HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-10-09, Page 29 . I . , 2 1 ;:' 1"—`4V`R1r,w'7�7—'7?"T7'7` . I I . � 1 .14�_ . ;: I I , . , "at, .1 I I � ­1,1%T4T_*n�411M7_ �1� i '. � — -- —7,-� - 11, � . XXW =14 I ­ 1_1� I _1191-rillw SF � . , I , � . qlq . . , � 04� 94,10)3 - I ,. � I . I . . I � I.". --- I . �'_ �, ,, ­ 1.1111, ._.� I I , . . I - om I... .., ,�_,_ I ,,,, I. � I - , "" I ­ , I . I �%^M %Alp% IR 4MR.Aerm , " 1f**,r*r$Qe41 HIR"Ay. j,jvLr1r I , I � , � ". I . duratioul t1boapil �tbe'�'repWo4ly oc- I , - � 11 I � I , I ... . 1 �, , � - ,,, �, *0 to 1— � , 4' 1 1 I .i . . . I lK . . V , , carrod. Ur 10*SkIl � ,,Kau rmoved to Food W", 64 "" - " , , , Sow, . 14i tw I i , ,� � ., * � 1� 0"41040 pr ,$"* I 4 '� ',',A"h - Of , :pIgnol's ftia a" I -1 . I'll Alftift 00W.V.1 ;K, 0 I Me i4e C =_ � 11 . 10 " , I , . 9 7 Of "W"Oule - = 01"A 0 ft- - , .1 . � I.... R. , , the eoriiOwf a*, AWly to the, ante. I I lron-ox,; CUQ I ,��S - �`itl r - I I I k It Wy kwf" qawl ',A1`4M 44 � � , I V � Wooing of t4e clorriR ap;kAment, wb � are it, , 1 4 ure' &w I � ` 'I �� . I . I #74A�Iio� 3P I I , . i i 4 J_ Flow ( WWAT ftgl*w "a." , . ;a - -1 . � I . � .: I �. _ rs , I lk� ')riffle. rl". y the last 044 Any, 11 , - -I- I _. " . V.lknt . *rxaw 01110k, 10"WIT "11110010o 11 i ., I he jp'4 sood quiletly Awxy shortly Otal OW4 Ityis St $6 44*04. Tot ItA dal"'lls. � � , 11 107 �k 111611ow , .. I . LL � b -PaSt ten o'clook. Dr rowel I ,4 Z* 'Amb 61 114000 V1014. is I - 4., 1 . "NW" %No. � , 1-1 -11 ...... . I ." L . ,a" 11"Who fretv"ary 19, 1"as I I tt L '""M 11.1 . I oc - ­11*0.1 I—' 1-1 I'll 1. 1. . I— � . _ I _­__ - , I I " t , 1 14� "' 4 ftro for sale, OXXV9XIA * L ure , ou 00"R , n4ance go Mr OArsill, rj=10 00 ., /' I " TA. -bo -14 -lox L rowbig bas. been on atto The b 2 " * *4V we law 041404*W"YOXOARO. . . � 1� I � I . �� . � ,- - _ , " , X , itribu ion for sea " ._e 1,&4;1 t WASIOTS)k 001410IT01% MAXT I " . 0 ;VL." Itis with &*t* Ow L � I ., . , .* r 4 10 � � , ku � . 11 wasaloo prer,ent 4uringa, great p,rt of .t 1I%yo vot P.ut on reoutibut, I , LL �� , vild. .,But w by let 0�erybod�, — - 4 can edify,to the. curative vlot)7, * �)R ., ;4--1-, I ­. ­ , � ... � ­ b 1.17". e . . , -, � . ,_ ,� 10row,�-11WINS, 441"" L. I�bKrp uxe4 W, T SWrigla File. - � , .1 I L O'' your Vtoy re ill sk general 11"I 0 1w"*", ZAMW ' ... 0 'r meay in my, , 044CIV90- , 7 . ,., , =0 , X:�-- _-_ . j ��Mtloe with "mo4t satis. P Air � " tb : 111"(364, "Tille feellug. 1 ex ( �1.010., I WAS 30 of a, xb!,V, ill A We mowtvIvItly". Ill, . � I O" C I - , . � �� . U400 0an aheftfu%, re, %bn , - - . _ I I bof'OL 4#tk"Aha ill , — 'A. � I I � umnowil'swortuA mile& Splendid low, ' ; '*, , ; I � L. . uteri oong the inembers " I . i ON, L �.:Ps ear Q W i "I ­ . i " ot I , so regret (w . . L . I . , XK* 06ir ,;h, $4119y U"614d withl,dy lmoliptilu" as straigbt from tho L $104, "hea IT 'a, Argo 0Mlinit'd, &bqU% L$ V I . �, . I iis� , 0 ft" $I'M ftr Iola by #rW$ - .I , . , ill , f the House Irrespective of politics -at jAtfA #o**lp`o'.% lhssdr,.�bnj "'Julitais 0 AMM STJTT ba I ., ,We# 2 ,=sli .of, villuvotiolof . , slid 1P stpolat or. Ifyouw 01 �g.'#Oodjiatso ,� I . , . t1lat ;w1weile'r I 'ate, CA I 11, MO: siot-WAS to son , oAd 1411 nale, !ftw-wora _* $0 I! , -. i I . -� I � . I vqj%reat%;g or � I I - I , . , � . _Xd f . 41 . . -1 � . � ilia sudden demise, .as Mr IpArsill vae I . 11100"r 44 "AW - I " I - V desery,#41y one of the most , popular W I - . , " .. � .0 , # so Inuich tlwtuft 04t atuioo idintiod will. he Imandlo by wiloil go *0ps Q( price. . I , Md" 'h, moliturt it co;Vaulon, .or W, T. 10TRO$6, 11olitif ' . Vo"VVAXOX�6�9' 009mmopw ll� � ..... � ..... � I Ale'l Cargill %_____'_ , "WA" w10 _:_ lot 400giring obalm- Form -For $w , ,LL me.mbpra of t Rouse, Ur bv=W, a' dreAd to nxt� 1 WO., vql�*L Th* derivation, of" I comwillta sk London, Ontario,. " - . Lie, r4olixotow0du " At"4, � .. .� 1. .:t a . N, I WOW to "tild Allyor be st%V . acted. 0oxalw4li was I .: ,� l; IN,, .1. I., .1 -t_ : . I nail tm, L ... 4 ifqr I wasa Conservative, and W for two , IL , Ift-M Iwo V , � , I — .1. . f1f — , It=,", I. . ,,rb, oublioadl I — . . . . " r the'=an -who PU1110409 We -jjT0 - . o"Overeforosolagatehol"Ism � I We "M IpO141gan .to pi,rs,lng of %U on 1ho li*.Mu road Tucker , juirt ago 61 Q X VAT^ 40= X10"T � I . East )Bruce., � he&a4a's boat, then kino r .1 , sull . .1 L o - Parliaments re resent cmplqeo I . W13 V1144414 Of Aww- Attoato., boot-liamms. 011otou I . , 4 L �ly use Ayer's Hair Vigort r P 'ed li� and have -at toomploal W Fisher., it I I , . 1, . * )me 11, '11 I I 11 M . #in 1% "* 4 - cg:ftu of Am no or on, I I , . ,,-�,' y9ur gray hair will soon have 11 . _""" . not W_ A rettorn, of the, troulw , . *C�ck b9MI, Is a, cor. olarke,tirm aeons, I re. miacbsoullem, y- ,11* 0 qw, -, FAX A 4 1 - "' . I . . . t1ou of t a word' `oso,orecle,* a#A,v,s viijahm, preachers., stu tats, inewried slad 11 I : : , 11 . L . L rap h = 'a all G"ARL94 0"0941 . . 1 I . . . sinm most people know ro 0 1 . r*. u * & I f r garrist" 00UOjtW:,j4 ,L I � L L ,l, the 06racle, is a small Positions WO a spies 11 otgAT and ("Onitrispiew .1. I . � I QeQ4" IROAds , 110412,1511oll par �51141um. 'W .1 . , , ,� yout.h., .Sold, to 60 yearg tnend your flae$d�e to atly round 11"t ullt4 -Vol Ta""S, week'IT ter I I L . I JA . all the deep, rich color of, I Can SafelyL 'VeCQM-j , sing1so 'Winnop, Mind vido*#, . � . r _1 q I -� . fQr.flolting ,on owpo, of I Idea I . � 0 On. . - : � I the Walilli, rivora, such As, thp. *Wye 4n4 7 � a. rl V Wrd ­ . . _"Iwoslilc evibemo now . . '�!Icsk ". .. (Oodierich Signal.) I I , on � t. Y, A. . A wip . give. IOUno . 044 . I I at ,.�n U Is A I or I Usk. So coxswain comes to me from the , . 041011011$ A . I I 'L I � . TAT-OARPICTSOXfo. L Farm ro r sale I . I I , r1cZy IN rd'4.71-.'.'a.01',4.1,4,".I,I.I bay.- stioering. frcm dyspl-'S�� - , , t&. , I r o every, one who sees It. *lid not A Huron colinty has been noted fox! It W61811. Other languages Are Also jorezoeil I L , . 1. 116 I I . . ,%Atf9rd. .. . � ­ '' I 14-'. 1, ,,, . 11.1 1. b%1rIntt,&IIdae.toAye,r Hicki * - . 0 . 1, ,, I Ay MRS OrT15:sJO I�Zlgljl� . inditestion. � . , L4' - 11 11 l� . m r. fine roads,.but there is imminent 4an. , _, j: f:uto the service, L . — , . — I South half lot $3, oc 1 Oodgri I . .. , . L � L QU To,wool4p ... TM bottle. . . R. JI FONMERP ITPounodoral" . 