HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-08-07, Page 7',.�
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0 ' ke . Saturday, August
We are goin to ma,
8th, Skirt Day. White Unders1ritts and Dress
Skirts are going to be the big featuie of the
day's selling. It will be a day of big, Skirt
I Bargain giving. This has been a bfg'�Skirt -
season for us, now we want to. wind it up
with empty racks and shelves. Not one In
stock to -day must be catried'into an:)tber.seas-�. ,
on. There is a quick way to c'ear them out,
that is the way we are going to take' with .
these, and commencing Saturday will quote
some prices for Skirts of all kinds' that make
them genuine bargains. If you want a. skirt
now, if you can do with an extra Skirt do .
not miss otle of these.
. I
Dress Skirts for Saturday . .
Thej�e few Dre?js Skirts goiag at .-prices that
ought to se" them ail on Sakurd:iv. Every garment
is new' st h and up to -date. We want to. keep tha
otock tbatywliasy, tbatts why we clear altbalanc6s out :
each -season. . � .
. � I
Tweed Shims $3.98 . I
Ladies' 8kirts, made from fine all wool tweed, navy or ' .
black ground, with narrow white strips, made in the .. I
season's most popular walking style, a very nobby
I garrueni, regn',ar 45 50, otearing Saturday at each;. 8..98 1 .
1� . I
I White Skirts for Saturday.. .. '' '
i A ob,arance of the 'last ouRs ard twos.of our
Ils�ock of White Und3rskirts. New gaimefifs',, this .
season They would be all right U. we carried -them
o ver till next spring, but we want new ones !to show
then. That's why you can buy the few that ate:loft at
prices like theoe. 1-.. .
I I .
White Skirts 5je . . 1, .
tikirta,made fr3m fine Englibh cocton, 12 inch frill, with - I �.. . .
2 inchlace insertionand 2 iLoh hem. Tho last of out * ' . .
75:; skirts for Saturday clearing at each ........... 566. 111. I I
I .
. I
. .
Skirts at 88c, . . I
� . . . . . I I .
Sai*rts made from good English cotton, draw string, duat . .-.
frill, 15 Inch outer frill attached with 6 inch fine . 1. ... .
O&Mbrio embroidery, the last of our regular. $1 25 � . . . . . .
i lines, clearing Saturday, your choice... O..,. �.,..... 886 .,., *
I . 1. � I . .
� .
. .
� Skirti at $1.17 . .. . I . . . . .. . . .....
I., I . . .. : . ..
i Skirts made from fino English cotton, cambric flint -b, I .,;. , _*
double f vill,outer 12 inch whiw bematitobed muslin, .. I. ..
and finished with embroidr,ry, tbelastof ourregn. I., I .
Jar $1.50 and $1.65 huse, clearing 8aturday for .... � 1.117 �
. . . :
. .
. . .
Skirts at $1 6o - . . I . � . . ...
Skirts made from fine white cotton, 1*6 inch frill., double I . .
ruffle, handsomely trimmel with insertion and I . I
white emb�oidery', four left in stock, Itile lastof.IM4 ' : ' . .
. I
that sold for $2.25 and $2.50, ol -aring Saturday' at I
each ........................ I ................. ;.. 1.60, "
. ..
. .
. .
. Skirts at $185 . .. . I - . .. I .
. .. �
Skirts made from very fine English cotton, cambric fin- � .. . I .
ish, 22 inch frill with tuoke and white embroidery* - � . " -� '.
last two that are left of our $2,75 lives, onSeAtuday I .' . . .
each ..................... I ....... i ................ 0 .
. - ...85' �. .': .. �
. . 1. �
I .
White Skirts $3.85 1 . . . I .
. 1. ..
.. .
One only Very fiae white Underskirt, made Item fine . . . . 1. 1�
. .
cambric tliuslin, 22 inch frill of tucking, lace and , � ' .' I . . .
insertion, a very handsome garment sold aii . I I
, � $5, on
Saturday somebody will buy it for ..... a ........... 8985.
� .
, .
The quantities of any of -the above . are Jimi . tdd . "
� P ,
every ekirt is good value at its. original. pride, and'....
the above prices are blargaias. . . . I
. , .
L.,&—.& __ V4441#~ � � "k,
IV 1W W1W A_A_A_A_AVVVVWVV ,w.-w,rV~
� .. . ...
... . .
WE-sh Skirts, for Saturday 1-1. 1. �
. .
. . �
We have had a -big sale of '*Wash . Skirt#% � '-,
Now we wai-t to clear the balances. . Fully twbA.
months yet that you can wear'. one of theRe, �
They wore under -priced in thi3' first., ptace...... , .
What do you think of them at a.'price like this. '
. � . 11
? 1, I
- -
I Wash Skirts 68c. - . . . I I . I .. I ... �1. �, . - I
I I .
'La8ies'wash Skirts, plain white, plain black, also. - , . �' I
white with black dots. Wash skirks this season's I . ., I I - .
goods, not one in the lot. was made to sell for less, , , ! -
than $1.25. We bonghb a. maker's oyer -makes . . I .
and will clear this lot on Saturday at each.... .. 68c - I
____________ - . � . �. i. , .
Shirt Waist Prices � I I ..� � ,
. . . .
eut in Two I.. . 11 IT
. .
Not carryinz any Shirt Waists over. into jaeXt
season, we do not want one of them when this seas6n
is over. If it had not been for the cold weather* in '
June we would not NAve had tlieie-now. A6 it is half
price should thke them out in short order. Half . pi ice
for Shirt NV,aistg mpans - . � ... I .
1.041 Shirt Wfilgts-lor 10e * , , I
LhO :�Wrt Waists for.dae � 1. .. - .' ..
2-00 Shirt Waists tor 1.00 , 1-
� -3 041 Shirt Waists for.4.50 � '� ., I
.1 Everyone is now 4bis seasonf, . . Every 'sigo it, t'he I
lot. E arly bu) ej [A w ill get the best chelco. . - .�
- .
�f- Wash Zephyrs z nd Gin I
1, - ahaihs ' :
� .
