HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-07-17, Page 2or-- , . , �' - - - --V- - -_ i , I� � ", . . � I I - I I I I I . � , I . I 1� 1-1 . . 1. . . I . . . . � . , 0 . . I � . � , 1, � 1. A � � �'l �, � ., I I . LL , P � � .V, - �, . . - - �_I"_..�bz .. . . I - � � . � . ict, IM ��� 'Am wr �-.- . � � � . jjrTF,rqFW,R - --- 4WW " ­ - - 0 " . . . . � t � N: 4 1 " . 1� - 11, .. I'll I , 1. , ,�� ,;f � .� �1 1, t, - f , , ov�,,Mvtm 1M., A "";"; ,, ,;ow"m �-it"*, i;- - __ _____ , , " ".. ., . , .., .. , . I 1. I I I I . C - 1. . I . " I .. " - i�,. i. �i .i , .i. --.1.11 I I ­ ­ � . - I - . I I I I - - 11 I I . - . . . . � . . .. I . - __ - N . � � . . - �.. . - . I ; C. . .. -. ht F* V th 04#1 Fo R lot f4ket. I& _11L � I . I I . .No .- �_ "_ . �_. - .. ItaWs 7W #W..V*, .' . . I - I . . 'Afilmot6 �. . I , AL . �. � 11LAOX. ;1 I ... 1 "_ . I ­ ,.I . . . i"25L ..,O- - .f _� . � .� . I . I #N%APQ I �. "' , - I . " . a 4k 4*114,4 ta, W . . EAD'ilill,�lliP%�l;;� �T?N�k*pt �( . . -' -- - Dow_ For ftle ". .,� �X' . � -04 I . W"; e4 � ., The TIAM 0 I � I I 0 1 , :,� I ., I , , 0 ralri7, i � 0 . , . , ookm, to 46ttraottpW sU010044 1 1 . � tio: *i,dism".4 Keep yoor . A' toilopobloo �,-Ilcpuw_ - I ,­ . 11 �� I It' the Oriental lung Saltsphern4w WA_ � , I 01ritc-7111olo lblt4k, histgrly a ro 1. " . . ­ �Ofqrj biq; death, come In colottak Wi* it 3pVUbI0he& 1 *4 Ap '. Mon- So L40014 wuore . p,r a : . 31i U41t., r I .. r $rat imlo" stores its L , by - L � ­ 11 �� .. LL . , . 1100 b , ag V"Vlo of the fatION I Is= . , INVAR:TVIX8 . � I I 11, VZ same s.00th or And through Wo bs- . . '...'''..'.'', ,. W. 10. U." WILLbo mom'im, , o Xii,ft popti: . XON&W 1* Xim I I .. I � 1"'. me Stomach fleafthy, I ofice -i "Inalk -W" bAA . , - millith o"i, *6 I I 1, Ilk _4 ; IQ come, qpprliel' I 0 $0, oving INUZ Plot . me L 0 the "A"S phaf" of . vv%$" WNS 0. to fogmsere L, '­ I .11 . t 1� .or JL chase , uld, no douKL opper"Wir at marryInk oltbeir of Xquoy pon '. 4a. W. Blayboxim. " - It I - -- " .A. � the Dreyfus came, be wo , _ud.fo.b X to ....O....10 L #ftiModp AlnOo �fA*7 ) Puroxsnlllmi� oilip . I .1. I . .1 1 4M L, lb...j.j ..... Ift, . 1'. I _x L mm- have felt pretty sure that him us When y I . .0 good Volnii she de- &!o fends to loan at 0 Y, o"t and to- Kingptan I '"a ft' to tbAs' L , ' V � .Rj$jjqW. W,Mj0rM, iOTA'XV L . 110 mo 09,94 : * bad taste In =1 'I ...... .11 , .... , I mo . ou got up IA th � F6ZV Der I , Imajiulan.jots. . salbly be linked with isvtnto h9IR ro- I % 1110 JRAI WS W&lv P.. � 4A I . I � W YDQXX - 1�;W4 - . rnI I �*r_oaj,ty � . UAU I . t ]�'fi'r'�Mnoomramiliootlob$t' thim . whiclo his own life was separated by a 119 with _, 14c. -_ ...... . . ,. . ­ L � L _aff4fmi, . 4 your *4 , tha, tooth I - , ON" , - I-M*"Ahi-bemt . �_ I Wa . ,, RIUAL0. sm a Se Of L more than two .t�qqpg#L Zr%44ff Mouth " U.-TZA310 -, =, . I _ �, L _ ' - been duo - brush will- not remove, a Coat- L I . I . I I 1 0441.1, US . of gieXi"Pton Penit"OlAryl Ki ton, 0 . I 011"011 . . . -its tf,a confidenc; Wouja'%ayo 11 - 00111V 10116 A . I t I L r As jj*t$*X*V0 01* $006"d. ,% For Sale. 4 '' i 91haou I I , '' ' . I & aim . p1T to, � the (Act L that , Wand his 00A. Ing on, your tongue, and a jb,&A Sake jahtu Ile. is, so good.' . L I __ , J= gro"'g., Pr L ter. w . I '�­ � ­ . I .. -.0- 0__ . , I � I ' I . . �=F=7�_ ' temporaries were sadly - umsoVainte4 " TuV sam 41541 .001ter, ,he gobbles The pragertr of As. Iroquoian, 0A Algh St., tuffox9g, HAILE L . _ I general ,,out.of sorts" feeling, .T. 3k. ViLkiT. Wardono , UDOUT 4, . . FRIDAY, JULY l7th IN& art 4"1*r* . you 4.14 soup &Ad $UjgAr4 Ills lettuce. TQ Clinton, W I .1 , OLMM magetou, It . U,2901 , - . I Ivith the practices Lof jhAd;7 , PRO Lpy r t*JAM June a . don't blame It on what ripslAs broad, In I.. q CONVZYANOZRO, OOXMSSIOXM 1 And modera.p.olitical pavaphletee mL ' SAY 00�bAqg ,Apt U;Xtte - MM . _... , had toL eat the night before. . or -been 019 to I '14tris"r, Clinton, , I - The disagreeable, plilhVin Which *Q , 1110ba, , we' 4*-* way, . I . Real Xotate and Itisum . � , , Ins -to to Is A healthy -stomach would be tes.4 bIMAAtt0,.1 - But he 1`4448 . . . I . � I , . Monlol �b Ao:" t L I Louvre X - appi . . . I - ,� 1k(V 041(s , , Useunt now Ustic, And . offlee to Rea, 1, known through the wholi ,ar able to- look aftei'that, It's !Brownt;W s9!b@,4utAfullY,! crl�d Mot Wo� 0 . I Z . , . Im. eat soup Ott- I . . ,1B. RAZZ. JOHN AID90W . archaeological world. A 1�ew years 00, I poor digestion that maltes you vian. 179,;' VOIN 40ar U A" . I . 'I., England. . tb-9 offlcer��. of the Museum were , offered S SOL ' oner, thom you VUt 11ear -him md L . Over Tavlojr & Son's store-sultablo for 1. .. . - � . - . ­'. 1. I r I . I I . . JeAl . badly' A. teaspoonful L , � an! purpose. Apply ta SEALED TENDERS addressed to the ui)der--. I 0 A i -or suppooledl ,. autl(lui% L ' DrowatuxV i4ald. the, plotor,!' signed, and an ., HARI�0.8 SIE QER - q I dor*64 11 Tender fair ',T -he hay crop in WWiwiokshire pro- lot of antique, X 21, 69� Mrs., 4, if, MANNING Clinton. ,S . . :, art, among Zagnificeat of Abbey's Effervescent $alt Than, &4 to. i, . Air the Dominion Vullding " M; � heaviest on re- works of . L I I . I ,ho other brother, "I *0 'ng CMI at this ofts. until Friday Barrister 0UoItqr NotW And Convoyasio 0 : --jmIsm to be one of the . ,m.l,. ,"'J.1jr iAth. I 11 I I . d tiara, covered with Qr(:ek designs In halt a tumbler of water at sure he would.rIve his W, _ _ I " ' I . . 19(0 Inclusively, for the supri1of 4.081 for the I I Offic . *-Opposite Colborne Xot4el , . . 4vord. go' Inscriptions, which was declared to , d I the wom For ,Sotle. . glieg t eDominion. t' and rising will make you feel better. crie An. ,'If you will paws Pubho Ilgildinga. throu . I- 'The cherry crop in South Bucks is ,have at one time reposed upon tile bend , .. and,conelder.", replied the ststerp "you Combluodaziecillcation.inc! form of tebder I Godeirl 1% . I I . . - . � � . . ... -sn absolute failure, owing to the bad of King Saitaphernes. The price askedl . -Will cure you If you follow . will realize that the proba-bilitlea 9f his Comfortable house and lot. ou Albert St.# can be obtained on, application at this office. . I 11 . . Persons tendering are notifted that tenders : . ,Weather. for the lot Iva' two hundred thousand directions. A.):�Iye-y'a being called ,upon to do th . Clinton, for sale chosp� lot i acre CHouse will n be considerod unless made on the I � I . I _.