40 serge; goodol4y on , 0 acres fall Wheat . e L, .. , ru , "' ' A %'M',.',! gQr of its losing it lon. in I . , 1 .14 Isfyiply the Italin -,* CONSERV : whits. __ r,w4ff _s good reputao . .. I I "Alrou , & C, ftmehbu-eand me kitche L . , � mm4u4at,Qre,"1 or commander, . and .pd - for a... , ... t , o, stood cel� formerly of osmaxon" 1161t 4 104m.ma , I OrMots Ont. 1"00 top 18j"In! L . � this, respect, The repairink of the I IF Cemento to ad ept goo."; a , I; We L. .. 'naval cadet" was originally th tor . ha; � , 14; , I . . rog at," w1jeb, go.Wi L I a French 'Studio 91 310ske � at, pu .BAR3%Ij9T10A +%*Q. SOL101TORt . ,r . t fr L as bI , eap lid a i . �% titep further . . - , � . p . . officip-Rimuton st opp"Its.0ollodmovou . . , ever tat., r10 c r . , : � I � gists, or-sentj postpaid, on receipt tile . I .111, S DR . . ), te air , co- i at drug- ;joacv, bAs, the mine origin as. 'Rord, W, Glenn Canapball, Organist and Mir . I , Itifty Iron -ox Tablets, inati, attractive ll`ca " Whio H " I : untry � os.in many, cases isdoue it., 44umipum pocket Me, 25 CeUt,' I us t . a � auytilitixg buto scientific manner, and of captain. The ,reason of this apparent an- director of Villis Preqbyt n 0 U 4 A . 000900" ONO . I . � I . � . 1. . , I 44A. h rob a re A . .. I _. 11, .. I . - the labor and mioney thaigreexpend- frice, The -Ir6n-cox Reme4y Co., Via- omaly is that originally all naval. cadets lution, I . . . LL I . . I M. .. . � I I �," . — el CIO a' . It which they . ted, Walkerville, Out. - � I were ger scous of zko* families, wbo T4a .Or Of ,6110forts,, Pipe-Crjean arid All I UACKINSONA&GAIRROW ' L I . Ot yield the reau � . , , rivates previous to obtaining bifencloes, of ealTheor7, Put . I Farm for Sale . BA=I?,rRRS, S(IT"IMTORall RTC.. 111� 1 ------7' oervel'as 0 Tis, prepared. - % , f. 0 n. W- vs 11 , ,v orouto on. . . _ . , forall ,dexaml, llitionsol the I ' C , � Iff I 1, should and which they 'VV,DU!d if the � . I V . - �V# . .� . mr, 511ton's to. raole.. � t their. commloOlon, I 0 . 9T � o?ralt, I I 00"-Vorls. namotolklotma4dtjke #"er . .11 . . . I ." L I , The undersigned offers his farm I L - ork were ,directed Ili A more intelli- I There 41"A"r , a 6 or Al .rN,'8,`e1'=c , moulbbalf0f. I I I . . _­` . . was never 'such a. person 'its, oOLT-, TT14W&hj I DII I , lots 9 and lo.. t'Oneesslon 12. M a P'aoe IS AL a . � I 1 003'- - ( Went a . Writing of the Ron. Clifford Sifton 193oavy Joiles,rll t -bough we ently !-17- — a r-adelt1a; .]It;: . - . I ,_-­�-- Mw tip4oilxalffram4house..witbotomo caller L; H" Jj# Dick, .MOOR : � FRIDAY, OCTOBER Oth, I . 9 , nd systematic manner. The . (Talk Of , - 0111 -w C$Afs, dA=0Wj,,L J)'$ 1 . . Ire r,j , : , in the October Canadian Magimitne, a ,lieAr of his looker. Oge cou to, I ce to R.ent, : drl %lootoSe, barns, Phlrds. and all neces.A-7 �. I , ___ m4hod frequently employed is Simply .writer s-Ays ;-Th4ii qualit - TUffy' Jongth'aL locker 11 " ClIffy" is the, , oulb dinsrs,orie� all orebaird,nover failing - I . . . of. courage? I . . , u i creekan AM olatern,90 acres cleared, 11L PROUDFOOT&HAYS0, , I I Toronto Satni day 1�igl.t says, "Re to dump loads, of gravel. on the road, which is indispensable tot e sticce I I b . a Ile and a . ' I L 'K . ssful. W040pilian negro term for ipirit. or . __ ' .. " 't "o =1 El. 11 I on$ I NOTACR:B .'�Ve� . luse Yankee coins whenever they are I and leave Win passing vehicles to we T . politiclar., is not Tacking- in the Minis- ghost, whili "Idnith" refers. o Ovq Wav)or & Souls otore-Allitable for Una h, 10 and post offloil, "rous, .Z1 V - . � I I . I . ter of the Interior. Re is. always phet of chn, ll;.ZMO�' purpose. Apply to I I I . I 0 p9raf,ule"pIrVep 0,4-Im's-8, 1"Xg. ..%=Xg UU,X , . I � , I DITered. It is a par' . of Canada's busi- it . . , On . . KNOX, Blyth, Out. - O)SCO: No"k 54" isexcileas? to slan"a. 0 L � , I L _grzidually into a rough. anA uneven ready to 'take -up..% challenge. Per- . 49)og watch" Is gAcitlier curious c4se, I N?21, it, Mrs. A. U. MANNING Clinton. gap* . . . I , , I . _ � "! �L'� ness to have o' age if its own and not ro tdbed, While thi . . haps this was best . 111tistrateA Ili the of 4r term gradually corrupted out of its ..l."I.— � .­., .1 . I . .1 - L . . . .- _. - Private rands 0 leind atjov� as; rates . 1. . a process is goiftZ, f' L . # " .. L I I � � L I . . I I , , , ,r_: to permit itself to be flo Aed by metal , � amoUs due! between Sir Mbbert Tup- original form. Oritnally it was ,"Dodge . ' Farot for Sale. . .. L of interest. , . I aslonal t - eger, For Sale , � � L . . . .. rAGUIA190T. . on oco. ravellera are greatly.1a )er and himself. wheii the former, on wateh,31 go d & because JtL lusts � I � I . I I . . W :Ft..(;. UAYS . I L,; . . . , . . . . . : :. � to . I . I L . �Df the lowest intrinsic value and w! 1h convenienced on -4 .even ;endaug-lered Eis Way Ottawa from the coa,st, ' , ,oil twQ . I . I Tha undersigned offors for Oak his choice 1 . . . I 11 I. I . I � I I.. � I . Onstead of the usual fourhours, , A good frame,bouse slid oniall -bam' cidei farm, lot $1, con 6, township of Ilullett, con- - , . . . I d 11 all T On the'rll oe Is a c L . MeOicW- '� . , * ' ,omfort- 1. .. . I LZ; . . on an ,. before: Mr f3lftoWa .' ' e - hft III t be on, duty,every day dur-. ' 31 idrids of fr;izit traea able story-and-a-balf brick. house'. good out.' I I . . 1 4 , I 'k is for its worth only the imprint of by-th I ro - , , I . ! �, � - gave out public.li� that bewould stop,. -alirthila makeaLlt possible ilia ;a m I toarly new. Allso, 2%, sisttligor6ogeres , I V . o condittou' of the L .ad, and to , t the me ft ' 'k ' � -tile name of the country which gives L ' f ­ Ao ' L . a . . uW I , 8 I - - Itnilisti b6 own coust it a , 10 V - never 9 . .. � . ) 6%oae who u eft consiftntly i . at Brand I ituentq, 6har,je him With, ,�A& e same. a m""au n 1W :of g6.3, Ifft.Vued . L . . . I . . hour 14D watches," to' ner ' ,_And sore building, a small orchard, -fall W**'r I : * th as I to, give_ At * once, H . E . 'i a . e I r e Loll S' 0.1fogring - L � � XVJ" ' 3f&D"' ' , i . -.us the hardest trip. While it would A source of loss. during the corruption, This OfjL itse f re6iilred n6 calj.e�,`44 from 4, fn R voill, d to 8 in the Londvolooro Ont t u 4 Iles I toil a te 6, , X, 3116AV. IN d"L xolnbwxs. . -posi...01- P. , � :�, � a contirin � . I -_ ___ . 