I at 14 eerts . . . . . I ... I .
. .
. . � .... , .
14c a ysrd for goods that a� 6 Sold all over -
the iand for 20 ar,d 25c. Y&I know how Ajoy
wash And wear. Nothing better a for Waists or
, - Id
childien's Nvear. All ood colorg and patterriljl,
0 W
I - -
Aist ,
, t -
h - e
0 . -
an Pattern
YF - ., -
nK Ig saling, -
Just short ends left from it s(-asonp, big selling.
. goo yards fine scotch ainghante and zo rr� I
ghyrg *1 0o
and checke in gfeen and white, vd . gjj� vvb�&`c, .
blue and white-, pink And white, a'nd black and '.
white. Nov V&06rns, good qualitteo, ttold alw&y,
I I I .0
at 26c and 24)a, now an sale at per ygva ,,, ",,. I
, .� ...... 14e, - ..,. .
AAONAAA �. .� , .1
A ���
L1.11--�,�.-...''...'�,��,�....'�,�",.".�.-.�....... - .
. #_
", , ,;i� 11 0 .,
-- I,"" V �,,� _5 1 , &A�_
, "'�,. P - I � I I W9 . I . . .
mo _,� ,, . I " .
" 4
- N I J I � N �
. � - , , 4 �', �
__ � I Tom M -IN nw, =* - ,*4/ ., V6.1 - / I 11, :__ -1 I .
____ wo loin __ i%i , 0 , - . I
. 11.11, -M-11 -111.1. .... � —0 " . , _� A,,%so# 1A, . WS " I
. I ... -1 - - � , 111:11014=0 _ -_ '�� 1� - I I �
I I 11 I � � � . -1 - —OWN , ", .
I 11 I - ...."" M! i 0.11 � I I: 1 11
= I ,!'., "', I ,0! I 1"'.. '61111 1�1 I � III 0111 is" �
1"I"NE1111 � I I I , ITADITEFIT XVITMITONS It W'" DEATH QV WILLIAM CORKUTT . �- I O.. I ,,V-,- ft ; 41 0 .�
, I
444ant�d 16( U,(5 TWO wet;�,s ago tbo6t -Three weeks, 4g6 William Corkett, i __ - �� I
QWh1j, tO the OV00 iramigration t( . , ----. , __________ � ill
PUltib COA0'', . o tbg, , accompanied bi 10 negbew and utece, I i - . - 11011ft
West b1syear, there Would beu,obar, went to X1 , Asko a tot t eir Annual out, , " , " _'
* I I I IN
I EXIOUNIONS vest excuivione, but it 46W appears I H heuirl as good health JLV_ — I . . . � I
thata 0.00417 'a"Ne b= t , All Tputs C I I
, -TO- , xequireil to b Aumbff Of hands will be . u for 4 long' time, Ax. . �
. arvest the co�u this year. riving at Port Carliner he was take , n I . .. I .1 .11 . " �
Vangouvoll' and V109irlak 0.10.0 i The rate as usual will be $10 going, Ill, mud After a week 141gering betwe . I - :11
All . en I
TeAttle and TO CoMap, Wasbtw ., Id-ou rc6eUt&tIOA of the necessArjr life end. death, aasedaway, on Satur. A%Ar VAWMI . . �
certwo-4 C tile =03ne .
Portland, Oregon ' -' # A return ticket may be day mornI49, e was 70 Years Of age, IWIW .
. . urchmed for ,M. Good goin :&:ug. Born in Niagara, he lived in T*onto . I I I I I
� AQund trAp slo4ets. to above points will be, y1s, and return not later th4u 0,ov.,3% Gore from early boyhood until about I . � I . I . .
� i I I 9
� I I fifteen Tears ago, when lie came to I . I I
TuP On. He was a quiet Ill offensiv -conan�ed to th
. sold good going. - . EXAMINES YOUR TUBES_$,Pear Bra ( Are not
July 31at to Aua, 14th, blight," a disease , 0 I � o window ar-
1 unknOwu III Canada manp successful Ili business and ac,,, . I ..
. . Returning up t.o - . 1148 made 44 4PPearance cu�xiulated considerable wealth, r 49ement, This is particularly so . �'
. ,
I Oct, lat4,_,1�03, lot ium,InYof ourorphards, ItIsadau- 11 1011hewas a member of the A In re� I �-a - ..
I gerous disease, and It Mme oure Is not , Owurch and in politics a couse ug"can I I.,
: S000 obtained Hurou,s Pear -crop. will, . rVative. , during t'4e warm weather, when out., .
$66,40. Sion lie a, tUng of the past. ,rhe He Was unmarried. The funeral took I * , -
i ovee 41413 glace on Tues I I
: ji�Qp . . day, service being Con- .1 .
. �'vlll within 04*101m I 0, blight has destroyed whole pe4r orch. ( net s 11
! ed at Christ church bY Rey DIr ide living is desirable. and the most 0 -
I I �
Farin Labare.r,%, Himcu'rilon ArN in, MR11Y St4tes over the line, And Clark, of Toronto,. and Rev Thos G. � .
I AUU'US11 17, 1003, o . it behooves out, rowers to keep their Wallace, of G . I
eorfetown, T a remains cal piece of o -door'furniture � !
I tions in Uanitabp and Asoiuiboia. am far eyes On their oregards, and by close ' I h practi ut
I IV0141 as U9080 .ToVw . .were interred in Valupton cemetery. 0
� ,, BsWvOu 4114 WOO- V191111nee eradicate the trouble, should —Conservator B1,0,niptou, Tile * ;
HE 410 00 - it Arise. . :� is the brother of )Irs Th above . Is a HAMMOCK* They are restful, . . �
: IR It, 110d"we-119, ToWn -AmIrelito iviLL 1,1, � I bert 8treet, tile report of on2b3so",ie Al� � . "
. . A -Y AVIVY KINCAR, I �vag mentioned In Itl$t ,,,,,, ath helpfal and a1m9st needful, He ,
I 9 PINF, So ab to feel. their, way, the En"', N r4, w I aps I .
