HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-08-28, Page 8- * I -- ---r-1 - - � Fqpwl` �.� 7- "77-11tor9p— --.,.
. . , '. rTw- "T.pr",Fp,VR-T,!V,Nw�-311!r.w"w�71,� - - - , IV, -,q
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1. .- !!94,11 .S... - -1----1-�!,-- - . I ... , � I I. . I .1 . . -1 .. . I I - . . . 0 1.
- . - . .. �. I I a I '. .
t . I— -- . I 10. . I 111. , , . .. VWX OLMIWX NXW $11
.. . I I - .A
. � , lm- RA !V110- 1-:.1.;-- 1.1-1-11-. I :; :,,::,: ;1:10m; I I - , .. � ,- .1. . � � I , *13814 ask I"#
-- - I . I � I - 7, 1 1 . I ".=,N.:�1111 �Iipllii -- 1 14,
., . I .1 . 1-1 I . I I �— . -1 I I I I — I � - :11, IZ10,011114— I—— 41. , �
I � . �. . ... - � jZ..,..- -;,-----. --: —�- - mfflr. LO$TA BROTURR-Mloo GrahAwt. WILL COMMONOR SATURDAY.- -1 - . . . .. - . 1� I -0 � I I
I �r, I. ..i - - I Was cidled to H tm-it,11 last jil,rititt --- I
I I . 1:1.1.1 I.. I - 1% , �c - tobems,de .. 71--- ---411 -1011
. ��. � '"'HIM:44"!* Y, on , The first shipment of apples
n�7 1 = N mg## I 11 .1 I I ... .� .... - I I . � . ;I . �. il., - 4111- -
p I . I I WN , , account of the serio condition of her I
W "14 .. - . -brother, who had" , from this section will out Saturday . -1
. , --- been taken, ill on , for Gjjwgow, D. Can ton is the A.i. 0 .
. .11 — ===-11,1111 I ..�--=== I 9� Sch I ,.. I
1. , We4ne6d%y with poe%mor.14 , 1. Supplies
. � ; 0140 just 'Porter of them,and of tile wealth � I I 1�1 ,
, . y. yar. 0, lk , I
I IMIDAY, AUGUST 1�.3� JOW. . � got there a few hours Wfore her Aetyof Ap e. fdost .of them W"ere
''I . . rothexOs death, which tookplaceAt grown on I
� I ,
I . . . . ^ lao , 1 ;``;;,,=.; �.7�� W -- I 41W Parran's farm "Athel- I I We in Ate you to bring your needs
. � � : V1 -all 1903 1 ; 12 o'clock Friday night, We sympa, cote," and are it choice speolmen of the I
. I
I I I � . . . � tit.�su with hex., in, her josot weal by apple. , -, *4111 to us, and have
, . I yxonu 0ams. I . I for School ope "
I , I 91
� . I .1 I .- I . - 1:11 �i , .1 I'll, I I. �. 1 �10 1 . I TI-IKVIOTIUV�,NrIDENrL-Ziuisir.1' DO NOT CONTAIN MUCH SILVErt. theM si,atistj - We 01 . W kto be able
I I . I TA13OR PAY, -Another holiday is , -The Indjana,polis Sentinel states that .-,,Tb6 country is flooded with twenty , ed, ai
I � . ' tit hand, and will go by ,without ally after it B! �
. , ,i Four switchman had fallen cent pieces from Newfoundiancl,,says a
t:ffort on the part of our citizens to. ! from the s ep of it car to thb rails. and Toroutor�ofll to, do so to your advantage in al
� � FIRST S 11 0 W OF FALL If ATSO I -I colebr4tion and keep our pf ople " Ills head went beneatb the wheels. L cial, and it is only fair to I I I the
I - . hay- � .
, . . tne public to olut out that they are
. .... . I I ath ineand spend tboirmono� Intown. The man wits drawri. out borribly onl3i worth p apiece. essenti Is as w
1. . .1 Hex a Is where tile town. is a I I . six or seven cents I a . , ell as the many conveo- *
, . oser by a lutingled but still conscioulp. Dr B,)as- That is the actual value o 6 . L .
I �. New Ready to Wea f the -silver S ill
� . r Hats for Fall, .Are ars in the course of a it IeYt,lb former resident of this town, but Ju them, remember. In. Newfountilaild sr fa-�rorably
, I . �, . goodmany doll�
, .
I . I I . year from not so doing. Single fare PQ%V of that city, is c rediteawit4 hav- they pass for 20 cents value, and are re� I . w .
. I, , here. They are a for'eta.st rates are being bfUred on G. 11. - It. to Ing Ain evOn chance of pullitig his pat. deemable for that aluounp, but they . . " 11,
L te � of * the doming
. � , all points, -picnicking .at Bayfield will lent thioUgh. ,ire not legal t anada. and for , strilke you in their variety, �
? � I ' likely Oe in order,aud the bowlers will . I I , ender In 0, I cibly I .
. .
I'—- . season s fashions and will give you , idea of enjoy themselves byentertainj I -1, LRASRD THE i[�LEVATOR-Tbe. AGOOD THING -On Friday last their valu' 9,n
. I .
,.1. .1 I . I from GmIerle """"I ' HOdd &' Cullen Milling' Co., Ltd., Of Thos. Muipity wits the recipi�nt of .1 I . e d general attraptiveness.
. h, 803forth. and Wood- - , .
-,�. the Millinery styles f ar Fall. Latest Ngw stock. With this tile green Will be the i Stratford, have leased for a, term of chetlue fox$ $80,53 from A, Ho
) �. �; . . opfoi-, "if, Leather bags, ulers, ' p'
0",� : livilestplace in, tile town, alld.lf our I five years the grain elevator 6f Rich, result of a sick benefit cla' slates, r ads'pens,
. take po session Sept. 1. seventeen weeks under pneunlo,
11*'. I clitizens wish to witness it gocO day's , Irwin, and I till over 2
I I York shapes, correct in every particular. sport,and it rontintion 'flu.", Avill 1311Y all ldin(U of grain, and ; which Mr Muiphy ic Ila, Penc*ls, svouges, 'etc., are as. good a's we
� . s rotind of joVI-ti- , ontracte.d last 1
, . jhly tot) ilj�u,'
. I
j:-. . . I ty, they had better pa�ss the dav;tt, Ow li6t Privos NN'". G. ,Smith, I February. lie also received � .
� .
I .. I
� �. green. I
.. . I . . I , I 'Is bo""ht grain ou tile (I'lintOn the 0. 0 F Lodge, o th , 'O' ('
Come in and see them, . . 1%�11011 f r - e ain*e pe'rriond w how to buy,. to sell at -the prioe
i. ". . 11larket for ��en
I'� I � I I . . . ars, all() who is of illness. You do not k -Vhen .
p . I CHANGES. HANDS Potor .Majt- well known -to %heye . . � now, ) I
� -,. whole farming . illness. or accident" may Occur, but you we .'