2 - I as . N W% be unwis- to in. ike tourists unhappy sinalld of Obrhkeo' and- displayell ev@nlnr-, . . I WIVAMetwIn oto c ,loca I . � oat o cc I . Is acres oftics--9niart" Street, Clinton. Night -ORD. I � . I o I h it . ro, � a sQI Or , I ' r SOW, Tfre r r . ,or of offici or real4oncel Rattan- , � weeks or months, before the dirt, and 6 of h t' old'Hessianflghting blood - Riallcors call moo un I I . .r at front do r L ,�r lon th, ir visits to this country, its a. i I . I . .!, . ft Wylot j. I �� For gaje� or ,� I t � bury Street. � I . �. I . � . I . . , . ulders are groiimillto which ran in the veins or ir Ilibbert's , 'toR r t. or ' Or a I I . L� ,. , ept" , r L . , gravel and bo . S,ftL WaSIn,11&9ou I complimentary to k, is nautical I I � I ., . 0 1 Or 11 .0. . � -V30 . . . for jon . . I . . . rW M'. . � _, L, . I Ae we should refuse money which compactness -loss notonly it, tivie but arlcestqrs�. Wr on ill- ji?�r a r6pe's end. 'o 63, ears agolo .* . . I , I . I . - �.. DIR 0 ' .1 I I I . . . rRA ' - Lot 29, e9m, 21stablor. oliontaloingloo nogrea. . HAW r I , to rout 'r or r ,S . In good altatp o cultivauon for sale or , Licentiate of Mac ", r Ja not of our own 'make. ' Canadian a- on the " ern part of the province � and had an r 'Farm . R10101 . � I I in w,,ir vvid,fe , hdrses and ve- important prograw of ni I , ropes were LmAde out of ullrus a, for . ;. .. . For .-Sale., . r 3, Royal College of j?.bi I D, r I ! : � =313ey is r.ot accepted in thQ 'Vjlitea ) . � . . L (etluffs, to which the Latin . or a "junous" , for Voila of, years Witto JNM MOGRE"RI � I . . . I . I . . � - don, England. . I . _ ' f , 'O'� . GOB, 2 con.,U; I I � � nneel which entailed considirable , Nowadays wo I f " oriole I . . r # Weles. ' � I . . I . 4 'star, EUvremille8or M j . MOGRE — . . 11 . . I . . I . L Isk. He at olice however, accepted boar oil -, luckersimiM 06hfOrth P', O." ' - Lot. 12, Bayfleld con - .. . L � "' L' atates! u ot I a ' ' . , orl it as I or rd" and. It- $-T I I , .. Qodarich tp.., Ila sop, OfAds Slud-RO11114OU60 I r Sys. fm, is Was , U the tW m L enL;jp4 (f . r t Feb,. 7-tt, . L . � r . I .- . r Ie&red,U_lsnc*hsrd*oOd,v1th rmawigii- JOHN TXPF0jWl8*.1R6e. Aurcis*jill�:, . .. , . -.7. . The statute laho ' i ' * . tef., I the challen ' , � 0 i d t r %, ', . . . I . � . . at . _____� r I lot . . ­ . � . � - - e ,s!�me platform before withstArs. ItIsreally"s-te-rboard" . .. . . r .., . . utfivencrostailw ext4n4conal 1. L. . . � . . I -shirs peared.on t%lej r and a, card.". Sta of. ceclir on it), in I L - I ' - ,lltilecepted here. The amount of circu and inefricient in many . tow, . . :. do I � clar.d." oard has .. L ng ,, 0 . , , ' rod ain't dersible tali - . .. , ­ ,. lation which has Washington instend . an audience of 6,OW reons, wh6 weeil , P e: in i Ca pit 1:06 L done. Comfortable bri0thouse large . .. DR.O.-Wo SHAW, . *. . . L . r .. � ." througlio t the province Ithaa 4163hdyr �cro*dedinto the Seasting rink.. Prco� Anglo-Saxon'for "steer side' becaus r in 14W'Sale. th4tablingundermenth.driving shed and PHYSICIAN. ISUSGEON . I � � , . I 1:� :, . Mf Ottawa for its source should make . , old, galleys steered -t-, an 'oar ilia oar . . L ­ . or Gutbuir . I ;,. L 1 ftnaj AbOull ZL-acra offaba"L : A "OC - residence 0 1 '_ 'L �L, been abblished, and the movement for bably,one-balf Were sApporters,of Mr at t Lill I , OL Ne*combe Jly shuttlf.*ialirpot,loom in first- mootly �interf t - *ell iiatered�-ueverfstl- tichoor 9taij office And .. ... , I Was ,fixed aomewh ' 0 e, rillitbaud I' for about we on the tug spring ciiekauJ'two wells Sooven-Wil IOW O 0,1011,rap4lir �gu be)JOUgh* t % 010001to agliob. church'i formerly 00 . , � � Zo I � � ,X)anadians exce-dingly jealous of their Siftoil ,Wnd the,other.half opponents � ., as v r.Asoplotou, Gljot(m'Qat. L . . I a better �ysteui of ioad co-ustruction aide ,of tbo, sterii, find the he MSMAD rdollor, "his )a a good Chance - to, got 4 10031a from ClIzittonandthreefromBayfield. Powcs.� I . . ' - '_ - .,�, 4eirculate. Evei y one - in a While I see (4overnnan L er , - L - ' _j 6'_�"' "gh�d DR. r.. W'L ,rmompso1w, .-. ' L�" ' ' I As is well known, the meeLing turned t held the inb d rtion Ili. his r -_ , sicin at any time, reasonable ter I I � .. -_ . . I r r �rlght to coin the dollar which Ims; to is becoming - genertil... -. The Ontario out diaa$6; r ,_.�,y �heap, All _.. .1 . , , . r 0 for Sir Hibbertr Tup- 'o. . P t rijLto 0,UAS. SjRbo"' . . ebe re Lted, L ­, . an o P-11 j . �., the encour I& Obod rciadbis Al ' � bi- I � , � - , $100t000 fal it is. p b.. '. ,a 7 R �. I it's grant of T, chakge§ han(L As P? V � and "App turIhnZalut'.0VAT - . r I . .. A . ,)a,,, - - ,. I - ' : I I L 'jc� ' I gbl ' 'a - cohrluption of WerL lboard, *the, � . 4 . L , rtly ' h us Sir 0 1 09 T, b JL I � r , .. . r L Physician, Surgeon, b1c. � . r ­ . . aj�em t' 11'ri . ipper, t, 1*9 e 16 I . r . , , r -1 eislastenti . 6i . m given I to f ,r :b t e : lagoard' id a h riginally c6baidered - . . ' � 1 p - . . .uprominent bugriess man refuse a llnot&r factor in the .81tilittl0ii an( r; I . ar . . diseases o the . e 'T * � o . . 11 Ole or, to Aent. X�e, Eari,Throat uAdliose, , ' ' 'Yankee quarter or it YaLi iddmake4 W lc�h'Tnftaea i rn the celebrat d Phil , I . � . .. . L �",�' h �: 1. W , I . r .1 a ,,'��:,� ikee dollar, the icipte of this coutitf, shO �re going the ,ij .I t . . I . . Farm for "L' . . L ' . - L .. �,j�','�_, -was $p "I �,�F L I ve you any , . : . . I I ... . . ., L I . . Offi ,, r r Once.'- - ' . . L;�r, ,gc er q letter, rl.jng 4 g% . :A,�,r , �_l.at", 11 -r -1w _­�'11_1' . . � ei'and Rbald 1aA, ' a ive;i � to L I - E - )n '4 n1jo 14 ther nalne r - which � ,'.� , . .. . r n his in - up t eir nlinds wheth hey , .j4 i� . ­ " , ' ��.. ' � �,' �',r . a I estee oti,c simply be to take. -e of the grant or not. ienee foi fhei' ftst time (h4t night, - ,�. L ii Aa .L � . � 11 The undersi ad offoia for sale his, farin of . . .1 , , r darrikAy a vessel. I.: i ­ 'L .. 0. 