HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-08-14, Page 1"
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: - I .. -"%,%�-- . -�- Londesboro. I I . 13rucellielloil � filorningana eolng, . .9cal Notes. . . - I � . � . � . 1 � � �
. -- . ,
Mzes -Mrs X Braithwaite return- Now.us-Attis Robt. Marks, of Kaa- I , . Additional L0al NO% � I - I . - . 1, 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 � �.w I
. � ed home Alonda-, aftera three weeks' -sas, Is visiting at the home of Mrs . - . I � I . -- I �
SomethIng . Sam. Kaiser is 14avig ' h' Idence - . . '
, . visit with felantiq in London 14 rq W. Marks, J'As. Aikenhead, who haa MrXaa Spaulding spent Sunday at I al. is real . I . . I . I .
I hi � nicely painted this w H EF TO DO-$, S. ur
. -Useful . Aloon and Miss Flossie and UrsT Mcion be.?n ill of pneumonia, is Slowly re. a honle, . . . . A*Ioad of Seaforth young eople Cooper,, contractor for the new post' I 40 . # .
. . and Miss Alicehas returned home af- cOvelring. Al. Little, London, is visit, . � .
I I I ter A months! visit with friends !it Ing at the - manse, Alias, E. Rose; of BiMlas Olive . Cooper Is visiting in drove over Thursday eve la oMee building, will in fill likelihood .
ticefield, nl4g at to have his contract complete within tile , -
You can eat your savings and earn. Perth ,,Miss Alice Lawrence enter, � Lo5holon, is visiting in our village, listen to our baxiO. concert, e. Ba4ing Powder ,
* : apecified time -the 21sb of August, , . . I .
I ings oared for and paict back to yon tstiu�d it number of her friends to it Thos. Boyce arid family moved to God- Miss Yeo, of London, is the guest of , Cooper & Co, received an order this There were very I I
erielt thid week, and will reside there , Mrs T. Mason, I few Who wouila be- . ,
arty on Friday last; ,ill report having � Week for a Butterick pattern to be lieve tll,%t he could alecomplish ' - I
in . I I th' 1�
. , Ead a good time, Miss Maggie John- , in the future. Mrs Thos. Simpson has A. T, Cooper spent cofew days, sent to'the Ballaula, Islands. � . is
On Demand son, of London, is visiting under the returned front visiting friends in Toronto this week. . . , I . . . I task. judging by the appearance of the Always Pure
. . . . building 'one month ago,'but the Jil- .
. arontal roof sit present at'the home of Michigan, Miss Myrtle Woodley st)ent , l Mrs W.1-1 Newcombe gave an even- dustrious force that hits been at work Always Fj esh . .
. Mai W3 Will P116V you for' th John Habkitk, of Galt,' spent I ties- ixx� on
a �-lr Goo Johnson. One of our g,.ui.tl SuIndsiy Ili Bayfield, visiting 'it the day with relatives in town. . .0 Wednesday nignt to a aunibek I allide, -every day's work sbbw to .
. privilege of caring for your money, siore-keepers seems to look rather to no or Mrs Parsons. Messrs McColl- I of the young people in honor of the, lasi .. . . I . . .
I , .
. I (Irispecl. lately; whA what's the matter nell and. 04ineroa have placed 11b1ow,, Mrs Tony Sohrenk, of Harriston, ia' Misses Honors, . . advant-190, BY the flr4t'()f the week ... I A/Wfiy.� Reliable . I I . I
A Dollar will give yon an ao. . orsol on their threshing niachines; ther visiting her mother, Mrs Cook. the post office proper will Ile rea,ly fox, 11 . . � .
I I Charlie the weather olbi-sn't seem very . . Mr 3 Tiodall had the' misfortune to the Installation of the offic . . . I
� oount with no at Exeter, Heneall, take the straw' to a distance in any ,o fixtures, I . . . I � . , .
1�1, Clinton or Zurioh branches. . hot at present. Miss Edith Mills, flar � Me and Mrs Heyd, of Ox Bow, arez lose one of the tires of Ilia automobile and the interior of the buililing espe, . 25c per Lb. ...
lock,was the guestof her cousin %isses direction,; th6y have them, oil trial; the Wititing in this neighborhood. while coxxxing Into town from Bayfield tally will present 1-6 nice appeara . . I ,
I I cost is $200, Alex Ross has retur ,nee � ` . .
,. Ada and Olvetta Brigham, claring the tied Monday morning. . I . I I .1 . I I . I ..
THE SOVEREIGN from Manitoba-, the crops are reported Al iss Gerry, Brussels, was the guest I - . -----
. . past week. Mrs (Dr] Hamlin, Detroit, Of Miss May Shaw over Sunday. ' The Aliases. Holmes, of DECREASE IN SCHOOL CHILD- �
is at present; the guest of her sister, Mrs to be not as good as last year, in some . I I Usbourne , X -S � .
. BANK OF CANADA LaMiam, John 0 Adams had a xxxim- localities havin,g- been destroyed by Air a -ad Mrs Edgar, of 11 street, at,(,. offering their home and REN onto iiAeresting School statis- .. .
00cle"'O I householdfurniture for sale. .:See ad It es have. been issued by the Depart. . R. P R
ber of sheep worried dogs oil Sun- ball, Mrs A 6-tworcin spentSunday were visitors in town on Saturday. . . ,,,exit of Education. 'The number of � 0 eiakie's , �
P`* , W. Brydone, R. T. Rance da, n ght, and also My one kil ed last 'in Bayfield. �63s: Alice Mark -s of Dul-' Miss Alice Dann, o?toronto is I the in another column. . - I . pupils in the public schools Of the . .
the sheep, were In the'field clos "'her Ids not been very much build- province in 1902 was 408,121i % decrease . .
I k I I . .,
IV Y - PresoriptionDrug Store, Olint6ii, I
ilanager, Clinton, to ee ; 8 uth,visited last weekatthelicaiaeof guest of Miss Ida, Holmes, Bayfield ' - e . .
� I
Solicitor, . thevillage Miss Rose Riley is home her grandmotlier, Mrs Marks. The : Ing going on in town this summer, but of6,405. The'decreasols noticed lathe � . � I I .
%.% I q �% on ,visit. Dr. Hatialin, of Detroit , , . . .
-4i. "hl�%bqb% - a- harvesting will soon be completed; the The Aliases Dickinson, of -Toronto are repair and jobbing -have kept out, con- - townships and many of the town,s, ' --- . ,
, . ,
� I'll ,
W01itin in the village tit present. R crops, are splendid, both of bay and guests at Mayor Jaokson's this week, trae'tore and carpenters busy. - 4nd all tile (,,!ties exel Chatham and : , . .
. . I
--- - . . - back to London on Wedixes- gram- - . .. . ; . I . . .. . , ( . I .. .. .
