HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-16, Page 124 901"F"Irm Ll I I ITON. 14M." I ZRX I �- I . 0111111111111116 . � 11 I , I . 1116111101001111 - __ - 1P . , E. . 0 . T It would be a difficult -task toadequately describe the greatest possibilities for advanta,g- .. I I � I . I � . . I . . . . . I . eous buying that await you at this store. I . . . I Every item, even to the smallest detail, that goes to make our stock. complete and our store I .. . : A +1111 a+ rarpful .attention. The . newest and best..Fall and Winter 11 . I . I I � . � 1111FAID113110 ­ , " XV0441 sky OXOPTO I CA100 a* I 0 . I now, an solo to points !u Brit � 's' 1 biad.g.o.a.tan.a., Utah, Idaho, 0reg,Z1C,,n,!", , or* 11 iforalo. . I lionting Season. . I Ali ly to AgenO -or write, to J. D, � ]KOD p onald, District Passenger Agent, Tor. . ontot fox! illustrated pamphlet, entitled 04110=0 of Fish and Game', . Purchase your tickets at Town Me . . I and .gave delay At station. F., R. Uodgens, Town Agent, , . Nile successful O.Pewsup soryleos, I �� ' , - A 0000111ful 13difice^44001. � .1 ly Free From Vebt. .1 - . Some time ago the Methodists of Wile detownined to erecta, new church, and the movement - was taken bold of I by the ladies of the church with such, 4ind determinatioij, thtt it was :t"a1'rrt% Vn4er most favorable circum- stances. The old church had become too, small for the growing congrega- tion's widening influence and increas in); ,membership, and the trusteea wisely said; -We will pull down - these walls and build larger." The contract for the l3rickwork wa4s I let to Georve Stothers of Dul-aurion � . I 04 13140 is" � I I . - - --- ___ P-V WWI, .W'W . � Irlw1r, 'r'� � A .Materials _ to r. '4 11 1 0 Art Needle aad ': 4 Crochet Work , '4 : � . � ftm"k,"Ift'" If 3 on are making, up any kinds of fancy goo4q we will be pleased to show you the insterislo we. bxve lately added so our stock, as we are, mflaent the -1-tion io tbe new. service perieCL Has UV,ILV- VV� ww RARIV . I . .. � . -_ I 9 t . � L . L I I . and the woodwork to Messrs Buchan- eat and beat on the market, kloods are here in the widest variety and at the lowest prices possible.. . . I. op an & Lawson, of Goderich. The church � , I . . L . . � -f " * #ft#K,'-'*V$]&# has basement below. with Commodious The assortment comprises . * 0 , 41 . . - . . . One of the noteworthy points about this store Is, its solid rellabilit . People wb come here . I I auditorium abr,ve, and was completed . Y � � L =====;:__ ,ready for dedication last Sunday It STAMPED LINEN CENTRES . � I . L in response to our printed announcements find the advantages we offer. Our.Higb Qualities,' our ­, . I _. L . isavery pretty church, withstained DOILIES I . . . . . plass .windows,L heated by furnace, TABLE CdV,HRS . - . L . � FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28,19M. lighted by acetylene gas, and the con� Low Prices, our Splendid Assortments, are. facts not theories. Becauseof these "LFacts" people come I . I I - tractors -have made an excellent job L BTOOX COLLARS . . . ___ �`-- throughout. Ample accommodation cusHibN Tors , I . W . e ask your special attention to our present stock, with. the full con,- - . Th I 0, Rlaskan Sound . ary. is provided for the ordinary member- . , here in increasing numbers. L . L . . . - CTSHION% CORDS . . . � . i. . ship of the L church, but the probabili- I I . . . . . . .111111111111111111111P . ties tire -that as the attendance increas- . .CUSHION FORUS fi-ence that it is by far the best we ever directed your attention to. ' We are, after more bitsiness The decisionon, the Alaskan bound- . I . .1 . I . es-whicli is inevitable -the church HANDKERCHIEFS CBN- . . � I . . I � . . - - ary care is . adverse to Canada,. except . will not . be any too Litge for its ro- L . TRES and FOOTINGB. I . . We want you to visit this store'and makd yourself at home. You. are just � L Whi,c; quirements. One thing it, certain, the, FANCY COIABS, ETC. . and we are getting it. . . . . I upon one unimportant point. I I . '� . . I . � . I I . . . . . peo ple who gather here f row time to . . . I . . . L I this is greatly to be regratted, it is not time to worship, will find the new or- ' . I . . L as welcome whether you look or.buy. - . . . . L .1 . I I .. I . . . 1. der of things much -more cheerful,in- . *,ql, . ft,.%,%,"-%,-W-W � . .. . . . I . - .niuch different to whatagoo4 ,nany L Spiring, and comfortable than the old, I . � . . . * - Another point, buying as we do with seven large anticipated. The United States 'Wins And ngs -ontribute to spir- . . I I . if surroundi' C The -Newest Dress Good's , . turer, means , - err- 9 for . . . - 1 25 � . . . stores direct hom the manufac a saying of at every contention excepting that ref itua.1progress, theirs shouldbe7er, , Belaing's Ar , t Silke, 0 skeins - . least 6ne profit, and, hel�stoL explain Why our Values are Ing to the Portland Canal, This means M,4rk�d- The church is named I , g . . .. 