HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-11-20, Page 8IL 0
's "i I
. 4;1r.1s outin, Hats 7R .
, or
Childreo's 11road-rimmed Sailors 815C I
I �Ladlesl'riniuied Rats 2.50 � - .
I The MillinerY I)epartmeat has three
,i extra specials for Saturday buyer%. . Three
r lines of up-to-date stylish Hats at prices that
m,ake them undoubt�d bargains. . We ,are
starting on the home-stre,tch ' on what has been
a banner Millinery season. Special yal %
like these will make Saturday a red-lettt.r day
� . s w 11 get
in a record season. Early buyer i
best choice. . .
I w 11ats 75 cts. .
Girl's Outinx
Girile Am,3rioso Outing Hats,' stitched 0am@L'4
Elair Falt, in gray, blue, reds, browns eta -imported dir- I
tc,. from New York, neit, natty shapes, regulat '$1 15 " 75C
special for Saturday each ............... � ...... � . - 1.
Children's Broad-rimined sailors -85 ets I
Children's broad-rimaled Sailors lisrs,. American
G.1ods imported.oiretlDfromN,?w Y,)%:�, goad.qui ' lity . . .
felt, nobby shapes, in grey@, bines, r4airdin - I's..brown.'a
I �
etc., regular 61.6 - 0 good$, spebial for Saturday , ?...� 85c
L01jes trininied Hats $'.).50 - I ,.. ..
Ladies trimmed Hats, up.to.dat�e. �tylish- shapes,.
(I $met's Hair and plain felts, blacks tiad colors, every
one speoi.Ily trimmed for Satttra&ea 3alli6g, none but
good trimmingii used. many of the shapes alone are
worth $2.00 ,%nd $1 25, nit trimmed in the .b,sat styles - ,
W to trim, 0hoi0a of the entire -
. Ike our milliners know 110 . . . .1.4. 2-510
lot on Saturday each ...................... : ...... . _.
Is good Hats we have never sold for the money
. .
. .
I . . .
� I
. . . . .r. -
Eudless Variety . .. . . . . ..
� .
Fine Qualities, Good Values-" . - . �..
There is n,)t a store heke-a-bouts ioau'show you
the variel,3 in Fa,rs that you can see here., ..We 'do
not make thii stattj::�ent boastingly, but it 1.i a. .fact
. . ,
I we wt,nt �.ou tc, know because . it means -soinetbing
1� to you wh:3n you eome to d) fur buyiU'-'_i " You. are
� I 0 . -
�� not narrowed down to one or two styleLa) Oi *.kifidis,
or articles, but thore bf a choia6 alisortmeiit 'of.'now,
� popular and styl,*,Fh fur garmj3ati here,today, Wide-
ness of phoice is tot this Far stock's ..only k,bcom-�_
. . .
I menoation'. Itis stronrest point is ihe�sterliiigqual,
. .
. ___
ity o! every crartnent TO On& a plaO in it 7 �.
b i . '
garment is made from. choice',- selected �skitl:s) CU.,
. . .
.... matched and put toge�ther by skilled aad ex0en, in
. ced furriers, They.are the oest.Furs we have be'en
able ta find and we are willing, to sfand--b6hind
11 . every garment we sel.17 Furs bougb� here are* right
.. PrIco . ..
I �-. .
in sty1c, right in quality, right in , ... ., .'.�. , 1.
I . . I
. i ; I.,
. Ruff -t $3. 50 to $15 00 - *." ' - ". ..7..'�
. : - . .
.. Callars 83 50 to $6 04. �! ' . 1. �
� .
. Stoles $1.00to$40.00-�.. . .. . .1
C- I
aperige 9 $5.00 to 40-00 '�,.. -
�. -'ON $35.00. and t40100
. J.kckets $2). . .
.. I ... . *
. � . I .
i All depertaable qiialities. (orreet . btyleig- . and , � goo
V t" , attontiou to: the fillin
alues. Wo.pay par ieu ar . I I
7 of sp . � . I y
.eeial oiders..an,l shouldwe. u�t -have what
.- requve lu stock, will get it for you On- sl�oit notice
I ... . .
� � � . . I .
. . I .
� .
. . - I
. I I I . I . . 1) . ,�
� I .
'' � �,'� I
�.. , _,._!�_ _�,._ I N", 0* W# �
'Xvp� _.... .. - � . � ... , I I
10 U., leaff '. . 4. . . I - - __ ___1 I
. . i 0 Im I% , I.- - . � -7n.L" � - ___ ---
. _d - ��==._ 1_=__, 1-1 __._1_-__-- 000000- ,;; � I � _;�-�_ �_ I 1� I.".
- __ ___ 1-00 0. , � 7 -.;-_�., __ � _. .
*ON--- !!!!!�l!�",;;��p;-�-!-#-"-'*"�-,��,.,.����.7-..-----:;;��-,4�,�..;;-�--;-,;-,;-���";;t--.--���,-�-�-,-,;;;W.; - I __ .."'.. - . 1
__ _'_ __;;�_��. - U-SSIGNOD.-Mlos Uobbi *11p, 1168 I .111M- �, I -I I -7 ,.".- , ... _ __._
, . ,,, "I ".
%#$ L , FRAO"mov we plo-A wo6k` -42 Ut , . '
F owts4turdelyur 8 Appleb ,,OIJQW� veverAl 70%ra been an efficient �,
41jett. got jntQ,%.fpI6pAr, wrc -of the Model Sch ,I Stag, b" � I I
I 411W01940 , 414, In i milialbor � 00 . �
I -11. 11 I Jrr miguatton owing to bir
I town, "it 14 18111 , aprafiioa UIR !%, teo.de=1 il .
108 ins Vie pireid at hpnxe, A . I � .
'� ]FRII)AX, N`0V9MB1R201 IW�& As he oluppq004" Ve 001110alted a W - - I 0er*1 .% . imere"'s a, Now 0
. ,
- I b�o t '14 him he , had frActur- sugeessor has not,"Yet been, "gas ea. , . . I
� 'Pal man, w � ,, Q sistea In fokng home,, - . .
1 ad it, but he M - During tU* '
4 1 �UT TO VIE033. . I
Local Nottees. F, 4on, The ,,,,,,a,, o A 400041 0344) , .
. , b7 train WA king to the 0 &I f Weduend4y uig4t, of .
4XI'lly at OW00 legownedhim so Much paill subse- .