- Cole went . . Mr J 0 Stevens- n ts� taking a neediod . Willielminst, daughter of Mr - H J St., Oatbarinefa The Separate school . . I
Hasit Wawanosh day. Thos Hesselw000l shipped Ills 'T11,AVELL1@8 "While waiting Ili Olin- rest of two weeks in eq0P atBurks.. , Pettyptece, Al. P. J?., died ,15unday attendance, ,was 45,901, -an increase olf - N B,— . . . �, . I
SOCIAL -A garden party, tinder the household effects to Maultoba this lon for a train somb Weeks ago, I not- . . . . . . morning, aged 17 Years. The funeral 1,977.- 8alarles show an increme for . . , .
of Trinity cbur6h, Belgrave, wepk. Ali, Webb, of the roller mills, iced it rack Ili which Was Placed some Messrs James Basittie and E.MoMilr- was held on Ttiesdii,y morning. both male and female teachers, thts �, Fly Paper, Tan.-lefoot
. .
Z"'Pli,ees on Jvhn Scandrett's lawn on a I Ord6rs ior-inbats from, Mr Arthur and Poison Pads. . � i I
war old has put Ili a new and .Improved grain Sabbath school apers from -the Olilx-m ra�,'of S6aiforbh, were in town Monday - number of whoin Increased from 8,403,
Thursday evening; Brussels band w4s crusher; one.good feature is th;it it ton Methodist o: gurch. .1 also noticed Mr and Mrs Fred Switillank, -of -Couch 'call Ile left at H Wiltsle'.S. to 8,497, The amount paid'for salaries- : � . I � 1. . . � I I . .
resent and rendered some excellen' , taker, the dirt and small seeds that in- anumber of travellers taketbernoilt Chicago, are- visiting, at .the lormer's. grocex�y store or at Mr 0- onche's - resid- wh.s �21097,033,axi, increase of $113,400. ' . �. � . . I
P' , . I I . I . . . I
ter I . . 4 mp d , + .4 4 "; 4- 0'44 +:+ . I .
music, after which speeches were de- jure the quality of the feed when left andreadthem. Amongthomwasone Ito 'Me. I . . ence, which will be pro ly, atten ed ME 14 WHO I'HIELP THE - TOWN',- 4 0 04# I
livered by Revs Lowe, of Wing-liam in; this, machine *111 Also do for deai bid lady who had seep eight I . to I 1. . I � I .
I � k. than his previous one. . Quoits sunxtners,� 'she -took out J. W., Irwin left last week to spend a, * I . . . . 143,ve , Irl I :is a help to .. -.-- ------ - ---�� ---�- *
and4astie sind Jones, of Belgrave. wol r I I a ry e teTt ising wan, I I
i I tow � to oth6F. Points, �
. . at 'theorder Of the daybore, for filling thea carefullyt folded and returned it' month or six weeks in, British Col� Mr J .B. Hooyer has added more 11, .� hemore-moneyheirakes, Bayfield got fts. share
The proceeds, which amounted to $85 . ' ' . . . Ing if he -uses it the better for the . coin- Of Our citizens. tile liverlei I .
will go towal. ds the ' renovating of t& in the idle hours.of thei.men, . �. I woudered tit the time if ilabse wh; � unibla., . AieatAy to his lovely home by givi . not being .
I I . - W . I - . . . � - A place cannot be built with-- 'ableito meet the do nand for horses tdi . . .
' .
. -MV.% Wallis left for Tier home. kindly placed them there knew that Mr Goo Zeig gr is -away loxf It tw6- the bricks,eto,st coat of dark re . go to a . . ry- I I
church. . NOTES I 11 =, 4114 it wide-11wake grcilying, 6, the lake Tile to�vn W ve , I
NOTES -Miss H. Ward, who has in exoderldh4ownship, this week, after their efforts were appreciated. 'weeks holiday trip to his home in 1 . , . . . . town is 4 beneflit c,t,,e tlxe only aniusenion t to be found. � . �
The It is One of the inbstattraotive lopoakiiill�,,; I
spending it few weeks with herdaugh. ways of doing good in this world are E haira. � I I I . placeslin bown., I . , to the surroun(litig ; I
been visiting her friend, Miss Nethery, ,nd n . isil 1. . . . . . . 1. . country. Hence, it is ,to the lhWest here' being bowling, . which, game 6', . . .."�
Oatitelon". " neourap enterprising w6a. I � 1. I I I
I of the eastern boundary, has returned ter, Mrs John Garrett, :of Lo eaboro ay; The placing of good literature During IOU Clinton is credited With rifiniber enjoyed. . I . . I I
H. L6nnoxi of As�iniboia, has been forpublic perusal is certainly. one of Alias Nettie ited her havin 10 cases of - of all to ,e . I . . .
to her home in Wingliam. A. Cook, of friend, Miss Lily.Sherk, of Vingliam, soaxletina and 4 I ill walks of lifer Too often, h WITHOUTFOOD OR WATER F OR, '
' visiting friencig in and Around Londes- them. - Passengers'. coming , in.'on the , I . cases o9f typhoid, byr the, report of .the 11, 1, ow- . . .
. Goderich, is spending his holidays lan- . this week. � I l. I . . . - ever. communities are actually. tetaxd-. 7 D AYS.'�The little rat terriexY beldnir- . � .
der the parental roof. Mr and Mrs boto for the past three Weeks.. James north and sonth trains, andi ng . . I I Provincial Board of -Health. No. deaths' ' 'L.' , ,
of 0alifornia.arrived ey-purchased afine mareand.colt fot d', have of ton va;Jlong 'Mrs James. Ohowan visited her, ,from the � I . e in
Jas. B. Nicol, HIST - the eastboun se sources. - - , -.. I .. d I .. their growth , by residentEl'cif Ing to blr JOB Ratt6nbuo wanaertic �� I
. � last . week from 'John Garrett, Miss a -ad tedious Waiting in the station. niother, Mrs Bartlett, of Winglastin , . ' I I I xxiesi�fiswlxo Oppose every progressive up to the top flight -of the Victoria'. - I . :
last week for tin extended visit among ' her brother at ., ' - . - ,,, I . .. I � I . .. Mr. Sherlock of'the firm of Sherlock movement. Men who -have - wealth,. Block.with some men tefi. days ago' . I
friends' and relatives. Misses Etta Nstryllilos is visiting . . I last week. - �
. . . � . . .. . � . . & Mahning is awai on a trip to the butare afraid to' invest Ili the 001'a- and got looked In, sx; room-, 4xid was not - -,.
and Zella Black wore at home to a few Kincardin ' e, � Miss Allie, Lawrence en-- . I flayfleld':- * I Miss Louise. Holmes spent a - few ' coast and received" Ii I is, first order inanity in ,which. they live, ci�re not 86 discovered for a *eIr, 'when he had . �,
. '
. 10 , f their friends on Tbursday after- tertalixed a number of her friends- to it - -ven ss Harris, bf G er .. I . �
noon. Miss Stella Cook is. the guest of Arden party on Fi-iday eivenin it PRmsu,qT,,,Ti6x—On Tuesday f- - days With Mi . od ic.lar: amountiligto 1000 .'orgiins extending 'much use to a town. 'The amount been without food and water. The � -
;1 Ing Of this weelc the members atid ad, this weekv' ,. .. I . .. . .. .over a period of five'Years. ... they Pay in taxes is ciffspt �y�tb ir clp�. little fellow has been brought around �..
