HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-08-14, Page 70 % 411 , . I � THE CLINTON =W =A f Au" 14, ' IM ­ _1 ­­ _11- -11-1 . R.PWR."�q -1 I - I... � . - 1. . I'll __ �__ , '. �� ., . . - , - . ­ 1-1- ­'.... I I I.— 1. - - �. , , . . . I— : . .11, 11 ­­­'.... ­­­­­ ­.. -11.1 1-1111I.- I I I . I . I. I.. � I 11.1. I . I... I .1 I I I I.., . I . ­ . . .1 .1 . I I . , ­ �­ 1. 11:--:--1;- -1-11-1.1 I I—. i 6; m�, , , , - ---"—. _ ___ _ " .,. ", 11 -_ . . � I I . 11", - I . . I . I - . � . �. FOR � . I I aq,-Ir Jr6.U-nIni.­ji*�M04F 54,��, &Aeit I. ,,, Curious afts or News, I - . -,--- I I -1 - - .- , , � I I . I It , . -,I P—F' �, "V 0 . ,:31VJ(tly 0VQr Ili III,-. �[ %% ,11, '. -I couple ag ' ,, 10 .-1 � "Ill -11-1- I . . .— I I . , � - . .. ­ ,., �., � ­ , .— ­­ �. I � 6; ­ -1.11 I ­­ - — � �. , It r-10 ­ K � of yards awaky, lu%�X'.ly. bilia pul Women have, I U4 tiocterielosiste 44 taken % I " - ' .. ,. , , , '. - _ I - I I . " , ", t, ":8#16 40 Rod AWailivoiMa Aodw 0,�'& *11,18 tv slaso door aud. one ,after = i4se WMA - ­ -_ J , ..- . - I ;�, . , Kidney DISI , , - Oad lApehn"tr4firloedmtghT,owuoqmka'u'# NkIrt �. Ae pushed inside of me the colleeillon oJ I . Undou otro6to; . . , "i, , . . 'hei Ond-40onstipationip silver plate that the Ogeg AnO imake the Inistaki or eitirk4atlax sho kind kfter w,&Wng it in distilled, water, ­ I S10 Hqa'dic tlemau;� st ,. I . " , . � resuktisl � I ­ " . I . , I , I I . x 6-skikaellio to oshor".us". i ilave eilamined the offseguringo und , I r, � k _� I . � I I � . . I I. _. _� , I ". I I %. I I 4 ­ - . work now In th� antr7 hadplace4 thlero, Many women b I er 0, � I �' . . TAIII 174 I I j. I ave, kidney disease and do Inicro ollo - One hundred and Jlfty drops i . : 1 g "clinking" them � n t . 'A ,. carefully avoid n, h a0w I . ­,.� I . --,, ,,elllfr-�,2 %In�*"��'A �', ot know it. They confilso the symptoms !,f 0 ate '10 ., '. . . - . � -1 -1 ; against my brass welghts—ispoons, forks, with those of ailments of g,feminlue nature. r contained more than twon- I,` -11 A�� -11' IL I 1;9 I teapot, s4lyer—overything higgledy,pig. ty-Ave thousand , a of such disease#,, , A , L . germ I&A , . OrA gledy. � , 144ckacho, loss of fie�h, dry� harsh skin, do- -therls, and typhoid 11 I I— urine, swelling ottliefectaud!c9s, I . . I In the . vor. - I , Just think of ther courage 61 that , - =Sa 4.0 soreness of the mqscics, weariness t, 10, I I - �,K ..... � I 1� �. . - - I 1. .! r N illings creature who had gralsped I an tam - . I ;, .. _"-A;��.,-�,_", - I T" "o �1 . , The,autamobile lAwn-mover was sure 10 11 , , . � . I Lie cQuouniptiou, dipli - I 5� , , " ­, . I � ..... - ­ " � 1 � ,;rottj a come, No sooner was it prophesied i5t*V C, - ,Z % �� !'� I .4 despondency are symp s of kid I , " 11 _ . . . . . *t, �,, . -, . . . - �J , f,ir, t .. . , . N6 Ai' I ,� J- I the ,ii;t6tio;1 so 411101cly-and risen to . I disease, and call . - � V - , � , -an ,an Inventor madevile, s4a -it can his . �� I or ,,�, I n -and it all seemed to ba prom � I � 11 I The aeasio ,pt treatment inorder th The Mud You Uaive Always 'Bought, and W11101 lias, beellit , - , . -1 . " � I I done in a twinkling. Forall she know, a, , � ' to prevent serious results. Peou In operstion,4n the Capitol grounds , I I - I I X In use for, over 30 years, has bome the signature of � . . ,,Aug of desperadoes uright bave sprung &s. W. Wi1xiNs, In Washington. When It I% produced at . � -V . g popular price, the ouburbanite� of I -and has beei4 Made Under b14 Per-� . . . . out and crushed ilia life out of her be. .' . , , Henry. St., BelleAlle, � �r 11 . , I . 0. They cure Giddiness, . u Iness and Swellin ix er meals, Diliziness and Drowsiness, fore she'd time to give one "skirl" for I Out., statcs,_11suffered wholu, the comic papers make So Much. I 1 - lsonal Supervision since Its Infancro . 1, Shortness of Breath, Costivenes0i v a great deal withpains in , may take a fewturns.about his i : , Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, . I help. But the best of the play was to � .1 . I ���, &�4�r Allowuo one to 4cceive 7011 In this!.; I � lotches an the Skin, Disturbed Steep, Felih4l, Dreams, and all Nervous and Tromb- . . 1. 41ft, , . g B I come. . '" be small of the back I a wort Sensations,etc. The First Posis will eye relief in twenty minutes, Thisisno, . . . t use I . every morning, and then head the - and $A 4ust-as-good.1`1 are but; - . - lin.g , I 1''was feartully excited, so much so, �., i neyttOuble* niower toward the railroad station to . � All Counterfeits, Imitations 11 . �fictAon. For a Weak Stow4irpil, Disordered Liver and impaired Dlgastlio . 11 hene r *too d I take Ilia train for town, 0 `4 Fjxperlment$ that tr1ifte witl� and endanger the healtill or . . , tX they act like 419agic". Every sufficieris earnestly iriviltedtotrya.Box of these rills'. I thAt my hea rt. beats, were'louder than � - -11 n A roturp .., . Is al and how I ached with sympathy. I � cool 6. rc I rise . 14 In the afternoon lie ru�.y flutih ilia ' b Inthuts and Children-) Gly,perlionce. against H:Kjper1mcUto and they will be acknowledged to be WITHOUT A RIVAL. to oompleto u , -z ofm � . I the pains were so great, I . to � . . . . I i � . I BEEWAN115 PILLS t4kou as directed, will, quickly restore females . wbert her little raltes of hand IN �� � The disease became so of wowing the lawn, while he keeps I hQ, I - I I rre arity of the 4ysteal. � . scarcely lock thel door of my cill.io. Ihoy - graeg along the roadside cut and rolled health. They promptly remove any obstruction or! I . I u %,. gul I .­:11�i r?. V I !,.-i, A - .­­ 01"t I Orassists in Canada and U. S. America- In boxes. 