HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-09-18, Page 8%
F . I
—.-wpm - . -,W7-_-TV..T9rRqm� P11111Pw- - _K,Wr�— — .,l[W,P_ 11- �,
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: I - f I . I—
, jf#t#
. . , l #44"41 1, 111,110FICTS OP LIGHTFANING.-Thoel TO PLAY 114,81' LYNNE. - R,ast I
, 11 "i Of.1�4.11rill Al ki ,ht,�nlng are to j Lynne, the L;eople's favoritylay, will
I " ., 0% T - r 9 I I I,.,
, , .#;j -
"I , 4 bavt11t!Pll oil tile road w�ty between. be played In the town 11,111, � 'I laton, on
-11-..1--_ i�� __1_..-_.1- 1-... Mo. % k "' I 'I Holniesvilleti,n4i Goderich. This ovid. Friday night Sept. is, fly a first elags
,.. .... , 11-1.1-1-1111.1.11- FRIDAY, SPAPrm)(DE3, 18,100% 1
. , * _ .- was catised by the $form of any
. 11 I =�_._ ent, loololi, .. This Isallopportualty for
00, Rigunlent 9upeacheti. tom%toes. ate to Monday, large pieces. being silverel the of Clinton to see this beant.
1111=01yestpriess. G&KIP41,0*,q 1�305 Out of tviees and telegraph postsi, and I Ifill =
-led zlero �s the roltil, which had It 2,)c adin. !tt POPUlar prices, 10c and
� ,it() I
The 110411 awl CallejA AUllaz Vaq offer the )lilt ls� n
hIRhe6%Rrxeofora,&Wu4sor gr,i.iu.. Give us,stritckapa,94er by,would lut'velitlealitj . . 0
fall Imiliffierg opewng . I a call be ore esvillaoc. $ P& XH ) P4L'& VA- instant death. DIVISION COURT. -The regular
. . . . I tit toili NV. 7PS11fra I
W19111", t I I I 60silon Of the division court wag held
' � .. 11 .11 I - _ . - _ , ___ .__ 011ILDRE'N FOR ADOPTION. -I litli(�(�,0111)Ciltl,iitixil)ez,Ttieg(lityiitorn-
Tkorsdagg friddy an Zrowti 440401 Tho President of .the Children's aid. ire Judgm Holt, 'Ilvre,wera a
A $019rd099 . Society of Hilrou informs its that they 11U91J11)1t1!1! ( f case� to collie before His
. IN, a, miluber of children which they I
. ARM BROKE -E. (11 RO%lt e e, o ht lollol. bitt owing to the absen(le
tile oo, eide,9t son of & Roll 1�' �
11 I .tied I of w6ti'd like to find houies for. Any Ili- Of limyers who were handling
afid town, ad t e Illisfortune to et his forillittioll in reference to these otilld. ltile,n, the twO pritloil)al cases Nv
SepleffibCP 241hp 2514-19. 291hip I . , , ,ere .
I . . 01, it arm broken in two places, while roll will be cheerftilly furnished oni, ). laid over till tile next sitting Oil Nov.
I . alliolig tile nutellillor of tile )4leation, to rhe abolre tit Guder (Ill. 7. -Five judgment sulunions were isf;u-
. . WOr lag I ,
mill hels Plailloyed Ili. . " Thi8js it ecintuandable work which is ed. The Wallace xnd Dale horse case
We will make our annual Fall Opening � Ill-
. � . being .d(�rtalo,(�ll b). tills society and Iola tho.113ak-er and Doherty stilt will
III14L. - In London Eng., Oil Sept sjjqjjldr(�j.(�Ivc� th(k heal.-ty sit )rt of collie tit) agaill. , .
display of Millinery on the above dates and 7tli, _Nbijor-Genoral. �N7illialll 11111, ( I' tIjj)S(*1WIjo al -e in it poslilon. P�(,), take � .
invite you to, come and visit the - K, commandant of tit(% district 9f I Otte �Or these children into their holites. �FOR 30 YEARS A RESIDE'NIP.-
L)titli�,,I)itlitt,voiiilgestttii(i oilly stir- I - Ili the removal to Germantown, Ohio, i
Show -room. Our Milliners have, scoured the vivingsoll of,the late Xlljoi� C A 1011 SCIIOOL DE'- of Dr Wilide, Clinton losses one. of its
Poplillill 1,1111, of St Oatherilles, OlIt., P-4MtT5IWNT-A'I RgitatiOn' is Oil at lot) e. t y. Ident citizens. For 80 odd
I g s J. s
markets ior what is' new and nobby in fall al,1'Qd,`iTye,'tI'.14. Tittkabove isa brw ler tllo.jno��oat 1.1:11.' All' rVI' g -d s')In" Of-OlIr years ho hit,, divelt in town and during
O� ,�Tjs-i [lilt, of T01`011t(l, till' ll')tf'd ratal svh,))!�. Iow;llds tilt! establiqll. tilat, tilue 11,Iq be(,11,0011stantly elopl
headwear and never have we presented such � -eatortittlior I I
I %vao I., to %�tlll Aulowil to, Illout Ile it Ill ,11 ,,vilo.)l dolml-titl(Int In ell ,,Lt the i'wofe.ssioil of dentistry. 7& -
our readers, - : conreetioll ,;�lth the pliblio forills. IN'as always (1011shiered a good work-
� a showing of high-class Millinery as .will be. ' I I � I I The Idea, is till Aglit if :it could Ile iiittn,lil.(txii,'tii.N,tocl,�ytlioii,pht no one I
� found on view in -our Showsroomt on ; vr"a1rlFl(j2�.TH114 OF HNI, , ITATlON ca.rried far onougli, but no raral ponu. collid attend jo thop!jr tepili like. Iiiiii.
. I - From tIlA � report s"Ilt, Into tile '.Ad- l,ttit)ll.woltlticltrL�',']),()"t ftss,1111111141the Pr AVilkio was .-I t,rood'eltizoii, a
THURSDAY, FRIDAY anj SATURDAY0 . * tant'(1eneralor Xilitia at 014111va, &XtI..A taxation to support a Itigh staiinch ljlbo�ral, And we regret his re -
I If,
o the reveat 0,11111) lio-ld At Londoll, , , ,
. sebool imister. Then suppusing this Illoval front Oar 1161st, blit wish him
Come whilchiever day suits you best. I we notice that Our olfl�ers bear 11, yery is d,)jIe,.,i,re, they thpil sure of g6tt,09 inally years of life ill Ilis now lionio.
