HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-16, Page 2R
�i�cl�lffi"! ill &.7"
o4A. 1644 its,
___. - . , � . ____1 �. - � �.
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I **�=. �. 11 1. 1. I 11 �. ftm For We. . I-
X . . =11w Nee"
. OU I .
1, - —1.1 -_�� I I 1. . —_ I . � of old Calls 0" . I, ft illio,
.11 �� � I 11 11:;1L,;1,M i.
,7.... . I . 1, , 4 -=4g. 0'eutwoo, j = . .
,� 1. . . . __;�._._.01... - CrOSP county CUPPINP: i Colombo Ce fral College.
.."i , I -
, t I lie
. I article i4i , wn C
1".. The following Interesting I fo off Ilia I
� I., '. , Rich. Auder$04 hall 0 V3 r, Olt 11 ry, = ! � t , --July, I I : -iflo-efft,i�o4m,,ov,rlov3,o,ut,",. � Said MAIII � 4, fortiewly 06"PW 11
farm !u Howick to 'M 060 , )A=tt,�Ulott *q
. � I . I I The price ps,id WAB $7,15m, : .be report for February, 19% I I Votts VAT061111411i 4, I
jW, of the Collegp, at Oolombc ff� I . P 108V . �,
I . .. rs . or man, I 0 , ee, I to bave . .. - , I . - . Ion, of which Mr and Xro Autman (tile I I i. . 11 I L � = CUOUA I I . X#XXV " Aill"'. . I .
M! .' Anne gVe AY � t . I _ I .
� - � the top of is, a er I 0 . 0 it the .. ... latter leing a daughter of J. W.. Irwin, -Farm for Sale. We - jaltywxne
... 0,01sn"NOT1001ag""relaills.
I . I
I �. � ile en a ed in cutting . -have used WT Strong% File Reme - — . 134,RBI . ITOR ]NOTARY"
, Irs first proscribed mower knifeii of Clintonj are principal$ : , ST1011i, 601#10 . .
. I Doctc I I I I I OAS of the beat 100 love forms in Tooker- .
� �. 1 clover. . . . -; PUBILIC, XT011
. . dy in my racticavith moot eatisfac ith tar sate It mass from Brizoeflold on the
11 am
L% . �� , Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over The Central College is only three �
I I I T, A. Mills, Of Witighaii, received a . J , X0, and can cheerfully recom, Mill, Road, iseallorth. Nllwalles. Mpleadlid JOW ' CAUMA .
. , I earsold, and the period ofeurvey tory reau .
.. 0,0 ars ago. They Use It telegran -, ilifol ning him I I T, . _ ge'. naead it, Jae I go orchiLrd, about 0 . . -_ ooo.
;- , yel I, on Saturday 'I . I rerili vation; i I .
. hen ever.!, The I I _ is jot half its a I Sutton, M. V tiontochooloppoisiso,
. � Agdgy ingro t I y of W,Ida,y last, Of his , . � hls*epcirt� Col . . weil of good bush, good state of CUM
, - %a .. . The number on our register is 149, of posrse abed, comforts,
L the death on, . price $1.00. Vor sale by drugv,laits, pf 2 "a `a%eua RIPOUT & "ALE
I !, who resided near Ot- ... .. � Via- I 11. P1,-UMS , OlIt Afl'y I
d L' - brother Petei iiable to go to the which 1001 belong I -Lower School, by viall on reoelpt of price, ... I., I I on, .
.. I t ,, Mr Mills was ul , . . I The remainder sie students 11.1 I I I 00MMISkorw 4 ..
. Awa - , preparing W. T. LSTRONG, lasnuft0uring lubein- CONV"AN03911S
. - Cherry funeral on account of-theilluess, of MrVs . � N for the 0amb,ridge and Undoll exam- at London. ontarlo. . . Farm For Sale. Rea do arance ADS$ .
- .1 I
I I . .. I .
. Mi -le'' . . Inations and the various professional . ,, - . . NOVA8.11 It'" login .
... I Pectoral One by one the early settlers of this L I I I , 41 preliminu L I I I The Subscriber offers far sallethat choice farm i -
- R001VIVt .
I � . 0.111, HAT -111 JON$
, I _ 7 tests held in Colombq.
... ... palled away and in a Since February 1992, when our first undeniable prejudice against the In- on the Ituron r=d I
., Tuckersudhduot OW of
country are being I I than system of education. This pre- presen occupiedby r Fisher. it . __ I
rely upon It for colds, coughs$ very few years those who cleared this prize-gi.ving %as held, the following Olinton, at - - L I . �_ .
. I wists of ftacres, taore.gr low, with good
. . - now prosperous country will beknown . . _11 � I reoults,have been obtained :- 0 of our ludice ought to gradually die but framell , . , . barn 8119 w1n4ldill Mind oinall . CHARLES SEAQE" � I
I . bronchitis., Consumption . "eylon, Medical �Vheu Once it is realized that the Indian . 01WEIG."Anexcelient term I
I only - by the maynery of their dee4s students pas" the C Universities are the creation L or , ty .r .1 to
They Will tell VOU b()W it . 11 Swan, of � College Prell g placed in . is, not of in a ..... I ,. For terms I - ]Barrlgtqr Solicitor Notary, end conveysime er,
. . �
. .
11 On .Sunday morning Job ,start Ri ht To -day- minary, 0 beill TMIZ4 Sco-opp"Ite Vollberne
:: heals inflamed lungs. the 13th con,, Hibbertiwas calledaway. I 9 the first class, 2 baie joined the Apoth- Indians merely, but of the leading ARTH�M 00 L ..... . Clinton. 0 aeui -
I . . - * L . I 6caries' class; I passed, the Clerical ex. � '.4n lioh and Sebtich educationalists in � � .
- and you will find the. world very I 1.0 - 1. - Ggiderl Is 11
. - I bad a very bad cough for three yes" at the good age of 79 years- - . aminati - the Post Office exam- , la I the local
,, Then I tried Ayer'll Merry POCtOrAl ,or, I _ on and I .� who, having studied . Farm foor Sale
. I I
. Inup wore soot, healiod and my collgii mpyed was celebrat, M I uch brighter to�morrow. A good co�lt i6pe(F their educational I , —_ , !
11 Avrav A very pretty weddin' r H - complexion -the bloo , In of perfect inaion, IntheLond-nCollegeofPre- _ , ions, st . ds of tile land. — . .
.1. prazz, ijvim Guthrie contre, I& if - W. Tem ceptors' certificate examinations 3 stu- policy to suit the nee South half lot 83, con 15, Goderich Tow Celli V G CAMEROK I
I J. C. ATBR 0 1. . ed at the residence of .. health -bright eyes, clear braln� The Boardof Education in Ceylon I 40 mreo; goodolay. loam; 5 acres falt whear L 4
11 Low 0. pleman, Staffel, on Weduesdi. dento secured let class certifleates,:9
% .... n- - , - nJ1;,(Z- - agg for ell Mae Ing week, 23rd September, when Thos these are within the reach of all who if the leading education- I food frame how a and frame kitchen, good col- formerly of -Cameron, Hot* #5 Cameron . .
; � 2nd class certificates, and 1 a 8rd class. is qowposed c ,
-. ,,, ... take care of their digestive orgallis, . I; and the question of i Or .top glastered; cement floor.; Soft water BARRISTER. - Alm SOLICITOR, �'
1.� S A H. Rothero,ham and Miss B In the London College of Preceptors' ali0ts Of CeYIOT cement c stern; hard water pump; frame.borp;
. . L Mary 4 I Take a teaspoonful of a
I . HOW, London Ell Lower Form examination 4 boys were the relationship of the Ceylon Colleges two frame stables, sheep h6ase and pig polls. OglOe__N%_XC ton St opposite Colborne No* , I
I .