Fresk 009ors "eclyta . !.,Who. laot week, a largo -P4uO Of double- I . ,
le called I'd a doctol the ouy- I I
� ,sato l"%,*up7e;,oi.inx I " "
A oiAF;tpaTtborw&U1 I - t' that " Ile had fractureo- 0% 4ft
. 4 th t d [diamond ass W Ad torn out of
1% CO � Xr@. T I
quen bli . 9!
APPIf tQ tile J.&CX'$QN Mi - again �14 small ug, This will con- light in t. cp roof of I . A che onee
r one of the I f oome weeks. lbert, St., Ana thrown � "IV'
fille ,,,M to tile ,� T&Idexice. A .
V0#14ry *nil 'pr1r,d A499100 W%k�te4HJgU use or A 1 . �
. .
'�X a . against 4 screen door in the house 4 , �200.41 SiZO,
kyolea. and i�oultry at I
ont Price& P41A (,�� d&" � ;
� 3, B110% 0 latoU. VOL-ITI:CAL.-The annual vieeting 1�11 John Bell, with such force, 04 It's w, Oup and Saucer "
Bongo for Sale - _Qoqd alzod hwso. QW1 lolt- of the West Huron conservative As, itt-crally to out tile s0r,000 to pieces, . 19..._ .fine I
situat,qo ony 000 near the Q46606 sociAtion will be held at Smith's ffill, tracing, Aelioate
, latodo 8 r %neactioul LATES-i REVISED. -III connection China, L �
�]�Covel. Thsto% . re eon") 19604 Plum *'to'$$ ^4& On Tuesday IaOxt, ior the, tv., . � day's,01 - fail IT gilt
ct h�krd st"d soir, wasaign the proultileil iness, wbiob will probah- with last Sun anday school les -, '
I plenty , a on rf,aRons nlototlus'. of general bus 'Inging out of a candid- � soa the 231.4 pa&jnj� A � Clinton pater, ' decoration and deep blue A-h-a.dings-
IV include the bi
;'wilt Ir ARW -Inu lial meeting Of the West , fai�'Ilas In the bosom of his family - -
AA ro S b0ic 174 lull,"t0u, - .
I . - The z .
I-- __ ______._____ ____ �te. . ssociatlon� wbl6lo , Vve expression to the view that Siu(30 , Witho-at doubt the best value wo ever ,
I Huron. Liberal A &�414 bad In mind protection from �
, I sholild have been held last may, ac- I wo, ' . 4 0 -
000A. I cording to by.jaw, has not been held, 1 Ives, jackals and robbers,1 and also - In
Tom A . I . �yixxg, roil andoW., had to offer you. If It wero hig
ly)Ly, - Soluo idea ' there being, no busluess ofimportapee, I hindrance frolo stra I . , - ? 11
. (,,,ROWING RAP' . . itatives. of the b, asiatea dub; and crilok, 0 1* . I
I ' " '
va " TV , �
e growth of Tem,ilarisw in � . av ' ' it wi, price YOU � . �
. 1 and both the represei 0"id Ow [I be the call 0 too good for
of th g eaned from the Riding being at the time absent in ye t 6 'to � said his wife, who I � I , . 0 1
. 'icinity way be . Mr W..00ats, who for so nd - I 'ONNTS 18 9, ��, . . '!
To� 0 lfn�'t" a golf stick. I Tmwy
town I "� I Light, it I I . � .
and N , CIO 4 her a us . use but I 11
fact thatiletWeen,304040 0plI(:AtIOas PaIrliament .,,,, filled the position Of prides self on ow
�lp at the I Inally years Ill this ot-ganiza- . . general !l. 0 IV_ .
, I
I NVAre -received for 1110mbersh 'na . s ,vetary-T,omsnrer of I I SPECITAL MEETING CALL'S D.- - . a � . . �
� .
I last meeting of the It T Society A I * � see I 11 tile w y pr4ctical price A.)r a practical Aide* - � t .
-etedto li-'We bt,�"en hel - 6011, has,tendiored his Tesignation, as . NQt being quite c6lAteat with the way . � . .. . . , e
1 time was eXPE . . Mating: the � he is Ilow out of active politics, 0,.P, U mattems were sbii0i;g A e I I . . . I � I . . . k I
. I "M .
i, last (Thursday) evening I'll I * cal e 00, CENTS .. I
lt,oWiilg to ot,herdoing-3, . DiAl ineeting of the Council was a �
; en,adida0s, lit . , I THE DEE S -The doer � Monday evening to Appoint; it strong CORE AND'SEE THIS GOOD VA"J"T . . . . . . .
I Only.tI, shortRession Nvas held, ftdJ?uvn- t �
y thriving 'hunters returned home last Saturday � delegatiow Ill connection ,.vith the . �
i lag till tbis evening.- A vex' 1.30ipa evenin pleased with theix 011-t- � t Dmrd of Trade to attend the general I .1
�sbot`O- q9 sollic � . I
i lodke is at work ill Load( Ing Others not At all Satisfiedi. Messrs of the representtitives from Thewe.. D ts I I .
I of these lodges nreurlde,r the direction * I . ind Conning- t, 9 . . .
Coile, Johnson, Cooper , hips,through which � I I
I . . .
of Mr, and Mrs F. Watt, . . . hame were more than , succes,ful, get- the 0. P. R. may Ise: from Guelph to � I . I I . I ..
, ' Th . ese were Godevich rKhe Ati,yor and. -I Councillor . . I � . . . . I I . .
Odafellows Lod mgst the.m. , fSudbury, � Li conjunc- Ofteu the Che-m-'PeSt ' .
I k.S'END OF.V-0n Friday evening ting four any -
e shot 131 miles . northwest o - Combo were asked to act I . � .
I tjl� members of tflo� �'�*. . I . '
.1 And , 4. 1 s 1 tion ivith Messrs Forrester, Ransford � I
; Jered. A S W Xciteown . on the inain line of the(I P -R, T11thi . qm �
, t613( . Jessr axelltdry fiupper� Oil . soo-tion it i's 91tid tbe'deei .wero very and Jackson. The Mayor, unfortun- � . . .1 ... _. . 51.1as the imest , � ... ,_
IUowara a conloil . I ie of the lar -est deer' . I AIWWIW . . I
, I've fall Los plentiful Oi -his train Tuesday morti�
tile eve -of .their EIPPLIvt _ tely, missed ,Is in I � . fty . . I .
