �. I . . . � I ..... � . . � . . McKay, of Hamilton, . . � .­ . I . I I � . * d B,&IRI?S tElit eath thii- - d 0� . due the worthy gentleman, whom + 01 �Ilis everybody knows, as 4 inan who will I ,,,,, purposes itioving'4to Bly lie �"116tjg, izljh,�,,4�11, . eiii, Weave plea,sed to.see: +that oin, q -it I black,smith is'able to tie .,it AllB,"work " I . . I I �.. . . . I - I 'At about 7.45,' while everyone was been in the babit of usitig. The +M+ach- _tTrRY-Tile fall of. ]Sir Jos�,pli Jacobs, left the will . . I . week, wheri e D . backc, up his convictions, - - � . -]ills - pin , bUS* neSS. . Cal-IIJ0 .$Mith -poses I . "Ill; tll�� corner seem.;; &M ,irithout ag, . in thebeight Of enjoyment at the su p- ine bad beep . used up to ,a late b Ou", � . per table; . several persons who were for the tex-meetizig, -the night befora�,- lot, ibreiY trustees of Baird's cemetery without a caretaker, Nr` Ja6obs y4s, An at- Meer. The I . . . 111111�1 C.iP.R.-TheC. P R. line istogo Tuaving to *I,uckno-,v tox&i(le, 8'. � � through here and near the villa e__sO Phitlips,.of AshflelO, who boug,lit biv Thart . tlk­sound of Daves Iviinuier. RolA Tu i1ndy has iwen making, 6iiite an ini- hi,i of � Aside the building detected escaping Arid had beep going- nearly . gas, and Air David McLean - called the' hourS before.. the ,accident happened-. be, told, the , % tentive and efficlint a * , trugtees-lidvpa ointed'Nr John -Diethl .. p zll bo' �outenergetic delegat-s Loc SrnitJ:I1s,f , .Will getpos:ie-s9k,athis SA3 arin � T., � - , � and -Voung, .who reported as to the ' - .. I I . Week. , . . ii'fho appp,a � provenient Ij n1bee of . house t�urla- tlr� p-Ist week by bonrd- - - M , ag could ziiachint attentiod- of MiMoore, the caretaket-4 So far I I - wonia at I was not injured !I 'the slightest. It. i It,; He replied � thWt he . . - I . also% in Air JacoVs p ape, -He Will . . � . an eftleietit caretiakev. ' . . . . . . I . . )f in th6 h � Guelph meeting, !ill, liere lflSt- WRDPING-Oft� No---;' 11th, 4 ,ilryl 84turday ulgfi'6; Organization to se. dauglitdr of Mr Th os. Woods, iwiw- ft ii- lk - �, School'� entertaiii. 11 tt. lip pirl - Ivu Inefits seem to b", a rwnmon,tlilh9 f,1113 :to . I oucegoarid.sed -What wa:d wrong, and has been in use for. three years. . . with the pastor,: Rev Mr. McLennan, I 'ft is said.that the.caretake ' r, who hag . . I I . . � I . . . Rolluesville , . ". I I . .. . .. . , I . e I tovt u. iteY' in . pr�.� cure right of yva-k in the sev ra niarringe to Gemmill'. of, ships, has beer). gone � 06, with4 and also. ..WheAtley, the cerenion-�- being pjn­ 1AII; Miss Brydges is busy preparing. . I her PUPils, On tile. otb� foil her enterfaill- - '0 here tb6 only,been performing those duties foil they -stepped into the room w . � _ _-ivs im abo�t 'stands, Appareritly the 14 about.a. year, *ai aliv, easy , . , . . . , � ,. I . � � Nolrv:s-Mi�s Clara Steep, Pf Clinton;. * , . . piesentatiori to Montreal in our in- Rrmed by Rev Mrow 0�i%,*df i�ut,�now,' rei I . 1. I I.- . -s-. way I - Mile, - te�O.Sts, Othet , Want 'the Ine,- by.. Rev Mi. s, of Klnc,�r- illen�., which 1,q to be. h� q Dee 22nd, . . . a . . � 1, . I * . is '. � machine , . - . . -0. was 110. 'the- use of gas, and felt partioularly-so )?Oom Ivm full' of, j46, as, thel I � I theguest of Miss EilithTebbutt � 11111T. Sunday. - - Forster, -of Mark- I ,as Mr , assisted bu we need.ft,_ � ., - ­ . . . dipe, Mrs G6rwnill was a, popul.w. t I . . , . . . Z. wAkla. .: . . I . .. .. '­ I -NOTNS�Afrlliomt6 Tunney sl,., haki day in questiorl'. He is spSkep vent to. Allow. for tts 6scavei 6ther Ehan o�L- the . . . � eliable ulart , 4* ­11 -A , . . ha , returned home on Albuday,after .. . ; . . � I w�"p_pm, � -ouug ladyi i�p([ klj� mrqf,� fri2�:ds who � I 4,.11- -P i-*- III el. ... , . . - I . I t I . . 414�enli�i(ltil)%Vitl'i,%,itr6iAi�rjf*.nit'A ""q f . . . . .1 I I I Xpuing through the wall. very c tre # . � .. 0 b ' .. 11 P4 .1" ' k. With his brother, W, ' tqhda tUeIr best, N"Y-16110&, for Lez ft�t,. -0 -A.Sma I e�rl, . . 4 -am Blyth to ex . 