. ley, both of I , 415: i, .. L GODEMON. ONT
il ;.- . Old Cough wer united ii . 3, matrimony by Rev W, .. . .. . successful. This year one of our boya to the. Indian. Universities has been I 11�cu h L . I .. I . . . .
I - __ . passed the Advo ates' Preliminary ex- ng their attention. It is desh IQ ORIN I . � . .
. L
L. I - ime insures J. Doherty, B, A, incumbent of Hen, . c , engaK1 should have soine I �
one Ayer' � P1111 bedt -ill and Staffa. � L aminti,tion and two others the Proctors' , able that the Board - L' . . . . I 'L DICKINSC)N.&GARROW e
. I � I
I , I Is n "Suction next morning s. . I . 11 � Pr,)im . inary. Last -year the Cambridge member or members ,on it who have . �, L
atural N r Sain' el Caldwell, of West' Vva. . . - . .. ".. I . I . . loca L been intimately connected with these - ' Falmi for Sale BABRISVER0, SOL101TORS,'Xr0- . .
I u . , I exalininations did not occupy our
I 8 - I I . #4 Universities. I I . — once-Cgral, Bellantoni at. andt3so ftwor L I
I � — . wonosh, fort , lie past forty year a re I . . serious attention, This year we have * . . p
. , I sident of Auburn. left last Friday for . I . t I I have nnw great pleaaure in asking L Thoundersigned offers his tar South half of 1 ., Vod - I
, r4, v *k . . I - f * two classes preparing for the Senior Sir, to distribute the priies the Iota 9 and 10 floncession 1% 01"itte P!Rco is a � oAr1ch9.0uW_
i , qW London, where he'bitends to reside in . CxiAs. GA=ovr. ULD I A .
.1 . .and junior examinations. Ili the Lon- and a h&lf frame house with StOue caller; H. Ii. Dick Aeon L
_1� it, W� f e I . L . .. ..
� "Itutiou %1111� I I . doaCollege (if Pre-eptors' certificate I driv CA ,,,,, b,,, sira,,
V. thefuture. Before leaving a lard L TrZ=s of the College have kindly'pro- - OtO,111 nae,sh(ds. and All neocs"ry ,-
.1 number of the old residents waited up . . . . � vided, to Wnom in�- best thanks are . Orchard, never fsilW
out in 8, or g
I --w— I S . I I examination our students were I. .PROUD FOOT & HAVO, .
T_ � . . , � . . a e a I al el tar ,90 acres cleared, ' .
I I �,&Y, OCTOBER J16:1003 on hini and presented bim with'a gold: . - exam- 1 due. Should there be anyone in this rin; , mnZ8 :IkYBL- I
. . !tied in the following subjects . Scrip , , i ,acres . ne e agazte from )IJOITORS, XOTAI
I ()rf,,,jp SAMSTERS, - 89
. IPUA�_ ,�, �==_��=.7_= He was an exemplary I in a glass of water every morning � tatkerillit desirous of adding his'name I ,. I a r, 0 in . . artic- . FROOTORS IN � -' � . .
.%.. headed cane. ture, History, English Latigild le urch, , 716M WARITINA COVRT, NO .
- -------__�— -will i4all find e' E]Rg' I ,o the lis of donors, there is still op- C " I to
� �=__=.=_ -i'voin I arries the good and you will find that blotches . f] , . , ne,xi door to btsmua " .
I - &ng- citizen and c - lish History, Geography, Ari hmetic, . 60ce: Nortk at,
, I jje returns of enl191!A11t5, with Tfhgm he wo.-s acquainted. . . eruptions will give place to clear Algel ra,,. Geornetry.� Trigonometry;. , portuni of doing so. . . . ept, ". _. - . .- R.N. RNOX, Blytb, . Out. �. I ati Fund . rates , , . .
. I wder . I . � priv a to lend &%Iov� cot .
� �, ring the niOnth I " ' i clean.skin, Throw away the po I I I thantlyou, sir, most coral -11, --- . Of
� I oil I .C,o . Book-keeping, French and Latin. . . . interest. .
I lish poris io (111na8a 3 . . 41 a Northwest nter-� kindly consenting to preside - at this - . for sale ,
i puffand rbuge-pot-4hey are cou As I egards the Ceylon Medical Col- I . Fa,m ' .
. �
, . numbers as : The following Is -- -iarriagq of a . . orgracin _ . W. FR(,UDFOOT, ' . ' :R -C- HAtS
' faits of nature. examination, - the functign, our many friends f � . . I . . I . I
.of September give the paper, and relates to the,,. '�;I,h aud i � . . lege Ptiellminary i the occasion with their presence, ang I . � . . .
i. -instivation, th4 I , , n 12, . . I
: . English, 4l87;lrisll,Mq; Scoteli,767; I � F'%�' .lr,7 , , ev .2 fqfMr if P ideAr Central College did not figure well this . A on,icie fifty a - re '%-m for axle, lot 2' . Mel'icaJ.. ' �
I oriner Wingliam boy - . - 44 I the in".8ters and . students for their co- Halle% hall a mile porth,of Lond6boro con- . .. .. I . . . . I
. 'V30. During the previviis beauty reiglifla supeeme'at the y,. 1. co;; 71e�,,:Ri. &-ftrA;i0--% 1.:Ve%r,f9ru1oatof our prowisingboys operation inpreparing forthis runeiVon. ventent toeburebessobooland-jo-toffite four . I
!, , Joreigne. a, . [Ing that took place in St .. I At all Druggists ;i5c. and 6-10- ' - ' hail taken up the Mcidical Pre-linlinary I Ini . Good frame bouw end . WK. OU14141 mill., . .
Pf'_"T ""' ,ich,was grettilv de" , , . . ;=--; - _ !esfroin. Blyt,h- . I .
,1 ry S-churell, WN - __ _1 examination of -the London I arge bank barn, and so I IL c. r. a S. FAliallinirgIls, I I .
. iiiiie months the figuret; were: Englibil, , a _ . I vote,) uther built 1,90,
. L I - Ill.
� L a1ed-for the occasion iss )&thel I . . L - ecept6r.4, honing to secure Celle wecan ,give ]PONAtions to persons at sit orthard, fly st.class, water with itier conven L
: 42M3-, Irish, 2340; Scotch, W77, cor adiliisgs2onf . Night 6alt. �
X I. L . I Pr grades of ability. A�ents, b o - cc Oro, Liences, Formerlyluow*4altbero,ert-,x'er- Ofi,C,_O,'m,i" Street, dinton. . - . . I
. . anniff"witswedded to .. . Only one boy succeeded - n ce�. . sonfaria. 74particulars I stfrontdow 6foffice orresidenco. Rattan- , '
I i " � Stevenson C antis, of Wetaski-win. The L avquet. t'o Fathew 09N(kil , in this way. L I .alorko,farluerls sons, Is N, Ore. me Vie , an 0 . . W. - A. X1L1LOUGV8Ii`tit`.'. P O -,, .. I . .
L -teorge b1cM, . ' L R. - I - I . IL in the Liallidon wBt. and I believe this sloians, preachers, situ clIts, ill . � bury.street. .. ,I � .
� The w York Siln says that al- C IFIS performed by Rev F4 I , . I iloo-oo.k. - . . . . - isecured ad -- ell end vidgWa. F sitions O .- . ._ - . � � I
t�' I . Ne . ceremony M ." . . ,-is tb6 only'boy wbo evex I worth from. 4400 to $2,5011 per Ammulo- 0 L . ., '�- -- - -
Single Vain
� 1%, though it break in the weather causes Ma,6Morine an(i the bride was given . I 1. L- by solne mission iito ihe Ceylon Medical Col- sicalivassers Wilweekly. fair. Farm for Sale . . I. I 'DR WM. GRAHAM.i
;�, I [We have been requerote,� , of . ,kamination, The.L i have paid sevei . g,"O Tous, . . . . . . . - PhYsiOlhu . . .