25 cents, . w e r (,- tremblinq, so! l'at.,-,!i0*­did.l,. . it affected MY by ,his, daily trips. Then on Sundays h* . Sold by all ' A �!"twra � tl,!;, ,,,,, w. I I iv.t.ihe�.uining very much . What is CASTORUA ' I - . - - ..w� . I .. : slipped the I key ht within tire bu,1I(!Q W . v., ,,,,wrl. ,,,i1kt;v tl�jijy, Ilr. Chase's Xidn.ey- rally give hi§� baby -a ride, up and dowit . . I I . * - � I . . 1� — her dressiti-own, . - . ., , has -the. road in I Itsi horseleris carriage,that it I 14 I . . . Liver klills, I can sa�that ray trouble . Castoria is a harmless ,substitute for Castor 01110 Pare- � , . I Just 8,.f,ew* moments 4 ftpr , we could entirely disappeared. I can speak in the maylinderstand wfiat the modern inven- , . ' � .,��,i�444,3�4,--<-/'C-<-�O-�s"$,.; � . hear the till I the Way it tor can do. - I . goric, )Drops and Soothing Syrupsll. It Ilf at -F,1$6 with l'ol 110'iy-�61-UNFs- V �1 ,of's foot%fPn.;t !­I,irving., He highest terms of this medicine from , is Pleasant. U, ��� . ng I i 'it.;!�.!- , , I l - - contains. neither Oplum Nor hine, nor . 11 her ways ,wern so different froin evidently was goi hi4 exit by acted in my case.6 . i The'Shawnee 'IlTeraliill offers.610 ex- . P p . other' Warpotle - , , . . ft small window jn�4 bidi;nsl It'i � ;tnjr. To protect you against Imitations the as In bird stories;. Jesse .' substancei. , Its age is its guarantee, It destroys'Wornis , . . ­ theirs. lier voice wanted softness, and. . , port I ceptional Val �. I , R111 . I I case, arid probably ' "' Diarrhoea and Wi 4 '� 5 bo . pi.inued throwing the ti.nd signature of Dr. A, W. Chase, the fame Davis, a farmer, who resides east of t �, and ailvbys Feverishness.. Jt - cures I I Mr. Archibald's W") �' see' 6 Q,A very box �if 190, town, has h sparrowls nest which was. i - Colic. It relieves Teeth ng Troubles cures Coosttpatioa , � I � her ty out and an making away with . rercipt,l)ool� author, are . � I fa= ions were often rather oddr ,. A STORY OF A CLOCK I they grated on. the refined Ice but It ever a. man had irrii,thkon- his I 1. '. I I : . � bullt.in the Tear of a buggy,seat which . i Is �.-*'­_ , . manuers of *the old people, I used' to � I . . -tienc 4 bod, riligulatesJUe '7 1 . 1.111_-%� love t6 listen to tire negro melodies vocation, he had, for he.hadia!t the pluelc �' _.. .. � - - ­ -1 _. .­__.� 111r. Davis frequentli -uses. The cover of i and Flatt ,y,, It assixullates the V I i By J ETNA. of a mouse In him, . -seat had worn away, and the old ' - Stomach and ving healthy and � n � .11 . which she sometinnes sang In the even- . . Scientific Predictions in FiCtion. the I . Dowels, gi aturOi sloew . . . (3), .00 - On hearing hita returning, 6116 crept I I birds took poswnslon of the moss padding I � 0*18>�s)*��.)��� ings, to the stecomparilin t of the banjo� behind. me. All her courage . The Children's Panacea,-TL,0 Mother's V34end, . . _1 . I must have I. =VNIPLY "Saturday Night" and 'made a very comfortablo,-:4ome. Mr, . . . . - � 'M 4an old grandfather's clock. Her voice was clear a d sympathetic, . left her, f,br she -just edtnk down,,and I ' . I . � - . hen there's a cr3 but often had a sad rin n it, 1. thought, I . cited a number of cases of re- ' Davis once A week comes to town to . In these days, NY oould hear her poor teeth chattering. I inaxkable . literary prevision ol . remain all day, but the old bird stays tit caNumE ALWAYS. . . . I - 0 R 1, A . for "all tbilli, new," anything thit Perhaps she was a wee t homesick, for . I R CAST . .. � I - all she had a most devoted 'busband, sJ17e and the darkness pretty effeetu- � solentifle truthi - Whe words In lionie- on these occasions, returning to ,.� . . � . I . is not "up to date, ' however inter I lid her small 116ure. Anyway, the - her nest a,4 so n - s the buggy reaches Its I . . Bearli the e - , , I be, ii Amongst her songs my 'favorite wail "' *hIch Calid*ron, tliV Spanish dramatist Q a Signatur of . - ' al esting and valuable it may whyi om burglar I . . "Swanne , , gll (I -Auld not tatch' a I or the seventeenth centulT, seernEv to 41red The e-s she laid theie have now . ... . . . -----.mod& ._ . . . I, a be r ,,fed to the shelf. . e ltiverl��It touched me wou .mpse of his face, . -_ . I "eg I must say, truly I d6rfully-and then there was the !'Carra-, . - �r his back was -to !' describe wlreles3 telegralpliv, and the liat;iied aud7r. 1)avla is Ili Shawnee to-, - - ­ . o L .�.. Pltnt Y 1, - life I . , me all the tifire) inodo direct for that .. ge In. which Stmda, 'day with the bvt� and the little spar- v 11 . . . .1 . � .ij. M wa, - " with the A- diall Boat Song." Sbe woula sing tha.1 remarkable pa-ssia, I I . I 11 t .. . I - . . . "I'll 1. . '". , . g b .. treated I ,gy . . , . . hay.e a . id affection, for, you with .211r, Archio.. I tEd. enjoy that -oriel , precious coffee-pot. ar,,.I all the other bits the learned Jesuit blistorlan, writing in rows, but the parent bird is at home, � I I � . I I , I . I I . . . . I I . - - . . saust. deference a' family and high edu. . It WAS such a pity, I olten tholight ". of silver that were' I;o. dear to my old, 1624, alsodepleted.Wairconilz In-yonitton, awa#ing the r�eturn of her. young ones. - � . I I -, , . : 0) .. ...-5 1 . � .. . .. , pee,, people of good � mistresses. He had 4 blaol; baize bag were quoted. But some further cases � I "I I ation generally are very RILIC11 attkiclied the days went'lik, ihat'the you" ore-ai with. him, I noticed, and probably there ` . � The Pullman Company bas �made a do- , ' . .. ... wev " I , . .. � . . . '10 handsome and useful bits of furniture, ture seemed w0ftr'away from. tte -old of the same'lttud are now ,brought to .mana on F. P.. Woolstou, a prominent � I . . � . . and seldom discard them for a fashion, I ' 'T was it confederate waitbigv outsido, Wher, . . light. .. . . . . .. ,. I . � I � � I . .. I I � . I adlea' hearts as ever; ,he troablcivaA I . . , . Christian R tideavorer, of Danv6r, I -or two : ., The iry"', , we are I . Ite found they had bieezvsuirited'awily lie . In t liver'si Tray- hundr�(l dollars daraiges. to ill( . . 