HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-08-14, Page 9,
. 11
I .
I ----.I— 01, � ''... . I I... 1. .
-k- � — �, �1- � -- Pl. .; —. �. �'��1-111;lm
� A IQA" A U
August 14tho 100
EFEEMEMENEff— I -- -' - - "ton 1 ad one .
0 n 7 ftday A,, la,Oro �BCOR I .
occurred eg-01.1idu h I , I I .
. . . I -1.-.----- � I 1-1-1 I—— ; . I . I 1. - - 1-1 -11 -1 1-111 . ..
. .
. ,
;�;� man, a brother of .J9 0 Kaufman, of ROWICx had a ca.4e of scarlAtiria, and . . , �
C wanosh a death from the
all , � the Now FOR* sitafft gassed Away. '='erNauoh is RuroVs record of .
F3114T, AUQUIST 14,19A. � f r nX 4uao.7 'I
....... I I 1. I'll, 'I'll 1-1. ,.., ''.... --1--1--- 1.1-11.1.. -1 1-11 -1-11- . u#14w7,JflA-§V* ' At "'IM7111"Oy at " d, t fOD. I , D, .
� . . , FA ., I th!e (
, litst, whol 'Nv lc�)f Ur Cleo Kallf- _ ...
. — i . n, Twins were born. to t em In good � 0
' :;;, I , � .— contagious 41sease,s. for the monthof 'A $21 , 0 Wrist Bag,
. 11 . health, and are still living, but thear. � , I 1
001l; , onthly re . . 11,
. I %# deal proved too much for the unfor- June, .;to taken from them - , ,Mo. �a A~ t I
� 'L4as t . ort" In looking over the list we .
GOLFERS IN LONDON.- -Messrs T tunate inother. She wits buried oil [F( .
. I I earn th t our county is one of the ir or mixty m-ents 9 .
I �' Mondy The artbroken I .
. .Ackson, jr., OBDowding, CaptMe. left wi I I
. I it. healthies'�G in the proviabe, .
. Taggart.and Thos Wiseman were In It three other Children - ------ � .
, , L Tuesdi%being exitextAined by It is likely t will be BRUSSFIA AACBS.—The races at Its s, tartlinig, but its' tru'o',, not .
Qudou . ables,
the la, hey .
thwollf Club at city. It was not a moving to town,where, his mother now Brussels are t6.be held August 19th � � . I
watch game, resides, . and 20th and they promise to be ftr�t� Wt 11 .
� ' - every man playing, fox, . � f ell 4 we talk bargainsand all k' "ids
.For Skirts. ll�mielf, and the quartoUe report an ON AUGUST� 15TH.'—The'post nod class, a -ad the best ever held' in the
11 . �cuj-aynble time speilt. while there, county, The trhek is' fast .144 a lair e . of redac'
I I . . 1. O.F. excursion to Sarnia, and tto� ace entry is ass4ired. Everyone' should te - � . ed Prices, but we have a value I 11
� ,rASBD TUBE, LI@VATOR.— The by boat to Detroit, will bebeld on Sat t, L t
. I . a LID . I from Clifito' ,cre andsee good1ast racing, The now that .
. odd & Cullen M filing Co,, Limited, of urdayttext. The fare 11 i classes are 2.40 trot, 2.50 pace, 2.30 we eel disposed to shout.
. I . .... . I .. I.... I—. �'. . .1 11 I : Stratford, have leased fora termof 'will be $160. ,good going on regular. stud 2 25, trot, 2 28 pace find 2,20 F�1001e . I
. five years the Grain Elevator of R. 11,_ morning train via Hyde PArk, Chil- 2,19 pace and 92.15 trot-, free for all trot .
We are busy -this week clearing out - the. .will"all.d. take possession Sept 1. They dron, under 12, half fttre, boat fare 50q. and piWe and 8 year old trot, about. it .is odern !n, A ap -%Jong with .
. . � will buv al kinds of grain and pay top returnin,i, necial train will leave Bar- I I I
balance of our stock of summer skirtst cloth wark-d prices, Mr Win Q Swith,who nia, on A on ay, August 17 at 10 p. m. CANADA RBTATN,S CUP.— Kol.. culved frame, �aade in genuine �eather I
. has bouflit grain on the Clinton mat- Ali- D U McDonald,111 V iland Nper,and utoo, the Yankee challenger for the a I I lined, also intddepx et, the'frame . . .
skirts, wash skirts, white skirts, all are 1, ,
I. � . going * of for wenty years, And who is well MisaMaMeMeDonald,1, ighlanddancer, Seawanhaka challenge cup, was again ,n k
, I .
known to the. Whole farming enavinin, I will accompam, tile excursion. decisively beaten in the third race of .
, . "I
at Bar ain prices. LastSaturday saw .a lot ity,liaslio.t,iietig,tgedtobiiyfo-.-tiic,tsi. bol , v sltmi!d :,twild Illbs, flie last lvv:21,1� the series at Montreal oil Saturday, by and chain are either bright fiul,sh.or � '.
� . . (114vul's"ould 11111.9011SC111. . a, the defender of the Royal St I
sold, Its week we would like to see the last BE 0011711'04','OUS. —There ia it lit i le . . . Thorell,
� 11 , � bit of deconsy that is being seriously'i A STAR.-Xiss Tillson,A.T.C.M., La-wrenceYachtolab, The Calais re, dark gun metal,fram.e shaped and ch a'In .
ones ,ao. Prices like these ought to sell them. oveilooked at this present day, and 1 Gold Medalistof Toronto Ounservator talned by the Canadian club, the Can. I � .
. � V adia,la yacht having won three straight .
. .. 014 is tile right of w ww (ItNen. with ; Of Music 1001, (a pupil of Dr, Hain atia races. W Q Phillips was the success- 161aches longn. . I - . . .
