HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-07-24, Page 24 : : i N - � — . C� I I I . I �. I . A . 4 ; , I . * \ � . 1� ; I I . . . 1* I , k I 0 . I � *1 , , - . I �, . . � �, " "", . - .1. ,r J 4 �, ", & *, � ,f ", . 61, � " - , I � I , ,( "' _r� " I . , . I I I � I I – � 1. *WW- . , , . I e 4 � � - ;, " 'i � 1Z::,;Z '%": ­ - , -_ " . � ­ I ,!'- .1 ­ . ; e �. , : . . . .. .. � � .1 . I . _: �! �;��.. W *:,'��'4','7�-_. '7 ,'__­_­� : . `:Z ­ �.:._ �%':Z . ��- _�"_, - - Z_ - . - � � -T ,:. -7 "Xi -. I ! J .- I I aw;w_- � *_111-1-11- ­ I . I -11 I A Prai V in IN I , � I .. -11, - " 4 " 0*. I to, - --- ­ � . L�N . ­ , - - I . --- . _101 � 11,1:11.�l I III .: I . . 0. .. I .� I . " MR, I 11M. 41'.... � . L-1_ .. 1.11''. .111, .1 *1 . ; I- ..C,;, ,.. -1 .4 11 -1 - I . . I . I.. - . 1-11m,., , - miall I � 11 III I 1 ­_ - 1: I I I �', I see, W .I--,:-,,- I � ", J- � ­.�Ie ­ r - I " -1. . ., I - - � -.�_ I . I I I , . .. . ­ I—— - X110 I �.0 � a . . . - I I '' , , _- I .. I'll I .. 16� -_ I . , . , . - , 1. .�, I It 40 01 4 itle ffoh 1, I *� - I ­ . . . A . � , � *.. 40 �1.�" 1�0,�),,,�, , "I t�i�,,^ ii!'86 . . 11 .. *.'V0':'W1 - 114* Gile U410*11(w Juk, - ! 'Nowsw " . I ).�. S. � : � 11 i -1-6. I - I I �� .'', ." " , -1 , , 1. ,..6 , 1 7 ,6 is"p , � I , " . , - - .... ­ I I - --7-- -- " ­ � — , I , . . r .7, , . . , , * fj� ' _� �-&* I & .1 � �r �� * wor*nte 99MOV60low ftedwal . 11" , . i, � �.. ! � .; , . �, to, 1*, IF . .. '0468, rawy , . 4,1111,114 �_ 11 . ­1­1^11-���� I 1,'_� — r"M X4 I I you'r � � '. --- — . Who — INUIllid, ., � � F�, 000 �, V " ". . 1h , I I .. k"Wear"tw I I ,".—I - � . � 0141MO" prom swd *Ak 11 I By SAXPT X Aonusox, (S. T. Church,) Lord Kelvin I* looversty-nine. I 9 . P �' '' The ,tisks4 * . .1 1. W"NW. " ?� . N te You con 1. . .4la � - 7 t eff - %. -1 10"."leee . 1, Thet cher de � U � p9 wo 9 11irst Caso 0 tolos III k eavle% It's' 011111ca-31.1114" -XIttk, 1010i4arly - a& I I �ompoo ­ iff by hl cotali)164 idluti, ­ . I.. . , D z 3,4#FtoJt.1___ -, . . - __ . . .. 0 b . . 874' crop' In South Bu0m is quiel , � ��W, 0. =A;& I 11 ­ , .at, W,�y ,. is .. _e4 and rest . M on occa a - . , , 1. -w—', . I'll, , , ­ 11 .1 I I , . on WML be scK at the glig" Penitentiary I . 0 r of the Toronto Home Comers ' � I wil . XON1411' we .. ne oo k hs,ve been ,9 i0p �to' U$* ;. � . $6 hirsup" at the 19 Wing Prices Par. . I Chelmsford and Xatt ,t , , [ A I . Pr1M,"4x,9?* ,. ert, Massey Hall, July Ord, IOU I " . . money p m_m# 1 6-b h , . Ointment - . I .­ ­ 10 7; 171. ­ the "tro%,�,p t-, T , t, - I. . "; ;,. . ' , �'�C -� , offered money by Mr-Carnigie, for Pdr0X8nJII83Q%'t*t%;th, lb ... i - ON no vour ban' Jack, gVe tto ur hosalf purpose of erecting, libraries, .. . � ! . 01 - to loan at coat FMA R), , lal, Silo it. to the i!;.,.:":. Re. , DONA . I .. ­ 1. - Xisigston we ilix � - . . Ye've %:way.s.W0l9Q%9 4 k9 ok, � . . 1 34-0 Ver -1 leaveattorriew, � I '.11 I . . I (In" ifis W. WDONW, , I ­ - ., _ I I 0*091 lolkwil,' - Wo " a "lli - I , ,4:16, , . 1W � . I I 11 - M, 4 70W!hg to'the - rec4ut - losses on � . I . I . . . wsg"Itlo- ""a 711 -irk VIAI RISTER., kPLICITOR, 3161 I W% ., , 'reo an . on, I 11 . � . I . '''S I Tifills Vash'solththe ordbr. " V* bill an' Rlesx�tae kith ass! kin,tao boaris Metropolitan cattle market it has been . . . , ---� Address all eomrAu I I ,doattous to the Wirdes, RU16140.1 ZT00 - of the Xingsten rim atfary, Kin sa, ont, r � I � # W whi4losato O"n sair, _ psed to spend 450,000 isi,,Irl ging For Sale. i. f4fP0W&,WtI#iV.Wo-1mqtIb4v 0 , p anWor- _ _ 01012170111 4010#1 I , 14 V tb prop .n , 4 il Ct I . - aliflobom's 60000N.Vee bounto 01 yon �, Ing it up to date. . -- � It rg . on Too toe *1 that's guid an' fair ; � . * P"11 , , J'As Ferguson Q;t High St -0 Wer,610MI, 14 Kirlies Priaw w pot 06 pAld �� .. 0 . .­ __�_ �._ . FRIDAY, JULT20h, I I . 11 Another branch of the South 1.4nd - I S The pro rtr of Clinton, I r1pyr y to . - . We no. your hen' Jock,gilealoyoorhan'. don electric tramway service was , SW Zveryw 1. 14. PLATT, Wardsi, I RIDOUT A. "ALM , I - I 'bsM 'nooda. if r W, I I � � . , JAMES $L I I I.., . I . 11.. opened bptween.Wenningtora Gate,an4* - . I . .... 3OTT mugoten, Juno sib. 190, Mayor Anselm Rothschild, founder OVe no ),our-hin' Jock, we're glad $&a see I , Camberwell. I I . I . I ', --I . __ -Barrister, bunton. r --------- � I __ CON"TAXORRO, Com"8131OMM I . I The pairsis and- mikher,too,Goa bless them 1. . . I - �. — —' . I '. � . . Farm For Sale, _: I Rod Estate a,", 111n,"AACO 1 4. ua-* of the great Frankfort banking housep OV'sts! thee ; I - The Alulount. to be expended on light I . Mwy., About, peopia. . , Ofllce to Iftent, . . . . : 1, M914 to . I I i � . e was inuch We'll opa_rp- rise pains. nor boarded gain", I rail lddles vasVhrought up , I I I TheuridorsIT � 0-1B. BALM, %Kr every wish foretell, W^ I M st ex i 11 JOHN RM00%, b 4 further ote by the ; ;& W911i4a - with eight you O' I , 1, A offers for sale his form of philosophy The following twelve rules - I oil . %, 4114ren v4V TAVIOV & Son s storel-oultable for , .10 acres whic Is'all under gross, but OD acres " Ma a t"N , . alre 111%rux 0,08. Arly.to INQ . OlintQn- chaser ca., Its*# the ( PtIon of takin . � I 1. ES SEAGER 0 An k'tb in feel richt wel Case Jack, as Q,jun fEn r4ed a'street car which Weis . five of WMch Is bush, 7 acres of'rall wheat, ana - . . . . �, say , k? 6SQres of barley and the rest oqt4. The ,par- . — , for success might well be scrap-bookod welcome as yersell ; . rwo 1, vw� � The cobductor be� X. i t . Kra. . H. MANN . CHARL Gi'euoyoqr ban! Jock,we'regladiassee. The Government. has decided to fame �attyfio, Impatien . . I or crop I by every young man and lived up to.: - make a rurther grant of 25,0 � t boost - - I , 00 to the 06 larally so long.to got stq�cWjde,;;� —­­ . � andall. ItIverrumaorooll book ena ,.IV. . I , ,Barrister SonoiterNotary andextiveramee, I . ; Pwlboll (Carnarvon) harbour scheme ;; . -excellent farm for gr I . di &A . , - I � . ainorbtock. Therec on I I I Seriously ponder over and thor GVo no vour ban$ loo.k, a hearty eh&ke., t1se.inatker For $ale the lembes 4 gqod two,stor Ca: house with Offift--OPPeallte, Colborne Hotel � I ollighly examine tiny project to which i4sq ti . in addition to the ;017,5Walready voted . . c , top, stop - - , y W, . ". ne, nor sicic our &aid auld frienship's : . . -mm- . kiteC ii, summer kitchen an *0 --ob . . and od . ed;barns . � I W I I ind the car began to move, tfie obsiduo., 8640 2470 also a Ood fruit orchard, of oile � 40deri Is you intend to give your Attention. chain ben break ; 1� �, Mr %T C Inglis, chief engineer 'of the tor asked, ;Wlth. Comfortable house and lot, on A%ert enienttobhurch and school, being � . . . . I t eatern Railway Company has � X'SURPiclOn Of X smiles Clinton, for Palo cheap, lot i acre I St ;%r'.11 .110,11.1v from Clinton, and Seven from I ;­ - ­­-."