� ­ . anager of the franeL Th e ,sL not easy to revitilizes every organ of the few Indeed.. Whereas I ry eultft�lqi for Oman family. APPIF0,91FERL printMorm.suppiied, and signed with %heir W 0, CAMOWN I . the fact that he I . . ­ I I Xr John Lewis, mi bar in was I office . . I " actusloignstures. I I fei,meriy of oamoron:,. Holt & Cameron , 7plinfoel Brewery, near Lianelly, shot strike, The tilrg.a might not be ati- body, -it clears away ferment- . Is very careless About, brushing his . I . . . ... . I Each tender must be accompanied by an mo. , .. . . 11 ;, ]jimself dead with a revolver. . aient to you.,- ce I BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, , thentic, then, it was towaxd the end of , and . clothes will be daily app . bT,t6d aheque on a obartebbil pank, mad i . I : : . I - and the itplyropriation at I Ing matter and refreshes I The L of good- things, Thoro-bred Bulls for Sale, o.1,lo,y,1.h order at the Honourable the iff.- . ).1 ,book Is full a I" ofijee-asmilterl St., opposite Colborne Von . . The Rev W Hookins, of Leeds, was the fis-cal yeni . blieworks,equal to ten et Of , �,.� y of the Meth- the dispQsal of the Xus6um for the eu- cleanses the stomach, It pre- � among them the table of A.singer who L - _. 1. . ­ . LOUnt of the ten der, which will e forfeited QODERI011. ONT I I I 11 ... 11 I Aected-to, the presidene - . �, . .. I . � largement of its collections was nearly vents the, suffering thatLoften '. ' Two thoro-brod8bortJ)orn bulls. of good au . . odIst New Connexion Conference at L - sang "Annie Laurie". In a muslin gown d L the party I . pe !area are of'o'ed for sale on, reasonable " .tendering decline to enter Into a . . ,. . . . "Goodnese. t contract when called upon. to do so or, if lie . - . . . � , � 3 exhausted. The thing wept through, to- a country audience. e7.. 'ne i.r.d 21 fail : DICKINSC-N&GARROW ; ., )udley. follows a pleasant evening, ro . mouths old, the at . heir co pl, te the work contracted foe. If � . I L' - bb L , : allvel" said they, "is that all? Our , io M_.thj '14 I I . . - �_ ,. Ser&t-Major Edward Brown who however; eminent archaeologists vouched oait stork er a at accepted the chequo will be . .46 'India, for the I authenticity, of the antiques, de- ." Jenny knows that ipiece." But the 9TjMIXq,r_,on � L, . I BARRISIMRS, SOLICITORS, ETC,. . I r � . � C. 1.josboro ro 'n - I I . , .1 ,1:1, � iserved in the Crimean W ar a nd d clared to have been dug out near Odessa, . L I rival wore silver bio,cade and sang Irk Hallett. ­,� .... 0 a e a Lt , outdoes not bind itself to so- Ogiloo-Cor.m namiltor,iSt.andthe ftuar - I � I Mutiny, has died at Forest -gate, age on territory having belQqed to the old . ,German and Fireneb, whereupon the L . . I rally,fender. I L I 11 � ZP . T Orae Coderich, Out. . 11 '­ M years. kingdom of Pontus,"and iri A L 1, country paper. remarked that '.'It was . Farm For.8ale. � . . rkRED. GEM14AS, t . CHAL'Q ' . I I I I . L . . I I . Sears ary, . U. 1U. Dick Amon , ARROW.UL.1) ".. . � L . I 11 I A sturgeon, weighing nearly Sewt., Museum ad-vanced the purchase Money. L � . � . I . ., . . a real pleasure -to hear old favorites � - . � I I . .1 . , � . . . . . I . 1F4 Pen I with such spirit." This The west halt I . I . . Ottawa, June it, 1903 L . L PROUDIFOOT& HAYS, - I . �, i: and measuring over uine feet, was Thus there was no fear that the preciou.4 . A t , of lot 24, Bayfleld Con God Department of Public Works. I ­ 9 stuary, M01'e- - tia-ra, might adorn the galleries of the . . . prich townshi ,containing lookler d . I � ran lit in the Lune e t teaches us that when In Rome we land Ife � I " 4 4"d SQUOITORS, NOTARrEs PUDL .. ... b ,,,ko re forsaloon easy0ter- QO Newspapers, inserting this ad;ertisoment . man without authority from the Department will QARRl0111"TZ01 . I xambe Bay. I British Museum, aud remain as a remind- should do as the. Romans don't. _r_ 1. - � 11 Z'. W pa It for I . � . . I � ��i, . .".h.rl house,plenty of water., and IN THE MARITIME COVRT, &O. I ', In connection with the 'Liverpool er of a new victory of Rii.gland Ovcr .. . . Then there Is the table of the Wornall . I Particular tion) to - - _­.- - . L Ofilee: Nortb mt., next door to Signal O,L .. . ��. . . I S I I . -xubber failure, Solomon Krouirisch France. There were some sceptics, how, , a L I tf- "Jon'.119VILL, --- I W d i . I . , � . . . . who could not -help herself: . . � F o . L Private Funds tq,lcx)d at lowest rates. I . . I I VL ' L . . . . - . . , was on a charge of haud, committed ever, who were not quite convinced -that , Is a pleasant, palatab]6 and "There was once a. wanj�p who had I L . For Sale . - . of interest. . . . � . . . I L . ­ . . . I . , ' zll;� ,to the assizes. the articles purchased by the Louvre . . effective medicine for all never lbarned how to swim,'altliough For Sale. or to Reni. I . . . .. . . . . .� . . . W. PRGUDVOOT. R. 0. HAYS . . . . i 11; LL., . -estoliteratule Justin were quite lo'old ,as they were claim(, .. . I . I . Bile went In bathing every day Inthe -. -- . .. � I I . I . . L - . .. 11 ­ - . For his servic �1� , stomach Ills. . . For sale; a six horse power engine and boiler -- . ". ,�.. - I McCarthy has been granted to be; who believed, evdn� that their ag , . L . L . atimmer. She had a friend who had Lot29 con 2 Stanley, containing 100 acies. complete, will be � sold very- cheiiip for cash.' . I . � �. 11 .� . . . . . .. - . . . I . . , H, , . . . . in good stat�ol ouNivation for Palo or to rent � Mer'icaJ. - I I.. - I . , untle'l . I . . I L' . . �1%11� , might be expressed more necurately with V .. I I to JNO. , . I a vearaopension of $1,250 by the . � acquired, M.6 art with some trouble, McGREGOR, Also the fraTne of a building I6x22. together I . I .,�� , . , 41. , I -e, or perhaps with two, ­-A� 'as very ,proud.of .her proficiency for term of y with luin her to Incl, so, Lt. suitable for a driving . � 1��4: . . I " ot�e figin . ear"Ift . . ", '?" , British vernment on premises or M. ?V,VJ2o1aREGOU,-2 .,,..H. . . . , , .'L . . ­ ­ 't shed. Will be sold. very 6heip. . WX. Gulsisi, M.Ak!!, . , �- I .. with four. The tiara, however, brilliant- �- ­ - --�.­---- in it, 'It Is absurd said this friend, R. S.. Tuekersinith,. Sobf.pith P4 0. . I I . � � I �. Uncolnshire fen farmers welcome I I I , . I =s-aw still making the Celebrated W" I 1,. It. 0. *P.- & S. EdInitmigb, - � .� . I`% ly glittered, dazzling the multitude frQ.ia ' c bf,Diamonds'. .: I 'to 'live near the water and not swini.' Fen. 7-tt- . , , I . . � . . L' . �., , � , � the heavy rainfall. The district, has Che top of an isolated pedestal, : U litil tile The Romanc .. . braw lined pumvs, suitable for -elthe . I . 