HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-07-24, Page 1� I I I � � - . I __ I , � bl 111c',111ch�a,,,ol t�OoLT oST._-Mr_' -'---- . ZAIIP11.000011s, . ' — ...." I 1. 1. -;.M1 - I I . rs r Haw 110 Step bad . � I I Additiouid Loca-1 get,v,j, I , . � 11 , . i. ___, I . I ,,,I�l�,,�illi�'ll�l!''�l�ll''�l�ll�,�ll�l�:,�l�!�,�lI�l�,��l�l�A-L - � A.A A � . I .0 itra V 'a mi, 11 I I I Pride,. - ., � ,T_r� sp . I 0""?' Lj ortu somethin, Cattle .41re , 1111ron"$. a . DaZot'a clltu t�r O'f'� . no to. Im'. Shercmd ,0, — . 7-'" , �T I ,, I Rgiriond, of I - t' ii.to candidates � , ullett, is here on a visit oil Sat � The follo*ju%l� _.."" I 11 Us'' f 11 I I to her father. uorw ay. it wasa 1404, luty, oed by the oare of examine,$ for FoLECTED BY ACCLAMATION.- A Run Tbr#u .. � - V , I - � . It Is 24-YeAVe $trlo a she And in p Ing about the yard recent, West Huron, to ' Sh the'"t 1$tock � . I left, here, and, of ooursa�nsees many IK 011ppOT spreading its- legs. and ,gather with the marks At the nomill6ti011 meeting held an ' I changess, 014 Ito I Region, "You 0610 Ret your orivingw 1%ud earn, . bout hex, a. I , Uring itself internally, obtalriedbyea(l , The total number Tuesday evening fox, school trustee for 4 . ,. , .,L I . sn$a 44;ed for and paid A $Vcc�4,s§'Pu.r,'T.BAOUI�Tt.-Five pu W111011,C4144 its death. I . required to pass is 5W ma*s.' The � St George's ward Mr Albert, Turner . — 11) - t , . . . , back to you p . . numbpr Ot candidates writing *a.,4 827, . I Ile from 8 8 NO 2, . wits elected by accla NOTHING P I " .... � Hullett, tried the, re� NOT06-1. Pickard and AM - The following. are the highest luarks motion, UG other JBUT PR().9,PP,RlTy. .. . - ... . eent ,entrance examinations and all As Bessie nanies beinf I I . I . . have been' visiting at Innorkip. W, obtained in each subject. (Glotio Corre ' . 011 DeMatid . , .presented for the - office. . 11, I . passed, some .of them Readlug,. ATr Turner s all I-' bt and can fill the . spondenO . with bonOrs. Mr Ramsay . and wife; of Goderich, were Ethel Browli 47; drawin I . . . 0 1 1 ., . Dyer Hi1r. office very aceeptal Goderich, July 17� 1 � , MUrch, the teacher, hog been very suc- collars at W, M ulb011and's last week. - I 911y an a sit ti a r, k c to rl I y -Ilparlliing ,%to 1F, and we will pay cessful .1th his eanoildat I �,t .: ... don,50;,tritilt Leslie Materi, Robert to 411, 1 , . pX1v . you.for tho , ,w ,, a I . $Irl the past, j&nI ,d arid wife, of Dundalk, I a"Rouse'Del (Ito h,,,. 1410 nothwg.t .. Ilege of oating for your mouoy4 none h4ving fitile . . as Tedfor McRillaii'De Ohine Wairn . tbo'work it use 0 4 PIE , ta a off the harvi�st nol . I . . . . d. for ten years, )This are visiting the former's sister, Mrs g, Tremenueer, Thomas,. Hazel Dignan'. COUNTERFEIT 25o 'OR$ k as In, I ; . Ord to be p d of, comingfrom Rtimball, Mr Tec ,- is K, Thr P4, I � rt . : A Dollar will give yoti an 1101 is a reo _rou , IfOrd is one of the Alice Howard, Lily Ach retty dirty work, thougl . �a I . S . . e0on, Margarej During the east few daya #I number of tit two ploileo I." Thus I I I I count with us at, E xeter, Hen . allkirk, M 'sdale counterfeit .50 I's sOlilOoluize And coal . . . . - a rural sellool,and WeLdoubt very much 9 , 9 . .. .s%ll, - itme Wardens for Ontario, and lilts �R I affravet Dry - 50., dlc� _ 3 I tatiOn, Dyer urdon, Mary,joMst,il Edward series have reached " , 1. . Clinton or Zurich branches. : if there is ano5ther of its kind in On- had some very exciting experiences U -Pieces of the now King �,Mra notes oh the station platform . , . t - ble, I . I , axio, to equal the success that has at, ,enforcing the,14w In. Muskoka,. Tremenneer Thomas, 5p t � our , lititOD .this inornmg,. The at _1 where �; chants. It will be wise to take � a lof)k Accidentally, but . , " . tended Mr Mumh in big labors during he has to go ever literatuve . . y had met I : i 7 fall 'he sidewalk Ethel Capling, 127; arithnietic, E , ' at all those piec' 1 soon strtiuk a note of a �f . � as, and call be easily congeuiallt),. #41 mind a used , � ,V - - TOE SOVEREIGN . ' . I these tell years, � - over the village creek has been a batted McPherson, JOs. Plokbeiner, Margaret detected by thering Of bbeul,-Wheil to raise our, i6g b, ,when.w Ote of , - ­ . , � STATISTICS, -From. . but needs. il Hast7.2OO; gralurnar, Bessie Thomp- let W4 ' 'the counterfeiters evidentl - .. : . . � � the copy of the rushing. Miss S. Tebbutt tells; wd-would get I & I . . BANK OF CANA' . � Green I � DAI .' votero'list, which,will be issued in the has be the sick list. but is recov. son 137, geogra. I Y one end tip, and the other end would . I V .1, I '" " J'. Rosser. _ phy; GrAnt McNeil; 91; knew NN'bat they were doing in gettin Mine dowa for __ -------I.-- I i Brill o I - .11 course Ofa few days, we learn that the f. Rev , . composition, Marlon B.'Fraser, 80; his- Out a, counterfeit f(Alowin. 10 9 ni � I , . W. Brydone, R. T. Rance , , I and family in I _9 '00 0 set natyou," returned the I . I . . � I ..: ' number of voters for each pavt in the an ad �dlng to Detroit this week, but tOry, (4rarit McNeil 70;�hyslologyaud tile original, � . y other, "Still, there was not many ' . .� I . seven p ) . . � I accidents then . ,� 1� Solicitor, x5pagir, Clinton. 011ing sub-divisi,ons are as, fol. 1111va no been able to t away. Our temperance, Ella Har� lieh, 87; t -people were smarter 7 I , .. .. I thall th , It I , ' '. . - - in,'Ting thin Ethel 0apling 829 otall MR * CAVENIS, SVCOr�ssft.- The ,a N,FY it . o Id get out ... . ekie S !:..., . lows bootmaker has been .1 .Is go . i R. P. Re , ,,re now, and w A 4y . . I . I ­. - (down) recently. The, g the R 'S. - Ora Bates 751f announcement is InAdO frOm Ottawa Both Ivele stooped with thee , .Prescription X)rug Store, Clinton., i I . . ,, Div, NO- 1 9 8 4 - 5 O 7 GODISRICII " * of ti ji , . —.- Part I -M 140 83 .140 68 97. 