HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-16, Page 3&A
404* Intho, Igo
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� I I News N . . TWW 11 rrrrrr I'll, I'll, 114111111"NIFT1111111111`111111F ''I
Motherly Advice . News Across The Norder ' . - - F� -.""" . Now. Iron,, -ox TWO* *", O" 0 "� I
. I
. ,, .. 1. . I � *-, opw o . � I I I Milleev GOP Fow4ers 000,;e, $old by tured a Toronto Lady .... 25 , , 1, �
Vro* *no Whoso Pokafttor woo . 0414,0* Ift Ygakqelond. . I..... , _10CK.i it F Reekie, of Nine Years' Dyspe . P: - ,Omblnalon
11:48sored To 11601sh. . ""F0111111111111 �� I . Henry. .Plandford, of Hamiltomf I I
011irw-o"R TO THE W.ATSU'S B I .�gl`41 iow 44 � � �
DGE 10 years, is 46A4. . . . I
buffalo, N. V., Oct 8 -The A I January P? 19030 . 2. C. I Price ej I ,
. -HaA Suffered From Headaches, Dizzl- tug Uary . The V. X. C. A. at London now nura. X � . . , I �
- was burned to the water s 1, �;aving
I McLane � Shylock was th m . been troubkO with
. . 0"1W_1w1w_ I - - ------ �Pw -.I",---
mesa and Voxiating $pells-Feared edge last 01glat, at a lossof ,0190D. I - ------ AW -48 0
, one Time that Consumption i � Steele, of AM" ' clat his In the worst fort,�. . . I . ,
.at I wanted a, pound of human Ww with A I f0dG60;:.1
ITISHIS THIRD., T114H throat -azor�an is lead I 4 #I
e ma A y for W" AQ *
. Would Follow. . I Alpha, . Ia.,OltS_Rev G W Good- flesh. . There a.r I The less in the tire at St Agatlx 4e C 5 9, I ocaafionostfy P THE ov I �
'Is ing his thirdset of teeth. . � . I ei
I ,J" journeymen blacksmiths W not been troubledwfib it since .
the cherms, of udding wonianhodd, cent the consu tive, the. 1111111tonw,aut oo,�Saturol4ylaalf holl- . .
are due to pure rIcb. blood and healthy FOR MORE WAGES . I .mp . -, ER made
. I
*,A11 the fresliness of youth, the rosy, rich, 912 years old, toothless for 20 ShyloC�s now, the. convales- , Lothialere, is -estimated at $80,0w- say that lam �*;A as I have Bg, OF"'n ,er IN ,
Cott . I
-cheeks and briflit eyes of girlhood, years . . I � . . I
. I day. . I . using kon-oz T ablets;, which I . I
nerves, Whea the face, is Pale And Chicago Oct $-Five hundred glove- �S!Ckly childi the pale youn tlxur.Gre .
. . )T - .1
the eyes lack. lustre when thez e aire makers sin oyed in. four factories . es lineman, fell from a, Is sU mon*,hs ago, Any por
headaches aad backaches, shortness went on istrIC yesterday for increased -woman, all -want human flesh telephone po e at Londbu and was son wishing any infortnat! I . TO GREAT FARKY PAPER
wiled, . I on
of breath and palpitation of the heart wages. I and they can get . I will gladly give IL I 'have . .
the blood is seriously out of condition, . - it-t"ke , Robt Balley's grisf mill W. Union, I . � .
and decline and cons mption may ALL ARB,SHUT OUT I pear St Thomas, was burned down re. The Family Herald and I
11 Scott's tmulsion, l'oently, � recommended them to several .
_Iwell be feared. In cmergencies of Akron O., Oct$ -A *1colour rush" at persons and they say the same � . ,
this kind there is no inedicifie so. cer n Scott's, Em The R & 0 steamer Carolina was re- . or Montreal,
tain in its beneficial results as Dr W .1 ' Buchtel College yesterday resulted I ulsion . is flesh Weekly Star, -,
I 14' the facility suspending. every man in leased from the rocks. in the Saguenay AsIdo, . . . .
liams Pink Pills. Every pill,makes the two lower classes, I and blood, bone and -muscle. River. . . . . le �f . _. I
new rich blood, strengthens the rier- - . Mrs. NeM Mivill- . � I
ves and puts the sufferer on, the road CONCERNING LOCAL MATTERS It feeds the nerves, strengthens ' Mrs Sarall Ruglies, wife of Uon DX . 202 Center Ave., . .OLW:D - . . 1.
to health, Proof of thio is found in Baltimore Md., Oct 8 -The seventh I . I - Rughes, senior judge of Elgin county, I e,l,onto r
-�tbe ca e of Miss Bertha Xilloy, Fort annual convention of the League of the digestive lorgans and- they is dead. . . Toronto, Ont,. ' The
� I
Dalhousie, Ont, The story of this American Municipalities is in session. . I Miller's Compound Iron Pills, (1111 Fifty Tron�rm T-0,1(ti, in -1 .�ttnwtive I
ounglady's restoration to health is here. . � . . feed thowhole body. I . 25 cents for 5U doses, Sold by R Z al . .'� �, -a . , - " , . . t n New Era
Zold by her mother as. follows � I 'A. BIRD OF � EVIL. O-M.RN , I . . . Reekie. . 111111111114. PUC4�in c v_ 2.5 t1t I 1.1.1; 1.� 'W` I I I � I .1 � . . I @&I
. For nearly'-thirt � . - . r-
fewyears ago my daughter Bertha I .y years' ' � gists, (jr.,,_, pv_..,�.:�'. � i . -i - . Zradlrm ift Canada.f the United *ates o
New York, Oct 8-Sainuel J Parks, I ' A hurrimne'swe�t over Oermany pri, I � . I : To an '
began to decline in were !c' """""-"""' �";11"*:* "" * ] . eat utit Jaun, -
th health. Among walking delegate of the Houseallaitble 'Scott's Emulsion has been -the and wrimilber of pe9ple killed or %LQ(l,,,7,�a�,.ez�-i:,,;;, ,, Britain U . ary 18. , , 19.04,.-
a e early symptoms were loss of and Bridgemen's Union, predicts a I Injured. . . . . I . . . I . I I I. �
, , . . . . . I
ppetite, loss of strength and an Aver- ; co great giver of human flesh,, - � . I I I for the 8111101 $URI of 25C.
f;l()n general building strike over the UU, . � .1 Mrs V . -edin, of Hamilton ' 7 , I . � I
to exertion. These were followed . . , , gertoli Bt ' . .
try. . . . . - Qf . committed suicide by swallowing car� Something New In Hotels. .. I � price, .
b . , � I .
f y severe headaches, and sometimes . We,will send you a'coupl_ Something YOU doWt want is dear at a4y 1
. I .
