HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-30, Page 2I /
ft $004 100
, her 111110 million, Of WhOtP 0, good two-
i - �
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4 I & 0 4p-1--,
I I �
I I M _%
AW00to Reports, of Surveyo"
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11 I 1. � "W" I � . - 1;==
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tbir4a are settled in guropo, Russia,
-4 0 o
f, ,,,.,,,
. — —
. WOW NFAA"19 ' � -
" 1""
. 10
. .1 .
DIZZ' ? H'
. y eadaebe? Pain
Contain$ 0,50o,ow, AwtrI4 -Uupgaxy
r ift000" Roumanip,
1,800,00O3 Bel �narly r
6 , .
'I -1
. ,
.00 .�
,� 4
.9.9 X* Bay* talks of a
, rs 1-44
I ..
I .
Trunk Paciffe, Ligo
I T g,t,a up.
1. � W A"11114 ton4a to loan at d " "
49misessoir 10 $11t, J" $90" �
VAIRWIPT24,wimi OX, &
back or your eyes? 1t93 Your
W),000 and Okeat Britain 200,000. Next
i .
. 0 ,
I ,
A I __.-*� NX ,
cum., .0 - � - _ .
. ,
liverl Use Ayer's Pills.
Gently laxative,
tout,rope comes the United States
ik a 1#
Chao, X. Hays, general manager of
. -
the Grand Trunk Railway, made the
. . .
o - I FILM For Sale,
- - t4 1*9k,romorif 00moo,
340=1t,"lic .
. all vegetable,
Sold for 00
with i,000,000 Asia, the original home
. .,
the coutaitts200,000, Africa 70,-
11,90'. I
I . ��
I following 0410141 statement regarding
1. I I'll 1. � I �ffl —
OIFIRIONO PfUtAdjux 4 * The west half of lot 2j, roold con 0,*
X%r 104tono, e rich tqewu I
: 10
I . I . !""'f " "".
. .
I of race, I
and Australia-, 17,00(l. Prof. Haman
;� .r.,
the plans for thei a 1`861241'runk FAcific
. . --4i t i I 0 a
- I "d, is JR :21 Von a a U4 � torso C
I . = .*,.
.,I have used Strong's Pile Remedy ham,1190 ct W """If WIM , ll
bouio. Plenty 011
- , W. - J-319TVONA . . .
�.M_ _
Want your m7uzii"4,30; or beird
believes that over 200,000 on
. abraced
44 0 1
� 1.
Railway : .
. .
in ray practice, and Would cheerfully I circhtfArd- PAV001111iiii
'T�U &W!ioA*U0Zl to
d It tothe veneral uhlin n� P. I ATATM.S�
solil =01% NOTA R)r
........ . . . . . .
� 'i P - 4, The vraud .Trurkk P408c Incorpo- r
4 beloutiful brown or rich black? Use I Olivistl4nityd, tiring the l9th century. ; " � , I , ration Act having been passed by the 6ike�of ffio� best remedies for piles on
. � I.. . M I '' . . _0 I and the amo , Dflere,d the market; knowing its composition
I ... - rokakesmemore inclined to recorik
BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 1 = concurred in by thq H , . mend
a. r RAU a Co.. watiflut- 19. H. Lord Roberts Is said to havil replied I , ouse, the it as s, first-clus remedy for piles,
. ..
- - ,g! bill is now only a - ,
- - _ - - I . , , waiting the Royal as . JOHN R FLOCK, M. D., Acting
to it, question put to him by the Royal .% sent to place the matter in a position physician London Jail, .
.1 -
Commission on War, as to the pcssi�b. 1 "� where. the cown can be orgaudzed,- . � . .
§1J#f*#X*J* f *Q ility of nvin(ruvring Oroops in Canada. , .� - . arid take defini .Orm to lualiguAra,te Price $1.00. Vor sale by druggists, of
_, t " . . t1ke necessary., action preparatory to b'y rattil. on receipt of price. . 11 .
Ill do not know Canada personally, I ! 0 undertaking the 9bligations entered W. T. STROAG, X%nalitoturing Chem.
FRIDAY, 00TOBER30, 1903. have been told that Canada is very,. I . Into by the company with the Govern� .
===_ - . I __ . __.�_______ - I � ment. The reconnaissance suryeKi: at, London, Ontario. �
much coveredwith dense forests, and, 01im-full of Healtb and Energy. roceeding vigorously., and in fac a -_________1.___-1_-1___
Aniazing Disclosure. that it is very difficult to f . '. . can. t — —_
. ,Ind much Life is worth living when one eon ever since early last spring.'* We ,'"Its in HaddlVon, London, and in
I I . I '
__ spare ground " It � wit , � i awake after a good night's pleep- .have between fifteen and twenty par. IOU, the populal Jork bad increased to
Mr. i8rossin Openly R-harges ,a. scarcely nebes- I rqady for anything th . edaymaybring. ties in the field, some of whom have 143,0.14.
Gamey with Mutilating sary, in view of 'villa description ofCan- 1'ye- clear; tongu� clean, liver active,- about completed the work on their ilia. A French Catholic community has
the L04sh Book, adli, for Lord Roberts to say that he stomach right; handsteady ande trict Others will keep n all through acquii-edamansionatGillingh,%m,Kent,
d d. not know t,he coaatr� personally, , I lierve vibrating with that spleyeZ' the winter, Great care(la being taken to convert. it into a nunnery. ,
__ . I
FAIWAI-d Crossin, formerly the part- hense of tile power of perfect health, with a view of obtaining a line with a . . ,_ . I
I Let us hope that"Bobs" will soon come Too few enjoy this enviable morning minimum grade not to exceed four-
.rier ol .',, It. Gainey, M. 11 P., in the and make our personal acquaint-, . %nee. I awakerilog, but . . tenths per cent, with no greater thaiii To Cure. a Cold I.M. One Day
U ossin Piano C, - , - iny, lins made a. . . . I- I � . . I .. .. . two oi- three degree curves. On some Take Laxative Bromo Qatinine Tablets
Sta,litory dvk+1l-,ktio.i n'lliplifyingthe l. ; I I I.. . . I ov tortions of tlie.road, where the coun- All druggists retund the ,money if It fails
I .
n I The revenue from licenses Ili the . . L * a 001nparnflyely unknown, and locare, B,W.,Qrovo'ff signature Is oil
- gave before the Judicial I � r7i . .
evidencil h( . 0 ng to the 1"ck of transportation each box, 25a, 1
-, vil -ard tit(- Gainey Provincial Secretary's office contIniAe I 11 . I I facilities supplies Are difficult toiob� ore has been a .
Quainiiiii N% hich lit to increase with greist rapidity. The . � . � i, pregress is not as rapid A rich vein of truck in
th%y-ges. lWr V,romin has pitrted colli- pegistration of n6v boainess concerns I Ureirvesc ,Ise be the case. " WOU111 the Sultana mine at Rat Portage.
