HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-08-28, Page 6U.- : - . rw,--, MPMP - I '"rp-, -W . - -1 .1 " - -"�.m­JL-V,­*- . 1. I—— 1. 19 I # I . � �, . 1. . I I . . . � � . I _t k � ;" -16, - � 'Awso; ,:�w ,;�_-��- � � . '. . . "'WrOo"O. � =.w JX_ A. , s I , ! ' . M ,( FL. , , __ . _ - .1. 11 � _­ _ ------ --- -- ___._ . _11- --,_1m-'- __­. --11 _­_________ _---1 . . - .. " , . M M I r'. I � � , . . I .� 11, Aws #w"'", . I - I I . . � 1. I ­ -.1 . . . I. .... . . -1 ­ - .1 . I I I . � ­,­.", ''...".1-1 1.1-_"__-__ ­­ � ­ ­­­ I -I". .._­._­­._,'­ - ­ . ­­­­­ ."If--f"o W-41LIT vlo-, 1"W1 Jr ww" % I , . 1 4 vote# ch*�Ice or Whap . . - I . . . ',� ­ �:1. ,o� I . I � i all, but bo bowed before her deelsion its ' I I I J OW =9Pq;P1P1 � , . , I I ho-mixot. . q 11 , � . . 1. , 1 ". - , __ - - .1 �, , . ., , ., . ��­ I . 1. ­; , �! 6AL If , Jetich P1111 tontiOns I As wo jolt ,41048 1110 J*t4wq ** ­ -, 0, -7f, I A i. i _ , " , -1 , 7, - --,J - - - , i -, - - -i , 3 - , , ­- . . '. � � .1 I 4 i . I. 4" I Tho,llay before -he sailed, they know next to, nothing 0 WhO is . . � . ., . . CAIA P41 , ) s;t talk. I , , . .. I 0 Pt sukoll 9"Wr I all the modicinal,qualittosororie and one-half Ing ��� I I _ I 11 I . . � conventionally in the little olu=moerm, I 410*4 within oUr rem4 oxt each � i . ; I ­ , : I ouhcqs of tho best Holland Gin. As a positive house overlooking the bay. Thither camill' ' side of us, "4 yet . b � - . , ' I � cure for all kinds of,l�idney trouble. Hobart. Sho rose politely, Introduced the I _ , my merely .1 I.''. L .. . pushing *side the thicket, 91 1porauct . .� I . , . .. " . , ' _ � � i I 1 . I ,6ontinited- fo chat in bei. . bordering our road we would undogbted� .� I 11 two well, * . J0 I . musical, low voice. The two men felt A! I., ly discover no end of delig'Utful. popoi, I . . . .. , . . . . . . . . ", �, " G I Npv P I , L LS . Jr1glAity beneath all her vIvacity-4here bilities.. Sometimes, however, fate Or 1 . 1. , , . was a senso of strain, of a bolding -In of I . . - chance or Providence, whatever we way .4 I �.. . I 111P stand unriva,lied. It. *is not necessary to wait for days I some powerful emotJoix. No one could . .. � I call it, suddenly brings us to, an � 11 , I I : � for boneficial rewits, you kno,tv at once that Gin.Pills I have, named it -yet Pill three felt Its int, I I I --towr Ing, And, we find that. we lis . ve oil 30013n; , - - , , are helping you. $old by .ill Vraggist.* At So cts. per box, I fluelice. I . A- close companionship With Some . 6 boxes for $2.5o or direct froin . I To Harriman even her voice had . congenial spirit whose existence , even we . . , TKE DOLE VP%VQ CO.- , ,, . WINNIPEO, Non- . changed, hardened aq if the museleo In bave never auspected, I The Kind You Ffave Always Bought, and which has been I - , . . � . I ' the throat were held in a vice. ' By a 4711M) Way I met my wife is A, curious In- use for over 30 y,earsp has bome the signature or NEMR�..__. . �,.''. I P 1; ''. _.__ I IM, - _ I ". , � 11 - I I strauge intuition be realized that this . - I . OxcraPlification of this," said a man who .and has beellimadeundei his pero . I - ... I nevreomer bad played Aome part in her had been, remarking bow little one, knows . � � - - r . I 1poision. Hobartonly felt in Some vague . . sonal !!!- ­­­- - ­ . I _. " � 1. I . ivaytlltltshewouldn�ver respond, to him . beyond his immediate ran e of vision. 4�� , �'i� � Al Supervision since Its InfaacyI, � I - ______ If all ovc - af " and again, Cuitir'VE, - , I . "I Was taking A. walking four through I low no quo to deceive iouln. this. I I . ____ . . � I �alkva I -1 g*A0 AEr in as be had feft her respond that one I the Tyrol With 9, couple of other All 0 o-unterfeits, Imitations and 06 Just-aS-good P� are but I - - .. - 1' haA the followin ,q)rInq bad brought Us � fellowilo ok C', ­ ' '* - _q a � I ! � . ight. Ho gloweivd at Harriman al)JI And : TWO MEN. solution --a declilon not lightly taken on 11 intended on that eventful day to with and endan ' - I . cursed his coming below his breath. TAo I . I make a certain Village b ,Xp ger the health of . -R I . . efore nightfAll. Infants and ChIldren-�_JQ3xperJeuCe_ against Experlmcu% , . By ANNIE NATHAN MAYI: t. either side. , two men watched each Other closely,. dan- i Miss Alice" M. Smith., of � I And now please note q0,14 . . A i She Smiled now, al -)n, in the darkness-- I gerous lights came and went In their qvs. . I -0. cidence, No. 1. . I � , . I , 1�0 -ery argament She chatted oil without daring to Stop, . I A violent storm c&me ,up and we were , . . , U'111 I I NIX I - . w well.3he had my! ;�4 m 0 Vol and here and there 0.,� ment thrmy in It A11#.1nCCP0!is, Mr,A-)., tells bow obliged e rem . - . 11 thin I had happened -no. -they Nvel.p. youpa. ,.,� .rt, both th ir, 1i ' to go out of our way to, tak i , I 9 at till. Slic, flaitt it to be �b,ierlilt-t,tl:t)!tg,.-','-Ooll.ildel'e(I -lot of Nvonian's_mentlily. suffering � is fuge in a little Wayside inn, There we .What, Is CASTORIA - ..� o% er and over again to her- it polite Interjection or tiro. ' They were I . to � I . I . . .. . , IV ip girl? Her braband did not,Tived, . un party, consistin ' , I I c � ir , � club men of the Liventleth century, Had. . Permanently relieved by Wift. E. n an and Ills wife and the latfer?! CastorIA. is. a. harmless substitute for 0 � 1, X% i val ' . .i . . l�stor Oil, Parew. self, as if to persuade her- 1. et Was, Of i""fillitely more im' they been savages, djoy Avoull have flown Xilece, who were -drivibg through that �� �gorlc,, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It I Pleasant I$ m N self that it was true. But it pw-tance to him, pc-rhaps his forsieieame� atleach other's fbro;,hi, ; Pinkhaoi's Vegetable Compound, . . � . . . �. .0 � . 