HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-07-03, Page 7M
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NU'E I Wils exteAWYA arlirrial )`�
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C�"YN�� -� 41-`��,'Ii'linl In tho omplor of .
. THU 0947 PHYSICIAN! IN T949tJTO ANO 040, 4OA82 PIRON04,1140cm 4Q.
amitiove THAT HK *04 A0V1.8 � np, 0.�ko A� io,p Rz000mvro go* T"It
. 4�.
. ,C41% T,RgAT"1K"T--:J0 INOW
, � .99 "
, . ASK41,
I . THrE DAY Wig "CAR,[) OIF T"10 MARY)ILLOUS IR*Mxpyl# .
� deWped by' Fr�;Idleyull,t�q"a
Porand humble i$ found 11A �
11114AMerica, Much coutro.
hen. avor the , classillQ41101l,
sting eroAture, QwIng to the
that only marriod well have
?e(00 4t olo" Irange 844
it With A Manifest Will,
)m th4t rob.0 their obserm: I I
weight, . I
,e scientis.t.p go so far as to
tho Mo " ;- *-k -m -J
. 9 �
� I
1. I
Cii �, , , ;,
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.., �W* -0,11% ,1*07--
I - -� . . vaut re, -, - 1r4r V . 5 , , -4]'- -17--�? 11 -W A^"-lXU1 Uliring nifli visit . 111�� ` *J "N mr—I .
- - tilaot -do A marild, 0 . ;9 mericA, t1le President# Mrs. RooAe. - � I .", 11 I I �
I I � blee p, oket. . �11 - . reft f . -.............," �
I -_1
. I . )OOLMO the last 4 -op. that is -In t. oth. .. 1. .A. nd. Allos AUee Roosevolt, W43 Ong . . �
. � I I 11 I . � � -
I . , ; Ors &Mrm that it delig I I � I � I . . 1�
. I - — - ,ht4 14, torturing I - 44 Interviewed In Washington on the
1, I 11^.� . I --------�---1----e1z--1--: � � Ic
� a . -to victim by puluna its leg Out ltho � I
1. � �. I V!J�� � I - I 1.11111 , ' III j0c' Of his, Work, oha,br&, talked "
I ,
� s , I �- -- - . �� . tr= or Vie matter seems. two be that I , Y I , khout his work In a stra e way,. I or- � I I .
, -- - � it mirely,belon,gs to tile 01,tos 0 ammajo , ,Ant pleces,1111 laiAding to .. " .K."
f . 1 ing his import .
. I . ��,-- . thab 44ye no grip, and the . _ .. .
I I - a . I 1--11 I , lot thinggs gget I , skies those that Were o c Ara, ve . I - - . - �
11 � I away from � t4cra (genus folAUIDUs, 1)4nk,- I �p � lusi"Pufflean,ce. "Why is it, s -, V41a le- 11 I I . I .
, . I
�.. 1� rupous), � I . . . � ' r'ttlat you I . i
� I . . ...... I W I . I porter said finally, on,y give ' 11
I a- � . � In appearance the Shopper 1 * - . praise to your 'worst pabiting"211 - ITO, f
. I 3 Incon. 0 .
I � . I —_-=� . . FU 1=1 31EDICA1.1 ADVIOR fy vellers ana Tourists' . .
. . . . . . . . �L �-Z— . � wpoicuous, being, oblefly noticeable. Jor, ;Allse," was the reply, "they o�ly need it. Tra. .
- . *9 -9 -ft, . es i - I .
� I � :; , - — I . 11 1 4 b,'xg ,stuffed full of sampled i ITVery worldng girl who is not b Ones Praise themselves." � . . I �
� I -, - --- - � . . carrying .
I --� � . I .. . 414 newspaper advertisemoiltsi These . Here Is a at . I . i
., well Is bordially invited to write OTY, the tr-Uth of which is Travelling. from ' lace to plac, bi kin � 4
1 . .
"I ,
. - ... however, ronder it so fonnidable th rOucliell for by an 'English lady I p � e are su e0 to. all ds t
: . I . I I lit to Mi% PIAllalaw, 'Lynn, Nam, ),I waident . . . . . I
lq . , people give it tile right of � way".and -for In Morence. She ll%C$ & , � � I
� i . - I . . advice ; It Is freely given, and balcony Illin't of' Bowel Complaint on account. of change of wate e�
I M - ",',"",',,""I',,", "I',"",",,: ,������ "I',,',',,, � it lZ14,49,4�een found 1111p . . . Dverhangs a street in which . . . I � . r,
I . — - men, especlally, flee &,t its approach. . has restored thousands to �
.-7:::::::::: 1, 1 1, '11, I .. - 1 "I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""II - ,health., ' are some .
., = -- -.. � '', - '7 1 aril ossible to. obtain . � I Shop$, And a. few days ago an Arnerican d .
: I — -1 . I I ----Z-* � mother And 4 ghte - p us t 10 I I . .� .
'w' �5:7f:�-7-7---� rate 14fortuaition as to the 11iss Pain 's Experiefice. all I a ed o a) i � I . �
-- ---- y . iet and temperature.
'. I ". . . . habits of,the Shoppen .According to the . 0 ?tt the WtndW,and interchanged the C: In � . I . I � - . . . . . .
I . � . . 111110# IielJable data that have bee � 44 1 want t D'thanli; you for what you foi- , .. . 40
l I V u fur- 11 lowing remarks., ll.VLalnie, are you quite . .
Mr. Alfred Walden, 7 Cornwall St., Toronto, w to After using this aluable treatment for some littI4 ve done ' '
1 liali been in the employ of the Street Railway Cow- time, the cough st9p,ycd, piull ill left hing ceased. Aished oil -,the subject, it 10, at times, % for me, And recommena J. sure that this is Venice?$$ "Why, yes, . . .
� my for a � . I
. number of ivars as motorman. Informs us appetite improved ant nialit sweats were chocked - Most docile, intelligolIf, a . ,dia, 1E. It'lakham's VegetablC f , I .
he ad an attack of la grippe, followed by and in about three months lie was able to , p lad aftectiorlate 10POund to All -girls whole mummall was .the reply, "you know it , . . Dr-Tow'ler's. 'r�� �
. �
I . : 1. typhoid fcver, -,ad after many weeks of suffering it work, fat -ling as wall as tri,gr, I go 4; 1 Wk 10 domestic aninial, - performing ita tasks e worl. says in lour itinerary that we are to be I . i k
� multed inacolliplication ofthroatand lung trutibles. Whon intervicived, Alr, Walden seemed to be in ness and ability, when sud- standing orx their feet iL, In Venice on AWl 15, and to�day Is I . I . . . I , . . I
; 'iness lie was under the care of one of the best of spirits and expressed himself in the me,.- , d@nly it will be 'attacked with ' wild 10 I . kit. of 1, L .
. ,
, with wlllin� ep,st them I
I , During this it a I : , , ore, The doctor said I must April 15, aurel I . . I . .. . . I I . ..
ve wor'k ; he did mot seem to re4iiii," .- .
