HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-07-03, Page 5L - 4' - I - 411111.11 i I I X", .00 P1 ... 1, III, 11,00 .01"41W 111""-& Aor%bl 411111111k P%R* . � . - .1 I I .- I ,Awe "T ' '1111iff'. -imm , , , 1.uX A. _-�b Uk;K I I . . , . �. .. . �> I � . ., ' . �, . I I . I . I � . � R. DUCTIO'N SA E' , . . � I I _­ . . . . . 4 joy Wo 1"# - ___ - __ I - __ � - - � � � , , - .1 I I "... .1 I . I -1 I "M � - "" ... ...... 11 1- 0-0 a- � .. 4 Ir #010fiffoll . 0 144 � -W - � 41012 1. I A X"Alory. 111'enfailm -,I,� , A , �04""" Ift � - I (By the FAit9r) Ira sma'. - I I To. yNt KWIC 110:90VIN -On Page 2 will !I found I . . . I � ­ 1. I,Wbloh' I . . I . ,�orli=ta&p%�rpee4l]lcajl;];I;)wges,o � lZold. ( mmeucl I �_ 101 CNRIOI..� 'Wit I le � I"s n 121K �jetflr �t t issue of Fiel�in'lu;"'e�tnerey4""I)oio�'ainco ,�;J,%,, 110y 10, the CQ _ boNew to . . RM !�Axt�wo Record !�r�� � I . ! usually I gfithe�.d?or of theOpta*aCou- 4 . . . � v y carnor a 1 It I - - ­ _. ­ -..-..-- - _... ­ �­ ____ I . bedlol�bu g I the peop o the can be seturea in. our ebbs& , � __ ­­_ I '' � -1 . - t OJ11ce A 1" "" 0oh=d0J1'y I has 1. I 1=1u"'M Pos Dominion, I I . I I I . th 0 ' will . . . . �Masurelw ,f � . ov 4 tmeut that would 1)e suit, -- will enable our readers o, the hono ,,, loy I t1.1,C,1u,1e,u".. . air �rr oar'ler 1, ant he is, Mr Fie1il a � g a ..red leader vfhof,, . all, as 15rar � t:r n 0 � New Goods Sacrificed in or er t st Stocks., . . 'lit k! QAV*i r J:� , b 0 to send = WeAdi at . 0 , 0 104 41 - " on the a distancoor ried I A Twenty-two 7tymt b !4( t' aol,lve lifelas al0frinte 6 d:;11 I I . JR. flo r I � ­ away, . I I . . W. J. M4ES S. tax 0 Ton a, at�rw 10. becom- � IT011=4 ,bse a guoutIr by summer tourlots. . � Thousand Dollar Stock to be re(fuced to Fifteen. Th I I .. "I'll i"Ami4learholf"INVeill Arcoti! "'A ," .j . � . . I � .ousand Dollars, - I . , . . . I Y Finance he is in his element, The I I 11-141-H .0 I 111114111 4 H44 I "'Ous vat ,twe . . I . '"I 1101486 Chinalsouvenie" consist- . . . . I . let,rilage(re, 1;9 utqedtoo�ythat ing of p t I I . lgli " * " I I __ --- c a la eyl Tr yov V, ! I .1 ­ I . 6 . - --- --- � Sir . was 3 A Is & a0esy During the Month of July* Sale 'opens on . . . .91iot$#&I because he did not get tha"ici6iftio,tp, Cup$ a , , ' 6 I . � I . .. 6 1 I . . . i* but thosewho claim to. know have Al. � . I lud $aucers, J488100,10 , . J I . . . .. � � I . I I I . I - . . *204 w%s said tbat there was not 4 word - . i ,/ . . I . . I- - I � . . , . . , 1510, 10, _51C. . 6 1 . . .1 . . . . . � . . of ruth in it. My own Impressioniq . I I I that Nr Fielding was selactea with the . . � .� I � I . . , I , $bell Souvetkiers consistWg - ' ,�` � 0 �� FRID,&Y,JULY ard, Im. I and cordial sup ort of Sit- . �6 . . . .. . . I-wi! 6 '�Z . . I " . richarl, if not directly ong, i;, ,, u s of purses, ;1opkin rings, bas- - . I . 'lye . ��, . ursday July 2nd I . ., . . I I 1 1. ____ - tion That hobas provedl A� I . � . I . I I 11 .9 . .. . kets, Saltsli etc .. . . . D. Farquharson. M, P,4 died at Charl excellent Minister is"admttteIl even by 6 1 1 . . . - , . . . I . . . I Conservatives. He is 4 strong man in � . "' . I . . I . . . . 1ottetown,.P,R,I,,lAat e4c. Donald t5ceach . � : .. . . . .. . . . . . respects a 4 as he As possiply I �. . 1 6 1 I . . . . I . . I I � 1. .1 6 Farquharson was member for Queen's. =ccessor of ISIr AVilfrid Lau � . . I ., �.' According to our accurate monthlye,stimat6 we find Our present stock exceeds $25,000 (at. retail pt-ic- West, - PrinceE, dward Isl (long may-. it be before a successlor"is' Photos of prominent build. 14 [ . 6 - . . . . . . And, and a necessary,) a. word or two about hita - .6 . � . . ,r I In .1 ' a, I ,es.) This is exactly $10,000 more stock than we had a year age, we had plenty last year, so we have Ten Liberal, At the last Dominion elec. will not be an�lss , A man of th6 gs .and oti4rchep, . . . . . . I , t . 6 . . .. I . . . I I . . . � � . tion. he defeated Angus,McLe.an, by strictest ititt-grity and bonor, candid .1 , � . . . . and frark, an "Celle -it debater, quick . 15C to 50C , . . -#--. ; "; Thousand TOO MUCH now, and we fully realize ,that in order.to reduce the. stock - to its proper size we 475, . . . to grasp tile weak points . in an op- .1 , � 1 . ". . I . I I I - , . . . . . 6 1 . I . . I I . ponant4s arguments, or the vulnekabl . .. I., � 4lize thatln order to retah . .. 1. .1 � spots of a delegation wanting. govern. . . I � . 6 . . " your confidence, we tnust make bona 6 . . I - '' I I a WW'Ieng_ I � '. must make great sacraf ices. Wealso-'re " I � . . . . ''I 6 I 6 .. * The Gainey Matter. .1neilt favors.. pleasant and 4proach- . . . � I . . 6 . . I .. I . � I - . � able, fie is easily one of the strongest , , . . � . I I . . 11 : 1 . 6 ot simply a 'raft of - uns'eas6nable goods . - :, fide reductions on NEW SEASONABLE9 RELIABLE QJOODS,'0 . . . I . �1� . I . � I � . _ , men in public life; h J . . . . a is a square man, . I I . . . . .,.. Now. that the,parliarneutary discusn does; not like " or encourafe, dirty poli- - -_ . .. . . - - , I - affair is -tmh lalw4ple , lol d Is . � " -his. S le a success,. and in "order Slott of the Gamey , es I I , c - e mu!"r ake t a and a few iines of odds and ends offered at sale pri, es.' 