HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-16, Page 114
I ) I I !
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%CM14 1.003 .: ', 11 �, . I., � . e , 1, I .
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pi ... I I - . - - . ., I , It,— , ,,CLMT0XA1ZW, IRA � a I
,pi,!,gtt��,-r.",.,�,.�',.,--o'.11'I ! ! " - I . . I Ij I-!.. ---. 11 .. 1. . . -- \ .
.11111��, I -.:,11 I . I I - .N�,� . . I �W, � - � I . ---- 2= 111 "IMIN::
I q
( A Cure, For Peummispli, � Cittle , for the "" N , �'. , I , " 91niorclog, ibe, FrOs Xajrjlks� , - , L� .1.11 ' 1 1'.4 i
� I . , I., ". , j ''' Ofth West �'HAD 64M .50,01 "' � � 11OW'S, Tills? . 1� I
I lo." li, � . , OIL$ �' MkA1kAhL.iN.,a&fiN1�
,. ; 0 11, �j ''L , . 0. " -111 I I "00 ".. 0 " -1 L.
� . � v4 t""10. %. I . I �, Art. , We offer One Htlindred Dollars Re. � 1. . ., *
ahk L . . - .. , - , - , 1%, � I 1
.04 oal . y aggeratloo - . or an 04 e ol!'Q�t;*rrh th4t,c&n. . .., � .. , . . .
Avon The Migst Ssubbow .0411, � V, W. 11o4sQp, Dominion Live Stock , This mq asom &4�qi* .'' W;kVd f 11 � ....... . . .. . . . , I
, � I commissioner, Says that at Dreseuti I , , W, "% . - - InotbecureTV JR41's 0,4tarrh (,'lure. ,
% BUT IT IS TRUE, L The Inspectors of the Dominion , 0
'Of 010-P04113111 NalOdY 10", : .the trade in stockers between 4.0 older I I . , FLJC I3NI4,',Y&O.,Toled.,O,1 A
, All sufferers from Bad Blood phould Md Fruit Division are now devoting spec. I ,. Combination.
-b6alw64 . � ` �-,' - ; proiFluces and the Northwest Terrltor- 1 , . I"
� . attention to the � We, the undersigned, have known I I .
. 1 lea is in a very unsatisfactori condit, , JL)iOilb WS 113*401110111111'eltre by !al, onforceindut of tile V J Cheney for the last , . I
I . . . . aye I Fruit Mat ka Act, -Several PrOsecli-, believe him . 15 yearr$, .and I , 0 L
: - lol?, apd many of those who been � perfectlyholjojkabjo:�a all - I e I
, -JR ,-tlonsbave taken place in Ontario, all trane'Let,0118 L � .
- ,
g 3. and . 5C nc;aL 25 1
P umatiam Is caused b,y 4014 14 the shipping young cattle to the Worth- ' SURVOCK OL000 PITT business financially 1 2, � I P
n4ispote4 -niedical 'West this. season have been v , ery much I CUREDIN 180, 0 able .
NMI! IlIpt is an u I i of which resulted 1w convietj ns, una , � W carry:o4t any o6ligations make I I
truth Liniments, outward aplillea- � several are now pendi III -N Ova by their tirm, "110--se� 1w w- - I �
* 4 disappointed in the prices realized. Mr. David P, Mott wrote us from Scotia Theisearemainly ormarkin . L I �- �- WW W . F1wqFW
tions and all�ged electric treatinent, 'LTjjder (late of Sept. !��nd. Chas, W. spring Valley, Ont., in 1885. lie said:- inferior frtiit No. I ; L , Pic L9 WI18T&,'j:jW7AX, Wholesale Drug- � . . .
ean never cure what is rooted in the Peterson, Secretary of the Territorial sultered from impure blood 4,nd bad . although there Is sts, Toledo, O.' WALDING, .KINNAr; .
blood. A b1bod disease like rheurna, I g! ,- a M.ATHE wo �
Livestock Assn., writes, "Within over 500 bolls, but Such a large a"nount of t'l-St Class fruit & MAHNIN, Wholesale Druggists, Tol- 1, . . .
tiaw "lust lie cured through the blood. since' taking BUR. in the country., packets still pelsist in edo, 0, 1� L
. I
the past week front four to Six hand- DOCK BLOOD BITTERS, I ant entirely tr�ing to palm off in L ferior fruit ,is No. I Hall'$ Catarrh I Cure is taken inter- �'R L ever � I 'AD
like luagic to Dr. Williams' pin , . L A. M I L
.That is why rheumatism always yields red stockers have reached Cal ry cured, and can. recommend it to. any por, V. acKirmon, .C�
Lk Pills Chief of the attlly, acq,ng directly upon the b�.Ood . jL
alone, and the demand here is j1%111sO- sou troubled with bad blood. FruitDivision, gays that retailers are BE ON I made, .Al
- they actually make new, rich, red lately, ,III. Those pbe . , andlijucous surfaces of the oystem. � . .
blood This now blood cop(luers the I ple must either . , beginning to understand til.16 scope Of .
painful lidisoll, sweeps out the aching talke' th3ir stock �Isomrhere or lose CONFIRMED IN 1901. . -br, bottle,. ,Sold by till Drii%ists� . .
heavily." . Mott writes us from 62 Broad St.j theact much better than formal, TesIlIllonials seal free. Prive 156 per ' . - I
and appear well aware of the existe 6 TUE VREAT FAVILY PAPER . 11 .
_ act that �Ilt` . IN -Ys Validly Pills are t e, best. . - . � . I
aeld, sooths the nerves, loosens tile There are sever,t], reasotia. for this r, NX, under date of Dec. 319t, of the la,kv and of the A I � , , i .
niuselesand banishesrhoutuatlsmfrojn� condition of affairs, joillishe'd catt TAM, it is � I . L
to 1901, go ilaya:--some time ago I re* being enforced by Inspectors. They . � L. . .
tile system. Proof of this is found in have been selling .it unpi-ecedentedly celye4,a letter from your. firm, 134ying also Iluderstand the fact that it Is ,it The Family Herald and" I
the case of Chas. Leatherdale, a popu� low prices, It is at t do goo,, t 0 years ago you, received a tile dispo�qal of tiny private Olt, tentlent of
- orhythattlie entire outputofolloof testimonial from me, at Mon.
lar young druggist's assistant tit Til a e a ( an h_ tbat ome . A Air A. ,T. Markle, stiperin
billy, Oat. He sa-ys:-111 know fron ing that I had ,iroseciltion IS now ponding Ill Toronto tile Lincoln El ectric Light & Power Co I
e d I
personal experienlie that Dr. Williallis' ,It I ate citizen against a retailer was, instantly killed lit 8t Q tharilles' W , or Nontreall . I .
. I the IArg St I-Ruch0s in Southern Alber- over 500, boils. air, I had, an
ttt'was sold At $32.50 per head, for I must say that I never bad the re- a !d to have disclaimed resp9a" IT coming Ili contact with alitiver wire, I . I � . .
,heumatism, because throe and four year old cattle. Natur- appearance ot one since r took the courpa sibility, .
