HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-07-17, Page 1F ' , I JJ , , 11 , I 11 I � � I I I 1; ., I I , Vhia $1$sr 11p,A, t140 boot 100SI vbwt 0m; 014i.4 -Abel, fty, , I 10*610001pip I �, W4 1 � v -A'Bra BROD1% B:N T � A r4t. I R . 0 � " . � PAP,ar Itt t1jo 00YAUlty Of allroat . Will be wit a __ - - ____ I 0 � -- - -1 - ----k a '' 0,1�_ 014t subsoription u, %M . . "_ . �­_. . ;"-�, . I-, i M-1, I- - . III ''. .�,;�� . ' � new.oub-saribm till Annawy, I' 60 �� I 904t for 40& I I - - I I 1.11 —F — . --� z; ,. ' -_ ,--- I - - - - - - - - ;__�_ �� �� 11 11 I I 0 . I I . 1 7 := I ly I . " I . .1 - - , 0 �� ,, , . I � - Tfi I Of n , IN , , F,i , I . I * . . �1, I I . I . 11 .,.. I , 111. e, ... I. 1, I 11 I ........ '', t, 0�- in I", _ . _ " ,� &I .111'' ... fl. W '­ I 1� 414 ary I ­ I ­- ­ _7 I .... CLINTON. ONTARIc),, jULy .j P7, . , I R I.. � .11, I 41i , 1, i I I 400low I 1J _. i .� , 11be ]Label Tells'th,0 #%to " 11 " � .. IF111171FIrw ! . . I I � � - P . I -lf_.�_ ..,; I . I 1 1 . . - - - - 1. � � � $1, ­ I . ; I . 1. . I ­ ; ­� I . . I . ,,,,or IrI1,41dy; o . I - I%%% 160 %0%W%0f00" : R90iortbl; I' I 'T 4er'sniltit, I I . I . ,I- -"--"--"— . I .1 I—— 1. I 11 - _. 1. . . - r. 7 - . I -_ - . f , On , ot", � :, � . , . * , 7 . . __. . . . - . I I I , .., __ 11 . I ;� I - I 1. F_ 11 . . I I — .1 11 I � 1. ; ­ - DEATU 00 X.R. LUVY­The following NOTRO. -Mr. aod Mrs, W. Edwards ation at No 428; Walton L � " . ­ 1-1 , I rtlier �art, . Orange Celebir Lucknow L 0 L. I 0 L ' ku . I ,.. . Something � fu Iculars of the fatalaccideiit -and Will. Movety ent a few 4ays No 252 - Culp t1rilikee EXallilliation. 1,11,11, 01­11,1­11�111,�i I � _� . ed here recently, are'taken I U7 - j4 Oss L 0 L No 978; Raple � � AL� � _ ... .that happen tbls. week with frie a here returning . He"Sall I Grove 0 L 'No lotl ; .Kinjoss L () T4 . I �. T _7_ Useful from the Seaforth Expositor of last to their home on Wedue — I NO 898. Dungannon I., 0 L No 3!�.I; 13el. 110"" , , � week I, "a "day- Miss The Oran emen and th The Board. of Elltv4ne() examitiorsfor I , e took a gun And four M. Robb, of olinton, spent last week eir friends - loaded cartridges with him, saying he visiting at her -brother s Mr, J, Robb, throughout tMe DominiOn have every fast 1, U L No 400, Nile L 0 I, No 105,12; SeAforth and the aftIllated contres of . you can 96t Your savings and earn.. _ , I Wingbion L. 0 L. No 794, ; Enniskillen Brussels, Wroxeterand Fordwich met I - %nd the Board I intended , COs0l.)0of­BrAmpton, and Ali reason to cOnOratulate then It fife and drum band ; Colborne L 0 L At Clinton oil July 110, met ugs oared for and paid back to you e OYIng 4 coupla of hours' -s, thj- u,u I - . iselves n . shooting.. We wen IM41,,,, . ofx weather, ma�,lifle6lit, � No 1553; Blilevale L 0 L No. 707; If f0r*()IInton And its afriiiated centree, I t to the residelice of 11'sponat Sunday, with relatives a Nerings, And the croWn � Orris Mrs Gordon MeAdain, on the Mill here, s abol ftubary, of London orderlY ga� 11 in-, L 0 L"No 873 ; Brussels fife and drum Winghainand Blyth, met at the PURE horse - I , the !land; Brilssel-; L 0 Yll On July 13th. I . Same 1 oad, Tuckeroulith, wherebelefthis oad , visited friends here last Week.* many celebrations held on . L No 774; BeIRrave tM . � On Demand i R success Which was their portion at I 1�aylng that he was goinj back A Hmix) W0RXHR.­A young son ot' and Monday 1 SatUrd,'17 L 0 L No - 402; Londesboro L 0 14 NO Oandidates wil 0 C I 4st. The Loyal Orange 808; Auburn band. Auburn I o recelyed 6) percent, . ancl we will Pay You for the into t o busIA .to see if he con d yet Xv John Oldfloid, of Tuckersul , , , privilege of caring for your money. I . I th, WtLs Association is todi -, 0 L No or over are 41?Val"fe I alphabotica An . more firmly root. 032; Blyth L 0 L_N , kgr.thing to shoot, He ,also told he sonlawhat upset a few even iogg I I . &,,r . . Ily.in . Od in the hearts o the People Akd the .0033, 0 11mor Ust, triv io who obtained 50 . to le was eatin�-, a boiled egg at slip R'mplre than ever before. And this ,was tile procession 10tUrned to the -per cent. but less. ti all 5) percent a -re . . lot withwhoni-1c, leftthishorsellow I ,o, 11, . th R Dollar will give you an ao, feed and careforhim. .per After Parts count with us at Exeter, Rensall, Mr Levy' and was surprised to find it complete . park t � ... . Clinton or Zurich branches. not retutning for the horse that night' egg inside the forcibly Aemonstrated in Hurou last fr he spoocil�makb'g took OlUe s11n'I`rIY arrAng0d in the Pass List, I I . . . . I I G.. . ..., e MeAdaips I inside egg s the grand stand. Mr W J Greel-,of 117ing. ,fail, an . Were very .. -�� , "' was d covered the workassignedI. . . nor the next forenoon, tb "Pon ' " One he w4s engaged Monday. Por Orange purpose t paor uilt o0posite the The ekitialtiation papers, � ever .comt)leto ill county of Huron is (tivided Into north ham, county masterof North Hill onj. Tile . . suspected � that something must be ; resp(s ,ct and was about the slv,e and 66uth, the - JHE SOVEREMN . wrong, Mr Xc4dam went to t6wn. of a robin's. egg former going to Blyth was chairman. . 111,11est, illarks biken at the var. , I The hen that pro- and the latter to H(Alisall. . . lolls contres Are : SeAforth 8,j2, ..Brus_ I , about noon oil Friday, and informed duced that egg *Asa little too Ind va Re-)vo Siniq Of 13137th� WAS the first sels 810, 'Wroxoter%21), Forlwich 814, . . . . BANK Or CANADA Mr -Levy's. son of the facts, and lir. trious. I . - Ofin ton, Goderich. township, Rullett, speaker, and'extendea reen 0 . 