.. � laud, who canto to tow fl fro - 14% Gvorgs ,� community, has been engaged to . ask, while the standa'i d .text books
: I I � . btly, do know where tt�o toget 'in accident . . I .
. I and ptir6hasod tho.stoek mid good -%Vill, for theni, . . 1, . and 11041th 1)01i"�' that Youniaybe
- . . . -
, I .
� '
I .., I . .of the Oglo Coo -j".1. Co gro�vi-.;, will I I . ready wheii uIi,,,b,'tl) ,olnes your way. . are sold at the regular fixed 1)ri i3s. We � I . �
.� I bm%d relinquish his C91131 *tk), this business I ANOT11B,R RliNSAW VICTIM - , . . . c
I - about Sept 10th, and return I I .
,or -e since Mil . racti goods,and ��
naulana aua hkis gan vactory: 8 tile latest vlobim. (if tile NY 141","'ENERS.-As an .
I I Alal0k School Bells . Ge ,, , to 9t I Chas. Moore, i an elopl9yeeat theOr- HAS `iTA � do our best to 1ave att' ve
- � � .
. . I
. .
. .
i , I 11
I family oamb to town they have inade rip sitiv at that institution. He was ffiducomentto.attri,.� Ujorecustoin, as reasonable prices - I
k I . . many i;rleli& who are sorry to hear of sawing a board as Usual, and in reach.: well as to entertalik his regutir ones I I '.. . I .
I wili Sato" . .1118 inteutled depal ure. Thenextc,tt- in-g,forthe plece',-ApZ oil!, d!dnot. while enjoying, the livaceful repose of . � .
.�- - . I , , aV( ' . If you doiA know us in ihio Way, coine � and find . -
� r . erer to oc! . .first class 'grocvr3i notice lie was so close o the revolving. ash -�ol).4.tttii,dit�,i,venings.l'onsor.. �
. . stand will N. -,,- -Z" son'than. Mr saw, kind * * Jal ArtistINInnro k�,v ,,j it q us out, with your school. Sup�ly purchase., .
��, ss it per. I in consequence had the � rainaphoue, I .
0 1 Reuben Gi-ii,li,im,,%Ylioretit,esfi,oiri hotel thumb and first'two fingex,s nearly on the buzi all rho time, Pouring I . .
� . AM
'I', . %;Re Ringing, .,. life,onTuesdaynoit.'' M*e congrai severed, as it is they tire badly lacer- forth Tnplo(lious stra ills of 10 the littest ' I
� late I:teubon on his- new venture and ated -the second finger banging b�. Pi'"es PlaY(A by bi'll-I ingtgnments or
�. hot.ie the success which NN,,ts his In liotL)i * tile ' . 4 �
. . . skin. . . . . nee The'W., OD F' AIR CO
re I � SAM i1iyisi`de�iee-- lle ll't'! it good'"'(11" . 0 411
III(,, 11,111 still . inaft) with him, in the � bot nd outside . I
11, . his shop, its .1 .
The Black Cag grocery''business. -, I I . � MARRIED -Tho wedding is an- wellas being listened to -witlj pleasure , ------ , - I . I
. , . . . . UOlIUccd ill'NOW York city of Dr, J. � by those on th.? streets, . I . .1 WX . ,
. . , , I . . I . I . � . . � . V4" � .. 1. -' ,' . � � I .- .. � . ..� I I'll. 1.
.1 &C -1. D, Mott. Holuies, son of Rev ,,I. AV. - ' I I . *" . I , ,
k 0114AMPION L I' . . -.1
., ROSSE AIATOT . . " .1 . ; I
.. Is Rearly 4910 . , - , -Theseuit final litcrosse lilatellbeti-ween Holines, of Goree, and brother -.of Dr. APPLE PROSPECTS BRIOHM-A. T! . -!! . 11 . -- I -- I - I I .
I , Kineardine. and Clinton btratheopas 0 Ernest Holmes, of Clinton, to Miss ' 90" ,�
, . . � . - . report On the world's Rpj)le crop of 1003 - I � . 00904, 1 isesese"
. � , . ,
� , , I "All layed oil Friday, Aug 28th. EtbPl M Walker. The bride, who is a had just� been issued by the Boston . , , . . ,
11 .. ici,U'111�11L)ind blls.tfastagqi,eqqt1o,n,hnv- $!,,tee of L, ,T. Walker, . nialiager of. Chamber W Commerce. . It shows .
1. . I.V Ing')VOU tile championship of, th( , �adstreet's, London, has been a resi-' Great Britain short of 411, notablyap- . -
. BLACK CAT BRAND effUn'-ITAN �N,Toth- - I . .
.1'. Me ap : Is , . ern district, and ;Vill Play :tit(- fastest . IntLof New York for some time. Dr. ples, Hurue is, �enerally short of ap- . .
CHICAGO -ROCKFORD a I . 91 eAVYL I I ghterSalle ,�
HOSIERY COMPANY I I lacrosse and Mrs Hol ' . L
I ayed in mes will.reside ii� New flIes , but wi ]I.% ho
' I KENOSEIA, WIS. . �een plz 01intoa for crop of Va�lejj- .1 I I . � �
;L . . ..
. . .. I . L Yea.1% Theyareriunnin�aq -o'kmirsion Y wherethey Will havethobest cia oranges and Altnerlk'gr, New . .1,
I , 01 I
� . . . . I I . L L bcompany ' friends. I 0. -have a . I . ,or .. 1.
: L .. . . . . holi- wixk-eli of a Intig of England, in the aggto'kate,
A . . from the town 16 being heir civic , I , . T1191 L . won IIIIIIIIIIIIII .
I . . (lay. This- is the first f1me, Clinton ever * I . ile'-Y generous. crop, * New -Yo k state . j . . . . . . . I ...
"I',.' School bells will be ringing again. nekt weqk L J won out 1:0 the semi,finals, andthe town BAND CONOB RTTHJS EVS NING, reports plenty: of 4PP16s, the'v middle 1. � .
'. ' . - , " ,
I -ird hoi Is an4 girl III h4 gettin I -m:-Dorilt forget tb 6 -open air band con- We�t only fair,the fttr West verNi heav . ' .