Pink Pills cure i I �t ,Q $a, -'�N�vl � 1,)31!v,,
they cured tile of it severe attack that ally, therefor ,.I a th, t p id $ ) ) Of your BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, Only. a single basket is Ill- . irthased ,a bottle of Dr Low's - % . I I . L . I
for nionth'; callsed nie many sleepless , e no A it 22 I er A-011'ed, but it is clear that if Individ- � . .
nights atict painful days I had trl ll( -,td for yearling's. two years ago and I thank God that I ba.ve.had, good health ultis do -not pto ��O*Ir'N)11 Syrup for my little girl 2j yeai% . .&W:0
number of other medicines, ed a have Sold the"' this season ,is three., ever since, for I was a great sufferer. teet thealSolves ia tile old' anil g't've j1pr t1l(l aleilleille. The - L I
but they case of single lbasketR �
htiled. Then I V011roldsfor prices In theneighbor- I wislvD.B.B, a World of success� NvIlieb likely to do so it it,,, . OlItOY,arti not result wits she. passed fifteen round
decided to give cho pills " ,is nine y per Coat The
worlas in five ditys " . L oLnNew Bra * . -
a ti Imod of $32 are not anxions to bay. -it surely deserves. . of tlivir purchases are of sin te baskets, , Mrs R Roy, Kilmanagb, Ont. ' I
ial. Before I had finished the se- -stockers thi,s fall .at anvtIling like the ror sal . druggists or dealers, It will Ile t1i . e, policy of the I epartment L L ' � elint
eund box the pains began to leave me, ,. e at all , J, I
.18 1,,t�le Pluillo 11, I .
and priees provai ing for, bie last two Or co hold the retallers more Strictly to ,�,CoafcSS To any address in Call',td-'I, tll'e, Ullited ,ttes or
I v time I had taken two more threp cars. . � : Tim T. MILBURN Co., Liurrzo, ed to the -
I ,
L . .
box Y t pains were fill gone, and I . V TORONTO, ONT, � account ill tb r tile packti, es iflurder of 8ev o at the Indian .�St.
( !. t 11h, _ L o future fo �' '10 I '
L. � (' (Stp 19040 L � I
felt likea new man, That is morethan is scarcer than� . � . . I -ot fruit which they IL),194 Oil t1joLpIllit"i '. reserve, near "" ' (Z "63 . . I
Agalin, N�inter food I l3r)w Ili ,, Moill;.,. last � I L . I 'Great Britain until Jaumtry � . .
six tuontlisagoand I have not had usual on the rAnclies this fafl, and asa - --- �. - If the retaffi�rs, do not. thelaqeIves cjIll - Sunday. ., I . . -. . .
a . consequence many of the cattlemen I . for -the sill -.01 Sunt Of 15c. ' . � .
twinge of i'lle'lluatism since. It I that tISU4 I)IIIIII When they flud. dishonest Inick- , , Agents average $0.00a, day the year .1
,� illy . lly purchase a . .
* , number of Banic 44 England Discount Rare, IllgitilibeCallSO thoy are willing to rojuldSellill our g . oo s .
belief that it fail- courseof Dr Williams' The New Yor L d ., Alwitys in Something you don't wailt is dear at It * .
. StOcKvrs' tit this Seasoil'of. theyear . % Conimprojo of septpm� Share In tile fritudulent profit, Of use. Ilouselt"014 necessities not fads a 7 pricell I
Pink Pills will drive the most stubborn. have Scarcely hay enough to Carry ber 27th has an article rei,'JEiVQ. to tile' C01111.14e the Or . ,�inld packer NN -111 iiINvays or luxuries. No dull sea,son. Write - .
case of rheumatism out of the system, StL - 1, but here is Sonigthinz you da .Want and -oua- t t
andas it result Of 111v Own experience tlieirbr�eeding Oak thiouglittle.N.viri- Pank of &'Island discount rate, which, in b.o.prosecute-d' when he can I -m discov- Cx Martshall.#k Oo, London, Oat, - h o
.1 ter, � I . part, Is is follows ,- - Ored, hut,that not excuse tile. re- . I .i we ask ,
cbeerfullyreconinielid thein for this L . will have, and if. the piiee 9 n Ot low en augh then " I
trouble." Another veasonforthe presential- L Why a change ill tile discount rat, of. taller; 11 . . Fortymonuatents have been. com- to nahl . . . . . I
atisfactory condition of the stocke ' the l3ank of pIdtedat Montreal. Tile . e your o wil price.
.7e , r Elliglaild-the rate at ,% . . . I -1 - . (ly will be tit It- - I � L
� . - . ! en to South Africit to 'Signato the - � . will supply you
The pills (,tire all blood and lie trade,not only 11, thON01-thwest but, .one banl� Is WIDID9�1%to lend nioney.- . - Yon'The ew Era ' with all the
truitbles such as 141euillatisill, gelatle", also iii.the older provinces, is tile poor should be'. a mattor of stiph gre t lmport� . . grttves of Calladiall. soldiers. little L " R1111ily Herald and Weekly
Partial Paralv,iis.St Vit its' dance, all ae. anne to the mont-y marli,em of 11t . Jocal nejjq,
. quality Of alarve number of the yotaig. , 11 endro . Are,you. -BilioUs? XOhn'Mulhollandi. who struck and the
lilt, neuralgic. indigestion, headaches, world Is a my,quiry to in�tny p o e � .� I
11 little that have been pl , o pie. That L . L . . . . Star', will give yOu'the.
backat-lies, kidney troubles, aced on the a'change In the discount ,,,tte Of.'th0'13tQ%k . I Fanny Capes With it stone in Hamil- I L I . nowa of the world and the
t and the market during tile last few years.. (if Boglillid jo(tq i t I in aye' Sill�k Head- to,, hit,, been' sentenced to 'twenty- Punt of good ,
s Of so -Ifany of these were as . far from the kets in Berlin, narts. N'ioillw and N . L . . three moaths in the Cential Prison. 0 1, .
ailinelits that infike lilt,.- live Met. i lo ollpk, mar- Do you .h atebt amc g neral, w
nialiv %V0111ell it source . I ew . I gre t. holescime raad-
which so affevt�q tile foreign - .
. * of almost coil. l,iglli kind,of raw material York. and that It al. . . . . inj ItIewspaper.4
tut" are sonlet iines offered, it vell . ; it - v, I I
st,11,11t illisery, Imitations and substi- to I from exc-blingO m"Ir4ots Ili P.10.11 -of these vitleg, ach, es? 'Von can 'be quickly . Tborti Is ot`1161�' fiarsl� about Lawa , ,r to. be found in any . )r magazine. . The I
Id be, During a period of jIjRI1 L . ' ,ttro conStipatiob, . agricul til ten tilues the ye'Ar 3 -- .
nd the counalle finished- beef its they N and often (141uses an,advwiei� or-doolne . ' I I . Liver P1113 They ( I tural new's alone is mor, .
buyershould see that the full name, In tb0li, stoeX milliket.9 as well, Is Rno an4 easily relieved by taking dys epsla, sick -headache and bilious . . . . I . I , I
mices, markets are ndt So did6rimina- to Pvpn,one Inter"tea,in tinfilial;1I subn I . I � I subscription. . . I . I %. .
Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills for Pale Pee. ting lit the iluality of the gaods offered' 'Iects. Wby it chnnge Ili the rate at which I . . I � Ws �vitboift:grivillg, purgiliggr sic � , I . � I .. . . I . . :
- " -% * " I .. L I ;
(Ile.." is printed on the wrapperarinind L 10, I .L lf- . Present subscrib,iis to this paper,ca havo the
every box. If Ili doubt send direct t but when -prices live low, inarkets.are' ,'� single bank is N)IIIIIng to '11, Money . . I onintr * Price 25c. . . 1. f L . 11 P ,
0 ore sensif! shobld havrri �swlb ft world-widt- effvvt, I" � - ' 1, Tainily Rerald and Weekly �� I Ufa L .
