HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-09-11, Page 44, .
=& I
-11 � I -.11 .....'..., �.. 1. I ., 1. � 1.1.111, -, �-_ � 1.
. �
� '
I V" -V' 0 11 - Is Fall"' und iT.., � ..... , "I I X*w ,
� W, en's an'd - Children . ,
� I
- I I - . �1� I - . 11 � . . I - I FRIDAY, Sl%PTZ,MBRF. 31 . il".� 1,
� I , . � I -N., 111=1 I , __ __1__M;;;;_
�_ I - . William Coaft 81PP91111WI
____ Winter Coats ,and Skirts . . 1144181mr,
I � . . . . . — 0 .
. . I . I The,supouncenleat was made on'
- �FrWay last that Xr W. Ooa* of Cl.in.
. The newest in Fall and Winter styles., .T. he bigness of our showing of our Tailor, -made -Coats ton, had been appointed Registrar of
' the County, This will be received by
and Skirts can be appreciated only when seemp We have never before been in a p9sition to show you his many friends �
A I � . � all over the county
1. � .. 1-d designs, and linked with this � wifh sincere pleasure And genuipe re -
ouch elegance in workmanship, such. quality', snch variety In weaves an. o gret, Mr Coats has long d-Merved r"-
Uct we state,' -that NEVER .BEFORE WEkE PRICES SO UNIFORMLY LOW. . I I I ognition. At the hakn4s' of his political
. - . friends, and the fact that for this lm-
Clinton never before had, the opportunity to. buy such exquisitely made garments ;it prices that I .
� . .1 portant posit on he has been selected
. � I , I
bring the best newest and most desirable within the reach. of all. , You will be pleased when, you come. lay tile .� 0ovenment -of Ontario, is A
11 � . ing evidence df its appreciation
. ' ' . Plhti'slyervim, at, well as a recog I n M
, and see. You will not be disappointed, Of this we assure you. I I . i ion
. � . . I � of big ability, and vk. e believe that many
. . . 0 . I . of his. political opponents, As well as
. I
I . those who'support the government,
9 . . XT1% lu 1111 TULI I + levo Q.0 I I-- I . w0l. admit the wisdom of the choice,
I � a"* 11* 1030
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"At4iry FOXV11111,10961 *" I I 11 - I 01- _ .11 ..
"iditor) I
(By tie .11, . -
ate 01, th �_
tic Or4u.4taunk ' , I ' .
a wa ual!&an 00 atal �
IMA110:4, 011 til 11th of
t, a ,
ld coat nued �a'i 11
ft,.:Z�t�o?t. .
in- 11"M ...-I _ I , ,
... I
I - $$,r — a& — - I
11011TIn W on record, no less , � � , - .
,�0118.001)ag of the hQ - �
than member use took I .
' '
part therein, The speeches varied in 1 .0 - I .
I I * ..
len our h . �. �
uth from ten minutes to f I � . I 1. 11 .. I .
von for five minutes, Mr Ch 11010 1.
holdin �111 = I '. � .. ''. �
,i he palm for the latter time.. , . . ,
Severa, others spoka for almost as � 1 I .
long,,but a great Many of the speeches I I .
were justas exhausting as they were 11�111111111V , ,
exhaustive. The party whirs h . ad ar� ! . I .
I . , ,% I
ranTd the speakers on bo it sides of *-,-- - .- --- � -I ,
lie wuse, and several more were 4-0 1 '
have taken part, the debate to be ,
yvoyind 4 bt Sir Wilfrid, But the .
Irrepressicle r Gourley knocked the � Tke MR4 . I
arrangements of the wh a kite high, . I
b I?
atT.4 determination to Ill time, and " " . �
...... 0 notalone of Liberals, ON WEI � � �
but of Conseyr"vn,etIves, as well, he spoke ,1 �
so long that others wh) had inten;1ed I y .
e4mg, including the Premier, failed 1 .
.. Ladies ;Coats at band .rozu . , , . I W I ". I " 010 I I and approve the appointment to do so. It isnot often that the Op� 0 - I . .� .
! , I .,�� . . . . � . . I .. . ' At the same tibie the people of this position shows its disapproval of A, is here, , We . ..
I , Are made id it flue quality of Frieze and BeaTer cloth, inne line is nicely . . town Will deeply regret the necessity speaker on its own side of the house, I . . .
; � . and. Satana Cloth ' .
: � � trimmed, other one phiin.both are made in newest loose ,. . . of his removal to Doderich.- Re hits but it did veZ plainly intimate that it I are sure about �- .
� ; . I I . � ' -1 I been, a most efflelen.t Town Clerk a,,d - was tired of ourley. but he id
backiffect. Specialvaluesat ........................ %. ".. 50,00 & 6.50 - 4 .
�, . . . glai h no . . I
,� I . Our stock of Miw FRII'Waists is very complete, nothing Treasurer for a number f Attention to the u ' istakea e int *
hitting wit Wit and shut up., At the , I .1.
� . � I . 'but good waists fif the newest styles will be found in our ass- " " -e , . 1
�7 . h these dutleos =iolf In: that lie sit do I that because'w
i��. Ladies' Coats at $7, $8, $ 1 0 and $12 . 1. . . . . ; spector Of the House of Refuge, 8ecre- -conclusion of the debate four votes ' .
, ?
.1 .
; . I e .j �
. ,.�, I . . - ortment. . I . � . . I tary-Treasurer of Willis, Church, with. I were taken on the several resolutions have absolut. ly ft� 11
1. I . At these pi ices we can give you the best htyles and values ever seen in Clin- . . a numbel! of.other 6inor positions, all referring to the G. 7% Pacific, with , .
� i - -
:t: t ton In our asFor t went is t lie new collarless coat mode in many different cloths Black Satana Waists. at $1, $1.25,$1.50, $2, and $2.50, of which have been discharged with varying majorities. The main motion I everything in,tho � �.'-- ' .
� - all ate nicely trimmed, inotbing Eilloit of it peisonal visit -can give you any idea . �. . I � marked abil ity and very great satia- of the govern . .0 �, . I �
, � ment, however, was . .
, `
"I of our flne range of btyles at. the above prices. . Taking altogether the differ� - supported.b,r 46 of a majority,. Nes r ': 0 w 11 - paper li[nie: .. I
I., � . 11116— . . . . Black-qWhite and Colored Silk- Waists at $3.25, $4.50 'Action, � b 8 8 , a
I I . . . I , ,,
, . . . . � entworkthatbebas� eencalledupon Blair And Tarte voting Against the . . a . .. 4
I,.,,:, - .. . . $5,45-.50 and $7.50 I . . to. perform, he has been the most Act- government. though on some of the 't that is new a ..