. . alkq %N-11"il ,mest. ; now it successful teacher at Elavergal fill .
eloth Skirts $3 98 �, . . another to the side,% t and satisfaotoryiudgeforthefourth . . %..A f
. 1�n,�- each other. ,130in t of * otiv i,ftizens.'Vollege,) who is visiting atthe �umwer time, of this vauch-ititerested-int6r- .1 The quantiti we have is slntdil,�- -but the value 1,1
. I
ve neither rospiiot for young. or old, residence of W. - Doherty at Bayfleld, national yacht race, indeed big. 'lf'yo!l ara ia-,.3r03t0d,, we will iniged ; I
Just a few of those $5.50 skirts to sell at $3.98. many being crowded oT the sidewalks I will Sing At. the , morning and evening WILL MEET IN LONDON. CM . ' . .11 ' . appro- "All
Wes ey church, Clinton,
They were now this seaion, bat we don't Want- to or be jostled abou tin their Pffortm to sorvic es in ,)� — The te your iaspec,ioa of &!ie go:)di.. Wh-3n we do art - . .
. I I . I . got by. Link arm and arm ,its littich next Sunday, Aug. 10. Miss Tillson Canadian Medical 'Association will nollace. a bargain, pleAsa tist us. . . I
carry them over. . 1. As you choose, but break away whell ; has it rich contralto voice of great meet in London this year on the 25th, I
I I I you meet a person who'wishes to pass , compass, combined with a r ire dell- � . +- -
I .. . I � . . � I 2th, 27th and 28.th of August, This is, —��-- . -.--- . .1
you. . I Cacy; practica . I
, *
Tweed Skirts $3.98 � - . . . I � lly every mood in the one of the most mteresthig sessions of . I
� ! LOSETirREEFA , , buniqu Soul is expie .
I MILIE S IN ONE i:4ed through these the medical fraternity, and will evid- . - .
Ladies'Shirtel, made from fine all wool tweed, navy Or I , sonks of Zion by t;l artist. . I I '
AVEHT.- It has been Clinton's nlism, I . � ently draiv a number of our local doe, 14M .
black ground, with narrow white stripe,made in the - tors. DrHAXcQa1Iuni,.Londonj will -
season's most popular walking style, a ver I y nobby , ,. I fortune this week �o lose three esthu� I THE RANG'E, V ,;STALLE D, -A five, deliver the. address in medicine; Dr .. I
- �
garwent, ragu'ar 05 50, clearing at each ........... 3.98 able families froni her midst, These hole Peters' range has been installed Alex Hugh V erguson, of Chicago, for- -rheW.De TAII&CON I ,
) , I are Robert -�Ileppard and family Lon- ',on the Collegiat6 grounds for the us& Merly a practitioner of Winiaipeg,Man., . . - 13 . - �
I --- -- I - I . (Ion ; Mrs'llilgh Ross ard daughter' f t1a ioscd Cadet Corp that mill be will 4eliver tile !0dress in Surgery, and � . I . I �
. I ; 0 e prop
. . I . .
. . . . . I
� . - antfora ., and Andrew Uck� formed its soon . Dr -Matthew D. Mann, Buffalo, the stir- do-;,. I
. I . . Ida to 13r, as the Holidays are
Wash Skirt 68c. . .... . . � ineyer and fain'! y to Stratford. The over. These 0 ps C � orne 1111(ler'Gov- . oil -who Opuril tea upon P I residert Me- - T — ,� 11 !P I
. lattcw will be enil)loyea in thbGlobe. 6rnment ins Otrion, and are I urnished Muley. will deliver the address in- , . . . I
pe�L . I .
You couldn't b,y the.material alone f or, the -. Furniture Co. We tire *sorry to lose" witil regular mi itia, Arms, only, the 'eulogy. �. I I . .. . .
fol 0 .1tizelis frorn (>ut InIdst, and the cartridges have not the Sallie calibre,.-t� I . . . — As—� — — — — ,, . � .
prices we are asking th garment ready. to 'put � these t, . . gyne . . ADLAQIM��— — -----� . � ., I
Presb Leriall chililch - . I"*" , - ....
on. We couldn't sell them at this price if we 'had (mlleJ -%vjIl lose two ex-, sinaller-charge of powaer being -.used THEAPPLE CROP.--4heMonetary .1. . �� I - I . ,�. .
workers in. Mrs Rvs� ,and daugli. and a smaller ball. The distances�will Times - says : - ."Co A
. ter. . . � , L . . i Waiderable talk is ( I
not got a chance to bay q makers surplua st k. . ... . L . . ' �e 95and 50 yards,and this new attrac- heardas to tbegreatscar6ity of apples, . I
I . 00 L ' ' I : Ist 'wa ' tion for Clinton'o Collegiate ,.should be but these reports, as far its we. call SlaughterEAR) I
11 - 1,egularmeothig for Angi s held , a good drawin,� ca;vd,as *ell.as pukkink. jud e from reliable authorities, only , . I . - . �,
- Wash Skirts 68c. � . . L . .. . I - .1 I I . I
� . in the council Chamber ' many thie niar si .. I ,�pp yLt6 � . .
X Ladieb'wash Skirts, plain wbil-e, plain blaolq also � . �1.'Thut-sday I . ,. � .. If certain localities. I .L . . . ,
. I - ,:last. Th(�ve O. I ARE '.Iv!AK nen' crop will naturally be Considerably 1.11 1. . I . . . . No or = I . '. I I .
Will e the
eve in
Jftc� g I Were present
white with black dots. Wash skirts this season's k9on ING A TEST QASE,- -i, that of lastyear,the pro$- I I L . ". W I 1'r,
goods, not one in the -lot was m%de to sell for less . , , Halt, Downs, Beacom "Ind � kbout forty S6utli-woldand Yarmouth snialler thai L I I., � I . . .... : . I . .. I I
than $1.125. We bou,ht %L M iket'S OVer-makes Turner.. The secretary tillei, liept,)rjed ia'rmers were this week served with pects. f6i, a very fair yield Are good in 1. . .. is I .. � .1 .1 . I .
an,i"". --%rt1,1a. - % - (-,ch ............ i . .... 68C ... �, the-.eidotion ot,Nr A..Turner, 'The:,wilts by Bailiff 4, McKenzie, of St . immyclistricts. BorAer1ni4lqbg.Lake: I . I
. �-
. wilo! L . . . ,overi, mounts around Lake Huron, Georgiall Bay . . . . . . I . . :
Principal ill his rollorb, stated that Ml Thom", inactions to re( % 10'rie, the crop will likely be light,while, easolilab a Footwear.. . .