11 .0$ L'' . I The rougher ' Suiti 1195 strike the keynofe for. fal", It L : . . anna, Wesley Mentorial Church," bon- Lustre, per skein, .: 05M . Imperial . F � . . . . ng, in this respect, the memory of � . . �_ I .. . . . . I " th(ir best efforts generally better tbanone can .get elsewhere': � that Canada; gets no sl�& r . , 1, . Orknpy Shetland Floes,.thq, .. '. . , port to ,the p akers had put forth � I ohn Wesldy's mother. . . ., seems as ifall the m, al L' . I . . . � . . � I . �..- . I . I Yukon, and that.the boundary. line a I . .� . . . � . alon- these lines. Never T)efore were the materi S. SQ t L . goes te . il miles back from the bead of . . DEDICATION AND OPIRNING best imported brand, full � . t, Ladies'. Vest�5 a 25c, 35c, and 50c. . . I . . . . ounce skeins, black. white . . . '00 . , . rich in texture and color or so -reasonable in price, We I . . . . . I _. . anada, gets a few islands 'Sunday was the day fixed for this ser- and (o qed, I i r skein, ..Q$ ' are proud of our Dress Goods and are eager to show theM L . . every inlet, C, . . I d although the weather was . . . : . I .. . . . Are extra well made, and - finished; All are made of . near the southern end of the boundary. vlcel fill 1. . . . I . .. . . I . threatening, it did not prevent a large, .. . . � . . . . . ' -61med by the Unit- I Crowd being present. The following %o1%1%1.%11%.%1�&1%.3 I I I ; . . . . . L to you. . . . good yarn, ar d will give excellent wear. - . . . � line, which were -cla Prelude, . . . . I ... � . L . . - . .. . . . I -0 . . . . . . . . . . I . L . #, . . I � ed States, The Canadian claims were: .wns the morning pi V11111 : - .. . plain Serges, in all shades at 25c, 40c,'50c,to,75c - - I L, I I . . � . I . . . n - Rev J Wilson, .Ar. A , Widgetown, (Pres, . Butterick Patterns . ,� . . � . I . ' - $1 to $1.25 : . ably presented And every areuine tad of Co�ferellce); invocation, Rev 0. V, .. ... I I'll . Ladies' Underwear at 65cl 75c, . I . I I . . . I .. . . . L . . I . . . -1 ....­ . . Rine, Whitechurch; hymn; pra er, � . ]For all the panilly. . .. . * 0 ' . . . . v&pced. in our favor that'was possible, L K. �, n - I Broadcloths at 85c, .$I, $1.25 t .$1.60 '. . . . Are made of very filie wool and are, mad e'� W.- ' �iv'e - - bu'f they were ilot, sufficient to favor- Rev T.,B, Coupland, Auburn; vo u . . I . . . . . � . . .; ] .. , L , I ' ' stlesson, RevJ Robin- I - : . . Fancy Tweed Effects at 85c, $1 and $4,25 . . _ . . i. . . 1. I 11 tary, choir; 1. JiS6LM. M.CVit, November Btitterick Pat .. . . . 9k- 01 w(ar and comfopt. ' . . . . . Alqjj6..q ipress Lord'Alvprstone, Can- son, Dubgabnon,'solo, A . terns just received -meets the ' I . I . , ., _1, - . .. � . ' ; . -got the v orst of e ' trans- lbsSon, Rev 0. C. . . . needs. af the Ladies, the: Men, . . . ------, - _. . � I ... .. . a4 li,_,?, , very . . tie, Goderich.. 2nd' - L ,, ,__ -LL _­ . . I , . I . Kaine; sdrinou,, Rev Jasper Wilson; . the . ________ . I . . . . ' L the baby, the boye.-and L . . . . . . I . . . . . ... I t 4, between, itself I d; dedica- I girlo. We I can . I act bn that has arisen - - . . I I . ' . presentation, - Trustee Boar I . show you . . I I Children.'s Underwear. . .. . I Winter Coats and Skirts - . ."6 .. : . . . . . and the StRtes, wheii it has ,been noc­ tion by the President. � modes. foi evening and dreally I . . . - . . . ..­ . ., . .. L I .... I . . . ' com . plete raiige.of sizes always ohhand, at priceS'L 4 ' - Per- � At both the afternoon and evening . wear, in 111690" and all otliZ L � . � . I A . . '.1 . essary to submit,to ai�bitratibn services the crowd was so lar tb t It current drapings; severe and I .. ' . . . I . . . . � . I '1'1)i., (J(,1,-,artni(-1l1t is f 1i'l ly sparkling With pretty . new - that means.a'saving to you if .you buy here. I . . baps it w" righ 6 that it should, .but .wf,sfo,,,l necessary to.hoI9',-d0'u'1)'1e. . dainty otileg'for the- street; . . . . . L . I . . L . .. . . I If - - . .1 . I . � k header" services, one in the auditorium in fact all' requirements of the . I . . idesigns. 'i'lle (1eqplay is tll(� 111M c6nlpl6te aild.quite the' .. - I . . . . . . . I . I the people in this country do not thin. . I I I . . I . . . . � . 1. .... . . . . . L And:one in the basement, the clergy- I . day and home are met in oat - * ' - ! , . . . ... so, and -the presentilecision will have a' : -noon . stipply of� Batterick Patterns. . . � - - 'Hosiery at 25c' L . . I I . . . I men no6ducting them in the-aftet L . I best we have ever shown. Styles are absolutely correct. . . I . L . . . . . I . . . . . I . tendency to weaken faitbin'lii 9gland's being Rev Dr. Daniels,. of Godericb, [ . . . I .. . 1. . . I . in every detail. Every woman. should see ,our display , .. ' " ' L -0 - ve b - a I .., . We and.F.ev Mi- Kaine.. A -feature of this . . . . "1.1WW"1%-.% . I ... . . . I -: . . nd childr6i q fine 'all wool casbme oge', * re'g, rd for. Cana,dian interests.: . aptism . ., . . Ladies' a . I . ' I . . . - . service as of five infants, , I ' kirt'. L . .1 I . . . I .alL'o fill' iL - Si.ZeS" tL I Y . are afraid it will.