: , 11 R W g back- to school. is expect(d to CIO their part. 117o have L * "
, . I e cort this ev y.. Seasonabe.,�180.ot
�� . Very reason to believe .that the stores . . ehing, Thursday. � Your 0anadnalso prox-hises .quite At fAir yield. L I W a %,r ," - I
, '
, , - I,,' -)*s Ot tht-- , ,.0 i4i wal ting nf�w stlickings. I 'The and Ille factory'will close fron, threeto presepee will be - appreciated at� the The quaiity average is .good.� , . . . I .. . . .. . . .
I pa-ki,and Willi show Your interest'In T -- - . .. . . . � I . I L . . . . . I
-1 Bix o'clock. Gairie to called iitt 3.30. . . . Slit . I
I. Bkok Cat i6 i.;ad, ,,taJ b, -.re with a big 6to'ck of .this be . .
�., - . . � I I quni- � . . . . . I .This week*,we cotmilence a ghter Sale of all Summer'.
�', famous . . . . I Adin iss!lon, g'eilts �r.)c, ladles 150, the sustenance of.our town's only, . A NOVEL WINDOW '11i . �
ago. . . . . I I 11 . .. I . nei all, L ' 4 .-An 111-9ig Goods. We -have' had an excellent Trade - of Spring I
(I' LL Can Solne' .1 .
i'. Make of SoLool Stocki . .. � .. .. . .. .� . ... -meraninsei nt,.ag6od' band, which' iiitoasprtsm 8 para tee - . L I �
,,, . MADE IN CANADA -The -wetter webave ()n thevay ,at the ent I . . and, Summer F botwear and we are npw.. willing to Sao- � * .
, . Ile what be.imagined from -the beautiful : ' - rifice without anyprofit -what we have left, its we -must I .
. I
, L
Black Cat 81,oCkings ara. -6e Stocking for - sPelit It few (lays Ili Goderich during tlm6- - Reniall's. brass Iyand 'wils, be di I hillitidu in Hodgetis Bros' I . keep'our Stock Up -to -Date. -We Ijav' 1
. .
1� OVery bard weari glVJLig t(ervice, and sati�faction 88 L the past -weelc; Where ho had tho. op-. pi-esenti and therewill.be one eontin-. 1sp ay on ek �
i . . . . . e paced on our.
ill . . . � .:'L . Vf)0j"tljlIjtk of.' witnesSing clothing -store window. . The elegant- . Bargtiinlittcks,�18 rs, of Childrens:Oxfords, sizes 5to I% .
. .
I Do otht-r stoukingi do. Th6y -are kn .h a c6uple of ,`OUs prograill of music 'thr6ughoat ' izes *on by. Mp 3 R Hovek -are Coll- . ,� whi6h we sold at $ .00, Sonie of . thei3a were , $1.25 All 'L .
L�� - . . . . .0 . M , " . , f. I
, . I I . - .. .
P-",' -a I)il.(I§ and"'P ' goin 'x one -price, only 05c, they. are elleapi and � I I .
: L �.. , Qn. the grounds"at'i-sinall fee,'6n(1 . I t
� , . itted jtiqt riAt n4t, 1--orToons. 41111sets fl, has over the evening.. Refreshments can be had ffined therein besides inanY stuffed
�1. I�H h,' grealwat stren'rit ; V t ") 8ft,"d-11' Poi.,Itsv and. ll"" ht, i;:leasilre. t6 gaze upoij. 'Afitily'l" reser now.
, � �
, . e * be stmit ved boad - . -a few days � itt price. " I
'.� - � 1, , , � i� i 1*1 i.. th .�� ords tit [Inxise Litill, N%re lical. I V0117 Pleasurable - I I itll cleared outjn L ' . this
. .9; Of 'ITi's I I sbou d be, . .
I 1* 4veg that sttt , I' 11 - ji " �' -ti, PC' 4 ItI ortilieb6litiful -;Ilk for a small still). � I i rmils that have 'fallen a- .victilly t. , . . . .
. dyed , ith -411.��,. nc:hver F9 . I I evening call %
. . )wts of Naples, the . I I � ' 0 a . , -ire cheap. �. :. L . L I..
''I 9 � f� � . i - . . . . L� . . . 1% I Coille.aild see them, they, . . . L
. �. '1(zrieS 0 nay. . I I . ,L . . . .. I
I come Off. D.),iblo Knees. D.). �'Y. . I i. �.ols, 0 fi,b,k , . ," - Oic Alji�i, and the lwall* . L ,M,tt )Over of the, gim Theve !tire ill, . . I . . .., .. I I 1. � . I
. . h7 , - er plaues cvlobj,,ttc(j in ojlK the C trAc . . I. I .
. .L . I .. , , . ties -TP TO DATE !--Th ''bitnd Other fit L , tive artiolos -Pliteed there I
Soles. Bu i i . ;�1**i')',;h* T that WIJIL S�'i� 6ur Men'tfHarvesp. Shoes -at -goo gley are-ft.6eg3jid. I ..
It to - weas-. . . L I . . , L L , aid 0110 . . . . . . .
- , -1 . : . .�Jj I g,jol L , of olintoll has eng;iged W., Fraiici� . -nd Btittoiled go.)ts orth$,�).25,. goiq:at%$� 50-, 1
', .. . . I . ;. I. L . . . I . "M I ) ; j'ijtsUre S('(�k.erS it . . e, 0111 ee in fiii-o�ing soine c )uT I Lkd4v Lnead � .
11 . '". , )e trotters, --ttle I . , W
, a,. CI.L ' L' . , r.US-1-v:l"li7,6L't'1l1l' t 0 Jilada, 6mia6fit 'baefone and�colnposer, ception of the pldasur,�thil? is: got -.011t . . . . . . fig at $2 00 ' ' L L� . L
.!2 25c, 35c. .. .1 imt 11611"L""; o � . . I L . Meri'a Kid G00re, iv6rth $3.00 go] . . ... '. , .'. I
! ,4t�c,a 'pair." - .. a�A 8 --noiner Eaton, ofBbs . of.thiSL.kind ofr6creat,ion. ,. : - . i'' ' ' '
I . I 1. I . . . . offei-sisconqy of. 41 it 6-st every deserip- . IT I Q�,j.,on,t,,,t'On,L Ai.ner; I .1 . . ... . 1. ... % . . . � L2 . I ChildreiV$ Butfoded Boot9. worth,81.00 fo� 75�. I.. � . L . I .: .
, . . . . - .3 r es t , L :. I I . . I I I ,
- -
s 11 . L I . . tiorf, be it of land, ol! wn,t6r, mountain, ..L. 6,6'. . . , L Lfor an oil- -(, . I � . . " .. . Sovural'othor iincs at sit%ugiltej prioeg to 010,r.. L �.. .. . . .
, I . . L . I . . e Te I ,r. W. W L - Th' .. � I - , ., I � . I . 11 . � .. .. I . .. . .1 . . I . .
