HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-16, Page 411111F _.J, �i`lli'll ]A I �,��,_i "AD:k ., _"�� I _06 - 'I., .. -111- 11-1 ...... I—— 11-1-1 ­­­ ­­ ­ � I -1. ­ - . � I . - . . I I � . ... I .1 .1 _- I ­ ­ - - , - � 7 ,�,,X­ I , - Awl , , � A "AAL W. .. . . 11� . =r 0 4W . _,�',��, , 1&46 ,� te . . 1. er 0 .1 . . . 0, �Vgpjor 0 t 'Wo" __ - . V� " . . � , . � . 4RW044P . , - . I I 11 Im �� I qP vative oh Wwa 0 Queer. I . . as I 44 I . ­ ­ . � I I I -0 U,se­-', '' . � I I 11 . . I I '�QmBvlt )A = - T* 0 ! material'$ -1 1. I 1­u� od Val' s � In men's and , � I I FA46*14 410 TJ"4MrW_1 AMU . I 06=17 4=40116plf,4 =U14 CAI the �- I . raloot'". . � lu"04110L I ; . .1 . 11 11 I ­ I -1 I 71114."..-I.5�. - . . .11 - tdetherelit' � 17 t . . * ' . 098 6t%""'On,o"n"o.'i"rv=ativ,.m ovide'aprottf ran" ; ' 0 . _#y. Uou - Porliltmentary penclul to _ .,n �q� � t - I . . I � =Ixemselveot for Instead ofisso din y to . k''150yW-S., Uits 'Und Overcoats .-,- . e An Nee.dle, and I _ � ,* - ' I . . . . 01 . __"! 'em It thl ""' , r - . I . I . I � (By. the Editor) !W'49101'Oe.u. PhapVenVaknow. Some � .... . ' "�- "' . � I . :: . I I idea of . I., I I � FINAR0110. - 't':u h"O'yo,tle Y - III find In, ou'r clothing'All that goes to make UP ,Styllsht 'dependable garments. Cloths , I o f 0 o in It Or i's Ppaort Q M 91 I y boo Crochet Work 0 U w . I , - 101: That Canada to a grow!ng cquutry,� LgAtibqod from the fact tba,t they or. - . . I ' . I I out fr to 00 of only good qualiti4s, cut and tailoring that are correct and elegant, fit that is perfect. This . and that talo is $6, .vl Is dinary, iseric , om, 40 , large . . . . *. . . shown by the. gpo;jtJ itu 2brIegatti%tex. bap o mail 4Aily., but for the pasttwo I I � . � I is guaranteed you becau. " buy our suits . . eaditure of this country. The -Sup- weeks they have been sending out 100 11 .. . 11 . . I I . . � I ,se we-, and overcoats from one of tho best *manufacturers . . P I , I plementiary Estimates brought 4oW,n bags daily. A. great deal of this to - � to Parliament, provide for an ex 1. campAgn literature,yrh,�psuot worth ,JJ! I oil are making any kinds , - Is of I n"d very much 0 an e ective argument of tanoy goods we *1129 be pleased I . in Canada. Our clothing Is all that we claim for It. Every garment atest style and best \ iture of over ten million, doll ro"Itit, I ( I I . . . I I 0 . . . . I this, added to the usual ex;nalture either foror against'the government. to show -you the materials we. hoore I . . .. . . 0 our alook, " we X." for all p � tat ion is � . . : : quality. Every garment Is. priced lower, than'the same is sold -for elsewhere.' I .urposes, will make the to AN Evu I 1o'ota'4Zei!d*db4e$"I0ot sho now. � . I . . . XTrUL Sgosio1q, . I . . e I ... : : . I this yogr overseventy mil- "PIZZ"'Ve Thikat first glauce,100ks The session which will close in a, few 1 The Best Bargains -of the - Year .. . I Ion on, , oet and best on the markeeli, . . like a large sum, of money, and so it da�s has been a Wemorable ,one in sev� The sewriment compr1w, . I , . I - . ; For boys 10 to 15 Yro of age we have a fine all wool frieze over- I .but a glauce at the items of expen kili eral ways, First of all, it Ito beep the ' � couts turo Ill show that, the money is need longest by about 80 or,40 days- accord- STAMPtI) LINEN. 0EXTUE01 I - made in the latest Style with good farmers satin Ila- I e4 f4wr the coatinued development of in to the time it actually pror q 8 ; I . , - In Men's Waterptoof Conts. lug, and silk velvet collar, sleeves have 8 ineW cuffs, which 5.00 the country. Take one Item alone As. a it asted over seven months. 0 . e DOILIE8 . . . . I we sell at ........... 0 ..................... o- a 1, A.. -4 ...... . 00 f, it has . . . . . illustration, .020, Oap arsinthees- dealt with more matters of legislation TABLE OOVERS . . . � I . � .P 0 timates for br:kWaf:r ,revious session. Ito legislar I . � .. Last week we got a chance to.buy a lot of Men's I I I 0: trance to Goderich harbor,, It is not tion any een SITOOX COLTARS . I I I . . -oof Coats from an Eastern firm at less � . ..: � . .1 0 expected, that this will any in has more important than I . CUSHION TOP$ .1 . . Black'Waterpi Ore that' that of any other. Leaving out of con- , � I .. 1 oWt the work, which Will probably olderation entirely the Grand Trunk 1 OTsHION. CORDS. I . . . , than the cost of makirig. They -are madf) of fine black Men's Tweed. and Worsted Suits ' cost , , e ore t is com e o ,, . 1 � . .0 , I , O'" ,Pacific, more railway and transports, , � CUOHIQ$ FORMS* . I � 1. . I . Pth . . . twill wat�rproof cloth have neat Check lining -;ewn all, . � .. . I . . . 1. . . � .: sibl ore. 6 one who now e tionmattersweredealt with than in � I . � I I . . � .. or it is proposed to do, will say the RANDKERCHIEFS 0EN- , . 1 * . I . .. .- . . .. . . any previous session, It has not been . �. through, black velvet collar, sleeves have 1 inch cuffi. ' . . 40 money is not i.equired, because � it will asacrimonious as some. sessions, but � TRES and FOOTIN(K I... .. . � Men's fine tweed (suits in a dozen different patterns to choose . . t a e - oderioh a, harbor of refuge,aud there has been a greater and more de, . . . I � � . �. 