HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-09-04, Page 8I . , I i . I . : � r , , , 111"11111110 , ru -U , . " . , . , - . W—_a,-,. � - . I . De­Pdriffiento . " . I . NOW ftadg 10P DUSIRCSS . . . 0 S% The Millinery Department will be rea.dy. I for Fill Business first thing Monday morn - .1 . Ing. Miss Randall has spent the past two weeks in the eastern millinery markets study-' . . . Ing the coming seasons' s . tyles, a, od in. ak. Ing -. connection for ,her Fall stock.. S�e will b_ - back this week, and ready to receive custom- . ers on Monday. Already we are - showing . I early Fall styles In outing Hats and can give I you a large assortment of .new 'and natty . . . I . � shapes to select from. .- � . � � . . . . . . I ___ -_ - . I . I . . I HANDSOME NE W- R&IN *CQATS.. . . I . . . ­..... ­ - ' * ' � The Rain Coat grows inore popular . .every d day. it is one of the most se.na.ible. �uki - -sar vice' able 'ea outer garments a lady can wear. This Fall'sAyles are better than ever, and show mark -'ed difference6 from those.of the pa3t season. 0 �r now garmants . ore here., They are the newest, styles and 'tho'se, 1. m-ist in fa-vor for the coming season. . Y,)bbierior more stylish Ra' -n Coats Nve have never W., 6wn,Come' i- .i and see them whether you want to b2y jast n6w, - .. I . I Or not. . -1 � I � . . . . . . . .. . New Rain Ooatii *34- lcnlrth� greys and, � M. . . fawuse. . . aell..............&.. .. .0 *��,$.5,00 . . . . . 4 . I . - . . New Rain Coats 3.4 lengrth, large 0011art:' I . I or t ollarless varb - - - - .... �. - - $8, to $10. . . . . . .. .. .. ­Ic.. I. . . . I . ' .Niew font), Rain Coa s, 1'.-tiva ji gre�,,,eas,,or . . �' . . . -1 - �4 ''..., $149: - grey) 11,11 wool, eau h �...,. I i ... . . � . I : I . . � . . I.... 11 .. . I . . 11 11 .. � .. � .. . . I . I . . . I . . . New Haiti Coats with or -Avithodt: -collar, .`. pleated backs, very stylish each.9 to$15.-, , . . � . . . . . � 1. 1. . . . - �1 New Cloth R On �'ovtts, fil1lenglilit t i) I - . I ­ � ; I - . . . . .. . . � . I . . . '! . I I . . I I .1 I. ... I . I I . �. ....;, I.... � . I �' . , ... I . �. . . . . - - . . �, - 9ft .'' � It .. - 1 M. ;..A?- 9 8 - §� 4 -ft ah... r I atawki, P. ,ft", 2. .. . . I .. I ... . .1 I � . (YI., .. . . . 1*1 k- -a t'- 0`!., qp-)st- kind to -bu " f , : . . . I y ar. . ' . . 1,� Wyb. Taay Misita a good.dval � less., I darnling for ypp Black,, CA 8.iibckinji.. 1: � I . are made to stand the hqrd: 'we . a.r - -, boyos � , . give their stockings.. Where 'die .. wol;t.-'�: *wear cbmes''ibere they are-.�made ,the,.-.. . I 'Black Cat Brand Strongest. The dye ig- fast.and will last Chicago -Rockford ,ts long as' the stocking-,-. all'sizes 'HW6 ' Hosiery Company . . , .. .I , I Kenosha, Wis. meduim and big now in,sto'ek.. :. I. I., ..'. . . I . . , . . � . e P V.: .. ,_ .�. .,. . . 25 -eq 35e and 40c t.h a' --- . ,' - . . . I I I � .. .. . . Last year ;/ k -pt ot,er 700 peol,'ile bimy all the time'to su�ply the d�kixnd . for Black Cat ,vuebtqp. TItis year the oul-pite is cloubled"and &00.pqqpl� :. . . are bu.qy lo-day,a tNa.,� 131ack- Cat. Slockia'j,3`for Boyi amol G irls, . , .,.�. . : :.. ,.,. � . . . . I . . . I . � . I : .: . I '11, .: I . : . . ., . � . . . . I , I - . . .. . '. , � . . . . . . . . . . I : �'' , r . q ' ' ` . . NEW SKIR-rs READYTO �: WEAR . I . . 1 I . . . I.. . . � I . I I . New ready-to-wear Skirts for ' Fall are here.. There is a bi,,o,er stock and be .ter, VAlues th4n ever.' - rl)n I I . before. Sty I as are now and -up 1to *-date. t4 aterla,4 are, � 1* 1* - I .. good and workmau-ship first -elass. 'You.savd,time;: , . bother and nimey, baying these, gaym, I e'ts �r ftd, .' . a e y to, . . . I 11 . - put on. I � I . .1 - . . .. , I .. I . . . I. r . . I . � . I . . . . . I.... . � - . 0 . . Skirts at $3.00 . . � I . ... I 1. I-, . I . . . . I . I . . . . q. . . � Ladies' Rsa3y-to wear skirta,maae I rom, Olieviota,fillished, $,13..., , friezes and 11omespalls.pariaot floing garmanto,esoll.. I - , I . � . I I I I �. . . Shirts $4.125 . . I � I _. . . . I I I I - . . ' Ladies' ready-to-wear skirtammae from �Illwool chev , lots, I niccly trimmed with military lIrMid, blaolks and I . ' � greye,good skirt at.& popularj3d6e a&eh.._'.. .. ....4125 . . : . . 1. � Ladies' Skirts $4 50 . . %. . . . � I.: . . . I .1 okirts made from all- wool Obeviots, black, Oxford g* "Or ' � navy blue, trimmed with burtons or brgid,speoial at 'erZoyb, ,AX0 . I . . � . . . . . . . I . . . � � .Skirts at $5 .- I . .. I ... * . . I . I . . I . I ' Skirts msde fiom grod quality all-wodl CheViots and llomc� . spurs, perfect fitting, stylish med , 0 with strepy ings and covered buttons bacb. 1. 1. - 1. 5000 . . I . . . . ; . � . � I � I . . I . Skirts at $6.00 . . . .. : I I . . . . * . S k i rts made from fancy Clieviots, Homospuns, ant In the , I lateft Moo 1ps, nioely trim Ined with straps .of Taffetta I silk and small buttons eaoh ... . I . ...... I I ...... 