. . . . I . .
. . . .
her aunt, Mrs F. Cook, at present., going a.lovely ev6ni% 'they Spent&` hertints of -the', BaYfield -'Methodist . * . . � position to,all progress. � . ; k�
Dick Noble, of Hullett, spent Sunday enj I oyable, time. 0. race * of Co'A church assembled tit Mrs Parsons'. 'Tbb Misses Honors, of P6rt HoPeg The beautiful prizestbat are offered I . . .. . I however, although he will lose the - . - �.�
Air anZ, ber,isvisltlhg�hls uacIe,ITaw*rence., . ar�-visiting, their -cousin, Mrs W H,' in -the dr � awin contest., to be hold at TO PREVENT J3XPE0'TORAY1ON.' .sightof one of .his eyes, � ; . . -1 ... .. . . ..
. " i . . 1.
wit.b. friends in this vicinity. . and after sPending the'ovenilag 'a Newcombe.�. 1- . � . .. , � - theCatholicililienic on.'the 20th are —0obtrary to some reports, munlcipal�, ' A TIEGAME -w- Aumorelevdn from ` . , -
who have been visit- Rio, d Rogerson's pony games Al e- Walli's I . I .. . .. f
Martin Wau ", xA*Ar..-�-Fre ad music,. MissAddi !as Maud Hartley, Seaforth, w , as a .now on dxhl don in.W D F air's win- 'WeS have Power. to prohibit Spitting Ili Witighain � . 1 �
. in the Il'tt.E. parents for some time, made a lively' itin away. on. 84turday read file .following address,,aud Miss - Al 0 - - . . drove Aown -to- Clinton, . . ..
.. . � .
g Clara E rwin presented Miss Dolly Pair- -nday:visibdr: With her friend, Miss' dow. Y u should see them. .. - �, � public places; and of this Clinton should .1 -
have returned to their home in Wing- night Fe6in the village, Mrs Rogerson . . , Six . I . .1 . I . - . - ... An , Wednesdiy and had afr6e for &II gaol& - , ..�
as'ln the bugg � is shortlTleavilig for.tlie* 4va Opopo�r,- � � , . . .. , iii-Vall itself.: - amendment� to the. or la�crbssb with a milx6d team of town , .
'ho I . I ntract cif',cutting.the hill lead- Municipal A&, passed at the last sea' boys. There -was not much style about - - ": .�
- '� h s d;. Ing to the. Colborne brigole Was let to ionof the Legislature, onlibled: it to it, and .iiaore la6rossesticks were bibk- �' I I
ham. Miss Lizzie Rowland is the w. . , y and Mr. Rogerson solls . .. The co
�uest of her sister, Mrs M. Waugh, of was going to hadid her .the baby, Wheii we a half do�en. silver " ve ,- Alias 'Adella Wilken has been en - 8 - .1
' "
Wingliam. Mrs Chartris, who has the.gony. I made a Sudden jerk, broke an s�'Nvifll' butter 'knife, sugar shell In the. as two; in goy MrWill-Wheatley, at. 27 lim2 centa per vrobibittheliabit of:spitting "oh'side- ein *than you would ha � I . I
. d lorks,, . I � I e'le :.
I I Mrs 1 t .. w. - eeks - - - .., ' voseett'ata do7ch I I
been visiting her parents, r anL .the ridle.arid started. -Xis Rogerson and cream . ladle. � .Miss. Parsons. I Was 4n% PaRillil. � :- . . - Yard, 111 e. Work will be done under the I . ... . I
. e nsthey wore not plostsaritly� surprised. -Rev �Mxi Snell - . . . . . walkBitildpaveramits and in the'pas- prof0slonal games., Thd g.x.nie..,%`J'-ound , '
Thos. Black, left on Tuesdayfor.her felt for tit' liner. an.d. . Tillie . ocilelough, of Woodstock, :superilitenClance of. R'6eve .Xiddletcin. irwaysI Andentranew to 'With it score of 3 to 3, The Alvrts , .
!home in the far west. Mrs John 8c;w-' there she quickly made up her inind' 'i;esp6nded with a few.well-ebosen re- � Miss � . , . ,. . . .. . I I . sageways, sta, ' up
ler, who'has been very ill for goine and jumped out. of the b4gjy. She egm,, rks. prepared is visiting. :her pareats,. Mr "and Mrs . . r the public, And -in, arys ai)d-- the Seaforth, inter- .
. . mcii After refreshments,, I . . . � �, I.., I : . s-Johaston, wife of brT,G,Jo.h11,, buildings. usedlil , , . . of St 31, I
time, is recovering, we are pleased to caped,with-AfeW bruises. .The pony bytholadieir, 'all *returned home well �.. m I . ston,.M. P.) Sarnia, war kxxock�d down � A 0 i�
. , . W Uolclbugh. - . . Al.r. roolus,1419, buildings and places .to mediates played a good ganid:oll V d . �
. � riesday Afternoon at file latter place,
. I . - h Which the pdblic'resort� street citrq, n . I
?i. �be able to state. . . parted witIf the buggy.about three- , pleased with the eyening?o e�njoymexxt. - Mr B rnie Davey, of Sb'Thomms, ,%a b 'a horse on Saturday'and run over. b1to'eonveyanaeg * And Ili such Other at,whiclialnumbbil froln 0inton were .
. . I I . — . . I quarters of a- nalle sx,way by -the whipm , ` I . beensp ladin .,bis-ho1idhys-IntO*xxAe ' Wo,16ftaraiwasli,61cenand O'.10 Wits Pa -1 . c placles asAe.Council may, by 'esent, .The a . - . .
. . pletreebreaking. ItwasaiiairacUlous . Miss DOLL= PARSONS, DEAnFRiENO . I guest Of R P eekie. . publ core ivAs. 4 to 1. �, , . -
Goderich . . i -It ids.with sincere rewret. thitt we-; the I I .. � ..� �'- ' clat and bruis ' ea -about the ,face,, head, by -16w, desl'knitte.` 'There is 'room for � ' .1. . . I . I . 1. .
. es.ape foirthem. ,'It. might ha;ve been rll, ofBayfield. Methodist chdrch,. Mis�Jolxn ,Cooper rettirned to her and body., . � . .1 I 1 ., �, - our. council to take acition. as som .- W.ILL NO W STOP AT HOMF,—Mr - -
THE HOPE OF GObERICH.-The long- serious if the. child'ha ,been in the' � . . . . I . ,e see - Goldiellike; Who for the. past three �
. ' 7 � 11 . � . .. ,� 1. I assemble to bid yoij ft4,ewell on this , .home in - Toront6 on'.Monday, after - Harvey - Billbeck,., of"Sfauley TV, tions of our sidewalk Are often left in -a. . . " .
