HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-07-03, Page 6FJ
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I I I . 00"t � Z L 1�44 8 So '00100110,0119 11"sireato JRX4041404100" . . . I - - - W-;; _-=; W I
. I , . I - �_ I , , . I I . -.1 -_ 0 - 0114101=1 I ;%Pa. 16, 640 I - A§kAskAMAMAlkakA6LAskjokANkAN.Awk"m� - �
. I "'A"011111 . � On June Wt , AWLAkk.dwk..dke�� ),
I., I wYo ofses 14-4ut!'014"o J"Ith. 11, 26th and 20t,h the gu- � �� MWINWIMW '".W.-WIRW . 1W.- WF,W9WWFMrW �
ll aso". trance axaminatiou for a4missign to ,
. I .
OW14WA'AT . . i
re At rog"how, June 10'she "
ov; .
. 1101ve I I a b le Watches Wit$ of M,of a mono tcvn*141144fr�mn last W"k.) . thp Hi$h fthools and Collegiate Ill- ;
I I atitutes was bold all Over Ontario.
I I I XITTFMUOEo%1Z_Ip Zurl* June 17i Tho. atimal'couvention of the Huron There gro,seven Entrance , examilow. i domilanon & C f . I
" 0 i , 4 "O."Now'" the wife, of Andrew U10,41holiz, of a son, 10OURty' Christian ft,deaver Associa- t n t:entrep in I raet � uron. � The fol- I . . I . %____ . 00 , t
io .
I . . . ve th . I I 144 .
.1 UIUM tion *as held: in the preo.4% terlan lowing tAbles 11; number Wr t! g .. I I
B1046 -1a Stephen, June 15th, churob,Blyth,onFrid 'Juneloth,fn a 33X4"VWU .
the wife of Irrook Clistabors, ik son, 4 t each pentre .- . I 1 -4 ... � — . I . :
1perfeet 114, go" , , .11 , I " . I., . . I I
,aftuetlopp 1poeftIve coniAnction with. the . unday ebool Clinton .. 100 I.. ,.''. I
� ,I u,LOW UY_ In Brussels, June 2s,4110, wife conyentiou held ,7Q SQ Girls 37 Total M .
Inverformance, We oGala drik A J Lowry I � I . , on th4 previous day. wingham, 2% 66 M . 4, M . I i
- . w . ., of a Mon. Some sixty delegates wos e in attend- alyt .... $4 W 44 N ot ,v 0, . i
attention to our stado 41vatches 150TORELL-In Ztbel aqua 21.thew,10 anoe, At,Q,45a, m. the Rev 10 14 no I I _�, I - i
0almus, of Suraia,gave a Vible read 0
of. 040 M mitoliellotdan6lZI , , , Ing TQtAl 176 Footwear S' is
. Qood natierfal, fte, Uplobt end oc- alto VAS -In X ower wiullbsm.;�nne 22, on the gospel accorfling to ft John'. The BOard of Examiners for these . . . . pect 'a 1.1
I which. Was exceedingly prolitab I . .
, � lar three contras is cor �
curate adif4stments are all combla- the wife of The$ Groves, % deoghteri . _"posed of Messrs .
_$" 1 . I The remaining hour, ana s halt of Rouston,J,pugh and Robb. . . . " I .. I .
10 BE I)VORD-In Goderl.ch. ,Tmie 17, the the mopiong session was taken up with, Seaforth,,B 00) Gillis 38 Total78 Thin week we reoslyed l.4 -�asen of Boots and Oboes whibb put
I I the subjee -'The Pastor's Responalb- Brussels, 10 41 28 61 8D of Footwear In
ed In our hIgI14 gra0e waitchev, wife of John S,Bedforil, of A son. I � ts, 07 0 our stock
Our aim is ocs @, question of price, but quality,, like anything � 01�B . juty for leadership with Local So- Wrt,xeter. fo II 4a 8 ,; 19 goodpbap6. wearedoinolt large trade in Ablo line. We
else It . HTON,-:44. Blyth. ]IOn.1"ne 00, ciet:es, and '*The Society's Responsib-� � Fordwich 44 .8 - .4o .14 4� 22 gild a growing demand for, a better %UAlity Of B6016 And Sh , Oak and to meet
Id always cheapest In the end. 89 it you want a reliable ihavrifsof r8, Oreigliton, ofs,4 Mon. I . I the domit t .
watch, call on as. . . ilityfor following the pakor's leading'" , I . . d'. We have stoqked UN wit high-class goods from libe well -**own
Also a 4004 line of *looks, Which Are guaranteed 1.1 U . I - factories, n I C
to be good time keepers. . .KAJLVJNA U -At the Soubleline,stan. Rev Jae Hamilton, of Goderich, gave a . I of J, D- Xiug & 00-, 0120 MdPbOroon & Co, and the, Pasch" for
leyo June 21, the wife of Frank Corriveou,of pointeA address on the former and 158 tnen, woman and children, We also carry a large stock of Eastern Oboes at
soon. . I , , dur. The members of the Board of Exam, lower pr I
ing the discussion the , iceP- 1381OW we 1111811004 A few lines which will gi a you a flijut id
I . I . -1 . . . resident, ,T Fl- ' iners for these four contras are Miss 91 the stock we Carr) -, . 7 as
_ .
. . IKITLEOLL,&ND-laGorrie..Tune7,t).2e inTow, k T Coolier, Wev T Copelan nnie illoran, Messrs Rogers $hI1 * .
I I . � W : ,4, # I . I I . I
wife of J ,0 Mullbolland, Ot a son. ugh Bain, Goderich, Alex Wel-11 and Up law UaWs.Fixio Dongolp l8boom, in all size$,
. , . �
I others took part� . . . It th and Robb, Mon's Box 0 1 at 02,50, $1.75 and $2. .
1. a seven centres in East Huron all And Flue Dongols, shoes, j. 1). King & 00% make, extension
� , �
, The following committees were apT 6 candidates, wrote last yc�r and 334 sole, Goodyear wait, in patent loathero enamelled luid� p1pi .
W o 14. 14ELLYAR ' DIXO*N_PA014' 1pomted, resolution, finauco an(I-mom, this, year, � � $2 60. $3 And $3,59. � I . � ni ,021,20 � . I
9 -ru Wingbam, Jupsl7f inatina Resolution i Rev Jas H - I . . I . .
' at the rooldenca of the bridelo parents, by ( amil, . a hope to be able to publish the (W'11 Heavy Plo . . . ., . .
jeweler and Qwraftllite 4DVOCIall. ton, , oderich; Chas � 0 1 W 8bloes at BOO. $1, $1.26 and 01.69, , I .
. . fustard, Bruce. names Of the successful candidates 'In tands.rd School $boos, at 01, 01.25 %ad $1.50. . , , . .