0 Goderich McXI1IOP,,9eaf0rt1i, Stariley, como,on behalf of a hearty wel- . Clill ton, 852), BI 7 And Willgham . ­ �. � . Yth I � - Fowler and he tit oncedroveolitt Ax. ---The trustees of I- -Biddulph, an all of South Perth that tbecitizens of Blyth,'. 8 114' I . — --- W. 13rYdone, McAdam's place. After searchin .11ii, d . . . I — . R. T. Rance the woods at the rear of the far 9 In nall's school, Tockersinith, I ' "I c mild get'therv, were at Hensall, ,Ind a to all visiting Oliangemen, . . SRAFORTH. 1. . ­ ... .. . . Manager, Clinton. some time, they .found the body of Mr ' -Y . Tbe other Speakers were X John - Hoxons - 1. .*P48s In .11 I � . Solicitor, . in for )much annoyed bJ boys and ot�]trer vpeell- A'Veabdayit was. From tho c()unty iAqlford, of Blyth, distt,jo r . � , . s who Should now better thro,- -- town there wovo Special traill . b 11"IStO11 (lordell.t. Burgal-d 10 I I Levy In a thicket of bushes. The '9011 . .Bessie Aitchoson .R Pis Ewe ' ' .4 body as reclining in a ha IngStones-atthe school bujl(jlu� p _`t nients, the continp,ent from lirrallge- Rev Win LQW0, of Wingb&rn, depu ty' Ellice Bryan . I . le 6 � I tbere left)r- grand chaplain� Mi. A H 1jusg Evelyn Darwin - " . . . If sitting bre,tking the Windows- Tbe7­ ' . 1119 at 8 a,in-, howled, by tha . i,ov , of Vborrance Dorenel)evej� I . ­­­lI and Ifalf Ing posture, andlifewas . t splendid Wingha;ni: Rev Jos philp, of KI e , Annie prescripsiou'Drug Store, blintop. I I I I .extinct, Athout milking it close ex� week olfbr a reward � &i: - Inforlila� , , Viper' Dtin-,an'McKav, 6f Kintitil. dino Rey j()s Epojalld, of I nc,%r,- 0'ecelia, Rovill Lizzle, Flanagan I I I . Suninter Clubbing Rales amination they returfied to town and that iWl lead to the detOctionand L% ,' * Ifensall, preseuted In very attlylotive formerly of, Qliro, N11 1 h., MinniciLaidiaw , 141,4liz,H611and. 11 __� !� 1. . , I notified the coroner, Dr, Scott. who,at viction of these bhoughl.les . . �Iorrls: Rev Mi �vpsoll,or May Lockluirt. - ' Libbiellart . I . � � _� . — . . ,rg Ance, the numerou4 ra-cbes, ev- Nile, and RqvJ Edmonds, of ..' . . �. I Naw EnA and New York Weekly one property destroyers, Sinodr 11111t1tille 12.pr('eterns, bunting, flags, m()ttoej, eic..,, vote of 13lyth. Al'i I ilie Murr,ky .. . , nee went. out to U%ke charge (if t1i. practi - A thnailra was te . May Kftle . , . Witness . ......... �­ ,,***,**, --$175 , body . 1 tinued some one being forcible reinind(-inq ndered the May McKinnon N,B,— - N8WERAand8abbat Reading -100 .. of tile great, speakers on inotion of Mr John MIR. . A Krans.%.opf ' . I . . I I -Nr-N ER& and both of the above -.*.l.,. 2 Go O' ffer. , . Orange and eitizon labor that had ford and Ur Richard Holm 4eO'Xeefo - Beatrice Love I . ... Oil KITIVIII9 Ot the Place the - will beseapiat%o)'t (sluscon doct r found the boly as before stated . . frel . I RD --- Another ll,r,,,t whole- ham - , - 'Ing Try AntisePtle F,iot . -WEW ERA and Fainity Herald and with the back and head. restin . been w the . es ... Weekly Star to end of 1908. arid to .E, against ,,iGoNE 're .His Rulvii ox led to sho . I lofW � I - Camilla Prinid�rgast Jennie Morrison.. I - a logi The gun which Mi-. ovy . had .,,eer of this to ed _Ip"(1111101onle accorded the visitor, Olarn Pinknay Allie Murray � I those who sub3rib 9 before July 15bh, . I wtiship wto c,tiled to q, Prizes were awarded as folio , .... '- . .twct-prentinins ....... ....... ......... 700 . taken with him was 'r�stjngagalllst als I-eward on Wednesday of I and this wits further dembilstrated Best brass -band, T,TIck ow ws'- Gertrude B Raid- Lit McManp P.owAer. for a0re, feet.. � I . ast we6k, w . I I N aw jgRp, an i Weekly Njail and Empire, . another log, .wit in theperson of Robt, hen Reeve n fir0, - . . to end ofyear. Witt, oremlania h- the butt on the AicVety. at the - the -%Ott officially welcomed 1111ru so end ; best life and dru All- -All(li,,�,NvAt-chibalti,.M;Iggi, MoKa , i . i i i . , . ... I... ground.- Two of- the four cartrid es ir;e of 73 years,, 9 months .'alid''12 da$ -s, thougailds of visitors from- the l3russelki first, in band OficAerMirkor *. Elizajnijoy, y � 04 0 4 0+4 . � I 7 ,,-t++-- . 4miliskillon Second . , . . ! - - . hadbeen discharged, and the ot or For tile P.ast two yei � publieplatforin ill thoafternoon. ' r -1- -Jlll,i %\1 Btilholz - ' ­ . , A IN&W 11 - � 9 tys I'Ar Movety 11,18 best fifer, W J 4)1 rison first, W Bain- Edna-Snarlin . ­­ ,---%-. 1!==-..........................6 . or, . . 9. * . -_ -_ ., ... . 1. two were found on the person of the been residing- with his dalight In allabont 20 lodges were present, ton s Delbert Constable Maud Shillin . I . . I er.. Mrs proper -rain Ace pi) econd, W Fryfo 01 third, ilesi; Norurin R D -W '�11,30 I O&W Alice. Mann - - Bpock Brandon . , . Bayneld ' dec�ased,, Oil examining the body l. Edwards, of Moore . but t ' oannodatimi:.wonld )er, A And 51, dressed lodge, 11innall W.kish Olive M Manners RON, N. Wn Latiallton I I P9RS0N.kLS--Miss May Bell �ho doctor found a gun shot wound on .county, where It 1,ve increased Q Jas.Scott [1;Iys , Harry Adams Vard Campbell . . isspend- he (lied. h-evious to lis nityllber to 30- or '- Belgrave I largest lodge, Lo r S ot F ,.1, . at the Drew ";)* Mott Flowing I I I :. �he left side, Immediately over th6 this liewhad resided'for 45 ye;trs on tile McKillop and Seaforth. were bi a; dil- lodge coming grell,t6st dist,inc I Kin.: wthorne Archie Aitcheson May Mason I Everett Glenn Ing a couple of weeks er I I ndesbo, o ; c t I &ssie 1-1 Marsales E cotta 3rd con, He was born near Kingston, emma, with severitl hundredl P41 6 , Htlbex$ Hend,�rson Gerald Onse M gei) JOwett's camp. The family heart; the cliarge having entered there . . . _Ssen- cardille. - � . �. .... . -garetMusgrove ' ' I .. of r an eS0 about six inches to the , 4"d � . Alai Richard Howson I I ickson, Seaforth, have moved d ,aped andat the age of 28 moved up into ge(m,,no, train' accommodation, kind a There wera P3 -ti �kets sold � . L . mund Lacasse ,Vincent Darwin - Martha,'NcPherson Percy Kerr I . , ff' I il -�Fll' le South Clinton Station. I frOln Ji-enry F L-trkin I to their slimmer home here. . rea.r. - The flesh was torn and the ribs 'fl"kersmith, - is vife (lied About. 