HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-30, Page 3LT k,
L I . . , I ,, .
- � . . �1 cw* 30* it" . . .. . '. "' -2",- , , , , . � I I I
I � . 1- I I.. . I " I I � -1 . 1i � ; I - t " 1-11 , , , . � '. , , , ,
� .
11 01JMW - XXW =A, . . X, "
Rheumatism Cared, 8,,S. Convention. I I . A Great pad boblo WorlK I I , . Affib, AwNh, Ab
- . One O ents of ; I � . .. I—— .0"0" . � W WT, �, �
N....4- . :
.. Rallifle ic I : .
� - I - . 0 I ,
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A Right Way apd. a Wroag, Way the niiie't.e'ohn"tFac',�"n'te'u'trymiaotvhe'euwork of consump Ion
to Treat the Trouble. .. The iwonty-third i�amial convention child -saving; caring for thelittl9ones Combination .1 - I I
. I 0! t4 Sunday Schools out th� Apligeld 1 who, through streqs of ,.Ire le . I
I ** J circulte was held in Hackett's. church misfortune, or vlee, are UtC1,1110at"i"U"t3l, : 'i . � . � ... � ..... J . . �
tbestreets. In the past we Ups been, � I
- on the Oth inst. The roads were good, � . -a
Unimenteand Outward Applications ., , I the 25� : Pric.. 25 1
,-tbeweatheri4ealaud the convention . f loi? toa gr;at extent, occupied in Theonly kind of consump a , I I
Cannot Cure The Disease Must Be 4 success, . . . . � . . . I I work 0 � reclamation, in endeavoring tion to � tear is "a ,� I 0- $@so$ 1,
I During the worping qes,'on Mr 1). , I � to lift the fearful burdens Imposed tip- , eglecte I .
Treated Through the Blood. s . d .11,11111, ....... ..... . . . . . . ��� .. _. . 1--!1_W_
, I . . .. on society by vice and Criminality, and Consum , I .
Aqview occupied the chair. ,� I wq�" . . , , . ptioni" I I ...... I X *,T]RF, �
Rheumatism is one of the most com- , Vona those ongagil in. this service have I - w. sr
- ''he first topic, "The work we are at," 0--� � . been fore t I I \ . .
xxion ailments with which humanity is. waa hit . roLlvwd by Mr S. Sherwood, . . . ed to t e conclusion that tile P�ople are learning that con.
. � '
aftlicted, and there are few troubles who �eferred to the necessity of secul. . I only solution o�t the problem is In the sumption is a. curable disease. i ever 1,
which cause more acute suffering. ar education for the business of life, . 0-1 . . . applicationrof radical remedies in th�
...., I , o It is neglected consumption , made .
There is it prevallent notion, also, that and em hasisea the great importance .* ,. 4 of childhood. We do'not get . I * 11L� CANW I I .
... , �
if a once contracts rheumatism of svitimal training for spiritual life. - - I . �tiiivf the chil4ron of the vicious that i's so of I . .
it is = to return in cold or _dAmp By , aving faithful teacher,9 who have � � . �oon enoug,li. A neglected childhood. . . .ten incurable. . . .
weather. This is a mistake; rheuma. ex9orlonced the new birth the Sunday I I I is almost.ii sure rophecy of it miser- At the faintest suspicion of I THE GREAT FAVILY PAPER
. . PC - �
tism can be thoroughly driven ofit of So ool would b what it is designed to . able or hurtful li e, for what can be Consumption' get a bot o � .
the system, but it must be treated be, the nursery of the church, expected from minds nix-ptured in de- I I � . tle � f it I .
through the blood, as it is a blood dis- . 'Mrs. Tppman, a promitte , graded And debasing surroundings? Scott's Emulsion and begin.' I . I
ease. Rubbing the affected joints And In the discussion the meaning of the lady of ib�h I In.0titavlo, the Children's Protection The Family Herald - and . .
word "we" wits explained by Mr T. W. I . mond, Va., a greal ular doses. I
liflibs with liniments and lotions will Fraser, to mean teachers, offlolals,par- Injul S Act passed by the Legislature in 1893 VC9 . . ' . I
� 11
never cure rheumatism, th entsand sebolarev Mr J. J. Taylor re sufferer with wo, � . troubles, , has accompliolipd untold good for the I 11 The use of Scott's !Emulsion , Wcekly Star, or Montreal, . I .1 �
haps it 11laf give teniturary relief, Dr _ - rising generation and, thousands of I . . I .
. , ferred to the resi)qnsibillty being on tells how -she NaS Cured. . . I .. ..
Williams' 'link Pills ave C . � boys and girls have been helped, on- at once, has,* in tholisands of . . . -
cases ofirlieutuatism than pei get those who shirked it were not 94 -For soxne years. I 4ulferedmith couraged and protected, This Act I I � � . .
I . cases, turned th6, b4lance i I � .&WJD � .
,haps any in lie work. , - . backache, severe bearing,down pal , i(Tes for the or anization of Ohlld-� .11 I �
. :
I .. . �
otber disease except anaemia. ,rhese t StOur part in maintaining interest in leucorrhma, and ns' N'roy Aid SoCIR41 favor. of health, . t � I * �.
pillsdrivo- the rheumatic poison outof howork,, 8 I - . falling of the womb. reWs es, whicb,. wheri .
the systein by their action on the blood, wa ntroduced by W T I tried many reinedles, but nothing fortnediltavepowerto bring cases of Th
Gardner. HespokeWworkbiginand gave any poisitive relief. . Neglected COnSUMption does -
and fhe trouble rarely returns if the for thd 8, S. and the community as a " I Tild neglect or Cruelty, etc, before the I . .
treatment is e gos- . L( eelin onNewErd' I .
Persisted in 'until the great step towards spreading :h commenced t0ing Lydia: R jourts, and W.1leh Clear evidence of not eiist ' I.- .
blood is in a thoroughly healthy condi- ,pl, Vo eo this . Pinkhaties Vegetable Coulpound neglect Is, a(l(iticed,the-giiitrdiii,iisliip of . . I where Scott's Emul-.
. .
0 we must be well vers- _ � � � - -
tion. in June, 1901, When I had taken the 6nob childrk n may be transferred to 4on is, To any address in Catutdo, Me United States oi
I , . .
I '
, e4 in the scriptures, do the work as first half bottle, I felt a. vast I ove- tLo Society. By it recent iunendnient� 11 . � . 1. Great 80fain until -January Ist, 1904, .