Rev R Flobbe, Win Dizon to -14iO3 bloilly field; A T Oooper,.Oli'nt L-09i"OVIllongols, Shoes, in all sizes. at,$1 25, $1 60 and $2. I
Biddlecombe's old stand: Opposite Town Hall. 39Y]WO T148TED VREE. Pago, both -of Winitham. OnXiss Steveh�, out issue of July 17� 1 1
. I . . Clinton: MIA Co eland, Auburn, Fill --A.- Ladiea'Fice Dongolla and Vial Kid $boast er,tension sole, French heel, Good.; .
glitsGRIWINIOUN151101RIMIOUNIN linimimiximiml&Niximiximirsm 1, TALES-SOUTHERBY -At Whalen, atioe : Rev MJ Wilson, . Nile; M Wil- For The IDeiver 4 R Conyeaton year welt, at $2,50, 09 and $850. , � . .
I . I I . ,1Y Rev 11 �Cg,e rjohii H Ta�les, fred, Blyth: W Thompson, Winglianx ; Women's Pebbled and Glove Grained Shoes,
town')17 . �
. . I d'L'uu%'(-) p to 'a lane, eldest Miss Rms,BIyth,-XssS1tewitrt, Clin- Very low excursion rates have been ar- $1.25, for $1. 1 for everyday"wear, good value a$
- ___ I . . I I - ,ughtar of Mrs li.ri. a Aherby. I ' - - Sa ranged from all points in Coneds, t Col, LadieslOxfords, in dongols and patent leather, in All sizes, At $1, 01 25, $1"50
ton N ti , .0
I . HOLLINGE' ' onutilk in : Rev, My k I oradp, leaving Jul) 6ilio 7th and Sth, good . I I � . �
. Looming ano Going* . R-INNES-As the reoi- Brucefield; Hugll%aln,�Goderlch;y�'ers .
. I . I ey for $2 and $2.50 I . .
I deAoe of the bride's parents, Brussels. Joni. Q D I)Amm, Dashwood; -Mrs M J Wil, I return up to August Uot. F,yer)body Women's Low Shoe;, loo�d, a great e � I
I . I
� Mrs Win Costs spent the holidays.in 24, by Rev T W Cosens, Japol) Hollinger. son, Nile; Miss ]Ray, Belgri-ave; Mr I 'Old- Can go.1her4tainO.ideopeiaandthie.is a I I , nap at 60c.
SATISIF,ED London, - . Grey, to Miss ?Ain�rvs, youngest daughter er, Blvth. . I . splendid opporauniby. to spend .5 vacation Young V011'4 Athletic Shq,64j made of strong uslivas, with rubber coleo, re -
of Thoo Intieu. . ' The afternoon session opened at 2 p. atuo"or the Rockies .at slight expe I nee. - The M. gular price 65o, for 50o, . . . . .: I I
Will Taylor is spending his holidays I I . . I � . CbicAPO, Milwankie and St Paul Railway isses' and 0hildren's Shoes, O.xfords and Slip'pers, in great variety at all
.� I
. . I
in London. ,' I . I ; 'ORR-WEBSTER- In Winnipeg, June in., ]President .1 E Tom in the chair. I And conneations will run special Standard , pricey, . . I .
With the shoes you have I . . , .1. - +. 17, by Rev C W Gordon, Robt T Or 'Four five iii'nute ad(Irgsses Were de- .pirs I .. . .
Ray Bowers resumed his position a� r,litrat. livered.onthe' Welasil and Tourist Sleeping cars . . . I
. . tord, to Miss Nellie C., W6b ter, second theme, "S&xie Fruits of 'go
r I I Chrifstiail Endeavor. through to Danyer, be'sides the regular
been buying If you are not Ingersoll on Monday, , .. I ." The subjects , W 640440 n3ion & G� jai
daughter of Mrs John Ilerron, formerly, of ,,Tl - - JW y 14 ,
ou will fijid' it profitable to Dr Agnew, of Crestllne, Ohio, Is yiel- "Brussels I r . I I . -almug� in Christian Testimony " daily aervioe from Obioago. For full. in. . . . .11.002 . t
y . . iting his parents at Winiham. � � . "Missionary Studies," "Trained a�d torm-ttion, time ioblesi I arnphiets, .rates . L illp" � ' L *. L . I . .
:VELM- GTBSOX,-InWinghsw,June24,, .Le . find sleeping car reservation write to A"J. I . .#
- Ta.N 13r, Canadian PAss r Agent, 8 Hl "**"
Illatronizetfie new Shoe store - quilged 5 oung Obvistialis" and Chr's 4"W "O . 0"" 0
Mr J B Hoover attended the execut- by Rev R Erobbo,John Helm,to Mies Sarah tian ( -adesbip,11 enge Ing --- , , ,
L. orm Weretakeh by Ad- at jtaat . . — I ___1 --- .
and get new shoes. WO I ve meeting of the W. 0. Wo at Peter- failboon, both of Wingliam, * ' - . , - -- � - -
, . . . . die Kauffman, Olinton; by Miss, W, . 7 Tok.ontor, Oak., . I .. — - , .
boro last week. .' ' ' . . . . I — . I * - L to ip -, ' ...
otrouily recommend 1. . I I L '8BtITH-DQDVS_AttberesIdeiioe Of Thompson, Wingbam, Rpv JaS-Hamff. - . ' '
. � Mayor Lewis, 'of 01oderich, passe Mrs. Peter Dodde,mobber of the brIae,June ton, Goderi6b, and Rugh Bain, klex'Qaven, collector of hiltind rev. .1 = I
. of (3i)d_. ' . , ,
through town on his* way to Toro'nt d 10, by Rev X Shaw I th,to Mary erichi, . I I . .1 L 'enue .at Stratford, died on Tuesday. A-Somethlonla - .
jobn A Smi . . He . ease
Tadsdsy morii.ing., . I both Of.McKillop. . . unlor work follow. ,h e time, but Something MO Please the Palate In hot weather Is . neede;I-We .
The 14 agar .Sbce . 0 - B Dodds, . A symposium on j adbeen failing for som
. ed with th' the- immediate cause 'of death was oiTgr you nuw special values in Teas .
.: Miss H616 .Dowers went to Blyth DODDS . e subjects, "What inay we , . ., Suparo, Cheese, Raisibs, Currants, Prunes T07* I
- * -DRUMBLEY- On Weanes- expect of thenii, ay they cancer of the 6to,hiac . toes,. Coro'Peas, Salmon, Jaetrings, Pork & Beans, Sardines, Tapioaa,'. sago, i� .
as encomparably smart in Out ,hl� let, at the rasiaerice of Win expect of us" taken 'by born near Picton,aud* was 07 years was in& ,a
.Saturday. 'She returned to IlagerWI . day,. . and ,4What in * li. Mr Caven a,.