'llitany wit h Air (1hawy, antl the stoek I * ., . _� WT � I MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM.
show 4 Vey,M-Iillble hryo�vtb, and large- i Arlo% I QUAIN,�Vlla, MOVE lly RAiL �
� . , . 09% . . Mr 13 Wilkinson, Stratford, Ont,
1lield. by the latter, together with that ly adds to the totala, The amount I .Ie�,%Jjk�".v A0,0 . 46As to plans for construction and ays, "It affords inie much pleasiii-e t6l
transferi-t-d by lihn it) 'V. It. Sinyth, 4 1 1 the points at which a b6gliming will a,
collected during the past five years I all,
at il dependent upon the f y that J experienced great relief
M.P.P., lilts twoll acquired by other ,."4a always be dt'liended .upon to be made th, rommuscular rhouniatism by using
ari, its follows: 1808, $28,5'2Q; 18NI I rv,itorti the.system to , its natural con- completion of surveys, We now have two boxes of Milunrn's Rheumatic
Tarties. .Nli-('i,ossiti'�.,ittlliitvitL,titii-4oly $07,851 ; liV0, $78,997 ; 1901, $88 043 , ., t dition and Iteep you in good sound the territory. well .covered, The Arst pills.'? Pri6e 50q tt box.. .
concerns th(, el"forts of Mr. Gamey to ' . . I' ',,*,alth, A gentlq laxative it helps parties sent ont, which were started . I ,. . . . � I .
conceal ill(. fact that Oil Sept. 11110 1902, $108,755. For ,nine months of nature to rid the system of poisonous before the Government policy as to Mrs John Mitchell, Springballk, iaear
. - this yearthere has bee'n''received, al- ltup�irhiesp 4timulates the liver and the-eitstern division was.doveltiped, lo. London, is dearl. I.. . . .
. .
'fi-0 $Q10 in Onto rio Mink bills, in ad- ready the suin, of $100,455, so that -the WIW4 tip the digestive organs. � cated between Winrlipe FI and North liVer's Grip Po . wilers'Cure. Sold
'dition tr the $I -i10 which lie deposited. . � . . At all Drttggists25c..'and Ism, . Bay,' the tboory being lat that'Was A I � .
prospects are that 19M -svill probalify i � . I I I the section of country that was most -Py R P Reekle, Clinton, - . I
. - I I _ I
im t1w 1'rult-t-s' Mink on that (lay. Mv . 1. - . . . I � .- I . � ... I . . . . .� . . in need of additional facilities. While _;;.�__ - -_
;, Vach $128,000. . . I . 11 . .. it is undoubtedl true that fo- several
Gain -t- -.-Wl: q:wr,tly swori� that tb 4 I � . I I I I y We -can gi've, 11obillonx to pers(ins of ad
, , Ye&,'StocOnle 11, I&I-ge PrOP01-tiOn of grades of abilify. Al.elits, book-keepars,
$90) Was part of $121)0 whil,11 lit' I I The Mail anti Hillpire sa�,s the Cr:l,SP COUBtY ClIPPID0' *the grain crop of,the Northwest Will lerke,farmer's sons, iawyc , rs, mecliatdco, phy-
, . , . . I c
. I .1,1?ouservatives aredeternfined to seria 1- � I move out by water (It sloislis, pri sehero, stuottlats, intirritA and
bt,rl, ivedor 1;1-atlk sifflivall-eirildoZ . lriiig the�easork single women and vidpwa. Positions at
, . W H Greq. of 116wick; recently. -of uavigatlou,. there is to -day fl, V�ry worthtrom.s400 tr-?2,bt0 per imitium, We
part (if the St000 whivil lie Swore Hon. olit th...ir cjilnpaigr� ifterature, ' " al- disPOsed"Of it lie beavy drdtig,ht colt, .considerable quantity moving dur ng hava paid sevexal canviti�seys. 00, weekly for
J. It. Stratton turned ovuv to theni though the Government Ila "doing, its 1) inonths old, for $100 ; & good price the winter months by vill. northl of years. vIritefullyalud wt. will -give sous
. I - . I
jvi wy on Sept. 11. best to stop its dissemination." This for it good colt.. � I L .. . ior, and this quantity will position to Stitt.
� . . . . Lakd .Supel . 711E 1311-AI)LEY-GARAtTSION Oo. Ltd. -
. . . I
Thp niliniptilation of ill(! Ontario i-4 barLily the whole . a . tory. Govern- . -A very retty home wedding'. took be incieased in a:constantly growing I , Aiig, 22ad ' . 1� 4%];tfqrd. -1 I
at tff. residence 'of ,,Nil, D. I volume aQ r�all facilities for the econo- I , _ .-.-. - .. . 1. . . I
13-tilk depomitslip containing the entry nient doesn't object im .tile Conserva- Va'rron', Stratfordj . � ouglas mical and expeditious movement of - - I �..
. hanksgiving Day, . ' ' '
. when his ulece" Miss the traffleare'provided, - . I . '
4 f $goo W-V,Alll�)'., dtl�dt WILI, at the 't;%,1s�o.iLIhi out thpIr litLraturei but Lona Farrow, I -w CONSERVATORY 416
0 ivas ,oined. ill �y,6dlock to Wir: Geo . ,The,new. lint-, with, its four-tentlis : . . . .
. 1.
tilli.,14 the ('11(iiiii.y. Thellovelpart it dot's object, to them sending car-. Trott!, of Hens i,ll.� I .percent ,grades, will ,have gt�eat:ad.- I Studio of. �lusic, . .
. .. I . . �
. .
( r -',-'I- Crossill", aflid:t vit is that whi I loakis of it through the ruails free at � Alr-and Mrs .Win Glen - celebrated 'N I 'antage. Ili this -resp6l"'t. . I . I � .. __. . � �
' � "Our.surveying parties -are also well ' Wi Glenn. Campbell, Organist alld Choir
it rt-lates to the 11111tilatioll (if the, cash Ole expense of the public, by the de- the 25th anniyorsni-y of their wedding distributed across the territory from 4iieotor of .Wiliis Vre4b terian'Church
' ' "Y
'hook (if the Crogsin Pi-ino Company it vice of franking it from the Houses �of day, on Wednesday *evening Oct li5i west, and construction on .01intort, . . . .. . .
I 1903 lit their residende. . Maple Lodge, M
thalt"I'liop'!tkoh of the line will be pushed Teacher of Pianoforte, Plpen(lrgan and 411
11-411- effect of co-anpletely exonera.- parliament. That is, cheating, the., Usborne. Aboui 40 Couples sat down - (is soon as the results of. . our su branche� of Alusical. Theory, - Pupils � prepared
, 'v
ting J, M. McEvoy, junior counsel for country out.of thousands- of dollars of to a - most sumptuous fc�pagt. . " e"'s for all tto examinialons.of the. woronro Con-
. I I I I . . . . . are known, as aldo the construction bf. y,ealKisgeorUniversity, NewStudio
. � , aervator 3
� � . I i . I . . are now . I or TwittibeiW6hoe Store.- All are w .,
Mr Stratton, or All.', suspicions ill con- revelille. ,. . Mr Ji Armour and faiiiily ' ' the bxanclies from a p rt bn Lake Sum i, -e I I . . I . . 16160me.
. I �.. . . I cloinfort-tibly settled on the farm r.e, r.(which, port is 'yet to be deter- , . , . ,. I .
� .. .. 11 - . .� , ___._�___,_.__-��____-__ __
I ... � . . cen lk, M r J H Bow- arnation - wit the easterli - . . I � I I . .1 . . I
IV101, .Nil, Crolistri 8%years � tly Purclitised 66 'I" o., . I .