4 As ail illustration of how even the God's ambassadors filled with the 8?ir" went, and have now taken teimEttles noted tqso�vllere, ooulp)ittees call be P rcoh, t use of Scott's Emal. . 1. � . I - ' .- � I
most aggravated forms of this trouble it and receive tha finaucial. suppo of with the result that I feel like a now forined in rural districts'toaldtlie gen- . . for the sinall sun of 25(.
he people. . r . n��ks tb e �disease while ft � . I
yield to Dr Williams' Pink Pills, the t � . sion ce I . . �
case of NIr J. J. Richards. of Port .0o. Durin- the discussion the (instor woman. When I commenced taking MIMI superintendent . � can be checked. . . . I . 4 . .
borne,Ont.,inay be cited. MrRiebards the Vegetable Compound I felt all Tile plan o(placing children infoster . . , . .
stated Mat the . responsibility did not . . � Sometbilig you don!t want is dear at any.price, i
. . I
"a s ., "Abant three years ago I suffer- rest. entirely with tile -school, but that worn out .and was fast approaching homes was endorsed by the (4overn- . .. Ind for free sample. . .: I -but here is something you do want and ought � to , I 1,
t - mplete nervous collapse. I weighed ment as being the best and mos', pro- . . . M .
. only 98 poundy. . .
X from a most severe a tack of it begins at home, Parents should at co nd if ihe price is not low enon h then ask
rheumatism. I could neither lie down tend the S. S. . I . I. I .Now I weigh IoDX duetiv-,� of good regults for the little . scolrT a DOWNS, Chm . I have, a I , we
or sit Lip with ali� degree of case,and I 1. . ounds and am improving every day. ones, Very few of these children, es- lose* . . I onink . . 9 . . � .
am quite Stil W.P. Reed then spoke of the good f gladly testify to the beue pecially those adopted while of tender . youto name yolir own price; ,, - . . ,.
. -e 6n]y those who have tbii6s tit by -gone . conventions, the' . fits re- . . ,.PC 6d.sx-00,; .U.�"� . . I .
been shailarily afflictedcan understand ceived." - Mns. R. 0. TurpmAN, 423 West 'years, turn out Oadly,4nd in nine cases . . � . The NeW Eira will supply- you with all the
brotherl� feeling oil the cli-clift, the 30th St., Richmond, Va. -g5000 forfeit if out of ten the influencept good, sound , I I
what agony I endured. I put myself .great iind noble work which, if dis- original of above letter proving genuineness cannot training will overcome that, of hered- . . . . . . local ne vvg, and the . " Family Herald and Weekly .
tinder the care of an excellent doctor cha,-ged Taithfully,'ineads inlecess, but be produceo. � , . I � . I Town Directo . . .
but got no benefit. Then I tried ail- if not,, fifflure; -and of tile aim - to. send . Whe . . _�. I it*. - .. I . . . . . ry. - Star I., will gi ve. you the no wi; - of the world - and tlie . �. .
. . n a uiedicine has been suc- Homes 4110 wa�ited for these boys . � . . �_ . .. _. I
other, and still another, but with no out pupils faitbf ill, who will win the - ce$gful - in xxxore,, th. . I I . . . . 1. I -1 . . I
better restilts. By this time I had be- . . greatebt amount of good, g ueral, , wholes'
an a million and , rls. There are. inany. homes P ' Ce hou � P ome rt)%d
world tor Christ. He concluded by cases, is . gi 10STOrpron- OM rs from 8 a. . . . � . . I . 11 I
. , it JuLs.tice to yourself to .' o in. . ing to be found in any newspaper or magazine.. The .1
I come so reduct-d in flesh that friends . ng.,ilie,irtyinvitatibiitotlieho*ulei$. wb6ilo there are In . children, and the to 7.1.51),in, Jas Scott, postmaster. . I . .
r say, without traing % 11-T do not husband and wife.would be, infin� � . , I . .
hardly knew me; I could not move 9110111. Tit lot, gave the reply, to the ad- I I ,iVunme LiBRARY-Library and free 111ral news alone is m orth tea timibs'the year s
hand or foot, and had to be ttirned in. I � believeltwoul helome?" itely happier aud better. with the pros- 1. U . Stavely Hall. Open . � � . .
- .
O' . dress. . Ye �tgreed with what had been Surely you -cannof wish to' re- ence � of abriglit young life lathe housem ea( Ing room in , Ip . .. . . I .. .
-bed in sheeets. The pain I ndured said; ' Unity in'spirit is the keynote of . overr day front, 2- to 5,30 p.m. and from. . = ion. . I .
was something awful. Then I was urg-. . . , main weak and. sick. , - . hold. 'Again, there are other. families 7 to ()'p.m. J.- Bean, librarian. I . I . . . I.. I �
edtotryDrWi-lianis' PinkPills and success. . . � .. . .1.z. : . Mrs. Pinkhani, . .whose. address where tile children are grown tip and. . I . . . I , , Present subseribers'to this paper can .have the I �
after taking a few boxes thdre was an The'pastor presidedAurilig the af ter- . 18 Lynn, Mass., will answer cbeer� gone ont, from the old home, or there Tow.N COU1,01L.-Thoma-i Jackson',, 14rami I 11 11
appreciable change for the better; the. noon session. . Satisfactory -repbrts fully and without cost all leitelis" is the vacant chair and the silent sad- Mayor. H B. Combe,'J.: Ford, 0, ,6ver I ly Herald and We9kly Star' until Jalluary LA..
� . I � � . I 1.
, were . . . ss-lefl; by tile passill angel of deaffi. bery,.J. C, Ste�,onson, H, Joyner, 3, B. I e., I . . I
. . �
pains began to leave tile, and my joints received from the schools, - � addressed to. her by sick women. ne . . . for 20c by leaving their bubscriptioas'm 'this . offi.c
began to limber I kept on taking the The niass meeting .of the Stiiida� P16rhaps.she has just,the Imowl- In homes tle presence of Hoov,or, Councillors; W. Co ler� I . . .1 . I � . I
' I . I . I � .
. . all these a S' 0 sol. I I I . I . .
pills until I had used it dozen boxes, by address dhildren ings Ld Treasurer; Thos. Cottle;..�sses , �
school was z ,ed by Miss L. Blake, edge,:that will help your case- I bi brightnes,9 and sun- .111', ( 61le
shine. Then . loftier * otor ***#*"*##*"*" 4 � 0 6 � $ 4, 0 **+**""
which thiie every trace of the trouble who drew and- impressed fban�, Inter, try her t6 -da ' Ahing.' there is. the Chief of -Police, J. Wheatley, . : . . . ... .. . .1 . . . . �
. .y�itcostsw . . . . , ..