4..- 6.00 � . I . . . . . . . ­ I I I . . I i . I I . . I � ��Xkv &i lam'mm-mmmmmmwim�� . I . I - . The, New Mantles.- I ,. � I ,�'. Zi , I I I . � I The first of the new Mantles are- here, I Not quite as m * any as there will'be later but � . . a good representition of the Seasons . new � � sty es , , and enough to give early buyers.. � am le variety to select from. 'Come' -in anil � I sed em. � I - - : , -1 � I. f : I I I I � I � 01 I . i - 11 I . " . .. ____.1 - .- ­ -_ - -_ - . I �.. I . I I I , I , � � ; I I . I p. I 11 I. I 1". , ... , , , I 11 � . . . , I ? I, I � , I .. 4 � . !k . . I ., i. . I , , � I . [a �-, . � I .P . 4 . . I . � I � I . � I � . . , � I - , . . . . TOM CLUMN WXW ZRAi 1. j I I 0"It. 4*1 .1"s I � I- - I . ­ I . - __ � I _ - _._ , . ' . , � ____ * I .� TOO MUM WAT81t. -Ber ' ­ . -.1. �­_ 11 I -1 . , , , ­ --;_111-1 I..''..''. . � . I ' tertainment, cal . V s'on, son of John Jackson, is ' a ad C11 12PP12 � , jjj#t*#W,- t* ,Sit$ ' oj%6T)0d'0'0NING CONOH �11T�;"!�S: a 'c 900 . � I ,. .0" Ing i Wj , 001 ]tell 1. % . .sured of a treat at the appi III I itter advocate, but he got too muck ell , W . 11 band concert to be held on Sept. I - .of it cu Saturday evening. The corner 4 FRIDAY, SEPTHUMR 4, 19M. Singing by artists, impemonAtions had been left off a cistern and he accl. , . We in vite you to bring your needs . - ', . 11 - . . = sac as you have never seen, scenes dentally fell into It was eight � I . , Ith , ,Ire , j,g.,U.-t1frI4,,nt,Vr-jf Ve.oh",0t-bq,Zt,-Q.-X4ta&3 t. from life clearly depleted by an elo,ou- feet of water therein but he managed ,j "V. t ,Co. ,4N L . -out Wi. h, no , wo se experle - for School Opening to; s, an ave ds tionist, and a taking two role will TO got ace U d h ' I'll I I be put on .it last that wilt be womh the , than a (lucking. I . 90tv" 60010 I . priceof a4lUission alone. . . I WONTHENEDALOL.-Some months them salisfIed We claim to `be able � I . CON,41DERABLE GRAIN CAME ABIG TRING.-Last week Wm. o W 11 I<err, warden of the c IN -Thursday was the first day at the Levy, Seafortb, re-�oived from a.Roop- 'Me'reil a. gold and silver, me4al otollut'le, -to, do, so. to your , advantage in all the I clevator under the new management, or, town, an chociae for $1,,000,he bq)Jg taudialat and 2nd in Huron � belleficlary under an accident policy pl, , 441trauce H'xamln- - .. and considerable grain was bough anbl,:H� Sc ool I .essentials as well as the ramy couven I I'll ot Ili arw . by Mr ,Smith, who will still retain tile. trx-led by his father, Thos. Levy,. Who atiou. ghawards were take,, by C 0 management. They wor ayi 'as accidently -shot a short time ago man Hall, of town, with 8M, Marks to lences. Our scribbl$rs will favorably Nk 280 tn g 72e V I . 11. . 44 P � atq wbile4iutit!6gin,tlie�voodsuet�r Sea- his credit, closely .followed by Aliss to73c for wheat. , r�,. 0, ,, . I ' d 6 policy , �, No.4, � I � I and I . carrie a � 47c to 40c for barley, forth. Mr Levy wisety -3 a 4riiety, I I . I I . in the Dominion of Canadti. .Accident Grey township, w'hd,td,(jlc. 810,, nd forcibly strike You in their v � � I . I HAY8 THFIX REMOVED-Sbotild Insurance Co - others should. . . . . . our council talw tile matter in hand of . I ONLY PART SOLD -At Charles their value and general attractivenes s. � seeing tba� the tins! itlypoles in front OCT. 15TIT.-Tbe date set by the Avery's sale oil Tuesday tile 30 acres . . I I� ,of tile new pos gee Ile removed, it Governor-General of0apada to lie -kept juTtickersmith were sold to Charles, � �i Will confer a, lasting beuefit'to the by all true and loyal citizens as;i dq Raid, cattl Leather bams, slates rulers, . pads, pens, . � e buyer, of Brucefle d, for � 0 I . . I town, besides -winuldg. the gratitude of thanksg.iving to Almighty God for V-375., Bids were received for the 100 - . of our citizens. If the wires were all the bountiful bleq,ilngs that baverested acres across tho road, but Mr Avery ' Pencils, sponge$, etc., are as good as we strung on tile tele I graph pole, it w(),11(i apon u:4, asit country (ho pastyear will . could not see his way clear to lot them. I I . not appear so bad, but 1110 UtlIVr MW- 1)�- 1'elpt ,)Il Oot 1-21 11 Iwxt. Wo m&Y go at the ft tues oftered. It is it good . ,; t , know how to buy, to sell at. the prleo e , . I I)ol� orward to beautUtil, w0ather (it farin, and ae. should - expelionce no . are iiiisight y. . �. . . . . . - pitophets I I . . . - that time, its the weather trouble in getting his price.. SCROOT., NOTES -The Public School havd ,omised us. something very , . we .ask, 'While, the standai d text, books � � I I � , 1), . 