'L. I I . I 14 ' It makes. you very attractive to. good . r Offtom-Onbarl-, street, Clinton. Night call , . 1, '% I I :.. . escaped reeent storms, and the crops Mr, T..P,VCounor tells the follow I . . et9terns or well- DW STEPHENSON tbn!- I �,� � ., 4�1.� German ar wtivaenaler ' . I.. . - swimmers if you can go� out with them, Caillet Loom forSale may 1 - tf s - . Haers, at CLlufou� - at front door of allies or residence. Ra - . �'--- were suffering from drought. Cluteologist Fue , g i'lits jossip of mainly About People:- . - . I . . . I Stro 1. . bury Street. , 1. . . , -, � published over Ills own s1knature a dis- 11 ILL JIV. and 'they do not .feel that you are a . � . . . I , -1 tl., � � From Britstol it is reported that , the sertation main -the circle whose members -rnake� A Ne*combelly shuttle carpat loom In first- L . . V i L L I .1 � � �� ..". , . . . , . taining by the� aid Of most In � 1 drag on'their p1pasures. What would classt repair can -be bought for about No on the L L . . .1 I . . � � I 11 '111�". _&von and Frouie are gioatly swollen, serious arguments that. did famous head. Ing out of dealln� In diamonds, there is you do In case 'you fell off the pier* I dollar. Thig is U 9G61 chance to got a loom . I WN. .SNELL� I � DR WM..GRAHAM .. *. - , I % I . I Poentiate of the. Royal college of Physician , * - - 'I' I &%1I8o!,o,P,d1.1;rh dem.0 rat wagon for, gale � I W I t'��� . I . . . , ! 7, ;1 -and seriouts floods are threatened The piec� was entirely spurious. and: most hu. a keen Interest just now Ilk the overa-_ Now watch mdl' With these words Efile che ti ri"'etioneier. , - . ­_ I ­ , I . ' .- . i�`_ I I tion about to be.periorxned at Amster-. water and* swam . _1,. . p 1 h e0un L London, England, � i . ry beds are ruined. ontroveray - 'dived on Into -the - .he - . V; .aftrawber miliatingly modern. 'Tile c . , - -for .11 '...... _ 1, - . L Enoon WiP went, on for a while, for the tiara had ii., darn on the "r,x0olslor." which Is claim- about -by herselt I t - Is a *go - ad thing . d _ ,pp . Having procured Auctioneer's Licietips Offloo and Residence- . . .. . . . ,. . . . �., , A Bradford man named - be. not on I . mond yet .1 . I I . . I theoCounty of Huron, X solicit a share of the JOHN TIEDFORD"S Houseq -Buran V, . � �, , . its tradueers) when ed.to . ly,the largest dia . .. . � I , �,:. man started i rom Bradford for Lon defenders as well as _ , . to. havp. a woman s.wlrft so -well,'. said - - I sales. Dates furnished by mail, 'phone, tel#- L ' . . . . - �, ,�,.�,: Zon on a task of trundli!ig. an orria- suddenly a man . apoared Who ex'elaimed-. fouild In South Afrka, but the largest. bile of ithe men - near by. 'N1ow.If any ri I e graph Or personal interview Charges ro�mou! I I � . . . . . . I I ' I � . . . .1 . .,., . . . I - 1Z . , ' -,.jaental bari oxv 200 miles in six days. . iorldi 'So it. I ioro-Hred Bulls -tor Sal . . � Me, me, adsuni qui fecill'* His' namt ' stone of Its kind In the v , nto:tlie water she I � . I . I . .. .. . DR. J. W. * SHAW.-: * . I �� .. . � " may be (Writes my Indian, correspondent) L of the children fall I ' . I . . I ... .. . . . �..�_ . L i .�. . . ' _ ". I � . wo.- . . . PHYSICIAN. SURGEON ' . I . , .. ., - I was Elina, but he was bettor knowil'un, i a Four young thoto-bred Durliam bulls, bred IDEti. lkekaw & FOWLERP AJPC nolletir ate., cffice and residence 0 . _ ,. Set Or nd. � . . at ,�pro�rfate moment to recall the ro- can rescue them.' just then the - . �­ der the alias of Mayence. Ife lived in, maut ,a history of the Dom Pedro dia- ma:n ,who could'acif help herself uttered 'from prize winning animals, are 61ferdd for . .. . I . I * MOVII .6'8.4, . L I . r_1 -ill ball w , L .1 . . - - C TON. poolte English churohi'fo , � � ,�� . Pitiochry di as destroyed by L Montmartre, find L claimed that - the fa, - mond, about which there was so Much a scream to 16 monibs, red In Onto, DENTISTS, IdN tario St"'o t, . . . . !: ,:,� " . .-and fell 'Into the -sea.. 'In -w , pale 'Aged from 12 . .- ... . . � eaviedliv. jr,.Appigton. Clinton Ont. ', ,. ­_ A[Ire. tement a few years ago. Whon'the ",, good promishif animals, . I . - I � I - .. . ''I ,"+ 7., A Loss, 2&10. MOUR Buttel made illustrious as the exall d'de, ­sta,ntIV fl�e men leaped in to rescue . . Office open every day and Ba,+urda . .. . ._�­ I 1. � L' ''..'..., . . L1,.1L - unfortunate 'Emperor Dom Pedro I HNRBHRTCRICH;Sea(ortUPO. I bight until 10 o'clock. . . I . . . . . : I , . . � . . "', . 'the'rest,of the day re- - I . . . I .. . - 11 I I 't ..� � Baille Diehart is prop�)sed for pro 7 home of the Parisian "Ohallaol)ipiers," ported from Br4zil his' great dW,=onZf I ber, 'and spent . . lot.26.4th con, Tuckersmith,H Its. L. �W.illvirjitAuburn, . every Monday, Dunw , DIR.iV- W- THQIWPSQIV -.,. 1 . . � I , �. I . . I � -how she - . L . L . I .. - ' I 16 ,. ,::. L I � ", �1. -Vost of Kirkcaldy. had also -the glory of 'having been t1ij. L soon came Into the' private market. An. SUSCItating her and 6riquIrIng Jan 16 tf'� . L . .. . . . ' ', . _� e t -of tiara.. attempt was made to sell it to the - King I % - - . 1. ... . ' , . gannon e�Ary Tuesday;'. Pa) field every . .- ' Physician, Surgeon, L - , - .. � * '. . . V ?� * �-�, - Aberfeldv wants to borrow jt2oo to birthplac' of the much t,p,lkpd '. was,, leavink. the swimmer to dive by. . . I . . . . -special attention even todiseasisof the. - r;':L I . . I ' , .1 �then Prince of Wales -who Old not like " I . - . . � I . For a while he was ihe,m.an� of the day, I to haVeL anything to do with tl,,e herself. This teaches' that nothing suc- � or Sa e. -LL ,, Wednesday.- . L . . L. L I . Eye, Bar, Throat and Name. '.. ,,,�: nlul , . I . _Go6d House 1 " ., :, . : . - , - � 1. " buy a fire engine. . ' ignoinin! business. Then'attontlow was a Pat d to . 'VeAs like distr6sa." - - - ' . ' " .. L. ' ,. ' LL . - .. - __% . . , . . . I . I .. ... t ­ 11 L But he soon had.to retire into me . � -1 !,,�'� Auchterarder is getting a poli e . . . I. . . . . I __ . . . _ . . . Office -and Residence— �L.: . :�'. ... ­ L I . .-I.IL", ous dbscurity' for it wn,4 Ajernonstrntpe India, where the w011"known financier; - , 1 I .. . . . I . .� . ,- L . .... I . . . 