HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-30, Page 4I �, . 7 . - I - 1-11111,1110111.131,117111M
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I "*----�--.�,�.,!��:,�,,��:,!.,�,ii,�.�=,��i,:�i,o::.,,,-�.�!�:!I:��.,.P,�1.1..-- . I I ql";.!" 1: �,::1!1111!1=1 1111m,"Z11:11:111111: J11P11110= - - 01MCM VXW IRA I
�. , � 4- I - __ , � . - ! - � __ ! = . ft "* 1941
. . ;i il _____ -_
. P"""" i I � .1 I ... I .. 11 I. - I � 14".."" -ft . . . I I I I I 1. - - 11 . � � ..iI,, 00=1111111111 01 ''I
I . I .. ! I . � I- 4 -I"'-
. I , ." The flarlhoentury Sonia,
. 17� 11OWMAw" , 1---- M
'� . _q:u!%� At igm-w- IRV* - IV' I I .
I . *1 , 110_011111t;___� . � '. , , , "� - I The third oossion of the ninth P " Is -for
� Splendid Sho'Wing. - . . liament. of Canada is at litat at an eirrd-, �
. . . TIODAY,.'00TODUR �9, lt,(s, ,40;*&fter Wilfug. 16r tbe 11 p t . materia
: . . __ 1'. I � I I-- -, .1 � e4 Period Of4p 4 receddif -
. . . I I ,4rly eigh
I . � "Weary Titan , , t mouth$, the
, I rests from It
,. . I . . I . . compulsoty voting - Not since the construction of"""' "I Art Needle ajod
I . "--"--OF-,.-, 41an Facifte Rallw the c�an-
' . . I 11 alwas first mooted . i
L 4
i blis Parliament bad efoire it me
The Seaforth Expositor 10 an advo- of greater , a6ures
I Growlit moment to the �ouptry,. I
I i , r cAteof compulsory voting,andimagines ' aiscussig Out of its deliberations and
. . Wome"n's and Children's W*nte Coats and Skirts 0 Crochet W r
� . that if such were law, It Would remedy no Is thq vast roject to build TV 0, k
I . a new trauscontinenta line, it project
f many of the evils'attendant upon elee- calculated tostir the Willa and kjb(,,�
� P EOPLE who know tell us that our present display of Ladies' and Children s Winter Coats,''etc., tionsatthe present time. V the enthuslasW F _ . ",�� .
r I I ' erhaps Of tile nation, The
; outrivals anything to be seen in town , � I I . I , . I
. . .1 -, .. � "compula&F Attendanceat the polls, tVVO great Oceans which wash reqpeot�
, . . ively the efttern and Western shores
. , if 3 on are making up. any kinds
. would be a more accurate .description "Of Canada are to be united with of fanoy goods wc wil
I . Every garment in our stock was bought direct from. the maker and is Made In the very ,latest - of the 14' ,Xposltor's position. . 0 only� link� of steel; ,ill) e .fresh I be plesoed
I � . I - I . . � . . Tit . norynous area, an to ahQW YOU the Materials we; havi
� style, the tailoring is perf empire in itself, is to be.added to our lately 4ddea to 0
1 1 . argument put forward by the'14,'xpos . , ar stock,, so we irs
11 ect In every particular. . . I 1. � .. . . I- babitable territory; vast stretches of confident the-seleotion is the
' .
I . . . I tOr, is, th at if men were compelled' to 01nVerand great tracts of fertile land eat and best on the . now -
V , . market,
� .1 go to the poll, it would do away with a -e to echo to the WOOdsMan's axe or .
i We ask your attention to the prices we quote, ask.you to compare t'hem' with those quoted else- corrupt practises,and bee the settler`� cheery song; the broad .. .Tbe assortment. comprises
m . . the . unusual savings--.aff'orded by . ame the Ron, of western Prairie are to � I
I where on similar gar ents. You will be able tbem to, apprec z"n'Vilell'opp"s of bushels ,of golde
� . late . Mr Fitzpatrick does not approve of the
I n rairi to
. � . principle, it assumes t1lathe I,; not meet the world.'s grciving d 1111, ;,be DOILIES I I
'. I
�, the progressive methods of this store zilcl of this Particular department, � i� yond.the prairie,6ountry t . �
� . � . favor of electoral plivity, ain, le 'co -_ - _ to , rin , TAhLE,COVgRS . .
. . � I . I I Isn't that inount, A whitc-ca,pped andrugge , . .
. are to yiehl their choicest trettsilres to STOCT4 COLLARS
: LADIES, COATS AT $4.50, $5 and $6.50 � rather a poor argument ? It is at any the sturdy Winer; and across the
z The best coats to be had anywhere for 010 111011ey ale Furs . Have . Advanced Twenty rate a n'lost unfair position to put the CUSHION TOP$,
� �� I I . suroqth, 1�olling Pacific, ocear grey. I
; . . . . . . . . RD
t the ones we bn ve at the above prices. They are made of F 0 1 M11118tc-POf Justice In, for his attitude bounds are to carry the proiluct.j of ,
i . . I V I Canadian farms and factories to the CUSHION FORMS
woo', fl-ieze ai,tl tine beaver cloth ill Oxford. grey and - � ive Per Cent,, it, connection with the election lawhas. busy marts of
. black. 8011le are nice] " . . - 1. , . . . � been all in the direction of )urcr clec� .0'anada, the y th6 Orient. Surely . HANDKERCHIEFS CEN.
i y trimmed with Ta ffe t a s i I It. All ' I � I _oung giant of the north, I TRES and FOOTINGs,
. com I I I . But not so here. � We, placed tions, . . . . , , ibitious enterprise, bits given 'b'ANCYGOIABS, RTO.
. e ill the new loose back effect. . . ". . � ' . . our order with the The question of con1pulsory vot, I'V )f of its right to rankaniong . .
.. I � manufactures many. ,Months ago and 'buying together , f ile"I'llil"111-111
; I I . I I . I its recently threshed, out intile Ho ing the corril" unity of nations. . �� I VA..%,-W,%,%,%,V&,W1VW I .
. LADIES' COATS AT $7, $8 and,*$8-50 ' ith seven, large stores,as we have done it has enabled us Of COMI'lons. and ivhile the principle . �
: w I I use Njim, Ti?A-N8V0XT1N*,-sTA1, LixF, I .
I . : �
When you see the Coats the,c;j) prJees repregelit, you tr offer you the very best furs' fill] y 5 - - per cent, lower had Borne supporte Thero'centseosion beatsallreeords,.