89 $tit ton has, been quite it 6onielliallce th,at Air -George. Renule, deputy col. ing to xhaus . � I I . � I * Phoebe Beacout, 550. Belle Bissetf 673, 11 of inany year ,t.. .. � , I 1 .9, - 95 10 1.3 25 23 14 27 to the shi r Inland Revenue for this divi- bette s. but they, sa, ,, w I . I I � ", . . ,pPing of cherries this sum- Nellie Colborne 552, Liziie Currell 735, lecto of I r times Allead. Said one: ,4 We I I .1 . Nuiumer Clubbing Rates . 8-12- 5. 15 11 10 10 9 , nier; stil . one would think that. with Prances Dlet)Lich 5r)8, Mar. -Ion B. Fraser sioll at Stl'atfor4i has been appointed . . . . -0 . � .. ; . I , _ �''. � Total votes in township, [)58, The, the tratlic that is-dOne here -wwmight. 610-- Nellie Graham MO, D 11 He se collector to succeed the late used 0 wtirk from 5 in the morning I :.. — . ' a a u Mr Covert, � � I .1 . , � ., Witue,98 fil' ag and Mr T S Tobin,, of- that �clty, has t' 11 9 Or 10 n t night� . � I . . 1. -Mnw HnA and New York Weekly 3 "u"' " havebetter accommodation; jyben tile 648; Vbsta Rowell 657� Antfie Lawson, .B.— ;. "' I - gregate uniiiber of per ad to . � XXw BRA andgabbath Reading .... .... 150 . � $Oil$ ' it the day's work now -we aid then. - � We don't do half i . ........... . ......... ..... $1.75 r , serve as Jurorsin flus munqu-iliali Ity in 6 depot near Edith Lenuard 583, Grace Alaitin 587, i leen, ointedtothedeputyroollector- I I . . . . pa C. P. ]�- comes and puts 11 N 4". Hat and both of t1Ae above ...... 200 ' 1933 1W 5681 1 . I I . . � . the cheese factory We Won't r)a SOL do - Evelyn Maw. hinney 59%'F lorence Mae,. s I . r eunle was appoluted. to "If the'timber was Aere now on. � L . '.. .. . _11T2 I . , ' Try Antiseptic Fj . Owl RR& and Family Herald and . . some places, as uwas - then we wona . - . . . .., t . pendent on the .G. T. R, W. Creek$ del ", - SAra McKinnon 620, Flo Me. t e service ill 1807, and was raised to get i� pile ot "' I 0 STIT. L HALB AND HE- ARTY,- Wit was called to Linwood last week, to Don9ld 704, the eputy collector of money for lt,lf i . Weekly Star to end of 19D3, and o h . . I I , Powaer for �Ore fe.ot. � . , �',� those who subsrib.� before July 15th, Ur Edward VanR gm.ond, of Htillet -Evelyn McDonal( ship in 1885. 1 1 1 1 ,!, I t- the -age . . . I . I 1. . . . . . � . ­ tw remiums .. ....... ............. 7oc rests the honer of being the Oldest - . I Nairn 6 . . and capable'. ofacer.. of this great, smilin . , , . Nswo R � � . 1 ,87, . , . . . � . t, attend the luxieral of it relative there P-lible Nairn -082, Adelaide 1015'Del' I's al, ex erienced He The inVident illustrates.tha � I , � , L maad weekly.'Aaft and Empire -ploneer 'day. . . - . B!Ia Rdbinp)i 732, .' Olive Robertson , - W ILL CL ' g Hilton .tract is +� � A— 11 : , I 1.0� to and of year. with oremiaras ......... wl of this- county to- . .00 . . I . , OSE- TILL THE IST.--;-. spAnned easily by the life of an indl. I *-++++ + 4 I 0 0 +.# f �''. Wednesaay We bad it pleasant visit" . . StAelens W, Ethel Ross (377, Pess" ., - � !F �Rvw I ::" � - �� , �. I ' le Thorupson -Owing to'n number of things in con- Vidual. Here was done some of old tv=M-n- 11 , , I . . . . : - eex . , � � .11 I irn NOTV-6_-Miss Ethel Robertson left �ut pioneering, d I . 11,:-., ". —_ from�hlm,and in conversation we le. 814, Tremenn - Thomas . 595, Ida nectloh With the interior of our ftblic Ontarjo,� !aost rec4 'In I 1. I I I I �. 1. GoderIch . he Was 01 years old last 2Ath of May, la-stWeek for Lucknow. � Mis Thomas 052, Hdrie Tyeo-U, Helen Shop, Ltbravy building. that needs to be fix- ,bore Are gome� of ber best farnis to� 3,151,380 bushels, � . Grey, Which, by the � . I I coun- don has returned. trom Ripley,, where aln 'agj , d ay. . . . .. � )stnumber of trees,- � I 41' - . MrVanEgmondhas, serv�a his , I . .` 0 13 GO'-*- herd 601 'MaY StOddart 607, Gladys ed;and renovated such as re ' t' . way, has the larg( , :'. A FATAL A�CIDBNT.---W`hiIeMrRobt- trywell Wbitely'652; M61-yWyI]e578,.F . . I was third,' with 1;8051518 bus I . . ,,;_ in move than oneway� Best she was visiting at, he ,raiik etc., the patrons of this Inuor, sought : A' hol% ,,, I .1, des , r Wother's, Dr Doty 667, Win, Elliott of6i George Gar- after privilege will be asked to. forego . Spies and Haidwins are the favorite I , � .,-1 '.I ., � -John McLean, son of I 'Bob" McLean I _ ' -SIGN OF RULRR$1111�.. . ­ Niving a.large family of noble sons and Gordon. Misses, Annie and Mary Clark rick 085. Leslie Inkster 7139, bonley their rleasur3 of getting libritrjOis I , . varietle in. this lv4t, Of the former - - , " , . ,.: - was driving along the streets of God ' daughtersi he has taken the gun in de- are visiting at their u cles', Messrs M c- re- ' There isusaying up here that 'the I . � 1. er- n 0 .,:�. . Rintail. MissMiller, Tor, MaVon 15'i8, Aro !a McGillivray. 565, newe( - till the Ist of ust. . The farin which. shows & larger houft than an execellent showing. This. 1. -1 ' .,;, I � . ich last Saturday eve, his horse shyed fence of Englaridand 0anada, He car- Kenzie, of . . An . there ii . I at a cake of ice, which had fallen on ried the r6joi Harry Reid -739, M�I�Ille Rhynos,M, Bbardare ill t barn. indi6ates I ­ I. . mail between Gait and onto, is the guest -of her'aunt, Mrs Mill- . 80'anxious to s ock. t4ke, I that - t1id woman is is grAtifYingi for they � are 'favorities I �LL I.. :.,'Ir�_ the road. In doing so Mr McLean was Godorich before even the ox had come .or. Mr Re,rr a Charles. Turnbull 81%. WM Wootton soast6knowthevalueof their read- "hogs" ,tbere. and fairly good shippers, 1, I 1. . I ��. �, - . xchauged pulpits, on. . . I 11 thrown from his rig, alilliting on his in to li* . � .1 Inversely, the counCk Baldwius - I % I I � ;.1 .; � ,94bba,th last 1 .074. Allan Walker 588, Clarence Yonne Ing material., as well* ,is tear I the Of Huron ?*s ruled by the men, . are scarce, buit. Manns and Kings sbow I �, head. He picked himsel up, went to . ten the burden of man in . P"Ith Mr Beckett,. who is 070: Goderi I 0 s This is .. . I '. ��'."L travel. Exposed to all, the terrors of at. resent su I i * ch S. S.