1: , . . Dame on'VIQto0j& - . I I L' : I . . Mr. .. Simla and Calcutta (the.. . : , . � m I I � . _. . F-jr "k ' frame hA - A �&lkport StreeQ2 Blacks N . orthofitattenbury, ; * I �'. . � . L � ,i. . �., d�ptation, to cost 2900. beyond -- th'at. Jacobs of . - . �. - . . � I I . f ft4, story one half_.uitable. for . oj Sl rest, GO. Do'. MTA!ggL . . . L. � 11, possible contradiotkn� I I . . . ar tL.',. . . I 'L origin .the of Marlon � Cr .. . I . I . . I 11 I . . . . . .1 I I � . . ' ' - al by -way, , .. 4w" . , 1. I . I . . - , liaeo-quartbr acre. lot, with stabilO� ..: . .. .9 . . ­ . I . . ­ i., �., - ' , lajWly. . . . I. . -ling. of Keii . I . . . .L 1 _ . I I �V� . , is retiring whether spuriolis.at authentic, whethe, f,r,r, "Mr.'Isa.acs") took the mhAter-In: ,: .: $10() REWARD, $100. � - . . . AN . REV . : V -'W� - Xailnln� Smith (AL . i 11, , ()apt Stil . .. , . I . � . .. . hard 4ndi.oft.water,bbariniffruit trees. Pro- � . . .. r . 19. L . . . . . I L P M.D., �; , . I I . , I , .;, Scots Guards. . col -ancient F,astern palace.. hand. . Eventually�. laciops arranged the . L -ill be sold op reasonable terms. A I . . . - I . � . . . . . . . . . . � - ., .. ,4, , . . -- * I TON . . � . ' L . !'�""�. _1rom the ning from an L . .sale of the �stone in the Nizam of.Hydezo- - ,I') I e, readers of thig *p�pee7will he pertyw N ALBERT 8 - 0 N . . . I - is to Ile introduced into . or a -modern junk ,shop, the c6stly. 1 9.1 x laklig, which if' tile, L� ' ' . to', LEX FRASE.R,Ailf-a Craig,or JAB-SCV% I . .1 T V - ..L L . I I .r1!ySI0I.AX.&: . - . . . . I 1. An organ I 4ad for forty-st there is'*A least Nov. 21-1m. - . ' ' Clinton .- 1 I � .. . SURGEON. I , '---,i� Henmore U. F. church. LouvTe.purchase bad st:o,rtpd,f - se o Ifearn that . . I .. . . . -1 or its weat - � rupee werta at Ats nominal value, rapre� p ea d t . , , - _. . , ... . . I . . : . . . I . ' ­ ,. . .. .. . 1. . I I , .�,.� ` ' ,,, _j aded discase� that science -has ... . I I - � (X�M.ain "Street, Bay -field, forinerly� . �' 0� .,I -, . . e dre, . . General Banking ' Buninlear. OFFI . I .1. - ward voyage from the neigliborhood -of. .sents .a sum Pf L460,000. The Nizam de� OP to Cure in* L all its. StjjgeS I . I . I . I � .; . r-1 . Kirkcaldy school rate has been fix Odessa. . . . . bank .beenable alad , ' - Farm For Sale... - - � I. - .. tr4naaeted L. . .1. .. L . . . . .. . .. , .. . . I . I posited twentyAlirpe lakbs w.1th-the I . . . . . . . ,occupied - L ... ....p. . _.ed at is. Iti. per pound. I , ,.Which held possession of tile. ,diamond.. that is cathirli. Hall's Ustarr1i Oure'is . . . . . . . . . . . .by .Dr. Pallister. . . . . �_, a r .- . L " ' . I . L . . . L . I . . . I . I � - 11 . I -having. I. .. 1 I - I.. I It -was then th t -the- F:6ndh 'Gove,rr. .been carried out. by C ' known to .. I . -_ 7 L . ... . . i . .. . . . . . the d6al theoul'y.positi7e ure now r ofrers fox; Bal�'thm6 61loi6e farm, ' . .,� NOTES DISCOUNT . - . . . � . I I . .11 ?�' . Newhills School Board is to ask from � - I . . BD I : .- - .. ­ .. . � I . � ! inent co-filinissioned 'one of .the leadun raeans of a glass replica and tbewexpert he subscribe t 'of L , ''L. I .. . ., � L. . 1. . . I . . . 1. the medi&tl.fracernity� 119-� on the-lintou roadi Tiackersmith_ just eas I . - . . , Ili% ' i7l. -Me rates this year 91,200. French archaeologists, Monsieur - Clar' description given by. Mr, Jacobs. But' - � . . . -4044irh bei - " .. , I 1 . � I . -i I -1 . tween a dtial and a *, 6, c6ristitutional diseiise i . en Uirea a c - n-. - It �.'-Notes Issued;: interest, allowed, -a 0. L . Clinton, at presenVoccupied by Mr Fisher. . .n . . D.-Ve . E R ki EST INCILIVIM - � - -AU', 11. .;_, -300 niont-Ganne u of0the.-Acade of. 1.14., . there's many a slip.be . t. . th 'good' *L ' . .1 � I .. � � .. .. . I . .. .1 ,�: 11 . ,. . am 1, . diamond, and one happened herd; the - in- eatilien 11all's"CatarrIt L-01 I L- , , . . , I CulrossSchool Board requires R stitutibilal t'r, isists of 160 acres, mor�or less, wi . a6,06sits. .. DENTIST. � . ." - . 1-�11`1,1' �_ nly Ougl termption I 'e 'actiiri direct, mill. and small - . - - . ' - .� ­ . ­ . L . . � .. . . I L .. , I . I i ... I ak barn,silb,wind . . . "Ised by assesenient this year. I 4criptioits and. teftes Ldttr'�s, tilor � oming from a.' slip of an a e ,.b ai I . �. I . , . Cute is t,tk6n internall�r " . - r "On"" of water.' An eicellent form . I ' . . . . (Successor tO.Dr. T, 0.1 Bruce '' . . .. 't � . I .�, -e ' Irish boy, Sir Den . ., h d . . . . . I . I . ,�� .� � rt u) v I It- " . - k ;� F terms T? ffl 90 : . .. � Specialist In'Crown and Bridge Work . �'. , to exami-ne. � the tiara, .and �re ort u ) fits r 1patrick, at that * I . . ople 1�. lit . - i � ­, " - Mrs Bell is to erect a booth theaft - siderit 4f the ancient. T-UPon the blood -arid iiiucous suifaces . . in ridid or CO (F .Clinton. . �, J.To 'TISDALLS .., I Iij D� S.-Grsdu&te Royal College DlDnt&l J� . . . - its authenticity. Another clai ant i 6 . time . British Re. thereby de'stmirig the 1: I - . ­ RTHUR I � . � ur. . " , I I !., -3)n the links at Eraserbur,;b. appeared. 'for- ifie fatherhood . f.t e . R1 L Court of Hyde�abad. It Is 'tbe business of tho System, .1 . , . . � I . . � .. . . . I . . . I . . :,' I I , . , � I .� I . I L . . .. ,� -_ , I . , I . geons of Ontario, Tdkonto.. � , of the British Resideht in a L Native StfttaL joundafion of, the disease, ana giving . . . I . , . . . , . , I " ��' �;%., Police Sergeant Gauld, Oldnie'drum, I - . . L BANKER, , . D41). S.-First-olass Boner- graduate of Vea- ' � 1.14, . - . . . . L. . I � : tique, a- Russian 'Jew by th nal c.. ", *.to advise -and ta(,.jtIy td pbntrol-t *the 0 ength by buildi . . I .. . . _ I *, 111. � lias retired after'Xi years' service. . he .atient str ng up the Improvement of Stock.- - - - - I . .- I , tal Department of Toronto -:1.U.nivermity - . Rouchoinowski. 1je, was sent for, came W chief dtAbe State; -and Sir Dennis went I . . - ... . 1 14) . . . . � I ... 1-- '66nstitn I ion'and assisting nature in. do- . I I 1. � L . I I . - . . Special aftention.pilid to. vation, of . . - i - '. . is over X75,M0 at the credit of T -ench au ' to the NIzam; - ailked him If. be. realized . -. L I L - . I � .- " , .:. ' I I CLIN11. N,.,01q-T­ . . . children's teeth. -Will Visit Pre18:944. 41ory ,: .; ." � � ,�, There Paris at the expense of tlie.n . - that there Would'probably,.on the-gener- lIlgftsWoi,k.. The- pt,oprietors have s,Q The subscriber'"s for scivice on lot 94.Aur . I I ; . � . � .. . :,. ... .1. ; �, 'Savings - . frospects, be a famine In - Ilyderabad muell faith, iri .its (urative, I .1 . I . . Monday. , . I . . .. ��' Aepositors in St Andrews , L 03i I lrrovfd.Vbjr1E,bh� Boa � , � � __ . . , L - . - is, and spejus to_have satisfied'dir ,l powers that � Road, the large )n * . mt L '", Office giver �W. -Taylor & I.