HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-09-11, Page 20
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_ . ew _0 tv�l. ons �1 � - I 44rds . . 0 a C 0 i a Atit'. I H19"Ay 49ATTIX
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11 . - . . A- The � 9014droxjut.,�, Q '0, Pr � y -
- 11 - . I ,iij p � :
'i v
11 � - . -a ? I and ftod ".1 T .., . 041
, 61, a I - Ju Alasm -vtspute, is . 0*00soor 1*W4)0* soe", I
I — "I .1 'el - ___ " ,101t,"
— it, - � O"r Tokylor & poo* stommultAblo. 10i AaRwalt, W", .
� . . .
The dottiments coyering - tile Axner- .. f � .. . The presence of the 0o,_datr*amm1 � Against ImItatialls so 11 ,I �, I., 11!r,,lii:iJft . I , .
0. I $1 " 14ANNI140 Clint
. - V71 rlywo 11 10
. . icit-lit presentation, of the ie I'll )DA04 14 0411444 b40 104, Otainy to in- 711116 POft!"Alt, 111144 11119niltilutio 411' Or, A. 'W, .on,
. ,Use Are, com. . by )eVft84=9M-Xft0 Ri4ek, fort"ityly ooftr*
11 . . 1,quiro what ft lsi� The blso�ry Of this !;X*#% Mo 1111101114 �"*Ipt boo] __ — -_ � '. . .. 0 ,
. tirisQ in three Tiqlumes,makin a total I 1: I COldst ' Au4 flana Is, InWr,, ARM WAK =19rY PDX or 4140 vtonto4o.
on ream QuArds .
r- ChaSife Ointment of About 1100 pages. In theve I "I I / I . Pail A"A 4-& v . 4L 0 I I -no mati CsCviPdQnsof*I),r.Cb3,sehAv4 ; . fai m for s aft. I X10NOW " Mo.
. I
Also Are two- volux"es Qf maps. , I V ,y " P pmkve 0 10114 C47 I . . -- , � , v ,� 1. .1 I �,,, ,I Im , 0
. ;ii tetm.�_ - . 'i I ;Z f the wtish, ginpim- - - � t,,=QrT0u0 641*4 that the tca)p�
— -- In the first voluale the 4ilestiona at T - C 'o � . ,a f , cat it sere feints in a . . Wit BUT04gim
; � T Band 6f' U.- X Coldatrearn $ It I rp live ircm i3ruceneld.0 0
- * , i6sue. namely, WbAt 1� interided to be " = them il; CoMinitally growl�o I
� . �., Guards. If' one ,of the pioneer, bands of stronger, In order that you 434y PC certain 0 . r! 4 miles. SPI044i 1 BARUIOTP,R, 13QWCJ!ft. 140w4gy
- ,d11"tWe;,_VA! the=commencem, ,
I flif sltsuw . ent of the line tliak you aro-gettinglillmuine remedies, the so 0 it .
, the Britlab Army i 61 acr ::: 0 cc 0 to,ir a -
�11 ,�,._. of tion. between the United ri evo anpe of the - 00CWSPOrtrtit and signa ureare on every. box a of 0 AtIo PIULIC. 19TO,
. .
0 � word. Sinee 1773 tber7has been,% I r 8.1 01 . . CUMT0151 -
- StatesAndCarli ,-,.,%vbat1stb.q A I , 0 on N "i
, . I - � - ;_ kdr al ; bal3dbf tbke regiment Dut , ing the oc- or bottle of his rem. forta, I 84 . . I . .
. laud channel; what e u , I I .. 10 I licial I . . .,,i,,,iii,,,,i,,ii,, �
3 V-1 -ourse tu! . Cupation of Vario b �Alljea' in 1815, edits. This is the . "I .1 . . I I 11.11,1111, . , _
VIUDAY, SEPTEMBER Ilth. 1903. should take to the entrAllce of that _ .
I � ---..---- __ channel; to what point. of the 50th. . I .. I It, WAS stationed fdr'six months -in the strongest guarantat R100UT & INALK ,
", — Vrell0hCapital, InIM ObarlesOod. that any medicine$ Faint for sale . I . .
. .. ILL. Borden M P.,Is reported sligh, - parallel the line should be dralyn from WheW, tho Lilor fr1X,, who entered the regiment In I � — , . . CoNVXyAX0XXtS, Coxxlsolopw�
- . s.
� I ly better and it is expected he will be the head of the'Pairtland chatinel, and � Can h4vil Tht skillit The undersigned offers life term south half of . tonand -
other famil . . I 181 I Was 41%ointed bandmaster by experience and lAteg, lots 9, $44 IQ. concoastQ14 Real Ut&M at's Instiratioe Agent
1 tar questions, are discussed, , . 19. on isq plice, is a to 40an
1 .
I . the Colonel, t a Duke of 04rub a , It. chaso ff= .
There also is extensivediscuosior � ridges ty Of 1) ,134 * hi0frome house. with stov6 c�llor;, -
I able to be out in about it week or ten . .k of of )Loffe Burnslow and held that position t1U death In at I "rib: 111. �, berast'oh(do., and ail net.&Ssary 0.10. UALN, .
. � days. the extension stelp of terr1toj,T along 1 1803, Durin "... the back ofeach . otil , &d Qu0q0,,.,qm.�I ordbird, never fsll� Jolm SM017T.
� I I . 9 his career as head of the these Pic IlrJull Or9ok and well. clatern,9D acres Clear. � ,
1 the coast oil the main, laud th4 Russia the. strain on all the delicate orgaus . . . sti 0, . � .-6;;. 1
- , - band he brought it to % very high state � I I an yo not *09 . acresbush.0no 11 d tvarter from
, . mriveyed to, the United States, by the of the -body is very great. The . 4 . ARLSO 6F.AQUI
� Of the thirteen inernbers of the Pro- ' . Of efl!lclen0y, Re was aucce6ded by chirroh,gehoeil and lit A -
� . I � . -eturn treaty of 1807. 1 stow , . I � . to. &cc t CAP r Were . , Tly.to oat office - , or full pattlo. . I
I .,t appears from, the , ;%!ell and boweld are weaker- his son, Fred, Godfrey, who -retained. Ai% .
, . . i ��
, vincial House, Manitoba, whose I document that Great Britain concedes I a liver "love sluggish., Consti _� itation so Sept 0 � � . Barrister 0011olt9r. Votary ord Cr,3vt
i ,
I . I � , , b pit the b4ing followed by ,=� *,-- �oc life and, It I R , � U, UOX, plytb, ont, I I , sysm a iii,
� 11.Ve that the line begins -at Cape Muzon, tion paves the way (or dreade � Mr To0s,t,u,A,,t1.X,1,8,W,, , t i— I -ftipoofto OpIlbibritte Noteli
, wits gHzetted on Aug Ist, eight ll� 1880, . r Ro 0 - �Dr. Chmsels KIdnegLivoir Pills, qw . " L . 91111ft 'Noderl k , .
The United States contends that it kidnisy and liver diseases, . .gan suo - , I . I
- I � ceeded. Quite early in the hist I f piQadosa,25cent%aWx, vaboxesior$1.ft . Good FRI'M for Sale. - I .
�L �
I .
. theband, -three.negroes I Nerve Foodi 60 rents a box, . I —
si ' I I d; Or . I
, 1!� tied the treaty of 18Z to confirni Ili were ff e - Chase's . � .1
,� , I they carried two tambourines add a Dr.. Chase's Ointment, 46 pints, a bog. A choice farm, comprised of Lot &7, C,lon, A. . � I
; It, is reported there has been an out- full sovereignty to RussiaAco ti . 00". GA CAMERON .
� , I I . It Inuou-s
� ".. I , - set of Turkiell bells, � - and Dr- Chose's CatellPh Cure, 24 cents a Gronoc Tp, i mile froin'Paisle I
� . , co.ptinued . ust, 100 acatto all
I ��, lirvak of,inthriiii,x it mong the herds west stripof lislere along the continental. � I part of the band until, 18.37, when they Or, hAss'4 Liver Cure, isocagaaabottle, U11d0r,grisoo, With Inago frarnellonse and b4uk formerly of cameron"jiQlt & Canteron .