103vliollle PullN We ad. ple"I d- , . ,. � jet Was and no.- one. had 1pything but good. . enc tug a wee , ect,ric power by wire h . e'7 I I . . . I 1. . . I .. -to , . . . . A brightlY bul'Ohl- 940 - . RoForater. The i�ectlofi inen stationed. run our lighting System; tb ideais ure happiness. . St"Ite'tVA ho fif r&xulillatilpt altboligh _, - � - 11 . '4. �. oulytenfeet froti, tFie. do�r of this,� wiord-s tosa� Of. him. � - -ett llei%hilye been in Brantford thig-week. - firain hero . CnvFxu-1:he .&erament of tile � slo%vty . . I room, and instantly A: slieet of flalne A young ma -A 6amed RacL waii. , notdbadone. 'A'numbei " * very .' Jackstri Wightniatibils z , . amst, &wall but, WO &-kiine on the nbw section of the G. took in 'the Durigarmoij. tea-meelu�, 1ord'H Supper was dispensed in Calvin baseda fifty acre farin at 'West--' I . basement, IV - . . by the gasjie Was T, R. t ere.. The trains a�rrlve., hero last night, Thiirsdiiyl � The evaporAto-r .'church on ,Stibbath: litst; the pa,Aor, p I 111111� - shot o4t inta the ith a re thrown violentLT ag, . . . I fie coxvier, . behmkffil, -to * Newt6rt .., I Part like a cannon, knocking bath. though. - '_ . . d��y In't � wait till'the I$ still run _ Rev S. W. Wh�leyj *tookZhariye of thf6 C!'I'Li1pboll. I lie suTq.pi�f(1.-Wwq $W, ­ . and Moore 'over, not injured in Any WAY ' - I every thiel they dc ning full�'hlast, Mr Tuany . . . .. I .. Messrs,�MoLemoltL . I ' ` I harini g ir�0 ularity. , , I - services mornip-, --an'd -eveni'�­ 'Rev , W e. li,, L�. ,not ­ Ahers, -ill! 1i is sdid thata sim at 61 ,: - pexf,. , . , In .9 . , .Oie effect of a paral.y W", � vet�, Ii�ard,i­bat Mr � - A it a c,ldent WAS ) . . isverylowfrom ,. , 6 . ' N"'Pr I burning themi and 'se,�Qr&l ( I ' * ' . . . Mr Sm �f A�fburn, �onducl_-,d the C I vi- - narrowly aveftod. ab9lit .1, year.11gO. A, Crivrwu-�-The regnIar.sewilig�cIrcle tiostrok-ei . - , - .., . :1.. , , , ,All, c ' aMpbell'. intends, . doing,. ThoulAB ' I I . , - - . I'adies; who happened .to be in the . . I I s' vice 'on Friday, %-Aen - 11 . . . the lights. �coupIe 6f.chfirbh:memb'6rs had gone in f the W. M, S. WAS hold at the home , -Our prilicil�al,. 451r. A.E. prepo�ratory er , . . Tiinn&y,. of Hamilton. was called - __ � a It' '' and: extinguishing' RESI(AxEi) ­ -nz, iverereeeived into the ljoule 'Lee unt of the slcknes� of his - - . - . PIP, ys d 'ou4'was ex- 0 eight menib I oil: � 0 .. , of the ne�xt to see.the niachine',* - im 'of Mrs Geo. Tebbutt on Wednesday of Wetheral, hag resigned, and purposes . . . . The confusion and agopV . ( I I � owship of, the:. church. - Rev Mr 'titillan of God-� ' . A few minutes can be imagliiid, because plaining its', Working to the other, ,lastweek; a ve * I enjpyable time was trying a 6arige by going into business f6ll Bel,;rave, 'conduct,ed ttio father.� Gordon Wig ri,ricipa'l- I I I a tap there, � p . HaStie" 6f . . eviell bf-6del, has sect�i-t d the � aown whether people were turning.), valve here and z with - Mi- brother. Charles, whom he u Mond " ' 1t, was not ki I . spent. On We nesday eveni g of.tbis - rvice o 17 even- . UA>11fe0tiO3M4a,r i4cioubly, l0aving .one 'open . At Stitisville, 711onksgiving Be ship df Auburn school. This !$;I, good . . . ippeiii-d 6 them. And. uncon. Week the annual meetlnc� of the Bible- summer . climbent sehool foro'novice.. John Picket has 3r* killed, or -what had bi -who . were -vvh,erpby� the. gab escilped. When the,, S6ciety. Was held in Oe Methodist visited.-- last clater-bas been re�en I Ing. Rev, 0, H. P. Owen, in I - � rieked,- those . -� ' - - four -ntvrid�i . A fresh stock of Stewart!i fine: -h0 Childreh sb . I blich. Miss 8 9V� of', Chrlst:s' church for, nearliv rented Alfred Uares� farin. H colates to hand, also some choice colt- � . I ­th i 6ju; persons . caretaker went in ,shortly after,.he is church, there waSLa very 'ad ttehd- 'd for the junior rpain, while ,, e! , . . . . burnt were or Ing wi - Pa I I I e eaches. his -farewellseronon on taking posse*,4Qq '!it I inth6 darkripss-to'find 4 said to have-lightedamitteb, and there, &nee, ,The set -vices at e Sabbath Whiteman is rairi the hop, r next, . ere fo� . � f ectionery of other makes. ., . to .