_Pe,Q,�inll there, , ' ��11�n, d. . . � nnnc�') t IX I., .
ft. oe M00 was entered in Mr C-ossill, of the To�onto ,ri4lno . a joining lyinghan . a, 'line from North Bayl, :. �
tii:tt the bpost . . . 1. -Mr . division,.an i . �. .. For. Sale, . I I
re -good farmer and fakes astern. . . .. . I
the cash book under ,late of Sept. I I coil,p),u), b�,nring his nfknieil�.:Alld ". Who. . our is a Aorth,. also 'intersectirig the e . ., . � -_ . . . . .
I . I . . .
. .
. .
. I I -� 1 . I'� ". . '
kind aftVi- the eliarges Nvere nrldc, 11; I . . . . . . ('81mial in .6,r:e,st In good stock, division." ' I I I . on Albert S1,
� . . . � . �.. I I.... I I . . . � Comfortable house nuil lot, k s.r. He..,
' : NVIT,L TAxr, Tivt - YE -kits. , � , , ,� E .
41 %vi%6 con.evill - hff, . - ' : . Clifiton, for sale ch�taj). lot
the flouse' 6litney c inic to him ao led in the Gamey air,bas , L Harold. of W . ingliam, - . I . I . . , . . I uitable for small famity. Apply at , .W "
. . . I , i . . IN& ahol.Mr9
� , 1. ..
. . . I I
" I urn the - loss of - theiii: - . M . . . . . .. .
a%kvd hini to cli,,zn.z, 1,11,, ,`l,,,,,e Ill tile published a. stafem�-,,iit i1lVV1.)1.U1l .he wq- , wo . . . d-Alighteii . "As to Ill. , I . .
books to Amn :20 oi- 21. Cro,sin vt4tiq- - . . 0, pidns find intentions. irt 0 ce . I . _. i , %-1
l . , alney" M 1-3 p.., sliox tly -Florence Catharinei aged ' -wiib e cl -ontbe eastm� ' �--- ' � .
, . I
ed, ,in(] subsetpivntl-, lie dis,-overe(I I ,(,z',.,. thax It It U . 1 P years', connection th w A I
- , . ,.
that the . been altel,V i 1) . I Ila charges Ili the liouse. . I'lloreincli was a very Interesting child Vim division, I will have to refer, to the . . Office to' - Rent.., ,� , ..
, ) entry hall y after. makiii.- I . Andwiltlbd inised. ,hi die home,. In. 06vernment, that portion, bf .the un-' .1. I . I . . . ... . .
. '. . __ .,
. .
blottim- ( lit, I lit, fl)(X) and C -111111)"i"" tile Nwt March, asked Crossin to change . terment took plitce on . Wbdnesday in dertaking bein- * n I .
(110P frOul ")cl)(. I I to All ZuSF21.' and NVInkhain, centr , . " I . . . g, as yon . ,ar . e aivare, i Over TOlor & Son's stbre,suitable. ior
11 - the date of the cash boolc entry of" the - . � I their control - . . . . �
then blotting it ovv MI. Crossin � . . � . I �., .� I I . ; ' * . any purpose Apply to . . I I . .
J04,; : . payment of .tile $000, ofwhich so much I. A r6c�iit J�dricoiiver paper say,; . : . "You-llsk-'�yithili what time. the, line .N. 211, tt. Al �9. A. H, WANNING Clinton,
" When I flir.- t saw t his mutilation I . . � . I . Tlic'marriageofMiss Daisy lJonley, '.,would lye rompleted, and, replying . . . . . . .. . . 1.
was saidl during the roydl- cominissl6n: I I 11 qtate .that ''of - course, . �, ... � . .
called the'attvnti )11 of olle .if Mr Gal )_ . .. . . Df -ValjiC6llVor,'. B- �',, I took place on. thereto. 1 wi I .1 �� , , ' I �R
I � Cloth. I lack " to . 'Tueiday, Soliteifiber'200i, while this is deplendent.onco-nditiollp . , . .. � lor _A)e -�. - : - "
ey's counc4el to it, nn(l aske(l lihn to investi, ,ltior. froni Sell .. , . . The bride . � F ., .
- . . I is the. yoixngest daughtel. -of CApt A. ,gencrally, the resnilts of sur�veys, the t ' - _.. .1 � I
comedown to theoflive ,ifter the lid- Aug20thol.21st.' (7roasin says be re- , . . . " _1 . .
. . .. . .Donley, of Go.derich, Ont. � Thelroo . In . situAtiOn tis regards labor, *movement I Agood'fkazae housedild small ban, older
journillent of tile court. Oil the coun- rng'd and that after: tbie iiiv�itigation M I,. d Al i - - of sup lies" , materials, 'etc., it is .not. will, and lime kiln, all neUEly 110W. -4,180 234
sel'sarrival at tilt- favtovy heasked tile ' . V. in say oir, .18, a, V, . em� , , acres of .1iindwith a,ll kinds of fruit trees
if there -was a iytliln�l ' in our books opeiwol Ill- discovered that, thO entry PlaYedofth�ofii,ihof'Roti,�oii&H ' Nat. the r�oad will 1�a I bohipleted, thereon� and 60 aores of gooct. tapture land.
" . . , �. . , I . .. a . cKe_. : b6A of fivo"years.7 ., . I I . Possission given at once. , H. IVERMORE
that could in ;in-.- waydousivirin, t was blotted, and the words, ,!,Aug. L)r' . vanpouvels . I - . I. 8 .
. - . . I . . �* - It is Aa6d* im6ffiqially that the' 2 rj)A�sep.'- - , ,' LdlidiAboioOnt .
. .
(nionningthepai-tyl Tsaid"Notti,at ivere written ov6r the loth . Sei�t, and' - MaTtlia, Barry, I widQAA� of, the. late A; T! I - -_ . , . . . .
I Itill awary of, so �111, as I alli concern. I . .. � , M.J61inston.4 dit"d in.London,: Wester portion bf � �bh6' toad:will be -.;- . , , , � I . I ..
the figures "$goo" illotted, : Crossin -Oht., on built'b,, the Grand Viliik.Pit6fic, and - . -
4e.d. ))lit. that tll,�M� Was �tjl (�11(1--,, ill thp . Wednesdgtyj and* yesterday ,her re- - For Sale or. to Rent., -
crish book �N - - " tlle;wo�k -,vill be �-(16ne by contract,, - .-. . I . . I . .
-hich 11.1d hvell changvd., further alleges that during' Gamey's mains, arri�7ed ill Croderiell for inter- :tenders beffigasked Uoin contractors. .. - I _ .
. . Lot�g,con..2,Sianley, containing 100 acres
Onshowinghim 1h*spavtimilart5ntry absencein Buffain, he (0r6ssinTdIs_ :tnent in the'family j&t in Maitialid It Is not Yet, dc�clolvd definitely whvo�, - In g6ou state of Cultivation'for sale oi to rent
ofsept. Ilth $910. after lookiligat it covered that the -two front leave§ 'had lenletery,, to whicli city -of , ti Irm
� � . �
for (Illit'va considerable t hile, he sald - the. -.4itneval took place 1� ie dead 'the Pacifle terniintw 6f theli�e will be. for to of years, oil) V ytoJINIO. AlcGREGOR,
Ileen 1:61.1i out of the 'book and taken. at (11,14., port; "qfikrlps4rjJ., B. t,%, b.as 1)ec�lj tuos`6 on ptilynises or URS , 11.001190OR, 2 con "R.