� -
discussed line .of freight steamers be- buggy. I .. . I . I the, eve- of your .depaitiir6 from 11B.' spending. several *eeks,here.. . . .'. . , hasiloxcived his family:to town He ts� most disgraceful, mamlolrby c' ��Ic as or Years.has been *Ith'the A-&Corxlll'ck , : ` ,
� ,, . , , I st le - '
. .
1. I . tween Chicago and Goderich hits again . I � . . �. . ., We have leattled'notonly 'to love YOU . : - M'. - . ,oyed . at the saw. Mill fs,t'Doheity's; thoughtless -tobacco cliewersi, - :. . Mfg. Co. W 0111 agg, - ha� rilturbed - ,
- . . I . iss Jennie Robertson spent a week empl ' . . . no
� been brou before the public by ru . I 1961mesvill04 " . . . baf, to appreciate your worth- lxxid -the with her friend, Mrs Nm Plainsteel., fact. ry, Mi, Alc0lineby, - of - Stanlo�, . . - I bome.-to stay. well t to Toronto. on , �. �
. , . , , , , I ' .
alk,x m 0 a CH ., Courtico�ocoupied the .kind,spiritwith -which yo at 4,OrcharA Grove,'? Brucefield. . as also nacsved-to','town and is driving . OPEN Af1k 001\CERT."- On.. the ,ftd, aiA when he' returned- on '' 1.
� -1 ors fronigNlhticag that the G. T. R. C tTR -�-W. uta,Ve ever h . , , xx ty .
y are About to materialize thp qcheme . I . . � - Wheatlev ,. - 1. I 27th, � the, I d eshay evening Ile brought. back- . . I
., u "it here — Sunda -rppmimr� l-+- discharged the several duties which - ., � . . a team: for W I evehin I- of Thursday, * thd - . .. I
on i—
IF," %
The officials of that toad in the city. If . J ' 11 t 'Ali and Mrs French,-, of Chatham, . .. .1 ... . . ... . .. .� I � I. . I I . . wi th him .a -life partnexy in .the person I I
iviad Rev T. R. Courtice in the bve6hig.' h0'e rested , ou. � We. shall mies .. 1,�ind Pu pose ving tin open air ocin, . I I
, the'Sabliath ichobl, lases. sagaips 6 rt I. r 11 -as' I .
- the All � : A Berlin physl6iaii prcitests" I t
.e is every pos,s0iility of Mr and Mrs P Cantelon and I . of Miss Margaret Rob,i on,. of. that . .
. I
We Courtiae'. took the topic at the You. Ili the 111ru . . forcing young children to learn to. play -
say that thei c ov � , At which,a sniall'en-
such a line being put through. They League meeting on evening. the Upworth League, and, in fact, in Little -spentr A16nda�y iii-doderl* I trmice ,fee �Wi be charged. Theobject city, to Whom lie was marrh-d oil Tues .. I i�
have, however, no Information i- zard- I . � . I the plana, arguing that the long prac- I I -
. Service - Ili the Vaihoaalldt church all the department's of our church Douglw'-Go6dwla .ind 100garEast I tic, weakens the nervoius systerxr.. Yes,' of this is to gob m Y,h to meet day by Re,� Ali, Williattilq,'6ii Angli an .1 ."t
. . . I xi - , . ,:
,-rl Ing the taking of any steps in t1vit dir- , W - the shortage NN �%� wicli I], minister." ' We extend. t6 the yolic g
. I will be conducted next Suadayi. in.the* work. - e pray that God in his great' have keturn6d to Wivni after spending ' � �11
ection. At presenf the coillp.1-ly is 3s Yoti in .Your . .the nervous system of the girls -who 'n o'xi with: t n to cOul) e Our . .. I
.Morning by Mr Jas 5V.aJIis,'&nd in- the - love may richly blei . newJ tvisi weeks camping StBirks'Flats". I o antl,418.0 ,.Of those .Who are con ecti ;htlij. ej�uisio - - I heartiest olongrat . ulati6hs,: ,.
erested, in the (4 .1 I . - . I . " . . PortDover. We ask fromourcitizens and welcome themas 01 .: of town. - * . �' ..,
. I . . . I . . I .
Trunk Pacific I * ine. and will not go ' . Mr. Bronscombe,, -of As en, 001" 'Eorr'oetdicto hoar it. - . , �. . I kiz6xis ..
rand .
altogether int evenlii� by'Mir Chas Tebbutt ; Mr Teb- homo and .new life, - andthat with the ' - . . � . i I � . .11 I .. - .I... -
. . I � . � . � ' � I
. m' ion .-- � � . ! I .011:,billialf-of the band that generosity �. I.. O . .1 SESSION,- The 26th in- - . ...
butt Will 4iWO preach at Sharon, , Rev. 6ne .,.wh6 l4ball I be, � your. old pan' brother of, Mrs W. Wewc6nite. visited], . . p .IN . .
� -
outside of this nixtil it is satisfactorily Jar Hussor occupied One of ihti,pul its:� thrOughlife.Yuji,ma, b theinearls.cif , - we . Mr Chas Avexiy -one of the oldest' Which they are jtistly entitled to for nudi ineeting', of . the I.O.F. C6urt.6f '
I onsidering � P. . .in ttoyvn for a feN . v, days . t . fie'. past . ek. - ' �ylxx p . . �
� I . 1.
completed, so that even c nolay mornin . wilani souls...- auT Itel '- - i the I � . . . settlers .in. 8�anley, is offering his their effdAs tit ti I t lace .in our I
in London l9st.8u 9. . , ,� - 6 ping on , 4 . I . 0 . West6m'� Ontario .opened. 'ill Galt on . , .
the gmat advantage such. aline would , I 11 . . 1, crk If I the Master's Kingdom, We. . . I .1 6holce farm,. With option of stock, im- . town one of the bestiiabols of Western
be to them, the com- pany. are not now NOTEs.-Mr J'ph.n Aussex:,'Of London, w I Mr. And Mrs Dr Smith, of S6 thomas, I � Wednesday. .Som6 $50 616jatss-are ' -
inaposition tostartit. Whellasked Who, visited tit .the parsonage recently,. oixtend bur best wishes for y6ur future were guests at) 'theira daughter's,- Mrs lements,%etc.., for. sale on Seot Ist, Ontario. There is not -many in our in atteudano6i High �, Chief Ranger. . . I -
happia(sa, and' -ask that this wbeki Wis is'orie nice. farm, and the bxxiid- midse'wh6 do,notIiJ&miisic;axid-if` the =.d. , . 1
if such a line wonld lie of particular is not ex6ectied'tolivo; his rother,Bev will ac' 'R P Abekie for oJew days � . . . Merrifield, ,of� Monkton, - I la � '. I - �
. . . .. I :
- Yot, . . , . . bit yorCatit, -Dr-. B 211,
. value, it was stated thati while at - J Husser, B.D , is attending at hisbed- cept this slight token of our love and - V. And � Mrs, MeGarva, and Mr and Ing . a thbk6o'n are. all in.good ropM,xi,and Attendance A. -our. TIfursday night en- I
appreciation; hoping that as you Ose ','M Plenty of' -water on the, pla'pb . . tertaintriOnt is an.y'' indication � of t . he . , , I
present the line would unquestionably sidoi, - Threshin has 'already. coin- . � - I I I � , . 1. . - a it 1. t' we feel sure they .S6cord extended a *el6ome to the *dei_ . ". �....