I kllt)Nvn to have been shot in Phis neigh, aing, .and Mi, W` Jttcksoni Nvhd' NY"' * . . .1 . . . I . I
,I Arg,eles. CalitornilO The ebAh' was ht out by them, . at in . .. I . �
)cc,upledbyFred-Jacloon,. Tbetoalkt-lboill d -'s broug Toronto, was. notified to be prese�t in - I . . I . ..
""lu held, ' I
( d by H, B-' j'llotot�ok the five people five hours Gael b wberethemeeting was � , , I � I I . I ..
OfOurGuest WAS pro It. W bell R I . 11, I . . � - . .
int, a,nq responded �IioSic L� gaoists I ,�"On(clatry it on a it hit' I I I . I
Chi y. tb - e mile am the journey, it . - Messrs � Tozer & MEN I 11 .1 I I I . --- . � I I .
the evening. ',-Our Order" lirbught . weighed, At the end of NEW F I R ,v. . - . 4-JM;;J. . � . --- - ,
- - sealOR At , It . tie stock of I wo" I on, 8 so N 0116 . ..
of plises fr6al.F. Alcock. SftcOb Tay- I tipped the .300 pounds. Brown, purchnsers. .of t1. n thereof . ___ . . I
resi ' J C vexis(in, ffelyar, Wee -reqnired the Instantaneous iihot's of Coataxt-soll, took possp8sio - � . . ...,.� . . . I I � . . I I . � .
lor StO f Messra . � I � I
,k '199 It P two rifles', ill the hands o oilTuesday inorxxlng.� JBoth- propriet- . .. I . % �
� � . . . . :.
. . .
Reekip., W Ra I [ies. by Geo ROd- living'. this ViZe 'to bay, , Ogle get were liere tills week, but the business . . . . . " . i .
HQlmes. The Lad . eloh'to be will be in chalige ot Mr Tozert whols' h r ... 1, '� . I .
1, 1�ove. A J Gi I -, 13 J Gibb'ng' Johnson, at 10D yards, to vience, and . . .
I rris - -parliamenV' bV Cooper And . a the ors areyoung wen of expe a
� I I �j,inailig� Thoeve.n-. bead, whiJWl was left Ill Gu Nine ee. . . I �
�lis.l A,BAII, R B 1 . . � I . I im.. In consequence Of ihe r6arried member of tbO firmi and I . I . . I . . � . . .. .
i�� (�liised with - .�, I I . . , xilo4ited f6r. h � I I . �. � I . I . . I
J �ng wits . �D, , inally homes in has rented Mrs Ross' cott4ge - On Vic- I I � . . . I I .
, tile hunters' -retur . I � . . . � . � . . I
RETU H ON-' t o !ag, a treat of voinIS04 toria St. ;. MI. Brown (who Is. a -nephew . - - . . 0 . . * .
I? . '
'illiott. soli of.A. 0, ,I_ (,Iili onare eaj 7 I .. I � �
i, . George, Brown, a former resident of -,V. � . I .
' I of k - � .
i b I K I i, - - F 1 - e'd I this week.: . - I , . I
. liotti and Fred JerI.1s, who have- been I I .. I . . . . . to, wn) havin 9 a business -in WOOdst0c 'S 1. . om. ers . �.
�' Ill tile, Xiondike goLdregions' to" 801"O. . , .L,,r his attention. bly Coat Satisfied Ctt�t . I 11 .
d the .. AoLos'g,0AL VOR.-THETOWN that requires . . . . � . . . . I .
time, The forlaer for il, year an a .startled will now wind up his af%irs here as ' � I . ... �., . . � I � . 11 .. .. I . � ;
.. g,have returned HALL.- Our bitizens W,'rl )gsible, in order that� he � � . . . I . .
. latter since last sprill Imt. Frida,y evening when the fire bell quiekly as, P( '. ' .
. ' I
Little. They bqt1l have done w - . -and Way. talce . U his residence in Goderich. . . � "AM . I . . . �. . .'. .
I -
( . ell, Mr iweled out i s '.. ...--I �.,One. it, i BUMIM 10..6 .. 1,
� 11 ' � It* unwelcom6d sounds F, .. . :.§ .i � Wv's ' . .. .
; Elliott nittking his father at -Ift Of . d ,9 spread that the town Wo .c6rdial y welcome his guccessorss .. .. , 0 . . . S I . . I
I w`0'r1Qn& tile wov. wa . � . ,... . � . . � . .. .. . . .
. I .$200 -iii g6ld. coin, Tneywore . fire. ,Very fortunately] but v�e just as oprdially rogl�et his. ve� � . I . . � . . �. . . . .
,of the c1tv of Nome'jand IVIII 'wa§1 Oil working at the riloval. . .. : . I ... . I ' I on 93 cust0mr9r8 Rud had ' . � .
in the vicinity there -weve some, people, . . I I . I I Last saturd4y W,6'.waitec �. , . . . .
, left Oldre the tniddle of betober, frost ball . a, I t 0. ticed the I � - '. . � e &6-i' .. I
, -*in( led their labors. t h hour, And no I E Y&LANATION -We are request d. . W,e haV ,aiOmMeU0 I .
baving set in , I . stop ling through tho.grates, %t * those who have been - jAst what evarto!10 W-AUtO 1i fjnUfae. . 'L '' '
Geoir -ol A. ... 0. ulli6tt., R'noke alsuenc . ed to say thi. . from the b�st tLikuUfac' - :, L.. I.,
b go, . - Inotherson �ouvor, 10't oil A -and .from tile back Instrumental in.forming; the Lodge of q - . . I
%rt of the stage. 11 sortmeatt, 10ef ally'Ottlectedo .... hall LLL I .
w cis Situated atVanq -f Z, And oil going I t e�r_ceedfngly . I . . W . need, having .:' L . .
. 100 TII6 'hit as noti tegre , - i .
. "'Ll'olund the horn, Upon his Me Was Royal Templars. -:In , . le Mud yol .. . I .
t� trip to the cellar found the 1, &� ()n latL ' for a Meeting ta 4ars'. W6. ka9v 4 and. sellinoo - Shoes. . . � .
he Ny ill spend the win tpr ,here . , he .tI they had arr. ed � ' . '
arrii � -no voujil . ' ' �
il . e go, ease t ,t
I . , e'llaci tile, si g, of t e Jqt4, but it Was .. - thirty. . .1 ' G . I .