17 ,�Jol tag of vehicles, Ile ti I .. . . . I . Chas S Diokson Mmr 1 - . L.oken in And penetrating the heavt. years ago, and wits laid .ta i est'in Till- eri I �is were -also badly-handi- . .. � I- I I . '_ - .. , . I . . .. .. John `W M.cl,cinley Jas Dickson 1. . ory D Hose - Henry G King . . . ATTENDED SHERVICE-The L. 0. L. Death Mors . I q -1 I I HAz;I Run !man, .. Ch,tries Little . � . -had evideutTv been almost in- ,,er*s ceiiietery, where Mi, ' capped. As.irestiltoftlie'lins,if.ist.t' . .4--A.-.4 I Williall) Morrow . Leo'Fortune Millie Turl3ier John Alkson . . � marched to church in a body . MeVAY was , c- .. . . � on Sun- st,,,ntaheous, 40 -ad trie shot had been Iiiidl)esidehe't-oiiS,tttirdt.lylast, .Nine tory railwtty'.accoi.-aino(l,ttio.n,,,A inave- - U01mesville. . � . � Arthur F 800le SamGllohnes Wellington Adanis Gordon MiLlrohison j � . . day and listened to an excellent Orange fired with the rduzzle of the n el ears ago Ile had . -ment is on.- foot . to organize distric I . Osctl,r Vall-H Igniond Hu ... .1 . ofie a, severe attack of, t SUCCUEDING. -HarVey Willson; who. " gh Roy Alason Georg Vray oration from,Rev C. Jennings, rector to. the person. 11 ' ' . g n . r1ronellitis, Tro . ,itherings in future, and not, avelby . Rd J Whittaker _'e Aitchison Daucall NoGifli of Tri nity church . . �. . 1. I in Which lie never grew 9 . - tr has not. been home for over two' , Ross RivicKAY Robt0ruickshank ..Fay.Patterson- ` ,, 1. . . . . ; Stroke of ral on will ' e Sp6n b part of a week here visiting iiis I . n . and a good Gdderlch Towns para sis two woeks'a­o,"and s.sew,nd, taken in thi9coluityat thepro,per. time. . farriet. XV I - .. ll . . turnout of OranFemen, , . 's, . , There was a large _Ww_ - , , , , strong, He *experleveed* A . I At all. - Definite act! YeW W111161) 'Wright.. DonaldMoLachla Robb'KInL niii k 11 Swan , congregation besides. . hip - -'� . . , parents, . I -lb has been engaged, with. . I ilson , McLennan Robt MeXce. . . I � . I a q I � , . The rousic by it, * I ve are giad­. �, - . . I . (r" I�Ian . . . . . I . 1. . ­. --- Nixon Sturdy, Oilr Well closed-lils. mo�rtai existence, Thex a TO.,- Us"Oper ,Iviis. on At an early to, hear that he likes his work, has va- - . . hiPleY - , Thbs Wils6n . 1. . 1, . . . . , . .1 , . the choir was lip to the mark, and was ' AccaDENTs Att&c � -bu, Wednesd�T of -lasb week , " D:niler was Iflivislily served from 10 tile 0 P R In Alontreal,aud I 0. McMichael Olarence Wilson � ­ - thoroughly enjoyed. . known township cle&, while u 0. a � , Millss . . . . . aload- main$ -.were brought to- Clinton or) the hour, the comthittee allowin e I . �. . Carl Stoildirt . . I I . . I . Ing hay, had a, narrow ese .. I . .. g. no, . one 0 iv(14' several proriio'tions , and now � "' . . . I . I . . . I � I I I . NOTES- -A number of improvements Friday evaiing tra-in., 'UndeAaker t hun-rrv.,'. - . . . � ill�"I,V.Vsa.spleudid-"3ajttrr., I � . I . - . � . .11 . -0mim . . .. . . . ... .. .1 I -The.piii iiolding thea 'O 0 11 . . - . . . * BRUSSELS . . . . . to our business places can be seen this ha fio "" I .. . I _; death. d y f rk S6 , , . . . I , . . . b � eve-is6n talking - th�ln, to Tarnet's' It one o'clock the conip6thi'4 life And. , HoNons � - I. . 1. . . 4. 1 I . . . .. ' Summer, making the village uch broke, and.. the cradle came own oil ' WEDDIQ,D� A . PASS ., I . . I � in .. elillre drum bands were, jlld�ed by 11' . � T SX Tko),14s.'-�:_ Mi"J-J. I . . . Communication, *- ., �� , . ". 1111 With all its I b,, where oil Saturda� ,i fimera ensall, I -H . . inoreattractive. ifthe 00 'Weight, on6 prong on- service was held, -nfter whicil thLy., ill- m-nnoetent band feader it�d Brothe' KOIAT)edy, butter maker for Holmosville, Roger if VBrOwett Lorento Bray .. ... I . .1 . � ., . �. I Ws could be . Z r . . I - I � I -we would have p .factory, was iiiarried at St Th blelvin Bullet . . ke t off the street tering his right bieast just over the, 1) �er�'carrie his' ly forni to its Thompson, of * Alitebell; -,Summ � on Chits Bryans - � � N I . _7 '.. - . * . . ., , ' I � 0111"' on Grover 0 Gill . Norman Alc3aa-lit el , a, lung, but fbrtunill,tely� It 'Was� turned 1 ", resting place . be�s`lldl ,capttiring flist erbill July E;th­tO Miss.14. Rabston", - Wado not hold our,961ves re6po iAblo for I ,� (I "er, respectable -looking. little vil- her ,whoin-be -with 14S, tin'd- Godor,leh an estim- a. . any opinions ex lage. The cold weather of aside by a rib, and made only a long, loved. . . ,bl(,t.yoIltgjtl(lyof.th,,'t,(.ity..,61.,.Ke ., Uar6ld Hogg. - FnM Pagh 1. . gressedulicler thitilieW­ ' iring, several Bi,igae lVilliarn -of fiedy,during his two lnouthW resid once Leslioj Lamo - I . � , ., I . � He leaves a, Sol), hlwnshib �& close'. second Lorne 0 " n IDg,-F,D IN�"SWRRA_ . e ,is made camping a little uil- . 