'W .. % .in . over, it tics, lstL -t ) ic An Pr ents . ,� . I . .. . � I . . I '. . . � '- I Y11. . I I . , ' .. I simply becomes a mattei of history, to � canuot be. persuaded to 'do wrong . . . .1 . � I I. . � . . . , tolbe very POSITIVE that it WILL bea gpnukne success$ from yo'ur standpoint as well as.. ou for the purposes, of expediency. . I . . . . I � . . ' . ' . I I . I . � .1 . 1. . 1. .. .. . , r own ..we ve be brought out, perhaps, and used in : . 'fiweg!aysarvedly stands high in - the as- Can be, selected in our . ... . - gone through every departmentin the store, �and m .1 election campaigns whou - ', iequired. teetil of the Liberal members of the . . 11 I . arked-. down. the goods for quick selling., .. .1 . . . . . House, and alio n * China department with- Much, , . I ., . I . .. . .. � I 1, �. � I I , I . - - .. . I . � . I 1� .1. 1. . I I ., . . . .. � Let w; look. At the matter c0mly, Arid has the confide ce of . I . I I � � . � . . I . .. . . . .. � . . the business community, Whenever less trouble than-ininoststore.0" . . . . see what -it amounts to.; The judges At becotiias necessary to entrust the . :. I say Gamey.was - not bribed, and that affairs of state to, 6thei.baride'thAn because all Jadies like odd . I � ,.�� " T IN � ALL T - AT, . . thosq at U , m I I � NEW GOODS JU bo I : ) . .10 'GO .ONE THIRD . esent g dding them.. andas- pjeeeg of China and bric a brae, . I ore was no, evidence whatever to suming t At the Liberals . I I I ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' th , I Z, way still be � . � � . . . I . ' wag in power,'they Cannot be. -entrusted to and'thele -are, le e by . the I . 1� . . .. � . ,� I I : I . .. I support his stateiiient.Hesays he , . . I I . :. TO ONE. HALF REGULAR PRICE . . � 1�'. I . . any safer . man than the *Ion, W. S. . '. . '. I . . .. - . . . � � . . , I �, . � . I 1: * bribed, so that he. makcs biulself a Fielding, whose mcor6. . % . . . 1;- I . . I - .. 1, . � . � . � .. I .. . I ..'' . . .. I .. I I : I "'uCcess in � his depat t- . .. . , I . . . . , . . . 11 I . . I . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . worse inau than the judges �8`7 he is. went has contributed not a little to the I . . . I I I . . . . ... I . I . . . . . . 4t� ' I . . . I . . . , : I . record of good government -achieved I I ­,, � . , By his reiteration. of the, stateTbient he , I . I . I . I " . I a . . by tb pre � sent. administj54tiorr, - . . , I I . .- I . I . . � . ... - . . I -0 0 i - . I '11, I. . . . . . . I 1. egOiX prices- , These we put on s.%Ie* positi -w 'a idence . . . , � I ,, . I . . . . . I . � I . �� oil, for unless he.W Ov , � I �'. at the same ,Qaving in price - . . . I . I I . I . . I I . - . .. . � . . . . . .. I . . .. . . : , I I ... . I The Zird.' o I June wits the 7th anni- * . I .. .. . � 1 . I . . I I . . � . � . I . .� . . I I. .. I thlilt lied not submit when n. trial, versary of the accession Of the Libe � -pe . � . . . . ��". - has placed himself in av ryunenviable - I . i The mprnbt,rs of our buVinea syndieate met in Torotito last week, and togthei .* p6reb ased fr' * facturers, 4 a . . ' o rn manu . .. gents find iobbers a fine lot of' new seasonable goods at i)e:tbird t .a ba -If less tba:6. I-' '. . . . - ; . . . . . I .. % .. . � '. .. I . . . . . � . id' 0 . rat I � .1. 00 � I : . - ;,�., . I I . . ' * � _� .. . . which is unlikely, he'dannot possibly. party to power in the Dominion'. and . ... . . . � �� . . � ..: . I . , I . th * - 11 Of Sir-obarles-Tupper -1 I . . 1. li� r ,�. Sale Starts at. Nine'. O'clock" Thursda - Morn'in' ". . . ; prove his story, - And he stands. branded n=11C 0. . . . I . ­ - . , I � � . . I . , , . . ___ _­_ I . � I . . . : . . . , . . . .11. � ... I I .. ... I . � . Y'. 9 .� :11 I.. . I .. . .._ . - . . - . . , the time, that ,,they won t be . . . . 0 , . � I � __ . . � . _. - I . I "_ , _. ,. . ___ .1 ... . . . before the public as ah utterly unreli" in power six montfis �' stands out4ike . . - . . . . __ _ _. . I q . I . I I �.. .. . . - I . I � .: - � . . ­ . . . I . . ,. . ' ' 'I A ' :)t t' ' . . . ,� ,q%,.W.Qb,.%�.%�-%.,%W�ft.1%�-14%�,%�Ift�140.11%.Iq&,AW,410,�,%W�W-%Wlo;,%-lqlo.1%144b,Awl:%wftWftwlftwl%�'%W'4 4%Wft.1%Wfti, .%. t.,-%,,,W.4%,,%�.%,.%.4%,.%�,%�.� ' able wau, a did n at em p,t to ex� so many other - pr�dictirins be �made. . � . : � . . I , , �, . , . � � . I � . to. ,� . . I%wlw lqh�� . - . . . I Howtirriefliesi and-howthe.hopesof ' � , . . . . . . .. .. . I . I., . . , .. I . . . i�, - . - - .. .� I .. . . . . I . . plaiii . any of-,bi.4, fril I .., . . I . -&,c , I � -1 i 111..,� * 0 0 I . I . . . .. I I I � . noi� did., . the. ition, have taken their flight . I I I . . I - I � , I U . .h . ' �' ir-a' ' , , I , I . , . , , . tauipering:�vlth thwdeposit .slips, and liko'b'Pi.pdo.s. of pkqTaye. .It was a good ' � I I I '. s This is a Sample 6V..... r:..Ma.y.'.,.Ba.11!,,,ain, .. . ... ­­ 1, . `_�_ L . .. . , ,�i. I., , . I I .. . . 1 ... . - . . , . . I . . ; .. . . I - . day for the Dominion when 8ir W.11- .7 . . 