1504cres whi -is all uroder graeg -but 90 abres Albert At"00 Aled's Worth of RRIP"AbU17. , : _ . I I their shat , � . I . Drilling t,b * do I . I . il-,"'I'l�_', '' L doubtless. be difficultliets and which slinif; - paralyzed the le:i- .: � ir. . I " , . ��,:. � e,.use lie puts himself to a certin There W(Xut( .1 ,I�V r . as complete &� corruption as' ..' . , _- I .Wheat, Una I . � . - . .11. ' j'Wa �Slftonls Tt Is alulcost . . . I live of WMOh is bilshi 7 acres rot &I . . �, I . . L � . . q I I �,i`�,',i, . a claim ed that Mr . . . . C.N. L ­ .' V­j"�,;," , aznou, t of trouble for Canada4s &Ike in the, Way of'AppOrLjOIjjngL the iiion6y e - I ""dog watch"', r � L., R60k' Well I *6acres of barley'and the rest oat.e., The. par� W. MAY '. ,., I I ah&j,6ritYofL OVO'r 600 in'' I "Sheet 44clicir", is really r' ' � I - jelirfollo the election. L �Oii Or - bsek,en, 'd 16 1 . � . . ,�;" . 'L nkalmer among the " L ._ -, list it can'L . of'biVino: L A .chaser ran,hay.d the j lotion of ta#In 6ver crop I . I . . . . . I in an 'equitarlylid - "O�d �Idhcotell anchor, it) called been. a thinking oes . G. , xanAillg� Smith . 1,"��.,',o,��:,,' 4 . ut thiii is a minor condd- . � I andell. Riverruna'acr .1 , an I . 11 _�, ' ', ­ , r . I � W all ong t to do a little som&hin2 Avb a few days later could puf3own for arollibul daut water supoly, or for an. , lvj�,Sz`, townships, bi . . I. �. be accounted for by the rogults�bf this , from its griat �relgbt,',be eiiaily'abot Out, r va. t*or jas, letmO -bear from you. Estimates excelidut-farinto rainoriltoqk. Marais 'on r . ­1PEV-SICIAL -&. S. 1tqF'PN. ' - � . r I . . . I !'.�L��" ' . 1. I I . L ",_"'?�,:`4- - for Can ida's sit] ell and Ili the matter of o - main point is this, the L _ ,r of I ' ' lie -�fii,iiyfiivnished,A'nd'�gtistadt�on IrtAran- the cmisesago t*.Q-Bto,r hQuse with , . . 11 . .. I 'r . '.. L r erati n; flit , a, ed fagmeils drove ' in CoSe Ofr . � . � o i . I kite an, gan,m U . . . ­ - -:" �,� � ";. r ,eting, ,%a hun . �. L emetgency, sali at, T Or kitchen an wood-shed;barng ' 1 r.�,� money is tbere.',ana if, t'hercodtity is :11' 11 I in VINE�'Z,S I V, y'. brick QRFjuiF,7Maju Street, Bayheia, foijustip I , ,.!��.�" eoiwige there is something to be done In to *the meeting, and said they -would 1. in ury, inast" -boa i loing di. t'j po r � ate - jjtoj,. ... 8ftf(O and'24x7O also a good.frulf orchardi of one I . . . - the conditions it ma A 0 ftot � 'i 11 it. .. Hlb ,!G, , , I ,�,.�,`­ will.n& -- fulfil 7 decide'after th *o d " were over r, lo with � a' law., court , ­ 11 .1 � I sore, convenient to church an& sahbol.. being '. I occupied by Dr L Fallister. � : � . I ­,�4%L, which ought .to Ile clone. Ovir first besecured for the bettiermlentoftbe. r cee ings ,' jury, . I . .. .L � ­ I fou L r Wiles from Clinton, and Seven r from. &,_. r I . I I .1 . . L i , . . - .. L I r. . .... �,��r,,��;' 'Ft. . .�L I . 'whether Mr e lon was gul'Ity of the ' thco4h both' ha�e come from thd ' : � I L . ..� I . I r . . . . manifestation of a. belief in Canada Is- ro ds of the 6oluity. L ' � 'lljoiij," theyrenreb $cor Sa.A#V L . I I . . � forth, and ,sltuatad- on JU uron Road survey, lot * . . . , w , . r' . . . . . , '__ , . , ' L I V, 2ud cou.,Tlidke nth . - - L . r ". � , , , _� , 1* ;,-"��.',-� I .. .. .I'L L ofr Inal word , -Rent r rsulift AppIko ; I ... . charges br(iug�ht ag4inst him bropt I corigi ' day'L� For I . , , ".. .� The -town *connei ,' Gbdeiich has g,Mr Srifton'S * SL'a ulast t ' , �. .1 . ran ­ 1, . . ­ I I ` , t i be nin de by it refi- s.tl to accept coin- . . U U. . : . . ' - - - ­ .M L � r ��",.�'j-��*,!':'�,., 'Hugh John McDona d Wi Jury' inasf.,thas inean . .. I , . I , I : 3esj,orto,F.W.,CR1OH, CIiht*n,P.OaPeI9jtjL i, - n n Advab -,aae of the oppor- thus L jljL, ' I � . , . . '__ ' ' ' ' I �L - . � ever tal:e_ � - . . . Ullett'L, , '' r I , Dl,. -%,:G., ERNEST. KOL Es , r ,j".,.',��, � �. . . ; 00 onent, - and- the greafe§t teftiporarlly7-4or: a day=just T : - Lot 33 con �'�9 II crailaining 100;aores. 14 . � .. . . ;� , , ,age not our own. � tkinity of expressing Ita opinion re- . . as - ury in L 6 I � , I I . . � . . . L 1. ,� �,,� ­ . . I L . . �",.__ . I figtt of his life he was bat ling -with .the legal term'i.mplies 'A tribunal suio- r I Co. the reallses 8 � I ' ' btNTAST . . -L - .A'R, r I L �C, r, ­­ gardfiig the icheme. although. the . . .. I - : _ a It Re a ,barn, well we ad, good I I � WX 9 . I L ... I . � . ,5,'�`,�,�E, mattep has been d ncil ,two of the historic ncolitical names in &coned for a Short period lcollly� �' L ml'es fro I . SNELL . r I . (SuccessorAWT;. T. .r.8ruce - . ��,.", isdussed in con r ' . . . r, I 'orqhur 'Laitliated 2 14ondes- � . . ' 61peclallist. Izi Crown a . nd Brid VV r' Is . .. A�, ��.:" . I . . : * . . I I : . .. ecolgaty. A , I � ,�J� , . an on. While Cap;idii, Alti5pabnald.-ind Tupper. L Re .1 ,r % r . r . 6=41es from �clinti)n nille from school. Uetj�lllejitlol. go Or . . _,� on more tb . one occasic . . � .1 . ­ I -It*ralduatal Boyal College Doutal..Sur , . -ed years ago the site of - . . . , 1�xlzed Auctioneer I . I , ;�.r iindi encountered the prestige 'andp6pular- .. . . rtioulais a Pjy 10' S D JACKSON L D. S. i '�­.!' _ , ,Lirl)ani-nuuici�pali'tiegdou6t�aitic ate , , L' The A,unual ­Kansa6 - Wall. , JA a troor �A:cx,q 0 the pr6mise's. , H In , ,'a Licapee* fer ' aeons of Ontario, Tprouto,ti l, .,,,��,%:�;r . y I � In lort'11t,mv; . are ol the � ,�o ,,N,­.� the city of Chicago was exchanged 1) directly in the grauC and In A sence It - fty of -Macdonald - and the ilifluetice of � - , � I — . gb L I . I '.. I . .. , D�':D.L&-Fbigt�'lao5,R6)20r'grfid"to,of 6Z L , , L 1) fore: . . . I I . tha%tmiya I .0cit: *'ob 11 '. , .4,�?. I I 1, I . , N;. . � �'��','_, iti owner for a pair of j,ick-boots, ac- inay seem that the towns and village's Tupper, And swept.. everyth' e . . From Kansas c'mgs the Saine old atoj,y I . . 11 . �, sajts.� Dates Zurnishedby. mail. 'ilhaftel teig- I taIlDepartment of Toronto , UulVersitr-, � . I aftOntlea paid r to pru9OrVatlOn,(X , ' � L . L ;, � make an expendituie fTom "" nacted '.and - rewenactc6. nt Safe . ' I . Va h 0 1 r Vl,rgOM&I InterView. ,C . barges reason 8 I ,gt6eth. WiUL visit Bo"fitoi(I -,,.';�`-, I - tire asked to him. _ Of course, Ahe magnlfcellt�Or- ., that,'bas been a 0 ' . Fai fo r . jor . ... I ... MidN', - . . , , & Very, L .�,�-,,r,-.;�- cordin- to one of the several more or which they receive no -benehi,'there is ganizAtion which. Mr Siftoii had in. r a succeeding sulmnOr'for. forty-sjx, . I - i � . . I . I I ,., I 1. - .. L Id . .. . . I .. " . . . . : . . . 