, , " I Strathconas Ivelit to I( lxardlue to -day . . I . .
Itw*# 'I . : �
1 ew ow 0_�, -it is : I . . . . of comfor I- .
. . 'am �� IaY the lacrwse club of, that town, . V 1. I t and good in a hamm'()cj:!�
! 10 I
FRI]DAY, Xu IX 31st, lkw's, Xial)cardine is the winner of district ,. LOCAL NOTES,— . . - ) . I I
I .
--- '. _ -_ - -_ — NO. 0, and as Clinton is liable to comb I and there 108 heap i of good''Yalue � in � I
I . )ut on tot with Mitchell, she will 1 The choir Of Ontario Street chimch I . . . .
� rbown 0,401401, 0101'efore xve to face the ball with ;'ploniolted at Bayffeld, Wednesday, I .. our - stock . ... . �
. , . I I
_kNOTE11@R Goo 6 01TIZEN GOES. Kincardbie in the near future foi, I Ten cot � I 0. I . .
� . l , acheqialf filled caine nr fron4 I . . . . I ,
1� asonic - .ter* ted- - we
I -w-Robart,Sheplxerd, bricklayer, lias so. hnals, The game to -day shojild beof Centralia this niornj'�g on tile ri . if .
,� cured einployment On the now Armorr Wft , I -vice UQ our town club, as it 11"xcuralpa, There were 27 ticke . You � are , in es ask �
. buil-ling in Lond . will s wherein they are weak, a f . ts sold I .
on, and has d,vided � . ud )n1 here, . . I . I
. I o p, W 0 take advantage , . � . the.f4vo o ,
at eromnen 1;ly reside there. We are r .f your inspection. . I
� $ of their op- I The Licens i . �
I sorry to lose a good citizen, Vut C,in, pone , playing, , � I I e Commissioners met at . . . . I . .. . I
. . . I . ' I . , - 'I the bouse onns �ctor Paisl 'O - � . . . .1 I ; I
� ton's loss is Undou s gain. Our best � ? . I . .1
. - %). n Sat— �—___ �
e . . i
WRATHERUXI-ROPITIOUS -The 1 urday, to ra w y �j cense tratis ers of the 1. :, . I., -1 ...... "
I ...... " 11
- _� . ;
I �
Wet weather of Tuesday Ila ,t Colborne House; Oodericho audDinsley . . . . .
I d dire effect 1 Uouse, winglian). - VP16 � � I �
i �Gr,,'rfIN(IBI�1,T'tER,-AlrsRoda ' onthesuccess -of the, Sundayse-11001 I . . are in progressfor h
""' exoursiou froin thispoint, ll'tl -an X J114C
,.of Stapleton, -who rePAved a 111ild ;i'iyn' t, oreven.' 'Arz luents , �
� sirolce.iN,hile.-N,Isir,itig,lier mother, Mrs rchAping tickets , f6v Kineardiho., (A nton 6un Club tournanient to be . . . W#D'D* ]FAIRC *0 I ,
'i l3rickeliden, iii towil soine Weeks ago., Nolndlt'Wrli "light htiVe been niore fav,. held here Oct- 7,111d 8, Goderich will . 46
, .
: ana-whWhaifterward turned to hain-' arl,I)IO at the other :end of tlie line hold theirs on'Sepr, 7 and 8, At Which � � . I I . . . � . i .. I .
%ving to it.. heing Wingil',in) �'i I the Robin Howl tv(why will be sho, -I I I
; 6rebage, layIng hor tit dolbli's door fot-. (V 0 ___ � �
. I
. - -he; 8undt),V � events on tile pro. . . - �� 11 11 . .
souie thne, is�now, we ave .pleased to liolidaY, but if n6t t .' ,:90i a.ain; ' Ther(�ari I I . I � ; � I I � .
! 8 ols graln" I . .. - . I
, -to re ovL Of NV!iAgbafn� are Iiii,ble to 'j)o-jutile . . 11 I _________����_ __ . . . I
i learn on ,% fair road c �r)�, and hole this -year. No doubt the Masonle C1111toli,bo . . .
I � . — .
I is convalescing f4st. excurslon, being hold to -day, Thursday wiers have recelAed a spo� , ..� I . . . . . .� .
I , .. cial invitation through. Air WJackson � I - �
Nrol", PRIZE 8:01TF ERED -Thepic- lind something to do with the small to attend the N�iagarjj bowling tourij&_ . = - selism __4ft6604HW"-1 __
. . . , �___
torbil pihrt of the Sahiratky issue of the attendance on'Tuesday. *. * . "I "Inent, being held in, two *eeks' time, ' I '
Globe con tained -a p'hQto. of the ninuy I . . .. . . 11 .. Th s is ano.ther grand affair, where
. SP . - . .
. � , ti *61AL PA1Zh8.-Tbe'1R'
beal-difill Pitzes that are 1:eftigofforea - overeign . some elegant prI7,64 are offered foi- co '
l I Bank of Canada is. off i 61 . .. . .in- is shter-Sale.
attho r gun 'PAub -shoot, to be compe-, petwo s I . I ,
. ,orning ering for ' ... aug .
.. .
held in . th At city on Aug'. 12-1344-15, � tttion. a . t the Steplyen and Usborne The dates set . for the God . eric . h, bo'wl- I . . . . I . . . �� .
'Ten of Olinton's club will %e in attend. F air. to be b0d At Exeter on Monday . . . I . - . .1 I . I
I &nee And ,participato in nearly all of and Tuesditk. Sept.'21�221 the fj)II6wiug , 1n`g'tOurnaniejjt are -Aimust 13'th wid . I . I = 1. I .� . .�.
thp.Qvantis,'ancl we' would no'Vbe atall P`izes, viz *,. Thr 14th. Tho object of the late d)ttes 'in . I worm=: � I I'
. ,),� thet - 11 , 11"ius of $55 each I . .; I . . . . :J� J.,
. ,
hr(,e: best he i v�y drau ,the week -was. to pernih. Wind$8�, . . . . � . �,
I . . I I
rised-to see them bring homeI66 foaled in'1003, owned by oneght-colts NValkervilleand Detroit rinks to 0.0 . � C! . I
" I . L
I , ,
. . . or more . me
!(h% �wi:)1:13r� , w. 1. � . � . , . Competitors, - the one horse, up by bomb whiel, Arrives Wednesday . - . . . * L . .
