HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-16, Page 6"111"I" , E. I � Tot CLW"X Sm BRA Ott 16410 Ifto - a i I M, ,-, , . I I I - � . ... . I ;1 ­ - ­ - __­___ . . I ­ I I I I'll I I I I - I 7111-111 I 41 ,I , . . , I , , I , I ,. 1. I M . I 0� 11 I 0 0 WIN , , . � �� ��v I . - I : : . . , tfiougb The wmF. Ais"UXi4a 71Fb1% " . ^necdowul. I x, . 5 and dana" this bables, Js won. uotb,; derful. But she don't know. axt,ythta . ., I .A %mtsira Congressman wat a*ed it 'Pot. about flacal policy. . It's a spot lieyoul , her. That's why We wAn't you. I'm leav . . � 0. 414 aink Presidaint, P . . looseyelt, ontallu to be ro-eleotea, barring ofay Mir I in for Wellingbeiroulb. Towers by the . wo-"'. ' mistake" the candidate mifht makt. ),rysm " Was , . the reply, 'IbUt'L le Me tell I ItX a -o'clock train th s. af ternoon, from re I foi I ­ I L.. you 6ab the blgfest mistake he St. Pancras. Will It be convenient yopu ?10 -bto Accompany me I. , . .. ­ , W..? possibly il 4 14uld make won d be to allow ill* crops illp Afertou replied that It would be " to, fall uext year." L I 'Julte convenient, and be arranged to *4:10 A friend of Edward. MacDowell. Attend - leave St, Pancras with Lora sywola at . . I . . . 0 ed a recital giv= by "a ruediocre. toach. the hour ustmed. ' .1 I i er's pupils, and when he met the Amerl- � . ,: On the journey his lordship was very I . can .of composer he remarked, "I heard qua Chatty and confidential, making all sorts 11. theipupils, a little Vrl of eight, play , i it naive oonfession.4,L "You he the . , votar I c I o A Wild Rose. " The composer "I I see, Mr. ,Merton," saiduln I Oghed dejec I , suppose," Xap- r ,, 0 ourso of his.. remarks, "It's not , y my I , I � - 1 4111 Dowell keY 14that alw pulled it up remark L, _____ - . - 1 being much An. infornal duffer, That L . I by the roots." . . . �..!, - - __Tn!n==!!! ______ __.� , I — — __ I —, . . tion't matter so much In these confou L � 1 I . __ . L During the protracted sessions of the - . - �ai; - -j�e "'Viscount wa�s" ed elections. . I , Parnell conamiasion, Justice Day halliltu, gi, eig joj�l� tb�t At least; it can always be . I I all uncommonly itiol.cy man.. I -got over by picking soino other johnny't; I I . . - . t, . � closed eyes, It was, com- 1. An Election Tale .,fYos " sho,ilnsive-.od, ivith perhaps. tile rains, am I'm gain,-, to pick yours. But . mollif supposed that his lordship Was . , bL I i T a or to her Obeek, 1 Sir r C �, I :1 alighto a6cession of col I'm handicapped in other ways. I've bon s Gamion, Seely Detr i aleop,xig, and tho late I �rauk Look - I 1 but otherwise perfectly cool and corn-, ind put my foot in It with Sir Jaines wood, observing that the learned Judge *wright, who's vateur Art Association, ells HILIP _)i::i­rGN was a youny posed. ,'And Lord ,..'�ywell, as, I ,lare sity - .Ai one of the largest . I wasi very much 'awakened by % little tiff , I � I rasn entirely without private know, is Standing, in the Conserva. , taudowners and most Influential men IT) ung women what, to, to between the president and Sir Charles means or family Influence, who, flov", Interest, for the'Westleigh Division ! tile constituency. It Ivasn't my fault, vid pain and sukering calsed Russell exclaimed, quite audiblys "This I in- bye-' �But the result's the vaine, And the, old , 1, P wall therefore dependent upan , of Greendilre, -fit tilt, fortheoul g � . I Is the Aawn of.Dayl" I I . his own unaided efforts fox I' election in Wat constitLIMIloy.." . , fool Ila$ turned sulky, and paTs he'll act- female troubles. , . . I . , 1. . . . . Chauncey M, Depew .declares that ki hi wav In the world. Fortu-, Philip nodded. . I himself in Tartarus before tell lift a 11 can conscientiou . . . ell ell. ' a -6)8L L,1111g,o he said. linger tu get -me 'into Pa r0a mein V � . sly recommend - when King Edward, as Prince: of Watts, , tely for him, however, ne was W "It will be I "' ydia 9. Pinkhain's Vegetable visited the Unitai States, ther old Duke Eved with brains, not overburdened "Tile Radicals are.r.1lillifily ANOVY strong. .VhaVs unlucky, certainly. But ho'Nly ontpound to those of ray sisters . , 0 � I h med to offend him?" an, of Nowca,t], used to -scan the accounts th principles, had a plausible tongue; 1 candidate," I � ,riffering with lemalis weakness and - f expenditure. At the end of -one hotel . ,,I 'llavit oluired Philip, p . . the troubles which, so , often befall 0 . enga ing presenee, and the gift Ot. "QuIto so," she ti.�-;itnted. 11, it was this way," answered the. 3 with bill he one day found a charge which he Vin able to make himself at home It) been down there lately canvasslu I caret , "We women. I suffered for month couldn't make out, "Wh t's that charge - company. I say that I IlaVe found tit a CoultiDil 01 . COMIllunicative Viscount, "Sir Jamloa general weakness and felt. so weary for?" asked the Duke ofithe hotel pro- . 'In . aughter, named queterile Le haa lieen educated for the bar; ' aijAirs -at all tiali4actory. you S,�O, titj , has all only d. that I had hard work to keep up, I later, "For making suich 4 damned . I he had created sonte etir by a slash- ' truth is tills, .