1. L r- . � 0 d infavor of the . years:�_ , : I ': I . . 0*.Y;.. L ;.-,,,, ". Ult; .. very I . ,� less well founded legends. It was but thiLt election was afaetor in the res . � .,OF .W. 18311(t a �(rl� El .4 ll' Pi , , ,, - . ,,,,,-;:,,'-.",-1 a good deas to be � a&! -yet there are few men 'Who would wil-, I . - -)I ` - Lot 89,- Cqueb, glon C-OlodetA Tp�,, about 21 , , 1D1R8'..AGjF_* 93F,C�%AEIR . . . . . . - , , Toluca IrOM Boyfield, 8, mileo.froln- Clinton, -1 I . I . �J.4 1,�� view that tbeAndirect; ad,�avtages.t:6 I . r � July dth-m-Hot­ffflil- hotter -7 -no rslm� I . - . . . I r t. . . .. . I r — L ' . , lingly..go throu b such .an ordeal.. r aeres,.m6re or less; g , I , ,�.`11-:,; _. a marsh full of mosquitoes and mal- t I . . mood fresh- . DW,NT1$i91 - "CUINT40N. . .. - be,secured. to a town -through lie I .(� L L - "'g '0 t ,, L :1, com shocitinig*-holt winds -no rain- I ; �;,,�� . g to it Brandon wM phservittive ustit . . woterertek4unning through pame� rhe r r L : , I , r :�,,` �11`_­s � .ari..i, and Indians hostile to white set- f -c - . Oflioe: open , e�ery d&y: and. 80urds I . .DjR%.AGftEV1t ' ' I . . "," pro mt -of - t*' ioads lehdin . L OverTthing,litirning Up__Vaa& all gone- round.; 2 tiores orohloord,firam. Acrk . . I . . ,T. ... , vem( pency, abd- Mr Joseph L M&ftin 'had � bAyW ing'. :hot willoS r a houiie,bix _.. I 10 cojoloCk r . ,. L r . . I ,�. � .i �, . I ­'. . . _ ­. 't ,� d __ FO I . r . . . --� CLIN',LON * . .1 1. i- tlement. For half a century the peo- are vet y considerable,'. and should not . I .�nd raln-eartb r particul'ars 4 to undenjigned �on the. night 00 ]DENTIST, . i . . I , r . . . .L PrL61ulgolS.-_�WX ��b " I . I . . I � i., I . . . L, ­­! I be overlooked. -Our town council been Aefeate there when it *as called cracking qeu -­ cattle' starvi t �- f&NRR1':. . I . Will visit Auburn every Monday; Dun- .. — . : , r. ,;lie L L ng�s oc, . . . - -, . . * ' L Offl es0oiningFhoto Studio . r . L . �?�,�';L - cision in $elkirk, : " '' " L L L I I . . � � - gannc I 6 L - :��A:. 1, ple gathering there conterded grini- r ot,jeoat, make a d I _. 8 � , . . ­ . : . . . - - 143t'mil0' ' ,! ­ % .. . I . on aiery, Tueeasy; Ba�ofield, very r :� �c . , holild . r Tonds, one dry-drfvinj cattle I I I . � r ,� . . . . � .. I 1. I . r... . I ",�"ki".-, ly with fearful epidemics of fever and matter and - aubmit- - It, to the countV . � 0 ' wSler�-prairiea .. ready-. to, burn- '. . Wadneladay. . . I . ` � ­�,�. I . . r r . I , ,. r I F!ce R�48-.Lq to 6 every day ind " ' � : rr 4B. L __�. , ' ' L' L � ­ . "' " ' until lop r, in._ 131 ailch oftleja ,. r. _ L 2�:,., � �ouncil, withWhom the n . JUStie,, L ;_ Varesorved Attetlon,.SW 0 . 8at . �L;".` debili y. Gradually, however, the I Delaware � everything gone�bofter and dryer - � : : - � , ��. . .. ........... , .11 . . I . I r Mvicd ' I whole questio r _ L . I _4 L Lol�'JjAek In % r, I � . I . is now in abeyance. . - , 4 1 I .. . . . , 'farniefs cutting up.corn-r-gizzards of thr. . � . � - 1. 1 7'. �. . aloe ester 'DuDgannon,,)3lyth and . I 1. , " L I — , - , . . L I . ACASON, : * L , . L L . long prairie trails from the west p r � In Willn, * to ' ' - r L bottom of the Walnut, ",U.",boar . � I I r I I 1. � . . .. � %_ I CanHuron county -affordtoletsli `,at,fl I , 'in, L . � I . . L I Bayfield. . . . I . . � � . '�'t�; �'L, . ing on- fourteew, � culprits I 1 I — , . . . .. I � I r ..all it the narninon,Biviih, has recaiwd . . r I r . . . , . . I .� � . . . , , were to - � wl "' �­ 'baked to I :0eaj broWn.r' . . ' .. , . struotions from Mr. Issue 1.4wrericato sell byr . . . I ' I . .. I I ... . L � I .. .r .;� t .. brought connection with the lake the t � . � , aity, of' receiving d grant� a I .. " 2po' in be spent in & §TFItel - r, : ' , . . . . I of reed to hug the i1popointpos N$URAN06 . . . ��� .. . . ... _ t, . 1 $ '000 tOL . t I . PubIi4AuotiouatLot88.Co'n- 13, Rullett, an' ' � . . . �_,; - or a INS" the foiloWing . � ­__.." i I r , .. I . . . . �, V shipping and iron trails from the east na Lie in'the yard of 'the edun � couse August Ist-Will have to mize oil Saturday, Odtoberj -loth, : - r . I . " � 1, ' and pertu'anent firiprovielm6it', of the .1 �. � , ­r� ' ' -1 ' I l) r. 0 1606, - Accident jPlate Cla .­ . 1. ON. . , . - ­ � ': IF ' hands hlfh, , d", . AY j3RQC*, CLINU . L . r . . . � , r ...... ,� ' e" . Conlity thorough i aid scociety-not .."'ai h stuw in tb(, valuable proport ,113rocid:-Mare and eolt I' Fire 158 , ' r .. ve - , r . r � I . r c 11 _ W �WAOK tAkaiv- -' r � , �"L.',"` and C ,bicago began to see its futur fares F', while forty 4shos descenaled 'with the ! Ms+cbAd $psh; T ek driverS, 16 . I . I 1. . " I L fqrce of the keeper's strong arm upon country to Winter a cl%.- , ' I � . 3 . � . I ­ � � . � � , . L . . . .­; �. . % . . . � . 1 2 milic Cows I .Yearling -Steorp' 3 -Yearl ng __ - - 11 . r ,.. ' . L.. Ir . ,. � " �, rr "' , E I .. . . . r � - — ,- , In 1840 Chicago had reached a popula- I . .1 I....;_ . � . their,bard ba,ckff. . I I L , : E -10th"--Ccirn looks' beftQr­'! Heiters; 2.S hgLCaIveS Xitinb monthadIdDur j O' .. L _ - ' go ' . ­ L . . . I I � �'! `­� . . . O _�epttmfber I _ , , , I . . . t6d to h ,lie ta , ,t'llj4�hala a:feW, L' I I ­ � ', - . I L � .. . , k . . . ., . .1 ; I I . . I I. . pu . his- ie grasi . ' ' ' i " , I , � r tion o � 4.470, but in the next 30 years, : . I . I . ne c6nvic+, is rapor a _ bb' -prair' ham Grad ullp I Wagon, I set Egayy Harlsess PIN ws'y 0� r. r ' 0 IR j, "I . ' ' - I I , j1ppy j$abie ' � . t n,to the a I s6t.Dritifig HOnaAli, I set Single - Ilarness, I - _. � 110t . L . 6_ IrsElMAN9 ,S - t en his. -punishment ,"without .much 4 0 er0--ca.ttle'T01ling fat.! 'ascolize Ragine. 1 1 CreAW Separator, 2 Work . VIL ,­ ,, . ' . ,, -S LID . . .. . z ,; '�"` L it grew to the fifth of Arneri.can piiies Merry' H . 'display of gain; 'although - be -must t - Soptembiilr 30th -Two and. three -ear' Q � ­ I . . . I � JVETEIMA,�y S(IRGRON1, , �', "' ' . . I I .. I Lmy . . . . . I L . . - r ��, ..: . I -' Benches; i set Platform Trucks,.l. Bay R60k, ' . tailoutyljOr ' . . t0L '40sn. - , , . ,. L mo.1WrodLathe,'l lion Lathe rA for 1he.MAtqcnE6TRh 91 z AgsTr"Nal � Membilr, oftile-Te A ss6oia� . ,:,!,� in -magnitude, although .all the citips, havesuffere .tortur,ej asrfortVashes of corn to theL atalk---step-la4ders At Grlbd Stonle dloal � . .jr� ,, ,_ . r — . I I . . . jailin ' nuguall:F L se�Olre'gunis went 01,1 r Ick t . 