" th')y ul-8 more easily- - however, Is 'not ge orolly ull(IL�pstnnd. -to,d( -.1i in, the cave -iii 'at Cold , un it�. a ....
in F .1 �Soott,itti�14,'nglisliiii,iii,Nvas sutotli� 4 W
the. Dr Williams'.Nfedicine Co., Brock- overstocked ve I . .n neech M S �tar I t . .
Ville, Oat., And tile pillswill be mailed il� a areftil even'th Waii street, 'whero brokors find' - I I .. . " I . ered -al . . I . f6r-20e, by leaving their subicri tioag at this offi
; imyera. ario more ci L I , nary , s
lilt 50C it box or six boxes for $2.50. iaking their seloctions, and it.be- speoulators make fheir 1wilig by their . , � . Creek near Ferale, H'. c. . , . . . . ce.. I
I � comes it ease 6f tile survival of the, Intimate knowledge 'of finarielal subjects., . : . I .. ... . I I L . . . I . I . . . . � . . . . I . . - . .
. �
. To urderstalld the Importance of. the ' .. . .0,a.g5rrC3,.3MXa%. , , 40 *"0006 , .. .
. . 1w
- I . I
. � fittest Only. LA' high' class product of 'B,qnk of England discount rate. it must i)e - , . . , I
Re Opening Seryl I any kind Will always command a fail, . P I I I S , . TM K'md You Have !�w " , - . . .
ces . remembered that London Is the flpanoin) I . . . 3304" the R1111111 �� I . I .
- ssed market in- centre of theL . I . I ... . : Call- ,or' I ir subseeiption to . 'L
. ce; but on -a depre, ,��� � I
11 . world, . I ywhere. In . . . ) Sol 1.1 yo! . -
od at prices -- I., . tit&
Re -opening . feilor Stuff must be sacrifice . gold Ever_ boxes,'25 ce �ftzlllt= . . . . . I . I
services were held I r- - . � . � . . I . . . . .. . I � . . --- I - . - . ... � Of L � , I �� . � . . .. . . ' .. ' � . : . I
Trinity church, Blyth, on Sunday fi,i� below the cost of production, - - - L- � 1111mv., , - . - . . . I . . . .
w- I . � . � I I . I � . I � I I
. - . . . .. -
week, and proved a great Success. The � The ranchers *have also discoy9red I � . L . I 4 , L I . � I . . Jos St oddart, a brakenia n, was co up- I . I
. I -
" ' that I hey must be more careful el .. . L .. . . NeWS Note& . � � - liagear � The.
day was a beautiful one, Large con- In th, - 80#-�e - Throat I . I . .. I a at Winnipeg, when 'be wits . I I I ,
I . .
gregations attended both nio"rning and selection of theif bullstlian heretofore, . , .. , serious bron . dbial. . - . ' . . I 6-4— . ., . L. . Oita bt between tWo of them 'and had - . . I . . I I 'VL 1w: .
vening, Rev R J M Perkins, IVI A of . a nd On t�rio breedQvs will do well to Don't delaS, - Dlivid. Scott London,74 years of- Iliglead arnshedso badly that he 'wilt I I .. . . - ,Ne*w Bra,
1�' make a not(,, of thiA.. During recent trouble -or diplitheiia inay.develop. I �age�, I I .
I .
ve . . � i 1 6 ii ��.�!. L � . . . . I -ins. Oplurit-laden "inedicines"inay . I - w . . � L
Exeter. officiated .-It the -morning' S'el - , . I, dead.' : -, ' .- I - - I . . . die. ' - . . . . . 'R . to'n , ",'kilt
vice, and at the close the holy coal- years every btill-calf that *,-is eligible . The orily..safe way. is to app;y . . I I L .. .. ... . . I . :. . . . . . * 9 .
. �
munion was administered to 44 per fffkeqlstro�tion w -s sit d,--ivithaview . . SE VE Rl� HEADACHES� . - . . T.6iti.-ing-do.�i�n.Sig'ntil�dobsiint'delkiv - . - e
Sons. in the evening the church was to Selling him A some Sort of price for . I .. "Forso'nae UltieJ wits & ivith.- 8toi .11 . � . . . I
, . , cl le . .
. .7 1 ,y:sev6re headaches. 'I tried & ,k ,oughirig, . � . ,
crowded to hear the bishop, who is it the ranehes:.but tha ranchet!s havre. dis- . IftV . vei tronble * Is, ' III-. . ,., but the cold StavS. Do - . L -0" . : . j . I
greatpreacher. Hega,veamelrorable coveted that- t1i6y qtitisr, j. - I I 11 II&WO I burn's Sterling 1166dache ,P . not t --itle ; WIWn you, begin to 'cough . . 0"000S."S"A" Al
ay more Lit'; A - , I . . . . - - wqmpw ,
- a r6tifedy 'you can d6pend upon. and got init-nediate- relief." . . opillill'Julltofflea - . -.1 . . -- -. . �. .
nd breading, �ad ow0ers take ' llbn'A Lung. 134sain, free from . . . . .
- tha�t�f a L. . 01 t, I � . : . . . . . I . . I .
Sermon. At the close the bishop ex tention to qualky a at, rke L' L . I I . . I . . L � . . � . L .
. . . . . . . I I . L I . � .
I I. I � .1 . . . . .. . ..
11 I .
0 d Sqtibs t� I in It before retiring, 4 L i . id it. Nvill, be . . : :1 1,, - . .... . .1 I ar4old d4ugh- . . 1. . '-UQF sla".0--mml. � . I "�
I e coal- , It is .' t le , � h ,�" . . � I I Our n i i a ers were -,,k iljl�d by gas. at S e k f IV . COMMM378 7DR . .
-e -at the inim good price than -� a' _ye .
pressed his great pleasur . irat class 'bulls are`cheapo�rL . Wrap the' throat with'a cWth wet . L I Mrs. N Bul , Lindsay, n , fing power'.
proveinents which had been effected , - regis t . . � y H tzelL, the four I .
Lutifying . � mift. .safe . . I , . l
it) be, , * v 0 a laf , : ,well ill the morning. . � . Morrissey, 13 0. - - . I tel 0 J(�a;jjj , .. s �
the church.: .1 . bt b il l: . I .I.iWit� is only . .. I . . . : . I . L . - wrolu . ' ' . �. . L I I I . I L
.. . � very '�O " .Pra� e poss ) . L I . le ng - Ind. k " ' L I . -
mended very highly the libei- I t , 1: , OrS, �',',,4.'phtyf,St. Nissour
ttr�short time it - ill n j 9ti tf . '' . L
`11 to sell inferior balls to tIje�rjI,IjL , . : one'.1"Ankmakt, I �b Iller's Grip, Powde'ris cure. Sold by ,llofifire, Nvilon-her clothing 6.u_htL fire . I 1 : I . . � I .
p , ., . . . ,I I � I . ' . . . L .: I
. - ' � I .. . 9 at ' . I -L i I inton. ,''. . ..; . . ... n6itylyLo . : She . . . 0 .. ' L . ' .F . . � .� .. .. . L . L 1. .
of the congregation. The =tSIrlills, rice . . . . . , . , 0 L . .. - . " PERRY DAVIX.1' . � R P Reekill, C . ,and was burned if (lied st
On Sundav amo anted to $270.98, which any P I * . __m I . . .11. ( r
has sincebeen increased to M;48. . . . .... . I I . . . -.-of: Watjtl : .1'. . - F,esh .. I
It' ' � . . . I - . . . . * , . . I 1. � . two holirs. , . . . _ .e. y .a ew � . very.th!
� ..