11 ','bufore tO Vanco'ver fit ,,vere oil tile 0 ' J , 'Aw&r6 � of th vep.rg experience buyip
P'6tuv iag . ' L U " I ,.,: Plame -) were iLi �f'r th� muby. &1A I - ' ,
. . ,n . . . d(,luld *,lot go' into. it Oat (lone before theY.. . e ' I ;eats in 01i On Q , - ' ' ' ' ' , _' . L .
. il the -floor fr I L We are 8019-a� . . ' boqt� Value.
I -L kLE,S 1r,N-BLE. - seen comilig thl'01191 6 0 h6 intentliorcto.hQ14 the band concert the . . L ' '
1 AT HO)IR A Sf DS,1 . . I 4-'k I ;,e would-liaveL � . 111%1).Wri.-�-4'raey- ara the. . .... '. . I I
I I . ja cells, but ith6ut the A f t � . 4K.,Aut KrAck � .. ,. ;, .
0ternoon and evelling. 6f 0 b6r�l�r same evening. A chatil . . . .. . - - -
f, N.extTliqrsday 'inguished. 'S . t1w Toy or's L L ,
1. . f -f'lney eagine, were ext, . would not . . . . � I � . I
. ,d under the b6fore.,jjx, (),clock Mr. Wheatley was been made, so thitt the two KeBLP'- -feet- . .. I ..
the At- Horne and sales table 01 : 1 . _V4Q warm anadry by. W84TI. 0 . � - .
. �
artielvqj to, be c(ladlic1c vn'iii the basement attending- to tbe Wnfliet, but it .Was ixnpoig�ilile to notify .. . : ' ' � I - . . 1, ..L. : . . 1. I I. 11 1. . . I
I � . 11 11 . I
. ' llem- . sh-008 an .. . .1;. 1. . 1. .. . I . . I I I. . . I . . I
L . I � I ..
, Allspice"; of tbi� Ladies -Of St Paul's dOv Ing Wag alvight-then &Lit tile members And pros6ectiVe 1 4 Rubbetil. :, ., . I . . . .
, held in the - tOwa 1-141,11 - fires,,jillt eV6ryth ' -bors, �nd ttwas, then:tboXight best t,D I - . , I .. .I . . I L. L. . .. . I L . . . . - � _1 L . - . . _1� I . . . . i
I elitireb Will bZu tile. only way for fire 'starting . . . .
I A small � addlittilmw fee 01, .5c. isask6d; and , tb�buated �rn'r, is by spon-. let,,�he temperafiee meeting take'place - . . �. I I � I I . I . I . . . . � .
. - the I there can be L.t . . ' L a Jou'ra until Friday .. � I . . . I . . Xeliabte.. � '* ". I � . - . . � L .. . ". . . .
I you are then lit , llbertY.- 6 View iti6tioll", The' forinally. and dJ I I . . .. .., The Old a I . . . . . . ... I
. Lings that will be offer� taxi6oui comf turnace is . I . . . . . .
. i m%my prkttYtb ) _ place, and the smoke. evening. �' This was the best that could � . . - I 1. . . L � ' ' � . & . S L ' ' . . ' . . . . L I .; L L �
" IL A L C . - � the cireuxiistances, as � . 0 , I L. .
E ,iir- leisui�e in . . 6uped'pj. be done under . . :. . .. . .. I.. 1. .
".... : I . .
. I .
.e joled L f�_ . I I . -or _!! � " . .
%nd'beL [nod -to laiisi� through . . ' -e to Inter- . . Twff on - I .
for Wet luncheon 'it yo apers'from aboot .twelve inches ,jars had no desli 0611 � , *
. eutertal duct t L to.ab,04 the Terhp I . I W 4mi I I . I �, 1. . .
le above from the a the furnace W of. . I ... � . . I .. ''� I I .1 . . � : ,
..� I � . . I . , , . . �
. I L I . * ,e v,ery fere in the slightest with the. succe . I I . . . e . I I , ill___
Out the entive time, Besid.es tj . � � L. .. I L . I - --- .
I 'a fishpond will be ou. tile ga.'to be _eigl,it 11;j ih.q.clifilino-Y. We at . , - I � I . 11 .. ...L. .... ... . . . , . . .�__ � . . , . 14, I � 1�1
hand concert, � . . ,. .. . . . ,dL.L..�_____ 1,
. --- . , .
-so little dam. .the - I I .. I ----.- . . I
. - ever. that , � . I I --:- - � . . . . .
. L- . I - . . . 1. I . � L � I
Iiss BV446r, and Airs' tliankfuli Vo%Y . , '. I . I L . . . , . . . . -_ I . . IS""" I I . I I I ... I .... ., � . �,
I . conducted by'3 . f Airther V040011' .: �- .. - A - benefit �. . , . . . ..: .1 - , . � . - I I I 1,1111111111111010101'"', . .. -L I.
I. ki., B, Conibe, This Will creabb. lots- 0 A90 Wfti*done, and still L, ' ' ' .. � I . . - I . _� . I . .1 I I
. so that it 006urked at the time BENEFIT CONQBRT-z-;- , _ . : .
I I I, those whoottend -may. to feel .. would concert in aid of'the hand fand'N�as . - 4 ... -7-1- . . : L . .
Jnbrriment, -aw . , �t it djd� toy, one hjuv; later I M=======W_�� . I I � I . .. .. . I., I . L . - . L .. . . * I , . . . ... ... I
. . .
--being amp 0 . lir I the tqwn �haljlast (Thursday)] . . I . . I L I '.... .. ,, . .1. � 'r �. .,L 11
I . � - L
, rest Msure'd of I . . , -Aftssed with chil-, held in , - . .1 . . . I . :I - . ..
.. I I .. . . �, hmve caught the. hall I evening. L Th.0 PlAn of 101% reserved I ,, . .. I I . I . . . . I 1. .. ..
ed* - - - - '. . . ... : I which would have � ..6 , . .S I . I I . ; . : ... a '....L . , � . .. � . ..
. , . : I . ften 'Alid parents - .
. .. . a , . ,
. I . I . L I . .. . . . . 1. , . � � ., .
. ...
. .
... I '' . . caused 0, rush, and de�atlx and iniury to aeatR was fairly well tsken iloalthqugh. I . I . . L .
� �% OLD. - . br wbtcb1bQ cono!eirt.-na� - . .