I ,� 6e best ph)-sicians in this city, %%-Ito pronounced it a grateful terms, as he izonsiders hiniwif completely ' ulania, and, breaking 6vel-Y restraint, apt a girl cannot afford to stop work About half ,a century ago 0 �
my strious case .and advis�d him to stop woric, curedand in the crijoyment of good heniih I I . .
ch he wa:4 finally compellea to do. - What the Dr. Slocum Remedies hav� do,,. fei will rush ofr to tile bargLlin counter, I . - of "Little We the author I . .
- Mr. I . - men" Was in London, and . . . I .
� Walden heardatout the Dr..Slocum Remedies Mr. Walden has also been, accomplished in thousands � These fit$, which are slinilar to those I 91 My back nelled, my Appetite V.VA- saw the Prince of Wales, th-en a yellow- . 'Wild,' Strawberry I I
I , and c mmenceJ their 11.44! alld after tl�ing Llivin Kit of other hopelvd$ cases; which, tvstimoolals we have ,�Wllioll seIZc an . or. I coultl not Sleep, and menstrun- ' I .
i � I . 410 !n tb� . Wild Wedi` . haired youth. - . . I . . I
for a ofew wiieksL lie noticed a great improvement. I on 61c. . I a � lin . n was scanty and 'very pnirt,ftll His Royal HWiness, =4. - I . I . . � - . I I . . . . . . . . . . I 1. I . I I �
� 'ter eating the loco- Plaut, seem to be q y when Suffering I 6inmenceclorl. pressed her favorably, -not a particular- Is a sure cure for Diarrhcea Dysentery, Colic, .
, sloned by reading the advertisements lt�
� Ito, LYdUl E, Plulkhain's Vege� significant fact, perhaps, for.Aliss Al- . 10 . � '�
of the department Stories In Me Sunday ble 400mPolind, and found thal Cramps, Pains in the Stomach s "' Chole' . . :
11 ,, A New Discovelu that Cures Consumption,, ; oem I . . . clytt's weakness for all boykind WAS
I The Dr. Slocum System Presents a Positive Cute -for Humanity's Great nowspa I per, for which reas6n-nmlly omin- helped me,. I continued its use, and, . frankly aVOIrled, but her vivacious cOm- - I , Seasickne s, ra, .
�1- I ost Foe.' ' ent clergymen advocate.the abolition of ment; On her passing glimpse is worth & I
. , , Four Mat-veHous rree Remedies for all su-K',--:rcrs reading this paper. . ! the �Sunda,y paper. . I I I I on found that my.nienstrual perlipd� -Cholera Morbils Cholera Infantuml Summer Com- '
I , Now Cu'r* : . � ,�ril Jree from 'pnin and 'natural , I puke of cut and 4,rie,d history. "Fauny. I . I ". . . I .
1, ' for Tulecirculosisij Consumptions Weak Lungs; catarrh, and a rundown elfatem, , , Airrived at Ole Shop, the Shoppel, eryone is surprised at the cha . . and I waved I
, nge III . laint, and. All Fluxes' of the towels -il � .
, . - rutshes wiltily-up, One Aisle and down ,an- . I ,, , n Children �*and
- , and 1. am well, and cannot went by," Miss Alcott wrote ,� -1 � .. .
I I Do you cough ? Is your appetite -bad? other with no apparent purpose, but will be too "and he L' . . . 1. . . . I � � . � � . .. �
I "� Do your lungs pail, on ? Are your Iun �1 I ttetuli for what. you have done for 0 ealy winked his boyish eye 'at US, fO3F' Adults. . . . . . . 1. . .
a .
y ,o gs delicate. , lock. hoins And figirt, '%'!ill ftnother'Shop- eL"--;- Miss JANST PA=]M, '00 West . . .
.1� Is your throat sore and inflamed" . Are you Six flesh ? ' �, . I I I k1nily, with' her -golden curls -and wild I - '. , I � .
- .
I , �1, ,� per over the pos,s&asloli of somethin � 1-th SU, New - waving, looked raEer , . I .Its, effects are marvellous.* , * " I I I
� .1 Do ),on spit up phlegm ? Are you pale and thin It . 91, . York City. - ' . �
, .. ! th7at. itelblier one of th , ,,,,,,, rowdy, And the . - . : . . . I
.� - ' I . oil) wants. The I 00,9111#41 Of (1600# lottop prOVIng gan!l5vo=nfaen�t poor little prince ' . . ..
a � Does your head ache ? Do yog lack stamin�? . 6, Produ � Ved . d some fun.,, : � - . I . . � . .. I .. . . . ... .
I - . I . . . I I speeies,move about ill herils, ellarging In '. . I . It acts, like a charm. . I . . .
r,� 11 Lof a . . . A kindly Wassachuseus Man W -: , . ,� I . . I . .1 - . .
. r', These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds tho JnoSt ; ,body Odany -C as tim- - . � . . . q . ''
�. I", � . . . . Quater thA1V seellas.to be Take no S01[ll$titut% for It L, idly wending -his Way through'. Me effete . . I . . I .., . ..
I '. danvroEls malady that has ever devastated the earth -consumption. . � t the Relief " . -
11 T, .. * . . . . popular, bg y .are easily -41a 11, PlukhazWs Vegatablit. West a . . I I . is almost* instantaneous., - � . . I �.
'. I oil � _ stampeded, I lid chanced.. in a,restaurant in one � . I I - . . . .
1. - are invited to test what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by � and - tlie sight of a. pile of junk marked �- '. . . : . of the frontier towns. The waitkr I -� � . . . i
I .
. I I . -ipated conditi'
, . . V writing for a I . I . . "For. -this day 6nlyfoy I send inp.o armed With a sorrowful towel tied about, I . OIL * - - "
, 3s 1 1 %4,� Wil und that cure& I was I * Does not. leave the Bowels in. a. const
4:t- FREE TRIAL TREATMENT , - - .: thewhole hunell. at 'it, and Mile, I . , , . . I . � . I I . .. ... � � I . . I ,�
1� 11 I : I ". - I I . .
0 1 '1:14 Waist a'derted tin tray and 4 couple , . � . I -- -- -- . .
'tt.� � . . to cat it up. 'in them , !!!� ..�!--!r --;-- ---_ -- . . I A . '. - � � . , I � .
, and the Four rree Preparations will be forwarded ),oil at once, with complete directions for use. I these mAd rusbes* 'the t - I .1 7 -of guns.. The'Easterner looked . . . . . � . � . . I . .
`," The Slocum System is a positive cure for Consurn I . . him over , . . � . . I .
� ;:. - is a old and feeble ana the 'very yo I in, a gentle Way and asked 111 �%, a "' -' RA - . - ��� .
' that most insidious disease, and for all Lu . I ung, we , pheg() . . MA ' L- mo 6 , WITE '-'-.,r,.
��:, Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss of V-02, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchit' al trodden do , merial Het6fiiism I . - in if he:had . . I .
��! . I . . wit, andhave their -clothes and 1 � 1. ... ., , � . I .
-1 Reart Troubles. I I . '. I I � . . - . .. I any breakfast , . . " � Wanted 11a - . . L . .''. L�
L I . I I . . . . I . 1 ..
I . . 11
. . I . . .