1. . , . . $'fad." AuYw expected neXt,.1 llfiek(yo cola steel Ols," Swift d,64crlbels the -two se,fellltes ,in, which he tl made! his bridal , . I I able iq, I hear that tbe%had made iip their minds that thelt � ,he third part of '�Gua � sleeper �. I !to in demand .now, though in bygone nep lew was to marry theJair, tall,a= . . � � . 1. ay - B0 few houses that'could 494inSt big, forlelicad, or lie fancled soine'; is the London "Spectator" I trip. It.seems that the car was capture jimd Yok Have Alw S ught I . . stat 1. bar I - . I of Mars. : A d � . I . . I I 11 � Lys there water v daughter of a neighboring at work. � . . . I I not boast of one of us and,to my think* onat, w ssess6d irreproachable. mant supernatural agency bad be�en � points out, "when Swift wrote, astro- ,by W I 0', . . I . oolst6lls friends and decorated In I . . r hero nor there. ners anhollial"ifelintly nose." Report said If he only could blive seen the frightened, nomY had -not advanced greatly' beyond I & u . nique manner,' � Alen's and women'a I . . In -Use For , Over 30 Years., I * . . In -but, that's neith,' 4 -daft" I about our Toting .. -helpless thing, All tbat'wliis-in his WaY . i . lluygens's contentment. with the twelve - old I �. . I .1 I irlij GENTA,UR COMf-ANV. 77 MURRAY 5T.CET. MEW YORK cl,ry., � I . . . . I I . - . � . I arn two hundred years old, and not she had -been "fair buti. thanks -to me, .he couldri - shoes Etna . horseshoes and ba'Anorg - - __ - JW r -W v -eR . !t-' I st0011. .bodle,,-�-six planets, and six satellftet.,- ' -to. the whillowo - �� � . � . I gtsi - .1i.tosavau. Agood deal of ticking ninster I)ut report often makes mistal, ' tick, t�016119, calm Ana whlch�rnado up th � e 'perfect number',of. and things were'"nailed . . . . . .., o. . I � I � . 1,,, lie in ihat time, and M g6od deal -but I must not digr�ss, ai. TOUT b4 .140'emnly, verily believe it one of the Pullman el -a ' inside will o4t, ,' . .. . I . ­ .. . � I . . .1 . all siro tie " e par' � , Vjf , li've seen. Alh. -1 th e ell-qP; dvlbhiii!o� rie a tiresorr old chatterbox. brave d ng-lf -I -the sollar system. Certatinly uo Rafts -were driven into the car with al I . . I . . L I . . . I . , . . . r , that -coward had seen alid laid a fingei 'm Oted that lKa�g 'it' , riulch'abarldoii as' if it. bad been a - picket I ��— - ___. . . . 11 . I . - , I I . t , , A 041. Multi !�,,­.) monflls.-..;t:,r wo. deu',ded,U . � su 0 ,had moorib of .. � . � . I . .. � I � � . � ill I ll�e place wi . . . - ­ . . . ,-. .. '... oil �Qlc little he'roilie:of the play I wl�iuld own. 'Thus, 'Swift made a.very wild b 11101ITS10- 1) .- - . � ! 8 � p � P ... 4 . T ; flices vallish - ' . - �Pd L., i . style too. Most the'daY DM'Ore IT. was U. . have cried out loud. - . .� . .1 . ferim, Whon.the sleeper got back tQ''l RE X AL. 1,11,12 , YES . . 5 - - , 6A 6.0, - -, I . � . ' ..... ' 1, . . guess. when he announced of the 14a- Deriver.-froin Oaden 'it is said -that it'. . . � . . � , . I #, _...uri,,er ones, N% -.o ,.li . . . come off ,-I-,,, l,irljtc-lr-,, :wei,,!ent. befell the I . 1. . . I .1. . I . 'lx . , � lie just gave P, smotlil. -Putan phlllo�ophe,,�s: 'They. have -ldke- lo A. -Wo;- School. , �, ". I . , o � .. � S'. I ,,,, But be d,,dn!t- � . liked'as If -it 1��d been ,the targetr for a I These Dyge will ays Wo�l, Cotton,. S &R,, �,heir day and then nial,-, a.?),nian, i% ha wo, - to a-ist in 'Walting � el,vd ery., a wild glan�e from right to'left, f J I . . I I c - . - wise discovered t wo lesser stars, or gun. It wis 'taken out of iq� i uts or hfixed Goods. in one bstb-tbey ar, thy . I . I , .1 ­ ____ . . . . - - -7_ ... .. i : . 4Dthtsil. Yet, looking back, it -' 1- ­'. ;.,,, tnwc� ' llj�. sp,.ii-wil hi.i ankle, Mrs, ,,,, th,h lie .made for,,mnd, wiL. througli siteilltes, which. revolve about Mars,- oatlin I the latest and most Umproved Dye In th" I . I. I I . . '. .11.0d - Ll" R . � ' g - put lir the shops, And now. the . . . . � seem so very long ago that I.i., - NvOr" Arci,; ".,"Mied. up' s she expressed that-sm0livindow Jn-& jiffy. I've' oftin , vice and . W , orld, Tni a �acksge. All colors at . which convorte,moke. kair matw- � .* . Atches, and i� .aLk,ti . whereofAhe Innerinost-is, diatant frorr. .pullman Company is trying to make � . I I owaered hair arid 'it, a seemingly Very -sniart. Young man shice'wonaered how lic'managed, -for he.!` the ,ezitisr of the primary plan,it exact- . R. P, UEKIE'Si Drug Store., . - :, ' �. . I orial into eo,rnlng� power sua � . 11 nd werit . ; IVRplqton pal for the repairs. . - . I . . . .. . I .. , _ - -. , 'Their gowns with huge.hoops, a cz ,to take his place. So everything went was a pli6nomeiially" tall man.'- He did, 1 ly three of Irls dtarnoters, a.nd the, out. . I . - I _.- I:, . I . . . 11- � p1ticeis more ybubg'0ien and wo. . A-visitinq in sedan C11pits. Queer tim off swimmingly. What a display ,of find allyway) "' and left everything behind; I _', -- --,-.- ­_­!====_'!!!!! . . . .. I . !neningood positions 'tboin any - I . I .. those, when a man WELB . ermo-st five; .the forhier,N;V­V=S.11A EIK I .. .� . . I. . ,. . I . U ANARANITE . . I hanged for steal- things I The old- falu lly � plate *" I'll 00 1 Joven flie'black bag wi&4. dropped ,in his. s, ace of -ton hoUris,, s.n.d the'latter Ili I __ , ----"-- MARB - . insfitutiops of the kind in Cansda � . I ��. . . . p . , is the', I . . I I I . . ing a sheep and dnp.h were every-daY oc- show, and: made a .brave one, - - i ! fli,ffht.