........" . . - native beuih Great W 110'..;1 � . , � 2 Reflect along time, then decide On well wbk awreatho'maplo 11A_e these all Your child,ren, madam or I � rot EPA I I I . suitable for small fa I V. Apply at R;w Bea. I I -leaf gin' fern, � . # office, forth, and situated on Ifurou Road survey, lot :. No : 04, CAMERON . . . I promptly. . . I . . been Appointed general manager, in , j; -it , p1misleP f7hey are all my 9hil- 1. _ I .� . . 32, 2fid con. Tuckeramith, Ally on the Vreniw . formerly of Oftmersin Bolt As Camoron . I An'crown %a king an' tribute br'ng o' 1�ve 'succession to ,the late Sir Joseph dren,11 returned the woman, with a. grim . I I -� .. 3 Go ahead. . . Wilkinson, . See, or to F. W. ORIOH,. Clio u, P. 0 AID if, I . . 4 Endure annoyances patiently and in aladoome turn;, . . . I . .. Imil;', -and 1 tell you It's no picnic.0 Thoro-bred,Bulls for IS ale. I I — BARRIST R I ITOR P" � Gild its )our h%n'Jobk,%be%rty'sbAke. , I X AND SOL C . day the London If.rall 9 . a] ' � � I — I , 1. .0 . - i . I 8­86132iltdill St Opposite ColboraeBeu I : I . B lit bravely agaifist obstacles. . .1 .. I I . 4% i n. and Life and LoVe . I The ather I . I . Good ]Brick Hotel for Sale 060 , I , . I . . . ' . I o � I I, -oNT . . . T Consider honor as a sacred duty. Gi1r us your bon'Jock wil richt guid wil)p , � '. 04Xette" referred to W, S� Gilbert as p Two thore-bred'8hort-horn -!-' r.oDrxicB. - � (3 Never lie about a business affair I "the late W. S, Gilbert,". This called I od sre ,e offerect for sale on reasonable. . . . . - I - Thoughforawal y%;1-ve,'8'tra5ed,dearJoon,wd �%ela have died from time to time term. s�n.r is red, 21 months QId1tho other There is offered fdr on le by the -md . -----.-!^,.. , � '' 7 Pay Your debts pron�ptly. love ye still -.� forth a note Of protest from the famdfis ,.an, ill the prolp.me I I _ And ivorms have eaten them, but not I ., Jv old. t well known b,)tel, known. as the ,Me on, DIC'KINSCH& 1� , for 1OV6,'i . OHM UUMINQ.Londeaboro or .GARROW ' 1 8 Learn how to sacrince money An'pr ind tee feel ye're staunch so steel . comic opera librettist isi which he a Jan. 16; lf . Con 13, flullett. � N 11 . . , sidt . ouod"inthatciWnotolintonin6bett pa_vinT I where e're � our lot's been cast, - . . . "There Is - coin the county. Thofron � i Part 10 80x40 . when necessary. . , a line in y�ur issue of yester _, __ I . JBARRIS MRS, SOLICITORS,, ETC. I � 1� 9 Do n9t trust too much to, luck. An' that yvlre lawli a-topplin'. o'er wil ilka Mistaken sentence, men can never die; day that must, have sent a thrill of joy - I tollen 2002. and. contains 18 rooms, There 01111or-corn namilionst.andtise liquar � 10 Spend your- tinie profitably. . I . Is & boarn, Wido, and .. oFen .hod 95x16. All , , lie , 0 t, . , , Coder 4 u . ­ toot sn'blast-, They passaway, throtigh life's revolv- thrAugh many a worthy home, I refer I Farm For Sale. 'I's build age are in first a sPe repair, and will . I I 11 Do not pretend to be more Impor- Gi1eusyourhen',JoQk, wVricht guid will. Ing -loom, . . I . .. . . I , . , . . I to a line 14 an Artlele. headed 'A* Naval. — . be sold ress nable. There are .three town lots , H, U, Dick aeon CRAS. QARRow. LL,D, ., tant than you really are. I I . And lOV0 And death inseparable lie, . � 33attre,l In which'I sim referred to as' The west half of lot 24, Bayflold Con God in connection with the place, affording room � - -------------------------- � - "I". I I exich township, containing xbo%tores c good le . . . , 1 12 Never I ecoine discouraged, work i (We us your han'Jock, here, tak' the key I Within. no; confines of a narrow tomb 'the 146 W. S, GMerk.l I DIM Always . 9,etc, Owing to poor health, f the PROU13FC10T & HAY - . ... . I � I , V v fitor and his destse to leave these ar�s . . zealously and you will surely succeed. Tab Wout, hearts an' homes, die help j er-. . I I sorry to spoil sport,. but common candor land, Is offered for sale on easy teivas, Good t re w, & r , - 0 I': Ye're ftee; . I . I They live'and in the Plements o . )arn,llog house,',plenty of water and amall A 8 for wanting to s(Il WrIto or' BARRISTERS., SOLIOXT02181 NOTARIES -'Ps1r;L I — — I _f space, I erohard . Particulars ou,av atior, to . . IF . . MASONI CIIAItOn. . PROOTORSIX THE lUARMMZ CouRT &Q. a compels me to admit (reluctantly) that . .. I � . . I . . J. P. I DALL—n-ut ____� 0111ce: Ivorth st., next door go Signal, 0, � . I .Took,ye see '&is clear th t wd are awf u' , Unmarked by graven inonliments If- i . Ve i . . .1 " . . Dear, I . . I � I '" I I 4111 still RUV6. Touro faithfully, W. S.. . I V I 1. . 11 01� in, alaid , , . . . ru�t - . I _.... I I . � -11 ­ . . I . . . . . I . I . : , . 9 10ay Acl is UltravireS To, twae yowl' us ance again, use cbeerf is' e. I ' Gilbert," . . I .. - For: Sale- : : I . Private Funds to )end at low Lord'. , b The I und of plan has founded him a . . est rates : , . . .1 — my, Ind ; . ' . . . .,V�nlace , , Frederick IM of Prussia,,who delight4 For Sale or to,uent.- ., , . '. . . . I . . . I of interest. � J . . . � . . � . . . I I . . . . W�. PXV,UDF00T, - ' . . .'! Chap. 246 of the Revised Statutes of _G1'e us)oUrbsn'Jock,bere, tili'thek6y. here love is crowned with all -per-. ed'in his reputation as the most laconic - I . . R. 0. HAVS ; , � . . . . . For sale a six, horse power engine ard boiler - . I � . vading trust--.. . 