* O ,se riding, I'mir tIIitl()Ij tll:lt.is going to'ilt thern for I .
good revord for h I., . 1, � I
Come as often as you wish. You.- will be 1. of - thOXII re(TALVing Certificates Of what, is reqilirvdooi,�.nell an, edtleatiou, THH1Y PfjAYji,1D �N,N'j) WON. -As
� heartily welcome and we want you, to feel equitation. Theso wore. (�"2'1 to,P2, . it W(� 1,�el not, As it raqvilres it different Ave go t,o press Ive le:kVil that the t*6
. Grant, Oap� _C 1110.1111111". stall(l;Ir'd of A ti'llellev to 1111part the rinks; thilt-wellt it) London tor a gaille
I "kV IV McViear. and Sitzgpon-Calitain I
free to come and go as you like. . I . 'f3rd. 7 I knowle(lga sought afLer, -whiell COIlld of howls, played aild won oitt : -
I � I . . I I J W Shaw, all of th.0 . � . not. be expectea of it public scIlool Clinton. . . London
I . .
- � I . . ACIjel', -Xtrit 0XIMISe iIjCLIl:V- ,T.TolliIsfoii, ' . A INI IT a y,
. te, adja tile V
I � I . LOST T1,114j'111 INFANT CHILD." ed in sending yonr children twClinton: 11 Wiltse, . TNT It Rowland, -
.. . I 'We regret, to limm to annotince t.liv I . JL rl,,,,I(,,, I
. t or Scatorth. will give you better vaine j A Carrick, , ,
A Grent I . . . 1; death of thol Infant - child of -3f r; and thilli t'lloogh yon , had' rettlifted theill, IN' 'j:1 . 1:son, Ed Nveld, . �
. I Mrs W,I.jOIIn.Stotl,- Which sad evellit; at 'the honiol school with infericr Skip .......... i126 Skip .......... 23
iI took. plave oil 'I'll ' . I . . . ,
I . . . . I . E .
� "':"'("'I)- of "18L ll"e"'c' teaellers. 01i�', Powding, 3d INfaqviret, *
I .
r ollectlwa of " I . . I Pearl"as their Tittlo dailghter was - I . . ... H -Howard, .3-11'ritchard, .. �
I . 2 e,illr.-.(I,. IlAd Otl �' beE'll SiCk 4 ft -W �jWYS, , IIAS MADE, IT ATTRACTIVE.- 1) Forrester, . . . . NIK Cox, . � .
.1 I but.tboi'll6vitable ealilt. to darlitliled' ShicPA' W Brandoinberger has as- .J. 110over, � J .1-73c AlcDottgall, . -
their liolno. .SIIV was five Illolith" and sli'lled control of tilt- - Xason Rotel .
. Skip � ........... 15 Skip .......... 15 �
Stylish. Tfixant'1125 , I ()Ill- WIVIc old, Tile little oil'- Was he has been busity ongaged, in t-I'mis- . . . .
, �
. . � laid to. rest, oil Fliday'll' fevo UOn in tII0 . toniting the interior to' one of honie- .. .
I . . . Clint('11 cellIete . , ,,r,, 1). NO BETTER OF ITS KINDi -Those
The new. KAntles are here—here in generaus. � . . rV, . I (�op,k.i� Of,!- likeappear'llices, N(UrlY All of 'the who turned out Wednesday evening
. . ciathig, I .. � � (IoNvilstall.s.-Ims beellrepape'red and the to greet the Fifth -Eaton conibbiation
at;sortinents and a ranwe of styles that will kive pu . . . . . . . � .00IXj Ilk's been boltiltiftilly flirn- of vilte taillers, brong .
. 0 , . . � I (I ining I lit here iindeL-
. (31ILDRENN FOR A DOPTION.- - 1,;hcol., -Two table4vvill bu; fl'i,6ted to tile atis ),ees of
wideness Of Choice 0ou will a0t.ea`dly fiti(l in 'Any Tile ilk�-!(V�titof. the ChIldroli's. Aid . I tile Banfl, *dia not go
vo.1111110'reial traili411d the rest of Tile aWtj)rd8,jpp�jnted. Pronitheopeting
other istore here-abo-its. We Attlayel -our buying � , Aid .Roclol.y of 11111-ou infornAs its that dining room N01 be nsod tit, before for nlilnl) oil the progtallito the closiilg
I I the- ,� I trade for Nvlii ell. tho . mq one contliliioti,i'liert,'oi�iii;tilec� �
� 'rhave it Tilluil) r of (-hildron IvIiich t1le, golljo)pal fapjjj(l ,
I until toe last possitlle mat -neat, and are. c.3,alidan't tlleV Nvoilld like to find hollies, fill. () ('.NV, .
.., we show are tho% that will, be ... � Ani- information ill i eforenen to' these I U;isoll 11011he lit's 11,!WaYs d0Vat(`VQd, of artists ir the role. which theyassilill-
. .. that 61a garments � and Mr 11i,miderborger will � in-tilitItit), ed. Tile singhig of Mr FirthIvas ex-
. � - 11 I cillial'(111 will be -elleerfully furll;sbed.. - I - "di c
, , I. tile gt�od IV )ntatioll this liollse IlAs ,'ellent and his gelections of such liclass
, most favote �. 1) ; faihion, the Oaniintr seasoa We " I
� , on application to trit) abbve ZI b 'Croder. I,�- -i 011P vw eftrpets and new thilt tile illogi; refintqj edIlla sten to
1 �3 1 . iuh,', This ls a' conaneudable work tt;.It?�," * , 'I'd N , li
Ila ve pri,pared fdr a hI,.- se %son's tra;de,—The goods I 11 ' 11 t til'a KIs b'cli plactla in Inaliv of with pleastire. One jjf&,e of his own
11 .. I ,which is beffig un�lvrtuketi by this so- tlj,� Ij Iroon s and"a Public and pri�'Ate 'e.jInposition (jeserves spe6itd mention,
' .5 .
are here t --at will briaL- i?. ''I ;;; .. , e I
0 -, . ciety alld _9111(kild I tkeiV0 the hearty i)arjor hasbeenatl4kiand t,he hoiise .
. . . . entitled, "Tile White StAyOf 11jeaven.".
. . Islipport of those NNyho are, ill a. pokffloll � throligh6lit, boltiltifled by IIIA11Y choice' Mi, -,,s Flora Higgins, in A dee '. inellow
� ' I ' to� tt 'ZO one O'. lese C 11 ( roll in o , 101r, II:0lgVhlg.;bnskots Ot IoNvoir -Illaced ,tl bealitiful W,ections,
JUST THESE E WIL16 . PRIZESS .. bottles. . � . . . . - . . . "I'llee,saug sever,
. . � . 1. I I .� . ... .1.. .. . . .. I . .. . llle�eill. Mr Branderb r ,e : sn' s ile is InIt. t he best part of the show was the
Jackets at $7.50 1 jackets at *�4.25 . . ('11 ANS'104,14 � TITS D 1411 GIRE, 141. -TNI r beve to stav dild is Pi , t . I e t ie impersonations of ZU01,'aton., which he
. � , , , st that call ho had. '
I . .., � '10111'N' t',t,`tir,b_N, 1),.,,rrl.�Ler of 1. blic tlle�'Ile'. . ..