3 to s7. But for this . it . . IrANOT COMBO, RTC. �� I : I* This coat alwa3,s sells at $() . ­ � week f,om,the correct out for this fall & winter,well. lined &P sewn socontribute to the development of' .. I . L. '.. . . . + - . with silk a linen thread throughout, prices ...... $6.00 to 8s00 * liberate waste of time by the Opposi- . . . 11 . �� . � the price will be $3.50 . . . . . . . I . . � _� the lake trade at ,that important port. f ion than in any previc,us one. And- be- . I . . . . . .T. . . . . . I Men's 0 er all 'wool tweed & imported.worstbd suits in &, b ,* .�. . 1' The .development of trade there, or 1 . 1h1ft1%1Wft1%A6ft1`%111k ... ... I - % - . . � 111 IK . T -' elsewhere, meanp the development of in so much loingerthan other sessions T Selection of paLterns jast; its good in fit as % tailor will give 1_1 , tig cost will beyelatively that much - ; 'A � 0 . The beit suits s , v . .. ' We country. NOW what is tiuor about ore. , . . . , Belainglq Art 0i . Ike, 6 Bkolui . t'. - Overcoat Weather you,.and linings are.'of best fat wors sqUir. -,-. � a justifiable expenditure at Goderich. is in . ­ I I � � I , 11 I 1. we know at the prices Of. * .............. i ........ *8.,50 to T � . . . for - - . . o. 25 , I i ** . I I . X . . . . � - equally true in reference. to many oth- I . I . . . � ,. . , I � � y : Now is ilie time to buy yobr overcoati don't Aleave - . --. . � ! or porta, � whether breakwaters or successful conventlon, . . I Imperial Luotre, per skelti . ,..015 ' - � 4 , . . . . T ... . . r ,+ I whatires are. in pro.cess of erection. .. . . " � .r bo y I I . . . . . Oil . �, - X it till thia stocks are 10W. YOU lyill not pay any more It will pay you to have A look at ou X . . . , best imported brand, full . 1, . , 11 _vs cloth. .. - may Shetland Floes, thd : . . . ; While the Opposition has exercised its District Confekence Of � - X In two montbs. . I l I . ]a' st sto;k in. the t ,'fu . The London I .. � . ; now flian you will i ing, We. do-.uot claim to.have the rge notion as critic of many of the items the Women?s Missionary Society was � ounce skeinsi. blikok, white I ; I le . . . � ... Country as. all our . groods are new you know, but we 1_1 I in , the estimates, Very few have been held in Askin street Methodist church, � . ana o')red, 1. r .-kiin, .08 � I . ' ! I. . I .f, objected to on the ground of boing' un- London, -last week, and the enthusiasm . � . . I . T This i's our first season in the Overcoat business so you can de., . , have: a newer k;tbak *than most stores a When Sir Charles Tupper . . " . ?, pend ull gCtting tile N..i.y neatest goods and moderately - , . . . , rid at prices that � .r... i necessary. ,ge attendance served W show I I I 11 �- . . I . . : was in the House he said that in a new and lax I - I . qbl�� . . Y � . , an growing con . I I . I .e I . d e inspiringspeeches bave . Vi iced at that, * will suit you, . . . ittry such as this, it the strength and power oftbis organ Alen 6 title oypreotIts 'WaAe of black beitVaFtl(lth & �I`OY Chev- . I - . � . I * oit, Kiwd !1nings and pet -feet in fit, JUst a good walk! � I -1 . I I I . . was impossible to keep the expenditure ization. Mor J ng i -piece six s in'higoried tweeds & ourkes,stylish .' ..' down; that sc money was been heard and moto - accomplished, I . . .... III*. lipt- h, out, special prices . ........... � ........ $6.50 an BOYS, All Wool � It " � - 5 i.loiig: 4s the , violis frath- - - Butterick Patterns ' . I . I . .1, . w .1 11 8.00, i little suits that. are really w Lsk, to .fit, I properly and erierally, than at any pre "' d ' . . . ... . .1: . I. . . .1 . � . � I . . ortb more than we f, d* 1 1'r spent. . no ob- 9 . . 1 3u 1clous "Much oft] .is is us " 6 I . I I �. boys 5 to 13 yrs qf� age at... I*- 0 1-- �_.�.. ..... , � 21.50 to 3#9 1 Jection �ould-bei taken ttereto, and the ering of the kind. ii * mlly.* , - . . ieze in . . - ,* , . ,. . . . , . For all the lFia I � � -4 �;ei"s ovt+e ,as owde of fine wool fi plain &.twill, colors I . . . . � . 1. . � in. 0. pposi- to t e enterprise and dispatch with'. . , -! of black & dark grey, ent in the very latet1,,style, and lined ', I .. � . ' - , , I This fall we are mak' . tece suit I fact that he said this when bielitheoffleers have managedthe' � � . - Ing a specialty .of our $8.0.5 � p' . 0 � #,, �1. tion, is evidence that there wm.not "a', - . .0. .November J�utterlak Pat- . � ' I . � . 1, wil 11 ffne quality farmers satin. These coat$ are not equ forb6yo, Djost of them are made of all wool tweed& serge ch room foradveise criticism 'The- numerous matters bf business.- - .11 I terns t received meets the . I .. I .. aled ties r here at the price .................. � $P100 And $1.0 , I and fit boys -from 7 to 16, ave double seats &knees, � - I �. ,I 11111 ments being mahe, eS` A Bible reading by Mrs Erarrison neeasil"111the-Ladiev, the men, I . . P.. and the suit all through 4=5 I public improve I . I s ittedhwith good stronk lining, i'vers alid.,littrbors ed, h morning session, at which slie baby, the boys and the % � D .. - unsualfy Sold -at. $5.00 Onr price for fall & winter will be .... m - X ,: pecially thbse. to r 1 6 t e tes Were presenti After I girls, We' can show you . I . � � . . . .. . � I I- - ! . � . . . bncies re- , the usual revotional services, the ser- ; . modes for evening and ar ,COATS AN' REOPER5 I � OFT 1 LITTLE BOYS' OVER . 