I . I . 2 .r.s there, they were s. . - Belaingpe '
. I . . very few. It was propose(, to haviJigbegun. on the I2tli'fbJarcbI Art Sillip, 6 skeins
� disfran- 0 archI
will wonder how they cal. be made fo.r.the aion�y. Tbey tha.�n if bought tod�y. � . Cbise for 6 year. every one �vbo declln� IthasaIsobeen One of theniostim. for . . . . 25
1 are inade of fine Scotch Tweed,Frieze, alld Zabeline cloth. - � E'very Fur Coat, Ruff or Caperine in our stock is ful- 1. 04 to vote. In -tile discussion that took POrt,"it. PtIrlianlentary terms Ili our . , Imperial, 14ustre, per skein,, I 05
. . . . .. - p'ace'not one good, substaneial 'g.11. .history, It best deserves conimezno� I - .
I Most of tbeni are lined with 0� gobd pality of Satana' ly guaranteed � I . � I � ni - %"____-1
I I I - Went wasadvanced in its belialf. It is ration forthe legislation provided for - Orkn'e
I I I . -
. ,,,,,y, 6betl ridiFl.000, the
. I � � impracticable, and instead of c1lilng 'the eon0ruction of another transcon- i I mo t&e ra d, full ,
. . . .
� -cloth and all are DiCely trimmed with strapping of Broa,d- ' We ask you to call and examine our stock and com.- electoral evils,'woxild develo tillental line,* under the name of the � Ounce ��, or ? a 1,01, w .
. . Cloth or Satin. . � � pare prices, - . at are riot desirable. Oer 1) features -and Trunk Pacific, With the incep. a 'in , b � bite
: : 1. . . . , I I . � , . . . th, tain classes Gri 'na cc "red , I" r skejo'
; . . . . I . of the community do riot vote for co ' tion, discussion and pits of thIs I . , . . 40$
; . . n. I .
. � ant act the Prime ' I
'. FS AT 0, 63.50p $5 to $25 . .. . . scientious reasoxis. The Seventh Day import, a ter was I
LA D I ES CI)ATS ,AT $9, $1 0, � $ 1 1 and $42 � �- 4 ' Fur RUF IN"Is .
. i ' Adventists, the Luflierans, the Breth- . 1%1k1%1%11%~&1W .
At the above prices we ,are sbowffig c,gats that we : Of 8 . . closely identified. Notwithstanding I . I � .
I eal, Alink, Ohio Sable, Alaska Sable, etc. :*.. ren, and others, take thl,z, ground, the strong opposition of the Const-rva- � I I . .
I . I . .
. I have neVC7' bef'ore been able to sell under oil'e tbird'more, 1. . . I . I .. � . . � I - Why should they be disfranchised if tive -, the measure Passed both .
t T I Butt,erick 1P.9tici]IS -
ido Hou party
� 'CAPERINE5AT $3i95' I the es, and practical steps will be .4
; then what we now ask. They are made of el egan t Zabe- . 1 �$4.50, $6.75 to $38. . . TlOtWish to vote.?. Personal s - . .
!. k,. nt and liberty must beallowed n. for its'early col�ilmencenient, . � '
: - 0 0 A e ) . � -assortment. from. in Borne thin s,and this is one of them, . . For atuthe.paml
. .
I line elotlis, fine Engli,,h Kel ,,, t I - . 11 ar i ice� At these prices we have an elegant . . , me The Government Will build the line I - . . 1:
I 'se,�, cloth .. . �11( - take I I . ., . ly. ;
1.), trimnied and are litled thro'ughout. ". . . I . . . 1. . . .: which to choose. . They -are' madp, of Black Astrachan, I .a . To "cornpleTmen'to go to tbe p611s" from.'Moncton to'Wihnipeg,andthe I ..
. . 1. � . Nov�inber Bfitterizk Pat. '., �
. . I
. � . . fi no .gl . would be found impracticable. Such Grand Trunk' the - ipst of the railwity � . terns just received meits the . 4
' . . � ossy curl at $3,95, of Bla6k Opossum Persian.'LaMb a law- could easily, be evaded And jf� �o the Pacific coast, tbe'latter receiv- . needs ikf tbii.Ladlea,.the men, - 1 4
� .
: 'CHILDREN'S COATS AT - I . I I and Sabl� col6bination, .etc. . ! . . . I . . , ) . .. �. , . .. . it was b6t'ii dead letter on the Statute - ing-a . guarantee of bonds toward8 that 1 . tbe baby, the boye and 'the 4
1 . . ' . � ,� . Book. it 1votild trougly.
1 $1.75, $2, $2.50, $�.50 to. $5.�' . . .. � .. be r. ,u object. The line will be constructed girt"., We can allow, you.
. SO-' , = ' 'JACKETS- - - - . - . � . n � rtled as
� BLACKrASTRACHAN�. ' . . ,an infeirigme t.ofpe.rs()nal y . without a, dollar of subsidy in cash -or mcdea for evenhig &pd dressy
q in Children's'Cloa .1 . 1. . . .. 1. . . �1
. Wo nvv(Ir had soell valne. . '�,('b8e' ,I
; ts, as we . .� � .. . I � . - -Y I lands, aria provision is made for run- wear in 11183011 and all other 4
... ' . '. . . . I I
. ,
� , have fl)i,� spw O 1'every coa,t is infide* of 6 good strong0loth I , . . . I . ,'AT, $25, $30, $3310 $45� " ' . .� ;M . . ning rights to other railways, Thij.s I .. current drapings; severe aid �
. . : . . . . .. I . . � . Treat� aking Powers, ' the principle of 'a common highway is . dainty at) lee for. the street,.. 0
. . . . : � . . .1 I ---.." , , . � . .
: that will give excellent wear. Most of them' have the. , - All.made of good str ' � 'dopted in connection withthepro I I 0
� � . Ong skils that are f4fly guaran- . a - InJoetil riquirementsot the 4
! � . � In discussirg.the Alas ii Bounditry day. and ill
. little shoulder'capes ,,,.ild are nicely-trimmedwith. braids - te ,b he ihaker,. .. - . ,. , . . . ... . , .1 I . I;ka . 1: ji�ct. A*9econd very important law, I ome 6,r� met in -our . ,
: . . . .. e , recentl enacted I,-, that which creates supply of
etc. . I � .;, 4 � t . . . ca4 'in the. House y ' Butterick-Pafterns, �
. . I . . . . I r on .Saturday, Sir' � . I .
� . . . I . t .. , BVA(K ,PERSIAN- LAMB . - ' - I � I Wilfrid phile -- i. T �. . it rail %vay I . . .
. I . . . : . . . � . . . I c011anlis;iOn to Tezillate rail- . .. �' I .