\.11% Alerton. Lord Sy*�voll Yery nit -ii girl, too; haven't A word �; had Shooting pains and was utterly Ltss," waa, the inime-diate reply. 't article upon protection, written foi cares nothint, Rbout: volitics, and knowo say against ber. ,She and I have Always misernble. In ray distress I was ad - ,.It luest of the , less. He is Janding �nerely out of defer- been the beat of frienda But sOillollo'A' * vised to.use Lydia' 340. Pinkham"s General Nelson A. Miles says that dur- Daily Courier," by re( her,pa)a (I su�pose because the wish, Vegetable Compound, and it was . the Civil War there was onb conscrip- or of that journal, and rerblished ; once to his father's Nvishe I I I . . t ica pamph, , that, as far ,as his� i own personal feeliu,"i was father to t, in fa at, him In the form of a polit, !a, and I tbin� is thou lit) got it Into a red letter day to me whe4. I took the tion. kir who made thousands of dol - 'T Not, mind you, that Merton pos- g -oulld -not be at 411 ill -pleased il his head that our frieniship was some- first dose, for at that time my restorm- lars. before the authorities restrained � ,, t. . ,;O lie iIi . � -him This rascal would - send letters 11 I I knowled a of the mat- ; �; ,f,in ,I - nntI lit But Lord Wt4lill , thing more than It was. You see, his tion, began. In six weeks 1. was. a , --, . : U 111A a Kay spe, a 11 5 . a I I Ilf I estates inarob with the governor's, And,' bro. deast, wherem he sa tA a - IV. . . . In !iand, or any settled convictions" borough Is enlfre,ly set upon it, And, wall changed woman,. - perfeqtly we'll in . . . . . t at, no doubt, as far as that goes, if Queerda And . communicate for two .dollars a sure - - . favor of any particular fiscal policy. (to be quite candid), tile Eftrl's tell P "' , . every respect. I felf so..elated . -_ - , I I — . . --- never angelle- at Ony titne, .has been and I had made a match- of it, it would that I :w means of escaping the conscription. Let- I d.*,11n't care a button whether the, I . " .ant 6,11 women who term, enclosing two-dollaw notes, poured ' :�Q-", - - I - tit lmampry to get well as I did." -Miss n him, aril in re o each letter.he . - 0 icious, Of recent years Ili _n _�u ntry remained faithful to her steady' rendered extra Y� have been very oultablic ind convonie , Ionic gout. , - GUM& GAxxos, 359 Jones St., Detroit, * I "ad 0, P1 rilit.glyllt i ell, So, t.liat if he is dlsa�, and all that. AF, a matter of fact, how W 9 THE WEEKLV GLOBE . Ing old triate, -Alapeliester, or elopa, . . ,lit of' Queenle lit Corresponding Sooty' Mich. Amateur t ould a readin ff - "Join . I . ever, I'd jAever then,,, he , ,rest " " ; . � th the dashing and auda I cious young nd this, ill'O, darling wish of hu Art Association. � $5oaoforfelt Ifortylpal e te6r realment. . . . '. I . � ,_ . ammagern. He was prefectly agree- heart, there are suro lo be raotitolls. Of .,,r 'that.light, nor, I am sure, had she of me. 0 . . . - ' unpleal-unt elinracter,,whiell both Lore, - Put Sir ,Tames .must needs. , o And imag-' aboue letter prouln . An old negrof living in Carrollton was . g genultienfiss, vannot be producli a - I . . . : ' - - I I . p. * , . . . . - - - . - -i . le to espouse either sideImmmnImmfor a con , `nada's'Great I ine �a good understanding, bel weenus, and ,taken Ill ro�entlj, and palliod in a physt I %01U . . , . . . i -ation. nd when the editor of the 8 w, ell and I ill'P, lafthli'll -- AIIX�011 . It Is.'e'llearly shown. .fu 'this. - him. But I . . I . . . . . . . ,, . ei A . ) Ill V, Ind it . : ally Courier" offered him Z50 for five should be avofdodi Of e;lll1sc.11 she NVA111. when my engageniont tb Lady Beatrice p,ung la is letter that Lydia E. clau of his race to prescribe for - , was announced, lie ilew into such -a fury. I IJ1CgaMjy Compound . I a I , . §Dlumue of diatribe against free trade, lie on, "if my future'. husbaxid were indo. I S Vegetable the old man did not seein to 'fie getting I I 1111strated Week y' , cepted the terms, penned the dia- r-Lsald I'd play i any better, and finally a white physician . . 1C and pendent, it would not inrittir, But coll, �. as never -was ad fast and will surely ciia�e the suffering$ of I . . . � . O.xc,pl loose with Ills daug,liter's affections, and women; and when ono considers was called. Soon after arriving, Dr. S.-- � , . . . � .1 lWbe with the utmost alacrit . : sidering that lie hal; no invowe . I . I I I � . I . . . I I . . . . I I . I � I 1, It Nvas goo(l telling stug that he , willit Ills father' allows hini, ana consid, apnertilly bobavea like .9, sweep, and a that DYiss. Gannon!s letter. is only felt the daikey's pulse for a. nloment, And I . . I . . . .. I . . � . , " d,, We met. one day In: the one of hundreds which we have, the then eiAmined his tongue. (.