: the total crop of the canaillan North away by her favlw- - .. . I blish the L legetbrough this e .7eara. Write fully atid Wo wil . juicientistool'the RoyalCalle9b Of .L ..
I . I our frirnds in Ashtield t' . 1, . I London, Angland. I
,�l .. �Weu Catbolic rest' have learned to theircost.that illoottion to a -alt. . I .L ., . .. . I
0* ,NN7e,1ne_day athigh noon. there Dunt fVOnI �aiking up the Local prellmi,,jary exam- � it HE BRADLEY-GARRETSOZ; Cc, Ltd. %%eundersigned uffers for Fele his choice . L . I .. .
11 West to fall it little bhort of last year, 11 . following aca . 1! -Nutford. .1 farm, lot 81, con, 6; township of Hullett, cou� oface and Residencii" . I . . .
� iling w01 realize was at quiet but pretty wedding, when Record of the banquet thatWas Atli;. 22nd . . . sistingotb(lacires. Onthepl;cels &Lcomfort- . . . . . ..
,eva. Ination is moreto their advantag�- _ I . . call out - JOUN TEDFOlMV8 nouses norms. K *� . I . . �
� the better prices pi I aughter Of to Rev Father O'Neil Prior to � . L . . able story-and-a-balf brick house, . . ; .
- , 'inn: "iv�e 9 , L ,. . .
1. ,(Kjo (K)() to $10, M i ss N LeA'.Llnklater, id� . bils as- .1 � F or -TEACHERS. 'L I -fall ng ' . .
-to . I . and well . Property is ell at Cate ,,. ei 'SHAW- - - I
,. tu the faritiers froin $7 Mrs Tbos,Linklater. L6Nver Wingharn, 'moval to St Th opifts; where he � I . THu STAY I j6, � buildinga, a small orchard, never
. . an in 1902, , Mr DL sistan I t to Rev Father West.) - � . .. . . . a CONSERVITORY I 111 .. . DR. do We I .1 . .
. M,0,0 Illore illoliev th. liv�ls united in matriln olly . . . 11 L . I .
001, I tut formerIT, Before lea ' hi's home the good. I. Elever teachers assist in6. in teach- � , , I Studio of - Ifugie. within4-milesoirclinton.0, ten inuteswu .. . - .
. Ingwco, , I virl . ogether. inost barinon- of church, schoo a oat 0 Ig t acres . . Pay8IcIA2;. sUAGEON . . . 1
,.1 Dinsley of I ig, -and work t , I iin etc cffice and, residence 0 . L., .
field 6ould, not* resist It . I - 4'.1 t Be ill). a I reasons le A�-(11&8111!
�1- . of "Whigha�l. The ceremony too people .'of Ash . . I �. 11y lbest thanks are due to ' - . * . __ " I - . - . ' of fallwlifeat Be . t , to two; St., opposite j�nglioh church, formerly -a., . . .
I A physician writes to a New York P,.Ice at tile h rn6 of the In kiving Father 0,N6il soulo tangible Ions' .. �Ienn r,;;mpbell,.Or it "a Choir terms, . For full. a le..Iar .a ' �
-ide's broth- . the en'd of last month we' W. . i ,, . er i , O.- envied bv Dr. Appleton, Clinton Out..,.. .
i . . . I .
, I -I gy&tudi k n Church 01 Bin W -J -m . . . I
!a street, proof C -their respect and affection.: then At, I � all ,rim . . 0 . ,., . .. . .
I iiiedical Jouri-al teli,tig how he Was er in-la-W,Mr AL. Nich(il,Viefor 0 refore, It .WeT*e s,,rry v 1 9 . r I .
. I Rev D, Per- oil Wednesday evening, - tile � -to lose the ser ices' of Miss . director of illis.pre� I .
., 1drined by the Mem an, Clinton, .* .
Pei , , Dft. C..W. THOMPSON I .. ..
. . v ired of litty feyer l,y the Simple ex- and '""Is leof the i,efatives-and- , meat inaii.y of the parishioners W ill, who had 'beer). teaching Tischer of Pisooforte. Pipe -organ and all . - Farm For Sole. ; . - 1. . . I
�,��, in the presene . , . I .� . . . I . . I Physician, surge '. . . . . .
" rie, coup - his niother's ,French an&Historyj but her pla6e'.h'ds b nolies'othlusicalThoorY,'Pupils prepared go'.1ilto, ,,
.,-, I wearing smoked glasses. intimate fi-jelids o0be.youn 1!e; ienibledat'abanqu-etat , been t%ken by a gentleman. who is do- I � " . Inittionsof the Toronto Con-, . . . . . . . : , :.1 I
� . . . . t Ali, A. house, and presented him -with a, beau- for all tL a exam . Lot. 12., Bayfleld cao., Goderich.tp.,'iis scro , special attention giy6n to diseases Of the ' � - . .
.,� pedleat o away Y, � Albers" servat6ry, Collegoor Uii I e,.Bar,y
. eing given � . Wss iverafty. NewSt114lo I ,a , hycat Slid Nose.:, . . . .
. I - the 11'ride b I : inir the woi-k acceptably. it are w,tioutne.. c1paied,balancellardwood,withs, argey n, .. BY . I I . i
, , tbella7 tiboe Store. A . ., .
1."�-' He attribut �s t lie fli,�vabe to the act h.- . . . . . � � tiful. gpla chalice, it gold watch. a i of U.� S. A. as recently - J . '. . rit i � - Office, and Residence-. . . .
%� � Nichol. . . �ty-eight h . . . oined th`e I over T%44 - y of coder (in it), in Kood.state of'cultivb i0z - , . . I . .
. .
I . . , L , I reviery an lse Of �ix .- ' ------'-- I litattemilinvio .. .
,", lint ill tile sill linlel-su li*t� ri . on � 1 b d a pl, . . c6 of` staff_als6j. 0. V. Rtitnain� B.A., L Who J- 7-4-17� __ .. .about live acres faii1w ea+,abliconsidbrable fall , . . ...
ivs actimy I .
�, " . ' .1 . ick house large Axiller( street,2 Mocks North air .1 . . .
t , . e ng is a Tr ' � . . 1, . .
'� -try nerves and affecting the A few frielids gathered' at th' h011ie, dollars ' Tile follow' y I has. .bad considerablo experience in I , :. -, : - For. Sale- � L plowing done. Comfortable brl
. I : ... . .
� , the cili. of Alex Stirling,LQ94 .. the a(J�Jress, whill4l: I I . .. I .. L . _rclaisses in . - . ... . L ,utbuildings- about 2 so" Orbb4amL' I . iig 8.1 it. ." CK, � ... . . . . .. I .
,�, _ 91-jqh,0tk the even- I -,,vp;s: read . by Thos teaelling.the higho La Mar- ! - . . I bainwithatablingunclerxieath;driving shed and
- other C - . .
":,. -heirorriage. ''. . . . . L � I L. . - well wstere&-neverfgdl� % W. jtgn-n In h!P'11L.D - I I , . : .
., -pt ,ves 1), -yo,lialliv oon as .. - , leke in Calcutta. "The Liter- I cointoitable housc andlot, on Albert St., mostly winter fruit , I . .
, .