3 95 .4. axe not couftned to constitu a I h ele "sey .. . �- . I y Libei4ls alone,but are be-. oehay � . , i We Hre sbowiog R nice assm tment of boys overcoats And reef- .. ­ - � .... ..... __ I . . . . I 1. I . .. I I . � presented b I vice of consecration was led by Mrs ,wear,. in 11183WI. and all other . . � 0 ,so r. I ing made in thp, interest of the country I � + ers, e"Itly style for this year is shown, they corae in �fine 0 1.0 Men's Trov se,s in a large ,range of patterns from fine tweed t ' . . . . Bond, and then the -nominating com- ' . current drap1bgs, severe Pnd , . !,ey efoth, ctirls. friez.�S,ect. and sell at ...... $2-50 -to Us - a,whole. If a Governmentis honest � . , � I kpi C I-: impkrted;;Pisted goods !it all sl.zesfro , .1 7 6 .. 1. � I I . � Im 30 to 44 at... $ t, . s' as It cpendituie, as this - one is, there mittee, appointed on Tuesday, Wade . dainty styles for. the street- . . . . � . . . . . . I . . . . . in 3 s e2 . ' to,the allotment of dot- * . all requirements � of - I I I . . i I . . . . . I their report as iulaot. iie * . � I .., .. � . . . . I I . . I . is little room for adverse criticism, and . � I � I ittees, as day and home are met Ili. bur,- .1 . . . I . . I �. . :. I . . . I . . extract from the Ottawa gatesto.,tue various cbnIm I . t , , WTR . I I . . .. � . . ... . . - .. .. -the follbwin flooding Conservative pap- follows ; Organizing,. Mrs Russell; I supply of Butferick Patterns. ' I . I ,. FU )NISHING DEPARTMENT , . . . . . . . . .L. .' . .' . . � . . . . C�itizen, the Courtesy, Mrs Wa,lwin; Memorials, . I L,. . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . V� I I � . . I . - . . . 1. . . er at the dApital, corrbborate� this t 11 I ' - .. . . I �. . ; . I .; . . . ­ � . . .. I ..., . . .. I . . 3fTs Barns, Mission Band, Miss . Nich . I . . .... . . I I . .. . � . ;.. � . I . . .., 1 :11�evet,ty million dollars Isa; big appropria, Olson . . I - qk� :: .11 � . , . � I I . . . . I I . .. I . . I ­� . I. . . . I .1 . . I ­ - : -, Wn for n4tional 6kDonditure,but , the r6venue . and Mrs Beal. . _ : I .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .1 I . .� .. . Of Canada is buoyant ar d steadil preal in An address was given by Mrs Barnsi . . . . . I . f I � . � Business in our Furnishing Department. is.' n'"ear!Y double what it was last falf.' ., We b , & Ine U D recia ' . . . . . . . . i I - , I . . , The Citizen is; n3t amonk those w o regard a - the hon. presi, -which was an apprecia-' . . � . -vthing for a man or boy exce andwe know our prices.'are. ri ' - * - . : ; vancin g.expenditilre as a prima, facie. evidetide tion -of the, good work'.done -and the .1. , , �:, Tsell evei . pt shoes* t'. 6. - ght. We � are , bet .. Of extravagance. The chief. consideration is . Coo )i - & . 0) I . . . . keen spirit inanife9ted by all. if the .. Pe :. ., , � ter prep�ired than ever to attend -to yo'ui.wants an.d.will b�.Pleased . o ave you 160k whether .at uld be wisoly spent, and in - -wa the ses-�. . . � 1. . . � . ­ 0 . 11 . . .1 . I � I . � . . I .. I . I . . : �. . . . . such manneros to forward the beat interests iamd spirit s shown at All I . I . , 1. , � . � I I . . . ..� I . � . . . . . I . of. the Dotais ioji.1.1 ' 1, � . . . I I I . . . � I .. I I . .. .. . . . . 1 $ you want to buy or not. . . . .. .. . � . . . . I . . I . . ­ .. . . . . . . I . . I -1 . . . . I Stone, she said. the society was bound : - - - R - � A A --- A���,ik____, I I I . . .1 I I ., . . . I . . '� I,' . BIXDEI�'TwimE� ImPnoT X, .: . 0 id strides of'prog- . . I � I I . I . . . : , I 1.10 j to See bven in re rapi . . _ I � - - - - - -- �_ _. I ,.-. -'W __V I I . . . . I . . . Men's Underwear in flef-ce cotton or wool-, anion an(ll all I . . . . .. . . I � . . .1 . I �. . :. . . I . A matter o . f grea . t . int I er6g � t � ' . and im- ress, . I I . .. . . I .. . -1 ... � . . .... I . ., . s 1 .:­.. I .. , .. . �. . I - in all sizes, at ..................... 1* ....................... wol*,,.� 1.45-0. .Th.erle are some people Who canniot wear wool underwear so- - � I.. was,ventilated be. .' An Jfi�vitaticin was'receivea, f-f6m.-the � . . . I ... .; . . .. . : . ., . � I .. . . . . . � . , , ' . . . I .1'. . . they .think, to -those people we extend: an invitation to c�ml e I 0) tance to farmcrs', Methodist church in Stratford, asking, . A. ' ' - . . ,. . . . � ' � . . . ! I '! 'WAS Promised I Men'sfine wool underwearin heavyormediumwelglits', id6z­ 1�00 � inland see our extra flueEngli6h.underweat, made from the ' . Pox P, the- Agricultural:: Committee. on. that- the. 'next, conference -be. held in , for. next year- . Two I . . . Wednesday, 'Some time ift,-July- Mr new bircles- had .been added durinj the , . - . - . . . . en different kinds to choose from at ... _.... 6 3e, 75er f is Im t I'k ilk'and' wears I .. I : . .that city. By w..unanimous vote it . . I I ,(T l , . finest Australhin wool,,. it .a os i e. i ike - - - - ' ' ' year, -one .at -,'Colborne streetan ther . . , :: Joseph Haycock was 61 - . 1 " O.. I . . . . . . 1. . . linen. 'We have it to -.filt's.tnall, mediumor. large men at . Ji�oiuted an In.;. . c .Invitation- . at 'Parkhill, I nmaus, . . , . .. % .. , s eel I oth. 