I . � .. . torta .,.to be,held oil NN EXHIBITION . . ; I . . . . . ,..
�1. -1 . 'L . or river, 6unsets :or stiurisings, thit is I ; Miss FjQ diiekla;y I - e prize . . I ". . � - 11 . I I . . I . . - . I .
. � : I . I . . I . . . � . I d - - * , . I
� . .
I , +1 . . � I . .e e in , 0, . list for this fall ffif�, to be held in Gbd- L . .11 . . . I �. ... L L - . . , .
. . . I . rarely 'equalled and never surpassed. 11 ra - ra#i WO`ls, erich on Sej)t " 29-30,, hAs bee' � I . 11 . . .
L — . , I ' I .
7% & . .a- The''Old"ROI01.6 . . +
. . . . . ccompani4, .+w! I aligo, 1,11,3 socrefil , . I
�, . I . .. . WOUICILthat more of its hild'that truer . jy - n issixed. . `L ,. �1. . ' . . I . L. I # . L . . I I
. . . I . . � : It pear. ,r 1' thholdsthedistinction, will - be. glad to receive , . , . , W, L - . ' .. ' L .�
, L . . , , . I
�: � . . I ; . � I L. .. I al)pi-661atio14 ofour 1161.1thge :of -that P Vein one ;. - the names of * any ' persons to wjj6m . . It .
I , . I .. � . . . . L Chmadian; who'se. rejoin : . er . , to'.a re�.ji .oft 0 f6remoiqt baritoijes , . : — . I
I . .
,..! I %�j �,i " f, dent. of.Mv,ples (- s 0 - 6f tbd a Alvin been fop some tiale , copies miy. be' sent.' The- foll6jyj ' ' ,�. .., I Tay.lor':&' 89n. .. -'Clinton -. .
' '
- ',VJWMk . , flurtijk.r (Ilse t, * , �,- 11 nced "y t. . . . , ilg . . . . . . L . I ..
� fl- , ffectilall . . . . . .
dw wimi#wk 4 4� k � tr ,� , , ,i 3,0*%. . . . fy I specfal� .contribntiol)" have been re- � .L. . . .1 I . . I I . I . . � . . I I
. I;SF . I . f . . I ission The latt'61.,L in Coil leading 1) ,ito e at bbe fan)oUs Rbyal L:. B, 8 1. i. . 1, T--.;& go3d 7 roomed Cottage on oniario Sir ,.
� -I- . . � . � . . IV, - .- - atre, ,!San 'iti-lo," of Naples, Italy ce Lived ank - of' 001imlerre, silver LL .. . 1TO'9140 " . .. .. . I
L, I , ersation w t'll th0.L,()kLjl . The. . I .Eet. .
. . I I, , adbth, who'i was . . . . . . . . . I .. I . , I I . . - I I .
um ,
� U S . I 4-1 - . - L I . . , I � . � . ..
, i.,�"Jirjg in 1 -fitly, fiegan expiltiating. oil �-L )" "I, Ii. (I V. _ . - - - . .
1. . . I , % This entortoi me' t, will.. 1) tj)(, hrQt medal for person* takiing la�-est n
L � � � � i;i� "I *
� I , ' '0�0 ]"'aln,)' ft]:'L q,Lrandelli, o 'Jinton for -years, ai�d will,l Ff i I live- sLoek,,.S2--); D.mIc ()f .d`P0""-~*04"1"""Z&W06060a00*"W .
I., � I , ;,v A , . 9�1.' . , the Zee , given in C . prizest-in .. 11 � .., . ..
0, 4 . - If- deserv*ing*of a; n M,111&14�al, fo� , vp-* in dairl, (�Jas� . I., I
� 5s ` "'-; -Idk.,-. .,,hlef EX tf, Ci�. . : . - e.-y'('4f., tba -y. and finally ill his. , I h6USe'. - I 1 4 ".81f). '-- — . ,
''L 1� I--- I t coaf-t I . R 0. L L LJT"�.(, - "I , x , I . I L .1
�Z' . fli0it, (if 61-ato . I . . - .. . , kttrill; I .. . . � . . .. � -
I , I - . I I_ . , . ry and rwtoriv, pointed' ' . - ,- Vor, (101ts-'�r�ni eitl . . . . . - : '.L L . .. I . I I
I �, . ... . .. .. . . . . . .1 I � . .
I . �o fwk� , , . I.. . � . . . � I .
X.- - 1BLI; r,f'W..-' ' . . . - t � . , . � . . . I . - I
.M . L A . , d , ethwAte ' ' ' . 7 1 . I L . 1. .. . I I . 4- .
. .)SX110 wl�'fr`it('r Of Mt- � !us evOnt of, in t�re,-t . .to '. the :tI&wspa, . fo.j."COlbSsjr;d b.vhiSLL",I."il"i,"4�,�tall;( . . � I � I . �
&�:, I �' �, * . 1. W. I I . I"N THEM NEW BT.TftDlNQ�-AIj b i-4,6( -., '1!6m - $'IQ, �. j? o p -t 'el. ()f - - .
, l , . ns
, . . . .- �, o.,;U�v . I . I . ... . .
.. . . Pei . )II, .. . -- -- -- ,- — " I P"d R� .
� . � . . Wt- i 'aid theL*pwil(I f,Lqliall, W( Ad In 'L Tc' )rOnto last week Was the* $10; 'Lt, Col, Ott, v. - ` ' Ile. 1111111111111 . —
11 I - I L )
"- here is a Scho ":: I 11 �%,here.iji thu"Nvorld. can you firici such Occupation h y the News of their new � ' hol-ses, $10' MI.' L Toront6, saa( �. � , * . . .
. rrowi $.';;'R,. L r . . . . . . I . I �
. - . 11 - - . . . �
j I who thus. I ' G11 . .� I . ::i . - . .- I .." .. . . � :. .. . . I ��;
, nulding, .at *the curnerof'Yonge,ind HO e§ Rl?,- $5,;E.F. Andrews -fat, . . 1. .
,� I in C ol Opeiiing. Barpia 9'.- A'sight as yon fiery monster JUstice .
.� hildren's School Handkerchldfs�.� 60 � LL. or' ream lljsr—�111 . . , L (,it� ]In I I , .
� I 9�- "O, give 'is At rest " AL(lelAide stj"L'�ts". 1UL . . . . L . . .. .
'L ' ..that L ; Lake I-TuroiyiiiA, Mani- . '. . I ; ..:. I . .. . . I I . . . � I . L . . . ,. � . I � . . , . . .