. .ke.11 nei -, s , As ,s i ,f I—, In wittless t , I. Hussey : . V tiner;-, Col . . . . __.. '. L . . . . I.: I
:t . . , , n- of Or ; ID ,;&TtLFA1EXD, . act] two wells . Seven milei, . I : I . I
IL of ill -_. 1VO OUAR'gv911F3ND AND . , '' i '' an and flie'Oricket. Club 1, Clinton for sale. cheap, i lot i acre House Ing spring, creek . .
� ,I 0 j'*b� ' J �_" Idest"s6n, 1. Nr �.: L , ry'Associati - SUR Q19. - , I
" I 'he talkes off Ills smoked glasses hib amuel Stevenson, e . .1 � 'L - 07 "Ji;._�_ . I ; a' .; suita,Ml . plynt Nni,]DRA from Clinton end three from Bayflel& POSSeB . . rfl'XSIOIAN & .QE , - � I
� . r4 ATHIMIL I I . e -e -are in for'sinallfamily.. Ap I I r.. . , I 1, L, '
- ens6n L ikirgi Scot- I connection with. tbe. Coll . �� . , reasonable 'ter2n. - . I ., . I
.1 -Edint . fL the. . A" fer , . . . . I .. L .1. . .1 . . L
�,',,`il' . trouble returns. late Robt Stev _. . - " h parish of ; U Col altI6 V, . I 1. I !,� I . Sion at any time, Sto . avn6n- Main Streett: Bay fiel .,. : , . . . I ,..
if effective the cure 6rillp Md- Ros's third-., _'-%'Ve. t e na,enlibers'o . L ( 1 U 411 work. '..Office'* - . .. . further particulars to OiIAS. SIX rif Y" ai formetjy , 6. : ''�. . ,..
,,, L lalld, to - Cath 1 9 ., 6Vening. gO0.1 d doing good ' —e_j I . .. . � I . . . I . � � . . .
y . is simple and cheal). daughter of the' -late.- John . kOWof! Mlifteld, �,itgseinf)164 here thiE . , 7 I . �.. I Da,vill Gode - - . I 1. I .. . 1,
�� at we Th6re is hardly niore.rooin in thelote;. 0Jft1*, e �L i Ike' . . . st.1 . ,.rich.. , �. I I . L . L .. � occupied -by J)r�. Pallister. . . I . .
7.� . Wigtciwnshire�, I to'.r . . . L - —I I . -
11"." r-a1hrreen, Wiiltowii, t) I Ob ex. ( mises for resident studet ts, , � . 1. . I .. . .
;jife expru�-ion to feelings th 1. C 0. ut. L . . L I ' . . . . . . .. I I I '.
- � I I - . rul , * 'L I . ,. . . I
-.i � 114W - !, t - .1, I -TrT.-i long ,O COIAV* y bub'fear we ellnu I The plietho entrance or t . I .. I I —_ .. . I FA -for K e -to -lent.' L., I . . . ___�. I . ..
I Scotland, ThNride wcireher travell- .' t 0 , here in .the ra. of e�st el . L . � Q'al ,or, I I .. . .. �
HoW To Ifeill The Town. inq dress of grey, t*eed.-and, carried ress.. We glad . -in I aminations. held in this cOlItIfty, A� I , Over T.Avlbr & 0onla atord-suitabl&. -for, ,_-% . � 1. 1, I . . I . I . . ..... I . I 'L I . I . . . . I I . I.
I . .
- rearbid , .. . . . .. . �
� - bei? 'the. Scottish token,of tomein whi6h-you were I much to be regretted. A coinnion,ex- y purpoile.� A.pply to - . I . Theunderai mod offers for sale his farm, of .-. -R N EST - HOLMES . -, I I .
1, , '
. . . .%� hite heat . irso ' n, ' p , e L I,-, , . , f the: faillily ,which You ,. an: .,. Mrs . ., A. I!. MANNING Clinton.. . 160 acres, whic-Pio allunder.grass, but so acres D I : . -'Us E . . , , . .. � . � , 1. .
,-. I . . . . the bosom o , . - -- tire . to thi . . I. . .1 L . . . '. L I � . I ST - _. . :; . , I I
. good luck hev J A Andt' haye graced by ti, and in ainination, .1 �ent nk. should 1 14. 21, tf . . 4fall wheat, M PENTI L'
I cereniony afid-Master Roll� . your VOCALtio: . . . . . � . five of- which is bush, 7 acres ( I , , - - . . . ,
' . , . I . ... ... . 6 acres of'o I I
. . . . . � � . . ,. , , . I �..
. I . �
, .
'�, 9- , " your good "I . . - il. have the c ver crop , . , *
t6el following remarks froili The -1 .. I lother,*bf '�takethepla'cebf the several.pyelfinin. 3 arley and the .reat oat-. The - pur- 4[to,pr. T. C.Larace
:,, fortned the l i 11 . . I . pttouof:-takir% P (Successo . . k , . . I
- on ert W'Cl8'1,k,"of.l)e.troit, acted as rin the presence o 4oiis'in vogue.: I . . . chaser ca ell L dge'"'ar
I I . 11 re- . . . . , . , I all. River runs aer ,as back and is, an LJD. S.-Gradus -ur ' I
St. Mary's Argus have ;Ili applit-ati 'wi .on are .. wide, and ary examinat :-?!-tocs I,Iavc- each its cur- � � For Sale , .L . '� . . . . Spee"llst in crown and Xrl .
41 Itions in this town and are bearer. � Mrand Xrs Stelrensoi� I whom y �iustly the, V - Olit, best C . and - L to Royal Collegigi'Donts,],I� ,'. . I
, to eo,ndi Side in Goderich., - , I . .. ; joy, th(tt they, tob� ulay'. �har,o in the I Viculuin of studi'ets', and bit'ess boys . L axe , - , I '' — .. . I . - excellent farm for grdino.r iitocii�. Thereis on 1, geonsolontarlo, Toronto.$ , � , � . � - ,
% . I A two-st,ory brick house -with . ). &:.-pirst-ot 11, I
I worth thinking over: . . L ords wbuld. fain - I ,A, ,,.ad tramp house bind small -Urn, older the premises a got kitchen andWOOd-shed -, barns D..1 ,see Honor irsduAte of )Don- - . ,
. I J ill be 'kitchen, summer I . .
. . . . sentiments. wbich oxirw I allowed'togo, thr%igh it therewi , mill, and lime Min; all nearly new -.'Also 2% 86x10 and 24x7O also a good fruit orch d f ne tmI Department of Toronto - UttiversitY ' . ,
. I.
I ; During tbe past t-wo or three weeks , The funpnil of tlie I late Mrs Miller, ,_ I . � . I . the at , 6 0 . paid to"preservation. oV. ., �. L I L
� , . ,611- express. . - � `Aeai Father O'Nollb littleorno general edubatiou ,in i,, acres of land with sit kinds of. fruit trees sale, convenient to-oburbli and school, being $ ocial .attention I ,,,
," outside firnis have been inaking free Wv Goaer I 'thereori,and.50 acres of:- good E th. Will 1� 11 � . �j.
'L . -I " I L We 6ffef yo ,. i iper san�eof'the term. The d Irsture land. lintonjand seven from Sesi� c ildren's too .. isit. gi4 S14,.�Werr,,'.. I I
. Mother of MrA S. A, Tvleg� ifter, I � . .. ,L'
;- use of the mails to send circulars to Tu6sday afternoon week-, - btlr in st affectionate felicitatiOns - Oli f Pril" I on given at once.. H. IVERMORE four miles from 0 Road survey, lot ld6nday.- � I ' � 1'�
-oil 0 2MISOP.L , . . nt - 4L 1,;'. . I
�', Lhecitizensof this district took place Rev J A Ander- . nd6t occasion Of your ent te0'examinations are allowed to I POBBOssi , . Londesboro 0 I the ,,)re . . . 1* I? .