11 ,�,, _1�rllo came lip *01 ' TodZI, of' Godericb. as* th�, yolin_-e' . nt Thos W'Bouiild ' . . . . w ekh. the Past deep flesh 'wound, re , . . � . ea8ant, but I stitches; thedodtor sail half iin inch I Fridrt�.t;6 sb in ourviliage, has 111;1de 1161,1ritl ,NJ Sincla�lr ., � — I 'PI outside of a few elderly inlike arraiigementi for �Ijij fbileral. Ineinher, o,�ptdrod. the gold emblem. Inafiy friends,. Hiw6ldVllichards To the 1787(litor of. the 2�ev R;,a.:--' I I . I eople, has not driven any to their more would have been certain death. I . � I I I . and we ext. has, Nvkl,-E.11l ��elconjf. to �l rq Willie Stevenion. Jai C*Th6i . . . p ,. I .., ___ . Tile oldest Orangemiin'sprizo-'Wac; not Kennedy and ,wish - th I . 1Q4V& 13ryAns ., '' I ,-I . - . Eomes. The merry Jas; MoCrabken, while.wheeling doWu _­... I I . . . . NusOli DE'AR'SIR re�ji-ot.tliiki1t is nece&- - � 6 . I . . flnally.�eftled. but'it,will go to either ern. ev - Margaret- Amai I i . sound of the Saltiford hill, lost a pedal, .fell, and § " I Londesboro. , . . �ry. It I I ut. sa us, , . liess. . .. aPPI_­ -t Alay c, meroh - Annie Alderson, Londesboro �arsonage.- Whileporbap�. . Bro. Francis Boyd . ofMitebell, or Bro;. ­ . . .1 .1 E V, a ry.to again refer.. to the social at, the ;, ' . �,� I ., . . . . I ' ' - of the' Huron will Ile held. -on Friday evening' at the the best dressed I . . litims has (10111 , , Je8sie Elliot . I h si -Mrs Wyatt, , W* o' I va: 0ober .. .. Cecel Ooutts . I � dancers can be heard nightly at the Wiled n interdapsular:fra6ture of the NOTES.'- Cottage - Prayer, meetings odham, Prizes for �. F OR Ro'qbu-M 0,'--41r� , R,trvy IAM-. Lovina .04 d-vards . , . , I itill not quite -as wicked its your -'cor- . pavilion, which is well patronized. . . thia Brotbatir, of E Dis.vPPOINTED --- Three loads ofyounk .road, fell and Odg6went to 008, Ais )tles.� by. thig tiale, re,Lch- Alina. Elliott * * , � I . . partly. dislocated. hel, houlas of W H.VeEf Ana W NV. , .respondent thinks, I heartily disap­ � . . .., . � I mt. A Stewart, t1qct of Mitehpll; lod�e with largest ed Snanish Hond"ras, Central Amer- Carrie R. Jackson Wo Ve 0 . . ale drove over firom Clinton Iasv wrist. ' � I . �'.. I . . � * Russel Lowry,. . . t. biscolldnot in�relation to the � ' I . . .. I . , . . 114 Mi's Me-krthur Ar� spending a -inombersbip. C�2,distrlct� 60. Biddi I) MinW)r he left'thQ last AldrySohiistim � IV! i TJcDon . DViSay evening, but were disappointed ACCIDENT. -An few days.with ' - ith ICA, to;- Which Mabel Ho�gard , aggic Ivethodist-peoplei Tliv weekbefoie'the - ' Mrs Is'll-k-connell before 2iid. 115. Goderibb. district, best banner OfTuliie, - He has. gone' there to take I,ikzie:McAIIIs I , ald "* oil arriving to find that the pavilion in . - accident: - which r6turnin�r to t , I social v�'as heIrt lie. . . were ­ . ter blabef'McDowoll . I niindun-ed that.it;c ,: ' the grove h . ad been engaWed." They might easllY - hav� resulted f6tally 0 beir bome iwthe'N6fth-� 1313,13iddulph.- The judges'. ' 'A' chargo 'of a bananir plantation for a' ftelhl, McQuarr I id ` ' . wo"Ild be on- tile f illotKng Moddity, ''.. ; � I e village all,which happened on -the. 10th- con., oil. Tuesda -West. , John and Percy Jeffrey, *bo: Breblibur, - �Woodhaln- .- VVm. I tewls land owner -of Detroit. . 'He t Lettie Sparling .-.'. . . ' . Two. yOung .daughters of' . ys, Crediton, and - Ri,.b. 0our.ey, L 'q ook Jbnnie p'Titylor . NVhoreas the proper date- was Tuesday. . adjourned to tb afternoon, have been homi)'101,'their � holida . I'll` . . ell . . 3' wit him a col � Rands , Lin I I I . was soon put in shape, and a good Mt Ohkis Be I ondon, I I w a. Pig And it . flock of Bessie'Sffiith *., � 1.-. . . . . . This Ainn�yed 'is ve,,y ninch -becau e, ,* ' timewasspent by thosepi acoll hai,re-retiir,n'�citotheir.res�e6tivoix()riles;, . The. -)n . fo .ol) . h S . '. I . . ­ . * I ' I . in were drivingto town oroceisii rmed at I.." 011, I will 'no 'doubt';' show the* blaggleS, . . . I .*o-hAd no ivivy of correoting thn, error, ' ' Ott nat ,� an( mith � . . . . -esent. It when one of the tues`� came unhitched the former to Cleveland, the latter to � Nfe'Swen's Lrround,Q, �and,was in charge , . es whAt Und of stock, th6y ought N6iil,na S, -,.'. . , .1 .. - .1 .. bxceTt Wroiygh th � .--pulpit Tim, ill- .". I `* I . I . . I � vras imprudent, however, forthem to causing the -horse ��4ick-�aud break .'SeAforth. Al-�InBraithwaite returned' f the various , ff! ors. a to raise. We iilish..him a safe trip iind - ... -.Par,' � ng , . I . stea ,of.apologizi!,gLO*L'tlleUliStli'k-.d,ag ` . . ' * go away leaving tile lights burning the Shaft and- then whirl� i Monday from Detroit, Aftei�Ikjej� 0 . Vountv M, ,ster I � I. ' .the bugg Ol A:`.1N7ev;h and'County D 0 Davis be - success,. . ' �.. . . 11 1. I WROXETER: .. .. . . I and the hall open, its it. would have round throwing - the girls. out, buton Y months' absence. . . .. I I I I . a gentl6illaft wo.ild have Ao,'o lie I . , 1-1� been very easy for a tire to . e Chas Joslin4,:of con.- ffift, mounted.. The 'line of-march,ivas� N � _ . Rw;oRS * 1. * couh OTES, " Chas A ' Tebbutt - very ac- p� - ­ �. � ­. . .PASS.. I wpote, saying. *,the raill qpollel.tll� so- �- ,� The Brucefield crowd which w . poison- a li, tle long, but the' procession wasso CePtably,111lod' the ,Ve,b6di rank Ardell ', RrhosI.A ia.M.'. Spoil meal's to render useless b ' ' � 0 of them pluekil�*jiimp6d up and caught 82 has been laidup wibh blood . astO the horse reventing 9, . . . St - Pulpit � ndrew ; , c . . . y � . I I . haye occupied the pavilion on this ' ' Be- 'Ing in one hand, but he IS improving. .long that.spive bad10 be,given in or I last Sunday- morning , W X Odurtice Ernest Bray I .. S-MON-aughtoil '� Injury, to damage, fo'�ulil, to destroy. . . . 