. -si.rqd by .. . I 390asonabe Footwear
'D AT PORTSTANLEY, - A gilvei' clip vhluedat-$25,�,ill be * , . . � . . ,. I . � . .
HO-NURE night.'_ .L : .. . . I . . . . . I . .
, '' .
. Betorel6alring Port Statiley Rov,J'NV to the Owner of the. .horse whij"Villill's ... The fair sex'of' . . L . . . . I .. I . .. . .. .
. I . . Clilit6n.will have the ,. I This w0k w I . I . I
Holm.e% arid fainily w1er(6eptertaiii�d slred the 'group of three beat foals, As privi a e Of attendink two'church w L� . Summer , � , .
. . I , , . . Goods,� We e commence a Slaughter Sale _o� all
-e 1-nust 6fx . ding ,t re. 6 f6r two Se rate' . �[ .
at ii, fakewellsocial. in-the.17acturo *rooin described above, � The sit _ . s 11at a bo ked . , ed.; .L. . . have had ail, e cellent Trade, of Spring I .
. PLA -and ,9ummer F ootw . � I
of the church,wherx. Miss Clara Holuies 6XIlibited to win. Cojjj,)e:titjojj open church -s In the near future. . . . � ear and we are now willing to Sao. . .
- . I I . . I I . 1�i
was mrit6d.with A beautifi set.of to the , ,'world, L . I . I � , .,..!,.: . .. L . - � : rifice without any. proft what we .have left, as We -must L - . . ,., I
,.five `11V'*�Iliurneg of the C191. Po e ts . �, ver� �nok SaInAe Of 6ats, taken I .1 keep cjur $,took to Date. We have jilaced' on -.Our . L.' ", I I
. - I 'N 1:1E LD 1T -It i'u*ay be- - I from the farm of ansford: Bros., I is :.. , . Bargain RLtcks, . � J11
and an aZldress expressinj their appre- - WHO HAV ' ' , %I I Rim .Qf Childrens Oxfards; sizes 5to 1% - - . * I -
ciatiuii of hot, services as eader :6f the of interest to -our readers to kno sl�'own. in the. W- d , -of Xr Wiltsi . which: we sold at $ .00, Some of .them * ' I
W 10 � I MY Q A es . . . . . . - all.. 11 I I
10-tstore, They rnei �ure nena,-1-y-aix feet in )* lit one price, only, 65c, - .they L are . cheap, 'and 11
6 Prf , . I ere $1.25
1 church. chbil;,mid firstvice-Presid6ut of th blie �%hatt , I . going n(
P _LVIOUS lyinnerS of. . . : - -
the Lehrue, and also their heiirtfelt re. 4PP11Y -re. A plate is attached e,j ][ength, and the oat itsdlf -is a beautiful . 1 . I I sh6uld be all c!eared out in a fewi..d4ys ,it ,thl . 11 . 1
i 9 Is. YeartoViep.destni6n w)iichthe.(, ch pl-�- - '.. :; . I .. .s 'priep.. , , . . .1 . It
'Lgi?et fl't'jer.rejjjb�'�"' - 1Vjj$S 11ohne 4 I . 00iue and, �ee them' they, .11
,up: saul - I , , L .. L . . . I � ..,are o1jeap, I - ,. . . . � . . �
an. midergr4ditate hi vocal 6tilbure and k0sts, aiinduncing.the vjctj)rs - Clinton',1. , Mr and Alis RU 'I, X , L ' W s . . ...� . I . . ... . . I - . .L . � .. I . �
theo,r Toronio. C6�sejvfttory Of. . I SP9 ..1. anning ere . . I.Seo ou . L - I . � . :, ... 1.�
- . *111 116W , have a place thereon.:-'. The, g1XL18tS at. the w'.eidding of MISS Lilian . : , k Men's Harvest'slic'es at 000 they are a, -bargain. L _ . . . I . ..
11 a YoitiPientends to open a, clawat ttophy wa,3 -,,,-o , .., L . L � . ... . .
c ,,an , . n bYLLoudon Hattly, ' Bxetez,, onL ,94urdak. - The. i . Ladie's Laced a�d Buttoned Boots, wotth $2,26, going At $1,50. L .. . .
t lu o se of_ tlie holidays. _. G6rrie Ill 1890 it w"Is, . ' ; - I ,� Ken's Kid G -site . . I
he b6ld bK� the "N 11L [grourn ls'i%lr Janieg L ro, worth $8 -.00 -going at $2 00 L . � . .. .
Vidett% . . . I , .� . vik Is I I W411168s, Duluth, � . Children's Bationed Boots, worth �1.00 for 75"! . , . . . . .. I ".., . 1.'. �,
isa . . , � �
.. . � 1, � 'el, - Several 6iber lineg at slaughter p�jods t �, I . . : .. . I . .. ,
1� . . .1 . . L ... % ofTorotito,Au 18W_ ythe"Th � an old Exeter bojr, who ]444�- made his . , ' . ' ,a. . ..
. L . . of Hamilton, in 1898 1 ' th "ThIstles t Ole. Ili nitnink ventures. . � I .. .* I .. . . : .. . 6 clear, . .*. . .
THE OLD, OLD MAY, There Of Toronto, in 189D,t, - geafkoerth, in 1000 . I I I . I . . . .. . . .1 . . . ., . . . � . . - . ... I I . .. . . ..
Was eXen,'511ficat L - 1Y . A fr� ' I � I
:an6ther ion of , t t lend citTl$ our attent'on:to the . .
�he I d,auc1ii1.1001by0h&tham : suggestIve fact tbilt side b , e ,� I . , .. . . 1. . 1. . . . . . % : e - I .
. ailhge,tliat 'tho.:eourse of 'true love 8tra'4,,., y side with . . The 01d.Reflable.. � . . I..