1w bar , a --- 4hiity and forty an -A I I Borim g Machine. I Trot, Drill, IF . Co. of Manchester,,ftisland whose funds Are tions of Landon.and, Edinburith'r.&Ad Qraaq_, . � - `.'�;, �, � e � I . ' U . d ikty or e,' A'711 � security are rated Olt 014^00P. - Also the Me- I . I ­ I � were growing very fast. When th 0,1011d, . Lq -class r%I aleii. a ato of the Ontario Voterluery College, . � i '' ��, greater treii,sare on ea,rth Another convict "gromiedr 6 9xistels to the aeri��fiioney ivinted­t�, - !B.oiting.2116bes Bacresof Roots. R=40V MrWAX, lxsvnAUft Co.'. A, L Classes of There is no . I Vice, it, bunches 'Becond TA"T 101MASS8,00' ALL ANnIALS . r, r � . - , ci y h td reached a population exceed- thar, a. beal thy. -b " ' ' . bady�' theL agantity of .r I Ctitting BOXO farm risks, and town proarty takelf ''by L . , '. . I ­,�­ a po�,,* merry c4 descended upon big b ' Ack, -and buy dittlo-to eat up ithe tremelidout a out 25 tons of Bv� I S(uffler I L . . r , . . . � . . . - '' ".:, i - 'V 10,(M, the gren test fire Ili modern AnvtIA a,t Will 'keep tfie for rk thri e. it was, feared he wo,uiafaint . corn crolp-gtockmen gone, to 0olorado, 211orso.Poweirs.l oxon'Binder, I Patterbou Monb.t ii Oompimmits . . . � . . r , � ng i6hereforep lowest rates. Virst-a too I I ­ I . I I &W tepre"Ptid. o be had ir a Q pair : I I 0 . ' 'a condition is, a p . . WeAcco hunting cattlC'L Nower, 1, Seed Dklll�l Gala Bairow with Seed- cantup,nocoil''jiMost L'o 11 . &tAra Lot $,nTit;-�- 1_411001 r � - , ,�, '. L little one in. thi. before he got through With the forty. " j Texas, aiid,'N�aww " r . er 18uIk0y1take,1lietDig0H r I Riding I I , . r ,�.,:� history neaily swept it off the map.. _Ace- , 6irows. Misoel a . . Mrs Win' Blill, ' ' a ejj.�. jlolmasvluso,� — � .IS.'t IC I r long J)&jI . , . less boon to mothers. After the public . whipping had been to feed L . )Aoro -4-more S�Ikey rlow; I Welkin a Plow, utter. JV U postal card fl. . . . coru-nipre gr ,siv., �jho. I Furouing:gi,l, I get f#tOj M r .0 ' ' , L I r I . . r ­ . . I �1� `rll. The loss of $190,COO,000 worth of Maple Creek, N. W. T., -,tells how she Adininiaterda;l the'Libiarteen: prisoners, 1. elftle. - . t.rj6lgh,1patr,Bob­pIe him L . , _ . r. . - r L I L L . '. I pro- I ' � I I . I . . . . I r '. ­ . I �, 1. I., I . . ,_. r , 7' , . L r ' .. .1 , ng ac!*Tp end ;''she says -: -"I 11 . �": . lished this 11wo-ofWlibTii were �Whlto:andthore- RolotinaPulle)is.an Challn.-I Turg? . ______________4i! . - . -L , futper, I . � � ,,� I � p,rty, ao a mere heap of smoki r ' Thanksgiiing-Everybody. wo.1lowing in 2 Rgitchet.,Hoyst, 1 Sprayl, On . Cook . r' .� _. 0. ' � lls-� rl's"19ft". :,� L . L Ani hapty to, say that Baby's Own mainder colored , were compelled to I LjNToN,_'oll!t,. . . L . ' r . I I . � I - ' my baby 'Ila . - .40 . . � I !9 . , , : . I . . , � r K, !� �� , , -rains representing about al thatre Tablet;'. ave done L ... L gir stand for-hil hour in the pillol.y,, When . wealth-riFacire,farnia-more. land�more Stoves, I Glaw Cu ard,.1 i�orner Cupboard WKILLOP MUTUAL, FIRE I pi L horaes -- 1 Lp,unge. I d6l haijai 2 beesteads 2 set . L - . � , . auos­-oore,e&ri,lages-Jb&fter 81 Ge.ne��lAgOntorrt4derallit�ANsurakte'o: L ' L 1 � ' ' Sfier was badly troub- . More girla and boy$ off to the. 2.LEureaus, 4 N7 . . . 1. . . 'r. , �1-r:�,:, � mainedof the best achievementscif World of good. they were takon . -back tothe*ork-l* . colleges Springs and Kiitreases, _ ash. , . INSUMANCE. CO. .�r; . . I Oliaiee ell ali th , I r the, S r Stands, 2 Tables, I Batret Churnt 1 Washing �* otfiarr pri_fflagea r a latest arproved �htnihwjtu � " : 1. , led with 0611stIPWOn 4' . ., -more mo eyL to loan at` JoWe 'rates Machine. and many articlw4.. All must be . and options most gdVaXt.aaaoUgt,_ r ;.. , * enteneltl �ot SINr ' � L ' 'ft ' , , : thepas.twas a sore dhwouragernent, nd . very cross .,hbuse _tO .serve ; , W zfjo�ATI;b TOWN I . I : I . . ..:r at - 4 FARKAb P-RID-PIR111Y . . . r 'her Tab- ears eac . . . ONLY SURUD� . _ , I r.� � ,L; I and peevish, but since using t y i , L " li. , . I I r erve, as , ho'Proprietor bus sold I I IN the Insured. Ah#ultiox issued. . . yet by two years the city bad resumed I ,,,, r of the il�en N_ : ol Interest, and there you have It, and soldWithoutirleg ". 11 - I . L I . L , '.. . . � , 'glit. her the Three �, -tug se Lhisfarim Sale commencesatI2 q'clock,%harp. I . orylt(Elaq. I r 'Ir 1. L I .L IL . . � I - ... . :1 Jets she is all A hio werg 61 - besides, It's all'trua-evory.w,ord of It.ri, TERMS-Allsuirnsof$S ar,dunder . JiB,AfcLe&nlPrtsIdeut� RIppon F 0 T I .11 . . r. . � . i . � :'�' :­ its normal business, and 22 years af- 'Tablets orice or twice a, week' and she verelyLpunisheA had bei ntotrvioUd of 1 ',.El jjOi%,d,O'R*pubjiean1 . I ­ ,� . ,r efish; over. ,Frasor Vice Prealden Bruceffeld, #.' 6., E k . 7- _. I I � . '� I �1� -now I . tr a Olint. I' months' credit will be given t I . : . r . I . t� . � � is ),P highway robberyj and abother,a'lle-' =frunie it. Apuroved joint, notes A dis, I Hay"O, 980. TrCUO, -es,lorth. P �,G. , . 1, . , , L. , � ­ I . - ��, , ," ter Chicago held the biggest fair since inch a morryllhi �y little tiiii)g iL , '' of 5 6r, f roftftVOjg0.r ' �, . . � 1. � ii L . . . that the &o wag convicted r of 'felon I . I I 11 I 'cut ,per �aunuza an all'atims - "RAL 40E. , � XCEXISIMS- , I , r6 ciin be nodoubtB&by's Own liniting it Wbij . . Oiuql�y.as- 0 . RUL 1-11 I the world began. To-d"T Chicago is Tablets are. just the. thing �, for -little a 0 womab. i I.. .1 . I A New Annisda. Story.. � I vt-r .(O, r . I San. Conno"ly. i3ortioro Hill.1ohn watt'.1rar- I . : 11 . . 1�_` - - and ones." . , I I . 1 We'are in . , . �r � I I.. 4 UIL . . 1. I �_ I I ISAAC LAWR16NVIN.. lo6k,G Dale,olintontrX. Chopper, Seefo-0. ,', - ll' .r I " . ­ . . � . I I . . X. Ever a. Bee&Tmod, J � G. Move, Winthrop, ' . r;, _', � the second city of the New Wo . rld,� � I . . ore � 161iielil, with., such . . th Auctioneer, . propFlet or. . . � . : ISSUOD. BY �" r r ; , �., , � Hera is 6,16soon for other 'mothers''I'ailliftials in Or tarlo, Willie. women 1� e ,e ll.set his Uart I I . . . ­ .. . ..L Belinaweis, Dublin.: - , 11 .11 , hie 0 L . I . . � . � - r 1. � . � New York, its only superior, is the . Are as Aulted ' on dredging To�ermoirly;..Rayj Scotland,. __ � r . . — JoBach Dir etair inspector of 169064 I 1. j. B.' RUMball "(111' tons, . - , .r , whowant it safe and certain medicine by White nier, and the I . . . . . cality. r a., .1 . . , I � . 