�-Gertrude. Poi I , if tiny, arid the condition b1b"ellooks the, county of Big Barns; in other uWwell All 11he , - . %�.. , . I -a residence and washed himself, an rc" 658,Mollie NevilleO45,104yuene Doan 040. are Ili 1 . at the .1 jpp.yln,§ at Whitechn' . ports agree. th , , � ." home. d traversing the wild6rness filled with' anN Laugide, in b e absence of. ,ml, * . -Y . , � words,thehomeof the g - nal ", � �, - . then walked to his Within a wild'beasts abol briglinds, he, tiavelled Dunn. . EXETER P. S. -Lily- . Acheson 740,. . .. I . . ; � to6k farmar, aVple.s are cleaner than usual- ,. .. 11 ., I - , ' a , 1 :. I . - I , I - - - few hours after arriving there he be . How -TR.B-k I .the train� from London, ieroing its nd that the prospects Are for art e�7 � - - , 1''; Z1. � ss Clara" ChkPillian, -Of"�St Ida Armstrong. 718. Edna. Bis,gett 5.52, league, 'a f lactosso W Way tbrongh'the heart of Ibis western copiionally geo -1 eldss of fruit, which - ::,. . - th ' -SIZED IT TJP.-�_A. , ,me 0 As played Ili . "" - ,, .1 - I at distance oil foot. for - inany a day Tbonias, is visiting here Miss RNie, Rbsetta.Oudmore .185 DorothyDavld- Plateau, seeing to commit an I fact may in the end compons&t . I .. .. �;_P�. , came unconscious, frorn -which he nev- summer and.wintbr, and through it all McDonald, and hei brothei, How4tt, . - t, here on Wednesday After- - , Im d , a for , , I." � .,_, ­ . � � - , I . -per in- , . ence Ili slicing up'farills of such rich- .t I � . I - ��.��,!�. - , er-recovered, dissolution taking place - -he lives to enjoy health, . as jovial of GuelpX are spending 6 fo .713, Ploreboo nod I 1), the" aPPar�ent­.short%ge in. quariti Y. .- Ll �': ' early next morning from concussion. . Ood I . � . 0 son 618, Hazel Djgn�n etwedn the.. Mitchell -and Clin- - _ _' . . as they make them,. * - lr�pe -h visiting their randparents. W 10 riths Dtinsford 510, Alice Howard 550, Bus, tell t till a ness and -of 40h abundant crops. There have been few insee � ... 'I, . was 30 years I . and we ,,, � o I . .. eams. * From - coonfits the �u t pests, a . I �, .... .1� �, Df age and well liked may s�ethe 100 mark. . � nie Olm-ki, of � Miss Ali" McPherson 789,. Nellie Russell 005, Es- -tale was a f, , I Od one And at- fact which; a local auth itysays, is � ��`. �, 11 - I 4tielPh, ,Who was visiting tells, Spack ,Job au*ondrous Wealth . of golden . I or . 11�­ 1. . .. . � . 'Arenrlio-Taylor ell, g, air ( -rlpenin o I . I . . .. by all who knew him. The funeral Goox) H ," � berei received the sad intelligerice. ell - IV a, fast I i spring crops more due7` t the weather than t6- � , - , � ,­ . -noon, HS -Mr Thos McMichael', mon 625, at a d - took place on Wednesday after OR$ , , . though Mitchell Tingothe best of i the ota"d, Out 1 `� �:� ' , 'Saturday that her brotherhad-beell ac- Flossie Tiiylor 678, James Bowden (309, so . triiwhb sun as spritying, which has not become. Tlearo- " 1, ` t .. . inierment taking place at Maitland of' Rul'Ottv detiv'ered . in Seaforth, on cidentally killed Ln the Bell EarleBrowning' , ,HnrveyGaWi` Ora 6 to*2, Clinton s6pined to have would. seeu t should . - Notwith- . , I - �' '. - I . r _ mar ruadethe best �, 47 I to ,defy hard times or irl,' Iras greneral as. I .1 f . , �� . ''. cemetery, A very large cortege fol- T" tr,d,iZ,,. a air of g'eldiri's, which he � "Arga"Ac- 674,13yerlfurilon 752. 'Willie Kbig,lit I -Ing hayinginore competence. The pastures teera With standink, the - reports, of a small - : I �. ­ I 0 I ; -Guelph, where hewag employed,, 702, BeAttie ron,wilig. beef cabbie, and the re quantity of apples, ther,e Are those. ,' '" 1� .�. J I lowed the rem -tins to the grave,friends sold ra , tory, sore heads a � ood to. -their- credit.. in *1 t to show sympathy . 6 cent I : ��7 . - ndon, - and Miss,01 ; . . Its it game of brutality, ablood and , . : , , �, ­. _ price 0 . e �terno6il train, - accornpanie 'bi with. fattening. ho .who believe the crop will turn out ell� . . , �.ii i � I 708, Elmore Senior 712 Herbert South. olover eldg� . . ,�� , -40OM' for -which he rebeived ' tlie: very , ttk'returnl6d home on the. of, 7 -Martin 00, Hugh MoKay, 't many roll e4 . nic � �, � wit , a family, Who had lost a Mani lf'$5130- Ono of these is. a thiee-, d r her , cottoft; . . . carnage, and Without that feature it gsi As V� 11 "... I . 111. : year7old colt Ile .weighs 1935 1 I � - becomes quite, too civilized to be ln� , ion efruit � � I.... . i',� - bar in such a lamentable way. . pounds, cousin; Tlilri6an McKenzie. J 0, Martin, I ready equivalents for gold ag a Dornin. when tb' -is matured. . � ".� , .1 , �, B)ackail 65ij � � . , , . : , . �. . and.Xr Blackwell says: a McGilf medical student, h VXN§ALL , P; S. - G16n. . . teresting. We congratulate Clinton ; .. n616 Itself. . Interse � I . . I . . . ­ - ­ . I .he. is the best . - 349� h0elf"re- Flora Oudmore 072., Roy . , ,all oting the ' - . 111YRON, GRERRIJiS. . t 1. . ... . . I 1".. ... -1 ,::� � , :'itriimal.ha ever bought. Liaintatices in enders f green d gold ..run the . . . I . . . "I", t,�. :. . acqi R . rn. they should put on th6irwar-paint and: mosaics 0 A o0d deal of pride is tft,erl -in � . .. .1 I . . Rd was'sired' newln . these parts, 660, Wesley white ritibons-6f i6ads, hard a,hd level, ' . '� - . 1-.' Stanley. . "I Miss 711inston, of Stanley, is at pre's .. Moor;e 559r, Ernest SteacY Ifeatheris and keep lip the primitiwand Was . EXuron Its a cherry�;IistribE Bell , �.'.'! 3:� 1 by -Innis &Horton'e.'fCrbwn Agentj" -, 550,Anna McArthur 701, Lily MACKar f '.. � . ., and w4 will a , I 14'' 1 744, ITY McClov 781, Bertha exs " . Miller -this Ben is lu4nim F �� � . , -Mr..P.0,timp, ' dal6mave.- One of �otir:, bachelorii in- the person of I tribute to the improved methods of ate, and is * � , ' , �1. " NOTES. bell al%f1,',-;Tf�, Andboin -opure lirod.Clydes ant visiting her sister, Mrs, * R. Woods' noble features o� the game I of , 11 , - .