. . �. - . barn tfiereou, otabbling underneath the barn I I
� , L ' ,� been petitioned ag-inst to date. was the intention of the powers which ' b . L . I - .in 14 �1
shores of the northwest coast i5fAiner Ab ,. - * . Or. Shea I s .
. . - 4 �. Vruip,?f Linseed and
.� " . I I � � ,d , L., I .
"I ofC.bicagorecently Dr. Sproue on ica, extending from P01-d4nd LhUnnel . were abolished. . . Turpentalne, an Cents a b4ttle. .water pa theyear round outopof the gronna BARRISTER ANts $0LICITO,q,
i Monday drew the atteu I . . 'Effe cent The drinns (late from from 1050., � 'L .
,,�;:. tion of the Min- to the 141-,t n . At all dtalere,'og FAmanso Bat With Pleutk Of Water at botuie and barn I With 0TROO-His
ieridian of longitude west . . . U. ex and 40 tons of buy in barn, and lots of good straw . 11to Stl OPPosite Colborne iffon.., , .� I
I �'- d t/bat itch StI ip IV41S . . . The. regimerit was formed in 16W, Coi. Toi,;�ntn. I L inst 1. The land is a nloe ctumbly. clay., GODESIOR. QX I . .1
I ,,,1!. lit.er of Agrivulture to this. lie Said of Greenwich, AD s under General Ge . . I . . . I . T I I
- orge Morick, by Won d sell cheaD It sold right away. Posses- LL
. to 1) ten inatine leagues, measuring . . I L
� It, -omwellli . -----..- - - � ------- r------.----- - .
7 .� quantities of cattle and sheep from the heads of all gulfs and other arms - . drafts from the Ci , n regiments libe sionanYtiravi. For further In.formattlort.apply .
.-,.�,,, at of Sir Arthur Haselrig and Colonel 1W feet wide,' which runs through at Now Era ofilco. . . I DICKINSCH&GARROW I
. Chicago, were carried through Canada of the sea, unless there was Within , . . 0 eorge Fenwi As oncles Regi- 1600-fOOt k'nith of the buildinf, rises I .,-..-.. ''- — . ., . ,
,� "�� that distance a rAuge of moulitaitict, Naturo's. ownL aOerient, is extracted P % . , I . I . . BAR10193NERS, SOPCITORS, XT9, I I
over the Grand Trunk foi- export, and The contention is further made that from . . . ment it fought atDunbar, at the siege to A height o 60 feet, and supp ies the , I 0Jnft_V9rj, naruilliti,Rfil.staditke 6, - .
�.tl�,�.� .1 the pore juice$ of fresh fruit.. : For S -ale, Au", `7
isease inight in this of Stirling, and I grandest vista of instAllation space of . I � . .
a purgative. but A gently tuirking from Scotland, -on, the .t I I
:,,�','. thaught that the d there is no such mountahl ranges. It Tt is not )undee, When - re- any building . . . I Goderleb, out., . L
." I , L , ever designed for expo- � . . I �
1'1�-.. W.I,Y be iul roduced into Canada. also is held that the U. S. have occup- offectmal and insistent laxative. It to the south, Mouck's Regiment re� 61 Ion ust's, . . � . Par sale, is six horse power engine ard boller H, L- Di*kkl 1604 CRAB. GARROW, L.L,D �
� . ied this strip of territory since. its no- 1-elleves the system of all impurities . . it I Complete, wist be sold very cheap for c sh, ........ �, - .
.1., I I . Orders-iti-Council were passed by tt I I . ceived a name, which it .now bears, Onitasouthsi46 I has -a gallery, MO L ''A , . . ..
_ � I ,e quisition front Bussia, and that Russia . and acts.upon the most sensitive or,; fro,111, -the-town of. Coldstream, -Thi feet long and 25 feet wide. Here fire Also the frame of a building IM2. together' PROUDFOOT & MAys, -
" tias controlled it since the treaty "of K�uiisnl without discornfort. Abbeyto offices for the Chief of Agriculture, F. witbi,lutir bar to Inch its ft. sultabie for a driving BARRISTERS, SOLICIToRI3,- .
, � ario ( I .. L �,_,r . bloo I d - . L I , town," says the chronicler of the day% W, L Taylor, Staff L shed, Will be sold veq cIvc*p. . NOTARIES .ftBl� - '
r.�., . Out. -t -0 te �le _ his . I'aaMORS IN TER 1JARITIRR COURT, to.
J'; vi _.___ - Vabil it niakiffg sev0r,T1 AP' 1025 iftfittIcUd-edto h --UAi d,7ftates- , anses and purifies the , and read* .
�, regu, - ,"hath. given a title- to wsmall'oornpany - I � .Ing
"�..... . . L .
.. - t - ts. Judge a W Wills, Shnooe ia 1807. .., - � . -in g-aWkenitural r -&M s+AII making the, Col obrated wirii ' .
:t. " poin inen . � ___.____.1_'--_'_-_-- lates the bowels and bi gi s6und -made the instru, rooms where 'the leadin "110111 , - 1. . I—- . Omce: Nortb at,, next door io. S�Xnslt o . , . .:
_______i1_e_ip'.7WEu_'ii� �5-niti -7 . I
", . _ .gf %n_j_Fhqni G6d b 3 brass lined'pumps on tablelor eithe' , -
11 P. LL . ' . Pa- - .t.-_ 1_ IN— � . - _b1!cations--a,e.-- I on . �
,111 - so initile � WERE - PROTESTS I ILUD . , re ties .in L a .,u . 0 -- -J, , .FXIVete F L
� ment 9f ti - I k * t file;- - sary, - 61lut, 0BRZTEPIRENSON - ., undstoleadAt.loNveszzates. -
;,�_ caunty,recently appointed,is als � ; 1�6 t. things, , L 0 , , - erno or well. �.. ��
�, .. ., . ... . . I flon , removing the cause, and . "W I .1 . . ",
. �1, . room$, latge 0 1
� . . .
,��';�. SarrogateJudge,vice W W Fitzigerald The conituisisionem. discuss at 'some - honouragle title of� I siiieamers.il ee rooin, and an may� I. tt, . - Zvorn4treatiCtIntog. . , . *f laterost.
On s the entir aysiem back to ' This nan 108einbly hall for the meeting of,afri- - . � . . . . L i i - W-PR(XDF0OT,,- - I '
�1�: - b e ae, given in 1060, has not been . I � , ..
.. length the i lahn made by their,op a the - - cl is . . . I - - - , - ,-.R, C1. HATS' � .' . - . - I
I -
1. . iiesi-ned. John .11tirphey, forinerjailer ell R011 he's libful A or. Directions on changed, up to the present day,al ilture and other societies; this h I F "i 6 . � � ___ L L
, led bottleii .t all druggists 25c, ai thou at the beginning of this con- � I I , I . arm, F r Sale, .
�11, - � onts that inan Sr protests have be .. . nd 6oc. I 106x5O feet, and has a seating capacity . I
�_, A, t:.Lytiga jail, is appointed Crown At- by British officials against the, Anier-, . . . * - . . I __ I I . . . - . '.
��i�, � J . . I .
. .
, , i 1. - I turyVb e. regiment was sometimes call- early, 1000. . . elli W. - ' .
",! torney for Haldiniand cotintv, Andrew can, Iiihnin reference totlid.boundary . . . L i ,Pf n L L Lot. 22, Bayfleld con.,,Goderich tp., 118 scro 1 X , 0 0 .,
1� � line. Thev adinit, that frout time to . .. . . ed2nd Foot Guards; * this appellation It i Is re,diil seen by the foregoing cleared,balancelvardwo6d,withs, IrAern- . I . WX. GUI414, A16011 . I
.1 L . I i(y,
1. - '*Vill iaiu�oii is appointed Jailer at City- t i,,,,, . . M_O=WN0W -never received of0cial sanction,and that the Cam fan building site is one 1114 of cedar on it),In good state of clual va for I 11. ]1. L C. P., 4 & . Edliab � I .
. 11,1 ther4have been infor,tual repre- , . I I . I I -gb, I
�' - i I . I soon. dA 6- pped into disuse. - . of the most advantageous, on the at -but five acres fa Iw eatand considerable fall . .
.. I I . krge Offtco�oni,srlu Street, Clinton Night call I
" I Wer 5-000,000 atres of 2166d At the Restoration theL i gr linds, and Exposition at front door of ollicit or rem n , UtWU-L .