. � .�l
.. . . . . , . . � 1. ,.. . I . � . . . # 11 m bg regret r(r %Vay rates and to deal. with all the Im- .. . . .. . . . . I .... I . ? .. . . � . . !.. .1
' I ' I . . . . � the decisio' . . ,0ft,,%-%.W,",V~& I . , � � 1. I.. I ,
TAILOR=MADE SKIRTS FOR WOMAN ' . . . . :1. I . . tJACKETS'AT $65 and $75 - '. ' ' n, said that jt' u14 j) J portant, matters afrecting railways in . . . . . . . . . ,
' . .. I . I . - � . . . .. . . I I . . �. % . . I � . . . I I .wo . ' "e- -Wbich the public, are interest 6d.- The �. . . ,. . . ... I I I , � , . .� I'l
Tile ,-kirts we sell are all mado ' All made of ski ' . . eas-lPyll'owfor 0xilada, to ji-& Gre � . ', , , !, . !
, tailbi's who A I. I it bilifor'the -redistributio'n C6oper:4 .0-1.. '_ . '. �`, I � "
1. 0 � . . I lis that will�giv.e`good we'ar,fine glos-' i, Britikin to: gran of constitu, �
noth,ng but first class work. Every rt shown re is. SY cur . . I . . t .her. greater treaty. enpies wAs referred to a special iom- ,
: I 1�1 -
. . . c
p oi , be * 1,.spleI1did satfti.linings., * - I . . I I . making Pqwer4.-. This seems to b,
� this t-eason's newest style and the . . .� . 11 . . . � . . . . - � * I . . . eo mittee-'06mligsed of members of both I I � . 11 . . 0. I :,
. . pi-ices.*,are- I ess tbany '' . . I I . bl� part!69 Thus, for 'the first finteirt. I I . . I . � �, .... .
. Ou - - -------- __.:-77--�'-------- --- . I . -r.msontible,bui 016 sta. ent h . . . . . . ... I . � � . . . . I
. ..
- will have to pay elsew' , t.ew asrolls- Cimadian history: Conii6vativ � . , . ... . � �
� . .
here for qualities a's good. ' 'Nearly - ' - e I the an " , . . .. I � isgand � �Wv WAWAVAVAVA . VIVA. I A � 01 m A A A m A . . . I I . 1. . I �., . - !
I . I . . A. FEW BARQAINS FOR-FRID-AV - S. _'__7 ' � � -ger of:soine papers in Greaf Liberals took part -In the fra M.Ing� of a I � . .
fifty new skirt,� arrived this week. , ::, - .. . i ATURDAY --,------- I .. . . .
. I
. I I . I _ , . ' Britain. They i '' * �Eislire, a proceeding, ' , . . . �
, - . - . * I * . .. litimate that Ca: a redistribuliou roe --�-. - --- . �-W-_- . .1 .
� . . ( � - -AND MONDAY ... * 1. ' . bad was'ni ' ,itable to the Gov-- -_ ' I
. � . ' I -
. . 1- . . I �
I . � . . I . . I . I I . . I . - which ' .
I . , must Oletly acquiesce"in the loss Of ", nment's sehse .The'Work 7tecomplighe I :. ,.
. - . ,� I . I . , . - .. .. I : . - '. 1. I � 1. a , . � pst cred . dt',,
AT $2.50, $3.50, $4, $5 to $7.50� . I � ... . :, . I � .� I . I . of Justice. Th� pr!.h_ 1. .. - * - . "I
. . .. .. 1. � 111. . I . P12R5aWn_d1$11.5,0,' 'Black Satana U d fts� territ ' .. ciple '.&Ilowed wics that of 'county I � aftmmm, . . . 4,_ . - � ..
'. We are showingran elegaiit rni . -1 . or�y., without raising anv .. I
. . . ge -of � styles dwnww- - 1 - ... n. erskirts at 98c . . 1 P�6- . . � � . ....
. . . . I.. ; . . � I . .. . , The Conoery tj ' . I
� I . . � . test. T�at I , " , boundaries., Although 'the Conserva- . I .it vesparadethegrowtf-�. .. I . . .
&tve the in -ice -ofthelill , .. , YO11 ' 4 dozen UnderskiRs Wide ii an ext rit " � so,. Ong asshe ' I . I . � . � . - I
aking if you bu y' ' . ki, � .. I ,. heav , .. .dbe8jiot con- t i , * 4 tbitE there 'were some of expenditureasevi ,. - I
. � our. s rt here' $1.25 , . . . Y $11t aria cloth regular . . .. . ives.comp ainig 04 � 11 � ,
. y , .. and $1.50.for.. . 'tri.birte to I endAthatLibe � .. ..
I .
- .1 .. . . : . . I... I I . � ....................."......",.:,..,.,.....- ..... .98 � . mPqrial'defefid6,s& ba� no i11641ialities 'of population, they did have' .a , I I . � I ..., .�
- . . I . . �. �� .. . I � � .. . I 1 I h 6 . be'ea'wasteful.,- They - . �. ..
I _ I . . . . � 1. . rig t,tc) iisl� for further favqr.;, '' .1 not appear. to merit serious'attention, . . n6ver by� . -: I � :.
. - . - . . - : . '. i : ' 8c Shaki�,r.at Sc - * . � .. . .. .. . with bu , ' ''
________J --- �.-- . .. and, h
.1 ., 1. . I . .. ... t two.' changes of ihopoit- any c. ance tell th er: side'� of the. . . , . .
. . . . I . This may.be acb? ' . . . .
* . . . . ,�300 yards of bcavy p1jill and'striped-F) ' ' 'rect.vleivof the ease ance,.th6 bill -wag passWas it. c .
� I . . .. ,, - annelette'regular 8c;valu at ,a . alne Story�what Liberails' haVe - d b be w * ' � .
1VI E N'S AND BOYS1 r-UITS 'AND I - - . I .11 ; �e. IS., . 1butif the people Ili the Motherla;nd fromthe c minittije. I - . .. I I . . ithl. �.
� � .. I OVER -COATS I . " . . . .. . �: . I I . expect, 11s,to (Iiiietly-seeour - . . 16 . e ino . I e . Y. I Here ar6sowe . of the items .' I . . . I I
. I �
. I . 1. - . � 7.5c Pingering.-Yarn At 55c . . �:. . . . .�' .. . I territorial . - . th .n
I � . . I . i.- I . � I 1. . I � . . ... jrlg.b to bhnde�f bver to out. 11 I . 1. . Fix,A w,rAL '.Fz.A:T,U4Vs . : � . . . I . .