L i0i.-s J achtes, m-ide from - MI -Wool . , J oN6i, tit-- I'll . . ... . I cotild. do to perfection 11) tiny, phase,
Lad'es'Jacheta, made feom stmit. I � CII�Viots, Fr.ezes; 06so I ..* .. , . ! .wss of it . nild,theirittlipst tbing' fliat has evev.
. . . .: I.ilig ok t 11'4kl, ille., q 1) (3, I , 0031, 11 NEE .
Beave� and Cheviots, loue . , - bMehei(3r's � BUILD IN' G N1 ITTIO, .T been attenipted 1� it r)III-Imple dill t Nye.
back, u.wLar 6 y lea, fi � front * back, t!ou! I -��,rsasted it sw- - �.. Ilft, took 1.111.0 Ill ll.ik.lf a lire I�,IPt1I6P,- I I E R H, . .Tile btfibling. coxnznitteo� ,IT)-. ' � � -
. . �, � . know of was pat On by Air XlZt-oiias the
or double breaeted, it good liell Knd --ken i Ptk'l-a 00,1141i'.4i - I . ". Ili the jlel.�o,i lif :�'fi�:s Tda .�t. 'I'lli-ne'l". vainted , at- the J11110 session., of the . .1 . onlift hild 11fr Pirt,11* as ( ., I ..
� lbi� pcw�, 6 .hols or Oxford ., I (,)11.1�:it,tirtli.ty,tl,t(,I!tlo., I )Il!:lqt, j'lj(� Q(TO. . . , prinia-d I . hirles,
coat at a medium price ... $7.50 � atlb �'. ` . 0 . I , � I . � (!,5)itIty (,-o�.jljejI 1to Jooj;�. �jjftt��r tlie,"pro-t: N', "This AN,as a duet ill cogtonic fvoni,
. aS ll;vVf6.VIjIo,l Iki � sv�tfordi by.. �
I . �i L.� I .4,,e, ....... � - -, I � $4...I -I S C , Illuliv IV I z , .t It ? ro� 1),)Se(lill(�NN"1(1(litiolit(II)e bililt to.,the I - -niiiii"and the II-Pencing
. . . .. , - * -' ..
' - V ! olise,,,of- Refuge nl'et in .town last ,)I,jatep.'! The band is to be coniniended
Jackets at $10.00 . ck . . - Itt-Ii'Air l".1"kin nt siden,:o of .ALI I,., It It',, . the Op0l?as " Ila _ "
' Ilia ets,a.t.$().Q0 I .. . .Tohn Ttirlier,'fathex; of tbe'bride. 'IAI.v ,� uy *to : farther the solienie.
. 11 I . .. . . .
� from good , -an(lAfrs-'-Beatti6 has laken lip. their, I 'h, fWbringibg litl6h . lt 1ihA4cIai:;s. - eriter-
.Ladies' Jackets, made . L%'diesl Uckets,. loose .*bsok,.oioubIe. 11es.srs - Wltt s� Vr6icli -and Dr S -LNv taillilltent to. Our towril Ad Lserved.a
quality al I - wool,Kerbeys ind - breastel, trittAil, from ricer - bolue,oll Isline, Sti'e0t. -.We, offell, .<)lit, Avtire C111POW121i.4.1d to have, plat'is and, bptter in Was given
Cbeviots. loose backs single , , or, . .1liem,tiest von -gratulation , ftY, s d. 'The e I 4.1. � .. ., � I
Art%litv B�wvsr ' Cheviot, 11 .: I - I , I . s aud 111, .pecili&itlon,; ' prepare s Ivill theW., ' . . . .. .. ,
or doublebreasted, tileDeW -fint4led.1priez" 9L 4rmonfi- -, - .tllnlr residency in Clint6n, be long - And- bc; b4libinitte,'d qo t1lis eoijlj�jlt -lie . 1. I I
, * ... I" - . tee 1i ' * . . . I : - � .
cellarlo-sijXect,ar with ow� i that will - gi�a. -excellents, .. - 2 . . ploAtsalit... � . I I _ ,,,All*,�A ., .i, � * . firstTiLlisday ill -I)i�c*(�itit)(�i;kit'z�sp(Ti,tt ,' - "' I I .
. . . I . . . I
� . I
coilar, a I)i.,, assortment u. . 1 w, arat d look,welli blackbr. - �-- �� . ,I- - . I. .. . I � . "t"l- lileeting to b6. held in Clintbn , They. . .. . Locall Notes. � ' jl�
. * . - , . I
- _ . I .
, . I . .
pupWar styles, each ... . . - , 'EXE,IZOUT.(� .-The, P'llIplic Work8. will tolien b� placed. before thi� :06tinty - ' .
.$10.0- , . ...... $C, �oo' , G I
� - wriord grey,egbb I . .
I . .1 � . . , I . Department of (1�,i,ii.�ttl,i;.Ii�i,q.,tgt,eccl.t,.7 0ouncilfortheiritaption, Ifsoadopt- , T�yolve years ngo Parry Soond in-
. . . . I . . . . 1. 4t -tI - ,Ivaterw,orks
. . . . . � . . . alled -t-lie . liii�illciln
. � I . . I . � I pay for flle v vonolitlliv�wnlkq that Nvill, ed�fenders ivill then be cii.110d for ini- '
. I . .. I . I
� . . . . .11 .. - p',0it. Since, thewth e t wh Ilas
1" Iler , 0.1ts. - - - . , " � "' ". , 11 . .1 . I sit;-oblid i Ilo nrv,v .1 lost. Offll(�V� It. 19 niediatelv alld, * I 0 s 1200
, .
. 4. - '� .. its. soon ds t to spring t� % or %" ,Lt- to the ,good afte.
, j .. .1. I I , , . .. esti ,I; ted that i his %�,ill ,iniouti - pll,'k-' ' ye, in-
' � .. I I . I.. � !; to be Opens building opeth'ti6ris vvill ba-.� I. I . p PIT 0
A -A 1 . .11 I '. . . . I .
. - f baudson, t� ,'.A Ate, not mn�fj than one .,or two :., : .:. 1. I : twelm (byee and war 11,11II(I'Ved'dollars,. I ikieneed: The new b(ifiding Nvhmi (�Xpot:uses. ". ." : , . I I ...
. .
I . . I . . 1�� - . wlil - IT, I I Xfi � IP, Swnrtz, i0i.,left I�ist,
all, . !. with r,j- withoni ,� ,,I'A, .-1%'!idh,.%8i-nI6- W, . �wbicb -is a-getivrous eontribtitioA tothe Imilt, %vi I F( I the ii'tein.'or-the sbape , Mr.ixnd I -s,T I
at J� I'.! �lj-, 0,- J ` �& ', I ..................... . � ._ . I .. $1,$ '.. k '� �.t6�m pkbelldltl�re,,' I �v di` -%v -is, ,.ti . Iyeek1. r the.03t o -had to. sp.md, it few
- . .� ..!.w... e.. 171", . -iowbri'llef.,et at� the haildiii 'g -ill , stilne, fvu. Avs -a'- , 0 %v 'Soltind, ver�r-' -intich .