'while' therii� .had - � . ' In finer grades we have the best makes I i Oana(faj Pe � . � tor of Diinder Twine,the Ooris�rva�.7 . was de ided to,j 4peept the er . . ........,.... ., ................ I .............. $1.6,0 & 2. -OO'. .. p The first matter tobe'takenupih 0*1 Turnbulls & Stanfields. These goot' ar unsbrinkable and - ,, . � I . . "I I . . . I � _ . : . . . . I �i . . . . . tives in the House then opposing . big- the afternoon:was theoon�ideration of I been a new bind. established *at the- I . is ilea 1 .,25 . . F6r.the boys we show *4 different kinds of. underwear union, ' . I . .. ! . . � , : :: liv the cheapest to buy. We ca- gi e you a dozeri diff� . . ­ - - nent bitterly, taking' -the ground . :'Hamilton.road church. - . , k . . . - � � erent kinds in plain or ibbed at ............ hkin:-Wobl fleeee.1ined and .Turnbullsfine'ribbed wool.$'.- .. �' ' . ogaptoit -was the ci eation of kn entirely pl.Aet at least. once a Year.- This -was , South London I circle � was 1 $ - a racortimendation. that the executive I # r ....... $.I.00 & . . . , . t The presentation..' of % boo to the � . . . .. 1. I . I . - ­ % . . , - , , : unnee office, iiiid the reward & d.. I I . I made, fvr, � . . . I � Pc6s start at 2.qcts in the small size and q . nd,in the. lar�7est , . , I I I � lessary , . . . t . e *e . * . . . _­: the large�t inereoe in funds and mem- . * ' . . � at�..�-.-.­_,­ .... oil­..!,­......­..� ...... � .... I... '48. suppor er.. Subsequr')It - in the We bave just passed into stock I he largest Shipment. of glo-vas I . . : � . � . I c itical.. . Nil ,h t, ' , , . . .. I ­'. � I a p t h in brest lwas shown .. .. � and n;itts we have ever made. We have not tbe space,.to ` I . . I . .. ,.!. . . . I , . . . I . .1 I 1, - I even S ave ampy shown the4isdom ,I adop,te beiship.' A bitntier was also presented 4`1 : � � I . I ri r s rfe , . . tif . . I 9 theband' from . St . : i * - .. reading of the - report Df� the dist 'dt .. t ra I give a deFcription of each pnrtictilar kind but fo t t - ' " This week we are..Phowing Mr I thii first time all the new c,qps . . . . of the Government in- its desire. to pro-. I throy f6r,their . . t e b I I . . � I . . I . . organizer. It showed a Wra I.. I I . � I . es t . for Winter. We bave.80 o more different kinds each- from . � toot the farmers from a. class:of imposli'! .crease in in,mbership i an 1 . No e xencyj * .: ,h , - . I . 1. I .. � . . , i LZIn ffic, � wear or driving we can give you gloves that are h . I . I . . I . .� r. a I I . . . .e un s. g In * , . . I . :: values we have ever seen a -t 75c, $11� *11-25,$1-66. and 100- , - I . I . . 1. . . '' : , *,2 So tb 1 96� � ' tion hard to detect: � Th6 law kequires ,[,r - recelved­ froui Ridgeto*n, I Tito session On -t e next daybrought.' , l . . 41 . . . I . . .. . . . � . I 1- .. � - , -, : .. . . .. I I "port Was. - to a coriblusiori - the iiiogt . I essful. , - , � ; . . . .. . . . . . . YOUR 010NIEV. SAOR - - . . .0) 1. - ... . I . I 1. . I . - 1 ,4 � . I .. that , every balk of twine offered for sale. St. ' Thomas .6id i-'Chfithayh, - but the succ . ... . . I .1 I ' convention! evdr� .,anch i4 � ..'', , , . . . . �. , I . ILP 1(oU WANT IV �. %. .- . �, . I . 1 ..:. I . � . . . . . shall -have a tak on which is stated the tot owing showed healt progress . , hoild'by this -In 1� + . . I . . . . 1". i - I I . . . %. I -'S' nuxaber -of' feet. isi4onary. S . 6ciety. � .! . * . � � . . . . . � . . . I . . . . . . . �� .. I - - ' �' . . . . . I I I � � I . .. . . . . . . : . maker nfixiie and the - .. Loixilon-membership"1420, increase, , of the WomeWs'11" * ' . . � ,. . : . . .. ers wo .comp e e , , - - 1. + . . . . . . . - I 1 in the ball. Mr Baycook ave evidence 1-13; total, funds $2935; rner6AS6 � � the election of offle I t d' ' . � � ,1 . .. I . . , .. I beforethe committee 1-o t 'ie effect that ; Goderich - membership 295, "T So I , * � ' . 11 I . . . . . , , , * I . . , ': , I I � I . g - �a I 1. . � I . . .. . . . . th ino and several-minor'matterg disposed of, ... . .. '' . . . . I I .... ., . . . .. I - �_ . . :�.. I . . I .. in the two months' be.has been .iu� of� 42�, total funds $043, inerbase7$93. . The following were elected -to omee :" I I. ,.- 1 44! �, . . . I 1. - - . . . .", aw.��4N - - - , , ­ .. . . &!,!,R�� I I % � :! fice, he has. insgected a large. quantity Honorary Presiderit,'Mrs Burns, St, - . I'� $ � . . . -_ I . I , . . . . ._ Win ham- m6mbership268,inciease 1�1 ,:_�_�;;�;, . �.- I . 1. oftwine, foun serious violations.of. - tota funds $M, increase *19. . Thomas;. Hon, Vice Pres., Mrs DI*4 . . � 1: , -_ =1"'= , d 9 nuinber of flu' 4 son,, London; President; . Mrs Gordon t � . I I . .i . � . . I 11 S= - 1111=7 . . I thelaw.impogo 21. , , . . � es con-, . : . Y I . . . . . . . I � � , . . . ., %.1 � - , 1 xe -membership W4; ' increase . W I lif I t' ' . : . � :��, I) . I I . . . . , I �_� . I I I � . , I ... . fiscated.it, lot of twinb� and drove out U t6r . . . I rig - s Vice Pres., Mrs -1, H.,Xc-. * . � I I I . . . I 1`� . .. . I . � � I . . ... .1 I - -l..� � .1 .k 7 ­ .q ...�. , . ...� a.lot. 59; total funds $755, Increase $10. 1. Meehan', London; 2nd Vice, MmVbw.; � `.` l . , . i'! . . . ." . �. . I .1. . I 11 1. of the country of ,American twine � - � . . I . �, : . . I . ­. I , . ­ � I. I I Sarnia -membership , 01, -increase ' S; . " . : �. .1!; ­ .. ,� . .i. , . .. I .. . .. I . I I I ., � that wad short mea;Sul!e. Thatiswbat '.increase $58 ' 1 ler,.London; 3rd,Vice,' Mrs (Rev).T. E. . . . . . - . I � - . . 