I ... I . . I . . .1 I . . � L
, piece - Of $ilverwat-6, I-. the ., .. . I . L I . - . . . . 1. . I ''. I � .. . .. 1. I I . .: ..
: .
. . $ . * '.,'0jjn.t6 L., . I
,, _
. . . . I � I
L .. I .
, . .'W''T' �,
.� , P'j. that is I - L
L "I .
does iq.t run swooth," hist ,Satbrday., , I Is I , beautiful ixt)p1lies won by the
I I Vefore. Rev'Xr Manning,wiisoalletd.xz�^. � a I Pdretled by. -all idn�s, I bowlin 'club, da exhibition -iti Alt. I �
. L . . . . hr .
.,on to make �.t 7oiIng coi4ple frorn rwxet� I soiljE oF,,Tj-w1. 9VENTS � * 1 111iltsiesi windo*, are a, co0le.of - . . . � oxylor k On :' : ... �.. : , . .
.1 . I . .. I I . .. k. n - 1, .�
er.inan and wife. For solue (Irne two Will be fOund a shoit suniniar �'Belrjw i she#_As -of %Itanglefo6t,il. - - L . L I ... I , � . . 11 . I I., .
y of tile' L .L . I . . . . . � . . , � . I . I.. . I , .
L -RV ' & gqod 7 roonied ao�tke oh Ouf%rjo S'treej� . 'L , . A
. I .
I young men were paying court to the 'eVeuts Which wIA. take place at the 'Xes.s L rs Alo . rrell & : M'nrrIs,aijdW.Coje,. . . .L. I L . TO .INT" . L i , I ., .� '' . .. ..
- I . . . 1, . .. . . I '. . �. . . L ..
same yauiig,lady, who was.hpparen�ly Catholic picnic on the 20tfi, , Foot ball, who have had their threshers _...6__ �__� . �. . . .
(jLJOV��d at w6ik '. �___ "
unAddided as to yvhich. one sh Blyth 4t�cf Ojibton; 10 -ft, til :)f war, : several places already, report th?'Ylold I LL . -7---- . . . � . I I ..� � . . . 11 ... . . � . :. I I I 1111"" , 1�1 .
best., One of thein decided,on her6le ]3.17thL and�Olhiton. 11.W;.(fin . �Very fair. I . � . � . � . � I . , . . . , . . . . I .. L . .e�
If 'the: 12- Iner-at �and sample of grain as That I L . . 1. 9. . I I I . . . I . ...
. the - . I � I - L
Jneasure�, and concluded - that ,� rac6s of all kinds -corninences -at of.M..Bast turned Out 35 busheyto the .. . . . . . . I. I I I -_ . � . . . I I 1. .1 . — . I ''.. _
L . . I I. � .
. ni -, L'30-` ClInti5n Band� will be.in .-*atten,d- Adre, and tested 62 li�s. . * .. L . . . . . .. . 10 ': % 'L'
young lady was removea ft.'6 i the in. - - - . . . _. . 1. . . . I . I I . I I... L'.. , . I .. .. . . � .. � 1 .
' fluence and presence ofthe.otheryoutig '-%11cE' QUardy-1.1'e0i;chestiafrom Irish A -I .L I . - L �. I . . .. . . I I I �.� I.
lnan� glie,w6uld soon reach� a deciRion ta'wn''will be. theie all. - day.': Rj�;s - will tra pp e exporters (1.0 �nobL. seern to. be _ I - __ - - , - -- - __ .- 1 .. . , . . I L . I
- ,
I iu his ft-7or. - Accordingly he brdugh Lt leave here at 9 a., M. and L PlIttleq Can* yelling in the. best 6f� good foAune, I , -, , NWF' -'R5=MNW_N1M6'.L�1a=MjWW I . . , �
. . ' if the )iuihber', of - fall ures in, .this � .line, . . .
� her tothe � house of a friend'in to,Fin, 'get over tiny Liino�during day L for� 15c .. . . . . � . I I.. . .- 1. . .. I I I . -_ . . .� p
- at, 4-30., Pri I ..... .. L . . I :.L . . . �
and -after a few days secured her *-exin- return.. supper . .� during'.the ydst',three months, is any . .� . . . L . �
- ps are indi�atio . h o the succe88 t iat is attend- . .. I I L , - 141 ' ' , I , ' , - L I
. - . 'L � I.. ' LS . - .�.. L;
-for aff raceg - And t * z een . � * thOM. W. D.4nde-y, of thd'town of 08 SL , ,'' �
.sent. to marriage, which took - placq ,tj offered � � he p i �s I
I I _ *
I - .
ati early .hortr on Sattu,Uy mornin,X, for L drawing. cbjupetitiorlL Can 'be r1c IC1105borne is the la;t t victini. * . . . I .� INA&
. , ,
after which. they returne4to Exeter. . Ili J. ,B. -Rumball s window. t .Any- one .. .1 es .. . . . ., . � I . . I
. . L .
1. .1 I % I . tinder the influen, 'DLOf 1iqu6r -Will u The Sover�ign Bank of. 0 , . 11 . .
. . . . cl ot anada line , L
-ABDIC . . .. .
I ITNE, PRMAAS' NOT be allowed 'on the grounds.. Admis- declared hliper.eentdividend forthe I . .. . I .. . . I I . i
1. 11 .. I .. ... . . . L ..
'. .
Ich 'includes , di current quarter hi li ` I to five -A ' ' .- I . . I I �uc .
WANTED-INUyor Lewis was'applied.* sion 25c, whi . P . _ ..
Mayor,. .Tac,k8on j nner LOX' . . w ic; is equa - . . .
to,thi§ w6ek-'for a license t6 sell .AL. sup 1 Per.0en 1jeratintinfiL . I., � �, . I ... I . .. . . ' .. . .1 . 1. . .. . ... . I . .
. .per... I %pr6s de. ' t W _W Farraui ' . . . I . m : . .
catarrh cure or Some -in . at the.-Vicnic. . �-:. . l I . . ... � , I . I -, .. I I
edicinal. pre- . I . .� i . . I . . I and, It T Rance - are stockholders the ', , Is fals. for-the-Aufle :. month -a I
pariti6n of the., sort on .the streets, ', .1. L . : .. . . ......" . ome spLe ,�k L , st" I ,. . . .