(Did your . A leading fe;LtUre of The Wngxr,y Qx,owi to be addied. � . ' - ote, too. T re %vas, indeed, little ering alai) that the bulk of the f1mill lia `c'__�ar . . . I . . , ill rid not much ",.ad, .rid a told'ine this, Ili fact h '. L%7s medi- other doctor take kur terapera.turel" .. . . .. I I � . . . . I . hnical knowledge in it, at estates are not en(Alled, you will unde� 'is , . great virtue of Mrs, Pinkht . 01 - . . L this fallwill be an - I . I . . e, an", -lit . -ad.. "I don't 7k�ow,� sah " he an- . . . . ic. Facts and figures were consplou-' -stand the paranioutil lirportAnce.of hit ad insulting nguage' tha I cine must be admitted 'by aIL . � be ask t I . - . . . c6illdn't; z4and it, and -I talked back'to . . I L . � . swered, feebly; "I hainit. miesed any'- � .. ' , ' ' ' . a by their absence. But these were humoring tile 1,,arl. ,j, -rL is no- brea,A - , . . � . . - * of'confIdo . lit lit. After five min- "- -1 I -I - I I - ­�___ I i�s yit,.boss.". . . . Eight Pa e ustrated Su plement - � - him -rather strai � I . thin but iV watch . mm . 111 . . . 1. P . . ence In rity tellirgy you thls, 11 i . -- - .- -_ - a . . . - . many false analyses and deceptive il- 1% a -matter of collininn Icnowledge. Bw ates' mutual blasp emles, we patted. Wo' � I I , ned for by much persuasive sophistry, Ity . . I . .. � . . . .. . :. I .9 I. � . . . . . � ' I ------.- . . . ... � I . ; �. I .. . I I . . were I have dwelt ill 0 - , have se�bral times met, but we have not i I . . .. � . . . I CIN:SUPERCALENDERED'PAPER. � trations (which in oint of me , rpori t1le'lloint, order .t( "i . nee. Theiij. 6 WtW wasn't . . . The BlIghtinj of His Pame. - . � . . . , . . . . .. . . . I .�. I � . I - . . . . . I . . I � . i -, . . ' ' rcuratione), by . 11 vely, trenchant )niake quite cloar t, ) yoli tbe P0,31tioll . I spoke,,, . I . — _ , . I � . - -now humorous,. now . � , 1. an n , Joe Chamberlain -.goes an4' . ­ . I . Grading outhe line of the Hamilton Por the production of thl� great paper an Immense new.electrotyping, . . * .. . . . . . . � - Of witty, now ip�luts I ,dial Electric Railwq between B r. icately In - I . U . ey - . "Ruined V, ho cried, as he dashed .# is photo -engraving and printing plant has-been added to, The Gfobe's . I I stle--the ,whole presenting that form � . n us . or�- 31 mpled upon it R' . &tX . . I 1 ,mechanical. equipment. k,'This will make The Wui4xi,y Gi,oBs .0 Dnical, now vanomoutily Bar-- offlairs, IA .which i. desire �yo r . assisIC ,I 0 i this confounded fiscil. poll ft . . ance.il I I and if" I go f -what d' 0 :a . ,,)iiper to the floor and tra . . lin 0, & Oitkvil le will be done-th . nques- 11L y iissi4tancel. �Ah, t-hen,.you WkIt 'preferential faviff's, 'I sbal have 'Ruined, disgraced I Mz. fair fame , . . L . .. . � .. I . . . . - I f Indictment which most of all appeals , . ,M . leni?- T . fa . . . I . I . . . ,me to,help Lord Sywell in his.canvass" � . all the laborers. agaiiiiir me; and if I go ' olastedl My h4pnor goliel ' - - '� I I . . . . flonably the moit desirable, home paper In,Canaaa, Arrangementil have . , I . . SEVERE14HADACHES ., ., .be6 . . . . the popular mind. enquired the flaftered jouxiinli,d. for free trade, I �ghall .have. all tile �"Dearest what disaster is. thist": I'l - .,, n made whereby our readers can .securit this supeib, -Weekly axld-th* - ' -�' . Th.� ed:io-.- Gi th- "Ceurier," you see, ; "You have divin.ed it. .That Is pre 1. sqillreie, pa . laons and' farmers against me; I wao'his fonpd;wlfe who gisped the quis.' , F or.iome titne I was t�oubled-. With 0 ia . t4t . . . � I and the man knew his . . I I vfu local f0voritp paper at the specially favo ble ra of . . . I Ito. Hard lacts, dry statistics, el()�P cleely what I do wish. But ' *t,mt and I 0 ­ . 1� . very severe headaches,' I tried .Mi _ I . . . . , ; I ow his man rmi If I sit ,on - tile liedge, and go for, , tion, In tone -of , I . I I I I .: � ' these have requirements of tC 'ease In* . . . a anguls i. � 1,..', .a burn"i .Sterling Headache. Powdtirs . ' ' a me a ray U ' . , . C. , I ,te reasoning- - I neither, both-sides,will heckl , t ', - ."A. di ster wlhi�Vls irretrieviX , . Weekly Globe and NEW ERA-balanee,ol the .�ear .25 . . - or the average Briti0i a practical, business - form. � meetings, till ( and got immediate relief.' ,.. I I. 11 . accura . , Lord Sywel'. life will be. simply not ,worth calamity which 'will exu4i 'me. to tb, . . .. � � . . . . � . . . .., . . i . ; . - . I . . . . . . , . I . . . . r I . . the h,alfpenny press. Yull Is Otte of. the beat fellows Alive. But hk living, . . . I Mrs N Burke, Lindsay 'Ont.'. . I I 1. . .1.11 � . .1 I , 1. . I . . I . I . .1 � I . a a -1 _ So altogother, Mr. Merton, llvfi earth!" He ran lils-.wbite; ,thin .fingers ' I I � -_ . . - ader of knowledge is. nili, and hii ora- come to twconclu , slori that. thief - . � .. . � . � .. �. . ... . I ­�� .. - � . I.. I . . �. . . I — _� 2 . . - -, . I I 11 Oarlia- Lhroug)l his luxuriant crop of long an� - James Randle's woollen mill at Mea- a . . ,, . . . . � I. �. . .� . .. Ist. give , . * I - . . . I ­ ... . , . I . - . 