-cillf, si. ve tt t ) 4: L . -�Bank. learned Acadenii�lan that allthe doifignii . if lie could taie-y No 2706. Telrus 11 at Iiin Priyatefnoda to loan on morijagei . L . � 1. .i thoritie , the 'following sdason� � and they offer 6ne hundi-ed dollar's for any Oak Lodge G . I .. I ��, - 1. . X&il' , to I I gL, necess . � . beetcurrent rate* .. - .. . I � 1, . . L � - . 11 . ��!, of the tiara were copied , lVigi.ne. what his. starving'subjects would � * ij� of service.with Privilege of rAturnim I . L . . .; 11 ..! , . and inscrjpLtlo'TIS- 8 cprO� ...Send for I . I ., .. 1. . 11, . �" , ,* , . '� . . . 1� Kingseat Co-operative SocielY has o t him If they knew - lie had just ( a .0 that i 6, . .... . ary. This in one of the finest - animals of his' . . . I . . � . I .., . - ,�'! Vlecl,�­­' t� "!vnionf! of Is. Wl. per V him from books of arcluteology,'6111) squandered forty-six lalths on .anottier: of testimonials. . . . � O.' Z16801n Ontario... ImZovo Your stockwith the - , . .:. ". I L . L ' I . 'D R. AGNEW - . , - '. . - "' I . I �je� t9 hill b� PePLPI"� �yi�o t0il-kh P�* -Oigm.on,4. for his Vurban.. goldom had such Address FJ.C&suey&C6.,Toledo, best. ,'.' I � A. fj BBUTT, Eioderich. P. 0. General Banking , busifoess trinspetRd ' I. . . . . '. ' . , L , ' . �� . . . . . . I . I I * 11 . . �, .i". , J),�1111(1. J. _ . I . ..: .1 . . . I . . ... I . .. Iiiiereet allowed on deposita. . . . . _ , '�, , as ianoihn -o their purpose, simPlyin. forcible argU , ent'beon used-iri Official Sol& by drugists, 75c.. . : . . -tif, I .. � i DENTIST, CLIN'jLUN. , .- . - , - - , L . ,�. L I i .. . Deo 12 1 :_ . .1 I - . . . . I , LL .'' .. . . ,i �?� - & , . . . L -.Sale notes bought' L .. .. .. .. I. . . .. . I . . . ,i , � . -E 1. - .�, I I iz" ' HitilIg Fa mi y Pills ore' the best. - � I L Sale . I I . . I !.. ''* I . , , i Mr -A Muir, librarian, Cowden- , Or .diplomatic 114airs. L� Shuddering at.* tile ' I . � I . I � . . . . I . .111, Ii. beath, lias heen preselited -,vitli al tendP5 to victfill 6 AoInt of the leading JL . 1. I . r I . ., I - e. - mak � thought 'of-selmitars at his throat or . -, L ' . ' I _ * . . .. I. .. .. . .I . . . I . . .:. . . I . . . . 11 , �'. I : . .'� L I .. I I I Office &,ajoining Photo. Stildio . . . .� ea . L I . � ., . I " an , I � I . . . .. � ­­.. I 11 11 I_. - ..Beforg'.11 - PV - bdnd-bom'bs flung up Int:6 'Ills. howdah, I . . . I . . fieugc d Lot io' . . 1. , , I . -,�. Umepiece. .at once, a., , - -; -­-- . . �.. I . .. . . I . LL n * oft . I . . '. 7. his kAal repOTti .Nf: ele�mdnt-OiUeau 2-4' the alarmed NIzarn sent - t " . . . I � . I -_ . . . I X ' L, 1. offl ce Hours -9 to'.6 6very.� day and L ' I Anstruther School Board has re_ I kuro , �' 'H E'useupts. s 10 qu 4dite -na- F IRST . . . . 4. sit. I I '�atuiday Until.10 P LM . Bi anch offices. L . I L� waitilig . until R000lloinowski'L, ' Lp TOURIST -Isn't this lovelyA of the late .too. T I � . he L .,sh the bargalfi. urnbull 1, , s. 8d. tQ Is. .;' lit .be &4st off , -Just thInki Phaia�h divedh ' . Ther pro ti rty � . I . X in, Man.chester Du' , I L . . Tnerely, voe also'beph sent for; he Jacob ere; liatedatt eCorne'rolvictorlaen Tug OLSONS 13110 ' * � . .. 1"Z� duced the school rate froin I - turmly t ter.refusd'd to I . ., d Maria Sts. . 1. I 1. whose. tools ba . . thugL peremptorily,' ' but. In a few days , .1 . d ��- and Qheo . -- I ,and There is a . I -i. I . - . L. - Bayffeld, . . � ugannon, Blyth and- I � .1 Clinton, is offered for Sa, o. cheap. ..1. � . �. . I . 2A. per pound. made In his presence sonid'piece of work fterwards he took qtPamer ,away from . . . two story frame dwellin by'Act'.Parli6iment, 1865, . . . L . . . . .11 . . , L an, ps, and, 7. 1. �_ I I , I . )I house, containing 12 In co,r.porated . .. I . 11 V, I I arehi'e6- a . . _. rooms comprising a daub a parlor, two diuing . . , . - . I L �, _� ... . L . . . . , , .1 , Mr Robert Lindsay has been ap-1 equaling the artistic fifiish 'an( . ,Calcutta. This rals�d an Ourm, on an- Mdses! *,' It makes your. . hea,d -swim, . L. . . . �_11.., ointed organist of Trinity .(Task Es- logical accuracy 6i the .,tiara. 'This. will , county of the twonty`-;thr�e Inklis deposit- I ' 6esn't ,it ?* I .. . ... . I . I rooms and -6 bedrooms.therals also asmallbarn, � I . . �. . . I . L . ., . I . L 1. . . � 1� I I , ad', and Jacobs. was arreo�qO before�,tbe. thtlegiesomebearing trult1rees on.1he loto L , . .. . I . 4,1'. -C ished church. � be the final.test, and of. its r6sult *6re : vessel got -clear of the I-100ghly. * After . ,Seeond Tourlsf&-i �xpect Ws theL b9A I CAPITAL - . $2,5o0,0()0. L .. � Veterinarv., - ' � . 41',, bl � . js�.L t . h# For particulars; apply to � J AS SCOTT. . . . . . . . � . �. I . .� . I L � . . LL , . : a, IongL Cet..31. , . , REST FUND L' $%250,1000 'L. . ... . . .. . 1. I I. . . ,: .", -tibt " In -the ' trial,, in w Iiadera air. It hurts MY head, too. . . . Barilster,LLliutoa. . . " : - - - -, . . . I.- TheWersonal estate of the late Dr, seems to be but little do ' ' ' L hich all the Bar. . . 11h 11 I . I . . I . . . I. . I . * .. . . . . . . . .. � -, . . .� , . . . � 4�_, dvanw .In India, were engaged, the matter was ; . " . . . ­ . BRAD OFFICE, MONTREAL - . . . . . . . . . ,. I ... ...... : .. . . I_- Aberdeen, has Meantime Rouchom6wild takes'.4 I .the Wile,oiver/t ere. . ty'? L _,,,-- . . . . Wrn linter, M. P., "Fettled hV'Jab6bs returnifig the twenty- �,L 4 I --,1- . -7--� - - I . . . . . � .1 , expected :and r , , : -,e soe� liult It dir I . I , ... . 14 . I - . -: . 'wm, ma`480i' mAcinEssaij, L Prosidatt . L " . I DR-4s.-FREEINIAM.. �.- , . . . . '�'�` been valued at 1:40,Ni. L tage of his un . �,awly ad - i three: laii3s to ,the Xfftm, Ejhd L receiving Wexldyl I suppo, . Farm For Sale. ' 1. ", ,. 11 -It doesn't seem as if Cleopatra could . . . 1 . .1 � . " I : :jAMIjS,*EIjLjOV1­ Gen.,Min . . I � VRTElUXAftY SURGEOF �. ' . . ��r��,, I . .. ager. . . . , 1 quired celebrity , Parisians to . L . . I L' ' L L L. I I .:. I I to, treat the � ' V5.090 to cover his expqnses over, iL4r' ., I I , . I I ,�%­ Kingshorn Town Council insist an an exhibition of his 'tru . ly � - admirable'. pansaction I . . .. . .. . � I.. I ', bave. rode. 4n her barg* e .to meet M&rd ' . ... . __ .. 13L . I I N cites discounted, collections .m adld,L dififts Mouib&roftheVdterIn&rjM icalAxoocia.. .� -, -, 1, ' . . . . I I . - I �- . . . . . I Lot�12,B�ifieldci)n.,66de�ridhtp.,Ll aaro . . .1 -i . 