Via London Mcind - I _Mrs,TohnRobb, I I . old. Oatmeal, Corn in"ll Fairs HrOsikf'Ast Food, Swiss Food, Grapenuts', Shredded Wheat, . I
- yi� P,�ther�fftbda�bride, by Rev J A Brussels, and s L Stevens, ,, linton. Malta Vits, Corn Starch, Coftep, 00000, -Hook Beer, Orsuge6i Lemons� Bapanse And a � .
. ay. 1;.44;w,,ReXA Brum 0 � . . � .
� and finish, with many differen . � ____ T �o MIS . .- . .
- , go s, I x to :.. Mr� Robb �tjid great e --,-.,, -,--.--!= ...... 1! ,,�011dleq aiid At". . . .
. t Mr Oliver,Jobnsou iind faniflyi-017n. H,
'S �'Ztl
I a , on of M,:K Hop
13 .rujobley . . . wipbasis on the . I kres4 y%rlety of i � . �, I . . . .. .
_ .
Styles made Bpecially for sum- ton, visited at Thos Johnson's on -Sun- . I inipottalice of early ti,aln-fil -Nothing ' ' $(Ove Wantedi" . T1 ell toplOavie other ways _�We offer Prints, Mu�lins, LluenN Cations, 7 ,. _
. -I , .. .� I 1111M. : .� ' ' - ' 6ould-be itectimplished wib out train- : . . �.. , - ,�
day - Zurich Herald. ;-�-J . _.,,�, - za i�- Summer Uuderwaar,-tot Ladies And Gentlemen, Misses and Boys. And dhildren ,
. . * '
mer use, all easy, graceful and ' . �� � . I � I
unive returned from "DORSEY- 410 1�eaforth. june 28, V ,, in 'the moral virtu6s Were all the re. lTobiiY6e'�ent,.AgeoonAhtindE.tove,raust be Hosiery eta. I .1 I .1 . . . . � �. I .. . I . �
Miss Kathleen G a ;; , a good cook stove.-. Apply at Nswuni olupe, . I I
bandsontu Whether you pre- St, Hilda's on Saturday last, This is thew Leo, third sonof Mrs John Dorgev 8tilt,of-practice, of,oractice 6ontinued I , I .__ I . ..soniaikking, to I .
� . . � .1 - . . I ... 1. . rulliblitkg.will lease' .
� P so watch the,mail It is a. genulfts� ''
fer Cisfords or bc.ots we e . .. 1. aged 23 ybarp, - ', . . Ifer. . � � I . . . . I .. ..
,an Miss Gunne's-loat yea.p. : . . � � . . . . until it became second uature. Ev6r - ' ' . ' � . I . . . . . . . . I
. . . ' . .. . . � thing that* we could y Roy Wantedt 1. I Then to vii-asewe will , *o'n C&sh or Tr*% 'e &-d the Mgbeat price fi,r .
is ' expbct of juniOrs . - . I � .pay y
Flossie Jackson, of Mitchell, .1 'WRIGEIT ... In'Tornber, yJane 17, John presu , Your ]putter and 4gggp. . . I .1. I . I I I .
show youjust what will please. t M"' � . pposed careful training 'A `g od boy.wantdti *o len rn thi- tinsuil"hing, . . . . . I . I .
he t i)f her - uncle and. atifit,' Mr Y Wright,, ad Of tile . . . . .
, . ,ad 21 yes � .* � . moral.! virtues - and. inent;it powers. AppiT,to, .. HARLANDBIR08".Clintoli. I , . . �,
andvers J: M-Wlaqberty. . � . '.1 . . ,is. I I Oourag�, .i � . I . . . I . . . I . . - 1` -ti S-, .. '. ,C "I I .- , . . . , ... .
No Sboddy, No paper Sacies. . I I . . . HcXAY-.Ai her ramith temperance, truthfulnessii' . . .1-11 - I I � , 1. - Ai �!.�, - I I . ... � ...
residence, Tudke __- . I � I . � ...
I . . . I . � I .1 '' I � 1. I � . . I .. I . I I . .. 1:
.1 . . � .1 . . I .
, . . I
Ar ( ave, t of the tats Align � ould -show , . n t. vi ' � . 1.
. . � . ! a . .
. . . . . �
. I � . . , � . I I...
. . Xp _ _-, . ' 1. I , . . . . S, I
. . . ed. . I � . I ... Wanted In . . -s. AN
er Saturday une ectedly. (rain . . 1Z �'$ j" ' D
BmMn"s h his mother 9 siarpise by Walking � in on Kay,sod 80 y,eArs . .1 . . 'Lott I %&T,oro Empi
4eo, Young, of the West; g June it, Abu, relic a Mc'� fortitude. find justice: sh
ours ",7 a. qn. t,, ib P� Me A . .. - . I I � . themselves -in .tt;6' young if properly - . . . I . 11111 .
- - ,
h � - . - tIORION --- In'Briindon,.*Xo- Julia l5w- � . ,., I _. � - . fi%JnIl�T0ft'A,o. An r . - J1.1 y 3 19M. -:, �. . 1 . � .. . . .
W Tier left for A tire Th6a .Horiou,son of jofio� licrto�:f Bible, Study," ,'The QUIeOlonr"and Apr.24tf MRS. W. BRV)DOXE. fs"Ac St ,�. I . 11 . I. I .
* . . . . � .. I .. !!-! ... I _ -,--. __ _!L1__.!t_1_- 1�11 � .
N. h I . . � ormerly 4.Da . 1W1 .P 19 . . d d by i�cv - . I � __.. . ". I I .., , --r� - - .. .. I . � . . I � �_ I
IFRED T. JAIMS01 loilierwell wh
e. will spend his holidays *isiting* at of Tuokers a � . I - , � , rayer wereintro tide . . 11191AR FXIXIXJXJWI�� -t .EK__'_Vf1 I
I __ westead on .the farm. %� '' . . 9 rs. .. . I ' . . Rrt*PFry1Tr R.riflu *T_rmAdcwx,�J,� I .
— - I the ho . . . . c0amua,Sarniti;Re-� I)i J Wilson . � . ,Bull loiSer%,.i(-C- ! .. I � � . I . I .. . . , I .
. I , I .. I . . ., I : MAXWELL-,-in'Morris, June 2 , rn. I . . . . . I ,. .. . . . . I . a I . . , � . , .. . . ,.
, .4, Joe Nile,:and Rev Mr Srnidl;- Aub i * . . *
SDITTH.--In Goderjob, J'UT 6 Ili. r5letia, ns* ac; -th' . . .... I . I � . .11, . . 1.
I been ifii: the'nt"ts of his fa:ther. ' ' . 0 . . . I . . I..,. . .1. . � . . . . .. ,
I .