1. . I man. in.]Ehirope, n Lot 29 con. 2 Stanley containing 100 acres complete.'will be sold very cheap for cash. . . . I I . I - -1, . I Ontario, which regulates labor on GVe as your ban' Jock, ye brave Canuck, . � . . . . . . - in good e i oultivailon for sale or to rent . I . � railways and steaniship lines, was de- Ye Sturdy bairn a' 1. � I magnato,, taking the watere it Cowlsbud, 'for t r Also the frame of a building l6x22. toffether . l * � . I e s ap IF to JNO. llioGREGOR� Mer'ical. . , sturdy stock wha'+ruste "Works,back to earth," is writte)a.oVer *be -for abrupt. a with lumberto iucl,eeft oultablefors, -, . . :11 . I . . . � � )lad also sequiTed fame h f. on p 8 � XoGREGOR, 2 con.,H. driving �. . . � , I ", clared ultra vires today by the Privy noblack ' . .. : . . . � .. I "Ituch, - I I I . ... I . ness of speech. . -tempted t . , r th, See.forth P. O.. . ohed.Wffl be sold-vopy chdAp. . . � . I . . I . � — — . . , - � This - . , - � ��',,',,- council in London, England. I be Ej,t. meets the g!ow1r o' harAL.hipi hour wio It is the stupid Story of decay ; - . he Prus- -b! _t I - I . � I o stillanakinathe Celebrated w1re . mi. C;U", -.10,b., , I .1 � � _. . . � ., I . . I I I . an '__= ` , divided . 91211 Monarch td meet him and try him . X ­ I Court of Appeal of Ontario , muscle, braine an' will, . . . Life is the esseno, in.her joyous iusb . � — fe..1"ir lified pumps suitable for eithe L. R. C. P� it S. Edl , . . ' � a in the arts of 1revit7.. The ruagnate, Was. .� - cleterne or . �nlaurgb, . 1, � �� I e E[ually on the question on April 14, Wh�:lcs unco knionese fil's your hesi to an' - - Let all Viat perished ,be 'et-unible u well. JTORR iTEPHENSON Offt000-Opoarit, Street, Ciliaton. Night can, � . �^ . . I , in an action by the Attorne - mak's you. bosom thrill - . I ­ . .- .pointed out to Fre Prick .&,a lie stood: In - ,:Carpet L 6- on 1 for..Sale . May I tf EtLornStrestOlinton. 1.71, . y , clay.. . - . . . . -the . . . � at front door of office, or re Idence, Samoa- . . I >". General a.gninst the Hamilton Street Gi'e us yourban'Jack,yebrave0anuck. . I . , ball 'of his. hof,el., The king'went up I A Newcombe fly jiltutt I __ � . . . . . I bury Street, I a . � . � 11 le carpet loom In first, . �_ . . . . . . . I . Railway Company. The question was . � I I . tO -him,.and the following conversation can be bough" , fdrabout 3W on the � . I . . �` I . Man lives and loves ; his memory su- es re a . . . .. -_ - " ' ,.�.��- carried to Eiigl, GI's as your ban' Jqok, dome sit ye doon . 1. - . . . ' _ 11 r. -T Ii is a 001 c an 0 , got a loom. . . I '. . and by the Ontario . preine � . . was the .result: ' Frededek-Bathing? as WX SNELL, - DR WM- GRAHAM. a a I . . .1. � 0 , el t emo tw gQnfor.oala . . . '! Hiangarian-Drinking. P rederick .- offi- � . J � , Government, Messrs John A Paterson, An' L-isp vi' us t,uid parriteh hot *whileo in Has inadp' existence, nover-eni'ding 0 e . 8 11 a,r. uugf r I a roll -wall . - . - County'Ructioneer.. , �. .Licen .10�, . . � I I � ver - . . cert Hungarian-Miignate. Froderick- a ell , .pl . .. your. Queen and . . tiate of the 110�al College � of Phys . loins, . I . . K. C.. and A. E. O'Meara. ot the Lord's the toon, z . * . PON � . .1 Londonj England. . . �"" . � In Having procured Anotioneer's. Lieeme for . . . � % . � 1:1, , Day Alliance, appearing to uphold the An' dinna haste the time Ise waste,but Ila - Great is he', since love is not a 'drearn, . Sol Hungarian (taking the initiative)- — � , _.... I � �� a Stzeeto. the O,uuty,of Fluron,_ I solicit a share of the Olk6d*axid Resldence-� . . I I 11.111 I appeal. The result is a victory -for er &eye in . ay, . I � � � - And lite and love i,,4his eternal dower. )Detective? Frederldk�Kingl* Hungat- — � I . . .- .. I �� sates Date - slarnishtdbymall, 'phone, t6it-. -. JOHN TEDFORD% 11116sasel, Buren St i I Ltion companies as An' sip . an, chat u,*, ' ' . lass-Congratulatel ' . . . graphiprp.ersonalintervie*. Chargestona %� - � . I I . � . . .11 .1 suen transportu . . . A eepin' --Cincinnati CoInumicial-Tribunie. I horo-Br ,)Is � . I Q . . � . I :."' erate under Dominion charters. 1. 6, the da,6 - hie itna hat till p . . I I .. . � ed, Bulls.Joir Sale,,t . . � I I . . � I . ------ � I . I - . . I . . . . . . — .1 . . - op - ' .. . � . � I . ­ I . I —I - Mrs. Leslie: X 'Shaw''. the Wife of the I ­ . �� �, - I . . � . . � i . Vft.-A., We. SHAW. � , I . . , .1 . * .. . . I . . I ­ The questions submitted to the Gile-us your han'$ock, comesityeidoor. . -ARD; $ 00. . - I -SelaretATY. of the -United States es Fouryoung thoro-bred Durham bulls, bred , ' . � I I I I , I I ' . . I . _4100 RE" . . I Dmi- a-GNEW. ,a FODW141EIRi - - PHYSICIAN. BVJRGI�ft � , . I . Privy Council were of considerable . . . I. ., � , . I . . has -rocently given out, in Washington a from prize w nuing'animaig, are offered for- I I I . . � AJOC ucheur . sib., c1lice and . residence 0 . . - .� ength. The first query was whetb r , GVe us your ban. Jock,o6milad awal The- readers of ibis paper will .be . sale Aged from 12 to 16.mouths, red in Color, . 1, . .DENTISTS, - !ULIINTON'. * . tario, St., otr6siti Bnglish churoh, fo . . . 1; power to en . act humber of tApilng interviews about the .gligoo,dpiromisinganimalo, - , : - I I . I . . . Ono � rMarly da-. , . i � the Legislature had An' see the sigh to aboot, the !ads and lassies, . pleased td -leatti. that tl * . .. ... . � :) , Office, Open every qay:, on fed b* 1r. Appleto out. . J111 I Chap246 of the revised Statutes of at I . . I . . I I "'I" is At least . i,adequitey -of the. Salo le �Of cabinet. . BER131411T CRICEI, Seaforth P-0 I d Satutda _. . - .n. OlInton . . . . . r . s - ., _ I , � , . . _.._ : , I A . I . �, I .1 one dreaded - disease that'science. b" officers. Airs. Shawwas. Miss Alice I lot 26.4th opip, WuokersmIth,.R it, �t . . . night until 10 o'61: k. - � I � I - ­ . L. . 'A' . . . L oc . . i . . .. . . , -,�',,.­, Ontario, 1897, which relates to the Though some -are &old an'. ithers. hild, been able to --cure in all its'stakes And Craw,. .Jan 16.tf :, - I .. .. WilILVIsit Auburn L every I L , � vitys - ----- . . I I I . �.1'111­ T-heY've nae -forgo; the time.., L � I yQuth,'hnd she lins-ah" � L I . . Monday; Dan.. � DR., C..W* THOMPSON �,� operation of street and electric rail- . thatiscatarrb. Hall'sCatarrb'Curejs slid*. -in her , L gannor . , o'. L. : , I � ""� . L .. been noted -for her ready wlt.