1. I I I . . ­ I . I . ..... � ­.:. . : �. �.. - t '� � 11 . � . . . . . . . . : it there,was nothing also to0onvi6thim. I I ­ - , . . . � . I . , I I I I . J . . fi-id Laurier .became Ptemick, Not hOw-.,.careful members have to b6 . . .11 . I ; - I .i ,� .. ,. I . . . . ,1- . . . . � . I � . , . I I I - . :: .. 1. . � - . .. . I . 4 .. . �- .� 1 I% . I . - . . .., . . of being imprincipaled, his action in I . _­. V,.�, .. � . . . . . ft.&4 ' . I . � . . . I. �. . a one has the - c�qntry gone forward Goverrimen t a'vertisements are occas- ' �. . : ... , � * . I � I . - . . . , .. .. _�, . - 10 C6 n for S " - , , ith, iR of itself , I . _ 8c Cotton -for 4c : . - . . ' .with le�ps and bounds,.-tiot ilone4s ionall� sent. to the NE;w ERA, Ana . . - . . � . I. I � .. .1. I I . c . C � ' ' � - " - - .Connectloji lierewl - PTIffla, . ��,�'� I I . - 1� . � - . . . . . .. I . . I . � I � L 'I." , " , � ' . I ­ ..., . I I 1. .there a better feeling between Allra . ... I 11 ,�Z � . . � - , 1. . .: , 1, I .. . � .facie evidence ofgpilt, - , , .... ces .s6mb(lines-insorted,if"of localintai6st, - . .. . - I . . . � and cre-eds,not alona do the people of 'but we have returned the cbeques that, ­ ''. I . :. , . I . I . . . , -e(k we got a cliance to buy 3600.,yards it'n at Aalf Pr ce..' : : ThU� is-. ibe reA ` h " - 8 volillous provinces know. each other haveacconipanied .them, As their Lie- I 11 .. " .4111: . - Last m I . � . 6f.Giey�,Cot 0 . I S011 :'a S.rg(' - Now consider the Attitude 'of . the . th . . 11 ... . . , , I . . ,. 11 . ,,-��'; -zale house was burn(d down slid t1bey bad a 16i . (5f -46-i`i6ellef'A s sligbly daiiisged% w at6r * aiiiii - f Jud '' ' * " t , their several p Voiild have placed the mem- . I While, . I c6tto.usin t . bat wa Ives have Con better 'and apprecia a , -opptance v . . I " . . I . . I ... � . � ges. The Conserwiti . . lbs � - '. . , " . .,.,. � .. . y - - - ' . - � I ,t . I ... . ,. itions,more-than. ever before. not alone -bar for West Hi1r9b in precisely the . . . , fire. At the prices cottons are today w� 66uldn't�buy as good, orles'. to sell, at 8c Slid 100. '. . . . . .. I .., : ' f . . . . , . � . . . demned. n unstinted terms and -nd bho 111 ?".. I . I � � them i, I I . . . .1 I . . . . .are Ilia relations of .Canadaa � P& o plac.o as 1vir bcLk��Il -.Vas ia. . '. _., - . : � . . � , , . r . ' I � �.. '. '� , ...- I : I : . I I . 'Empire moie intiniato, . n it alone do � . . � . - ,. , . . I . ., .... �.. I .�, - Just bi-prS11,Pe tbe.3, are slightly daniag�d yoil cah buy t.hem. At Half P ice ' -, .1 .a . . � sometimes in improperjanguagd, Both . . . . � . � . . � . � .- .. _.. .. - .. I. , .. I ­ . .. I . - . . � . . .. I . I . .. i. - , , e ' * ­ ' i t 1. . I . . . . . . , .. .1 � I I 1. I I .,. . . W, 9ceugya.-more exaltee, Pooition in -kn act - of im or ance to formal",.,.- - � . � .. I., Y, . . . . '-And affecting I I . . , , . , .... , . . � . . I . I � � : ,the judges wereConserva, ives, and it , I .1 �. . . ,.: . ": 16 , , . . , . , 1. ,� . � -10C.Co -' hidy likely- that from a -party -of Nublic life has be6r.,,�reatly. intensi-. Dominion,, has 'passed the House.. -it -1 , , , . I 8c Cottons for 4c, ., ­'.- � * - ' .* .� .- tli6nssf or 5c , . . I . . �..$ . � . ; the mot erland, but tfie moral fibre, the Nalry Intei-esfs of the, ' . ... .1 , , , , , . . . . I . . '1� . - I I Sold* b'y"the"pipoe-Or half' ' I' . 1. . ... "... . . �. . .. . * , , I . ­ .. I . . . �' 'I . . I . . piece on y. I . 11 �.. . . I fie , say wh '; "We I-ke . about. certahl. prohibits tbo'imliortat 1 s., ,�i � . . . I thing . . � . I . " I `�.` standpoint, t would 1�e disposal! 'to . iij . i6b,manufacture � . � . . .. . . - . I . I � � .4ey I . ,� . � . . . - ­ 1. - , .1 I . I. ... . .. � . ! I . - I .. $ . I . , . . pofitical affairs *hiollhaiie- or sale of Adulterated;. process or ratio - - '� . - , -W,-W*..W-W.W--qb,Ab,�AgA.�AW�WA%,W.W�-1%. . I . . "I . .. _� . fav ,,, 'member of a Liberal -govern- n;r',A � yet Wen .eliminated,! Si Wilfrid vated butter, oleomargarine butterifie,* - . , . : 4 . I I � ,_� I .. .. . . . .. .. .. . �. I . P . � - � � 9 I . .- ­ .-gee a..n I o comm , I� I ' .'' I �, . . � .. . . . . � I . I �. '' � .. .. 1. 1 . . .� I .. . '.. . . . ­ 1. , d , elidation.'at �ny liand's or, other substitute . I I . . . . . - ., I - . . .., : I ment. ijut-dr6ppi4gthatfeature r-& -T for �utter'. Its ': , . I . � I 41ADNIMi 1111A�U ' . .11 . I . . .4, 1. . I . . � : I . ­ I I., . 1 4 . . . . . I . I . . � . - I � lie people have showu their confidence chief object is to keep up the III h . I., .. . . I . I . . : of �ight, what i's there to wn�xtkr . . I I . YOk-ft . . . . Lt'the - I. - d' tk)h of,his,sterling utation which Canadfixil'burt1terl] 111"P_ ' � . 11 , , . I . ..., I I 4 . �. I I . . . . - -in- ii . , 10,T011" WAXT'vii' .. . . I I I I I I .. .. . ,� � 1�1 . I . I : . I . .. . - , .in An apprecia 1( . . . . I .� . . . ­ : . ... . I . . . . . conclusion that tLey 'watione - - -I' & .i& � , . .. . I ­ 1: . 1. . . ad by any .lq alities. And I will only r eat in pub- ,gaine& in the English, market, and . . I !�� -,.. - , a : . � I . .e I . I � 1: - . . , . . I i I . . . I ,` .: . . . I �. ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' lu � . . . I . . .1 � . . I . I..., �. . . � . . .1 * . MhatIhave often sai. in private, -which. it is feVed; -would be lowered' - 4 ' ' i I � I . . . . � . �'.. I -, antogobytheevidence IT . : "" I , I : ` " , . , � � ! : ,.... . other mf�l * e 0' . . I ' , , I . . . �� . . I , . that t4e more . be is kiidwnl by -the by allo�virig any .of � the substitutes � - . ­:,.�. J I . , . I ­ , I �, . . . t1kem? Everyone way have 'Iieop . le, the greater Will'be tb pre . . . . .I- . ; I . . "I, 1.1, " I . . . . I. .1 .. T­C�Ix.o. I . I , I ., . I - . I I - . I . . � . I . . . . i� I I . . I I I I ., .. I .. . :.. . " I . A ''.. . . . . . . .11 I I I . I . . " . kit a - named to be sold as ordinary buttaz . . . . � .4. I I . I � . . - ! I I theirown opinicni''Uut -opinllon'ls -not diatiob. I haxe not the slightest oubt Under -the 'act no.one cat brand their :- .5. !" � . " - . . � . . I �( .� .. . . . I . . :, . - � � . .. . . , � . . t � - 1. � ' � . , 11 . . 11 . . , � ". ' L - - .. " �, . ..., I but that when next he appeals t the butter " - niade oi�, a, � � . `11 � �­ I . . I ., , I , I � . : I . always fact, and1or peo ]a to arrive at . Q . "creamery" . unless �'. , ; I i I .: . I . . � I . i . .p . . .. . . I I . , .�� . � I . . . : - I � I . . � ;1 I � . . I - ... I . . . ... . � . . . .. I '" country,,he will.agairi receive it refiew- farm or factory where not less. thazi - ' . "," . .0 I . . I I I .. � . I I 11. .. . . one conclusion, a a a ju gas or- -of' - 's is ugbd; if,.mad-6. I I .1 I- . I I . . 11 . . , , . I �. b caiig 'th " d . . . . t 1, . � . . . - : �:.. .. �.: - . .: . . ., . .. . I : �, al .,confidende, which is the best themilk.of 50 cow. . � ' L �­' . . I . . ,1110� . ,: ,,�. . ,�': '.. . rived rnit,rkbf itp COWSL " '� .1' . 1. 11 _ � . . - . - . .1 ".. I I at anothar;pr9ves nothing what' It; less number of : .�, - I 0 1 could quote Conserva. than this -it may be, 'called 1�dairyl' -, I . . , . '. � . I . . '10. � -can hope r6ciation, Any pubR6 iian from the milk of � . . . . � ' I L_ ..­­ � '. . � � I . . . .. ,.: - . . I 'theavide he j .�d - I I . . � I 1, I 11�1. . I . ; . . � . eiar. On* ,nce t Jud' . 14 , " I . -w. :i, . I - . : I . . . . . . .. I - . gas a tivemembers of the- House; were* I. at butter Itha�s beeafound in ilia Unit-. - , - * 7 A'!., . -7-1-14-10- . . .' . . . I : CLINTON' . .. I , . 1. :. I I I 'clari their finding, and till the private liberty to -use, their namasi - wh6 will ad State ' ' i . I . I . � I �, . . . t ,,-, . ­­ - . ,,.,,,,,,,i,,,.,.,.,�___ - -! !� .. . . . . . . . s that - A good deal of inferior .: . . �-. ,,, � _ � I . . . . ! I I I I I I I . � . . . * , I., ,.�- - _. . . 1: .t . I . . . .. .. � - -k--... in the world d -:6&ct it. . eriddrse: very much that thaves'aidin butter, or its substifiAes,,has,beeh sold . .., . . ' I . , r, I . 'e . 1.� _ ... I ,.\"I �0 eill ies, but it w4i the itransquility 'an(I ' ' , , ­ '' , , , I . . . oes n6t - .. this patavraph.-th6ugh atthosa�ne a6fitst6lass butte anatbestanda,rd - � � - ,' ' '', .11� I ��Z^ calmness which come to the'.man 46rk orlhe.old G,ierrynian- .5,5W ; Conservative, - 3,150, while :in 'one atom, so. that the public are Com-, time ,tb aturally like to a . I . .. - . I., � . . � . .. � ey would n. ee is graittly.1hJured; . !, I., '. F, ' �, . . . . this election, the total vote was: Liber. I , ,. or y in but the matter has ' � . I i, . : �'-. AlIkO11411 tile unurthes . i whose faith and� hs,'Lpe iitre.jii. God.'. I . I a), 182,000, *fth 36 member.s, and -Con. P611adtOaccapt�it:howavar.�m * I th6rQwn c t- .power. . The Liber- got such a footKold there. th . . . - I M I . . �1_1 A. . I ticb- for At It I ­ Tile preacb6r- was. liste . I. � 1� , er., " , , . I. . . . Is , - �- � - � - � . . - ';��r,: I , � I ned':'fo�. with: � . . � ''. .. . �', se'rVative, 186,000,:.with 5G m6mbersi 0 'political or -other .reasons :tligy. il:iay . alsbave azleader- thpy liaye reason to hardtocheck. .Tbis-actisintroduced :. ;, . _. . .610 - . - . or . � - . .f I . I . *the.country is gettim , . , . . I rapt attention as h6 � �, . ,_ Juently de- 1 .1 ,� . .1 .. - ,, . ' ' I be prohd of, and here so As to maintain the standard ive ' ' . , � . I. I .. . . . ... � twenty mord lnembe�s, for4,0W in � . �1� . . vetoned his tbeme�. a.; Don t fotget the , . are w 'serViC68,4 but- is -nol have, -and, thus give us all the �dva m " � - .. .. 1. 1, .8 , I& Pii,nic.on the -Ii ".. . - � . ,4 - 0 OW n, vo es., ­ . ish. to difter'with it. - ; :. � _ , ., the benefit. of his jfth.,� !: the M -6u ty'of.-Auren'� It . Such Was"'tho effect of I .. - u I . I I . . . WAS the , - ,pAybig .anything like'. whattheyape t4ire- in the foreign market whiiih;bat. . I �. I ,,.' I I gerkynianddi,- and the so n Cobservatives, have: worth. , . - . - . I ' - ... 4nplo method' ­T00"T I ind the _tl. P - . .1 . '. '. . ST PAUL'S CIMIRcIl. - , . I �* I . I - citt and carved by ine Con I . . . Very much to . ae remiers s�andard'ineritg. .A Couple � of �tha - % , , 1 3 :-, - . . K, . Rev C R Rev 9 Aledd loft last'. Week for Afus- 1. . . � . . . �. %, given aboye shows how it was.arrailig- made a mistake in attacking the jiidge� credit ])a it said, he � has resolutely ro- Clauses of the. Act Are sub,lomed .. . . 