11 .. � I . . . 1. � . I.. . 11 � I - ' but, , total lunds $141, ; ' : ,� . Is. , _ . . 1. i . I he has accomplished, fiere"are' 'the Stratford � has a member�hi� of 262" HArrisdn; London; Corresponding Sec- - l � I .l. . .".00111010 . . ___ - I . _ �'. � ., '.. ...'. GLINTON. : - i .:,. . .. . . . I � . . partil6ulars. in brief. Ile maile, 14 pro- - I , rotary, Mrs Cunuinghaine, Kincarxiine; * , ... . I I . . . . . . �. . . . . I . .. . ­ . . . . . . I I . . . . . I . I ... . . - audits funds for'the'year amounted 1. ." ., . . - �., . . . . .. 'Recording Secretary, Mrq -G; , .. . . . � . . I .1 . � � - �, .� : 1. I . . �. � . �% � . . . .1. .... . � . I secutions !it all, 0aused -27,%000 lb� of to $4.72 Winds hits a inerriliershi , .Acheson, . . I � I , * . __ I I'l IN Is VIEW . � . - .or � 'P J.;Goderich; Tiessuioet, 'Mrs Tennen ' . I , , . - - wommomommomm�nommus� 1 1 . . I . .. I . American. twine to be takerf out of the, of 21, - � . I �. I I I . ­ t, I . I ­ .. ... ­ . , � �. . . . .. maiketowingtoit bein4shbrt meas7., . � . . . London 0 di � Secretaryfor, . �., * . � . � . . wl^����� . cong . egations.' I Th , e . 'first i on Oct 3rd all Canadian .refined sugaiP I , � I I . . ; .. -some of.thii biillsbeing 60. feet Mrs. Tentiont, superintefident. of:sys-. Mission ; orrespon ing . . tracted large I :­ . ure, tematic'giving, gave the abitual report . Bands� Miss Nichol�on; Suporo. � . ! address was f ed in the Pr I . -6t i ., -of' the 14 cases tried, .were . (g� I e oveibi,l , were reduced 100 per cwt. : An erron- . . �,.Editorial N eS. short; li on thii. subject; th6report was adopted. .intendeut of*stoniktic 6ivirg,'Ars - I . , - . . . . I . I ARIOD9 the Churches., , text ' Bles1sed is the , man that bad poits, report has .15deti 6irc'ulatecl .that I , � - . ...I "_ . , . . . M � ..'.*American I British, I Mevichit, and I . It Was shown . bK* 4. re.j,brt re�4 by, )Rev) M60annus, Sarnia; Delegates to, -- . �. . . I . . . . I � I S found Wisdomi" a�nd drew th -from ,'Inst6ad-of a reduction sugar'has ,been . . .. Canadiam' Taking the'amount Zfbwine. � I the -General Board- 'Mesdames - Me- I . . � ' Wrightthat heOutook,theas- . ere 'The duration %.of Parli Mrs I , p .. lamonts* since' lot year consum ed. in Canada as the. -i in, Uri Meehan, Harrison and Langf6rd- Al. ��- ...* . � .' . . . . - sociatiows paper., wa; .a flo sbinq, . . . . . ­ ternates Mesa . -*�O- - a very. profitable educational sermon � advanced : the , ai:nount nientioned. I Confederation has been as f..ollows : - basis of calculation,kr Haycock estirii. ames F '... I . ,#*****0*0*"* .1 Hous . ek eours . . . . I ST PAUL% CHURCH. -On Wednes- One that was needful not only for.6he. , .eepets � Will, *Of e, reg,r,eb .. .011ows: condition. , The: 'ciroulatioii was now. - owler- and 'Ten- . . . . I . ' temporal things.but the'' higher a' ''that the reduction did not come a little [ .Ist-Nqv6, 1867 to. J4zly 8, 181 . . ated tb:, t- the: farmers had effected- -a hie nent; Repre�entative -to the 06nf4roncd - ' - - . , .* I I ims. ooner, whbxi the.preserving And ca.n7 , . . saving of $175,000 in the cost of'their .� wasi-An. increase for�the . . .. : day evening the A. Y. Pt A. will meet I tual. education, - r'� . . years, 9. months w . : . - of life that of it spiri . ' . .. . . : �:at'Toronto, Mrs McMechan. organLZ;,: , _ - . * in the school room at 8 o'clock sharp I ning season Was on. I . .. . . . . I . .1; days. .. . I 1. I . �. twine by the, 6hforcem�nt of the aet "' 2r W. - � . �. I .. .� -�London,: Mrs R�rrison;ftratfokil . . , I � .� 1. for reorganization, and for the ap- which was most,needful.: In the after- I I ... . . ­ . .1. . 1'.. *2nd_Xarch5-lM, toJan . Y 4k hoaft. .8 called the "Workers, . ers, -ach t I I . � SOOIAL EVENTS -Mr ear, 4 months, . . ence".. was.' then commenced. � �E t " " , . . . � pointment of delegates to the general noon he addressed the children of I � . 31 1811-1. this year. .It loexpected that All the Confer I Mrs Dunsmorq. Goderich, Mis Le - . . I Ontario St Sunday School and. hig. re- s. G. Ernest Y . . . . : ' 'twine will be.up to the standard next helpful suggestions wire offered Wingham, Mvs Daudi, Bervie; - xe er, - 1.� , .. .11 assemblv to be held in London the I - . Many ­ . � . marks were . 1 Holmes lwas At Home to her many ' 3rd�March 36, 1874 to Aug VA78­4- gear even if Americah.twine is offered, in thi� papers * given,. which included. Mrs Marshall, Kirktou-, Strathroy,. . : latter pirt of the month. On Sunday thoroughly - enjoyed by I friends lastThursday from 4 to.6.30 p_yea,rs,.6 months,. 24 days. . . � cause any. short -measure twine. that 9 Mrs Oates, Melbourne; Winds Mrs . .1 ­ morning at 8 o'clock the Sacramentof the youngest membei. - At f -he even-, .M. .the robras w6rb, 0(ittily lighted .. .10radle Roll" by Mrs�.Beal i . . .� I . g service. "The unseatchable riches 4th -Nb 13,:M70, to I . is manufactured ,will be sold in the - ;, "Relation Freeman, Kingsville; Sarnia,, M11 mo_- . . the Lords Supperwill be administerea In. , and a, very dEdijty, Itifich was served. - May 18'.. 18M - 3 States," there. are only.. three States of Prayer to our Work!! 