(10 I I W, -thebi . I . . I 1. I . . � ... . I 1. . .. . ` . I . before 1)uving aLeoat or s . . s e.w(rsted hm,ze n all he belst possible alue more than this,for two of whom, infants in' arms, occu- ., . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . L. . I .11 . . . garded uncle' and . I � . Elegant Jackets made of finoe Beavef,. T`Ni�de(lp ,. f6r the mor,ev. . . . I . . . . . . I . . . .. tho C.ttil,idian-rei)rbsentativ&,sre . pied the relationshl.0 of . . . . . . ; I I , " - . . evening. sen . . . . L ,� 1, ­ - . . . � . I. 1. . I its position as . iinassailable, and faith - ' In -the, y i 4ce Revs Coo*per .& Cq - - .... . . . I .. __ . .Gth- at $4.50,- $5116, . L . � . . . . . nolce'r : Vvilslin, J. Cr. elland, James - . I I L. 0 �� . I � . I . I � I . . . I . I - . . . � r . . . . .. I . - �'. . . in English judgment will mot -be all of Auburn, . . I I . . I � . . I . ... Frieze and Zebeline cl , I I , , L . . . . �tojhpien,on. and J. L. $in .. ... . - . . . I., * 50c, to 75 . . � . .. .11 . . . I . . I . I . � $6.50, $7.50, $9.50 to $1.2.00.- � . I Ladies'Hose at 356i . L ic ,. 11 I I I I . - .. L . . . ... . . � I I . I . . � - . . . . - _:., : .: I - took part, services on adjacent. ap .. , . I L L . I I . . . ".. li . . 1. I 11 I . .. L I. L .7 . . I I . .1 . . . . strengthened. :. , : . . . . g p6lutments having. been L kiriffly can- � _A_A.�107^A^A_�w 1, - 7 - - � - , . . . ' ' . . � . L . . . . . . I I . . . . . . :Skirts mad ool Homespuns,' Broad : * .:'At tb e,§e 'prices w carry � a ve, ry la*rge range of .' stock.- ... , . .. . , .% a - -by other pastors, ill order that . . . . we . I . . I , --*- celled I I _._--__-._!1 . I e of All W . . . . . ... .. . L' . . I . . . . 'L f , "L . , . . . W � .. .. ., � , . . . I gatiolis lnigl)t attend. The F �m��--- I I . . . . . ' ' . . ... - I L i*:V , . , L I . . � dr.congre . . _ '2. .1 , . . . I .in p aan an m � I . . e .1 . �. . .. I .. . � ' I ' the t *the Sunday Ser71 I . I . � ., . . . cloths, etc. .$ 50 �3.-, $3.50 to� $7. so -� . .. , .jngs both i I i kI � ri bl e J i ,akes � . all ar made . 6 1 � . . Its 61 - the G T.J�4, , collections taken. a I . co,mmi,unicatl6n. . I . . . � . I .. .. L to% ;Fenef . , q I . . I . . � . I. ,. . . L . . I * I ol fI . . ., � . I � .: . : good. ya,rns. -abd w * ,ua�antee 'them give *excellent , .. .�.. L. L'.1 . � __ . I vices am intg tO.$14-1-81-- � .� - . . � �_ . . . I . . - . I . . . . . . . . .., I 1. . I ' . I . .1 . .- :11 e . g.., ,, I ..� I . _ I . . .. . I - I � 11- L.. . - . .. � -the, new Tral , is- ', , . : 'MOND4V 'X%ZIGTIT.. . ., I . ' I � . responsi I ble, fl. . ir ; . I' . ',,: �' ''r., I . I . ­ ., 1. I . . . . - . . I . . . � . . The& ihiportance . of.' We do'n�oi hold ourselve�s - w ea r. 4 . L ­.­ ­ .. . . . I .. . . .4 . I .1 , I .. , . . . . I I . . . . I .. . ' ' " * ions expressed under this head- - � V - ­ ' . . I ,. . . . � I . . 1, . � . I . . . . I . �. . . .. I to'the prori . 'n 'Sun �Py 0 .. . Warm Underwec. r - and, ..Ho;sie�r .. -1 I ;.. .. ­ I . . . '. I . .1 " continental Rhilway. I ­ If the bbuech Was er6wiled 0 _ . ing.V V BRA, . .. . . . I . ... . y I .. ... . I - . !'I t .. 1. ..- I .. . . I . I . I . . . NE. �, ' . . * L ' * . I - . . I I I .1 . . . I - . I . I . . . . . I � of1bd -Doml'ion at. this'stage in Its - - . . . . - .. � .: , I ' I . Z I 1. .. ... . . . '. n . . da�, it was-dbubly So on Afondity even To the Editor of. Oie ,Nei6 Bra:. ... . I . 1. I . � BoyS' School Rose at 30c�and 35c . . I I � ... . I - . � � * oom, and I ­ 1. . . . . . .., .... I . . ' - .. . .. . . . I I . . .. pVogresi easily.qvereAimated. ingi * There wa,Wt Standing 1, '. I ,Tn.-I ho I tice in your IRSL' is. '' ­ .. . a - ' - f " 'se I . . . , 1. . ... .. . . . . s is �'ot. It . . for' Some people . there was . . I)E&It,.S . . . . ( . end Ho i . . . .., �'. � I We 1mv' Air Underwe i siery. rom veral I I . I... . 'of lands-1or the hnrdl�.,. sue aJetter signed by . MrT. Iawson, in . � L, ,We bavb justrewiveil.60.0 pairsof boys'. jleavy Rib- . The growing sdarej y . . breathing -room. Both above and be� . . � . . * Certain niak&s. make -dertaiu ,grades. L * .. 1. . . I.. . . . I � .. . . .. I . he.tries to,-�,xplaln tothe public, different infikers. . I . . . 11 . 1, Ili the United ..I.,tates And the I low the people., were liferall which . . . I I ... . ' . � T . , . , R " They. are! made Of an � R�91 ish' .�etfle. . . f . - � advertised in y6u�, paper, ,4 . . � S ki* s ' " yarn . like sardines in a box, �nd It i�hs de- I how 1: got 1he De Laval - sbpA.tato1,,. We go to the maker wh'o.wakos -'s grades , best'. That is bed Wool ;tee ings. - . . .9rNttintereAnow beingiakeninthP. which I havi . I I . . . � . . ". is . I . . ' � " ' in-tbi6inarket', 'W e gnatan-L... L cidea, after, supper. -had beenservedin. . . � I � . I to k, fiH e:.i as'-.a,.wbo1e ' I so .. an(tare -by- far . the besi value � � tbe� aIile of Great-Brita If -he had told the L trifth. the whole . . � : bow, it happe I , . .. . I I . I I . . . . Dbminiuri by, pe 0 1. . tbebasehient-�'and - a most si-iniptuous � - . , .. I ns that out s I e . . . � . ,. .. I . .. ... . .. ''L . , L ., .. L.. . I . . . I i . I I . . I . , . .1 I and. ii,othin, I - - ., . .. . I 1. .. . -Yair to- give s�ti sfactiou ,.... , uallyfi!