IT- that L any might have bl�en t�o� res�ilt, ; - . ttwe purpose f - , . * .. 7
assembI . ,. I � I .. I I . L . .. . . . ,. .
" �
I Tho vast . . . . . - . . - �. I I -
. - audience ed in in, I held was worthy, of a greatee 'ititerest; . . - - .
. I ,niu . . . . ... "I � 1* , ig. t. C.. 1. ..L 1: i,_ 1, 1.
*1, ball last Thursda,v eve 9 I own by 6ar citizelig, The program . . . . I I I . . . . L L ... �. I I.. .
. tfie to* - A.-" � " B'' I..
- -
. � ot. tb,A',t Shakesperean � AMONGST THE SPAINARDS IN., sh - � . I I I . . -
evidenced tbe-fa t ture 11nder was e-�erytbl -, that could be sired �. . � I . ... . I I . I . . . I � I . . .
118. eVej, L. j7 R0 le", I n L . � . ; : I � . , I �.. . I'_ - . .1 , . . I . .
I . 1. pla," . -A , I At* a concerf of Qs kind; the bole I . . . . . . I . I . - . . . .1. . . . I i - 1.
i vs tire as i.tpilieclable FJOUTHANS I A aritone L I w: . . . I . . - I . . . , L I
) wai the 00m,51611 of thq 'Jw(%gdi-1t,,,tIo1l tIle atlgpjaeaof thd A. - Y.. P. A. L 'Was . I . . i� .. I I L, �. , I ' . .L , , I .
, , , , , ,
0 . `6 ..; ; . 11 . .
' . . . s6loI,*,ts being beiixgHBarker,Toroato4 * I ,* , I , , . . .� .. I I..''., I � I I
. ,f6l--�Jiallt Oi Venice by* tho -.E - evening !list in St. 'N March -, - teno'tl,' f I - , - . .. -2 . . . _t . .
'of tbe'� . I - , :. , . . . � ..... � -7 �
. - I . -gentle-. PAul's school h0ii. 4 .1; , i9ses Xiiiser ! . L . . . I . ,� L'
- 'in took: thepait of Shylockto perfec Turnbull, of Godel .. . . i 0a S . �i
I nder 1hiffluild 00 ,inwhich tbU .'s vie ", Mv Turnbull, . Will Harlaad; Sopv&aos, .
: (I Equ$tOR ,.,,C6,m . . 7" , ,
given -on Viiesday'l W P�Spauldin� and . ' F, I I I
% the Re�v Mark . .1 . All 'L ., _
_L " � I gu ,ic�inger, Will MCL� . � , - ,
! liv e be-: who has sP6 0�lth . T , 1A1 .Qw,". I . . .
I ,Mi J�atth,jla lias olji,�ed her lit.fourteen - 19 . , too -, qt%r e i Messrs . I I .. . . . . �" .
tion. IL _yer(Ts in E6 s�lebtlons'by " .
I I by'.6xir AmericezapimigA the spaniards,'plac; cRite and' ; '. .1 . �. . .. , . . , . .1, 1. . . I .. . .. . I I I . . .
. � forean.6 is -avorably kaplyr 1. toL f err,-� - � Zeigler, . -'V, � , 1. . . .
. . I Thne Ny,11, one. 'ed hfatAhA position )e 'Ible ]to tell owns,, .1 . . 11 . I ... � "�, L ., L L . . . � /
I . � � )
I I . . L L .. .. ,: L.. L � I . - 'L. I. 1. . 11, I I . . I � IL �
11 a giiitax� . . I . . t', � I
. 1. theatie-going p.eo�,'e'.6 a,c+'j1lg bl:ougllt hishelijers, i1bout a co. ntry. thift. jig while Messrs ill, ¬ ,K err. . I r . . L I I.. .. I I I . .
. ot1ter cliaracter w los - vi. . tills ynw . kiiownvery, little 6f,. and hisstories of Ont r ine. t em. -b banjo ital . I . . I I I 'L I . . ... A..- ._. .., . I .
. . apl)biuse�, . alu le e mas'lo y theband was no � . . I . I . . . . � A big �toek of. Mon,'s Fui Coat6� ot a . , . . . I .. .
I i olit a great deni of,, . . . I I I L L , L' � � OtL - .
'L . figs Anna Lovevihgas Pol-tia, btithb.r tput), of that land is ev.eni-nore strange b . e enhigs entertain- . . stock good, Coats aswelf,`�: N I
L ..
4). He is* a groat admirer of 9 1"teal � L . " L., : �
I best work was eone when she assilm6d then -fictioil, a $I I . . . . : ... -'poor Coal t.in the.whole-outfit. Not I .,_:� . - I
"' .
, 11
, - -
11 I , I � � I I . I ,
I 1,
� .
h .
` I 'I
11 5, - ,
k, I
Ont P V
be d s th
. I , air con e on th rket square - � ' � 0. . . I - . . .. . I
� - -learnecl mMl. of law 4 t the Spanish �bople and refuted the mett And e .is they gave An ; . .� ,
e Ina I 10' ' I . . 011e but, we are willing. t6 ta6d'.behind . I . , �
. . . . . .
I * . 'I the.fole'of the.. io, .Mssica?s char- charge laid At -tile So.aniards' that -they Open' air C .. c rt. � MU& Appreciated, . I I I I ,� .,.: I .. '- ' duarante.e. when Lit I . ... . d. I
.the-trial.,of Anton' ' at 7,30, Willoh Nva . back -with 'Out I .
3P - acter was not done justilee to'by Mis-5 I Jcne-�Y' nothing but'..trdilchery!" - They ', I L, . . ... L � . . . L I I I � L� .and �Ij wewojo. not sure . I _v I .
, otial --be stat6s than . �� � .,.. . � I . .. -k . . � I 11 - Jeaves the stoiP. .. ': �,i .
' .
. I Dowlingi an.4 f0i' tills inilay were dis-. are more reverel ' - 1, I ood do you tbiakwe would * , �,., L
. .
I . . Appointed in the play., . The regrettable e I von. more sajipose* .- enlightened. : HAD A G06D TWE. :The folt�,Wl . � . ,. ,:theywere I -der from .. . -, I I 1.
", L . iiii� iLein tttkell frolu. the Signa] of. last, 11 .1 - �, do that ?Ill filade 10 Our Or. ,. I :.. : IL
I Ity of thd countries andthe lessons lliculomted �y I . .. .. . _. I .
part,,however J�V�IlStjleLia&b" � * �� � k" --i4 selepted. and pro er y I . I .