. � I I , I . I 1% I . Samuel Cunningham; aterk . - . I .EYL r tht !q. N . . .1
. .
c . � I I . I . I I . . � . �. . . . .., .erford, Norfolk, 1�0 dead.. ' . :: . , I Manv thitnks are due front the I pro- ... . .. L . ,.. . .. . . . I . . . . . � . L . .� . - . -
--hows what can. be done by a small . . I . . . . I . . I � . . . _ ...
. .
. TO .. ... To.,StI14 Canal �S 'L "L . . US 'DIC1rN.r iisa Weaverls Cerat6 to friends L . 2. � . . . . I . .1 . . . . . '.
. . ystern. � . THF'LB T Al h, �. . PriOtc I I . .. . . � .
strength'. .The Thanks- first, . . 6innie�r�.V � , L . I I ,.. ., who have Witten to tell ofthe Co�rate'a . I . I . � t'l L ' . . I . . . .� . L .
er in unity is I - -S PREAD � - Just a 'slight matter at I
congregation when thei� work togeth Y OF CATARRH I'S . conio,e!s Sarsaparilli'
I I I , -, . I - - at
. . . I, I 5 run, G�Oqivl n, ."C' I : T4e atrongest.:b1a.-il p irid3r 6-i a mwk , per battle $1.0%. :1, " -
W 119, Wits bdt'the seed sowlibrings forth a daug- . sent ltomrnlosiqn�r into Canada to.stUdy: '�l had an attack ' rs � . . . . I I . ; . � . . . � I
giving serv'ice on Tuesday eveni land" because slight. neglected; ,The -gooliester Chamber. L of.0 It[ ' LAI tpe �.3ald', N. il. good work in curing sdr6kuloua huixio , I . . I . I , I . .
. , , I '. . I I ' ,gays : scaldhead and otheilskin diieas . , , , . . � 1 .: �. . .. .
. .the canal system there. in opera:tIon under ' . ea I . . I I . .. . ,. .
Lucan, and Rev C R Gunne, M A, of t1diij which is� � I 'Trouble and Indigestion,' -And' decided . . - I . 1 , . C 111)L.11:4 R.tjj , ... � , . . .:L , 1. .� . � .
ell.attended. Rev H A Thomas, of . e ' rdas harv�sti Con�um it. construction and vrojccted,� and to,,a-scer- ' 'to try,Laxa Liver-, Pi of . Live� These kind words it,re..most UPA9, . " � . . .. . . . . .
Clinton, gave good addresses. Frank the harveqt of death. Oter spend � Ila - They hid.. iii ing, . ,� �, en I co, . - . ,�, ,. '. )JI . i d" I. P. lily I or . . .
.1 tdin .it the artifloial waterways there i . . .1 .1 I � - . I . I .. . . I .1 . .-L . .. I . . . I . I � � . � �
. . I I I L ' I L
Metcalf gave a lucid statement of the few moments. each. day inhaling Cat- 'b6tter and more': lastifik effect than . . . - . . I . . � V�� , , , , L , . . , ". * L . . .
plan wl I iieh had been adopted to reduce ,),rrhqzoIio,-,a,n arom . atic antiseptic that, canal acrd�s New York State. on ook." " � , Walter Williams,.a 19 -year-old boy, . . IT r4st and. best—per lb, 25. . � : , , .. . : .1 . I 1
_stood. fit dangdr - from the Oro)�osqd $10,-. any romeilk I ever 't he'. i .. �
000,000 � L I . � .
. .
. roli6 ,tra the nasal pass- wIllo the people. are, to -vote next No- Thos C X . k . -1h , I . I .. . . was shot and ,killed by it . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L . . I ,,,
the debt of the Ve� tit ance, . ale, , _h . . compinion at . . ' . I � .
church, and of the vembe . Hum, -ies dropped dead arn n , . u n . . C L, . ' ,
y great success which had attended that ages, and restores . I Oat seiise of taste - . Comm r. In his .rL,port to President Dunn .. . ij:ill ey, Alit . while h nti 'g miu;k� . . - I '.., I .
find smoll.. Th' Issloner X)ennjSLSay5 that,the while driving Just Re el ved. This Veek. . I L I
e iftim6diate effect of Can-: � � I . to $i�ifolkfalr.' ..: - . rnts..! : - . . � . 'L . . . � . I . . . I . . I I L . I . , . . I .
plan. The rector, church wardens and � , feel at al,6disturbed about . ., . . I I . 1. . . . L. � .
gdt4n'does not I . . 1. . I 1. L, . .. L .. . . . . - . I . . .
ti;�n have much reason for I pron .. the proposed 12 -foot waterway h6i-e - �A.n - N .1 I . . . I I.. .�, . .1 See-t1fat the druggis gives you ' * . . ! . . . - . . I . * 'L. L ... 11 . .. . � . L
'SPRAI . L D' * - , -� . the - H,eUebo ' , I . -, Rubber Sponges I L
. . . I
con 1�egft CAUtrrhozoitia, is magical, so 1pt I..' 'L R A R,V. ' * . . t .
. . I
-ra live now a. beauti- aridefficien� Cuve�isbertalu and per- � American ship canal Which woula .re- 3TJ,iry OV . P, JasTer"Ont., writes:� jght� article - .the soothing, . helph I . �. re, , , , , - . . . . . 7 . . ,
J� . . . ' . 1, *
I tide, they lit manent it you Ilse :01tarrho ."elve the Vessels of the great lakes and ingto I I . ill . . 4 I . . . . 1. 1. .. I ' L
�, taker the, I m . to - the "My mother %sprained arm. Pititikiller thatwas usodin, your family. . I I
fill and well-appointed allure zone I . Supreii�4i, Baby -PowdPr' . - *
h. The Price '�.J, Sluall SiZes 25C." at Druggist seaboard Mth their: Nothitig,W * - Paris Green; ' - . 9 alCUM. . I . L ' �
C .dargoeg unbroken would be. regarded fig a . 0 used -did . er any good, - before you Nvere b6mi..-There is bu One I . . : .
, 'S L Yel low '. L . ,� . 8 � I
H Plummer and Miss Annie ffitifflitofi, I . olson & Co., lKingstorl'. ont. : . menace to Ca;radlan commerce-, *bixt hav� Then.fatber got.11akyard . Oil i-'ailikille'r,'I"ei�.t'Y'Ditvi,,; ' N -b upight . **.- I . I . 'ennen -Bor IL . I L .
hoir, under the able leadership of A or P . . 1. 1. . . i Al , ated. T '" ' ' '
. � .. ... I . � 6 .. . . I � I . - ealer offil ' - . . .
. ij,4 S I .
L. I . .., � � . I. . I L. I -be ea. L , e . s Araerica r mf.�. �
. .
. . . . , I .
I .
I . - I
L I . I
6- " 10"10"O .41101111M
I . ` , I
- I 'I 111
- I
I �1 I
IL ,
1 1 1 1
'I L I
Sunday- L . . . wj3eb, completed 10 to 15years hencei. if or-' . . . at,jilt L * ,
L " . � . I . . . Ing'now canals deeper,than"ours wiit . . 1� �- i . I Blu, St t . -
did exceedingly good work on . . I .1 .1 . and-: lt,lcured- mother's armin ,A f9w d ub ' '' L , %", . ... � I ..S.eeley" U Pe", f U ,
and Tuesday'. . . I . L . . . "I - . I I . . . � . days.' Price 25e. ' ' . L. - : L. L I . . . ., . . . . . .. I . . . . :.,L .L I- .1
. .. I . .. q . � dered by'the people, the-Canadialiis feel . I .1 . . " * L , , , ,Lily' , ' L'. , . . , �.41i.lijj L .L' ..... F I . I I .