&easing to .again ruh a. double truth �tit -the, truth, big . � . . . - tee every I . . . . I aln, -aisure tous an azin . sup6cr it was- 0 1) cn eniirely, differ- - �- . I superior. I I ... I , . I . I ..... I .. . . . I . ; . . . . . . . . � letter4oul(I have. e I I : , . I I... . I. . :L' L . ' - [I . - , - I .1 . : . . 11 . .1 . I I . I . 'desirable immigrtints to header, and so . the program r�ndered , � , . , . . , , . . - . . . number of ent.. . . . . XT . . I . . . . .. . . in them'dit6riinn: wa�.duplicated dow. 1� I . i . V.0 (I a MoNsir BACK - . . . . . . . . ­ . I I - I ... i n , , I . - - . � �- I . �. I 11 . . -west, and.the impetus , Air! ku'u. 'L, . . I , IF Yov WAINT I . . . . . . . . I - settle .our great 6irs,, For instance, When a speaker. On August 4tli I cAlled on. � . . . . . I I . . 11 . . , . . . . . . I . I . I . . I I . . . . . . , .11 'L :1 . .,. . � I t th . .er ay .or Singer had-,cojic,uded lit . I � -Lrator�he' O' -tda, De Lav� I . - 6 'ni�gs'�toot�y and sell �blm ti Melotte . _ I . . . I � . .­ . . I I . ... . . . . . . . , - p - tta e build;ng of Rnodi. iaih�. ' )stai�rs, they kep� � I . . m I I . . s I . I . . told in he b, I . P Our, Country's L.Adylince. W . . I . � . L ." :. I .i .1 .1 . L I L.� I . .- I I , I . _...... I q W give � Were hurried. do nstaii� to repeat the I . - . . . � .. .. I . L *.,, . I ....: I � � : . I ill , - t �, , " . al on triali and .Said I might i, t * a " , , . . . I . . . .1 .�..... ... .. .. . � � .t. I ., I . L .1 . .. I . . . �., . . 1. . ' performance Ill' the auditorium the . �� 16 - - : I . I . . 4) 1 L. T . 111-11.1. . ... ... t -it, In a very -few, ' jr.was 6ccupied byJohn 'NVFfi�ld, , Melotte on' trial also..:. As. I b t . . I . . - . 11 - ., . - men will be gre, . 11 chn -1 . . .. � .. . .. I .: L � . .. I . � ., .. . . . � I I Blyth-, downstairs it was occupied . Size -in 6tock.thttf he wanted I t to . . . . -,*ifi double area and pro- . . 0 . .1 . L. 1. L years it - the, of - , I . . . I I .. . I . I. . L ... .. . � t.. I . � � I . by-J�imi�s_ Mitchell, of Goderich; and . Montrealfbr one ' ' A few days, later r , . I L, 1. .:, . . 1- . I � . . . " I � 7 4 ' ' eL to M.rIvIunnin sand - L.� I I .. . .. I I , :, I _. . I I � . . .. I � ...� .., ,. . .. .ductiv,eness of the Nor.thweSt ,and' both pet -formed their'duti6s well; Th6 ioo I k -the mLRchIn - . I , I . , , I . � I . I . .. ., . , , I or I La%ir.�on had: � . . I. . I I . ! . . I I . . I � 1. . � I L ` , L tbruea .qddi;.!sses-b� ReVs L he inf med me that Mr . , . . I . . . � .. . 1. . I . . . . . Is I . I . . . Br.itish Colunibi.a. . - . L prograin.eir . ',beenthei'-P, andinsisted on baying a : � � . . I . �.. . .. ­ I . . s I - . . . .. L .11, � I I . I � . iL ' I .1 ' i Jagp6 Wilson; Di�.,*Qund�, Whigham; , . . I .. I . .. . . ., I � . . d thir is a- nea�e w of the I test with AfelotW and othel's, Also that .':. . . . . . � An e , I r. vie, - . I - . . I . . ,. .. I I . I . I ­ I - I . .. . � I .1.1. . " 1. L. I . . . 1. . � . S. M.�Wbalev, St. Helens; T 13'0oup- Mr Law9on hiid paildhiiii $114 tq.g6t his . . , . , . L . � ��� � . I . .; .0-LINTON. . . . . .. . . . . ­ L I . . . � . benefits -of the construction.. of thirl land, Aiibnr�;..Tas. Robluson,LDungan- signature -,to one of the .DcLaval teSt; - . I . - � , . . I I I . I � . .1 I � . .- - Yell I � . I .. I - � I I . 1. 1. 6rAnd Irrurik Pacific,, even -before it non-: .1. G. land,. Benmillet;' Air. __ ,. .. . .. 1, I L I . . . . __ L- I . � f � . - - . . 11111111ill1111111111 I . point 'H61lieriiig�niii',OTib6hAlf,of'tlle'Tritstel� Orms, .: . �. ' . ii, made wgooa lieconies a great f"tqr'in Settli � ` Now, Air Bditor,'As I considered flie,; *.'. . ,,�enilig. at the I � Lord Aberdee , . . .. i ' * . V1**0***$****+**+*#*+" of the house until'the patient' Can be- vitation to spend an P OLSal(I I L ng Our Board; LR. Holmes, Al. P.; f6oitations by OtL I .L Ord - . . . I' . Oien h , , I t trap er 1. (8> ill) and- around again, She Will-.fre- residenc6"Of-Air AicNaughtonls, near his e4eb at SkiPtOn.i . I , cest.forni,nL hing jut E . . n is. SP .. . . I . prairies... or carrying 'bur. produce. Rev Mr. Snia,11 and Miss Coutilaiid, of - . ent i qS S(>'L ' � * � , * L ", I 1- .. 11 � � I . ` I , , I Bit . yfleld,.next- '17hursday 6verillig-'... . ."Ji _ . P.e , , by Ali§s E11MIPatt6l"Son. . refused to er uto the test unle.", I Aniong tile Clairches i, quen'tly address.tli.6 mothers' meetings. : that; in.st.e4d,pf the. proposed duty.on 'et Auburn; solos . .L' ­ ..;, . . � I , I .1 I .. . . I .. ' I areis a ., pros* of'A,period of cofi� 'by T.vnaall 6iaer6d -'by. the ,Melotte Co. OtherS . - I ?