.1� �. C 4ildren's Cloth Coats at $1,75, $2.50 to $6.50 . . . . . . . . ive and useful citizen the town pos- =Iutioiis-tliey voted with it. . As , . . I . . .
.1. . I ...
11 I I Pessed, and it willbe simply im I I .
;0 . Our stock of Childi en's Cloth Coats is not surpassed anywhere, never - liave , all made of Silks that will give good'satisfactory -wear, . possible Liberals Were absent without be- I .* I
. .
."':1, ,wf- had so many styles for ( he Nt ile folkF, aud all are much l9wer in price than - . 1. . . I . . to findany one who will fill 1,19, place, ing ti,tiredf and there ardtwo vacancies .1 1 desirable. .,.'* I - .
1 , , . � � .. . I . . I . and d.o the work he has done � by t, e death of Liberals - the govern- I ' ' . .. . I .
I i�: r� ypu " ould expect for such good qualities. . . � .
.. I I � A zealous and staunch Liberal, See ment mitjority would be 51 under. gen- I * * And the kind .
_ �
. .
� I
��.",, . IV . . I . I . . . . � retarV of the West Riding Liberal As- eral circumstances. The voliiminotis I 0 * I � . � . . I
, I - .
: , : . . I ,�. .1 . . . . I .. I . � , . I .
, I __ - __ __X 9. � .. I I . w , .", ,. . a -kiiabiy arijinpoi- character of Hangard, its ,the result of : : . . I .
. . . . . .";",�, � � ,. . :A �018 �l6�,4,,tQ.fLilktil�.�iinilqli,ll. ng . I � . " . . . I
_,�(O � . � I . . . � I . , . tAnt-factor in everk,qwripitigll tbid hit , of -low profits, we
.i I . . ; 0 � sociation, hew's in _ .
''.., JV ph of, ... . . .�
� . . s �.; - . I I . I 010 qh_.. _ _ - L .. :: � . -, '_ � �
. . . . � . . . . . . a number of years, and the session, Is. somethin surprising, i ' '_ " - ____ : . .
��, . I , -n - - - T%-.- I , Aken place for .
,�,.!:,.�. . � � Ou.r..,- �� Milli't ery � * . 1 I'— In' insuresper-�
., � . . .. .. . . . . I I.- - I
. . , . � I . I I - .
�1. . ; , � I . I I I I A I : . . . . � . . . I � � I :, . . . his influence was invaluable. Living Itianotan,uncommon &ng, during' ** 11 ake " ' I . i�. I I . .
- � . . . . . . - I I
. .
'4.,�. ... . I � �- . I ,. . I .1 . .1 . . here almost his entire life, growing' -up an election campaign for candidates . .
,.!:� Tailor -Made Cloth Skirtg` - . I . . . * , 11 . to know and be� known by everybody, to have the. Hansard -With them at . sa net-, . I
". . . I I . . . - . . . X foctly, I Itisf �
��I', I .- . .. 0 I 0, 0 . .
� " .1 . . I I participating in. -virtually ev;erything . their public meetings, for. purposes 'of - . I I . . . . I
i.111 . . . I . I - , & . I . .
,�,3,-_ , � ., . . 11 � � Opening. Da,' : of apublic. character, it could not be reference, but it will bg nec�essary to X or prices. . I. . I I ..
�,."";;�� , . . . . - ys. otherwise than that big prospective ,put the Hansaid of this session on- a .. I y I . , .., . I . .
__ Our stock of Tailor -Made Skirts is largei and finer -than , . I I �. . � . I I . . -emoyal would cause the very. deepost drhy and cart it around, if candidates .. . . . . . � I
,._ . . . . . . -'. . . I . I i . . . . . I .
� , $ , .11 . I . I . .. . I .. . re ret, . I I
,!,,,,... - . e er thig fall and those looking for a. -nice skirt 'will find it to . � . . .. . . � . . want to -use it.. And thip will be ap- . ... , , .
,�� . ' illi -be. announced in n'e His estimable wife has bem one of, Kreciated. all 'the - more when. it ia . I., I . I
- .
-:, "-w . . xt weeks paper ---- �-�-, S00,91.' . . . - .
L.11� Cieir advantage to c,411 and see our stock before they' buy. - . . I I .. . 11 .1 . the'most Active ivnrkeiis- in Willis nown. that I talking to Hansard" is a, . . . I � . . . . . . �
...'�. : I Oar Coat and Skirt Departm`ent is located down stairs and :. � �. . . '. I .1 I I I .. . . .., . 1 $ church, ttiking part in a7l kinds of soc- 1 very common -practice in the House, . � ' I I � . I ' I .
1� � . 6,-Wjw-*-%W-%� erl After.tbevkx .
', - *.,-W,AW-mh..-%w-%w-W'%,'W,46,-%,-W-Ob��-4b.-vi�,-%,Aw.%,�.% .%,q6,b ial g0boritigse nnd. contributi:ng hi . ,Ilen&thy debate on the Two tables load , * I '.
'A I �. I � . I � I ..
. , and . . I. . sharp. to the,- advancement of every. Grand Trunk aci c one woud,sup. . .
-11. you -will find it a very pleasant place to come ad ", . . .. - 4 im .
.." ", . I . . . _ 0 I � .
.. - . va ,_ t Your friends. - I I . I � t1hilng. o"a Christian character; -%v.e pose the Opposition had. exhaEusted 411 1* 6d . with small. lots f � .
:. . I . . . � I . . - . ... . '
�� . . . � - ,he w ls-qnestion, and - . .
;,"I"", - " � . . . . . ., phvee, good -paper -to be - I
.. � . .... , . . .Ladies and. Children . Is I I sum -e r , illbe� none the less so in its Ammunition on th . I
. , � .. . . I
. . . . I . . I . . ; new sphp;re in the , count town. &lid would he Willing. to settle down to� �he .
" - I . , .
,�, . . � . � . .
,A-l � ' ' ' I - .
. .
- .
1,., ... � 'I, At $2.50 we can give y(,u a Tailor-made Skirt of an --all. . - - � . . I . I . P"v-v.th- neopIp (�f 74 cleared at less, than' � .
.. : oderich tbp necessary business, of - the house with - . �
I - I . . .
I . . I . I I
.i i- . 11 Flann I I �
.. . . elett' . I
� ,, w)ol Homespun. .1 . � I , . I . I e GoWils future possession of M- and Mrs Wil- some serious 'iiitention - of getting price. . ' ' .'..' . 1.
- l ; . . I . . . I I . . ' - half .. .
I .1 . . . I . . ... ' I � liam* Colits. � , �.. ..� � .:.tbron5h, and getting home. But sifli- . I . I �. . . . .. .
"�",.-, . . � I � I . . � . � . . . .
�j .