- These . . � - - 97
, , . I tj office over . W, TW(r 6 �4 Ill, it il L . 1. I ..
y, to Maitland cenietery. . this, the grai L .. draw away ' � . the ,Colleges 1. � 1. �. - ,..r _ , . . � I
L . .. � . . : I .
, ars and booklets offer - -'the ' lite. - the -familiar - . � . . . . . . . . . I
1. attractive circul, servi:Os' Mike of I y6uths � from ID. -
t , , N6.10n before they have completed : tb( . I - -_ .
I soii,,B,�A, conducting- ger - ,-ap . . . ..
all kli maiden narne'urfm Philip, t ose years. which ycur . . . . . 1. I . ,,
1 nds of goods by inail order and Mrs Miller's the,* part, . th . L . tions have I I F' r Sale ir� io'Kent. . LLL . . I I . I . . .1. .
I It is poffitedcurriculuib. Thex6siltis 1 . , . DR. AGNEW .
� .
r manly I I - .. . 1. . .1 I .. I Wanted.- - � ' - .1 ''.. . . . . L . L.. .. ,
1� they often catch the unwary. and she was born in ',Scotland. in 1833.: , y6ud;ful and i . associa I . I L ___� . , I . . . . .. .. . �
. gL �h land tnedical professionattre.- I . .. I : . .� , DENTIST, .P,LIN'i0N. . . . . ,
,,� . no uniconinion thing for people to buy ,oun she.canl( I 'I you t 0 I'D a b6' entered by. young- lilli 100 sores- . . ,
. When qUILte-N . Lot 20, con, 2 stanley, contair I . - - . . . .. . '...
- . . . I .
,% � by post tnrough these circular oods the, age of today a�s` 4atil priest of 11 Cultivation for. sale or to rent 1". . ... . .
I : land with relatives, and � at er 0 Neil a I . very ituperfe�QY edUM! ib good state 14 . I to JNO- MoGREGOR, L � (kirle wanted fC�BlscuitDepfirtMcctF"Wmg L I . ,. _Cffice djoinfng-�k.hoto-.Studto - . i. . . 'L
" � which they could got just, as a5van. 18 inarrie , La. Inoulder of - , I inging up for term Of y6ar",'?ff,',GREG,,, 2 .o...,11 first month, s4 oo per wee!i, second motth,';5.00 I I a , . I 1. . . L. ' : .. ' �
." d . . God,tbe . assaddr oi Christ, one . t6d. The eyiri of SeAi6ral I M . I L . an .. I .1 -
� to Cleve- rendered' easciat for all, we .hai 0, tempte to
me ol�
vi n ,g, h are L
J0,s Miller tinti I
" " tageously at home, and have the 'ad- I d to Goderich %eb- fjoitn our nlidst L and appointed. .on premises or I A ek, fwrtEer advances. on piece work, ,day d, I L 1. - . f
. � , �
JR I lie
as e
tak 'a
9 it i I
car, ones 1hink
Chard Plenty
splendid o4U
I I -
I I . : :
I , I
I. �.l
____ _- ____ _ __ - - �
forth, and situated on 11 Cron Road s,
32 , 2ndeon.Tuckerstoith. .APPIYOn
sea, or to F. W, ORION,' Clinton, -P,
that pl,ag� They move . ch( . � iiiiih ;S�;f6rtb P. �O. I' ihist-class, libarding- - OfAce Hitiurs�4.to 6 every, L
r . , tile t let ,became to the.,nost sublitne dignity ' ieli I'schools. in ll�fferent parts of -the city is it. S_ Tuck,rs .1 I . 1. I - Will"furnish addresses of L . . ' , . , �
vanta e of seeing and choosing . to _wb 11 . . I . . L. . I .
I abou , -where "Air Mil , ASPiL a fact' v6cessItat6d:.by the conditions i Fa'b..7-7tf- I . I . . .. L . 1. �� I . houses rd S2, or wee1c.. . Satuid di lop in. Bi duchofficesi, ,
. Her hus- 'e, I .T EMCCOR PUR ' L ..
goodsliefote they bu3 the -eter . . 1, : 0 in Macntacle�alnterl D69annol],.BlYth slid I ..: j
I . I -. This inethod nal priest-' eva R4 ALIE"GiCO'loncl(n. .
_. connected with the foundry man, can. r lie useittiness or othor�. . . . . I . . � . . i
f I ' d, well may.we congratu-' of the dines. T1 I ---------- 7— I .% 1. I � I . . .. . 11 . I - L .1 � - L . 1. . I... ... a . � �, :,
of 1,usiness does not build up one's ko, and for ntithtions depends- .1 . . . . I B6yfield I . I L. . - I .. "
; L - to the local band Aledabont 15veav§ a .'116od.. - I'dee ourselves I.' .wise of' these, i 8 . . . L m lorLftl�PL I .. . .. 1. ,� . . � . � .. L :, L , . , I. . . . �
L � In .L " ' , _ , . L. � . . . i ,
� town, neither is it faii the. past 11 years. -ghe has resided i * d -so fr L largely on the management and staff .Carpet Loo . 1 . IWM SNELL, - . . 1. - . 1. _. . .
la:te you,an .well nl`y we" ed'our . . I - . . . �
-1 dealers. Every farmer or other ll�r- It Godbas am . I .. .. . � � 0 . . .. .; I
��_;. Winnipeg. Her -death oil Thursday., L I feel: roud tb; I of teachers, I'llaVe alWays*endeavoi�- . . " . . I. . . . I . . . I . I . . I I . � .. , I
- he 1,ody s to make it the sewin- I A. Nowcorabe shuttle carpet loom in first, .L * . .,; . I I - , , I- . I L' I .
, ,� �- hum ile parish a . .. I ; , eflitillity RUC00111110M L . . � I . - ..'
IforinIerment.. :ary-ofHWelectj ,i . , � . - . - 11 � class roPf I . . : -
son who lives in this vicinity is in after a lengthy -illness and t �S . I ed to obtain �-foi this College teachers ,ill - for about 3oc on the, . � . . I . .
,osperity of St. . L :, . i dr, can a bough� 1. VetermarV . ,�
� terested in the pl. I I _' en di 'LEO get aLIQom . . . . . .. I I L �
was I)roiiqbt to Gi6ideri� 41 Who ar6 well'known �bo be effici t ILIX . dollor. his is a good chance , o6ined Auctioneer's Licenas for , . : .,
�' Marv's. Tf lie li as Property he desires f.; -such.. a demo, -fit wigOn for 0016 N"lag pr olloit is share of tho .-�'.. - I I . L . . . . . . . . _ I . . , 1
. L, .
� The Her chilQron are Abrabi(in, in Seattle ; I . in presence. 0� _ . I . I
. . � I Xud ,why' enthusiasticin theirwork. The nior� cheap,Also one'light, il:,wall, the County of Huron i I 5 . I L . L . . . 1� 1
�1. Vl see its value increased, PrOS- A I ------ I- in Chicaffo;-�Wil-lig,111, in rkeddivin6favot should we allow I I. .�A i. ll.m4i.l -.A_,.4-i^,n:'of the cheall. Wall papor, ]lung for 10o a rol . A I sales. Dates Zurnished by Mail "phoup, tole- . . ; � .. I , '.. I . . . I . . I . . 3
I . I . I . ... .
. �� perity can be maintained and proper- . . . V ,t6 I-46 our, hearts:� -a - - . and'oefling. A- III an t�nargesL
: I., n; George, at'Wilinip6g; Mr`SS nAturgl , sorvol . .pp y G, POTT.Stoor. %attU sph.or personal 1pter,Fie* , . Sason.