_ .__ . I I
. . I
__ ___ ,� . V�� tha I' tllo ,oi '�
_ � . . � . I . . , g ifift slll.r�iiiirlinj� Hie ofAce 'behilid.. This liew, building �"N�111 1�0 days -AD � O%v
I � .. . - '.., has bee '�tlstilrbed this -yoar, the"T)e-, lised- -for stoveholise' xwes, as a tI9-l1nsttb6ir-'iy %lit'vin iiii 'ed 6beir
. .. I � .: . I I .n ' 9 . L . g sb .
- . . � partnient exprosseq the. -oIIinion. tbitt h6C.lj)itql for thesick, a Tltidtls- Ivard Willi at'that place. . I .
Children*s Coats . . Via i . .,
� .
I . . I . . . I . .. .. I . � . tlie'�N;.,alks shmild noti lie. put down'nTi- for insalle, and a i4or�nie, all'of -,vhi6ll � � Our ,� ii6 , ted da . I . lidjai . I e I nte�taliier.abd . .
. .1 11 . . . . - ,
I .. . -
Many different StYles,. in zlobby�coatg ior. ebila- .. til'lle-t*spring, so as to allow the oarth. ,I re slIdly ileedt�d ,it. the . 1:10�180 * of Re.- c6niposer, Miss H'. Pa,viline. .Yolilison, is -
to se'ttla. . , , - , .1� - . �, rage".. , . .� .. . . �
' . I : .. �, . I I . " I � . . . �. ... I %king anbtlie� toni, of the: W`&Stern
I . ... , I I . I . . . I . . . I. ,ill
, I . I � :,
ren and young girls. New and ia%tty g4hipts that � , .� . : I � I.. I .. . . . I.. i. . .. . . , � -_ :i 17
. . . L.iL,Irg, 1NI ' I Poilinsulti. ' She is billed to tt,ppetir at .
cost us a good Ideal less. mon'e mak ' � A I L S V It V: f C R, -Onqj-weial FAVfT IMLLETINS. -,.Tlio frilit � , 11 I I i . . . . I ..
. y thaa �yoa -can e obeassion -\Vi gli,iiX.00 O(�t_lsl , .* ,
. I . .� of heavy'trafrie. tile pliblic Divi4on. of, t;Ii'6A)ojiaI-bilInit of Agn-l- . - . . � ... I I
. . .1 . I)ti(,.k slionting IW�,,`ltll Q, t Ili .' ild
them up tot yourself. . - . , . ' .., ' - I � :' ale allvaNN, ppaily,io Tiltike allo-,N-,tilef, (:nallro, (ft(alva has. rooimt1v iss'okl .. , v P. P' , t it
� ,
. . . I . , * . ,opi , o"', . I 1 111110 sue I lts , , I
. I .. . I I . � - t . . Q � . , , , � 41dige, - wom -
. . I . .. fcW late lt�rliin.ser,v,iee but1l onlin'ti-v txVo tilliod� blillot, 0 Irblen. otil"I"g, ., . .1, . Ilati
_ : ,% . , � - I . Ins, c k 1. I
Reefers $2.150, $3 i 6 0. 'and $3,50. . . � . I . .. . I :times s*(jnie.lttteinpt shoi*1 be mit(le.ti) 1, ti,ve been,recolved ut this oiffice, The 1 chiie , , snipe, , plover, aves .it n ol. �
. .
I . .� .t. e tip til-sebeiltile., All. fia";04 vatit:ed "Export Apple Trmla�' s(igirre : Is oil the 15th, 1111dCl! the .PVo-,
FISterg,$4.410, $100 ftnd'$0.06 .*. .. . . . Sit . Miller I Olir. IWIlls hav, been late', in. . visionsof the'Ontario Gaine Protection . .
. .1 . :,_..'.. . - . 0 and I's fil'it, 1:11-ge Illeastil-B a review of . . . I I .111 . .
. 11 . .. A . t, Act. - : � ,: . . . .. . . . .
. I . � fact, it S the exception Nvli(�Ii tile Toi�- .)i.g(,Ilel,4111Y.I.vc(�I)t-�',(11)1-1116 ples whiell - . . . .
I � .. 0 . . , � I , � . . I. . I
, . . Onto inail arph,;es on - tiiiio� and it is . forin th6 Lrolid, basis" of siicc,e,,s Ili 'tile Alessi -ii Visher ,&* Fisher', -Agent'sJor :
I- . . .
- ilor-� Iate� , "NO "groNvingatid .ext)(ii-ting ot Unillidian the, Federal Assuratitte' Co., tire I plitt-,"
A ' - ' I aor 01! 1 $ , ts� I
St'N.P11a.11L Dres.s',Good,S -(fl"oci(iibl'tol,litl'Ntelinenlillioel,li..r sit tboir. wits* I 'f 1" vopo;in' Ilililke ! Ing in teleplioilesill`illeir office, and. ,
y I .. - . I - .11)1)04 01' ',it i , .
I . . . - , end to takb i�,lll�n of 010 iPcvt,a�,iI1, 'bi-illetin,doa s 'n rh(t most con.clso. Tilili(ll j also the honseof Mrs Gag'en; lybiall j,j. -
. - never :as good :QQ , troflie of the et I , , 'll 1110111bel.,
Oar stouk of Dress G.)As wa�s )qnfi-,N�, but Illor, traft, ptactkal Intilillor Witt sti�li siibl.ects . , to be occiipied b� tile'
, �. .-
. - . - _� , . r rOls.foir -I)Ater. e . (I , Ili I Ilill . ent, I � Im.1 liptter � I Iq1 I- etics o 1)1,111t.. care .of the or- , of Llie,firin, 8 NV;ttlde'll. oli.11(�,�. ...
it is to -day Ia the popular price mat6rials o , the . servive, Alob A w,orse. one.,. :... I I .1� - I I... . ..
I . I , . r.. I I . . � . �, , . 61l" � , so , 1. , I , Ill tllillo� -ol) Iiioking. grad- I , The old tehin of htm-vy (11-all,�'�q; -,4�
. . � . 1� I ,. . �� . .. . .1 1. - , C111 �, 'I .
. Ligh-qlasS eXc1u38jve.,nOV,elti8i?,.* the, .atsbrtment -�We . o � I - 1 �n gr,' , Ig., . d It, jlracka,�, liandling, I thoi 5vil&4e]; 81"It IN'ork,l has -b�x;n re�
. . ': T 11 15 - - L-kVi B'ST -'IN 'y r�_kfzs 7'-Tlio� Shil) ; 111tteod. by 14 tenill b0tter 'I'dapted,to do'
' . ' � . I . . . s - .�. s rage. - .Tile .. offiev -
. I
I . .. " "ll " the haillilig of saft an'd c6il f roiu and
show has nei-or b6en as lArke".4113 we have , gatill6re''d birg(ist, ni'11%;jdatil'shipinent of stock ill bull ill, tv -.1 � '1141116 iniplies, dval, ,
' ' ' ye. " oil � . I . it'll tbe growing a]
.1.1101. .