� . '
'What does this Illval I ."' I t�\plainvd amr, v, and that no oLle Axe . ept Galyle . day).aftern6oii, fro.1n. tile, residence -of -f�e(lueiltly gpoKEen of,,�btit l3kite Inlet h 1, Tacksr8Witb,Set.fortbP..O. ., :
to him the e1r..,tunst.triles ns I have set . 7�' Im brotbi-ir, Cleo 'B ' ,I -- . . I . , , d��I�,'i-t& 7 - I., . I
, ;,lid hiniself had any keys ' . r!ge � .'arrYp *13 9-111: and at lertai-606 - 6tbor poft,in Britisli I , . .
- . . . *
full gzraspilli.� tile ,4itllatioll, . . '(,Ioluilibii..'Iiave,been'cotisider4�d. Just. -.
forth above Ho thon said. after fiei,. Ali, Crossin - is reported to have: Ave- � _� ' . � ._ - � .
, . - .
y , W, liat a purcha,;ed the interests of Messrs. ., Her many'fr'en-da Ili Godericli and which will be' chosen .depends. upoll. . cauetteoul .10 $,mlet- , '. �
. .
danilled f(I'll It-, i ., " (;anwy and -S, inythei. Al P P's - ,Ili ,'tile -Colborne will ' lbe, pleawd to learn of Qic. rep 'tb�'sur'veys. ombe fly'. . -
Tilt, Tw\t mot.,,ing whon .. I .ortama(16 by A Newo �hnttlf. carpol, loom in f1ret
. . . . .
1. . . . ' ' .
, . p . class repair cala be Nought for about 30c on the
hV got, -kilo coill , : I . the mavrlag�e of Aliss .Margaret *Afoi,ris � , ' . . .
'low" to ill(, factory he folln(l t hat pi, pally�. �. . . I . a 1, , � - , . i . ..:, � � . . . �
Gainey was there ;, . . I 0 . - . . � .. . . daughtdr of tlie'late Obtis Molvis, o I . . _. . . �. . � .. I . � dollor. This is a gcod. chance to gbt a loom
I VVry 111111sual I I . � . . I I . chea'u..Also one light a e=o, rat wagon.foi. gait
hour for Iiiiii. Af,er the 'nepurr6nve . � . . . Dunlop, to mr Ern9t Dolge, at'the , , . News ofthe Old Lallld&� . . eheap.JN'&1l.P.sPf-r,.h -
. A filess'hi,b" to''Childreno - 116111160f. the-krootn's pareutq, Alh ' ' . andgeifing.A iyG. 10" I I oll-wall
vftllevpi�odooftliv lmnk(lel 1. :. , . � am- I .. . . 1. 0. I - �.,:. . .
. � I b I F. rpir, � 31e�-. = r I -.1 t_,d
)o.qit "III) 1, .. .
., . . . � . .� - �,bvi,,Cktl�, sh6iotly.6ftei, heii retur*n fvoin � - . � . I .. 1: �p . I pfm
a -tv or two hif er Crossin grow siis- I — . ., I . �1, . . ... I I .. . � . �
. . , " ' .
, -
A . I � . . I , . 4 . . . . a visit, to the bid home here. The ; - * . . , . . .. . I I.. . . . I . .� . ..
plelolls. ;it)(] (1 -1 -ill -I the vw,h book, "From the fultless of my o- . I . I I - . t - . 1, .., . � . le 1\ D.,:: , - � � ... . ...:. �.. . : : ,
TIP found the two front leaves, one of . ,�,n ex veremopy w. a* perforine(I by Rev Dr �, - . . S OftA . I . . . � I � , . For. llenC . �.. ..
. .
i,) ience," writes Mrs Samuel Hainil- . Robtirt Xclutyre,.o�ly� ii� ftili intimate , Neilst( . m. school ,kee6in 6f6diation, is to I . .' � .. . - . .
-d tile entry. torn out, to:,,i I * Que.; "I can'say . � .. . . -_ 1. . �
Which c0lltabiL , . tl�at frip.11dabeingilresent.... ..: IT extended. tit it cosCof .4113,0(jo, 1 � Lot 33 con .1,0JI-allett, con,'"bilili; 100 acres. -lit
-elv that l`%fr 1; of Rawdon, . . . - . I .
Cross -ill sweni-S lwsiti% B y's Own Tablets are Ad inilispen- , ' ' goocl'stAte of cultivation. On the premises is
), some few, w�eki sinc�;: WIlen H4Y;l ' The l3lktic'k Wato�h 'Me:ruorial, 'Honie . a good house, Lank barD, well waferi�d, good
McEvo - v ('0111ol have lin(l noibing to do sii;le medicine ir..'evory home where Robinson, of -God I I I . .
with this lis I- was nevev lilone in, the . " , . - e -rich, . returned from tit Peth stil requires about ;C3,OUO. , - fruit orchard, sitaste(l 2%, miles from Londeq-
office, and t Ile 1-1 Ves llst have been thereqre infantsand ug childreiii his Noiffiwestvialt, lle�.110.porte. ''I" . . . . . , . boro 6 miles trom cliaton ,1� inile froin school
YOII I I . . Rothestiv has a6 inhabitant' who' Frr. p
Theyspeedily-relievelim, Cure 't"the Miss Emma - .articulars %lY to � MRS D JACK80W
torn out befory lie entered tile. offlo,V coninion ailinents Incident, to child- Andrewis .had . lost 'tile � I 1. I 'ON on the premises.. *�
'roqsin also ,wear I. , i t clainksthat heis'.about IW.;yeal�a .of, . bo . T_de8l�orojor a AcXs L .
C s : Oil the inorn sigilt6f-An eye.. It, t I ,. . I � - - . - , . .
- hood. In fact I think the 17Ablets ar ' - ' was. Pit in wirk,, _.
ing of tho day I %vas examined by th . . I ' but -learning - that Miss Antirows age....- . . �, . . . . . .1. . ''..... . I . .:
f ft blessing to children.'." .. I . I .., ... .. .- . .1 .� .-
delence, Mr 'Ma,;son. oil(- of the soli . slatef, Vi� -Perry,' had lost an eye Street betting,is ap,dly prevalent Ili. _ Farm tor;'S'ale.-
' V'_ � ft is .such sincere, bonest words as througli'a cinder striking it,while she' the. - . . I . . . 1. . . I I � I
- (.,tniek's side of the case. these that has made Baby' , . -W-,st of 8cotlAnd. It is doing 1. I , . —
tA)rs for Mi , - . I a O,wn Tab- .was . � . about 21
came to my offlry and nsked ine ab I looWng ont of 4,wir- window, and great harm. '' , . I � , Lot 89, ConceEsitimL7 Goderich T�11
ol t lets tile most popular lnedicine, with I . I � miles* from Bayfleld. 8 miles from Clinto
iny subpot-na. I told hill) I bad beon Mrs Peqyi St� Thomas, lost hers by. -a ...
mothers all aver the ]and., Tile, Tablets I . : At Crosshill H6bse,'� Motherwell, ex., containitig,80 acres.. mrsra or lessi good. freall-
I ,
au'l-ipoenaed bv the other side as well, call be given to lieedle..flyhig .from .1 cloth she I md, .water creek running. through saille the. ear
all d1AIdre * froul the was 'Provost James Russell, 3 i- P., is do
shaking and.penetrating the pupiL � I I - - roundf2 acres .orchard, fram6 house,barn 50
and told hin) i0iez) this bad been done tiniest,NrcakidsCbab� to thenvell rpwil . I :, I ,. -' in,his 80th yea�.' �. _- I . .. For pa.rticularit apply to undeisigneli"on the
and all partivulars. lie told me I child, and wbk�e they are, ilseg you What Irilght linvV pipi. led li. seriow,; -2 -Goslix)g, p. -yoo_ prenl1ses.-WN, ballINER. I : - .