. youngest dauglit . .. , . I cominj ypar. 1b - biill�fnr servi . c I c.: AL . BER'l . . , I I I , . %,
il���ll��l�l�illi�illi�l!lzlglwl���l��I US Doho ty -returhed fiblue last Mqxwill, ajid,45.ye ' ' , . . A thoirobred .
I I I 9)�� r . I . A.m.' 1. I .. . I. � . The'noininating, cowinitte6 �eccjii' , I . 1''.. _15 �, : .
week from Thessalon, where he had mended the folloxvitig �pet.,4b I" XHAI.J. autlett 'T , "71,
i I Offleers for the . I %9 I - I if, 0 . . ,
. , er of Geo Smith, - aged ,11. ese Pa ri .. G"" , e I .
.. . I g . Coyrred . I I... . I.. . . . . . ... � I.. . �. I. � . . . .
9 I i s. ft an k , X -a n n' I n g arrived -home, years, I I . I . . ,were approved -bf by't ie convention : 8hg%,"(ry lor Sale. . . . I "J. .
T_% Saturd.)V.feow 1her Arst years' 'vbcal . 1. ...I.: ,: I � .... I . . . � ., � - Prcsidon�,AT06oper,Clinto 'Istvice .. I � ...., . '' . .. . � . 1. �-'1111-_'SVENGLISH . I- . "I
, .� . . . � . . ii; Acoveredbuggy for sale, nearly newi Apply. . . . I 1. I f�
.. studies ifit 0��er"tory 6f Music.' I LOCAL NOTES' ' . . ... . I I president, Miss AndeTSOb, Blyth - 9nd' -to... R1D0tTk&'HALE;0Itnt9n.. - , , . .�, . . .., . . .. . . � . .. . � � � - � .. i I . � .
. I I .1 I . I . I . I
. .
. I '
I . . . - . I .. . -1. Do ou wain T al'the, LOATST -PRICE? -
— .. . , ., I ' ideni, . W Thompson, - Wrfug I I I i .
SUGATUX 1, . Mrs,Y t R�iiali -'sited at Godericli Nice presi � -� I . .N � �. tthe OES I ;; - I
. . �Iast-,.we6k.- While there' she wa�,the ' Se"Ol Board i�M meet in regu- hain; Sec'y, Rev JasUantilton, Goder-. . Jol ei _.."iet � I . . � . . . ..'.... b :.... .. I.. I._ . 11 � . � .
I ' TZelession on Tburs ' . ich; TreasiMi -r1s,G6dbrJch, '. .. . . . . . 1. .. . I . . .1
guest%of hdr-,iis " � iar . day eveding next. . . ss� Nellie Hax . en i I,.: J vant.Wanted, . . � . I .
Aer MTsE. It. Swartz. . I I . . .. � . I . I _.. .. . . � .
__ .6, . . . . . . � WANTUD-A . good V I . � . . - can.0uppy .y' i wit' ... � 1* "
. . . . .1, - � A long thin Steel executive 'commiftoit,e . Waltei, Ball' _eneral Rert,rint. Bes .. . we I oi, a 13ERGERS' I ... I
I kq�caq be. had by. W- h, I � Y 01V . . . . �
. returned fro"m Normal it,§. , � in ani;,'RevODDaTiii-ttiCi�editbr)-' of , a, apply. to R4TTENRU11 R.1 BE I I . .1 � ` , ." .� _ , �.. . . . .
- . � qwile: 1 Clinton;. . I . . ,. - - -
"� t, oil . application 'to -the N`N* "'a" .. .. I ... . . oh'e ot the best &gitsil Inni-es at I . . : I I.. I
'I "*O' to, on Saturdaj,a She ft I. . V, H Rossi -Brussels , X ' . . . . .. I . I . 1. . . .
I Sch_' n . miss fr--Mu�tard, _L__ �_ , , . � I . �� i . . I .. . I i . I
ool�To a &.Office, .-. I I. , . ., I . --- t-' . . . . I � 1. � - , � ... . . I I .. . I . . _... .111, I . I
or . agogue - I .. . ... : I . .
I As we bought our Sugar e,peets to Ze full4ledged ppd ' I Brucefteld; Miss CopelAnd, Auburn. , -, .. , 11 �
. .
I . . . .. . ' - till for SerAce. - . . . . � '25,04,110, Lb �. I ` - � �- - - '. I . . . I
before the rocent advald . � ' f� large . telinto - The resolubi6n .coinmittee reported. � � . . . 1. . . . I � I . . . .. . .... ... .. .... ... I
ce - 'low. havinobis arm'a,ekt, to recommendatibiis were - . . . �
. .dvaice Mr Jack,Racphersou, of Londoii','re- ii� f the folio wing � A thoroure*d- Duriiiiin bui ., . . I ..
* . I To" Col '1'rack. . � . R vor spr,�ice. f.Auie- .
.added. ? is aril '
r, * , " 1!Spensiltir Chemist '9� ,�. I . � ,
I we are,enabled to sell it -Saturday, after I .. 1� . . 1. . rait-werner.: rep n. , Ar,p y it, ICIP,PLE wi .
turr�ed tothat elby." -the � . . 1. . passe'l by. the convention .,. . X,EY. flodericnip. ., . . . . . .. . . . .
- Dan Godfrey, .. (1 The acceptance of the I . a . . 41�' . � .. HOVEY, �1 . �
spendinges.week with his brothers In - -the famous b"amas-, , ityltation. . I � I I . I . ".. I J .. t. . 19 - � b
. , :
. . I e W. . to hold . , . _. . , .. . . . . . , NMI !� .. .1 . ,
town. . . ".... . .... .I :: ter (if.. the Grenadier' � Guards, ,died on, 1 . � I I ' , , . , . . I . , . . ..... ... � -, . . . . - -M.;z
� . . . . IL , ,- - .. r�n"6ano Mll--.r_iwl��ailsl , -r , i . I " . I __j . , ,
I . . , ''
� . I , .. 1. thei c6unty Christian Endeavor union . � . I IMIXIMIMIXIXIIII" X
below wholesale pzices,., . � '' . . Tueaday of partilysils. ' , _ I 4139hiiin local'imion ols for Sal�,, . . i � . - -CLI
I and have just unloa(&Ud a WiliiORattenbury - returned, frm . .. � in V.iughi, . . * . � . I 1, I . . r IN wra X . , r
. � . � m next year; . __ I I .1 . . I - -0 . I _L_gUA=
car load sh'FPed directly I London Business College last.wee)� Ae The We -tern Fair Prize .lisi -lias � .(2)That,,t theExecutivecoluni ' Lots 21, 29:and ?�, Joseph stieel, are rfteredt . � - . . I � � -_ 1. I . 1'. --- I I,!! I !M1 .
ill -r4arn when'the. fail .term,edm'- .reavh6d ouroffic6�this.iveek. , Nearly b . itteo- ms.and cop. I . I . . - . 1. . . I . . I . . I I
w ,for fale on. liberal torm's Ter . . . I 1. I .1 . . . . . . :
r . . e left the settink of the'. date'for ibe:., dittons ruade'kriowa on application., to ' . .
inendes. � I I . . M00 are to be distributed 4n. prizes, meeting.ofthe coilveution� next year. , UANCE.� . ,. .... . I . P - Q
I I . . I . . , , - ' - 504ire de'l - .