11 .. .''. � . , � . i . �' ' I I ed toproduce this. effect " - 1 I I . . . .. . - Grains was in Kirkton this week on kok ' th h e Of irripmving his - servatives In'1882,' - . . _i� I I I sli, a In a op, . 11 . 11. . . . � . I .. f h * ' . . I I Ifus0d to allow a I � ade I . I-No'peisoia shall bri0d or ma�vk the ': � � '. I very unpleasant church duties .... The hdalth. Oil and- after the Ist 8 - � I . .. . In the Bill now before the Domini - as .bay ave� . Bitter -'partizans �Inay . � ny in,-rease to be m , - ,.� �i unday __"_*1 - � I . on I � . . � . . I * , � , Sacraments of the Lord's Supper will in July his work will be t ' I . .� . . .., � . . � . .. A�use county bound "' ' -C,�V*Aql agree with theiii, Nat ' ' to his Salary, And iii this, x,e§ i 't I word 1'creamary�" or any combination , �.��.., * . . � I aken by Rev �. � I . . Arias At y . neitbat all Poii� think he h4i made, &:m1sta w d - I . , :-.. be administered next Sunday at tile ,,David Wren till about the midale of In view of the fact that Adhered tb. - , - - - _.� . I I ,. __ __ I I iIh.iD"... a. - likey Zt, it of words .which inclu&4 or I 1).... ,. - , I , " � to -, .. I � . , th& .. - � ' ­ I . , . . � � . - ­. . . I I. 8 are bitter,. ahowi- -the I 6 an --piriciple- -.bk �'crearhoryi" ujpp!i-a,ny�box,;paADka4O.Or....----.:-,- ,. , a new redis . . I serva Ives nor all Libera�l , ' - - � ,.,..� close of the eleven o'clock service .... September. ' I I . . tribitition of the counties isbding Ad ' , . I . I .. t tht __ - .. ., � ... . . . in el, . 'I . __� .. .Which tsgotern�d. Yo.haveaman wrap . butter, unless ... - . . - - �. � . , . , � , ,: The Ladies'Guild met on Monday , ev- In a sernio ' . .1 - .., in which the Conservatives' this, tirn . : I oa�. I - o , �. partizans. There are' fairminded. men . Jae I per con aming . � . . 1. , . ' . . ,.;,�, �' � ening and decided to hold their post- n. on John Wesley's groat- have o voice as well as theLi ' . . . . . , . . , . � � � in t a community who' will' not be like him at the,.head -of - affairs w6ans a butter contained in the.box, package - ' ' .1 . . ness. Sunday evening in connection, be*ls,tb,e I ebming and Gain !1 I , h . .1 I great deal to the countrk.'niorii than' � . . , - ... �.: poned garden party on the 7th. the-followfog article from .on old. copy I . . 9 I . . . . or.wrarpW consists wholly of-.0reaM.; 4", " . . .. I . . . I . . I I . N I � - I. ,. ,on the surface, and we should: Cry bu ter manufactured at one place, . - ' , 1 I . with the bi-centenary celebration, Rev, of the'Globe; sho wiffig how the County �� ." - . I. 1. . . . m6ved by passionate appeals and Who appears at ''I'' ,� ave so . . . I � . . . I ��'4 ONTARIO ST. CHuRcH.-- Instead of 8 G Bland,of Ottawa, q. ma time- . ..b . show .our: appreciation �'therdof *bile (froni 506oWaor over.) . . . '.. : ­­ .1 � . ... �:. the review service last Sunday the On , I of Hurori *4s divided iii. 1882.f may e. r Logiej of'Paris, was tbe'guest Oi Will not -admit that the Jud as hit;v ., ItNo. I . � , ly advice when he said thAt: ,if the . I I . . . .1 9 0 he is alive -not when he is beyond. the, person shill Sell or'offer,'ex ose � - . �1- .. � :,. . . p . I . I of Interest -. . . . r Shaw, Dominion Day._ I -did tbe,ConsarvA. pow. . . ..:I .. . - � , no wrong. What er of ,knowing it or have in h:s: possession for sale, Any.,. . C 11 ... � � ()A� . . . I . - �. � , . I 1. .I - - . I . ".. .1 ­ I , . 1, . , . : . . gerrymander of Mrs WJ Mullo,y and- little daughter, ti'ves expect to gain. by attacking the * ­�:�- �. . : .. . -4 , . .., butter. . ,contained- in tiny box, package I , .. - ' 1. . .1 .1 '. Mmod.0 s . .. i ''ininor ques- 188grnaKbe�cild,.buthone the less it .of London, are the. gitests of Mrs Jai . '' or wrappei . . I .. . passion to say Rood -bye to their old t,011 tO harping On Suo � Aarlo St. Sunday School held an open Methodist Church b4d.gald� loss � att "The'stoo of the' do . , ,-, p4ator and his wife, Dr and Mrs Gif. tions as A1X11A§0MQat,s'fWddeVotkdWi6re I shov�s t e�disadvantAges undei Which T,wltohelll, � - I I . :j udge s ?'. There are,raoreConserv4Uve . 1. I 1. I I . . . -i- . ? upon which � the woi& � �. � : ford, the latter having been a very ef- attention to attacking real evils there . . . I I . , "creamery.," .or, any combination of I I �. I I , , Ing � . . . . .. . I . I . 1. . . als ta�, wordili tich includes the word.'eream- - . . .... I , � . � ficient teacher for the past would n the Liberals fought. . The f6ilowi I The gov6rosity of the Liber, - I., I three y6ars. ot,be the disgustin ly" 'rotte'n judges on the befich than Liberal ones . . -Appro riate addresses were given by state, Of affairs sam, lo, which shows theptinelple, op. . .- Dr R J Gibson. ' arri,�ed her�'Wod- . . . . . . w,trds their opponents is shown in an a is randed or, marked,. unless the . ' - . :..'