. . . - -iiZy�. often Alra Hou . . . . . . I . . I
� t -1-1 9tou willre I . -'Abraham Proctor of B61grave, all town, , egatos, to w.hich H 0, R. - Merrifield - ''. I
be valuable as it me ms of. grain trans- menodd. in . - hia; locality; the yioldbf them in youi, new home you n st6n w&lo jUGoderich over , .
, � . -1 ay. 11 . -of : Howson, bmk ,wrecitt, ion,,. own . Atcholeadon Davis replied. r� - ,., and I
I . ti-Ank oi 'tie friends in Bakfielit. Surid. Mrs ialu for �' , i organizati6ni A our t
. port, it would, perhaps, . not be of grain is very fair. T. Henry, .photo- 8fj�aed on behalf of the.congroiatiop, � 4 while. ow ... . .. ., old friend Al �s Jas ai: wish at i al: � . � I . .
I '. 1� - ' . I . . * I � . . . w o1a .vis' re- .and will Ild willing to support them bY hief. " %. . . I
much importance when the new rail-- grapher, of Clinton as � in ouf, uddst . . . ... .. . hoseh eshe had�beon iting I of the High 0 xw%nger. . .
11-1. . I . ir We�terxx,(,, t . -
11 A Jie,�Vtcln Crich and iwif�, 'of G !k ,h his their presence an their mite At'the' showed. the
way would be completen and *in a Vo. , on WRolnesday arid obtahadd a view of - - . - I a, i SNELL , . , .. � I . � RY, .�ently,,�v,ls,,*Oiblli�d.-upotx: toRnis . -airc nop.r. onth � 10 Court io be in excul , -,
. � our . celebrated 'Daminiou, P I . � . � 9 'is at p t I visiting earthly career last webk He'wa's One Ofien . 6 . It ...!��.,,,�onixxg,'�fathe . 0a art -
I jr,,�. * - ' . '
I aginaw, Mich.:.. . � �
. sitiou to relieve the annual congestion .01X t4y . I �. . OLAA41, A.-: .."wis .: . , .Tesen . 01, � . ;" . . . . ..:..;..� lent stailaing. The total irt6inbership- - " -
` I I I ... - I . , I I d ' having 27 ... . � .. . . . . �. . ..
. . . , .. I -,11�N ED ERWIN - , relatives.and frim, SA.A. .0.11 on, and I . . . . .. . . " �' '
I n.. ,- .. . I I . . . .. 0 of the picine6rsof thg,tt. section, ... ' ,. -itt .
,of the.Northweat wheat exports - Ili Stat*O . I . .. �. � . . . , . . : . � .. . .. . 4 numbers 810,913, an - '
� .. I . � . � ' - , .. I I � . ,: � . ' ' I 6rease - in the, � :!,
. .� nity. . . . . � i I I I . :
I .
conclusion it was stated that while - . ; I .EV.,& �B. WALLXS- . 1c, k residea there forbvei� 6U ye&tg. -. PO tTA Riilik6 GONE *P,-'rl Our en- last ye�k of 85.046, -Wid'the. Bur us:, . .
-OHANGED, Hi�ris -W.A: Alillar, of I . . . I 1. . � I . - .- . . . � . .
. . .� � - ' ' f - 11untet atialteld shi o � d :
such a line might be beneficial to.the the village# has. garkilliasod the stobk of - ,, ., - 4- . . I cak, cousin 0 viona rinks from thd'o L, B. C' drove fund4 in the. order'laire I n the asb'. " '
� . Mr Budd8; 4 4ew: Y . : ' , P five cars. of . - ' . . . i 3 ;.
Grand Trunk, and would be, no doubt, oods- in the general: 96cire cairied' on . � .: �, Tu' kersitilth. - the Misies: Holmes, and'Kenneth Beat- ' to Goderich Tharsday il�orxxing to en- O&
- - . I C. I . . , - .� stock from hero - TuesTay. 'Amongst . r, incteased ,$1,008,400, and now ' : . I*,
encouraged by it, yet it would not'at guid � th t year. by in on., of . Whiteelliarch, , Were guests in ter the bowling to Id 'T,otj%I $0,003,105�. George'. Rodgers i§. . ' -
inj e ,pas I _ J.,�F nd H' DEATH -TI16 haxid of doath has fallerl . - . tlienumberof cattle shipped- Wits a . urnamexi t being lie I.. ... 1. .
presentbe undertaken by thatcom- 9t I I tow:d the post week.. -.. I - , that .there,' Some!beautlf6l prlzbs are offer- ' dele &to from 01ili"On, � '' . � .. I.,
I � A holli�'Ad, ,W@: U04"t-vild th.'t heavily; upon . the I I :. aftler br6ught.,iii'lly-Geo'Stanli � I ,g . I , 1. � I
. . 11 home of Willialm. ! . esii�, ind daughter. Toronto', - � Y - is I . - � 11 � . I I .. I ... I 11 . .. .
pany. . I .. howa�iii - boNlittlao l5voVeAjTi0ln' Wrlght,� of the Oth con'. o , and. romcived. J� T. L � - Upped the kaies *td I$$$ , Ilia., ill: 04, which is tboambition of 8,11 rinks , . � .. .. ..
. . � . This - I * G . � . . ;.. ..
I an -c.�rry back'with 1OOD WOAD8:FOR To i
. i ' ' ` N try d E 0A
� 19c el 11
I . . . Mi, N w I, ,! . , . f in it a : Wife- of but a' few monthsi. * ling : it few holidays.at the best weight; of the season thab hits 110seu. 'Ab�b I , . ,
1. . ., .. . � to who.,stro..,speni - . - 11
re, visit6rs Ili town on been brought to Clinton fo lient- Aiello, . 'We jjljde�..,tj�4d 38 Anks .-stre TRITKII-During the summer m - -a - ' I ..
Scotland PERI56XAL�-F. �G. Mulholland and after in illness of seven weeks'dura- Bayfield We � I, � I .. I . . . r shipt , onth . ��
I . . , . I .1. I .. . .. . . I present- from all. ovor"Weotei,noiiizirw, averylarge nuinber-pf tour' t k ' "' L
'NoTEs-Rev 0. E. Bolton, of this' Wife, of Chicago, ara home.qu a Visit. to. tion, from a conaplicaUcin of diseases Monday: . . . .. . . I � � I . I is sma e , I I
. I 'v4ns, of -'r Way into Canada, and.this ar � .
lace, preached in the first Congregw the formet's -parents. It is some five Mrs Wright's inaiden naane was Isa� I I Mr and Mrs* 11 Pollillan h Mr Goo McTAggart's,rink was drawn. thel . Ye .. � ..