.1 ! . . . . I
I . ' L boy waiter. - IrWe got. :.-, - �. il, 00. ll1M,F9TS. .' * �
:,. , fx� Y "Irl 'cat Company, Limited, T�q King Stiact West. Toronto, giving - I sponded. the cow 4' '
. 'to to the T. A. Slocum Charm halts tOrli off of Memo bu ,�jheii the buy food- "I "tless �yes" ,re� r, , 0 ;r L. 't '� ��'-
. . Sim I -t - WA 'Slstorloal- Fragment.)L. ,7, 'S �. � I
. , , -
4. 7 pokiptoltoe and express address, and the free medicine (tit. Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. . Ing fevor Is bit them the intr, . . . .1
i�: . as Pid Crea 1 Wnder the hr eadinw "Fashlonatlie udy'Ai I ham and eggs, fried sausao'e, ' a I . <ZA."il 1-:1> L Young me x and women to prepare for - � -
1, . oner in Canada seeing Slocual's free offer in American papers will please send for sa ., . . L
. v . mplas . to ! tures never step as, long as they 'have� a ' hiring'Inno,�at I . 'J . uck i a 4'a . 4 . N*4 I 1. � !* good situations. 4pply to . I . I
1. '' Toronto. Alention this paper. . . . . � lon;" A doily paper recent- . steak, SPAre-rI lS, L inu Ltoh Chops, I � ... . I . .
. L . L : - i petilly left. . I - ;... I r described, In half a columA of L c6rned . I ,.� .." . L . .
, . L L '' - - 0 '' .. L . . .
� s . . worider- . .,,� .. *�` 1. .1 L � I -!. - I .. - , I ..
.". . � . . . 'L . beef haih,,hogg and ,hominy, light bread- . 1; _ � . DOW—ifflon" � - , � ,
' -ldhadommumm...,!=M —vallo ".� � . A I" - , i twht.. the appaelflon, in the West End ; ,,,� �, - . L , . : I . .
I -
'L.L" �� - - . , peen Jarity of the Shopper 1 it, ut�. . -n the prev t us heavy - bread, L "toust: broad, all;je butter: � -1 t�� , . . , , I I . .
L. - -.-- -, . Is . . L. - - � . . . . I . .
. ---------------- 7— ' L.� '. L . afternoon' of a bortnet L I ,47,,t'- ?�;�' . � . I . .
L . -el 14;1�1 1 . L I . � . . .
.101V fill . . 4,111"." . N 1. � I . I Blislne�ss :::
� , � .� . I . . . I I . . . � :::
�� 11
��,, ! ter, indiiTerenOP ., tQ litinger and fatigme , Ffth dark green strings tied In a double � -peach butter, cow butter, coffee; tea, b,ut- - 'e. , * , .. I.
. Robt 1, . . . �1� ' ..
I ."I", ..L 1-1 -1 - D� . .
esl I e, a T1111 -nler' ; , t While on O-ae of t-4 ra.idsi , It Will Sllot�ailll low - Slightly to .the left of the. chin :- A , " ,.lull �, .
1: dropped d emi at h el i v ri lie 11),11,1cet. He. ' The . Railways of Africa - - I of a termilk and beer. Brealoast too I " ., ... . , . . - - . .. . . . . .
, - '.. I 1� f
I ' y and ituy,most neatly, and'elegantly a?' Well I �.., , . � I I . . ;
. . .. 1: It -dell b nibblium - dressdd.� . , that's our winner. - . , L: V I` . L . IL. V.61lege I .
"j: - was only 10 ye. I . ' " at a 'eream, oul , . game your grO." ' . .. �, � - 11 . I . .
irs of age. In connection. with AfrIcah ra Iway un,� all " L . - L'. I ,, . I .
L es t'nipsd Busines a I . t . .
.i - eqbn 9 . . .1 ' I .
r "L, �" - Pd � .
I bh;iij� ordillaill' . .nd still obvJously and undeniably young;: . � , . L . ' 1�ho b I and Sliort" t .
I 11 The best
" dertakIngs, Ifis Interesting to "e, . I I ... L y so fftgile and -weak JL tilly cluster of spilng floWers "orning . Flatihor -Black, the t, nalish elaigyman . . , ... 1.1 _. . . Ci le8e in anads, Reduced ition a ea. .
; , ad. anot-, itL Caullo,twalk the length of thestrect , �&.: c.,qeouqn.) . ., . �11-1�;i S, J" -, I
. , , FOR SEA-SICKNE,.SS, NAUSEA. oclal statement Issued by Seer.etary -i �., . 1. . � .. I . 11 11 .. "�, ,
I . ... . 1. . he n ' L �'. J�. - � , :
I .0neSL or sweep a room', .It, )Ilfl � L' �rs to t' L . =i, . -01 it r 0 �d ' til r
. who has been ,Y�kjtlhg� letF _ . V 0 us 0 a in our,co �oe of , uc
of' the British , South Y; L A lead' a rush on � Tho'K�Iendo of papers about th . , ewa . - �� , I - , . r ,u ly, I , i �
. AfAca, Compan 'April, Anno - Doniful, � p marriage of, W. K- Van- 'I � pro � tb g 0. ot . ��
. dounter of'marked-down: blouses .1 -derbilt and VI&L" the ,�, l� li� a 00 of a Curing 0 atio for . .
and maladies ofthis, type vield (Ini(Itly 11 - d e ..
, , who rexently visited Rhodesia, Mr. Sones . with .11110eei Hundred' And L Thlree, was an 'Mrs. Rutherfurd, I I 11. : " - gr itu as : .. � . I . ..;
, L .
. magica power of Ne�- : that Would make W. 10OR-?All Pj " tpoch-'making date ith the histor Londoki VIISOns. Weekly and tyloo s -'re- - . 4au to t log . .
. 1. I I , a s 0aft no sent fr
, Ys Public Opinion, speaks With Special r . . L. . Of the.
v , . . v'9k . sy, 0 4 areas .
to the almost I a ee a
. so .
, iline, and if yoll suffer.periodicallyl I . . 41, I - . . . y to ... . I . L I . . . L I .�,
. I . ork �,. -- � I I � IL� .1 1 . .. XCH'Ity, . ,.. . I � ..
'� , Another' interesting charnoterigtie is ' ' --- , . J. B .
ustible supply," 'form: the prisoners In this good w I .:!z ....
I . � frow aily of these tyotibles, just keep, gratift0atlon of the "Inexha' , sick. I . i $rMsh -Buipiro. I . : . . I ... A . .. . L . I . L
. , Nerviline at hand. A of coal" whlcl� the allvent'of the rallway �' that the Shopper% At, half-past,thrjeL look 01i thot-41' L he' is often ., SU000$81111, , Sometimes, . � - I I . . I I . . L , It
. 8016: Will seems to be � iernoon A Ninor s ON though, be � . Ill --, - � .1 I ,Dept', 11 Confedler 44D Lif ' ' . L
- will ffil to the yvankie :! lik ' wil4fire from has odd. experiences. A re- I I . I I . . 0. 1% i e Bldg.:
- sweetened water I L ,coal flei(is iviiL-ation-throw i 1. read e . , . t , 1, . . I . . . . 1.
--- open. He estimate$ the initial to'got rid oif.inilney, and it will buy any- . . : . I ' , L 1
- ief and ill th %Q- 0 f- - . th. .1t. I ligious paper .1 . . �
output of . . . L . I . . L . . I I 11t . b- t
I I . s! ant rel e CoIll. lioll' the Wankle c0IIiGrY at 30D tons daily; ��nd � Prig 11111. out with a list o' - 11A to end of thipmetropolis to the� ef- . . told re,cmitly'llot, on, one1 ., . . I . .�, .. I � . ... . � . Toro I 0 . 91 * .. . 1. 1.