�:"�:� - � The Flannelette. Gowns we -sell 'are . made -of qUalities It Will t0k(' hirn some time to dis- se4uent events 1 proved that this - was All Pelper trininied free, . � .. . . ,
Skirts at $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, $6.50 to $7.50 aie ' I his busir,(�.qsinterests here, And i notso. The next day after the.*resolu- . . I
. pose of . I., . . . . . .
. . .
. ' I tl,'a.t .are guaranteed to wash ,and weiii.well. 0 have 'about - so thaf he may.tiop had 'and ' ever y - I . � . . .
.1 - . . . . I . ; :, .W .ybod ' * ' '
. made of homespun in new corded effecl Olenetians an& Broad I. �, ., clogoup. big aff-drs A �assed, . - -., . ' -
I , . . 20 . different styles froni:',�,4icb . to- . ebo � -.... - I . . . movP, but his appointfrient takes offect breathed , ittle more fi eely at the . C . .� ..
� . .. 11. I . . , ose. . I � ' � . . l- . .
ei ths. All are values that will be found hard to e ual. Near] . . . . . I . .0 . . � . . -i-eleaseof the tension that 'had pr6-� . . oopar� I & -C9 ..
I . . . . . I . . I . . I . - at once. . � � i , .. �
1.� � . p � q , y . � . . I.. It. 19 well known fhat several others ailW for a.morith,.the Opposition de- � .�: I .. .. ,; 0 .. . . .�. ... I . .
, . i v . I
� I )) Skhts in stoch to choose from% . I � . 02 � . . 1. La.dies.Wowns Eat, 50c, .75c, 85c,_$L $1.25 and $1.50 - I . . � ,. .� I
' I
��,� . I . a. . . . . .. " .. ''.. .. . . . . I .. 1. � . . 1. . werc,,snirants for this desirable pwit_" liberately set up a policy, of obstruc- ,, * j"P1.0 a . I . . I .1 � . '... . I . . . ..
. I .� � . . . . . . � � I 9 r " . . . 1. io i. Thev are'all. good and deserving . tfoia. Thursdav and Frida 1-0 11 a �`i 41 i I a 11 41 -6 _64 -` - . ,
. . . . I .
. It.- I .. .Children s,Q6wns -at 50c, - ( )0cj 65cAnd 75c, ., .. � went � by ' . . . . .. . I . . I . . ..
11 . . � � . '. I . - - , , . . . I � . . 1. blen,. iind-it i's not the slightest reflec� ,without; one Atom, of public: business ' . . . I I I . .
. . . . . I . -1— __1 . . . .
�, I ?, . . .. r .. . . . - I �, - - .. .. . �. I .. - - ' . Ition upon .them tbat.,Xr Coats bag ' being disposed of, v one Jnembe� after t �' . � I . . . .. .. . . I
. ' '� , . � ' ' �
I � . I . � . 1. .
. '
. I I . -1 W N6TjCE -- _ . . I. I . - __�all-Ar-e.;madeLof�pJai piflk-_ and _White'ft'nelett, beon.selected in 06fetence to then. . �, another.on the Opposition benches us� Ing the 'last f . e, - . �
IF I . , , .. . . A .- n ,. ,., e . , - . I W months abon t' th '. ' I .
'. . ., . - . . . . I I . �. - . . . �. I __,, : _. . ' - ' df .. .
�:, , . . .." � . . .. : '. . '. I I . . . . - I . I " ,. � I ... ..; .� . .. I I . . I It could only go to one. indi.,�idual;.and . In h* power to obstrtict ancl delay Jud ,ep of Ontai,lo, or if, lie has'beiixi -- - - ... .
, I I . . - I . , .. . -we eongrat usiftess of the: house and of the n ..
.� - � ��, � . . . ., . � .. .,. ... I . . __1 .., ulitc. our tdwngmaii on be� . thge big . 1( ing it, he-cannot.believe it. SI ce., �_.` - -
lo = Every Sk i rt we sell is thorough]y ex-arhi ned: by a.'. dress:' I � . I . . � � . . . . . .
� . . -e suce - house sat without in.. -the Gamey affair, the Opposition press - , ` ' '
� . .CHILDREN'S DR . . . . I . i .. . . I � I . I ing 0 essful one.* i, coOntfy.. :The . I . .
1- rnaker when received,and if th:ere is the slightesterr . ES5ES, - " ... . . "I The .position -of Cromirt'Atiorney, terruptioili all thro6ghThursd - lib froui one end of the D6minion' to the �, - ..
. .. . I . . ... .. . : : .
� -makm- - . .., . . . . I � . . . "� "g ' other has been denoun ci
or in, ' . . . . ' I . . . . 1. . -vacated hy the'. death of the late Ira, and &.1 day Fridity, the me. ers on I ng the Judges , - . ... I . I
� '
� - hethod We.ensure . ,� Made. 'of Salisbury LeWis bsiq a10 been flIlM. by the ap- In .1ang bqtlrviplent� and, -vile, ' . .
1� . ing,etc., back it goes to tb6 makei. By this r . � . . . . I cloth and Cashmere in assbrted . styles:, . : the Gov6rnmdlat side simply sitting in . uAge I
. . , . .. , .. -
' ' 'According to th&se papers dges . .
. . . .
� . . . . ., . . : . . . . intmeht of .. Mr Charles Seager, bf their places arid allbWing the oth , �
. . . . I .. . . . . � : . .. - I ers to ' I , , , ...
. . . � ., � . . . "bittbi,14i I t I
� Our customers of only wcll made and perfect fitt .. � . . I.. . . . I . � I the j " :
VaQ9.4; �. . . I . I in'g* Skirts. - � and pi:ice-�.`_ :, . . . I Coderich. Ueis eminenfly*welliltted take. up the tirile. Aftimes the -order . ai-e -tizang And 'men wilthou I . - :
. . � . . I
. . . . � . .. .. , . . . . il . . . . - .
. . . 1, . . . ' I.. . . L . . . . . '- - ' for this positionj bas.parno ' . - ..
1. . �. . . .� . �. . . .. .. . . , 11 . . ; ; . � . . simoly. that.6f st play g,roiind',' and principle; men who will � do anything: , .!: . � �_ �
. . . . . . . TOtj�t OlViMBOAR � . ... . I . � . . � . .. .. . �d it from a; I War . ..
I I . , . . It ..0 I . , . . v . . ,. . : - . . I .-it -was i4iissil de to defend the Liberals oi- contribitfe to . . .
I . . . . � . . V. WANT 1VT .. I I . �,�, � . I . . .. . . I Political at int, � .and we believe it, �* to make It other,wlse. th . . . I . .
. . I..... . . . . . . . I I I . -1 . . . �.. will. meet, "i" e eral,approvAl tedto all sorts -of devices Yet; in; the . " .