I.., it aatn salary of tfXY) anda free house. selita ions but these they'assert -were Commi,si6n_ plawtFiltvAe. Comfortable brick house -it
L� ��,-_ in the nialum-ithout suffient. diiiibt -to ? , W egiment o . riaru thato,bling undeineath dilvilig shed and I lao Cis
�i,�,,� E-,Iward A llorton, St Thomas, is. ap. . 1 . Was mustered -into the "a er Hutchinson deserves, great praise .other.outbui a; tebant; J store. orchier,t . bury'l3treet. . . I
� . itistifv serious consideration L .service, I . . � .
., . . Farhiihlw I for the shrewdness he has displayed mostly winterMM, welt wate . � . 1. . .. I
. i. ,�; , ioacr of - West . Indeed, ,,, 0, fid Thube.r. ' its Colonel. Ge -or 0 Mo becoming I I .
, " *1 thevsay that never until the Klondike . L � .
�11_1 , 1),ilutcd licellse co,1111111so . I . I .1 .
.. T., I . ' , Ing spring creek anJ two wells - _i5eiiz; -iffle-s , . . . .
." I . . Fe. : . L I in selecting it for Canada. . . . DR,WM-GRAHAM.
.. .. Moors-, rc- iscoveries were ruadd in 1800 did . . . Duke of Albernar I . I from Clinton and three from Bayfield. Pobses- .. .
, Rigin in tile rovin of Elijah I I Lauds. . .
,,�,� . 9-11j"itish Govin-rinient tAIke tip the . i . . . . . . . anytime, reasonable ittrin. App for Licentiate of tho' Royal College of physician .
"�,J. u., Its earliest 'battles under the Royal . - . . I . I
� . . - � � � . . .
. I .
� � signed. !luestion serioiisly. Tbey,admit that - - . colorqueere foughtatseaj portions.of . "I a I St. I Logdoxi,.Engla d.
I t9titr arfloulara to OUAS.SIX014b, . U . .
;�,`�,, I . :,w " the Iiegirrient bei% . I., 40.dL M W 4=0 3M M.A. . David at!. Goderich. .., . - . . . � . .. . . . � .. � .
in 1808 'atteuticlv� was ealled to. the What. the Explorations F 11 4 . present at -thd sea . . . . r Office and Reiiiience-" I . . . . �
I .
"K-!. I . Nittle ThQ Kind You �— .— . �
A-� . claim of the British Government a off Harwic , Dunkirk Ji.nd the" Pearetho . Have Alms poujht " J010 TEDT011101 notese, Buron St, , - -
!jz, I 01 P - ;a , . . ,
. .
- �%77 . . �
7,Jr Robert Reford, of Alontreal, has Illv 10 league strip extended that Op;endld lgba.Oces for-Larg . ;01, Farm for fale i Iten, ; - .
�f!� . only front ,. r - * . . . 10 . North F oreland -in 1OW-0. On laild it ..i enawn 4 X_.or , , - �1_ . - or to t. 1. - I . r � . - . " . .
! . r . becil al) nointed a intimber of theTrans- . . 'r Bodies of soft Rethatilte fouglit At Sedgemoor against t ho -Duke , -at , A 1 ,4 ,w. I I 1. I . . � %Y, SHAWi,, r r r � q
n, but the)- I - ,061. J. .
.", ille niain waters of the ocea ' .1 . . . I . I . vtvw. - � ,'-ThcundersI%h,ed offers for Fula his- ... - I � I.
..... ...� Iiouhl Say Lhat tho coriLtention was notmade , r Iron Ore, of Xonmotub, at the siege (if Naniur. . farm - of . . P4A&oAuAAN,* SURGEON .
,,, r -portation ConmdhAon. This in b - _.� , .
.. - I .:. . I -"-.,-. --.--------- .Lik, aere,%whic Is alluvider grass, but 130. acres .
! .1. absolutely clear until the British case . q, , . . . . and at the battles of Malplaquo itilt: r . . . .� . . � . . . iCh I ..
.- ailw..y I . - . . . I . five Of Is bush, 7 acres of fail Wheat, AUR A -i,, nabour ate., cmce and residence o I �
't,r I � r
. . _� - . . .
!�.. not be confounded with the It, . wits de'livered to the present tribunal . . � . . 11ontenoy, Atthela,tterbattletbelst ,"I'liloporbred. Rul-144 for Sitle. I 0 acresof barley avid Us rest oat�. Thepur- taXio lit., opposite English churchi formerly a C . . .
: . ' ' . -ption of tailklu auvibd bi, Uri XPplaton. Clinton out; . , . ..
".., 'oninlission, which is (Itlite another (-wit the, 2od of May last It also The promoters of the S Battalion lost heavily, bothvicMeers . I . .. 1�. . chaser can have the i. a oVer crop , . . r .
.1, . ;, C is have not been rid. , t Scie rail,way andmen. IuRgyptakidintlivIlenin- _ � . . . .. I r andal. River ruma across back sit andissin -----ii-"- . � . — .
,:,r: thing. Mr, Refomrs appointinell", .stated that numerous do4nments have . le thelast1three years, - Tw4vthoro-tiro-1 Sbort-born bulls, of rood excellent farm for grain or Aock. Therb 16'. on I . . .
" been preserved whicli'lind been given Mr Bark, the president, has . walked, 01AA the Coldstream � tool�. 1wit lit all pediaroo, are oil. reit fr sale on reason tble the emi8vts a, good tWo-atdr i S' -
I I . . . 2I months old, the, other w briest hotse, with t)R-.C- W-- THOMP 0,1� . '' ,,
�� brings out into prominence the cicitirse to tile ugge(l the pl . t rnis ,Orve is rid. Z I
, Indian chiefs amd others by of- r exiltied and t - incipal battle& . � hitr en, summer kitchwi an wood-shed,� barns 1 . Itc. . -,
,r , 150.rniles of the . � r"an, 10 m nth$ (lid. �,* . - . ft!O -4 24x7O also a good fruit orchard, of one. . . Physician,' Surgoou,� L _ . � I .
,. , I of the Liberitt government, as compar- ficinis of the lUnited States, showing time. His0eportis,fistli,ttof-theconi- .' AtWatorloo the 2nd 11aittation was- ! Ja;- 16, tf .; v. . h, . YA CIMMIN - d Loudeaboro noret convenient to churiall and school, being .SlPealsl atl4P32tion gi,ven to digiases of the . . . �*1
lli.i, I - the presence in the Lynn Oanal hilet-s tnyis ep&eers And expl6rer� *ar& in- r.esenf and ' becu. ied *Hot . . , :, con 13"Rivilett. .-four miles from Clinton, and seven from, Sea. . Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. . I
�. '
I . I I
..; �, ed with its predecessor. Mr Reforc I,, o ( athered, � .-.' .. , reliable - he, Duke of Wel ingtoril.; 1 6-1 1 i , 1. � . . I I . I fort,h, and situated on Huron ft Cad sy . I.. . I , .
. 1% f ni,val and --other- -autligrities -of 'the, ormhtion g frotin, � - .�i I . .. . � -_ � . . ,vivey, lot . Oftice and Residence- - . � � : � I .
',I a Conservative. NVith the exception Vnited ,S;ates annually-. f -who have apthally been on the �referr. . d of t 1!ea7irT,)t,n,!h,, . . . . # � : . . . , . . . �32,2ud con. Tuckeramith, Applyon he prpm" Alb , . . . . .
I . . or twenty. people ing to the defenc � � I . .. . * . . , , t Sireet,2 11.1ocks:Xersh ofiltaltenbury - ,. .
-t ci-wp!o (if, ,*!,(1'.-q. tl Cor,,�pj-r,, tive vimrs nft er tho Unit6d Stnte;s acquired ground, ShOW'S thal tie: will open states I . , sea, ortoF.W. bRICEr, dinton,p,o. jelgtf. � er ..
� � E 11 � - ! of, . " I , . . 1. tile, li :' �11 occupled, H-ougonlont witl . �, ��, varni-TI)rSale., - �' .� .. .. - . I .1 . . . . . . .� � -17 M I. - .-, .. I.