Rit , '. . '11" . . . . . . . .. . L . V t
an huur the cure is complo(41. . ytit, - declares that, With" : f a, feet -that a stran-go and Startling spee; OCCA51Q;ft -he devoted A fortfilght to the, * Ve C . ".
I I tho CXQ,e tion of .the , speci2 Ze 07 -01, 'mi L , . M.rk,1. ..
-1 motley hick if you do ),,)I �11�(] it .so. hest getter fln'Pans for thie-kitichod - �aielo of ,% . fe reformation of -ti�v,l . e I . --�-� - I - . - ,,,
t . 2oa Welsh eoal, thEire Is, no stearl' 4' -and comid honi" J ninli ni�ture Was. to, be a hoili4ellieaker, anA how. , , . iii� . 37 W .� . . . . . . L I . . L; . . - . . .. . 11
. I in tile woy-l(l tllnr� the ProducC of ' L . ousebreaker Said t4 him gMteftlll�r. L. .. I . . I. .1 .I .:. 1 . L �. � . . . . . . L. I . , . , I .
. .. .
11 . . L * , I I . . .. . I ., . .11,
.. . . 11 , : ". . . . . I , , - I 7M . 1. L . 1. . . ,:� '' . . I ,
,e more or less famll� 1 onli-arity � in a 10111), ... . - C IN, .. � I I
, ankle. With the gold-mirilng -industry i - color oldtfon in place of lthein,'- This 0e. '. In � few minutes the T . at the ond of 6 -hat time: i'T - A �. i
I � o with forty .Yalrds of off. � )bserved. in, Bond atieet. . .. the, ih . . .
AV . '
Sydney, B. C., Board of Tr�:do ii t, )f Rhodesia we ai . ubq and iuburbz hank I
.'� . hir, but It Is not n -agarenstly. intelligint L Stroa ' o sirj thank you..for : G L I -X . . I .
I passed a resolut;on ( .so �%voll'known that cop- !, creatur# �&n only L in lines* were blocked With YOUL . I . L : .. . .. I
, . . .
. I I I
-ndorsing thopol,4- per, zinc I e ace me f What ' ' Jtav�. donei �- - , . I � 1. I . . . .. L
" tion of Hon Joseph Chanil)erlain. , and otbor mineral depoistts".", the ounted for on --auilrying a -ad perspiring quillnunics; the for.m4.. There W" Atimi When I knew . .Direct -iinporsein. L WbrkW&nqhi . �. . I... I :. , .. I I , -�� 1.
L, abouna in that region. -mi. theory thait,the. Shopp n9thIn4oif Go,d. L_, L . .1. ..
, 'L - - . . . Junes fur- ffeks bq.- trebledL And. . " of the devll� but some- , . itnd.Afakeria�vuanlntped. . .. I .. L I . .. . �
" � I tber states, that the. prospects of. agrieuv eing bluffed. or oil I.' at iervIc6,61 busts: had L to. . h . . . . 6
� I 'times fromb I . . . . . . . . �
, . I ture are exbe�dlngly .hopeful, and that I juadrupled .oil. all roads converging to . I Ow -both!, . . . It . ti. I . I . I . . .. . . I
�, ; I ENO.MOUS GROWTH facilities now exist for the empit7yment of : MAY be -supplJo0d' ' ' * ,,he abol . ,YOU have made me love them L W . . �� .,* L I
I � .. , . Shopper, . I � . "A �- - -. I pays W go,to. the best--� I I .
. . I . I -stabd in rq-named, focus -of �Asbion; - extra - - The Berlin correspondint *of - t1je 'N 1, 4-4 ' F
Eversince Dr Chasl'�'s Ridne -Li ver , I . In' and drelxd of th� . Jraft9 of AS � ;,l . It : *
� ` y modern farm maplilnerY. . great lea", e�. . J A l, . ..>%�
, Proceeding to U anda, one find ,it " but, unfort � `poli,w ,were liagtily'telephoried, York "Timeol, ; tel,l . no that some ladies , . , I . " . . . I . I . . .
.� - Iltilshed. I . I
I .
;,*,. - Fills were first introduced to t);e pub- the railviray - there Is practleAlly s th, unAtely, bberexre no on . a . � . . I . . . .. . . I . '. .
,� lia the sales have steadily increased, . All tile steel vi marks by which it can, be tward for from Outlying districts; and by f6m. , wore talking -to, the Raisek'On. the posi� . 11 . . .. . . � � . I , Thursday, April 2nd 4 was a . . I .
11 . � adUcts for..the road have , frem t'll, "uAry foul. aistinguiih ---I'- , I --.- , * I .
� . . I �
.. . . .
each year tieing larger thail tlie� Vea.io been feted, and there . only rdmai . � ed )'clock the -crush ,witg. so immenso'hi tiOA' of Woriien.l.ii Germany, and the Mm- - . ... � . I -. Ireco rd 4 9ty a� the . I . . .. .
I ns ale domestic jai-. ',his p � 11 . �. . � . . . . .1 . . I . .
� ..
I preceding. This I,; probably the 'best the 8=11tion of steel -ptrildtiires for a.! .111al, �aud so many a nian *h � , articulitr �.quarter that &I . I tr I affic p6rior deoltaied thAt,he accepted his wife's W�h 1, Oth * - Th ..Canada Ilusln'ess C61lege, - I I , ' . ,
. few small Ind unimportant . temporary . Is getting it i1irm. I . 0 Ounfoi he *- - 0d! circulation, was impossible. ' ' ' 0 I. W a va e rs � S a ' ' , : . 11
,;11 - evidenceof theirrema, kableefficiency, bildges. Trading vessels are 13eing placed . -pinion in .such inafters ,cabiWl'I tell I � . � I., � . ye . .e I . . �
. * "
" . , I
� - economical wife finds'; - .Thingij began to look 'ugly, and the * what she soqnethneil' says?" said he. . . . I � . - - . I a. I �. '013$1IT . A '' "' ' ' . .. . . I.."
,� JV, . �-
, .; q� treatment for derangements ofthe on Victoria NYaTIZA. At Present there is Out,*Whea he has'got it U.m# . , ' I � I
., at y - . . H All,
. . . ..
L kidneys, liver and bowels They are a through train twid ) at he ero*d was getting Put *of band�. when tells -me ,that woman's v6otitiou is * - . SIX,65118 for office. haill in a "single day ,
. �
I",,".' invaluable as a family inedicine. rection -between Alombas-i art(] Port rs'lor-, has acquired a2hopper -instead; and. as tile new Colnzniiision�.r (d p I I I
��, e,week]S, In each db- , th . ge
. .olice; I . . . .. .
. it is. �mpoosi , It. -& nothing but four X'S." The ladies Were . thesefrom Chioago,.ono' Irom
;", . - ence, . . .. � I 1. .I ble to tra4e,-one off, oreven � - Richard Hqnry,.thougl1t.'jt advisable to Am 1 It d.,did ' . '. I : One of Mon . . .