I � � � .
ainting fits; her color left h,,r and she � WHITE AND GOLD : . � . bolic acid. , . . . I . I . . .1.
. . I . ounces free. I I -thur Salvish- To whom It may coneerni we but here is something yo a 40 w aut and 1, ought ,to
was I reduced in flesh. In fact I Newport, R, I., Oct 8-A -white And I . . . or osing arrest Ai , I .
her Foneditt'lion was such that, I feared toldstatuary designed. ball room is 13PWN I 8, Cheryllsts , I inrYl, of1panUlton,'was fined ten dollars leave to call you bfol- , have, and if the. pric is not low enough 66 we ask .
SCOTT& ' . - I r attention to the e . I
she would go into consumption. We eing completed in Paris, at a cos' - of Toronto. . ontA,rlo. an4 costs, . . I lowing novel. feattires of *the upriva . - own . price. . . .
I . . .. o,ur I r ,
tried a number of medicines but they, $50,000, for Airs W Storns Wells'. cott- . I . you to, name y the
� I Soc,,and $z,00; all drugests. Miller's Drink Cure. -Is safe, effectual up-to-date society hotel, which the un- . . ' �
did not help. -her; then a doctor was age hpre. . . . ,.� .1 I . 1, and call be readily taken. Sold by, R dersigned propose to build, if suffieJout The, Ne* Bra will supply you with all
I � 1. . . � I. '
�c"Iled in, but there was no. improve, ' WAS IT BAD PLAYING? I - I . . . ��- P Reekie, I . , . encouragement is forthoomingi . 1. and the "Family Herald and Weekly
Ment, and things looked very hopeless. I . . . I . I The architeoture will be a combtna- Joeal. news, I . . 0. �
At this stage acting onadv:oe of a lady Jackson, Miss., Oct 8 -,rhe parading . I . . I Mrs Le Burtis.'of Wo9olstook, will , th4 .
. I I I � tion of Queen Anne, Gothic, lyl,00risb, . star 11 will give you the 119wo, of the. World and the -
friend (who, by the way, was stoidb�g baild of the "When Johnny Comes . - be prosecuted by the Ontario Medical and several ektinat ityles, the Purp" . e . . . .
. I I I A -RevIval'of Roque.-, Council for telling medicine. � � . a,- general,. wholpsome read"
medicine and is now t, , in Marching Home" company while pass, . . . greatebt amount .Of goo
prac iclu I � . I being to secure adequate cornersior oon- . � . I . . - .
Chicago) I started giving her Dr gvvil�. Ing through the streets frightened a * I - "The torture of tootbache is quickly �enlent exclualve g 4 ,rhe *.
. I An outdoor game f o,r old men has I - . .!�wlp; also, as far as � 4 ing to be found in any newspaper zin. . . I
liams Pink Pills. In the course of a niuleto''death. .. . - . - ' . . 1811 W a ma,rked revival In popularit, relieved. by Low's Toothache . Guni. possible, Iving a private entrance to . . .. � . - . - is N% 01th te=tll(i: yoa.,r 0 .. I
few weeks there was a decided im- , tj Pricel0c. Ilefusesubstitutes. - eacli guest. All rooms will flizvo front. .. agricultural news 61011,o6 I
� I .
TO THE'FAR SOUTH, h? . . . . - .. . .
vement in her condition, and by� I I . . t 4 year In, the United States.. Roque , .� This, arrangement will prove a conven- .. . ., � . I
tro E Clark, Its name, a,n14 It fa Interesting and gea- Part of the Algoma Central track at . sObserlption. . - . - 1. . I � I ,. . I '
he time she had taken nine boxes Boston, Oct 8, -Dr Francis' �e pargait, of the word Slaolit Ste Marie, was blown up -with .."ience to young people in the evening, '. . '.
she was again enjoying perfect health� president of the World's Christian Ve. Croquet.is. ft I . . . . . . presout� subscribers to this �aper, can .have the .. .
Rudeavour Union, will visit New Zea-, zoqut. Take away froon'the t4al Oro. 'dynamite byunknown parties. I xrticularly as the management guaran- . .. I I I
During her illness hermeight was re- . .., . Yees that the. elleatrie light connectloris' , ' iiFamlly Herald and We Stafl xititil Jaiwary let .
land. Australia and, Tasmania, and quet Its first letter aad -its last, and the � .
duced to ninety-five pounds and while William Steele, formerly of Harnkl- will be out of order at least twice a - ' ok' at is office, I . . I
takingthe pills it' increased to one hoideonventionso'n. the island. ' - term roque remairis. Inlike mintier, ton, committed suicide at -Cal � . Week. '. . . I I . . for 20o by leaving their subyaqriptions, thi ...
. I I - � take away froin the game of croquet Ito clitiing his throat with a rf�:40r. goary' : 1. : I I � . . . . .1.. . . . .
hundredandten pounds. 'My advice . IT WON'T WORK, - : . foollslones*.and its inAccuractea, and -the I.. . . . � Each room,will be fitriiiihed, with our . . . � - - - - - - . 1, .
to other mothers who have weak * ot . - .. - I how your co*plexion has 'I orneter,li 8'a . p-, . 0*040#0 #"*#"#"4t1l01 . . I - - - �� _,_ .11
' . - Th' 400t game of roque Is'. left, sky. the roque, ex- I . . Oh, my especially ,:, enlre4m'!vital r . . . �
ailing girls is to lose no time. in giving Wide Water, Va.,Oct 8 800 , parts.. , � . , . improved. Yes; �MIIIOVS Conipdund plying sea r 0 ountain air of SU3. �. .�, - :.,
them Dr Williams' Pink Pills6 . .steel built4lying machine, thb climat I r R , . desire I . .. . . � .11 or send your. sllbserlotl6n to - '� . -1
Nearly all the ills of life are due to. of years of exhaustive study by Pr6f:8 , me as -sole 011 'bil .. . � . CA . . -
Ro o) as .. Iroin Pills did it.,. Sold by. R -P eekie, aRitud& on d6hrand. if , -d -,the, . . . .� .