'bv, . of Jesui . . . ayse * ,. . I'le, ... I Mrs Bond; Rid IQ.- - . ''' ' * I . in the Union that have a law' similar. kin- . , , , . . . I . MdKee'afidtbefflsses Doherty.i..On 5th -Feb & IM tOJa,n:15,18�71-4 toours,anditisa, dead letter there Th= Mrs, J -ough he spoke at.some length kept I - rs ye P, 4 nths, - ')" M 'so Alit- -tdwn, - Mrs Russell B - ligate. I- It WILLIS Ciivucu.- On Monday even. i th s Christ,". Was his theme'and She was �ssisted by her sisters, N 82� . mo.: 1 27 4 ter; and "Crusade Wo Mrg'Cu*_ Canting; Chatham,, ing the Y. P. S. U. E. held their bus' i- 'the attention of the large -gathering ay - Mrs H Bea1tie Ye, . I � - . Risd;n, BiBealwas -� ness nierting Wm. Liudsay gave :in! till the last word. with III I �ars, 5 mQntIJSL 8 Mesdames Russell, Wright and Bond 6 flow Of . Thursday and P rid . I V. - 3a;s'. . . 1� . - ,These facts amoly.juitifi the appoint�' .were appointed a comniittee to re-. d auditor., , - . � interesting report of theconvention,' I . made her debut in� ,Clinton cirdles;- ­ met . it:of Mr Hiiycock, and sbo . . answer " , � � w -that . . A resolution Wag, passed ex si i , . . , to Feb 8, -.1 - qu6,stions,.' . I .. . � 1. , " , pres, in . . . I I ,oratory and cormnon Sense 'arguments holding her post . nuptial ree ' 801-3 the Government . had the interests of . held in Stratford, Sept 29-80, Oct 1-2. used. Thothoit rendered &. be . I I . option On , y'edrs, 9�,,ffidnt,bs� 28 days. �, s. . I .Several 1;ood su estions were made , a h r Al M autiful . those dayg.....A- ver mtant.tim6 I ; 1. '. � .11.1. . fogret at the death of Rev. M cLach-. . , ew in ' king i . �.. in conneetion Wit the* adaiess given h, . I ,. .. ­ e ar I i in& - - it,., � , ,vv Ose, ' - I I . - The following officers were then elect- anthem and ks. Beii.Gibbings wid 7th�April'20,1801, to Apr . t1ii f mere in vi .. I . 9 ,wife is ai. inember of the, . , . . . . wass.e.ntat, rs. .� attebbury'son ,, 1124 1 ' . I I thg - assoc, . . � . . . I - Pres, V.1m. Will-HArland sanga much appreciat- � . I ­ . .0. %0- ,... - , . . . %t,on . . . Lindsay ; vice, Miss Ella McEwen; rec. . I � � . I HAT,U,: .' ' a.", While it was Shown . .. I 1, ed for next sb months : I . I es ay 'evelain , -a large number of I *.Years', 2 monthk'26 days. . A' -SEX,iTOn16,D' ,()it 1-1XiWBOXe , I 1. :, . . � . I I I ed duet. . � . I 1. I . . . . . � I . '. �',, , .1. .1 .. 1. . � � , , I . . , see., Miss Lillie Coats; cor. sec..Miss H . I - entertained to 8th -Aug 19,'1806, to -Oct � 9, IWO-4 Senator Lafiderkin died at bi§ *resid- thought that if they wer.6 called !lb6n-' . . . � � .. , ''. . her lady friends sing. , that the boxes 'bad Ifinighb,", it was . ' Mackenzie ; treas., Miss L Chidley ;I - .1 *. .. , . M. . . 11, I I . . seven-haud euchre. - I .1 I . I I I 1. years, 2 months, 26Aayo, .- . , , : once, in Handviir, on Stinday lot,from At boxes":better results would be ob . After'Work or Ekerdso . . I .. . . . 1. . . , convenor Prayer meeting com,Miss A i QUIOR I LY . SUMMONED. � -Another .�. . AS the last ele � � Aralysis of - the bridn. ,When Sir - . .� � .. I . .� . .. ... �.. . . 1. . .. . .tained. - Pooplo6did notlike the idea of . . . . , . 1. I g , once, in,, a was . , I , �.. I . I I . . ,ownship's old -pioneers in i V 7, 19M, threo.years-w-ill not.havv, to the reform of fhe Sbftat�ij jocularly . . I . :1 . I I I . . . .1 . . . . WcEwen; con. Lookont corn ,,Miss K. Idditional Loeal New's. -.� of Goderich f . Lee On Wicliard Caitwif lif Iloding Scott. con. Social com ,Miss H Macken- I . . . . . No . " asked for mites., No 1� . otion I . . . . .1 the person of las Richardson, has pass- I I . I ="egn, however. ... . 4 . ' ­­ � . . . zie; con. Music com-, Miss J Jones; I . . � . I . . . . d.antil ihe Otit' ' ' 'dence wotildlook after , - . . I . : , . . . . I ed over to the silent ma, ority beyond elapse proXI - said that '!J?rovi The segsiph was brought to A close . .1 . .1 . � . . GOLF NOTES -.On Thursday e ght I . . mol, � : - . .. I . . � organist, Miss H Armstrong; asst. or . I .. Ahe Senate." he doubtless paid no at- b the ,reading .and adoptin�.6f the I gi�nist., Miss,hl Coats....Mr Dowding members of the. Seaforth GdlfC1 the great gulf. th&tdiviAes th It' . . I 05 I. . . . .. - lub , e SpIri , .. I .:. w th � Toron . . . . . I . I -tention to the significance of his rcw I . . . visited our links, and Vrete, successful. ichardson t Y , ; will sing a solo in our church nextSun- from the living world. Mr R [ A despatch Sport of the resolution voinmittee, -- i I .� . I in ,rame Was in- town the day of his death, and I sf� to Star dat-'..'mark. Mewyn%y avert certain things "It is the duty., of all Christians to, , . � 1W Cl, with an. e4ual numberof I returned home in bi i My 'ed Montreal$ Oct, Oth,gi*-es the folio ' so far its life hSCIBS concerned, but the aid all they can towards the Christian- Sooth"m area I � day. ,t n 0 tan al is usus . good 1 w- inuadis, M . . � Rev J. Greene was at Vvalton last 8' us 11811 , �by six holes' health, but while chatting with his ing comparative table Of I . I PnegLoat truth that We are cQmpelM izin Japan," was tbethemeofan- ino, . � . Sunday taking the work for Rev. J. A. I Below will be found the,.players and family the death summons came, 61 . I the amount toackn6wleclgeiTisi)iteofoxirselvesiif a( g Of Yes Xore. I . I Andrews. cores : I .. I I of theNart . dress given by Miss Sifton, the so- ne"Ardouff- I I . 