:�. er,da s an not understand. � and tobA mid ths other four ... USX - I
;;�. In Ethiopia and the Soild W . I lb . % '. .
. .
Constable Arni 1. of developm An the . orit -� give mt away, his P11"Ilt !a F� sad'oni, . sulluntili, tile,, military, - Six Arm O,rp, �,bhe - -tinperor explxin�d - that th 'four . . I from io,%aing . I
".".., our, nondaga, Ilea . ent and w-PIciltation is pl-o- . A. Shopper Is - the ";�.S� eipinsive pet .promptly arrived' ill a ' . y . e .. � . hess houses in the city! Positions at t45. to, -. - ... .
. . .1 , I I -
I lz�-- Bri;�ntford, has b ,,r,,, e g a -pace. The trecaty tecently von-. a -many Motota. WS ,stood fi�t kinder, Kirehe Xue'ehe and - '-- M 660.. per month are getting -quite common. '. .
een s sp six "S'n '111 the 'World to, keep. A small And ineig. i�jth. Mr. Drodrick at th(Ar head. . '! :�Iei&r, or, in droni church', ,'. - d $80 Per month �
, ended for . .
, 'd,,] lipt,ween King 11enellk and ' the 4 . �
" 1. nioz)ths for accepting noneyfrow In- BrItf-h Government probabl�, 'fleRlit'1001if i . ., . . Filgllslb,� chil . ,. . A recent, call offere for & -
(Listing. L' b - dookeii, and dothes. On, another oecj� - . � � I 11 .. . first4lias stenographar. . I �
, -means the III . 119. bile, with an Appetite, no . By degrees a' line'was rhader to the ceii I . I . , - .
I I I .
" I dians in place of arres ing them. ea,,,,I,v con's imetion of the 13e'r er-Suakib: bigger thuh & -bird's, ws to , .�. I
, .1 .. � � � . . .
, . * - , , . I . �
" its "ad ,,�) Xqssali some' '15 more, tbo main ter,of attraction, after the Riot Act'had Sion ,the Rmpeior rema.rked that "A WO-: or'STOM1119ton's "Valladlan Stock Tion n . . . .
" I 37.0,DW), and the sub%e(Ii:10,nt extenslo'n �j taint than a been read and;A I . iaq�e 011113. � ops it�:n�t pnY to-afte d'fhe-best, - ' L .
"I" . . '. . � .
. . . . )lord of elephants or a men. in&u. who mal, , . . . . .
a . . , . I
. .. 1. tfi-JAZI Puffs Is *worbh, James Omsk, breeder and feadei .bf th' 90'e f; College re-opene.after Mister i �.
" I NOMYOUR WEIGHT tie Kassala line sduthwardto.Lake Ru- . . ATUIVOTOtts � boa�ts' 'This is *,'fired.' - - ' � I .� : ". 14 Woman, Wlic can dl , , 8takelat aj�ttje at Provinciall Winter .F4. on' �Vttesday
all, I
, I �p
", � .1 agerio' of � c . vo ley of'bldnk all
".. . . dolph, where 'dven tuft I IN, it will form a .'', * 't ' =ttht, I ., . I . � . I
� 1. 11 ... . . I � .is the bdot'time 't .
-�,;� Owing o the -t ,j , ' The ca, So of jh� �1'jtqlo' .. . , '11.11 . . "I I - . - . . �: . 9�'oritor, .: I ...
, . Ir unfortunato. hAbI a go. - u S . . I I . I
.1 By not,ing gur incredse ill weight Juliction With the�.JTgs�j,tjtt R61.1way, at ff , bance *a' then' 10 I . ..d9ss 4 1901 And 1902, says.
I . , t � . DnA . R TR,� . I I � '. . Antil 14, Now .
i�;il, while Its r - markinz &- lo . Mg 0 on: buying raids. W . . gGrilatal9glue address. .
r�� the same time I S .. . .
.. J havateil your I : , , �, - . . . .,
'11 � ng r Chase's N&-ve Food . ng, step to- hothei $,-!once .; - ascertained &rid Ilocatell'bij a Picked'body, .. The; Rev. Dr., . W. i 3 ' Ruin -Stock Tonto to'tat6je And I I .1 . . ,.I
* . . � .1
I . . I . ookgelsi.New York, told- in rhila-, . and put, oil flesh . more rai ni.thrive.*well . .. , .
I that wi%( numbering some; huzilli,qdg, Of in't�rvjew� like It Very'unich. It nialces the � , - it , I
- Cape-ta-bairo ,� . . .or ,
� d can prove for a certninity ,,rd -the realization ,,' ii:,, will'ever be -able to And A. virus - ifoTd, 'Tebt , . . I I . I
35, �!clit'iylc- A few days. a8o`the11)JIboutI- inoculate. Sh of St. G , 1,
. I
'Rallw In . P NbLiChlan, &.()0..-: r. . I
!,, that new firm flesh and tissue is beink Harrar my wis opened; nus oppers against, the bargai .ers and photlo4rapbers, -and led -by Mr. 4101,phla, on the day he pidly., I think it, it. . . A . I
,4 , EthioPla Is to be exploited from . c? are itioc ' I . -preached the ser-� the best Toniol have fed to bowes. NV6ajealstl .. . . .. . ChAtham, Mi - , , .::- - ,
;-, added to the body. This is the severest the dast, ,- ulated agitlnilk ,. PuTfich's'. Own, ape -Afative at 111011 that caused him to be charged With .1 .. . . . . 0, . . ... .. � I ��
, �� �, � test you can apply to any treatment It 19, however, not unlikely that a lal,je . t cial represt feeding it to our heus this winter and, -they � .1 . . �
A part of the: -future trade of th - . - t is impoosiblo to say. Y�u the seA of war . . . ore's" In botterthan hot ha,�e done -for a- - � ' ' I .-I I � . � . I
Is virgin , ean 111 * .: .. I h!�resy,'of a orlub -an 61d lady oncigavie , longt[wof ItPaystl)fsed t.' '. . . . .. .. . . 11, 1. . I . .
, 1, and proves the superiority ofthis kingdom will be drawl,, i(iWa ds . Xhaf� no a . I . I.. �-- - -- I �. �
r WOTS tell when, a loan OW ll, 4 It, wao bus ile of tb-e - eal, eighties him,, 111' bad ,the habit In: my y ! . Xpurarruly. ' " . . � �, �.I! I---- I �
, e' -iption Shopper by theWay'lits tr.0 * 0 oubb"! �..� - . I .. . . I . 11 . . . ,:.. .
1: restorativ piesci of D. rtt toum. Enosly�. alid Auxerl�an capitalists t user6bag a*, wom (plitiffitly on the joighty y a. pr�,� . . o co. oning - all -s.ii JA$LAA:S`D. - . . . . . . � . , , . .
" reepntly deilpatched a porps of tho,knees'� %md oulders hunip over. ..' Swshig And'very'selfspossessed young Ifty PTO oSed aktioitts' with thL.' ph Greenbank; Vol) 23, IM�. .. - . .. . . i : .. ,, . .
Chase,the famous receipt bobk author. � engineers .1 . his � 4h. . . . . Mdd.Dr. Ridnisford, 6 f uljilti
t Xhartoum to, . 11 . : , a school - I ''..."..