� . . revealed laWn'tario. pol. , it *to his iiaother., � Mrs An thoonly outcome.'Of the taci - iWmof. $W) which passed through t a .. � . pliorn framing the bill. lb iaken J'r nesday o4 a visi .. d I .. at h bruyt';er contained. in thebox,.package �- , in . � 1. � I . I .. . . � I I . � . I. .", ICev anning, Rev Gunne and Dr Gif- itics today --- a Province supposed f6 be ch by Dz Y,ih�aon'�ld, of Hu 0 R McLennan., . I.... I I � . estimates the other day." This amount or wrapper consists wholly of MAW- : � . ,� ... I persed with suitable music one-third Methodist. . ' a, spee, . . . . . . . I f )rd, . uAd.-the hicti haveneverbeen disputed. Miss A X . � I I . . rons � I could be to destroycoofidence therein, ,, to:pay for �Ihe, private siecr'etarvto , � � I . � I"- Inlars The Angh . can Synod.q of Rujon, 'This viAs hardly the -intention, hild-the . . the leader of the Opposition, Mr Bor-: �eriht utter man I by a fill, orlehestra, and singiny by the CoNaughiori, of Guel , was b ufactured-at onipplacor.� -. . . ... I , I �'�, school, also violin solos by r Vale', which'met at London '�,,j The fact that Liberals carried all the guest of her cousin,mrs MoVerman , I ... a' penalty .for v:olating the Act � I.. ,� �,1�4'...",Whioll ek . . only conelusion.to be reached is illot den 'and has been paid 'every year may go as, high as.$50. .-, . ,�, I We , Was three does not alter the motive of, the for a, few days tbia week, - . I since the Liberals came into po*er; It . . I . .. . . 1.1 I . ': . ' was very much aSpreciated. the largest, in PP;' int of'attandance - frairners of the bilL The Countyofllur- ' B. the Conservativeb expect to make - an � . . . � ,X�". Much regret' wAs expresse that the some ,,, . . , for son of W . . is just double the amount that the � . %:� . ..I. - . Wdrs The financial report on in 178 gave about SOD Liberal In * IaTli 'e','r Of Ch0,'1C'n'gon',i1q the guest impression. on the indep RD" $100. , � , , ��.'.Jje whieTi has bound the amiable, ' - I Af , "" Lal' ' . �0100 REWA � .. idjoiNIZ- . ., . lit 3weS the �Yriodto be practically out ity, The first draft of the bill of IN f �ir- form ly of' endent elector Conservatives paid. for asecretaryfor .. � i g a Ayor The readers of this' paper will be " ' � 11� " a ug people of of debt and the laiission fundo � which 6 grand ther ,.Jackson. . Sir .Wilfrid Laurier. when he was " . Jd6d the county in South Huron, Qen� . . and. -convince him that ffie j Ave, loader of.the Oppositiog, . ,, .' f . I . . udges III . 1.,�] the school was so agon to be'severed, began the yea;r $158 in debt, - - has now tre Hurori and North .- Huron. , the Rev Shaw and family from Benmiller been false to their positiow We ];a- � � . I . � pleased to learn, there- is At least 6na ' ' . . . I � . and all join in wishIng them God speed A SSW to its credit, - The Dpabery of, county then had a population of`81,0w, sgent, Wednesday in town, while on � . I � .� -.�_ .1 . . I .1 dreaded disease'that science; has beeh .. � I - . I . � t,� In their ne'w fli, Id of labor at St. Huron was roptesented by all. the and could be devilded into three c6nati- t air Way to his.Aew parish at Hensall. lievOt)latwh6li.the-Coxiservatives Wie' � " . I . . . . �,� : . I ableto Cure in all its stages,and that is ' � � I . . I �, I-Thoinals. clergy and also a ]!Ly representative tuaticies,giving a littleover,4006 �ach, "'wifis Jos Chidley'and (A mily left this gin to think oveii th . a couvso of theIV ' I A ciiiotimstat . .. I Catarrh, Hall's . Crtt=Tli Cure is the - �. I—! . . . . , ice showing 06 flnan,, I positive,6ure- now known to-tho ,�, ,, . I ,�,:-' WILLIS CHuRcm­ The choir of for nearly every parish, The amount whichwag the unit to rePresehtatiOn, week forGo. Home. Bay forl the surnmer, representatives In. the Local kou cial rigk that a member of'P601ifil6rit 0111cal 1fraterAty. - Catarrh, being. ar. . I . . � use, me I �.�'. Willis church, under the direction of _rAiadd 1-y the deanery !or dioce son After the bill was introduced,'& dopu- They will visit lit Mrs: Olarko's A.sister. . 1. .. runs, and the ease with which he, may ,. 41 '� . . . I 'W` Olann Oam tation, of Conservatives fro . they will cori6lude that ho'Matter how innocently get himself into ser�iOiis stitutiontil treatment, Hall's (,'atarrh . . I I , bell, organist, is fast work# including.missions, widows! and in HlIfOli of the former. YA . . . . constitutional disease. requiresik Con- . - , ,.,�., Corning to the Fliont as one of the most orphans' fund and gendtal expense came to Cttawa. The Very next, .day � .. 'lies of Messrs Olson.'a *aud � bad'& Liberal governhient Inny. be in trouble, came before the 14onso this � Oure is taken intelinallyjacting direct;. . . .1 1. 1. proficient choirs in our town, and the was $1,i)(A.8k Ali InoreAse over last SirJoh iMaedonalilmovedt-hatanother. The faint . week,- The Independence -of Parlia- .. : . . , Congregations much appreciate their year of $108.21, In. Conti ibutions to division of Huron should be made MrVale, Ogle 06apers, Wes Moores thoir'opinioh. it was an ill-advised and ly upon the blood and Uincouii surfaces . I � 1 �.4 interpretation and rendering of the mission work the .parishes .st 3�i and Mr 14ppinep, �Icnidkad at BAY- badly dirooto . . I . qr ment Act provides that no member of of the systioui. thereby oltrif . a . . . 