% . : and pi-bb6bly o%an I ;ze childrens'l-neef.;. The' Anglican -Young., People's - As4l . . I or, of.the colon iep,. he would L . . . . hiici Nl1ss,-Mc-VitQC;. duets . . also .refnsod.unlesg the test f oi,'ni .sign� : , , -. ' . sociatioil ' Iv.,ts reorganized . 'for the grain iii fa�r , , I I traction in thi� United State&. It Will Br And-pelic s b the - ch6ir and . d, " . , , ;cbuass 6getffherW'orkundCr' , . I I t - L - .. ­ . . e , tion y . troyed an . *" .in,!S as � L � argq� on b . L . - . . or Z;stra, - . ed by Air Ma: L . . W#*****(S>��� . Abs. in St P I mther r6n c ' . I if they. es- �h linings was des - wj�y. , .,. Cottafe niee.tings are also' in Comin win er mol . auVS . Ov L tile erilb' � I �AA . . Cost ' 'of, L . . . hinee(luAlcliance.'.- ., .-: .: L � I .1 . .L e well for q r neighbors L I I ,tober' - - - I I I I I . the"cburch is give each ulac' L' Rev Hairilton, (if Lor,desboro, ex-. prospen ,-ie beheflt of - those who Phouge, on Wednesday, OP Canadiawleattle, which was reallY .a, - -iod of stagnatidn-as the pew The total Mi, munnings then notified Mr'Law- - .1 ____ - ' I& l4th,. - There *aq qufte'.a number of . � Capp. it p(�i . - Th6'casb. proceeds bf the tea, . , . change(] pull it., with Rev A. -Stewart pannot��get' to !the PubI ,meetings.. . _ , L . i prof6ctioni 'It certainly Ldoes . I $4W09. , ,it he would return, the $14if t�st . 1. , . 'the inoth tj.showibg the in- kind of I soil.. tb, I last sunda,% . verage iittendance -at - yo in peonle pr"qb .. I alty of their economic erli;nes... - Ili stich inepting* wete $205.50. .Subscription',,; � '. '� ! gese -ke in t ,ntfal' a,'Vvcr;nnA'nt i . I .1 e; itmount of $172 wVv(- Also given. A awsou refl�� i The ii� .. .. his worthy in- appeni inconsisU . � form be destroyed. T Tr L, I I . 1. L . .meetings is aboutfift .tbpy ta of L I Members and Whose. an event � their c to t,h . ed to do so, . . '. . .L ...-I .- . . . Y. . .�� . .. whose . . 1. ondition.'Would. to . . The annual i ieeting (if the 1"Lpper er'8 . .. . .. � ; stitution.- . The foll , fficers were , some . I L . oil Monday evening; so that, .with sub�, , L . I . . I I . . I .... .. . - Owing 0 -eferential . I ' e e. �(, Ailing ree ' . � .. a Iciety will be bold in , 1. . .. � ... I L I I --.Patron, Rev Q R Gunne'; chief ex-iiiellibera sonie,�extnt' react 'on',us. Here the 'Th Afelott .6. IjLot fe, .ults C nada Bible So ' . dv6cates pi .1 scriptions.pire-vio)uslvi&iv.en, tbe.not � � t, ONTAMO STREET , CHUrton. -The ,elected ,7 . ankL lie an; Vice- tr6atmeut of the colonies to 'mdint�aiti . . . . , . . . Me Bablij td assi-.,4t, . , .L lie Baptist church this (Friday) .even- � rm a grfat work like the receipts up, to the time of openingLare sen oberal agent, � . L 1. President, Mr Fr -tanc6 of . . an t g ' - ng. o the W. � zo on colonial Cattle, which impoi d'013 Aug. 20th we prep4red lor the - 1. ing. regular Monthly meeti f MetLat President, Miss, Ai Cluff'- Secretary, an embarl t - - ralilw#froni oceAn to , ce to ,tb e good , - I . . I - , _ - $4W4.91; making a halan, . .,me - 1A * ' - - . . I buildin of a, " test. . Mr Munnings having t . Tile Bishop,of Huron has consented M' S. of Ontario Street Church r -'re6urer, Miss. increases ilie cost of f.bodin. the .LUII' n �y; the Pditable _ . , s - I W 'S trade with . - - d t Mr. and assistant, .also - ..- I. Aliss No mit Bentley.; 11 ocea t%e Libor it will emplo Of R2 cents. This is a, very cr to an exehange of pull its of Rev. J NV October .1.3th. Mrs (Dr) Cook U CitnadaAndL only- benefits the. Stock-' �;i C-ana ian manufacture S owill 11) I . . . . I - rs Thos Kairns,on.Tues _1ele. . -Ili) on . -LaNt.Ron the hotne of M Gunne. The weetings ill be ed Kingdoin, IlAnlpel mate f I of di h aed;. ino'st .sRe! C . . , (lay, L L - hold on. Tuesday evenings...; -On Tues� Se, the money it Will Pilt � �oralld.trustepq, wbodesirpto mytelf and asiistant, We agreedto* hold . , - . Jones, FlorVulf'Pa nd Rev T L Armstrong. . &Veryidteresting.' reportof the hei young I raisers. of:Hilgland. The Scotch and that it Will -u _L6 L6XO�e ' tek at 2'o'clobk'p.ni.thP following day. .. ' "v held in London.' L , L . . The t , Will Serve. f.or the tin .88 their cord itil app�reciation of 'Air A , - the agree- . . Millbank. i ro"n ention. : day evening of this week -lie English g 'S, it is well kbown,- are In circtllatiOn -of all who in any way � Munnin wn.,;'Opposedto . I pe6ple of the,&, Y� P, A.,met -for t - 10, - 11 I , eparing 11 9 a inipor x ion .1 . I I The Bishop of Huron left to Spend I 1�adles.arq pr e of .Considering a constitution Strongly * ' t4 �i � Contributed to the iu,,�gnifleent . _i4iziel �tlie services box of clothih in favor of .fre �0�ent our people from feeling tl mont And ar udooed the'test. I � 101) SUCCe.4% 3 , . to send awav in the, nbar future.: At I L To alk, about . w, M r I' ,ditor,. as At Al '' ii L - * 'he will purpps '. - and ac-'LLo! Oanadian.L '. cattle.-. t, , worst of - any - depression that might , L' . I 9. 1. . L NO I r unt in v theweek in Washington.where 11) whinh had been drawn III) , refere overtake.