: Miss, Hattie Pickett arrived fioid, -INlitollson Avenue, Toronto,, Wive ie- 'against D Holuxeg,of Wingliam, in the. tlio summer * resort districts, situated'- .
lional church in Hamilton on Sunday, years since Fiod left here to seek his bella, Laidlaw, dAughter -of the late Detrolt',by steamer Pittsburg, on , , , frophy preliminary round, played .this on the GrittiATrulik""Railivay S .
ongre f6rWild-under -the . . Sta;rs:and.Stripes, George Laidlaw, and was only married cently, urchased. the. iosidenow in . . Ystem. , -
to a large and very attentivil c - - . . I i . Thursday�, and will spend It. montb.s* Binsoart Uoadj Rosedale, lately be-, wo -The otheis Will get into the seem to be the favorite objective point : -
gation. A few from this way attexxd� and we a�b pleased ,to know that he is to. her now .sorrowing. husband about holi ays�at the home of ber`p t I t rning.. � lore itie the -:.for, this � ' I
social at Round Plains doWgWellin eWindy'City.�,:,: : . foul- or five * touiths ago, -the-deceased , d .. 1. . 1. aren. a ciapied by Mr D, 8V Alexander, aind are ga,,ne this afternoon. - I . large influx -into Canada , ,
ed the ice cream th .� I at . here. . . I � . .. . I I 11 all ri a from town that &to pre out ., I Many of those tourists send -I! ravel I ��
on Wednesday evonin% last and remo - ', 1 d , ' - being only 2�5 years and eight I . I now settled in their new home - ' . Is I , 6 -
, . I t . Clinton, Miss and Empire. The above, is it 0 � %oir home. paper�, Which is. - .
, . I . . months old. TbO Sincere s�mpathy of - Mrs (Dr) Thompson, of bv 6her D t orresier J Taylor - , . letters!' to I .
, in- , " - own4.hIp -, , . ' . . 11
port having enjoyed -t em s�lvos I . . qoderlgh T . , 1. I I all is extended to the usband. of Mr Frank Evans, of town.,, i. Dr Shaw I Dr A Lew . ,it means of' slAvertising tfie Dominicin �
mensely. Miss 'Violet Thornton, of . young h , F, rost, of Owen-Soundi and 9m J N . . . . . . . . � "
COUNCItz--council met'on Monday, . Murray, of Granton, were the ,guest.s� Mrs Wara 'a, summer - resident -of Sas F, air, - I j B Tover to a vex, great extent, A letter that .
Kelvin, was the guest of Miss M. '' THE VOTERS"'Liew'--The voteta" list appe&tZ. in the Norristown, Pa,
.1 Knight last week. J. Roswellspent Aug.'3, ptirsuant to adjournment- the of Mrs J Thompsoh, St Maryl.p last . Bayfield gstyb, a liog Wednesday even- G McTaggart:sk. - W P Spaulding sk ..
. foi thii; township has,jeat been issued. .. I ... . I . . . . .
'Tue day in Hamilton. m1nutes last motieting were reaXitild . week. � , . - . ' . . . .-Daily Times, of Friday. July 24, is a
. . lititled to vote MrsH.Hale ret: , - ., Ing in it W.R Lough man- .. '
s Miss Verna A. � There are 672. persons .e - , th t;burg.,tn a'f6w. from .toNvn' . X Wise sample pf these, ivia extract from. ,�Ixiclx ..:
Job I passed. lovedby J6hn Fordo, second- *. at both el urned Thursday from 'Attended'. On -Friday night the town. W courtice , - : � .
nston spent a few days last week - ections � to, the -Lefislativo, I H B Oombe.
Assembly and at municipal e ections; � in . - -last, donee in - Wil trio . ' I iestols as follows: -,'The GrandTrunk 1. .
visiting relatives in Buffalo, Mrs Par. ed -by. J, B. Stewart, that � the followai . ( A kinths' visit at the Soo. She Was aO boys . will �ive their, . H . T Jackson Jr - - Railwayisequ&I W-every-respect,,and:,.. .
-of Argentine, Kansas is the pest I 0, I by Miss Vivian Barber,who. jowetts paveUcid, It will be -largely � J Solatiaton'' sk ury sk ,
ker, Ing accounts lie paid - W 4 Brough, 188 at municipal electioni only, and' 00111 I I . .T Rattellb . .. in�oxnepoints superior' t6anygreat. '
of her parents, Mr and Mrs Jitriles 6xpensesas engineer on hillatriv6i 46 at elections to, the Legislative . -- geeT'n' 'on an extended visit .to thatt attended. After thls.,W will remain' , : - . .. I I .1 . . I railway ,System -in. the .States. The
* I
bridge, $4;. Oeo. ,Middleton, plank for . lbly only, making a. total of W6 thriving town. ' - for.ttqfiold residents to show their �ATTLE M04 N AF TER G.T,R. -As
Vandusen. Miss I,., Neff wits visiting Ben . I . .. roadbed is in fitab-class 'condition, the �-.
friends here last week. Quite a num- bridge, $5.30; W 8 Millar, cedar posts, ters on the list. Of this number 470 ,� .Misses Delh% and Cora, bluff, Wood- liberality. ,: .. . � I I An outcome of tho. detention of cattle 1rst.class coaches, Judging - from theiii ,
ber of farmers ,in this section of the fieck yoke for ,grader, $2,50. Moved vroe eligible, to serve as)urors, . lft two woekF3 I . .at TorontaJunctioni Thos. Masbnj of '
by 3 0 Woods, seconded b7 -,Tas Cox, � . . . , , ho I" ,go on a, Oeb., Core, a formerwell-known real- appearance, are, of the most modem'' �
, I
-county havob begun to reap their oats, a. -7, h6W read be passedi - Cutncni�-Dr. Daniels p . reached a S'c" w our of this Western P, hinsula, dent of Clinton, wits aniong%the suffer-* Clinton, Geci. Paulin, of Walkerton,. type and Are very, comfortable, and
that Bylaw N ol r 'a d a e In this vi- ers from the .storm that swept over 11 -y'riarris, of the. Ii.allixislas. the most luxuriously. . .
wJj1Vsg t 'O
41. whicli is an excellent crop this season. . rand'Seriodon S�tmdil;y to a full house. � lie ... uple of weeks I Win. I lulayson ,And Heat
I .illf" , � Lucknow, Albert Walker, of Chosleyj
A large number of bogs were shipped the folio wing rates were str�pk for the tatting r6latives. I . Plympton last Week. , ,Barus -wore
from the depot herd on Wednesddy;i current year; County, I 840mills; q1t was also quarterly meeti% - which I .. . . .and conveniently.. equipped in use;i � -
f9r, - .. I . grea- 'many Aft F label,, Lak(ifield,Ont., 9, r'ssident blown down, others unroofed, or , wn ming ...
was well attendild A chards Edward Watson,of Dobbin on,.Thos., The Graind TrnnIE v uns I a o di '
Fred Robertson, of Kelvin, wits in this . toWnship purpoises and special ti ,
,,,,,,S, - I str�T - and-follage, and .H, Durnin, of Blyth, Smit McLean, -a in Addition- to. what are c0le
vicinity on business one day !list Nv s6hool,ftuid, 3 3-10 . u om' this. neighborhood attend6d of Clinton some fifteen years ago, has .pod of their fruit oat ,
eek. .journed. to meet on the f1r6t Monday iii church in Clinton Sunday evening. been calling upon friends and did . flel crops -literally .threshed out and of Kincardine; Vitban Schnildt, of RiD- 2, .
fxcw ., - cafe arlor cars, these latter boin,f .