I.. L . of the good t1ine I I . I . .. I a -ins spei xie t Link- - - . I . ..� .. I
' ' their speeia -1- ; -dres'sed'ahol . .. .,
4 � managerrieftt, to put' up ' ' i I the-Jesuiti oftenturies ;tg6 116A come Week is expre�sion �, t
. . e ijoyed by* the A. Y. P. A. of Clinton' �. . nished. Ifyou f .
I ,
I ,y, Tile ab- down through generations its -. V rfe6t-. ex, . ; L . I., � . ing, , 0, u 111 ,'"'Coattl6wintet,come . I : I . ...
I scenery which ,they cari rp"":� -v,_A �f dive*11thera by their sister society of. I . L f b... L_ U We Will � . . .1 . I .
. .. 1. .
.1 I .
. . .
The Mantle Sale St 11 Coutt'*ttt-S .. : .I
Such mantle selling as we ,hav6L -hid" thifj,�
mouth has be6uphenoin-mal Nen0m3avOlvAlu8s�' I
havemadeitso. If we had not%oughtthem .
11 from the maker at ttke end of the'.seagoa ,we.
. . I 1.
eould not h _ive 8 old them at . any'L such. prices,
He sold themto. us cheap . aud we %Te pasysing
- them along to you the same way. - . 'In j ustico to-. .
yourself you ought to see them before you buv ,
a . 11
,I&Montle. StyNs ara correct and f he priceo -,are.
0 � I
money -saving. - I . � . . L
Chi [dreg's Coats $1. Or $3.50 and � $44 00. .. ',
Better Coats $4 -25, $1 00 and $6.00 * .'
]Ladies Jaekets made to sell at W-00" sate
. 0. L
. �
,pri e $8.50 �: . . I . .�. � .
Ladies Jackets made to sell at. MOM,. sale,
price $0.90 . . 0 . � I . . .. . al . I
. . -
, I
, L, I I . .
. .. .
I r them, I - . .... . ' in and[ t I Ov - ' � .. -
. sence of �ucli - � 0 olay or hitir Its " lyJistanglivol ., . "Last Thinsday evening . . 11 .. 11 .: .; �+ . or it lie. ' . . ..
� 11 balf or 611' opera liv`fh�,j travelling anti the burial of: that,town . . I � : � . to 3iou� see Che Stock 0 and .
beauty. A to , 8 Of, St. Ge6ige's Young ,. Ave .. I
I house is'a, money-nmkifig illStituLi011 'their dexalwere all portrayeahl a*bvy the 'welabei .1 � I .. . bei glad - Perba s we can z: I . .
.1 I
. . in connee . interlo,sting'tind. Amusing style, His People's Guild'eaterbe,inea qbout'three � . . I . L A,Ciill in rest � you � N� . .
for any town, but the stage - I . I Ybung.'PboplOs - save�y3u a; little money as wil.l.", -- . I ... "
- . . I .1 : I
I ViDa iWith ouv"building is a� disgrace to dispription of. the habits of the ostnch dozen of the Anglicai, Won: with St . .. I I I . . . . . . . . � . .
I I 'Association , in - conneo . � , . - I . I
' ' i ' I . I .
". the t�6wn, I I - .. - .. - . I I auaoith6r anfu ' jitis thit are nativ6s of I's church, Clinton, I to a .'Social in . . 11, I . . . . . . I . � % . I
.. .. . . 11 1. . .:_ I. .. � . a , th . , - great deal of - Pau seh'ool-roon,"'. . I I I . . I' is, rabi. I... . :
at country erpited a tile The. VIOU&S .4rove' � --- � �
E.- � .
I , Miss - Lit met - . .; �aij I becam. , ... I .
-�- riment. I& Turnbull exhibited .... . �Iaek CUrl 061h COa
�' I . , sevorkil relics thathe bad brought from 110,fi-om Clintoij , d quickly became I 'erlined W M, alad, I . �
, * esent . . . .
P - � . .
'Albit6, formorIf of town, At e - coun ' th .him which"were aollial0tot.f. with the Goderich Young � � I � . I -ber int. . at I.. I. . L
I . � . .
. . .1 I.. I . I . �
. I I I
... I I t� a�- that t; .� I I "t . . . .. .
. visiting near P ifladelphia, an oc, 1�' win't6restlng.! A hearty 'People'. The. evening. was spent in + ot $15
. sionallyhasher .BrAish spirit pretirk curio, . a, alla' ersAtIon; , ,waterp 6 � ". �. . . � . .
� 1 6. afs- �ri)te of - thanks . ,was. tendered, .tho music, PrO111811A Lag " .conv I "I I .. 'I." . � : . � �.. - ... . �.
. �
1. . .
11 roused �ap�by tke., ign6ranci I . I visitors -f shing., a number of I "I . . . . I . � .
'� we * rican kno�kled . r foil the very, instructive.. and tile - I , � . � . I
geof oan�. stmake .1 ., ctions.- Bi & calt. fovdsll guaran".
* played irk Ame � , highly appreeinteel n1liskitl selections, �� R. I , . I .
i . Adit. 'In a letter to the Ni@w: RaJk she pteasing leetute he had given, .:.. . � ,;
.. . . . I . . . . . . Among those from *Clinton �vho to" , I . .. � .. tee'd . . : I �, I . . :...� .,.,� . .11 .
� Quoteii this circumstance :: "I was , . I 11 .1 . t re MissHerman Mr -Hill. j!dr . .. I I . . )o$9011 ' . I . .. . . 1. � I . I .
.1 -day, HAD. A BUSY SJU ASOX. w -That old � p�r We . . . I . . I . . .1 . . . � I 11 . i
. falking with a yoring felloW to -9 ' -firm.of Thos. Me-. NImOns and Miss Belitl6j. Atthecon- I �. � . 1. I . . . .. . . .
I � wraduate -of -Pennsylvania University. and w6ll-establighad ,ram� refreshments L . 'Al ..
elusion, of th 0 I I . .. Good C I 'Coats % .,%� .. . . . I ..
10 . I . . . �
. o"was telling we that one of their .Aoilizie; contractor andbililder, is just I I roh9l qatboring broke . I � .1.. I � .1 .. I . I . I
- I
. '(who, ho, siIys, is one Of t e ibotit to close up oneof the buslestand w6re served anx he rogtottable. . I I . . � I I .Coillts $40,, . . .