'V "," !,he burgh officer ringing the curfew carvings. . 1. . � - 11 . . I ... . . . . issued', �sterling and Amerjoin, t* us of Lond'6n ond Edinburgr and Gradqt% , 1, ­ . I . I. . 'L Antony down. that horrid% stream, does exo ajige. I V f . . '. . � . I . 1% . I . til" L . *. . : � I . . -ared-,balanee hardwood,'with ki larq4) an. I - ­ .1. 1. L .I' bell regularly in future. But Dreyfus? , .'. ' �S&, , L ' . . . I I ­ . (850 Mill bought an& sold Interest �allo 6 ' . ate'.0 the Ontario Veteringri 0611bge,. , . � . Well, It happens that : Wbat a Mother Say I . . ti+y of ceder on itk in and state of cultiva im ' . I . on, .1 .. TREAT DISEASES OF ALL ANIMALS - . � . , , , . 8"utLIVouVresfa4Iw eat . . . - . ;,� 1� L . 9 ,,and considerable fall depositii SiviNg. ZlAxx�lgt . .1 � . . I I I ��, . Lowden Brotbers, Dundee, are for " fri-eAd y* .enaibled tli�: Lourre �y'a . L - . .1 - ' L ' "No, It doegn't. But that was a long . I L ere 116wed - . . . � 1. � , I I . . . . . ., ," ,'' , ' . . I . . . 1, � I I . . . L L r . 1. � - _. .1 1. �1� 1:. cll� I ;., pa - Or e.-' - . . i . barn thstablingun4eriseath driving.shed and and ap, comprit _ . . . . L . . I . I ., f, . . plowl�F ad I ' ­ _0 tL done, . Coirnfort0le brick house large I yea , I �oa -1 -- 11 't tj 'el I + I time age, wamit ItV + on on f , . � .. , , 1 12,987 to inatall the electric light into ., - Itutlin � . . + - 11 L , I I I L , I 1: � � the Fife. and Kinloss asyluin. ly_ i "it gives me reLab pleasure to say & ., v idings*_ sibout J, LUS, advanced to 'farnir on their lk/ri __ _. j ?) i PgAlt 4 I L co9eettojis ,' , 17 belle 6'so. I've seen the .playe, but other cutbui . 'S Arobard, U. 21014 1 L I _. go6d ­ __ ___ - baby shOwn Tablets. At L . ier fruit - , well watered-n6verfall- O*n notes, *jth'O]j6 or mor ere , .._ isee aneous.L . _.". - ___Aoii lReiniA, �4e� . I dozet +xemeftber just when It was.". i 112 -`�,;.% , nsicur 1%eo I � lostly wint . . a endore 1. 1, . I .1 , � .1 .,,�,� A further block of foul teen houses was Mo - M two wells- Seven miles equired.,. � ­ � . . : I . I 1- . .. . .1 I I I V!L ' is to be erected by the Duudonala author of a well-known 1113tory of-Mith-, tM age of. two months my baby was I] g spring creek a)j Ortgage r 1�'�'. . I could . "See "t- orocodlie.. b4si;in� In the', from Clinton a, n In , , , , . 1, ", . dreadfully constipated. He . not . I... - ....'... I L . ad threelrdin Bayflold. Vosges- - I 1. I .. . - " .:: . I I I I ., . .. ­ . 1 . . L . , Company A Cardenden. r1dates, that the genuineness of the A: ,sq,ptlyl guilt" , . sion at any time, reasonable -tond. - App for - . *UX. Bre,Nt"Ir.-I"atagers A � � I 0, . . . ,:!� ' furt or particulars . I . FISHM 7 _ - - I; ��: I la)�dscreamed incer ' ' ' ' to OHAS. SIMONS. If St ­ . . . : 0 f "o.. Colliery Ched for bv his bro, ther, SfLIo , digesthisfootl - 1ving ' '4�'he baskifigii 6h,11-iijud, that re- I . � . , . .. .. .. - 1. . . I . . -1 ject was van I . _� I was almost in desTalr,'butfiina6gi t., Cloderiolij . Climlen 11 . . , . " .I .v','. Dr Zuill. Carnock, has been re- L I . DAVU S. " , , 1. I I. I . : . .. .1.. . - � � * CL Tax' ­Or;TV - .. I . '1� tp inon iteinach, and that'ba'h f ,e brothers nftdg Ine. 11ow are you. goinig to, haVe j - . . I . I r ­.. . . . �. �,��.'�.� a I � ;r him the Tablets lie as been well and Is - . ,. . . . � . .. I . . I . ad .. 1 I . . ,. " I I IL . .4 " , , , aneroid barometer and field glass. in jave L _' ' "-----' __ V§ a - Al' *gICivinI S lendidly," Such ii the testi- YOUr '00 . We c" 'give 1106191411116 t. 111roo"s 0 aft % . _V-_ , �� ,zented by his ambulance cl ss wi j4 j-oseph Rei ---- ah in gn,.' I � - u6W b1sqUe tritrinleAV f 1 9 I Gelmerali Agent ]Federal 1,11c Aisurante Ce . . .. . . I I . . 1114lel , L C1 , ,, , _. ' , Policies On all th latest J! s e - 1. . irid.- , .9 - ' - - . y,irs, mechanics, Ay. L - i, ... , , ,� . . LIL . and optiunb'Wost. adTantsgeouB to . " � �oi r I I . XI . , ­ L . L Atebtsi book-keeperao ippiovb'd plans, with , , ` . ""I of Dwy U* I * I I 21 Irs i. Craig, L320 Bathurst' , Okhlercy, there's the Sp�hln . glades at ability . 1. . . .4 �,.,._ . I mony 0 -, . I . Ii. Renrl :kc , ,j 0 , , . , - olerks,f9rin erts sons, tom' C. il - . 9 L I . " L . I I . ,� .. - � . With the assistance of Mr Andrew This a a tt�d 11 �L 1o,&ud*thousands 6f other X , - aftia,ji� the Sphinx", .: : - and I , M I ass.. . '!',=d. Annuities issued., -, , , � . . , ..� 1! Street, Tbiont . . CI . I , - hie ,�. I 90 , Icianp, .Pnaobe�s� studento, warrittl . . , , , p x a M . I Aha�t aske OL . . I L , � , Carnegie an organ has been placed in pain We 'ielnp;r ha4 ib ��ii � U I . mothellS sp,aitk in a similar st'vain. - �"Wlwv Itlis -a 'thinyt d. you Bugle women alld vidown. Positto.011 are, -, M , -1U!j 1. . I . I . . . , ­ - . ; I '. ,, I . �er � annum. We rehant'TAll I . � . b �. . the Auchtermuchty Episcopal church. mellowed by 'his -i0lite hair -A-51 I. - Addlei, you.knowi Dear me, I'm not worthirom $400 .td$2,600 1) . . . , � . . Suminer is her.e and m6thdrs should vassers W, weekly' for . -, I .. I . I . . � . . . L L 11 I f ill WA and a half sedre of year--yi flte� - .sure �*hetbir thaVa. the Sphinx or'OjjeL have paid iaveial can . . . . .. . � : , �, � ,. three, .V tlike special pains to guard their little . . . years. A ritia fully and wt -will give: Tons, - " -MARRIAGE Lickma. ­ � - . . . The schools under Kirkcaldy School Reina,chs arein adeal. it .�a;jf.`hccordIlij' Q; epS. I oftfie Pyramids. Just look ia�t all thos4 . . .. .1 . I' jo.� Pt WELLS .". , . . I . . 1. . I I I . ... "I'P.., . riesagainst illn �,k-t this season -in- , .: position to suit. L . I � I . . I I � I Board are to be closed for the summer t lv- I . L , I I .. . .1 S�IEDLBY, L , 11, . . 1. ,',I_ '14 e %.. a him. '_ fant, mor a i �y is its greatest ; cq I . . "ON 0 . . . . L . . . . . I . . , 'a' . '. *:, � " � ta.bo � . k %ntford I HENSRLL . I , 1 . � . from ?b * I 't Ut' * at :)lie, 4&114renl T4ey must be going. In for IHE,BRADL)�Y-GARRZT, ,a; Ltd. � ,. --tion from July 17tb to Septerilv­- ",J,.,~ ve Vlffioi;�Sro . 1. :,Aug. �2utl : - '. � I :. .. ,,, ,�. I . I . I , . I ..,,,V I t-1. L I I I a a your 9 or Summer � . . . . . . . ,�vb "I .� --.VPrj0,e�,,_, . , . -. R -Ac " " .'*wIn=1!*." . I! ... . I .. . ' B �2,�;, . . - .. ,c ed fro&� diarrhoea and sumn . L ; �t � __.�_ order,foi a 13prin I I Oa What else ean 591 "I ­ ' L L lier complaints can . Ld v Therefore, he UldlY ae- 'be gu4,,rded a , Inst and prevented by I IWO. OArj It's* Me affect of the mild, . , . I L . J.. *... RUmbal.19 L Vl1nt0L - .: . ""' �-,�!. -lot. - !