�, , .. . I . I. . I.. I 1. I I twenty-one and w J%1V Not oui�v were I After Work or' Exercise. V 1111TS" I � 1111%. :: . . ...... 1. . .1 . 1. ....�'. ' "TWas a bright, happy gatheringv Many . I I . . -, _1 --- . . I . currencies. 'Twas alw63,A lGve aff"" . . OUT poor little lady haa,to keep to her., , ,there to gpoundg* fb � red-letion of ,,� * : .. P *:I, � . . . . , -! r,_e)V7")F- , 0 I �.. ris they ngst it. Tba,t - 'I'ONUMER -^-J_WA.r-.-_AE-.-__ . r -t�e l3 I I . I Be I have heard, dy� - . . , , I . . . , . , . . . .1 . . . . � �� I . I . .. . ,see . en,one I , . .. ,.-.. ' :�:;;,', � � - ��7 4 7, I . fouclit over. - Ladil I I yc-ung, fresh faces, too, arno bed with a kind of nervous attack -atter two-satipIlItes, but lizz-Orhate OJ 9 I . __�4, 9 - �,_40 " I I � Ithie!.- I her first land, I hope., last.adventure of their ,-distance J& platiet. was u -n- .. ft Q -� ' � " � , * ' .' I � . :E . � instettd of powdering IL, 0 . I -'such -An I . . . . I . . . I . .rom the . . I . .. �. K4 . n w-1 ch 41the clinging natural like.to Tnl' that -wayi.-f.he kind, Arid I liad quife, � sieg� of in . . I we ,. � , - � 1-` hair now, pleased me; you grets. old . , , - . . I . , . - 11i n . . it seeing : . :I . I I . a, - ,0, , , I __ . . . ana .Aear go\Nns 1 to such an extreme Air. Archie told.such, sing. ariecadto - I � precedente4; it ,was as If­'6ur.TnoQ.r�.l.. .. � . 1. . --� N__ . . � I � . "e'.1 . . .1 effect` is carried hIn W � , ONVO . � � - . .Z�l 1� . 1 . I � . I . . .� . - I l. I id out% - I a,mu . digestion and. was All out of order for should, be wit . t en y ,thousand � � I � I 1. . �� I . ,to , I . � I . . v they get in ELI of big lifio lnAhe col6nies an& also some i : . . . .1 I . . that I marvel hov I some 11nio after, r6y heart. boatb.i�, 111ce 4 mile,$ of, the'�qarth,, and rise qsrlu_sel� . � � I I . ., . arid school -of SELOATHAND, . *., .. ' ' � . I .� . .� "'. of them. Of course it's R arraceful style, terrifying 'ones, -principafiy relating to stdani engine, aud'se�oral times I.6truck. twice or thillie, in th4 twen6r4oux' . . . . . ... I I .. TY1?AWRITMG,& TBLEORATHY 1- I -� �.. ­. ar . � . . . . I Soothes tired . . �. I .... . . . . , � - could be more ImproT # 1, .. . 1. . people would not c ry what they . ibis trip to,a, place called-somethingerld- I -four v , rs. Nothing . ; TOrWito, Ont. I . -P . -gold was pion- i twenty r1th6ut stqpping _ . museles, .,e,l I I 1. . . - . I . .. ' . I. . 4 � I Jif on�7 .-til- In" 'with a "dike," - whu , , � hou , ,. ­ _ h a ridiculous len' - � .. eall 'style" to sue ­ - i You-mav iniagine thiogratitude of our . bable,. Tei In" 1871 Professor Asapb I . 'niovesi,,, eore- I . . . . . Always open. .No,vacatione." � , . - . - Thank goodness, though, there are nuin tiful. I fairly shivered when 'I - heard , .family -ana the praise, we both did glet. Hall, with the gr61aiW.a,s1iIngton.equA- ess a s$jff- . . I . .. � . ­ . I I � . TAveleachisro. - Finoequipmelifi. - I -- - . �i - who like to look'na- them -such hair -breadth tscapesl Ana I . . noise - '. gives the- body k% V . I 'bers of sensible folk vaecl ,me more I orla two , tln� . feeling of comfift an� ­ ,,Speol4l'Summer Eession -for July., Zut what plei " , -1, actually --discoyered _ strength, � I . . . free, .1 . I , tural, in spite of the, mandates of lash" tb.q;re he was, sitting ar�ongst us all .. iog Wh;9-11: _ - t'll V - . digia 61 i . I .. . .'' I � . . . � iat;�thcii ,ind.. er'o, - . satellites .151 - 31a", -.Who�e u 121 I 911 , . . - A rr I ':' . and An at. Partioulara* free, . lind '�;vell, Lia:ai Jfolfy'—�"�&-%� 1. I- I -f . I . . . lonable modistes.' on see Clralldfather', g6t.on; : B&Nv, �Ivs 2T.C.lies, 1Y, ep "the tho*rn in. �tlie flesh". _ . D.on'i u.kke, tkv­.�iAk. *atsiry what, will� ' I . � *_ - 1 14 � .. .. . I Write . � . . . . I ... I I .. .. - , I , from the'�Ianzt 4e I 14 arid 3.1-2 dia- 1,.,,. eparaltionj I ' � . , - ­ '. � 11 . � I ' I . I ueb traveling. Y .10 �arerin,�11 'A . represented 'to 'Wn 11 , . . I haven't done in , . o lately, had quite unfairl�,- I.th0l]016, was -in � d, . . , eters, I ­ , ba #4thf , , , I 11 W.'a.'suaw, P ., . . ­. . -th-vir periods aro ' - _. I. almost all my life has been 5POTA with But' I must i3ay, Mr. Ar'Aio had, been . . willist. 7 14 Qlll� _ - , . , rinelval , Sclotch people, where the "auld hoosiiI" , , forever after lov6d,..ay�, doted' b � W' P3nd',& 6xiviewt, wbkb waltrsisiiii, or! . . I 11" I I 11 .. . . . I , � .. . iA--,' � -ir;:hIs mouth. �- tho�x;l'.Jrigh-bred -darnes.. "For' bbr. own r . I I . � I ganerally cantalis "Wftd alsi"11, 41 *mdot, * . � '. ,.. . 1911411!0" - -A6 9 is , .. . I born wi,th a silvei. spbon -upon, - Y ' and SO. hours respectively. The E(gree- I . I . .1 � . I I . .. I . . . . ; - �,. . - ation to generation, , ; ment v�qth.�Swlftls gtiess� Ig in'the Wair. . !oisoo. * �-. .. . . . �. . � I . I . �. . I . I . 'ise I I iii*� � a *­ _., , , � . i .� . . . � I .. . . I , . . .. '" .. .. . 1. � . Vasses from goner A couple of days !ater I oArerheard'Mr- sweet. sake,l?'04y. said, but 'iwas the - '96. remarkable Ilial It: Is hardly P�q,-14�16 . . � !M-2=, I i I 'S N I , 4 � I � I I P. . . . I 11 � with ail its belongings. IlanY a tale I and Mrs. Archibald talking, as they lucky termination to. that thrIlling epi -1. .'to ascribe It to.inere.accident; ap yet :---_'7- ­__ ­ * , * -1-1 --------------- �___ . . . � . .. . � ., ­ , '.. . n humorous and oft- I d I t'. & �, �, , ,'X � u r VV, ... lgd-t. ,V'V'0tkf . . .. . . . I . I . . , � . L 11 . 1. . . . . % . could tell, ofttime _. 