-A * efuls of ektra, N, MI -01. - . , groped araiii I Ci,bbtOh . be leaves. - bi�4; , - � .-!- L . GROCERIES. . ; , -is an exploiian, but the amount of . schoolon Sunday last partook of the � - . � . . � . . . tl,e exit, while one youth had pm. enixc wi the senior division in 1904.. t H Ville. -, . i - - I I . . uts, Nuts, rig"i I l,and Y. Several . � .1 ; � , cb; � ­ I L � . I Now Raisins Curra of mind enough to smasli - 6. * iudow; gas that hacl . es�aped was smil , nature. ofa temperance rall � .new , arge-4 , aYs,�_, . . I . I . .:", ., , B ucaliild . Dat"_ Canned Nods and everything W Ila inphry resulted.., � I . . . . . . 1. I interesting addresSes,'Avere delivered ] - THAI, ftTITJ0.N;,-Tbe.petEtiOn Pre- . � - �_ : � ,.�, , ,.� . r . I . .. � kept irk an up-to-date Grocery store. ' - and allow some - fresh Air in, -".,,it the . . _ . , . se.uted last week by the "116tt, town-. ,, .. �, � G 64t 1 brich TOW' 8211P� - :- - - Mi� . Rru�p�-The groom relevrad, to in : sami-itime thrQ'Win'' -his nl,?ther�and ( resident of Kippen, by difforent,,mepibers� The pastor . . I I A ew days ago a . - _ ,. . _ 'it was - � - ; ' I FRESH FRUITS.-. � ' 0. . . I I . I . . ,%4th the explbsion'at R'idg eaefied two sermons on behalf of the' Ship and thrown -out by thecounc nca.- Next Sabbath Rev )[r. the following item, �'ronl .the Montreal .. . ­ brotbei- out. . . . � _etown fteeb ent.on Sunday last, not Altogether Iii,vairi, ,as it has'shown CHU .r is -*,,-efI_kfi6wti .a3 a former: re- . - . Bananas, Florida and Jamaica Or Lights were procured ,as qt - i1ekly as I in mind, cautioned Mr Moore to*, be - Rdissionary mov0h . . to I mperance people* who to -Vote for -Wrightwill preach his farewell !�er`_ S f a -. and his inany- , . anges Almeria Grapes, Cranberries, etc � . . . . Fs�' the � * - � sident, at thig place, , � . ' ' I at th; . I � _� and even t):iis was.a difficult particulairly cateful in handling the I . rmers mon.in Mlddletou's�-cliurch. His - tqt� lowest prices. . .. . pomible,. . 1 6 like Kippen-and michinei and told him he should, thor- � iNsvTuTE. AlEvTixe- -The - I tit the comin-'ra-anicipal election. . . ohgratu. . , . 10 � . 'ieuds will lain with xis III' c . 7 BAKERYs , last. meeti; 9 to'be held ;u..'Willson . ,. . I ure parish is T'i ID task in a small plac I n S . . ilsonburg. - I& IN`rf­lit ft 'an. Dr, Mc�- I ougbly fanilliarize himself With. it. Mr . . � I .� - has. . I'Ming Iiim*:,-'-"The' inarriage took . - I . order your Xmas cake now as it im-' I the work of , rescue beg I ternoon'-and- Evening of '­ I . . . I ' * . . , made manv friends thwing h% pa,t5- .. I I , Moore teplied that nobaby could. be ' "' 9 . I . 1,6ebarn . . d his congregation will place this afternoon"At tbe -home of the. ' ' I I . I proves w1i h age. Dermid,, of Hensiall arid'. Dr. Rogers, * ornises to be som6thin I �'XOTES . .-Rey h1k torate here,, Z ' . . . I . . and Urs 0 McLean I and -on more careful than he Was, a8 �i wa's Stuart;Sla.therwell; , briWs pare-ut�, Mit - - - ' � * -alt' 'ild�' � E text ' �ek W * ' Ways more or less afraid of it, .. . wort ' , t -he afternoon * - . bb sorLy to lose him. . I Fort street. of 5,iiss Ethel bland 14cl . of Bracefield, Were summoneA I h 'i.t ealing. T sub f mt-A.-JejAnalLn's. , bo,ndaSsoon asthey cbuldgetthere.. ill . I . . I . . Jects-.are inter6sting, Su6jfctSr the, conducted divine iservice here last Still- I Ifta CON. N&TES:-bIr Robt. Hitek. - Cash for Butter al�.a.RWF,, I 'The workers wer.' surprised tofind , The Sacram ­ 91 tt,h:,(�ord's 'ha-) engaged-to'r the winter, With � Will. Lean, to'Dr'J A'Balrd, bf H�mming­ afro the con regmtfori lipeakers.gbod and no hirmer'sbould. bath h, - c -, . _ _ e About it year OTS I " �ereniu�nv, viiicll took I � " ford, The . . ' thaf no one had.been killed, aza those- - 114 tbP miss the opportunity to - . 