, a� :' I Ldell-',It, It 9i 1XI11111' wit, .., "I � 'to the blilwk. Illinsford Bros'keep-
. nyone dtLy f4r .1r.q. Nvas I
ar for t4is searson7is trad(. , y , - do. Dtesg - . olir I �Rtitti(,)i.i�(iii,9tLttii�d,,t�V for lllr ',4 1-1 . illarketing e) -ill- !
togeth ) on can . . V� , , , ".pear1j. Elicit bullAin , , - th log in good shapo�alld 110 doli.bt
. I �
I � Goods ba.� iug berie, feeling coinfident'Aitt `wlj�at . �Sfilftb , There Nvere . 111 head � in � C- ,,, . 10 C611t:LiIIS thb text.of tlidFrtitt. Matks, � every. � . . .
. . . . - ever,. . . , . . l)v6ftt tlierel)y.--�T3rilss(�l��j.3o�,t'. - ,
� .I)iiii�hborea'ncl2Oitt*(,'codel,ioli:I 'rvqlt'�.- -Act ill its aill pa Ided. forill , alid Jexcplall- - . I .. 1. , � - '. .1.
0 - I . ,. .1tisnot it , " - ...
you buy it -Is a m aferial t1jai 18 . C'ir'301; in fl�yle. axid . . ing 7 -dars to take thein � to Toro- i'�) tory notes for inspectovs, growers I ,11-4.1 to 11111i"itit'and II'lierd
.1 .. .. . I . . I I roln,
. of dep,�dable we'aring quility., - -'. , t. , .Dinction frotiv Whence tho ,Vvill lit- ners.all(I paj Ice 8 of,. f ,;,lit;,. lP,*vt,X.Nr_ (he bilndreds,of uloils'�*lllds collio r
V OW . X, .
� [�,,.& (,,
. . � ' j� , NvIllelLdftend the Tormito 1. .tell
� I. �� . _. . . . . % � . shipped to' Glfusgovv. Nearfv '2(;')-.1 -.0 one' intcrest6d Ili the frait bus! ess '
, . Sliflil flake SUR1119S 50c 1 6 .. I . . . � I - . . . )omfda of. -beoif is represontea in tl.�T.4. jifiotild yVrite Mr.' W A XaeKinuon', S(Rtson when a lit Ile place like� (.11inton
- I .
� . � I Oc and:75c ,.: I'., 161lipolentandtoreta, rongh. estiln."..11.0hibf of tIXe. Frnit* Divisloii ' Ottawa can ftivnish3oo of them, as there were
I . . . F1111 Cy A beline Sciitilip, $1 000 $1.259 $1.50 of WbAt'it is Worth Intiltiply this bN-' 1. cop co-pies of: tlies� btilleffils, �VIII,R�. I bilit niiinbe'r Of. tickets sold to .that
I � .. .
" . p ,h lilt, '.),Nivoilld be�;'I�� -svi'll be sent fr6e to aiiy address.' Or if city fl-olli-here dllriil,� fair days. -
11 I , �
laill ch, , wbie .it;tls,that�$K, .1 . . . .M. I .. � .
eviOtSUC S.10a'nd $1.0 � Volved, bitt. it. is . 'not..' ithy one wisIiinga'.CopI,- of elither (if ,
.. . I ' - ' likely tliAt 'Me th,L , During , , the Illopth 'of Aily-the
, . I Fan y Chevio'ts 0 P. 1 Sinitb N�otihl take thh ,,kMollnt.jjq�.�, H,�se ��,Il addrm 13, 'I Ti)lin('F� M. � V. countmof.,11,11voll is' 6'eAkted by the
$11 0, $1.2 .and $1.50 , 1 � t. .11 011,50 of m
I:- � . �. I . . . I them., . �.. ... . . : �.. . . , ; I bjjnl6n�, ottaI� Lilt, 1116iltrily hitilethi,flioll th
�1: . . . ' . . .. .1 . � .1 . . .. .1 � . � � .. . C 'tj while I 0, Provilicial
Of the be3t ones not'mor�e* than., one � Dress': of a ' I � . .. . � . . . I . I . Tiouse.is it): sessioll"Copics will be fori 1304rd of'l-lewtills offi6e With .havin
, , . . . STARTE'D IV. I 11111 A AUSII �-Tiies- . .Nvarded-, . - ' .. . . - , .1 I . 1. ... I two deaths. froin olinlithe ` (I O 9
. I. . . . I I � . . . I . .. . . I .. . vill, an lie
pt ttern. . I I � clay uloming , there; were, folirteen * ( -, ' 'T'r .: Ill.; ldw�,,�- Wroxetter, Wawitiios-1 W - and Grey.
. . . I . . , , !ronl 1,11bercillosis. 11,11em: ,,, ,pv^', ,"
. I _�. . . , .11 _ I _ I . . ;, I'LUOICI,�-j -1,'COT, -Vt,vT1 -* 1 "
I . , I �;01("� of We ssed ii. I' '.., .., I .... � i.2 ,, .
. I . � � I ,I,, stern. li'air trafl) C ptv . 1L .
(6k f, 'A � a A -__ ' . � . . . I throngh C ,li ntoil.' At. 7.80 it s, 1�', T1 '.,�'Ath` Contesi N -he 011"Ille*4 I T-) - - -, � -- . I I
.,--. %Ili' .
.. .
_ _t�� LL. -I ep6clid, of sey-eil qo�)M.11'. v�ial of .�o fair ?�o be held ,,At 'Inglialil Oil Xhq Lwldon _P_rve . XQ19s SAYS :� J NV
t J� . ftt t
%6V4MVfiffiWWMi"WWM n�, 'NV6111". an j nessold 0ii8attill"I'[1�y fift(4-llooll . I.Ile
I . W11 13'clpt2o'), It ,tvill Ile open*tti farnivi-81- 0 1
rp&- ..1. ,ttoti coninigin and -when ,.isolls all(I 11'aliqlAors'and Nivill'bo Inalla . g- � Phin lot'a nd rvshlenec; (if thi V ,
. . ' ' I I ,,� I the Iinn %xA4 t' I ' I . .
. .. the, vegillar caillie (161%,11 frolli the-nortb. - � . I i I
. .