*our,neighbors. And the'oiit-, .of the dedication and o nin I I . . I the close of the meeting-& five. cent te, .. lice ;liat,Will in V, I be a. delegate from the Canadian . cording -its each. clause -was r�ad byth-e; giving colonial products a p will bean investment t This report. would�' e incomplete was bound in said* test form to bu� t9 (" � . Church to the annual convention of W14 S ser, r4 ther � L Adopted it. The society in the British mAT ?, . - handsomely both. di, .,without special .retererke at incas of no test, AIIi - . . . .1 ired, the proceeds.Ruioubting ?ket .and at th I e same a . I L � I reato 4 - C, future pay us e, being inade . Do Lav, e_ \L&ws,on., . . . . .. prot,stant 14,,piscopal to two d .. 1. . 0 kilo 11 RSL . I L of the excellentpast-or, o buy the machine h9a iii9t .1 . . American , ollars. . , . ) W .the Clinton J time to colitifilie theimposition Of res . L to the .work . forced himt, the . I. .' here will r Bentley was trictions* on a mo 0 i t t branch rectl -and indirectly. , . as ousidered the Afelotte"It I . I . � � . � . L . . is will, bee . , I re- s Jin por an L . � . . Rev1%.f,­T..NVil"on. After,ihe church hi .. I � I Church I ONTARIO STUEET CHURCIL - In con - brahch'.. Miss: -Mai i of !ood supplyli is 41, Policy !� � - I . I � . I �Sever � 'or luachine. *. * ' - . - .. .. ipointed organisf,.HarvOy Colclough colonial.'*] L " al rvicea nQW 111 .. . . � . . . L . . Was Started. lie,v�as 'invited to , uperi 711 , - ' L � 11 Rev. R. .1 Treleaven. pastor of Park neCtioliL With the special se I ,ts:thecontentionof those ' btb(,r fleldS .a Mir 3funnings p L . - Ap, inted-. As delegate to the whiohsup Or n -ill Mall Is correctly � ario av ,urebased a Moloft te, 1 ' . being Conducted in We Ontario: Street: Was L � . .1 I fiscal, cha ge .Th'�. P, G.11,zettd S.%� labor, that of .On't, ... . . . . dale Methodist church, bas been invit�-,L h a new A. Y. Pro I A.' annual . convention', )ilh)'regar the proposec L4"Sii. . W. . I strepichurcli, - Clintm, - In particular,. takingDeL, al inpart pay, This is - . ,.. clitirc song book entitled I .. . .,n' ehough-tha M!ilfrid.. .Laurier is . , - '. * . � ed back for his fourth year. - Mi- Tre- nove towards. . I ana his aCoe�t I t. � - . . j is ,480�gs of Victory!' vi -as introduced 64 which Aakes I cc in London on as 'a I the. &Otectio . . auce, -of I that, with the how I came to bavc� i leaven is a native of A:Shfield, an( L L L ' - pure And simple. Present peilorma'hce� wore suceessful-tlian any.other.ccllon� reluctant consent of the Board herel. Mitor,, for yolir I October 28 and 'A,ain Bishop Cro,yrw's. . Thanking you,' Air L like. all Huron boys, popular where,vr i Wednesday,m hi This 'is the book iake, it Convenient to At. in 'this resp g- . somewhat ditimpened' the. ardor of the valuable .spac6, I an), Y. ours trilly, . . . I % " Newell in his All who Can, n _ect ,*ould. be the - more : . . they go. , that Was __ - - Y' Mr . . esteelned by �[Jayiada -because tbe' ial statesnian in chptivAtifig the. hila I NY. H. Loi3V,'Cliutau, . Hall- meet! I ngs during their tond. will do well, as there are a nuin- . . . -Offtials. But Conference sek Win. I . ..� .. . L I Massey 7ho come.will be sup� nt papers to heL embargo is fo tb* ,untruth . pire i I .. very in . * .1 , L the undergigned, do . certify that, 10 '. . I , ' " the leadiii Anglican workers of. the .that our'cattle are suffering from dis-, - ion of -his people, and It WAS In Pon- th6. above letter is correct. I � � I . I Rev A Murphy, M All noted Church ' ' her of excelle given by unded iipon e ination.cli tho I'll) md. the British back here, ubli. to the grAtifica- of ll,'nglnnd evaTigelist, is at present ress h bo Ice Next Sundiky even- . I � public." Itis N�orth rerlienibering that ,ti I . I I . ' . _ I for ro' 1�li 0 ill 11 'nicrspdrsed. Diocese OF 'Hiijon .... It was decided ease. - . siderable measure due 6, his untiring WILLIAM MUNN07GS. - - ' . plio . liolding a very successful iiAssion tbi;i serm(,)n w le i . I I L I . , . lie has (1ofie this by'. p-rfectly, legiti- . - . . . I I . . A Rex, Oi J'n t le . to hold a social - on- Tuesday. evenin ­­_�' i L . � .1. . . � and -zeal, that Elie matter has ­ . . . I . . I -angeville. He goes to I X f, , - . . . ten c ns-A,niartyr-like devotion to be.pn succegsfully. carried out, It is, Rev G . with a propr a 0 Inue M ielections. - - itiffiIstry, . I : . I . I . ]London,to open a. mission at St. James j - - , 1. ­.­­ - __.- � next... The.young people of the parls i . . - Already' so e ma .. I 'Lit . . I �not necessary' t6'say that hisServices 110 YOU ARE'NOT a su6cribe'� to the . - ' � - . .. ' ' " I,ondon, on Sunday, WILLIS. CillullcH.