§4 .14 X ,. ,nzie. go to, see tbem play*ttle next tjru& they road-inAkingi The burns stand in. re- , named. after a former - resldenf� is . � I �, I � "."I", I "' -I -, "I . I . lief,- niany with -labor-'saying wind- . '' .., " tgRd-,riturned home, on Satutday The other i`�'4`nsod_yb&�I�l -0 %vel fis' Duna= _?1rQD0Z2a111 �" A I come down. .,;eWe have, no bears or :, : :,� ; I last.' r and Mts W Hattick About .1800 pounds., � ,He Is fi&f-9 AW 01AOs MOiNevin -763. . of . � th�. JXkl6i, ligiL,lal. , " ' (P7,V-­;""q '-*�-' ',",, 11. 1:1 fs&ysbe. friend Dt&NGANN`-1 r. �_,�­. .-S . Ai�e�e& '*Vfol I in ftmousfoltlticherrjes. .The crop has - , � . , . r . SV1!P1Pa7 � .. � . . � Chicago, who were visiting Ieir� same marej and Mr MoMichae s last * eek by' loming'" the ranks Birdle-Durnin , 1row. away on -the fel- ill$ and- 911 With warm stables � be,� been hPavy, both of reda * And 'blacks :!�:�-�-,� � . 606, Rosa Goldberg, neath , The houses nestle behind rust- , - : : - m I Ing as Is.1 � p I 11" I Irried. has three otha,1.6s from this - h* 'vlfei Lily McArthur 013"' Lauretta 1toach _ - r, nervous poplars, and - I -, �.� f; I 'brother-in-law, P Campbell, retu � 'I, �W'Y'1' 16ws who gbt­�L�­,­­hfoods, sr�� ,1­�. � . *` ,are, each '. 1. I . �,-v�A�rft4lw, Q - and the quality more"than -usualli. 1. 1, home last week, Of which is Worth: more than either:6f ThaVa tj `6 ,- -, . I d* . I . - I �� ­, I. V_ -A Mr D McTavish Sr., Miss - Mary - Gil ii, of Whitechuich -' 7813,�MalieRogieW. ',T le ame I ood 'for s6,vagt,%' , 6 goo . .. .I . . �, . I r. �;pf;�,: , .", - ate; -Anqqiipnt� marked� . I � I . 1. . � of Strathroy visited on the line this were bred %- and'Mrs B.Me' � arba's Bagley, 5W, but.110 c It Z. the f,cne4 lines ­.. . those he sold. These horses congratulations, . Benson Case 744,'Carl Little 02D, War- . I tOcIvili ation..-Recorder.. ,,b, Acerd I * It is ic, piojt�--.0,4f. , ManY ebbrries. are shipped to'Xoiit- : 7� ,,,�`Z�:"! week. MrsDrMcLeariand family,of by Mr McMichael -and are a credib to Roberts entertained: the members of , u , a Ing, ­ . , ,. , . ­-Thouglivery.improm- weath , and . contentment �'Z-,,G ." -eaoon tile caltnershave 171. � him, as they Calvin' church choirlast' W . ran Little � , Chas M -Nair 811,�_Rugll A SUCCESS I . hardly' P Uhicago,are at present visitin 11ft 1,-tr,1Vt111�­S Py_;� :�,��,�V,-, I her -are arnong the very � best iday ovenm Rutherford- 665, Willie Smith 777. ' ising, were the heavens on Wednesday. t,%ken large ,quantities atjd-,j--j;t,i,r,:-a.,_.. , '. � I r. Mrs MlIng, whi�& have ever beed ship .Ing- Mrs 0 Simith has gone to Toxioti­� dreaulLyd! of. by the pioneers who, with - 1i � I . '�! ''.. .mother, Mrs D Frase ' f . !,;,�, �'­� 1- .. . I . . ' CREDITONP. S.-LouisecFaliner,764' .Itornin 'hen t a' children ,and untirlug6norgy And umorpass;ed per.: 'th, ti %_ � ,,�... " . 1 $ 0 couges ion.� The, -harmer has been � - if', ,,, ,. . pedfiomthe .% �� . . to, wh�re she will remain with hr -i . . , '' '. �� , . of Sarnia, is visiting her mot -her, Mrs county of Huron, - and this is . be able myrtle HirtzOil '", .Pearl Holu , I friends , , b " � � r.s church'startbd on - vell-quar ;p '" , in this a or shipment to . . 11 ... k, . ,.- .. � - ��- , i;:., . man severance;cle0ed1beir farms of heavy . � , , t ' ey ar' f 50-3 Ella Link 720,�.Lulu ,y6x,u M their t O.. Be! ! to hold their. an- forest, baskets of. .cherries. Pe4rs I -J, P- , �_� Fraser, anof'other friends kopd deal. Th I .. saying A: daughtiar, iintif Miss8mith ' Willi 11 re6eiVing .50 cents' f6t� ele t I � i-,�` � 1, . me, a a kvin I .. .. -, _� � -'vicinity. The Ladies Base ball. Uub Glasgow, and a6companidd soirie 16 to return he' h h and ilicreaged their tilla bfii - are not. , I.. -4 0_ I . . , a se;pou operad und "Ven _�' '- : land "�e by acre, only, as', jib seems,, &. plentiful,' . .. . Y , , 11.-.A� ­'..,. held their annual picnic to Ba3ffleld other very One. animaU from here'on on sev7elrU weels aid� 'So �ph Finkbeiner, 101 'Arth i W,olibz� � nual pi ic� at a largesbturn I I Croly, " .1 �. ., - . . out Of but plqms'Are�a heaV ' ' - " 1, on . � . . I . 1. 1; ,q , - . ­ . . I . man 642, Bru . ears ago. _ . 11 . I .. . "UP the smallerfrilits- -strawberries, �` ��'e. �.,,`_J � Fr�jday last, the 4ay w Thursday., - '.." -1. . . . I . . . . I , � � . . . ce KienzlW718 'u . .- . - the se on ore ta an over by'otir fiv- few y I : : . As, _ ..1, I _ as fine and all ... . . . . . ,� I lmnan 752 eries,every available ria beittgubilized. . - -M :, - ' , , '. &Inf. at- , . I :.,; .- oyed "I , '' Bayfleld � - I . � �70 Relma .Sipple jF21 Agenfleiraindescende foracoupleof - . . ,I " 1� .. en. themselves. to their heart's - . , . . , I � . . . I . .. . . . I . ZURTOR V.']S.-Pearl Due . . . . Hij , ,, : raspberries and, currants ,:. � . I ;_� ,-; ____ - I .. I Bt4 a Hartleib C � itON, S ox]@YDIAXIMS. . -tention is �giVen to pisachea,''but, Lake '' - - � ' ' �, . .;'. I . . . . '0 � . . I I . I e -content. 1. . I . � 1. .�. � � 7776� :_ '. - . , 1qOTi@8.-.-�Mr J S Dalgetty,. 'of Stan- Addison Xoehler'603 . ,� hours before dinner; but noterlbugh to-. Clatible and apples. ore I the money- Hilron's winter breezes Are-soa,6ely . , �, .. 1, ,�*., I I . � . � - , . . Inglithin , - -t mar the outing, a blazing sun coining, m9kers -in 'Huron. -in the f6riner balmy enough- for . . � , ,':,.- . . . . � , ;`1 � - . .W . . . . . . . k I J�y, has been supplying fo,r ­Ret�. k1r. DA8f1wOoioCP.*. S. Theodo-raHifei theali, drid they are , ", �� . I . I .. . I M RANDs A�A' McNeil, for it few Stindays, I 052,V16le1bGra X -raft -570. outabouboneo'clock,d ' ' . Middlesdi, that' object lesson of all, cultivated under . i ulty ,, � : �' ,'�', I CUANG1 XN - The Stew-* While the vb1eIGI4,PearI , . I rying up. grass I .dfric .. - I'll ,� . - � . Beyond , ,. ; ' - I Varna latter i's ,recuperating, ; Mj? Dalgetty is - BAYF1133ir-D . - � . t.i _.. . . -art farm At the e it at 0 f the town has P. S. --Grant McNeil 188 ahil,luild. The's6rong north-west,wind that is --;led in fa�niiug, leads the Pro- apples, dh6rri6s and'A fe1v plums 'jjoit . . ..: 11�,, 11 . - . I ' t all . . - . - . : I . ACCIDENT-W.N. Keys, of the Babya, again - changed hands. ' -Mr Joseph lin ahlb lay'niani andunless told to bhow .Reginald Mitrk.