It would be a wise move 6r some one � Pray beaten into the ground, Three inches leyi Sohn Wolf, of Walkerton, arid aboiX thi) nicest thing oil the kind
%.--t, to build a few more dwelling houses in September tit I Olclo!iek.-N. fttmpY, -ermeetin Thursday evening wits - quaintances for the past two weeks', . .
.. . 1. . � conducte( - . ff rank Crich, I . I returned home Monday. I I Of hall fell. I - I John Martiti, of .. Western Ontarld, have ever encountered. One half of ',
. I . . �
. '
this village, as there are a munber of C16"k-. -` , . I . I .. 1. . � ... � . � 1. . . I I . . . . I J ED Cantelon and Dr. Emest Holmes havo issued it writ" at Osgoodo 11411 t11 01 , I ,pped Lis 0; parlor car, I .
I . , :,- I
people Who would like to locate here, . I :.; . . . . .1 XoTns -Miss Altace Carter, 6f Baf- Mr Middleton, ,of Toledo, visited hi's were delegates to, the annual inetting against the -GranaTrunk.94ilwity Co. theecothaelli'llsso, hame, carivithal'amok6- ,
. . . le, 'over Sunday.
- . , I . seaforth'. , falo, hits been spendmig' a. week, with cousin, Mr R P Reeki 'do, Ti for $20,000' foi . wrongful.j. wilful and Ing. compartment in the.centro' In .
,her noice, Mrs Fratik Plowes and hot, Ile willvisit-other partsof thoprovince' of -the Dominion of Calia -ap Shoot-
Egx�14e. ins) Tvibq Brat ter wanted weekly, V.�T,T,Vikllt The South l'Turon Agri., . time malicious detention of cattle delivered th6 dining-roorn section a Varied as- .
GEO MKING,Wirghnin cultill-al , society, in conjunction With ar before returningto' his home. Ifeis a "' ' d*G' Protective Association by, the plidutiffS .to tli-e Grand Trunk sortniontof
I . � I I . � . . . . inel Staff. . hoidslIn the parlors of thel, King Ed- as co I I well -cooked vi'ands is servii
---.--- - .-- - - - I= the 'JueTcorsmith .4oeiety,. will -hold I nberosthe Toledo Blade d -Hotel Wbolnesday evening. - Mr wilon carriers for transpoitation eain a; style equal to that obtaffied Ili , -,
. . . . I theirannuat fall fair on.the gr6unds of � . .Rullett, I I Mi * Woods, of Stratford. Mrs Ham- gaab"tolon being elected, vimpresident A civic action for dainage's will, it is �any - first-class restaurant,' And ab - ,
� 11 $8 ,
I 'T� thelittte tsociety Ili Seaforth, oil Thurs- D Y Bunn.tv.nn-Many friends �Jtoaqof Battle Creek, Michigan-, and for the coming year. , . . I , underst6odo be followbd 4. by a orini- Ices much more reasonable.' Anud,
I "'MLI'leighi)orhood will read -with. pmet, to these cars is a free �librar serm,
I dayan(l 14'ovidity, Sept 21-25.- The prlic In this, 0 )r Wbitely,of Goderich,, were . Inalaction. In this latterthe com-
. �
*11 be 'ready -for distribution in a in0anch ly interest the following Rr" gueE . .
0 list wi �11 Goo'A Rowley, the d6faultill- exii, plainants propose(,procceding againat vice containing a wellmselocte list
I R I r I Its at Mrs J R Conibe for a short manageir of"the 131gin Loan Conill'),my) - loth the G. T,11. b. . and the Cor or I
. . few dnvs, Tile list of premitsitia thb.4 11grilph wilich We take from the Al- While last 14"riday and Satuvolity. . from the Booklovers' Library,. of Phil -ii - .
� '
.. Y,Par is largt'r iban over, , 111141 apart, 41 4 0 of St Thomas, wits -Monday .inorning, ation of Toionto for conspiracy, lie sidelphia." . � I . I � I .. . I
r , I licy, Man., Guide: "By theoleath Thursday was Soaf6rth civic holiday. sentenned by Judge Ermatinger to �xaeolessaiw indictillents t, rb o being , . I 11 1. . ... .
ains a . A mong.othor citi:?ens from theve - who 'twplvo - and Nvill sho —.. I
froln the rogulav prizesi cont. of Milt Wrij,' Anderson on Tn�sdl"Yo , .8 I
. � 1111111ber of valuable specials. � estrain Xi6gston peniten, iary prepam b 1, erved on I . I I 5 .
There st, at JU,larhey, there passed a n that day were Mossrs for em, ozzlemdrst. Before sent,nce Bonio of tho- civic an( - t- nd Trunk I . . !,',-,�J,�, ."V ,
will be seventl speeding- , (latest I visited the tow, 9, o I � � � I I .15. �, .
^ , .
, .,
I . . s, and 1111ilt'hX111, lm,.ing wife froifilierboine tb e thuroxi E xpositor; was passed, Mr Rowley read a. written officials; 'who wfil be taken out and . . 14� ,,, k , 14 tl��,
t � ;I 110VOI lVatIll-V Will be A bail), ,how, on vat'lli toiler home, in heavou, Mrs. tin n A Mclnto,ih and JR . . ��, ".oi
yMc 0
. for which IlWral prives have.bble -C�eo S 0 � . I 4 I . . . Statenionbto the couk in which"be given it taste,of Toronto Junction law.- , , �. � :5,�,41��,,,) .
n Of- Alidersoll %-wa% forinor-IV� Miss Jessie Richardssso��,� bof , . - it - highly sue- I . � . I.. 1: � I .
, fet-cld by n- �nlanib6r of i4eaforth llob, , ' CIVIC HOLIDAY-Chritons'Cioic i
I . � Boll,. dauglitex, ,"Of r I Al ;- sai(I his fall was due to .
I - //,/ . . A an( ra A. � ' I L � .
. . .