I , . � . � . Ili - I , .1 '. . I , . . - I 1 The gro . . . ,1- -
I , . � I ..... . .I I , the south'of. us without i)*rot&st,. ' . � . ad * . . .
" ,
A complete stock to -choose.from, . � . .. . . . 601 9 of:the. best SePtchYlirgering � Yarn, t ' -I - 1 , , ' ? I . eighborsto � .as foreign trade of Ca . .
. i � � . . I . , hat s a wliys; sold. at I - Aliek Th Fir a a I I .
. - . . .. 0 budget' speech' of' the Ance bits risen fro
: I . . . . I I . .11. - . I I .1,40f9l"..".1 ....... *... � ....... i .... `......" ...... . , , are much .Wist;'k-e'n;'Tbe 0 MinisteiI j . m $239,000,000 in IM? thei - � - ",
I ,
. - _::.... __ 4 h � , . . , I . � I .. .. . .... �', - ..". I ... I 1, I i..,., . 2.61.6 . .eat trbuble disclosed . an overflowing. last year of 0 itservative: rule ' � . :
. - . _______- �---7�- - -. . .. . . . .. . I , ,
� . . . .. . � . .. . , . . . . . I I � . . . . I I .1 - is tba,Cthe people "there do not .ki,'o* treasury�andii, surplll�'of several Wil. 0 1 to W41 _ . .
. . . . I V , I . . .. : ... I I . � � . .;� . .. . . 000,000, - It is now within &. fraction or- � I . .
:, . I . . � . . . OUR MOSIDT BACK , ,. I I ,. . .. I � this c6l"t"y OrAts People; They 1W-' liOns:Of dollars. The -principle of 1!0� being fo I . .� .
- . .
� 0 I I I , I . I . . �
I I I . . . . -IF YOU WARVAT : - .. I I., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . � I agine we IVIVOatarr6" NVildeTnessivith tali4tiOn was adopted by �r times greater than it .
. . I . . 11 . . .., � . .. . , I . .� � � -� . . . the. applien- 186S .11 . was in .. � �.t T , , "
11 � . . � ., . I . I . ." . . I.. * , - I 1. . . . - , I
� . . I I , . .:. . I.. . . ? . I . '.
I � . . . . . I I .. . A few indigns I . . . .. . � % I ; I'- . .
. - I . ..... .� � I � . I .a. , , I . . . . : �. '. . ' and white. getl,je� not tion to - jinpox-ta ftom Ge many. of a ..2 P atioxi 'has . . . . 11
. . . . ... . .� . I I 1.1i . : . I . 1. I., �. I � - . . .. I � . . I . .. . . �. . . Worth consideration . - .., .S. . 'r I . 6ru ''. , . , .
I . . - I I . . . . stirtax of one-third over and above the 61, , , . gre,�tly. in'cre"ed .� .�, .. .
.. .... � . . . .. . . ,, . . � . � I . � . I '. � ' The 'Canadian �eople � I since 1 .;immigration was pevei, -so '. ' . ,
I . . a . .. . � I I I
I . . . . . . _ 1. . .. . .
. . 1. . . � pd. intensely dilties*16vied. und(vtfiegibneraltaxiff. and .the cioduB, Mi. practic '' I . , .
. I , . . I .. I . . I �
. . . I . . ally - -11 I
I I . ,This wasin return for Germany'apply., ceased. Meanwhile .
. . , . � . . .� � z oval to the -Empire, I)ut their loya,ity large
. . � . . I .1 .
. . I., I I .... 19 .1 - . . . . .
I . . .
. � I . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1. is being badly �stralhed,' and, another* inj beV maximum rate 0 , . It vex
. . . . . . . . ..I -y considerable . :,.' � "I
.. . ., . . I , . . .� . . . . �' .. .1, I . ... .such cl&isiou as the Alaskaft ,A-%vard imports ,f I r atity against movemenvof Americans 'into � �... .
. . I . .
. . . . . I . I . . I rom otilladit, � p, -I ampitt I . . .
I . I � I . . . .. , .. . I ... . � . . � . . 1 I will test it severely. 1. . . I 11. air horized, the. ar i ias set in. DOW11 to June30 last the., . . i
I . I . I . A I . , . granting of bounties Amdricari Immigrants to the 04n . ... ��
�. � I I . . . 11 1. 1. . I . I I I . I . . . . � . Why shoulduotCanaditha�vegr ' . . .. . I
. . . . I . .1 . :. � _ . . . ��,rter� -for the follb ng purposes -. Onjead. -Northwest lluW0ered'I20;0()0,.. ;�iian . � � ..
. . - . � . �., I . I _... ..1. . I I wi I . I . - - , ''
I . I . *
. - I 11 . .. . I . man . .� .1 . 11 � . . - � , . . I treaty6niakirigl)6wers? Why"sh6utd II)e4i�iiigoi��$�iniii6d.inrlrneltedinC,t . All thdt:�'� -' �. . . , �. .
. . . . . I I . n_ '
. I I . . . . . . . . . . . I., I �. . . gli�iiotbe'allowc-diii6re-v)ice-in her.; ada,$2-15aton . t 6()uzltr)r is being rapidly sett .. 11
I 1
.. .1. I . I . I .1 '' %: - � .: . I . .... . I I ow . ( . , li� bo a m-aximiltri of as.1t . ledup,and - .' ". . .1
1. .. I , 1500,000 & factorkgood , �..
. . I .1 SPOPuiation rows thedernomd for
. . I �. - that aRect.her aim matte" - 9 ' '. ' I
. I .. - . . � I . .-.90SM . . . . � : :, . ii. affairsthan she has? .in
� * . � I .- 1. . . .. . . , . . � CLINTON : . . . - � �. .yba�, 0 cease in 1908- on. '
, � . . � . S an genOral)per handise * �,
: __ - _________ ... . - __ , - . . . . I . . __ I - . . I . - ! "I. I .. . . Ost alone why binder twin,e mal)aa6tured in Can�da,.: from- the. older provinces inc� c, � ..:, ... I .
; . . . . . . , . .i ..... - - __ I - _____ ___ I should 1")e necessary to submit' them three-:eigb to of a cent per -pound; stbli I eases, . . ..
. f Rev, . AIr % Gurine; -the o . ":.. I I Loc .. . . � the Downing St v �. .., .. .;., .. . tural steel aild.. rolled plates, $ le- r - S. Liberals bave-added to and improv.- ' . . .. ...
fficers and * . I. 0 al I . � I.
e , , -- -e :and on w . . . . . .. �
he coming. year wer. .1, . ,. , , _Xoteii . "d - -, The people mida b&Ye no desh . ii� rods $6. per ton 3a, ton, eO.tbe IntercoloniA till it is now able ' �
cornmitte6 for t .. . . . awa,yp an a ir of Cil, .. . � , . . . I .