8 blood Vessel bursting in his head, onus.. . hwestgrain shipped through wb,were disposed to doubit'it.. i's that ciety's missionary to that countryi . men- -;Slvosthe b OR eonim md . 04forth - , , . - Clinton . Ing paiitlysis, and it was " Grand Trunk . ports for . "we oant),A avert the handof death." Which was.the feitture , SIMS181. I . ­ . . I . I Rev 0. R. Gunne was in Blyth last . . . . . . not long be. . . � - . the'prosent. 'When Senator Landoikin loft Ottawa session. , I of the evening DonOt bilits tbi . . � . . " ,I night delivering an address at the (-n- I S Pearce ...... 0 McTaggart* G D.J foie he became.. Onconscious. from! year up to the end of S16ptelub M So Sifton sald'that 6he had . weaks waterI do"lls 2001 - 41A - . I Walker .....4� Agnew, .. I I I ... 6.0� which he never recovere � d, "He, was f . .� er ii-nd for . . e . f tertainniont hold in connection with � .his home a couple of Weeks ago, he b en in the Su 'rise Xi d for six proWations repressaWl to I* sift Owe. . , the re -opening servicesof last Sunday. . . born in Queen's county$ Ireland, 75.' Or A shollar periodo . last . w apparently in the*prime of health, and. I ' � � . Parkes& ... 0 Dowdin . I . . year, . it w-" ffiat durini"Ta'ttime she '"" Pend's 8*044i.VA" @NOW~ Wid Gri s.......44 Mpophorson ...,,;O years ago, Ile itail latterly* become "white ael a Ki Vlee'amed much to teach her that imnorally 4011talle 4OW400 419611mWis". 0 4100t . � L � . . The Rev M C Ramball, of Mordenf - and in IM came to this Should be noticod t"t, the table 180111Y badger," but b0ond thiihe looked .to the Japanese were an intelligent race pau" . . . . . . . . .... i5 country,settling InGoderich township, ' for Northwest e goo r y 0 .i, ,_ .. � . I . I .. I . Man., has created considerable interest Kirkpatrick 1 Brewer, H ...... 0 on the 126b concesRion, Here he. . coft-1 I grain 4ind does not !it- . of people. When, first she went there � .. .. . . . I . I in that town over his sermons on King Stevens ... - .2 Brewer, A ........ 0 '­ varted from forest one'Of the finest . clude shipmonts of Chica grain, : w ell likc on both sides I th.e she Was given, the impressionthat, the - ' ' I . . -----.L . I . . I .� i I. �'. I . Saul. He is a connection ofour towns- Coleman - - -4 MeTaggart, M D. 60 fstrnw in the township. Ile married a .:� : I I go 1 86, sing of a remarkably Jovial I girls were' -devoid of aby Sentiment, . . I 1. . . . I . , men of the same name. . . I - % . I ., - * Miss Wellwood, of New -York, and to Jauftio ....., 9W. I=- - - - Chang" d S OSi ion. is, death makes the l6th tilat their faces . were expressionless, ClititOn COUrt Ortevls!606 . I � I . . . The many friends of the Nile Metho- is I . . : � 12 * them were born six children, who are ID W 702 �� 87812 In �. 24soo Senator w o has passed away since and that they were, on the wholei mn-' - ' I . "__ds" . - dist congrection will learn with plea- Seiforth6holeaup, � still I ivinl. These are Mrs Ilarlibks I Zbor.... 1 IOWA Do long theelectionof1900, Like -many others :interesting. Since then her ideas had I Notl4be Is hiirobf, ilveri that &'Court wig bdr : . 4" sure that t e new church which has The combined clubs of Seaforth and and 14ps wden,of the l4th, Mrs Lud CollI,1=,o.d, 75 1929N . Do 119,29 who have givon.their services to their been reformed, and n 'hold pursuant to lig Viiter's Ust Act br Ms I I Y., been built the past summer will be Qp-, Clinton . 0 0 esVille, and Robert, Katie , 9087 85 Before that the people wore ust as capable of . _ Ing Gode -J M 7 Mayo in 94180 country. he died a poor wan. s h Honor B. L.Doy, Xudgii of tho Coun 1, court* � 11 to to Guelph on Thanksgivi Meatord -A "120 Do 66OF he entered public life -in which he had hit .. It the Coubir of uron, in the Counci I - I �f . . W 922 1 , P ,?Chain . � ened on Sunday nextfordivineworsh%. day to p ay that town, Those chosen is � rand at ho e. The funeral Midland ... 8407182 8971M hi W4 64 ,ving good !deals a2 tepiler thoughts bar. Clinton, Prift.r.0otobor 23rdo 190, Ab 9, !I On Monday evening a fowl supper wt I to go from Clinton will be Dowding, VIA, did on OwenSoud 494 2so 42i sm In , - r twenty years ' - that were good, as was the a.m. to hear ark& oternittle the several bosa- on af rnoon to Clin- 69976 been for ove -ho bad & of th . I be held, and an excellent program ren- M. -D. and G. D. MoTaggart, MoLeah v A Wright offici. "rn ....... " 647 187 "8 or orrars and omissions in the Votere , . I ton com ry, 000 In 849187 good medical practice atid' a comfort- Cana ligaan girle Great iidvancembiI6 W.1 the milkifolvality of Clinton. for 19ft Ribg4t0h... M 2827 M Do 434 NO I dered. The complete order of services and Agnew. The following excelle atib Xontreal...9.4o ale isgoi rn 2 a.ble home, Naturally enou$b; his hadbeen made in educational, com- All =one havins business at thii 06"t I . I I , nt g At OU and grave, . 