9dinunsI.Oraw"ford,is laid tip witb.a ' . . - We un- no dam e was- done. .. I severe Attack of rheum -eiv I � . . I � evening failed to show up, but yond a baxscag6, anda r)u)rtk'wn%u9gy , � der to roin Olefe, it South Perth was spent two or three.ailysat, 0 ROY Ramilto� , Thomas Miells * , :1 think weought. t) k low %vlietlie� 0111, . derstand that the manager purposes ag � .. . . I - aflim. 'job.lt. . en.thebonorsofthedit� iericanio rewo last Roy'MoLaugliiin W_ , 1. I 1. :. - .. Grainger's .eld , t! ' week, `W 1'4011obefts, :who".ha :Won .111, W.N4 ell. . , Social was remler,xl li,;Ole3s or not. Be . I making tbein put it the price just the NOTES -Norm Pet dikur�hter'is very III Biddulph.distiict, &Iowed by G6:10r :68i4ifig Over en'trahca exami s Russell MoRG , � Luzie 0 ­ I cause I corrected lihn: lie wrote the art- - an. Mahaffy. of 001' � with ap: tr' O;ange lodge' icl),Rullett . ­ pr nations . . . Tawford . . same. In v . right, who has been ai ' pehdiclti6. , Ot� Ana 'ftalildv. It was in at'L%1;6i�el'sluce1he cl6so of sdhool, Cliestei Sulith . I . .. 7 . � . .... I lti Idtit Week s issaoi �Nrhicll oil Y the -, , 11 iew of Te d inand for this , I spell Ila V. we Made it ,fine, turn ont on Monday to n . I . .1 icle 1, . 1. . _ I I ple.Isurefplace, it I, not right to a. J. B. Lindsay's, t deeda most I, posi-lig sizill as the fly �ss,endinga.holiday.at M-rsT.O,PieI;:- Chris A Wrig . . . . Pen of a mean Inah �0�ild produce. . At- . . . . I , shut Ome'On Blytb;' tbe� - i,.rc � lit i ' . I I out, on y 6a 1 8 � I , . . ter thi§we don't wantkbub coi,res I .1 who want to use it. it is easy e thers Hu f i � . .., I . . . polid7- , I alse representations, o I Miss Ella -ci�Cme'hcime-witia II6,w'..broi5m: tbere son.nioved6w, the offiio6rs' and mem- -ter,.Rea. Ni isses'B Ila and. MiLble *N'V ill- Katie P e .. � . . announce. a re Vort - f6r its -in any. - - I a D; oudAy, - accoftipaniod by . VIured slome prizes afid Ing barin rs and flags.nf krold and criti.l­ ,also Mrs McRoberts 4ud'daugh- Grace Aylesworth - nough L' Asity. Charlds* Spence intohd§ er- were about 85 inembers, . in Attendance d . . . I . ent to I or way. We can get.alcifig III ely. without - . � � erg -wore notableTa -Ile present .and sasheq and b.ndges sparkling as fjin rd B,�rtba Florence J I hik:services,'anilweare glad to belle've' - . in order to cancel an en- -ng, a neat ofte-and-a-half -st � ey. abd'6th ri . . , - to send word e-,- bers' glitteeln� swords, the � ch,'04N rs $()ill of London,- Are ViAlting at 'their Ella P Mulbollan gagement of this kind, when'it .Is frame'houst� on his 'favin this en ' . I . hoinehere. Misses Alied, au . Rae . I . . ' I 1. I ­ minor. on'acoonutofillness, Jolln-Woodman big ctowd troved alonl:t - Arriving At Stanley have beEn. spending a week at . Jennie Snell �, - . " , ' .1 ,..:� . .:he does not roRX,eseht -any d1mi ch or . so- . . . � found that it cannot be kent., . . . I . - . I : VbThRs' LIST ---A copy of the voteX a' basgiven,up'carrying-the in,ii afia tile, well-slinded 'rev - -the', . e � . I . . , Londesboro only himself �� fult . . , - . list for 1903'has �reached i h's 6111ce,-abd* .�gone to weak on a, tarin. Frank Gibbs of tile. thi!cnit 9 e, . -re"t'less their brOthets ill Tor, nto. . Mr Frank. :B esie Strong , .: I . , : .. . , - , : ciety in ' . � . . * was Soon re� . I . .: . . arn'' that'the number Of hasgirenno thdGT,Rwoilkaftdgoud, Chairman: Novin'i voice conld:not -residence fn.God6ricll�.. j. Husser, (:, ,Ho, on. � . I . from it..wp..Ib vized, AS-Kerrandfitinily-ha- - -up-tho'. .;... � FORD WXOH : of 614 Adam. . . Ire taken . � . I " . � I . a . 1. , p � . -11 . I I . I . , THE O�N­I� ATTACKED ­ .1 McKillop voters in the Aiffererik. -polling sub. -back tofr�milig, . : . - I . . X .r . ,� . . I 4 . .. I . 1, .. � . I. . �ren.ch within hailing die . . . . *ds , _ , .� �.. � . . . . . .. ­ � .. DIED IN AIUSKOKA.--The dcl,tth is divisions in the-township.is-as follows: . . . . tance ofinany. London, returned home last, Saturday � ' ­ . , , , . ­ �. . � 9, oil Dnei;&AIt TWUR FIRRT D116DEND.- lie ,,4peecheg, vvoro uurnerous:�'itid .after visiting his brother -h6re for t y Ly �rth&Bufiston . MarthaBe . � . . _.. . . 1. I . . . . n )uncedatBaysville, Muskok , . 11 , "' , , , . ; . I .. ; , , f)a' 0 wO Iosie HainstQbk' Emma D . Gogkin [Thou� ,�T A " No. I -Part 1-145 Part 2_30 pt 3_11 Ameetlii�of the L6lidesboro'Weioi . ch 15vits to the point., ibe-qpeakem be- weeks, I , ,h'we are willing'at all times - .. - . I Jun, 26th, of Mr Robert Wright, svho .1 . �. � , H Aillford is.'on th6 sick list. . .Aie Montgomery Mil,jion.Fl.lit., � ermit our 0oldrillis to be need for.., . I " . i 1 2 :107 14 � p 7 Scille' (16 was 'held �" the Twivilsbip ;"g Rlei�'vo`S�ott, Hens al. * D. De-Av, of Kiss -%r Tobbutt visited at A TebbutVs, Arl 8 Furtney-� . Adit, Stri:ime . the correctioti or rectification .'of , , . .was known to a good many o . . in illinHoa � to P readers in this vicinity. Mr f our . 3 � 127 . .34'. - 't - 'rWI-last, Thursday evenitig, Jrillyftb, ftensall, oil the T4. T. R Is; go-Y.G. Nf. Huron road, on Sunday. ' The school . . . mis Wright � I '80 . 1 14 . . . I " ths. 4 . .1% , . :6 -wurer, Thos.'Millar,'ieported . Xilty anton- e . Staut Kirk- is.being rethinted by MrMillerj , Olin Russel Lynn Ethel U Strome: - iak�s or reflections, Yet in thl's. trivial ' I Was aged 54 Years and 6 mon The tre '.'Gr, , .R' v'W, . bl I I He 5. . . 41� - - * * 6 that..' ton;'AeV Th t .r A rthur'SDotion � Hazel E Spence . . ,matter, in. Which hits.. arisen An . un- I � , w s a brother of Mr Charles Wright, . , 1. . the receipts fbr the six months Omit& '; G-0�, - B B, Liman;: ,and Mrs J COM'Vide, of Olin ciii.speAt Win F Wallace -� ' pleasantness. ai -harsh-things 'd '' '. I "I .. 6 � 75. . 