1, bd -ilia e Bed itch Nesbitt. Mr0hris'Beacolli, whii-has -1 ­ . - re Meted the. edifice, a5di�' b6ar.and:,t,�ke Suppei, NAII pltvde - in the, draiviiij -'room Ili the , . . . . . � most �eriously'injuVd were taken into handsoirI6 schoolroom. I . b cost in tb� � Isev9sions. 'In tho'even- hereon Sunday, *Pc 6th i been ill for �oti3e*eek§Nvitti4�]�i,sipell'.�, . . . . I I . patt in'the di . I . is on - I M, .presence a a num - 0'" "." 1 fhe'Vanse ai. �; eir ,woun( - cbnst W " � I!, - h'.) - ;,r -emn i . , a i; ' "t - ' bei­'bf friends. was - 'b6ig4borhood 6f`V,rM. -This builclipg Ing& Iree entertainment, -I litimber-6f :m ist Allnes Hamiltou,,Go I�recovering.. At . . Rev''Dr J Xdgar - , sill I . mr.1111Y . I nd S - unday w ' " . ne'ar Bruc � efield., I W" perf6rnied.by the - fuel A , IS dressed I let M .s W Sinel A 1111.1 111W=101 . :11lie flame ba4-apparerftiv�caught is to all intents and purposes a wreek, good - sp6akers'and. good music Will Saturday a .it .1ler Peri,Z Bit to hor sister. , M . I 1. . -one in the immediate v . icibity-Of � . . .. I Corey; of " . ir I ,: au�4 D1-r*'13aft%1 10.ve ona., ,.,� - .1-J . as � 6od . eicelJght uitn-- Miss'Elsie Linklater, � a Huck has reb iied. froiIn the vi6ilitY Hill, 1)" � , o 4. belbg -. - � r progi 'Goderidli, visited his liro'ji,e hero on of jE;V.a pt n,.but int ud 'gol - ,Tip to Ne -,,v ­6jk 'anct-'N ng on.. : � t;vv tile north wall has fallen down, and toply a 'g, �x - A ashi E its. ran portions of t e : 111 of th . in 0 � 9 S 11 � 1� b * . 1C. -N -or McLenndik, bhdly 'burned , I Rein r, the meeting � Sun ' � . . 1. .1 On theIr return- they will reside at . I ' IOR , - I .. be . building a ,bulging day.- Miss D011a Harrison and: Miss . iao, short time. .. I I . g ick .� , thn.A 0 injurt ember e Wo- , LIVE STOCK EXHIBIT' ' ' outia'astor6fider ituniafei Theftp-t m&n,s Inht, in, the vestry, ofAhe Meth, ' � . , . . . .. I A Y A ­ 13� I - . .. about the hands, YiIceand chest. It -Is ,f the .* schoolroom will have - tri A � cordial, Lottle StirlIngiof G0der1Q4!Q61h!giate: REA611ju%­� -Service .in ' 'Hemmingford.* - � The briae received' . � . Guelph Dee. 7th t 06C. 11th feared. that his eyesight is.affectecl, r at O The odist,chureb, at 1.30 �a,turday, Our. � Oo e s c ur6 bext Sunday af ternoMl rnany handsome presents including a - , a . � .to e 116 : down And rebuilt, invitation ,is extendes1to all'. to'corno to visited friends here on i ' from , the ' Return fare !P.20 : � but-tbisisnotyetl-oown.. Higolothes 10 . 'W ic. ill. be in the neighbokhood th timeting-8i . I I - � I 7 ,,. qui , it-nelgbborhood,v�iasstiddbnl'Yr011s- 4tio.a oititheovening. Mrs:Sh6ll is pear n . . I . 0 � .. I '. � . .1 � . - I e the evening service. too �, - *hoie.gift 'to tlie.- maid of , �dropped off JUA -as It they had been , , I --Insuro, I nee, . . . I ed oneuight this week by the velli of in , o : - . o lst, is covered by . . � I . expege d.tO OnOur was a Pearl brooch nd to'. goodgoing Dep. 5th to, 11th, re ,. I .1 . . . I , Tickets - charred. I . a I I � . A 'N.1LAjRoW ESCAV�- MisfortiIII69 f)Ur famatti Irisbinih, who, .On account vl,s nell is the esteeiiiedwife of the F, 'irf , . burning up to Dec. 14th. . Mr Moorej care&aker, fa:ce an* d hands .- . , Vair.nd �. - � - dark ni&ht had . pill. , . . . I . . � hever come singly, This has ,been ex of the terribl e , ZP got off for, a help . a indee , far she has the best man 0, 80, . I � . . � I .. I . . Were go.. I . . . � I I . -k tblbn'. I buggy -were . good.sermons, . . . Inlexided for .last. week I - � I to 'Dee. 5, -badly -burned, his injurieS Inteadvd for last week. . . � 6mpli8ed in the imse of, John ,Car . I the road and Iiorse'arkc re ability preach ­ I ChiCaAO Nov. 280 I reattbat-the skin poeled.from both I - Hot., . ally takes a service ; �0111e' �Aritritfovd,. . - have L6�t Wednesday even- 'tithe wuter'; our resOU6 �, occasion is,"Re;H'-Dr. Smith. . ., . I 1 '5 _M . o: the village. ,nearly I I and No,tv Return fare $12.75 . I . �i . . . , NOTM..