100.opened oil Tuesdav witli it tempor- el.ioico during that month. . I I SUDDEN DHATI-f-ft iswithsor. . � . , ,try chall-A oil the t(�-- I Lill] Ig .4 NIT. Mls� . . I row that w3 aililouneo thedeath of the are sold at the regular.fixed. prices. we. 1� I , All AN ABU,NVANCH' OF PLUMS.- I Infautson of ?.obt, S.it-pherd, of Lou- . l�l,vL�lyti'litrnf�r,.,,-,'Iioi.,iSLltftll'iti(I fl-Mll t1woffectso-fa bicycle accidei7t, wt�q' -It is wbonan abundance of fruit such , olon, but late of Clhitou, Little Roy . . . I . i)ot able to resuille her positi6n, alid its we-Nitye had blessed to us this Year Was an exception,41y bright and prom- do our best to have attractive. goods,and - ' . I I . 1. I � � I I . Al.. A 117--h �, 1313- th, a form er t,�,aell (Ir that %ve realize what 4 welcome insti- !Mng child for his oge, which makes it . .� I . 1. iss A, Tav;l( Inning and reasonable * - -- . . . . . take's. her Ill't ill the weantinlo. Aliss tUtIqIl it c, Preserving file- secul. more sa(I Ili Vi,-tr bere"l,vement, . . price S. . . . �.� . . . I . . L. Wilson, ligImm, e(jinnionect! her �' our towa forthe dis- Mr. and Airs Slieplwrd found many . . . � . tailt during tile Model '01 _ I -ayj com duties as at S , p,)-,.t7tlwo(f)"�li(i'i�'e',a�te6es,q fruit Thousands I kind sympathizers, both Ili wovols and � If you don!t know us in ihis-v ia and find . . I . terni. with of doll. - u . . . It ,atendance of about it's W, tl, of plums will be left a(!tion'�,'iiotwitlistttticlit)g the fact that us out with yo , r school supply purchase. - . . tjilrty modelite.s. oil tile trees this I I � silunlier to rot, as they had been ri-ii(louts of London I � ' . ' ' ' . . . . I , theiu.* . obly' two weeks'. We vxtend our most � , . � there is but slight denrind foL , . I . . I . . I . THFU-114VIEST -IN YEURS -The and then hardly wartli, the basket yoli sincere synipathy-to the bereaved par- TheW,,D,, FAIR co - 11 r�j jjl� of A[(: juitty afternoon was oil(! of tit th I I * 1 ' I � � a 1___�- J� tjt(�Ill, e I a. 4f ter you 1) ave picked ents. in i heir affliction. . . .. . the heaviest in - Years. Without . . I ,.. � . � Illont(Apt's warning the rain descended- � � . . I I SHIPPED A 'CAR OF PLUT118- MIMI .. . .. .� I Ill snell'' 01'rents Qlat. wires and trees TORoNTOYATU-The opobing-aay Learni�ig of tile excellent 4rop of plulus . . . I .. I. . � . . . I .. . . . -in. - - ghborbood. through the' . � I I I . were brokt The drains couldliot . Ili bbis no16 . I 1. � I I . . I . of the Toronto Fair, as far its tills wes niedillui of the ilewspaiibi-si'Mr 9prung, . I . . I . �. mmmw� - . . . carry ott the water (Iffickly enough, teruptwt of the proiiince is oncerped, . .­ . I 4 � , . . . . I I I . . . . - I and cellars. and s . treets weip floodL'di' was oil Tuesday I morpink-41ie first ii;'formcik resident of AuburnI., but nqW. ,.,. . . . . . � � . � . . 1. .. � . I . - . � .1. � . .. . in nially cases t116 Witter oil thestreets ol&y of the'eheap rates, ivben uearly'75 'of Mault6ba,� has spent 'tho,past two .*a � I .-;..--- I I _. _. . �. . . � . . - . flo, I wing'. over -the'sidowalks. into the' tielcets were sold from 011fitd w:eeks Ili town and vicin . ity, looikin� . . I vqp� — — . . I i orver the , orchards and trees; and on . I . . . . , ' - . I . th ars- The rain only IASt0d half, 4111 coaches caine t1own from Goderich on � � . . . - * . e"O"I"i�,-blit inclioi -water fell Lin tbat time * the.mo . rning'Jraill, ftlid-therC was ribt Tuesday he had,% car packed a id ship- . . L . . placed oil record -I n ped to N`Vfiinip,�g. As they Were ship,- . S1 * ' bhterSale I than bits ever been. � much sitting room left W1 e the trai ' n I -C . . . I%Ug. - L here. . I . I .. L j- ed In a refrigerator cAr, they will .. . � . w . I I . . (Iulled out.'. What "pleasant"aecolno� I . I I I . I - 4 . . .. � . . . . . I I � I L. at,on L there iyould be* by the tinle MV as'fino on their arrival as When I � .. . ..., k - . . . , * . . . . A they left here, and should riot. their . . . . I � . = = = - . Y I . ERE'OTED .A. NEW POLU.--After Stratford Was reached, wewillleave !. handlers it nice little suni fortheir I I op OF I .. I it,., agitatibu fox- some time ,Ili electric -for tile passergers-to describe. . I , I - ' %L . . . . .- . trouble, plums, bringint a dollar -in a . I L . . . .. ,. . � . . . I I L I .1 . .1ight'lible, which'glias not been in the . i uld..: 6 got for less . I . safest condition at the corner of Pike's N E . .... e.%LS . . I 'v n * , than cre.' I . . ' 5 on' ,..Footwear. i Win:peg that. co WiLL BE. .,)dAIjE ONE 0 T11. c , I-lotel fitis been taXen doi and a -new., 91!11.�St Paul s church, Oil . I abe, . one erected at the atlgle of bheBayfi@jLd intoni.will 1. . I . I I � * I ; . I . . 11 . I I 11, � 1. . .. � � . . .. I . A^ ., 1. . be honored with thp scene of 6 p.Joetty j ,:N E W PROPRIE TOR INST,kLLE, D I .. ., . �.. . L . � I . . road tindthe streot foadinf-, to- Little wedding to Ile celebrated on the I 9tb of i .