. . -..- . � . . - I wrote 011. OXAMS !passed. 25 WX of unpaid.ftock Ili, the Farmers' Co-op- . . - * . L I . ..
. . . . � � . I . . . �
. W110111 took lionors �Ouq, Carman Kill', ,,, and most parts of LiLke Ontario, it will I . I , I L . .
White Skirts I . I . ,,five Packing 06nipany of Brant- . .�
. taking the. highest mark in tile county, .1ord Nmited).. The fariners refus& to ablybegood. Pluixisa;ndp� I This week we commence a Slaughter Sale of all' Slimmer, " '
- ' prob, L .
. . "I'lle followitig accolvits Were Passed, ,their I st6ck- p,, iseto be abundant. ill -Iliost-sec- I . . . I -Goods. We have had an excellent Trade of Spring .' I -1
.,claiming that they sub- , 1 ,(,) w .
. . I . I ,1. $ ' ,98.90,' Thos Ate - bed: for it under false pretences. f ) Is while pears will not b6 as �lentl- t � . . and Summer Footwear and we A�e now willing to. Sac- ' L
, 80, N A-' . ' - . ii,
It will pay ... -I to i) ly mae of th-lie Skirts. Harland Bro Kell . pse`,�, . , l.
even if you don't w,ar it uutil next season. It ' .. zie, ,$Rt) - Davis,& ownland, $4,ft W,L) - They said they were.-promlsed its good , S .t year, Will probably be better,. Aftee without a;ny profit *what we have left, as we must � . I
L� . . .1 Fair, $I;WJ Coo er;1$4; Ja-z F orguson; I a price for their Ilogs as anyone else quality.", . . . 1. I .1 . . kd6p oul, Stock up -to Date. We . have placed on. our, I . I . . I
woil!t pay us to carry them over beclusa we. .must .: The applicat ' n of',Xiss Witiou ,-is IL' . . I . . . . . . I I . Bargain Racks, 38 prs. of Childiens Okfards, sizes 5to 10& L
. . ; $6 was paid, aiAd they � said the. proinisC' ' . BY . . - all .. .
. . . teacher -Was accepted, the. roolit to -be "W'As. not kepL. Hogs Were purchased S ORIVI,-A terrifte storm prevailed . . , rill 'L .
.11, I . . IL I . LAKE HIYRQ'Zl� -,VOSSED . I which we sold at $1,00, Some of � them' were $1.25
. � . I . . L .. . I T L oing no at one price, only 05c, they axe cheap � . .
ha7,- --,-w --trm-n's to Ao v them * . . I . �, OeOWO(I oil lftt�r- 'It. was, recommended - they say,'at it Certain 11-Lak6 1111-eor� for the last three Jays s ould be all c7earedbut ill a few' -days' at this priee�
. . that Mr L i Robb .and ,)Ili tile""' too' .0 . '. . . .. ..
. . � . . oilgh, .See Mis f, And when the companyL calile to - , L, it 1. . � . . , . .
,:;- 's ,1*rr!� ,r,.%%., L . L I . � . make arrangements -,vitly her,fc.rtAe A I'%v'r , . � . of the past week. Steamers luet IV h . . owe andsee them,they-.�re- chea , ,. .. ..
W11, � , I '.I L . I model terjn.�. The board tllPD -a . djourn- price was,iia,ld, tbenl. licavy weath6r but appear Lto lftl'%tii � I " L . � I . I . � I. I., , I . T� . . - ' '. L . - ' - 111.
"j" I
I;— - t! , � En,-,lihh,.cs-.- in, !2 int. -Ii frill, with L fore, tll. .. . I . . I . I I .
. Skirts iA. , c y decline to pay. up tile wdAthered the gale The City of Pitts- . . See. oar Men16 Harvest Shoes at 90c they are a bargain.' I � . , . I
-i 1a,t of out ed to wept -tit Call Lof chairman, � 4 - I . Tf tt ��, e due - . I Ladie's Lai ed mad Butboned,Bwt - a, worth $2.25. going at $1,50, : - * I - ' L
2 i- 1, I%ud a-,: inan.' 2 i ,ch hew., Tn . . L . I I I I . . 11,1c-t-ec L , oil their 90ek. � � , . .. I I bu - had io-�at back 1,o the 'harbor of . �
............ I . . . . it ()EjOPR�J�' , I
.. -to Dar :,g at each ............ . WFIRE NOT, PL kYI"NG FO'R. FUN. . , GoTeriell, -and again had to itty over a � I ; 1. . I . �
75a b7 b , 1" 5-C I . . . : . ft6i3�s']KidoGaitf3ra,.wbrth$3.00gblti�i%t$2.0ty�. ..:� I .
I � . . L_S . JULY FRUI 'PORT - � 1.11 I Chilarenlo Buttoned Bo'ot�. Worth . 3.L ,.:: �. ., . . .
,. , trathdolahs e'vidently did got a f0v 'Weatli6r condition � night'alid.day at4iincardine in shelter 1 1 . . L$1.OQ for 75 . .. ..
L ' ' ' .
� .1
. ... . . f , S on - th�l whole from the storm. Tile Stea mship OSS!, . . .,:, Sevoral.other llnesL�t SIMU.Obber Frioes.to olmr. .. .
I -
Skirts at 88c . .. I I 1. pwil ers of how to plaoy, hl,,,ro�se .When ,11&ve� been-" favbxiable' for: I July, I and. � .. . ., .... .. . . .. 1. .. .. . � . .