. .
could gn Out of town, as my subpoena' find only health I cbildi,en Ili accidenthappened neat, W%itechuteli .. Sirgi Major of th , ..--- . ,. I . I .
bit,(] tx ired, lind T needn't attend be- . Y, botpyiy; Thanksgivifig-Any. A imin . mallry8taft, Durkbar, committed sui-: . - . .1
�, the home. Yow can g . . . , . '. . I .. ' Old I �. I . .
fore re vt the %Tablets' on ber of cide Vy shobting'. . . I .I � . Wo
commission Notwithstand- from any dealer in.: medicine, or I hey Young men were- on6 billiting.; two .. ' I .1 11 I lig � � . ,
ing this I did attend, and gave on -i- vvill lie sent by mail lit'Z5c� ai bax by Everett, and Alex I , Th�l 14' ,arl and, Conntessr of Strath- . The Great llatlisli Remobl,
of th6qi Wesley ' . . I I
dence lit all matters on which I was writing The,Dn Wiflitk;lns' Medicine Kerinedy were . walking . near �acb n,Or�,,ce,1,,,_,b,ra1ed their golden. we.dding .. is an old,well � estab.
questioned. . I � , , at , . . I . I
.It in " . .
The ab we statements represent the Co., Brioekville,*Ont! , '. .. I . . . 6thex, the former ahead, when by . 'a I tle I � . I 1% lishod and reliable
truth as far as I am (milcerned. .. . � .. � . �. :,.. . . some 1heans, X6nbed�`a guil was die-, Lord Aberdeen has sent each 'of his � / . I I . 1. I Proparation. *Has been I
. . .. . proscribed and psod
I . : I charged. The charge struck Esv(lrett tenants a present.W all. excellent ' 11 ever 40 years, -All drug.
' ' ,
Asked as tollis reason for inn king ( od Fishery a Failure. . In o'neleg. lind. the' liltIZzle -Of tile �pictureof Lady Aberdenh,., - - . . . . . . . gists in thd - Dominiob
. . , I I of Oaniida sell and
the matter publie. now, Mr Crossin . __ . I � . In been - more eleVated;. ,-.E erett '' .. , I ., recommend As being
pres- . � 91 e Jas Gracie, Gateside, Kirkmichaeli. � .
says he did it as ;i inatter of self- would hAve received thetharg in'llis Retfford atid fler; Ahe only
The Grand. Bank codfishery,in wh"uh body, and the result would pro 11 S raised'in his garden two potat eg tbinedicine, ol
ervation; that his bu8iness was going some 70 Nova, Scotia, veshels migaged, I I bably a . I 9 , , itskidd abotize-and -
down, owing to the stigma attached to have.proved fatal., - As it is, h6 is're- which -vviiighod 3J pounds. . . gives universal slitiffaction. It Promptly and
it, and it was necessary to tell a,H he has proven an almost entire failure this Covering nicely. Boys ewitiot be,.to The oldest freeman of Ber Ick is perMandatly cures all forma of 2yirvous Weak.
season,' and there will be - much � w . ness, Emissions, Spertn4torrhaw,: rotpotenev,
knew in order to save his own credit. tion in Limenburg, where Careful, When out him thig, . Robert Skelli, who Was' 90' years of. and all effects of abuse or excesses -, theercessive,
I this'fi`S1;1i1V1a;. I . . � I I . � age on Feb . rd,this year, ... � � usd of. 2160acdo, Opium or SUmulants, Menial
� has its headquarters. In many cases I . I . - I . . .1 and,8rain Worry, all of which lead 0 Infirniftyj
I Lunenhur . Ith- '. . . . I . . . ,o forr -icul- poniumptionatud an larlAOrave.
. It is proposed t n all. agi . .1ribsult
,q, xessels have come in wi I . I ", ackagoorsit forM. Ofteivill
A contemporary remarks : "The out a sing 6 quintal, and noue bave so. ' HOWIS THIS P., , . . tUral college, with forestry its one of
late. of ex -President Steyn, of the cured even an ordinary catch, . ,The' . We offer One Hu . ndred Dollars. Re�- its departments, at Aberdeen. I- . cawroure. Mailed proniptir on ro-
� . Send for free pamphlet. Addre,20
fisherman depend on tile catch of One � . . . Who Wood Companyv
Orange Free State, is a. tragic,one. He season to pay the bills of the. season be.. Ward for any case of catarrh that call. 'It -is prolibbed that Irish NationalA . , . 1. I Windociti, Quirt, Cloinsilap
lies in all almost helpless- condition of fore, and to meet this obligation now not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ists should'erect a' memorial to. tile. . . . . ?.- -
VJ 011ENEY & Q Toledo, 0. . late Mr Hugh Murphy,. ofGhug'ow. I I Woods Ph h dineis sold in Clin
they have not a celit, thus leaving I . ton by R. P. '
paralyess, unable to move or even con- . We, the undersigned, Eive known -. olfecki,, F. W. Watts
themselves two years.in debt. � 11 J Cheney for the last 15 years, and - Xing'Edward, during hisvisit, gave . H, 13, Combes, alld J. H. Hovey, Dr ug
verse freely with his nearest friends. Further credit la, tieing refused by believe him perfectly honorable in all a bail to the tenantry of the Balmoral, gists.. . � .
He is one of the wrecks of disappoint- the merchants, &lid the outlook is business transactions and financia,lly Abergeldieand Birkb.all estates. . �
. ,
. -
ed ambition." Previous to the South gloomy. Nilva, Scotia lisherinen do not able. to -carry oklt�any obligations make Xing Edward has bought a selection I , 1. I I I
go out to the Newfoundland banks in by their 11im,. I . . of tweeds, manufactured by the West 11 -- 1'.1 11. . .." Al;plailii�wt
African war President Steyn was next the Winter, but now a movement is WnsT&TRUAX, Wholesale Drug� Of SOotland Home Industries, Girvith, . .
inpowerand influence to Presid afloattogotothe banks on our own ists,Toledoo.O. WALIANG, KINNAN. In the'.CoUrse Of & 'also '
ent coast this, winter'in the hope of doing 9 MA11VIN, Whole ussion on � I
Kruger and but for the support which someth*ng to relieve the very heavy edo, 0, Salo Drugg I Ist64 TOI-. kinderspiels a inan said young life in Central ..� ..
I � � I Alva . . was surrounded wit great
be gave to Kruger it is doubtful if losses of t I he clo,sing season. , . . Hall's Catarrh Cure is take,, I dangers. . � I I .