­41le new proprietor of the Mason- . This week Ve commence a SIatIghtqT Sale 0 . f All Summer . . - I I - 1 1 . a.m., by the Rev Will-.. L'of 'S ' , . . England, This brings the fght out in September at, 11, . House,. 'U. Branderberger, andwite, L Goods. We have ,had ,in .excellent Trhdt pring I * . the illost' pr6nilnent. p1sice anil will dQL I Uwaigr,of P&rol6a, assisted by the rec- '' arrived from Listowel oullonday.,and . and Summer Footwear and we. are now willing to Sac - the most po,,sible service. � As, it was tor 'of the church, Rev 0 a- 6unne. 1 assumed control on Sept. Ut. ,'hlr , . . ri ' w I . i le.are Miss.' . . I . ifice NvIthoutAnyprofit, what we ha,ve left, as . e must . . the station received tile statio, receiv.- 'L The to-be-inade-happy cou Brandorbilyger is a whqle-�ouled indi" -: , keep our Stock 2 -to, Date.: We have'. placed - 0 n' our � ,u th� is 16, ,,Ip , L _ . . e(I , lombe, of one of 0 Mon's first , yidual, and will sustain tile' good repu,-. BargaillRacks, pre, ofGhildrene Oxfbrds, sizes 5to 101 � � havd1yany benefit froi Hallie t, fi I but now that. whole' square and streets fainifies'. and* -Aft, -W U Latornell, ac- I tatl6if of the house - he'lias chitige of. Which- we sold at $1.00. - Some of them were . $1,25 all . . i leadink1owill get the benefit. .* countant ot;_.tbe 1%folson's Bank a,tLL ' . . � . 1. . [ . , 0odL ,11eL--purposes making changes I . I . I a .on ric . I I I I . . ,. . I . � . . Ridgetwivii. IV6 bu�, bespeak tile : - .. ., throughout; kind will ca lually� 16. '111,;VD4 GOOD TlXr41_Tf,l.., 11 -it often wil. I I that will Ile showered upon f hoeu- ter to lie coul- � , : . shou d lie jill'c�eare out Ili - � e.w -da s tit, 't is: pri6e,. , . . ' .� f L . I%. inercial Ab .trade, of L Which .Ile lI,jS . . Come and see t e .., t e . are c . ,� . I 1. 1. . . . . . . L . I - in 6n the L IL & B-� is. AC- - bn their est'd day - ,.. . I ... alre'a YL iac some, A special collililur-. - . I ; U itt. a:-tr, 'I, . . . Z , , . . . . . . . . . - .�, I . . . . I , , - L I I . . . .11. . . . . . �.ils&(l of travollil%. ,%�ery rapidly; -but . . , T -E - � - � . e , - . ' - L�' - Su -bur Men Harvest Shoes at 00c they,ais a'bsigalo. . L I . la,s,t 1.1onatly k venoia-, 'wh(­.i the train ARE CRUXiIIN't"'.."', IN . ,,RES'V " 0! ,Vi,'dinuing loolli�.,%A,i,Lil,�e,ptit�titioned ... � . . : - , V, 1, a, atOSt . ' L . ng VA $1 50. ,- . I � 1�1t'Lo'nd6n - eight. `ininutos, latei,she �The. Coldstream bitnd.� 'of 'Y'llglaild: ah(j, furnishod' the 1, . I . Loadie's Lsoqd and BnttonedvBdo1s, worth $2.25, goi . , - . L I I . ross- which has received the special Nv en� o so I . . watsbrdorM t.Lo I)e (nj tijile 'it tl.ie'v 'i"tt , conveniences; the wbole-interiot of the - .' 11 ., Edon's Kid Gaiters, worth $3.00 going at $2 00i 1, . . I " . I , . .. � � � , h Lti will be'otik,*stained. His'good . . . obiliren's Buttoned Bootq; worth $1.00 for 75a. - � Ing; SIX Leell. J s L'vain,wal� Ile Xing to visit this I I . . . . I . . I I I . . . . . L - ulilosawav; bill * permission of.t. - .1 -wife ,biis the replitati,on of, being a, first i � Seypral.other-linei at Mughter-Prioes to -clear.' I 11 . . L . Colillt'ji:�L,�may.�.be-broiigbt n6arendugh.l.class-cook- which is sse6tial in a . . . . I �, . I . . . .. . I . . . I . . - I L i ... . . , , . . the first. fq arrl�al of tho tlire6_ that -most e I . - L. I . . L . . meet*tberd, whoelind'of7the inilesin, .,to (1fiutqIl to perriiit a 'nunil . . . . . -,. - .. I L ­ . � . , .. . . � . '. I . . . I. . I : . . I ... "� see n )or to go", hotel�. -, " . _ . . . � ­ . . . .1 1. , , : I o ds. AFter being delayed , . � - . .� .1 : -TheVid"Rellable, . about 7 he L - and bear then�!. They'are Ili: Toronto ' � . � .. .. , I . . . L� ... . . . . - . . .# , ,... - . , , ' f an 116nr at, t, crossing for the-Str,�t- during the fair, but we-leain will make 1.0 CHOICE. STALLIONS. -There I . I... .. . - .. . . ' - I L fopol (.ra in she made the'34, miles to -a ton, of the *'ciiles'. before returning. - came, np� oil the 12M express Wedne�- ... .. I . I I . Cli,Aonj includingLall Stol)�, in 60 Inju_ -There. are enough. enthiisiasts in to Mll day noon, runnin about all hour late L W.."Tayl.qr, & . L'Son'�:Oliyat6n ' I . . I . I I . I - .- . .. .. 1. I .,...,. , . ot � . utis,,uiaking.� ill) �15 minutes thue (in to be. tdinpted either.toL bring'. them fo& 6ar� of 14,,11 fish thoro4mild stall! . L .' � . ;, � I I . L . . . I 1! "... '. I L... `!'L 1. ­ . I . . 1� . I . � : , � : road. . The average Pe . vsdu - *�ould be bord. under it hcavy'gua�an tee ornbar-, i6ii, .fl Haejr, e al . .1 - TO RHANT-A. good 7 roomed-06tisge on Ontarlo,$.tirfet. . . - . 