SHirta made from good English potion, draw string, 41113t L . they Went-Ao ,Kjnc.t,,rdlne last: Thum— � hencie there"is nolilarkea oh .* frage was held at. Godeilch, and- the . I . ,. 1'. L 11 L I . � ... .
frill, 15 inch outer frill attach . ed with L 6 inch fine . . . ) day. They were up'against it so -strong . ' ange Since . [ward at'.Pdrry Sound. On the ' ' � . . . I I I I . I ., � . , . , , . , , , * , I . , ;
. the June report -VVinter apples' will trip 8, I I
I . . -E .. I e e.- . .
. . ing 4 � afilvday as - unable to I . ' . - it . . - ' -- . .
cambrio embroidery, the last of our regular $1.25 . . thiitwhen the gaine 6nd6d the score., beafull crop lTrNova Scotia., medium ko �v n she -%v � L .. Th Old ellib.1 �... . ..
toLl in I P .... I . . . . .: . � . . � . ... .
. lines, year choice ................................ 88C. . . , was!12 Kincardine's favcit. Of . . -to, Geor- 'enter -the harbor at'Kinca,rdine, as a I . . . . * ' . � . 1. .L 1. I .
. . . , course thepe, Were' many reasons for, i to full crop iia'Southern Ontat . yory heavy aea'was Still rolling in. Oil I L .
. I . . . I - . . �-lau Bay -add Lake� Ontario districts . W Ta' ' r .; soin " Cliliton - -
- I
Skirts at $ 1.17 . . ... I L . . i their' ,defeat IsCthe Str4tilco . 1, . Monday .so hi-avy Whs theL surf diat. I.. . . . . T10 ..L,.& . . 1. .. . . 1. : I .
. . I nas' In Edstetia Ontario, And Qoebec, the . . . . . I . . � I .. ,. . . . , I. i . . ..
. interest in winnfi�g 6g I part of .the .wreck. of' the. schoo,Tier I . I . � -Cottage . on� Onto, . to Street. : - . , . .
. - I L
. � ' L I ' .. . it -n to wave be-. crop -iq It hf. B arly Apples are a lnefl� ari, . I TORENT -kgoid7room,ed r I � �
. �i . J 11 I
L it - except in . I .� . . . � . I . .
Skirts made from fiae English oottoO, Cambric fln6h, ' .. . - fore the game was - called , 2nd, tile full) to fill lex"Op everywber 411, %Waswashedasb6re. Vosselmen I , . . , . L . . L . . . .-. e# : - I
11i I . L �"680111198 6680994~ ...
.� .. . .. . I -W
and finished with embroidery, the last -op - be6i - an exc-�ptiowtlly rou li and, ... I I I 11 . . . . � .L I . . I .
double f rill,outer 12 inch white hemstitchea MUSH i dayAms hot4fid dry'-and'�Omo 6f"the Quebec -Pears will be a light Ci . agree in Stating that'86- far.tbis has - .
of our regu- Iii-yers could nobtell very well Where except'in part of Southern' On'tario . . . I . .
-for ....... I" . . - .f . I . .1 . I I . . I.. . I . .. I...... P. � � � .
. ,
. ..... 1117 , - I. - all wa stni-my. season; caiising many c elays,tu , : * , . , . � . .
lar $1,50 and $1.65 linse, clearing L . : fhe b, . s; 3rd, ,three of Clinton,s and N w�a Scotia. -Plums are'a, Tbodium I . I . .� I . . . . I . . . . 11 . �.
; .. . . .. . �. . 1. . . , best. playerswere amible to, be present t'a full crop ill - alt pliiui-gro,V�Ing see- , steaniers-ou the tipper lakew. . . I I I . - L . . , ,.. , . . , �. 1. . I .. .
. I - . I I , . I . 1. . .. - I . ,� . I — I I . . .... . � .. � . - . .. I I .. . .1 .
Skirts at $160 . . I . . : and 4tb; the. superjor'phiying, of tb6 titaiis, -with not. more.than the usual . . 11 .. L' '' 'L . I .. . � . .L . . . . I L .. .. I . . . .. . I ;... �. -".� � .. . .
Skirts msde'from fine white cotton, 16 inch frill, double � .. .' � . 7 1 ... Xiiioardbie players, was �clea0y.,ex'- I amount (if rot. -peaches promise well ,NORMAL AND.H-IGH SCHOOL - L . . .. . I; . . I I I
� , I - I 01., i "I . 0- .. .11 .. "
ruffle, handsbmely trimmal with insertion and .* . . I � I . hibited. - Boys, what eN�e.r you start in ' in'Essex find t . he, Niagara Penlnsula� RESULTS. -It. is, ex0ect 't I . . . 1.
... . . e th I be I . . ',�� 14 . I . I .
. . . . ,to do, do. it well, And don't make ` an.; Grapes are a ' iedlum crop, ex66pt, in results Of the clepai-till(�nt,,,I,Iiiillllilor, 't'a . . . 'L I .
L L U . . I . I . "
that sold for $2.25 and $2.50,- clearing at ,� * , - �, Ivesi when there.N,. Essex and Kenij where .they Are. all, - . I . . .. . . I L .
. white embroidery, four left in stock, the last of -lines . . "..exhi bitieii of yoursp senior lea,V,ing .And matriculation ,ex- ,:. I � . . . . . � , , , ..
. .
. I . .
. � .1 . 1. . . .
I .1 % . . I on Monda,y,' . L . . .
. . . . .
. . I . I .. I.. - .. . . I . . . I. .. SPECIAL ME ,�DJTIXG 01 r� COUNCIL; August 17th. 'The statement for Nich . . .... .., . ., .... . :. I
. -
eauh .......................................... I . L ' % I . , Y When -You M. osba, complete. fail tire . . . aminatioils: will -be - mailed from the : IN L . I . . . . I
Q au ....
'Education Department 10 .
,L': " I naipa of being 9 lod l4crosse ... L .L ,10 talft .