0 u . . I � I � . . ,r .. . . . t I , I j second b ty of the world in size. It for the 911inents form w-bich,their little assailants are not even arrested. I ip search, of d;e wreck of the, Spanisli " ' ' " � . . . I . . . � Igilway robbery way not i I - �" . r PWad-r W. Yoo, Holujosvi.l. eA Smith Her. I I . - I .. --- *__-*--0-.i1._-.&_ I . I . -ate W ones suffer from time jor t'M Fli Arma'a ahAp, 11.4,'tnirsl of Moran" 014% Ceft JR06t COM AdioNT . I . .. I .. I I . e.' -These le 30 com, . I I 1, ..Jrl.ob All L . I ,,, 7: basgoodreason to celebi 4; celn�. Tablets are so'd under a guarunflas-to Won here 4ain the State of Delaware; Ocown' up - there i ii 15K bout a MIA, I I .-,-� : '. - tudlelis Pavoiltio I.fk-j Jag. ounitaing, , W� di'll1e,Rd. Rlbch� Ag I � ; "' . ;$o' ley,'SORforth. , , - � . I , RIAGE LICIDNO' Iijuettlit t" all. * - � b is coifinion en' arious 'relies Were re- I . - " ", .d*r,ism,d #it his Jx , Ade ce, kitty Aree - :, I , tennial, contain i�o 'Vlite 'of harmful arug, et 1 s o cough to call for thO red 00,V6, Ago T r To the only.safe, rigild, Id ___ . . - . -11. I a � , ­ and tbey are good for all dhildrenr from y 'the stro . ,regulator on 'which woman — I .1 � � I . 1� . . . , .'r. , I . exercise of ng hand of the law, , cover d- t since, then no real effort . . I can depend, "in the ,hout r. gg.;kr. . L � ion.' . 'r ., . I . � 11 ­ I I the new borij babe to the Well grown which would be all the Wore efficacions bat b Z made to solve the secrets which and tlaw of need.,, - JA*MsCOT�,aR . ,' , wl� I thor sejr has e W reAent I r t� - - - �, r - I , I , King death invaded the precincts of ehild, Sold at 25 cents 9, box or sent 11 it Whi p .a,t the and of it. . I . Prepyedi in two degrees oil GO, 'Do AeTa' r . 0 qj�jhb !� . Vie House on Oct. 1, and struck down hv . � � . . � mail by writing direct, to the Dr. _r —, � r thike 'has now iaken th' matter in' hand. . . 800119th. XO. I slid No. Z . . . � , r . r . , . ;, 1) . No, 1,�Vdt ordinary cogell. ... . BANA ZR , 'JAMES 0AKPf3EpgOj4DRSjORo . � � r, ' '. �, ,�t. '' Henri Cargill, M. P., for East Bruce Williams Medielfie Co.. Brockville, * . . . I � Nei: has niade Arr0ligements with it Glaa� .. .. .. to by -fat the -best 461144 . . . - =$U*R RRIAGE Lichur,94, '4 1 - .. , � . . , . . 9 Ont. . . : .. _ . I . I .., New, p6tent Low . . gor ftptaln; arid a well-kncow" diver Is . medicine known, ALBERT:ST � CLISTOt . . . -OHNO Witliewast.rdQuIred " ' L F��.,L with truly solemn suddennesq, At a � � . . I .. . j �­ I . — - .. Vo. 2 -For r .4 , , - 0 I � . . 1, . I . . . I : ,. r ': I .1 n . . makinj a prolimillory search', This has special tases-10 00" r ' Genei%ll Banklag Ansingft , I I � . . . - . . few minutes to 5 o'clock Mr Cargill I . I . I . The bill presenfed bytlou.Sydliev, , bfe�. �90 far'.Wedetsfill. r A broriz - a cati. c16 -three. 40)JAre per' bOX- I � . r . l, '... . I . . � 1. -1 - ­ . . I Ir . . r . I I . Pisher, Minister of. Afticulture, and "Ma 08 --ask. irr dru,g 'CiaeWit- transacted * I .. I ,._.:.-1 . . . r 1, - . . I . . � . I ' ,_ 'JIv,g feet long, bea;ing the Aragon I slat. for r . r r I I . . r . which r.-ceived its firs read- lion, evin . Take no othof . I rj r" . rr 11 I . r . : , was making a speech trom his place on HOW TUEY"00 JT-­�Vl roin the Torm Ing, may I .. . . I I r . . . . . I � I , I V! .1 I the floor of'the House, and as the clock .pnto Telegram We take th6 follownig .. 28th;. 100, became -law on August 13th arms, alla the date, 106:4, hug been land- "0111o, Mix uroi and Imitations are , : . . , . . . . - U& 0i. 11 and NO, 2 lira sold And I NOTAS D180OlJNi1.9D, � r I ,. . . -Can nothing be done to kill 611 ox- last. The new law makes the term of ed, -together with a. pistol and sword &o i kll drunjAdtoln the D& � - N6jog fiWillea. Inter.40j,6119W on 11 I " . I . . I I , � � � it on traps F One girl In the Canadian patents heretofore granted, encrusted with rust ,as to alij)eat mei,e:l mend b $a r - - . r. ., I sbruck the hour he was battling with hibi . V fe-erio anydoldran . . . � , I , I - I r therefore, f rleo'dbd four 2-0ent post4a - � I ., , , . ; death in a combat from which he wat, - worom's building took at leasb 1W. in or to be granted, entirely. ind , . deposits. - I . eperldent shapeless masties, There Is . gig voinjilany, I L I I The Novelt SAR . I . . . I priz-8 She is slio.wing both at tttawa , Of c0iresponding'fqrsign patent$ (Sec- ! -ample dvidonce that the 11dibiral 01 . a.' - 4' . . I . . . .. 17, , . y L , I ' r WSP&OF-0 oji6o, . .1 . I � � _�": destined to return no more to the place and T oncicin. Her livelihood is made. I tions 2 and 1%. ,, it allows the placing VlOteftee," or all t at 'remains Of her, .. . . . , � I � : . � ­ . � r � 4. � Which has so long known him Mving I by exhibiting at fairs; She and othero.1 Of Patents thiddr The.06nipUlsory, LP re0y.rests b6lbw the waters bf the Ar-� sold in Clinton b r' is P. TINIMIGLe Aga' Restaurant I . . ,� Syste I n ' . I I _ . 116 her are the means of deterring , ceme ,ni. in lleu'of the- actual , boy. This ahtp bore one of,the. treRsuke NO I and No 2 are .. . I ,j . I . � concluded his speech, Wr Cargill left Vi r H ,. Combes, J H 11ovely and I.W. I I . I . .., r, , * . . . I "'If , ilywho might �be exh bitots from mAltlufaCtu e of the patented'article chests of Ae Armada, and thousands cf " . . ; , VANKEU, a alwelyis kab 1% lifgar the chamber,and having put'on his bat ma Wattal proggists, � � � enteringfor competitions, Would ib (Seationslandl ;'anditpermitsthe Spanish doubloons art believed to Ile . I I . . .. . on hatia '. . I . aba well 6866rtorstook,of do to I I . . . , , aftz! c -it, left the building by the west not be wise to, prohibit the same in- 'VOVIVAI Of cer(AdT � � a - .... . rr I . I CLIMOXi ONT .. . 960. , . , . patents. Wb,0h were Alliong h, r , debris. If the treasurco -­�--­ "" __ . . . . choose fonif . � I I . 4 � I I dividual. from. entering for more than not Worked or nianufacjupj�d as re. ; should be hit Upon, as it W611 May be, .