I . I e� I
had disappeared. I firmly believe that estingaild instructive .lessons by v�oxd . . . . . - . .. . jllotijv6 of service done in the name 08 - .Neetings Ist Monday-ilveach month at . . . .. . CUll or 9'en'd Your subscription to - � , �
. . I . I . - -6. wa, 8 0. tn. . I- . . I . � .I- I . . I .. . �. 1� . ,
h:W it not been for Dr Williams' Pink PICtUre. Sho-began withan object losr ----...--.-. 1hrist. . Rem - � . .. . I . .:,: I
Pills I would have been a rheumatic son bn a lead.peneil and made 4or� 41:0- � , . _ C eiliber !low Ile wh ' . . I � . .. I .. .. .. � �� .. I . �
I I . LawWastNotViolilted. ' once it little child-aniong men spoke of - . SCHOOL BoAi�DJ. W. Irwin, chair- . W_ . .. I I '
. . i ' - ' ' ' . . I
crtlseefor lift- " propriate comparisons, our bodies to. . . I � . - .. . . . the �chlldron,. ,�Whosoev'er .receiveth fil,an; T.. Beacom, F. Hodgens,. A. Tur- . : * . I �, I
e pills.not only Cure rheaniatism the ivood,and our- Q'Ouls to tht bssential I . I I . one such littlechild.receiveth m6." ner, IV. Downs, F, Hall, 1, Jackson; . -_ I The . - "'"m ' -
blit all other blood and nerve diseases, part -the lead: It must -be, prepared An- important judgment was render� Information - vogarding- this Vord' Sectetaryi J.'Cuninghatne;Treasu . ter I ,.. .
, .
for use by sharpenin 'our ed6tMoutretil, Thursday, byJudge I tilly by tiny of the W. Co� -ings . Lw�'- ,, .Era 04. . .. '.
such as anaemia, indigestion, kidney ; so must will be cbeei !its. 'Meet second Thursday . . Ne ww �.
. � I ,
a, partial para . lysig, : souls by Ood, thr6ugg, Christ and the. 4 Scott in A; eaqe hi -Volving the Allen (,bi iy �u . . ' . I � . . . L I .
troubles, lieuralgi . . ldron's Aid SOW'etles or by the everling in eachm�nth, . - - , , ... . ... .Adllk.
, I I I .. . Laborlaw. 'Soliietime&go anuiliber gitpeAtitendent of the departXnent, Mr, . 1: . . - . . 7 . � - .
always bear the full name -Dr Wil- The S was'thon addressed. by, . A of workinerx front .the Voited States, I I -IK so, Parliament Buildillks'L Tor-' : UmLEGi,�Th; BOARD -M. - 1) cTag- I. ...... . . I . . go I 1. . . I
St Vi tus' dance, etc'. rhe genui-ne.pills Holy S irit. . - -Shoe ' 't el . � q .1 . . gart,tromur6r; '%Vtii Jadksbn;sevretw I 'Ow . .., .I. . . . 0 . .
: were employod by -the,Slater� I L . .- - Unt nt ,.
liauis'Pink Pills for Pale People" oil Boxvels,'w�6 took ,is subject for black- Y.of.thftteity, A.moniber of. pritp.... ... . . � . . . . I - J 18. 8COtt, Chairman; J L Sford I . . . . . . . 1. .i I �
' . 00' 4- ", ,, ,. , , .. . .1 . . ._ ff'L. ary, I . .L ,an I I.. I . ., :. . . ,.. I . . . - . 'I . .. I
L I - Mann' . . .
. .
.rated that L � 1. . . I . �. . - 0 I 0"e"S"O"O.".a.., '. I
the wrapper around every box. Sold board sketch "mindfal.of" and,drew the'AP'.'it1LIgiY 'hooniakers�,4 ssoci- . . . . . . ,
by all medicine dealers at 50c a bor or from the scholaxSLand'illu9t klitted$ . . . - D. A. Forrester, R, E. Ing, . 2"
. L
- '� . 1. . . ." I .,
six boxes for $2.50, or sent by Wail wo.should be inindful6f s�ords.'aotlons ittion took.adtion agahiatthe.cofilpitnY9 . .. I . h6V .L . .L . . . � . BOARD O�F UEALT][1-10.1 Steir . . � . .. � .. . I L � . � . I. . . I
.. L . L . L enson, . L..
. . . I ' on the. ground that they Were breaking WOL.M ell � .1 . . I .: alturiam lrlarid; sr..; ' I . � . L.- . . . - - .. .
)ostpaid, by writing to the Dr Wil"-,thotiglits'. Companions, hours" p e-t� 11 , - I.. : . c,h, , Mayor, Win. Ili . .. . ..
ianis'Medi�ine Co., Brockville, Ont. . I . 'il the Alien Labor law. 4xid 18 tt de- .. . . 0; : ... L .. I I WnJL (, ' ' . .. L . . . 9 �." - - agit . .0. iI, .. .. - . . .., . .
? sures, religion, ambition hf, .I ge CO . .. I - I . .
I I . Dr Shaw,JMMical Health Offic6r - fit Glasgo inst - -tit. Vronto,
, , and yout & ,104- � Gradmother a t' 2 . . IV.
. ': - . . . ,oats, . . . - . . I I L Pit _)' ' L (I .
Cid6d that -there had been no. infringe- . . . . � , ,
. . .. - - . : � 0.18,98SAk Wheittley, inspector; clerk. . . er 0nlT)allY,: triod -at' Corm�aj*
. _. L habits. . . . . : mentof the law, -its the men, altfiduglil� . L . � . . . .. . ill '
I I . I . . ; : - .
. . o L
. I . . . . Kidn I ..� %r ' .' W,PTis,r CHuRci -6c6s ' I ,� litintiftgot uverdict'for *,8-000 for� .
I Andrew then taught �heBlblqdlass, . OY, .. -i-Sabbixth 66r ' . .1 L. :' .
victim of His O" I . . using the lesson from 2 $ant L 7 -10)' coming from the.. United States-, hi�d: Aind, makio the natomko oratt'ributing this. : - p , . Withathroo-niontlism,old grhilddaugh 1112�lss-ofhis'hand. . . .
. . . . . �k4 all, with tile exception of one been- - reslatint backache to other causes. tit 11 a.m; an(I 7 an. Sunday s,boof ter as the guest of honor, Mrs Flora '.8f: . . , . .. . 1. . . . I.. . .