, I. ... .11
I . .
,, I 'A ST. YCISiliP.11 DEAL-., �W � fornier 40'shar d tb I .ter 10, - ' . to 6* ' . .
The Vay�or refused to gra,at it, on the . . . ela"M e at the. year.. ought ,, eep thiii ving. . .
I , iareiu-� ` kr V W� Freno'E,foinierly of Chi,6ao . .gs tn .. - This , .
grottudtMt We haVe established drug-' f0ruled,that, negotiations are ewell ad. a . n ot . ... p ., ... I
gists in town who are 'iible': to. S' I vauced for theLp4rcba§6by, the syndie_.� ct brother-in-laW Of Mr J. Taylor, of Summe? .stock � m6st -be cleared out a;l0_,,wc - �, ''. -1. L I
I I . upp Y. V . S' . .
. . .
- 9 s, W 0: Wre interested in r" * 'I , I poinlittinet as. . 1. . .. iaklng�om .. .b* " ' . i . , . . . . I I ' ! I I ..
.'thecommunity. with everything that . ate of caritd1i h h - , town, has,received the, I . .
( ro 0
is ne6essary in ,that,. U e. His - Wor-�. the deve6pme u16 a of, the E"t L are, n, e . 4-pric
Ili fit- at St Jogeph of �the , .1
- of the On� . I Z - . . .. - I. - . , .. ", , , , gh . . I . . I . I .0 �. .4 . L L .. .. .
. w rightwiven b gc= . ,g cuts tod . it ; Here
5hip's actio4. ill be, generally approv,7 Y. th6 charter . . "'. . . :, ; -;tie . sotUe of -th,�m. -.1 ... 1. I .. ...... 'L I � ..... ..
t6rio ,estS.bor6F,Iectrie.Raii�va�rbe. �LMVS W. m. Rob )"Son, L sr. ;"O had. � � ' R L . . . � . 'W . . . . . . . I . . � .
e1 The to*n: has.had.-more - thitti one � t I : .L . I . .. - . .. . L I . . I . I. I
nate.experience'with 'travell- -h,- As 0011 0 fa I& bi- A . . . . L I . . . .
unfortu tween Hen6all and Sb jogep the. misfortunie' d �e Oneof . . : ' . '.. .. .. .. .11 � � . . . �� � .1 .. . I I I L . i I
.1 . 1. I .' -L 11 o � � 11 I . L . . . �
;ng doctors and inedidine vendors, and' as the deaHs cogeted, our I forsin.% the,bones of her wrist Ihst. week, has ' . I . I . I . . , . : � , I L . ". I I .
. the'line. . . - I . ,. I .-S u . . L .1
can got aloh - tiOix is, the cong, ruction of 11 we are pleased tole ''I . �,q � ,its -$6 . .
ffiiery well without them. arn,.recomred1fr6m . . . . . . I I . . � L ... : I . . . . i ,
I- . .. L -I .. I � I . 1. . . .. . .
. I
-Signal. f he NAW EliA, can but from Hens4II -to the eujbry6-. city will the shock and J*ih she utideiwent,and ;006plmyo'l_��n�s Skeleton Suits, coats ancl trQus dark , - . 1:
3 .
beartily endorse the above. - We have be comi-nenced and pushed i6- cOm le 'is able W 'be. about agidn; ,.although e ad t.half liftedj.� 5 ' , I
town; N%,110 need , diijapped in her old .. IV" on'T
foitr drugkists in 'ill fion. Tbisisintendedto give ,9ty,,')s:. han L stripe tweeds, w Il.m ej - c6a only le i, sold ,. .
the . as4stance that is, c eph connectio L ,,Sjoe L of' t age. by .the' loss ) . . 0,109, bach,...-! .... * 1. w., �....... *,. 6..Vk,;. a'. ..... .,%.,. �. �...'. � ... �. 6,00 . � L I I I .
I ,orning to keep tIon ofthe, n with the L a & B - he use of the hand;. at present, 1. . I L �, �. . , . I . . I �
them going a place the size of 01intom Grand Trunk,Railway,*�nd : id' ' " I I �, . L -.,�. ,. ` . .1 �
B U , . . . essrs IV lVewcoykbe i6fid'Di, ,Evans . -1 Halifax, TWeed. Suits $4.50 -' , '-` - ' 1.11 .. I -
s 1� the,, - when: conitlbted will be an , I 'treated themselves to. a � fine - 5 Suits, made from strong all wool-lialifax tweeds, *ill give L I— . . L .
I �h ?Z'ln tOW4 Cover L . mportant -have-
h fie P,
'etty w
pro 10 S. th the fli-A ar.$7 and $7.50, chol .. '50 1 �
t �e I Id , e ,ii and: are- able to factqr. in L he Wans of L 'the St -Joseph le buggy,which is it comfortm, L Splendid we I ax, regul .....,4. I .
� , .
rPao the not.
,P . ,pneumati
.L . h _e of a adver- a,t)le and easy -riding rig. L '. L . . ce ........... .
. if it is for, pier6 of , �
Isi � elec io 0 Y in Huron colibty A . . . LS - � * .1 I . * I
n . purposes t4ese podlars are out � I . rida d W� Jackson . , I . . . .SU . ItS . � . . . . . 1.
fo . ., . . _ (0) e 6 harbor, the Y1,11a Alessra J'Ransford an 59 Tweed . L . 5:§5' 1 . I L ". . I . L 1,
. . . 90 b " the tWO'of Our �mqst active . I I .
. - I '
. ,
. . r .� .. . . . . . .., Iak I 11 . . 6 on'a Y ''business meni, 7 only- Men's Suits, m -op) strong all WO , . . I .
I � I : . . 1. I.. L L new importfince.- . ade fl ol.tweeds, 'good "
. , I. . Sig , . � . .. . . ... attend the Ohambers of Coninibree llufnts thr'oughoutj regular $91 for . - - - .... - I .. .