,.no' :, . . 'A�-�` 40 a: *
. 1 -ft ..'i. , li�a Tlqehd for itj- '.especial' . I .. . 0 to ... .
ve�t 6
�ayers. . , ' ' '
Skirts at $1 85 . . � . '. .. I.... -�ALspeeikl meetingof � -con 'I ' " contre At which the .exitmination Was. , � . . . . . . I I . � - . a I -1 : L . - LL
. . . . .
. 1, . . he n i A its . . :. I . . I � . . L I., .
_ . I . . � . I I I I � . I ,. -1. , - ...; 11, I I " � .
, .. I'll . 1'-NORMAi S01 -100t CH'A'NUES�' I Called -for, Mondl eve ilk to cqn?l er - ... .. . . , � I I .1 - . � .,.
.. In A held'willbe sent ihanenv"I * . . I
Skirts made from very flne English cotton, cambrio fin- , . .L i I . ., , I .T,,f eopespec- '. . . � ; . . I.. I I I - .L
'joy), Lr6% 1) I I.. . I I ..
ish, 22 inch frill with tuoks and -white enabcoideri ' * L L.... Tli� nornicil'sdilooll-of Ontario.w'ill, the tenders for. , ne%vP4 ("Eting appatm tally inxrked "Exami , nits 'L I I : �,� � - . . . .. ... ��. . 1. .
. . . . , I hilll L , I I . . I I ... . L
. .
. -.in the second Tuesdav ' attis for the ,to' . ' c 'hakdly � It— a'better gar� . I
last two that are left of our 1012,75 lines, .on hereafter open . . w TWo.were re�. and wil be mailed to, the usual address I . . �
� -8, - - . ; - in'Septeniber . I L . 1. . .A -man. an . . ave . . �
each ........ � ............. I ...................... "I ,5 . and close the third Fri- ; ceived " one from.. Harhind'Bros. at of tbe�-fth'Sohool PrindipaLor Public; . - . .1 L' I
I a . - .�
I .L . . -% . ... L . day . !N will be ady - 1 $114' and Pav . is & Rowland at $125 the' School Iiispec-tor' Concerned '. In no ., - It i useful I - , .
. I . .
. 1 as ain Jane: � - 0 one . nited 1 ment than a. good Rain Coat..
. teache,� L ., S n
" * . ;
White Skirts $3.85 1 , Arne. . . w I . � , L L ,
. .. wbQ'. has not taught at. latter included thebt-loking in of s' - case " Ill the'results of the above exarla- . 01 - , , �
. L' Its one yev , L s w - ither,, and' never comes amiss*'. . I . ...
. e, . I
, . I . I 1.1 I t' ' 6V successfully,.and who Davis * Rowland's tend6b oal'ed for inations be Issued t6.6andidates direct- .'.,- I all kind I of " 'e . - � L
One only very fine white Underskirt, made from fine .' �. .. I dops not possess AS leastrajunior Jettv- whatwas thought to-be:the b6st sys-' ly from th� alb-partanent. ' Students, .. . I . I ,,,big L sf , n eX_ , L , . ,
. �h . .,
pambrio muslin, 22 inch frill of tucking., ]see and .. Ing . Standing. , Apolication; for ad� teni by the council, bein -i . - We .a . .'0wing L ' . tra � ck a d' ' ' . .
. I . �f a larger fdr-w the Wore, should, apV re . an: ex
.L . . �.. . I . . ,y to the Eligh I - . . 0 . I . I
. .
insertion, a very handsome garment sold at $5 on" . �311i�sion allAst be -made to the deputy I ' 'naceand the bricking.t oughL advi�- School Principaf �or tiblic School -In- I tra good valueslin these unfotgarmefit& Came . i. I
for .............. ' minister of education, accompanied by. -able, they were awarded the r stard' . . I . . � . I . . .
Homebody will buy it ....1. ....8985 . ... I. I . tor in' regard Lt6 � thel .1 I . I I . . L _,. five'' 1 L d'li � � I � .
. Will, I 0 . . . - �. .L. - - �
- 1, . p � . . ca I . j6b. The S ec * 11 . In an see * - These -'are :goo ties. .1 . .
. . L - -b of: $10. A certifl ,.'e of good. other old furn . , � 'The scholarship matriculation resa&
. . it fe . �L Ace in tbe-liall a so d * them. I
. . . health -Mid morai-eliara6teir f . L' . . .. -1 �
. . I 1. .1 . 1. I L . § requir-. be repaii�d, Which �fieeds it'b)�dly. The .will be issued by the differentl::iiibiver- .� L. .. t . I 1. � :; .. . .. I . , : , , I . I . 11: :. L'� , ': ... I . ..
� . I 1. . L . I . . . . .. . . . . - ..
. . 1. L . L . ed.. The standing in - training will be one to be-inst&lled will burn woddLo, .sities concerned.� All appe,Os must be Mi . I . . I. L ..: . . I � ,
. . L .
- AL.&,&,& A � ,&, I , . �. Lon th� , ,�ve. trust it Wj,I L L I .. I . . I . . . I . .� V . I .
WWW -W. A! A P A.& e requIts, Qf sessional. coal. and -V6 built in sent, Minister .on oe be_ 1UL CetatS $7.0 - .,'- , I .. :... . . . . I .11 .
�Ak�� - '. , determined - . � to the Deputy . . . . I . 1 L'. . . I .. . . . � . I .
. � -- - - - - - - � - - - - �'Tw1wVFV".W . ' . . . . , .
.0 . . . � . . . I ... . ..L . I . I . I L . L
. � " . � examinationS,conAucted by, the staff, such a wax is to ko fore tb e 10th day of -'Sept,6mber. � . . . - . . .. . I I . L , L � I
I : . . . . 'I .L I ,ep, the, draft out of ... L I .1 I I I . . .
. . � and On a fi 6al ey-ainination Oil , *t , I . 11 . . ;. �, If *i ha4l paid regalat. . � - � . : .
. . . L I . . n practical the hall --u`pStatrs,., so, that r owns- TO - I This is a line w 6L goi it & Speoi&I PrI66, . .. . I I
. . tea(,,hin i .conducted by the -depart- . STAMPD-UVA' WEED. , The . . L . .