Mrs. Potter Palmer's son 11ofiore, who After dwelling upon the scriptural con- bornin(Nitiadii,, Healbo'decidedthitt.' .'Many women have kidney disease and do. at-2.30p.m, -General pi-ayer meeti , . .. . . .. .
pr' . . I Rev, J.n ' . CL ' . . I
� necti6nofLthe.lessoiih'eto.QktIleL, in- ,, .oil Wednesday evenings. L' . �f Davis, Waverly,. Iowa, eelebrat6d her, .
L I I . .
.. I.,
� ail I . . I Ko"I . - ,
in the case of':the oneL who had been not kno* it. . ,They c6lifuse'the symptoTr S.. S supt. 30th birthday recently. . She Is' the -� .
,was married In August, once outwittid a', cipal ideas presexitedandinpresWd the. I. .1 I Dutilop� pastor; D�. Prior, . . . STO -A
'. ... � . born in the Statps of BrItIA-k , paren ts, * with thosd of 'Imcnts of. a feminine nature. , L . . .. youngestgrandmorther. in Towa, and A . .
concierge In Paris neatly. spiritual glett,nings from these. I . . .1 . . L.
L. . -there wits- no Jnfrin ement of the. Backiclic, los . . . perhaps The ' ' - .'..' I . '. � I
of . . . a (if flesh, dry, harsh, skin, dp- WE8L1MY`.MET9OD18'k CHURCH - Sab. in the United States, . For lnf�Atd'an& Childrdii.* .
, I . .
A la sixteen,.or thereabout at tb� Five minute speeches wepegiven by �, of tile law.. - r h � .
time, he was spending the winter ir. . W J Trelekien,who.showed the, S S'fb meaning file � action was . �oslts in the urine, swelling of the feetand legs, ath. servicear tit 11 a.m.: tind 7 ;M.- chil(ra mother, Mrs S I Palmer, is only ''I . . � . . I . . I. . .L..
. . �., � . . ' -them I uscles, weariness . I.Xl)tr L ' 660t , . I I.
Parts with his mother. One cold nigh.t beap6wdra&inst6vil. N Shackleton accordingly dismissed, .. . .. stillnes's and soreness' of . Sunday school'at 2W .rm . Rev Y M. 1.5. Mrs 'Davig herself wits roid � The � Kind You'Ravt Always B ' 11.1
. I . . . . . ' . ' , .
in February. he staled out unusually ho spoke but neglect of dult*,and Win . . I I I - and despondency are. symptoms of kidney' 'MapninF;.pa6tol�, .K. �. COG,Der,' 8- S-, when she wa§ but 11, *.She has, good � ,, - .. I .
I I .. . . . I I I ... d L, . -istipt. General prayer meeting -Wed . .. - health and is Wdll.to do,and she says - Beats the : .. .1 I I
� ,
art producing'joy, . .. - � . .1 . 1, ox"Letigperne6ts -Uj�4 L Si l,tii '.
. 9 .1 . I . . I .. .. . . .she is convinced.that early intirt: L r . .
IT' . .. I . I W =nt serious�rcsultsa P j�iday, evenings, ;!- ' 'L. ;. a 1. ., .. . .
, power and fruit. !M' two Russian .belles, *re , discrassins ... . , I , re b6st for all concerned. - e . . ... , ��. - - I :
w ' ' ' ' it Be ? . 1. �- �dimaic, , an call for
, Cro,c '
late and, desiring o get In without ;by'wh�) referied to the pres.ence of : I Can . L . I prompt treatmgnt inorder nesday eve,aings. Juni . , I I
aw;6ulng anyone, he rang up the con- :the Spirit in the be . , gn e of X_.
cierge softly. The concierge, with equal peace , ,L'' e I : . . I . . . . . . 11!�� �_ .
I ' � L C � C How their mutual friends. '�- I I . I .. W- WMr"Na' . . .. . . I I � . . . . . . . �. .
softness, came downstairat He ,whispered D Agnew itittioduied the top! , I ... Hchrj .St., Belleyille, , ONTARIO ST. MhT1.10DIST CHURM- - an - - ; � . .1 . �
. . � - - � . I . . L . .
through the keyhole, "Is thati you, M. can waincrease our power ,is -teachers . "And thefe Is Roslekofr Dimitriske- ,T_ . Sabbath seiVices at'll a.m. and ' mi. . . . � . ,
tivel ie S S. * 4padvised teachers t . . eboo L liskevitch," says the first . ont.,Lstatem-111suffered Suniiwk school at 2.%.p0Lm.. � S.S, . W�11k, � . .. - . . I . I . I - ' . . ' .
Palmer?" and then he said, pos Yl in t1 ., o use watobisk .. A, great deal isith pains Ili Q0_N.&:B:ffl`8-7IDR TC3-8r_V0_:?,:W,' �
all -t i4 Mid come to, God,. the -girl..' "I think-slie ]is such a'sweet.thifigi -r- . 1". S. supt I L . I I
Iq can't lot you in, air." he'tkey lit DA, pastar; Jacob. Taylor, , .1 � I . . .. .., . . �. .. . .. '. . I � I L .
. ,ce 6f'all power for Increasio'know -And,don?.1 you th'ink h& name js, Natal' L � . . the small -of the .-baqk Ypwoith Leaguo me6tii Monday ieven- I I . . .� . I . .. . . 1. I . 1. - . , .
"My not?" asked the young man. . sour , iisuse4 by kidney trouble. I . . I I . . . ,.: . L ... . 1. . .. . .. . . �.. . .. J I
. "Because the rules are very strlet" th6 ' Bible, .study the � scholars". visit fill?" ::- - . 7. 1 . . . OIL- . Whenever 1.9tooped XL ing: praye . r' nieeting� cn Wednesday . .. I ' . :0, Ev. � tL . . I . . ... .
. Mg.", 1. �, . . ., .. L.. I , -
. I . ry h 1 a'q, resh .
"No one ever -Is 1'e't' themin their hotnes, Anpho.* them a a 4,011V yen), concedes the second, "But ft1% evenii . I e tho _q ,
' .
said the concierge. � L � I consikont Christian e . xanit I de, ' . . could scarcely. rise . . . I L . LEy' r' 0 New ' I L , I
.1 .
I - 11 have, -you whisper - WILUR PUMBXTICRIAN % 011 URCH-_�.: . .. - 1. Y . . 1. � . . . . . L. e . . .. . - . I 1. .
' ' -
in after midnight." L Sion L.. . heard�uow don't the pains were sogreaL . L I I. .