(Ins Is, a ga A . ' . . .
b cured by Dr L Langley, secretary of the Smithson- liards, but its rules' resemble croquet's An imaneuee concour§e" of people at- rooms will'be Atted,with movable soen- . . . . ' . . .. I . 1. I .
ad blood, and they ai e proven a ,rules. There - it a p6g, like a croquet tended the funeral of the late ,Dr I.i4no, r Inted to order by tw6. Royal Aca- .
these pills make new, riell blood thiis . .. I * , , . ..,Pegp I .8, I , . a Purpose, - I. -, - , �.. I .�
, i DRATHSAIVEDHIM , are Alne wickets, like cro okets, iiist week. - ; . . . . ; . . 1. ... I
Williams Pihk Pills simpl . y beca.use ian Insti . tut . p, has . , failure.' . I I . I ery I . : . .. - I ' � 'lar, a. --
. at each end of -the' court; there derkill, at H nover on Thurs day orf - de'no Cans to be e6p�elally'lmported for �
bringin� strength to every part. of the �.- . .quet wi th The di . vidin' walls .of the rooms will . 'The, L -N ' - I . . .
body. hat is the "t In & regular croquetlike. �atternj ,, C:1 �a, g3 fit oc� XL . 9 - . I .- ew . I �
whole. secret,.. and . Oakland, Cal., Oct., 8 "Geb Jones 93 .through. 06 .. - X .&.-. be of Dapler-mache, and'adunding.-boards . .. .1. . . � . , . � .. . I ; 0 .
is the reason why these pills have years old, Who was in jail for IS - years ore -are balls 'to shoot I TheKindft*flave wo 800 Win be -introduced when *.requested by LL . . . .
.F "�, the Alwal .0. . .. . . � � .
. .
.. I
a; � . . t , . I
cured after other medicines have- fall- ;,waiting trial, died yesterdf%y. He was, tokets , Just,ao IT% croquet, an(r- there . .. . . . , . , ton , -.gll . n I � . .
All medicine dedlers sell, these ( .are malt t � . like oroquAmallets, where- i E."galture , bard -hearing neighbors. . I I . . .
-ed. . -onvicted of murdetr, but a Paralytic I d I . .. Electrio calls in every room. Will 000n- , . . in . ,. . O.. 0 1 . . 1.
; but there are some who offer stroke kept hiin� on his bed. .. � with to Tit these bitlIs '. But the. roque I - ' d�.hov"',Vizdir_ ot with elerjymea� of all delhomina- - : I el, I I . I I � :,
. ... . I .. � . . . . . . court Is as. firm and, mooth "as w bil- I li� late -Senator., ne � . . . .
,puillstitutes ; sed that the full name . .. . . l 0 . The' funoihd�.of, i I 'tions I , ,
lq:)r �' STEELASSARli-TKING.'' liard- tWbIs and Its boundaries are.of ' Larlderkin .'took p*e at Hanover, And. �. -aud guests will press the button I I . . . . . . -
Williams Pink -Pills for: Pals -.. . . . shouid they require their survioies day or - - 0"O""e""""10 911".. .
People' is printed du the wrapper- . . � . . . . iubberl, go"that - bills may carom 'from I �hded, repri3sentativois I . � . . I .� . .1 IlAw" - .
, . was. "W6,,,, 'f�oommons. Fjea supplied . - -
. I
around every box, If in. doubt -send Ne�*�York, Oct 8-Mu6ctdrs of tbe them as from a�-I)IIIiard-table's'alishions.�� to the ly:attl .. and Senate night.. 'Dismet, witnea __ . 611. &P., - ! � -- . -,- ,--7-----= .
� .
-United States Steel'Corporation IlAv4�. . . I I � . . -I., .. . Plication. � . . . . I ..", . I . � . � . . . . -UC3- 8T10M:M- - . . ..� _.
direct, to the Dr Williams Medicine. declared a� 'dividend of one-half of orie The balls, themselves are soU4. 'ttibb�r, being present.. � - Chinese; - French, - It I altan and German. . . I ' 00M:8:078, 7D _R � I I �.. .11
Co, Brockville, .Onit., and tho� pills . . The wickets, 'of -'bright steel, are 'onlr - uces, swel- 1. -charge of .the �uisine on . . . . I . I � . -
wilibe eitbymailat59'cenfs-.& nox' per a ut. instead of the .usual � 4ui!rter. .on . e, .. � r]. liagr.rd's.,Yleliow Oil red' chefs *111 have . I 1�. : I . . I .
, , , -duqrter of.an Inch broader at the I I I
. ly dividend of One per cent� ,' :.ling, a I 'a inflamination,_tAkee out . . .. I . I . i I .. � . 1. I
. .. . .
,or si . .. I . 1. . . . . . baso"thoirl the balls that mu I A be shot stiff i6inU, eto.,'rnore. effectul- � . . alternate. d a thus eusurlrig.�.X gerivine. * , ; . .... I I I ' . . . - . EverythIn 4 I F ,
- - I
. . . � I . I .., I " ('of .
x boxes for $2.50, . .-i- - 17
. . . � F 0 d . . . . I .. 1: IV �;- . . I * Thi. short mallets' laie ,pain, an .cures exits, burns, ,bruises; internation, ayak.apsilas , , . resh
- - . � . thr h them�. , - r th.Ing.X . I . .
I . NkPRDS PRO ED. TRUR on" with . -.0ur bell -boys will be mutte, our chia�.� E ye, y . ew it I . 1. ..
. I I tippe(T *Ith rubber'. and "bound s " � I I I .. . - , .
t , on ]Dan' lyrtabina' anyoffier remedy.- . I., . . - .: - . I -
. . . .. , bermaids will boblind, our. coachmen .' . . : - Sarg pa - .