-1.1 govel-11111011t 114'%'t'1'0ii1ppofi1Led Libentis the terril,ory. It'is contended 01A1 ,up one of the,niost vtilk.table tracts of h detachment Of Asdor�Geilqal HvilgIs I . I ' I I., � . 11 . � . ... - -W a0itig.-Suilth, N.D., C. -Nd �. . . .
- . I 1. .1 . . ,
rating ar - - ' - . . - For Sale.' . : _. 0 mH . .
17�. to office (and we are not saying th ere I id in ihb' provine(i of On- Brigade (if - Guards..- -1 am �'hal.)Pv to* I T40wots(hitltof'lo*t�24",'Httydeld con : God. I ., Fa rni I . .
;I Ley this occupation and cont - . I . . .. . I .. , .. . I 6. I
F�. were Avi,offg) hilt the Liberals hnv(a known to the Canachan goverunient. tarlo, Tb . I I .. I . ,� . � . . ,
%,..A. . e (Atiniates show thfa there ,say that it was'maintaiiiedthroti-,_,11()Ilt . orh b vownship, contalmnsr 10f) terse c .. good . �. __ .. - . . &�- F111 - & 8 b 11, Q I, ON'' '; .:�' I '.,- � ' - . .
Wi,l livilde several appointments of this and its I- eople. . . .. . . . are over five* nillli�l of good farm-' with the utmost lantry.L by'these land, -to-offered (at sale on emoy.termd.' Good For sale, Zot 8 and the'east- lialf, ' , I .. t3AN . I I , I , .. . .. 1. I
C." . I . . gal . . I . .. 1. . . . . . � �
lVV, . -in it, the �. operty of "' 1, 1. .
. . . . � ... ' Acres 1 6, L
character, pi-t-ferrhig to qli6w non. , Ii d through * which .the rail.� ay. *brave troops.,, ,.. ,. . . harn,Xpo, houpe, plent* of water -and sintall Concession ls,,Hulle L..... 0,FFI(JE Main gtre6t, B&5 Reid, 6rm ly. . . , - �
III, "I . � " . . , �arld- Partioulars on application to lotTasker, on', containing 25acree-all Cleared �. . . . . . . � . .
SICAGNAY AND I)v'U'k i I ore I .br
.;v.. . ,ind' is, very largely a, the Ist t- .f- : � J. TISDALL, lWatuit e�ce t about 15 acres, whiiih Is good hardwood . occupied i '' Dr, P' .
� partizan ac wiqi '�As,: This - I. , , Later on, in the Crime' ' 13.1 P. .
���'. I tion towav& inen. of-reciog- I I �.. � bu,se , . I 4.11ister. .. . .. . ..
. . �
!�.� nized 110i"s for certnin offices. They lie nent in the case is a.careful coveted witbi spi:uce, bireh,.� cedar, tdm. taJon upheld the. -traditions of the I I .. . I . � � . . .. The land Is the very best, is veil ,draln- . y : - , . . I �
11 , I I . . . I '' .. . . . , .
' ' I
� � . . , ILI 6 arac mid jack, 111%, and in L any square egiment. ".Ube - conduct of We Ovild- I . � .. I — . . lonted, avid.1s all -seeded to Irrsoo . .- " . , . . . . .. . � I . . . I . I. ..
't� I -
. MAVIII)l urike,mv votes by thiseours(, 1(13 �f I'131a Rs, treaties. and other'. doe-. . - �r I � ,;. ed sind well - . .
. llultnt . 11 . . . . � — , - . .� . .
. 9 bearinT upon the. boundary wilesw., , ,rfrom.ten to:flft stream Guards at InkermA."ni" says 010, o � .with the exception of3O acres, 8 abres ofWhich .. . � I . .� . .: . .
M � but they should will respvct. And cords.o t1ions- Tm - .. 1-TOr'Sale or lo.nellt. -. it; fall *.beat-. There to on the premis'os a I= . . . . � . I
"�, contention, ail it js intended to Arive . . pu p.,.. NvooT. . "should iri� I � I . . ' I I . a, one " D ft -4 'a-. *-R K. Aiii0r, I ' . *
�4'1 11 " f spra'66' I' . The' . i es of November, 1&14. I , . frame house and wood house,.2bahi . . . I HOLMF_81 I . � .
. . _ , . � . I . .
, I hoilie th(�! facts presented in -the state-' soil is largiitya sandy loam, with some Mo. I With sheep house and* 1whouse, and the other. : .
t�,,'�, It ,:s -,.iid LhaL Mr Tarte NN -1- . Ptalise thei� name;! The batitalio.il ". Tani ,4. con.. 21 StkxleZ, contit6ining .100 acres 68x6o,-with-stoue stab Ing underneath. There , - . " - . DIC111118111 L . , : . 1. I �v I
K'. 11 get the . , . - ly� . _., I I .
ments to which reference has been -OaY. some blacl� inubk-and. somo sand went illtb a,etion � with .17 officers all d -W kcio� statao Cultivation for soil& or to vent is about S acres of weliard - and 'plenty of . (Slic6essor Lto:rlr. I . U.i�,.Orteeo . . ., ;
... , . )
.. i ill ge w: al ' '� . ' ..
..:, -vative nonlinatio. - Berthier, ade. lonsidei-able space is devoted -w o most Any -en' of that number 8 officers - ro, t*rn of years, .
11% Consel n fill i It, C ' s - . i.
_ A.In 4 , , ,
thing gro. ,P I
,� L cj� I , � a F to, JNO.� M6GREGOR, water. There . is a good welt at the house, SpeelAllst in Cra'" h and ,Bridge Work ,
. � �. I : . ,,Jl, '.
, his native count.y. I . I . I . ' d PNA1Ar(1$. o ,S
� . I . -5 wouri'ded, a ,,ppritimisesor.1111 .McGRHGOR,2con,,H. , And a ap . . . . .
. to the� part played by the.'KIond'ikd' Canad& wtcept peaclids . av, V. Ih 6-GyRdliftte Royal 'Lollege lientalk".4ur I * :
.� It is ,,it present ,ring creek ru'4i pg across the contra'
11 . � I . . Tuaketsmith, Sobf0iitb P. 0. . � of the arm. IT. is three-quarters - of a mile . geons of Ontario," Totonto,s . ' .
W , . . gold discovei�ies' in aliousinig -Great There are great'streanis, Avers and of 200 xank* it�nd fiJou.,=1111utiledand Feb. T-tf. . I I I � - . . . I
.1 -
�; � � 1 . - reptes . . Britain's interese .in the controvers . Y, .of fish_ A hundred yard� of W o those- who ,. tdilate of. 156-n-. .
:11 I i-itted I),, a Libel -al, ' arte , . . . . :. �. 1 . : . , from 14firlock, vhtire there is a school, 'store,. D.',D. $.�First-clasp lAonoxgn I . I
J, Mr T, lakes full 6unded,"'. � A memorial t . . . �_ . . . .. . . . i . I . post office and blaeksmithaboog, and Is 7 miles talDeipartiment of Toronto, U,iji-japalty. -,14W
.� has said hiniseli that his only differ- and in this Ponnection notice is taken ndt in tbe water for four. hoursproduc. fell at Inkerman may. be seen on th .. . � � ram Blyth 7 railes from Lon ashore, and 10 , 8
L- . e I ittee In -attention pai& to- preiiiervation;:of -- , ** �
, . �il �- of an asoortion made by. tbe B i itish ed, 250 pounds of fish � sAln,on,.*ti,oiut ,- sbuffiside of the main 6itrance of St. � - - . I Wiligs from "Reafortli, and convenient to " , , Ilg 'steath, Will'Visit ,B;Ojeld *we - I : �
. � .. ence with his Liberal friends is on the n1s' :of � ' Paul'sCathedml- a, teftimilby-to one, - C T I I ale. I ahuiches. - This. is an excellent faim for grain Mo d I I . . . .. . . r ?" � . 1 �
. V . , Conitnissioners that the tow white fish And,. pickerel. All. the � . 91 01t..LooW ,for 8 . � I n 4Y. . . . , . .
. I . . . or grating, and ivill.bo avid on rea6onitib]16 . Oftfoe over W;� �v,3)4 i 4 :�!`J'f it.) 4 t. P1 (.4 ti I I.. .� I .
A Nowconabb fly shuttlecisrpet loom in first - . � . . . . . .