. , .. . : - . . L 7: .. , . , . . - -4% I :
, -stitched, -cei We: I * said the Canadiall, '�ive have It fahs: Jate.�t �%ndlllosts4vicea'61e i&cfianicai toba -Milling Co.*, . 2 bbls. 'best flour, . . I . . . . . , wo... �
dozen here of heryi '. , The Imeon bogs, $5
. .
. m I over in out -coUlitry 'that ii,Ill bn '-it . e!lUipmentAii every -line hasbeen 'in_ V'LlUe. $�10'. 'Star Roller 'Mill, � 150 lbs, .. .. . 'L P�UBLIC S'CHQO� . . :, ,
. & : 'jj;jjj� , . t th. L . . . I ��
, 1. - Whole thing bia6k o' -Lni " stalled by the LNe - * - I . . I
'. I ha.ndkerchiefs that we bought �A L a b r- 1. .� . I ... . ut-i 11 two InIn tit ws, including a Hoe .best Pa';`tLry ifloiir,- Gotb�rjejl Gr a .., , . .
,,, - . . . � . ; . , , ..... nL.("O', . . I . . . . . .
I . 'tUPIP Press. This -is 'tb6..1a.rgds't PI §,6: Kensingiiln Fur- I . I . . I !11 . I . .
gain. It won't make rnUch'diff� . ;WN , valbe� I.. L , ,. 111H
� 11.4 , fie .. . .
I ren�e` if.'' . . : � FIG ]'1,8:A SVRPRTSE Tb6 ��. newspaper in-ess in Canada and it 11;js n1ano Chair, .� Value $0-.* . -, I I 11 � I
� .THE JTJR i 4 ture � . I I .
. � L . . . . ..
the children do loose their han - - fig0r0s, 6s filroished by -the Can,itlboi � a: capacity Or 48,OUQ 12 -page pit . . .. I . . � 4 . . -5� � � . .9 I
i� I dkerchiefs " Co., . jil . rd L iniero stand . . I ..
. . . � . . . L I
pers per - � . . .. - .. - . . � � .
I ,
. . .
. . . OOLD WORDS - Rmr John K. Fish- . L 1�
-lIlw'&*y autboeiles, -pho%jr that. hour, An ifivitatiOn' is extended toi G " ' . . . L . L�-
�, when you can get the Pacific R, � I I
�', Lm at a -likO . this,yeav's. harvest exblit�ions w6rd, I It, 1 all News readdi,s, -, in fact to all Exhil -, I ,
I'll . �
I , . . . libehind .. iclast, The to thei city -to call jud* . , Ili roneiving his'slib- I I I I . . --.
'L I . I I � , . . I scl-iOtioh tothis, paper, writesvits fol-' . I � I L . . .
4 . . I .-Wed. r6turnis -of'the c6inpan li, inspect the NeWo building and plant. 10 - "Your . . .
I I .1 . I : . . . 1. . � . . y are I ogs ,
price: .
this. . .1 L . . . L � .. .. n1ilobers.,not ifitic tion.visitors . il dr, 6f'Dolftware ` .
- "t
1, . . that fro' O 'th . I WS , . paper has been a r U- I'll 11 . . I . � . I
- Over 700 chilJrexils white cambric handkerchiefs� I 31 eastern Ontaxl' between The, maninio. Press can beseen'ill lar weekly visi or in our :ljo , el . .. .. I . I
�', hent. and X me . LLL .. . . . '4,# . .
; s'itcbed, nice f � , ingsb6n,th -wc'were ljQ86 ,: operation between 3.and 5 Wclobl�: 6itch many. -years; and . m4 really cannot . . . I .
11, I . L �.. � Torohto I . ( or . I 11 . . . .
� 118 Cloth, clearing lot w6 gob.j. way tielcets.. sold; -from- west&a - Ontitrio - L afternoon.- The Jocal agents bf tbe thibli- of giving -up, r I . . .
. 1, .
- t` "3w thtir val Ile. If we had noi t'WO S;orea for , � . .north of the (3 rand Trunk from I , oii 'old friend. As
1. sp ow . . . Toron- News are, 'W -':D-- Fairand Cooper & . L . . ; m. ., - . .
.-let we would have ha %in L '�. _ t6 to Sarnia 2 � -..we have : made-. anotll6p. Ea 1. .
. "
�,, d.to 1.6t Jb.6 bargi � � . .. I - j"# and froni. w�stern k Co j fr6m Whom the pa,b you know, ; 'L ... IL, �, .
' a t n rd a v at 'yoji-j, 6hojee L: � , . I I
58. Tbey go on sale S . . - . ' ,(it, cart'alway MOve this-miminer in out, itinerant- life, . . - ..,. . . . . 1.
Ilia Oti't,ltr!6,sotith,ofthpin�iiiiin6 of, the , be obtained. Xpost�ca�a to L th s Read
;1 . .
� . the very low price 3f ......... "..'31 * (.,' " . e 1,Tc,wS, ,but we only Dio I . . . . . I . . ... . .
. I 1. . or X:Oc,, , r;i nd Trunli froin T6rbuto to - Sarnia, Tortnito, Will bring saltiple opie L Ved Ay' miles. We9t I I , L .. . I . I �
��, I . . � f,ffl. "r,jIl.):t0f'. . c s Of. fr6iA L0rabdtb,L: il nd. bftye found it lliCQ - ! ". .1. � . ": .*: , - - . ., . . I L .
;�R . .. 1. � 11, 'Ll foX'tllo th'Vee eXCIlk_ -the ' -an tiln .: L � �'L. . ." - I . :... I . .. ... . . 11 .
I .. . I . Paper at , . I
''L I . 1. slo,'vi was (3,2355. . Last've;irthelinjivest , I . . . Y ,, e . . . ,. � little coUbtry eircuib of three appoint- � I . ..L. I . . I I . , I
II I I . � .: 1. . 1. . - � � .
,ii . of L I . i=� . i ". " '41 I , . . .� I .1. , . I . .. . : : . - , .. "..,
", ha DIIIATij OF FRED LAVAN --vvord "I I � . I
I � . - AWW'IARM""N"Ww""Am WIS 61, tile. same 'se6 , . . t , and acoll) fortable Parsonage in . -- . 0 L . . � ..,.. . �
I . . . . . � nunillei*ed 7,628. Lot v6a 6xcUrsi6ne : reAcilt Delaware Village, where. we Ilk)pe to'be L k- . . I L .. . I . . .. . I., '. .1 . I � . ,
. ond,, th,,,. ed .town oh M6nday to. ,tbe, effe I . . ..