. 0 . I . � . . . . � I., . . .. ., . I I I 1. I . . . , . , . , W t�.�th .gen � -. i .. Xembersr�,qor . . I e is,.politlelal success.' I � ..
. . I I . .. 11-1 . . - : .:. � .. I . .!'' . I � . 1. . . w . . . . I of all. - * , ..* I . % affil in some cases, amusement, to Reep face of these sweeping stAtement .
. I . . . . . . � . M ,
I . . �
� I
. .
� . I � . . . .. themselves a -wake. The -H I "" � . .. .
I . I I . .. .. ,
. I : .: . I I . . � I . . . . ., .. I . . , . . i � TisOale has placed. a .notice on thre I � 1". .
I . . � . I : . I � .. � � ansard - re- . 1. I . . .
. . . .. . I . . . I . . . I . . . I . . ..,.. ., .. . I - . . , .
I . .1.. . . : .. I . ,. ..
I . � I . . . � I . 1. 1. or er paper, mumating thatbe will - I .
. I � . I I . " .1.. . .._ i ,porters.,absolutely-gave out'at tbree d .
I I � � � � � : I . ..... . . 1. .. . , .. I I. .. . . . '.. .. . :...Sir - Wilfrid's . Health. � O'clock intlib niorning,- and - were �not �, move that the report ofthe Redistri- * : * - , - � . _..
� - . . I . : - . '. -their -4u tea, I . ce.pted ut. .. .. .
I I � .. . .. I I , . I . . . , , ..
�' _� . . � . '. - . . . : , , : :. , — . .1 ., . :.. able ti) continue I t" I butionCo'nimitteelle.Aot.ac 'I b * " ' , I
" - ., . . - . . . . I I I . .. . . . c e om on o ; ', � �
,�� . . . ... .. .�, . - -be'aiise of ,phyElcal exhaustiguripV that it be referr'd.to a 0 missi f "
I �, . . I . . . - I . : . � . � I . . .� I I on. 'Ir. .
.111 L I . I . . * 4 . . . � . I . . . I . 1. . . . . . -rage for Judges. ' He-surbly cannot forget that, - , ,� ... I
. � 11 I . .. . . I . I . � . . . I I 1-waspotbirig short. of an out .
, . .. . . , I I � - . � . .. -As �very.` fre'querkt references have 1- the ti of the house to be wasted as the-Libeials offered to do this very , I
. ; ' . .
1, . . I - . I . . . .1 I � . I I * ' It 4 ... I
I . . . I � . I
_� . . I . I . . � in&. e -the health -of Si -Wilfrid.' . , a Wily it wag ilone no one , . I �
I � , .. . . . . . . I .. � � I � � . I been 7 d to I . . ir . thing a couple of yeitrs,!tp;oj when the � I. .
il, . . .. I I . : � . I . I.. .. . . . . . I Au . , 11, � . %v.. ��- tis '" . tip.- . t i 'the �,
I . � . ... � . I . . � . . .� . .. . . . . � � .. : � . .�. - , t , rier, and as the ,in o kno I said it was dub to i Conservatives had A'nia,jori y in . ..,
I N . I I . . � I . . . attei 'Is one of , e,,,r,, t '
I .. . . . .. I . . - . . � . . I 1. I i I � fa C � * .
._-�� _ CLINTON 1, .. . 11 . � ..
�,,,,, � . . I . , I.. I - . � : . rh ot'that Mr Borden, the leader of.. 15enateo .but that Impartial .- body 'led I
!* . � � . . . I.:, . . . . . ... -.1 � '' . . I ...' � ... I .. , ., I �. . I 1. . . I 1 .. .. . I . :. . . great- importance and1nter�st jo.the th O. It. I . . � I . ....1 �.
-1 . , � . . . . . I - 6 ithen by Sir Mackenzie Bbwell, refused. �� � - :' .
� low _� — . I I . . . . . I . � . . . . . . .1 . - I ... Q , Tpoal Ion, bad to-fio 4w, f , I . .
''I. - __ I = people of - this Doihinjort., the i I t . . �y, or -to Accept the.proposition', ,and -uricere-, .
't . __ --.--., — ...,.--- _______._ i ,following feW ays owing , o i ness, and', his
I ..-,--. _ - I - - . . .
� . I % . _. . � . ,._�_ - � - - rom the pen- :of th . . etermined-not,to, allow moniousir, threw it -out.- ivir'nsdale-ii . '. � ' * I '
,,, a I as well as to continue -and to extend I place . where . som . e of his family have o her -home! afticle,.4 e Montreal friends Were d . �
I - � I
.1 CCASIRIATCRY & - rhursday-�. Shecamehere- .1. .1 . . % any business to go. throug4 *.ditring big not usuit ly, given to j6king,. but'we- . . . I .
If - ' I .
I . Stildlo (it AlUsic. the evangelical work of thig successful- been �pending their:vacation. for- the .to visiu.'ber6ousins, the, Misses O'Neil' Herald Ottawa:,-orresp'9'ndent, appear- fLbsence. it is Also said it " b i can Uardly think lie is, serious . about - , . .
I 1�. It is now generallty conceded that past six weelis. . : � . . . - was, eing . isr � i ion.... e is a pretty strong. : . -� I I .. I - I .
, . i . . I I., � '. I . I while here giined 28 lbs. She is A'; .ing in,the Issue, of� the $td,: Will be,. 6t 'done to prevent an election being ohel � h, ropositi H -
t ea 1. Inc" . - Cana- - . I , .
. I
I __ . . I ,
1, � . � 'this hill, Be this' par y man, and Was for a ahort tim, e a , I � ,I I . . , .
� - , I mmy has become &.vex -,v necessary .�. M:rs'R. Read,. 1,ondou,.'v'jsit6d-fr1eni1s ugh American but 1 thinks � .. I . I . I . I .
W. GleLn Campbell. Organitit and Cbcir . . � ' . � . I " 11 coiTect or otherwise,
th"o I . I.ipterest. . '. - - - ' . .
I .
. � -
: director of Willis PrtL-b3terian Clinich recognized instittitio.ij in thisasin every in town . 1. ...". . .. 11 d,',. climate alright. ... . I '. -1. I d6not know., although, .1 asked � sev-* momberof one of the Cablb6ts,- �but if . , �, �
. . .. . . . I . . , ` .
� other coun try where it oA)�kates; Their ��- - ` , . . . , . � � . I 0�1t'is sad tohivet6 state, but it is' 6ral Cidliservativ6s for the ' I - f be. hits couilderice in the, :fairnessr and - � - - : '
,6 . Harry 06le �Toronto,, -ace , . - d reasori o
1, . I Mrs W.�Logan: Bu 0..Mtited here , � I qmpanie ..
, I
,,�.� Clinton, achievements are beyoni controversy, ffal ., �. I . . ! - . . . 1. . :int6pity of - t e "ridges n . o . w . , I � an '
I * ' as a . . on,. no sat- - , � , . �_ .. I I � �.