11 and ,as Three municipalities were taken fr( � .. destr ' th . I . . . I ' ­ foundation of the disease� an g ving - . -inusical. part of the service each Sun -. Godoi A& field Wednesday.' - . It policy on the patt of. the House shall have any business I 1. - follows , , �Win - Middlesex . I I . . ' ' . I dealingswith the Govemment. either. � . � �, �� , forth, Exeter� Gorrie, 11ham Sea- Huron, two put into North . Whitney and his follo the patient strength by building up .. � &y. The anthem next Sunday even. ;Wtb,' Dun- and one into South Perth. And three Mrs.Rey-Holineff was the, guest, of worst to pursue by himself ,or partners. remote or . . ( 'lie otherd!*islors of Huron were made. her son, Dr Holmes, for a few days 6 . the constitution And assisting'nature . I-, ing will he a beautiful arrangement of fannon, Brussels, Clinton, olinel3v, the e urge they di& .. hear, under penalty of $200 a day for 'The proprietors 1 . ,"Lead Kindik Light", soprano solo to and �,aqfleld. Revq Rimid Dean Rod- rnAtaad of a North, Centre and South this week. Dr Holmesi of Lond hi'dohig its work. : . also The best thing they'Cau do now i's to every day he sits in thei House after so have so much faith in its ct , I owei . . . . I blthlrAtiv6pow- t, be taken by iss Jennie Jones. The gins, hro 0"', doing, and the possibility of losing his . . , � . L C It -0anne and Mr division it was East. 'West and South. spent the holld&yOlth his ther . � Lthair will be assisted by Jos F. Thomp- John Ransford Were elected members According to the vote of 1878,thi's gave . drop the whole mattar,.bec&usa in ally seat. Last summer, whi a ors tlittt they ofter'bone dred dollarg . . ,son, Soloist of Rx.ox church,- Goderich, -Of theoxecutive committee., The total East Rui6n, &Conservative majority of Postmaster Scott, ,bein,g somewhat further discussion of It the Libe rat EXhibition was * M theGlasgow -for any case , thAtItfails to Cum ,Send 1. ; . Iva major. the firk'.0 forliSt of teStimotila1g, . ; . , who will sing a solo "Hail tothe Lord". amount raised by -the ,aeaner�, for All 03, West Huron a Conservati indisposed of late, left this week for of which 14r S in . 110 ress � ­ a Wd wo�is visit at Woodstock,where PAttY Stands to got the best of It and I 9 Vp oi Aloxall- Address F,J, Chaney & Co.,Tolodo,O., . I . . ....A lar ton asselln Church wotk was $17,078,7o. . ittof'116, And hived in South Huron he hoposto regain, his wonted health. � dria, Isa member, received an otdor . . I Sol& by druf9isM, 75e, . I ont tot, some choose boxes. 1141114'Failli Y Pill$ tire the bes"t. , . . I IrMaSunday morning Words that tan be meditated on same time thetWomurlicipalitlealgivon tain y make the most political c4pitAf 'There wag nothing whatovar to indi- I Clue Con t, bled in being upheld -by the courts, can car' theteft Willis rch _ I% iberal majority of 1,0M. At the We were pleased to have &,call from I . . . . I . . I . ­.. t_ , and listened to an earnest and thought- with profit and spiritual Vessing.to to. North Middlesex had In 18 given a 6ur old -friend and former citizen wr . I o ..�.� I . 11 � ­ I � .. ful sermon preached by the Rev R 0 the reader opi be found in what the Conservative. majority of 115 aiia We, A Gorriolli, of Toronto, but late of Mt of It. " I . Cate that the orderwAs not from sonle � ��-� Priest, missionar Cou re r one in the old Country, and the firm. 0'aliteloft Brog have been more -thark . . I _y from India, home Bishop of' Hufbn said at the Synod 4 inb6nded to strengthen Mr. ghlin, forest., About "v3n years ago Xr I . I . 1A C6111UY -' A"He wh6-hitd'a-bare radjorit town, I . 1. I . charged them tip to the party order ng busy tbo past week with fruit audbut- � - I � . on furloulb, and now visiting with h' I meeting beld'inLoridon re i - Gotimll lost his wife by death in them in the full belief that it was it .ter. Of thiti last commodity theyhave. . . . I father -in, aw, Mr Win Robb. Mr I found in his experience that, he e�uld Vaborne township wh1cKg0&'ye­60n '"' since which time he has -resided in � . . .11 Priest took for his text Exodus 33. Con. L60AL NOTVS, Ivate Individual'. �WrSchelldldnqt shipped out'over 13,0W lbg,, and daity .1 I , ) got ton Wdirliowto help film, WhOrf the servative majorify,was ut into South Toronto to within a few weeks Ago . . )Van know of the transaction whon it shipments of chortias are being mllAe, .� � 11 � I . 14, 15. The first subject here was , call to men ja6t)30 response, The me6 Perth, and from that Ming was taken going to M6 V crest from there. Yet Ten members of the Golf club go 'to I :ook place, and it was not until atten An large quantities, V,ggg' are s6me� . .. that of human insufficiency. Moseare-, with. all their talk,. wanted Sunday to South Hasthope, which hiidt given r* has ch, Wren married living in both, Seaforth Saturday to have it friendly Ion Was called to It fit the House thlit what scarce Avid prices hayo Advanced . I , tocized his insufficiency for the task Am or go for a Walk in 0-I'der t6, Air Liberal magoilty of 103, This was plao. these places. He left town Thursday competition gatne on the links of that io learned the party who had otdored to 1,11c,. . I �: c, 'ns, � . . . 1 . . . . . 