I . . . .. . I - I,, a see ' , tn' a you . ct -- I I . I . r I . . . � ;
. I �, . . BepilL,.,Jof(,�xetir-sioiis!w.rL:i�iiii, .ocx Fred B: Lxvii I of much ti�e in%ulldinq lip and extendw I r- . I .L . . I . :-
L , � L s Iring A . � I . . I .1
1:1 - - . . I . . I 0 g. nian 24 1 i ng the �'gpod chnse. 411 . . . - 1, �4 , ". L f . . : , . I . . L . 1,
I I - -...... 1001siborers;,andilthiiij, oniprising Yearsofftge$ had Pkiid 1jittil -ring our terin. -1, -� , . .. . I 1. . .
. Ve'S debt, L
_ on Nunday .it6niti,4. . r work In . t .! Z�- I , * . . . . L ".. . I
4i�� 4, I,= glad-.to� find . .. -i, , I . . I � : , i I . . I
. I., ----------- — 170, 111,11;ing a grand total f . last,� from: Pei , . that you . I -1 . � I . I -1 I �
� . _ L. or -.1902; of _He L I . - 7F . . ., . .
,, . I � .
-.... . .: 'L . I . , . . � .
-----.— - - � j - __ -- , , 9,10-1. ThisyLear'� number i's ' ' reat 'had otilt, been iR abotit a -week, and LLLL I . I I ,
...!. I - L.. - -.--. �. . -- -- I- Ali— 'Ottilwa, with all. its now duties and - . - -�� . . . .
— . . .. . 1. � I I 11 - - L .
L ---W, -WAS-:--tiOt--d - L- I- - - .
. �---Za-66-1�1 - 76UP'�'fs—e.to-L ifiiifi:�, —in Iri-e--race aillo-51- - aring--all. �Of...tbis associations , has . not done you any - .... ..... .. I 11 - ..
. . I I I e . _time_ , _ iL '' I . I �
1.11 . * 'bj ", iii� - - - ;;� - ought-to-1le-a-brWidery - '. —E—_--- ,—:-- . .- . .. .
I ! . scarcity or labor.'- : Those going -from cotifln�d to his ' ed.' The, body was y .. . 1. I �
. . brduaht here X6ndity from Niaga,jit wi6e"nd botter-maij; -- I
11, '10affla? - I . I . . herb,booked by F. R. Hodgens and W.. which I:believe, � 11 . I - �',., % . � . I . - L �
. . .
I I .
I wheie h I I .1 L. . L . . L
, I Jackson,were.: -Messrs,'Ale Falls,. �Vhere .no died, and hasbben the result, - judgipg- by your - -
I Rahs 41%- is I
,. ,� . 11 x MeddJas . e � ope . I . .. I -- " . 1. . I . . I I
,- I - Tbompsonj. Jj].L HOWjjrL4;P. had been employed as a I notes and utterances. . I'sincerely h .. . I " - i. " -,,�.., �� , . I . , L ",.' : I . I . �
I . . ,. ' H.'Ptirker, I ater. He . that ere long ibe good cause Of � . ..
I �,' . .. . I , 4�4 , 0, Parker, - W. (Jahtelon, Win, - Qtnte. waS tile Youngest son of4randXrs probib- . .. I . . ... I. I I 1. - . I . I ,` I
... , . I .
I " . . . . . .
I FOR A FIVE DOLL ' L ! :.;-�� ,.-,-�, I lon;A.A.Brown,.Ql4rene6tSh 'pard T110mas Lava,n,'of Fulton street,and. it!Oh will be pushed to tbefront."it . � - . School Will opeh� again next. we'ek'. , Most L .. . . 1-1,
"I AR BILL I � � George'Ohidley,Go I wits 7born hete, -and received his educa- hits'nevei.beenk: aba- axit:will be wh6n . . I I �,
I . I .. _ . 41% eAiau people� -*Vill vote as they I
I. . L a ,. . . rdoif Ounning laine, tion In Clinton schools. He learned ) . . . .
1 . . . I . J. J';lljOtt'L A. Agnew, J. It all aq . . I .: boys.Will need something .now. -before ..going . I I
. '
1� I I , ': I Last week we gota bar I 144 's. . 1� ' . E. M611,aUghlin Shepherd, A110 trade of printing -'at -the Nev& � pray. L . . . , ': '� I . � . . I . ..b6ck. Perh6bs a Suit or a 'pair � ' .'.: I I . I
94inAn 149 ain ' Shepbeld ,, H. Woodyard,.� W. 141, Record and I ,, L.' L.. . I of Knicker.si a, . ; � -
I" , H. Baker'L 0. Lovett, G. .T. . NEW ERA offices, but did - : - . . ,.- I .. . . . .. � I I I.. -it " iSL '. I .."
1� I Coats. Because we did you earl get ,One his ' k 9 cyand L. _ not work tit it after h Cap. ot a � pair of Stockings. ` % hatev ' . ., . L
I t Wee . -Tebbutt,and Jiis Mon . e left town, some7 COULD ANYTHING 13ETTER BE' . . M, er . . I
. L " I I
,than and wifd and Ed, Robinson' and 4. e 10ars,490-- � Ills chum accompanied SAID �Tb6roappeared' h '.. others ill saV6'time and money by. comifig .. . -.,. .
�. I , fiv i i t e Toronto. . I 1. W . . .
� I 1�. I There are just 22 of them. They are. �.tfiis seasons ., . s.Dollip Rbbinson, nod. Dkv ,he remains here. The. funeral was . 4.10 . ; � L. I L . I . ... I �. .
-; , � . ,1d " Xewsbf Saturday .the poem ,,Lo§t " ...'direct. to'Jhis�-store' . I
styles arid made fy0m pure Woollen cloths and ab-� ZZM118 Robinson. . I hel(Ton Tuesday; Rev br -Cook per andofitandits authorcsijMIS601 ',I, . � I . 'L. .., Stoc,ks �.ihere are large . - . - - ,
. -
. . 11 . . � . I .. 1. formin - ' * ar, de� correc �. and valUes "good W . .
f;0lUt0lY R'" Proof. There'if, a nice ,V,Sri . . I ,&the burial servj6�,' and some A. Ivrounticastle, of Clinton, the News' ' . Sty t .
,, neat des* . ety of MAGISTRATE'S COURT. - Two . Of his 0 d'friends actin It bearers literary , editor says : No national 1. . . e , 0-hy � . I .
'. - Wns 50 or . t"V311100- Trwin, PO(ItrYis conipl6tethat, Call - boast . and ' . �
, . not . .