. . I I I . 1, � Riohiland, denfre, Wiss, Oct S -T& brass or all -ver, and the zqaterial used In .. . .. . * five '�bun- d -be . .� . . Combel�. � .a irilla .. �, . . . .
. . . I . . .
'Rev Jacob Marks,. agee 74, fell hlt0. a their. making Js rosdwood oi Turkish A delegation representib will be 6af, tolephop'e operators will .
Anotber illustration or the'fact that ' � -ench-Catiadianfamile§, settled . diiahaTied , twice daily - every otheT , : . . .. .. . . . . . . . . ._ . .. . . -0
chair' and.died.at the.elote of a few.rp- boxwood or ligroxini vitae.or amaranth.' dred Fx I ., ,and . . I t, -
. in ic igan, .- secure pri-facy. -Irif - irkof, -
Huronites come to the front it! almost In . . . M, h* interviewed Canadian effort will be made t6- The strorigest bloaa p Ler da tae :n� ...per b)ttl6 $1 '
arks to a church c6idbrence,in Which Itoolde, In. a woril, is- croquet,�'but cro. - . .. . I . . . . . . .. . 1. .1 . . � ... ..
. . , - hand ., _ � : . ... ,., .
every sphere of life and in Whatever he dwelt on the. uncertainty of life. - - I qu6t. made scientiflo agents in Detroit, with a view to emi- Our mosquitoes will be -fid with' . . ... � .� .
paxt of the world their lot iiiay. be - I . . 4. � etfooted, cro . � .. I . . I - If , � . . . . . .
.. . . �. -Ws ill I I I ..."
I . I 1 . ..,.. 1: lu,% op: the skill i6t, Its d4o! grating to -the . .i . . ... . �.., � .0.11 .10-r..,.
. . . . p . . I [ples ae- uanallipin - No thwest. ..kgamomermis oulionis. These a7id'other, 8 �lcj r P )*. ,
cast, is given b th pecial. corres- - -- - � . . . . .r. . . . . .. .. . . . I I I I .
th Jorconnetc�,8tar who re - A-DESPBRATE OUTLAW. ,..' uire,.-sud admirable ars: thed IMPrOV-3m -Agents aviar;ige -$6.00 a day the *16a],- undesirable Insects N,611.hot be permitted ;'.': ..' � '. ,, . . I .. . � I . .. . . .. I � � '. .
* . I I
pondentof e _ . ; � . . .1 . . . 11 on tbe'piemis.es. , 1, - . . , .
cently accompanied the Press. excun, * Burns, Oke..,*.Oct*S�-Inan attempt to rleatiil .that the game makits. In their rot1jid sellin ' a Always' in . aud best -per lb. 252'. 1 , . .
.. . �. � . . g our goo 8- - A sFioidfal chamber will be fitted With - - * . . . ,. * Tbe� purest, , , . 11
- health. I . . .. q, ".. use.; 316use old.necessitieS not fitols ' . I - . . . I I . . I
sionists to. the Temiska,ming district. arrest au'696ap6d priabil" namod John I It Is Interesting to, oonsider the care or luxuries. , No. '04t1ing ,ung eleetrocul�on.,,chairs, and' .1.
I . � dull sek4on. Write . . . . . . . ' . _.
. . '...,
Whilethere the excursionists visited Frost, John G Saxton,'' a' well-known . , othpr sufadaf convenienoes. .. � I. . I .. . � ost,Received: 'This. Meet � , 1,
-� and Jack West, A rancher,. . with whidh a �pque court Is ma4e;'The soil I U Marshall & Co, London, Ont., .. .. � � . . . . I , � . �, .. . 1, .
the New Liskeaxd fall fair. One of attorne; . . � ,. 1 � � . Arianjem6nta will be made for a satls-' - . .. i I . . � I . � . � , . .. . . .,
. 11 . W, .. - � . :- - , .. L I - i I I
. t s � ;- first Ii dugout t& .& level about, two I MrsCard�ayoimg.. innipegwoman Its. that '- y , . � - , . ,
,he "special attractions" At the fair Were killed by 1�ro t, who escaped'. I . feet fAd I Wry. time -table, and. affi4vi . Rubber Spongest �
Which, a five- - . " ... . I .- .� � .� b6low th,a one which. the court will ulti- . Hellebore - � . , , . . � '
. .. . ' rebuked -66fne boys who were eilaoking . . �. . . �
wasa "Beauty Show'," in . I . ........ .. �� trains left ahead of schedule time � will I . � .. .. .1 . Di4a'Baby?owder� . . .. ..
ize was offered for the 0 - . . - . ." . .. . nksitely havoi.. A base Is then,made of' cig�14tes,,when one,6f .t.hem, picked . be . - . . . . . .1 Supn . � ' ' "
. . .
on the grounds. The corres- HOW ONE' MILLION'. 113 SPENT. ' ' orit, and on thii b . .issued to married,oneii on'payment; (of - . - .
dollar pr .rat . , . big ' ' age up a sinall rifie and shot her as she ' . .. en, . �
tiest girl stonsa'atiolcind ' the notary fee I ' .. . . , , . Paris Gre ' _. .: . . Menupie Bo'rated"T'alcumv
. . C; is ., I . L L. . . . I .. ,
[ 1!��
'arr, M. Pi P-,' Not less' that'one -M myers of smaller aildsmaller stones are ard . . . . . .. . 1.
says: Milton C illion. dollars is I .was walkin$.'a*ay. ' Miss . - now.- Addrbss' ' . . 1. S. oeley, . c % L ,
pondent . . . . _ I . d . . et. . : A or! :an P&f nt�i '
and Dan McGillicuddy were named &s. anrinall� spent *by &Leople seekin all- set, .until finally. there, Is e, top layer at wound is serious. - .. I .. I I L . !Bla Ston ....'. .8 . m 1. . .
, -bbe Upito-D&6* LL I .0 . . _.... .. . : I
. . . . I . . I . � . . . . I.