. 2- I.,,xj),rjjjjerl ..t I . 8�atj()Ij, Ij . C. 11
. . . standing roolla �rasbscarev and 1,10 'Irtivvight st.l.vft; to� G co BI I(. wild (!It
� 13 11lack .Skirts.at 98c - . . : -1 E -0, .(. f the 11111-oll 11 , i 'at" , ( 4
.. . . 11 .-E ed by. 111r,14, t '11,61 I �oi-nvt of Dairvvin aventit 'and-
. , , a � 11 -
. sic 0110. I I (W 111111 e . .;lloll (oil) -
other b,*g shipment .-of the � famous . I assen �Tl' '.. I pet'itor -'N'N-1,11 blivo tbl:ed birtis -vach, for *2.i',00 [Mi-Briel,vildell is the, )Illy,
tile 'Odeple'll train dropped off -it i "' " I, ( .
. which Illnst�bo Ill . t, ; son of 36hu.13rickenden, Clliiton�
deen Skirts.at D8e. . V conplo of eillpties and %vb ell i heso w6ro � . .�('kvd dry, and ,q1lit- , .
. They are the . 11111C 11111o.) fol. tile Old VOUD IT illurkot or tit(,, ',11)e dvIny in lit,tilig ,Ip t1le 110,0564 I
. on to tbe London train, 0wre were T116, birds InliSt be kil (Al b�� (HSIO(�,atloji Of1h (I it; callsed, by . 1,110 poh.-tal 11optiA,; I
, C_ .
. , .
es in the trade, and .we have sold R-' I�oll enough qwlts then to aevolljo(late of the llvel;, Speii � And 07i6ii"lley In ell &1lo I, -I I itvi)j g roIqN'Aj.(jea tljj� toltul
. I flio, I rnsh, MO HvLets Ivere sold ,It . �1. f
of them I sine I a we got.ith . e Irst . Clit;itoil. This lit,wny traffle IV Ivill . be. collsid'Pre lit - aivarding f,tcjIj,,t,, *.fill. tiltI lejt(�,,r boxv.4, allill tho-1
,� ,
. � .. F. �Ls "')n- (lit! jwizvs. - A rectint bulletin" froin dillictliLy ''
I I . thilled oil Nveallosdity ana Thungday. ,. of seetirilig I'voln, Inalinfact. ,
. .. . �z . I . I . . .., . . . I he .DtApartillent of Ngriculture says:" Ilries W116'at-o busy flie otber fia-iiish- I
� Apfrom Ao�-d quality black SaWen, � . I � I . . I I I Tile lin-thod of killhik; ill(;* (4licken by. inf'N llowesllv�for tlit�in't(-,i,ii,il.'�ti,j:iiiig(i-I
. two rows of wide frills, rich satiny . TIUTT,'P A *NEW CIA113 I LOURT41j, - di,41ovating its neek is --different fr6m nfents of tli(.� ofilce. , , .
I y I
.The 011into'n 01111 (1111T). evoralivo to it" tll(, ()Ill . ..
. ,I yaiue tit caoll .... .... ; ......... 98C S . _fashion6d Nvav of 8vi-Iii-ill".. or , 'offivill. H`xeter, who.
, .. n thill"Zilek. Idi,ed (I
. .. . ) wwdq ana Poinfoi-ts has hatj ,j .1jeN,v 1 -misting the Ileck Wlic, TV f is s .If i I
, W, clill) hollso vi-ected oil s neek is dislocatea, aild thO head'i 11IN ho, 011 I rying to establish a, class iru
i I .its ra,110 Is foot ell,t
. I ? " I " ., clountloll Ili. town, took part in an -ell.
WPAMMMWM"R"1X ,S(Inare. riii,q bijildillg �,vjlj I)p_ Ilt,ed, tilled front tho neek in-,tIw% I Miller t(,rt
. . . . exellisivelv Its it 1-fleoption-alld i- . iewt I IIg Rescribed. ill the bulletill "Pronitablo 611111imt lit London 140, ��flvk and -
. rooin, thv*01d r,-sovt to, Ile. n4od as at 111(1�1111tpvrs of that ifty kipeak vollatills
Polffl,kiT Parm lug," the loose,utibro keit . 1.
�9 I �A ' ftw0re stove4ioi v. The roliting tonnianiont, sk, Hilek illi,o Of (, I .
n t ho livel, forms a � ,,, -is All ( -.iollist. - She is 4
Is , .10vat
, 0 a di R_ -" o a 70. e ry .12zt A to be held bero, oll 01F, 701 :111ol'61th has whioll, the blood (if tho ehickon flows. dalightel, of ftvV,3Nrr*(4odWffi, wild is So.
4 I I ovidmitIv 11,10 goillet-hilig, .to d'o wit'll 11111p botly,of i'llp pjji(�J�(% .-is 'is *Well well known to it itinjiber of otirreadep.q..
1. We are Silliling to make this the - Hose BtQre, of t1l)(41,11,MlIg this Imildii'l-ge ei-vet(ld "S � draln6dof blood, .I,+ if the, lieit(I were AbonCten . froln'cli iton nnd over .
1,� I , . , 1,
I they Iveve,madly in tived Of slich - for pnt,o r with.1111 ax
� I � e ._flIv market ap- 100 ill till illong the line front Gfooh-vieh
, I the town. Business at the 11)SiOry Counter keeps Ole Vveniltioll ,V their ykitt)1114 'which I eo of the chicken is improved by and Sti-lifford took ill the ("Oldstrealli
11 11 .6 , on thosotiv W11,11MI
, - all the time. Our ' They I IdIling by disloeatian � tho fl( -811 of the (;Il�111(1',]),Ill(l(�litei,t,iiiiill(�lit 110%rat- I
, growing bettei Wz MAes of Casb- I will be Inaln 'O (1, t �111 I -
.1 a wltlalsolvl�o litt, sittisfite-lonof kjio'- -hickviiiiinot-vitiley and edible. Oil tr .111d tlothing -
more hooe ara here, the Valueri ara AV ( , ford oll'I'llesda n1b, '' I
+ ! i - 11 a' the., aq- Ing, tllsd� thry lin vo olle ( �f I It(, rwst Ill tile colltval.Nr, i�fien'vlvlekeiw are killoid . e, of I I'l 0 .( � �Xvcllvllt Pililgraill -
gh to Make t1118 the best 110siery . tll(� .Pl,oV`ni('!('�, or ilioso ii:,�Ivtlly fonild b.V, t,�Nqst ing-' t1w ll(�ek, t1vath 1.0hillts ';� s I'vildel'(4 is liellIA, , More I
sortment 11jr(re enou( lt)ii,'.lil), 'Is , (`
seadon we 11, ,it shooling rollg(18. � I .. lilininly fl.(;311 stvangtilation. , The body Clintol lilt IIE4 took fil Illis ."ll . lie N-Ind's I'
aVO ever known. Hv�ry Size in A00k. . . . ,., ,
. Of Ili(, c1dekell is not, fteed from bloozi 1)(111foliliallveghell.at Loilolon Wed. I
A'1111',W'13131NG IT IN.Isw-Tllv (11111. on account, of t here being no .5pave in Ilesday. . . I
Plain 0"ashinere Bose for Children , I oil U olf VIA11) lk,votl all, olf� I -lit, blood enn flow. - Farillifig World onv of the N'St. I
' , b(oci0iole the nt)vk intowhielit
. . 111.1toll ilgainst the So ."fl, (!till), on . Thii appenvance of .the flesh of tile i . ili'll�11-411111)li,'Ill(�(1-i'lI the filtol-ot"Itq
Bibbed Cashmere D4o I I Th( .�
se, for 110.1's . t ic links, of the lilt i (n, elub, oil ol, ;
� . Hatliv. I (,Ili(�'IC(Ilitlitit'll'isl)(�(�til�illt�(11)Y twist-, 11 o e fal Iver ill C"11111da. Ilas 1�,,:,Ilcd i or �
Ribbed 01.91uniere flose 1br 1 day, Senfol'th whining fly 2:1 boles, I ing its jivek is redditili and blood (-,Ili . ill
. I . tit .