- .:: � - I—. � .., ' a. Ing .
from �Redpath's Refiner . I , , , � Thedates. efroth Sept 11th. to'19tb. '. (3) That-we'endorser., flie" resolution - 7` - ' * --- . ' . ' * . . I - . " ,
. y i MrIS(rhil Jacksoureturned-from Bar. . ar . I . S (1'�. . � . . : P 0, . L �, 1, e- V ' P -W! piric ass quick' , I%'
rie list-veek.' He 16ft his go(idwifflb , , passed yesterday by the Sabbath School I . . oUr. . OL ' �
-up Thefall assiyesof. no�-;aury�sltfi�g I . � . I I 4 I
� [there,in the.h6pe.that she will i%�oup-.' will be h6ld.-in Goddrich,: bef6re Justice conventio6hrrefer6neo to the antiA . . Farm ,For. af.. : I I I ' ' I :
, � . . . , . I I 1. 1�1.1 � ' ' . .
11, .. ... _1 . . - Vhe Division cigal-6tte bill, and'also that wo beartily T Hers for sale his farni of �- . .. � � . . ., ess. -
. *
Being 'heavily loaded erate iL,;beah4. .. ,. . . MacMahon � on, Nov �30. h6 underAigned o .Turn over and Lare Busin' ,'' ...., . ,�
I .1 , court sitting -,V611 *be ,h I 150,upres, whicb it; allunder grass, buti!) *ted and Ybllo'w
. . . I . : five of which Is bash, 7 acres of fa I . I � ah . I Sugars. - Selling- - In ''. ,
miss urned on.Sept 8. ' , . 1. � . . . . � .. Barrel Lots'letis than wholesale *prices,. equailly lowrpriai .
tatoes Cai,4 Ne�vcombe 'r,�t' . e14 u , Clinton *endorse�itny steps which. tb6ynfayta-,ke. stao.res
witn a carload of To . _ w , nd Another car "Reapath's Extr% Standard Gran
Tuesdayfrom avery - �guecessful Pterm. ' - ' I ; I (%That�aheart�vot6of thanks -be 6aorescfbsrlaya,,a,ti,e rest oat -i.- The pur� .. . . . � . . . E �81n,,M.lbo-.or $;.lots.. . I � �,
.. am Well as -Sugar, we are Of study Oflnusic at. th&Lond-bu', Con- Th - - ' ,ers And.rbofers ' - tondered to tlAo'gople of Blyth who ! chaser cab havo'the t ptloii of takin over. drop Teas and Coffees. we lead in quality oud Ila' ' * . .
� 6 plastei are hard eso ) I .. , , . vor. , ,1 - *� 2.5o Tax is now th4'talk .6 - , �
. . . . .
er�&Wiy�o music. . :� . . � atit this- week <m the n h. ,v d* 11 R1 mus aer,liss back en and Is an � , Community., � . . . � I .
S �f. - I , I I . ow Post office, a bospitAb y anteritained the de- I an a * "" 9 -e Is on �.. . . . . . r . . . t 0 . h . a . .
� I
11 offering both to the public .1 . I , a1n .all i fiklihood be ldgat-s�. to tb( . I exeellont fariW f 3V grain or btack. Thai , OANNE . D GOODS.-Tomstgoo, Corn f,�Cor6a � Beef,, 'Ch � icken, 8 .1. ' * ' I
. . Mriflamilton, �Of tb 111" Who have kindly given. the use of- the , barim . .., Peas,-Roatst Bee
. I I a A3ank -6f'do ' dnd the work wil . .� mithorities of the church ! the pteinlefta good two-sfory-btict house witl � � I I . cup , �
I mercei Waterloo, Wh6h ,pushed fr6hi this -ibitt, as tlind is d'raw- . !, kitchen. suinmerkirchenatidwood-shed, and.Lunch Tongue; . . . . . �
11 .� building, to the de6oration crimuflUee, . lirwiO (And 24,x7O also a good fruit orchard, of oue- . . . . I . . .
at -very -small profits. as, beenlspend_� . ing to a el I zLcre,; o tivenient to chute . . I . - . . I.. � � . ' . . . . . . . . s: I . � � I .
,o -h--and--sohool, 4being I I .. .... .
Ing �*hls holidays under, the va.rent&l 11 - ho' . who have work&dso hifilifilily to the four intles fioln,Clinton, arld seven from 8ea- . ) . , otind ter 28�., 11 1. . - , . .. - 1. I
-its completi6n; . . - - . � .
11 I . . .1 . ose for ' .'- - - .1, 1. . :, C�Olillig Pjas, t, 10 : . : I .
� ro6f.:4t Dr:and, MrSHamiltoAt'lor the No fakes .n4 We .b A usehold iinitede,)ioir�-%�bri-ha-�efiir.nikbea Stich I forth, and situated on T-ruron Road suryay Di.p*r and. Toilei Sets, L6;mli;_Glaj3war6, ii� r ' I . . I ... : . : _ . .
ghst.two,: week .needs, T . � ,,, lot I .. . I— I d abcy Chitib.'. Five Urstee; now, psi., .... �
�� ' ,s, returited Tuesday to Jsod-everyAay. by -everybody, tad,m� .IV6 32,,2udcou Tuakersinith. Applyouthe prem- erne . I ..
. ,� , i . 011. � . I , . � I , , I -hoin;, otfiers �'Zlo� and - sic, and to all otherswho h, . .
.. '14 pasit. - , . .. 0anit, you -sell t i -1 Iseaj,or to F.W.., onloff; . Onutou, . p. o i�ejq If, I . . and latest Aesigtis iii Dinnar,.Toa, Toilnt Sets, -Cups, .:Saticers 'And: P'hksa, , I . * I'll
. . - ,elpi��l in any way to intikethecionven' - I . I. . . . Impoited direct fr�m.tbo Pottery in E
% We T, O'NEI'LL [ Rdv,kr PrIewl -arid - wffe'wore �nake fortune, Still room. * Write 4t tlon.wguc6ess. . . .. � I "Aftba. selling frdin 10% to 20% .. � � "
I J__0h � -------- d ... . I guests oInce,toGMariihs .k , . �leoetbaureularprioes. Always' I ow,goods. , � *.' � . 1, �.