. . My 'Petty- absolute on" for - atarrh'Brone, Itis - fine gravel. The nillating .to have Askin To - - '..: - , I" '* I '. , "' I I Li I . . ... L . fl . . . . �,
-Commissioners to judge, I 1. I i gravel Is covered., with , . . . , " � ,
Also named, buthe defaulted. and Oon�rumptio'n.'L Numerou's'are the. I ilT-inch- coat of. richest,. ' e4t clay, - Yes, it is hiii '. 'L L It. . plcill� . . I I.. `� . ..: , . : . , ., .� - , . Pbofograp I 'SUPP less . - . I .. '... . . I � I � L
ece was ' covered wIthL foul -'._eruptions. - - . . . L L � _ ... . .
a a aanTafter.thid has boin'mAtremstically I is L I 1. - - , . . I__ I ... . L . I � . � L. I
Ve sa,id he had been judge, at a' baby 'remedies, but the� one,st n ing prd� -too, for thwburning and'"itchL - - am . 0-�-�' .. . . p I .. . 1. .. I . . I . I I I I . i
show once, and aftbr : levelled, and rolled L to a' brivitlike.. firni� ,painfxil, . .1 � ' Whynot' end. -. �... , ..�. I.. 1. .. � I 1:1 . � . I . �. � I . - . .. . " L ' D'ft q18t
L the experience, eminentlyL above all Others"$ "Catallrb- ,in give you- no peace. . I . . .. . . . ,
icit, he. ozofie.L -.1t.pures thosia diseases because L nefis,' It is: sanded. with a tiny - Afthif -Of I and restore your skin to its , . L � I L. .11 .. ... . . L. A 13 eombe, ehemist. and . . 0. I ., . _
betook the pledge7to be e4l' I , U : I . . .
vowed be - w6uld never act in a kind- it is sure to reach them. Oatarrb-'. white ipi�jsand., khi a6uit,s -aimens ons tee trouble. , Blitis,h importsfoi September in- -, . .1 I .. . . . .� . ________�
L - natural lairriess.with Weaver`0 Cierate? -de . . -_ -_ . . .�_ L I
.t ), by thirty-six'K,t; and .. . . .. I. I - 00' and �- exports -! . . : . I .1 . . .. 1,
red 17�9&in. The commission dione it inlialed into* theJun tbroat are oeVenty-tw4 I . . I -_ - -_ - L created .$18,433,5 ,, , , . . . . .. . . I . . ... I I . . 1. I ...
ers fcol,p,nadc [ght one. In- 'and nasalpasiag . Eile's every Its b6unqarids of �vopd have .rubber, ' - .- . [ , , ' ,L . . - . : a. . I.
their taslr no li -es, and bat ... � . .�, . 1. . . I.. . .1 I 1. I .. creased $%401�,ZW, - � * .� � -:. - � . .. , .. . .. . . . I -11 11
, . 1.
... . . � ow's, .
side of ten minute . I . ' � . 7 "I purchased a"boftle "of - Or Tj i A- a ,
pool -or billiard- 1i tdn'S ,� D.601ol'And
s they had found a ' art o - t e iseased membrane: with c�Monos, 61iip�d like . , ,� I ? 0, , � sh . 91. . .
. . .
d they had- a: i germ -kill' g, healing vapour., You. table ouAhloi.no,'-which present to the ball'. ... . .. . . , .. Worm Syrup J . ��i . . , :, I I I I ..L 1. I. . . . .. . .
scoreof "aligibles," all, . , L -A Noble Renunclatiow: . I I rbjr My little g1r, 9.J years, � L., , I . I . . .. .
I . � 4 I. . .. I . I
. "ie L , , . . .. .. Erxu and -'gave her the , medicine,. - - Fadto' . '...':'', I.'. . . 1
hard time making ur) .their minds. I si ply it-je 0 Catarr1ozone and it 'a sh,iv ,*a go -that It will,Tebtlund .. _. .: � % � . I . . .. . The� Bli d ry . I .
. .
Finally. thev produce . ri'ee *dand:%.at,&Ugg18tS, L frour-t9e; V'riskly � .. The court is,.roll.04 . . I L.M . , L und ,-.- A , .. .. � . �. I.I..... . I I .
d a red ticketv cures. L . :Sheturriod.fro him:withagreat.sob, resuit was she pa'ssed fifteen to . L . I - .. 1. . . . . . �
. I ' ' . . . I
. 1 . I . . I
. . . , , m2provaill I" , . 1.
and.witha clothes pinfastenedit to' or. -pblsqn,& C:.., Xing0on, Ont, L . daily, first with �a heavy,- and - afterward . her convulsold frame shaken. by. Irrepre?,, -In five days 91 * ' L ' . .1 . � . .. a th; jery'l%tesU L' 5 L
L p. . , . .. I . I Worms ' . -This,favetory 10 the Isigeat in thoi'obaat�,. fond he ' L ,. I
.j e L'ti, .L". , ' I . .� . .. :� .. � .�. Mrs'J3 ROk,: Kilmaiiagli, Olit. . I lot 40 - L
the coat lapel of the fair-hafred, blu6� , I- -- . .1.1 L � . ,,, _. - �L: I -With 4. light,, roller, - 'It is dally-waterad, sible 1110 ,on . � . . I, ... . I I oik on tbe abdrie 06g..'..wle�osrry su exiiensive . .
.. I � . I . I . . chinery, capable of doing w . '. t .
. eyed damsel. "Now, we -wrtnt to*know ... . . . L 11 Azid�'spzded, and after every, Same the. . nit -it to toirribloo, t4rriblia, Frederick," I I . . ik ,ina-prepiriila i A , , timates for.andboina sitoiisgs I
' � . I . . L .. L L . I : The.test, of the famous Langle� My- - � and relit.ble sto( plAns. an give es ., ' J '
e,"Lsaid NN McGillimiddy., ." ' �'� � . � I -ound -about.'the'.wicketi Is levelled she falterad'. "My. father *..hol but yes- . . L ; oil. Ajr.r, n6l;iod; %a Fon'tha clogest pdoas. Allwackle 84123713. �, - - .4
'L .. '' I . . I gr I newQod, levelling board�' , - L sh�� tit W idle � �Water, Va.,, resulted .in, es of buillingE - '
, L
41th 4 �1' . to . I A C()11?PIete. failure. I , , . -� m.3 . . k,,aaa.p&tisf.%aitoa goismoiised. - We sell 0�11' �ind JL. of . in.. .