-NEW WHE'AY -New wheat is com- � . I I � I . I 1.1 -.-......".,. O'.6.951. .. . I_! .
- * tl�6 * � . ' ' L , f I Ineetingtobe'lield in -Montreal from , �., . . .. . - ' ' . I L
Ing in in laigequii�itijies, and we learn . �. ll''FOR the 18tl .. . . -.�bt �, Weatheir t -' ,'' L , ' .
jrom Messrs FairiBros.. that fbe sample � . THE COMET, -The i:tothe 22nd, .RPpreseutative 1, ,o6ts, $1.25:, . ... I � I
Is -bxcellentj th I .. . coniet 11ow visible, in the norrh7western business men, fiow all parts- of the' . I 6 Linen CoatS'L just I . for . . " pri * reg�'. I . :.. . I . . , - , ,
'b . . the .thing . hot� ,We 'L it ' th
e grains' eing full, sky is likely tb become Ahe brightest wOrld, are, expectea to. boL there; ', '.. . . , 01,11, � . - . . �..L . I
1. . . .".. . � I.,
approach- . . . I . 9 . I , ,
phunp a4id solid, 8 . I ular $T 75' clearing 6.t edch�'...,'.,...... . - I I..,. .. �.,..
fit'ifie choice t. load* of recen:6 years. it is now - - ba8r. beeni pro,! I . . . � .1 . � . 2� � I i , .
n P . I I . . j . % . I
Tfii6day, the 13th; I . - 'L . . . � -
I .
fr .. D. 'Wiltsie, -which weighed W About Au . - . I . . - . .: I .. �
received by this to difte was one Ing the sun and *ill *aoh perihelto .. Flannel Coats $195. '.� .. I
I out A n 'dlaimed'$eaforth s Civic Holiday,'and ,k enIs Cey, # . . 11 . . 1. 11
Abs to the bushel, or 3 lbs, heaviertthan Ojo,Mo: mi ust, 17, coming within 31-j- the band will run its 'excuri-icin to Qod- on Flannel Coats,. light b0lorsi'make Aflrjj'c I .. � . I I.". I
.L . I
standard, .W. ifles of the orb of day, It is ey.-ich, , . . . I K1111nier r -pat and'weiar well, la,gs . . L � I I
none of the - 6 are also Informed t .at now seventeen , Vines as 6�illiaut � I . . 1. I . . r0gultti $3, etich, ...... ;._*...4..1*95. ". I ...... ..
. wheat A that has appeared when it was first dispovera& at MA" . Thero'w4s more Vain during the ast 14 L . . .
. r� -month than in July k9t year. .. � , .1 Boys, 0rowniesuits $3; 11 I �, I i I.. I I
to date has fallen below ft The yidld seilles& fewwee This . . .50 . , i
vightness,1111 it. conle wiln - year the rainfall, according to. the Ob- stylish, made fr ' � . . . �A I L
Per AM *111 - Also be large, very few crease in,15 ifff will Boys� Brownie Suits, nobby. and very . I
s th- servat6ry, was 4.37 . . . . wool blue serge, sizes 22.to,28,.regul&t $5,..".. .*..,,.oMf1ne, . . .
who ha,vo tbreshed so far relilizing,le$s in the influence of the strong light of _ inches .in July-: ... . . I I., _ . . -- .1. "'.. 8650 � I . . I
I � .
A. yeall a - . � L . . . ., . 11 I , . � . 4
. .1
than 35 bushels, Th6 best We 1;�Ve the sun, when for a time' it will .seem . '.. . "Boys.' .$3.50 - SUItSL $2.35 - . . I ., .11 .
. tred with 8,05 inches 6 '
Coln it 51 . L
heard of 'its yet W.as that thrOS110d at t6bodialmed. Itwill The tottbsf day was Ju . a . . . .
Fair Bros,�.and grownontheif,own be noticed a . 'L . . . . I I
farm as the comet approaches the � �su th t degrees wAs reached, while'45 de 15 O11IY Boys� two -and three piece Suits,, li , I
n o, I ts, I and dark . . � .
. . L
I . . , .
' (011whatwasapDarently thouf4b tail follows A; as it pecedds fi'Olu the the, l5th,-wag the lowest. �- . 7 , greeo � tweeds, sizes $0 to 38,.odd ones that are left li�lhomt li .. , , , L , * . - 4
.. I , . sold at $3.60 and. $1, each ............ .. ne6 that 1 �4_
to be the worse piqce�) and consiste4 of Lsun the tail,gb�s In. front-�- that is, the The R,ostofflce * authorities have been �. I .. . .1 I .................. 4.07, 2035, . . 11
away. from,tbe S runn. L . . . .. . 11 ; :�
oted, � otifle - that Dominiou $10 bill I . 1. I . . . . 1
-370' bushels, or 87 to suu. A very, few Years. * Ug od Ing between t110 numbers 46,001 and I . , ;BOYS, SUitS $1.75 L , . . . I . I
ten -acres, but of sixty Acres grow:n, tail is always dire n
This registered �
the acre.; and, the rest of it, t1jey, ex� . , ,O & go . . V our only Bo I . I I
pect. will run ovdr 40, This meam a . people Would have t)een. 07iOW tire in circulation, These tire . tweeds, Wil , S' two Piece Suits, made from- stro , Halifax I I I . �, � 11
. aker Ised over the eonijjjg� of 'such a r6ported - to be Xitpabeo bills, Which .1 - ?'stand allyamountof hard wear aijes'L. and 2.5 . 1 4 1
ffoxt, wheat production for 1003, and celestial -�Isitor,'but seldnee has pretty ware stolen, it is stipposed, some years I . regular $2.25 and $Z50,jcloari . V � ���
� . mg,'#.each ""ll$....#.... . . ; , ..
t1odghn Smaller acreage isrepoited, well. re sured even th . I ,' 1.76 , 1 . ��.
from wanT districts, - Yet the wheat .1b I, (a riloat norvous, ttgo,. and which are now 0eing put Into . ��- 0 , - . I .1 .