1yere4orning down the s&frs, aim in'arm. sode, in ,which I played such -ail import- � , At- a gonertLf. r-ur6) '.rcFr t6 hatching. .. - . . w . . , , , times sad, for is no . - - - . V . these- .s�%telldtes aie the, M�reslt.polots oi I I . .1 . . I . - : - , .� .. . . t life made ti'p* of 661]w !--for they - wei-c always "that. loyin A�ui'.parf, tl�alb softened their hearts, say of *chickehs n days ArLi required; .,for L I I . , �y . strange 0 S' light, w1iich zo,telescope in existence . .1 � eLINI TON. . . . .0 . , - . . I. .. 1. : trasts? I often think what r She ie�indd i� V,6e"bift put 6ut,16r� thoe 1; ,,and I'think th game wd vorth the . before 'Herschel's day could 'P,D%Slbl� partridges, 24 days ; for pbeisants, 25,!^* . � . , W*rsted' 11. .. . � 1 � a, . . love, hate, fear, .1 . . . *� . - for guinea hens,'- 2� days. ;: for 1. . . 1. ". . , . ' . .. . I pranks human emotion, - u4re' tears, in" her' dark eyes, and she eaadlo.'. Good -by, - - * " .. ... . . have ;ghown.11 I I . days ; .. .. . I . , t ". ,�. . � I I, ­ . . I ' - . . . . I , Yoang bata and xomen to'Prepare for. - I . I 83inpathy,. make human beings Play I looked Aiffererit. altogether, for:ohe was� , : . ., . . Direct .1 porvero. Workmanshir good I . . I .� common ducksi; 29. days ; for pea -fowls, and MR im h . . . . � . At the time I aim writing of =Y home . wearing a black:gown instead of the usu- ., - - � . . 1 - ... . . 'Alany6ther. 4m1lar141#IcdpitIons are , . . teria oularaXiteed. . . situations. Apply to , . . I I ... . . ar- . � . .. . . . I I . . � - . . , . , . , . . I . -bred, ar- '�,e , ed, I sup; ' - ' : Clearly Vehiied� . . .. . I . .I chronicled.. in the `P;h11o;delpIA,a, "Era.` 28 Aayg- ;.for t6ikeys, �28_ da�s ; foi B � . . Do'ifiludion , � was with three old sisters: high &I white one=x relati -had dj '' I . � I I I b . . -, .: I . . ., . .. . I I . . � , ;1* - , . .' .. ' We quote as. followp: . . gral ducks, I 7 .. � I I , 30 , . . . I .1 � � .. . I I .. �.. . I . . . . I . .1 ..., � . . - . u .l �. . . . - I ". , . ��.. ,. auran - - . . I I . . istocratie ladies, with straight backil pose.. � . . I . �. . . . 'The - I gravfttlon was an- . 3o da a,, and forgerese .1 .� :,. 'M .. ess ., ..' , - . . . I . .1 I of ,d - JAS G:" '" I. � . .. (gi having yielded to the It was the, 12th of. August, and, her - ­ ' . '. . . . . owl - I . .I� - . ;Lyk - , - .1 - . .. I , I . I SF; � 1, .. . . . ., , . ,-i � I . . . . . I. ,. * I ­ I . . , . � . eduetiona of a �ocking­ chair) and aqui- hus6n . I . I I 1. .. I . I ? . . ... .I . , . .;notrneed ,by Newton h the year 1685 � ...'.,', .. .... �... I . : . ,�:�� , ­ 1, . � . I ... I '. I .1 ­ _...... � eollege - . - , . . I . � , . *� I __ � � . , �. -7�— ­ I . � � :. � . __� .r . . ,,f t, a was :going - w*%vav for a Weekls� ' ' . . . I , ... .1 .Had it not blen, foresee.. by .Mk- .. I . � : - 1. 11 . I ... , ­ . . . . 1. I ­ . . . . . . . . , usle-sh6oting,' egi In. . . ... . . I � � I . , 1( " no noses -the . ELM' y 'lose," they -gro whieb. b "rig ii S�otland , . . . ... . � ' . ... . . . ­ � �.. . - . I 1� t. A trifle sterri-rt- on that day. - , . . I � ., � .1 . I apeare in 1609? At all events, in 'Trail- m I . . � . . * I . I . . . � The bestv'qaipped Business; and Shorthand.. ,., � , . ., . proudly called I . . � . �... . . . . . .. . , us and Cressida;,' ,1ria. ' . . . . .What Oth ' . Is e. in ansda. - Raffuced tuition rates, . I _ I . I . I put these lines In— I : � "I �, aenled also -but they had dear, warni I am s0ft-hearted. Those tears, -wen. , ' . .1 I I I to the mouth of Cres,.Ada: ' I � .. . There Is: '- . . ," . I- . . ers. ays. lliteuls regarding our courses of,otqdy, . . , I hearts beneath that coldness. Why, PN'e straig . � They are th.' . � -� . 4.1, o . 11 . �. . . . . � . 1. � I . . .., I � . . ... .. ,� � .1 . .1 � . . 4 . as grol . V glit to* iny hoart� ,c an- . , , . ': .1 . 1 . . � � . . . . . roe sets of securing situations foi 11 .. I iseen Miss Cecilia's faded gray ey Man of the old;but the yloung�should riot , -, 1� . - .. . . Duct th , ! .., BUT ONE . �. . . — _6d6_1 h111111111116- graduates. atalokaelsent fret.. Addresig ' - � - wonderfully soft and tender at ill grieve. ' - .. . . I .� . . . � 1. 11 � . - e strong ba,se:and building df m,i . . 11 . . � . �� . . . . .. .. . . I � I . . � `. . � I . I I 1. . I I L . . . . a eight . . . o .. . lov's - � . � . I � , .1. I I .4 . ... I . . . . . I . %, 11I . . . . � - I . I . . . I . . . . . � of the fir -4 rose of summer, for they fail,, "It's my'nose, Archie,"-shia was say- .. . ­ . ' - . . � . .1 �:. � I � I :J.!.B. MCKAY and -; "I think : . � - . 11 . . - , I � . I . . I N . . � D�pt *�C� .Ing, half laughing, half cryin 0 �� _ is as -the� very 6enter, oe tlre� darth,. - 1. . . � �� . .. . . I I worabippe I every plant and tree - ( I V thin . . 1�v. ,%c. Z 761itakillev .... ,.i I Confeagra'don Life Bldg. . Stub in that wonderful old gard6n of I could palci th-em, '16ve ine.- 'if only: X � I , . i DrAwin all .. w 919 to I t. -Act I , � � 1. I . I I F, . ... . ­ :. . . . . . I . a � . bad P, 1fa' ily ridge? and,;could leo'k- , .itatb-� . I .: - 1 i - .. I I : ' I. .. 1, . . . . in�de foi' 60 years � IIIIIIIIIIII _" ". . � . Toronto, Onto * , , `.. theirs. I -, 11A,-.jyorrtcrnppi4r of 'S , � ,I over .. .1 :. � . . 1;1� . I . . . . . I � .. . ,� _.. � hakes, e ;-ej : . . 11 � . 11 . . . pear I , .y.. . - . , .1�riira. 1. . � . . .. . . . I � . I .1 could see it from where I stood Ili ly?y . in I .. � ; �� , I , . . , this Iformula, of I . .. I . . . I . ol ion�sm, 4n0lielpated the ratoderzi � I . I 1. I . I A, I I . i �, � ... . the lobby,,J and milly beyond to t You should have 'heard 'Mr. 'Ardhi6 ,�!_; ��. ; . . I I I : ., , . "I I .. .11 I I . he red le . 0 .." 0, . . 