0 . men ary. candidate business isn't, much, : -ky li.afe,black as� the ravi ' i t wo' ' . .. . ;.. .. ... .1 . .1 . .: . .. I, I . .. : . - . ,­ - - . him something, picturesque, =,powers. not mueh greater: He t, I . at ng ramatic, something that hii needs an, able,. 4eliable, '.clever'. man- I catch." . . I.. - . F. I . in . . . on a wing,.a ford ww damaged by fire, and 0 ' � . . I . . . . . �, .. . � . I I a nation takes In without affort- I . . ... . . . I . ton-and-&-hAlf .the bottle of -black, war, . . I ��. . . .. .. � 1. . : broken . up into crisp para- someone versed ih.the arts that �appeal � - - -- . �. � .� I . firemen. were hurt - by � falling I . . � I .. � . . � . .. . .1 . . I.. I .. . ranted to dely detectionammommomnot a dye, noi . .. . . 1, . . . . . . efthl to the Average British voter -to advise I � ladder � � . . distinguished by bold head- him up in his . E -�es, to 1 I. ..('Concluded next. wee], ) . a. stain, but a f,harmlesi liquid L ill I at . . . � q... :1 . . . . . I. . . . I . I . I. I I .� . . .,. . I . -him, to coach I . . . . � fro a' "a' - ' W . .. I, � . ,,,, ngd I - -peeo I L. . -into the. hair. , . H IT I I I . . . . - a. An ounce of cheap epigram is is �thesd , . . .. .. . I merely. has to be -6bxxibed .. .. I . SUMMER COUGH$ . . . 1, � . . . ��' I . . . . . I � th a pound of Argument; one smart . - It' �ilbow * during I . . . . q �. _� . ').* - I . I I. . � . . , . I. I I .1 I . ­ I I. 1. I ... - . . . . . , 1- .. . . . . . be always at (Vide ad*t. . I. . I . I. . . � I .. three weeks that intervene between this, I I ., I .� . . ... . .. . I I . 'Are often hardest to shake off, and , - . I - : . . . . ..� Am I. I . .. . chwora bus more effect than all the.. and the election. Having read'tbat entio I . � I ­ � .- . .. . � . I . I .. . "'11eavens, Hoiratlo, tell mii what has frequently lead to consurnpti6n.- Bet', .. , . I - ,% .. ... " I 1w . Pr PD. .1 , I. . . . , , . . I befallen theel" The fair . � . . . ic philosophy In the univeree..As - nently tellinj dectliihperin�g . parnphlet, ol� I - : I . a I 1. I. . . 1, . IA girl, turned hex ter have them cured'promptly by� Dr'l ' ' ' * .. Ad y'anemy, h; ' 7 .. . in tfi. beginning, so it Is now, and ours upon -. he -qi4cAi6u- of tbe. hour,. I ; horror -full, eyes upon.- im. Her, joux�g Wood's Norwky Pine Syrup, thii best - . . . . I . . ... . . �. . . . . � . 61 King Jame- .. . you are Y. -01 - - Liver. - soul, agec'l - t-hirty-oighti, share' . hi - idy for healing lungs and. curin i g as . :a . re - - . - . . - . . . � ver shall be. Was not Kave formed the opinion. that ' . . : I ,i remits . g 1hos0erity p.rosperhl sult. , -.� . . -0. stied out of Ireland by "Lillibullero"I man for the purpose. �And I , , agony. . . - I 11�' � all.kinds of coughs and colds. -- � . . 1 I � . .. . � I . 1. I ­ .. � - .. I .. . I � . . I . I I dern' states- *the very Is1t actlng.�well? Bowels . . . . . , . rno . -it), to' offer - . . . "'Ir Ua'!,.-be cried, "do. I looli 4ike �% . . �. . . . I � I � . I . . . Von will. Willi a I a Grain.B3gF,, those 906oial kind. we � sell. not a distinguished , . c j" . . . I . . iome of our Lifirg . Pon live and die , : gocid? If humorist . .1 . . . . pre-eminent upon have Lord SyWell's' authbi regular.'P . Di&stion . ? I J. W. Noble, charged at 'Hamilton .138 . - I you an engagammit ag-let us say -I-16. I . ' ' 1' ' a them. Price si pitesent $3.25 Oer dozeii. Theliwe have a'opecial' Chaff and Aoot . I private - I . . I "The fktea. forotenal�' , . - , : with stealing a pai-cel containing $2,- Baske VIn Thres. aifferen -Then you might -maill; :, - 1-pea0e with honor"? . . . secristary for three Weeks, at -,a� ', Member' Ayers 'Pills. I - owever, I am drifting away from th:,� . , not, re . . h! sizes. How about wire for new. fence X i. remuneration of .tOO and all expenses. . . . . . ' '5Do I - strike you'.at All. as being '11) '00QJfrom.the Canadian. Express com- oofCost,'we ve lone'arid short ones, Ro*abotit'amthu�ition&Ej'thewoot.- '. . - . � . . - -the fact that Phillp Met-- -hiveAn'owrl all funny man?" - .. . . . , .y will - not be tried at the prpsent . a Waterpr a r% a- liiiras radge'of Goods�Ter I _ � I The .kind you . pauy ingoessonhasoorna. Wee me cash, or produce for �"" fact in hand If. that amount- ist not 4litisfactory to ! : - I ' * � I .. "An assizes. - . .. . � . . whioh_w , I . 11 . . Zeri,s unscrupulous, smart, persuasIve, , youif plea,e naine , ir - term&" ' I - iything but. that I" she shuddered. I a Alwa) 8 p4y �igheat t�ftl kei Price. . I . . . � . our.11fii.. . J10.Ay*r00..t0*ell.N"6, I * ,. I I ,. . . . . I . I . . . . . . .1 . . . ­ . . . I. . . .- I . . . _ . ; 1. � . ohallow, and specious pamp ; Now t ' is 70lered was --so liberal, � — . "Am I not known as. a. serious.-. all � I : . '. .. . � . 1. � .- , I . � " hlet. ma4e a h money Off __ — . I . I I . . . - . . I. I 23mat popular hit. and ran into a ciren- and the services required so' eiltlrely� - I - - . - tlior 10 I .. . . . .. .. I . I . � THE BEST.MEAICIN9, . ,�. Londsiboro -Empotium �, � . R ADAMS lation of several hundred thousand. ! I I a at . onn WAnt your moustache or beard - ,,yo I . X. B.) .. s t2s, Aow. _1. ,- . . ., I . . I er"l, that Philip '.