Those 14c Ginghams . � I . . . �Teople who aver in the. habit of � att-end- . * . ... price for it $10, id what we would'.haye bad to sell it A�, It I . I . . .11. ..
. - . I .1 Ilereafter 8andidat6i,' to be' ing,pperas, etc, Will be -prot.ected from farmers have not. as yet taken much . I is a. very, stylish gariaent.. , Can be qqed either as a. raih ot � . � . .
. . . ,
Scotch Ginghams selling at 14c are a -bar4. I successful, must obtain 40 -per Cent L6f colds. . . . � I � I 1. stockin the remedy of -bluestone solu" .1 . . 0 u. nice shades , of grey, f ' t ) _ &II , L . I .
, I . . . overe at, Comes 1 . . Awn, q ( ., .. � .
I . ,� . . ., . I .. I . I .
gain, espaciallir so if they are re' the marks in each Subject of the *rit-. . . . . .." - . tion, which has been Sugiested 15y, the. I .sizes$ eekoh, .. I.,.-,., L.L.,."'........ ....... . 6.....Lo.i ... :!.....T-50 . '�L . 1. ,. 1''. .1 I
. . . - . I", ,
. I . L I. , ,
gular 20c and - . - ,ten and Plactical c'xa4r,ation, and 60 WILL LOOK NATTY�',Cliriton's Agricultural Department as a mean . . . . I . . . , ,.)
. . L Sof . I .. � . . .. . . ... I . , -.�.
25c goods. We are clearing the baloaces, i ' . per cent of the aggreghte marks. Can, Gun Club will 'look- very Con . spie . uous gAting t-ld qf ..the L troublesome 'wild . Ift a*in C 0atS,$5.00 � . 1. L ' . . .. . . :f 1. . .1 . 1. . I . .1 . . ..
Of . didates who obt4in 75 per- 'o the Toronto range t I his week, with, iiiiistard weeU. Th 'L , to ,regard . . 1, ". . . .
i ' .. . Cent of th n I - ey seem I � . I . I . .. .. . .L. .. I .... ,6 . ... . L I ... I I . . I 11 .11 ,. . L
- .
ces I or- IL99 db � their SO , ishable, possibly - * W ltain:Coits mad -o from strong materials, out i . n the-laiest . I . . . L
our lines that sold at theffe-pri 14c...'-8-ya...�- �- i.ekdte markSL, shall L he- .db jecial p B coifibin-, tile weed ineXtinigiii . I
'i . ul"PI6 kfid—Whitl� U811 �
They are real Scotch goods and Al qu' ". . . honors. Candidates� WhOL Obt in from ittion-aw--e-at-e-rs, with theilift-1- ----bcc-Wi—iseWT4fiy- "n 11-7V0nTtffd7re--ii1e4t6s- L I . � . ..
alities, .-- L nIs O.G.O. ,� - �Lsy a, w�d-v&-oW,-grey'"-i�-&-mi-x-t;ate"ill-.--give-mOl3t- - - L
--- --- - — -, � -,
. L .
. . . . �5Q to 5). per cent of the aggregate, inn y AvOrkedLinwhite on breast,and*hite. :have failed. The department is, how- I .. * L Satisfactory wear, 0611 -sizes, lit .. ... i..�.f ....... 4'.'"....5-00 .. I I .,
. LL
I . I . , -ed AtS.. L . , , . 'L I , I . . .1 I I � . . .
200 . . oltain a limit 6ertificate, valid foi duck h The majority of the boys. ever, thoroughly convini.ed of the effi- I . . 1. . � � . � L . . L . ! -,
fine Scotch gingbame and zaphyro, stripes .. . . . . .. .1 L . . . 1. . I . . . , . . .
, .
fnrd':becke in greell and white, red and white, . . tbredyears; AfterhavingiAughtspc .%vhd..are Darticipating in this large caCy. of the bluestolio, and\Ltwo d6nion- � . , I il - . . . I ,. . 1. . . ..L I I . . 1, � L . � I �
. 11 iv it . �R . I
blue and white, pink and white, and black and . . .. .WsAful , for at least one year' on this .shooting tournament *left on Tuesd y strators are out in. the Province. now Ain Coats,310: *. I I . I I L . . I I ''I I
., Wbite. Now patterns, gtod qualitfe;e� Field always I . certificite, it way be converted .Into a on the Civic excursion, otbers'going showing the people how to use it. In , . ., . .. 11 . . 1. . I . . .. . . . 1. I . I.. . ,
, life -ice-Aiftate by ex- Oil tl.xe afternbon train, . Wednesday's addition -the department is glanti% I A che�per coat d vo�-want one I I . � 11 I-'--,-.
at 20c and 25c, now on sale at per ard ...,,.,, ... . passing -the final. JL idu f .Plot$'. ' i I ,, bat a good one for tb6. money. ,, ,,'-�', - " '!,
: . y , I . I aminati6n - oif the normal schools. shdots *ere', inade 'up 'of ind v a of the � webd at e1g] ifforen L' jL11 - ' a! so an . . -1 � L :� . L . ...
. . I � I . Will keep, you dry " 6pretty. heavyraln,and w k � - . . . .1
I . 1. LL I Candidates who make leiv than 50 per events, those. doing, the best.shooting fair groundsd There Will be two plots . 'iddaldriVingobat.'. Men's sizes,fawh and grey shadalf,80Xds, L . I. .1 I
%�A&,&,& — � I I , 13,90'. L �q . . ' L ' .
I — ---AA~ 'W'V" . . . . With pjaiia, eaL, , V .
- VW% AAOk- . cent of the aggregate 'vvill be required 'In -these being, ta 6n into the ten'lli at eAch fait-, one. to be spraved with . I �. . - " . ,
W..V . ' L with velvet ooll.ars,� some ell .... I ... �!. .... I L' I
I . ' I I .
I . . -Atone - . . . I . . : I . . . .