;�L question of the tariff, ,111d he h -as vol- Dyea and Skagany owed their exist- streams ill their 'tipper reaches,* At7e Of thd hardost bmttlesof modern titnes., t(rms. . oss6961(tv can te bad al, at y time. For — I _.
",. . P . , .
; . . � ...
,�'. fmee to the , 'lohdike, - - . Itirtbei vilails, app) , , i, -, . , .
, � Inif'ration to the B, aliVe with'speckled.trout,up Not on d OIKbt+ rePaIr Cam tie bough-. for about wCon th� 'I to, the proprietor,. I . : . I .
- . nitteercil the infoi ination that be in- . A , .to�,,6,0 and lyat Inkerman, btit i uring 1,110r., This -is a gooll olvance co� got P. ioom ,LLTASMOU11.1brIAtarpur ey0to.tRalb . .;, : � " I I I . .
� .. . . , I I I .
". rary A yea- -7 d . ' , .. . e of the Crime&, t1fe regi . , -, I � .. . q1t. . - . , LV#. � . I .. I I., I.. .1
A:,� They assert oi� �6 cont th tD Poun swegbit - the whol mebt .11hoap. Also -one light dem.o rat wagoi for sale wiii�iv , P FLAGN .
, ..�;�. - - "It (Itic-9tiO135 was founclea in 1886 and Skiguay. it] . , will -cut An suffe � ,* the . cheap. M`411 pop- r, hun g for 100 a voll-*all . ,.� � : .. - 1 _. — I I .� , . I . . I . I I
'' tends W 11111ort ffif Ill (111 I One tradt k � I red froth, battle 4nd, disease . � . 11
I - . . Jac � pine . . officers . . orld Ceiling ..:: . 1 , , " , . d DENTIST. CLINT0.1S � ' . I I . . . I .
. � .. . . , I .
.. : I . '. . . I . . . I ..1.
Z� � � .9 �o - I . 11 . No . 1, I . I L .
�.,�_. . but this. We have beard V rench inein- ISM. They conbradir t flatly a con ten- inklay places:'& thdiusLind 'ties to L � the -loss amountin if - some'700 . - Apply 0 . POTTS,cor., Queen and I... ]ROY � - .". :,: . . . , . . -_ 1. " L. . .
X". - tioli Itirde by the',Rritish Commisgion- acre, - and'the paich contains about 75. �and nieh;. 6ut of .& total of,.& little over . I � .. ..I I I .. - Princess Streets. .1. * - . . I . . . I I , . . I � '. 1.
. . . .
,',,;�4�' hers si�y that it will be impossible for ers to the effect that, �'Can'ad , a's claim si 2,000 who'fook OL,rt in the campaign. I . - '. .� . I . I.. ... . It . .1 .. . . . . I Private'funds to loan at 4 . � . 7 . Office scj.�Iningrho*6 studio I . - -, . - , �
T�', I quare.miles of this forest, :in, this .. . . r, cent d up� I . . . � . . I
,zrt�� . - I.. . Words � ". ' W. I
I 1�11, him to get a Li1wral nominationin any to the territory at the 'head of, the., hitherto gr&Lt unknown land. - A battallion. was on active sefivicein I W-YrDOLNY- . � - OfFice 116urs-ii4 to d ever y � day. and - I : : 11
. .. I I
. — . Satut'd4y until � . �
., '. _' IM,at .SuAkin, And ,asniall- detach- Thoroi-Bred* BUM to ., Sale, - - -.'- . 1.0 0. m. Bi,azich offices , ''.
-!,:, , Lynn Canal was at the time ,*ell . Seveial bodies of iron 'ore are being , . T .
,�".!� Quebec seat, avid he intist therefote . � . � .
, I
"I..", known to the United States Goverh7 prospecte'd. �The samples shown from * UlOnt took -part- in,.the Ashanti Exped� " . . , . � 1. . ... , I. I . : I . . n. Marti6hester . DuEganixon;.Blyth and., ' ,,, -.
� . . . . .. I I � .., .. . .
. � .
runas an Independent orstraightCon- . . . . I .the itio.hof1865. . ...;. . . I 1-1 . Four Young thoro-bred Durl,am. bulls, brod . .; WK'SNELL,'. * i. 1. ' -L . .. . . � ... . . . . . .
iir� nieut." . . I I . .� top efthe veins are ofexceeding . I 1. I .e. 11 , . Bayfielo., � . . . I . . . . ..
t0,-, servative. How the latter arty* can gratuitous irii6iless, 1;�A the quality And 'continu.., . D01 from prize winning antinaisi are offered for � , .. -.0uty Auctioneer. . - . - , . . � I
_� p, 'This," they saF, �Iis a, ng the' ilecelit: South African . P 1111111111111111111� I N1!""=""""0 . -
, � _. accept hini, afterall.the contemptibly sale ,Aged from 12 to -16 rnontbg, red In,: color', . Hav 4 . I . . .
.. � .." ,9sertion. There is no proof to $us- ance,of the bodies '11avO Yet" tb -be Whr baftalions . *of the tegimeht, were, . ail good piomis . led Avei �. �
mean things Conservative papers have . I , . . , animals, . . Ing plocu. loneer's Licerigis for' . - . . ., I
��:. �.. . . . . . � I . . . . ... . "WERT'CRICHi Seafortli P. 01 13"O County offlurion, .1 stalfolt a s,hare at the' . . � . . '. . , v. :. I
,,", tain it. Canada never O& forward -pl?ovp,nl .. . . .. I . . : in long and. tontintions service,, bein * . . H, . Veterinar, - � . . I
!��TY said about him, is incomprehensible ,. . Whter powe d all'ovei,i vnongst the first- _ g lot 2& Ah. con, Tudkersmith, JEL Rj� . salelt, , Daitcslvrnis�hed 1�3 mail, litharvia, taIt. I . I - I . � . �. I . I
,;;,I �, ��riy such claim to the United Statesii. r is t6'b*�*foun dfi thefield,M)d the . � . . . I I . . . ge7it'orversonalintirvi w Charges . � . - . I . I.. . -
. I
_ -ick to thein wa he Jan 16 tif. " , I �1- . . . . I a . reason. - ". � . . . .
`,,�., and how lie can go 1), rni claim was first madii in 1$98.by. .the country, little �ciiitieis for ,the local' 111st to lcam- 'Atthe Battle -of Modder I . I ,; .; : I - � I . . !_ . .. . I - ,:- I 1. , . . I 'i .. I,. . I . � ' `� ,:� I I � �. . �. .
. . . .
tl, . .. . . . , 1 . I . �. ..
,..!� .,. heartedly is something equally as bard (ImM Britain before tha, Joint Higi .grist' and Lrding �mills, big. 6n6s - for 'River it was the;Coldstream who were . . I -, � � . : , I . . . . . 13 Re J. FA 99 WA N, � ; :�. . - ,. -
, 'I .. I .
;,�. tounderstand. NVIlen one knows -mr Commission. 'It is said that if ilie,10sin-". pulp And . paper . ftets-trie's' �ind marn- didored, t6.Cl.lo§s the river first, And tne . - IVXTERINAgY St -961014 - . '.
,,W, , z� . . .
,�Iq. . I - lopinent I I ale . .. . I -Gx Ew. &- - 3F �' I I ' .1 � � .
14E,.% Tarte intim itely, they cannot help lik- adian Governtritine, had InstrueWd . moth ones - f6r aleictri6al .dev� )ectilele 'of the - bra . ve ' Guardsmen. : : , - _ Far]llitfor'8' - , PRS--� Z' . U . Fl. 'M emb�r of the T''steilviary Medical A . asocia.- . � . ..
�Tkl, lug and admiring hiiii though they - . .1 . 1. . 860tioll I p4ft:ii . . .. , . . _. . � . I ., . . I I S . I
'T British vessels to disregitd.th forfuturouse. Out*in this X ming.�hnd foiding,th6streaulun,i, . ' . I ,_ , � 1. I DENTIST ,1 � - CUINTON.- . - .
��,!,,'.. ese regu- . in ..tb der rhi) subscriber ofreis for silo that I , Office opeii every day.," a . tione of Zondoxt and Ediplitirgh and Gradu- . - . I .
r', rn�,y not endorseall lie isays, but it is lations there -would hav been the only 11fila6gtone available At . vOIT bcavY fire in W.J. view of both' . . choicefarra I iad: Ba+wda - ate Of the - Ontario Veterinary & liege - � .