�'eaffovtll playel's are evixlelltly� trying 1)eplainlytiotedinfl, biseventleitivs' I
4 I '
aill Cas9billere Igo. , (� 1�1"111 11 oQ4PPtVnIbPV it 1-11MIhIl cx- '
Ph , Ill )it oil ittilliber. it (!ollj,,IIlIs ,,, 1)11111� 1,
P. for Ladies . toostablish tilt, fttel, flint 'CIlin'tons i i Olviada it law is !it rovcv prohibiting � II(q. (�11' t'lluablo al-tielt's of deep illt(q-
. Ribbed Cashillerellose for Ladies ' i club is quit.e. green yel. The seofit% the sale of i'llickvils that ary killed by st lo f."1111 life besi(It's pov!e.,-shIq I
Was :- I . 'twistil)g the Ilook. According to file , o' ;
U11 11 I 111allN, bealitifill Ilictlivet4 of ,q(;oVk, I
Many d;fferent qualit'.108 and good values, , .7 1) Dowiling"..0 W Walkol.... , Q 1 Lonflon Catilialmi,.G.Azeti v, Canadian E4(,(%jl(,N, ote, It is 11 014tim, lWorthy I
�� 11, Agnow ........ 0 TP Coleman .... 21 poultvy'-is now C.111011-ingthel)(Ist 4100 11111111)(.1'.
_____11 I... - I I , . ,
-WIIIIIIIIIIII��.��_ I Al MeTa""In't ... Ill) 'r G Greig-:.. 2 ill falAionable I,ondan Hubtirbs, tile .
� I . . ! , 8. 8, Coor .I� I �
I ' I I ""' ` _0 (4 7,1,, 1),xi-koll - allv4)red,Vmjndiitn rhifikonq havw I" . 'I (silitt'll ftl,!,
1 11" .Ak W
1-Wra.... 3 i1w 41 �mit (Ionland alul realizing fr4all , bitratol 'bytho I
I Ali"Leall.,__0 0 F Pop, v 1r.4t Nalio , I , al Bank (if ;
" ' " 'I ' "!� c "" , " * " " ""', ,(,(!,� , - ", I "(,*( , ,
� G V io i 'A " " I I
liegler."......0 V N Rirkpatrivk - : E'Vel-olit, %whington Tvrritnvy, it) it
,ew 1, - I A Fo I ,11.75 to $.1,(;o per eunple. retail. The!).,! di'41111te bOtV
. illished 11 .1 ou(.11111 fill" andthe ,
III 41 T011111TWO "'ll '
j A ! .... 51 h X4. *1 I I. 0. 0 highly
I 13; (�vl� 5 F 13 001mv .... 0 has dz�lnolishqd it I PI.pjlldiC�n(1:flavor � bank, over .0000 worth of shinVes, I
. , 1'. 4
it '. t q LV � (I oil the �
. Ilrewol ........ 0 It AV'ilson_ -I . scow*of "foreign pro(II10.6" thence the, Shipped to different arts of the Iro.
HODG[NS� * B'Roso 11 - iinportance of praeticAl Illustrations of ,. vince, This s f net hint it nice I
. . I . -
I I'll 1.1-111--11 .1 � _... �
. , Totallw4vto. Ta I 37, tilt% proper frietbod of 1wepAring, I! ttle sull), as lie will havo to visit till 1,
. l, "
� .
I �,
" S
, &I , I' I I 11
� I
I i
I .1 I
& 1. I
vit i
I (1,
I? I.
tit -I
I , I
'��, I
il�op I! I - I
I I 1 1
- I d
I �1 i
a I __ ___ .1 I poultry fbi, -the old coulitty inarkeb, I the polnLs to whicl) the shingles were I
. . . 11 shipped, �
. .
. � J .
I I 9k
� . .
I I . I .
I .
,� I 1� 4,� .,& �, .11111111L I . . " I . I . .
I It* �' - .4 .
�. . ,1- �&, I.-
, I . I
&k.:1.____ . � . I I e � 1,
� I A" _�
- i&�� W.;
&Pt. Istill 19)3 -,
00,0901 OtLIP lies I I .
I , P.
. We in. vite you to bring your ne9ds
for School �'
. . Opening to us, and have 1,
. them satisfied We claim to be I able , i
� '
to do so to your advantage in all the' I
� 11 .
essentials as,well as tho man conven. '
0 . , .1y
lences. Our scribblers will favorably
I .
I find forcibly Arike you i4 their � .variety,,
their value and general attractiveness. ;�
Leather bags, slates, rulers, pads, Peias, .1
Pencil,q,. sponges, etp,, are as. good as we . -
know how to buy, t , o sell at; the price
. we ask, while the standaid text books
. �
� .
. �
1. are,sold at the regularAlied pen,es. We ..
I .
� *
. do. our be%t to have attractive. goo&"4:�d . -
I . ,
. reasonable prices. .1 .1 I P . 1. I ;*�.
. If , you dowt know us in 1his -way, - c � ome. and find � �
� I .
us out, with your school supply p' chaseo - � , I �
.ur �
� ' .
,rV R Go .
� ,
I .
1x_heW0'D.FAI I
.WW . a .
� ..
. � .
_ . - � . I I 0-4
� . . : . . . I
. . 11 I .
.. I . .
.- . .- � . ) I I . I I I :
____ !
� - - ------ I �� �
.? , .
. .
, I
. I
7 -----------------------
. . I . -
I . I I . 0 . . I I I . I . .. . ..
I:Z��D&69"664" WW
* 806"i � ---- of N NOWN
. I
- . - ., �
� .
101ur Prices I .
, I
, .
,.0 - cep Busy to I �
.us . I
. . I .. .. .�� . .. .
. I
no. wond, er. Just look at th I e foll-6wing prices
,--,- �
lor neit Friday and Saturday and cionti'aubig:: all
- . � .
. ,
next week, until. fu.i Ier notice:— . . ... �
� I ..
. . � . ... � . .