Brando . . Our Lde&r friend,. b6ya-entriisted: 'to us has our -best at- .1 I I., . .� I . . . Princess. 3treats - a.' I 1. . . I � I.. . . I
. . L I . . . . .. .1. . .. L L I . .
- I
., , ty value increascd by patronizing the A Megaw, of Goderich,and tivQ daugh--L:L .W6 wilfini'49 'b6ntion - Th di ' I L' . . . I . -L - . V1 . . . .. I . .. L L,L � . . %
� , you,
I � . local merchants. No tawn of corres. . ' I I nidSt. 'L YeSi wiirei few I 0 e noble work of MoUl lli� I . . '... . .L. _ - ' - "' . I . -
.11 ters di Winnipeg.. '. � ' - �� - -.� , . I ther . . ,hEj�a6ter .ofbhd'VoutbsofA-1aq . -7'!_7-- . 'L L.. i ". ! . . . ' ' ' . . I I . . . .
. L . . . L . . I
ponding size bois better stores, more . . I I 1. . I .I.. . .L . � froln our' I . e their I the . I I . 1, I . .. . . . ' . I . .. I , �
�1. . 1. I . . - . whom Ve know who have mad I has an b-�er4ncreasiiig.inscinatiotl- 'To - ' :: - . I �. . L ' L ' I . � 6 RS. AS . XE* & rv, u L ujR, '
�, iip-to-date merchants, or more oblig- On September 2$rd. the home of Mrs'. - � I . : . . . . I
,� oreseilce so agreeably felt, having ell my mind there, is nothing better cal., . : , ,. : .. For -,Rent. . . . . CLIMMN. , J
��' -ks than St. Mary's. AnvthiRg . L i: ,� .
. * clex Elizabeth Webster, Ashfield, wa8 theL I ci�latcd'to-L do good 1n, this:directiofi. . .. L. . - � . . I , L' �.. DIENTISTs I
!1� I I , deared y6urself to old find young by . I � I I � . . - , . . , . . � .
.1 . t%t anybody wants in this viciiiity is I i * .. L t, . . Histarv. The .. L6t ss cou.19-Hullett, diini mining 100 acres in -Open every -a - -
. ,L if scene of a very. leasling� ev�iit; wbbn , your Impar lal A,ff�ctionii. )�ut.*e are , than si. To er. study- Of I Office my. and 'Baturds
1. to be found in these stores and lierdaughter, Allian, --was"jbffi�d in. satit fi6d.,to saCrificie those, iiatural. .'af- I L CentrarCo'71lege - attaches the greatest . . good state 6t cultivation. On the promises is Dight iintil 10 o'clock.. ' . . 1. . .
:,, there should be any4bing else desired r . alter of your divine I . . m good house, bank barn, wall watered goo . �Wil[LvisitAubnrn eveiy.'Xoildsy; X�nn-.
�' wedlock to M r S. Congrami by Rev R fecEons on. the . imporWilice, to.,the study of. the history ondeii- I .
: the werphant can get it for his, cus- Millnid Miss Ada Button played calling, and mingle with them the frutt orchard, situated 2% miles from ` =,n, -every Tuesday,, Bs3 field,:, every
''. Let every Pitizen.of Lhedis- zh 8 -1 ice ' of the most, progressive nations of the boro 6 miles front Clinton �4 -mile fr , sell O 'I : . . L . . . . .
� ,� bonier. the - ing..i��rch.a thebridd� lean ilincerisecif 'prayer that.your sacrif mos a my..
:;,L world.. The I IT , *
. I . . .earnest effort -is Fr;r particulars ayoly to -MRS 8 .� I I... . I L .. :�
, trict ponder these* things, then deal ing on the'arm of her brother, entered, and ours n6* be rAvde sweet by entire a d E , the. prenahe �. .
1� ' . L . . I I - niad'ef tg te .-, r- esbo�ol,olH AcKSON,onthei;iremhes I . , __ . . . . 1. ,, . 11 -
. . . i . L. . * . . �
�r with the local inerchant. Mj$& I . . I �- L . . . , i . I
14 " the rodin. .Barbara Culbert t to God's- will. � . leal* criticism, that . I i . : �
. 1. " .. . b, L.'N-AC-PAERSOIN,
niece of the groom accompanied the _ V _!_�_ , - .. . L . I I �
I neilch*our young1nen the: can I L
.. Now, Mr Merchant, a word with . ons.0 histor _! . I . .
�4� P. W&SL S, 1 But,lest these poor. words of oars they ina,*'clearly distingtilab authentic' . ..! . L . . .
.�zl- -you. Do volt inake as liberal use Of briAe, %yhile the grown Lipportedr Ma,y fail to give full expression to I I I
I L. - 'history from' tradition and supersti t- Faylu for Sate . L . .
04.% pruatine in], as you should ? Does 'r throbbin . utter- I I I I L�' .. I I . . . L I 1. I . . . .
AZ , e. , hearts that are T for 16usbeli6f. Out young,in6il'aretra"11- .. I .. . .1
" . bt " ilb " eb ler I 116 D bb - I . I I . . . ... I -.N8TT9AN0W
` r 7) er' ed 8 - - -i' es 0 0 �, . '
I , .. . your advertisement ,I ar regularly MOT erf-5r,n' the duti w I I ' hot so, Concetalloit 4. Goderich Tp.; about 2J L . . . --- , L .
_ ance, and since the cot) ict between
Ili . ed to think'cif Etiglislit Ameriball and
it , al papers i; ' ergirl. The ride was the recipienlpf:* 'oy and sorrow renc . '. from Baylielil. 3 i � ltilatce
. Vith many of - unable to . .1aig.
in the Joe, �r ,,b lers us I Ja ane4e histoty; ti-otas the de�d part. ,I,e miles from Clinton tile �. Aireldent.'.
goi 9 ' .
I., youittIA)ea,,bizttl,er-eareafe%vof You eau f III gifts. The, grooin'.9 jay More, w bu a more sulh_ ar ites and oo ts,Aing 80 acris; more or Idea-, good friesh. I Fill& , I M .
many, b .1 6 .off or.. yi 1! s Inusty Oki records of di Water creek'tunning through S th r . OFF . 10, - &OKAY )BROOR, L *. . 'C.L1N7ON"
� i I . am .
I I ,Who n(,ver advei-tise, or whose aciver- gift to the bride was a - beautiful gold Eof -our aff-L.0tion and es- . no burden to the houX,bgrn =0 . . . .... . �.
I . stantial prool forei n nanies proving -a round; 2 acres orch6rd, frame . L . 4
I . Using is spasinodic, Th;s if; bad for acelets to teein, this 6balice, andL beg you - to SS L to 14 Call .
brooch'and bracelet, also. br. in �afid it, wdari6e �tbe flesh. but For particulars ali ,H r L
: '
"', - . . . .. lil�� to eKsigned on the -J 0 4. W ,
� :, you and for Your customer. Then, are th� 11i,idesmaid and flower girl, and &-I tc6opt it as su-b) , In return we ask as-eiampleacif enterprise and noble premlseii.-WM ib I ILI, N911. �' . L.. . . . � . I. -
.�, yqu you,elv�s not sometimes L 1� ., . . I 9, Yieolll.:
�:"." . ruilty of gold.chath to the- groomsman. .L The that occasionally during the - holy I . I I . . I
7,� ... giving outside printers oraers for I . work done, worthy Of remembrance. in ,_ . L. I .. 1. . . � ... . I . -f � I .
.1 bridal party stood. -under an ar6h.bf-l'you � this 01161- 1 . BOLMEIVILLE;
sacrifice of the Mass, when I regard 'L to the .�roblexns of life which - . . I . . L . . . . I L .