Itor. He During the o�enbag. ses W T. .tbis to'ls, seul__�l bave, heard. that htw ' . . _ . . vices at 11a.m.-and.7 p. ' - " I : .. "S S., S , L. ' . . . 1. .
en .� - I The Aise , � C U11je tr aparillaL. ' * � . .
The boy desired ardently to 'ed the chair.. J J Tayla - . � - I 1. � �1 sad became to Sabbath ser . M. .. , ' 1-0 _� __,., , _ , , , ___ ,_ -..- � I . I I.. .
tbought a moment, then hc� slipped a Gardner occupi . t name lanOt all her:bwn." L , ' L Wilkin L severe that ft a6ected' Sablvith 9chool ht-2,80p.m., Prayer - I . .. .1 . .. . . . ' . . I ,� .. I I. � . ..,
r the door. presented the subject ,,Music in the' 8 aiMercyt "What do you meant" . L ' Mrs. a . M . ' . . . .
S�I,d louls uude I 1. - .. . I - Wednesday evenings;. Chi -is- -stroa , b I -i3' m et' er b6ttle -9.1.06. -
S ,I ' . . Viia .,0.3t la, I p.a-:i-lar oa, c' Ark
. C a general health, and& wbs becoming very. fit'g. meeting, . . . ') p . .
M He�would.hnvo'lnusiiiin the S -S's It is hinted 1hat she L*ears an 'artiflo - .` A.- I . . 113 . . L I I . .
have Just slipped a gold. louis undo, 1. . ' . . I I I 1. rus 4own. 'Sinde using br. Chiie's Kidneyo fian, Endeavor - Monday'6ti, filngS L . . I . . . . . . . I . . .
the door for ou, concier-e " he Nvbii-- .to win the great ident for Christ. Sing- '. . . .. 8UPt._ 1. . L r; Saurtes 8�,dttjL . . . . . . I - . � �'. ' !' ' . '. ' ' ..
ingshould.be done with che-under- '' . .. Al LI 1 41 -, Vimle .:. . . .
0 . .. cial skevitch.11 . . - If tit .11 Liver, Pills, I can siy that my trouble. has, Steivart; D.D.;� pasto . I . . . . f I . . �. . .
a - � . . o 'ad'eii -omdrely .diszopeared..* I can, speak in the. 'S S. .. I . , ., . L .. � 14 . � . ....
L ipered. "Now et me -ill, ti't's d * ,W).", Kind 2fatei preserve us I L LL I . . . . I . I . .. . 1.3 11. it) Y 4 . . .1
i .. I . standfiigiindin�Cruth. To sing*.With ' � th other. srts of the world begin &mpli� _ ' tbev�i�k It, . , . . I . � , , . . . L * L ,. L I . . . . . . . I
10110w;" . . ' bighest tiriin of this mediciner from .. I ST'. .!:".&Ul:s ' CHURCH", ErlsCOPAL_ - I " . . .� . ,,rhe e L_ p - lb. . . .' . . .. . .. '
. . . I
The concierge instantly (IrpNv back1ber effect th , eGo6pel'mustfirstbe..m' the fying they'r names as -they do their hair, , &�ted in,my case." . .L .. Sgi,bbitth , service atL11.a.m.&nd7p.m, . . 11 I I. � . . . I I... ., 2 5.,,'. . I � :L . .. L
heart. - � - � I . I itd� s . t :' I pur st and best , er L . .
bolt. IV-omeinsoftly. Maka no' noise, we never Ishall know wheiher'a.l :19 - To protect you against Imitations the portralt. Sunday school at . I . . . . . ... . .. - I . . .
arihto L 'ti ' , . _ . . ies - . � I . * ., ' . - I
. f'. L I 2 30 p.m. ,Lad, * . � .. I . .1 , I I ,� . I
monsieur," he said silawelesely. .. I . The.topic Wits 'futotlier'discussed by really. pdMeamd. of the era �. W. Chase, the * ' a -ch . I .. I I .
�Messrs-..AgnowL, Alui�chijoil, Sherwood,. . c c0f* 'and siinaturc -of Dr.") . `111 G_uild-. meets Brit � Thursda .. .)',,I 3 t it .,�, c o i, v6d This Week'. ' .. . .
1' receipt, b6okL alithori. Q,j 0 , � . jDf Wo L L y of e I . i . � . . L.. I . .. I I . . . . . I . . I L I
But young Pahner was already regrdt- Oardnier�and ltevj Xil�iitricki: 1, . - ,. nGmen-'.,engraved.,'bpom liii` - - I P every boxi ... month" A. Y. P. -A. nieets Tuesdp,y . . . . .� . .... .. . . I . . I L .. .. . � .. L .. . I
old louis-his last one. . _a, , I . I 1. . ji"�Dlv, wnlai,3 F."41, Jayie's' b,kA2LiQ:%a.:,. reuttill I . . . I ... .. I ' .1 .. I ..L 1 . I U , " . ' L � . . " - . . . L. .L
. , . . � .
L. I e& . " Ciunil6,.. M. A,, '. -' . : .-., Rnbber; . 'L,
I h . .. Thei' oug i .. � . . . .. I I L I , . 9 I. I . . * . ' tip . . " L . . ' . , I I .. . . ; r I � : . . . I.: . I Spo 'go$ I ... 1: '' L . . 1. . .
, I ,
Ing guck him, anrl lie ha � n o soon- � ,iext t6pic,the ,Y, inen in the. - � I . . . . . I .11.1., . I . 1, .1 evenings. 4M., R. . . rector . ,He.11e.bo',e . . L . . . I - .., .
t , . - . * 8 Si, was introdticed Tly N m-Stotliers. *. . L 06K*��_ - _ an . � , . . . . �
th.ugtht"str I d S S..6 . . . F . r.. , " � f-� � :.L
. i . . 1. . 1. I . 1. . : " :' I
- .. ' - . � I "i, -7 1 1. " , . . . L Su ,retra- Baby Pbw& � I .
or entered than hp 5%qid. I I .PERFECT 611RE FORBROTRU111.u- , . . . .
He, sidd.the 8 S'today wits far superior ,IS% . . y 'L�ttl*l'. Hoy NAZ 1) 0 I ;�Way L . ' , ,,*ST. Josuprr'S" 0ATi4OL-16 CHURCH- . : ! . ..Paris Gireen, , �. � . P . . . .