I . . . , . . I . � .1 . I L 'L , , ' " Sand.fora Darling Lyn,. accid6nt, . . . . . . . , , I . . � , ,
. . . I no apprehension about campet1tion, Xs .Ro�dr(�S froT� . . I . . .. I , . �. . ... � . ,
. . A.` ' . the Cinnalans abanl3op.ed their own Ien,r L a Rbssland Say ,that Ili- 'shot and killed his. t wolve.-year-ok! s6ii I �. 1. . s 1�11'0-tdzraphie.,� est. . . L. . 1. , . . �
. L
� I .
ON. A. W. - , Boys Rre Watche , -. I a6lidavies are trying to burr) the town. wbile duck -shooting . on the St. L 11w- . . . . � � . ... .. I L L . I 1. 1. . I . . . I . . .. . . . . 1, . . � . . - .
on . . .. _ L, * . L . I �foot cana;ls many Lyelj rs ago, EL twelve -foot' . . .1 � � I . * . I .
0 . . . Waterway seems to th6m to be trAvIal in -Alex. Leck',e,6ngfiiLy4i ... L'iVer, - . .. .1 . I 0. t.. L * .'
When Nye see. the I the streets . th6so d0f; .when .eligine6ring skill has - -'a, .. . L . � Wal e , be "O. I . .
CATA... AME's 25 . . � � 1,; &*a ... � I . .11.0m ,hemigt. and Dru,4qls ,
*4141 I ��,,,),,1,,)i,lt,on rolica W
)OYS.L6a 6 , lj�w - �.,. c
. . -toes We often - won&r if ship Onal.13 .severely scalded by . p Out . NIL11balM"; Steirli,rig'- Hwidachei - Pow- I . " . , . . I I . � L'
6 sent direct to the i asia and piiblic ph ,jp,ned up.the possibill ties :of , . . . I L I .. , I
Illints by the Empi3tived Blowe they know that business met) ,are me commi-lone- —R. -New Yorij Tlfne$ ,of -tile 6o-ile I r. ' * .. I I I . . 11 ` � , de Ave Avomen I 00inpt, ralief from , I ----- - - � � �-.-!T ---i" ' "� - . -L— -
. - - . . I . , . . . . . --
L ,. . . ' ; .� ... . . . .! . I .1 -
' 1. . . . . I , An'Italian shot a' Filin Ili the back , �Xly�p'ains and leave no bad after. I . . . I I . . . . . ; . . . 11 I .
. .
T Heals the litlects C' watabing-them'. .rn every bank. . ,. . , I I . . . � ;r� 0 I..: . I .
I , cleas the air at 0)
Vmwas, stopit clioppingp Ili the L .: .store ... . . D . llvl " . Al 4-V m-�",u,�i- 'D ., � . 01�--%"*
0 ibroat " permanantly cures
at Hay Fever. -Blower
Aalul (trace tbere.will Soon be a-placefor,
a boy t6 fill.
11111806 Aft d ers, or Dr. A. . Challo
Medlelue nto &a B Q..
Thosewh6 havle the man�
'agerrient Of the affairs of -business 'will
. � .
. select one ,the boy�,' They will. not
Inductl ,n .,�ervices -
.. .
relect, bini for,.his itbility to swear Oil
, .:
- . .
suiclkv. ,8usines.,4 nibri may have afe,w.
Tne irduetian of Mr Carswell, late
loose habits fheins6lvp ' e .are.
. .�,,j)tjt,-,th,y
(if' Carberry, Man., - to f1h- pasitortite of
looking for bois whoare-asneargentle- -
Duff's and Caven churches, McKillop,
men, in Overy sense of the -svord it� the,�
lookplace'in Dnff's church onTues�
carf find,and -thek are abI6 66 giv� -the �
dayweek. Bo-li congregationgwele
I � �
chorac,ter 6f everybotly Ili town. They.
I � . .
well represented, The proceedings
Are not looking for rowdies.. ' �Vhen -a
were very impressive. Rev Nell.Shavv;.
boy applies fob one of,these j)laaes�wtd,�
moderator of the sessions during the
is refused they may -not-. tell - him th& I
vacancy. presided. Rev Mr Small, of
Aiibur�, dolivered aniostable I
reasofi, but the: boy clan depend.upon it
that he's.bden
suitable to the occasion, Rev Mr Lar-
rated according to his
behavior .s'cannot afford to adopt
kin, of Seaforth, delivered a most prac-
_ .
tj�e babi�. and -onversation- of the loaf -
tical and appropriate addr, as to the
ersandrowdiesiftht�. vei�wanttobe;:
leo le Rev xU Sh AA ,; A
11 A-4. , 4M � .
Orr, -�11 Ln -1 , , I 1t; Wolin wassugnt.
The, fttlliaji� escaped.� ' - I - , -
. - . . .
� 11 I -rer e s it. you,
Milburll?s. Price Me'. aud 25G all de"Z,
1. " .. , .
i .
- .� VV., -i I . $�* 1. . q. .
won.150, 11 cles ;.....� I.:%
. ,�& ASU&
. Tho. phtiples -bav6 disappea
I red. Alffir
.7. I
0""' . - - .� 11, �
. . . �
I �. .
. C � I :.
... I . , I * , ,
I .. . 1 .. . I .. I I ,
. er'sCompound Iron pills did it. od . by
.� Sl
.RRR�ekie, C,linton, , � , � I".. �,
. � I
. AtEdinburgh Lord'Ouslow . a . gal -6 -de,
clarO that the resftictionsoh* the im-
.. I
. ,
. . , we h . I I .. . �tl,dfw , e", - . .
&ve tbiibnlast etoak'to qeleab fron� All th& latest stylOs in the vewest color4l. ., . I. .
, 0 ir �iogs I as 'low as can be foari(i for firat-oliiwa'infiterial. and. ,N , , : �
' " re I ... 1. . �-
0 W.- MI. -
. I
Will' Migerald, Indian River,'. w *
. rtabion, of Canadlim ciattla would. hot
V�0(, , . . .
I �gqygp �. �, .
. H, ycu b Y'oall ani see 116. I I ,
efot6 I . .. . �
. 11 a * * ".1 . . .. . * .. .: �
knocked down� by Jo vgX7. .driven 'by
. .
.. 1. . I. I
Venloved. I I � .1 2'.
. .., .. I
. ' .
. . . ..
. h;wndle the Canadian StQeI'Vidd rgace, already Woven'' Atlyli istAir. . . - - I
W , 'I"
I � - ,
' .
.1ir Hill, of Peteibtka.'i - � - i ,�. - .
I . . .
-114ns.Frod Laino,' St Geor �'olit.,�
,. . '. I . �
I o ereotifrom6l)-to8pricis sp :., t" ,',j!� � -.
'In I 0 per.d#y, it is 1% chol . eirona .fence: , . I .1
.�.', . .� � .. I . 1, ! . . : .
�. %., SUM.DIAIL OqqpHS , �
.. ..
: ,e
' Al barclesb7to
writes: "My little girl wou- d cough
'90 at. night, that neither silo nor.1
. � *
. � .. - - . . . I � " - -i: ,w'qf.: .1 � ...
. .
If ' . , I 011 . . .. .. I . �
� "
Glad.' LAVIS-0.: - IsA.Ac, Ste betq. U."." atom � .1 - -
often shi6ke. off, and
frequentlylead to .consumption. Betw
. coil lid F61 any rest, - gav
1 6 her Dr�
_ �
Wodd sWorway �Nne � Syrup . and am.