3B, � I D ' ' i ' ' . I I : I I � . . I I . I.. . . A� . .1 Ir 1. . . . . , , " .. Alcheraf, - Per'ry,' avis. . .1 ,� I . . - 1. . I � . . .1 .11 . . . � :­ . . . , I . . , J where hung t,he most doll- laugh, and he astarod her. she -had the 7�� . I ...air-cushlon. i.Xn...'.The` 9t,' h,6 I ... I . . orivqr(litngton's carladlaIll. $took Ton � I .1 I . I'll I I � brick wa I - � . makes Sir Epicure. Uanimoft, an, en�irn- � A specific in all -66es .of I . I . I . ejous fruit, sun-ki4seld into perfection of dearest littl�. nose fn the world It was - , . I I _. . I I eioting' the pleasurVs to, be lilow nen 1111 - . , . . . I .. . ... . . aTames bestakf breeder and feedor,of the owee I '. 1, . I . . � . ,, .. . -golden apricots, pears, .Bowe) 1p.omplatntis;y .. 11 . I . Stake. fat &�ttlo at - Pr,orlgelal wilater. Fat - , � I . I . I . � . �. . - . 1901 and 1900; says, , . I . I I . . ­ I . . taste arid color the feature in' her face he% first fallen � ,N`s'.t,oi!;,�� . G011-46 Crgrn* pp.. �. . 1. _11ised . .. posseslgion of. the;'PlillosloPher'o storle,,! . . .. v . . I I . . .. , . . . . . aches, plurns--7arrongSt the trip Ili love with,-.lind then he, quoidil some � .. � 1). I I . dee . .. . , rl . . 1. . . . DnAn Sln,� ­ 1% I . � I 11 . .44re t*t. . I ­ . I ., I I I have fad your Stbok Tonic to ea We and . . . . re"alves. If I even began to tell you about poetry about 'Iltli� petall of* a flower-'�- . I . I . .1 . * I Diarrhoset. 11 �� . 1. . . .P � I . I %. .1 . � I I 1.1 I like it very nrudli. It makes them. thrive well' � 1, . , . 9 . . I -fashioned flowers that "tip -tilted, like the �'dtal of 0, flower"') . . beds.blowip, not lstuffed; ) -A household . remedy-;- � I and put 6n flesh more rapidly. I tbinjv. it ,is. - I I .� . 4. I I . .. the sweet, old . . ... . .. I wom ,have MY . I . ._ � . I that *as it,' � ., r . . . � . . . . . : .* Down Is too hiord. - I --- the best Tonlol have fed to horses. 'Wearoalso, . . . I I .1 I I I . . . row in such profusion I'd never be able . . .. . . . .:, � I � . . __ . . 91 I. I a stop. A�lost of them took prizes year They stopped beside me. "They'll.lova - I. . . . . . .. . � . ... . . . .. .. ... - � . I . � ... .- It to our h6ns this winter and they � . . I . I you, n.ever feai, some day, SNV . . .another play th4 ;aArne autht:Ir 1 - ', I . � - te.' itpaystoloodit, . . . I . . � ,. the show, which old eptheart,fl. -, ,SuAday i School Teacher -And what jE !1n I �.� - ,are laying better than - hey have done for a � it pay� best b the .Omd- '.. . . In, year Out, at, prood of," And you sa . the Meaning', of "ridliteoug indIgnatiortV . � I . � . - -Sandy was "awfu I y,;rhe "Woh't they, old -fellow?" And . 1:1 . . I ared,ita -the Dutch with. an.Invontion ' .� I . . � . . . 11 . I ­ ': . � .. .1 . . ., . ­ .. ToursUnl . .. . . The I 0kn0diL Vaginess. Coliege, '.. . I . a V 1'.t . Pupll-BeW aagry wivout.ciissin' lidy i� ogh;a,do -11olland submar- � NASM!.' ., . should have seen . 'd I - - I I ': . ­ . �=.TAS the "alleys" of roses, ,, wo o'clock, which signified, �, .. . . . . . . - I thatfor wq the .. I . � . . .. . . Gr6oabapk, Feb 23, 19M. � 11 . . I I . . . . .. . . ?�_ I didn't . . . �, __ �_ '. . 'fe�-Beford,*e w 'DEAR.91R,- * I . . I I I ... . . , . .� . . . �. W1 ere ffiarried you � . .1 . . I . I arid the arbor thickly covered witb They willl` " ' think, blienothat I . . .. - .�. I 1. Ine . b�a,t: . . . I .. , 11 I.". I � I I I ..., . . I . 'CHATHAM111' . . I theiri where thp "Giniral" used to smoke -but I'll'telf you all iii6ut it. , The ,mark arid wornefi, says -the 1%lteri . � I .. .. ..prettr1ded that .you liked to haVe� Me, I had a mare 6tooked in 114h leg�. *ortblallif. -1 . . . � � . I . I � . : . at I . . It.la ,an aubo�ma,� Tuns � under, water, , - . sit on your knee.. . . ­ I I . I . .. I on's StockFo6d took it down completely. wad -Wit I fie 27 jears of sudoesoful work- to its , I I his pipe, and- but I must get: On- . wre feft-,alone­-and some find .y Dllyeaf,Al who. are ,writing -anniVersai . . Char i a good condition. It has done u y credit', staudo witht;ut 4 peer in Canada 'in. I I . I I ., " ,. ''.., .. .. , 41' -v�r-lth'j 04'u.- nos . and, has a - nAmble Husli' d --:-Well, y,qu* were il li�,efiy' Ovagelod. Think it is a good thing andean to the line of :Busln4bss oi Sh6 ' I One day, when the roses were 161001111- grouse from.'the moors inade .their ap- articlefoijor 'the magazines on Emersoft . es . 1. ... .. �. I I an . . . . . I . .. . ing grandly, an unwonted excitement ot pearance., Of course You know these .as 0, *Philosoplier, U'Iiirson " a teaeh6r, I : tall , I 1. � =)a pietender . I raining. - I . rthasid , I . d th, Yourself. You pre- ommend It.. :1 I I ,4t . I : o . t , , I . � I . I up in the house. I found out thaf ; oet, Emerso s a . Made I.ik,e' lin ­augir,. W�th,.Whlch ta.il I you .'preferred to I. sit 0 1 S0HUR0HML,1lDa;ryniau. . I . . . . I . . n birds are always kept ilill 'they axe quite Z tilierson � as a p .. . . 11 a Clio ' .... . . . � � I I ton, Jan 17,1903. 846 students plaoed.in good' positions in .. d his bride were ey- old, so Susan t ' IT, wers6n as 1, �knew him," et,c., displai , -she w0ggl,4s �: �!, * : . � chair-Chica.go .,Xelivs. I i I ' I . young nephew an ook them..dowu ,to the . . 33e,tweerr the coats of iia',shlp, and slnk� ' .. . � � � : . . � Puiify Notir Animals' blood before turnins thle past eleven months obowsw. hat we dq I . I ellar." . I)m f . � ' , 1, _ . I : 'them on- the . . . .1 ". , pected from across . ar a,way from heathet and, a marked tendency to eulogy rather them I . . . I ., . . gross. . The w It s,urprise you I - . lor our slindOnto when gradusted,i I . . I ,t a fuss I. I was rubbed criticism. Matthew -. Arnold . once re- ' - It stralght. 