. re � _ I . I � ko�e friendij, and closer to throw off p4rental control -or auth- Tbe iron and , steel boililtiei, , t6earn running *expenses -,*and the�e I .
. I AnIong the Churches ,. I " _elected.., ," bond of unl6n'e., .. j � :.''." ,.,
* 1. . . . � ..... ,� .. - . 1 VA R064 SmArt boy *,anted to -learn falls dits Its c6lebratidn'l 01�1t;, litit I granted .betterybients have holpei1indiroeblya t6 , . . - .
: � . .... . I . � e day. has passed when we ,.in 1897 were - �
. Rev..W., M.cLe*nnan,X-' : PI-etsing)' Apply the Jaekson All g *Co. on WedbeAday next, 6tit little at- will quietly submit to Nvba4t ixtetided until 1.007.. upou . �
.. I I ippen, p entioli will be nditi6ns favorable to the manufac- , ' �. 1. � : . I
:, . ossss�����00 -edanniverssryqerwohsihSt.'T 1.'. Invitationsar' ' * t .. : 'PrOluott interprovin6l.ill traile, i�hich - - I .1 '%: ��
. e out for ,Lnother� .11A�t. ry. . .. � paid -to -it in n- to be cQ was never so great in the histciry�qfthe� .
, this con " ��m�sturii,tistal3d'infitit,deseo))Is .1 .1 turd Ili ,. .
: I . . . I . I . . n and I I .
. I , -given by the 1. . .. . I I . I I
: WESLEY CHUAcm.-Tbe ipeciaj ser- last Sunday.. .. , .,� � . . '� Holihe" b . I . , - the sooner the homp aritholiit e a country. . � ,. I .. . .
. .hop4rl to 6 t ciiiiO i, 0anada. Parliame& mad : .
I . .. . , I . rant for, five yea . . A. . .. .. � .. I I
: 'vices in this cbureh are still Wing con- 1. . I . . . ". R. X in . lestlealize , rs. t6wai.ds th& estab 4 . . _., . .
I lf�& dog bite � this the better. Ourinterest§hhve been fishment, of 'a. Canadian news . vb'*Iinpr&ved the St. Law* � . . � ..
. I their club room over Wiltsie's bidre. " Bathe the wound iiith cold water I trifled With i)l � . : I
tirued with growing interest. Sad- I .1 I anning v . ,ou don't be scared I � They ha I I ��
. 1, "
- Rev. H M bf .. . - , - -
.1 . . 611.&eaeb an- 1, . - I I sivvfce rence toute, are now prov, ing a cha ' ' ' ,
# . xe"Isrs liefd and Avery shipped Wet' and , . �very instance, 7a ' from London, 'd" ' ' I
niversary sermons at'Blyth Methodist; of st. . Ir I cover 1� with a cloth on - . rid -the - 1� . .1 . ". , ,
11� Tamental services will lie on' Sunday church, on Sunday, Nov 8thI; ock &ich�:011. Tuesday, which:_Weav- � eopl,e of ,big country have st6dd it as_ P . n begin with $15,000 nel,301eet deep between tidewkt�r'% � �. �. � 11
. ) � and 001- 61"s'Cerate bits been -five pread. . p . er An' ',in for the � .
i next, compieneing at 10 a. ni: This will ' Ong a. they fil s o years, �Montreal, constructed'' 13d
I 8 . 4 to The 0, I . I, - I.. . t� mili - � � - ;'- -
� � ': Hoare. shipped -it eat, of sugar beet. ely - s ntend to ' , . . . . . or. works . I . , I
Y ' * I.. "" ; I � ,D � .
. I I r�ATI I in(
. r8l ; . - - the pain, -paused : r I I Is at other p i to . all . I
I � 131 tbl fl t 'lipoitunity,of hearing Mr Dres4en'. I . ., . . ;_ . I . Orate relieves � I i H�W BE=.13Tjay of- various k
- ,
.1 I*% ILLIS CHURcii-A good turnout of MAnnin ,Wboo 1� looked upon'as�dne of . . by. the sting 'of I' se' .. . �. I. . . I .1 . . � 0111 , . .: I ,.. . .
the parishioners of Willis church list. the lea lh.'� lights'of the ' ' * ' I � . . . , " , ""m�" :. �� Tb,§ deAth �t Mr 'N' I Cl ' . with thervl�*-Of chdape4in t I
. 91 I The House f . D n 44. � . I . � I . . arke Walla 9 rall8por- , . . , 11
I I .INf6thodist . meet lie . o Refuge G'omiijitteewill I A special freight train that V. * ' , lui8b.one'st 0 remoVed ' c' tation rates and'so increasi � .�. .
, -in Canada. ' A freewill offP11111 ,e -tT . Vas com- , - . . . rftfclsiv� ... *.:..; �& prominent Womb' bg the 'sell� . .
� ened to Rev. Mr McLennan lastPriday elturch i -Jft6x .ue�dity, to' consider Ing from Goderle I;, .. I � er from ' ing value of Canadian pro'ducts, . - . . .- . I I .
I at both services, . , . ....d . I I . iiiiiblis.hed. in most of th nimons and afforded 1, ''They hii,ve open ' '' ' . I
� da Sacrament was observed at which of the general. th luilding, ' I I I ar� 11011nesville, and . 1. ted the Yukon
forthe proposed ad ition to 1 broke in two ,tie, the House of - Co
�. at the preparatory service .... On Sun- *ill.be taken u '* '' � thd lains' ., h on Monday, bight, An article , , -
- y T, nds:.of tha � . e an. opportunity � for the election of Mr served 6rder,tbere and -aided pre. I..
' 1.1eft about twenty cars there. Tbe'eh- Conservative p ' I A�chici. Campbell to representWest esfab., � , ' .
I Rev. Dr. Stewart officiated. . . . . . �� � . ... . t churchi -w , e * I , aPets) referring'to'.the I in '
I . I i Wall �.. . . � lishing --nothei, ' . ,
. _,____�' rl Monday ev6nIng'nex6viIIb6 held' Line went back-'froni Clinton an a 'IF* cial S . York. in the k � �
. r I . Wry, of,thp, Lats- Session,!, elapse * I 1�eri-d which. since . I . 11
I ' . . I I I .... ,. � . ,.::. �: � . I. lee regular mon, , , d, Dr, E. H. Horsey, 0 good& .. . o �...