. profess6rs . aseverhad. Ilp shortly.after 114'. . . .1 . . Canadian Cooll I . . 1.
., I inostclo*er ruen in the'Unive Ity,and most successfill ssAwnsheb I I 1, . . �. . . ". .
. . , fnee clerk; featuro wits the absence of the Clinton . I . � 1�1. J..� . . 11�
-%,vho is- now the head of Scime � niver- In conve ' rsation with the 0 �f thLe reCtor, Rev I Mf Gunne, .who was bX- . I I to 180 . . . �.. -1 4'..") �
sity in Michigany1old them that Call- we ar . e able to iteliaize many 4 . leted. td be present and give �'an ad- I � , . �� . . I I . ... . I 1. . - .. � I
ad& was a very 'barren -counbry; tho vaore ftnport4nt building ,'op6ratlollg. V, ,, , . . 1. . . ---- ; ...... ��_ - I �
I . . .1 I i I .
. soffe-iceedingly poar s�aol - the climate which this firm has, had under its con. dress. . . . ., . � . 4.&AW^WAA*M&---" . . �; - 1. I � I *too .
'too cold to grow anything in, I hiltid- trol the past suatener.. A humboir of I., . . . I .. . . . . . �, . I
I . ek,s Npw 1@nA and -told residences.have .been built by tb�=, HEAD WENT THROUGH -DOOR. . . . I I I I . I I 1.
. ed him lait we . -While Robb Fitzsimons And son B6rt . .. ,
him to read the editorial"The Wealth- varyIn in price from $1400 to $S(W411 . I . .1 I 1. .1 I .. . . . I . I . %4
iest countvy.11 When he had reAdithe - I f VMOOrca stylos, and additimis were On their *Ay to Buftld with A . A. 14f. N i - t.) . � I
im An,eg. Ou'hy,ve &'v6rvsnx&I1 nopu-. and alterations to many others,costfug amlis las.t. Thursday . I . I
. shipinent of I ., they . I 0 - - I . I
. I �. 11 � . . I cc 15, . <= �
. . . . � ... J said "if we had the pop- from $50 to $70. A ongst the former: met with an experiene they W, 'UQU .. 0 gL4 wo% I- I I
.� .
. . . I I lation," but I . ited States haso list-honies have been builo for Lewis soon forget, After arriving at Port . A 03 - 1-61 L 0 .
L rAdles Underwear . . illation that the TJn � .0 4) 4 . . � . . I
. what would'we"be with our. resources Aidsworth. Ooderich township 1, GoO, 'Colborne the freight train they had I - , � , -
I . 1. W OA . I * .
' . � � . and Immense territory, go much larger Cockerline,Seaforth'road; John Noble, pve.viously� been travelliagonwasm4de . , .. . I " .oa. ." 0 . � .
Not many str3res rseii as good Underwear for than yours V11 That always 11shaW I , . up into a double header ivitb 87 ,carif . ,%,. I .- - I
. Hallett,, Chas. Middleton,' Goderleb . I . *I
reet. attached. Bafore coiningto F6rt,gite . 4) 45 04 i I .
25c and 60e as we do. A few , st fewi may Imt .. t( uphram They towtishig,and W. Mair,Princese st � � � I . ..,T:f 0 ev A; t - � .
. them u - ) Ilse 0. sla k It is necessary for the 'train to make 0 . 11, 'a ..' . .
Ju a � oboon 1. . � CS .� . . .
. , I a� very. I .00 .
P to b,o told t at Can it halt circle before climbih I . a - ; .
don't IC ada is A back itchenanaverandahliav
there are not many of them. No� better Underwear* ..� arger tbari the United States", . Added to Win MurWe house, of the heavy grade, Jn Orde - - 0 80 it M * 11 N- .� 'a .
is made ' ' - are quito - . . ... . 11 1 4 Cc " .11 ,
. I Base -Line; Harland Brog'. residence on 0 0 1
for the price ' in Canada,. SO We I Princess street has been completelyke- necesSary to travel A pretty fast speed 4) $4 U -4. " ,� .. ..
willing to have yoU match them for v%lue vVith any . � COLLEGIATE NOTES. -The 0. 0. and onlartied ; it new kitblien and just as the train wasstralghtenitif -S A -�4 44 A ,Ir " .1 11 I �
. . 1, L, S. met in the Assembly rooli of modelled i t , 10 0i 6 W. -
1. I � I the Collegiate, on Thursday, Nov 12, and other Interior a terations. to 0. 0, out near the top of the hill It
� .
you will get anywhere. I . , Miss 0. Cooper. in the chair. Rance's-, it kitchen to,T. Gibbings'house This action bad the effect of �'lxttianv�0011' . .40 V bo W (P (5 6 r �.. . I �
14 .. I . The 1. , W. Ross resides', a storehouse the brakes and the trainbeingsoheAvy, . ,C9 0 70. A 4i i6p, � .� I . �--,; I
I .
-At 50 ets At %5 CtS , -I - . . aleebing Opened with an instrumental ill �Vl, lich fg. CO. -, additions to Mrs came to A standstill rather %bruptly. . I 1 .'" .* . , I 11.
. by Miss H. Davis, Air Bluffham. then for lackson N .W. 06 I.t. -
Lsolies ribbed Vests, enough L&aleo Ribbed'Vellia,obliVea, Reid's house on Princess street 'west, M r Piusimous was staudixig near trio . k g 4), a I � . ......