L. stationery, etc., when these could be I ev6rh-reens, decorated With' ' k d . . �. toward.s. Heaven - -you I .be solved in -Oeylom' . .
fL�r I . ]Pill , an ice IS uplifted have to The ex- . Wood.'s Agent, lior the MANCIUMil. F1 9 ASSUIRANCE
. . . r, . .. Co. of Nauchoster, Enrland. wboee funds tire
L I . The QrA 4
'Li. done just as well by The Argus. Las whiteasters. After a 'sumptuous re- pailding of the industrial. Land coninier-m iii gilglish lteate#,' security areLrated sit t 4AXi,0W, A)so the M&
I k the. traveller for n, Toronto print- I will think of us, your frionds Q ,all �
.". I wee past the,young,couple left f6r Toronto, - down upon us the. benediOtl;'�of God. -, cial activity L of the.1sland is essential � I . : I I I . . 19 on -Lold', Well estaN I . KILLOP MUTUAL INSUBANV9 CO. 'A claOses of
� ing house calne through town and amid thee ",gratulations of their many Signed in behalf of the congre ation lished and relialile
I K to its Material prosperity, -but the hail- �= preparation. Has boon farm risks sind town vrogirty takon.: bt
,, boasted that he had taken orders for .. . . I I I 1. . . I I . . "' Z I I -0806 an companies
,,. friends.. - I . . 0 tonious working t .. .. I I aw
1. comniercialPrinting froni many firms. I t , I . f Ashfi6ld ,, - � I ,other of the sev- ribed and 'used Vo Gab . First
I ..
; . 'Of, ' . . I f', I Oveso] so rlp= .3d. Motey to be -held fr = 4J per
. L . . I . . MORGANDALTON M 'pre, 40 years, All drug- .
ii L - , ud in it or their common I . cent up,
Was this air to the newspapers? � . . - . JOHN T- GRIFFIN: . emlyaceq fou . ClAt9in the Dominion - .-je��ar 'Jug. a nature of so.i.rity.
I ,.r. Thesepapers are published in your MrJobn lkedr,an old-fitne resident . . . good is even. more -essential. Public, .it% of Canada' sell and usily m , Ebilmesyllie.- postal card-wl)
of Seafortb, and a; brother of CHAS. MOSS' L 'r . . V .. . recommend an being fetch him! I .. I., .
, . Spirit in, enteeptising young men -is I ,.( It. - . � . . . .
'1�1 interest ; they try to serve the district Brett, of Seaf6rtbi - (lied at Vassar, ),Neil replied suitably, - and, I .. . �
'. I
, Father ( ,, d b' the pages of history to be * L?ier, the Only' medicine of .,.,.,.,.- I — ___.
!�, � thorough and tairly ; they are well al'L with a L greail dea,l L .' ' y .. .. I a"d -A I it6kindthatourean"U . . . I . L . . I
17.1 Mich.. on 86pti 25th'L The Pioneer Of as was natur of ro eost potent facl . . . . 11
� equip r all kinds of commercial ice, 80 P,reat'L lbevm Lor: in the growth
� �� . ' _. once. or tw -i' - . it,pronaptly and
and other printing, that place makes the following refer- feeling, an of nations The lives of �the great lies universal hatiefd6tiOn 3f Aervous, Weak- HeRILLOP .11UTUAL FIRE
,. and all printing ence to the decei�ed: -4John Brett. was his emotion, almost broke'. down a and Japan,' perin4ndutlY OdrOB all fOrilis 4 rm-pot"cyl . .
, . that they ean do for the citizeiDs of the . . . honle. of men of England. Americ, . ! ness, gmissions, apervialdrrhoya, . INSURANCE"i -
who has beon Ili poor health' for-'geve when he spoke of the hagy Such a , the excessive I I L
L s. those of Gladstone and Crain- I and all effects of abuse or excesses, ' . I
L .
. . town should be done by them. Think al years, die(! 4, the -family hiAne ' . big childhood, of his me er, bis:,PaS-L well, - Washington and Lincoln, Savon - I use of robadcoi OPJUtn or StiMfilanigi HeftialL FAR I I PRQPERlY
. this over, Mr Merchant. It is to the V . 0,yulates, and and Brain,Warry, allot which lead bolhfiricitYs , HAND ISOLATM TOWN .
I . . 9eptdniber 25th, of tore, his teacbets,- his I ' I ONLY WS11RUD. ,-. . .
. . mutual interest of merchant,customer a8sar, on Friday, I L � arola and Neseema, deserve to be And- . Ilption and an Rally Gtaive; . , . I I
. n_____ Ire asked them . Insani consul . . OFF(( DRE1. '
I er and newspaper. nieanife poisoning. Although quit all the happy .�Iui in their prayers, as the sake of - t1l;a well-being,of, Ity, �kage or alt for $5. Ond 1100 VJCO Viregidont, Rippe
I fod for prompty, on. re. Jo B. McLean, V, �. .
feeble. he hadL been able to attend to remember (Jelloti. - There was a time when there :iawn-u're. L Mailed
L�'. I . business until Thursday noon. when hewasnowataturiffilgof the ways, very useful Or -' � 06nd for free pamphlet. Addrea. Fraoer President, Bracelleldli . 01, .� �,
. .
. � L -1 ild brin existed in Ceylon a, _gan I.. . The Wood Com, 'MY, amya;Aec. Troas.!4caforth.P. . � .
L I ,tin in his side and aiad perhaps the future wot '' r I DIRECTORS, .
he complained of it p, . at, . ization called the Ceylon. National As- windsot,4031 , Cillhadas . L . -
, trials which- would be he&V Jr a . . Jas.Connoll Portals Hill.,lohn att, lies
. HOW'S THIS? eank into an unconscious state. frorn , sociakion, which hid the interest of is sold in Olin loak.G DaIe%l1ntPn,'M. Chwney, Scofofth,
I Ave which he never rallied. John Brett sev`� - the sons -of. the soil.' an(I of which you, . Woods Phosphodine 1 J Evame, Beeallwoodw J. 0. Grieve, lAthrop,
I offer One Hundred Dollars Re. was born October Gtb,IM94 in England A sh6rf N"am of .vocal and instru- A'r, wore the worthy President, amid ton by R. P. Reekie, F. W. Watts' J. Bentowels, Dublin. .
I . ward for any case of Catarrh that can- and emigi ated .to Canada when thre6' viental rnngi , as given. and addresses i e 0 isk the Central College H. B. Combesli and J. E. Hovey, Drug- Each Director inspector of.losges In his own
not be cured by Hall's Cathrrh Cure. , .�, jCor, not th I ast b . . locality.
-1 . Were_dL elivered by Rev Fatber Me 06fore ItL is the, tralbitif of gists. � . 1. . . � . AGENTS .
F J U14UNRY & C., Toledo, 0. years of age. 'In 1853.Lhe was Diarried ,. hail set t I .. .
4-- 111-4-U. A T.AAlk. _f TA� A -i. . aek . Dr O'Corroll, Messrs. Morgan U Up -1, dl,. I h. - . I 'T'L W.Voo Holmesville Robert Smith Her -
I . . We, the undersigned, have known
F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and
q -, 9
and came to Vichigm in -1805, living cut
Memphis, Port Austin, Millington
Dalton and JT Po*er,SeParate School
I . ! . .
inopector. I �
ounf met& W .
,e the interests which the'
i�- SA e uard
I believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and fin ancially
. and
Vassir. He'lias been. engaged in- the
. I I
. .. I
. � . .
how delunct association represented,
I We do not neglect the Other subjects
� . able to carry out any obligations make
by their firm.
hardware business nearly halt 8, Ceti-
tury, in whiell bo was always success-
SaVed flabY19 Lite ' �
of a practioal'64licationi What is
illobt neceasary and useful . is. given
WFST&TRUAX, Wholesale Dtug-lful.