8=376 practice,fell off durink the time he morcial and Other matters that bore � ,,, plat� can be found under Nile heading on scores have boen made recently on the rTt ad 6o atfbn at the Mid One at RESIGNS THE OFFIOE-After e the front page. links for 0 holes - Dr Agnew 44, �M D Such -a table, it is remarked, shows spent iln'Otta;Wao and what business the earmarks of elvilization# but the Mated the Gth dal*fOctober, "M I MoTaf ect, etary of the In the first place. that CollingWrood, � he wag able to do he WAS unable to advance In the Ohri . COAT80 Oki of the said utrildloaMr, ) Successful openin services were Otitaxio 0. E. Union, Mr A. T. Cooper once a favorit . collect for, his patients taking advAnt- , istianization of the I . . A 4BOr'L env Servi"Jr live years as a � ­ I. I . 11 .. � I . I Dowd ng 48,E M ,,,,,,'g4%&,rt . le had not kept parallel with civil- . held in the new Me lodist church at. � ,garb 40, G D McTa wished-tobe, relieved of the position 0 POr"Or Shipment Of ege of the fact that be dare not sue peop I . I Tiffin's on Sunday last. Rev M J Wil- 48. Several others are close to 50 Col izatlon. 1b was almost impossible to V -00 ... I .. - 1. �... I .., � .. . 1. � .. ogle -credit though sever- at the recent 0. 9., meeting at Strat- grain from all pointa,has fallen to the them for their aocoutits so h got & room for the teachlia . 1. I . * I I Iono! " e . . � . 11 I � 7 "' I Q I 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 , Iiii - � , I I ''. I ;. I '. . . , 1 4 , , . � I . .., . I , , � , , I " I I . I , I i I . i* I . I + �-_ I , I .. I .*I.* . I., I I . I I I . I I FO! 11 � I Lm*a. I I I i �1 I � I ! I I son, B A., of the Nile preached morn. 8 1 has 40 to his I .t of Chris- I I .11, , I remained in public llfe,aii n thia w% tlaoi,t?, said Miss Sifton, w en Speak, . ford. and the retiring President, Dr, lowest place. ' d Ii N Ing and evening, and Rev G M Dunn al 11ave beaten Bo The repeated Strikes in he lost thousands of dollara.� whic , i Pogle for Ist f'e � at lha"r'dual I V. 11, Lyon, of..Ottaws, was elected 0 Ing o the dIfficullies with 11NIOrAl 11110111 EM - " In the afternoon. On Monday even. holes ole (M ydo is 5. that port have .... donble4ly, marked , people were nol honest enough tq�pay which the int Suger was s )rved by the ladies, This hole gta made by C 11, Dowding In the CO"itIon, Mr Cooper Wlll,,I,ll be . w6rkerg met, . , . . ? its career as a pralu `ly Mae- I , ,, 1 8. G D Me a gArt M D MeT art. R id d, osd touch with Cliristian Efiaeav- I the ona of I port. voluntatil , The names 'of Dr The lack of missionaries to carry on special colonlat one way ekeut.*- I � � at r w tch addresses were delivered 9 N1 e a 0 h. or, alf,hough relieved frorn the Move Trade once lost to tot easily regainel., donald# Wingham, and John I olmie, the work wito another drawback. Out &loll tickets, . �� unn Agnowand M YdLean in . I 'Re Teeswater 3hoir furnished music. 2fid hole (140 yds) Do& Is 8 G D Me. aiduotia work its general Secretary, I Xtricaraine, are mentioned as possible . I I I Taggai-t, E M McLean and �V Brydotio which entails An iminebae -1 ­ . . I . ­ ... successors to Dr Latitorkiti, of the 0 ulation 'of 60,000,000 theft Now on sale to points In British Colutn-. � . The receipts on Sunday and Monday 06rkef amount of I though � it wore UZ.0bristians, most of Whom � bis, Montana. Vish, Idaho, Otago, - Col.. have each made this in 2. Perhaps the ;pondouce and clerical work, in May not go to either., � . were .�129. This neat new church has, , his position its Ciuncillov, b."A h.."i j.. I 11 T T, Q _ftlh& OAUA�wf M� ,a� - I I Were _j��4j people. These were tbo , oradoana 061ifornip. I . . I ,a � A rec- -A. n A � . ., . 0 - W "Anan An's-1, --4-A 1- . � p been long nee e at, n s, an 10 i I . I now erected and only $300 of indebt- I edness remains wbioh will soon be . provided for. hev 0 0 Itaito the . buorgetic pastor and his fellow-W'Ork- . i mere congratulated on the success . � . . of the enterprise. . .. . i� The Rev Dr Potts, who offidlated at 1� I . the Wesley church Iti the morning and . I at ont4rlo street to the evening , At. � D MeTaggdrt when. makft% the 06h Superintendent, his experience and I I Vo - ability will be of continued hole ffildti),13ogic 7, hin rd placed exectit, � I him, ft rom thi hole which he made Service to the Ontarldi 0, R. Union. . Ili 51 Several of the players have beat� The Xnvv RnA, however, regrets that Pit 13091616v 4th, 15th And Oth holes. this position has gone fibin: Clinton, I . I as it Mons has MCRIe out town kndlvn STIGAR 19 NOW OHDAPEIL-Al- tho length and breadth of Ont4rio. though It Is In the wrong time of the ft�r , ' ' ' ' ' L,',. ' I rear When this much used commodity, ",-l"'.1.1 . !!'-i 8 at its greatest demand, yet the aver. age housewife will bA glait to lowtu that[, AdVertige 1W the Newlgra. the last meeting of the r " Ron. Pros., Sames liss 0. Cooper; vice hidley; Soey., 0, ))un. durch; Reps, on Exec, ilough. N, Holmes. B. od prograni Will 156 1 � public will be m4de - VAMPAWN JU1W9A,kTt1A9. The oofiiiervativda are evi quite Aure, that an election is sho: . �o by the cat .' �ed. matter la Star, and it anco, In this reek. Thoua- o, four-page I . . I . were taking an i 0 tho work. Even *Uav . iloni . Hunting seasom . Y4 -, � Apply ,to Agai'ita or write 4'6 1. D. ile:p; � I . KoDoliald, District P&NOnger Agent, Vor­ t1le ontof for Illustrated pamphlok etwilited - I W" 4launiocifftheadasmol"i , � PeM ,Purchase .your Wketo at Town 0966 tmg and -give delay at station, ; Ift I , " vri V. X. KodgenSi town Agoid.