-And I don't.waxit to tell. you,'! � re- � . .ulti-million'laire, Is to�day % . : *. '.- * - - edift - *4 100 -IM .. 1. ,
turned the girl, 'who auparently - One . of Peris 011ivier's'- Rock, v.: very . I .1 I . I ..-. rday WGA A in I 0 1 r . '... ..." I .1 . .,. ., ,. I . . I . 4 . I � & - - ' terio . . , . i_
L .
'r"sed wo� ' - - __1. _-__ . , . 11 (ored bink- , I - I . . r and extbrioi material. .; �
th?ught these inc, g �:fo .'adges �were a beautiful And 'handsomely A , a bioken, iL permileal a diah . I � . . I.
, .. . I I . . �. I . .. A London dealer says the horse War L I sor , . .
. . . � . . ,
. I " one . 1. .. . ruptl". . .. or. , S 0) g 811n4s.. Etd' I
pairofbold, bad men. Explanations, corn ng very late to: church., ' ' - . : I ket is dull, the only demand -being f LAMWBiq Uth.Shlft,rleg, Lima, uh',
At morning,. caused aome, d4burb- . I . L -Aq .bid L Whlgpero,�half , . -1 .. . ,�
were made, but to no i 19A - I I is that?" he''. I . . g,56d drivers,'.whi&l1L will *bring. tr0ro Agent for the Celebrated . Notarea
avail. Finally � .8 .L . 1. inareduloValy. '. . I I * . I .. . . . . . , �;RAY 131146 501400L 0814K, mxro,� I
. the. lady's mother came to the rescue.L 1111108 ind Air anlong�UL6 wbisbippoirs by ; Ths:,Correct Attitude. I ey,esto his, $1 to $150. . . . . . � at taiioor asti aiiagetprioei,inlestim%tes befozeptlotuAll yoae�or,iect � . . 1. .
- . I I I Z 1. . ' -wh I . . . .1 I. L . .1 L I . . ..
411 will tell Von her narne."' she said.. her entrance, aild interrupted -the gow oy. ". . .. � .. I 15hie lifted -her tear-otalne4 .1 I . I .. . . .,. . .. I I ... . . . � I .. I I L. .. L.. I -
. . ,lanamutely. bowed -her head. . I . The body of a well-dressed 'man Was - , , . I. , . - .1 L . �
ther, who$ . � . . � jail, y - . _. PilOPRIET01to '. I I . I
-It is Cornelia May Dii0iu." '-Then eloquence of 66 worthy fa A collision has oceurred. - near. Axicaster, . $.So., CIO ..)PER' I .. . . . .11
' '
Cornelia May got her $5 Theyfound vety irritable. and easll� put out, saidi ., rkh,e driver of the motor 'applieg..hIs _ "Surely,there may be-thero must be," found onthe wa %4, . I . B L L:, 'L '
I , � ,& . strained, hos tg,- but. so far -not been. identified I . I . .. ... . I � .1 . I.. , . .:, I
that the Dunking came from. Huron "Madamo perhaps whited to,ti& her b and oom'es to a full stop and -an hewbilt On, in .. roe accen has - 'how. deatK . 1. General nadet, and, 06tractor. . . I . I . .
. . L
I .. .� .
I g n : W", - To - , "there wilFbebomething saved. from the .Therq'is nothing.to show: . ... . I . . . -L L' : . .. . . . . L - . �.
county. and then they - chocolate. before coming to chUr . eallyi hilf-itorned attitude. of Ititerroga.- . 11 occurred.' .. . 1; I . I .* 1 .. . - ., L .., I .1
McGiffleudolv with collusion Miss this, madamej hy� no meano abashed, gra- gon, . - 1. . � . 1. I .� 7reekf" i ' - - - ' * . .1 . I 1. L . . _ . � . I L' . L" I I . .1 I . 1. I'.,.
. I I . .
Dunkin, on ilays that are not fair day fed- "Yes, moll . I "Nothingl" she Xoe exted iii - a dull,. . I . W L ' I .., . . - W.- , L h - . I . .
teaches 9 � . L . I I
house about six miles from New Lisk- makes s, brief yet exalcafoia-. ru I I . . L 1. �11 I ..
I celated-that the Amerleazt-60111- 5 .. � bia bilenee' $IjnWWe �.__�_-^_N7 , . . I . . - * -
clously repl ., .. , Pero; &AdL � . The companion of the Injured pedes- * It O.: , e is irretrievably C:11 AL, 03 W 41� 3M'X -A, i- . I. I
. ,
chool in a little frame s.cho I ... I : I trian stoops overthe i ble forno.mol, , he eless Mono On 4 ,.... - . Alwap Bought .Web f. . P
01 two'rolls with IV" , ' � � L ' 'Ve,"h9flng - All, all Is lost." OPIN Kind You Havo ns.. - .
,, Ined. Bears the I
. .L L . .
I . . I . . L .. 11 I . - I :L We"hL&VO .skoaktoseleotfia ,.-A . I
eard. . .. I .. ., it is . 114o arts at a Pails exPosi�' ; tion, . ._ . ...F � _� .. -For i I few - mom ' on . ts ' ; fik . .1 . . . 11!�� ..,��, the neat ,in .. a a nest altyles I 4thalwe9aeolois.4 L .
I . I . mlialoner of I IL I '. . I . I � orlL02 roship -
. . . . . %
. . � . 'li.: . ches*.Jho . relined, . � or . . .,L L , , " Our Tsvices Ar ' . . I
� tion once wrote to several iartlsti�to - Then, cap In hand, he- approg. . . , ' , .. . .. . . as low. as can be foaadlor'fir - Ise. 0, - m6de . rial and W. .. .
-s&yln that 'he vibrating 'ear, and simply sayss- � 14ertruole," he at length-lisidi and As . of iondon,l' was - � Before ycu btiy call I sna see us ' L .'.. . 1.11.1 .. . .. .. I . I .