1�ot hill ­llutili -it 11-P. .. . pleturesgue region, bad also Aouglit a -` 'contains neilther Oplural Dt6rphlne nor other Waicotle - I Nvas m, lig. nest, find then Itis viteliz, Mid then pos-, f'Howdyl'! rang out bor husband's I "I have never before giveli my en. night's lodging and had taken possession � � . She lay back oo t'!o mtt ainer chair th" � �ibhm slip -or ljo;;�41;ly allotlier-�-shc, bad voice, as, cool r."d Cahn ill his whito dorsement for any, xnedicine, but of All the available I lle substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms - - I .+ � . I was her favorite re�wigr-plave, perelied lon� since consed, to �arv. - - - � . I roorna,- They .Were JA . �1 , n And yachting suit, he approached Ivith a ball(I Ly41A Bi- Pinkham's Vegetable most kind, however, the women insist' : ii and allays Veverishitiess. It cares Diarrhoea and' W'Jiid .. I ,bigh up in the little piazza, just outside * How they had protested agai , i Compound Las added so inuch to my 119 I 4 I . 1. . . . , 'out for either man; I'Stay to llinner?�' . Upon giving lip one of their rooms, -and, I � Colic. It relieves Teething Troublel4,4. cures Coustipatloili .� -.)ter bedroom. She closed her eyes Nvear. again-Ilarrimarl ard slie--tbat -th�y : But and happinessthit I feel like xnak- I - he mullied m neither man. accepted. At the gata life we all became very fflendly, foragipg I � ! L and Flatulency. It.assiniflaieS the Food,, regulates the ' - 'ily to think it all over, while t were' made foir'-eaeh otherl They were 1, one man took the road to the left, the, Ing An exception in this -ease. For two the larder for our eupker and � .0 I I �0- . roar of the breakeri coming across the sympathetic, looked on life and nature years every month I would have two Wiblk cooking it I h,and )Bowelst giving hca,lthy.and natural . other the road to tho right. Yet neither, landlady in her little kitchen, '.1 , . It our The Clilldren"s Panacca-Tlie Nother"o Friend, - man really urtlitrotood.-July Boolpi As.1 was supposed to b � tav reiterated the t1resonie plirase-th,tt from ,the 'Kiiine valltage point, enjoyed days of seveie pain and could lind no I 210thing, nothing at all had happened. everything togLther, all! how they exim I . relief, but one day whilet visiting A . a the culinary . . . I � . � . Elie tried to collect her thou.clits and dis. joyedl Made for one another? Why, mda.10 . I �, . . :friend I run across LyAla El ., Pifik- genius Of our party, and the niece had . . . .. * I cover just what had taken plac,e�tllls the were one, PlOre United than ever * - _. ��) . JIUM'S Vegetable Compound,- attqnde.d a cooking class 10 New York, 'CEFIUINE fw** A ALWAYS I mothing. She had gone to the d nller__ hu%, . � .. %0#16%STO R I A And and wife lip d- been. Their union . - she had used it with the best results we were. instilled as a committee on the . ., had insisted on her g6hig would not be a.-mof, .Yielding to passion . . Society, Notes from 1391okville. .and advised me to try -it. I found commiseariat,' and 0e became neeessar. .1 . '. . .. ber husband . I I � . I ' I � .. I ,. � .wi-thout him -she had met Hobart again, -she felt she could not widure tbR that it. worked Wonderg with ine; I sly very 'ehuminyl' especially. as the'rain . . I . . Bears the Si natureof - t -of I I . .9 . they had chatted er, in a I course not -it would be a Union -of Intel- . continued the next day, and � , . . . . . . . . . !/ . , . during the dinn . (A su�gestlon for the ,Various literary. ilow experience no pain, and only had . we all voted . . . . . . I I 0001111111111111111111111111111� "-, ." and then; lect, beart�.Soul- � periodicals.) to use 1% few bottles to bring - about to remain where we were until the roads � � . � I . ,A� �w,ventionally superficial way, , thing. 11,01v they % . 11 . CNICTIN, � . � . � - . . � . . . . . , . I I agaza in a more personal, intimate way had delighted in JuBtilving theinselveq to ful chan4e.,L__M1ss AT,16r - ­ . MISS Dorothy Vernon of'Raddon Hall this wonder I , got into condition; .Well, to make a long � 1. - - 4�4 . I I * And be et,ch otherl How Ea 'thig her cousin, Chlorinda Wlld� M. ShIXTU, $04 Thikd Ave., Southi Min- 13017 short, the niece, as you probably ". I . 11 . 1. . . . . . I � � . . ::"k;,iA � n the piazza after the coffee. irp they had been -that is viV ­ . . . . . neapolis, Minn. - 06000 forelt �f I have surmised, is. at present my .wife.. . . . .., , fad escorted her I-cinie­7while the maid. their wrong-doilli woula be different alni" In face, 11gure and manner the . 0101na .1 . ., .. � 'I . . � . , , J .Vho had called fr-r her walked slightly" fi.ei,vi, tbu-t, qf gjf.V..otJcrmcQlJJ)lA. Lift. 41L th,Q young cousins are so much alike tliat �. ,b,,e letter proolng genuineness cannot be procju�,IY The oddest part - of- it 'all is yet to come, 4F . . I � I � . . . . .. even their parents can scarcely tell theal . -Nai6ty women suffor -silently for mixtual. .enquiries soon. elicited the . � I . � . � ., . . ,. . . ehlnd,'� At parting he had looked into I centuries - that had. gone before I - This I and See theirbest gifts fade away. �- fact ,that we 'were both from New York; . I . '' ' � � I ' ler eyes, said "G000d nigbt"-told ber � special instknce'�tbia one case -(ah, apart. Another member 'of the fAmily,, . � . � . )low pleasant it had been to meet her how we all. love to deceive ourselvesl') who Is strikingly like them, is the oung . me After-, - 11 I . . . . . . - � I n,7 ight-doifig I girl knoi�n'" aid -at -Ar I ward 0 1 a d Yo H ' � I . Lydia, E. Pmkbam's Vegetable but�it was not -until some ti, I m u� av -Alw MgM " ' . *gain, -and had asked permission to call NVrongmdoing! why it. was � �4TIiil M I Who , . Compound makes the entire. fe. I that we discovered tha't w 'lived '16 K , ' Q.. ays _ . , .. organism healthy. . 