- tiring - - ir s ay - I , .. ,$ .9 . a pleasure to shov I I
. ll LOndon Ont. ' ' .. , �. . . .. I .
6' pman . thd, t . -11 -.111.6e.-eyening all --- lafieii atten&d I Good Brick 11okel1or ,Sale.. g � .
I __ ,
�.. I . . . I . I I -
;rbitrationat Gorr! ' ' h h- '---- - J- W.,...�IIRWIN . aj,� � .",
______ . h,itf Mr M -fokmerIv pasto, . The School 'A service was held in * t I - . � rtra parly seed Potatoes fo 'Sale., WANTED,'-Goodliutto III Cash ortrad
.- __ iest-was. . r e on . e c tire � Th re is offer ad for sale by the underaiRne, '. : � :. � , - V I . � r ai I i . d egg . o I . . I ...
- - . )o - . . . , 6. ,- - , ''
- 6 on- 11 1% I I I
of tlke� Ba here, vi, o eVoccupying th' . , ell ktiown b-Ael, kno'An as the,'Mason . ! . . . . � ,
- . . . .
I * t , - conduct. y Houpo" . " I , i0l, lato , , , I
F � ,Wt� iij the Wedne4day,did. -not sustain * the c fh a t eo�
"'C,61 h , missionally ention of the�aliplicants 1*. - enlarging, vbtioiistf exercises were. e Chair ed Dbe . . in thn town of clinton,no better paylau I . .11 - . I . . M I . . . �
i .. ' -
I ,Pn rad's I . . . .. . � the Gorrie**Qdtion. ."bitration: cost Re.V.MrSmalli�'Xuburn, and im ari-� placein the county� Thefront part iiisftio , . . . . , .1. . . I . . . I I .
. I I . !!!m� �
Operatom Wanted . . � . I kitchen IOX42. and contitive 18 roows� T4h!a, �. _____7 � .. . .
. ;_ I . - �
. . $54. . lnspoctoieRAb Was one- of the them Was sung b th6 cembloed. choirs I Is a b"ni, 5Ox6O, and an ocil shed 95%16. -0-A-00.0-m-0 - -N .A--"~_NWWy - - 1- a a 0 s - - - - - - - - - �_ - � - � .
, .
___ . Bell. r turned from an extended five arbitratars. *. - ' 11 .. � .. of Myth.- .R.ev 171; SAwers, Brucefield. the buildilogs are in first I Will . � _ . . - - - - - � - - - - �___._ ___� �_, . I
I . . e sit repair, And I ., . , . . ..
-Bowing �Msobine operator's and Hand' I 'o 'He hibs % I gavethe first address on' "Persons I . be sold reas nablo. Thereare tirpo t**n, IoU .
I trip%'West on .Monday eve. , � . �. .
. ,
,Sewers w%nted, good chance for High Saba �rj been -go � ne about'a.month arld-took -in -The fruit, has set on the tre�s but . Effort in- the Etarvest of Soul�." . , Four In c0allection with ,the pia. I ce, affording room . �F`6r ehol(o, Jr.esh frults.of all* kihdS9'-go to , , , . : .� I . . �.
- eyeryti foricaining,eta. owing topoorheat.h f,tha . .� I I � � I 1. I . ,.. I .1 .1. . . . - .
Can earn good i the crop �of winter apples ill' be d6� motives. that sh( lid lead to ,.,"ch e',Tort propriLtor and his deoloo to leave thes arts, . . .. . . I. I .
girlo during the Holiasys. - ung to be sebri. .He reports ..Wi A , . . , .. . I . . .
.1 � cidedly -li ht AJI-suminerf � ' . . . . ., ...,
I cropwin excellent- condition �� heavy ' ruits. are worts, love for soulsi loyalty to Christ axe the, reaef,xis for wanting to at It . W to or .1 . I . � . .Do S..., . I . .11 . .1. I ... � .
vW*gefl, peace,work cr by the w I eek, . I heavy anWheshowr for cherrics.etraw- 1, rorr, ..... . . IV*' A ,-IT LAX . . . I ..
WithVery bright.l?rospepts fbTanother our King, love to G�d for our Saviour, ' "Oly to -lto" MASOX, CiLitoll. : I ,.... .. . I I . �� ' I �. I
JACMON MFG� CO. CLINToN 1heAk�LcroNdgrain.. He was,110. miles be'ri�a and all � gqrdeh fr it is'u - I . , . 1 .. I , . .. . . .� �* .� - 1.
. .
. " nPre Welfareand salv4tion&T� ourown souls, ` I --l�- 11 . I' . . I _. '. . . I I . I '. .... 1%1_1e� : , . . � . .., � .
. � . .. . -cedelibly large. . : . .. ' I � . � � � "' . - . . . .. . I I . �.
,. beJlond H monton. '. � 1. � Forty , .. . The extent-ofourre-sponsibilitywas the . Strawberries: - Prash-dally. .. � will be cheali. � . .. I .. . ,.
I . . I 1
4� . . I . I I .1 . . I 1. . I -eiglib.6attle. were, sold at Hon limit of our. kbili and opportnnity� I Nki�e to Vreditors,�. . 1. Pineal) less Are at iheir'best this ;week, ]a' choice
I I Thomas Gieenway!s stoci(s4le at Crys- t3o'hisshare, as thu In the matter of the. optate of Will' . AM 411111r; Oraik P ' - . � rge . - . stock I . 6o, 2 for -25a., . � ; . , I . '
. . . I . . . d sate& ' . . I . . L ges. All prices, froia 10a A dozen up, . . . 1 I . . ,.
. I .. . . . . . 7 - tal City for $M;430, an average of 0218; Success of the whole depended on the 00 1, ,� eT onss . ' - Always % good supply, 25o a dozen. I . . . . I
. . ��
I I . . Pursuant,. to R.S.O. (189740140,129. 4114prgonff I IS anast . . .. P. � p -a beet only, 26c is dozen 11 * . ' ' I - : ' ' , . . 1. . �
. . " cows ayer�,ged.$220',%nd bills $202. faithfulkiess of each part. ' illialn - ail � . . . '.. . p I .
. .. havint obitins against t e estateof . . W kee th .. I
We Car ry a Full Line''W'. .�., . .�, I . The highest priced ball bro%ht $775 A selection was'.given byamaloquar- MairL late of the Township of Huilett, in I . 'Vail stock of Pi -_ I " �� I
. and the cow 4500. The stpe nearly 'tette, c , � I
� . I ". . . omposed of members Of the �Ili" 'Ounty Of Huron, Y06024n, deceased, . � I . . dulo goods. Bulk sad 166itle pickles, oanned lgoods�, ' . .
. all. goei to Maititoba and some to t %ro reqalmd to deliver ,cm or before the 18th . canneamestoo vagetkbleb,* fruits a' 1 040000. .