1 12 : . � ending.)uild3o; wei-e. $t)&50;.expend!_ Re, S.':Salton London; Rev Hendel'- 'I�IV 'd Mary M Spene�o i'd Sal i. . . . 'Of McKillop, near Seaforth. . * to nesday. -in our . viliagc� 11ov, , j. . � . , � Richard 1; C.�krt�dj:- must, with theabove lotter;cease as fai- - - l .. Totals 01 . . 1* '. i.12 . I I, I .. . .. � tur6i $15-K le,iiylng abalarice or $37-.02; - SOIL'Hollsall'-Rov Dohcrtv� Hens -111; Sear an( .1 f amil are 96ing ib Detroit -1 . . '. � . � . . . - , I . . . , . � this-uniount gives thesharehold6rsll. Pev.Tennings, - Bayflold-, R�v Mcquill- week � Ort visit. ., I � .1 . . 'ERA is concerned _RD.i '.1 I . .. ny M- . -of. jurors on the list,: * , It � � . i : . . Win Scha4er .' it s the Nu w. . '. - total bel� next I , � : 4 I . p , I I I I , . divid an, 9%,� aiia Another, briAt - : . . end of 70c per share of $5, and I .Clwndebo�L �� , , 11. I I .. I . I - - - - - - �4 ' . , , . . * I Benmiller .1 itt, ,Who � ning clergyrpan whose nair6 we d2(' I . . 1. . 1. .1 �. .. . . � CLINTON I 1. ......'. . . . � , . . . , . REcOVERING."Ali, 0 J.Nesbi ance on hand, which . Yc . . ' ' . Aoxons - * P.�ss 1. � I " leaves a small bal, ,, , � .-Quite a number 'of was taken somewhat s6riolislY. ill a few isagood Showing for thec not secure. 1%ibe Billy" Whito. ns 'DOWL&G* NOTE, S. -Messrs Rogers I � .1 lllruc6fleld ,. ' , ­ I RECEPTION . . .. . . ornrany. . Hvely�i A darke Alm' 't �ZoTU, s'- Rev M*r Stewart, of London, ' Uy . � . I I _, I � Irecov- being a little over 28 per cer his is Sit! tirday afternoon and had a gami) Pearl . preached -In the Presbyterian church the people of the Benibiller circuit inet days a 0 is, we are glad to s he is -familittily known, 'of Mitchell, And Wilson, of Seaforth, *ore In town a ,tms rong � . at the parsonage Thursday afternoon "Ing, ffom�flle. effects. . . . . . considered - good I r the in - Only a f rme6. boy" to tile de�. Marion Dunlop . 1. B dfo,d . . n terest fo oney Simla I., . . I � . Iptendact for last � ecided to bbld.the lit,btofati, andre9pond6d 'in Ali on -ore, 4 Ealiell6hries . Mabel Ker - * his place in London, ' ' ­ . and gave their new pastor, Rev Mt I ,. ( . �weelr. , . ffivest6d, It was d ol bowls ,oil Clinton,$ green.. Israel Abbie Green . , Esintr Annie Diehl ,oil Sabbath last, Rdv.Mr Salmers takinq.. Yelland a warm reception, PnEsl�XTATION,-:41h , '' * ,. next, meeting in the Townshi � 1-1 The ovigilrd .prograin- in it.sentulety- Taylor was on the whining rink that A Scott�: 'W11z; ,A! ,��n , , . I I . e Sunday School nV at won the Association prize at Torontct Hattie' H40'Wity EvolonaMbCattuay has -been, ill of measles, - is slowly reo", ` , . � . . of the Bethel appointment, Goderich the second Thursday. in Jai a , could nor, be c��rvied '6nt. At the close . I - Isst ' week. Practise Edils, Jackson' Flqregc6McNoil coveringo ,Tog. Grayi ,of Doufleld, for- - . - township; gave a lawn social � on Mr that meeting the officers for next,year .tbe .national anthem - was I o.idered by tournament . I e6tdd. 1. . . .1 . .- . Itines-ard a . . S gone to .: - - I . I he London'tournanient on t1h6 21th. RoS0116 Liverr ore Irene Peamon Attwood to take ch * Fall Pairs, Alex.Cox's lawn oil the evening of will be A t1ensall band: the procesrioTi re-formed f ,11 the go getting 'ready for Katie JamiesOn, Nollie'McGredor merlyourstation� masteri-ba . I _ — the results all- . � . , a Argo of the station.:, . . Uid. pro'qr�� Mil t�b Oolcls Of the. .,recent p1muo exafi)ln&tIO ifi ious qtir�rtdrs. many ,takin the 5 and W, e _ . I . . itern, London I I I Sep'L 1140. I)ufffl% .. -By d the uiembersmar6bedtqtbolv Tay JunQ25�h, rea,lizing fifty-si- ftc6E88FUL PtTPILS. We .t dollars. var . lor - Rattdilbury were, lip agaillst Gertrude bEcTavish Maggie Mpills - there; Mr Moore, who also, had charge Dominion, Toronto I Aug. 27-Sept,12 b [tl n tr -ins home,,. . , �4 �, I . . 8 M, Ali courtis, John's., - . Nora, Nesbitt I Lillign Reid � of. our station for a time;, takes Ur : ' W July -20-25 read t o following .address -and pro- ""O't'61 wi 1i Toronto Conservido,y, 6 o'clock - ­ .. . shots find Takes dril. , ri"n"In' 136Aha,01son Gordon Gould - Gr ' I *t Donfield. 'William. , innipeg . I I I I I I ro . Thoptomena-do, consertintbeevon- ws were't'lle who!c, 4 . . g s pace a . Pe sefited Rev Mr Yelland with it beauti- of Music, *6 notice that Londesbo. ' ' May, Rance I rth I I I I I I I I � I . . vounlladjes,nro coming'to ing wits one of the best ever produvea . thing;. btit for a man. who. plays � so Stu4rtJaqkson M tteen ticks taken honors ' pasinn SePf, 1648 fill reclining chair. the frofit, - little, Red Nabel Stewart* Tqnry Q11rien 'thoE,ltr.,,b',iAm. atOlim 9 _ Guelph I . I I I I I Sept. 15-17 . . . . .1 . � . , AlisS Ilie B611 very qeffllttvbly..�assed inlf6n.1,411, and. was well, 41te.na6d., I -eyeJoe is hard to beat, , L ­ It � . . ,. � I .. _'IA� U.1 V%jy .1" .. .0 t, ' I I 'L ­jated. Al�AIAIII.i,A, ­ ...... l,A11L111L �i,iiey � Hamilton I . I � . I I- 14u. - . . age was qui egay , I -17 DEAR PAgToTt,_ " I June 20, lots. I - - piano, `1� Miss I'Viary . Here is it, 00-U --'"nii fibA+ ,;,u _ Lotdo &Y�n,an 1, . , . I . . . 111inarks, -Our vill " I . I I Sept, 15 . whi ; .. . - '' I . . West, Middlesex. Strathroy, Sept. 23 25 . ber Junloi . very num.,_, .;-.,,,,, L111W.A kLPPV(', . . are " I . I I 1 I I 'L . -�,n the evening of the 12th; the Orango" .. It is with rerpret th,it we tile mom Brogaen w. succes Ri�h. Ooursey, of London, extend6d I 901�0"tO capture everything, And May Smith . . I bers of the as sfid in'obtainIng . IL,_ ... . . I a. �be Edythe Torrance .'