' '" 4 �.
� siseworiby. , . ,- . I : , . .. . ' ; hopesbf stl6eesa-la' the -next theAstructi' b ' , illing io trust t e formatio of 'the ** , . ; .__,
. I iiu6 ine,vertlielesstbatth6Conirer-�ative It
Ti-acher ef Piarcfnrte, Pipe-Crgan and all . � I . e Mi'sea Cole, to Clinton ut could g6t.- - . -
high y p . t weiik.- � - - ' .- , his gistei-g, th' d 1s
1 � Im,130hesothjusleallhemy. Piu,iis prepared . . I .. I . I. � . . I . .I . , 1frott, ffiit� city where they'..had .been . election 1 isfaction. 'The action of the conser-� n
� , . I — . . . . . . , . ' ' ... I ' , . .
� I . I
, iff rvatory, coltege or Univez sit . . ,! .. . J. Hunk -Galt.' pent.the holidays at vative party,'. in 'obstructing . -ridings to thbirjudgment; what * must, - ,� .,
:,� foralltioexamini,tionsot. ti,e 11oronto con. . I . I . I . . 8 .. � . visiti# gfor*the past.six, weeks. Miss are based upon it 'naytional .calamity,. I - . , buaineg� .. I . ,� I .�
,., 14ew Studio . . bi§ Home in tow'n. : ` . � - - - . I Thisis the withdray.�iilfrofii-publicll e d .t e pr besaidof the"attitude of his 11 . 11.1
I are w, im me. . Comina, avd 6101ing. I.Mar!y Cole had the.misf6rtune * to -be uring. b esent:sesslon,has cost, the :.� ., .
4vei lwft�hslls'Shoe Store. AT,, , , . . I I . �,f . party. . .
I _ . - , " , I thrown front ai street cai whilein 'that 6fSir' Wilfrid. Laurier; 0 rs? The Liberals have-b6en . ..
� I . .1 . — , .1. .. I I .. I miss May Livermore witsin London , - - , L onservative ' conntry .. thousands - of . dollars, &lid TiVe. - much . ...
L '
1�,� � �� H. 0. Brewer and' son'Harry -left for -,a f . ew days this weeik., I . . . .; I 1. and wAg laid up foi some'tiriie be� . speaker,, and Conservative jourmals'; while,no, objection! can be offered to rairer to their opponents in the matter I �
llwl-",I����iiiii��iI�����:�ill'i�illi''!Illi�1,1:11:i,i'llI ��,111,11,11i�l�,ill:i,,&******" . j Orediton, a . n' t.' . .. - . . � �
, 11 1, �.� � V 9 V 1W - . I -I' " ; fitly intimate a _e cri icism, ) .,
I . . � . . . . e have', 6onfld
- Toronto on Friday.', : ' . Miss Ed�th hobson'' forye being able to bb removed home..., .e 0 d,th*t tl�e , fair and rjeason'bl It' ' ,6 Ian-' of the Redistilbution, tban the'Conser ' � . � '. '
.." ` . . . � , pe . .. �. . Premier hits n tthb heaftli to* t' I to ,on - vatives ever were when they - weri� in ' *. *1 .*1. .
. I . ,con ittue. guaf . I .- � . .
,_1 I I I , Miss Kate' McNaughtort,. wbo left -life, He ig regard d re is too strong1n, Which � �- . . . , �, ,
., Glen glackall., Heii&II, is. one ijf j]iib , tbe:holiday� tit bet home, - diti - -t � � , � ,
I -lie Churfles ,, - I . 1. � . in publid . power� an i isins a, little 'toobatich I . ..
, I Among t . I . . here a year ago laat,jun-� to enter the ' M as Ithe emn'tllei'deliberate and- anwar-ranted.. . . .
.� �
.� I I -new scholars at our 061legiat.e.'. ..; ., - MisMaTavish.,'Tiv�rtim, ' eat' I reatest of the Conservative stdinblihgl'policy.bf , stiuction, that ha's.been. to:exlject,that t e concession'e are all ' _-. - . I 11
-1 . . 1. wa.s A gu - , Cook 0onfity Hospital, Chicago as a ,91. I I '. . �ob � � .
use, Wo and bride at an§', from Saturday �111" u, 1 9 , ocks at the presen time., . . I manifested orimore than onebec4si6n, . 11 I 1. I
�',.',� . _0*1$1��� � Tadsilay...- -.. - . , I - . n rag in training,.is at present visitinq I It I, difficult to` see'the regson-foi . ? but'in thiis Artibillarly.so. R6ad-i deal. of nerve to ask' it: The Conser- . . I I
1,�j *_ - I I . Louis Tro odstock I Dr I . J. S. Ev' I . her.,brother John at Varna. -She wi . this t- , .� I . . . to be on oneside. And it shows �& good - : .
0 L. Fish . I ing page Afte ".
I �
1'� "" ST Josrpii's CHURCH -Commencing is visiting his mother, Mrs K Trolise . I I I . il�e case p �yatives. used the most' *unfair means * , * '' ..
: L : ! _ . Ip rooted' belief in flie � de.ay of ' !r pa e of, printed. reports', . . . .
I ,
on Sunday morning Rev Father er was ftiLohd6nAndHam-: Mi,,4sAf4tbleC4'laiide�,Lond6n..,.visii- return to Clinton for a short visit m4th Sir W11 rid's. physical po.Wers,' peisistr :`!and discussink an jects that have, been . . tribution, and-ar'6 , .
' - - -PinsQuileault will bqjd a ,ty ' ton a few dUs I ed her atit-t , - Mis es - ballie, i 9 ble ii� the Rediii
, �'. 7� 'il I . it business. ___ _.- ing in the Conservative -mind, It is �-threshed but. until -people a - . D_ . I .
,��,_ , ast week, o . I , Mrs RiiLteobury, for the her sistersi - Maud andC . PQ891Qg now a __�
. -fox , baurs . . . .11 . re tired 'of gett t the hands of their- 6 - .
, �:: de;,otion service. - and Mrs T. A Case and soii, 7of . .. I I . I . I
1. He will be asgisted- J M1. . . I � .1 .. � fbefb-ivI i .--fTa-1rei--du: -trffFthurhwi�unt 10 hearin — -Wt -pornentou-Tireetad .
�� � by Fathers McEivar, Cochrane, Nonart ; I Windy City:, - I - It, young mall. a nem, aFe 66t; A pfib to in- . i It SSW ic a . �.. ..
�11. . Rose, New York, arrived in town- � Miss Nellie Stew.114 ., vill t. Sunday' � I . I I Iso tine thatheyas not.a l�a`wl can.'be . described bv no. "'ood man � I . ' I . �,
.!,i. . . a particular- tere§t, eople think they do. not ' I
.. I : : I I .