�reyfuaardsf L . dumat0l . �. . ­ I . . I -suito All thfr nowask tweeds, and watodate . 1. L ., �, C, Own Tiiblets, Keep . . cookog Uton -Root Compotiod. i I a make selections from. I : I � 0 I - . , . . I. �,,�"-;�. ... . I to the use of B 'S . I . I . . . � . 0 F : j 4 � 1. �,',�� . , � -es at ikir-ktcin, kases the Unadhe of having conSpirod * : Kopse-they may - Save 111jodk theftf 'That must be the des- ' I . L Utilities' FaVoritop . . . ' ' . _.� k� L _ I .-TINS new dairy and byi defraud the French public, and .of 1A a box'in th 91C LVU . I ARRIAGE IaC ME Issued by the u ' , �, ,,.: . Els e. , , . - varreing money, to the Louvre 6uly In or- YO ,fe. Sold -by druggists t I can't see any. caravans, to the only safe. rdlla�bld ! are allproaching com ur little -one's li � . Workmanshilli Unexcelled dorsifffiedpit-hio Eejijdemce,Majyst* ,;"" J�:urntisland � . i, 25c a box by pateox it bWt A -desert, Perha,Vs It's .. ,regulator on. M�Ich woman - � - .1 . .. . me " , . , . p,etion, anx are the I)est in the ,lo divide V , eople fronj w1l,91s' or tuay be oa�d mail .. 1. ... can depend. In Pe bour . L I An to -date atack . I MCI . ton. . . I . . .1 I , JAM . E's Scon, sa I . . . I I , V�': , L I . � and, time of flood. . I . I I I 1;. � -.� I F�,er tilars, was 0 1 . I , . . . "fas and caps. I . � . . � j'�"L rl *e p� I of - iality I h - ad e&i %V willtatmal.Xediciffie & wipapp. . ,. 'A*o a -mlrage# dear?" L ' . , . . .. . L . .. 4 . . .. . '. , , . b!ro , MO.. Itoclunii W . Cc ro ng I'le', Ont. "W2w � . Prepared In tio dien . . � 11 . . . ,, . I V i - �VB ckv . I 4 � tied oil � I . I . I �,­ e iilaker at Fife 1 ogell . �_ 4' .. A . ,A q 'L I I . . "Oh, We aometbWc the� see' In des- 11 strength. No. an No. 26 1 1 . . L' I I ­ David Barrie, crat, . %. . __ . "i, -1 ttery, Gallatown, has on his jubi- r&4joo�­ - - - - �r.l_ - . . ", ,�� . .. . . . I � � oftL L 11vorything to upside downi you I . No, I. -For ordinary eased .Now is th.o. jitne to. submAj* I MRS CABWBELL, ZOND98110110 - ' . . I � ': ree be;n presented with a I,urse of I � ,Itevue, says Pubull . . . . Io by far the best, ddllaX, - . . P ISSUER OF kZRIAGE LlCblqFl" , L �,_ ; � ­ .L A �� .. iii The Nouvelle " ,mow."_ DA a*Lf L Ul? .Cyh, . L . ' th j 11 L edlelfie known. . . . . .. I . . . � . . I . . .. . I . No witnesses ,required . -0. . I . !Irtor. , I e - - thoughtful in . . .VA24WL I . .. . . , see a AM- L' I 1. . . il :- .., sovereigns. ____A. .it,ow . .� . , -:W� , 011inloti, IL Garlen writes 9 I "Isaft th ,Va. r special cases 10 degreO -- � I L L ' - ___L . � L ' . I . �. I ,.:. - . -t, � VAvertimeme-st - article concerning the very serious Drab- . deturel 11;- perL box. . . I . I . I . . 1. . . . ! L . . 'OL - �; r 1. U*Wsmo native? Whatd j Strouger--three dollars * 0 4 4 * 4. 4 A fl, " I � 1, The trowler Abet 116 sauntered inf; 6 lem of the. French juvenile 0 hairs, MnA bei a sheikh at least. W-liat's Ile . ffAdIe9--ask your drug - for - CoOklif 404i����-.-.-.-.-%-4.-.-�.-�*�*-.%-q . . P � - L., , -deeilshire recently . dv . " and . . 1. axist. . . . b. L. 110 RERSON ' I , .2L.! Years Juvenile depravity . . Take no otbef 0- 1. . I ,; clischarged at Aberdeen it cargo of department ,�j " ell-knawn. daily aad D01ing isto, � . . L . I . . I � . I 4, . t zl',000, got in left an a1v ertideffiont, ,whiah- r . dotnxlr�. - . . S, - I I . ":, , , . terribly " �11 d Imitations art * � �, igalted -fish valued a ,, Ten lady typistd wo, ead. - . have' inereas�d 0 . the conc�etli4 and a. 2 are sold 4110 jb _ L L I ' � . I 1 � L .. lited; state wqgol� A eetallY Irf ParilL We's playing on � .11 L .. the D& L �"... 1XISUIRAN01R. , " � ,. . ,- I , I ­ # and more esp passina his hat." I � _1^0mmen : rugglato In , ". - , . I yoftrad ago it Society Wat - L Met, recommen � L . L . - -L' . I . Mailed td,atiy adfitooll , . 1! L Foreign. CVLOok the dafence a it to LTJY I Fire - life, I jcelandic waters. _ X The, Novel"Bale'ry. . Apply, by letter, A. U. and Co." . Ch Un ON 0WIf 'Isn!lt - L ' L JLt & all )ijee =n of Ca I , . I _ . Then he w6ivt out, And four "ya 140V a I . rice and four 2 -cent vOstAV � : . Accident. ., rX te, a . . . . . . . . . . V9110k, MACKAY Bj,00,x. a . � 4 Dung criminals., lid 'n connection with t I n a railroad where they don't 00 lec� of 0 .909a compaurp 4 t- - ' 41 r .1 OLUMX - , . . Bulgaria will make no further 111i'li. he came back, Be boolot were organized several admir- T&VO 0 ,?" r INAMPL - - - +L � I . ".: - , t Turkey. "WhaVs tile matter with the pa*10. Institutions, which undertook the .have mLnr smoke or cinder I w1adson oub , .g., and Restmat ___ . I � I . . . . � . ,_ ,3ary preparations agains lit asked the glerk, . . care of those lads who, If Act fit for � 16yee, and do Y,ciu ,notice "hat a . . A � . .. 1. .1 I 1. ,,, r r , . '.. is i jorls6n, were yet more unfit to be onat balmy odOT,coines In at the window?' No, I and No 2 are sold in 011 on b � : I . a a . - . a y Z) - L � . 3, , r Emperor William has posponed h "Nothing ,thit 1. know of." , more let l0000t Ott societY. one importan _ ,. Ale, . J. 91 We alwaye keep cm hand- a large . I � , ­ -Vomegian trip. He is now cruising "'Did you put tbv�t ad# of'Wne InO � law. pgoxedr many' years ago, caused Ye& 1sn"t It fragrant? So.spilicy. H. .8. . Oombes, R. - P. Re : . and,welI worted' stock of goods to LIM, . , . . - r L . . ", cou"e. , Didoft jou see it I" I every criminal under the age qf eighteen Cg-ult you sme-11 the cloVes.1, Ah ama, t Hovey ana v. W. Watts, DrUggl6ta : a .. Agent for t 0 . as jn the attic. r . choose from. a - ,. �­ 14 be considered still it chil , Ant[ as suen . I .. at sinoliester, Ein na, w as* I .are I .!. , ed "No, I haven't bad tinie to look It �Ipj' 'unfit for prison. The houses of correctl6h . Mki'to breathe It In." I . ity itersi dr.^t $ 4 ,OW. Al an -No . � I The Belgian Parliament has vot 4, single r _�� . I , ,is. but I haven't bad to Which the French Juvenile criminal in siso IV. *� , Mixed voudy from !a to 10oloplt I .' 0 '00. An eisom 6 I . roply. Aii, , do 1. IM ask *the� conductor what _�AL'AL.111��A moths - 'r �. . againiat an enquiry into the admin you murb, y0d,put It Int" . now sent are twelve in numbbr; six are, It In. There he Is,: Conductor, vloafttl' . . ,W.,w � �. - . . farm I g, r 11 ifation of the Congo Independent to all Intents and purposes, agricuitura The *M. I L � I 11 WI ; Wn V le rt7 takest . I : . . Bou-towr led 0 $1 per lb. . I M L &as L"n Colsip" f . " t, . djjcfOr_yd#, ma!am? �§, . low 6 _ I I i 1, . The 616rk got down the. Me arid turnA "llogeS; in the, six others are taught' I . . . , r r 4., 0007 be bad f1r,w r . � state, 4dwafitfv) . O�Conductor, where does eat motor , L , L . 