- Rev. McLennAn, are requesti4 to turn out in full force, . Hami.1ton]".1lTitnes.. . L 11.1 duty, imperturbable, serenity.hmidst, &A', 1 aiid got lvth it 0hureb, South Vor Brueofield will conduct the Pre- so that a L good'evening's enjoyment Unite(I States papers are congratulat- I . are greatly appreciated here, he is A; Nt* 11', -send. iis $ ,# - . " Oct 25. and following this will hold tin aratory service in Willis Church this ina 'be looked forward to . . . . I L political excitinnexits, unfailing cour- pastor 4iiy congregation: -.would be and the Montreal Weekly Revald, to, � . I eight days' mission, beoinning Nov 2, 1 y , . . I ing themsellves that .With the A aska . tesy I to friends and 6ppone * 405 , I are it sil bscribt-r.., - at St.John'sChureb,London township..: gPrida Sa6rement will . . . I . nts .alike ond of, and lie has a Splendid people Jan. ist, .� If you � I ..*. - L ' ' '' L I I . I ity renew your subscription tin Served next Slinday .... The - 4. .L . . q6estion out of the way a reciproal . L r,r work with, all of whom have secon- d L get tho - - I e % evening. The . . L . . I . . . I and the conscientious solicitude. of the. � ' tered into ' . % . .. . I L I I I Commencing last Monday, and for annual Thank6offe�ing meeting of the . I oelf.)FO tre'ty,will bo easy'L We fancy that the . . . ded his efforts. Having en ,Herald. free. . . .. . .. . . two vveekq,one hundred meetings will; W. V4, M. S.; of -Willis chur6 will be They Want Recipt i . . - orittorleal artist, that, everything, -he the new church- under .Such auspicioug . . 11 . . I - �. - . I . . . . be held over Ontario in the interests'ot, held in the lecture room of the abovi3 . . . . . . .I - * I getting of the. Alaska question out of says shill, as far as possible, be'appro- Circumstances, - it- is i not ' too linuch to . L . . . . Soussel . a . . - I . I . 1. . � . L theLord'sDay Alliance, which will-. mentionid church,. on Tuesday even' - The Detroit , �Cel at a the way byLauch a, Manifestly unjust- . . expect that with pastor and people. . .. . I . . , , . . . . '17th of'October, at 8 p- in Th Board 6f Comme . I priate' to, the occasion and. worthy of - 'VISING' COURSE .01' STUDY.- 111'. L . aid . I working in liartnonY, the cause of the RL have the , of different ministers ing.2 . of thleL e gdiieral: meeting urged the immediate decision as the rumors lndicqte�wotild jgLaudience,. ; . . . . .. L throughout, the province. ,&rr I evening's-. pro. L I Master will greatly extond and in, . .he Joint High Com- be the last thing in the world to make h . � . . . . the L Spector and -Mrs 13obb and-Mi8s Addle Spec a ur , 'tie at . ments are now being made to ho d ram will be'an address to be given reconvening,of t . I Crease in'this part 4 Moral V, _ Were Toronto last week. The foriner , I L mission for. the purpose of negotiating Canadianseagertol avefurthernegotitt' ,.-I... L. .1 � � . ' L I .y rdi atid we shdll be reatly surprised is atten ding a Comm ittee for revising . . annual provincial Convention, which, ly Rev H 0 Priest, missionary froin A new reciprocity trea�7 with Canada. tions with the trnited States, And it 1. . � .. ­ � . If & tion %es notbecome the Course of. Study. Inspector Torn will take place oil NO On the`India. Ali invitation i's extended to The n reciprocity is to be Nothing , more trnly complimentary I this congregti, . v Oth. resolution says: ,l rhe disappoint- the question of . . . L f tl)e strongest in the county. of West Huron, was:'also - present as Wvious evening a public meeting will all who are interested in missions to ment of the Canadian people at the. reopened, our labighbors wuAt do so hits been said . aboutC46nada,by- oLiiy of :1 one o .1 . . I . I I I , ..L . I . . . � I . held and addresses given by pro attend this,weeting., ., �., . .1 khowledge that Canada . , Chairman of the Inspector's. depart- .. . . . . I L failure of the British Government to with the fill rp - an authentic 164p Of ment, . . . minent speakers, I lar ur transatlant The Want O � I . I WV L 'sl,gy CHURVIL-At the regu grant reeip � rocity advantages corres- - holds the key to 'the situation, -and 0 1 1 1 our own . inion of Canada was I .. . on Ing wi ntly said by Sir, Wl am ' Nowing from the Montreal nieeting of Wegle Church Auxiliary di th their own 14referential that she will enter into no arrange- ce . . wlft� . The fo Ili Holland : It I L never so much felt e I th,' *the following .,,Canadian lo Ity i's supbricii to fiscal sent Session at Ottawa,whell the G . For the fitst tinie hi the bistoy of- � W;tness, refers to a oung lad,.V well W,M 8 held, Oct Ti =ft, And the purpose of tfie Canadian ment that does not give her & full asduring the pr . I known in Clinton :-We first Metho- resolution was carried unanimously, - Government to take the initiative in re- share of any benefits likely to result . ya, . rand the port of Montreal at tbis'date in the I inembers of convening the Joint High Commission, therefrom. 