. and Stanley. i . I . ith he fl -lend Miss'Xillie. Co��jojjghj 1. Z J. Bronscombe, ,of Aspen, 061., . ly strong mAn, -physically, Neserve. Rey should -be satisfied, or � I - .1 ... .
. - I -1 Monday night, - , . . W1 . 9 I 'fast year'. other terin I .
7, � I . .. * , . I I I I than malicious xn'd� inex,
1.11 ONTAP.10 STREET CHURCH- Rev W * - - Goderich *t,p� I . % ho has been enjoy' . * � . . .
* * "
i " 11, � I Dr. j?rankS.*Scodj Taca - w- - , ; . . . I W in a month's,va- But bef6re the beginning - of the prp! cusable obstiu6tionliur6 and mills. . else e 'content to ao whatthe Liberals': .. ., � I �
,. .. , '.cation with hii rs V1, H. New- gen session'bis recoverywas statqd on Tbe'presiint session has, pa "' . , . ' ' . �
"'' ii., W t had to do so long -fight for t
, , na, wi;tg b
,4 Smy.he, a foriner pastor, but now of arrived here Saturday ey.e.nin o Mrs Jos. Liverworeandherdttllgl, 4, r . I �
l-,�, g n A , , ased into . . heir very I I . .
I , Tilson Ourg,oecai pied the pulpit at both visit to his hornei I . I . Mrs H 0 .6 ',b,.Wei is in.'Lon86n ii� fe .. co'llbe, leftfor Petr6lea on - Saturday. the belit-medi(W.'alithority. Hon Mr record as the longestobe in th htor ijolit.icti'l existence. Col'Tisdale-may I.. � . . � . . I
, services last Sabbath and hisdiscou - . � . I'days last week.. . � . toxisitathis home for ten; -days, -be- Tarte And the Cowervatives;. voic' of the Dornini . I - I.,
I were thoroughly enjoy rses Me and Mrs Marshall Plumsteel, of . . .1 I � I . I .. � I I ing on. The house has At- ust as -W611 save himselfthe tkoublo of . 1. �
� � ed by the large - I . . . . forf- pr6ceeding to Columbia College, I . rather tlieii� hopes. than their belier, * rea4y.�beeft pitting 175 days, Alta will Cinging in big resolation, .for the-gov- � - . 1. 0
. I . I
I .
:" congregations present. Buffalo, were guests at W. O'Neirs ....Xisses Tillie and Louisa Colclough No,,,- Yr-rk,. whiere he will i4ke wpost- derided at this. Butevents have . . I
�� At the quart- . shown 'eeftainly-hot adjourn. until the Jqf, of arnment will not think of doing what ` I .. . .
, I spent Lawn, D(t M . rse.-for 'he desires to -be done
�. t1cly Board meeting held re6ently their I over the holidays. . I . ' . � m with their . sister,'. . a year. For some the doctom Were right and'the Con- Octobet-jifibdoeg th6n',wbieh-would. Inoier6specially' . ..- -
i: new rector's salary was left at the old Mrs Robt. Sleet hi' al�d t,W,o ehildr6n,. John Tinney? ensall. . .. .. . time past'he has . filled the responsible servathies wit,on I I . � I.. give it a session of over -200 day4s . thisvery thing wZ once-� . eppillated. - . - I .
, : . ' Robt. Br6wrl',Port . . lucrative . g.. his. . , . . dura-. as . I
, position of Superinten- , Sir WiMid has to-dAy �to . session - b,v th6 Senate, - . - ..�� � .
�1� figure Of $9W and free parsonage. of Vancouver, B.(),, is -visiting Mrs W. ., Huron Michii son .and credit. tioii. - The . Ion 't.'r _ I . . .
. . I I I gep 11.eviotis .
Murch, Base line. I . . � I of Mrs Robf. Br6w: e t of City So 00 at spen, bat re- . .. . 8 . n '
i� ), SALVATIM Aw%ry.-The Salvation I . ti.Erie street, has . I . , the longest ge'S'sional experience i� the. wag'in 1887, whei asted 174. Aa)ts I ever had.much use for the Senate �; ; ,
I . , I . I . . . I been visiiing-relatives for lost.. few . ned in ordeV to. e a or I at . I I - and have not hesitated to. say so. �-I . .
.. I
- . will elebrate their ahnual' Har- H. T. Rance were in , days. . I . . e course of 0 01 Lrainin 'i Mr. has been it ses- lim of bard work, diM-. ling only 10 da have less . I I .
Arm c . 6 advanc- histopy.of Canadi. ' Nrliaments It The -'shortest session was in 1814, last'
, , hanksgivirif fkastival from Satur- � I . ys. The 7th 'parliament thaii ever. .
, , 1. Mr and 11% havib Bronscoinbe a , that olokado, is cultsituatiouh and long h One of the arguments I ,,have used ., *
Y, � vest � Blyth on r g their furni- I .
I t .
f " I " day, Sept 19th til Tu,esday, Sept. 22nd tire moveY to linton. . . ' ' .T. T. Currie, Win haW,ealled on ,the filled up with Canadians who ate decu'. ours. Still (th!6 is.the Oth) held six sessions 'dur- Against its existence was that it is I I
i I inclusive. Tbe'officerg if, charge of the . . pyth . g good and honorable 1)ositions in Sill, Wilfrid, whom the Conservatives ing Its term, the only parliament in - I I . .
" � Miss Borders, of Indiana . is, 'who I R�& last MouE .' Re is Add Ron Mr'Tarte would like'to fond- which there-wtig that number, and in . .
DDIJ N fte of .
� 11 local Corps solich froan the public a t I �,Own ! clothed"with power to undo 16gig- ' . �'
tithe of tlj;, ()Ou' I hits been the guest o . . in stays of the Tiberal party in ; .
- her home.on Friday. . I ighborbood, . I that itate, and some oi them tire am- .
, - ntiful blessings of fleld 'left for fMrs H, Combe thatne . ly regard as an Invalid, has been in four.of these the avera elengthofthe lationpitssea 6y the lower Hot7LSe;. . .
� ,
. _�_And store in kind or cash sA a thank . . . - ougst the wet - t1thiestpeople there. I constant at6efidance Day'after dity sessioh,virais I% days. Re. a thatitsinel , holding life appoi . nt- . � . .
I . I . 1pivingtoGod. Anything received w! H. Newcombe And baby ' � I . 'A essions are 1116uts, Mv i*sponiible to. the' - - : ��_ ,. .
�,, � 1�1 i I D Mrs W. , Mr and-Urg Geo Swa;rtz left on'Wed. . � he hits beeri'l -his place, lie has at- perceptibly - lengthenint, and it cAn 11trts, . .. .