.�.4 lan, ,,Will MeRn . I
8, fawns and br6 $6. Cases were before His Worshl : the George MeLel d :. speCjaI'Lat(6h`li6h 10 th6L
'gus, in grey i ' who Were Walter at 'Boy�s department 4�
- '. gof thi's . lit Tile Gfit os .Its tnebuine idyll �of country lif�, but we carry are M60,e to stand the. rough . - - - - :
47�: $7 00 would be the price if we had not Mayor, this week,for adjustme ' Wheatley dnd , e, ,ph ' ; . tho lines . I .
i I 11 . I . first was an -old. score,and was tried be� Win dxicr,� bis. wit .the Advance OtL luxury and CIV111Z
. . . 'fore MrXcGarva, and the Mayor. .It churn from Niagara. Falls. Mrs Wjb ablon this is a type of poetry that [SL ' L ,a 'giveS his . . .
. , I . .
clearing lot at a bargain. � .. '. . -m 4 and tumble wear the. verage �bb.y - I ..
I I M �yas a case,n . I I . . . . . . . .
1. ��
"" I
I -
. I
, . ..
I I . . - ,
It �
� I I
i i
" I
11�` I "
'01 I 'I j
." I
! I I
I I ..
i *1 I
� �
1 I
4 I I
. L . fwllprespite beeameL too lihmson aud-Miss Min6ib, two .Sliter� iapidly disappearing,' Academicidylls clothes-. , . I . I . . L .
r� even wit 1 all theL PrOMIS . I .
� Ladies Cloth Rain Coatg full rjkirt, jargealceveFl, jeoje back, - . h4ril'to bn from Toronto, were home for the full. We have on every hanil, and many.6f ,, . . . . . . .
I .
I , . �
,e I . oollar, sizes 52 tc 6� will kee� their appearance_ &na . . toat . . , .. . es that I _ er&I.ThesymPath Ofallisexteridedto 'these ell I . an enduring reputation,. . .. .. . I. . . 1. 11 L L . . . .1 :. � . I . .
, wear 5,00 L I . ... L "Jo . I . � - . I �', - I. .. . I
. � I .1 .
, I ''I ome I .. 0 authority 'of the ethe's i I I . . � L . . . . . I .. .. . I I . . i
. .
. . . mon bors, THE WINN1J]RS--The*result of the :111ermitlin and Dorothea,"Goldsmith'si - "ay.4 ea'pq jt;eL I ..
-, - � I -between two, neigh ed f4mi y and friends- - : k K , 'Rio, *.'. L
well, regahit to.00 t� $UO garments, bow cell enterod into' for itri the ber6a,f ..
.. on side it each.. 1. anticable and peaceful settlement s' . IT L the . HE RE A . . 4� ': L.
� "'' I . � - L . . � � ths ago, . I .1 I I . tiam63 which '81tstain them, Go great I I A FEW SPECULS.
. L . , . . . . . . '- L 1 . -who have seen'so fit as to be at.varitInce drawings In Connection with the Cath- 4Dc§epted Village", Wordsw6ftll,g . - -- . I I . . I . I
. I . L L � .
'. I . I ' i I . I . . I
�, � 1� , I I .. . 'thcadhOthul' for More than--twO' 0110 Picnic, held last Thursday, is tj I Boyo Tvv6i L I . 1. . . .
.- I I . 11 risto - -b- 'at Odirhael." im i Ti6nnyson's ,;Dotal, sur- . . d r9245PO8,1 �loth Pealt, Vvell atade, linied, 5800r0d colors ,
14 1. Le It was, ,I -r of the old defen- .
, .. . I I many ,of' the" eautiful Prizes offer . .
I , THE NEW WAISTINGS., 'nartsibat was brought into it thistj 16 i� Irl, - .ad vivetoshow the charinwhich liesin reguehl ines ole&ring at ee,oh., ...... I .. N.. "15C 1 � . I
I — . . II stav in Olintp, . . . . .. 4. I.— .
I .
More New Fancy Waistings calne. in .this
week. A better stock of Walst MatielrjUIS -W0 never �
bad and btF t of all there are OnlY two , -ori tbreo .
W!Iists the 88me in th(� imtire coffection. .When a
pattern is Once sold out We mill not repi4co it, .
. I 11
- .. . I . .. '.I
. — . IL
. . . -
. " .
. I
French. Plannel Walsfirgs 5oe.
Bedford 0ord Walstings 60a. . � . I L .
,,Mllk Embroidered Bedlord Xord -Walstfoga $ L
, ,
Fancy Ltlream Walstings 76co $1.afid "!2-5-
Mercerized 'eotton Waistill.gs 7ge4 , , �
� ''I,--, -10w� I � L .
. . .
' I
� - "I st, onvied-.4t
I silver ten set of five plocep, and tray,
'goes tb Bjytll, and is a zrize that can
occu a nlace allirm .�`X 1,
15 V USE. IvArs
, WAM 15 111MG wit iiing raine for himself Jai& Ifeffroh - Wits the illostfdrtunalte,
asapleader,j,e resented the defence. :drawer; Peter MG,itland-conlessecon(I
Mr Irwin, with Plis broad.*minded spirit, � with the clock, and Jasj rilynn the
did not alloW the. hot shot that was beautiful lamp.; the Picture statues .
fired at bill) its cOnnNel for the defence, went to Mieliael � Hqloy and Bridget
on sev6ral o�cjt�jojls, from standing Kelly, of -BlYtll; Matthew. Carbert
his ground like a man. After the evj- ghessed the nu i-.- wp ,
dke.nc.e wits Daken, damages and costs Of, irlass bof.f.l. Z'I V X"Itins III It
rigainstlier, anioun ce j - 130t, a box of ten
I I I t, nters, the cushion went to Arthur
V lien Wits g%id by Mitchell, and "our own Sam,,'quessed.
d an 'u�- the we -h -t Of the cAke, Ontitling him
Iler-in-liviv and 71u`- to 6�vlllg to a misunderstanding,
do, ,
,,y morning a case th!,p��mes were not carried o
Luce WAS heard A. +4, #.-'(-- - ., Ut,excepb-
notbeen receiving I the tl
ent for.tho Past, year, 0C
OtAlnee & baby came ve
,too occasion to ask her to
honey when lie returned 13:
ecebtly to providenceps.- R
loirte, Ile being under M
& liquor StArted in to bc
I t0ngU0 and lists, and th
by a noillibor, The e,r
vife, with -a I the abuse Lyt
sublei)tOd to froin her B (
10 #4st year, acknow- lit
its no better when in his vii
ad stated Ifit had not th
;1a ,they would fitivo it ,W(
& Penitent husband , to,
� defense and the court - jLli
of $3 ana costs, $6,()0 in , 861
I 411.11� ro'ki. 'KA;U -A,
ing to
i man for 8011le
I one morning
.! shries for the
� theinfluenee
; abUse her wit
Iww�, Illicit oil
she has been
husband for t
lodged there v
sober somses s
been for WhIsl
happy home,
re used to off(
imposed A !In(
411 or 21 days i
detendant, Aetl
vize Was 6
we, beliov,o
�rfl, Fhth�
t the pro.
aot be ear.
to 80-TrO, 'And fi(
. Musle by tho:
wag a good attraf
le reallialto for 0,
Ce w fell was ea
NW- aot DV6
simple., things silllpl�
these great Poems 1q
sciou6works of art.