6 � r . In . : - . ',L to the town traaem. The state has alAO threa . ral ' Tanzy olaotolateo: and oreams 3) 4 j % Z431sture of ago& *il . In the face of a strong -wind M Le. "There It Is," he said, w1hidl the p6i ,houses of correction tot girle, and ad- , orniou dinne froin,,?" - . � r � - 11 a.- postal i � , r' : � . L M �o 250 plot lb, - . .. f6 . . . .0ard ... I r r toull eta it. dition 'to theme public reformatorleo there 111win dit 106orAotive, Ma!&ML 'We I . I . . 9 Aeerable balloon yesterday per round so the advortise. &rp in Franpo.twontY private reforroata"r . . . . . 1, .. '. . . . I . . . .. r r: ., baudi 8 i 4 � U06 nothing I r, .,,.... . . . . I 1. . Figs and Dejes, ' I . I I L .. '.. r � I - . . I . . .. .1 I : 7 "" L ket - - L , MAIL LOP - NUTUIL FIRE ' 1� I cent at Mantew- 116 read iC overtarehOly, " Ills face .111 r the agr cultural liblames Of bu� ratimm1*4 for tot an .. . "Ir �. . , .Iuad�a successful a ­q . _ � I schools. . - ­ our -Seine, . . lighted' upi . i . . Wti6p each boy Is taught gAirdtining t1da line, Vda'am.11 .1 L, r Meat'Mar � .. , . I . - "No wonder I didn't I get itay . I become, prosperous market I., I . LL � MeXla&n Naval Ana. Valencia ,r' aftbwesiio In a I Ita braudhoal,' and masky lads, after .. I .. - "I. I I 91 or� L ­ � I - 011, � I. 'r URANOE Co. r 11 . I � In an obstacle race at Paris yester- 1, said curtlf' . � doners, n the. neighborhtlod of Parlo. one One of T-om Ite#d% Retwh6 .\ .1 _ a ng purot-soed thebutchatin * L � anged 160 to 506 par dot' L . . WIS I . dav a man beat a horse. He had t,Wl*t,s the matter, with 100 a4ed Importfint *point, find one characterlotleaU . . I., ,. 11 vi , I � . Ilk &;t every effort - r uL none of F. Ili, I - � " , ,,� � wo of the 25obstacles and the thi plerk� hauling thelstper ba4k spin. ly Frianch. Is made --Nd Matter wh,*Jt.Y*U W&Y So'" dt si rcwsll I slu re. Lemons 0o per doz. 11 TAIthitandlISOLAVIII) .TOWN :pgopZ 1, ,,� , ,touched t , _ . to keep the children In touch 'with tbiolt - parAd to furnish the peopli of 4111 . . L :.. 11orse eight. "Read It,') dotanian 9d the Advertisers homea. � Once a month they spend OAS elared Mpresbuto4ve Babcock of Wits ,� nds - - find . Dun * forgot this is the place for, ONLY INSURE I L I I iand the cl;rk read - I Sunday with their parents, sup O$1U , of ton,min ,to, Chairman Payti* at fte Why's ton %rith L all ki 61 Fresh . I I � missing French barque Ducon- 'OT - I d t -L, q0to *"tbd� I I SaUbage-i W1091A, all kinds of Oakes pastry, eto . . 11"ICAPA . Al The urge, b1b And mean& Comfuhteo when dio6timing .4. � " redies hag people. Once A, YIoat'. P "i _ lard buttersbaogge olimyo ksoi on I . ,. 10. McLean, protidento I . '. . 612 a . ,V,t,r ageo, 06 that the Igitter tire r Cured Meats. I I as lost. Un- also. "a - dffld the, V"Ock VrOP"ItIon .to VM All'Alteel , I A go -A line of pipe cip 11"Ok� Wot-Prosident, Bru , L been given n We Von P. O": no . I I Ve 49m to A. 0 and Oo." r . fileld P 0 Thog I . * I V Ott .. spendw four weibics Akt home. . Vr6duttg, ob the fre . I 10-R&Ygo 086Y-TroM SWortb p, , 6 atirl Qra, ;Iadb tile . - tolA000 alw&yel on ban 'd., derwriters at Sydney, K. 8 W� 0 have 6 list, 11 an�IqXK UZI ateana I t;V;0 - a, . I , . M - co'�Is I ­ I ­.. I I :kZ2t2;MWmmemr.&j sul Inarofto,bOr 0 1 L100000,-Jrach Direct6r.- for . 'i r l3altl L , 6*14 ocallity; Ir.r paid $100,000 insurance. on, and next day the o4vertAX 50R� 1 1 kboWit, add WhOR A Mau V '' 'Moro O. 11 I Russia is preparing to develop tho n1110444146 folios, a" ther av� I . --- � r . rigm he Is in 64* majoiltz" Is" INN 's, ritzAlMolag r L & Son# . Vaierd M.IW%ya oil hana. ; 1W , � . bl"Ot0he . r I r fisheries of the Siberian coast and. i'viellomill, I . . 1. r 1. ­. . . L rejolled P&Yne* 14but YOU renteaftr th" . I G .UL ' df t 1�* �� , will Soon become a formidable com- - . ,91 , . . . I , r irokft need used to say, XW wid 6A Velphono r", � , I . I We aii4§ lesdoro in this line, r' rom 40 4 SoAfOrth, Abu a Qr 4 I 'Will br�p. P O., Gor.rgo DA10, 8&fatth. j0WA I r in the salmon markets of the S - 1. � L CASTORIA Wake a snWorlty, bVt MrAlkY & JIMfOL . I .1 �� 6011 1 .) . I Pr etitOr . . "L., .., - . . . I 111161111a*M4 Dublin; jaS ICV&t a, Bofth;�a p � . � . I . 11 b" beeb burned at the stalm *hIlo th# * 6rdero delivered protapily, id all . ]R, B ' L , �� I I d. I Vor Wants al 01iften, hilf th# 91 John Watt, Harlobk P 0 Tbablga pgas . ivorl - rH L' votqo vore beinit 060h.teW " . pe,vto,of the town, r I ARTLIPIP rupeflaid, johnB. MdUan ICIMU of I � . L __ - I . � I , Ce"011y 011111011, Pat, W. Obisliey "Mb, !11 ,...*.� - ___-LL-- - - - J. M, Chuq�, who has been conduct- 4. L NO AlWais got 4 �, , . 'r - ____ __ Ing an exhibition of piletutes bY Can&- r I 's B -Ngoo" kovIlls "', 0 . - ontj , r I - 1 I 1-1.1.11 I k �jt W1 eftitt X Mt . 11 . r I . I , , , � 'I . . I - L . - f I . I I . - . �1� , , - - � I , , I I I I I 19 I ewy,65M I ' Id L:-� 11 I I I � il p 6 in a 0 1 1 e 0 1 1 1 , . h I w d I at a she f � I B * I . . I I Lh I , - I I Is P�-3 , ". !` I 1� bl�;,,.,, __ It " .t. t I I . , . Co .AL 03 W - dilat atitists 'in Mofttrettl, h9a been ar- 1111 ;e " L'' L - . I .... bhol000 004dow of a. JU0016y, Ilut alm" I 1, . I !, 11 Dow -L I C-6 3m"% .& a I It 11 1, ' ' I L . It � k0mithortal U ' � " I Rd HAVO Al" OOOAM rested, owing to tho fdAt. rhab thO &Vt- 1i '118 and $1 , VUbg *Ora 0 0 46* 1 r I i 'k I "?'11� & v 0 . -The KI You � 11 .1 I �L Countokfelt Canadian 02 bi , ; , tit ,� . .. 11 11 " Ho no MT 1 Ing for 819natur co".9, . AfnetleAn IlotAS raised to $jor are Ir, -A,.&,".A&Ak,.t " . L ­ .. a ,U*VQ I Urs 0 of .. It r#OV&AW%ft1 MIMA, ra d W , , & ;4ji 'D , r 11 I'll jawhavenotheon pa.14 anythi 0. 10999 0 i il*$ 01660606066 k 61416" . "d . A qtbatuft I ** I I thOrWotkv" .. . vulating In xlngtton, I - . . #4~ . I ­ 6 Of , . . I - . I I IM&W... I ., I . . . �", . I . � . I . � . . . r . 6k.' I r , r "' ­ I . . . I � I . L ., I , I I � I � . r - I I � � I . - -Aft", . �=;, " VWW - . I . � � I . 1, . 11 r', I" �,I_d� AIALA.��#_AA".. .. I .. L� _W1011,411 "�' 11". ,4 - , &W , ! 0 , I W,&�ja.L�� - , , e,_1 I _.- I ., _AMNW1&.1.U.:_� - i"AiliMs"I.- - L�.%Ai111n.fi.AJkdhd&.".,&'_ .. -46; ,-, isismalsoalls6milld"im I I __ AA6&"ii&AA&"A - ) __ �� __ ­Z�_­._­____.­�._ -.� ft 11,02-A" k&NAh"16 __ - ___