§ 622. - - ' ' Chat wasblowing most of the d.%y mAdd - VMC6, &Wvalue of,her cattle, sold or is not,grown her6.forexporb, bu 11 I I � lon line, mot with a bad accident on contiary,orielistaning to.bli discourses , . A1311FIELD-rS S. No. 2,: it enfoyable for lovors, of the witter. Stan htered� in. 1002 being lie less than kinds ar� produced . 11�.. I Bowinan has sold the. farm to Mr 3as. . ' I Minnie Con- ' to some ex6nt,'as �'�' - -.1 "' 'Tuesday of last week, He was draw st'V7awMftosbi ind. the would suppose be- ordained .. V' Gertrude Dalton 695, -Alice The children's time was nid�biy . taken 4" a cond the form rsare drilled in the habit of . I ..� .�� . .. - Armour, ofEA � was an. nor I M 398 Huron good .66 o . 1 g man. Rev'MrX . Ippen, Dalton Oft N 11 ) with eabing arid. racing,all I - 42,436 animals', -valued at $1 , -Im'! producing .nearly a I their table fiec- , - ��,.�i � . n - ia hay, and while loading,'the- now propiletotvill get p6s§esilbn next -' I 0 of K . o. 4 ; Rboleri6k. Finlay,mn ' "' va u I'V141h. ' "I , , * 93,.P6tche McOba-elps ' C.. . - , . � .. ,.�� . and he was spring. Mr Bowman receives in tire Whose family is summering bore, will. 7, . .9 - -oil, aiiA oli who 002. .The - county of 'Gidy, another as$ . I � ' borses. started suddenly ,, r� 5M, Jam�j M A)IO. prizes being giv Aries on their own forrrii;, .. M 1 (). X, , � . I . � . - . .. .�,, . I _ '' i I -thrown behind the, team and then to neighborhood of SM00 :for 'the pla,,,e Occupy the ,pulpit of & Andrew s Kendrick 50; Rodeiick 'McLeod -554- ran was kiken something,, the winners neighbor,*. wag third,' with sij3s6,4i0 - �' .. . � .1. - . . I I . d. , . I . I .. ,�� . theground, the .wheels passing over church 'next �$undad.' Qdarterly'serm No. 5,. Maiuio RitchieOI&N.o. 6 - -Le' getting some article of Worth and thw Ili the*hole Province 673,M4 Animal; � * ` I . .. 1. � . I Which Is i��66iisideritble'inere-,i8e'ili ive, I 0 . n, communicat on . . I I r . him. His right leg Was Dioken at the price by Mr.Bo;v�man to. Mr Vaustbne A " *nneefion with-tb6 Afet6dist McOhnn 6.71,; .No..D: Win.-- L6nan r`es6 4. ackage of csrxdy : A bun4h of Were disposed 9f, with a value of $23,- . . ... . I .- � - . I .. :. I � . 4� �'.­�, - ', - Ice In c P, . � .. . �1. . � . . . . I.. I I . . .. . . 11 . ., �- thi b and his collar bone brvken., . . - .� . churches on this oLcuib, Will 'be� beld �, $ o ii . I . , . - t2 ,He last winter.. .1 � . I . 5%, Annie P itz rerald 552, Isafte- t t - bananas were,also distributed ,amongst N0,908. This -�beaibi the record, the I - - . I. . I �,;- I 11 , , , I I them, and none-*er6 allowed tow"ant. ving beexi We do not hAX �;txrselyas rdsponsible for . .. .. :- I wflfbe laid up for some weeks. Stich : A0'01' .. ; I on the�mor�nin of,Sunday, Aug.. 2nd',, ers 002- No 11 b Addie - McLeod 013-- . ievenfie frdm1his sdured ba . . any,opinir 1.0', . . .:all accident io a former in his busy DEW�;-A painful accident blip- in Bkyfidld 10 urch - this,. 66ing the 14o � 18; Lilt - R. ' Gatilinitr 597, . 3�rnW� during the , . ' . '. . I . swroised under this head- '.... I � . I seasoi � . t . . . I . . aay�.. I . I . . . steadily growi% �or mfiny years. Ili Ang,-AL'p HWI RA' . . .�, .­.. .. . .. �. , I , hii ;'new I. ...'� - . ' , . , , I I .1 1. .. I �.. .1 � Wr Keys is - ' McAllister 672,�,.Cage,McAllister 550�41 . . -7 ---. . ­ . ��,1�1 rtis trying indeed. pened at Zettand on Saturday last, to fi st quarterlyllservici3 under . . � . � .. .� ' ' 900 $18 017 _` ''''' , — , , * ... bowevergetting along aswellascan the xiln - e­year�.old son 1 of! Mrs M ir Mae- pastorals 6 f Rev'Mr �Snell NO. . , I �. : IL . . -.1 I .1 i. -..989,audiri ISM $12,381,244, It ��ig!Rt' - ` I . .� . . I I '. . �. .., I I . .1 , I it, will be 15 - Ailnie Bluegrasa,.70, SaiZ lenniffier. I - , . ; I I *, �: be expected. do,old, a widow. it appears. be and .one of additional interest,, .)Bay d Ffillayson. I .11 . 1. I I the Ectimr.of the NM E�a - I . . I .., . . � ��. �. �,] . �someotharswereloadlng clover ' , %0, xa�eghrbt HA 'ItOn Q? be remarked here - that in horses. sold TO - , . . . . 1, I . flat MI A ' : � CHUROn,-'A,. Coi6tice;R-61mosville, ' DnAn Sxa,�,�aWlii you kindly permit "" ' � ' , ' � . On'& has on itssumuler air Mid'has goinb-6f Alex Ramiltot 636; No 16. . Huron led the Provincelast year with I I � I . me Q gtt ro . I I I . sty .155, Orton 114rnln .574,'Pred, 37 animals, valtit-dat $878,450. This t ' ,y th lithecolumns waggon rick, he' bel�g on the load, its suminmer Visitors, but the Weather Has MU9_41 e4, ablyfilled-bbe pulpit beroonsunday 3f I ' - ' -last., Quarterly serv'ce Will be. held,at has been a suitable year for.cattle,with, 4perf that )f Itte ladies who . I "'; - , ; . . I 1- 1. ... I . t , t one week from good pastures'and high -prid S, and ivine'seivice would adopt the custom ' ,.� - I - side .for �'j Tuckeramith. wben Ili pftelling-the clovir on, two. hasbeen it little -on the coo Tre!e&ven -610, � Oa t e6n'iav � . NOTH& -Mrs, Miller and Miss Hilton, tines of ,a pitthfork ent6red his body�- 's, . . it . . BaWs appoin men , . I . . .. a - . ....., . ,of Seaforth, visited relatives here this One it the abdomen and -the oiha� In cal"Plug, � Holmes, M- Y., spent: COLBORNE 8: K No. I-. 'Prank Me- next Sunday, Aug. 2nd. the firmers hav -' r iqt d. � in concerts xodtheatr'es , - ' ' ' unday with his familYi. whoare'living Donagh 7.12, Robt McMt�ari 623. Roy, � . I. . � . . A few thatis'general , . . � . week. Mr and Mra 1. Johns spent the thigh - peuetniting about all iro' " "ar, Mt Jas. viz ,of taking' off their hats While in' " � ... � 1:' h. at lowett'g pointi rettirning to Ottawa lAnd A. Wdltei�681; Laura Walter 691- PaRFJONALa --, Ira S.Fishar,OfWausati, weeksa oanAshaoiNaNn I , .,&, I . . ... � I .I- , _ , Monday with friendsm''Colborne. Mrs The wounds have been dmssed,andvn� on ., MOnday., - A. 