. I. :. . . . � '� i
I . I I . � I . . . I . I - . I I
.. . � .. . 1. '' ..; . I"; � . I
. I . 1. . . .. �. I . �. I I 0. I..
SW6� - I
-ter have th6fil clired promptly, 1) Y Dr
. Wood's Norw,ty Pine Syrup� the -best
. . .
,thankful � to say it cured. her. cough
qui6kly." � 1. .. I
. I ..
. I 11111 I I
- ..� . . � I �i . � ... . . . � — . . . I ': . .. I � . . . �. .
. . �. I � . .� � .. . .. I . . �., .,,..,,. I � ''. I
. . . 1. I ., .
.1- � .
remedy for hetiling lungs -and caring
all kinds of coughs aqd, colds. -. -
, . - , .
I . , *
r I '
. ibi6ner Lieut. -Gov. Villm m South
ENWININIMIKINIMIXIMOVIN iolkwit[x-ljirxlxfmxiiiixl "' . �:1 I
. I I I 111�
I . � .. I . I . . .�. .. . , :: .: i; i grid .
. . . I ,
.W. alter Rambled whs knocked out o
. f
. his ,danoe at Coldwater by a stroke ,.of.
., lightning and drowned. .- - �
, Carolina,. was acquitted On the, charge
'of murdering Editot. Gonzales at. 1.
um-biA,S - 0,. . 1, . . . . .. : . . I I
. - . . . . .
I ,. � I .
I � 1, . . I . I . . I I . . , , I . . , I I 'I.,
, , . . . I . � I I i'. 1�0,fl . I 1.
Ift , , 6, - I .1. I - .
-1 I , . I. . :.! . i; " . o! I . �
ViArl i I 11 %-." to A Q . I . .
; : Ri - -, � .
P� r , - - .1 - % . . o respons a Glons. ..� , , I. I . . . � . � I., . '. .. 4. OF'. I�V ()�' . I . 1 7 1 1 !. ,, - .i. . :
t e new pastor. In the evening it . . I , .. . � .� . . I . : ! ,, � . 1. . . . I ,15JS NVAnij L,NIS, . .. I I 11
re- .. . . ... . , : I . , Cornwall' and 8tdrmo * t C . . 11 .. I. . . . . I .1 . I . . . . ,f... "I � � , ,,, I
. . . . . I � . I . . . n ,onserva, - I I . . : . .... I. , ,�,' � . .
. . . . The. aospittil (London) . . . Don't let worms gfixiv at the� vitals: . . � . I . -I.., � .. .. .
ception and-jea-ineeting was held.. . . .. . I I . .. . � . lgays� The r.e- tiVes have nominated R A� Pringle, �M . I. '. . I., . .1 . .. - . � " j , r... , �; , * . I .
, , ' I ,.
. . . . . : , . hve them Dr to � . Did youiver try buying ppices at a 4rng.atorO Ito -part It z i- , - ),,,., ,
Refreshments were served, in tile D' .. . I . � . - . .., . jaently Issued. report'on training collegos, P.-, for the Dominion Honse," . . . . of yburebildron. (T Wa . I- . . . �,
. . . . . . � . . 11 '.
school'hoitse adjoiningthe chull . . I .. ..� , by'Mn A, Rinkine one' of �his, Majesty's, . I . .1 Pbeasant 'Wbrin Syritp and they'll soon, � stock you know,and apioer a �-,--,*%. , , . q I . .. . ; �.
ch, and OOK - . . . .1. ,. My wife is having the b'ei;� of-lielalth, . . obotighthere resursto'beciftai , I i, ., , " , 41
were Ili abundance and of the very - I I . I I . 'Chief .Inspectors, tells vs. tliat, on the Ile rid of tbeseparasite,s, Price 25e. I . I . . whiob they ought, to be, wbioh-they'ntast- be,lf your piclilts ..,I I , ji"":
. staffs of the elementary schools there are .1111ler's 'CompouncL 1r.6n Pills �jid It. . .. I I . I .. " ": , . . .
be,,,t. Supper ended, the company re- As a work for family referenod there at the. present tlay 26,000 teachers who Sold b R P Reekio, 011htpij, . . .- . -Advertiser I . taste aa �otk-intended', aud it you xre to be pleased 'with �. .,.& 1. It . 11. . . .
aired to the church, which wits waspro'bablynever c6inpiled it mote , . y . . The London Morning : I This sibre alwais makes, '.apaint toget in &.free, supply , � � .41 , 4I : I I
p . , have never passed throbgh a'college; . . el'ahns to-lia,vo the: highest puthorit)'r ' . .
crowded. Rev Mr Shaw again pre7 usefulbook than Dr CIiase`s,Re'ceipt that the Present traInly colleges cannot Mr Mackie, M Pi,'will not. resign his jj,r. t just in time for pickling,'- and it invit&4 1,�: ka�-A .: ! 71-. ��,a ! :.p ,%. 4 ";
, I
- he stifteine.i3t'that the Alaska 'trtr' I . 1 I .
1, X
= M
I IN i
v de- � - I accommodate one-half . Renfrew, to contest the bunal's decision wilt favor the Amort,. � I . spices bore. Try our Baking Powder as 200 a A*..,. �,' ! .� � � .� . " ."'r, . h .�? i
,;ided. Excellent addresses Nvel. � Book. Deslde�, containihgffidsym�tblna those who try to : s � . ,. , . �
. . I . .. I -1 . . * �
livered b), Revs Hamilton and Elliott,. of disease, their callse and Ott - , gain admission 1,. find that this inadequate riding for the Ligislature.. - . . . . . . . I I . . � . . . � ,�.'j hl" - .:�i � r ,
re.and the accommodation' is the consequence of too . � . . 0"Ins. � - : - , � . . . . . . � . I . . . I �.. �!��; "', ,
of Qoderich; Striall, of Anburn; Larkin .., ,lp*tjons gathered together, scanty grants -or I �, . I . . . . . . � � L . I
great � react, ; " . 4.114, .. .
To Care Dispekls'lbl- 1,111. I .. .X .
I. . public money. Zvl- "The torture of toothache is quickly ' . , , ,eln i g f. I . � I
and Walwin, of Seal'orth, and �Ile new durin If , century of Medical prae. d whilst the they ha ho relieved' by Low's Toothache Guni) . . a Voldin On'e:Day' ". . . : 1, i: - I I I.. 1.
tide, tI is he.1111t,"flaIled fit biller directions are at least -J-6, E6, ti3OVEY . - * . .
piustor. The music wits furnishod by oo is -replete with receipts - train and deVelop the minds of Pricel0c. Refusesub6titutes, - � Take Laxative'Bromo Qoinine -Tablets . I . . . . .. I# CLIX,rox .:,,. � . .
the splendid choir'of th� Methodist -for c o in an hius a complete depart fitted to . , . . - All druggists retwid the money if it 'fails. - . .1 .. . . . . , vy"', , . .--.4 I i I r. I I ..
id Miss A1036 - -ineii �,d I ,youth no longer, receives. genetal count. ' .Tllbs. O'Connell, a Montreal barten& I . . . . . .. . I t . '. ,",'.I � - - �11 ,-I. , �. 1. I
I � I ro is on . L I . . . . . I . . , , , I.; , " 11 I
church, Senforth, al git- evote to -the care.OfTatin st6ck� - enancei, -the --enormous- natiOnaA.' Import- .or, Out his- throat; during.. an tittliak of L to care. E, W. G' We signature . . I 1. 'T�t.,�o lf,�'�. � I . .
tie gave a well-rehilered rpe.tati6n. bees, domestic anhilals, etc, FOj -fall an,ce- of.'the schOOIM&Ster 19 far .f . each box, 25e, �,.....-..... .,. - ... I—- I �111101" 1. , I � ., '01vow
The proeeedings were very Successful particalars write 14' ,dinansen, B,ct a beffig widely vocogniied, lie is allo"'m delirium tremens at Port Arthur. . I .. Wl'"raUV4rWMMr4M*ilimrmginixixigmumijiFint�"
WLM I . . . . . . . . I . � . . . . I XMMlti=i= ....... � , ".