. . . ngsday for the*esttovisittheirdaugh� I , 7 * . I 1. I --tended almost every Cabinet council. never be hope t I � t people, and cannot li� held to hecount * . . .
� ')Xoosomin. , . .. . . . . . . I
tie turned to good account to support orothy are spending three'weeks� -at terv,ldrs Spooner, ,d ag4in they will
thentimerous benevolent instftt,tions the former*s hon e in _ He bag been Fr.esent'&t; every party be.ahort, because a great many im- for ivhat they do, LastweekIreferr- ' .
Petro . - . . . I
. I I i . . .! .Ica. - - ,by bon'tfrom God0ricIr.- � I . I . . !Loeil Not � . In � 1. . . kX1 to the fact that the Railways were . . � I �
I I Afiss Ida Tebbutt 'returned 6mo M. . . I . ' - I es . � I I cAllelase. 116 been Always at his tit questions come tip continually . I . -
. . Monday from spendin A ews left on Monday- for . . . pos I . I Whi demalid.at.tention, and it alitimA ntg'
. - . JL160 dr � -_ t ' . I ... trying to socitt.e.. et.,rtain ameadme - . . ..
� , I e weeks L" P -b I can be learned, potatoes I Tuesday, W establish beyond it doubt begins to look as �f. members will litwo 1. . wity Aet, thr h th *, . .1
, -
a - t stei on 'Clay land than on I I I eppy. whic t ey �
e% cepting in very low, sog. Ole of their time to it utti uot Secure frout -the C Mons, .
a Mr gale returned'. to of study in that knotitution. . I . , . �j through a session - ' , This.iiiaN W, �
ffiefil Jill, j mams, : I ,�a I From'What �
ma �jtd College,St. Thomas,Where Ace rotting fit
: ��'Ir with Mro 0. 0 r1crtello IV= , . � to. the RAtil Out 'h e - -
. � .
'.. . �, - . - ' ' , I I X� -twoyearaleourse any -other, stories of his 1affing strength, lie sat � to devote the wb . of - the' Senate ,
" , and Mrs W. B, � �s e purposes taking a
. their home in Chicago On Monday af . I gy places., � . . . . whiloh began at their parliamentaily dutips, - ,
., I � WC81ttrill Fair, London, - Miss May -'Bell 1pft today tot Toronto - . I �. I 6leven o'clock one mo . riling And ended : be all right for men of il'11jilpite(l f1li- And I AU% sol`ry� togiay they have sue- I,- I.
, I .
.n .. ,
ter a pleasant exten4ed visit it% our . Miss Maggie Dow zer, who, for son -at thrw 0,4P199k the next 4ed itt one very im
'., I ;". . .. . . I where -.she enters' Havergal ile I _Ue would ances, or whose business intel,04ts eall e" .portant respect. ,
,. .. . Sept. I Ith to.19th : inidst. . Hall for timepast asbeen seriously ill. at -the havet"Veli it furdiet (16in�nittiailon tit" pffoid- to be neglectedi but it is tjot vil- ThO 141)(A'Als of tile Cqnlnioag�and A - ' .
1. on and return, I ladie� , She purposes taking an art$ hospital, has so far recovered as to be hi's a yertised physical weakness by I couhlgi�jj W "r0fesiI9Uqf 11,011, 01,41 fklf� oo the 06erA,Ide-fought hard to 1 * �
E i .
I I good goitg Sept, 12th to 18tb, iroluseive. in town visiti e,t,tSnndA cours; In sh, music, etc. . .� apquDd aga!ii.plice more, . . .. ,"irli �, an(, yet ,tit; gt�etit,e.tlxelTisertia"yafwhat'is known , - -
. I
, I . , 01 50 from Ciffitcri to Lena er , I - .. ... � olosing. .the, session with a -, . G n -':__11 I I
J. 0. Miller, of the Spo,a , .
'I'll oa 101119 Sept. 15th and 17th. All "M'. McLean d ' ppppWj . 'Urg Win. C&fitelon,' -Who hits been' 0099 I vt orous othera W 0, trit6p po itici as -,The Cattle, uard Clause" in the '
1 125 13 Pj,a.dn11gbV Mrs Z
$ � . acquain: I i I I .
� ;ickfilo � 1 5 fik 61d Xincllxdine's labrosse tea ' If it harl - 4- 1* 61i �Qr Ile in", � I
a . in lived long at, U6 . 00Mpelled, to give some attention to bill, and finally succeeded. Thi's clause - . . . .: �
, , . . . I I Zfra 4 of " leir private Affairs.
I I val Id to return twill Sept. 28rd, tances. � . I Visiting in Mitcho)l for the past �. 813i a I have heard
.1 I . I Weeks, returned home lasbw enough aftor, Clintoft's defeat -to die in Mr Gourlev� Q .
- eekAciaom- her next gatuo with Elora. Western . The truth of, flIated tile onus of proof of nelligence ' , ' I
miss Foots, Who bs:i been at the Boo Vinied b f416 ixlait& '14 t6t the members'sayth Ll
I for .y ho� 'Mrs Win, Ontario lacrosse teams d 1 Premier w4s "..,Over, bettdt, btronger or .in public life, simply -because of the the rall,Way eompani L d6rs of - ,
, ". Excursions. me tirge nursing,spent afewdityg iooks,and babV,. daughter, . I o notAppear to At they will not rethain or cattle killed, on the I
, - I 8A C to IR40 ,00 so _ I I es. The Senate, . . .
: " 120 In town W@ Week. bipfoe 164ving for b6 as 6.4 as those furt-Per.east, . ' more vigore I It- life. Xo� one who dijin it is nimn. their time, And tile At the instigation of the railwayat bas, . .
. :, r . , M. Hamilton of th . has seen , -)1111 n 11 It will be. at I � .
I � : , To pdfato in Wanitobs, Assimilloitt, Al. To Onto . . . 0 BaZk -of Com, injury to Ir businesso ,
� , . . . . . I I I . I' The Comet,. now visible, Will be at I he hap . � 411it this. session doubts that , thci amenaed tlits, And placed the onna of I . .
. . Jileris and SashatelieWAD t I merce, Waterloo, Geo. of the Bank of its brightest on Or About the 11th �kvic6- great `:nijgfortjjrle to a democratic . negligence on the part of the farmer. - .
`,, 010041 90119-SePt. 151b, valid relurning im. Misses Alice Bircriett and Lillian Toronto, Sarnia, and Miss Orr, N - I bef, a 0aimy years of Public 91 I
I evv ar- . ze a 8 e an ouror I country like this, if it ever becomes I .
. 01 Nov. RVIP Jackbon spent SujjdAy and Monday York cit ,spent the holida, ,.)ro him. I A Tbls is an iinportAnt change, , and .