-Ik said his influence as it factor in Cana- d I '. I on the liuron road Tuokersmita, just east Of . I . . � .� . I I I . .
, a - � . -t1l .night until 10 o1clock � � . I TMUT DISOASES Ok ALLAN F1 1. .
�,,,t _r o a b are sin, sides was an inspir-ing �jglitj .4t treseni occupied.by Mr Yisher. if , Will iiiaitAuburn .every. Atonday'-'Diiiiii I . . . I , ., * � . . . . . . . ..
�.� . " itage f , ss-prious. Ther6 un oubt big section 6f,Ontario. rher , Clinton, � . . IXA 8 . - . w .
,i�_ diazi polit ics iH gone. Perhaps the ire __UF76� 1,�Iyy�ave156 .,nya . 1
4�.., 1 .
,. -,* election inay deterinine this. ,b�Z ; 06 eld 6very . . � . . �
,,�: I I I I I 0i I. � . 1. __ ---- --- - - . � I � . ;
� - . . � . . �. .. . ISM .
. . . 1� _�Z �lso6peh ' f no ""'i's "' ' . ��, with . I I . ii_� — .�- .
.�, xt el -riligs-,il�oun*-two--sid-es-of-NVegoi-i-- _�'. -1vLajoriquid .- - . itiiirv� see, , . - is'Ver T-� . A �.
-1 .- tkil I e.L_Q1M_(_41_H1I1 I 1 7
1 as "r.t. . i . . �__ft ""
_, ii It ii. t h ha Ldke, and as lenidid sho'wing'o inany IT-tary to His 14,1xcel)eney tj��-,(-,,;j�v—ej,n6- vity C an. 0 --- y _�@M
,7';' - - I I S. . . . It. PI I We nes A �. � . - -, *."� - M " llaja-eou. _s I
"' , -ucted. t I . ,� IstiM .13 I . 11. . . , .. . . I m . I... . � � 4,
q, -., I stir o disre8ard the regulations. - E ... . Geperal;ls. of theOctlastreahiGna,rds, in, ppilmlid . . � . .1 . .;.
z'%". t . . . d . — - I .,. � :�. . I . . . . . 11 . I.. . 1. I . I I . . . . . . .
- . . . Lake oftrtl lie � I . I 1, . - . . �. I . . � . . . .
RI -11, : � The t7nited States nietilbers of the of the port of New York." * . . TIT . hrly the size of 'in WRO' BVIgildbMajor of tho'Guards I , . . 1. 11 I I I . - I . . . I . .
�:- -, . : Lake Erie, . "Ifilands, rocky Brigade durii)g. "thitt' i0all, mign.. The . I . . . . . . .. I - KUP I AkEOON �'- . - Ce -L I . . I . � .. * ..
.,,'� as Over 10W , I � .
.5�. Alaskan lioundary tribunalarrived in Strong exc�ption is also taxen'to D ivill Coldstreahiers wer(j. the Cst Ifl,iitish ____7__. - b L. - FISH .
; , . I ER, -
.11 t flat, wooded and pldWresqile, beb VV 1 . . 11 . 11 . I. . .'' �. . I I .. .. . . ..
0 , I , . . . 1. . 1. . . .1 . — . . I QLE;TOX - ONT., � ...
141!, he -contention that th2ro wa,� a reser- trool*to enter Pwtorb� , lye�enu give . . � . 1. , 1.
�'Y�C, a lie the -great sllijaui�-I-C-qoft- of th . futL . , I . . . .
, , London Monday. Sir Louis Jette. and v tion an the part of Great Britain Ur6,,�Vthere 0, N�fctot'Ar . I . . . . . roii1flonK t, y1frs('12"; of All . � t ' deritl XMiAssittrance c .: I I
� . . I . . . I . . . I I 9tvaeos of abiliq, .Ai,ents, livolt-keepers, ' * I . NSURANOE . , - C-eneralAgrxrrarlPe , .
, ,
.�`4. -rive ater, In an 4iteIt. . - to , tato voluriteerP4 .. .11;�e ( . )r An ocean I., . . . .. -'. . .. ., � I .. . . . . CIOrk1!Js,Tm0r'F3 MO; i'ltv'ycft, meelvitnits,.tky. t' , �, . i. . . I . . . � I .
, .Mr Sifton al (I 1, whorl �119 Vni 'a ,� " -- � I Clinics 6311il-111ho-latesi aritzoved p.lazo,W . ' '
. . - I a] '91re- - tife at' advantageous t .
" . . . . . .� , , I . . . Ith .
lf','ji4 . , I t, Dye, steames ean be ,nnxigated*by. -small. . ..., � . . . , . [,olans,. princlicru, -4biltnis, Matt 1. . . . Privileges and -optibus me . .
�O;, o. , . I I . ... breate a Ji.ort 6f ehtr� at ,vo ThO � . tied Aid . Aceldtkint. - ' PlAte Close .
�f,-,.v�� view t.he I'nitptl ,,i-tatesL!oj1imissioners , 9t. Liluds. Worldg,-Pafir .. ,single wonten and -wiftwe, * l'ositiolits are � miCIrAy hnoc,K; cLIN,i.ow. f�Le Insured. Annuities fSo � I .
';�'.," f argunient asserts that iVInxiever reser- steam -craltt for intl v - Theland'-isnot. * 61*16is, tied. . *-
. I ' ll,�!,(, 0�1111!�r�, available, . worth from $400. t?r *2,60 1 cr- al.tum. U.'a, . I . I I . .. I . . I.. 1. . I . . I I .
:�' state that even if the tribunal fails to vation thbre was, wasanade by A Com- ood not Is 101, � . I � . I ' have paid seveial canvamers ,Qw.1i.fokl* for . . 1. . . . . .
,X; t '�� - � .("t," , � ar I . . - . . I I . . . .
.1 ', I . %Vrite fully Ito 4. W6 vvjll give Iota - 11 . . .
�,.;.. d . . . I
_ I . . . . . I
I . .
, 0 1 sort - IQ .
niiWonerof Customs, an thathellad wing, t4 can of . . 7 . .
,i,-':,.. reach an agreement it will have' the r it to suit . 11
I I �1! . no authority on the promiseb. .'� , -i . . I . , y It', I JO.H �W, YEO*, � , . .
tIlle . .''
14'_,� , ,1. � , .. I . .
ro . , 8 1110 0, ,iv li�ll a e Wel The contract -or the erectign of c le"D.11 iir, BRAEL:9Y.GAR .
,,, I I . . ali5, . . . I . ,f 'An, RETSON Co. Ltdi, , . - , .
't'(1, ,
c,,,,� � . -v w I�nke)i re .. .. . MARRIAGE LicE .
A, � . - .
, . effect of clearingtheaircin thequestiun. . .. . I * : , , � . I. adit's Pavilton hits been awarded to- .Aug. 22nd - �. ' . k ftrifford. .. I . laOLMU'VILLB.' I . 11 . . I . SEIS, * � .
I . . ' . .. . . . I . X, . I
..�,�,,, I
1;�,';, - I - . I .. I I .. � . . -n. J. Dunfiavantik0o., the contract I . . . .% I I . " ' � '� " �. . , � . I . � � . I "
� �, I � I I . . .. . To' � . . � � . .
,,, � �.. I ,..!,d Chief �iisWce Alve-tone,dw Brit- I - , , � ! � - - - , - . . . . . . being $2F1,000. The building - � . .... I ... - — "eigbili fb� tits MANCHESTRU F1 X Assloi&gcz - .- - ISSUED BY . . . .
'.. I I . .. . . J.'e's1i 1 will' . ,�., ; � 1. I Co. of Manchester. England_wbose funds -are 11. . I I . I I . . I
�, ,
,� �"4, 4 nieniber of the Alaskan houridary BE WARE - Or OINTMENTS FOR � ,'.. ' .1 For,.,Th1#y Pa I i , I . bo -100 feet iiquare. and 8urvounded by I I .., . I . 1 14. Isecurit* ate rated at $14,60,(W. Also the Me- J.. � .,R I . . : I �
�. 1511 � . . . , ,
., . - . . - '_ _' 011. I
,!;,� coninlission, and Ambassador Choate T14AT TAINS MEROURY. . . . . . : I . . . I , I 1� ''I . . I .... I . . . .