� . r and Mrs Weekeg - I ' ,ts qood. -� - Ccod going Nov. 29ib, to. Dec, lab, . gandg. . been vigitin friends in Waltail thi ., r recovered .from the ace And Joe, soon tot. him on Te. road t* gay she is , S. 7�g chid So f& . of the con ,, E[a 'on, � - willaddress the , Vir. F. M S. thank -off . week. Mrs%rean, of Par - un! a accident, .of which mention again andstarted int towards home,, � , , M �t Vlosday, zvonlpg I � Tickets � Mrs James Mae McLean, very badly .,�'a� . � . a -ep"Cher its net. husband, which is no I I I . k Hill, is Vis -7 Was Ina . . . 'in the - I . � I - ' . " "' _' ' returning up to Dec. .7tb. . burned,, the skin ,V.eling from her face. e I in - these columns.a coup . � ehi rellection. on him, but Va . as U CiIYI.e'le'il "t mlsdrona�y Ili . ' fire, and Someone iting At her fathees, Johft-Hiig%U,%� . le l6riding hiina� lantern to guld .. . . tlier.t1Ie.,cor,- I I . I , .1 . � . I . "" . Her-Acithes too P&rrline. MrMeAuley..,of Ripley. is � of. iveek-s, ago, '" to get,u hem . � � � . . . . . . , FES WFuu particulan regarding these excur . . .a '. . I . I . trary. . ' I r&-' I sious, on P,pplication. .1 I had presince of tnind'enough to. throw - *tI )' degree of . .. ... . taid India, we expect that .hii 14 . I I . NoTga. - Mids .-Plossie C'ute speitt ,",M be aiood ojm " Chmz, Mustard is - I . I . � I her, and extinguish the -visiting his sisier', NUB 0. Lorraid. , Mrs the first time, wi I a go( I . I . .� ., I I . . I . &�caat�- Over. .� . . . . YohnWard, wlio'bas been seriously difficulty.*1 .'Wakingduring thenight, . . , t - Rullett . ... .� frorfi� Friday till Sunday in Clinton,the Ing a oore f6ot, owing- to a. ki te .- 61pocial Colonist One W41.10z"rff flames. . . .. . . . i .., he suielled-smoke, and on opening the � I I ursi . � iproving. Mr Ben Hig- ��6nq day'lait ue4t of Miss.1cht Holmes. Miss 10innie 1 it, ... .about the 'ill, is'SIO Nly IV, I a, volume -of it gqslied u the ACCIDE\T- �we6k, *Iiile . fot atjbe footbitil match -in Olt ton ' list i ic *]*a Vick" . Others Who * *were burned Mr'.Tofin door, Ver; IS opayffig- the company, of. tier - � , 1. 14. 151tupson has re- , . � not so serious- gins is buSK buyirig"turkoys; 'fair .1 I � � ay. Mrs J 1. am- face and hands, thop way. He groped wn- ,,h, ping to out stfawat t.. Lear's, Jno. cousin, iss Austin; of Blyth; this -tutp,d. h q0w on sale to points in, British Cal _ his way -TO . ome from Kett'16 . his, Oregon, - Cal-. ly,wer6W,�.isXellie Valoper,'dautbter Beattie, w 6 has been fixing hishousel . Nott, had1he"misfartune tofall tbrough I � t6n, Mrs R . , stait,s to the kitchen ,door, which, aking his week, While. " - Kontans. Utah, Idabot, . I ,Cooper;. Miss ,thel has it almost completed And wheri. fin- a ascaff6ld to the Abor, bre. Mr John -Green - WAS' -MeVartuoy.and child, Moosejaw,,.ac� . . 6f the.late James.� 9 �4 I - . n imp �hen .o enpd,. disclosed a, m ss -of 0, . . . . . I ; . � . hig turnipa theol . * oredo and California. , . : labed will be rovement. M . . . .. I . .. . . pulpi �,her day his hand coniparlieci- byher sister, Miss Sennio . . . Higie. Misses Flora and AIi6eTay1OA'- . P, . ,ct witli oneof the knives, I � 9 ames a I round the. range. 'With the Wrist MissMaggle, McLean'; daughter of Jas. T - . ed his ft . -AS` it - nee I to carnein canto . Bell, arrived at the home of theirfath- - Vill BeatLie, r e d,. visit Purehas-3 your tickets at. !to" 001ce - home in vairria it day. bliss - assistance.of his plucky ,wife, by beat- - PAR3t SALE. is e I t, '' . Alex McMurtry, A 4- . ing the ffitmes, and Joshing water, the wind up the estate ofthe late lliezitra cutting it so badly that he found it er, D. Bell, last week, A cat load'of d save aelsq at A& Wn- . . C� McLean, and Ward gave a patirty I , ev."in - apple batTels came iobur station last , . . � year - Old boy. Miss Linda Cooper, . time!, th not; before Waite. his choice farm of 100 acres on.. .necessary tasectire theaid of a physic an N. e), was Be . verely .and all re art a. - ver 116 '. tit I fire was subdued,- thou -td the loth concession, Will be offered for 'ap.­ Mr MeGaven; of Seaforth, has weekfromVingham. MrKnax�iwho, L F. It. HodgeRS, Town Agent. ksister of Miss olli T, - � . - I . . 