, ONTARTO -STRPET CHURC11. �, . . . . . . thIV sessiozirif the town b.otl4litthem'down., . I . . . f North . . .
. - Ali � W1, Fj" me - sw " . . I ast. (Thursday) eve* ' 11, . � � is not �niyP -The*abotinding Prospei It ' . . . ��
'Evangelistic song service will be held . . � ... � . .1 � I I . I council, and: 1. ning' y ' ' . .. misleading, -but is wilfully GreY, - G. R. Maxwell of. Vancoliver 0 I isdue,of . s
, , ..
I -the scho6l bo d 'met, . J* bsteidaY afternoon �Thursday) the untrueI . I Arigog MeLbod course, toliaturtil'causes I, bit Liberal I . I
. � . - - I .3 ar . The. 9titernent is made that can � I .
11a t e Ontario Street Methodist . I I Clinton Gun Club contested for second I W. Bell,'df Addinq.ton, Thom claimcreditfo avingib I
I . . I .of North Qntariojjog� s , - . I
I . ,
,7 church next Stin(Jily evening entitled, . . . I Iiss Hine has refited-ber cottage at place: 61' th� 01 Mitchell' trophy. At ,the total . money - v AS i It, Y, a wise . . I I
. � I
t, o c'c ng IL ote for the year is tie of Ar4entertili Ion. Donala parq - and Othei - . * . . . . .
;� -Seeking the Lost Love Feast .and ' The annual thank-ofTering. Clbvl.$- readjustment of the tariff' .
I , in . present ,led by W.'A. Xillongh. to I I . I - I
g=.�T U Hovey hold it. and Will $225,000,0(x). � u 'measures,. allowed-Anditstry, full Tlay - , . I * -,
� I -�n . $ � is.. a ... ountis n ad hars011of West Queen's, P.141,.I,, p, R, . I
. was held .1ast Tuesday evening, - The -hin,the next Wont ., . I noludiria th- ,1, e up L. ''10iii-tineau ' that could1ave .( , I . . . . . J
'upper at the of the W'. F. �M. S. of Willis 0 reff - r -McLaug 11b, who will . ill , ", in the shoot. as well as n and.done all' . .
Bacrarrent of the Lord'sS, ove v ,a 6th. hk 1 Til,
morning service. ..Wit . . . . . . .
. I h . . . I . er.to hold Was -his own. e estirnat - o Of MObtXnagl1Y,' and .b h th, it ,Gzle , I 1: - , . ,
. . I . I I . . I . . . I e f.$120 - .11en;-y Cat -gill Ot Centre Brno , have an6 .. .; . .
attendanceWasf9ir, , ,The -President,. - kiBl; AgneS.13ablihas gone toCIInton,' " . Jusi . I OW far the c 000, timall Means to ady e ee - .- . . � I I �
� I . . , . b .
- a- TAa�poobfulofpe' "' D ,', onstru6tidn of the Grand afisi4red the, last dread'811W it interests c . � .. � .. - . .
1'. SALVATION Awviy, - Capt. Fennay Mrs R. Irwin ably filled the chibir. The rry .4vis . Ft. .e gener .. . � . I I .
� . . I
a,t meeting,op6ned with,devotiouol exer;: . I r:her bro- - water' or milk,'f rtink Pac! . Ineluding' the late Ri'Doliel They.are now ,I e way � I for . . � . . .
I -where she will keep house fo Piiinkillei - in - :waryn Worls. . fthe-coiiittry.-
and Lieut. Atkinson farewelleal 1� ; I tie, But t paving th ..
. I I heY. neglect t 1. ter) Irldni-A tion of. & ape . .
I Sunday, after over four months' faith- cipes, singing of it ' ther, R.'11.'011owen, who rec6ntly lost taken after exposure' --to - cold ,or wet 0 berg,of the" , '110 Construe I .
� hymn, .ieadln� 103 4his House h4ve - died since the d trans.r - : , -_;
I - .
� � ful fighting. The Captain goes to his . Psalm, prayer led -by Dr A. Ste his Wife -4, Blyth Standard.' jv�ill 4uioken the circulation and thus I say.that; amount is to -be spent by lasf genoral 1 I * I ctintinental road, wbich w on . . . .
. .
�, Wart..1 During the of Thursday, . the Riiii,vvily . 0 ections Ten' btfieks . r ill Cost the .. . '. I I .
� an,faver little, ensure competition . , �:
.. Ore then . . . Company, and. not by. tl,6,. have passed ftom the 46 Use,' Offhese .
bome at Wallaceburg for.a rest. The The niinuWs of last ineetft�� w , wind4orrn ' ' '' revent . a. :chill. There z is ' b . itt. one,116 , . . 11 . : .tax . . . I .
I new officom take charge on Thursday, , r tdt nd confirmed. -, - - . , One.Of tli�4awnings in frontof Rodgens Igairikillep, Perry Davis', , overnmen't * In the an-ot lower rates, rind open the b"k. , .
. I I , . . � 1. AT ' J 11 Godbojit, -A. MI. Disch- I .1.
1. Oct. 29 I we wish them every success , e' .a , k -offer �;Bros'stora Was toin'loose and blown . ,11. . � . I . I i.titls.also "" ' ' ' I country of,thd older Piovil . I � I
A h n Ing leaflet,ontitled I�Yd, We were pleased. . t * � e"0Z`a1V#". O.'. Edw,rd,"were called' ' , .
, ,
i and give them a welcome toViinton. , are -not your own," wa against oned tb 0 notice that at included nmrly � ' ' ' . . aces m - well* . � 1: I
, .
d ,,.. e plate glass.wfildows. the last convocation of TrinityUniv . '. ,�7,000,0ft whieli.itis to'the Sen&tO'. Sir Louis Davies, MessP4 as'& UeNV cOuntIT in tile West. From , .
s rea Wtlie 'and swashed - B. .. � , :
I I President. * . I . . . � I er- expected the Quebee clty.-bAld ` - Thorhas'Porti`�, 0. DesmAl.41fli and being ona side street When -the Lib- , � � 1. �.