� It is said 1. * I evfty' Tuesday; Bayfiel.d every ph on'L idt, _ , . �., " 9, and steamship companies on the . I ' . - - ' . FBIcIA0, Surge . , �_,� way -when last we grasp-od ithere hands an' song ,the only positi,Ve, euve, now known to . bi .her. that a young man of 11a, . I . - . .,Wednesday. - - .. ' . - , . . I I .. Speelaj attentionLgiVou ' . - - �d was "TorAuld Synell; L. , L . ' the medical fracerni ty. L Catarrh bOng . I . G604*.House forSale, . L. . I :.. I . todiseas ofthe... �,� SabbatbDay. The, point involv( . ' ' . - _ knorous L . L :­ - , . . .1s , __. .- - .. . — - I . Eye, Bari ThroatAnd Nose. eS, I I I CC bent one day exclaiimed In her-presendd- -�­ . ... I . .. . . . .. : . Gfe no Your hap'Jook, 'Me Ina awa I-, a 6onstitutional, dise!i's6 . equires a c . , . . . I . . . . . I .� .. I L, . , ';: , ­". � whether the Province bad power to : . .. I . .� . ' . ,,n- 'For Sale 964rame house on Victoi is' Si reetL, . I I I ... I I . - . I . . Office,and Residence- . . . . ­,',' regulate in this regard tiftsportation ,. . .. I .. stitutidnal -treatment. Ball's Citlirrh 1.-.i!What could �b more areddful than for, - half ble for. didinary G, ID';' MeTa rt - .�&ib - i - . L . � . , . lot,1224,storyoue -nuita . I . .,,�,.!- companies chartered under the Feder- GPe no your hen? Jo�k, Come Oct the. door , . woman, oft6r mendfrx� her. hifshand0i - 14mily. 1�haoe-quarter acre lot, with stable. I . L .994% .: tart Street,X Blacks North ofitattemb � � " , '. Cure is taken. internally, Acting direci, � A , . . .1 . . . . .1 . 1117- �. . " ,,� '' BAN* Elt I . '� . . .. I . �,�I,v An'.tak' !3 bit hard and k,of tv� ater, beariak fruit trees. Pro- . ... . �� � , alstatutes. Adefinition of theword ,w we .12an' isi'apprt wil but on' ' ne of tlie.Pockets a love -111 be sold on xessonable terms. A I ' !_ . � . . . . .. ly upon -the blood And mucous*surfaces . ,coat to find in 0 f L I '- , i,. . r.; . . .. .. -1 . . M jL port % Ith '. � � bitter frb ,�F*rtu- I tV'XF]RAWR..',t1t G- W-Xllji�! .,8MX . - 1 of the system, thereby destro inu the'. nothe Woman?". ,If 018 . . i1w; , AD' -C-X6 . I . . I * , - natel6" s%1Id.Xt3. Sbo,wj llths,t ocul"d -nev.' .Rov'.. 21 ... 4M. -, . :� Clino X . '.. I . . �;V . :, ; "traveler" was asked. . . glit like gimmer: fou "� 41AP T ­ST y"' iz ONT -,.*1 �, The appeal which has just beeii dis- An'OT 1. . 1. . . _ .��!�'?.Jg,Sr JAr3-4c-'UT . � I N.. _ L "�,'_', .. - when the nightle. a' Ali ' . I . T -v)- . � . .V � . - . I . . I . L � . . ., " -1 ' - I . . 1. ridationofthe'disease, An ,-,gw . . . . . , '', . - , i '* ' . � :, I eL "" rnrJp1e"Lsn0'the ,,Hiph,lkxn� . -�jfi: .. tbp i-,A,",-ntstre,vLgt,hl,,�yb-a!14!ng Up tb`4 . , —_ ' I . . �ITHUICIAX &" SU1=0 , , � missed by the Privy Council is an ap- Stan eflare, , I . I '.er'-happon., The wornan,woul . I I .. , . , . ... I -1he .6110 . u g". I ej I . d� find the .. . . SEft. L , ' , , . G41.L66ral'. Banking . 313valnear.. ' . . . . . ... I .. L. ... �;*_ peal taken by the Lord's Day Alliance welil ­ c6lefitil'i'loii And Assisting na0re in do -1..* letter firsti afid then she Would not mend d , , I � -OFFIOE-MeAn Street,, %'Yfibld, former Y, . I . . . I I . . . . I ?.,; Attorney -General trip tbd!�zwi�slbldre I . . . -ing its iv6rk. - The proprietors have so, I the coat.$# . � , .,. . ., .. . ..". 1: ' '' L I - Ffi*lrnl For I., 1. �, ­ : .. . . traztsac.te.� L ,. � .. . .. I . - - B I I I In the nanie of the a 1. V . . L. �, : . . . . . .L,; '. , .... ; � , .1. . ;1--..y6urhsr,1J ' I - .. ­ . I __�_ . . I � .. ..." . : � . . . 1. ,� . , _ �, . ock,cc.m000ttliedoc.r. ' . I.. L - , . L . I .. . I., I . . occupied. by I?r. Palliator. 12 of Ontario from the Answers given by : . . ninch faith in its (urative powers that -Village cler rhe subscriber offers for sale that choice' NOTES. D186OUNT-ED � . - ' .1 . . � ,,�­ . - . A .gY man, declptr6s 'Tublie form .. . . . 14 .t � . ­iQ,t'(, 01- A eaLl questions, sub- I '. f0i". . .. onthehurouroad Tuckersinith just;.eabt of ., 1 . . . . . . I.. I - � " th� , they offer one hundred'46114re any bit . . :, I . .. . L il . GVe us T,our hafil Jock, malt' close your esr � Opifiioh�' his this ingenious I I among Clinteu, jit ' . . I I I mitted by the PTieutenant-Governor, case that it talls to ourb. Send foi� . reseni 0-6cupled by hir'Flaher. It Notes issued. Interesk all6wecl di ' . . I . . . . . . .. .. I e- day he Was sinAindhed. . oonsists'of 50 deres,more or less, with good , . . ,.�� - 'list II45'records: On F. . I .1 .. . . . . 11 �1, with a view to testing the validity of T e strains ol .music sweet, free Hilties, -of testimonials.- ' ; '. . ... . . . I deposits. . *. I I . .. I a � , ' . �,�� Queens,and GrenadiDr - . I in haste -by Mrs. .Johnston, who' had been frame house,bank barn silo,wifidmill and small - - I . .. . . . . . . 0.� *�G F_.RA'.F_fiT.,H0LME9- .. � I . * I . . .. � ... " ,. ' �. . . . �- - ,:�, what is known as "Lord's Day Act," Kahl tentie'08' for cliiyalryl,pur sojei boys. Addres's F J Chesney &bo.,.Toled . O.' taken, suddenly ill. . He went in some orobard. klenty,olwater. Anexcellent famn I ­ . I I I I . 1. : DENTIST - ' I . ... � .1 I . � . . I . I . '� work or business of any kind except . re z . nine, . .. .`� ­ .1, - SbId'hy drufglst�,� 75,. .. ' O'. - w6hdar, . 0 not of bis -par- � , . . . ,.. For t I , - - . - 40 P - TISDALL� ,'. - - I . . _. (Successor to'Dr. T.;.C.1 Brude 11 . � ,. , Mftuse she'w 1 ARREWMMI'lonton. . .0 I '1� , prohibiting Sunday Uavoling and . � I, a gplw4did locality . , ��11 " . The'abrawny. lad a had geed %we,' th ei bravest Hall's Fi.tmi y Pills ire the. best... - �, ish and!was known to be devoted to her :1 " .. � . . . I 1. . . I � I . I . Speclailist In Cro�Wxf and Bridge Work " I 4- ,,works of necessit ' . I I � � $ I .. . . . �. . I . I � 11 . I' The Court of ' ' . . . I . . . . .. . . . ­ I . . . . I ' .. � I L, U S­rGraduaite Royal.calle . _'_ - . . . . 0 ... ; . I . � . go.DontaliSur .* , � . ; I stay at home . , 1. . own minister, the RQv. *Mr.. Hopkins. . . . BANIMR, �', '" I , 1. 