11 ­ . , .. . I _- . the AIL: 11w '! . I I ,, . I .. I ' . me,'if there wasn sportsmen nowi bu't Ah iltief a*tiny sprig ' ' � . 11 . . .. � .� .. - . . I I 1. . . I . �'� 10 �tlox,20D?eeda,50o; Solb'siseksil. eollege.ftorins for faitterm , I ' arid rubbed, till I slione like a l9ok-ing.. of it effects me as nothing else can, a.-<- , marked that the whole. body of' Emer7 'U� Vrimnee; Cyrazo, de. Bergerac . ., �. ,. . . . sept.4st, I . The old adies wouldirit allow ce was Pg e,ow a . . . . I 1. . . I . . ,,pt,. maybe) -the bagpipes. , I' dare say . showed. h1irbself: full- of scie,04410 Pres- . � 11ald4ndil a n t Mom I Our ostalogue- io the handoomest . loaned . Sature polish" to be used for me � . . . little poem, "The Bridge." "AhI'� . . . ­ . I .. . . � . . , , � . by.Md , I I . , _ "'V I. alence. ,T)ie alrohlp fir WhIcli'the 9,gm . ', , V . '. I , . :­ , niqp . 1 - A very sentimental son's verse " i ` not worthLo f Ill 0 . I- CR X 41� t - �" Fill: A. PS "P . ty business school -in the .-Domi o I . . -buti' dear . mel' . I 0. � , . , 0, . . I and I think it would- have been quite de- . what would life be* withoui, Sentiment;. ,.701113 of the tmerson eulogists, "this fndi-. i ofli'lls 'Voyage to the M0011' (1650) madvi . �. . . . 1, I .. . � . . py sent by .addrese Ing, . . I .. . . .1 grading. I vphich Is, after -all, just love and, proper cafed Arnold's limitatleiia, not Emen! his. Arlp, ,to thgt sphere was .a,, pretty . . Fain In't1is . � ' � vial words and I I I 1D. Xplittehlan & Co. - I I remembered Mr: Archie --a fine, StgLl- feeling; withent, which, I'm thinking, the goals". Even themost tri I' close torleshadowIng of Monts;101der's I - A .. wart young fellow. He had married an I . . acti�ns of the 40pneord. philosopher are .. -olifta6hp ChAtlinin,010, pulse of this b - bustling .warld would bLaldoorl,,asl willi -be seen trornourflIgs- I . .- St . July'24 io - . � I or . . . I . ricau heiress. The fortune she would .' . � . SUMM ER P . . . deasa to beat. � , . . I � reverently recordW. Sulla. Ward Howe trlation, made' for'an, edition he .. � .. , i4. .1 OF - I . . . 'So t 1. � I I I .1 - . � I I � . hail been made In "tiade." Now, Now' what'happened.af . ter . ill . Is Is -one VoWls'fondly how he once said at din. I antodated -the serqnaut, ' I I .., . I � I I � DWr4W .1 . I " I . I . 'do of the of the stirring incidents of my life. My, "or' ';Mrs. Howe, try.our .1 . I I . � I . .. I . " I . I ' . . �- . was a great blow to the pri snap c4ke17 "In the saine'.b6bk he. clearly fore- . . lo � . . . . W.61 � I -fainfly-besides, they -had other is long, but so is my heall, and I'll I I I � 11 . . FE . 11 . . , I I . Ift , .40 ­ I . . . . �'bad body i and'William Deval Howells chronicles ill% ,shadowed the pboniograph� I bysentery� . . I RO �. i 11 so concerning t1wir nopliew.. So When always feel 'sure tha,b 'twas, the new fact that when Emersolt smoked a cigar; '. Ivnw ,superiftiattiral.belliff Who acted �- I . � ­.. . I 11.111, . I I- � .. couple arrived I could see they had I. M . A . n Mio had -taken out oid coo,ohmarl'ok "It was as If one then lsaw* Dante smok- aa ,the h�ro'e 9-tride gave him for his Id cd�le,, % WeelKIYAMaill and Hfiiplre ,, �, - -- ork to conceal their rather unjust, place for these few, da�� who was till I -Ing, and one then -saw it witli all the re" -130olas =Ade'.. - I I �. �. I United to any adaresis in Canada, � . . .. -1, . I �� udices. he - . . � enbertaintoaht sorne *1 the I . : I *. . -_ - I , . . was a tiny creature , m � .VA=cA-J4Q.4zt =4201,11010.111. .,­ .� . �by. th,e� - lr�habditantsi ,of the moon. . Th y , . . , Oholerli Great Britain or lJoited States � r .. __: - . I I r I �ycs and 11 �lump little .1prit. He was -very fax removed froiv I - I I I I . . . I � .0 . . I I . until gf.anuaiy Ist, 1904, for . I .. ,. Ir . ., th e, dark a. . . ­ .w0e encl,6,sed In box -ea.. This Is What . � IfforbillS L �� : re.. confess I fell in love with lit,, I being m'profeadonal at big Work, but he � , .� , .1 I . I I ., . the ve first, and sl:,.- seenled alItIally, tnexbt liusluess for all' that, -and Mr. . . . ,- . .. . �' _ . . '. . . . fie,eaw and heard: ­ . . .. �'.. 11 " . . . I I - * . - - � .;� I 'Arebiefs absence from home was a, stel; , � . . . I . 11 'On opening the box I found IbAdel .50 ellaNTS I . 1. 11 . � . . . I � � I- I I . " - ken wit me, for she eried ou'i when in the right direction. I . . I . a concern of rioetal, soinothing like one antum, �Saaslekness, . This offer Included choice of . , ,� I -,? I . n "Wh I what a very quaint, About two o'clock on the morning of . . . I .. . . i I - xNk.�, . 8 of me ckl I dete on these delight- . . I . � of our VMtebeg, full -of curlou.s. -little I and aH Wnds of Summer, Com- premium pictures, entitled is �rhe . . a efo .. % springs and balrl.Ute Machinery. .It Was I . Miner's Farewell," and �491 on the - .the 18th of August, when all whs quiet . � I 1, I I I . lie old bou. I I , plaint are qU10MY 411red 01 Edge of the Hera,, - . I., I.. ully antique,things, with an old family and ftsleap In t ", I heard a . really, a. book, .but &* wonderful boo � . 11 I r about theml" ' _ � � ,that has, no leaves ox I-ettera; - book, I � I,* 1.11, . V,mer kina d fuzzling in the dining-rooril. . ".�, , . . � I . . . .. f3he had aa 0tractive mamner, and an . �. I.& � g of'whl6h .'the SP A L. . ac I " �,,,% I light footsteps seemed- to .come to 11 for the u-nderstandin I . F.elA I oked kind of shy -like, I thought. You . 