:_".","., I , , ar , . . . . . I .
. '. . it , 1. 111.,00t 'Is' L. Fenhings Ta lorl of ' . . . . OMPNIA pro . a I 1. -
I - Vittvoitiiiiiii - K PM�v"I'se "7 ; I I . �,_"
" I - - . I , I .1 . 1) , 1161.1 1�'ns. It will have two stories.. The - C ' ' . . B. , umblall" Clint .
CON , "'O'C6000 Root ,far lak Own .
�,kl',, . �) . , kindles, We * sis-4n t 4 . . .
1. I Ottawa, . The building must )a com- at -
,.,. John \V Foster, .1 � . . .
, - , �i, called on Elihn Root, � � dsommer . - -the only safe, . _ , V..4-1-od, ED1 Y to ARRIAGR LtCHN13 isiued1j. th
... As mercury will katrely destroy thp: - � ' . � To rela%.Id .._t P. iso 0 , -
* ` former U 9 seercitnry of State, SaW Mr n e of smell ,anf�e ., I � I . . pletitd bj Dr. 1, - -. � . -regulator on which womaa D , � dersigifted at Jilts it idemee, liary site&
- .& 11, Ofter.16 Ne*sVao 6% a 'at., -
� - ; . I and ciompletply'dex . The, ail than reservation i's About an ,aft. ia _ is " '.
11 1� se . . M ' . � � " fetc! � .)=..:W. � M � , .
�,;,-, system when entering it .erde I eaVdispend 3n the -liouq him ellinton. . I
i, ,�-�".`!,, Choate aud tbei dis(us�cd the final ar the whole . . . I . half way botween ::the Agriculture Slid lille Of need,." . �'. . � . I
'. through theonincous surfaces, Stich . �.. . I .. PreparediflAwo degree I .-- . �. — � I .. - - � J-AMK,,4 SCOTT, SR " . . .
.��:�!,, rangements for thomeetingof thi,i com- articles should neverbensedexcept or� ,�' - � .. � Building And - the,r4orestry, Fish and. '. 4 .so* I a
� � -, . � 4=6 Building. The handsonto pavil- - . rtrengtb.* '190. X and Xo6 % . , . � . �
,,' . ' :',,,� mission tit the. Foreign Office Thursday, prescriptiotiati,ohirepiitablopliyalciams The Toronto Daily World, a, new�- ( .'.N40. 1.�For ordinaryeasedl GoDo AcTaag6rt AMES OAWrItAL . I .1 . I . . I . .. I �
� ion which is to be Commissioner-Gou- I . I !ts.-by far thiii beat,dollail I I I I L LONDIMS110110 . . .
, � "'�: . I e they will do. ls�ten fold Vapbr that pa�s particular attention to .6r, J. I * ISSUER 0
,.., Counsel for Canada havo issued a its the daint I Al Hutc.11inson, . 0 1 Inodlelne known. ' . . . . . � . . . NARS, '.
11 . - . 01LINT014 I , � .: No witivesbee'voilutrod li-
m�,' ibly derive. he vequirments of the. farnierij� and hO - Worldls Fair grounds next vear, and t4O* —10 " 40&00 ALDEPM M-.� � I
� I ", I to the gol y6ii can 'passi a offloial home on.th. 1. . IF 3EIRRIAGIR. LIM
. ,1 - Cure;man- thi 'oil of publishing th�a. most' W tug roeL dopleleAlras' peraleazi, ; . .
, , statement giving ail outline'of the Lon from them. Hall's Catsilirb, � reput4ti shtlig6ri- I . . � ..
','�,:.. . . which will serve , as it club house for I - . . I .1
- .;� troversy,biit not expressirg an opinion ufact ed by P J Cheney &Co., Toledo, aoctiratc Cattle and Produce . Market lAdles sk t Aruggist tol- CopkTig I 40110mor . '' , --- . , . � . � .
., _�,i I . ,CanAdian visit rs to th6Rxp'osItIon, 08tton Root W.00vilkil."TAko no othem (44efal Balitk1bg - SbAln"v 1. . . .
, �', It is runiored that Secretary O., contains no iaercury, and 16 taken I e orts of any paper in Cainada, to-- - -InIxtirreq And imitations ar . . . . . � 11 1111ii:1111 1111�1,,11111,11!1 I 11 1 . I � . I .
," . %� White,of ,vill stand southwest of aud,close to 84 6H 01110, , . . 1111111piol, V, �#, a
I. t. internally, acting directly upon the . er with a brief"iVe and up-to-ilate . . trikOSACtOd I P I I IN 8. 6 :04199 _� . s
. .
� I � . . . . .
1: ,� , � tfie U 8 Ernbassy,may he chosen secre- . blood and trincous surfaces of -the pys- s ser'ice, 'can be, secured clubbed the big floral clock on the northern recommended DY SIX drUggiletp lit 3. , I � — .'' . 1.� . I 11 . :: . � -1 � .
,.4, .. � I ths viv EnA for the balance of slope of Agriculture Hill, The build- sidnion o: aft. Malted to any %16dr3e'2'* . . XOTUS'. D113CO'CUTOD - . . . . . . . . . I . . �
. . tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure 11 � . I . .
. .
�4 tary of the Commission. 'A member of . Ing Will &cc the ii avenuct � wbich runs on toodgit rfee And four 2-cent'%)Ostage . . .1
. be sure you get the genuine. It is t4k. this YeAr and up to the first ofJ'Alluavy . I T 11 I .
.1 � Oom � NOW idintea. Interestshowitaoo . . .
. Ii. � I ' , While everybodt 16 busy 1099 ,vatry, I 0 . . I h6 NoVelty2a.16
. the Alaskan Commission in an inter en internally and inside In .Toledo,- 1000, or 68.50. north and rsouo.in front of the Admin. 0411111M 09-9039 I . . ___ery
, :� . istration Building and, extends to the . . I � wwasori 03ft i. - , I deposits, . . : I . - I . . I :
Aid thatposs bly the Commissi Ohio, by F J Cheney & Co. Teitimonsi at the preseub time, still there is no Agriculture Building. - . � . I .
.� I view s, on . , - . No I and No 2 are sold in Clinton b I . I . ad Rest . . 1
,- .
.�,�_.', would faitsince it would be impossible ials free. one so'busy that they. oannot take ad . � Jobst 1' -Dunnavant' & Co. haV6 built am Djurant I
�. -t �� to get a majority. Sold by dt,u . ggists. � Price t 76c per bot- vanta� of a genulnebargain and se fWo.of the txposition's big, Exh 11. 13. Combes, ,T t Hovey al�d F. . 9. - J. Po T11911111ILL. I � I I
. . ti . I .. .. . I r ibit . . . .� . ._ . . � ..
"i:� e. ouret e beat local 'paper, combined tts, Druggists, . . v .
WO' tije all wil, I �
I Hall's Family Pills Are the beat ' - with one ofthebest .es- Education utid Manufactures, . � � . . � .. dws, vpo,keit w,haildollirge . .
.. I metropolitan news- pal" , ' . � I BANREUP . . '00 litegiatoo ..
, : . I . Caiiada. This offer i - . . . . � . I 01,00 k of g6qda to I ..
. I . tapers. publislied in and' they.also v ug the Press Build , . so fr .
, - . ..... 11 I I i�ll�,�lli�iiii��i!3;1'�,::Iil-I " .. ,� I I Zin.
r ):;, 0 i - y good for thirty days from the Ing. On the PI e t ey Are now 6rect- . " e is MI 411MN Nino Mi I . I . I . .1 .
: I . I . -, , C oil] - . . I . C11 0.01 , - 4 . . .
" . Happy, Healthy Rabic,q I . 'sement 11 I Calro"ana,verusidem.,, . . i 1INTON, qT . � , � I � .
, , . . I . firatinsertion of this aaverti .. 11 I , . . mikea tttuay,from 76 t �, !Q pot lb,. .
. ., A new *ch appeared it the Np,w Er.)L on - . . I
, _ ' .
., Rev R 8 W Howard 13 the will 110 Palace 'Of AgridUltUrd is the privAtis funds to loan bu wortgagea it " . . . �
, y Idon, ii .A Se t, 11. . Call, or mail your order to . . I
!�,:� � - Ev mother most earnestly desires rector of Christ Church, Loli largest structure ever built for the re,, 1042 1 tot ctirtent rat .