900118 of Ontario, Tprontoi . I .W: A eal held that e Act itself was 1. . I 1. . I . "'; ' I . . . pro S 1, 1. .. " 1D..D. ;3-First-olass.11onor graduate of -, I I - � waiting in the parlor, be. . . . �. I . . .1 . . � . . . . I I . .. . . Best- � - of the Legislbture to . . . , . Co -'operative Testing of.Dairy Herds . I I � . . ... taID4p&rtmentofTorbAt,o,Lruivernity .,� wlt�in the powes: GVe us 3 oar ban" Jock, mak'closeycilr * ' .While he was I Int , Vement of t9ek. . i � , L� ,- pass, but that its provislong did not, I . ear, . . .. . . I . . . . - I . . �. . . ,ford seeking'the sicic woman, he beguiled . �_ . 11 I . ! .. . . CL'INTONIA&T ,�.� � * I - . I . I . . . . . . . I.. - � , ,.Wanted. � I . . The subscriber hits fox sei vice on lot 91 Sur . . . . . . 1 . .� : .:.: SteciAl attention Paid to vreoervitiou�of ,", . . . the time by talking. with. her ilaughter, o . . 1. � a ildren!steetlx, Will visit Bayfield, #.Very- , : ,,��. apply tQ certain rgilway, telegraph. Gile-us VVU . i: hen' Joakiarink,tae the health . . � I .. I ' " . .. .. . . . nRoad, t'be large Isniprovtil Torkr-bbe*Boa .. � �.. 14 __ . . I � � , , , I , Monday. . I . . . . ­; Vfmal, and steliniship companies oper- O' L*sf winter the Dorninion.Depart- , 4 am. very mucli pleaded to know your OstkLodie diely No 2766. -Teirus *I at. lim. a " . . . � . .. . . I private fun 13 .10 10013, On njortgagels ,at `, Oftice- over *� Tailor & 'Som's 1-I't e bt I Ii., - . . EdwardiBrita'inlsRit3g-naemoiiarohhe- . tof sen 171ih prii,ilege of returning. .necese . � I, . . . I I . � � I .. I . . � .1nen I . . . mother thought.'.of me fit her Illness `he finest animals of his . . � best current . rate* . � . I I � . I . . .1 . � . ;��`, atingunder DOMIT11011 cliarters, and by stealth- . . . t of,Agricu tare called attention to I # � :xy I . , . , . 1.;��,,` Ant . . I 0 , . . . . � � . said, "Is Mr. Hopkins.away Ill The'lad c 8;8 Uhte is one of the �_ . . . I , . I .. I I . . .. t . y InOntarie. Improve your i§took with the . .. . I .. ' � I � 1� " . .. O�,;Ilg an inter -provincial bubiness - IS13 we PROS, fill fu' the glassi Ali drink: .1 the co-operati.ve syft.em of testing; dairy looked unfeignedl,v shooke'd "No" she besC . -A. 11MBBUTIT, Goderich p, ()� General Banking busine 'eted - - . DON' A G RYE* �'�..' . . . � . i . ' I . so transt . I . - I herds which re*aN i "Oh, no, Bu ' ' Dee 12-tf,.' . � � .. . '. - , ". . The Court of Appeal have further tae Br'tain'9'04eeU ; - ' .. It Denmark, ind oald.� - t we're ,. tr,14 . it, .� . . . ;uter6st allowed on 'deposits. ; �'. . . . . . _ held that the woj ds -land all other An' last, not least., oui alseses . ciink, * each . � * P. I I .1 � , a a I . . . . ,.. . . . . q I � . � .. .. ", I ... . , ended th� - e�stabqsliment 'of a ,something contagiouisi'and we didn't like . . . . . . .1 . ,�. . I . , DENTISTj CLIN1110N. . .. .� I " peisons" in the Act weaDt onl,v fill tae hip lassie -1Je%0 - ' I... . . reCoMM . . � . ' 'o . . . I I . Soili. uotei . bought. . �. . � �. I .. I . . . . .. .. . . . , I I . . 11 . I I � , . . . I � I . I . . , 'snitir wttem amptig Can- , ... - I . . .. . . . . - i a . , � , other persons of the sasne class as those We ,us v our ban' Jock, �rink. tse the: somewhat si him t.9 rUn.any risks,' - . I I . if ouse and. Lot ior. - Satie. - . � ... . . : � . 11 . . . . I . ... ' ' , � � . ... I . . . I ___________� �. ,� Oikoe adjohling Fh6to.stu � . previously referred to, -,Ind did not in- . whitil, . . . I I I adian I rmers. At *the pregent tim , ifro. -Van vortt, & author of -"The - �-, . .. _1� . . I % . 1. . . . . . I � Offlc'e 11 - ol]irs-9'to . Aso . . . ,.� � elude cotporations ; Also that where . .. . . a e The ptoto I . . Turnbull, Sli- . I a `1�1�, ­ 1. .. I I . dairynatti are'finding it almost Iim'pos.: Wckman Who Toile," had.many anniaisig ,rty of the late Jos I 6 every . I . . , att W corner of Victoria sAd Maria 0 SOURANK � op ' 1. corporations did not conie- within the . I � uated Sts. THE I .L .1 Soltutday until � an. . Bianch offices .. I � I ',-, GVe us your hsn� Jbok, come tell 61rue 1 sible to get milkiri; and it se4ems more and,odd adventures dulring'her,lde�,as a Cllhton, is offered for Sa e.' chespi There is a - ., .. 1. .�. '. I . . � . in 1 1)6 � . 'I!, � 44,ker. I One -adventure that bas 'not twostoryframiedwellin hou$e,cosht&iaIngI2 � . . ganchett-dii gar.inon,,l3lYth and ­ , I , ,,� 1. � Scope of the Acts, persons engaged by Of a I th e toon 9 a br oa d I tb at � y6 b ae Wandleild 'necessary tfian ever' before that .they , .1. ated by Act Par I : Bayfield-, -! . I- and working for them did not. The I ,beretofdro*bsen printea conc k ,t , - rooms4pdmpri�iinga�doub,li3.Fo.rlor, two dining . n corpor. I liamont, 1865, � . I . . �. . . ,� . I, I ' ��,�. through - - � - . . .: '. should not'.wastt dine - ern A, al- .rooms andij be06 a ' I 1. ___s� I ... . . . . . . . . . ­ . . , � Meaning of the words "works of I l feeidiqg. drid .LT- Ca; s,gtth,r,rruai1, also &small barn, - . . � .1 . �: ­ . . ommmmmmmlplm6 . ­ ' * ­ ' :turn man. She: met this man on 6, e, .1 t - .1 _ . :,� , Has there been one that bAo beguis too best, - ,k there aiq.some b tme th Ut . �. . . - . I � . -, _� " necessity," which was Allowed by the . . - . I issilking irifeilor cows. . Thai -the time :England'road, inending a w6rm. fence. -For particulqys, apply 0 JAB &CONT.0 0 - . . CAPITAL I .. �, nlsw 000. - . : , . - . I � * 1 .4 - Act,. was also dealt with by the Appeal Toronto ?.#.Ali I 1: - . Is � o0portutie for concerted - action to � :"Can you tell me," Oct. 81" '' . � Barriet.er, clinton. ., R46T.VVISD "'I. , . $2, 56,06O.-, ..,. , .: .. .Veterinarv... - .-, - .1 That's WbV ye're aftimes haningiok. Jock, inipr6ve * . .2 . . . . . ., I � , tlIe! st ' she oRid to him "how L ' . . ­ . .1 . L. . . I . p L . . . .. . I � L .. � � I so -,.,.. . . 1 . andard -of our', dalry 'far It Is 'from' here to the4 next iowsil . . . . . HEAD ,OFFICE, MONTREAL � 1. I . I 111. i ., -as held to cover a wider when ye ore are far awal . I ca .. L . . . I . . L .. L I I I . . Court, and N% , ":,:'. range of operations than the Alliance Gileti-ijourb � .. . I lierds.ian's tcely,beTd6ubted, Are� 31 I ted fo .'. . Farm -For Sale.. . - . Vw. MoLsox KupinslasoN,.-President � - I I .. 