'all the inside: work of t e kitchen hi auctiono'6n the 9th Of - - been.thfi choice,of the trustees of S. S. ig nowa fl, rnanon thetrainfromLon- cat on the �back r f the head by some , , . , . Load jro. � been. badly scorched, -A- large hole Sate by, . Decem No� 10. Bayflold line and will succeed e . I I e8b. I I ber. There s�o liffictilty In don to Stratford,.mo,�ed his family to ibri I I * mb is, and Miss Logan -was cut on the " I ch1d . -, -a or of out . de *as' burned in the floor and carpet, iio Sc� no c , . M19B May Halliday at the end .a CrInton Market Report. � wrist, MesSrs McLennan. Moore, and I 8:ONS OV ENGLAND.- Will the piew- that it was, necessary to put planks Securing a pu . f tt"18 Stratford this wee), ,A u . I I be;� of the Lodge Londesboro, No I43# - , yoiu� George. villaFers attended a party- last F AdaX -,carreoted evcry ThiarsdaY SA011000 . Mrs McLean are the, most Seriously in- NoTEs-The severe Windstorm of terInat.a6-%1axYaf43l5& � ted 1hat Sons of England, - Renefit, .Society. beneath the Stove to keep It.from. fall- last week comple tely Wrecked S, M c- Cook has been very unfortutiate in evening at the.home of MrWlison� 6f Wheat .. .......... .. 075 a 077. jured, but it is not anticipa perhaps ease bear in mind that, Priday, night, Ing through.- Mr Cantelon felt no . hovseflesh� he.*,havii19 lost. another Of Tuckerswith, all present spenta v6ry Buckwheat ..... ...4 .. . is the night 'for the regular '111P. I his box (M. a numbdr. froux 040 a 045 they will Buffer more than . I Be 4tb pain during the excitement,' butan Coal's drIj1hg Shed; as his binder and ,sea jn-cons�quepce of lack i . , being scarred for life. 9 ) ements. - Were more at, less . pleasant evening ; 027 6 0 28 . examination afterwards revealed the Other I Some of the.Apple'-pacikershiwereturn- Wilson's foriner.1ame, , ' 05to .. .. ..... 40..Co-1 lectiZ of officers, The piresence -of n ured, ipwill be quite .a serious loss, Atiburn, Mr.l.. 040 6 0.41 ­ The force ofthe explosion seemed 0. e fact that Borne' ten stitches had been, I � ed, but some tiave remained to ide the.. i�ere also present., :, . .. � I .*. 038- a 0� 40( have struck A centro wall 15 feet awaY� each member is. earnestly req�oted, I - I m..'Nott left, last W6ekfoVHamlltOni . I 11 . _ . . . . � Zarle7 ........... 1 against the wall at Figure T S�&XPSO14 Secretary. . . 1A I ation enii of the work. Will Cantelou'and I . 9 . . I . !orn Out of the,would he received.dur, where he expects to take A Phil, I I I . ft a. 65 and recolle( - ' ' IN tile .-TutiNway, As the night was Ith the Deering'104, The sale Wilbur Cantelon have once more �,Ia,o- � . I I N � I I I � . . 11 I RCLE�A very plehsant I I ,) wi , _ . . . I ... 'a 2 25 I I No. IS9 bi t6riv cold, 9nd lie had no time t, -d their.feet on Ontario soil , I . . . . -1ch. I TUar per owt.... - - ": 2 00 2, which it carr 'th It , - HOME C1 . a t 1, after POSS .......... ' led in' wi - this'al- 'Co� 660 V, 60() loW40d the ceillug of the basement and mootingtof Londesboro Circle 6 xt 'himself warmly duritif 'the pro- ati.Mrs.D. Jackson's'on Wednesday, Is in the Prairle . , - � . Godel . us 1. floor of the Schoolroom to drop about WAS he on the 10th inst. Th tie clothe I was, despite the severe Weather, quite ingr spent thre . e thant . . *W'ATH-Weare sorr . y to reenrd tha ' Chlo"""WE""'. 608 %' 0 0 . gressof the -fire, his agoniesA terwards ces were West- .1 I kens, per lb.. r end,. Six or ei regular ineeting will -be held on Thurs� ­ - Pork, live ......... :.: 470 & 4 70 A foot at the r6a, _ght magined than - des- l4r,jely attended, and -good. pel 11 �, � deathof Mi, V Naftel, insurance ageotj I i J I I f . . il I. , , pe �p 98 1� $1 - I I 1* te a ucefi 1 1 st, San Th tWd�j p Aso, areseea ........ 5 go a 5 So 'I persons were in the schoolroom When dayevehinlDea* 17, commencingat I' may he better ' I ankful rea (zed. . . I I . However, he is very th . -6 O#TIOX PETITIO"; URSE&I'D . . , which took place this week, after art Pork . () .15 is 0 17 - the Accident hagpened, but sustained 7.9i) P.M. . full attendance of ibe � ovibed. . Low. . kv 11 a . 