. I . L I tbattend a,. -normal scho competitions. Of 8, 5 and. 2 men each blub and one let go. -When fair . I I . . I . I I . . � .. . I . I !;
. . I I I . . ol kinother .11 .. I I - .. . . . I . ... . . � I 11
. - I I . . I I I .
I I I . . . :term, Accox-ding.to the new course of 'hose in atfendance � from Ltown are time comes around'farmors will be Able .-Aftahl Coats $1 95 �. L I . .. ; I .. . . ,. I . . .:� ... ,,, ."
. . . I study, special attention will be given Messrs J. E. Oantelon,.,T, E, Ho�,qy, G to judge for themselves as to. whether I . �'. I . I � . . . . ..... I I .: V.�
I I . I . to Ltlie newer subjects . of-nattire studyi. E. HoInles, A. J. Morrish, W. J. Ross, thetreatment has done any foa6l(l 01' L' ' .. 1, . . I I "I . .. 1. . . . . . 1. 1. L Ili
V It ' - 8 . . ,�,,. Q,
First ShoWing . . elenientar science, 'manual training J. Ireladd, J, Forrester, J. Dodds, R. riot. The fairs selected tire : er. . . We have a few coats left of a special -line at'this price, Thl I
and bousetold Science.' . . . Graham and X, Ball. Their tin . toni-Owen Sound, Brantford, 8imc J . p akeo a ca pitb I knock -&-bout garment; turns a good shower, ..L .
, . ifoims 00, .
.. . . � , . I ' weregot-up bT Hodgeni . Ell 'a justi the thing for driving an I . .:
Fall Dress Goods. .. . . . 0A , ' , I 9 Bros, and� Whitby" Perth; Renfrew and. Rich- . id x a'use in muddy *eather I I .1
I I L �
. . LD .the �oys are we I pleased with them. d -.1 : Men'O slzes� fawn and grey ahades, evich'.... ".... " . , A-95 -
. 6 X NOW RETURN TO 0 . L. Mon . . . I � . .... I—, . . . I ...
. SYSTEM.- Si . . . . . . . . . .
council, , nee , tile new wunty - , , . . . . .. . . . . .
. . I . .
The advance guard of our stock -of FAII dress' 'Job has been in Vogue- numer- ; , bommlol� HXHIBITION -DAt8. � NV14AT,* XORTHWE . ST MX01JR- , . I Boyls,Rain Coats , * -1 " I 1 . . . . I P I I .
. ous complaints have been heard of the - The Donfiniad E xhibition days have SIONS,MEANS.-As scared as farm . . I . ... I � � 1* -
goods is here HandSDIne new suitings and dress disinterestedness.that has come over been portionedas follows., Thursday, help way be in this Section, the ct)lii- . We baVo a good, aosortmeut of Boy's Rain Coats These come I .. �
materials that show the trend of fashion for the the ratepayers ih- the different local. Aug 9, and V ridpy, Ang 28.. Prepara- ing farm..Labor exclusions to the . in.aressy shadeg -Of RrOYo with. velvet oollars,- and clafts - � - I
. . I . I . illage -its . .50, d.--4.6.. 50,? ,
c . municipalities, for their town, Vi tion,days; Saturday; Aug, 29, official Northwest Will in all likehoo(I carry. I ..oame.as coat, prices $2 tin , .,.6.4� . 4. 1 .
oming season . If you are going to buy a new. . .or r1tral municipal councils, until, I o ening d%; Monday, Aug 31,* school . many passengers, this year as forAlier- I .. � . � . � I I . . I. . �
t6day, men have. got to - bo' forced to q ildre ay.' Tudsaa;y, , pti- press I'' There seeins-to be,no end of . ,� . � . I I . . I . . I � ..
dress or suit this fall, by long odas the 'be;t, ffiiio to V Ws' t '90 .....- . - � . I.. I . I .. I .
� : accept municipal offices; Talking� e .;WednesAity; Sept2, ManuKctui Liandfor Assistanco In the I the I
I � ,on- � day - larvest 11'"� i4++� � -- , I
make your selection is ,when .the new goods firat - , frol Of civic alfitirs-'under -these con. - di"i day, Thursday, Sept 3, -Canadian fields of the West, and it IS very for- � 1 444444. . - --"* * I 'i i -1-4,414 ... . .
I I . I .
come in. Come in and see them. 1. I ditiftq you cannot blaine those so ap- I d,ty;'Friday, Sept 4, Enipire. And Plon- t6nate' for thefarmers of Ontario tbalb. . .4. , � . . . I .
� . , their harvest is through with -as. early I I I .
e � I � . . . Pointed from practically doing Any- eff'sAMY; Antarday, Sept 5, Comm4t. I Colored Shirts 95e , ' I
. .
I .. � . thing -with a town's mofie.y thttk may cial Travellers' day; 'Monday.. Sept 7 as it is, or else lintol loss, would en- . . . I . �. .
New Dress Materials 50e, 60c and 75e. 1 1 suit their hinev, and noithei, do ,we Labor Da'�; - Tuesday, Sept 8, Sfooi! Sac. On account of the scarreity of � ol oied obirts at 65c that are Worth $1&00 , . I .1
blanle theill While qtich lethergy exists breeders' And Vru . It. Growers' day; labOrthe land ta-day is not being ha,If . .. .0 . .11, -
New Suithigs $5 000 $6.00 itUdI7.00 I amonst the taxpayers of nn;� muni- Thursday, Sept 10, American visitors.' looked after,.suinmer fallowing is al'- . and $1.26. List ones of lines7and bro. ' 1. . . . .
I . � . cipality, Those Who pretend to. know Friday, .Sept'll, Societ Day; ilposta- thing of the past, t1lere is not . ' I , . . . . .
. " this StatA dAy .1 ken lots.' They are certainly a bar-. � '
. . of affairs has been I r(ky,Sept 12,0itizens, arid ov, near as much fall plowing; done or . I . I
Handsome Walstii � . .11, ghtabotAbythe taking.aW,1V of sat;ll _ � ow acreage Sown, and weeds and untide. ' . . I . I I � .1 �
- gs. ,try"I Day. It will be ,noticed -that the'ex- . gain. , � . . . .