I ,
there would have been a war. . I . I . � I I — I tiallyI aef,ing directl'y upon the T.W.'a .. , Ill, Hamilton - , 9, short I
— - _b...&_. . �. . .. nallies Fit etinfat r1pilellaylitid Idoduh . and mucous surfaces of tho am, . Provost.Xel
0bationg It thil, on y U Testimonials sent free, Price 1101 per time'since, formally switched on the Meat Me rket .
A special despatch to The Londoil Mol Is bow. Used by tile 11 seto"bly I I b 61t ts 0 - : electric light in the principal streets �
I lboxglutu In Rumpe M it is I 1p Sold by all Dtugglste. . � . .
Daily Chronicle says Prof. Haman, of' ITScon dentitillf rommm ft , . a Family Pills -are the best. I of tho town, , , fraving purcksoed the butchering
tPiLtOsyo,&FllfTY'So,u$SbTN.6rVftl*TmO 0 DAM, I . ., � . � . . Prof Prince, of' Ottawa, IT, leading w
, . authority on Canadian fisheries, has Veirodtoftirnimb thepecip1bol 011a.
Basel,bas written a remarkable article business; of V,, H. Po sill am pro.
Or halra Children o relittives tbilt do ad- I I
on the present geographical distribu. tHeR that ft imictea, theii pow rati rm . been on a visit to his wife's native ton with till kinds of Fresh and
r! I
I It
I I A, bb%q *�
dt -. I b,..- I.. I by - i'l I The Virwesiket Vessel.
tion of the Hebrew race. Prof. Han). E,�Vdliithl.'�:,l. ii ,..,O,. I town;I St Andrews. d
.1. _1 — - , . bologns,
96you are accused of mash I A petition signed byJ989 Str&nraer lard, buitor ana eggs aliihya kept on
an, who is a leading authority on this 0 D said, the stranger. . frig wbinels", Voterg has been presented to Lord hand. I ..
subject, says the Hebrews . Willi 61 8_,8_1,(_1,C_0",_._1_J,!_)_ id ng. stre ct wtst� To ro U0, Dalrymple, requesting him to stand-
e!�__ - �_ __ - - , __—, - I I 1 know It," repli6a ilia strbet oar con, . ,
11 I � dilator, "but ,tiLinit tile woloeyk 0&6 again for Provost. it. Fitzelftelts a Son, t
es a 10 YM thab bu Mr. A. U, AylegWokkIi, 9, 0. publishes its mathod, so much as ,tial the jim#A. I . 61010111111ma . . I . . I 1. I .
and aboolubo Mrs . fids And old men, t a)p066 on stacouilt of . . I W61phone, 7&
Piles 1� . as m's � P4,NGLAND .1 . I .
abd every fom I% -of in R Moo vr A n ro top I I .
* tn*nt,'Bta ot.08a.'s in Loudon & throb ablurrin o"Is'llittion' the WO 6 Vy 0 ri I oo e .
g big atfitatii towards ths,-, aeoialon of th.
bleodingand ding pilea,
0 manint"turera have guaran I 0 .
fUmonlala In the daily premm and Uk r a I
wore whabtbey think ofit. Yonc&n it i n'
apbjour money back If not cu I At
I 6AIM Or EDMANS09,13A & I - I
D 0 Chasews Oint
Alaskan uounaary Tribatisl, in whilah-hal
olkittstittrizeg thd rrajorlty of tho Ttibun.
if a" Ilopposed,to the plain requtesnionts
Of 11110tice" Mid ifr6corillable *Ith 1%ny dia-
obliftion of %6 teivii upou ptindiplea, q. A
Indfolal ObAtadier. I ,
1, � � . ...W..." I., I . , 108 how 0 elally 8 ted. that, t-110 urclers oefivar6d - promptly to pill,
Ifto h14 Marti q , to itit now bridge at Kew cost X102iW5. ', psirtsL 6i *,* jo*r. ' - �. .
8`101"0:441 "'Ri-It", a" i An order signed by Oliver Ornwwall X. 111-paroblis hiiviln��S. %* , I
vr6 41 arvomlent Ih101:tkr1b19tA-7Q& fetched 7 5s. tit esArs. 80theby's tihhimii.j, 46ti -.1 %.
-1 .
. L
-11ay for Sale,
. . 11
"--"— .
Two stocks of mixed Clover alid -Timothy
MH I and a Jurintity of loose Ilay in the ba
l be sol cheap, c ither In bulk or othrrl_*
wise. Also, some ram and ewe Shropshire
arAllil, (134P. -J. H. 11;LFQRD,li1olmeilfil1e.
- . � Farin for sale. ' .
-- I
One of the best 100 moro. farms In Tucker -
Iamt for sale, I ft from Bruceneld , an the
ill Roa ort 4 villes. Splendid loca-
tlou9 echo' I o p site, at 0. or at , a ut .9
an . rem of 9 I 9 . d 0 to f cultIVIA40
2 borne. I , 0 A mfortabi house VM
to . I *. I linton,
. . ... I.,
. . Farm for Sale I
. South half lot 83, eon 15, GoderJoh
40 arres; goodclay lQarn; 5 acres f370t1ne.h.."t
food frame hou�e and frame kitchen, Rood opl-
ar top plastered; cemont floor; soft -water
. coment cisterf): hard watiq punip, frame born;
two frame stables, sheep )house and ill
Good, never-failingwrinf, creek- runs t9 ponsh'
the'lot, ApFlyt. ALI CON DODDS ,f]
. ,� WOA ft
on the prem ses, or Clinton PAD,
. I . . .
i Farm-lor. Sale .
. .
. —
The under . signod'offers his firm,soutb half of
lots 9 and 10. Concession 12. 033 the place is a
stoay and a half frame house with stoue cellor;
drivu house, b4ins. shrils, and all necessary
outbid ding .1 drehard,never failing
IT, one %in&
opriu,,, ores and well. cistern,90 sores cleared,
10 acres bush. One mile and a quarter from
churcli,school and post office. � For full partic-
ulars apy.ly to .
Belib 8-t " R.H, KNOX, Blyth,.Obt-
..... . —
. .
. le. . . . .
I - . Farn1jor $4 ."..
. — . I
The undersigned offers for sale his choice
farm, lot 81, con 6, townshiv of H-ullett, con-
. sistin R of 5Q acrei. On the PIP ce is a comfort-
. able story -and -a -half brick house, -good 'Out.
buildings, a small orchard, never -failing string
and well, Property .Is well sitnated, ein
Within 4 miles of Clinton and ten Ininutes'we.k1t
:of church, school and4oit oflice. Eight acres
. ,
. of fall *beat sewn, Ill 1, e sold on reasonable
terms. For full pArtioulars apply to
I 0 1 $in W� J. WOUR119N, Summerhill, P,O.-
11 . . I �
. . .
. .
. Farm Fof'Sale.. . .�
. 1. � —_ . . I I
. . . Lot. 12,13ayfleld con., Goderich tp,, 11B acre
� cleared,balance hardwood.with a large quau,
rity of ce,dar-onit), in Kood. state of cultivatior ;
amut five acres fall w ea#,,and considerable fall
plowingdone. Comfortable brick house large
Darn withatabli.ng underneath,driving shed and
other outbuildings; about 2 stere. orchard,
mostlywinter. iilit', well4atered-neverfrill-
I , ing spring creek and two wells ' Seven miles
from Clinton and tlizeefrom 3�ayfleld. Posses�
I sioti at tiny time, reasonable -torm . , A I for
further particulars to,GaAg. W3110or � I St;
0avid at., God.ertch,_. I I �. . . I. .