'what was strazig- ' - � . . 1, I . Sinners, 'the - eratill, actually next dooi to e4oh Other, � I . I ; � some other time, and -and that was ,111:! They were 'the blithesb 'Of T, iiiade *her debut last season. .Miss -Vei- - male W in the same street, and, . . . I . . . . As she had told herself for the twentieth most conscious of well-doer4 the sun non* and"Aliss Wildairs have been 'out -FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN In .Use For Over � 30. Years. . . , time, nothing had really happened at all. slione on. . . .. Ion er, I . . . . � . . Mrs. Pinkhain will i 'every snd had grown lip without1nowind each . . I .0 . . . � I . I I give - THE CENTAUR c*mPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. I I I . I " - ,� Virginian;" whose -name � . . Well. what wits chaiwed? And whilt 1, So for the past four Weeks she had. .Ch . nAody . alling, woman ,Sxpert advice en- other, -separated only by a wall of 7$rlelc . �� � . . . a- * -, gobig to do. n lived in a. -dream-eaten, slept, talked, seems to know, is at the Waldorf -witl) - tirely free. She has helped thou. ,And plaster, my boyhood at school'.And � . . . I . . - - I � 4 . , . V r, � regular breathing I driven as usual,,b)ut awake:ouly to the o' . " . d-4. Address I Lynn, Xa$s. . . young manhood at 'making the � . . . I � Th" I . � Of her Sleep- ne I Perdy Bines, Younir Blues 4s reported to san college. . . I I . � I . . � . . I in,_, : ,�and came to ' - - �In t" -.',!u-,,' great faet tbatJ9ced'he,r..:. There,were �, h a cool milliOn'or two ol il . . I . � . ,tircumstance a, perfectly natural 0110, I I . I � , . I . ( , tolpi . - -,-,-. . .. . . . I s):'u t i ,,i on her left- - ; 'o, 'lloininip I mehiorles stirrhig herat every, 'his large � fortune recently 4n a Wall , 7 -__ _9 !­­., -__ ,_ . !cially as our parents were not lie. � . . , i - - � . . powerfu . , � I . . � . ­ .­ . . I I . . . ., .1 zainted?l * " 1. . o 1 7 1 . . .',,h, her hr� ' . I . .1 . . . GRANITE I . . Ion. � . '11,� � - . . . A . ,ibai,t.. IT :t.* � d ," .. -turn of the drive--every.nirregular. iul(-t,. atreei deal. , . t .1 met 8 UZ. PN D . � I .- . - , , �been :iifferentl How many w. � ­ 1. -1!0 every odor bad brou-b!t' Harriman ,iivr - *MrA. Wiggs, Joug prominent In .the. � The. Causei, I . � �A , � ­�, - �.. - _- ­-, ,------, - . . I , . I I I I i ... . - I , iir4 I'L -0T; 'I., ") f T. I 111,� 4. -'� I .... ­ - .. . � - . -.1 Ill . 'r. , A WrArhv .qi-hfin, - . . I � . I . . . I . . . I .. .0 Xol;;, �cu had eNcus( -17- S I 8 I as battling with the i.. �i sort- Here he", Iffly before ner. She M as goint, to hiln- flie strugulL iva.-3 over, ltnotlivrwee� to ba 0 . . I . e$� . - I I lown, and has been taken up_e.lhus1aa,. 2'. �. . .. . Mr. Stringeri; thd head of thte firm Wae � , . In thoughtful tivular i I Mus resolution she had ever stiti�,_,;!1e; ireame1throtiah and..slie would be -Ills , ofulys. gig fically- -by the women's . * a, mood on this par ' . vitli-yes, more seri(swi than that othe'r. before-aml . 0 iem. . . I � I . . . till death parted t) I TI11*&ifli I . ' i I tam I Miggs has .achieved An origina Tepu tion 'by hitherto morning, as be came Into 'the office Ana sat do�Vh at big. desk. His austere had taken a few.weeks - ported,tbeiii-.she bad, lidisra 11 entering a p1rofession .. yet .she ;,there lie wa,; sle(,Pin,-,. - ('alrIlly a stol-, 11,.Rf ,4u;,.,..­nmew.b,vrt, from the di"o * d by the up,ller. sex -to.' t f. , "10401)olize " a o .. *i 'kindly and ,just face'.was In A brown.. � I . , exi,, - sd: liad ne%or ' . throw awav . - :i It h .,;.. t ,ni w,oi,:'4 i )s-- vith i, : pq al I ose, * N I . .. . . x ill . ,( iip-box I 111v%itipit-L. study,. Soinetbing'was wrong. * ;That ,typifiv * ` i, rl:ltioll. Or'if w I Phe smilt-6 . , . I � �; -, r,;.T*ti 1% A , . I on. , Vi'liv . (lid .ii - 't:ii'(',',:,;.;t­,�­:- ',_1'bv­b0-,­�- � Friends - Of Rieha ril ,Caiivel, are, much A I . . . . , oncerned hi,;i-Jang absence ThVee or , The fact was that' Wo.dhington, the - brigh t you -ng. clerk in whom Air Stringer .1had been We- - x:� . clli'tl :& little, wry smile aL -, ., s.,1J-..IIv.Z;; of th( it .­ulglA9 ­� . 1. --bt " . " ligaill'..'!, : . � 1!:,rr-.wAI6 , I'Ll. ". -00 . tit ' 1,0111, year6. ao6he N�-as the-inciA promin. . . C` had hitherto tviken such, aL fmth�rly irli��. f . . ' . I I � . exciuse--always eXCIII'P�- I :\ had - :' deeid-oO !i�l�!,.-; slh.e�iyas 71,1�1,1, -1 L 11 . ont'and popu ar man in I . . ookville so- - - .. ' I I qst,. .had fallen --away so in'his; work of I late ,that sometbinC, had' to :be. done I . h :­` cut over ,Ic"o- . � the bay, arid almost faneittl *:je could se, - W rl-!a'i Ink 1. - i hg inlw ' . ,lore, prI1.N'- .­ - -1: wiL I ­ erfully, far more'e arnestly than tenyenrs e - �i' U,:;�_', i"'onth" coo he disappeared. '� Tell nq en lairy s d and the most !s5n, I * IrS5,' I L ... about It. Wbrtbingfon had done so well I ' the dancing white foam beyond the sell; I . , &fbre as a mere bhild:she-liad entered' , . .1 as thu tai.'faili�d to.reveal ,liero. last fdw'weeks that his'.. up -1-6 Within the"i , inel dunes. Making a great effort shc' I . - t . . . � '. . . ';!'