'erierous application .No 2: Pearl Fisher 704, Nellie MW: -wiscousl ., spent a few daVa -this weeli - Foley -Troke, the recold b III I chiirch, it .would be a ranch a . _1ess.bIood_poisw*v � ppreci- . � . 1. . . _setyAj1,, -t � � " . - -hev H S Fisher, , Re was -front W own lioid 34 an! , s at - .�. :..� . A. Crich has returned to spend the- _Lh_Q_b0y_ Of aint-to'som"E, i s ipping . . the-buildifigs,would- mdL5A-.Loluiie-oke-571��-3-",or-�- with his brot � 'y ated custorii .to the male attendants of ., . . : 11 will recover,bnt it was certainly &very ' value - don Rutladge 62A,, Tomima, Robertson . . summer here,Jtfber an extended visit a49 much to.their beauty And -geco—m��s-,7ni-e-d-"g-BM.-Ed*ard�—It -br- - rhim,$2,300. The hofs indlistee' . church,. *he, as'it is nowi can onlygist ,'. ' ' - to friends in Momin narrow elicape. � � . ., . , y 11 , gton township. \ , I . . . ; I . . 500i Laura WcPhee. 658j.dordob Me, Is a number of years sin!ce h; left Kill. is -=e 56i less important, with sales of &glimpse of the minister Sind choir by � . . I I � - DEATft.-On Thursday week Miss ; OXTR 8TRi". ­- The 'strike,of the, .,; . . I Phee 552, �Xo. � 4 -� Edwin Roltzhausen cardine to take u'V his residence'in about $850,000 yearly. . * ..,. peepingIblirbuth 4,freitt.deal of miEln:. - , I ' I r � r I . . r . Margaret J., Stewart, daughter of the mon-jolers in the Western Iron foundry, ' . . ... Oarlow. I � MS; NO, 5: -Ratio Hunter'714j J Ir.; Unell Sam's domilins,-. wller6. he' has �,-The farmers Will raise stockso Ion . is wa 9 I very Annoying as * .".. � . I . is a goo plice h ft ,,# ery. . , � . 1, � - :: NOT98-The lawn soci4f hold at the - *Ing Riipter M2; -No. 6: Olive Gold. a remunerative 'position in connection as U I ; .t a I . I late Donald, and Ann Stewart, died at and Wingham. stovewokka; has cul-, r . . . d they - W well as diattactstheattentiori froul-the I � � .1 I the home of J. Shepherd, of flonsall. minated here in a serious -assault on an home of A. - Horton :proved a success,, thorpe 052, Win Bit ' I. r � -svith, Wit& engine worik%, .,.' - ,� . . ta%e something else,".9aid. a.local �maiti'iDbj6c�of-goinigtoch�arah., - � , , The deceased was born P till ' unoffanding i�itorfrorurr both finalic' 11 d . asett 689. - . . . . .. . . r ­ . .. . . I _ . . ' r - in erton, y Luo,kn -iw. It lit g fit socially. Miss -GOO'BRIba TP -No. -1 : L6tiilsa� D,vys_ . I NoTES-Mr-'and'Mrs Ed. Fish biltoller to -day. ' But as-tho market is � beliov� it. is quite the correobthing� ... I . b..rSr . - eri Of the r . I J, ,on Aug. 13, 1852, and moved with her arpears - th4i the. moulders .have had 1VcV`itti6, Of 11%,delighted the and.. dale .553, SAmuelArldrews557 Uffle .to*, speni unday atthe home Of r vviddning and skill of -the former or rathei tbe�f6oljsh thing jug .. �. . r . , O Car t now, 69 � . -parents to Tuckersmitb,about 40 years rcket6watching all- incoming. trains ieuc6 with hersolo, "A biVd from o'er. Graham 5M. No 2 :' lr`en� Clark 716; the former ber.e. Norman ,Rnyder, improvirI4 -thou this latter. fact - is oing. a,bout the town �vitboilt hats, .1 . .. I .any arriving -mouldeis theSda.?' rdissLomax ,ofTorouto,is Alice Rick ' . . g . en6rally ignoredg ­', -1 . ago. Two years aflo she and hermother 0 * PMV61lt � 694, Regale 'Sturdy 57%. who has been indisposed, for Some time . b�g the hog buy6r- ctwhorlinchurch to wearthe latg�., .1 �11 , rr . Meng ghoul not est hat that can be got, A'reply from .. ' . , - moved to Hansa , where the latter fr9m taking thei places, The m visitin oru;?6f Col. Varcoo. - Arth I I . all .. . i � at the h ur Willson offi; No. 8 .. Ella 'Me- Nvith an attack 'of inflanirnatory-rheu- I the pkesent .con I the favorable r I.— ". � , Quire 501, Thos', M&b19W, if;. We arer, glad to repprC able some of your lady readers on this sub - died a few months after. Stricken fi6ln Lucknow was! suspected of suoh� Miss A lie Morrig, of Buffalo. was the Gnire 637, Maggle Me change. Along" with , I ad by a, .AlbertHavrisjn597. ,4 , , r cbme rosy repmts of the rr igh . . I withapainful and incurable disease.. air intention, and kvas.stirkound guest of Miss: Johnston.last week �... I � to be around a in. stook market d be appro� . ': k, the departed bore hat, suffering With howlingwob on .the � public park,: and M isses . Me V urchy and Carrick' and HAY_Xn 8'.r gal Arthur and Miss r feeding groins. Oats have the' largest - - - 8 resp� t woul �J . ,� �1� Social at J, -t , .fol 8" MArtba 'Oestricher Ada, FiAber attended the lawn ciat:acryl ur e�tfully . I . I � erely handled and'pumniol- � George'.'MoGr of Kintail, spent 628, Arfilliti, T�uemne acreagoof the gram' crops, and the .1 � . I .. ., " I . .. Feat patience and fortitude, being WAS SO 80VI 1 r No., 10 . Curlew on Thursday evewng last. The . .. I .;. , � � I . . - ad up by the chriqtiau hope of the agoh . 'N'th . Ethel cemeativork on the new bridge will be ,. , , OB8107 ,�tR r , I led that his featuie8 were unrecogniz- Sundayat thabom of Wm. Ferguson. Willie MdHwan 765 land dpvoted to Chain every year s Ili- .1 � . I 1% 'boolier life beyond. She was a consisto. able. Two of the leading assailants Miss Gruthmett. Nile, is visiting Miss Tennison 557, "No. R. Oliye Pee 553, completed this' week, and tlie iron creasing, with the neglect of peas :and I � ... . . , '. I.n . I . I � . . . I I . . ow . ent member of the Methodist church were - cail Wile Tyndall, The many friends of work will be commenced shortly. Ed- wheiiL . . I �. �. I I : .. I . .. 'flit, and filled $10, and costs � Sep.school. Ell'Golinag. - . ., . . I,r sc�c(tllaftd I - I . I . I 1� ''. � . . and she leaves one sister, Mw. Shop.. for assou t. The strike is still on and Mr auil,'Mrw Howell, of Saskatoon, STAIMUT-No. 3: Maggie Clark' wardand A!" 3enniostewartare,4t P1FTVBITs;11nLSTo Tilp AcAn . I xo�mg-Jamos Xclsaac was -visiting -, �' r. . 