-Nfertoi . black , !'Use "' u are,!!, she admitted. ­ . . Mrs Alma, Goquin, Cap6 Bald,- Liver . ,so .. I . . I ... . I - . . I .1 ,� .. I . lt was while he Was &t cog his mind to accep lie was 1 � . . . side d", , . - I . I . . , the height oi in a up L But a beautiful brown,or rtch bla . "Do T not paint the .Serious . mysl-1 "I had :au%attack of . .. . . � . I I I. . . . . � .. I :t I . ,"\, -lie rodi .- ' too Astute A m6o -to eheapen himself by . . I . ` V1, I. � . . . . .- � I .. - d .L ­ ... % . . I .. .. � . . I . tie ephemeral fill aced by thi life . .Tiouble and Indigestion, afid.deQide, . . . . - . . . ,. , , V .� mine -day success, that Te received a let- . I .. . . I �'You do," she Interjected, � ... 1. .1 t6try'Laaa Livei'Pills - They had a , � I I . .1 .11 1. . � . . � . I I . ---I— a . . . . 9; , . . _ - effect than . I I * I . .. I . 1. 1. . 1�- . ppearing to be over -eager,.. MM RUCKINGRAM'S WE I .4 :. I . I ruing from Lady Beatrice - plied, With pretended hesitation: . ! rin �. a I NASHUA. X. 1� in I not a novelist of .grave all, bett6f and , more * lasting . : . . . . I ­ . .. I . I . . I . � I . . I ?pp. I �. . 1. any'remed . . - ' - � Ese . *'Im�,,'awmio 'call upon her . . .1. I ever'took.". .' - . e ng ,,, .k9mg him to "Does your lad ' answer, .1 rious, endeavor I . . . y : . . I yabip want my answer, . I .. I . . . I .1 , . I . I . . . . . . . .1 I . 9 convenient, the following afternoon, now 21, . . . . , . � . ., . . _1 . -"YOU am," she w1hispered, . . . .1 . . . I . '. . I . I a, . . wish tto burly yo , , * 1__� .. . . I . , , . .. '. . �, ..: . . . . i'Does. not. my Tame depend on '. w.N ' ' . I . . of Walling- o * �oul � One , hundrec railway . laborers,' * - - - t h r father's, the Duke all-- : , ii if. . I . . I stranded at St6 Agathe by the failure . D's house In Grosvenor square, as , woald rather think. about it," she re- � - , � .. in tlmt�a'bhors a jest, . 11 . . United Statds Seizing "Isla, n'ds:. . of astuall rafiway*, attexup ted - to rush � � - I I - '# d.. "But, as youi can -see., time Is of , . . I '6't : . �B, .0 . G 1 G. I i ' Eshed to see him on important'lluslinesi. pile I . . . . . . . an a writer wit r0els' in the Aarkxle8l, a: 0. P, R.'train for a ride to Montreal. . . . �. . .1 11 I . ., . ... I. .. � I . I . I .. . Now, Merton, of course, knew her by Importincii: How sooll.cart you*.Iet Me, . A few days ago. The Globe *.published of des air and tie: grayness of eidst- . � , I 11 . . . �. .�. � I . � . I . . � � I . I I ,.. 1. . V� 1 . the summary of an. edIt&rIal from. The 'p ., . , . . .� - . .. , ­ . .:: I ' . . , .. . I . have a definite reIpl . . . I it. In' Which, In a. bluntly ' fmilic : � ,, , � _. I � . .' . I . I . � . . , , , , , i , * , , tile 1, To -morrow morninw," said Philip. . It dobh I". �he moaned, - '. . L. �. .. I . . , ,L ,, . , I . . .'... IrM 20ild Seco = - d. �* �- 'in am everybody ku f her deba' 49 y . . I i scomma : � - - . - , the famo­' , . f..nce I' . - .� . I 1. . J ALTH-AN]b SUOOE89,� . I .� HE . Eiluliy, who, frq,, the tiewo . . . .and' strAlghtforward manner, -a L protest, � . . . � is, ud' ha6u. roe years "That will do -'If !"can, b , , di - Rro � bettors, had been the most was efttored against the unwarranted and ,err Aisten to this �' ' he faltered - Weikiltiss and disease, cause - iscour . , .. I . I I., I '..., . . ,.. . . . . I . , I girl in society. But ,other. . .e sure of. it B L 'J, �Za . I I ' -and unhappiness, but . . , . .; L 1, : . . .. .. I . . �I. .. oposed-to then."! ., , * - ': ' I I . Inexedsable seizure by United State , ire the wQrds that Should hav agement, faHure . , , . , . a , . . . - . . I L , L wifl) � . I . Vessels: Of BljJtJSI1J islands off L the',. coast' �Vollud. _ L tb . .. a w, th the use of Dr. Ohase's Nerve 3 Food. gLg ies . 1 4% . , - _ me he was entirely unacquainted -"You may be .quite sii.re of it, I will of Borneo.— The.a%tentIon.LQC tile ljrflted� , UP' 1.0, .'Four nny Monthl I C.onje, L , " L BU 11.1 t'. zoason abiot. I .. : i reading bpi' I I . I t", L . .. - .T *'- thereL s new vi or aild'eneirky,,new I. . . . . .1. �.., - ;. � � . .. �..' . 1. . . and his feelings, uPOr ' .States Department h,,t,q b erl,,called to the, 'Aik the I light flickere - :out, she ,be he ­ .. :, write by -�his evenin.g. 9 pos . .. I : r. -I . .. . . . 1. . .. i - . I . Oell - rl-ence and the hanges arO quearilt head and . kissed him "th ; hopes and n gdoloe,stronger de- * -0 .. . ' L " .. . . . I'L ' p. - L . I .1 -1 I , '� '. � . . I . : . : .. � .. , . � .. L. ter, were divided between a sense of He rose to take his departure. Lady .;,,a7 a In, I .1 ai* pr]LCeSe" I. .. I . I.. I _ L ,. .; - ' L' ' . . . Proceilding. There can be no doubt- as . . L I. � � a termiiation to succeed tin'd the at . . L. .1 . �. . ttered complacency at the Invitation Beatrice rose also, holding out, her bAnd I darkl, - . . L . I . I . � L I 11 I . . . . . . .. ...