'f,'2,, 0. pyes are ,of no use -only ,the ears are taking . . I I . . I � and fro, fato, the hall, ri'verything w4li - . _7 . � Weekly Mail and Empire to jan. Iw .)I, IT " 0-1111 � A I I � I 'Ii.o', , � b6cessaiy, When ianyone, wishes to � 1. . . I � j I r , , . � 0 an most 0 11 . RT . ;A A I .. read, *he wands up this ma,ciliduor with , I , ig, she was but young, poor th lark its pitch, E*von the harvest moort � 80et Now Bra tCjan, 1, "04, 40e,o i �.. ' f her life at An WD"gli'l, was tired of abining, anduot a ray from . 1:�... , � ", . C S ' 10,6th papers fiefit to any aadreag or � . ,��- -1 I 0 oarding-80hool, I lielird. Tlien, of coursle, ;ier fall (as imual)'on the tiled floor 'of t .. � C. � I I . Its groatuttralber of �iierveo (of all kinds, . Dr. .Fowl r� 904untildAn. 1, W. Send'order 0 .11 ­ I I'-, 10"'I'sell, . . eetin new telative% Int1st � be 0, littlo . and turns the voint&r to the ehapteir he What -who, 'a" 11" 1: of t an American. heiresa the lobby Just their. TIarkI . 7`%",.W WIlighto to bo"; Whett ithere, laord" out# - . ... �. I fttract . of � . I flee of ibis paper, . . . . I bry that or0 In ' Aoiselossly down the . I ­ . 1. I I . earn so, for er, anyway. 11 p - as if from this mouth of. & man or of Call and examilae . a et even I*hr .yll as Lizi ' ekly leewpoterf stairgv My 014 Yes .. To the Weary Dyspeliltido � - -- I I �. . I . Air. Arqhie was gay and "CAnt . . an.hialtrunimt.,of Illualo; ithe dWinc.6. .. . I 11 . �.. . I . I I , - . ffild StraWberry, ­ . . liould not soq-��ana yet, is that no, a Wo Ask This 40ilelotiont and vakous soundo. which sery,0 the . I I . .. ' , " , . . Our stook 69 -high art pimoo of Is � pyer, Ile. smiled at me and said: "Well, I whito ligurd, for -0,11 th6 W01`14 like a big I .1 . � � I . . 01*ivt LUnizilleAls OA*the 4�_Xpre"Ion, I a I . , . . . .. I t t� lel,iow, glad to see you'in such godd qr-.oWAake, drifting down, down. Ahl a 0 , I f . , * � bet dexie 4obigiii, aria dobiafnfb� Angst so . Jib " � . Just at that moment I struck! strieg,k of moonlight falls, p,thw Why, doll t YOU re010V6 lallivage., - - . . .. it has been �sea by ih6digiads for I � tionspuroballablefoirrion6y, Sedoor Voty , art it and I � . W 0'0 L I. our 0 'lock, which meant from me, "The' "Ainong Fonelon"a Fables nearly sixty years -and we. have yet . Wot. styles of oweet-toned organs, at be's . 'ht at'4he pit . 1090 &r the Iftstmoblon of'3L:o= 'X=Vt . I Prices, Inatkudmento rented. tuned or Ire, " to you I " I shows cleax and distinct the Agure of Mr. I , . , - I I Atehibald's little wife. thi&t �V e " L�, . wooma . When "Petite" ( We all called the, She sbooped. &a If to pfelc'up or gropo of the Stomach? graitilsim, Is out 16rititled 'Voyia,go, sup- to hear a complaint. about its addom . . . . paltea, Gtan)ophones and Muslo In Var-, young wife) chos�p . could be most fas, , I 0168 for Something, and- I heard her , 1I Pogo,' ,and 04norig .the isuPpooltitioua I aw repatod to buy this seas 16ty at ibaking, butJ notiord she 80040d. raihef !V1 WhI don't you regufatei that VarisMis warrela of 'Which it to clorrivalat, we 1, A few doses have often cured when olip orwool'. as tiguil, at the . May have dropped It In the garden. I , I . I I spliatitso and condition ilia digestive ttad� 'There wu no painter in all the I all othe ' It! e. ROARPIts . Then she ave la, kind of stumble, and 'r ramedies have failed. I --!--!! ��"_._ � 1_1-1_11 i A, I � orgwiis to that It will not be niacessairy tar country, but when they wfs XgJS music attliparfunt I __,�___ sort ol Until cry, Then --oh,. myl I � 1, 130=91or W0011031 , I . 4 1 . . 1. . I saw h6r lift our solid silver, richly. chased I Ittarve the sto4*01i to avoid distress after , trait 6f a framdo 6r a picture repro- aedoti is Pleasan I � . . I eatiog? I � . nit,ing Vorno, lov*IY landscape or other . , t, gapido. It011able forhighootoaobprico,orliaeloht6iige. , . I . � . I ­ , I OR. A. We CHASE3 n6ffele-Pot from the lowest step, just be- T�a first MAP Is to regulate the bolofelsid Meet, thq put ;ktiet In -to large bas- , and Iffeetuale . for mauntkaturea articles, I ' fiInd the ktlgbt In armor, who bad stood % � . .1 . I 25o. � 1 F& this purpose . I _' JR. & T. 191tr4l & COo � ;* , I r, ;k1- I I L, lZIE1 . , 11� ,`;� is M, , '_ . "' I ' ' Y.Iln,,,, I I I.- ,. ' r., I 0 I. I T 0 .1 F""*"�$ en n gi bi , - - '4"I I .�IM " N �� � i I I I I �( I i 1A11111- ' t I I I � , I _ _ _ r,_ Ili . , . t �_ _ , _ 1, ., ", X ,1k, P . _ M. - I I CATARRH CURE 11114's . ientiftel thoregrim, and, sternf for loq, . no of gold ,and silver, tomd. madq this . 1 iod 1 'llin , I 411 Water liact thig object they wished I � , lees Flitraot Or''Waid ft sent illirbot to 116 Z years. e Moon, 41*&TA dard- _4_r,-* �'l J - Gled I Prm, Advertising, Cotrespondozoe an I aint. Very soon the wator oul n. 1 . ttts by th6 Imprei,ved Blower. I cloua, hid her hob again bobin k eloud, I Butdock" blood Bitters - , 'P, '0804911141 80*61 11 � - I � Strwbe�rki& MOON* Voliubt Agentor, . . Cals the ulbets, steAft 11116 itif t goal awil beconte ao thi� fat Ir.; 11 Y 1 � ttsages,stopt dr6lVIVIg lit the , but I could see that Mg snowflako, istand,. I ft&$ No Equal" . - age d 1i I 8 . 0 Vitat at., 1,011doo, 19114161id 1 ror, where the Im a complaInt cure. . toat and prinkriantJ Wes � hi 6tock Atill, as If it bad been frozen . ero - I ^1 A r6vdi It Actit pl,ojsilptly jai otodtoill* #JW 4bly. This toulA bt a I I t �, All V .. __ . to. it beautiful stAkue, M - it 11 ow I 0110 ploastd, and 9AW , A I I ft "I 416 r.A.V I ve�auantl* 4WAS #A 4 ft 0 Ithful r ' Iketala $10stitutot. The.11rd lb*Attro" I � gatistatoo and advice graila. _ � . I tito ind � sufralo-'� She''Stooped towards tue dining 1,00w i4sedou, A Alotuft ail any nolft,ft" 11 - - . I WOOL I I . . 4amtdialik auslo"b it Orsdal . . I . . . . . . . . I * / 1� I , I . I . , � , � / . I I . . . ­ -.ft. 1. _: --1 - . . , - .k __�,. , I . �_ � ­ I '' - , ­_, li,&L, ­­ *1. V­i.0—­ . ___ .. . .-Ale . . 2i AL , iiiiiii