SuPplY Wi I - q alightl visible at the present -irculation tie counterfeit money. I . � . I . B Ys' Serge SURS $2s50 , . � . .. ... . .. .
.be every bitaslarge in tune.� t I - bel3orning ,clearer each Look out for theni. Seven only boys' two piece blue serg Stilts, $I- 1.
eastern Canada as last year,. Now even n . It is situ . e Zes 24 and 25 ON
wheat Is demanding 67c, a ated near the handle regular $3.0 to $4.50, -at eagh � I
. I - . �4.. 14.,.0 ...........
I I .nd old 7Z,� .". jjf w .is known as the dipper. _ ' &s sooti as all the rnenibel,s of' the ' � I I . I _.�.".....'.'%60, - I .
. . . I I , C. L, B, 0. 64n, be got together on the , I . � I . � . . '.
- �
11 11 0 'I
I I i,
I �
* I ,
V ;5� -I-
h se
re to
uts I
1, �
I '.I .. ��
.1 I I
.1 -1 1,�
I. 09
I -
XORE BBAUTIF UT., PRI reen some nice evening a photo is to . colored Shirts 65c - I White Shirts at r)oc
Goderich Bowling Club has ZE8-The OBITVAlM. Vuiotljerr articulars 9 .- .
decided to regardin �: e taken C AfV N 13 Henry, and will Men's White Sbirtsbard or . .
,f the md death of � r 0. Cleve- ��[ I . ; . .
hold .its tournainent on Thursclay And . land Par 016; .of Detroit, i bc Offered oil sale when finl6hed, -The -soft fronts, "sonle: $ill I . .11 ... � I � - I .
. , vill b of In. C .
VM4, Altig. M1.1, Invitations: have terest tO Many of our readers, he grotInds-'at present are lit an Ideal front in the lo . Xdn�,s wixite Shirts, goo ! . ,
beeft issued to clubs throxighout West- e hay. state And a picture of -them with the I t, SiZes 14 1, assortment Of S17 d
. 1, Ing many friends in Clinton and God- 10 1% I to $1.60 lines I . ,es F 'Vegjj� . I . .
ern 011tarial'aud - there is every as,sur- eriell club's mein'bers should make a abavoi. - . �
brokeh T lar $1 and $1,25, clea-rina . !
Ila wag engaged in tile real es- . Ots ond last one�l
'nWrest in the tato'bushiv-s for wany years, and NVAS I . .
!11100 - Of WIdespr04d I Ing 80twerier. - I Of A PAttem choice..., , o...'65e thi's lot at Your' choice
event, which will. urtdolubtedly draw TionovAleand upright.*j, I . I . . I �1. .. . � I , . . I �
to Gtt,l�t% 4 lAv'-ge and,disti: who � � I . ..,
4-U � , ,Z- -.,4-.. __ 0 An tinusual MrAA T3 Xanfinaft, fol".4 I 6 $4. , k. '. V
�.fu. I nguisNPIA 0000. ' A man of VerV t6ulnti.kAfA. — -1 & . lit., recently � I I.. ... I � . . . ..44#* solo
tt, . The tournatnenb wIll Iie
tie club's grqen, West street, w
one of -the prettic'st . Peen . 8 I in
�111.011;11,lillnd I, 9(tpe this �
tot I)e trophy, as on
nsolatioll luateli(18, allll�(Ilellltllaifol
'T boft0tiful prizeq are offered- - 17
, inateh - l8t �VIZ(10 four llan&,.
86s, eneh (%A)n ah)inv a half -d,
� ,
veil knivel; and foL ,,vith y
, , 211d prize, four heavy
Iss berry bowls,, A8soe1atj()jj 1n,j
�, four solid leather suit Cases
�it- extra heavvy aut ass wider',
.. Consolation ilia ('11. Ist.
,,� '.. , , 11 .1 �%, 4�
a few'Weeks he was k
when lie grow worse
blood pois6ningarim
two Aysicians a ten
� could bb ('on(' to say.
pliasee awa
was lnarriccyj� 01,1114itulls'Ye',
Vill pe well ropresen. I jj)�� it
nento � Mello
- .. , -.'� .I-
wilarytofffiss V,
was it resident of
(1111WITIPED line 1111101141 on
fly 26th, was very largely
110109 wolngfroin Chfca�',o,
� , r
Co, an clintonjont'. Me
'AU6118 WOVe b0alltiftily and
hervim was conducted by
111n, Methodist el(�J�g I lau,
nit t4king place At Oood.
107. �
� . . i
�Pv V uton3roni Imugsvilie, re.* I � . . � .. .. 1�1 � .
colved it telegram Friday last,464liaint. I I BOW �\X'ash Suits. 49c
1119 her of the death of a sigter Air$ ooloied *Ash Stilts ind Shirtwaists for bo R. Good assort -
Thos Webster, of Ra�,4eall, Muskoka, ment of sizes and Patterns,last of lilies hat, sold at 75c, '
ofeanceroftheafoulaeb. Xrs�jcallf.. clearing at �]
ii, . lann I received another telegrain, on . each.. �.. 4, o. # w 6_ # #jo.0*_k ... w,.# f I %.,, * ..... wt. 49C
NVP.dliesday� a6luainting), het, of tile .., � I . I . ". .. I .
. � .
serions illnesq of her diinghtf r.1114-aw I . I
at Kingsville, and left on. Tbursday - . . I I
nioi-ning foil tbat, place, . I .1 4010
. . I . . ..
Aft Mrold Blackstone, who h I . . . . . I
ed at his honle in Goderich'. returne(I : 6 $I*
to that place last weelc While here I I . GINS' i , No.
been 0111plove(I at flic. Dollarty 0)!tlan I
co" shwe a,like Institution WAS Nit-sx- , . ROD
� f . .
11arold Inade many friends fly his. . 10. . .
g,entlenlan disposition und musioal : surceswrs to ,
abilities, 82liell Nvon his W,%Y In to tile i . , Jaokson firo& . .-
hearts of all out, towns eople Avila re-, .11 '', 11. ,, ..
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