� .. I I . .. -L ; , tender &a to . to. the result, According -to the majority if 11�, ell I I .., 'i to apply one',s self meirltally and p Sim . � i ... . . .. ' I . . . L' ­ . .­ . . LL . . . . 1. a. ejaculatrod', - enr&P' cally.' Health and success go ban Ili . . - fuld of somi to him wild smiling. oh.06 .varv' sweet- .of BrItIsh. papers, -which during the'pa4t . Beautiful - I's . . . 3 considerable y - I 11 L . . Vhat could possibly be the important I - � ,�as merely'La*bualnesq, 1ewLWe(,.k_9' have dificussed the situation; .tured. . . . . . . . Repairing prompt] attended to" , '.. . . . . - y.. Perchance it - - as no. .other nation .btlt. Brittiln has th (h nd eatorin, gbod health'. Dr. , . I . .- 7 . . 1. � I . . . . . I I . . . I . I - than 'r . . . I '.�Yes, but. listen to' what the. printer. " " r ' ' . . .. . sines* upon which she wished to act gualle-having ' no - other ol�ject ,o -to the Isl .., I -Tone - h ' a ef v.� Foo helps to. 'success . . L . . I . .. � I _ shadow of a clairn andi ' . Accepting the en-. ,er, uses the frapk, has made of ItIvIammom'She bout her iselily ) na ; P!r .. . � I . I . . ' ' ' till. . stimulati him Aritlo Was go, L Ot the papers,' howe� I I a ha nes's, . ... . . . . ... . . He at once wrote, in reply, 89,Yillr' ' (And if that that) 1anguage of The.Scotsman, tb6ugh all are head and kissed:bim on the beaOuo , . I , �- Ruinball & McMa.th Ruron street I Clinton. � I ageraent. L . . 9 I . 9. id call upon her next day it, .. Qqurieously.-�Ilrm. '.Vile . London: �Dally "Oh, Horatiol" she' murmured, ,and, . The Coron�r's jdry Lai. Brantford re- - �- , %L ... . . 11. . � . I . .. I . . I I .1 I . I � . . at he won Ilington I Cord Elywell's prud6iice In *employing hii . , Graphic of September 12, In.1ts dditorlal . I . I . L . I , .- . .1 . I . I .. . . I . I . L . I I . .. . . . . -r o'clock p.m., and t* W - a I beautiful fiancee its an Interniediary.wap , .on the-questloll give% a �brlcf oxitilne of. Awo6n6d. . turned A* verdictin the. Irene Cole - ` . .. . ' iouse at that hour be went. L � unquestionable.) Ot- -perhaps Lady Best- - the status of tile Oil . . hows how 'The horror of it I" be ,wildly ..cried. murder case, finding. that suspiCion L. I . . I . �. 1. . . �! . .. I . � He was shown into the library what,, ! trio, could not help .1. . " . hand.- absolutely Indefensibl s ille."Sifited States' 'Me � publio ,Will take me for a new huo pointed to Kenpiody, the-ildsoner. . . I . . . L ,. I I . I I I . . .. ... .. . . . . . . ..L . I.. L . . . . - airil ins upon . e I . , . . L... I "I., 'L I .. . - L � I I . I � . . .. . fif I _ .. ., I . claim Is, The editorl I is -as follow.9 :- prarlist I lit -11 Sloper's Ralf-Iloliday 11 L � . cc was Alone. She a&vanced I � I I 0 wly Beatri attractive men, such AS PhIlill "Althougli President Roosevelt made. -a I I I Alt I, 1. I 1. I . . ii-conspicuougly was. At any rate ' .speech sorhe tour months dgo at Watson- I . � � i .. FOOLISH TO WAIT LONGER. . . L Jof ..L. . L' I .�L'. . . 4owards him, smiling pleasantl N11111too 0, . .. One -.7hird . . .... ­ L -at friendly manner oWexaadndhiin1:i i' ville, .In. 'California, IT; Which h6 seemed . .. : � I Yegir . I % . . . , 11 I I Inj from 1pkin,' but go- at on ce � . I * . . I. - . . J&e mo it was a smile. calculated to -put ally if sufferi . . . .. � . 1. ­ . L L . I _.... . . I . � I ailied herself,. man 'oil whom it w . to lay- claim to an Aracricin hegemony , A Unique, 7 Luncheon. , to any dru6store and- buy A bottle of .,- I .' I . .1 I L I I . ... . . I . . . _ ,,ker hand. Then, having me . . As bestowed in. good Of the'-Paeific, we do bot-stippose that � . . . . . . I . I . . .. * .. _9 I I — . . . . .n 0. .8 *@ hiAleated an adjacent chair, and pro- conaeutt with himself. And our YOU14 the little dispute wl'th this country which' .. I Nerviline, e gr.eatpain cure. . Never . .. .. . Spe. i . Od -1 t1w nature of the busl- journalist left-Walllxig�oa Houselookity has arisen with regard to the ownership ' The Pa�ris correspondent of the "Pall fijilsto give imm6diate relief. LNervilirib L : . .1 .. ... I IS , , n 4W ,� L etceded to linfol L .. . . . � .. - . I A . . . him to. dis. very wall pleased.. I �. ... . t. of certain islands 'oil tile 6bdst of Ndeth' :M41 Gagettei r6ently attend,,.a . , lunch- is composed of the most powerful pain_ . I . .. ­. . . � . . . .. I . . - � I .- . . . . . * L Iscoij whic.1, site had invited . . Borneo .will be found difficult! of*adjust� eon- givein by; M." bessing-VVIlitutore subduio . own. Nervilin ' IS ' . .. . . . . i., I .. ... . L I, I . L . . .s . .L . . . I. . . . � .. ,lug's with her. . That same evening hatwr6te to Lady ,A,nt.- .It appears. that -in entering %:iporl . I g substances kn I . . . . L "You were, no doubt, surprised by 111) Be& . n the offer which-6he their L' ery bornplicated in Ld multifarious which Was distinotly oriVrial. The table, is endeirsed by medical nien every- .. � make your Bedroom the most comforlableL room in- , . . trios Accept' v . , . 