. . ..
. I . . . .. .1 . I 1. ...
I I � " ., .. —_ .
I .. .1 .
. . . .1 . . .
Farm for )1#:.ale.,or, to Aent,
. � . .
. L . . ,;. . �
� . .
. .. , .. I * . I 1. �. - .. .� . . I... .. .
� . � � The undersignedoff6rd forsale his farm of
150 acres which Is all under grass, but. Boacres,
five of wluch is bush, 7 acres of fall wheat, and
, 6acresof barley aud the rest oat-. The pur-
chaser can have the c ption of taking over crop
. and alL River runs across black imd and is' an
I . excellent farm for grain or Stock_ There is on
� the Rtom'isos a good two-story bridk house with
kiT,c en, summ er kitchen and wood -shed; bainis
. � X70 and 24x70f0sq a dood fxult orchard; of olge
scre, convenient to .church and -school, .being
four miles from. Clinton, and seven- from Sea -
forth', anti 4ituated on H urou Road stirvey, I
32,2ud con. Tilakerimith. Applyorishe prAp!
sea, Q� to F�'W, CRICH, Clinton, P. Q. Je19 tf,
� . � . I . .
. . .. - . - . . R . . .. . . .. __
. �� :., .. W .
. I . . rioted. I.'. , . .
.1 .1... . .1.1. I....- . . I .. .
I . I .
: Girls Ivanted for, Biscuit Depdrtment8, we . gee
� first month, U.00 per sveek, second month, $5.00
fi I. wcek, further advances oil piece work.
.1.] villfurnigh addresses of first-class boarding
�ouses ard -IMO pet week, . I .
. . I .
� . . I . �. .. 1, . . _.
I . . . �
... .
, I
.1 , ,� I ...
. .
. . .. .1 eounty .Ritetioneer.. . .
. . .
. -Haviz ,%procured Auctioneer's Licenf-ii for
* theCoun y of Huron; I.-aolicit.a share of, the
sales. Dates-lutrilshed by nittil, 'phone, taltr-
I graph orpersonalinterview. ChaMosirphion.
� ble�, .. .. I .. 11 . 1. . I 1. . �
. 1. I I . ... ...
.." . 1. . . I . . .1 11 I 1, .
I 0JEtS APIVF . . I I . S
. I -. W & � , y C U. L E*E
.1 . . � . :� 1W'%,T1m, - - . ctx.�-Tozq. .
I . . .. . . v ' ' '
. Offloe.0 ally: and :04+u'rda.
vight Until"11101301= . . . I ..� . . .
L .
. . 11 Wil ' lvisitAuburn every Mondap Dtin.
ganuot,.. eNbry, Tuesday; Ba5fiel .livery-
� . � I . I .
Wednesclay. . . : ... " . .
: - . "* - I .. I . I � . . . . . . .
, . � . . . . I : �: - I
. -
- 1. . ..
. . . 1. ,.—I . .� �,
. I � ., .. .. A NStTRANOE �'- -
. . .
.. � . . .
. . __ , . . .1 .
'I Pire ' Lite ArclAent I . plate Glaq,,
� . �
. .
.. . . I .. I 1 : , 7__�
. .
'11, "1W1 61-
. .. . Fi0LUiSV,IL,Lrj. I � . .
. I
:-&941111, for the-XANCH9sT,EXFT . F, jk`,�Lrlll I .k.Neli;
Co, of1fahchoilter, England wboso fl*l-.&4 ar"
. scourity'are ratedat $14,5C10,1W. L .kJ4
RitLop MUTUAL INZLMANCR.Clo. A , t'. the *.X(O_
� V)asst?�4 t,.Ir
larm risks .4nd town ptoport,j tAkOZ 1%T
lowest )rates.- Azst-�D,aos Loan, 'C'mIllpanit"k
also relpreser-ttid, Money to beh d f , .
dent ILI), 86001, - 11aff 0 iaturil,Z '.4,7.417M-
. Dail mail � llolmesvulp - pbstikl e*rd V il
fe t4a It lin I . . . . . ". , I
I . I . I
. �
.. .. I __ _�_
. . .
. I
� . .
'' .� : INSURANCE CO, .. .
I I omcEas. . � I ..
. J, B. McLean, Pz*sldant, Rlppe!� P�- 0 . T.
Frasier Vice President Brucerteidi I 0 y H.
1109, 1!�o. Trpas, .-OAGth, P1. 0. I : .
I . I I � :
Jhs. Connollyd Porters Hill, John WaItt, Rat, -
took, G Dale. Iinton,M.,C.hwney, seatooth,
J Evans, Beeahwobot. J, G,'Grlevs, WlbWrop.
X. Bannewels Brodhagen
Each DireoG ibspeZ� of losslis in 16 16 0'wu
locality. - . ,
. AcX%Jr5 I . . .
J- W-Y40.11ohnosville.1t6bork Aruhh Hor-
loo Jas. OUrnming, Eginclad*111�,'Ed: Inch-
leyiNsforth. ..
. .
S �
. 11
. .
. . . .
. G* 11 MeT, aggar t
r -
. . BANA181% ' I
. I trentral 8 . ankfag kunfuoav
. t I rinisactild . .
. . — ,
I Notes Jbilliod, Interest tillowtid (in
Opoilts. , .
, ,
. I J411 P0. TINDALL
. � I CL1N'1VX,'0XT , .
� — , � ,
Privette funds u login on tmDrItgoigoi 'it
. beat current ri%tea
# 0
1 ormMS
. � ---? � I .
I . RIDOUT & -HA169 . I
, ]a r I
I Aront
I "I", 1118"44111431 irf"Inre .
__ . .
0413" 11"', I � JOUR I&WOM0 I
i 11 1. .. I I I �.
Barriater. 13911oltor Notary ltuio Convoysiskia ow
I 021co-oppoollte 4,161bome U044
1 . . . Qederl h .
. IW' 0, CAMERON .
fonnorly of Gilmartin," Hoit 4; camovoto
cifAce-awilton Ot opposite 091bornallon .
. �
I _. . � . I 1�
, . +
01111ce--4VOrn Unitailltoolifit.andtile Squilow 4 1
4.704crick, Onto . I I N . .
- . I .
H. L. Dick. lison 09AS. QA=oW. ULD � . .
. I , -
I - - .
. 001ce. North at., next Ooor to. lilgia" 0 1 � . I
Private ]Puuds to lend at,lowest rates
I of Interest. I .. . . .
. .
. :R� a,. HA,ya
I . I .1 -
� .
. .
Merlical. . .
L � . . WN. GUN)N, -M,I).9 . I . .
I .
I .
. L. IL 4v. P. A S., Edluburgli; . .
Offloo-Orktari,- Street; Clinton. Night call � �
I at front door of office or residence, . 'Battim- . . . I
. � I
bury Street. I . I � . . 4 , I
� . .
. 1. .
. . + . .
I . . I
. . I DR WIN11111 QHAHAM . I I .
- 14ioentloite of the Royal College. of Phys lolam � . I + I
� .. LondgAl'.England. � . I I I � .
. .
. .
tiffice and lt6sidezoe- * - . .. . . .