, � to a - . b Sit, I Bon,b%29 Igo to $I per lb, .
I : iew r little ones hearty, rosy and _ I c9ptin nt I I �
.� I . full Of - - - son of Geo Howard, Watford. � -His ustfors. Oct 4, M, as to subserip-: 16 n of a single degartment, and is Ce I I Ck ... : I I kd I kao � and drearaii . . . I
I ! bfe-/1`1TeTot weather,however, early eidnestitioti was obtained at the - tions at this rate will be takert after ,ter cent larger, han any other I . Oisitteral Banking_ buonleso'lirshateted Falidy 00001il "
': I . *utettiut idlowea an daposits. , - -406 6 go -per lb, , - ,-
", is a time' -df danger to all little ones,and Public school, Watf6rdi and.the Colic. above date. . . bull Ing at the Extosition. It is Wx- � - , . . I .1 . f
V Ja,6.j
. �, . I IM feei , thus con aining it -floor a ace Sale not,00 bdughi 11 I I .
. . I . I .
. . at the v,err first symptom of uneasi- giate Institute Strathroy. He gradu. . . . , , I .8 Ana Dat4a., . . .
, �; I ness 01 r ated in arts atWinit 0'Toronto, I �. 9 I M%04&t Market . 4 . I 1,
I il ness. Baby's Own 11i,blots ,T,Colleg I I of almost 20 Acres, This And the or- .., I I 1�� I I .
�, :,� should te given. It is easier to pro. and received histbeo ogical training at C�&TARttilAtPOISOIqSAXI)THrl,llt ticulture Building are the only�ohes I . I I . . .. I . . . . .
I r . vent illness than to cure it, and an oc. bearing color on the outer Walls. The . . � it , � mexicAlff WAVII, and valands, or . .
I i_ Hutlon-Coll"o,tondqn. He wasor,, . .. IN JEWing purets;sed the but6hdring Two BIOLSONS'""A Alagdd Igo to 500 per a0z, , . .
I ! . casional close of Baby's Own Tabl6ts dained deacon by the Bishop of Huron REMEDY. I . Agriculture Building villl have used bobilieso of V. 11. Powell. I itih pre, . . NX , . ,
, - to tho UP n it teen with points of brij;hter I Lemon6,260 per doz. . -
: , will keep little one healthy and ba y. in 1801, And was appointed curate , poisonous secretions �roni Catarrh -0, Oared to furbish 'the people of Clin. IncorpOrAted by Aak i-Arliament 1866. a, . �
If sickness does come there is no Mer Rev Cation Young, Goderith. - in 1802 are dangerous because they e6lor. garlands, wveathii, aud festoons . . � I I .
I � .1 laffoiot the - ton.With Ml klitide of FrOb aiid I . _. . � � I .
I of fruit and flowers figure in the color bursa moato, Sailsage, bol6gai, " I Dun * forgot thig It the place for
I 2nedicine so quickly cure the min. he was ovdainod priest,and transferred stitirnaiqhi�nd bowels, giving rise to' on � CAPITAL 6%000 all kthtfs of Oakes - paetry'.tiot
I or ills of ba, ,00d and obildhood-and to the enilrapy of All Saints, Windsor, .unhealt . yv condition of tfiego. organs scheme,, the cornices, and the piers be- laitid, butter and oggo,olwaiya kept oft I d � .
- , I you have a guaranteethat it contains under Rev Cation 11ifficks. In 1804 h4 C&IA*h Is the source ofninch Ill health tween the wouldin 9,. eteit are left hittI4, 'REBTyUND $2.AiV600
. " no opiate or poiant, is stuff. Mrs Juo was appointed� thelksholiffieumbent and was considered practically Incur, white, Tho'cost of constuation is , I � . )RIMAD &VICE, MONTIRZAL ' I ik gq3d line of pipe algoto omil . , . �� .
. Nail Petersh g, OnL, says �_111 have of the poish of Ore. In 108, at re. able until It w4s c $M,M, The�builaingis tobablytho ft" w9t tbbswo 41wsis of, hand, . .
. 1, useg Baby's n Tablets andfindthem ueab of the vestry' of ft � Gdorge's lemonArated to -the best lighted of any on. The grounds, I 1. ulmo,"s a son, W9, VdtA0V,XA6P99.a0OkZ. Prioddolit I . - . I � I
. � ,_ 86tisfaetiou of the medical profeasion; . . JAMIS Zr"6T, Gen. witinsger. Boil Imbriii Oydkord sil*qtr on hand, - -
a superior remedy for troubles of the 0XII-iieth, T hotindale, he was Appointed that by the use of - Catarrhokohe ally Its fronts are twacticallyl," 'successive I I Notes discounted, 661lections Mi46, dfafti 6 . ., .
�' , , 4stornach and bowels. From my own. rector of that arigh, and.iti Ole. sa,mo pAse ornasal or throab trouble eon be 'series of windows each 75 feet long I I I Tolpholia. 16, . I lotittiod, otdrling and AmerleAn atobangs . We Nins Waste In ibis. liv, I .
. . . .
om In 1001, a I ordett delivered otditrivAls bought and sold. Intotest Mow on . .
I , , . experience, I can highly re mend �l,,Ililmitttledwiss3atiotTweedie,Topon- )ermomentlyandquiekly euved. cat- and21feet high, These -windows atie 0 I* oil , I .
�. 11 I . I I
1 . the Tablets to other mothers. c 0 t the re Iteab of the vestry , placed 14 feet from , the floor so as to . ditrosito obvily k-ruttarest allowsa . � ..
1'. . Mothers should n1way f 11 rx-hozone by its unusual inovit has ell- , allow tbo use of the wall spapo Inside POMP of %lid town. , - " � . I I
! , . is keep theab 6ftribitY Church, M t4hell. be -WAS Ap- listed the support &ad ondorsemobt of for exhibits, Triaih ular monitor will- . Oftium of$1 and lips computed obitif year. . a# RAW VP I �
I .11 tablets in the house, ready for Any em- polht(A rector of that pitriab, .and ,now the most rominent medical authoriii X, 13,-.Potgomb hhVing heige f6t Is,- Molloy sdvl�aaid to f6mrsionihelt .
, , , Id 9 I .
I orgetlay. Sold medicine dettlois ov in the 6amewaycomeg to Christchurch ties, Who Irpoly state thAt anyone givi. shipmb-tit, will donfer a favot, by Own total, With tiniti ot 0106 todots6ti � . . I .
. .
I .
1, I
I Iwe I
par OnA
u can r9 .
ep ch ift.
a and
� ealth
i .
I .
I I I l.
AM oskald aP &_1 a botf by writh London, RoV, Prof. AowAids of the it a trial is sure to reeeivq pe oVVa" on twortgogo regairtid, 131160906t Of J, X4016y, 011afft.
-ttlatlent Oft the' Isimag wdrd,oi the oho#, . I . �
�,,, . the Irfir. flliam6Xedielnb Co., Woo MOI10041 Diadegan college, !a & broth- benefit, Sold tot, $1. Small. size 25a quickly .
-viji0it ont, I ft, AtDfuggifstoorpolson&Oo,,Mliptob. balld,00 I 1.1 11 I- bov, Aft'"Oko AMNO'g4byto "". . I
I .. . 1. . '. , ,& A,lb, A,& A
. . I . . 011lKi,ogi _660-01-6466666666, "A,
I I w W .
. 1, I . . I
,� I I - �i;l * , � � � I � �r I I I
. . I I . i i . . . 11 . I _', I .
� . 11 4 1 4� . � . . �
I 11 I . 4 - � 4 1 . I I I
. . . I . . ii. 1. I -,&L- '-.6,11 - _!,.Ai;_�,_#, ZA";'L -
... __A--_ I _ ______ .- � , ,; ...... 1111 ... 1111 - 11 -.L61AAbLA�IAC"-gAba".;�ii.�.!h----*-. � -.1m*.doomia- ,1111" im- U- - I - ,�l "g ,.�-'I'.�.A�l�.:.,IkAA&mk,,Il�illi'lli"� . � I .
= in ______ __ 0111111abliodal-Alkh'-, _!_ . J*-- ilw__Ni� �.i�r�� , _�j li.LAA,A�_ ;asite,. .