. , I
. d by Mrs . . I � . L" sity Miss Xathleen Gunne; w receiv- . *"111 , erals,came In;. Canada has .. 11 . .1
i ST PATIL's-As an illustration to' A duet -was well rendere cost. The Govern go ' X Britton have ascended ibe Bench- ', I .
i ' . I . To accommodate his man* custom- �d her B. A, degree was also no merit does not'slidlid - �. . . . I
and Mr-Wai Harla d ers WIT. O'Neil has had -a second ho feAt of the � Go the recip- ,this ainou MrT B. Flint,was appoint
show the fallacy of human judgment 1 Gibbings, . 'leaged to a
vernor I front street,, and. under. t e SAWe . .
roe t, siry,pIY guaranteeing the ed 016irk,of
Then followed an address b) aded to his 'deliver 'do artmentj he as head of $t, Colle . OMPAhY which is con- by and Col- . .. . b . ':
: ha comparison with that of Gods, the! n Hll� -General's medal bonds of thle 0 the House, and Wr X Wise and Progressive rule "is bound to
: . rector scored Lord Alverstone in his I 0 'iest, on "Four fold , hev III I a , . .. 1&48 ge. StrUctingtbeworki - . . ondl Piior resigned , - Cor � . I grow apace,in the future, I ' . . . I . . . .
' - P, - I having purchased 91, V . The�telephone list is.'still gr wi ' � Theactual ,'mount ofth ll'y amo I enough . ..� . . �
.work of mis N , Coats little .
, sermon of Sunday night. for his de- 1 sionaries," the evangelistic, education- � driving -mare. ' I . the Mtest nurn�er to be pir I Math ligs alsoj)e'en �i ' It is� always wise to: let wel .44 ...
. I . e estimates 'Senators, the :follow,it1g, having" tile alone.
cision in the Alaskan boundary dis 1, 6 ca and industrial., The first, . . . .. I 01 "'M I is greater than in previous years, ow. ' Who would want to return. to
-1a I �t in i's at
.1 eva� - upon� . to 0. Stevenoon'sFurniture parlors. Rod. ingto.thegrowthithd development ' great 4 enatorg a; W. . - . when the c . I
I a tic
. I
, pute which has recently been passed I ., i6lued
. ,� stands foremost, the oth- 11 .6 onstable Welsh Was called the majority I thb old dit, I. onsetv ittive
� . on some � gens -Bros. havehad their o Of legislated c I . .
. Upon in England. He went onto say ers ar`& OnlF auxiliary to it. The speak- serve a, number of ,s , . ld phone. thO country; but it is mtri Allan, Pa uet, Armand, Q, 1*4 for thems - I .
. Colborne townshi 'residents taken out and* one of. thb be Ocessary to Cletnow$ oe.h arinichadl, elves and - . .. �. .
beings will error, which showed ho � on Tues- their friends : when stAgnatio .
�� that the supposedly wisest of human er dealt with each Be arately, linpart- . s Mong '%ttlff" tbeni . in ordbr to, make fair rRne, Dechenes, Dickdy� . n.- pre-
I reat deal of In ornlati da�, for some b eac of t e eace that distant phones instituted. I I Tfie'01)p6sition did not ob- 8 .), OiBrlen: Vailed and I . . :
: w Ing a To . I criticism- Landerkin,GilmorXeCallum peopie mpved out, and the � ..
. , . .
I , .
� on relative Ila occurred in at to nship, . . ' . Poster, Torout6,fo I cent of the estimates,' . .
useless it was to put our dependance to eae kind of work. He spoke ofthe . Mr "Dick" ject to One p rest of us , spe
. It ; I
. I . . wse and A, sectional and see gri " I 7 in . I
.1 on man ...... The Sacrament of th ill _'et O'Donobpe Piffittrose, Pro nt the time,largel
. in the Way of misalon I . � of our town, and who is so wall and , asked to Strike out a ve I y hits been Z . .. .t an quarrels P
. e great difficulties I I � - . rinerly and only T. Wood, 'The mortit,lit
. . . I
expet- `ry t,vative Senators as I _...� I . . , I . . I . .. . . � . . .
I I NEW HUAI, send its $1 and 1% both it ,secured tile Position as first bass solo- 'rged WIP0 out he former predoin. � . . . .� .
s iences there. As , -geAt alTioul Conse
: Urds Aupper will be administered B&t work in India, -and refbrrea to I ' IF ydly ARE NOT 4 subscriber to the favorably known to man small proportion of the total I
I I the close of next Sunday morninf These ire sometimes I I y of us, has WatterOf fact the* Opg - . . I I .
. service .... The A. Y. P. A., of StPau s disaVp6intingand ab -other times ex. ,and the Montreal Weekly eral Ist in St, ,TgMes CAthedrAl of that city. learge 3 . Psftio� u that party In -he Up inance : 40 AL 93 W C31i I . 1. � .�
. . I .
I I � I , I r increased expen itur6 in some' Of t er flouse 3FL Z .46. w � -
I I . _
church held their first so guig . , , Jan. let, 1005, If You are a subset r, cOngratulatlions - irections.. . . . Tb E I peantu - _.�.47he Kind You Have Amays 800 . . . .
cial evening ceeding eticoura I . new Your subscription, and get the niek, - . . 0 � . e Senate is now consti utp.d . .. :
� on Tuesday evening. The evenings Ila the line of educational 11 I polit! . � � - , . I
. ID ngs taking the form Of a musical s eaker ig.oke of the ,,,at Worki .the I Werald free. � . Clinton people are pAying Fjlk cents . - CAIIY as follows'.' Ministerialists 42, ofghat"s F e . . .
I and work being. Some The loc . al by-ele . � . Opposition 85,�Vaeant seaw 4, total 81, . 11 00LA.4 , 'i . ,
-ary program , - MIA , -
,offa id litex ?I for a two ound loaf of bx eid. ati011s in Muskok Present Ministerial ma . of � ,� .
lunch neby,t 'ecolidges at Madras, Bom. .. of the ros dents of Oli t h orit.y., exc)us. , . .
. the In On 4ve asked IF YOU AIRE NOT & subacri. * , .
and all present seem to have en and i week for Wyoming,. tezritor 1 New Bra why they� �Ilouldpa and the Boo, wa t b I
Tbero was a good turnout of members bay, Calcutta, and other centres, , I Mr Jo's Sti ,
. 011 will 164ve here next ;V a IV6 of the 8 eakei and- o vacancies, 0, bet, to the - .
. eyed to the goodaccomplished by the Wis. y andMo . ri �,that n . y the rule of - con 4 fl, NEW -BRA, send its $1 and ge i . I . . I
- ont- I tana, taking, with im three ear lo ce. The price of bread has no been aY. The Liberals hold and the Montreal Weekly Herald, to , .
. a pleasant eTening. Rev C R Utinne sion schools, The speaker also I ads raised in Wi trarY on Tuesd - . The heal h of Sir Wilfrid Laurier t both t
Vila the chairman, and where he is, phas! f Leicester sheep. Two of the . ngham,_WIngh&m.riWeg, . was the subject of some concern to his; lot jan., IM5.
zed the reat .blessing bestowed 0 care . . 1. . Mu kok4 at th6 general .ele o supporters early in the session and If �Ou are a subseriber. . .