1 is j, * L 9 of the: Olyc e, , n y id $Iure I . , . . I.. I � L L.. . � .. . . L ���: I ey, eon L - I . . . . . . I . . . LS * inclined to think the tracic of th oad .ter a-special.to 0 tothd aleareft point, sliecles. Th' b'I * t6 �N. essrs. Baw. L - . � . . . . 10�_ . 1. I olmi, of ExoterI; and ekry,� of H6iisitll; 006360006wen - - - - ---- . . unqaf6.-for the Speed. she wtis'making. I whic , ,* � , . �Itiratfordjb hbar theill. t OW0011F.14409 ­—Mr-9111HOW6606" . I I !m_*fic) utinsual. rougliness -was exp(sr-� . . . .. �L . . '' . I .. . . I L�, . I ­ � . I . . I - . '. _ . _ ' L .. . I � I I . . . . . . .. . . , , . ... . . � . 1. . I I . afid we must say. that the nineteen , , ' . . " . I L 1. ... - : - . . . ,. .. . . . . . � . lellle(ld- " . � ..,. . I L'. . . .1 . ' . . A TAXIDERMIST WITH A CURIO 'hol-ses -that' occurded ihes'e,cars, are. , MIN" I -_ - I I .— 1. . . . I . I � . . , . . I I I ,_ . -tati'llimit til(A , .. . I ... . . I ,.. I . . - WOLBK_. �HALL 'kN'L ventur6 th6 s Choicest lot we lizwo ever seen- ', . . I. I I . I - . ... . . . ' ' : I I . . I L., . . . - .. . 11 VEMY PARUCULAP. . tljL'jt�'�rvf�W of our,eitize I "Ire aware lh4kj-a(rll'6 together -Buth of the above� � L � . . I 1"..... . . . . � . fi,�t that Clinton .1 ns . . I E, PNO - I I 1.1o* inany of thos'6 ,%vIio have noticed � of -tII`0 tas wit"hii.i. its anentioned geri leminrhcq.6�panied the ;. I ihe repai�s going'- on tit Jos Ratten- confines 6,'curio hAllisuch'as would be O'ses, avin een ILI n an o it e - ,. OF I _,�Nmamw Itudwl-Aw - 0 � I . . I . . , . I I . . 11"i'y Is residence '.on William street,. hard,to find in llhother town afits size, ji a pure asing tioun. special en- .1 . . . ­ . . �, . . I I .� . . .. . - hav� ;topped to coiiqlder the gr�'.Mt jj(.�jlqu. Of I I . . . . I . I . I I I I . .. .. ,., 14 � �, barIxtrisin, stUffed' bird.,;,of , gipe as sent. Zrown ,roin God6rlbh to , �� - .. . . I I L - I . t; - was w-coull - the I lullunierable Val-io'Y'L fish and animids, conve t 'eni � to�­ their dest L inlifionL, , I . I I 130c -ScHoo - .. .. ... . . I I ., .. . - I 4aising of..tbe. roof - over t*6e.jjlt('jje.),�"L There'are There is no better kno,%vii stallion deal- . . i . k . � . 1. W - . . � , , �, .� ., . �. ... . , feat tlia ?Iished .iti i : ai)ouiia iii. like - profusion. . I �:L '' forf .q ' ' . ,� . . I ... . I . p;trt of the hoiftso -This was r-aised .1,liso many beautiful palutin-s of sub- - er in Gailada than .Mt Ba�vd�n, nor , , . L I . 1. . . , . . . I . I clear bf the'walls five'166t; all(! I;riclk�-j as"t nore a rs.that . . ., . L .. �. . .: �L,'., ... r . . . . I ts *b1ch , the - owner Ili. ,8, mife.d, In I - .succes6ful_ In ll'tlleLye.i� . � . I . .. 1. . 11 , . .., . , I work place(I therein'. Theie were . �1(111cllition L,'t6' Illanly landkitlye scenes. h6hashaudled thiskindorstookbot-. '�. - . Zbl I . ... I ., I . I 1. :.. . . 1. . � . � I . . I I , nearly 400 Ibs. of,',�late tacke,l: to tIll'i 1, Tile pittlietle scene of Dr. Ftank Turn-. w�en H'ilglafid- and .-Ciiinada, Ili) has ' ' _ . Boys ti'Ll %... . . . - .. � ...­ . . I . .1 .... . . .1 . L I . . . I I 111. I . . . I . . . ..; I . - -its ro;.� CVCH , , . . IL - . alone, and not one of these )N b 1, bullL cliugin�y to his ciino�,, passilig out oilly lost but onC, itnini'al, all(! hag nev, L I � . . . . . � . ' � ell . I not aj6int Ili ,tile roof sep� I OL L - . e nsurance. � — . . I . . i .. ; " . . . .- . . I.. tnt he - lAe., juSt before lie %ivas'res er cairied a. c lit's worth of. I i . . . . j 11 . I .. . . . . L ' ondo'll pap;ells - welle ilecently. filled I , cued frouftlie water. is here.portrayed on them.* - 1. . . . . � . 1. . - . .11 . 1( jr-11 S , ' L . I ". . I , I .. ­ L I . L � . I . with loild praise of Similar doings on 4 -on canva�: .,The.' wbole -. � � 4 . I �.. L . . L I I . . �. I." .. . is worthy of L . ' ' . I : : .1 .1 . .- I . . . � . . . ... . I .1 - . - — - . . .� I . � . ..bui xll� Ill.' that city, but the .Same . ti aild. .we teel * - e -tb t - � EXTENSIVE, - 'BV 1 L DING I M�- ' , ... � . . .. � , 0 Inspec 1011, stir a, any . : .., .. I . .. al Pt 1, process L W"S requited to railsb PR OVE ME XTS -H. B. �00'lnbe. has let i . � ... I , � ,L , . L' 1. , w1l'oeareto. see it will -be It . B . . c fu M de WeI7 :: .., . . the rooforl Mr Rattenbury's �residenco' ' &ffie by .Nlrs� J. Seale- at her home. - . the contraotto Thos. �NjcKenzie for the - ;I . . ­ 1. ,# . . 1. I I . .1 . . � �s was -needed oil the mu6b larger one. ,.- - . .- . .. . . : . , �, . * , , L . I. .. �. . . . .. erection, of ,a­m&g�ijlIc6u't' two7st'' - . ::: . , 11 . . . . ....1. .� . . L orY a � . 1. . ; . ROT. 11 A k block bnhislotjob I I - mLohdon,: 011uton has-sonle good I DISTP =n,TIi4G- -, ' g-od rep-: r'6d pressed bi-i'6 . , . V . L V .1 . � .. 