1. . I I . . :",:- I ­ . on) Jook,.siow fell iie true. ' a n zwar,1 "Milestone littl6 ' " �. DWJ, FREIMAN, . 114' thouV;bt it should. I I I . . . .1 .. . cent lettdr IrQmL Mr. . Dan; Drurn- 1:11.0. on will tell You," he growled. . . I . L .. I I J AhjEH, ELWOT'L I . . . ",::- Chief Justice Armour alone of the . . ­ I. . � . . . * . inond of � thC ' Departsn�nt ol Asiicul- ' � . *1. . . . __ I . I . .Gen. Manager. ... . . . . !V-9TERINA . fly sUBOROIJ .: . ." , . ­ �1'7' Gi'e us voui hon'Jock,-dry up yonti I ude ad this vexed Alm Von Lot, IkBayfleld �6n., GodetJch:tp;, 118 - acr.' I Notes discounted,.collections.made, dra . . 2 . . . _ Canadian Court thought the whole I at' ture. te ' I . . IS ned, L . its ., 11 F I _,Ila of the� fecling iii'Quebee in : the, milest6aa will' b' . . 13 . Member of ihe Taterinary Medical A ssocia. I . . ..... or tho' your los'deae &rf eusourbilarts -. LLL . e no (85al4�ared.balancehardwood.with I terling and AmericAn exchange t ... . Act ultra vires. He said, "As to this I I ... rA , , regard so this quegion. S. ; 'L t,Q mio� L .6in't ' he- . saidL )'I. codetsteefoiar 0=* bcught�s Xnterest allowed on ape of London ond Edinburgh, and Gradu- .� . . ­ i are near - . , . � , ., 1. . I - H,6 theMien ' forL I read," a . .tily of cedar on it .-Itiv I ' L and sold. aiQ . . ,. - .rae4*48 in, lThirotipo . avout five acre6 1. . .. . I 'I, word � . the a6ighb6rhood' ' . f, of the OntafloVeterineryCollege, - . . P e on of opinion that the . IlMeMqand considerable fail ciapgaitla L S&*1XV - - - i, egti iql L . " V lat� I am I eir pulses Joch, like'snes qu the taciturn man chuckled a pl,Swlngd6no� Comfortable brick housia large BAXK�-4nterest allowed ' TRZAtV bIBEAS98 Or ALL A BLALS , ; -,e this' An' may ye feel tb I ' I . . on sun . , . I .. I .1 , re had no power to mak . r_3 L , , earn withatabling underneath driving shed.and f year. , I � . .� ... , i enuctinent. Penger9o!peaco,:P 9"., _. ,91 D0ville who are very anxious to 1 Att "go, hot" be, said, "'it -is Just 46 Of $1 and up, cam ,_ . . k, ' a other outbuildings:, , Ptited shal . — . . Across your pathway &' the me -till lijo,g 11 we a syste 'in of records ,6( prod n Mila"be for pedple that , Gers.A'Orchard. "a"Van to farmrs on.their L . I I . - The profanation of the ti I luc-� 1 mto about. . I . � L . . . can 0 mostly winter fralti - well watered4fieverfali. 'Y* Kosaa� C ano L, . .. Lord'sDay is an offence against religion Own nOtee '.*WjJfi or ft)cre 9 . I L I . _,_ -operly classed asa crime, the strang0pathways cease.; 1. I Zn establiihesi, and kept."der relia- "read, for all'the writin's beAn washed off . Ing spring crook ana trwo -wells - Seven miles on Morl8a . end , us - , . I .11-11 and is pi Gila us your ban'Joo ;dry up'ron teii. ble. supervislimi. These breeders are . 1! Of ILI$ . ... . . A . , . from Clintonjuld-threefroin Bayfield. P08803. 8i regal . I � . .. , I . . I . . � I . ..­ - � , diction over which belongs ex- . k .3 . . sion at auy time; reasonable term, A1plqr far I I , .Iklaxagqe�-, ." , . . I . . . - .., . � . . . I . I 1 I . Uell'o'nftlotea, , . , . , _ I . 1 ,�7 �'; ,uris . .1 .1 . . � givinstip tba, keeping of priVate re-, � . . I . I . . I � . I 1. ,­ elusively to the Dominion." ' . . Thd1ollowllag-itory of thq Pope Is our. further . St,, . I I . I , .. �, , . 7 -cy'lay, of the fact :"rent In Italy, *bar* J�ea XTIT ' I �. Godorich.. . ­. .- -1 - q - � . L ... . . ... . 14 . . 11 .� . L I L ''I The result of the judgment of the GVe zs�your ban' Jock,let o jointhothrbap, . 4ords, J�ec;ttisita so: th . I . .personal.. D.V.,4 et�arsiciftlars to CHAS.SlM0X . I , . . . . . . . L .. . 01,111110.11i , , , . CC, Le, FISHZR,' . � _ " �:.,: There is nae time tae'woep whenL mirth is that such records ire. satisfactory call s -- . ; L . ,. � .. ,. 4. .. . I I . I I L ­ I I . : L'" Court of Appeal here was largely a * 'I r Is mod popuUr evev amongst the An, We can give 11oh'AtIous it; persons L ot, MI . , I CLINTON, �, 014T., 'L . lt'l . —:— . . . 7 ;,7. victory for the opponents of the Act, wed too 49099 , ", � ... .. to therrigelvesi and are so easilyialsi- : 2 -Clericals. Ut lssso�6r is supposed tO giades ,pf abill(Y4 Al.enfa, book-keepors, I . . . I . . eerivraXAgent Of Ftd�ral LffeAosu - . _ �!��, which is compEted by the Privy . Wil hearts aglirewe'll banish'aare like when , fied thsit. buyers init nd confid-ence* in - "onsis'liephemis who And it some. olorke,firmees'soins, lawyers, moo . . . . . . rance 6> .1 ' ' " .� " . - �:L* &:j- - them. ,.If any systern could be� devised what diffleult to #xtraidt money from hapids, IllLy. . . ­ � POIJL6108 � I . : ..--, Counci' judgment. we baith *ere voung , ,icians.,pr(sobers, Rtudenw, marric(I mud 111gil ClaS�'' L On all the -latest 4proved plans,With. . , - . "., Willi a n 8 0 Oki and.vidows. positl6ps are . . . Ivileges and Optlops most advantagpous to , * I "'r When bappyhourotheirmantles gay around under ch the recoids would be're- - mL -The wife 'of one of theed lnepbe'W4 I or r I % A afe Insured. Annuitieb issued, ­� . I I . ,,'!,�� � - . r.', � our shoulders. gang ; I . gnized as official and reliable; the I I to- have undertaken to get stall at bove al til 2,NO lier.'twouni. Wo. Mtehant 116rin I I . .. .'I". $ . I I .� av 0 .9 , — . .. I ��/�, I i ) 40,0 1 . y4pers Wlw6ekly for, . . I L Ir 9 a.thethiong. I . abp" vl� t, aju. litery 40 1 ri 11 11.. V6 w1l give woua, . L . � ' ' I oilgratting V elfterFears I GVeikeyourban Jook;let'ojoi . I . bree4m menkloned wpld Pe quite Will. I RV ` L' — , �_. - -.1. , . I I ... . . I . . . . ' 1_, . ­-V..-� . . I , ,r, I I I L . ' . I 11 , .(' 0 'MA . 1. �11'i.� , -A _��-- . I i ill to aistit in making it'Utticetsi. I . 11 obtain i ;4-14L - I. POO I a 08 i . I J -Pe, WELL9 RRXAGID Li . ­­ Gi'e us Your . ... 04 . ARItutsia"q 'O'Ltd. 1. . . CEN898 , __ " . ' I Lj."'j� Ina letter to the Fruit Division h'sn'4�pk: �e'roglsd y6 oameo r. . Drummond �ondnties:---�"Thls is a It I 0 ' I & -Ravi `�. .- .9.2911 . k ,%utford, . I . I L " ,�81amsRLL. . . I I . I % I ! 1 obk �� ' , I �� I An' soon the glamor't PPst on'vo'llbeetart. vt-4uadon all tbr6tigh tWi ProvInEd 8 I V I a loTge fimily'L jild _­ ____.___:_�_.L ... .. ..... _ . . ul�,SIIRD BY I � . I 11 , . I I .