1. . sts, Toledo, 0. WAX,DING, KINNAN
He romovecl to Vassar about four
years ago, and'has beein,associated
with his son, chm, N. Brett, in the
. w� .
' I
Mrs T Brisson, Gold Rock Ont
first, and consequently we
solves obliged at times ta deviate from
of studies
l . MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Tol-
'tes-,lBaby's Own Tablets savea
the usual our riculum pur,.
books �
edo, 0.
hardware and plumbing business.
li , life when there seemed
illy ittle boy's
sued in other schools and use
'slalid, It
not used elsewhere in the I
1. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
�11' . nally, ack.ing directly upon the b:ood
I.. I I I I I
. I 1. . .
. now a bright. rosy
no hope, and he Is
Re suffered inore than
healthy child, I
I readily conceded that the
must be �
lines of edueati6n here should. be some.
I . and mnoous surfaces 6f the i,ystem.
. I Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per
San Vmnciso� CALO Oct. 8._� Mrs
tongue can tell from obstinate, con-
atipatioll and niedicine.qave hini 110
what different from the curriculum of
st dies most suited to students whose
"I '
I I bottle. 8old- by all Drug Sts.
Hall's Family Pills are We best.
Stanford will build a now library at
relief until I gave him Baby's Own
Tablets, I would not be without the
�ue Is Ir"11glish. It is un.
mother tOng
Stanford University, to cost overM,.
(Mandwill then pe itinta.nently endow
Tablets in the bouse* and 1 think they
home where
Wifee for our boys to'give its much
to.Latlill and. Frencli as Nn6j,lish boys
. .
it with $1,000,000,
. I
ouldbekeptin every
shere'are ` or delicitte children."
d 6, 'They should not be a lowed, to
All the minor ills of childhood, such
neglect the study of lihiglish,
I . Valdosta, Ga., Oct 8 -The Rev Rich
Jaines, a Baptist minister, was ent to
. Paterson . X. S., Oct 8 -11enry Court.
as indigestion, tolic, stomach troubles,
diarrhoea, vioinis, constipatio: it, simple
Anil .
. the Vnl-
On the. recoiiinietidation. of
. I
i :es by his 18 -year -did son, Seward,
It's t after he left the pulpit, because he
ena " Wafter in it restaurant#- has been
if ed by lamyers- in.,London that he
fevors,And colds are ptowgit rolievoid,
throng t 6 use, of
vetsity Commission' appointed
Lord Odrzon, the Government of In --
. I �',
ad whipped the boy.
Is beir to an estate volilued at $250,000
. . I .
loft by an, uncle,
and speedily cured
these Tablets. They are guaranteed
dia haig decided that Ceylon students,
shall not in future be permitted to,
: I Omaha, Neb., Oct Q-A severe wind.
to Contain no te and Way be- given
with absolute safety to the youngest
take the Calcutittir OxalninAtiO-68- �1
'they wish it, they may have the bete.;
I storm blew downs, brick.wall of the
. S4v0,Y0urs61f
I gains, worry and dis-
aud most delicate Wid, sold, b all
pledicino deAters or t 0A ard at
fit of th6 Madrall VilivOrA10 elcktft-'
new Union Pacific shops yesterday,
killing one man mid seriously Injuring.
ULM% by using e Iliover-rAlliftst I'll&
111110 V1 18,01,11 Ana Watt Extraci.
!�t'lng The Ifr Wil.
26 cent6 & box by VVvi
This 10 a very w"86 411d W4610 omibdo-1
Ilut there is to COY1011 & VetYi
4-4 T4'lo,",01.11111A, AV,Aiim -61
..I %1'A
1118 ont.
Bards edleine Col, Broilkvi
clsioo. .
look -Jos Cummizigi Eginoadvillb, Ed� M11,011 -
ley, 686f;ith. I .
I Go ,Do MeTaggart
9ANHwEt I .
. General Saikking Busluelat
I trai"Aacted .
___ .
. ,
Notes Issued. interest sitowed on
� . delibilto, I
. .
. _.�
. . ,
J, P, - T1190ALL. �
. I 1. . I
- . I V.&NInmu, , , � �
. 01'IN'tUX0 ONT �
Private foade to 16613 on wortg . agoo it
I btot atitt6m Wee .
I 66"Otild 11ankliag, bus)u6sa I 'itailevoted
a wast allowea on depodio,
Salo tow bought
.1 . -; ,
. . '. ViR.J. FREEMA W. �
� . . MOWN -
. .. 1VAftU*AftT SU � -,' ��'
. -M . oinb6t of the *eierinary kedical A liflo4iiIAR..
tions ofLondoU end Edinburgh, aiJ4Grad*.-
� mo of the ,ontarfoXiiterinery College. , ":
I . I .
� . '. .. . I I I �
0 . .
. .
.- . . . 1� . 7. . !
I. . . I .. 1, I
. ..
� - ... Miscallanobuse I....
. . . . .
. . . . I
. . .� � I
� .
I I . . � .
. � .
.. '
I . Go .L. FISHER*' I . ..
. . . . I
. ..
I . I . . MINTON — .014T., I
I General Agentor'Firderal Life Ali;surancc IC
. I olicies on a . 11, the latest approved planaiwIth
I privileges and options most advantageouSt
the Insured. Annuities Issued. . . . . I
I . .. I . I .
. I . , ,
. . .. �L .. -I- I . - . I
I . .
. I . . . I
. . . I
. .
. . . .
. .
MARR` 1AGJm- LicF,Nsn
. I .
I . . I . .
I . . '. . - . SUED.By * I - .
... � . ,IS ... 11 - I . I
' K
I. I 4. .Rumballt, Clintobl-.�.
, . I
... 4. . - . . . . .
I . -, � ... I __�
. �
. � I . I �.
. I . . - � I I .
� .
. MARMAGE LICUNS Issuelift tka-un
dersigned lat- his IL Idemee. loaty itVie
011Aton. I ..
. . I I
. I I . . I . .
,. I I No wittiesees-required
. I
� . . . - . ..
I .
. I
. . i ,.e , , _L - . . . .
. . I . ____
. �
. �
I .
. ..
. ..
- �
. ty— - B I'lacer ''
The Novelt
. . .
. ad , Res,taurant - `
. . .
-We always keep'ou hand a forge
and well masovtod stock of goods to -
choose froin. , . ' I .
Mixed bandy from 16 to 10a per Ili:.
Bon -bons lee to $1 per Ili. -
I FA1l0y,6bOj0JVA813 &nd criesma .
I 20c o Be per lb, .
I . 0%
'Pigs and Dates. . .
. �,
. .
Mexican Naval Ana Valebois or
. Anges ISO to 50o per doz. A
Lanionall5c per doz. .. .. �
. - .4
Don t forget ibis is the place f6t 4
all kinds of om-keg pxetr$, aid 4
1 4
A go-ja line ot pipe eigare and 4
. tobacco alwayoonhand, .. 4
. I 'I
13,61timoro.pystato plwqo Do bsul� �
I. 1. IL . . I '4
We iire leadoto in thit lhie. � 4
. . I
I 1 4
. . Stl6otimot of J 4 MoOltyl cliftioll, I ,4
. 4
; . 4
. .. � � � � � &.%,, AL a A � A-& ,&.�AAL,&�A �,.ALI.
I— W_ __ — — __
XOveral. 111611. It 'T f. � .
I � . lo- .. I . I f I 0 I I . .. . . M
- ... . "I' I , ,
I ��-I� � - &..� a 'i
iftes"WAYA. , -..1 _.,_._._, e. 111MIk" - 0 -.- - a�4 6 ,�16 ;, IN" �, - -AAkillauL