'Andwedonotthitik the considerationso and Canada, Is destined Trunk Paeigo tin was being discussed, . dist deaconess to be appoirfted to tile -Resolved that we, the I V ow homes,. business offices or Schools season of navigation tljleL'tota1 Ship - mission work in Montreal art ived in 'Wesley church Auxiliary- W M &I de- combine to make this an opportune I Alaska case is an indication that the to become the k-sinary of the empire, riients of cattle more thAu dotible those . - time forLentlerIng alfleW Up L have such a thiltif on negotia Unitlqd States wish to deal on such'a, ' (,. The Publishers of the city a few days ago in the person sire to. place on 'record our aTprepia- I Her position i's go impreKilable that the Vamily Hem d and Weekly, Star, up to the same date last year. Inmakw . I I -oflWissEthalindE Howson. , ( tions looking to, reciprocal frade, basis, I I ingthe announcements the Govettia. Sister tion of the faithful service ren ered by . . ne6jsno protectlon..Mt Br1,-t&1n,s of Montreal,' always al" tosilch. Ethalind'is the name she will take. M's4 Bessle rorto.r,' durin agreements; , while the growing indem 0 -le . I ment Inspector shlawed that the, ship� Sister Ethalind is a daughter of Rev. - .1 9 the time pen'denceof Canadian industries. tile . . ­ . ." L .1 . ernei gencies, at once saw their oppor. ffie has acted as Sedretary,- . We Also _ re han4s . . I I . tunity and have,had engraved it most inents from diftetent parts of Ontario, I y Mille adoption of a system. of tlip,ment' which has been in ses- . I I .1 L I as also from Chicago, had - continued. W G Howson, London. Sheisagrad- feel thAt her untiring efforts lar , It- Pa t . . . complete and up-to.;date map of the uate of the Toronto Deaconess Home contributed to the success of the �0' Eeotlen'tial tariff limble to all TFVI I , . I . uppilecedentedly Heavy, The * totat is- 6ion for 7J months, will likely 0116rogue . Dominion, with all enlar and Training School. Lat.erly shebas sionary e ish colonies an, 8413epplendencles, and the ,%ed map of shipments,of cattle- up to, October 21st, . . . ,onvention heldhere In Octo- movement for raising the Dominion to -d or to.�aorrow. Many of the Burglars got away WithL & lot of this Province AS Well, is a new this yearo are 127 586 us agttinst 01.764- . been Attached to the Carlton Street tfer,Ift. We earnestly pray. that Ao lay . ars and liquors in London the other Quick Reference AIR and is all th0, Church and her duties have been In in u ,on "t , members have already, paired and gone c1g the name implies. lie map is only less the same )'"'ne'n""a . I i � � i � I i i , , , - - I - , , .. , I I I I I , , I - I. 11 -, .1 I I I I .1 I I I I I - I . I I I I I I I 1. re �` total shipments; of sheep this y0ar .ire , Ay long be spared. to be as Alsef I and - ' Il y "' r �� to Me' last year. The tel pce's' connection with the Centre Avenve Successful in the futurd AS . she has b6en in e to their. homes, tjie tail end of a session night,, Plenty of People 'Who I are not one of three ,Valuable premittma given . 8 4" 4 � irrocily tPe"y 36,874 last. year. Re. �' ed Vie' 0 1 , goo t d Al _ WisFion,whicb is carried on ASA branch 11 he i&stj And although for A; time 1, not nego Ilte , -1 . I this yearto all who subscribe 0 that 40,M, as against, of the Carlton street. congre0ation. h1er du ies irkay prevent. her L from th 0 � la give wa"ing of having little Of real importance. It is burglars got awa� �with liquois and _ . others Are ports forwarded the Government in- � &t- e dang r of d , Y., , - - . . I p6pillat pa rL er. L The two he graduated after a twoy . we trust that " - . " Ion � cigars also. I d �. I urse tend * meetings, W.11-.0. - I � no Ikely that another iesslon . . I . . , Rictures en itled "Heart -Broken" and Spector state that the ti,ade front MI. I _ears co 4 L . I � 6 H 9 . I .11 . . . I I I' . . ii the Deaconess Rome. Her duties her I I our Auxiliary will not . . . I Hard to Chooie,'l And aref withou. cagois like y to Continue vor heavy, 101, our 0 -be held again. Had I . ippers have 7 n AS at present outlined,will be to attena dfmlnntr.�St f ned . John Armstrong s general store at as,this will ever I tion., the 'most delig , t as the western sh' ound trio . , the motheis' meetings, which are he'd ... L I M AARLAxD, 1?rbo, Sarnia was 'entered y burglars and the opposition' been so disposed, the Air V, 0 Walker, of the"Walkorville , . egiXxb11,fogbZsA ever selected as newsp&per ' improvod Grand Wunk route vary sit- . n the Old Brewery Mission every . M D Snormann, See, $300 dollars S I . country could have been Saved thous- distillery, has declined the Conserva prefiihinis. Family Herald subscribers � hifaetory� mad will hardly abandoti It . . T.A.10Aa 'a yeat. I now to run- to th rhuradav afternoon and to attend the J I Honagsa, Veas ­taflo tire thr,oatening i I I zet bite valuell- but thi , e pqro pf Portland . WM . I . t -o strike Ili Hamilton for a, 10 cent. in- I Mids of d011a, by snortening the ses- I tiveno Ination Ir Me UOM OhR in I c4fairily looks the limit as to,what):andBos �, . . . ' ST Mv0sonlyncir-The choirof � sion,buttbeyprolonged itutnecossArily 1 South Vssel. � . I Can be givem. WaiS recenbly � Paul's Church have received all Ili- creae"' I I I . . ' � � I . . I . I . . . . . . I I I I . I I I . I I . I . . . . 1% . I I I . . . . ; . . ( I . ) . I . I . I � � . ; 11 I I � I I .