. ar ' .
I I . .. . I . : . . he Methodist cholri nodsolos Were even d a . 111 I . 6 o I C
. . Northwest. . . . , .y�f July, IMS to the underhVed Solicitor - , I : �11 .
. . . by Miss. -Paterson, Auburn, an Mr or 11114fuL, Mair and Walter aft.Ex4out- .. I leo . .
. 1. I . . Beet qualhi at 1OW4606 prioss. - -.;- ..
. I
. . . . I . I .
Aorkst ,MeSp Spades, .,Shovels, Sqj,ihesp� S*Atft Rev Dr C Gilroy, Brussel,64 Miss Jones and Mr on of the last will of like aald,:eaeased, ii, full . . . I .
. . . . I . I
. .
(MA, -of Wfillaceburg, and, ' . . . . . .. 1.
family Ariived in -town Wedfiesday Zeigler,,Clinton, gang a dilet efttemont.of their olalins and ot the securities I I I .
hold by the dui verified and ara, notified I . . ,
I �
. . . . . . 'W , as given I � :FMr."A. -IMAIRi M.A. . .
Fork 41andles, Paris Green, .WindoW. S�;;e Z evening. The vweremetatthe' An address O)a "Harmony"w' 'i . ** hereby that Titbr ti. said date the estate of the XTILA.wx) .
I I � I ., .: . station by Rev D 14 Mccanius,ofsarnla. Start- said decoased wIlL be distvibuted among the I . . I . I I I . I
. I I .
machine Oil. . : . . . I., . . . , � by a. commMe 'from the uArterly - . verpor 0 - " - Mo- a - 0- a------ - - - W~ � . a a 0 0 q . .
. . .. . .. bbArd. of Ontario Stj . ch ' ith'inusleal harmony,the speaker IseUtItl0d thereto, and the o4d executors . . I
- Will jk6t bo realignsiblo for apy olitlins of which I
ure.T. .They 7-7-- - - -
flay ,Fork Rope ,,And were driven to.Dr Tho s Ing W .
I Hinder Twine—Alanilla. rhPgOns,' who e went on to talk of -the harmony that shall not than have notice, Datedatutia- _.__ '. . , , . : .
.1 . I. . . . . guests they were, till Thursdai, when . should prevail among Christlano and Ple-Ythis 23rd day of Ju4# Ito i , .. � . ._� I .--- . . � - � . I I I .. . . - _mm� :
Xjr� -RO-Pe - sold at close prices. ' I .. . . they todk charge of the parsonage, that would exist in* each heart when, . . . s W.BRYDONV '" "111116"'Ilk 1 . I I � . . .
15 'Boys, Zulu, sizes from,.80 �to 1359 worth frola "Corticilli: Home Needl , attuned to the Divine -will. Righteous- . I . I ollal.tok for the E; . �;;utdro . . . . I . . .
b I I I ***"1% I . .
. ew-Ord" & ness alone could britagharmony. Ifthe, -' , . - . . . . .1 . �. 1. � . 1 7 1, I . � . .
. . . . . , . . quarterly Magazine. 'devoted :to em- heart Was righ Who 0 $pea 8 wall 1. . Nottee,to'Ceeditors. . I I . . . . � . . . ,.. � I . I.: . 1. � . I ..� I . . . � �
$400 -to $ .*5,0,0. A suit your Obelee for $2.50 i6h* -oldery, lace niaking, �Drawh work, must hear, just ii G J onk so 0. . � . , I .
Boys' Pants 260.a Pair. . . , bl t As it Violin wb '. . .
- . I knittingi , croebetin and all needle at, a distAnce from the piano., e law to tho matter -of the vatate Of Thbibiw Mar- I . . I I . . I . . .
. . Hjgkest priaesipaid"for Tub BuAter and E ' I sy.ts" can be had for ffoe a ,ear ; or 00c of hartrion worked for the r eftera- . tiOtt. late of the VillaRa of Hatidliestar In * I �n 0�: I .. '11. . ". .... 11 .
. . ,. I . 996 '14' ,' .� !gives you 4 year?,q,subscrlption, of the tiou of sottle. . I I .1 tboO.,ubt,vOfHurOii,gontloman.dem4oa d V. e I . �
CWh and Trade. � � . NOTICE Is heroby givatt, purg"ut to Itevis. .: z OP0171 . �
d of . I . I i . � . I
I I I . W,bove and the Wiliw BRA to the on Ith tutG0 Of Out1ti6t. 1897 Chap* 129, tbAb ail I .1 � . 1. I
. Tho�evenhig session concluded wl . I . . � . . .
. . the year, .Try it� you will be pleased. alconsecration servioe,' � * . . =2116tors and othere having Claims AgAloat the ; 1. , . I � - ,
I . . asks's of the deceased. who died on or about. $ . : I , , , , � , * � .
who claim to have� tAe Isth dar of May, IMS. at tha � township of .-
, new r . Stanley, in Clip Coutil of HUr6L, Are required 0010MhOOR-Aff Z .
Aniong those . I ,
tie .
Wo T* RID44"kELL I . . ,catch )(itatoea,igrowh from their On or before the 16th ay of Jul . 3903, to Bella . I . . 1. . I � . t ,
I " , . I own gardens this. ear, and -of good LOCAL NOT,80. poot or deliver to the underar, I , I 0
, . � .D. stied soitoitsys, , I We have a stock 61 saytheo, soythe sio'nos,, forkx# rakeih .
. I � size tooj we are 4bie'to mention Messrs, \ . E. Munro and X� P. Brown, the axecu- �
I . Dr and Mrs toyff of the last will of the Mid docambedi full shovels, hodoo loahar mitts Paris green %lid sprinkling "All" � . .
. W.Tacks6n, Mttkasi:and Porter. The Ileldof labor ,011for4 teft for *their new 00 �
i,t st liardowars afid proofs of their olalibe, and 9 . �
. IaUtOr 00mbillation, We learn have day Thowas Wedues- Von that after the Bald data . . . . . .
. � Auburn, 0100, - inber of the 4ongregation. the execut VI . . . . I I . . I I . . . . . . I .
,, Ann butloo- lei hereby
. . � ,reatedlandon sharies find gone into were down to the statiaii to a - *t* w I proceed t4 distvilitite the ' . . .1
#�_ i- I I - - - ism .
- �_ � . � # . urp y I V fgro. tsq&to of the 4,aawid -aniong the toAkklog oil- . I . I . ..