. . . I
. I
,* to Survey a, -and in Julie an expL,ditI611 I .,Iiw 1-1 I.: Oly of.borne.twenty springs.,. . . � : y . . �
Adi],,; � a railway ,from I .k .. - I . . .. . " �. raft� DzAn Sin,- . I A Woi . . .
, — . Abe b, I Q t4
I I . will Rtna for Alin, � . I .. I . .. If, 1ha;d&fiia*eAioo�tiaIntot1l leis, Worming. . I . . . I
1.11a to fle I . Doo'vioerilte," oT'�OoA willing,' or soilue- , I .. I . I . I
,, 1 -.41 seend the. , . I . Su i . . .. I ... .
. . uch &'heroine had ton's Stook.Food took it down completely and - . . . .
The general manager of the Can- Blue* Nile, in order, to, test Its value as A . I Tht; Soulful Lady� I I not been teentince. Of "i sort. An aged �roman bhe* lier Wbod,dondition. 1t hasdone rAy � whioltoonverto more r -� � - - �
. commercial waterW,av;A1,1 low of divert; . . . I ' aw mat. ,
�- � ad Atlantic declines ;40 passing via '�' , . . I . . . a .94 'days of Gr W01 an Aristocratic family, fn�jt6d 0 T . I ning power and . ! .. * . ,
� a - Djibouti. 11 . v � .. 1. . . e . the ace. Darling, and special i . young Mon. and wo- - , �
president oftbeTrackmen's Brother . "- fitiona recording the progress of -tile morning to dine with her the fot*- . ninlendit.
I to ineet the Ing a portion of, ihii tra On ofie of the WaRls'of fill 't 6 vogood nk it I Iss, . good thingandoaure - P, eri&l irtO eat . .
, .
I I . . .
I . Th .� 1. � ther"o- used 'to -be � -pencil auLiograll �. Oj I 'acell more . . . s -
- hood, and declares there has been and ' Allraiilbft affair *,ore ISSUed until late at night. - night- 11 slisil be delighted to. , B 0HURCHrLL, 10alryviian.11. . . : . . " I I . .
V1. : e general froo,ression as to, the *. nat.' Washington lrving�ail. least h � All . I men in good positions then any . . I
�1�1: Ural resources the Sou�. 14shlondoin 'had been rocked' to th i 1 Olintoil; J'an 17,, Zoos, . . 1.1 , , Institution' .
"" � will be no strike. . of Vltblopla ,and . Ewo,ou'V09111i ul maadam,k I said. 'if I Am Parify7otir animals"blodd before tur #I . � I . .of thil -kind in.cansda � .
� . I . . . ,
dan Is that they tire rich, but-andeveldpi- guide-600kg say, go the its foundatibm Dressmakers' were aghast . I th ilia . . . . . .. I ,
I ad, With particular reforenee to As -the room has been ipared? �rl terminal phra,46 seeined to OmOnth8grase. They will-surpdae yom J, 11 . is, the, � I I I ... . � . �.
11 . � the Gou- Whi Audacity Of thlo. incident, whik. : Set her, Perhaps A6 fliought d" 'he FAII- . I . .. . .
:., : I - ' . clan, The rt. yptlan.pazetto says editor. *toWashed . tieveral times, the It the - 'a '" 101b. box,9001ceds, Soo, Solb I saak I I -r-A0V-7-j-,D------ . . . I . . . . . : .. I I
� 0h11drenCfV ftW ' IAIIY,-�"011 he Whole,, atthougli-tbe sou;;.' graph no. longu exists. one : auto' their clients; who had just purchased. " , 49. : -L ZW� -49 . - . �..
" .f., . l3ed &At in It. She frowned.and Said- . � - -- I , , I .
:": .1 dan will take several more years to do . ii� tijvelor W,h � t , r .. -. ..
I .
" � velop, there are practicall� .no limits to- I . 0 is ou.rin Soubherzi-gu . test Cos, you�.re dead.1111 not. expect you., P P. 3191danka'ge'84 lQ1110004 C� . . . I I . I . � 11 .
, : (lay, W-�Ittli` what they Supposed to be'.14 oh, if . . . ..
11 the. possibilities for nutsicle capital Which - . � ropt" I hea I i - , tames, Were1n despair. 1. I 11 - . I Josep�h Elkinton, the Philadelphia au- I . . . .. . . . 22 .. :
. Wimport . ; :., � . I I . . . . .1 1. 1, .
. I
. . � �� . I I . .
the recovered Provinces -affo,rd. With ' 0, gulde to abo unlhg Further details mu0b,be-looked fo-� "t, b0loug6 to 66-66cicty of Friends. . . . . . I . I . .
CASTORIA. . w -her, 'this auto Iraph; lie elsewhere, Ali . - , �csll. S .�.. . . I- � .. . I . , �. . . I .. . .
I � great tracts of fertile.'soll now -Producing , ly h.a,ve Aocommo Ated. herll Usoh fnaz*ii naschool of 896ATHA14b '
I � I A . little but Jungle, and -with- A water sup� yould cheerftd .Eli -converses, as l5rililatitly '"he Wri
The t� nly needing - Scientific Storage And bloi on b -young iind never Is -his "oty m4 ' ' iii- By �.
3fr )A
veiling of a stable to the lat u but th`cte had been no4utograph. therp fainted with emo. P AFEW
n e 911iyArlob , at, eing preseint . re engaging I � I
' Mgr Bourget wasthe chief feature of tion to fulill all requirements, Binte. lie was born. Sti,11 she Such &.Portentous scono.-'ertifich." - . ftnwhen ,he ooneeints t�D narrate, some . Toronto, out. . I L
, there Is no reason WhY - thq Soudan should fiil,.�Artd year.ned , wa�q: so Soul. . I -- , � 1. '. . . . . �1. . . . .
:�;, aptiste not become .one of the � world's greatest thit I Wrote ad, for the atitograph. � ib 6. -, 1,11ling from his i9tore of Quaker auell- � � �
� . . theoelebrition of^the 8t Jean B, IF . .. . . V'M MM ' �R *Always open, No voicatiouff. - - I .
� anniversar granarles. All of theco and other treas- 011e myself for her in pencil " The Kink's:A her&'-` � lotes.'. "The 0tOrY`goeSi"` he slaia tho . Go vetesohers. rine6lIniptninfi. f. . .
I -y at Montreal recently. ures -ake placed at tl near where she Was Searching, Whon . , T�wel
. "I le disposal -of nli� - . rc - )ther day� 11th&t lo'ud talking -among the . offil summer Session for auly i -
I. manJty at large by ilia extermination of . . . I * . . and Augua,t. rartioulars free, .. � . I .
. . , �
� .
I I .1
'detotlorated It t Of emotional rhapsody hbinas' nl4deting. �The wGilion at this., WO � , . . 1. . . .