- I — . , . I r � . steps, or what is known as the 00 I In- throe doillpetl'trona? A lady visitor, I quited the old law. The condition � the old Duke% convictiblis Will be amply I I ptivskid fuza to loan on mortgage# at , Mizild 06114Y from 14 to 10o per 1b, - � . . - � . e ppas8d the" �vllle making thty round of the wo- I Of CAllylan inventors is much Imptov- justified, and lot another page i�lll be' � . ' r Lat 6urrent kata,l - . I , ?, I . beft"s building, met ivith it surprise. I ed by the new Jawl and it is expected . a ital ganking bunlroball r iraull., bon'tollis too, to, $1 pot lb., '. I � o; , r ' �hreshold he staggered, and would I' added to the roinanee of the Arma(14 Out 'fed . . . � Shill fOund A, Piece of lace she had , that the number � of, pat4)ntS applied ttor$4 , � Cntral , . . * � r . - I - � I . have fallen on the st(ne stops bad. not inade ticketedilrat prize and exhibited r onfelfoof allowed on dapdalia, , Vonoy *o4olates and drejuiv* � for will greatly increase in. th6.near, - I I . . �� . �. . . � � , e '' . I � . � Sale note# boughi goo 0 so per m 1i . I Mr Nathaniel Mills' postmaster to the as being the work oe a child who shall ffttur . . I Uwytr-4 *u6t know the w6letrixth 11 . . . I., . � . . .. � .. I "I I . . . I � ' r' , Commotis, who was entering at bile ballar6elegs. Thelady had presented I OUT11134ders may obtain fu ft . - i I 1w. I I l, formation on tho suble r rther if . before I ewn successfully defend y(ju. I Met. M a toket r . I .. r w P199 and rillitall, . I I ... , t r time, caught him and laid llim gently the lace to the child's iiiother, who had at. Qt fro"' Mesbra Have you told ate qVitrything? lorlaconer I , I . I . . . � IVIK r " . . . Montreal, - ­ r I . Valbodio tt : then made use of It for the sake .of the M ion & Mavion, . Vatent Attorneys, "*keile I hid tV4 . . l I I X611*0613,11alval %lid I , r _yea, ever I r wthiug; lee� T112 NOL N 81 � r:" ' , down. Mr Mills' call for help spe,odfly a bl" ,all to I to A alnount-. ,. � . I . ti roks,oda fliti bli'tobatitg I I tinges 164 to Soo Pat do$&. . �� � brought I)rsl Sproule, Rendtill &bd ell. ote 0 out Ota e of this lest . . . . Money, an ' I want t jit fof*r %,YaeUl- Ativ,ing - 4 I I r . � , . 0, similar roceedilig, 611 agaltioll � _­_ � ,,I,, 1 41!..��. . . G1LtWP,4-!T,V&WnX TM -10 -OV, I bminese OPP, IT, Powell I afto pro- In-dorporated by Ailof Parliament iabb. I Lemcln.OL260 per doz, 11 r I . r .Tohnston, of Lambton, t4) Atr Cargill's. � pilked to furnish Ae people of Clio- . -- , I. I 6- I.. ­ I I I il. , - 1. � . DEER WILL 13H rLr,1NTjj,1tTL .-; . . I tonwith Kit kinds of Pteeh And I 11 r . '* � . . Thorp Is evcsry pros et of & good $1, r anted We$jfa. $$Ujigge., bol6gurjo I '000 a � I -ought he wAs auf- ,6t this is the Plus f6f , I I assistance. They th . . I CAPITAL � "D 000 Dltitl i fori � � "A(). I I%B8T,rTjNb pl, a all,kill g6feak s p4aftyi otd I � � Ing from some stomach trouble, STAUTLING ROVELATIONS - bullt"119 Reason this fa I Deer have not E GIVVS SATI yk r feri r, XBRVILIN . Istd: � tier and a ga'alvithya kept 0 , I I . age 'qt jr . I . I been so plentiful in yeara_aq 3. l?. 19. I . . 1. � . though Dr Sproule diagnosed 6he a ` they are I bat � 9MV JOV1019, MONWRJUL , .,& go5d lluto i6i ll'ilia oijilrs,,44 I I . . equently happens that people �, this fall, One man Who has choseh. to . TIOX . . 1. � Wu-'Motoolt Wevalbatiox, Pr6aidett tobs"6 61whyd an hand. .� I r . � 0 1 1 as 6110 of apoplexy, but it speedily be- Stiffell toil elatsfrom kl(lney.dorange- go Up and down the lakes says he Ilag. . l 1111 " FUZ91410"s A fioll.- JAUX4 zato,r, Gen. manager. . � . , . . I , .. I cidne evident that there was . goi,foug flielits wit;Cub knowhig thejausd of Well more than 20 deor, to. tfie woods polsotils Nerviline, the ne* , and ; . I . . $oted diftalinted, dollectlotis made, atsifig Illoltim6rill OYstersl Qwqt On bAng. their backaches, Aching limbs All satiff. . isotiod� starling slid Aworioart oxob"go r . to d where vory few Mve been seen for cetWli P"n Cure' 'a Usec' "ll ' . Teirbone, is. . r, ar from b"I't tlf011blO and SYMAIna OthOr Irdily' suffekings, suddenly the Some Years. The woods Baia t faction in every Intitance. There is . I balftight. end sold. Interest 6116*ea an We 4to lelialars In this: lille, ��� I of great Org4nid diseasol,' Hypodermic trIM, 115 :V6Vejjjed ,to them that they fitirly ali'vo wit rtridge 0 be abundant reason for thts, for It per, ' 0,006hito SIVIJJ# SARK_Interest k%ll()W@dr' ." I Sir Tbote is, ordors delivle'red promotly to all , ' ' r 010'r folillis 0,11 thid it claimed fol! it, Ner. ! ort'sam ot sl mia up, aompntoa thsli year. I . r : I r . I , � I I I I . wo Good — . the O on th - � i. I I in 4 1 0 nd V boa (85 P no h Jilty 0 silo I I I voin I =1 oth I . , � I - I i , Nections to stimulate the heaAls are the victilris,of Sorlotia kidnev dis. therefort,, a 6 prospeof AheAd 16i villnels. A, lifover.fjelling,cure for cralopq . pa,tts of the town, I . ly.� Xonsy advanad to , fAtuors . oft ilitoir 0, RATLIFF, . I . . I no, ease ana in Immillent danger. Therp the man beh lid th( Novombel, rodne In oldes or back, IUMbaga. sore ' 6*A botoil with one of tact# #100two � . . , F11 . LIM Were regottled 0, atild thd pAtfolytr fig ho meditine Which glve6 811011 19M A munber frijin toW '�ie re' ,, N. D.-Yeteorob.bevilog bogs for I 1\ rompt alid lasting relief &r every n throat chil Ing, toothliphe. Nor-! ' k"n -in jg4gs r69talfsall, - � f - � I serlvingtheir spare tithe to Indulge in , , W" , 11hipment, *111 60"fer 6 follor-by, or . 1 '., 94vd 81glig of recovoy, btft utli4tlla., form -of xidney alsoAso (is effective Wit themost, Interesting of "XU— vilinO Ift in fm wilure temedy for I "Ving vrord Olt tho,thop. . , I U,(,A JaMw6ty 1011102"40 swo~ of 3. Ida", soy, . 011jololk ; Ately theo wera ililly of tomporary even in the Most Chmnie CASM, 3tindo 1106h tortiAl alid ey-tarn 'r . . . . ,,, door hunting, vrhen the sftqon openlL OlUains d ' . � I 1 4 ­­­ "I". ­_­­., ­­ ­-, ­ ­­ � ....... -- L (3110" A. . � V. I 'W,W,WW,W'W . I . 6V#i7Vrh#ftM 'r ---­­­ I I . L I . I , � � � L I . , ,111 L - * .". � �, , j r.1 _&�,i ,..: " , , I I . . r . . .� . � 1.1.11, I—— I � 'A­,.�A . LL 11 . .1 I". I ", ,1 :� �L_ . "' ". , I �84-il. A I , I 2. -111 A i�j, , I I , _ . - ­ ., : 1� ai;," i i1o.Wi-L-a�& ')_%�. L 11,1� _i0&'1;L.:AL"."__ - .. .1. I . _�.g";,­ -�­ �,'_ .',_'�kv_�­_,_t, *kAr. �