1. . Aetter, Mr. jerton," she said, "coming bad mage:him oln %ehalf ofLord Siwolll' InherItarierr In'the Philippine Archipelago, ho says, took the forim o a, boat, And the where. Don't wait a single hour with- . . L ... I .� . .. .1 . .. . . � . L . L . Tit(, I the Amerleanix have -been led souLliwfLrd waiters Worer dressed as sailors. There oj�b �rying Nervilibe. 0�t medi- the house.. ., I. . L.. L I . . . . . I . .- Its . stranger. h - until, in certain bay$ Of -North Borneo, . The, b I . I, , .. , I 11 . . . . . It did from 11 perf,ut I and next morning the Iriscount, imself ' distinctly nairtical flavor About cine in. the world to keel) in the - house : . I I I . . . . . .1 . . $Zct is, howe% - ­, fhat I have been read- called upon Merton at his clmm�beis it,.. I chiefly Darvel and Sandakan,— they have .wAs 4 . we are BhoW69 A �rest variety of 116droom furniture, oonoisting of & , I � . , na . . . I come . . - Mahogl�ny, Ash and , Ma our U7 _:imonly clever pamphle; Grig,ls Ina. 0 acrosl Islands which formerly bc-�' the whole thing, and during the hors- 'in an emergency. Druggists every. pif�.!':It- J 2 I -a sti I loligod to a Sultan over Whose to,ritorles . d'ouvres and dessert a sailor's oborus. 'here. . I . I , Wood Beds, Iron Beds, Bed setAin Quarter Out 0 Ak, WZ t ti P, '. Free Trade,' and I wish lorAship was -ongly-built'ath- W . trees and Spiingsto fit' also the most Beautiful union,'ana all wool Oarpets, at pri000l� � 4000000 C �, . ) SP9111 claimed. Jurisille.tion. -Accordingly. .*as punf. Xot- being a parficularly ' I � I . . . . . ulg,��'s, aioUlggedLiUll tu you Nvaich ma.;, letto young wall, with. a good-tempered all American mari�of-war was sent *to an- . . . I which wilt surprise you. I I . . . ,. . � . . . . . . . . I . . c . . F, nutually Advantageous. You sunburnt Mae And a genial mannar. , nex. these Islands,' and the Stars .and 9004 ial or, the porpotual motiol, of the Soriblet"i've got & winner this I . . . . . .� . . . . . bope, be r I am an- 14M 0. %is took some time FrIend-sI-New historical novel? Scrible , . . I I . . I . I . . . .., . 'aDay, perhaps have heard that _ y nanle"s Sywell,'; said he, all he "On, ' Stripes were holsted.over them. We are tablef-which, It ppet - , . : " . I , bound to sity.that, seeing, bow hoar these to got In worhing order 1. was not for me -No I It's a book of exetties for borro - . . . . . Runt .; ried?" trdduW himself. "Lady .Beatrice hak Islands are to the mali0and of a, Brititib . 4 . . . Je: Re. .011EL114' # . I. . . "I have seen the announcement," an- so me on .your letter. I say, Pin &W- . coliiny-v�qt ine of them commanding tha' , the most -aujoy&ble sensatio'n of tho'ciet-, ins moiifejv.� Th I 11 eatalo a, I �.! . . . . . .. .. . 9 . . . "To Viscount Bywell- If I It Ina in I best, barblors in Borneo -the actlon of- the, *cultall. I was Able, ho*ever,16 atpproci "rl a year. . . � . . . I I . I . swered Phill, lil, lad On. can coma and pt . - ­lPiva for vveg da'yafu tl, A OAS I I . . . .. . 1 _* . U y 9 " Wasbingt,,ii Go.vernment.In ordering their . 1. I . . I ilihe Earl of kplllng�orough'% eldeet son, the way' 6T blarneyllig,'No.dge, I'm Rn ,,Imle wililuut x.prollminary c6niiulta- i�,U the dexterity With *h1ch It haid been 'ifDally, News,P *� I . . w .— I .. r , I I . I . '. . . I � i'le it 114.0" , awful duffer At that sort of. game, yet] tion with t.hlq country was a little -I)re-: planabilp as not An artiole,ever e ]led --Or Laft7-Phwat arm'yez doln' w1d thim . . . . � . . � . . . . . = . .1 ,lit, as he said it, looking know Always say . t � wrong thil%. if elpitate. )is ,ilgi been donet, even .4ven attom 11 --oft J . . table. , I I L - And lit, tli4;u,,, . ,_Vted to r6 Arog-blacuit Pat? I . I . . xQyAt" Udy earrica ailv"t m y I To mako til scene more realistic A oaxt. .. . I . ,atricelir beautiful face and itu �6 The appear" a d §pilto botWo n tho I I MA MEAN — at L.Liv ni, 19, - a Rde to)' _. , I .- . tGRAN" ' - IWO countries, whjeh Is always to to as- I Pat�-Suia, the ,dootor said I no : - I � . � - I . .1 . . .: I . . I.. . precated, would have bash avoldod Tlow- 'W'I'VIT, hung on the Wallsj'on which W,oA �Aoro Animal food, - -PhIladelphla V ­ I . - 01 . � � , �, - I., ,.,.---- _ ____ __ ---- vile , , a .01. . . . I . %0-1 I . ­ I . - nwnumm� I MMK- � . � ever, It -was done, and Lord Lansdoi 'palutia . - — . � I'll .. MONUMENT5.44 . I .. '4 ut * U - n u m='hAvt a n tryo Xo hu r, "a tat d. 4 a 0 1 . . — - . bag consequently found hinissif compelled an d &ell THE TRUE TRAGEDY. Or LIFE. __ I I . � I to make certain representations EU Ul" 08A presented with JL saiiall ftwitliuJim . . . . - - . 11 - . . I . I 3r � . . I disappointed ambition ; . 110,VV :[S ,VOXT3R 4XNr 1. is ill-healtil, 0, I . n1a V , Washington State 'Dept rtment, which are . . � _ necessarily in the ridtilm of it 'Protept. I . . usefulness destroyed. Pathetic I . nayy I - N * - I P . . I The claims of Great Britain to tho 1q, . .1 � �_ �., �. I , Im a a __ 1b I ... � '41 11 I 1i V r'; ua "' ito, Val Imb P egi I In al I kei no it", a Vt 1 1 'I I I 7 r � [,It - - I I .1 I I XT"Arb � . . lands In question aro-so vary clear, And I. tragle. Poor blood, weak nerves,, ,. . I I . I . . . "Now Discovery, flri'�(t Iwaill, is tilere 1101�0-1` -Yes I Be-. � � . 