'illness of two months. Deceased was . Butter, roll ........ I , _� . 'bers is requested, as there is some that matters were noworse. . ny HuLL9rr Cotrwu,-A etition it :: 1 no injurVeyon, fritht. - . morn I . c ­ . . XqT�4*s.-A. Hooper, Clinton. agent a very popular young man, but about I I I Cecil PLennan, he 7.year-61d Son very !in artant business to be trans� AN IN,knwmSTING CIRCUIT RALLY- signed by 2/37 Was presented to rho Hill. for the Manufactureri' Life InSlIVAnce two mouths Ago suatained.1, Stroke of per doz ........ 015 a 0 Il. Ill 'For (,,a., gn ve Nile a call last week. Miss paralyAs, froi whi h fie never to. of the pastor, is � said to haVe been in I acted, after which refreshments wi Ne, Eg . .�,t Wednesday evenint Dee, '2nd� lett council, on Moriday, Nov 16- n. c poctods, per baAh now 0 85 a 040 thi's room at the time, and Slipped be served by the ladies of the Circle, there will be a Circuit aIIV of the the petition it was urged that the bAr- GrAce Stewart, Benniffler, vialted a covered, -He WAS in comfortable cir- . , onloas .... i ......... 080 6 0 so through the .hot air register, which U611ING TO LARGER QUARTERS - Hal "B"'Te cirepit, to be held it, the roon, has no vested rights, and, IS 6p, fewdays last Week with AM" 61.race curnstances,atidtoavils it widow, -bob � Wood ................. 250 �a 3,00 ­ had been blown out of its place; - bat;beri Ur Brown, ,etro church-, the * ineeting Will p6sed to ploral, 800i"', Undfield. . : . . . . no children. . � . . __ with Our enterprising h3dist the religious, . � .1 . - - Wonderful' t%resence, of mind he crawl. has moved from the parlor which he ,ommen-m at 1:30. 'The following ex- commercial and political interests Of' ortaiwit -A series (if revivalservices . I . . . � I I .. L ed out and made his way to the vestry, b.tsoccapied foroometime, on account cellent rogeam, Will furnish matter the tommunity; against the. retition it began here last Swiday evenhig, the ta.wommummom" .� I . . � - Itizat being I 0 accOm' for eo(sideratl6n, 't 1, flow Can We Was ar tied that, it Was, smal , nobsign- Me 1101) . . And eai,rled out his. two-yeAr-old Vaby of I large enoliffi. t r� . postor beingassisted Vy Rev� i - 9 brother. . Modate his customers. 'I his business nt4kc Our public services more attrac- ed by NO business men of Londesboro, Mon, Dun annon,who preaches�blon- -hat � Raw cap:better the matter was one of great Peri'alutl day day and Friday � . followed the increases as it has done for the past tive and helpfull T LADIES RINGSo . In, the Stampede t .. Tues aY; Thurs . acel 'it was it wonder some Otte. ear, it will be, necessary for him to nights of this week.; we are looking , dent, Ire an Assistant. We expect the now spirittial -results be attained ? 2, Why, interest to the hotel keeper, an(I that : at laut . . was not Seriously hurt Mrs Deeds K do so niany of out- members abgont the hotel could not be maile. to pay for good resultsi come And tend your of too Ladies� 90 _ , I Was tramplpd uriderfoc;t, but got off Parlor will be fitted out in first class therriselves, froln the class Inedting II, apart from the Sale of liquor. After setyke, If. the bultdine, conituittee had _ I unhurt, 11le Inectus of exit from the style, And those who favor him with 'How c%ti.this means of grace be maile fhe discussion it was I'moved by T Me. , the Stele erected, Which is 41readv. prefer Rings to AUN, other tit Ill find him as oblig. move helpful ?, 8, 'flow can we in- Millan and Me We wou a sag, thep had verycreditably r basoment,is gmall,,i)uly allowing. obo t1jeir patronage wi conde& b,p W Moore that � kind of Jewelry. // Po thlo I at a, time to pass up the Ing As ever. . I crease tke efficiency of And deep.en tile the mtition of the rate,p&yen'l of llul� 4 of their office , - � luestIng that it loe I One person . I I . . 'a, corupleted, t e dutie, I I narrow stairway. I . - Interest in our Sunday schools ? 