A ragged, dirty looking t �DAWOgutfon i'lince Interrupted a certain' .
at Hami n, vls'3 vueh ,A torrm' nburgh
� ramp has the Defyisbes, and British enterl, the Bouiful lady found it she burst into I ----------i I . OFFER I
* 'been arrested I to He is must baivo lklmentplely During theRing's visit to Edi Write -
,,,o, ebarged with eating raw chickens and tLangs back in the, dompetiti6ii to. enter that I -felt. more than repaid. the Royal C.ompan QMY Mail and ginpire , J A W. . �
; Kor the wants of 25,00,666 p6oplo,,, I . These jit� yof.Archerg�other- !aodting mt,*n One side of the room, the .. . .1 W. a. sa , Pritelpall . I'll
Is sus ected of the inurder of Glory - w I . . . . ble. acta of kindneall'oA We. . non 116ilea toany-addrasoin canadil" , I . - . I I .
- -
1, , " Whalen.; - &."-, ' go thro . ugh wise known as the King's Bodyguard on the, cither. . The. Spek�kor, when . . Great Britain or United States . --' 16TO"Is lei 16 8 - I . -"
, . r . .1 I . � . I . . ,he World aro'Jar too rite. for- Scotland -am. the ingst pictur- I 9Lo tAlking-became, Inbolerable, Pausedi ' I 1. I 1'..lo"Ime ---4- ''. .
., Tle fact that the' I Thas #=6 s until dantloity Ist, 1904, for '�l . � . . . M . . . .
, had juldt decide Govertunent.of Judig subsoiluentl �squa feature, of nous core. . , . I
�': . MayorBrault of Aniberstburg may Wful lady ' ILZ ' th.d. . va . . d'looked at the aildienoo ieproadlifid- I . . 4i I
, ., be asked to resign his positi()n hecaluse d thl.t no more 'bird skint Out to lier. companion a him haonjis, . I i I ,owhi""',
. . �olutoil I .. . A'wox"n rising, saild to himt It I I . - I - , ; . * , , .
.% and,f wh t W 16.9 theo to iWe notice that bho, talk . 1 50 eEXTSO: . I .. . .41 I � ., . . . . Af -
�. of the recent verdict convicting him of 11tim4ge shall W. export6a gives oAt� All down lh'Orana&�'whlch 'was Betweeti forty and six'ty mlepillers of it 1. I �0
. . . . I . � N
I . �ov . 11 11 4 k i,
I !
-,,' frequenting a hotel on Sunday. it is . 1011" Ion to bird-16vers everywhere. 'rid with round. black spots, - , the icoinl2any will remain on duty dtir- . tou object to comes not fTo.m 6urs, baf . - . This offer inoludea Acice Of I � 4. . - .
� I Tht "LookIll- She— cried, #atlitislaaUall I ing the I . I ; 11, I I I
I : - nrobable h� will appeal, . reao6n given for the Uovernmenils. de(q. ing"S visit of four days,'and k'6M the men's Wei of the house.' *.Tho, ' , Pr0miUM'N0tu1`es,'ehtAldd "The .. � I
I i �:, � u Wmen ,Sion Is that, owing to the wholesale de,. .. ,look at those aperbUrest '11vilendi there Was a banquet in Archer's HAII) )Peakor Arailed upon her. 'go much the 01mer's Farowell,,, and st oft the , '. I . � - � I 11 "'.. I I .
,..� J A t has been given against structiOn of birds, de9true ey Are sliot-holes- . - a beau,,f6l, old.. building col .. . . I I . �
I urrows, of Ham tive Inieb . I probably. Made '4 litaining Wtter, good wojtian; so much. the bett4q1l Edge of the Hord.11 .
t I . . . .
.4 -Y .1 .
I ilton, for dani- have It All their own waq, and or -s Ir - alk fired in the .ware waged Im. Pricelogs Pictures, last evening. , W baid. ` will be tho #oo'ner over.' 11 �� - . . I
I �
, � . . . .
I ,� ages to the extent of $00 for cutting India Fhuv6 suffered alarniji,gly OPS 'r XbOrleh- kingS, 'Wit, ierft9ald am To irreverent spectators a body of . . . I . ISPIMIAL, , . .
' h 11 . 4 ,, . I . . . .
. . , I ! - . . , . I � � . 1.
.� , idown a shade tree in front of the eaqss. frOixi this ella, To it not quite too InforelTs. sedate and raiddle-aged gentlemen, e1i --- . Weekly Mail and'Empirb to 'Tala. 1, U .
i ,:� propert of R Young. The action The feathel; tmde Is An impor I g?" 1� I . � . ' . I
i�� �] armed with large bows and aqov;9j 504 New-10,ratottAn-W04,40c, ..
. gainst. be citV was dismissed. of thb'q6mmetee of London t&nh part � . � . paradi4 � hibs 1h the Bac . . �' .
;.". I I , . . I Ab "yono It struck Me as bellng, so, partIQU14rif I I Ag in green and red ' u4iforms, . I . . k , Both el"01 4011t to arts address for I . � . . .
, . . - --- . --- -- .Who has soon -the lis the shot -holes war aauntlets aild bonntts - Adorhed with ! I - , I . " '
I � London and India 6 60 clear cud Dec'utI12,11- I," '04, Solid order t '
1� . ' or 0 ", .
,� I ;d,00l% wArohquso (luring a .fogthe �ArP�y. dollned. The ellglcs' fcAthers, lAight pirha Appear . fo'r T1118ofy Y ,ocoflibio papor. , . . . ,.../,
I? I _ QJ y seemed a littl# P8 . . ears
�� . I 6111, realize. The supply from Ind= cook So I � asked., our gWdO 1`11%nit4D ridiculous, but , Most people -will be I I I . . I .1 I . �
. . I �, I .
I I Is orm6us. I .. Vould not tilitA Over In bed�xldneyg and I . "I I ; I .
W�Iike best to call I that tho black allote Were. thankful fot the survival of anything bftddtr AffieCtell-000riettted great . .. . I I I .
1 Ayltura Veritable Yaounialliq of ilia -ThO" rMMd ,))lack spots, loftj st"Tering. �. . 11
1. .
SCOTT'S I-PIULSION featillpIrs, of the green parrot vl�� that it Picturesque in' these colorl I ds& . I
: I I I which is a d he. 110b, that la a.hat Jaot.ory, a I d;iya � '' I . . Old . � P t r I �
ipcd becatise it I lit order tit ttollld learn 0 trust fn Dr. Chases. . . � "
it favQr1to with the pluln"sior on Account Iwo art r*w somliilreroo at members of the Body- Mdacy. Ivor Pills, f,y wh,bn all other treat. �1 � � %,
. I slands so em- t -0 I - � , �*" * ", I
of Its AdSl)t4bWt7- Green, ohlinweling 'O O" t0 dq-" - - - ' guard oil It hot do eac : I '.
I I E 1. . . W 0 L . � .
.,�; '. ,, ` -Ily for r-l-fect nutritioll. bills 04 minions , . a . h other. molifal Inents frill thig rent Inedichle, ftems to go � I . . . . I i. I "
.. 0 feathers that g6t 10bg -� , , 4 L --- darriago in -the narrow places of Holy� ilittatly to th4t is&sed part, lmd promptly 111.11, .... 01"'W , . I
� .1 I I in the inatter of restor- 0:, a . 11 I
. , fo were the pfoud Possession of the X . ro6d P11110e'tN f0ll6%NTn-g In , ! I .1 . I ..,
. Wk .� i stroctions i9ardi telle(grid core. I . . . .Call and examifie. - I
. '.,, oite, (4 gi%il", rl(-�,., � I ampye are givenArt the Mg. DAVID Wisnwrat, tamer, Polit P'lobul. 1 sm prepared to buy this g6asonig .