. . I
. �
. 4OHN TEDCORPIS Uouse, naron .8t, .. , � .
. . -
I .
. .
� 11 .
I , � . . , . I I ,
. .. DR- J. We'SHAW. * .. ' I . ., . I
. .
. I . PEXY81C14N. BURGEON . . I
. A,flf nobei)r etq., office sod - residenots 0 I . . .
tario St,, o osite English church, formerly. o , I
envied byVr. Appleton, Clinton Oat,. . . . I
. I . . � . � . I
: , DR. 0- W.'THOMPSON �. '.. - . I
. Physician, Surgotin, Me. ., . - .
. . .. . 815edial attention glTen to diseases of the , . .
Eye,Ear, Throat and Nose. I I . I'
I I . . OPIce and Residence- ', �� .
.. .
� Albert Street,g, Blocks North ofnatten'billiT ' . . .
� , . . . . . :
. G.M..'Na'UnIng Smith) ILD.y C -ho ." .
I . .
- .:.. . I . . . . 1.
1. : I . PRISICIAN- & SURGROXf . ' * I .
. . I . , . .
.� - . .1.1 . . � . p . . .11
. I . , . I I I
�OFFIUE_Maln-Str at, Baylield, formerly, . I ,L . .
. . 0 4
. . I I . . ,
. . . . , , I I I
I . . . � .
. . ,occupied by. Dt.,pallister, I I . I . ,. - . �.. -
� I � .. .. . . . . � .
, . � .. I .
. .
. I .
: �'- - ��!, , , � - " -- I + I
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1 I . . .
D , *.. G,w ERNEST HOLFAES. ,- . -.
. . I
. . I . .
. � . . D ': - .. . I
I.. I ; . � . i . tNTIST ' : , . .
. I (Suocessor-,Lto:pr� T. 0.1;llruoli. . . . 1,
. . . . . I
. $#tcialbt In Crown and, Bridge Worik .
,L1 D. S�w:-Uraduafe Royal College Dontitiltblur , t. �. . .
. . . geons of Ontario, Torouto,b . . .. . 1, .
D.,D'.'8.Pirst-dassHdlaor graduate of Dea- . . I .
. ,
I . I . . L'tal Department of Torontz - University - . I
a ecial attention paid to preserVatlowot I .
. zildren's teeth. Will'' visit Btofiald, fiflery.' -t , ,
Mouday., . . . I . . . .. ,� ,..
I I . Office over W. I sylt: r. & I- E r'L. � I -�c e l,' " 'D . � 1.
. L .
� . L
. . I .
. I , . . I � . . - . I
. . I .
. . . � .
I . . . DR. -AGN EWL + - ' , . - .
. I . . .
. .
I . . I — - - ' ' - : -
. . DENTIST, CLIN'16N.. .
. : - I .— , , .1 . . . L , . - .
. I I . I
I .
. . Oflice adjoining Photo Studio I � L. I.,
. ! Oflice Hour%�L@ to 6 every. day aind * ' I .
. Satur.aky.,until+10 p. m. � ]31anch offices I I I -
I in Manchester. Dnoni Blyth and - 4' .
, I . I . � . ...
-pit fleld 11 . . I .
. . .y ' - L ' .' : , � - . ' - ' .
. . , L I � I .� . - 1. I � . . ... .. . .
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. . . 'L I . . I . , " . . I . . I I . � I
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. I I ...Veterinam . .. . �, . . .
. . . . ... ...:_ 1. I.. 1_. I. . I ... .:
. .
. . . . ,. .
. I .. . I I. : ., . .. .
. �
. I . I .
I . I . ivRTEuiz;Afn�kxGi6xI I . I . . .
.. I
. ,�U L . , I . . 1, �
. ember, of the VeterinFUY Mlidical A asoctitfi , .
tions Of ontion llind Edinburgh, and Grada, . .
n6ky"Heg6, ' , � I
: at$ O.Mle OntarioTeterL . . . , ,
I .1 : : ;,. . . I .
. — . . , . I .. . I .
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. .I.., 0- L- - 0'1S.HER9 �
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I . I . I. 1� . I .
I lileni�ralAgent ofFederalUfeAiL.%nr;knce C , �
. L" H i . I . I I .
I o to 0son all the latest arpro,vetJ Vlana,w.4�ln, .
privileges, arid. opticing most advattakeorW t
e�L L I
the InSUreli. A-unuiti �$Ued, . I _ , L .
I I . . . I �
I . . . .
, . .1 . . . . L I
. I . . .1 . , I . I . . L I. . . . I -7—. . ': .
. . I . . .
. MA�R.RIAGE i LicltNSES I � , I
I .
I . .
. I
� . :� . � ISSUED BY. -, I . . . L I
. . . . 1. . . I .
I it ClInt.'L.
: J. BL , Rumbal . * L L
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. MARULkGF. mcEp issued br thb = - .
.1 * .
. C *rzaan ad&,. his 1%. idetice.karylstroO .
Clinton. L . . . 1�
. I . . . - Is . �
. . . . . JA11&S,rot1:OTT,8S . I
. . . . .. . .. I 11 . 1. i . ... I I . . 1. .
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. . ..
I JA : UZ8 CAM . PB= LO*,,*DEuORO '
I I&SUris OF kamiai Lrc�Ns i . . . .
. . . . 89
. I I . $0 witmeem required I . . 11
. . . � � L -
_7_!�n_ . 1*
� I. ����_=_:_�_!,___ I . - :
.. . .
0iiii li��11,111�ll�,l��'li'lim6i'llol'o. . --_.a. . . .
. . . 6 4,60000 , L .
. . .
. I . ..
. . . . I
. . . . . .
11 . . . ... .
.. 1 . .
.. 'M' Novelty Bakery . .. I
I. .
. � ,. � . � .
And Rest�nrtni . .. . .. ....... -
. 11 — _... L.
. .
,.�.. I ,..:. , 4 . . I..
. Wt olw.iiyo �eep on hand sit rga. . I
mind well assorted stockof goods to - ,,
choose froul, L � .
. �
- Milild 0111111117 frOtn 70 to 100 per lb. * . I
� I' B � Oil -b011l . 190 to $1 pa 1b, �
F%ucY 3110,20litst ilkid orettris - .
: 20c o 50 Per lb, . . .
Vio arld Ooitta. . L I � -
%,. MeXIMA WAVIIII Ana, Valencia. orl - I
. , , ..
tiliges 160 to 566 pet dot. . I .
tietilOng 2.'-o I*r doz, . . L
I Don t f _ his IS tht P111L
" r el I 'a for I
I . 161, kinla,Of dilkes 0"fty, atil .
. .
. A 9wd lint of' pips eiggro &na I
tobacco .&I*Aye oil hand,
. .
Baltimore oys'tas QW -Aye on hana,
. I I
WO Uo latidarg Ili this line. .
� ' 11.1 114AIRTLIPP , . .
I 1. . .
tome time back. 4 # I I - a- � y (18horal Silliking bob% I socetor of a. MOM4, 0110",
, ving word At ska shop. 4 rises ilfthopoka . L L
In 1801 there were only lj881 inhabl. -_ - - � ''--.,.__ , '--- . Ishfout 4110*6a on deposits, . . 11 .
� -1 -1 Stile poki bought . I 6—AL I . I
_____ 6616-
I . . L
. I .
. . I