I I ) _ na In town Sol' r the front a than usual � . �. . 1, fixed Met that Only the wealthy. Cali virtually undbe§ All that has - boon ac-, . .
I � Good going gepi. Potb, vidid f9r r9tagn with their friend Miss MeTavishr of the gue% of Dr. and R amilton, . 1, , . � 1. Afford the timenepessary for -the tratis- conivIished for the farnier, afte I t . . .
. �&&_ forth, I .. ro . I � I .
. I . � I , I rin t e ire of the oP -.0 . � . � r., Wo
antil zqcv. 80ib, , , , " , * 1§ea I � I . I . Me rg the" it. . I .4ter Action of public affairsi Most men are - , of agitation. 'The Bill musb., .� . .
, Messrs. Marsball. and Ell ot Clinton, CLINTON LOST TO SBAFORTH,- jbitious�, and look upon . �
*,N Ont., have arti naturally An . y -e House for ratillea-
t� ? c ackto th �
I F, T 0. C. itance*an&T, laeksonjnjeave 'Ved on the tarvest et- Miss Ida Holmes, under-, . Golf is a new game here thh's6asOut but it as a great honor to be m'representa- .
, I .
11� "191181 Wf'0't'4flr10 1EXtunions Ctirsion, .61, tion, hilt the Liberals Are' determined
I 0�tli- , A week, the former for the Mara- At& Is it brother ofMrs ,Toronto Conservtttory. dtaduate of � it aberns to have taken A great kOld oft tive in. parliament, wbichitiiniloubte& to have the original clause re-insertedi' .
� : ,,.AAAjgle Part forthe Round Tirlp time provinces And the latter for Brlt� .. , hi Ingham and the fokmer* of Pischer in piano APO A.upil Of Dr- the jeo ly is, and the majorit)t of the ' repre- and they certainly will not consent to. . I
. . . r ars . I . our stqnemason.-Indiatt ) Tle, by the big list of members .
. . I.. TO ' - *umfroy An- 'enr6 Is , And the a seutati'ves on either side of the liouse its final Adoption until that is done. .
Ish Oblumbia, for next inting 0dera .. r in theory, is' ,,L'j. I , ount of interest
't, 06rt Huron, leb. Clevelamd,Ohio for the now justly celail4ted Lion I ead'Vide 'et '.. W. I � . J; for 'Piano ' , pr,tpared to take pup- lap"Y'ayed. On Labor �
� . I . I and enthusiasm (11 appreciate the conflileince that their What course the Senate will ultimate.
Detroit Ufa - oftellanati, Ohio. Brand boys',016thing and Black Cat pply at,-, � 11).8truction. A?or telults D it I am Was played here, between constituents place in them, but lt'aoe'S .
1:, Griind !Fildt', if ich, Ev"AwMIU6, Qhlo, . . . Miss 0, A. Macdonald; B,A., Domin., - , , Aeot 9 Ay pursue retuning t6 be seep, but it is . .
3 60ginaw, job. altob. Ohio. posiery, - . . � ion Secretary of the Y. W.C.A., spent, I I .de,,d(,,e, Queen at, I six menibers of the Soaforth Club, and look as If there shotild be some way of, doing it dangerous, thInK wlion, it at- �
". d. Miss hIlla Robett§i0ii dter, arpriding I Thurady -night with Miss Mar- - j of a �v - . .
Malt city Mich V W 11. APOW 'burr ra.from all parts , the in a, 27 hole contest the visitors won limiting within reasonable compas,
In larapolls, liti , 100" .jV Cs ��'Olhce*hk've beoridriving over HurOn . - �d niptaLtopr000nt legitimate l6gisla,
c0cago, ru , I by throe holes vollowing is the score: , the amolitit of time they Are expette , �
I . I St. rau�, minNnnexpolls' A""M a few days With her friend Miss Lillian I 0 , I 813 ou 0bunty tb, *- 1% 0 H Dowding..0 W Walker........ .8 everyyeArto devote to 010ir strie", tioll that is demahiled by public opin. . : .
1 1 1
� I I
� is 11 ,
tak . 11
es i I
I I I . I
- .1 - I I
e , -0 on shts apaist few weeks And seem . k oil, Alta We feA11-and hope -ft is piAt- . .
. : ecod goilog Se t. 24, 25 and 26th, valid Jackson r6t%)rned to her home In Kin- ur or r , . 'A a ities. �
she e oto, where to agrel'i 6at this year's crop Will be IDI ,�ue* ...... 3 TVC01emA11:,- parliamentary dt. ii nails in Its own coffitilby its course.
. titurtiliag on or refore Ootober 12th, - carditie lag week, . .1 so , . e . .Ol. . its very ir' ' They tire, accordin_gly , Q F Parkes - o -, - - 0 - .. . .1 I - . I I
. I e ,ferior, , T'Sad son, jr ..3 . t a not the ftV%t tiftle e en this session
1, � ral a .. . t e not 11 gartl WKPeAVe01--0 0"__0 . "I hilt -it has Attempted. amend im- " .
),tifobale your, tickets at Town offic6 Wallace tind ry. .t ambling over each other in their G D MeTag . t:
waltei Trw1h leavo t6. 6111" �ty to contract for the out ut. I X b4air ...: .... 0 R A Wilalott -:..,�, X .
I a d save delity at station. da ek's,drive) M18830801100'Neil,Cleveland,wh Th . A .1 I a are be ter MI) McTa gart 2 JO Greig .0,#..#.*4 Wr Tisdalo, bf Sotith Norfolk, surely iovt4nt logislation, Ad some time ago,
I ,� 40e le � 9 — — I has not been reading What his Own tho'Hougo refused t4O 00110111! in some. . .
. P or " e r W he �?e fruit lookal . .
n blo � i� As , astern Ontario A It
, ' -2. VedgOES, I GV1 a Agent, r MI'n(Sttitntudr y the tte I been tecupok4ting in Canadian - Ad it Grey countV . gI political friends htwe, been 806yilug dtlf- of its rilaftiliment*. I
tWIn has A eotta OrMehtlib, dleay fill breezes for thepa,otmonth retu t . . Is: .
I 1. , I -f . e ,-, 0 1 v.4#011 and promigem an abundant yield, - . � . � . . . I
. A 1 .. . I I I � I �1
I ", a . I 4
I . 11 I . 0 1 . I ( I I ' ' L
. , ." .. .. I . � � �.. ��� - 'I _2��, 1dffi&&d&&ZW * 0
, � 111 li.,�_,_- _.. %Mftm"Nrl.� �&� . "U_ &%A&L*1 -Ah1-- 11 2"�' 11111homm ii U 6A ii;i;_�Aa�i
� --"- .db 'i M d A 6A,:N�_ -,-- __ - - - — _. Ag ".150 �-�-_ __. � — � - —