. . into marriage. , . . I ­ . . ,� .sudden, Abouts. , , * � 1. I.. I 'awaits deterioration Wits a,niitter of. . . termined to fight off her rolAring slug I longing to driff, aetr­`le,t� , I . � ill death-4es,.this Step must bd final. '-;. Ti . . 1.j "y its wos.what- . . society with Intense'lutereA Clio chinm debut of the of wonder as .ivell as Anxiety to his patron. I .'Error After error bad been -traced to him. . shness, her m I esoluteli to begin from the vei%. -, - " +m�i, ;+ all out for he. .',,. �!­.,31f.istneAs, � it fro.j.o. n . . flw ' 'Apa�r.t.- �.. 2 . nero-ineie-tilif I, � ­. ,r,t -r it yet-AA,mli� all(- youngest the ' . =ful I'lleh: girls, .daughters. * of James Lane Allen I heAr that'sh*e ie, rhings, of coura6,-.bould.not go on In this I I 0 : way., - . + I I ,. � . � . I MUNUML9 [if . . � . . � 1, 1�.,. . � .. . � I . . . I I + � . .. , . I . . . . . . . . . . I'll I'll . I . . .1 I I . I ... � __ � . . -J&;,T. �1 ; - ,.., � .1 . ,­__ �1 " �- � � �X-_ �,,. , -.1 1. i I F . : , !% � w-771 1 1 ::: . 4. . 11-11. =�).,: ", "I � __ . . . � . I 10 I ;1. I , v ., . .. I 1, mr ,/ I . 1_170. . . . -,,-,,,,,, ,-1 . ., ,%T:M;.,;�� . . m-.; . . . �'�"',;,­ ­ . .1. . .�� ... wlq�, � . . 1. � . !. . . I 11 . I . � . , . �'. � . I I . . I � , � � . � . . I I ... � ! . - 1. .. . I . . ��� I I � . � . 2t . . Ratteibuv St'. "Worki . . ". . .1 I +1 Ann an . � . ' . : ' . . . . . � Thehead of the.firin'rafig a bell. . . I . __ I __­_ I .. ­ . . 1. � I . ,:. , , .. - , rind - by All odds the -most -beautiful, the most, � I . ­_ I I .. C I%& � . '. 11. pac­4 t.ha.,Ilt+'-- iil"zza ' � . --' - " I . � I . V en she had come down from t.-% - , -N '! .;n,- "'Id I..'.1per. d I a f t dr,'a, I I.. . -erest I - "Tell Mr. Worthington," he. -said. to the " ' . � ,,, I � I . . � 1. I I . . . . . . I'.. . . . . V Mil, IVIN & * .. I . . 10he had. been so silre of herself, so abso, . I m; .. ., . . "winAlriq and ,the olm of these in, boy', "that I desire to eee'lilm!) � ' �. . . . . . . ... . ­ .. . � . . .. � , ers . rk ForgetfuL - * - . ... . I . . , .. . . . * I . � 11 �., . . ­ That'young, mdn-,.'lookIng .somewhat - ":. � ,., 1, - - . I . . . : . � Diieot impolnero. W�rlinlaoshir . - 3utely convinced that she was right, and , 'it Wit- - 11 . ,­ 6, A-;I,;)pen­1. .t. ie, fli-st � nrous sist � ana I,IiOdictfhat sh6 will I. . Ve . 0 ; . 'm , - remendous siic(�css. * - . - - .1 ' -_ - that nothing could alter her deferm b_ - ": -' -vubt ;­!,o,�:i*� to,livm, Q bt have a. I . . . I Ana� . ,t ,.. cpied -presently appeared. ­ , 0 , . I . aliqXataris puaranteedo - . tion. She bad agreed to everythin,") aird �, -ilot of hiw, no, no', she believed in 'him. . , 9I.o transit. gloria I .. The death of.Blob- . . I � ... . - ffllsools--That 4amily next door: Is tho . . I I I . . . I WoAllington,` said his employer; limit lor borrowing things. ' . � I. ,Harri,nan had remained in town to III, I He hipped ber, and'wfialt Was mote, hrd Harding,VAn Blbbor,'obA�urely chrQn- . I . � 1 i . wors hia hu6 gro*ino. more'stein.as he spoke,. , Mation-What- have'lChey' b en afte� � . AIA, :range some business matters, and shebac) I he honored, her. Of course no other. lelid -in the daily li�pers,.made .*no Im- It . . . . 10 , . � JAS 'Q I SE"AlLf . I . 11 lanned to be domestic for a few weeksl,'wornan Would ever beli . eve it, but he hon- pidision oil the.yoxinger generationi But. as you .are doxibtless, &*are, every bust- . IWWT, . . I .... .. . �... I . I.. . . '.. 1. I 11 � .. r , .1 . � . . I p I I . �'. � �iejs,-to be successful, .must be conducted � . 'I '� -, , �h .� 1 �14-1_ 1 1 . .41 . . ig ----.m. I , ,vj.tl awn,% I I acon--One of e4Tlaa - -g' .& -------- 6- - , ' 8.71d then they were w sa q J . . ored.her or the v ry Sam ce Was peop a . Ong mernor so ,.can ree . . I . . . . . so 11 her' teeth, and � F for Europe and begin life all over again her when Dick Van, I .of the , .Upon - busine prinelpki. - Until -recently 01%er o 8unday forgoit 'I'. a- ' , about to make. for him. He. honored , Bibbei was one �oilr work has. been perfectly satlsfac­ �? � ,There was to be no scandal, they had thart Abe was not ihe�.type' to deceive her -most 'talked -'of miqrt in Bookiille* thc cbry, As the increases In your �salax : 1110 came .over to bori6w my wife'st- i � . I _ I I . "y - h . .. I o often, she was deter. ' I . 'radelphia. "TelegraD. Y . �gone all over it s husband. He knew an that the step, . butt ,for all the jokes of one-half of so- fram - time to -time have doubdess:testl- � . . I . I i. . I . . . I . . .- - - fmined to spare her husband's pride -hit meant to her. Sho was positivethat his clety, -the 'object of - riotous adoration to . fled, , But withlinL l�� past few' wpeka so �­­­­ - -- I I L . .. I 4 point -she wag to go oil flie, other haif. Van Bibber scarcely- de- .1. . I I � I . � : . . � lone vulnerable i l love for her was thait .clean, -honest. loy e I many mistakes hive bpeA laid at yofili '� . . Ao the Massachusetts coast to pay -6 visit wIlich -lasts After a, woman's hal"r turns ser 64 'iitlin -Ho Was A, M&A -of Some door that- I am' compelled .to enquire � . I . 1. . ito her sister, and he was to sail for t, . She knew the, glow. -would, W'%Ve!c,p ieaf 61eVerni�s And many hatraleag eeCLIII-' whether. we ,may . -look-. forward to this . - , . . urope, being over-worked 1. grey * . . . � I 11 . p 1year's stay in E I into his great blue .eyes ten_�es, twenty Ulcitles, such its his fondness for sbirt-�_.iiort of thing regularly. If SO., I ant � . thnt lAst public building lie had erect- -years. ,from then at 'the sight of her, - . Waists -and his firm belief that- he was th . 