- . . -Qina through from Hb�sali . Blyth & Morris, Blyth I . I Oct. 0-7. Sabbath,Seho,�x.ofBothelchtireh, feel our los honovq In primary-, piano, a hearty Invitation 'to Routh Huron itit Ild too work it for all there is in it,; men piwv_ . . . I at your departar and Miss . these Are Skip � .. . . . I I 0 from out midst as the load- . Jackson, Forrest , L,,11 Brown " I , � er and guider of God's peoy)ie in tlli$ viciq Verna Hiles A180 toolE a high standin, from the Forest Oliy� for Tuesday,, July - er, I gaveourcitrzengA�ggluto, mms.r' " � _ ity4 , % � .. I . Fair, Dryil6n% skir Agnew is also on- Ich . . . WooJleSr is to be con oftlll,� - - During Your pp')MO In our church w , in primary yiano work. The Above ar� 12. 104. " I . � . � I . Gifford Or, - . . I r itulated, on the * 0 al committew which. bad , k o take to London 1. I . ( tog 14 A GOOD SHOWING.-Thesub port r -to - a"ured that 'you were a true, tealous, all Pupils.& Miss 'Maud Goodw.iu, of The �- speci gincoring a.rIn David Forrester ' . . I high stNtiding she ()� beriefleentAirmim the . in the recen6 �collections of customs for Clinton for help to Instruct, ervall"f GOd,'sttivlllg bY His ClIntorl, and the abo charge or tho "order" dopartment'ab IV will be fourinaligo oul,prosi. Christo A Hall ' examination, in music. Miss Katie. I . the year ending June 30, 103, was 012, 110071rage and boliellf thds . ve report speaks'. dent. is not'yet on the Shelf, After his Whichart Houston � I - Intrusted to your gaidance;. (mintorting those Well for both teacher and pupils. tbe grounds did effective work, 'Not . I � Hart, ViIho .is spending her v4cation at . 983,50,double whatit was tenyears ago. In trouble wid lo late fibleS8, Jos' Rattetbury, thitikinig Carillon Hall ! home, has beeii ro-engag�d to teach 1 , Vinglyforboaring-nad plead- WAY PyiRCIUSE A: NEW JG.JNGixn - AfIfe-O dilum' was henvd.duringthi) . in. . This shows how the demand fo itif with those of your ilonk Wlf6 keep them. Messrs J. Bt " he waald be somet Ing casy�, cliallong. Carol HeVWOOd I the Zurich 'school until Christlil". � . rforel, -linsdon & Sons ha'Ve Slut entire, Speaking, and this feattwe de- � . , . 9' ' jelves estralipred from His wide love, - �respommendabiofi, ,� - - I csoilto it thirteen Fred Ailt .. . . -bliss Lillie.Tayloris !siting in tondon. I dW . goods is growing. Truly can we say that at all times you war down' their crushing business for the sOr' ed him and W. Jacli ' leQueen I I : I . I . V . � and are, prOIXIDt and unwearied In l�trivilig j' c summer months, - on' account of their ` 11 - 11411bet, NT - * PP, , Was, present and ond,contest,..selecting Mi, McPherson Will, a' IV I . I . . .'I . ''. . . - LET TTS FALL IN LINE. -On Tues- bring in Shc ives for tlie kingdom. . engine not ei c wits to have been one of the tpeakor. ashisas-sOciate. bfl�President altho* Robert'MeXenzie. . . . i. � .. "' —_ - - - _71 . .. I . I . . 11 . . onster ex- , As a slight tolren of our gratitude for your able of doinq the but coul'a not remain on account of on. I I . .1 I . I . . . � . I I . I . day, Aug 4,there will be a in . I 1. es, -we Itindly ask you to . accept this . or ; t e e ing of buying & CrodA cronsiderably (,rIppIed,pioInptIV`resp Knok�blair . . I . Ashfield ''. I I I . I ..-Gornelius .01 40� . . The rate from . tenth round the'score Stood Ransford Ffancis Shepherd' , Dn.,,xvl. Oonn r, � an Blyth And Wingliam. v . .engine or I 'Seasi old neighbor at na of the _ I"Irilest Pe4ron' 1. - I . . -cursion to Kineardine from Clinto her "' . I n, chair. new its )n begibs the funerittl of an ded to the cell, And at the e It is tile Stnoote desire and Jho prayet of all 1''.. iton on Monday afternoon. ' . . � . . 'gbl)r respected resident of I .1 . Wingham is 70c return and from Olin- ersong dohilooted with Bethel Church that I I � � 216 tipkets were a-ld tit Olinton stat. ID, Rattenbury 0, T ai�e finished Hart SeAls - . . old and III � I . ton about $1.25, Wingham have made gotlry,on and Mrs. Yelland my . he g, ' ,. . Ashfield near Kint4il, .: , be gared,to Ooderich . ion, and many from here drove clown, 13end8 Ransford 20, Rattenbury 2. You -Rue"I Scott - , . � I Was stricken . I ,i Why ill which You ava engaged# and at last; We may, PRUSONAtS OF A WbIBIC. - bliss Me, � I . ... I � ' . 'with Paralysis on Monday, and died this day their Civic If live a long, happy and useful a in f 0 work I . I oliday and all meet in heaven, � . I . might Kave heard a pin droW when the John Shipley � . ., onWednesday. Hisagewaso3yea . should Clinton not do likewise. � .. I ( .. This Orao,ofOlinton, has been visitingat 01 ------ I ------ W­l­� I score was announced, either Mr Williall" & lot' I ral. I . . � Mau . I . In famil would be a ood time and place for a Sik,ned on behalf of the Bethel gab the Blackstone residenee; West �treet, Jackson nor the, President even -smiled Wi ISO' . The deceased leavesa grown , . bath School, . . . �el r . combined offoir picnic,an organ factory for it few days. Mrs 0oultoi and'.91sa , Tile VW'Iftb Id Myth, much less lauged. We .Are 11.1 Ng- Nixon Wclsl�i . '. and the symp%th,-r,-,0, tTie who COM. 'to til(, � � muni6y go6g olli A " ' enic and no doubt the bowlers anu � I , I . I . .. � MI . I Annic'Cook, of Clinton, were guests of . � � � CO'PtOfftilother engthycorite9pohdoned .� . . � I . . . lacrosse boys could arrange mat hes. I . w1naham I Mi and Mrs !.obb Sohnstofi over Stin- I . About this same stirring . . BLYTII �. -, . ­ I . . I I I I- . I _ e I . . day. Miss Id The Oraligoinon of North 11tivon , gaine, but, I I I .. ��!ft�# , - 1. .11 AsSA-'yML`X) Tfill WUMT6 -61AX. -The . a 1101mbs, of Clinton,was cblobrat,od the 213th. anniversary of the . Hozrdks ; I . PASS � : I" —, i 4 ! ! ()Wtllg to limited sPid0e, 'Ale can simply' __­ .11 . _- -- motilders' strike In the Western F 611,n� Ill tOWn to meet her cousin, Miss Tlattle or the no�,n , I ly th. 0 MO . � I � . . Leavenworth, of Cleveland; who ar- day last. ,1,,ile day wag a boi I�tlf . 