I � . I . ,
cotton mixed in with the fine quality,8616 finishigoo . gave anintovestia I ea. �Xr, )or,gT&§pmg the handle, but with the � - .. . ,, i
a . ,taddreag ou."Shak . and 4 TebbutVs on Princee,.4 -street do W ::
, noss of the r
peare," after whic, thabusi 4 ci
wool to keep them ftc%m Weight, every dige fall, no east. Som6 changes wore Inade to the speed that the trainbad been travelling 11 wo 00,M �' I .!� , I
11 society was attended to, , The -new tpagei broq.$ht his I 03 ,
nbrinking, � P. , 0 , I " .1
good weight, soft skimping, nicely finialled . business brougbb up was - Moved by old Hollyar property on MAVY str6et' and the sudden sto; ro t� w. �1 I - , ,,.,�
finish, well made and trimm- with 1&oe 'and Abbm all � , Mrs Joh�h Scotes ro6f raised on Hatten-' heita in contact Wit the glass in door, .0 i
C Tisdall, seconded by X., Houston, I W 4- $.4 .
ed with lace, pearl buttons, � sime and drawors tomatob bur street,, a fjecdhd story b Cifit to the and hc, went through it, cutting his $And a's 40
all sixes'dowers to matob . special pot garmalli ".., �','. %r,e . that a. committee be appointed to III— bact part and other interior 4extet- face in several place& Front the time . tv 0 4' pko , . I I Ir.,
I terview the Board as regards keeping A�pened till the express � 0 84S �;,% - ,
, 8 e . es made -, reVairs oxlelevabat?� the accident h . . 0 .1; 0, "
per garment ............. . * teep's hou � so, tower on W. CAIn6`11 I owing I I
� the Assembly"room in better Order-' 'or c"An won which was close f011;
I 111nions Y. � Mr 14� �� 11 . I
' I
* I I I va 3, I It%simons baa lost consider- 14 '6 W *0 I .
Plush Knit VeAs SO ets The motion was carried Una oherty's'lliansion, a pordh for Mrs therh �J'4.4' 'D L ' . �
The debatew "Roolved that Canada _ "W '14, � ".,
very soft bna eomfortall Criph, Alb(3et- street, and Ver - 0.4 ,
andahs able blood, On arrival at Fort Eric he 46 44 ,
WZ11A Ladies plush knit ves fg, 16' was treated unjustj� in the recent set- - T. wag put on board an engine And taken tp 40 04 A ,8 . . 1.
. , made by a patent process, will not, shrink ap. voi,641 tiernent of the AIM an boundary. The for Meqsrg, Gibbin s and ROOver , , W 0 '3 . . V
e - wasbed, drawersto rattbb pot gaVwetit.,&.*.i-*%* 50C RidouVs and Un #roctoes residences-, to where the coin any's doctor was at 02 00 , i
." !ZL 1. . affirmative was upholdby Miss CuYlor, of Lit- work who dresaeTthe wound'; "I'd (lis 0 10 1
,4. Q P. 1411'
r� - 4 . . � built a barn tot Thos, Marshalli J . � .6
.."� , =�;..4._A I Mr I(eyes, Mr Becton, a -ad the nega- I fur L a � ov I 0 . . . .
, tie England -, nishad the interior eovered that an Artery had bile -4 V- 4) 1#0
." 11. 11
'A��, P,I'aln.��J��; , , , I 11 I 10, .r � . _ It I I
fletter lines 75c and $1600 % 'k - " -A . . tive by Air manning. Miss Thompson, ,Ill. Keep'qiq 1 '404 1 'I -
JA finighines for Harry XOpy And Henry ored in front of the left ei 045
, I . N1188 Mcxa�r. The subject Was Well Wallilee, Hullett, and shipped to Jgs. tip tinder excitenlent he ftecoillipanied , Ei ON600 . ..�:; I ... �
Combination Suits $1.25 and u 50 discussed. The ptegident 9M thdild- . P I " " , , �: .:`,�, � I I e
Children's Cnderweftr, a9 SIZ06 111any qualiftes, Armstrong, HartnOY, mau., forbis re. his l6libS Across to Bitffll,10, marketed - po V,d 0 . " I
vantage to the affiraig,tivoi, After the - - , , 1_:� ` ", " I 1, _4! I 1, �:,. . I �
� sjolonco he is buildin Out there. Two theta and Arrived home late VVidAY I '1%4 - 4 4 0; " �: �� " � ,. 1. I I 1w," ,
� '" 0 1 1 1 1.
0 ta .,C; 11 I I .1 � �1 I � I
.; , I
, . 4'
I , 1
deliate'a recitation was given by Mr ' Saturday &ftern000 lie be. i tg_ " , - . _11, �
Bloomers aud Tig-JAItS Wets, $1-00 $1.25, , ad oil residences in GoderION Ikee Idso been ' Ovenfll% . '1111 11. �., .� I , : � I
. � :. - . �,%111�=- Tobbutt, and an essay was re sup ganta oeltheeIY400tocifloalngsoiiiuclit . I 11. :� 'A I
. .�:J.,. . "; I . okied,��iththis4oltiesofwCteriAlfrOm *a Atia had 0 seek IT, 64 �ss I . 1. o�Vl,, _� " � I I
",Diickenall.byMr'C(Ylclollf,"- Th�"r't' Me ionzie's mill. These last items of his vitai flu, � -*a .
. . , M. :54 i -4 117,* .4 �,��kl-,i�,1,0, . I r ,
. ic, Ur McLean, offored jig criticism, speak well for 01intotl, Most of the doctor's aid, but a codille of days ro .� 4 : ..'si I . I .
� elosqa ll� singing I I 0 0 R I
And th6, meetin( former bullil)ag 0 erationshave takelt rest placed hinx back on his feet and , --i 0 ItO &-14 "�"`<7A��.���,% �� '
'6 - I ,,Goid Save the Xints) The next Jlaeet� ,Plato Ju.town, anq buL re-eclioes the is slowly recovering Ilia stlength. . I .
HODGENS BROS ' in of t e 0, C. I. , Society will be & ,,4. ,h,kf,h0Ab06jq0jjntOns8 ScverAi of the eats were stowed In, by �. � . .. .. I . � I -1 .
� I I th �sbombl rooln Oil Nov 20" '01A - WOOPM 'T . I L 11 . . dP
� hodint OA good fortune to enjoy. In additIOU tO I the sudden s �ping, aiieL turabled the ,. .
C LI N T 0 N f the imbjeeb tot debarle Is Resblved that the above it6tus done �, thcw we must I train hands exil furlftitttrO Ar011hd like , . . I 1, Aa S . %, �
. �, �. A fire is Moro destructive, thAn water;tbo ------. - I h000mb6block ehaffin the wind, It, is teluAl 0 1 , I VOOO Voice 0 � .
--- --- - -
, I I—, . -111-11. _ __ � I � -1. 11 -1 _ -1 L.I., -1 I I mootitigii of this poofeq, live 011ebi And now in'tfie-handa of 0&tPehtett Q4 that further aams.g6 6d Iniur) , i _ I 1. . I I . . . .
I It lit hota ththt they will lid largely At . not'done, . I I .. .
____ I _�� 1, bri4okl&yers', I �
. . tatihoa y, the citizens of out toWn, . I * . ,�
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