110h b the way, i Wit a book on the . Tt' f - L This disease �eau7be treated onl .. Rian . . �
I D .yo min to that of his boyhood* days. orti; . YL : t L - I , . : ... I 1. .. Servic,e held' every 6ther: Stinday. iit .-. , . I . I .. . .. -I - Mennens' Borated- Tklctb�Oj � " � ...
stone baTustrade outside. Do u d ' .. L . . .,Rev.,T?a'tb6r .. , . .' ' . . -
I fied the 96holax against evil- andwas a fiy it reined carried to.. the affect6d . I . I ... I . . 10,30, ani. and .7, -P.xxi, . . L .. . .1a rf am.i� .
. -iccest . . . - Z I B14e one - ,S 9'alo-Y.'s . Ame'ria.. . e , . _. , , -
gettin it for me?" Ste parts alorig with -tbe�,,%ir - breated,_for -416�iqoing now: to ruuL aWfly" Pinsoilheault,pastbr.* .C.M.B.A, timets .i � . St� . . . . ,P
,,ling stone to trup si 9.' . - - . ' I ' L . . . . �
Witt great politenepm fhe eoncierget in he worth and winning of a -child" � nature interided these.. organs. for the Said little Sammy Crreen one. day ; � Uh Thursday .every. L month, Sacred . . . . � . . I � I . � . I
kis bare feet tiptoed ouL upon the cold was. ably - introduced 'by the, pasitor,� passage of air alone, and�sprays, atom- ' Then I cah'do just what I chopsp, I ,edbrt devotions IStL Friday of the L''. L. I I . . . - *SUPPMeSs . . . . . . . , . . . .
out the boy . I * U . . � . 1 I I Pholtographi( L I L� . ... -1. . .
Itones. while he fumbled ab The wort14, . he declaTed, pficOle'ss. izers, and internal medicines Ufteriv.. I'll never ha;Vo to, black my shoes, . . wontil, Mass every morfilng'at8a,m. . ..., .. I . I I., . .. �. . . . . . . . � .
' .. �
. _
,pushed to the door and locked it. Great . ca�q should be tak�h -in dirdetifig fail. Btit'Cabarrhozone'doesn'.t.fail, for- Or wa I sh I my fi�ce oa on . nib my hair, I 11 L . .11 � L a . L _ f&. &._., M . .1 . .4i ' . . . . . .
tur," whispered h . , * I theair breathed goes, -, BRF,Ti.-i=�., " Mecitings'at .11 A.mL and , fit a %60U. . ival Dr q1st ' '
t 0 the chilWs motivos avight. A- orfticil it. oes iv iorever, . . . . I .
-Lot me in, monsic I'll find a place.., I kno,�v, somewhere . . 1. 1. Z . M . Ug
tonciarge, who had. on nothing but ,a eriod in child culture ia;between one' anW, its.heating antiscep'tievaporls sure And never have again to fill ' . 7:30 p.m. omSunday, and, on Friday,at ' - 1. . a . L I . . . 1. . � I .
I L .. . . I . � . I. . . . . I . I . -_ I 11 MN6 . I
e linen. 1. . p . L arvaffeeted.1,art: -( - That old'ehip basket -id T will. ' 8"P -m- . I _ - . . . . I . .
nightdress of whit an one -half -and. two and_one.bji;lf to reaellove Catarrh . .. . . . I � . I � . I. . . I .
"I can't let you in. We let no one !v . hafed.at theinouth and after. I I , . .L . . � : � �.-,Lv.,&,r7o-;- ALR,,AY-Service at 7 and ' miufflikimlmlxliamlmlmsIRMININIgN�x IN* X X X I=
. ____J, years Of age:. L. ,Too many wait and let ozoneisin 4 - 3 I - - - �
. ss . . . . : assing through every air �cell � of. the - - -.G' -bye, xuaxlwlli� "'he said, 10ood 11- A.M.',*and, - Sunday, L, . I . . � .. . . . I . :i L � ..
after midnight Tinle. ille strenvth Of the good soil be taken , pod I. I. 1 and 8 �pan. oil .1 I.. .
L I I . . I !
' ' . '. , , ., . I I . I . t . . . I . . I L . 1. .
mer bad -to 90 no fu* , Ereathing * ory ans.. is, slowlY . oxhal0d . . 1. ' and every week everting At 8 o'clock, ,, . . I 1. . I
But young Pal -by the unprofltable .,weeds of sin. Train . . bye, I � , . .� L � L I I I %. t 11 . . "
. ' ... I .. IL � . I I -, . I � . . . .1. I. 11, . I I .
.. . . . -1 . . .
. nostrils, . Ostarrhoz6ne I I ., . .. . . . , ' ' .
ther. The concierge, freezing in the c6lu a. child u%in the way lie should go and- through th6 He thought his mother thoh W6tild cry, � .'� * . I . _ , I .
,n _ , .1 . t. I . .L . i , . I. . . - . . ..
She on -1 sa:id; ,,Yen going, de . � . � .1 . ^,*AM S I . .
perceived that be had beL . 11 ,LfaCeS,.reIi - . .. . ; The fficial celebration of -the King's . I ,
and in his turn slipped the gold loui� sake it. Pai�ont's'examples should be I evep congeS ion, allays in, And-diTn't shed a sin I %tear. ! . hy'. N,6V. �%,n'Can , . - - P ie c"'k I i n' cl Sp'k.1.1c; . . .
outwitted whe he. ecOrnesold he 'will not for- protects and beals, the inflamed sur- ar "' 0
, ' � ,ge
nor. Pocketing- ito the bo:� . 1, � . .1 - L' fiammation, and pbrfectly..ddres. al . I L"I ada will 'pro- . I I . . I . . 1, � .1 ... I . I
under the d pure and enc6urasiti ' . . all ,"Tbere now 11-said-Saftithy. Green, . I bittlid , . I I .. . � . �. :
admitted th nt iptiel I W K e* r w * - i. ,.Price*$1. �Sm 'L . . ' - I .. . I ., . . . . . � . . . � 4 . ., L
an and then we The organist, ___ , S' . . doil de- bronchial aRection "" . . � . 1. . bably be p9Stp9ned'tiII:Ma�.2jth nox� .1 " . .. I I . . ., . . . .. . I
e in .. , how. L size 25c. , Druggists or Poison. & L Co.i know - n , . 1. . . . . . I L; 1 a drug 6toW, Its. part '11 Z I .
to bA . . I I serves pralse for.the interest she, s . . ., ,. She does not careif I do go, . - , year. . * I L . . � DA you ever'try buying spices at I I
.. . f Kingston -Ont. `�*. ." , , I'* Ill have to fill - � ::, , IN - - stock you know,and spices bought here are sure to be of In -I I i, iszo: - -_ . I I
I L ' I
. ging for t e'musical Part 0 . , . . . . I t -which they must . be, if'�our picklesa ,!'.i .
ed in'arran ,h . . , . ilut Bidget does.� She ' S.VgAINBDARM.� � ' L . �
. . . . . 1. . _ , - . , I . . . . . 1. . I . L which they oughb o be, I I
- . -the program. �L . . I . ... . The old chip basket, so she will, . -, Out., writes: . I
� he invitation given by� the, Bla e s . . Freedom of N orne'n. * .. I . . ..I . 11 I . . Mary Ovin n, US ei ... tas�e as you intendda, sud if you'are to be plessbil 'with. 7- 1r,, ' I I . .