11 be ore him, first because of laek of �bolr oobwebbral When Asked to ad In Nort Oxford, to increase the afternoon for Crystal elt and Ox Bow town, I . the articles was an employ . I I I I , . knowledge. He did iftot know the take part in Church work they said Liberal majority of 800 already there. where he Will Visit With US sonil. Mr . . �ee of the I I -1 I . 1. I I I.. I . � � wp6y the people were to 0 ; it was to they HW - to work hard all day' and Then Nortfi Hasthope, which Ave 0, Gotroll is looking as though he would WrXelhbyre, Hami,ton, has taken Dominion Government, Which had .1 .. I . - ,, I I I 1. i.. . paid for them. Tile ,amount Involved !1 ! i . i 4 large extent an untried9path, because begovd, to be 6yused, The oon'duct of majorit of 300, VAR also a4ed to I be able to stand the storms for many the formaneshipof tholitokson Wg, Oo, W" less than $gt but it Was a I , violatio 9W I" of the difficulties confronting fiim In many of the educated Jay en w This firm has on the road $20,0W worth n Iflioul 111101111 1:10-415,1111 I I In as per- xford,, to relieve North :Perth, yet, although getting on . to, I I 3 %ndalous, Itromineedhim-of Of orders for fall Western tf,Ade alone. . � the fickleness and ignorance of the fectly So _ ef the act, Mr Scholl explained the . people because of the dangers that the miloustiess 1I Ifb - ------- - rilch was also taken Wallace, = 80 Yeats of - age, I , . moutter to the. House, which referred it . laxo(YUSIONS � I ' . . . � , inoo .Where the with gCoriservative offt This was, the Committee on Elections and � To TRIM : were to be met and the enanues which Emperor And noblop lived em while give to Out liveries could ,hot find h6rses to .. must be fought and overcome. it North Wellinfiton,in the hope We should have stated when publish- onoug to eat tbp demand on Vomin- Privileges Trifling as the hipidotit . , I � In Poor ghtdiAtors were killed to please of defeating Ur Mcmu ell, All thisl ing Ur Doherty's addreasthat was su , was, it looked like a serious mattbt for. CANADIAN X08THWEST I i All these particulars the preacher op- them, , Too inany congregatiofts, told I I foil Ay, most of ;Which were driven . I . I .. , � plied Moses'ex eriences fo the Chris. the clerpy to'do All the work Wit# done 0 �Iequalize the therepres posed to have been given at Nir; overtoft floldby icnicket's, Ellicitt's him, because lie was subject to & pon- going JAY 4th, vulld to kefttrh %intli Stot. *Ix , I d I I I[ 1� I , , i i � W G r , f - $ 1 - i � ! I L 11 I * , I I ] i - I I I I I 'I I I I I I , .1 I I I I I I . Th�',e . . flat Course ar tation", the Tories said, But 4t, churob, and which appeared in last sonb out horset� &via' 0 And War, nore 'Inter . V Alt . , anT showed In- convincing needed More laborers, r LX of nearly $1400 'for the time be 'Wherb to spoond the Sullumor', S same time they formed fourteen rid- we6k1s paper, that on account of it ha beeri sittling in the House The Thotainoug,guokoko, fAkft�ako Of 9A 0 fbtnis� hoW Insufficiont man Was to ,above All, mote pietr, They waniea ings in which the unit of rep lengthened pro rain of music and A16W ronoes no rly As Inany mors. . cope with these unaided, W � 'lommitteo, in view of All the eircum. LAM Niplosing" Ir##WJkfth& jlikag 6,ild t I �remil C 4 1116 . , I � The next Mbft lay,thibn to develop the Sunday tion was 26,845 and foutton otha%,s 1h longspe6chos,ttat Ur Doherty thought . $nlj br, tho, I I Labor Day is approaching., What i's Stances, exonerated Mr Schell from X4AW'WA" River gra romhed 4 � lub oe� fo nd in he Wit was the .school We," It that e1ottation does, which,the unit Was 15.m, In 1882 one itwiso Otto dveitinfull,ftsappeared. he matter of a Committee of cit Op J, , , , � I V�Otes ;� so tc, m=.Anslizabor n I Otatid Trftk ftllwa* som. k6inetit lzens, I Pon- h6tal I , "a Into tile arml of Liberalmemborre reAoYAod8,,015voteA Hemakingonyo,fewtomarks. HOW- who. are Interested in the band, fall in. denee of Parliament Act, amd thus the � Ing *to aflotlitti itoratutiWatidall t1torq t vo t no' )"' "O'i` " t anyintentibri to violato thoInde h r h , , 06660hiftodatift he thyl�,dlfinsit* d6h. ! Is ee And one ConootVat v4b 2 I e0doin from ' "10'. Case , �040- in 1881 the evet, the substance of the address was to line With this orgmization,and have matter will end, the, Conservative insholi hot'" " " . , d =ora, .0 irk " [ 2A , T 6 I I , ,rte hd 40 ,a I a of,, 6 ,r ll� � t 4 hardou lit f -o be virtud In such p14 Liberal re rosented 4.01 "Votdo. the 66 ood that we thood,fit It wotthy of a demonstfation here that ds,y. Now is members of thei Committoo genotpualy V 4 0 amtoo = them fm lu , �� �� of 0� 0 1 � I � I I . . . . 6064king� I 110orVAtri" %8W, Ift 1801 ; LiNtal, beeing publief F - � Fo , I the Utno tomovo Ila the XAMtkiis auppotting this decision. But It shows V. It Rodgelisi ToWil Apat) I . 11 � , � .1 I I ') . 11 . . 0 1 1 1 ; . 4 1 . � 1, , I � I . . I �. � L.�Ll ` I . I , gak­ .-.-&"-.&A,: I 4 I � . .-­-­.__­__.___ 1. -L...1t, . . .... .... . ... .; .. ... . , I 111 11111111:1II11111111 1 - --­ iN511111'Q,11j&.M0&L_1r&&M1� � .. - ,­ 1_1 - - �a.-,AL,,ii ­�i&u__,L��L _-L. , .k..,�,�fimir,. . 1111 � wdwii���