1 4 . .. I s. . .. . Milled mechanies� of *boni she may teW tation of .. iiiii L . . I layine I the corndr O.tL Victorfit and, Ontario ��:. . � � L . I I I � . . : . . .. . L . . . ... - listers and , I . I . . . . .. .1 . L _ �� I , , .. I . . ... � I .'feel. proud'. I.. .. I . . I met :hI`the Loiirlqb6ro L Methodist' stl-6., ts. .A. ban -king office will* be eree:, � I �. . � . .. . . . I., . I. . . . L . . .. 11 .� . . . , - I . . . . �� . 1. , " I � � I .. .. . . .1 . L � . I., �.L .. . I .. . ... . -6d, oil the. colm.or, . itud ,in the� rear of �7 . I . . , . . �. L . . . I . . 110 NV - 'BEST - -TO � HEAt. � YOUA . 6huroll. -on Tuesdity�,. Sept - 1, to,arrange i i; � . . . r I I I . . . - � . . � : .1 AO.Nli�,Si-Thls I.% it - question -)f grea . t . for the* Mission,try dild Eduuatioiiv�l . ':ihiq a suite of offices; Fa6hig'Vict6ria : - - I.. �. � . UdL. N L � :L ., . . . . . , . - . rkon.:,the district, audLto discuss street will be it - la,rgo.:stdre, whichAlp , ' . � :* L . . . . . . . I .1 L � L. . .. L I ... . . .. . I . . . , , � . I � . importance to.every licnigeholder, and I wo (Ion . L r_-,* . . .� . I . . .. . . , manl�, �tre *the ..,%vays and- jileang ern- . the si)ecidl evii.iigel�istio'caiiipaigii,t-o'be :1 abewill occup:y. himselfas adrug . I :� �V._ , . . ___�� .. , , I . .0 . . � . . .4tore - This willbq. qquip ed with the . : . -, " �;,_ I : 1A � . , . - *.. . . inaugurated diii-ing the month,of0c � . N . . � .. . . L.; . . . . . .ployva, Varying- from the.prililitive .1 . tober in.- connection' with the . iliost modern ilnd'up-to-tfite fixtures. . . : I 1. - - ." . .1. . ... . 1. ., : . I . . . ... .Bi-cen- auLd C � . fire place, or W00dLstoVe to the muderni . ' , . ,00p_ , _, . I I - .� :1 . . w- . I 4 . . . 1. 4 . L . I . I . : tenary of Metho'dism. It Another store, betweeittli-is I L . .. . . . . 11 :steam or hot Witter ari )arat Was unani- IL . . P - -* - .. L 1. N I - I ; I . . , 1 . . I I . . . I . - us. Many 6rIs bookstore., will b6 built'to.rent. . .--,- - I I . . . . � . . . — . .houses are.. fairly: well heated by hot niously resolved, as in instruction to . is rumored tliat the Sovereign Bank. ..' . � � . . . I 1 . I I 0 C . . �. . . . I - . .- . �. . . air fu'ruaces, but 06�e axe-bbieflZ used the inembeig of the district, that the J -t L I.. , . . I .. I . b0causp of the seetning- economy in , adjacent -churches 6f the district inito I is fie,f,otlathig for thebanking.0156e, ,., � �,'.. W7 ' . �..% .. I . .. .. , ( .r I . ­. . I . . I.. I p . . � firstcosb; .but thts.itoparent economy Ili special itevi�,al efforts. � 1 In the evell- AIr IN. cKenzie informs us that he will � ,­ '. . - I .. 11 - 1L__ . . . � ... . . . I—, . ... � � . . . . I ations at :. I , 1. .. .... I . .. . . I ii�lg addresses were delivered;by Revs . conamence'buti'd Ing oper, bnce . � . : . . . ,Is Misleading, 'as where estimat6s and . . . 11 I . . .1 . . , . . .observations are made to c'over a Lorin i 1) an I . pation -this: winter. Mr:McKenzic is .-' �:' ' Can , ta'SUR'.of Clothes here th - I .. .. . I. dsity, twenty years, bilell the.iesults I -dre8v§j Dr. Capk, of Clinton, conduct. L . . 10 .11, . 11 , � . . ,, r. Daniels, '11; Gxabain . 4,X An�- and will have it Ili readiness, for occil,_ .1 . I . L . iis week 1.11 . . I . ay. .the more last-, Ing -the musical' portion of the -service, to, be. congratulated ,on getting this. , . -Kf6r,411-6 At is to $'.', This 'is i .' . I a1w, S sl low in favor 9f: while. Revs Green, Xen . nody, Allen contract, as,, there is some pretty fine' . �. I .. I . " ,Worlh, frorn:44, � 5 . . � . Ing hot *a;ier apparatus, 'both its to I . f ;why jhey� Cran, -'\ . have. Forty -Seven . . . . cost.of 116pparatusand fuel, and comfort � abd some la loll n the dis - work 'to be done thoreon. The Combo, . d6 it.' '.� e ,. I I . � __ iels, chairman 4 - - I)Iock is* what the. town' has been look- ' .S U. - Clothes that we w ant to . clea'r. , * . eft4slon. -1 -tile . ft� of Boys . . derived.. Twd of'our town residences DVID, ntoblc part I A . , n, ' 1. . � I .1 I I. . . I . � I . % ttiose of Mrs Sas Fair, sr,,'aiid 0. 0. - f . I . . . � 'o I in d,juble q'Oick order School is just start , i , Distria preMded. . ,.. . ' - � . I g1or �ince the fite,'" the, old lot IS' � , u 'Ranbe, haye just, bden.fibted'up With . .. I .. � . . atpre§entaneyesure., - .. . I - . . . " . .. I ' ' . . � I . .. I I I I . , I " . . . . .. . I I , � TRU - v tR8,p --SEj?TD1 MBER V ED D ing and we thought this would be � good Air6e . ..is ino eril o wa. or a .. .tils, in- - BAND06xcj,i-AT AS UUCESS-As tlice' - - . . - - . I alle . -, t e' on on' e I I n DING, -The prospects for a, number of day. opiffled oil Thursday Inst, the date'. ' . to do it� . There 1� not one in� ihe lot'worth less, ; . I., ,..