Is the fruit of stv
Goldsinithanct %or(I
certain � nieasure,' Ili
before they wrote Ili,
�Tennyson iAieved
thef6tee of the ima�
M0 rjapathetically upon
me, Yet till theseo
lack some it
'flowers lose
rance Whim
land soil M
and DUrns' I
hIVve more o�
to nalne Miss
these,, itiff 11C,
I poem "LOW,
only poem I,
peg for its tile
8. It bears
no of Absolutt
ffl�yet L%ke-j
f anadale I
Wpw UrItA, is I
04st a cith
blng,q Ra the
aper such "
I But
. I I . . ...
I I I I .
]RoYa Caps 25c., 1 �, 11 � .. .
. . 1 . . - ..
. ��
I Boys School Capa, Tweeds, 91ne Sergo and aark Twooas gjazea I . .
. : 0. . .
I 1. peaka, now and tobby Shapes, Special onchi. 4 ..$.—I ... .
� , �ble �
....*,% A, . .
-Boys suits $2.90j ,,, I . . I I.,
I .
. �
. Boy o Tweea Suits asaorted pizes, hakile from strorg wool Tweeds,, I . . � I
I .
. well "I"6al th4'16" of litass that 901a at $8.60 ana 4.00,, I . I
P alaftrWg at eath ........ -1 ........ It. ... 4.. 4'.. � d ....... � 2-60V . I I
. �
. . .
. Boys Twted Stilts $3.25, . .
13Dys Suits made It - . � � . -
. . Ow -040119 all Vvool Tweed�, I livea tbroughort . . I
. .1 with good linhied, made to stand hard,wear, lost of lines �.. �
.that mold at$3.76 t6 $5-00, o'ehring.to eadh;�614�4.&WVO.0315,
. � .
. I �t .
- RIt"W001 italokeft tkt 40c . I . . -
Boyal . C-31 , .
. �, R11 -WOO) Xniokafo,'Made from str 9 Woollen Tweeas that I .
. '0111 At&nd ArjV '111101111i of hard ob .
wear, we cieA,vea the over.
maked of the f"tOrY Or we wDuld haVe to sak ISO, for them 1�-, I I 11
. . . I Ag is . is, oury I tide !9Peri4t--;�1.-*& ---.4�*s,o,..: 49e .
- 868VY St6okings 4t 25e I . . I . .
. I
BOWItibbtil Cotten Aose, heavy WdRbt for fall wehr, dotible , � . . �
� knees, heelo and Wes, absolujoly fast dye, ana vvin sista * . I
. KnY AmOblit ot hard ttmgo . , ell, size#, specit%lper pair I I - ... re 1
. . .
t.fk"t.luo.,01610%14XV1400A.P4.4�6004PO%Ik�o.%,h,,%AO4,0%%"O,p.kgi%144,.t.wi6ptho..F.hokpokoopv.oft"in.040160�PIAO�.,Oq.04 ..
I I . I :
... .
, :::
. I ... Hodgens Bros, �,
� NufteSMS to Jacison giros. ,,.,,, zv�"�� 1\
-- — '11-1-11-1-.. , z!AW#j*W N,
..... , 1. � I—— .1.
n a
�m with
) poetle.
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. Musle by tho:
wag a good attraf
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Ce w fell was ea
NW- aot DV6
simple., things silllpl�
these great Poems 1q
sciou6works of art.
Is the fruit of stv
Goldsinithanct %or(I
certain � nieasure,' Ili
before they wrote Ili,
�Tennyson iAieved
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M0 rjapathetically upon
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'flowers lose
rance Whim
land soil M
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I poem "LOW,
only poem I,
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Wpw UrItA, is I
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aper such "
I But
. I I . . ...
I I I I .
]RoYa Caps 25c., 1 �, 11 � .. .
. . 1 . . - ..
. ��
I Boys School Capa, Tweeds, 91ne Sergo and aark Twooas gjazea I . .
. : 0. . .
I 1. peaka, now and tobby Shapes, Special onchi. 4 ..$.—I ... .
� , �ble �
....*,% A, . .
-Boys suits $2.90j ,,, I . . I I.,
I .
. �
. Boy o Tweea Suits asaorted pizes, hakile from strorg wool Tweeds,, I . . � I
I .
. well "I"6al th4'16" of litass that 901a at $8.60 ana 4.00,, I . I
P alaftrWg at eath ........ -1 ........ It. ... 4.. 4'.. � d ....... � 2-60V . I I
. �
. . .
. Boys Twted Stilts $3.25, . .
13Dys Suits made It - . � � . -
. . Ow -040119 all Vvool Tweed�, I livea tbroughort . . I
. .1 with good linhied, made to stand hard,wear, lost of lines �.. �
.that mold at$3.76 t6 $5-00, o'ehring.to eadh;�614�4.&WVO.0315,
. � .
. I �t .
- RIt"W001 italokeft tkt 40c . I . . -
Boyal . C-31 , .
. �, R11 -WOO) Xniokafo,'Made from str 9 Woollen Tweeas that I .
. '0111 At&nd ArjV '111101111i of hard ob .
wear, we cieA,vea the over.
maked of the f"tOrY Or we wDuld haVe to sak ISO, for them 1�-, I I 11
. . . I Ag is . is, oury I tide !9Peri4t--;�1.-*& ---.4�*s,o,..: 49e .
- 868VY St6okings 4t 25e I . . I . .
. I
BOWItibbtil Cotten Aose, heavy WdRbt for fall wehr, dotible , � . . �
� knees, heelo and Wes, absolujoly fast dye, ana vvin sista * . I
. KnY AmOblit ot hard ttmgo . , ell, size#, specit%lper pair I I - ... re 1
. . .
t.fk"t.luo.,01610%14XV1400A.P4.4�6004PO%Ik�o.%,h,,%AO4,0%%"O,p.kgi%144,.t.wi6ptho..F.hokpokoopv.oft"in.040160�PIAO�.,Oq.04 ..
I I . I :
... .
, :::
. I ... Hodgens Bros, �,
� NufteSMS to Jacison giros. ,,.,,, zv�"�� 1\
-- — '11-1-11-1-.. , z!AW#j*W N,
..... , 1. � I—— .1.
n a
�m with
) poetle.
; is with