� I I CAn always be found plenty of enjoy. Upon tile peo I I Were -purchased in thi's locality And one Is I ctiona but renew your subscriPtiolt and get the . . .
I , p 0 of India, through bos- near London . I . .. I I . I Mrs Fred Ulne, St deor 0, but'i ''lost it on Taesday. Thecobservatives . fears were exPressed. that the $traill ReJrald free. I � I
1, ent. Thevewas a reading by Miss PItAls and dispensaries, 'The need, for Writes I, I'M y little, girl wou d . Would prove too much for him,. The � . � .
. . . I I , C I - . . .
I r 111oh sym. . Ight that I ough field the SOO in the general elections Premier has come through the !on I .. . .
by Gladys and' Rit;a -such Is great in IndiA, and 'a : f . . � 'I
io with sacred son I Mrs and Miss Ross, S-eafortfr,wer so At ,at neither she nor I I !! � I
Tuesda 0 in ' could �et any rest. ' I 'gave her br . A it likewise, This leaves tb o and exhatiatin work of thi ks _�""_*_w_ - , I .
9 patby is often aroused throu the I town yr hayin$ their hou _ 8 most not. . .. I 11. . . .1 I .
by Misms eDerm , ( ho was a v I I sehol e able session Infrably, and shows I I/
; liessing elocutionist) recitation by much has be6nidoaa In, India, the #Oik r say t I no Ig I . ,
.1 � thabkf I to I 'cukda ,fier .. in ouse just sign Of overstrain, Ste Wilfria Lautu I
� ery Medical skill of misiJionarr. gkough I goods Packe and shipped to the for Wood 9 "40rw&Y Pine Syrup: and a z
.0 StAliding of parties in th6 11
I least and which was tborou their quiek-ly,,, , � I . afore -the, Liberals ha,v. i0rhas bo-dily in Parliament andin z - ---
.� is almost appalling. in con. iful cottage op Victoria, streetfor . 1, . I ---
iss Lottie Sloman and last but not to be done I V1 'I 'no E 10,06. They, are no* offering ugh the mme as b :
4 1 .
hlY AP- elusion. the speaker Baia that when he saloor to, rent. Ing.& Wtijopity of flve, and Xorth Ren - the country ilplace filled in other daya " . .
c, a d was a couple of ban o selee- . .. Since the Old Post Ofll(ie crossin !W but three men in the histo - 4"6 414tueix; 7 oxftra
't went to India., he firinly believed in 469110 V8161flat on* W&
. .. ons r Hill. A c011e0iion Was the redemp nd his been &rtially destroyed, ft shotil has frew vacant. , � . . . and
n on S&turdp,y f6r ,the . . I .1 I I
�,takena thedoor to be applied to- confidence in th I ens Passed pulle up althgether, and the now one 166.. � tier. I T.O.!
,,Aon of that land, a 118 PlYffiouth r4ok chick 9 be VanAda-Maedonald,'Browb
0 power of the Gospel through tow N .
.,,e is gTOAttit than Holmeaville fattxillib jed I Pretni6r Murray of Nova SO4iii, is,to . bili U01111411s, Utsh, Idaho, Oreg6 calank. - .
*ards their dele ates expenses to gall. to do wonders compleb6d, so that it can be lie 1-11 ------ �� NOW on AA16*O Points in British
, j:�l �meetin�g�n fondon ever. for India station, whore Otherwise some one fjq arb to get burl d litios and ;Will I oft a and Califokills, 12, 061- .
It brop Out of Provincial po - .�
I The Scripture texts enclosed in the processi They Were ought 11p. fr e a candidate for t ORDINARV CORN CURV38 AttE �
they will go 'hrou%lr thO crainming by stepping into the ho es of the old . 4
.V he annual Meeting of the Bible 80. " . 6ffi crossing, , 4 1 , I he Federal Parlia- , I
I Olet envelopes,WOkoxellA by Afts It, hWin , around Seaforth. : I I I . I � .1 Ineut ab the next eneral election for . DAMMIWUS, .. . I
-Y was held in the Baptist church, ' I . . ' ' ' the north riding o 'Cape Breton, It is., . B . . finoting seaso I .1 . . .
I to Friday evening. XV It, Stbdd&ib led in the dedicitt'd I I . .. 11#
Opening exercises pr&yer, . ;;� - "Remomborl Rebaoix M P, a Wit'tch-maker, who can,() I. � I
. I � I I [:� .
I I I i
I I - I
- - - - I I I I
way Rance duet 1p
Berman, A, r�citat
M Ot I I I
I iber I the fourth, *11 be succeeded as ' dea"88 they cOntafft ' Was, but , APPly to Agent3 Or W271*6 *0 :. D.
, Were conducted by the past6r and Rev A 8010 entitled OjOh h. � . d 4tat4d that he W, Putnam's Corti ,nxtract;or is entirely McDonald, Disirloti ps#sangek, Agoili, Tor. �
I of of November," oath Wag the vigil here A f1bW Weeks ago from Clinton,bas Prernier b6 utm J'. 11, Langley, tile
MtGVnue. The Agent�Rev 1P.Newbon, bo bearrT in Hit ant opened a st,abd next to T. Halft shoo Att,ornay_ ener&I, It is MISO und '
i gland for many 0 Hamilton. street Iletable In composition. It is per. .onto, for illustrated .
� I I I Ut we are than I . = to 411`60AY hA8 a good bilsi. '* f0e ly Painless, SAXe, and sure to cur#, "HAdillib of Vish and Game, , .
A101AUg Okldreipf 4ft�r wbich,ob motion x6rel,seS, I I=ed I ' ' (""' I 11 � I . .. 1. I Pa h , I I
� . . . I .. ness In ex rb Work. Ills family nave now "" - 4 Ills yotir Vokbig at Toolk 0400 I
. . r1here,-Goderich Signal. "' "'2
' M
ithxietlM Of those dayo have passed '� to e givou A
� I
I delivered a most approptiate And in, ThO peeting e 08ed with &p'uoovor. pears following the "Gun Powder and we gro � _
Was v6r� 8*66% sung b appjf' ayo cry to
e ( propriAte 16 t,)) 13 �e�8ebaitE �,, 06fnphlef, eatiWed
16106 move ;7 tators I OtOr 9 th ,War for and 04*0 delay ai smilob,
. I e.
� i S Mt% . t �i nu ad laotvultn
I I I VI"dverdso, Ig the IV,ew Eraol .
. . . I I . �. . I IV' It- NOdgeRst Town Agoat ,� I I
I I . . I . I . .