. T k ' L . . Q . : I ... , SL . . I I . . I .
, OY ,
. 1KOne of tile 1-ticiest and most readable IS 8 to hold the next*ann�ual convention At the annual meeting of the Gil -is,*. Btit Bidget only said, "Well b "My mothiirta a balysprained arm. � I . I This store alwaye-make a point, to got in-& free svppll� I
short stories in a logg time is "The . You're, off for good, I wish -you Joy ,,11 Nothing we, used did. her an,T I r 0hp .
I ,.good, Justin time for pickling,,ana it inv tea �� 1,- .
,C�irl with the Banjo" in the November there was'acce�ted, and one of the Friendly society hiad rec6ntly In, London, , . - Tr,v our Baking Powder at 2 ' . .
[t is fiy L most ptofitable 8 S conventions,in the Mrs, Creighton, 'the. ,iodow. of the la And Sammy's little sister Kate, ' Then father ot Hagyard's Ye low Oil I ; . . spioes bare. DO . ft.10. . - - . . : . . . I
to. . ' I . I I . I.
Lippincott. I Jean D Hallowell, t I . Who . g. upon the garden gate, , and iticure& mothiilsarru.in a, few I . I . . .. I . . � .. . L . . L .
which, it is whispered, is the nom de history. of the schools, in' this circui Bishop of London, an address. Said'asnWx7oll . . . day 'C ' . I . � 'L ' ' ,IllewiS4 , .
. .. .. .. delivered, 9 " Pri e 25c. .
L L . . . . usly, its he Assed through , , sr C
, .
Rlunie for a memb-r of a fainily long drow to a close. . . . . in the, course of her' 1peture $be emPha- ttevev witlyou-do, 1. *. . Dispielftsm., " I .. I
� Rev W�A Smith, B D., p"tor, in L ,,T6nigbtwht Mi, John A Barber, Al. 1:1. P-� tot Hill' �, . J0 E. AOVEY I I .
. L , . I d , - 'as 811ddianl� - �
istinguished in ethical literature . olied a needed warning . 6 'lasses spread , 1 9 CLINTON,
� W? Reed, See. � . s'QkLllf6 �sousslnli t'he When you ean'tLgetn t6n, while iiavbIling, w I . . I
a ... ___ . 1. . 1. , , . changed condition... . ar I n0n8 womm. At supper time on on top of bread.?" - . �
I I I . . � 'taken ill, and had to be removed to . .
. ,A Bowle6, Asit�SeCp- . L' .1 . . . . I I 1. � . .., I
- - I . . . I . . 1. . . ot ail classes. The increased lib6rty Which . .1 . . the General, Hospital tit Kingston. . - . I . . I 1.
RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS, . . . L . ' � . wiris an& w6inen'enJoy hasi she, claimed, one block from hofne,' and Sammy I.. . L . I . _ -_ I .. I - .1 -1 .
. � . 00_P� - resulted in iKrge'numbers leading ab,s')- . CX�eeu's I I . I I . I BV,WARH OF WOR'Nis, � mmomililliiiiii MFYxFAdX1gJjfiq#j �11 .
.1 , , ' ' L 1 " lutely objectless lives, Tlits was especial- . .. .. I . . .. . . I . .. L t th I I . . . . . I I... I
. . 1. . A Failing of Hisiory. , . L 1YL the case* In those belonging to tM Weak little hoArt wits full Of fear - ' Don't let w6rhis naw a , e vita s � . I . . , .
I . I . . . I ding il!ooci. of your children. give them Dr,Low�s : 111111111111
Pond's Extract * . . . . great middlo classes, ThO Senfle'Of Indl- He th6yht about Rod Ri L . �� . . . . . ,
. Fre4di I eWliy i's it said that 1hierbojy vJdual resPonsibility needed to be culd- The Wol that met her in the wood, Pleasill, t WOP111 Syrup and they'll soon � . . .. I . L . . .
Over fifty years a household rema4y tra af ter the( vated by each one In WhAtevoi station of The b,?anstaYk. boK who kept So ninni be rid of these patra.sites, -Price 25c. � , . , I . . '
for Burns Sprains Wounds, Braineip can4 b�' written until V's . !, life ber lot was cast, 9therwise instead .. . I . . . ,
OvIent! CobwIgger-Because, my boy, , of being'a blessifig, the free0orn now en- 'on h,,,, heard t e prianVs "Pee, fo - -------------.:-- 1. -_ .,
coughs, aolda an3 all accidents fit. . as written'at tile time It occurred It joyed by women woulii�prove the sourva . le ,P ". . . I
. It w . . to thd, moral fibre poll,emitu"L . I .
"I , , ue,"Judge." sclifef rk niglit and tl I . . .
if Incalculable mi, *'V um, I . e. . ave t e
I ble to occur in every home. _. Von .tr n . 0 f 'tfh it * - - . I W. H L.. h' M'' ,
Id prob,%ibly be 0 pro"'t Then pool, Sammy homeward llftn�
, " I I of the. fam0e, character I the � .
. - � - .� and 'fUtul'O generations, . . . . . I . . . L
. .
� CAUTION-Therli Is 01111Y . L . . - L I . . . . I 6y,wt�v he sped, ... . . . Oihr full- stot-Ir of Blouse Motor-
. 1 Advantageiv of Delay. Quick thrmigh the All . * L . L . . .1 UEL . ..
oite Pond's Extract. Be .. , . . , . . EIP U.141'1�D t7l? . And (-rawled'in throngh,the old wood- . I I .
, I - I Your , M ALL . . .
. .
sure you get the genuine, V. I. I 'L .shed. . . . . ials for fall. Many' exclusive atterns.