11 I . . . � so firmly and unambiguoulm- founded on A � � . . . , ... . ... . I I . . treaty, that there can be'little 'doubt Of I The ftcovery Of a now motal oqtlloil LIAILISO ChOrO IS A, eure. 1, errozone Tab- I ­ . , � ... %,,.,,1 . . , . . .�7� 1,11 I . .. as the title deeds have been communt- aollum by P,dw0d Molliml, it Pronebillan, 1. . I . ,_ . � . a withdrawal of the Americans as panxi - not Mile blood,but, . . . lots ninkii blood , . , �� k � .,�, . oated to Mr, HAY. Tive wonder 1.4 - that is reported to thiii iqlillpil � tho fluid that, strongtheiis the whole . )1;1 ,q Stato" Stato Do- 1% . . I In a country where till ' , body. Fertozomi does this quickly by � "'. I . '�-11 .. . I I - bibliography tind the elaqslfldatlOn And Ill! partmont. Sayo lInglitowliw News .- hoproving digestioti,stjitixtl�tt,ingassitn- ,::::: I . - . 'I doxing of public (locuments have reached "The dinedvorer minertm ()tilt nolitim* onatm , . i", __ � I I CHA . �so high a ,pitch of solptiflo. omeAllenoe as Illiltion and .1) hilpartang bealth and is, 11 . � . A i" Xa vyti tori wnfiAtt it nimuirl luivii biaen. only OfiA,,tW0klrtIl ftij in,11.11 (to. glunalliam, tiviultotho r1olosvStell.l. yourdrimy- 11 . ,,11, I I . . - � . Weak Stomach so IMPAIrd Bilgelstlan so Disordered, Liver . they act like r4figle-& f6W 410809 Will Wbtkwond erg upan the Vital forrat t Stterigthost. !y the inuilaular system,- restoring the lotir"'.16st Complexion kbrillgr 211V back the keelti , roof 110notits. and 0Ltqt141nI9'*_1t ths jRq*0PFfW(1 A , I itAk., LM IMA �#VNYA'A�! ­ ",,,I,'W. _­ —..------- ­-- -- - . ptepated oally by irROMA'A 1191EIC"AM, SL 111616nXii 01191sad.. , &M swow"ro. 44,0040(ra 04'a V6 So A**" ,& boxes., wto, - ­ 1--_ ­-­��- - . � . � I. 11-, . . It- . _ I 0 , . . I I . I . . . on, record in numerous worKs ot re - ice, The ownerall%,of tile Islaridet indee(3, .Settled as r back Lis 1886. �tgyb= before an Amerloari cont - L a onrweaslon of territory � the Sultan of 11runel, which Indludi, ' of the country now administore - p ny .he nrittsh North 13ornpo ,Com , 875, however. the Americans wer; ,ht out by a syndle,tte, which 0 t . , ill , to, V611 U , developed Into the present e(impAny two. years la er the new concession - I bought up All thei rIghtri And 010LIMS he Sultan of SuIll Ili NoPth 1101100 tho ilMghboring litlands,, Thd Sp, IT; Governtilent protApted 119 -11 -Inst t long ra d6 b3t, the Sultan of sulu, Oil grount that Ills toilritorloff Wen the arty Of the Spallish Vrown ' but in flibet AnnfolAtimil Wnq WAIVO(f. and a And Is lighter and Atroligai., It d6eq, not R1.4 will tell yotl a grol Mat, And IS 010PONN't', 011it(0)IO for Ship- li,I)()%Ji; 1?(jpr()Z0l1(% Ask Ili building, for ilib manu facture of p1pes (if tilo'�Volitippftil t�11rItt,tv'i and for railroad coustrut,tion. It In no- Ptotrozollo Tltblots. gart.A also tl'af It is o . q1nal,le Of tAkfn& ftL fine Polish resembling nit1kol. I0 hard- e,!�-�.�-'!!!�-.!'L'.�-1-�l-�'-.�!�.��.-t�-�-- � ' 11 riegg Is not quite'equal to that of Iron, . I but IS groattr than I that of lead or vitro. I Ito strength to said to be greater thail that 6f Iron, but less than that of steel.#$ . . . . . .jMght 8peciAl Trains, , -s RISUtspecial trains, over as inany rall. . rdador, bave been engaged to carry .Tolru Alexandet bowlo and Ills "Restoration. 'Itott" to Now York clIty. A "great mis- tilon" in to be held In Madison SqUare GArden from Oetobeir 18th to NovenabotL t:Dowle will be accompanied, Accord- I ,Ic to advance notices, by the "Zion ' 7ltoi-lkobed Choft of 14undr6dA of 6111001, Zion City Drams Band, hundreds I t Officers of the church and at least four Aad w6mbimiris of ZiaA U66toratioa 106:145 I I . - ( � � . ALL—EN'S " 1 4. � � � � -; 'I. I LVNC - ­. . BALSAM , : Will,poOldvoly extra, dcilp-604ta . COUGHS" I . 05LOS, MOM A 28c. 86ttlotof a Simplit Cold. v " J A 90c. 86016 lot a Heavy tol& J A $1.00 hottle fo a Doo-soWd 0*4& J . I . Sbld by All btugglal iu L1.1. .1111-1 -11 to Call and examine Our Atook of high art plinoo of It, eat asoo designs, and containing finest so tionapurohisablo for money. Se6aur very latest otyle6 of sweet -toned organs, M bed � pdoea, InArtternonla rental, tuned or 1, pairod, Gramophonom and music. in Iva. lety Ai 1. . . .1 . 'HOA . . 0. RRES . IMusic Amporlunt, REMALL IN111410111211D, NES. T hosebyes will dye Wool, Cotton, 8,,Ik Xdtlb'or Mixed Gotido in one bath- they &'fc 111bbliteitabiltdomi itapfovoil D 6 in thd 1*60d, WryAtiffiok&96, A11,20toat R. 15, Mug sior6. - . � -� . I,- ­ , _.;­_,�W� . . . . Rattedtliry S1 t. Waks " . ... . eLINrOANO I I . Piredt tniportero. Worl1ilintin4lo, � %ild Materia gitarantod. . I, . SEALY"' I �1 in, I a T. Iffardy., & Co. llr6a, Ativortiaing, Cofteopitmdence an 9xigulty Agonto, , 8 0 Pleat Otto Londaiii, guslaud � I Pailmateirmad advicat, &as, At , . samadfan alkilla"s 0 006tigayi,