, I . . - . - W ivers may cause. a I - . . . .�.,JQ..11 .., ... `
4 throughout, and Mr Carswell enter.,; Co., Toronto.' . ., : I . . O & Ito be & necessity, ��but there tire few bFUSOULAR RHETTMATISM. - , Lo ,water in the r . I , I . , - �t, t; .� Ill 9.(.I)W.�� , , ,.:
1. . I . . .. . among'the crowd who appreciate his lea) - . I . I . food famine Ili thelYnkon, - - .1 . ruft --�------ 1-1 - I � .. 1, , .
upon hi4 new difti" under the most . . I I . .. . value in the body politt , 110 . . � � � . . .. I - ���, . .
Mispi(lolls ciretlinstance,4. . I � . . - I � . fleld is the .same'as C. tie greon .. Mr. R.' Wilkinson, .1itratford, Ojlj.� � . 11 . . .. I .. . I ��g t'. r -1, 1�7&1 'T 177 ,%,1'17(� I . � I
. I . I . � I— . . . . every'other greett says, "It affords me much pleasure. to - -A GRV,AT LITTLE' WOJ�T,Q,Ift . - . � � . . , , �
, , � - 1; fold,'� sald'Dr. Jobnson,-and tliat is very . ... . . .. . . . I . � W.1%.;m1'.:e.1 ',.,,11-110'lf.� � .
C:p dL is %I 9111V X -L X 4. 0 4houl . 4. VASIt C'ettiadn' : � . 1-cli tile vlew which the British publio. Say that I experienced great "relief . . I � . .. . 0 . . � . . 11001111111111111111111001 �6"O.. ...I. � I... 1. " ... I
. . 11 -1. ...
F^I= tie The Kind You Have Always BoUgft , ., -- . - ni� - W . A . . I �-. - .
, , . . I I I k0a of'Its sakoolinastar%. .. - . ftommuscular rhoumatism by using -Dari , ' a long IIRA time the heart: will I . . . . .� . ..
. . . � I
I.g.3sture !.- 311, Parlres,. M, 1-1 , of Rngland,wbo , .. � - �,... I . I . I . two boxes of Milinitia's lifienin6flO PrOPPI -fialf a; million tons of bl(')od . , I .. � ." 1, . 11. I .
I . I . I ', "fl� - i 4, TI!, .
. �
. � � .
�� .. . . . has recently retvirned froni .it visit to I . . I . I . .. Pills." ,1?rIce50ca,bCi`X.1� 1, . .. throimli the.body, and -so 16lig �w tile j ." .
. . . . Q I 'on it will .:
Of . 0 � I . ------� blood is* it, it healthy Coaditi , 0.("'I", .1 . j, ." � �
. . Ulanada, said tile holding of the Qhxw� .� L McDonald,ledgerkeeper of t U- Un- , ' its
- - . etf, A's f, I
,;t as it Wastes �
Sir itorden and the G. T. Patille. bers of Cominerce Congres's iri, M( W"VVO ion Bnpk, (1, I ary - repair , ." pat- e , avi . V,;� . * � I . .1 I
� mt- a ,, bas disappeared - lently'kepping tit) tile play of'Its. valva . . .
- 'lilipjiSr idea, its it -,vill; tile Cis 5, abld'itis fejaeT,ba',4 committed I I . . .1001 ,r, V. �( 't nv ,,, , Or :,. 1. I
111"it-10 1W 1101(i Outside the lh)ited . - . I t BI I Ova �
- real wits it , . Uedt`01L ii1icide, , wil'the rhythm of its throb. if the . � I � I I '.
From the Ottawa Free Prps,i 15 INCOMPLETE WIT will not .1 . I Our full stooki�,,A, ,oV,s � .
King( ablikilw(I it precedent NOUT . Ohio Pkesbyteiian ininiatem antion of tfie beavtgets weak,irregniar . .
If ,Nlr Borden has imide a iness of �110ni it vsft ., . . . . . I . . 11 I . , .o . ,,5fo �rll
which will likoly 'be followed in the I ' perform the cereniony for thbsepeople and fluttering, the blood if; lacking In . �E� IL di�.-*14 r. 1"..'I . . �� I I. (I .
. -.
t-bi,, irilitter his inoxperienve should be I futilre. Bamilles; Ineft. itttending the I '0"VS'FXT.RAC*r1 who havo* been divoreed on Other nourishing qualities atid requires ,lust . ials"Jor . ta Many didl sjve.v " ; i iig;l .
Y rellielobt-red by his friends, : ' pounds than those recognized -by. the - such assistatice its is best supplied 1) . - l6.
— .i, �. .. ��i 1, -i" - --j)..p% , . .
. .
their visit, and Surprised at the Ila- �, I IV 10101 "" I I I
considevatioti that lie has had it hard . don- _ _� q . y . I . (11) i0ifim, f
' I illso boar a foi-giving miNvil() Congrem wore intentlely pleitsea with I . TO
g I in ipture. . Dr Chilse's Xervo Food, the great hJ60d , , � 9,11. 1.01,11 1.4
... i��tht � et s. .
. nielloo ro"onr . mw� I builderand nerve restorative. � .aiftd only ane,or two @ , ,a ��pA '1!',)jhT 'e''W(t
, Hat" avd',,4 Yellow Oil reduces swe]- . � . . I I .
row to h0C. willit would Sir' J61111 I re Tilineral and natilral, RELIEVES UAFOM, ITCIJING ORARRI- , F, I . I . .. � .. . . � . . � . � . . I
Wealth or tile 1�1)11(1)lninion onlyawMI-lin T)rrj11,n1V4 Wa'tson,' Clerk of lNfo6re . . t .
1�11jeclonaldhinil4elf have done in op- (1p ittv
'v(,jol)f1j(�nt. lill.g, A lit - 'out, . (I , flvsf',%ri� �1�1
""' R -
M ,
�1- � "
4 e. 9 �.' , /," f"i , 1 42 W14 .e: " , 'ft.,
i ht, il
h";""*� &
, (111101 voynniercht,l niewsbonlil visit div colon- I ' THE SKIN, AFTER SHAVING, I I ' , U, ( - .Zl,. ,,!!-i4jfij .
IN11- Parkes, thitl1r,41 IT I TATION. 0000, COMFOAT$ ANI) HtALS . New F 'all Dr , .)"'d`9 .
.Ts inflammation, tak" '
position to it g-reat eonsti-netiveseli I I paill, ani. . cilres m lile, wnship for 35 ) years, is dead.
its, 'burns, brn .;, to
, ' � . . . �
, . -I)rllin- SUIT,j ""aloro efrectul- . . . � , �, ,,,
repalled withPXtr(line (TOTIOnlyl tho . � . 8 l4,. Ojilttl Ote I '11"r;',
p los, as "'volVas all public men, as'l vi4it, . Avoid dangorou Irritating Witch Hazel ly thal'itay dthOr IV ,. XEIRVITAINITS MA(ITC PO`Wli�,It . ? it. , 7 � "l,j I�Ticlrl � .