� �-, First Parme'r.-4wi *Vgioai ;0" V611 ro.di'scouragod and disguqt6d- . L P
. = * I L 0 i hip bAsket he did fill, I . ... .. .1. *
sold only In sealed bottles , 1p, to XOW Y.071< Y*&r% 1i946 to think, tons gb The big c . L L 1� '
.- . tri n&t an6ugh ox8i * ) with a will. I
" . I 'dunno. The lowker YQA , .P L You ,ire . He )lacked his shoes tit I and only -one 'or - two f ttern. '
in buff Wrappers. � allner-ob, . to wbMupon. 17telreason 4 f I . o a pa." . I
L I wait 'the Moro there Is to slue,-Bix. run dolin, Jolir blood is poor'Mour 1 -in washed W4 face and combed his I I . I
11.1 .1.. I I ..Wo I I ,, Ike I . I I I . I I I I .. I . I .
- against the I L .. I I I � nerves are like Inditt, Rubber ,no I halt, ', . I 1. I . I -v . .. I L, I 1.
Probability that petitions . �_ U steel as they onqht to be. 11se Ferro- He yvent up to his inothop's chair I . I . . New Fall Dress o SL
election of Mr T. Tho'Dpoott. M, P. lot - ' . I le, and the tired fooling,will go, for Abd kissed hot, twice and then he said: . L M C, I od,
Nortb Grey (Conservative), and Wt. Goo. . A Vii',RY GOOD RIJ.1,10, . 7oi oil tilitt ,,I'd like some'lasses t0D.of broad." I I I .
it makes plenty of rich, red blO . , L . . .
� . . . .
. , esire � rs IV 8 Perry., 11 . . 6 I
Grant, M. P. for North Ontario (Liberal), It is well knownthntthemajorit� of feeds the brainand IlerVoli, The d I . . � .. . . 0
% . ise from constipation of I to labor comes bai.!k and yon enjoy it., . .. . ` shionable !also
bil. human ills ar . I , I � -L -ill � ...! % . .. I in all the'la . weaYes, and .
wi - 11 not . be pressed to tr ... , -j account many You don't get tived, because you nave . . , . I I I . I I I L 1. I �
- ---;. tile bowels and on thL e ?, Neglect not a day I L . . . . .
40.9m, S; r" 4c> WIL 3: -a. - eople make it a rule to see. that th. -used Ferrozon( PLIPWR�`TIO PATINSICURD, . I .. . . I
, 6
The Kind You Havo. Always BOU911t t once every L day, If you longer, Ferrozono will clire. you. Solif . . i , I . . . I I I L L Our Fir t Sh" ment - is
BoaTs the oe ,. L owels move, I ation you can bo by all (Irtiggitits. Danger si nal, prompt treatment is I 4, I I . 1P of Far!*
rl;r6sub,jeot to const 1� on of pain , I I I
8191latm, cured Ithe Ilse of Wr Chaso's Kidney . . � 4i � -- I I =ntlj�i ,tt to the , reg! I I
t,c , I Nevillne and )OUr . . .1. . 6
of Z �.AM�� I � ) Thet;e Pills not only Mrs (Dr) Tweedle Seaforth, died tit 0 It �ly wit - 11 I
. make the bowels aetive, but by their her residence on Vriilay last, The slid , it brown lywer, and a
- bi vex, i ,ills, Xerviline o tind . . Everyone knows the d.vant m
Ron r,ation on the liver ellslire It, 1,0gular event was not linexpPeted, ..She bad qt' iqkly over theAffocteR pitrt. Q11li1k0r I . . I I -8910 . �
Stratford (Iity Council want than inustard'L more effe--tiVe and so I L,
'the floW of bile, nittilWs own,eathartip been Ill for about 11, year aInd for sever. . 4!r p rogrel's of first chhoice 'in Furs. We haye rewived .,
Thos BRIlantyniA stppointed' to afid so relliove the,'c�usa of setiou '13 &I'months bpr life was'despah"ed of. thitt the 'furth, I OU6,LrLD V" � ,. I I . � . � � L I
p .. ,
Sellate. . I disease. . 11 All's Tweddle's Inaiden natile was Dor t�l((!I�inlli)ttlady fi;'checkod ntonee,hll paini; , . . 11
�'. r CtItSidayield3u, . IB OU rrr - . I I I C - nality-4 L I.,
. inside o it its quickly I oO nev "oats, all of guaranteed -a
__ I . . D" L 'I . . ............ -1 - . I othT Tsalyella Wilson, third daughter to Nervillne,Aud Iro"r t��ggist Bolls it. I , . I . I . - - - .
� . . , . . ; of I D Wilson. She had boon a SoVerO . -.I LIL . L . K EAD . I . . -AL . .
LA IES, '.',,nd',a%'2Z8, - find patient sufferer, With litt'10 01' :no L , 11C I . 11 "O trasu, L L
' 'L ' afid 6a *111 recolvor I � 1(almal Barlialn wits found guilty at hope of finalrecovery and the chitutge , T to of 46 : 11 . � '
,?. 6f SLOCUM'11 he Minister of Justice in the Ilon PC -
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FREEI ,,,,,,,P,,J,,, ,� - cornwall of miurderin another AsSY' was in every respect a welcome one to b6t.hmons had. his attention oi%lled ta the � W o will be bleaSed to show theft -, 7
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PENNYROVAL TEA. I& Allswental condition wfil be In. -- ptadtlo6 of SuperlOV'Collfli idd0h h0ting ow9t wo" . LL, .... 1. . . I 'L �
It"t tadyA116iddlittit. U80doetisadoltyby.11161a , a W. 1111�1 11 L t ' _9L W. as diteotors of puplid 60inpaniom Ana trust- %t S Ltur I . . I . � � . 11 10"61 lor,
of ladfel,, i �rugo4po
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ymothet iiad�g. Mrs for tl% bY fill vostigated, Rldward Clark was no- O.& 2: toasot ,estate#, but .0,06drod th&t he *&A 0, � is &
T. A. SLOCUM CHEMICAL CO , � .11 fitted at Pleton of the murdor of & I SOW66 11111 1W Vol on romody the evil, 0,13 the mat. ' I . I . � - 0..XW - I 4"-J29
.. 11 .1. 1. - -11 � 4 � .0 ' -i ft- I I?fovinol&l " ' � .
__ I ellow Circus employee named JT hn- . ...'' 1"..... 1.-..1..._.----.'-L- L .I....., ...... ...., ... �.. .
__ wpd.,6,42�� m.A. ter was one whioll olima withil . Lj.". L , �., � I L I L.. I. .
Advertige In the NeW Erfi& ston: The Crownwere granted & ve- I at '. 9V41:k - Jaiisaicti6n, . 1. - -11 ------ 1K_ I . L � �
serve 06,86. . 14
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