0 0 ky ' .1 . - e AfrAI4 we shall have to get..9olhoone to I . I , ' It is in fill' O. J I . _ . I . . . ed in Tacoma. Her husband would re just ae'they didho*.,' : � * ... , , social paragon of his"diy. Mr -Y , I y ur pace.' .' . . , : ceive a letter, exi But dou,bt'nolie, the lesa--m-And ,it � orse, 'Y# 6 "'I . . . � , 0. I ., 1. I . ; 31aining it as quietly ar � ars' I ) he dropped'info Obscurity,, Worthington Started. , The ileep.-flash F . . Ik A ... � Jossible, and no one would know unti; - . of . hers. 'Ind most Of his old friends Imagined: that , '-tht& -spread .over: his facii bore eilAene- I .. . -, ____ . 1 doubt . elft, . It ,had comet 9he . I . I . . 6 . 1 � I , the divorce was g .ranted. Divorces call, 'should bet thankful, at-leasit, that it4had lie .w" long since dead.. ., 1. . - ,. I ... bf.� his feeling,'. � . ­ �. � . .1 I ,be arranged so quietly If one . knows the not-eorne,too lale."I'lle ti.,age . dy of doubt* , - : .. �.mwmmmmmm � . . . � � . I . "You are right,*. Sir*,"- he stammered, IT* . I I � I'll :. . I .. I ie w," �,nd the Where . _. I I . , . I I FOR 'BURNS, SPRAINS, WOUNOS, SkUl. . . ropes, and has tl afterward-th4t wbuld have killod ,hei .1 . t. . . , � . : � : shall have to do .better,, J will d6 - beit. . I ­ . . ;Withal to cheat the r wter, Of course by j,,b,,, . Better Jar ili . . . . inien - ' . ter.?",: � . � �. .. � SES OR, ANY SORT OF PAIN� - ., . . ' . now. . I I . I . UOUS. , _: . ,.. , I , . . . . I Ithere would be Some ' 1:�_shchadmadv And how had that doubt entered -hei .. � ....,.,mm.. �.- � .*, . . ; "Mity I ask," said Mr. Stringer, "what. . . 'UsSil thtsilifly and.Ext.ernally. , . � . . her mind ere wo��:d be sQuie-but. -WA­i 9 A I .1! *n,­b-ing vock - e:, A.A. V. t � .;,I, -t. T � Ilas.,beeft the cause' y detsriora-� . CAUTIONI Avoiltbeweak wateryWitefT I ., f- ild rely on her husbane � y. . � 0 J . . . P �- . q. 9, apane-A, - . . . l41zqI PrepriltiOns, represented to 154 "the . .� I . . I I I . I . 'a' ' thr ctres0i; who Is tion? ' I hopq'.�ti,s*t disAlpatloh.?l w I " ..� � I . I. .. I.. - one know she cou , answered.her. Her band fellt I nof*'�bnly- pro . . aniaps", 0 116's Extract, Will ch easily s bur, � . . . . . ' I I .. . . .. .� . I � alight, pressur6 pf ail I lfbeln_�� I . but in 'private -life sais ek- jr, � - �. _C411 alft& eXAIhin0, ;­ ." , I essionglly � IN, , 5 neat th-spat6b as if 11", Oh i no, .slrl� If �yoti will'eke" and ofton:conta!n'*wo,)d*coho('1 an irritant 'to do it with as lour ag& iv, delightful use me I were arranging a conitest for a cup. Yes ; ered And drew her g.61f cope closely abou t hctly� i6�i she thinks:.In 'a, way which om the office for, an hout or,so, I'thiTik exte.rn 'Ind, taken Internally, A 001son. , . : . ­. '. . - . , . . .. - I 0 . . . .� I' can prpl,duc � . . . , he would spare her, bec - tise it wt)uld, bi I nd turnedberlivad and took Some. ,�pffendd nobody. The following- Inoident . s suffielent �evid At 00% oi% - a I . Our otook of 'high art plaril, of" 1; . Isparing his name. HIS 111tTlIC! heribA 1is an amusing sample � of her nalv-ite_ co W . I I I - - - , �_ - - ! --T!!!� - - ____ . eat I oft9c I � Yes, slit of � rough collar, betwee-ft-ber teeth. "I . .., � - , ! - - . . I deoigns, atfd. containing finest so said to herself, drestmily. [lint was really won't beIievelt�4 can't.'. I ,won'tl" slic -'During hir stay in Paris Site Was honored . very Well, otri you ' on, - -7- ... . -__ . �. '' ­ I. I : , tions puidlissable for money. Seeoui verl 1. I , II be had ever griven ll�n There had becii murmured, as. . � . .. . . ."oil, ta- an � hour -lideiTalh! nlegligent . . Regglels C, , ­_ - of Bweet-toned organs, ' Abe bit savagely at the I . . . . . . I 6 oncluslon.. - .� � West styles at .bee ,times in the past when F'Ic had wondered woolly wrap. . . . 1, . . .. I , clerk one mo' �. � . . I ... . I tqtain ent lven . t, ou .et, . re entered tho private office .. . . - .. . . . I , . r,* - of his employer. ..'. . . . .. , . � ''. I . prices. Instruementg rented. tuned or., re . I. 4�01ij mammAl" shouted little Rql;te Aq ed. .Granioph so, , if it would have made a-, ' y difference had it was all so abourd--rpositively, child one as'- ell hte wit 6r ro- itations, I I on and music in vEhr she been a poor girl and';�.,d owed A great ishl WbAt bad Hobart done? - Notbilin and the re's d6nt"broug t I on an I pro.. . This -time, bomever, be. was not alone :Pe 'vin ,to. 'his moth - er In great lee, 101atiTat. , , � . 1. _.. I I . � . � . . � Ideal to him. Would gra!itude have -been I I., sented to e a,'rAre. and value, Is e'vres. � . "Allow me air" he. said, eltnply, llt� .1 , . I ­ 91 . . .. �_ � 1. . � I ­ . . whatever. He' had said nothing at any $ 0 . what dob yota think?, I Was just er � a bond? But she had not had even the tithe that a man may. not say .to a womai 'vase. The little lady gaze at I �Ith ' Introduce to you7 the cause of my, recent . �hire where they're pidting up the cir. ' * Los HORRE'S I . I . I ,luxury of that sentimc, !Z. This beautiful in -the Same . social, Standing. What 11-44 that beaming And childmlike smile oni to mistakes -my. future, wife," . . .. tus and.they're filling'the ring all I uA . ' . I . � I . . . . 11 . . -Ong Isldnd home had .,Iways been hers, . Aroused tbii sudden consciousness,jIllat *be attained by. the Japanesi. '14�ry - 314 Stringer: aroW .to - h$s feeti liiid (of -bkeakfast food.10-J'Smart Set."' , � .. � musli Empoilutn i � I d she h,ad loved every nook and cranny . looked curiously down Id the � beautiful - . : . � .1 I I i I .. � 1. 