- . . " Ottawa, Mr G T Powell of New York, in, home . 11 I . . Vive Youroraer for a ring or summer . - . L I I . I , �,,,�-'L,- Consulting Horticulturist, reaffirms ere et retders. _At 9t. hL de I have been gifted , VVoodlig rbampbei" . I I �,,,, Wh I have I . I . 100, bulk. AllihAnowasitwee 0, A - Rumbaliq ._C111, . , . , life I � 119, ad worsdate a utoll , , Wi, bearty &ke, a ns�' plealie take 1*1 In' I J.- R ,__�, the statement which he made at the I . ecietary of their bY tayea Vith 'it good 'Yoioe, and tha ' . 6 �, Ll.bolre I 9 �, . � . The 41rist Hi4flob to mr4ka 8610ailous fro - . . 1 Fruit this, where O'er ye stray . I . r,.n . I I in. I I . I . ". ... Cobourg meeting of the Ontario Ye'll nae,f orget Toronto folk, but I zOr 01 a I I n. did, well � . I �'� "...L a mers' Club, who told me that they pro -P nusie hall1ifs offordil me !=.tt. L _� — . . I I 11'.% Growers Association in 18M, that the I . .% fadr JAist ioncluded 'their 'competition xUrge NO to appear on his stage and, , ... and rollablo 1vorklattliship . I � '-her diLy - , - L come sin . - 10 , 101roparation. 11 ' U11 . . . L , I a I a ew mp a oonji& t,VlI Ils bon L-* It . "011041. MAMRSAGR LICENSE i9suedby the on. 4 _h to graft Bo, "& . �,,".-­, Keiffer pear makes an excellent stock Farewell dear.Took shts journ6j home. . L for,the best tnilch cows; thi0a the 10 t 17, a 011-111; I t / " , 40- 1 I need 7 1111104to,dilte stogk.j)l d*rsfgntd at his! Sesideticeo kary stred � " - I , . . I A r Fre . inton. I I , on whic se and Anjou. lie . . . . r alsily" :01 171 * . over Q years, All dr al I ,. ,�. .. I I . . . . � cows givink:the kIrgest aniount of'wilk 'y I L . . VS* - L ' . .. . I , . . Fs - -31y Bose and Anjou topgrafted I � In twenty-four hobrs, at hoine, and tm- - illawl '$and I only regret that MY glate In the Dominildis , hats and ca . . . JAMESSCOTT $8, . ",-ji:4 osanifeeiffers are exceedingly fine. The I .. L . - - of Canada sell, anti .. . . I . .1 L 11 . . 6 I 11 I I � . . I . . ,� �4 W V41 � 11 . - I I � . �1, . thirteen _, tOoltIGA V411 not. allow me to 0 - . - 1, union it der supervision. . Tb�y had . J &_6 - Af t6a, L . , I recommend as bein L ­­­_� . . I I �_ ;:� 3 perfect and the trees are bear- The L Dangerg of Childh ood cows In the competition, the best giv- Is P .at .*out dt'bu . J?efor4g a" Aft&, M&4 only Medicine tl N6W is &6 tj][iie,toL . CAAWBELL LONDESBOR0 I * L . I . Ing very heavy crops." IT think it is . . . its kind that our . ISSUBB OF kMIAGE LIOJMNSHA : . " . :��.:, � necessary to take three years to make � . . _. I., the p6Orl!st1 42, - .; .1 . I � .. osand .. I . . subadbe- t SAMES . I . . . . .. . I . . I .. . .. . . gives univereat satisfaction. It promp, and ,- e U� - ' . I . . . . No Witnesses re4uirAd- .., .. ,:� ­� . PermisnotitlY ouree -11 forms of AY&tlous tak �%; . . . -hange, working only two or thrdei L - ' I of milk In the da' sho,wing I ASE. % . .A 'L I . I 1. . . .. ... - . . . the c pounds, y,.& CATARRH 18 ,K GERM DISE r * . nots, Altnissions, spermofoi-rh", .Ntlobidn �J � % I . . I L I 'L . feroscop I #; AL -&.& - . . . . �,�7!:� . branches at a time. Many have failed Summer is the - most denAl seAson Very credifable to the Prench'46nadian Science, armed with the mi ,e� -and alleffectoof shumeropmos" $bb oke"al 4 . . 7rv,ww .be 16, ftcr. . I . . ­ . . ". ofthe year for ]little ones. Re little farmers of -that distritVo-Departmeni. has established it a fact, arid this con- use of ToMee6, opium or StitatiMpte, &VICal I I . . . W_ . by cutting the entire top in one yo IS y a . ., . I . UV SON L., . --7. , " 4 life hant' b niere thread; diarrhoea, of Airicititurei' Ottawa. clusionrenders obsolete 'the practice aod'Jhlaft Worry, all of which lead . . . .. I ­ A!U01ft . I ":1 . , . I I 1wift tys I . I I � I ­ � hence this warning to take at - least : : olera and other hot weather . I . -V . I . , I nitY 'Cofishmotibia Arid An Bar QrAV6� 1,- . . age or ill 6r.$5, 'OhOW111 I . I three years to complete the topgr�,ft- . . of treating Asthma; Chtarrh and -Price it r ok "A 'UHL&NOIN .: 1 �:,; . ailmenta comequIckly, and sometimes, 1. I Th No 01*7 13akeu - Ift I :.�:' ing, Bronchitis by Stomach drugginir'L ptease, i 0 . Mailed Varam 1066 . . Inguish a 'bright 49 0 11 - . so 6 . . . . . in a few hours, exti. � .rf ery= I .1. in" _� eiffers have beer, So largely plaut- syrups) I 'Stich treAtilients -on for " ; ' little life. - Every mother should be in . I 1 4. , . I � . Who 064 olgla, xwe, Acildengo - Plate a .. . ed In the United States and Canada I arean utter filluft because they can- , , 1 . . ree%an% L MAOKAY BWO]LL CL ' * . qrsuffs, &c I V. L ,. I." aPoSition to guard ,igalnst; or cure . � 1 W10111116114 0jarlay2:10141% ma --iustaw=t . IUM4"X I., that there is a reasonable .doubt tlieS6 troubled and tLei, e is no wiadicine I 11 not pionebrate t1ve,dellicate uIr cells of ,W(iods Phosthodine la'sold In Olin " L � . . L . . I . . . . , , L . . . L . whether good ces for them can be ' . I Wo;th ad Adtnbsl�n P" - * . the luhgj.� ov ppMeato theaft, W: sages , , � a � , L � known to nabdioal science Will act So - . _ L of the laoie u1na bilonehial t1lbas Where ton by R. P, eekle, F. W-.� Watts . I" �1. "'\, maintained. gis experience of Mi? surely,- So, spoedil and so . IL R. Combed, and S' . B. , We 61*6yo kee on bona a istga . JOH N W11* , � . I safe Tlov6y D" . . YIED , 1. �:", - Powell's, extendin does over a Jub a Own Tabr4s. A bo as A no* 11"at golf'14tely hod gliol. the. gerras of Catafth have their gists. .. . T sod well Aftoviltook of goods to , L . . � fifteen years, x 'o, the perfenoo which'tho New York 'Iftust dew strOn`hold. 106t&Whoift . I 11 mr, VILLA .. b �'tq should be kept In every home sallasoo, . The ma;n iriod to , g . 0 is the'wly oh&66 fromi - Agent fear thetNIMIMSITinst FU6 AXSUVANOM I - � period of some twelve"tiot Talbre 1� _-__-,� . . . I �L� . � got t,0 the certath rowaAy. It is inhaled by, fte . t4t. XA - L -gland whose funds 1� , vvill, be of especial Interest to All pear where th(ire are little ones; &lad by TIV Unless torl or Wheh no one * X1244,0411dy d&t$14,W 1; _. growers. ,Aj ',therf til laouthl&nd Aft& ep'readingthum all 11-6404*60 - 00" * from 10 to 100 pdr I , , ,V0, Alsi the W ' t er V&ne" L In& of�ltfll'. A 0 . T� -ek Oed .. : . I . , I I Ing An oedamotial Tablet hot Wea; Val ftd4l J$ the .