. e#,ultng dsWiOub ,pf the In y to test the quarity of, , drill boolt -.-
. ., f, h dian wood, 4111 chke- It to throw I . 0
� , � I . i.. .� tit . . 111. OldS, and ithrou ,� the gloriousgreen A "13efore falling in every4ile should 66b, Welland County, Ontario, writes --Ill olip of Wool,. fig usual, lit the , Our stock of high art planes of Jai.
0 . : 1; f; - ' " (��' � 1 '"* " "himm6r Of Nmrek that boautijol red . Atticle into boili . I . . .
� - , ,,, . Of the ground A few handfuls - see that his bow -string is � not left Wish to state -to you that I had A paini I'll rdy eat case designs, and containing. finest at�q �
If. , I ;11 . 1. I ." t� :1 " :h.."l, r WWII &r brilliance, is not surpassed Ind let it C661, The atnou ."k 'Vat" $lack, but fightdlieff ill) by the green Ilack itnd left side for over twetity. 130nMillor 70411en ]Jfll$ flonsplirebanable fOk Money. Bee our very .
. . lel. I t nt Of icum years. At .
� I 11bon at thd toly. At barriers, stairs urn over in bed, I was so
� q;zisrb -to Apaurt, Pin the top will afift the 6il, along ri . latest siylea of sWeek-lioned orgoins, 0 beat .
� � " I F- ", I . 0 'he effect 6f Atoppilig thIA tra tho straws" Chdff and light Weed 9%Vith and harrow met I could not i for . . I PrIc0s in '
, I �) - I'. � !-O.; , , . , ,rogperl do Intatis oeds PlAceg b6ws will bi dly wed up. I had cratups ill. my fect And highootoarih,ptiao,orinclabangt� � - , Artlemenid routed, tuned or re -
, I ; .., ,,re&t#r4 ( ontained iti it;. the sediment at th brOtIlght to an upriglit positioll,. with. le for I r a Yin d. Gramophonellarld muojo in vat-,
. i;,nt'1i4. 1, , Q ty or the ostrich farmi. e bot. _gs, And Iny h4nds were so entirol s Ic . m3finfactureasAides,
. , trill bli uth Africa, And pol,41 OUt ordtrs, gfid will be returfie(l to the "t I could icAtcely)ift anything, y 11 6 &S 0 . . .
�., � . I , - ,;.,; ': Ji-.;.."*-. . ble 108184 9 fn W111 Show tht gAnd alid dirf' wlli?e . . (it at, .
., ., . . , � - , , I t 4*6 $Aloft At' tO the dp4raotfayh oi 1:116 Odor ,will Indicate whetheio it .1% rtrall' When the 011';ttluction is passed." "Xidixeydisease waq, no doubt, the cAuge .
I � 11 I
I "q � 4, .� , . . �, .., � ,�.., ,, �� � ��' I" in tl# x6fith of Lthropla*., - , , I 1h9de, bf s6ufld Or inferior seed. 174 , The Xhig's 4odyguard for Sc6tfand Of fill MY 441Tdring, 4ftn(I sometinles'thO Wmary . I � . �,
. . . , " J to Gledhill el HOARE% ,
.1,!t" !-- . . . kst point is 4 very i.filportant (*,06 lVag first" coilstituted Iii its present Atoubli *ould be so bad t1lat I would have to � . . I i I � I . I AU014 131uparitialt . I I
ftiw�l Ill 11 � a ii* nt! - I ",.;-*' I . I I I
. I .91 . .
� 7' - I . . . = -== '... . -1 ''! , - 1. L, -1 - 11 I i�� -1- . . f6thi It% !6�601 met Which , minute'l 'op, live orsix times during the night, Pbra , . .
I .-- -��" � -- havo been teetilarly kopt thel ox- natelp I began, using Dr, Chitse's Kidneys ., .� - I
- I zz�-- , I
I I I - I I I I__ , �. , Ve ilh, An - ured me cofflpldtqly�� . . *
� , . -- . --- tt*1611 Of Et Short period at the end of i W W . .
I , I . I . � - . ...:� ------ Y"Al L , I
with. Ira I
1: I .1 , , , , , , , I I—- . . " y 0 i %VOO I
� .... � . * Qptlwc� the seventeenth eentury. . t, 0 ve.,rs old.lid quite well now, but I E- & T- lfftrdy.t 4& Co. � I .
- "
I t I
TO- rt irtuat nbt be supposed that th I at It Waslomll so these Pills to keep b�y w4 , 1, W � ! - - - I � 09� I., . 4 .
� im� Law, � 8MU10 4 C d MI One Day tOTWO04I, APYO Archers eaVtlot use their bowse, fy$tem in �voo cirder� Several . petwo 116 -- I i . 'i - 4 - i I 4-080, AdV46MAIbig, Oorreopmj4ehos jit .
�� - 4 lb . - I
. - . - 0 A ThlbY hald tho,oting matdhtt ev6ty wbom I havo recommended Dr. Chmolij - � . '
I I , 'Ni-,- b� 011abletaill, Motithi and durltig the Icin f w-v.Uv(-v, I iiis have been eqtWly beneka I
IVA '101111110 , I* I . 1411441tY Agentli, - .
01 I Pasture to tet.
�; wwww I 5 a 16 pa ey" . "Mussalbu Visit the, ij.. r! I I Th" tilldet-1016d MIA f4k r6h a 0 fteet fit's 1,( 10600 rtgfs ti, , ,
.1 -
I . .1 b"All Mid In P* to ftftfis. " '0 , - �,,;lio r4r?h Ittrft"' W11 8 . � v,",4 Xit1nf6V-TA*e* hift, 014 odtilfiw 61 ir 1*4tirt,
-% -1 I I, This ,0,:,�� I ge Ah6t for W aorft Of ilho Meadow land, *6 1 elided hild I
� ---- I . 44 611itybf Watfiroft Dramiles, AltUfAd 011 tho
� - i , 11 N I I ".6iga�6i attire.) " b6it. , oft Wedne9day of, I , , -. ow� nill A d6w* JqJ*W mi satiolAtod ikad flavlob gtatis,
. � I ,
".� ,�, I .. �, I 101001y. Ir 11'... - , I . I VaitIsfid 0oupbodon. ziewo $1 p6t, blonlik,
�, MAY 23, the d1stailice to, .. 11 ,I �. ,,�,ttAlt ,AgA dg- i e z, i & b-0
. .: , I I - - 1.111'.. 1� � 0'�A ft#AW-04 bt1qA11*,J-W" - , " W. t .-I'.- I- ev-tv bot it M A, Aftly At XIJW 731tA. Afto itatfilditio"04slatirs At 80#41411 .
V, -��10,0� I c , I . . .
�1. , #� -d' . .
.11 . . . � I I .� I
" .1 . . I I
. .
r . , IR, - W I . � I . 4 I .1 i . I . .. # I I
".'.--- ------ �4.�- A4��,A4.,&.0.*.L.k,-. -VA& ALJL.�la— ,. . �L.#,��'L . V , ` � 1. .4 -1 ". � I �� .- . -�. — � ,,,, I
� iii"" a� -,& - — .