1. � 1. . . ­ "I. � . . unexpected opaA, as'' of Atone strik, aorry,1`1 said she- in, her .Soft '15rok' � .1 . ­ __ I . _. . .11 I I . :1 .. . . .1 � I et him, Ing stone, flu4 straight fb en: )�olmg.Alrl who good. -smilingly before ' . _. .. . . ,Df it long before she bad ever rd � ". � � I . . � I � . .. w, cared -for it only for , . � . ry so got take vase to im. en he turned to -Worthington,, ' . , . 1. . . . � - . . � I � 6ven no of ,Tapan. - - Too far.rry et broken. Take . . I . . I . . . . . . While be, to .eye? - The slightest tightening , & 404L P W C), 3M ZJL a , �­ . . I ng fast I)oats, or now and � clamp of the 'hand,. tbc money. as he clasped .her hand'in ,his, -,- ' The Kid You Have Mways So . E. & T. lRardy,4z . I the sport of raei i :th-e g6od-nighl ., . � Coi, I Ithen going off . on a cruise wilh 9, Jolly - cene rea - it was till - - Very sorry.0 The �onlookera "4y boy," he Said, "how in th 'I Jloars the- - I upt I . I I . . ­ 1. , . ,.. . . . � I . . 11. . , harp, q'u'lel d.b ,th* and gaisped,--but Zada Yieco Still, beamed on A , � - , , Arty and pl 8 ! r" gig'atm .. . Pressi 'Advertising, Correopondahce. an atag enty of cold bottles On I over. She .would have thought nothing. , the Pre ident. did you come to, wake oar f&w? -30M 1 . . . . In She,� was SArenely -- uuw . .. . � . . I . . . . 1 masson. - , �, : , � � - of . � . I . I . . Enquiry. Ageute,'�.: - ' - . warl of, It a low �ear. ' Pahaw I .. I ��Ra; " . 4 ago, . -it wa.; eonselovis of living done anythibi out of , - � I � . I .. . .� . . � � I . � . I I . . . . . � . I I e down four weeks ago notlilng.. Aer anomalous- pGsltlo� . had� the -bfillnary way.; Bui she got lier mon. ,. . �_ I � ­ . I � . . I I'll I . . I I . . . .8t . Lcftdon,'�', Englan 4 :04th the thought of Harrimm stirring ttufflons, she ' bid . I . . 80 Flee.t '.9 sharpened 'her Ir was MOT I ey, iftd. offinded nobody. . govo did Shc Know?. . . I- ; . . . . I I ­ . . I � . I I I er strangely as she went about the I And tstrun �, perhaps she s6olded her� . I . III. I I - I : . - � .. � SWLE�5. �r' . * � Estimates.tind advice gratig. I . ' ' W g ' . . .1, . Air& Tomkins -Yes, � my dear, 31M , . 11 , . . I 11.�, . . 0 had loved with her %Aee,'� 'a I t - ' self, Oavh'e even. growing abourd. And � , ' . . . . .. . . I - , . 4 . :. � .. � >%he most perfect'. companions the Sum, yet the next Inetant.'shd'-waitellting hei- 1. I 11 . His Arother ,at 'the UnivertitY - - -Jorkins Is v;Bry badly - bred. � I absed 'ftou ha-Ve been. aAelling me" Joh'to Canadian 1308101tELL d spects ty., , . mer before. She had never met a ma," Self tbAt wwnlented'wife can.aftord 0 . '. . I - . � . her yesterday In th - - - - - - -, - - I -. 66 94d the old man - "that youlro alwrittn!, - - I . - . I . that so completely gave himself g breath, a. flash of sympathv . A small -urch1h picked. , up by thd Vel. turned round di4lboked after me 10W of % Dwin-mmOr 8�wethln$ like, thAlt-03. . � � ... .0' !� I . I I . � .. ,. . I � I VAScination of lower Long Island -even i =ur may be callid that subtlej e . ce, a few days since, idated, . . ..� Uzi alimmer., " . . . lu, bourne polf timola, . . . I . In . it. . . . . �as she had done. He was constantly 're . . tk* ,f ailier--a suiblime.ode. I . . - ixive: sex!consciousness, but a Woman wlic I a Tlf jt6 the usual questl6ns� tut to ... . 4i_ - .0 9 . I � . . . WBut je.s my opinion;'! continued thO . .� ii�`&�ii& Eicsfre4 I I � . . . . g out to I -la*fltl. r , .4 � it brot er at , . I � aer the beauty of Wind ,mivas on the brink of leaving. her oat n Pints tbit he ba � . . ror, silently gliding over ' ke university. -His. own nk ' . � . . . V white Sail 1h.usband' for another man? Thbre was a u empt, A * ., Not Transparent. . �. ' . at a reAl, live, industrI0110 At ,Pm . . . . old whii, I'th . . _j& 96wk an! I, It's too bad " said she, thoughtfull.) [what was apparently a gareen meado,w- sudden glimpse of possibilities, ­4 great - scarcely seemed to corrobomto : - . -, . . I .Injuin, would ta;ke a omah you have lro;;� eyes and I have brow tb littl Inlets on ;hieh the boAto I chasm, seenaed to � open before . hor--a "A= Lawyer Bullyra, have,stoted Irlili, In gW 60alp some.ol � them.trees . i the tion, so the matter was proosod. Sir, you - I I ablut- eyes, you're dark-hairea And I'm, davu - oil eA11 d:y Ion lipped In ind but, black defile. -Horrible I she covered beT I 'What part -of the unfveralty,?'�. he was under oath thak ta man had the a I Jto. ATIewddd, Atto -]lot got thar . thalrea, we both have round chins �]IA * pf ll� . � . 13 to paper with blus piniong Irre lair tch's of high AwAraP faie With her bafids, . . Il'sked. . I . A ; 4 it . . . I .� pearAnee of A, gentleman.. - Will * Ou We � 3! ink over whi ., 'both have dark oomple:klons-I istist ja: grass -or ofuthg *ky Swept by great white The Medical, School," 111bly replied : = a W, on 4111-AtIant'g, constituti.0116 . I !that the outlook for � _ , It an'li good enough to tell the jury . I .. . I. oui �childroxr 14, i �1(vud_wlngs AS of angels, or of the Ana,! Hz otir later, her one thought the kid, The police -looko at one an. gentleinan looks, in your estimation? : - _' . . � � . I 1. .1 . ' . .I . was how to tell him, Site never 00;@d �- In __ NNOW Aerribly monotonous - one.00 , - over alike and yet ever chariffing. , They bring heroelNo confess the truth -to re. . tber. Then' 'it occurred to a, constilbla Witness-We1I__er-::_& g�ntleivan 1OPK8 , . � � . . � "Never mind," he sitid, hastilyl Ile , . � I I � -union of fh . . .. I I � . . . , "th 5iever tired of *e racy air ectre that bad ariseil at the relative might ba a sweeper -out, - -er- . ........ ........ - - - - - - - - - . , em, be monotonous... I'd rather ligo. rile and pine --the spicy, beotirring air between him and her. She. knew he wo-altl pr something of the Sort,' Lavyer Bullyrag-4 don't want "y Of . ��� 'l. & . : . them so.,,-nx, . .. ower Long lislsa�L They had glided ' 'I _ to .1 On . . � ..... . "I �. . . � I I ta,keft all as a,lack of trust in'llim. Ali. "Mat aocs'lid do there?" he demand- your erm, orl und remember that 11 .. . _ . . ' Pto this intimacy of tbnught And feeling ` bow that would hurtl He would think . td. � . . are under oath. -Can. you see In flits . I . I . I . I , 1. . - I . � 0 A Innocently as those pure white salls "Ohl he 'doesn't do nuMn) espouded court room any n. that looks like -A 1. I � . Some tiotes ,by Burns. ' As -held him As other men, light Wooers. 0 0 r pers.0 1. I irl%�- .. . .. ded before the wi,l:id. � ! of the -passing moment. the yqungpter� "lie's in a bolt , Is.,, . gentleman ? , 411*�7 .. .. . . . . . I I ' . .. T5Ten all at once t�tiere had been a ablid- ' . I Iden asperity) -1 , . � 11�0 . As , ' it wft!; lierst'll' , Witnoss? (with, Sul , ­, .-z� June numborof "Ohambers? Jotir , was better than to confegg i I ­­.. � , ­­­­__ , ", � `14! . ?ring awakening, brought about by 1 Ighe migtrusIt6di �How sbe would fall ill . would stand out o theway, , I Ital" boo an interesting paper on. itaber, , HOW to , could if you . . % 11 I �. I . � . 1 _4 � � Got a Husbafid. , - - P e light word spoken by A, woman who', :,,,is eyest . I P htlyt tt. " .- � . �T- , .1 I Yott'renot tranopareat. _ . �� ,�­ ) containing some . atinotatio I .t must be tllq ptlit . I ­ ­ ... .- . I : _XIQC*�%. It . ought the worst and thought none fbe, . . I I ­; - (-4, 1 . Burns b ''th ,I I I It W`01041 She To -se W -ear: to ' � A� 7- -,, , , Written y . e poo on tle spurious Worl, , "71 I �`, . rhap� a little more -f or A"Yery f4torosUng fete lilts just takelf . __*_01_ . I . 11 14�­ 11�, �� , T,'7,-,�, 1, ne, entitled "The Kor a of them -pe .:her desk.' After All, it ll;Vl come about . % t the village- of R'cautiaineg, wbero N.", , . The purity of the *bite Sails WAS -thA lt.wag not to her husband that th An 9ccentric Mates Ftuler4 ,�",*� ;.1 014" , Somo of these notes. art chArtieter - . Q �Ce:lrla, linding Oaf hwqbands ".wtre . . . . . " , I � I � 0% I t . ,,, , I '­, 4 I i W', e. They coild not bear the usual attl . 1, Ali�.� . ,, I latic If trivial. For example, after thli w to be written, backward in coming forw �he will *of captain "W. Ir. Nort6u) " "I Zl '7� de of the gay set, somehow they wero '. ard,1 doter. , �, She wrote rapIdly, and nervor IN, 4 ) `x > .It orecdoto in, the book,* "A Servant mali difflosgat- oallbres. e_v- Ji s LA 1 Mly lined to give all, international luncheon, Loulavilles oc6antrio capitalist and land- X'O'k1 Once r6tuttiod boma .t,A. ". I L nad �� ltnd,m sq�Jh Scanned on6notd affer another, before 0 Which all marriageable men were in*, ed proprietor', who died. recently .at c6t. ,41�, .. �� orying 0114 tearing.it up In pagalona-to d:,Rguld, In it d X Inst cell. onado'Beach contains a blause In whielf . Re, I J. Aft becauso a criminal Whom ll 0 had ob I , ' in "I � I i tAfned leave to' go and see executed o .� � ­ - ?=___ ___ 1_._---, � ­­­ I- - Then a Sudden C,;�y**Ors " ofi ontside'tb Town Hall, I . UP .all, she destroyed four. _g,,rous aldr"Seliga: . the deceased. made these provisions for 11 . 11 1. . )Oned to got a r�prleve," Burns wak�ol 4 1A _* 1 ­_­ I -W 4 tern, . . nispra ui, caj,& W I. b c, loverleAs ging t00X rneir plaCet, ... 11,:.',� " . poravy way Old of the. difficulty" lie AvIng An ompty Seat beside het, In . 1 his luxleral, and which is qulte as eceen- * ,... ,�. �,,_111' "� I thd laconic observation, "Human na ". , , ...;,�, .;, trio as thftt of the Itite, & J. Major of - ,� .1 1� I I ; turoln' In the margin alongside th � "Dear Mr, UArrimulf. I have gilddeulv ' me st. of the chair# � .'" - .. ,� ,�-�, I I t gir � ,n��,'. I .1 i � 0A. fill OttaWa, aThat no services of a roll Duo 'Cunt I , � words of St. James "Count it - V. # I .1 decided not to pay .that visit to my Ali . 4 6 th , men were ovo �, character be lield,, that a 8 frain ,; , , " . I i When you fall Into kyerA tempie"tRoki , ter, as I h4d Intended to do next ,Week. ;or 6mlleit 0.aJ JV0,6 k I I I �Or tillbeft O'girla Who lid 130d 0*6 t- of Palliating bb chartered to la o his r6- I I 1 Burns exclaims, �"Ahill as It lie were, ill so I shall r6main At Sumw;orthne, whart ! touts dangoil Ifi, the vMaik Xlrldti- maim from Louisville-awliere lie, has for . . vQe " be gia to, weleotdo.),ou, at ally * ON � OATIO' ' doubt about It, At the slid of a Joyo ,, & . . . . . , , 0 long been burled alivol-to Cincinuatij , . I I I Atoryt Burns adds this enquiryt ,q4 10,f, I I -, - -.-- - _"� . , * t4at the bulTats of the. cUrs be well .. . 1 1 . 4 I . . . I , . . ,Ike 4 prtsent of ribloons tliAt you,llatirtoj . I I I I VAen%6 il`j'm6"a#.Sh"e k4ow h ,�oitld � ,stocked with good things to eat #,oil . .1 Ast, 6, It Oftwig womankind without Its, i 50# AtInk, In orddt that Ills friends do ?lot 0, It itakdadhoo IS1000061119 00 Ott % the quil,litity each should receivo?, .there W" very �little ex ' DR. A. WORASE 8 11 . , *nat on befotie - Iluan ,0 , ,�lanatfdon. Shis p the , CATARRO SURE go ( 2' Irst or hunger that while tho r6maltis W 'slat Coatfd'Ton4uk Youl DrOW i � o ollowlt sentom�5,. 4111 0 1 - pain a his tyell, bhO T0411ty could not hot � , - 4 1 being cremated at- Cincinnati ail or.