. the formation of Clio. colinty tq),lilcil hil ,4, �,e creeping in, because the f I . . I . . I I .
I I )l ticyli-will be In full'swing from 0 a. ne.98 di , Ar- . 1. . I . I . ,
New Fancy Waistings. for Fall lare here. front our roeves and deputy reeves tis In. Satuiday,- Aug. 20th, to 10 P.m, Iner And his wif e'flnds too mitily, of ., . : . 1. . . . . . I I � . � .
of old. Thera Was it slight r Innera- Saturday, .qvq.)t 12th, Monday, Sept 14, the necessary things to, do in their Colorer.d abirts,-bard br soft fronta,' All olves in the lot, but � " - . I
There is a wider range and better va iety than ever tion to.be received for time (s"pent, " by being moving day�' . I dailyroutine to I(eep them in check, n ot awsizw in any one kind, broken lots of regular $1 1 .
rx � I � .
.nough to g' a pICASUr- . O.I.I....011.41.t. 65C - � I
those, WhOwere fortunate e I Instea(lpf the farin .bein � and $1.25 lineo, olearing at, each. I
before. Th,, quintity- of any ono paltern iis limited .beelected to those offices thitt con.. .ART4VAFT14RTHL4'M—Thc Canadia,11 Able avociltion, Withits'lliany u1j.t6- . - I ,
. 11duk of Clommered yestenday ,es,jtl�;is boconia one of 6 0, "..' 4 .
. -0 -�#-Fq-141"" - I.
tting common, . "i F of Pf t 4 $1, 1. I 1
so there is no danier of them ge ' ' stituted tbo,county council, therebi sdeured (late appliant, I - -- - - - - -- 4+1 +++4 lit 0-4 * .. V
,; for . + I
Early buyer.s will fare best incrembif the' number of'aspirAnti judgmen t by default for $20,1175 in an Wollry to know how to get fliell, crops I � . . . . .1. �
-for we *11ot ' repeat - municipa bonors, in the hopp, that I action acinst Martin 11 Peterson an(I harvested, after they havo heon sue. . I . . . I
any pattern now shown. . -serving'their eonsfituents loyalty theyy 191 W P6 -Orson, Who traded its Petbr. cessfulgrown. Togointocornra'sin'. . . I I I .
. Would evelitu'ally be. eleeted to those Son & Company. Tile company was extensively Witt) ally degree (if pilOx I . I . I . I . I . . . . .
� New Fre.n' . I offlee's which earried them to.tho ellgage In the lymple exporting blisf. requires lots of che r, which is' . I . .. I . . . . � . .
ch Flaiinels 50c a ydo county seati Undeli tile new not, lle43allicasmigbe sometimeago, The. out, of the (Ittes, toll 111) 1111;0 1111d where � I I I I �
' * today .
New Creain Bedford Cords, Silk wbiel) was passed at tile laF�jt"1,o,gjs- + partlesarcatprosent in (Ilifeago. It fields of corn could be si�elll a few years I .
spots) $1 p*ior ydii Idtive sitting, a InaJority of the muni- Iq tbi,; Sallie r1fln that got into Mr D.' � ,ago they are .but aeve.q. The'root, I ' I a . .
. ,,,, , - 1,1! , Or . cipalities in q condy elpi pqq% such (huitelon for a conkiderabler amount crops also are suffering for want, orl F'
I I resohitions that llo elections for coun, when they failed last 9.) , e by curtailing tll(�
r . � I ring ,and who attendance, thei
(Jr. , e
ty councillors sliall bo 110d, bub the has on Ills han . the pros nt time n, Amount of woductioll, If our filyllierAl HODGMS ..
ameo Soils Cottld )0 pur,
lawsuit sllilr(led to reIllaill On �,D OS., , -
reeve,.qnn(Iniitvoromliallc<),,.,;tit,ill;a tho tx,ying to recover tile 8 �, . . -, � I .
0 county Council, AR t. le I)ext, Ituron Tha Petersons wt,re Agonts in tlif; tile filrb), thore would be some, bright I . . , , . . I
#W I -
-1 I
I - I"
mmwsw� MHMNERImi:
to I I
I " !;.,. I
11 I
I y I.
i I
I I.collf ty 00111acil, cl(Ttibn will not be k Country for stli 14,51glisb fli-iii that hand- outlook foi, this serious holp pi,oblent . . I Successor# to Jarkgon r 11foS. .
: l 'I -TaIWAVY of IM5 5, out, local � . . . �
� d unt] � AS Vresented itself to the fartn6ra I .
lit', led nearly All of Mi Calitol ills ;Ipples. that h, . I
1J * I Inunicipalities 111twe'until October I. -of After falililig. tiley went to cllfcAgo� of.Ontavio. Something will soon have; � .1,
. ; I t. deeldenpon this matter. It * And started in. Clio same business, andl tobedoneto ebange the conditiolls,t . . .
� I nif , be noted that Cilia resolution I f t is in 01114 way that th B k or else it will not I a long before sign , r � .
I I . r I I � . I'll 11 v theirf
.A.WWWWWOMMUNUM , Ing to recove
Intist 0 passe at a Special Ineetib I conligerce'le tryi pOqtFJ Oil farins willread 116'0!
- �� t called for th t, Particular pulTosef loss, . We understand Judginelib 1149, count,of scarcity of help.1, .
I I — I been secured for full alliount, I I I � . I
. .
. . 4 �
-� I �
I . I �; .1 * I
. r I
� -. � I I -11 �. .11 ... . I � .! I .
-- . �, -4- " � , , ��� 11�� I ".. I., I / . I I . I p
idw1AA" iiiii -11--�--��.)eA,6-.Illlllllllllll"illillilill""Ii. . . - 11 . ,�-",ttf!;
Moab � - iv--111&1�2 -I r.... . . . . . . . �� bJ&W-----