11ttoo,4t eart, for tho pliblivinterest"lind I " t I 611WAY."L . . . I I I . I 1i i4ltft.#a.�tt ,,, 0 414l6-,f-;l1,tV1) '.
faithfill liflapta Arn. of , C , 'I . . . I . . OVER PAIN ' I I .. I .
tioll to tho I utich as t lint ztp Canada, 1.4 an education proparptlahs tepre 0, ed tdio "the ome asO . I I . . � . 6 . I
, nd'i ExtOad, which easily sourt'xiii) oftlits J; . , . .
,111* * it If All Park(% thought the Iron , Po Planets Dfllil)g WAS ft(," JjQnt)�t shO . in all the fashionabil I gno"A $I
Rdian expan,,ion. What eould he have I "I" SI', . . . . . .. 6'11W.000101 ; . .� . , � I
I . . i ,tent -ii, Mn- . . � . ,,
, and Atv�l Ttic;U1.1111:6 should visit Callada, contain "wood alcohol," a deadly poixan� by n con)-panion while hunting beall wragivalbeeltilsoitin Iv, ' . WIP11411i , 't�,I;I;,11.11" 4k,1, It
try ,% - . * . . . . I
done ill Opposition had trade bvon Instead of the Unite(I States, as suell., ------ - , Vownian�illv, and is dead. * ,. I
floi 118 , . � Cenfr4ilion of the most gootbing find i, I 0,
a judi( IP I .1 I —,- . - all Icidney and bladder troubleg pain:subduingreniedies knoiv to the (P , .� , 0: tgi I
,!ikhing Ili 1870-74, hnd . in(l vNit would bil more lsvfulfrojllat� - . Fol Our 'First S�, in
lie ti hminning linder -ionq tanit allpire pqillt of view., A 64,1";'14"Of , F"il "
btld .�llevvssive hig � . 'lie is sin1j)ly , , . * , It
and evell Incrva-41 I I �* I . . . . try TIldler's Kidney and Bladder Pills. Invilleal world. Nervill . . . -� - d; ,W,h, 0,� "W11T.0i ,
Sln-pbises of many millions been in -the I . ,.Per Lovd1s Sake, fS6 � Id by It P Roekie, Clintou. i out of comparison witli any ot ler . � . . 0,*,�I.rj ri, t $],-I# I 1, , ff It. -I tal
Treo,tiry, lind inlinigrAnte' of the host I 41 . . . . I I . roinedy. Thousands who have used it , . - IP .1
I ,
"wart T11INNUR, T11ANT A 11AIL. . . can tostify to -this, Nerviline is an ill- Byleryone knows MIA k4n
,., t- )f
(11vilitv been . ning into the Do. I I I A Budapest plipoi reports aMther "rO. During it ball given by the iii1fitary I I .0 I i i4yj a � it' 1 4. g,qf .
"ib—Al. "
Nlinistry been genor- 8poll(lint"'evevy day, fts much (In6r9Y mancer of the .�uitrian ffilliorl'al janilly. Ofticel's at 06 l3litish Legation atllel�- falliblO remedy for 01'am )�q - s" I I ^1k " W Wrot . . . . . 1,
ininjoii, hall the . , 1111 I
� n, Colds Iris+
1111V I-egarded as lip-to-itnto in every Al U111 iw, and it tho'bitlance. goesm The Archdilke 1,,116fenc, bl'all attvilipt, wilq Inade to blow 111) Ithemnatism, Pain in tile,' fi .. .oieelu'Furs vW .... ,
, brothtr of bhe . _pams . . � . � & I � . I
lti� . internal and pains by.ternal, vrug. I I
defini-tinent. Pirld puallilig everYWller'� Mttvh("' further, w0l, you got tlitnnor. Queen It n tho Inagazille adjoining, .. I ., I
ege t of Spain, it Sa 8, bas, tol- I gists 9011 it everywhere. go nev Coat'$, all of guaitati 1 1 ali 14ut-l-i'l -
works? admirably dl'Vi,�Vd , l , . . . I . , " I X yt
. plibile Not wi.so to go that way loilgov, Bot- lon'In love with the Pretty aughtor (A PtIq 0. if %.*it, 't
thV T1104t Y, RMIX0 Vill, T110,11191, t-waWlITLY 'Al 't
-crroZ()ac1vol1 will djg(�S� yaol'(� & petty trli4esnian, a a resolvea to ight, of vintoria, Road Wits , . , .
as" r lid M . ' llitam 11al I . - .41, I
It is not so much the faillt of All. � L(�a, little gaill the ill-st week, but tit(% ronounee bis title aud birthright and mar- I I WARN found drowned ab Orillia. I . no trash, . 1-111 ;,�S,invs,lu�,,(.
Borden aq it Is tile. Intsvit, of Sir Wit- - gniftl kee is growing. Not quite so thial. 'ry her, Archduke Eugene 18 bbirty-nino, 1) . I .:I . . . I I � 0 . ni,wilty.o taq"., I, ... . .
ri(I'snianag(litle,ht'll'ti(Ith(le,lTeetofth(I Kee ,�` - o'llonlyT (lon't asel�'"rozollc I )�aa the rank of a general and 60mmandili lying 0 h AR L Jr) I :)Orn Tbat borrid, stilIT ; bo Wonder peoplo I 11 'i ji, .
R get that � ong or yoll will gnt, tot) fat. Than I �twhrt Exti'Ai w 0 31 no Filly that about Coll Liver Oil, tot it isi I 00* t - ,
Dominion, loral Prosperity, , too 1) 'r'14 it an , 9 We ,will be pleased' to sho*
:he Oppositioll clits SUOII an Amusinp - yotiv blood will bo riph, your h,eart lift JlIr"o W" U 04 �$Q". It's h ot warts and buli. m - jim .. ufj,paln! *11-0 (%rly . . . 0 . . I ". w"4111rAt "r-to-lum, :
. � I "Olgitntio stature, lK extremely handsome 11 'Very dru I 11t,it it I$ ro,ftl fo()Ld N 'll pro p 11 , i . %d � I , I", i � ,
,P ,
: I gure in asking Canada, to Put Sir Wl - I strong, you won't pull! So much, �ssjy alidSuroly, E YgIst In I tinted as It is in(IThe D & V r1hitinIS11(,)� . t "
"a 16 froquently seen in 6e,sttoeta �1 nmendg und so is Pat. and nothing will add solid flesli its f at 0 C) A M-1 & �L'-"4 0MI'S'lif ,
frid TAurier and AIr Vielding Out that ', M I I'l a t j M. ,
Sion't-g ,
r6ngt;ot tived quickly, 1.4'at, Ill or, 'I Ainerica recol � IL; 4062W 0" 8
I ,,
via a 4 0 .,l W, �#
. 4r 13orden and M r HAggatt Mily COMO ,gq have theill all with r, - 6, a6.hjjUL..$. A00j.j&& Jda44LA uaut's; Vs the best as it will I . I . I � '. I . I
. �'.. .
� an
n. I rowne, (old by all drug&0. i - twlieTa his fre6 and ot6y mo,laier . . . -11 11 ...'', - .-I-1--.1"...'' .11 I �.... I. 1. 1. ...-I -11 I'll, 11.1-1 I., I . I . 11 - 11 � � . 1.
. . . �
I . I .
. � 11
. I I I \
. .
I . 1 4
F", . ; I �' I -- � I - I 1-11.- 11 -1 11---,L-...--,.- ... �,�-,-�-,...--�.�.,..�.,-,.--.-�,..-.. .-J- . ..... -.,--.-1.1----. 1-1-