- ft tit Burn, Water tftsh, ot of, .1 f, a � 6 at , 0 -is lent diteet to iq#j , egtra ren4or it Programme Of poritlar I , r,:,� " of the Stomach, LiVir or U000 a UV a =4 orefcr6 6 - 'eve that uts by thik It6ptoved Blower. i, d Select musl0l -Tlie programme 6 at- Ll-; , , v6ha, ad Im ored him to 'bell L - . . I I t Ak As. still ftttart�tl him -loved himt Of Veal* tho alook slears the at 'i wa I I% to, r0ealls tlia P06 1 sealles,stopidroppints In thii If Ached to the will, and It, Is Stipulated 1, -UvoW Nit are VuWy #qiktAVW-g 11 " 06um, A6 4ho k1Wqy§ �would 60utl"6 to I Croat slid tmoingint y lluf6s I JhAt when ati Intermission Is reulted tha giikiwoorim W"ken ado &"A- - . "a " I . Ad- hw Ah tr v on '46. But be W&O olrwatthindEvever. 816wor lenda, Ask, the orcheiltva, to Joi4 therl f0446 _11 I **"4r*k46U0AA6k'At AVA01AV I diode 6t t, A. W. Chios, *1 I &A rilopt. to aft" C re 0#44 at = r , A, � ­­ I'll., . Wad cd�j torotkt* 404 Buffalo. U dbAkfilt OW WA vopse.lIi � .., . A* . I I I 0 . � . . _� . f I I I . . ., t . . . . I . I I . � . . .. � I . I . I I ­ � . k � '. I I . I , _. f. -, _.­� .IWL . 1. I I . ,;.. . . I I . 41 1 1 ­ ,�_X_.QWd&k1_*6k1K _.&,� ,. , .---.. -1-___.___ I . I I 2:ii&&_,__�,i&� AL21.A�_,iL-_L..=, 19��__Idoa&,," I- - I I , . . . . I . .. .which converts more- raw infit. ,. . erial into -earning power - and . . . places more young Inen an * , - , . 0; .1 � , , . men in g3od positions tha�4 W. . ... . . institutions 61 Phe kind I . I in'Clanads - : is the : * . . ... . . I . I . . . � .. . I � . I . . . � . . 11 . I . . I a . I I I . . . . . . - . . I6. - , �_ - . . . .. . i * �. .1 .. . . .. � � - . I � . I . . . . . I . . 11 . ,. . I � , � I I , I I . . -- . . . . I . I . . . . . , . I . . . . .. ... . I � . . . � .. . .and so ol of SRORTH &ND.: - I ! . I � , . . TYr-EWRITING,& TELEGBAPHY I . � '. . . - , . . -Toronto, Onti... - � - I � . .. I ... I . Always-oDen.' No va6stions. . I . . I , .. I � * I I . Twelvatee,ohera., Fineequip'nieni. . 1. I I . .. � Special Summ.w. Eession for July I - . . .� .and Augbat., Partionle:& free. . ,,- . . ".. p I . � . , . , . � .. : ...Wri.te .. -1 . ... : . � I All�. . . �. :W- a. s a riw. , . . 1. ,. , plif I . . . s.. .1 � . . .. .1 . . � 1. ­ . . �. � _ I : ., I . . , W "s 0 � o � .. b-0-0-0 " I .. � '� . i, .. : .. . . � . - .. .I' . . . ! , - . . I . . � , . '' .. '.., . I I I . . ft I , ( -, - * I - ' 0% Wil - , . 7 . ' I ' I � . I 6W.9; - - .. ... I , I :. .. . . . W. ited Is - . 1. I I I . .1 I ... . ,,,, - .... � I . .yo ,ung. me i and women:to prepare for - ,,. * , . . good situations.. Appl�tq, .��. , .. . �. 1. . . . . � , � . .. . , , . , .: . � . . . �D I .., , . _ . I � ..� . �- � � ominlon.i , � � 1. -� _ . ,;. � * I . . . ­ . Busines I S :: . ., .I.''.,. :1 . . I I . ., . ''I 11, . �� . a .; I . . .. - - I . . 12o�tiege. , � - - ''I . 'The beat ,eqoipp9d Business and. -shorthand " , College in 04nads, . � Reduced tuition ratei, �.t - . Write as rsgavding -our courses, of - study$ , . 'and:': I .prospects of, securing situations - for , - , graausteA. Catalogi;e's6nt,f-ree...,A,aareei,'- , .... : . . . � �. � .. . . . . I 1, . . . �. . � . .. � . I . .. I . , , . � J-`13- AcKAT, , , ' . * 1 � . .. . .... I Dept 6i 'to Bid " ' ' � ... .. .� . � . C11' Confi)dl�rotion Li bjigf !.. - � , " ' ' . . I . ... .. . I . . . .1 . . - :. . Toronto t 4 .. '. � �. ., .. . I . . . I . I . ,. � . I . q F . .� I I . . I . I I � . . . . . . . . I . . ­ I . � . .. � : .. � , . � . � I . . I., : . I . , . ... - * I . I I . . . . . . . . I . - . � . I , . :, ­ � 7TO . ­ . . . .'' . � , . . . I � I .. I I . . . � . . I I . . . . . I I I . . I I . . . I . . � I I I ,, � . - I . � . I . . * 1. . I I . . . . I - I I I ! I .: I . � . I � � I .. . . . . . . .. . I . . . I It pAys Ws f in the eud. .. 11 , ,- . .. ., . � I � 1, 11 I . I .1 . The'Cawada Business, College., . . . I .. . I . ., . � . I I I . . . I ­ I . . PHATHRMo .- - . � ... .. . I � I I I . . - ,i�fth its 97 yearo of oliodesoful work to Ito - . I., ... .credit, atai�ds withunt i peer in'Canada in . I . ' welino 01' Busilneali or Shorthand trilning. � - . . . .. I � . � . � I � . . I . .. . ? . 946 otndento placed in good positions in - I 1. iu�p&Bt6levenmonl�hashp*owbai,�w*e do . ': �- -. for our students when graduated..' � . . � 11 Vollege rioliensiot. likil term - . "'. . I . Sept, Ist" .. I � . . � . . . , Our catalogue is the handoomeat issued : . by any business school in the Dominion, � ' . - . Copy.siant by adOreoling, . . . .. . -1 I . I � I I . . . I I � - � IN 194achlall & ()O. .1 . I .1 1t -1 . . . . . ,� . . . � . - . .� Chatham, OnC. � . July 24. to,Sept 1. : I � :, . 1. � . I . � : . . . . , I . . . � . I I .. .. . � I . I � . . I . � . V " 1 . I 'I - � � I . 1, . I . . * * - I � .. AM of 17111m, I - I , . . . . , I ZML " * I - , , -p���.JXXJ%.. I I . .. , . � , . . � .. 1: CAVADA'S BUTICHOOL : of 1,earnillig . IS the reputhtion that'16 teen . 6ftr:bed.b,f this school. We have I clicks, best Clulumbut,and I I turn 6% beat gra bates. 0)[113 week' a trial free, Write for I catalog 'IQ". rall tervA begins, � Sept, W03, A L� 111111towN, Pirin. � A . . . . . . - -I.-- .. I I . I I � .. . .. I I . . . I . � . . . I . I I � , . . . � . I . 1. SUMIMER� ­ . I , , * .. � OFFERO - I ... , . . I ,Weekly Mail and Einpirib . . Mailed tonny address in Oanada, . . � Groat Britain or TJnIted States . .until January lot, 100.4, for � I 0 � 1 150 eENTS' . This offer Ineludeg oboice of . I 19millm pilAurea, -entitled It The , I Morlavarowoll,!o and 410ii tho . : ndge of the Herd. � . . . � SPIMIAL6 � I Waekly.Mall and Empirs to yt%n, 1, )I . I Mtii Now Sra to Jan. 1, )04f 4" , . . Both va rli 6ont to aby address : % i � 0 R*46n. It 104, send order I : .0196-6 of thig pe,por, . i & . I , . 1W