11 I I baCh I 0100. � . , I . � � . . Hobson, of Ilullott. She wits bora in Mr and Mrs Goo �Rogeis and family . cessful spedulation'some years ago, I Holiday. wits .just orileretl tip one day - I . . k
. '. . . . , � .. . . 4,! I � . Are in Galt this week, visiti , th I . . . _ . .,� � .
. , �. n g o par. .� �. � I
�. I � .- . . , 1. �. . � Ontario '36 �ears and .0 monflas ago,. , — 1,hos McKenzie is ushing the to late to meet with tin auspicious day, , .
. " . : ental home of Mr Rogers, Re latter twop
� � I - I . I . AlorplA * and exime to* Manitoba with her par- gentleman is also a representative to work on .Alr W Afair's story brick aq faras fine weather was concerned. ( I .
\ . '4J exits ill 189i. SOV(ai Ye4l'S ago 010 Was � -lie (lay was the ./ I L
I 's, - Mr and Air of niartied to Wm, Anderson, son of 1-1. the- I � I ,
� -- � , *4m Tit lor, arand Lodge of I 0. F.,whi,2h meets veneer residence on Princess street. Tile main featuro of t
'It- ��'. I ,. NoTL _� �� eo� , . .
�--�. Y, . Dutto% are spending the holiday with J. Andetson, and tile union was bless- in that city this week. I � .. 110 is also sup ying, thip material Xor Band excursion to Port Dover' This I . . I � I
-ii- I . Ilarlaw Ouse on the game street. event, however, foiled to drAw tile 9=1 ,
.1 .. f I friends here, M isses Aggic, and Mamie ed with a little girl, 'now about five M11 Harry Brower rOLIMIC(I from The tower of &It, W Dolierty's. house xiecessary crowd. to see the committee -
. . -- .. . 1. GoStriall Wore at home to a finv of thteir years.old. SoineincintlistigoMmAn- Manitoba - Saturday, whoto he had has been changed so as to add, wore out of the hole, only 13 attandin I 4
- - � friends Ono civening lait wcek,- an en- derson wal" 'oil a s�ster, Mrs It. been Its, a inomber (if a grovernment. attr1t(.,tiveneF;B to 111,8 already boautiful from Goolorich, 13 from Seft-forth, tin . 0 .
.-,. a , ,eo ;"/ . k, I
- JoYabldthnowasspent by all Will Martin, who was afflicted with con- murvc�yjllf pArtY. Ile retilt'lls much' residence. Thlawa (Ion ,oin 4.4tratford (owing to an ..
.j, J 'A 0 by Mr Me. very few ft -. . I
I The Seven Ages, . btaig Sunday'M tit Thos, Gosmaix's. svmptioix at Brandon, and who was "', ( in healtlis which is what 110 Xenzie, which Is a credit to his faetory . oxcursical to* the Baltic port tile (147 be. I 1;� I �
. s . . ,.
I Harvesting Is tile oider of the day; called howe to hor reward oil) y a week W(1111111711(` Orwell. rd. I -To likes the work Illen, . . I . V q of oliv town . . I
I dical Aid t, eotin try, . , I .. ,
'threshing a so has commenced. . before her sister. All that nie but is not Ill love, wit'll tba fly appi-f ciate tho. 6f- � � 11 I � . , I
, c.
'It is a me -hing to have � I mostly b 'Ali, 1) M MeBeatb, of Blytb, has pur- (�L and the citizew . � . .
at pleaHant It 4, . I . . 'ends coilld llnsnyo squatters, ecupy elinii(A the - hanAwffiel. bribk residence - . did 'not . . . �� .
o ogro,pbs at regular Intervals, so si�, . and the 111111istry of kilid fri () forts of file 13and collinlittee, oillf, W � I . I I
foh t fldro . Whigsbridgel do wits clone to rellove her, but she of Alitliffolic lands, bub it vnst part of I Ing to Capt 11 Torr Rante in I ; , --I . � .
recall.luat what our obi ,n loolo�,d. - . . - adult tickets .1)(4lig sold, And ill C 1114- , I tL�111 .
at differen t perioda of their lives. -6 P"Issed *a -war on TucHolity, at the liorno bolongi
like . - NoTv,s-Col)trao�torCc)oper basolux the Northern soction hiris never be -oil ren's, ']!lie onavatriteo to the G. M It. . I
. In after years these photo of 11. 3'. MOM Both wort) viethos surveve4ol-11114 out Into tow"Shilm, that town, Mr Melleath paid cash for wits $208, so it is easily seen tllftt they . . .1
the property and got it at it reilsonable I
;1 ,
*1 .
I i � I
, 6
, I,,-,
gramfis aro Work on tile liew church fox, 100W of consumption. : � ete, Airvy does lilot think lie will. are eollsfilel-MbIv in tile. holt" to the cm- rAlft
ly appreciated by the C Ildrel) (lays, AffissMAry Mattin is home for
=,selves, Keep a recofol of , .* . take the work ill) ligaill, . figure. Mr Itance is iio doubt, pleas' ed tent ofalillost $00.. We are Norry that, L As is 16WAVIG G" .
tile Revolt her holidays. Pan Afecuaig and fail,- 1, -1 I I ".. I oawbw" that lie has secured a purchaser for Ills ti "M- 1- . �1%tui
- ages, You will find it filteresting.- ily': of Thessaical, Are � Ilere, havill tkunna"llon � I operty, now that ho this State of alfairs should exist, for It *A--#--- " - " , - I
I,# . I ... iS VuRSONAT, - Atr 3 It Wilson, of Loll- 11INVA1,68ftlos olf-Ittirtiltuto At A1180 X to p y become a per. is .
fj<04 COIlle, to attelld tile fulleral of 11 too hard it crack for tho flumices of I LSCI('Ii' He Jeweler andl
_ pf fatIlt Manent resident of Out town, 11; Is a I
'Ury, _16to . Stad,fi "r,xiii1aw, .10,111 Ilarry, I)U,Ut, n. ly,01AIRS 0abottlo St this Wdok. l ,I mirbandtostaind. Shigle'fare rates - � I �61 �.! 4A*W*A.1..1Wj I
dining 1,0110rd A eta - loice - I 6 ,� � "
8 . 1, doll'and go-allddallp"Iltero Gladys To, ( , Acee of propetty aud Air Ale
,- AlloVa kitchen ptoVoi offered by the railroad, good for three ' ��' Optician 0 " . 'W',�,
AIr and Ali% B J WidresdayAtiguat . Beath LIfts gocure
. is visilting friends around here, ton, are visiting I ,wtuiltbo eleattol by 1`1 d it beautiful 1101110. I mp� " t�
The Studio will be closed Wdibloeaity Crawford, of Dungannon, .. (lays, also lent their evil Influence, � 1;4 '�-y .� �
-tiftotiiool)�Adtitillg,ktygoot, I . . I nially taking Advantage of thein to go C111 L I IN, if t NO'- C h ,
. I
� ..