��., I ... entilatin o.j of London,, - IIC, Clibton'brides looks bright for this set for'tho'band concert t d in I I - . �. I lie of in terest . month. The' first to become one -was M('4qe'$4.60*and soM615. We . ivIlich e "' k it"wili � . . o be lie] . - . . the pih-k," it wqp none too promisin � , ' than $4,so "' , . . .9f . our readers to. describe. The boiler or. IVIiss Vina. Woodyard, & niece nf jas. but towar,ds evellitif tile skybad clear.- . - hcd,ve made uo our mindsiolreduce ther,)umber ' .' " . . heater consists of hollow ca§ iron see- - Mair, of town, at whose residence the ed off and a nice ba my br czeal ' 1�_ . . , , -iout!4ideappeat�iiice.x-eseiii- 0ere I 0 ming ; take .this' way to clear . , . .Illony, took place oil Weolne§day. :ill), Making -it an ideal. evening foran � of lines we . a . - I � � . tions,'it'nol ii . , . ,c rry, an'd bles the hotair furnhoie, the ff,,nite and Aliss Woodyard tins beim ono of tho I op(mair vrfarivaneo.'.,Theb . .the surplus. . . . �, . �. .. I . I I and evid, . . . . I I Doing similar. Ra iat(ir,4.,of . Successful inachine operators at the ently di( not- 1piow it, bad so inany . I � 1. . . " . . ­ . ash pit, I I . . P 1. .. '' ,. I ., I � . I I . . ornamental dbs ' I' ato placed Ili edch Jackson '10g. Oo, fox, UA past throe friends, for the town WAS well 1,06pre. . Fort y -Seven Suits of boys, oloilleg, made from all wool fancy � ., . .. I � . � 1�ni _ to- - part seiiied and nially front the country for - ' . . tweeaLl, also plaln.flalifax Tweeas,many of tbord. ibet fawous ,, . . . . ofthe rooms to.,be heatea; these tire. year,sr,'wbich firm ,wits loath .. . . � . - rooln, an withher. Their il�ppreciatioii and the, miles around dro'we Ili. By nine o'6 - lock . . "Lion , - �__. . � .in size to sult cach � Bran.&P, well madesna, lined thi.ough-out, regular $4 1 ��111101111V,I,d 0 , , , . I it, 11 o, of h6iting sinUce being ro,spaet shk�.- Nvas held in by lier. associ- ()(Apeopleliaa tissedbli-rouqhtliegate, � to 65� On' Sale Saturday at your oheice ....... I t.. S..... - . . .1 I : 1. . tcr' tile cullie apea � ates in the fae'tory Was' exeinplifled on making the ,if -air in � . . .. � t.15 . I I hiadol in proporl,ion '. �11 twquied '9110c6sS .. �, �. .. . . I '. I I . ' Tutisday eve, w io . I . . - . of the sev#--r,,tlrc)oiii.q,-'Floivitn(l,retiiriI I 'n she viAs inade the - I I -.1. . I I I . . i . 'I financially. Tile miusic of the hand - I . . . . I . I I . . . . I .pipe's live .� tli6ft - run froM the, boiler, reciplent, of It, beautiful clock anil a fully satisfied'the people; so' inuell so -, 80 I "Its ­$1 05 , . . � .. I . I I I I � . branching 'to each,tailfator, tile flow berry spoonr Ur W. - Pierson, of Sea- that we have not heavil ane complaint, .3's "Co. 61W. � I .. ' 11 ` .1 . .. . ' ' . ­ . . . I � I -on off *oili top of 116il- forth; Was the gentlenvini who got this . . . .. ' ' . .. .I.. . . � I pilles bding fit], As each piece was played there w%s . I .Does �our boy need. a I . . . ,� I er, tile roturms (s,iltel'.11*(�at6l',I)I.ovi(le(I oung lady as his botter lialf, After UtoPe or'less applause tendered them j . . WWI W6 ean fit This,completes 'hey wero married. th ev de , ` I , 11 . at *bottom of boiler. r parted on and two or three of the numbers haa h ith a good one f6rone, d.ollar and Tvvent I . the 6irculatio tbroughout the �'Ilfire the 3.23 for the abov� place, where to be playedtover again, To des� ilate Y, - I . systoln. Thollboilet. is oneased Ili as. will ticke ill) lloll'sokooerng i'A- which 6f the two bands playe� ,tile r41im,vei16e'tWto,- Less t4n twenty, of them to sell.. . . I . . � . bestos:plastell, this.,plasterbeiiikitp. =atcly. May tli*�I)69t, Ilelle,sS � best, we lem,e tjjj�t for inove ej Illpetent I . . . ,_ . . . . . ., I . � I . I . I I . plied to, inetalli� lath; which in turn is and happ�ne,6,4 go with them. ., ,ndf t tile Hens) -band Boyh, 6ad doats ry.nae from airongall wcol Tweag,weii "made - . . . . j ve. . . �, q to state'-bli all I e - f4o Illacedas to loavo it cletivance ov all, ­- . . . . bait notlilng to be ashamed of Ili the . I . and lined, asserted si:?ee, regular . $1.75 and $2, oo, choice t 25�, : , , , , sliAN, between , the boiler and casing', P-til",�4i3yi,i�,it�7-ml",Io"rING�-'.tlie I.6- elh.9s of Illusic tho� Pitt ill.) that ?light.. .of this lol". ­;. i; , . � ......... ­'..'. - .... 1. 1. � �. O..... I .... #.. $25". . . . � . I All flie -flow and return pipes and , gular'quartprly session of tile Pi6sby- At tbe close oftho prograin both I lauds I . . � 4 1 . . .. . . . . ' . : ' .. I., I blanchos are elleased Ili Specially pre tery was lie d in Wflliq church on played together, producing a ininiatitre I 13riong your boy U early Saturday,: or bis, . . , I - . * i I. . . pared Wool felt. covering, -,tit Of ivilich Ttic.,Aay, commencing. at 10;30. A eftiilet of the volume of junsic kmder:- - VZO m be gone before you come, � . . is flnislitI(I in whito and pl-eselit. I aLion of ministers and �ed by the I'll, er bands of out- effles. , &Y . . . . I . ., I . 