7 hero. The funeral took place Sunday the Lticknow' man bag lefb fol- Sask., formerly of Carlo*, sympathize "' Mary J. Reid 695; $orbli a, -, Grace present on an �dxtended 'visit to their ' his mother heia a- few days ago, MISS . . ., �, . , .. � . ttifternoon, six of her nephew b lowed by vengeful thveats= the with thorn in f6 loss of theii biighb Vel'ilialor W, Edith Spackniala 552; sister, in - Cleveland, . . � . A yield offifty. bushels to th' r I � eing ., islooked a Acre 'Violet Thornton, Miss Mabel Wardell . , ' I r ' 1. . Vall-bearers. A memorial service Wag. molildol`61 r 't Rplle,%1`8 that some time little sell, loe,'by drowning, . South It' Welcla, Stevens 7CO, Ethel, � . _� . r -for Ili Huron. The straw Is. ard Mrs John B, Henry sp -at Tuesday . . r ' r ier. , �go the Managers o - No. 5, Urnesb Pollock shot ter thaar last year, but the grain _a 4 preached by Rev. E. -Shaw,a large num. 0 )f the stove foundry (131tehilecl for last week, , , Stevens 615 with Mrs W. B. Wilcox, Quite a nuni- 1. - ,I bar being present, . declared the shop Under urilonxale.s, .. 719, Mamie Lamontb8d,Xb. 0: Edith . Londesboro,, I is more. plump and he&V F or the bar of farmers. in this * section have p . surplus of oats over local consumption , . . 1. . 'k 'I rt ', t :. uniftr M . NoTua,-* and Mrs Swl'tzer� And Davidson 023, Ernest.MoOlvinent722; NoTgig -�Dr. L. Whitely, who recent commenced their wheat harvest. Mrs , i, . ...I . . oulders being eingajea, mostly daughter, of Gode i -fo d J . . from TorbiA0,. They became, dissatiam r'chi Spent Sunday Nm7t, Pt)lly0ochtAne578,14ara4;tow. ty 10dats'A at, Port Dover, lilts left that a fair market has recently been uli BronsColi, of Philadelphia, is the guest . . Fortee witli Mr and Mrs J Wise, Mr,and A068 art 594, LAwrence Stephenson 786; No, place and 'returned to. this village to in Liverpool. - Barley, the compall h a IV, . I . � . rop, is Ilk I a, oxtpa good, i . . islifill fied, w3daemanded An, increase in the Mulch, of Gorrie were the pest, of O.' Vtb,elC6i)ling82D','$ar,�nelAgne,O wait for,& better. opening. Mr-Joi3ollu feedinR n ewls, 'on of er li&0 nis r and Mrs Samuel -A helfer 26 months wa- W of 5 � Mi. iarli Tewsl�y, Ur and Mrs Will W, Thomas Rdlfboffer W, William. arid Mr4rawfovdi of the Sth con i qer Pronising also 60 -bushels to the abro Hunter, 36hu 11ammond has -built all. . - . , REMARICABLE. .er cent,which'wasrefused, 90,0 . , I I old, owned by Mr Harry Youngve'cent-', 4nf Chl stiiko was brought on by a Jewell visited Mis Jewell!s, hotne,on -SW&vza a ru Improvin slowly, llut'aro not likely should the Wentbereqn0aue favorablei . additt'6nr to his house'. which adds : � * i4ve bi ap ro' Walking. delegate of tbb­MouJ&rs1 Sunday, .it - 740, G r I de .Thompson 763- much - to its appearahce. Miss Mo., - . . - la f heif6i�calvas. 18[16ndale Farm, A. lown No, 'ig . . !� toddinillp harvesting this year, Mr according to Mr William Bu%Towsg & I � are rth to a I I in every respect , siyptlo keys 589, No. 14'. Hugh Radf6rd is very much under the large Ideal dealer-, I -lay Isane, of Niagara Falls, Is. vis'Itin her' . . . natop 780, � , is a fair crop mother here at present. - I Wailter � 11 , thignish them. I Dinsdalo 550, Weather this season, arid took worse and is expected to run About one ana RookeV . I -the Work was ,greatly under the auspices of the Y. P. S. 0. U. Mary, Johnston 8 Wednesday. .Mrs Robinson, of the OneAhalftons to the acte. This section, , , Jr., big returned home from . and Ptoves, and y July 16th, yal,l Rat *0 , &'A, I It Heavy orders were in for steel ranges A Horton, on Thursda g 101, Albert Job , Oe marked ke Amalgamated Union of' America, -will be held oil the lawn of Mr Fpanlc, oleg . ! t t it is almost impossible to dis- social - 11 d ­1011oplin. 1111 1111 I I I I 1, i . hampered and delayed. Large . new dome and bVin -your friends as 6 good 12, Jennie MoBeabh on , s , , . -jo counties, Stevefisviil�. Rev B. Sheppard, Mot- � . . village, I ,�mprovmjg froin a severe is later than thb,'Lalto 111h , . ... I . buildings and improvements arall, prcl- time is expeete ... . . � Union No, I " Margie Drysdale I '-Tynith- sel Red two car- and the hag, is not all cut yet by any Vin, was calling on friends here on . I . . ,% I I 125" , sickne6s, , , _ Friday- lost, Early W grass, but the manufacture of stoyesio - , 1 4 1 00 George Drysdale 70 , Alberb"Hor- leads Offlne _W-00 - I I ­ � 020� . I . cattle on a nesday, the Ifieltils. 'T 0 fall wheat Is a good fait, - potatoes- I'll thio. . . _q1tv— . ') " '! in abeyance awaiting the I- ner .. . , , - . ? . _. I tit present Mos 'ell came from avoruld Har- Oro *th I a P08000tive y1eld of M , Vicinity are asblendid crop this season4 . I . . . _. I. t Goderleb Ta'wnshlp - t of w1l. it, W1 i . . _. I . il t iosult of the strike, as both sides w3 1. . E. "WA,WANoalt -- Xo. II - ! Eatia Me. .. � 11, , holdin , out, And matters are , ur lor XOTPS.-Mr Arthur W61sh's, driver JaUrilb 567, Annie MeDurney I look, There werealb,tof hogs shipped bus at$ tO 010 aere. The - __ . . � I .11.1- � ...,­ I - 1� � i 679, natty by Me ratherilklit, but the eltis ore argo, ­ � -t - __ .g , . � . ,. � i M , , " I . . -Iy,, ROt, - aB(Irvey 626, Allan p4ttisotl on Mo asrs Emigh And Call- I I ., . . I . A . . � complicated b he etovo foan r a gotout in the barb wire fence recent � , 4 V4 , iT' - LWAVAA rs V . which Will VVIldell hiM useless for a 0090 Gordon Shiell oft.Sep rJulluu, ; (A , " .. � talon. The hay is mostly soouroq hb " Bnsilagt corn, of which there is it , �W)F,._'11 . I . . ingnoW,deol4iie � - I k, - . I I is 0 ibt; who b roage, is backwardi - . .."I'-,". I I . , , time 1, again the barb -wire gives ,� At "' i Mahal Leddy. 000. , , Rl�� Ir Were At I Owing to . . . ". __ 1; . I . I 1. . I . I . . . . _phonsas Boyle M eangood crop. roiled,, 's short crop is . . , ,�, I . I � I . . A I ". I strictitecount,of its allp at,,.,,ArthUr, T00XVItguirft -NO. IQ It I M61ven ,Md-, ot of good holy, foared. Of toots there is Also a. dilliaeV I I I `�' W I . ,t, elitiltop , y in the 'goason' bad some s = � I ��;,�,il," . . � but there"is &I ".11 - . I I I "I - 1� foelg the event very koebfyf6r b6"en- Leon 028, Robf, McUan 01, May Mo. The I - t . I .. 