MUDDY COMPLEXION , - Whistler among .theon S.. ' he spoke -the look ol indecision griolduall . John J.. Cochran, ,L ! . oe" tilregay woyen, a, ' f . -
. . L would: be in Parts :shortly, -ant m,en-tion- 40n *41f . 61 my friend, who'. has di j An-nio g6egArlj .at L . ' . I , , .nys. SEXPLer .
' , fuller vQ � married to is . ..
. Pale, sallow, yellow skin' tells ot a . , faAod from Me brow, while 0- f. MI I L . . - , We 41so handle the Gang,dila 9teei Fleld Fen L . I I
. ing tho- time ak whiA, and th4 Place locate(t-.hTs-v6rtebraeo'tractureA'his tiblap: - I I I � I . . I I call erect from g6 to 80 -rods per day, it is a cheap atrol:ogfende. - I . I - .. L
torpid, sluggish liverand impurities in d Infilate(I * -his L trembling 11amilton lastweek.. . . . I . 1. . . . . 1 . ... . I L 1. I
. I 1.
, w5e "he would -like tbLew to callupon spftiued his, ankle) and is evidently suf-. 11146. Of . . . . . . . .. . . I ., . ., . . 0 L I � L' �
. � , I . . I to �
. , I .
reinbv- - re "..Xqlm b say- all 16 lost ' IJA0 he, mol V 'to�ldatb I This ' I . .. .
sk - brafil� r;. voices 46 110 . - I I � L
the blood w ich will be 6utirelv L d to call'. foring,from concoissio an, his only Rilld, left to , Well but wha abott - , I ftvost � . lintom � ..
� T1 of the Somethingnewa
; -
ed when Dr Chase's Kidney�Llv6r Pills him. . Whistler wus a e y'bumbleo.polo es", - not 'y I Mint Yes, .is all very � b the old. (Zeo.� La -113 : W. � k#& 9 . . . . .
at foar-thirty prectsely.,. lfq'-Wrotet� beg to,offer you rn� ' lovel' Your duty havd stood the test Of thild? '%A . .1 I . . . . I � L . . .
, h . . ty ,In;. . I I 1 . . I . I . . . 'I, -
are used. This great medicine awakens " Dear Sir' - I ave - received ' r . And the moto�ist� with a hatogi my p.jeolous, rq on things that I . � I ,
, I I . L - . -
the action of thelivei, invfg6rates the CIng ,that L YOU you I . Klzi;ib. Your wholil .Now -there is the I'D & L" E mulsicn. ;
kidneys and regulates the bowels. As a letter announ .I con L nation -of the lhgad, accepts the explAW1 Is 010a - �1 , , , . , , I . I
- - .
In .,Paris: on the -th. will'be � oil ad Immediately prbe . eidS to..'re- life lauji.Se doyoted,-aye- sacrificed It everybodyL knows you Callnot find & L . . .. I � I . to this, paper
gratu- ation a . . . . . 0 ou g troubles! r I ription .
result digestion is improved, bodily . � - a on his wild eare,qr. I ulseovWxy to the author I 41 befil ationfor all.lun I our SON �
I late You ,have never been able IV . . Ln I . NOW is W, tLine to renew y . . L
disappear and the health is bone- - -1 L to be anywhero I ti of his w4alt better prepar . . I . . '.I . . . ..
. I . . and never shall.bo ableL #or such Is the rule of tht roAd. .'. the father who In the I . _- __
. , � . - . �
I rt eind, 1i . .. . I . . . 0 anot power denied, you notlingi who our. The small schooner Transvaal was � . I . .1
" I I , ,overed on her beamend in the Bay ,
� at 'four-tbir reeliely�l Yours. most . , . disc _ww
n every way. . . .� .womil. I-
I L I I � I I a With L, elverY I . __. . I . . I t . .. .1. . . . �
- - - . . . L . :- -rounded yo uxury money of Fu 1. . I . I I .1 . . . . I .. .
. . I K. . Sympathotle. . I � - 66U.J& " P nay, and itis feared,that lives : *. � * .
. L faithfully, J,. e , Whistaer," . . I , '. I . ��. I. . .,
. , . ' - . . . I urehass. slid made: YOULT life � . . . I . . I . �LL -
L .
The action against the Salvation By him tact and lamlabill. Sir -Thomas ... I _ have been lost. . � I I . ' 11111�� -_ � .. . -
a itfti.bespangled dream of � flowers. , 1. " L I '.
y at Hamilton, was dismissed.14st til . . ibuit, pari, and for .,,A'Li Know" Will be- W L . . L I
Arm . . Liptoil hag ma,do.thougli-n a of friends Young wife (rather neryvusly)-�011, :IG�r�rtide, Ve . ttle Cold, �.'011 -vvedto , . . . I I . 14 I . . I '
rL90 Wall durblohis vidit -in New York City. One abok, I must really spe, L I you back your freedom com,
frightened by the Army-druni'and ran day recently on' the �rtlrlu!' he wag, master is always complaining.' Ono olay ow_ t reach dininfroin the throat to the
. ,h 0, Heart.b;Token, crushed th
away, the occupants of the rig being *4Uhijig the �%h%mrukl* from the it:js the soup, the ,second day It I* the - j as it leaves I t 0011' lungs- NIP the Per" in the btLd- wi I
. . I . Ivt_l� . land wretch d to AllWsLung Balsam,: a, sure remedy ave� the m.,
week, Geo Kingston's lic, ak to you. Your; : 113; I give d�& great danger if it be allo .
, �Ir oneel .
injured. . .w in e, . . .
L I . .. I bridge, and his guests, araolij. hom wereL (Isho the third "y it is the Jo sent to carry this great giltvfowib�'ma , , . I
11. i r ,thing or atbfm. . .t Claims containing no opioiln� . . . I . .
-1-L . . gomepetty gi, , he deck bd- fact It's always . some the grave; for what Are MY' ptt, .. . . .. ,
i i low, afteened from the sun by awni�p- 300i (with , 6e in ') - ell Kay I I,- * , T . ur f -stmlr of Blotiso Meter.:
- '. . I 9 . " - "'n - compared to his lifelongone6t . he evacuation -of .Manchuria by the � . . . 6 .1ull. %JJ3. . I �
� Sir Them" went down to chat *it)kL t jaxbtry ou, It .t C � seeing she was about to speak-'Il:16 not Russian tro6 s should begin to-d&yj .1 .