. 1. � . - I � - -_ - ,h " raising 4oxtensi've We well. , . I iledtli6r6to,havill rsiVardoni , AV . . I 1. . I .1
- __ - - * __�_ � _ - - � I I owish them an abundant ytbld, I or their , .y to th6 alalibe La . . . . . I
; - I-0. . of *hIoh notice wililthen have D"n ttoslVed I sties& I .1 I I . . I
J. 154 noovelt, . . - . . - _ __ . I . .. - . - - mono" IlAduSttlouA labors. . . I � . I I � 10100, Ullta;U Jack I by, them, mid thoy will bot, be liable for the I . . . I I I I � . � I 1. . I . . 11
I . , . . . . . son gttve a voty said as I . - _.. . .
' '
I . � INEMON IMA14 I .0 .14to, or ag Part thoroo I I we have a large stook.of the few . ,
. . . . . 4 Laj�ryer 8tatibury, of Rx . rotb Olt of her'pupils, to their. hr PC oeb. of * ONO claim UVAgoan not . . oil$ -
0 . . .. . . I . � I eter was in on friends one day � 'volio6ii A. � � gjiorsoi . Salads. 06ylo# zmb it
. , Mo eadin a case 4V last week. waived . I I YPU 1100 not tried It, calLand get a satuple. I .. �
. , an , a time was spent by all DIOXINSON & OAHROW% . I �, .. I , . . . .11 I . . . I ... .1
. , for RX6 Utovs, , I
ithatliad beenenterod agosettonstable Solicitoto 0 � I � I . I
Furniture. - . . Wescott,ofthattown. Sametimeago resen iss Lillfafipia,146 a charm. Goderlohl tune 2ftdt19W# . . I. We %rlk olosting out our Coined tolAM669 %* 2 fot 260, � [ . � ;
. . Wescott arrested a man at Thedford n We 11 As. . . . . � I . I ................. � I ' I I . I .# . .. . .
Good value here tot your fOPACertain 61101186,'alld *O,Wthat� The Ontario Produce Co,,To 0 to,are . . Groderies and fr filash . . I .
"'Sh. We Ball . cheitipi , ent tried to gotb ick at the constable. tayllig 17c it lb for string ablek" I Irarm For Side. . , . . . I . . . lift wh
. . I � We had thred serious chargea ens for . - . . - . . I . .
.#_ �� . MwOrt, roilers from 14 to 2 lbs, eacil 01V6 or . . Iry I
rairlog 0 spec. � Maillet'MAX, such as PekjurD ;theft, Per bals, Zot i and the east halt. of riot A . -or � . I
Picture P11.9migg *hd Re dressed) hens 1c, ducklings 8 Ibs and 00116M616A 13i thillett, the to" M :*bek, .
ifiltY, VoUr 900d.5 called for and."doellvp,r. e - But 0U All thVeecharges 1,StAn- ( VOri ft- 90ese, Young V tty of ](Aboo! * . �
bury Widbim client released. . � , do, turkeys,livej lot Taskors or., cobtAlblUf 26acteff all clotted . I
, 10c, dressed 11c. Those pricog 60601; About 16 tiered, wh oh I* i0od hatitwoo . Wi"Nw000�� wo-, 1 , - -, -;,� i i WA-�
__ . I I are for ., 4 , �. - - .
ed J.q JOW11 Ot Coilfitry � I . ,00ds delivered bath. The land Is the very list i is Ivell drain- $ . . I . I
. . Mrs garry Joslin of Do voit, *to 9 ' In. Toronto_ Ctatog ild and *011 ffneado and lo&Hs4odect k* Waist I I I
I I . Is Making Mrs T OS Mas With the OX66ptl6h: Of 30 Acres, s shares Of 1,h1oh I �,
, 4 t on, of the will be supplied, I . . %fallwheat. Thaite sobihe remitega, � " '-�, -0, 11 ft MOTTO . ..
. Ila" Lille, A threO Weeks visit cAlleA We are An � * , 1. .
I UndertAhl' Minio houee*Ad w= l2buse, MO% blidx% . , I
. . . .4 in '411 its Brancheso . at the, xtw E,94,omc f of receipt .of all' ad(vertise. *lthishao hataosvidylohouee bar I I 4& foar -, 6 , . 1� I
. e Or A CONY knent its We , I _, and The bt IV way, rm* it lot Swo A4A'* , -
our paper. She is A 6onsta O to press th&t Announces NX60, wfulftuo stab Inig underneath. 1%6is $ I 411-- iw -1 � 11 0 1.11-1 . . I
. 16 about 6 46r6a of 6folihtd and I I '1� I -11,_w_ 0. .1 I I �
- ell- tile Rate of t9p farin, belonging to the giant.* of - 7 W . �� .
thusialltic reader of the Paper and WAtst. There h, it Irbod Wall At t 0 be a _1
Satisfaction ouarahteed, . � P -State of the late It M Ross, ,of Bruce. UK .
. spring drodktunning aorcme *h6 9 in I �.
. mid she would not Ila without for $3 it 'field, to be hold on Tuesday July 28, and & 8 Debit .
.1 of the. athi, tt Is throo-qua*tars of a Wils, I 0 me
i 11�
i . .. yesr' Mrs J081ing 84YO -9110 knows at tile Dixon Hotoi, BeIng somewhat from T1fttIo0kV'1h6*6 Were is & ACho6li store, L .
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I ��. Hoov, R & A . I more about this heighborbood from lengthy it will ilot &ppear till next I t0061116sadd J,,AdkA1AI6hAh61, mudittuillog I- . �
" 21`9A 's LLO I f _ ki I I&
0 " reading I Morre I .
1. I % \ NX_W UnA, thati lots of the we 'a 0 I I 09 � . $
1 � the � � i ,6�, 1 1 1 tOMMY& 7 R led ftoM XAh .0 to and 10 . . I .
. Might and Stifiday oA1la,*.4nqw6ted at the residence of Mt john powell, or folk 0. The . M1168 froth Reaforth, and oenyablout to
ftt fhtlik ift grain .14P ,
churches, This lis an oxca� yo --N Old
either of ihil Principals, ;, , , L I I Na I I
I 'to "vo ri"E�i� ""' in�d Pvi�ROXAT,- - Allen Rose Tebbutt, Who or dtatIngro and Will lid ad d 611 to4soutblo LONDISHOAk
, ii 18A d lady'o I �, �
I 11 I .... 11 11 I 1- I—, 11 I'L 1. .. . �1.1. --1- .. - __' L.. ' , t 110. Possmofoufthbah datat4+tIbi6 par * * , I . I .
, w` p 00,4108 tills 9po alwfcys has teen ywiltiffn at home for a Week, r L
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ftj� d Wotks 4
__ 11 __ , L U Ito P16 0 hope ahe Will ( fdgthof oil . � app% the mo� , . � 1 $
. ,-- . __ - -I-,----- � retorlied to 0 etich, . 11 , I yrloor, I .1 I L 1. .. . I .
a I . mant reaawl�, I Vot. Iti "Put or ot W otm . I I L, 11 '' 1.
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