11,N . , . � ... - -Rol , . of a scarcit,)q Owing to unfavorable , I . , . I , , I . 11 t �� 'in' PROX te", WL48T� -I- Mr 10bh Jo7s- driving so much, -Mr. Willis nell Naughton 055, . .. 1 . : fall wheat, is & line crop, s6tilas lip .1. . , , %., , . -. . Sparlatt, of MoKillop, Pear Leadbur ' *ell arid Will be, nearly . all In shook b weather at. the germinating period,, .� 1. � I I ". , , . . A started his-ilow Massey Harris sovall STIMPHrM-No. I -. Allie Raggith 500, "I _ y . . . � I I I I who was a delegate at the nleet"119 Of loot bl;l.der this weak, this -is, the Qlarenco Duplon 5ft Vernon Wilson Saturday. Oil Tue6ilay niotning .4 -Avrrz. Daol�,IIPIAIW) , , .;�. 11 . . � �-- - cl . . . , . range Grand Lodge of Diftish seconase,ven foot, binder on the jj4y- 'MI, LAW'& Sims MO; No. 2.1 Delphine few of the. M Owns 0 ., the village were . Of the other � great standby, apples N 11 N 14 t-, - . % I h4l, ticket for I'MOrY (581, Bristol HAserr 087- No 3 - I - 01*6 I I � . . A, it'hT01111CUAmelica, recently hold ot Win- flolt surprised to fluill t lit their clothes I N . '. , . 11 ,�,,/, - a rl a I Line; they Ate just tj 015, Ite durl there Is promise of just a fair ere . � . . . .. ", Man., vatnmed borrIaRaturday. ' lillel had been visl of the "I'glit, La . If Ill, isibecl big bt,otber , st year , them Were tromerid('UZ . Orl . . . AL I W, a out West he vi fWA *OIL All, Albert Thomp�dll 6Z.1.4 V !OIa Penhale 697, Hattie, Willis * and number of or Im 0 MOMS, UTI it 11 a i aO ( or 0 ce 5 . I W .�. .7 P Cole spent, Sunday 'in another J?h,,3v,V0L%'sOns 650, WlixTriebter578, a I . � - . . �� Samuel, - at Carsdale, and big bi,other climate. Dixino 1,umov toserts that M6. a y 0 . � pA&16kHllIl57�. XO,1. I d i 'stole -, - . � . . ii0s or vottr It 6 lines were vis. I. f 0-10 .4 . 60, �e I . tp_�. . . I William at Innisfidl; tlicy are ox 4 itod. � As Ida not knovv, who the ()an- or bavre in the probakil, ore ill ; - . I . L'"iq , � 11 - . sWoly an �611* . wedding bell*s will ring on the 7 com, McKenzie 626; X6, 11 , Wm ,Djeterich sor to I Wave not submitted these items )a a'difference thi's fall, an I-0. 11, - . . � . . . . I - MIAgoot In ranchin , al?- ,it, all early dAto (11stall) you may Ilea,, 671,- NO, 141: Milton Pfaff 087. ' odarich de0cr& - 1. . - 19 a go at R'dirionton"where lie at- acul, bells, Miss 151lialno Burnott" tried ITSWRN�, -No. 2 - Edgar I-TunkIft for, I hearty approval.11 (As, w6 got 1"11110tt" Ono Of the . I .1. Artistic I I . 'a'"," Itemg,from. several sources, and all aro pi edicts pplees of $1 25, to $1 50' for . .. . � muoled the annual agricultural fair all ex��;inatlon iii Musie roeontly and' (4.0, Wesley k7ohns leg, Eagar Mop- W* 'Itor ftbiti. 02 $"minor Arid hill Ap- , I I � I I I ". � Accessories I bola there. sea successfully, we Col) 4 tioth. 558. Martin Mad 6 I No .1. put under the one head, Our readery - . . , I ratillate R6gIn&IdTftrnN%ll eQ, hos. h��atgller can rendily goo thatone corresponclen p1m there tire dearooly tiny, and for . I , . I . I 'it6fli'dibi�ligAblatotho.ptodubtf6h of , R10'r oil her sucoss, Air and fivs John 9,1i t th's the dealers avo grabeffil, for they I C . � . � tudrif6rie _,; 6=or Lowery were in Seaforth Morlday on 4�j to) , . "I . �;;;Orl 583. No. 1,111a BusWell 505, Maggle is not reApon8iblo for what othors tay the earlier varieties, wbiell do not , . . *_14\ .1 . . . )UN photbgrAplift, Arid that Is � n IIIU4. , - , I . 'No.d. , I .C4 11 mhy W# b6lleV#*b thil tdtko for YOA h XOTVS.- Out, now pastor, 114v W It business. . r I . � , 'thel Browo on wrl'o—H 04 koe Well, Are sent to the old country I � I . I Mimi *bit , i will ho 6shbiontly 8600, GrAham, preached 4 good �ermon oil -� I I-, ... - ­­ Nf alf le 0OW&rd W, 1141MI HftO4r '085, DUANIt -Mr Solill Gralngor's daugh-. anYspoil the prospects for the marklit - la t 0 . I SundAy' to A VOY large crowd ; many X1048btidaO Pect Camm, M3, VdrA Glenn 5M. ter weat,e,e6rrytosay,,.diedlaatwe6lc, for Che later ones. Great 13ritain has W. WAWAROrAlt-No. a - JJrOVM b0iore our paper wam-PtIn0d on beentlit) beatmarket, but vecentlya, 11 b0tPg!t)tr%*o,io splmdIdly t413100ed 101th. WAI'aunAble to), got In; Wearopleagoil XOTV9.-The Atone masons have ,c4mith. 010, Mary Caffi0ion 5 ' , � A* Oro GIVE60 . , ' A 10110, 29, Minnio . Thursdayt 'the funeral on Saturday good tr*40o IlAg been built up in the 11 v. Was % ery large, Mrs Grainger bag lJol'thwdst. for flrst-0148a fruit. I . - ( I s I'. , I , - � : I � , - , , ; 1. I I I � I U t�" I , 1 1�� � . - J . - . I , 1%11%fte%11W — I I " "I I -� I I .1 'I I , . I 9 , rl of p ell AS I 1 1 ^11\ T,____��?, Mill" I .06116086140114011600tif back gkohilds, to see M194 110get'llb her 1)6sb a941114- atted tho new church I Some ]INTesbittr 571., No. 4 i Goo. Well,016 Seleadge Jeweler And - . dtsitmA66 oind f4tMitit# tblit Ittedes tor hel, long 111ness. Thee 33'tirroWs of iii,e clitting fall Wheat AOW. 3' 1 110gan head (41; No, 12 .- Sophy 13rooks Im t been very, ill Alice the death of)�ev This is ono of Clio m4b at) gooarouiti. I Goderiell, Was ilia guest of Otter *it- silent Isun AY at xegfos. V11a belta - The to -.b - No. 14 -, Sampa TAI(U&w No. No), 17 ., thild, 801hat Afflictions do not alwayA of ollwAk uroll too - second � I A . optleigh I 001 r f , P'Sot# , St,SJP Son On Suft(litV Wd W00 Plellmed,td See ter# Aro WgX at A Me0AVt%XPA= AU H, Elliott W) TAUVO, kitk W, comoalolle, Wo extetld ouralftefte V.14poin lisit year's k , W1 h . $. 'S ; , . b6 hIM again, holuse. - . _ groduetion t oil ,� . DAISY hyall W, E69 rishor 001, Ampathr. ." , ,471,196 bush6lo, X01i being Arab With ta' vor . . �, ! � . VMINT010% 01�_rmvp, , . I I . . . I . ­ / 1� - I � . �_�4 .'A,.h­L:_ . , . . I . % I 11 " I I . , 4 , I , &i""A&1_ -2 I -.L, I _ � 1101, . 2 i��­&_ 4"_L,&..&,__1. lz_�_� %A's, ,&Ad", ka.�..A�. " 1L.1 I ! 1",&��16&�LWA&ftk� ,-� �, I . I I 1 'i "�� 60A", wa�,&,�, ",I"A&,,� . ialiftg�L�T&,.��- 11 .. . I'&. AL ���� .. I 11 .&�A "A" �