I . theML for a JOW mInute5; and'thejL ftiaj h MI to -liVe Wit a geiltl n of Thill . . �t ttotight that t1le .agr�e- , ' I' S. fo]e Lf L exclusi e patterns
I L imman me; do not praise me for in no. butit is no: I all.. M-anv V I
� . .... , ,.: �1 t ill be . i.a fir , . .
'Iq think I'll have the awning taken sort,-"rUnch-'" � . .q barAed'out. . I i
11111111OWNW1111111 � . .bility of soul,' thihirt of me .slmpl as men w I I
Poison, ,. . down.0, "Don't, Sit Thomas," the women I I . gar.1 of your sacrifice at the holy. shrine At First Signbf acramp or other ' n of a patterni, I I .
. ,ur, "We'll roast . 1. '. � I f lial dutyl FitreWeIll"' I . Ppa' and only one or two . I .
all exclaimed In ehor .
to I I . , L in the bowels take Perry Davis Ain- . � . . . . . .
'ngs Os "But tactfully. -replied the bar- . � - '--!!!!!!!!'.111.1111'LII.W And oreher blurred vision 9;rew 01"t k.ill(,r in hot water,slweOtened, and you � . . L . . I . .
here. . .. 4 L . I . .
In the Blood bri Ill . L I , . . I . I
t L . I ovots I'm lonely on L the bridge, and I . he. wits out in the Fitreet-running ra a- bave'rilasterod the difficultv. Theie is AlIv
. .
. � 1. L . 1. . 11 . n
I . ly over In his mind the names Of Ot Or but one Painkillcr, 11 D S- L .. I
. I
Humors and Boilso Salt mho your pretty faces." No olie objeat- TI Petry Davis'. . 25 . 0 .. New� Fa rea ,-, Goods I I .
ta to the iwning coming In after thaL. I heiri.sses,he kelihood of and Me. . . I �
. � . . � . , know, and the 11 . I . . 11 I . I
Rheum, P,Czema and I , r's latest . it I I . . g to heal his' nent be- . . I .
. 11 . I 11oris Is one, of Lew I)ockstado I I any brio of them consentin n It, is.expected that the ar ill] . ,# I
� L StOrleSt TWO brothers had more or loss., I . I '" . , 0 ., soared and br6kon heart,vlifth the golde fore the Alaska tribunal NVII close to in al the fash loona b] e weis-yes, and ttlso. I
Scrofula, I . 4 1 'k 'Al - Y - I �
tr6ublos with the boy next dooti and 11 461 . j"/ salve of matrimofty.-' ly SloPersi.11alf day and that it decision, will be all. . .� � I IL . . .N4A.0 .
L � J( 1161,day." L I .
01 'I
. � . . . . I - ha(Wt always 0111oa out VictOrm- In fact, I 'I 'I � . L . I . . notineed in & few days. . . . . n L of . 0 , I
the boy noxt-'door wits so much ,bigger - . L " . . . A�� . i . i
t .11, . . L I 1. . To Cure a Cold Ilk One Day -_ - ,
I that 'he seemed. to have the, boat'of I . I � . . Our rfirst L . Shipme . t. furs
� WE"ER'S L . . . I I Thd*&Y,ot theWorld, - lainine Tablets I . . I .r; .
I i invariably. so It wasn't M1 11nU6U*I - Tad, -,Ark. . . Take LftX%tiV'0 ,tr6roo Q , ! I . I I . L
. � . I I . Money if it I Wig L I - Is
. . 11 ,. thing whieu on6 . L � All draggiots refund'the I .111 � �
I I ! --- to cure. I ,. . "L'- �, advant I I
i the louoo with X ,badly bruised eye. Prevetits Emaciation I qirst Tramp -Weary Willier !10110 all V. W. Grovels �iguftture is on, Everyone ku()W'S Me -a'
. I .
! SYRUP Nforeover, he .*as crying whan Ills aunt � auto aull run over a man aW k1110 Mill! each box, 260, . . � I I � I �
� .
. . ' ItIcreases the Weight . S000nct Tramp-NVot; did dey do tO' I o I
atopped him In the ball, "1111511, NVIMO," _u . � Jag. llernott,Wllo Was removed from -eln Furs. We ha-Ve r60
I Rho said, ,,yoii mustu,t make wly 001O." ' I Wtary f , . I to London to Torobto to fill the position �,, fir S t chole #1 .
. Builds tIP Solid Flesh 8404,nof Vamp.-NVot did de ol shops, will be
Will . cure them perma- . ($What-whatoSl the 1110MUlIttert" 110 I 1#,rL$' of cle0t in the G TR car nev Coats, all of guaranteed q ualityt
I ,,ked,, belvebn his soba, "You mo dis- Crt= for kllli� do man o.l giv him iolft Ole I to)Strlatford. I P . . . .. . %.x . I - - -
it in t Sweet and Palatatle as , I transferret . A., .
I nently by puri yi g ho ' turb .Your new brother," aftill Ille aulli, . for ittea le del ,auto, .
I -40001111 y. He dried his eyes In 96 mim. Does uot Derange Dkestfou 1. ... . -�-.� 40,i& "'I* eML VLZAL a � ,no u4sh, L 41 I . 1. . .
!I I . .
I . W 211 -he I think tha L I b4fttU DOM Ydo "M W I . I �_
I - �
jr� i I j" IROPI 0q, $.._ Of
# 0
AM 0 - . I-
4 , I I , n I ,
S _ V I .
� .
1 3 1 ,
Ill I ,L� .
1: .1
I 1�'�
I I.
f I
I l.
1: .. ow"
. I. I I
- �
1� I
I I :
I M 1B
I th I
Ste a
I iI �gv,`Tc for y
`� ;_��,
b. 4. ,&, I-
I r
uto. 11 live I giot'it new broth r' . . '00 ad,&A
asic,ed. Ills a,unt, nodded' " I . I L I .., , . I W low 13%W%x to show theM. ;
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