4, lett township, rec they have ceptainly been very faithful ""On WO Py SPGO'hl $lttontAolk The explosipx� take thew.alls of the . Colborne qtion bylaw be submitted to the vote In iheir work Why should we take a deeper interest , ecially, we thinkt to thig Uni. schoolroom to. pieces, throwing out Xom-Mr Vci�st�r, of Markham in our rspworth, League and praSrer- of the electors of t e muMpipalit, b& does the secro R. Mellwain, on , at all points, yet ' 'isiting hi'S brother, bir W 13 m(s6tings ? NVhat Ate some of the panted; YeAs ft)r tt petition Mlill. of thoresponsi0ility You will find all the . fAVOr-, , - bricks with singular has been ' , whoin P. largo�iatrettyst!i . .1 ti perversity, 1006yin sorae windows yorstor; Ike was a r-wident,here I old evsonal And genioral beftefits to be An and Moon, nays againstthetietition rested, deserve creditable! , I'dentioii ito stones arl'a colubitiWons I close by, uphatineff. A number of the . Yeat's a � Tho Mill roa be. Rerived from thesesbrviceg p 5, How Perris atid ratter$013- It his been through the Em0% ; colue And see our windows, however, were broken,' It o evier township awl Col- lips wh to at their best with us 0. I tw o , ran we, its followers of Jesus Christ. learacathat in other townsl , 0 ,new clitiveh. I . . . threw the registers in the church out a 0 Is 11 0 en-', there will need triake-our personal livestoOte effbetive P the privilege has been granted, the pe. . � I , ,, I ��..� Wamonds# Peat -to, , . ' ral) e Wavelovet it to get Wbo,t I's out, respeginsibility , at large Andin York Only I I . I of position, tossed biblea and hymnals to e tonsi e _ its Chris- titions were n 1. .� - . Nvinghato I anteralds, kubltbo I t - �_ , -----00-m<­� --VW out of their racks, cracked the plaster it pac e .own. its place a de 'ton walwu on i, e ou nu , -nd absolutelY se, Olt, I I OMWANWN I . I tinns? 0, The 4' 3f. S. 131110'T .rincipals of Local SU40105o,146 bf Diecaii "lo&.-Thia Is Stirphires, 01081s, . . I I All over, a aied tite I wrid. claim. among our circult, inthresta, Neither were the p _ t the greatest 94113 Of A6101Y Dfbss OOOds 111'4 '01 Ones TooptI61110 sgiloolroorn from the main 9-ody of the partorox Ifill ticial Option, discussed but the stronges I I conle IMF— 17, As Christlaris, What is our fln& I oftetea In thlb dou'atry Los all # . ,, Rua lticlwl 0 *.ando5c 11nos for . church, A plate Was 'blown 011tsi&- x0'rEa-Ur and bliss Walters and vespotigibility to the LOW- 8, 00118c- Point emphasized wa.,i that the peop fou'd 1A ortallow. 06.. 60C Every Rillig at its vory book And hai�o your otograph taken the church ,and was not inj uvkl, A Mary UndsqX. of Goderiah,spent. Sun- cration. One sPqi%kPr Is chose,' to In- I �hodld have the right Of SeCt.11119 Moral 3-561, 75o'A.nd $LBO 111168 for 000.,. Otl& - . for Christma& "Plour friends will lady Waig rarrYing A, tchop of kulvles day at, David Undsay's. Mr afid, Mrs troduck) each aubjeet,,,and one to 0 on questions 1) vote. This right, which . " both as to Value and 4U414 , appreciitte a, photo of yourself in the baseftitnt-, 4110 XlWher 'W&9 1) Gliddon Supdayecl qt Ciblbor,ne, the disbtlagion, aftor which It wilrbo, it; only BrItIshfAir Plafi has boon de- Atex MeLoan, of OttgWA, MAY be woreftati Atly thing M . -or, general diseussion. A bloat nioathe electom of tilloft by two appointed commovelal agent in 141*n- ft . you 00 I one of john (Jox vlaited at Smith's Hill one open I Ma eptlemap, Is a n give thema knocked out of her hom r atic dar this week, Don!t forget the delightful ud rofitAble time lie Antlet. jumbora. of the council, AU fidi-tftind- ,I we. mistako not. t 6 414 GRIGeo : ­ I xv mouu, 0 the su'rorth I the knives found in the YAM- . 11 I tothi"Ayl. . � Th6carbldo usea In the aq6ty1mb i SooliLl at Hall nutleagos. on, ,xueMay pated, The Mit of the phuroh Will od oititens At* Wled UPOA to AWA brOthet Of Jeweler aid. Opflfftlko� : ,,toy, * photo Stadjo v4sobine Wo not the'sAme asthol had evoxing. Deo lot, . 10voish. musio for the occWloa, their vitlyllesec-ox, Expoil(tot, i . . . .� 0. 'a I 4. � I ; 1% � I . �,L I � � 4 . - . � - - ___­__�_­ . .. . _ A_ - . . . _­NME00000011il" i _ __ ___ 01111111mill"hadaym—­­ t,