%,eapitatoty . Wk - I 4 qrgaus-ls . InvRack oe" Ali Classes "o I ., ", if it should appear that the Reiffer ailments will be tevented, and ,your 16*64 lkl* .tb the Us, �'and 6ftred *6 go through 'the noatijIs. Oidavrh(ftho)lb �Cel t I I , I � _ I lgon.wwi ied o$1 tior lb, I . 4 t10Vn 'Drop-aw tpkavil ., :., has been overplanted it will be a satis- little OsAe4will be ept Well and hap&, tisid *16 rA for Aft tA: . . killfl 'the gering, he&ls the Inflamed . a " . I 'ftis"aso Leon ,.. T I. . Ift 104 . . I -� , facti(,rk to know that It is so good It Don'twa'lt until the trouble c6niep- r6 hl ce�o .. . . . . V11143y Abbolatia, And troossad 0 -X(Meft6billagAirdsia W *W6V*­rAInd', Sort' & OUAI lima - tissues, elears the h64d and throAt in I ... . . . ... � . . . -law' is note" of so :,_., stock for such excellent varieties as hat may be too late. Remember that " 0 � and cures In a SW io *950 Pat lb, ., R-566"Ville - po"0441, , I I � I . Bose and An on. These are always in Se ailmen 0 0i ...With, tut 16 made a ' a two.minut&, few1purij, � , I . . ... ,, . good demang in British markets. I t in, bei pieventod bZ. 8* 06 TA iOd mliud'it 7, I f t o n 86 0 eef Well, elwan an , . . --- ", , , , ... 1. . � I �. ping the Stomach and bowe I "d. � ai , IS ozoue4 I o withill at . � 8. , I- . --.---.---& I . I ,�. 'he Anjou is recogn % the Came - I , . .. I Ned as bne of the Is righ . I V1 4,� Wa Me Market , , ,,,Pavo oato 1, �� I ., xport pears as Mrs A Vande'rVeer, Port Colb6rne; Wins Vt � I go . I � ­ I I Ont., guys , "M baby was cross, rest� r, g. . . . RAV bestj far AS thA qultlit� 7 trcidt illtl ; , Ina , ze, . . motiven Naval orka vaiatiCia otl viml[Ltor NOTTAL Flan .I 'i ,�'.yb�n t6r a iluoUv. I I . jeli o 'the fruit are concerned, but un. I or doalfiied, iad trW te, 160* Istig . 0 66'. & , " ngg h HAV1119'platol-Illsea ibe butolierlik angsal 150 to, 06 Imir 400. 1 � 1689 -arid had * latrlioea. I gave h4or ' ' ""a � nt . - I � I babiam, of V. ill Powell Isn't ova ­ . 11VISIVROCE 00. . : fortunately on its own roots it is Some. Daby)a Own Tablets and they hobed "I I W I ; -16 hiode ititother wrfi4 1 � - Zemons .166 per dog, . � I I times very long it, coming into bear. her almost at once. I think I � Tab, 841, I god It, ' , - Paw to furnish ab IMOV16 Of alla . I*APA(AndlliwNlAttlbnn;st?nolowx nort , � . � � I Ing and is then or 1� I'�. ,,, 1 . I � I ton with all kindt',of mb had I bon i forgelt thli In the Plaft rot I � . 11 . 4 d" . , I bull for Service. OUNA 946M., Sap0agbi bal, � I .. - � 10' th� tt � Ily moderately pro. lots a a I � Woudid, medicine for ohildreb." 0 line Top&afted on Kelffer, in Mr ,,� - 1. Ilia . The Ulots tire guararfted t6turo a I I w � eea diiitke, 1 4 ' . is, all *Irsfi of 0&1�04 T*esty, eto . 5MCM96 . . � . I veil's experience, it becomes one of all the minor Ailments of little ones , , , ' Oft i thi, ,U,Afi was 2:ft tiatekoured butbam bulk tot as 10d bbiia Ana egg* Al � Pov , ,a� I A, 66. Ire, . . §,p 6fi I � � I � mostprolifle boarers of elcollont they contain no opiate or '�olson,,W' � ' calf-sretter... POOR. ­Aoply�tompftlll AIM. I .. - U. VoLeab" Prooldisnp pebAOX"o the A , 0 W 0Z, timaso. o , 048 A � grader Vice-piwidenk S K , . . , � , I I . . , g0d line of pipe cigs,ro and 0611, Id o "Tkoo , . , Wbaboo ilwiyo on,haind, � I fruit. Yours ver truly, I , , As I NEYOU04orl"00. . . I I . I . R. llai;, 006y.Trom . . I drug, abd-dan be iven safety to A ne,W . x,, 0 fit 8010440 .1 � (.� � P. ,6. � 7 A CLP,,KONS - AU30. -.4— In for 04- , 1) iractoe. foir . I I V . � top, 11116".1fet , tk IL IFItZ81IN61110 A sous I 136himore ayoj�rg "Alweyo On bona, , * I , 4-RAr . I Publicatiob,clerk, b6rn babe S Id 9 ' medicine dealota, ; I I I U do . !I , 6=111ty" I � I I I 9 : .. I I ,� - 1. I to the Dr Williams ' 00 I . . . f I , C Sur2mal for Salo). Telptiarit 76. . or mailed 6 V cen& a box by writin ,. � '. 10 , . I ,or the tulti.of 6'r . oraft"" I . Medicine ,Oo 1% ovored ' LVOV I � . Brockville, Otit, . I ...1. . I 'We fttolesldq�# in thloilak Wo 0- BtO1%dt*6i, Stator", 'Ohnir9t kft.k.A� � . CRESTPHLTRAW, . . � I . futhrop. P o.. Gietto DAId, to Im , r a" w1bo IWO 1161"t" to., . i 1,111h4*6101 Dablin,jas Xv Ito , , ,6 i , t4 -tot A.ea*6tsdbnVJ.fdf MAIp$ goarly216% Apolt Otddtil ddllvotbd promptly *a ill .. . . I SALO " P_ 'fell mad6 .. , lltso4gv*4 an" UlAt 4161w, to RIDOU HABI Clinton, otts. . I . John We% Hfiklob� P018 Tb6*" NVMW I ­ 641 CAUflit a severe cold Wh --- !2!t bf fttowla, , Sitio6fibld John It GIAMM � 10611 A1113411 1 my chea feel tw and tight, I uadd Nowtiand . � A �;o*,­-­­­ -1 . �. . _04 DARTUPIP Qdn§1oIIy;63ft_0A.1F*4 W7 ob or le=, . " : I 4 . % ­", _" I"~ fZ .� , 1. & , I ) n I '# .1 I !t tt� I hA M. I I , I I I I th. a # 91,11 I for Pr p are app - Plot o in of y ar miss or Zi Tu I yke smi , cla do o, 0 heap h ap 0 1 nde VS - � I - I . � .1 . I I :1 . A n 115K . gow - I gl III w 1hf Is " h a p years ­_ froin fibs., to In Ana * 1HE I Im , y 111%� re 111, r I On I . I at . I . ,t� I X, .I. i , ? I - rup wh1oh DamA 0A.l*WV1%3ftVJL,1 , I � N. S.-Pnow )MVISS A I . "*T I Dr Wood'S XOrWAY FiftO R �160'. 1 6 to the ekient of 94,000 -was , � . , #I, * - W I . i jl�� .4 1. � I , loOS=d th hl ' Me lungs done oillune 22, by fire th the W6VkS I paustu" . Ike KNd y" 0 i, I I Vol- Salew �ftllifto % Ot I 1:40, mot of 3'. blemy Illat. ft" . ,, !oo , "—A- . V wara ftt, 4111111* . , . 0 ftIA0 0#4 , , , $0 I � � ­ . .. L .1 --1-1 . I % " I And of Messrs, Mackoano starch mmufao- I 611110*0 �!, 1 , , V V . I . Is I. r4w h" "I t "'11"'1t`,`;",0'c,* Oil tutors, PAIA16y, 6t . 141 6 *&be of 'ok Ite .1 I L � a r ftal. I .1 . to, 110 I We VIM* ft* 91a"AftatX - -, -_ _06".41*46046O."o I =1 I . X511,0z I 1 $ . ­ 44" .."IF I= , , .0=61113 � � . 11 . . . . . . I 11 140� . � I . I I I .1 I I . - - . I '. ,� � � � I I � I . klwl.,�se,� I. , , .1 - � , _]h", :jh", ­ . .1 .. ' MfiiW)figNXbh.ft­�,, , ��.t �.�.St�_%,,��_ 0,��� ". . � ' -V -_A - I ". . .. ��ft#&��_ .'' -Ag— ,, WAffift ANAM, — . - ­ ­.. . . " 10� �166.�.�, " - I .11, ­Am� I ­ ­_ go -1 walliftmommohim;msmal __ - __ - — _A% � ,