11 ,=� t 0, 6 __ dry 'Wits draggin e u 13 , n ii state that J00 SAYS in it, weather oll,, Annie E, McGowan Martha Armstrong ' I !i_ . - quietly along, until .111 one witting lit3 W11IRS the Indian va lo k3telIMAMIery Magole I Elliott - - I , - I I t �J Y I , . , last Monday nigh , when, it sh,anger, rived Thursday niornitig- fly Steamer Early in the morning visitors cOni- bowler Will be be in Braclass shap6 f& Laura Pbelah JenIlIna 11,11 " � I I � ) . 11 , P , ugland I i ' I i , 1410 - +-++;+A-w , ---------"-- __ I - - "--------- U I .1 _. "", I " I � . . .- .1 . I _1' "`����� I I I I - I I I I I - I 1Z I .1 I I I I *1 11 'I 4 . .. � . . supposed to Ile it iiiiigldel;, was.Assauw. 1ttqbt*KI on A Visit to her Clinton illenepil to ftrrivo- by train, on foot,and the London tournament, wfillout libb- Colin Fingland Pearl Gidley & � � . . i I ed byfour or flVp Inen. iitq1, friends. Recent .arriv,als at the . I . . � - _ in , St 'IV V0111cle, At noon hour there were Mee, . ., I I 144hol Govier . ... � the Xi I I I . � - ., I I , . � I I �� SOM . . . .. .. Joral Me . . - I Afteet House and wits very badly ii 1 Lawrenee-Dufferlil are -. Mr I s F ranij ;1Ily;*)00,1 sf,,,angers in the vi llage. I TRIP, T) STUM PO4 0 TED OFTEN RA P. . I . C Arthur' � ! " 11�1 I I Up. It turned out this morning that Hodglons and child,, of Clinton. ,.Miss Tfie local orangemon And eithoons PENS. -The other ,evening. onO o I tr , tile mail Wits a fariner living a few Eva, Turnbull, of the Signal staiy, visit- f I . tizzle Mc.13rion . �1, -� m / , ed tier home in Clinto Spent SOVOrAl.dAyS Of ]list week deconv. those . *.IIIIin " r sea lace, . I . Florencesolners - i Jw M'T.�,, � _ S rp 1 . 11111uri 110ith Or town, all(t,ilks laia I, q _ took P, . n d ating thesbrpets, business plaeps and that mv�e people W 0 Auni6 8tilart, P� . I uring the consider thent. . I . .­ I - formol charge against four of thestilli.' week- Mrs Pergili; McPherson, Olin- residences of filyth,and oblvlond&y the OOCL l5layers feel lie though . Ella Ta lot . . I .�, . I Ire _ h 0=1 Ing moulders for assitult, - The magis. ton hits, been visiting at C. C, Lee's,- villago prg�qen6d & qay appearane '1110thingsaroin this woiAd - __ 11 I 'I" - I . . � , i tvate'ff heaving, is f I � 81 hall I selves Robt J Irowil, � ; .. ,� .., X� I set for Friday. 9 e there W5 T, I . , I . . -l - . . I with Its yards of butitina And stroun- ,and that even nnol,, .n,t i� A Stanlot-71tiolin"'t*1 . . fit I I . 7 . . . I 0 . , . ��t N . - , a . . .. . . 11 � . � . � .L I A., Xv GRIGG selentifte Jeweler W,nd- I , IVL:INTOM ONT . , � I � . � 14 4! . I Stan- toy. Mr,Tbowas BroNvil"of inlyth, WAS visiting at bI(%16,. Grallain's last Week, mr, 1p"OAm"'5011, Who was at Dry.. , deb RAIny' River District, Onti, at, tZih% thO InArklage, of her son, Don. � � , I , Alrned home at the end of Jast. week, After a pleasant trip', Mr. D. MoTa�ish, Ilf 4 of Toronto, I . and a f6rM')r resident Of Stanley WWq visiting old friends and Acquaintances we 'k, duting the, latter'part of last 'o Mr. Sosm)h Neoull , ou , 6 .his f411 wheat On Monday, 1,36r, Inst, It is a 800il'orop, . , I , I , I . . , , W ,� . . . 1. % I I I I '. I . 'a- P, Potter's 1.111i . XOT�ff -13. (lox, (If I)akotlt, -With Ills era. flags, evergreen o The fOP6110OX . I Was Id friendi; and Other and Sister, Of Godoriell, Were Iling on friends in this neighborhood . V trAins, Aft6r din: I Tuesday.. Ur And Mrs john Pick -o -d,of'Voronto -Orange lodges went AI par'k, whilro 0) werovi4tingatJohn lekard's last �61& Quite a number formed. Awl procepe, along Wp.11ingtoll st. Olt ill the celebration at Ronsall oil 011(laY. WasT. McDouqAll, of(40(1- ieh, Is visiting, I u tho breCoonell street I . more,lal,ta stre�etf q IvVellln lioighborhood. . �arl f40rgft)1 tetllvned to Goderich on ton street, 'k IIIA pa, &�. Ltarday' lWi�s- Frank ITeWItt- Strat- rd, to Vi4tinther iMther, Mrs David The line -it of the W, follow,% . r Rjoh I )It- Zalnes COX Visited friends " d ""' inberly Ifte6 Weetli " "' �'18 ' loods., who has been marshal; two cal') prominent Orangen takiti a coolulillsoo her pitizepal wiligham � (314§111118101 riaosed nation in 1, 0 I, No 205-, ljleth� I holtiors. . Ripley I, 0 L No 70 Ion WAA bho park o street. , ,� West. W6 and again to ft Wag Aq t I go to school. � respected SOOrE lio� gets it rink 1 invincible as when he found swarill In Cowl and Jag, pait, Johnston, Joh .Ackson as wool thetander breo however, the S b -- -0 Aloe to most genial, most I thillirs that when . ther it is A3 nearly . thing can be, so, 'self On tile green , with .wo Brydolle , � " � ke it on lohn . MNGlTAM . e it A A 4A ItA - ) I I , I XXONORS & Ot 1 - abOut Graco,S Adoll ) 6 fe oil, V hOno Ida A IlvAndsi on e I) t ) r) in itt,l),V p I)avi, , plent, and t Ae -4 , last 1"'lizaboth M I 0 got six 611 the Ill - Alabel Goddes � be dpseribed-, but it blapg4rob Ills gined, how the re. 14,,dna lsl)lstor , t away their bowls, dia Kew 9 and quieldy �ftiti. vora x1leeliti mote uniteduented %th.14.11n. Y. ir.",p artistic - , . 11, Acc*essorles � I are Indisponeable to the lit6duotion of meritorious photographs, and tU6 is , why we beliovo Wd oi%n make for ydk % Flaturd AM will bd emillontly tails. , Actorys I Ouratudi6ig splondidly equippod wiih 06 handsome adt'"ni, b4ok dunA dtgoories 6fta f0mittito Ukriuu^ good resultc I # . 114"Aullry a - Moto - stuft., . 40 .1 I I',, I