. � . . .. I
. . . .
I . . .
H pairis"o*f Girls` Oxfordq, Piz . es''5 to 10j,' - worth. * $1.00"'.
.,� _. . . �
. I some of them were more� all going, at .one .prioe,
. .
. .
. -
I .
-, 614. 50e—a great'deal less than coA, but' -we MILL ot -
- .I .,
.. . - I �
. . �-,ar them out,. � ke:' sore and .see them, � . '. -
. .
. . .
26,piir's Ladies' KidAaced. . . . . ell, .
1. . and' buttoned - �Bootoj w.
� - - . -
" . .. . 1. - % -
.1 woAh $2.25, now- g6iug at $1,50. They are. c. teap, ,
� I � I I I 05
� - I
30, pitirs Boyi,,. lind kissea'l ace Boots, Only'89& ;. * -. .
. � .
1. -
.50 P�airs.Afikses`lace'and button B*66fs� I U, .
. . . . . . . jus�t what', yo *
, I
, I , .. .
. ,..... want for school Boots. Thev'aria. worth . $1685_all�
. I..''
, ' ; . . . ,
'. � we* ask .for *Ytlur choiceron ` .98, ----�." Tile Y. gre. A', .
: I .. ly I i . ...
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. � We think * e ;are.o ei.iu.saying. .
. .., . I � .1 .. . I., .. 1. . .
. I
. .. ; -
' � .. - - Rain -Coats for men .that � can .. .
�' f be -bi ge
I.. I . g at *stock of .. .. . . .. � . .
� . �.� I
. '. "l, ,
be.foun'd in,any-stord, 111.. 4110 , co'Wit. , �of,. Hurom.
.. I... 37
. �.* ' . . . . .. I i ,. ...
. .I I . . Ot'jt8'onjy strong' I
,Bigness is n I _.Point. It Is a st,o'ek � I
.0.. . . G... ,
: I , � ... I I .1 � 4 , � 1.
:of good - Raiiir�. doatsi, .natty - , and, %,tiobby_ styles, : I
, . I .� . . .. . .. . .i I
. 11.1
.. .
.,�'th o0ghly, , ie' . � . .
.. "or . good . qualit ,s and.. yataes:that are: 01aide.. ..
. 1, . . .. I .
. .
. , I . i . . .. .. I .
I by Cash - d hi . . I
D8 ible an quanti
. , 1- . I . :..... . . . � . . 1, I .1 . . .1 I . . . . I .
P I hy b4y : 9. : �: ....� .. - "I.
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I ... 1! - ' n- Coat is. an. investment, t at . .
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� .fl. ..ill.. ... .. .
, pays, or it w, save itsi,cost in- a single. season., -...", - - I
. . I.. . I � . . . .
. I." ...,
. '. I . 1.
. .
. .
I 6 R'in-Coats i dear at any. %prida - . None - �. �.
I A poor . si is 1. _ .... . . . I. ... � I ..
here. . .
. I
. .
I �
,... L ' . . �. . I �. 1. 1.
but'good coati- are, . . .... . . � 1. .
.. . .. . I . "I .. ... I ,., � . ., I .
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11 .� .1 . �� I .�.'. ... .1 . P
- Cover 10
. . men!.p und*. Coats znixa� f i�nd good 4tilijitj Cotten 1. a] .t, I ...50.
I �i . ..,,4ouble sq�vn.spwms A capital Atmziq,oQe&&t,P,% — I. - ..
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7 : i od Ila i 'At $5.00. .. . I . . I . I I . . � I
wo 90 I .. es �. ... � . . I I I. � . .
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� ,
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. . . I .
. . ii . .in Tweed cffeats, * . . � .
. .
. lYlenb� At%ln.CO': to mad&'fronl Plal ' � greys ina. . . - .
16* t
. I .
. , the Pular shades of, green, double texture fine � ' `
collar' I
.. . 7..
. I
I. I I
. I
� .. I qua Ity, seanas sewin a.ha gummed velvet ,,oh'5..00. I . I .
I it
. Men s' G am. Q atti,, made from -igonuint black Itabba, 60104 *, - -
I at
. . . I
. .
� . I 11 I .. ., I ah ldet,. high collar, cla4p fastonora, vhll'rob peal - , .. . .
11 . I
. �� 41, or i,&_rden*, no better. coat nitide for' a man who ..
ff, 0�_
. �
4. I
. I . b to.be out lit. rough weathert %'regular $6,50 gar, 11 ..
I . ' ' I - -
I .
I I 4,0,0
I . I ;
. . I
I . .
lit Ilt,01,ir 8101i&l Pli(;01-6-1.11.�.....;.t.p ......... , '.
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I . * , . .
Do% 1� 7.50. . . . . I . . .
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. �Xain . OZA" I . . . � ,.
. .
. . 1, .1 I 11
I . I .,ie that wo,11toto under pri6e bom I use , ' *�'-
. . This is snother, special 11, 1tv., Itoomes in grey and gre6fis . �
. . we tooit thn. quaii-b, .
- -
� ,,d '00.11 I.Gat- checks,
. . 11arribgbone strilled a, , .'seands . , . 1. .
Ad a ("v Istylitill 'Oo,
Sawn and gurnme I V, "' ' at
.. �
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,and .drieshy .
' .
. I . . and extra -good valdeat ca :k"', .... 1. I , 0 i "... 0 7050
.... .
. I
. I . I . .. � I. � . . .11 � . I I .
I . . I
Rain Coats $16-.00. , .. . . . . . I
. .
� ".
. . . . .
. . 11 I �
� Mons usin colas ".no,de m good. it -wool shower proof Xnall, . ,
. ""n, ,-,01"
erillh, guarante"d t, we vvdl, take the platle of a
I .
. . ..Pall ov6rcoiat, tallor m, 0'extra special at elich,..,
. . .
. I . I 1.
- Nobby Hats. ... ;I . I .. � . . �
I . � . .
� .
. .
I I . . . .
� Min' Rain Co'* - in Hats this' stoje holds .
. �
. .
undisputed 1�adersbip ying i0tir'nats, direetfrom - I .
. 6 of I .
.New York* is a gual ail't latcst stylies AIW. � .
I . , . WWI I
Tbip season$ 101 01to"T is arb'beiet and the $well_.
. .
I .
eat Hats this -store. b6s er phou,n are now on our I
. .
I shelvesi I 11 � . . �, , 11 �.
I �g . .
I . . � .
. �
I Mlens ITH1`4 111118 .90� $%C@,,S�'tof $4.00. �_ !l. .
. .
I .
I 11
, � 7-;'-,�2
Rells'soft 11"Its $J K ftrjof $%0.09 no. -
I �
. �'] �
.. I., ,
Boys! Hats 500 41,00. I
.. New Styles ill ( ' 200' 40t And 15e.-:11 �t� .
.. I . . . I . I.. I .�
, � . .. . . . .
* , . . I
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