8 It vMly ood represcifit, .1 neat. , pearapee. 'I'll(,, ve-opony in (q,vlvgatvs wa,q present, and the regular T6 show tile Ifensall band how their I I 11 , . . . . . " I � . fuel 61!11ved - fl-oln this covering of the, routine work proceeded With, 11(!V qervicos ivere appreciated, *%V,- 11, . . . k boiler and pipilig'. Will be 11�)parecit to , Art! Davi(ison, Varna, was elected Mod. . caps -Rad 8toelillqgps� 1, I . ,,�� ,­'�!L'9 . Newconibe had his. millinery V00111 . . I 1. ,�C­jq?.� All, ThOrafliatoll.4 jili0filij.41 I(A. ill eoP I ern till, for the Current six inontlist and aj)ove thestope, tju,jI(,d into It baliquet. I , . . . I � . ors inharniony with the general fill,. ItIv All, 1-11111111tollI convenor of the Ing 1%jI, wll(�I,e, it feast. had been . Bring your boy, here for school Caps and . . . nishings of the room,and inalwqUite I ollid missionq Committee for tho cur- spread,' an(l. to tills, plaeo they irMted J 11 .Inds with Vivirfriends., "I'llev - ' � I attrnetiveas well as,ugefill orninnentli* . rent yetir, James Footo, ii; stu4pnt,- !Ioth 1). . .and 8to4ings.:'We ca 'fit them out with both ard I . . � Atv V an wi . has, !I I addition, p1need in Whose liollio is at'llrucelleld, reecived ocre looked aft(Il"Ir011e I,id,v (4m. of I . I I � 11 � k4 " t] e'cO St. to YOU01 not be much, , . I � 1111144 boalitiful cottilgo almther luxury the, approbation .of tllo� 11'res,bywry, illp"qt6l'o, Mnq 11\(1`wVojIIbv,' and Mrs . . \ , . ,�. I . � I ! and c-oulfolt, - in the shapti of botanil . and was ordorwl to be cortified at trio Areffito. M(m. all had llvartil,.� entell . . . . Boys, SC11001 4"APSo TIVOdS Alld Ill . .. I � � eold water flxhigs, these being So ,Xr- Pvc.�Uytvrlan College, MontivA. Res.. of Lho U-niptinix'viand-4, Will MeLVOd'. � � . rityl-e(I that Ole Inay Ile volnlvct(�d. olutions touching oil the dvatll of Rev who 1)(I(Ids no intro(Illetion w4a chair. I . I CIOWIVQ�JS alt'd 25e. - - .- ql!A� . � witri vitllvr the T: . 1 . I . i dtellen Taligo or t he I Musgrove, alld the reilloval of Rev ImIll jjll(�(l wit.11 Illirth, vallvd fot-th 11, . .0 I � I . .. I I � hoating i1pparatuH, 'I's (108hyd.'_ Ali I liendei-sonfrom 06,411xv8bytovy, were � 1-ight, .111d left f.61, Hiweelles, and t hey 4 � . F038 SeI10,01 StO(ld"98, licavy ribbeds I I vlogant bathromll - lias. bokIll 111ted 111), I passed Rev '141, 81law 1.�wvi�vil tbo . lv"vro Inally and "quey, it ft or All 11,14 . I . I and watdIS'ta?I&4 ill ille-bo4roollis, livirc. ailpoilitilient, .18 trocisilrer, The coll- fillishol ill ilii�q lilve, thell tho'clitil I.' ,I I . I fast dye� 25C. I . . ing I'lle cotinge oll(voftheillowtup-t I,V(�llol,.,ioftll(,S(�v(�r.tl,gt,iii(Illig(.ohiillit- I i -'Ill I 1. . . � . 1. I . I . . # Inall ('11tvilabled Ole rviqt by sing I �,YI.1%04.0.0111101 . "I'll.0110%.$,�P"01"1..11?1�.91.v..Pl.i.",�10%"Ctvllft,v"o�t".#.�O.N.,k-14.14,K�.0 . lol.01"00,04.1%.'s . 85 ( I , - .(lilt (I,r(�sldolem ill town - The ]loll." Is teeq ari, ils foll6w.4 -� Ifollm Arissions, olle of Ills b(Ist conlediv (�' I � . Ili ted 111) with Velitilat illg 1,11 )(I4 from Bev 1111111iltoll, ChIlro"ll Ufv and Work, , 118)jp Ilatl I i1fild I . evllal- to, garret, Apparontly t, loso I Rev Hiliall. Habbath 801oohs, Rev I . "al Nlad 1". A livally , . . . . ' . i_ . I I . . I I . . A I I I I I I . - I ce Vi is I I I I I I I � I I I I I .I. I I I , 4 I , I 9 I 1 4 . I , I t1l I . Ite. ,I Vote of 01:1111,!.�, w(w telidere(I tbe I Iell- 1 11 . 'llpt, liev twoto I hell sell t. oil . fixings �yould- eo.A inore than o inal. I LCID111111', Vivan(T, DV- HtVWAVt; h 8:111 IMP4, Injol t I jority of oill, townspo I . ,0,"'en v , Bros., . ,oplil would earO ' of 19(udent,4. Dr. ,UcLoaji, Chi-iNtlan theirwayllonle 1'ejoicing, 'Tho band Hod S I about expelloling., but We feet sure that I Huldeavor, IfevAbirtill., Alignpentatforl, I officials de�siry lis to express their &�ep , 49 � . I thetiaving oil fuel and doctol.,6 Mlls , 10VI'lletcher, Foreign Alissions'Rev appreciation tu tile pulffle for till-niliff . . I Successors to i1ficksoll Bros. , � ", , will moro thim pay Lim interest, on the I 8ktw0j1N,- (,'0jIfej`(!jIC(1, ItOV I)aVidsoll, I . '. ­1�1, 1. "�_ . , . , - - I out so largely and Inaking tile atTail. it . �'... , - , ­ "I 1, . � .�, 1 1 I inolloy Involved, and will make it it Tile next Illeetilvill be held at Clin. 1 Nnecess, thus assisting flicAll to lightell I 11 .... . ... �� I 11.11 "I - .11, "I I 1- ----.1.1- -00,01 r .12i 4 'I very r4atisfactory Investmefit, I ton oil Tuesdity, ov. 10th. the debt. I IWJPV _'9W - -7 1 - - —, , ­ - I �_� , � .'- , - ­_ _ . � I I I . I . . I I I I 11 1� I I . . - I � I I , , I . . ,O V * I C, . I - �.., ­.", I I 1. ­� F - - I", ,,N,,�rA.i6_,.NW%&..iA& V. " . .,.,. lw, " &_,"d6_1ffl­ - _�­ imiww 1010 -11 L . . , , '_ - I . iismonjiA%A�hig"�_