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OLINTON, ON II., JULY 3; 1903.
La ter Day Saints or Moroi
The people calling themselves "Lat-
ter Day Saints" and their organization,
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints," are known by the rest of
and tried to publish. In his work was.
inuch•repetition of phrases common in
Scripture, such as, "and it came •to
pass," and also the names Lehi, Nephi,
Moroni, Lamanites, etc. There is sub-
stantial evidence of the above named
facts • .
It is supposed that his manuscrippt
fell into the hands of ' Joseph Smith,
the world. as Mormons. The word a.nd that he, and perhaps one, Sidney
Mormon means more good. Thm
e an. Rigd.on and others, introduced into it,
Mormon, in their ecclesiastical history. and • a pended, in a style savoring
was the last of this sacred prophets of
ancient America, who, a leader of the
Nephites, perished, in abattle between
them and the Lainanites, in A, D. 420,
Bot h Nephites and Lamanites were'des-
cendents from the family of -Lehi •an
Tsr•ae4e of the tribe of Manasseh, who
emigrated from .Teruseleni to America
in B. C. 600, during the reign of King
/.edelaah. In the battle alluded to the
strongly of revivalism thelargeporti.on
•found in the Book ofMormon,touchiflg
the Lord Jesus Christ's descent in, Am-
erica soon after his Aseension : from.
Judea, • and his own. organization -of
another apostolate, and establishment
of another church, andhis, reiteration
and enlarga•xnent of • his wishes, doc-
trines,and commandments. ..
• In addition to this.Boiilc•of Mormon
Nephites were exterminated, with the the. "The Latter -Day _ Saints" have
exception of a few individuals. .The another' sacred Bonk entitled "Book of
descendants of the victorious Litman- Doctrine" and"C'ovenan'ts" which is •a
k ites :ire the North American Indians. collection of All the multifarious- revel -
The book of Mormons is claimed to he amens that Jos Smithclainiedtoreceive
the condensed record of the history, and promulgated; together with. the.
fail h and prophesies of the ancient in- one only written "revelation°'putforth
hal,iiants of America, .and further it is by •Brigham viz
clai•!:ed that the prophet Morrisons
wro, c the contents of this book on gol-•
den plates. These plates he entrusted
to Moroni, his son. - Moroni survived
the awful battle of extermination. Ile
Wes/ eyisni.
That religious body known as th e •
Methodist denomination, • and which
may j,ustly'be styled one of the strong
est ip'the world to -day, held its bi-cen-
tennary on Sunday last, in all places of „'-
worship where this religious ser vice is
customarily held. Two hundred years
have passed since the saint of Method- •
hecanie a living soul His early
life or that of his parents was . not as
bright oras enviable as one would wish
for experiencing. many trying scenes.
Born in England of noble butpoorpar-
outage, he had been iniracuously saved
tut the• age of six, • The mother, so.
thankful for his deliveranee,felt that it
was of divine origin, and thereby set
in to inculcate those principles which
would be most useful in fitting. him to •
perform the duty, which Gocl had evid-
ently in stare for hila — that of obed- •
ience. Years rolled-hy;and John Wes-:
ley -.vas' sent tv school,. • from which he
graduated and entered the ministry of •
the Ohureh of.`England. • True to his
teaching be :followed the precepts of
of, that church to the letter, and with
Young,viz.: at 'Winter -
in 1817. to inspire and, guide such regularity and persistency, be -
the Saint in their : pro c eted • western Yowl 'even .what the church ~considered
pilgrimage through'tlui wilderness. necessary, in his desire to.seek,•salva-
Theoretically the Latter -Day .Saints tion, that the :term Methodism arose •
hold the Bible and these two books .to. from the methodic system: that he' •
diet l. the last of the Nephit.es,butbefore be. divinely: inspu•ed "Scriptures" of carried: on his religions duties. He
dying "tied up" the golden plates in authority, and for guidance, the Old fasted. twice a week and partook of .
the hill C'uuiorah, the very site cit the: Testament as addressed particularly to :communion every Sunday. , Held
final battle between the Nephites and the Jewish church; the New Testa- prayer meetings. every Thursday even -
La, natnites, :where two hundred thous- ment to theJudaaicandEuropean:Chris ing,.which night remained .the regular
and of the former had been slain. tian church, the hook of 'Mormon to prayer meeting:till within a few years: -
the American' Chxistian'.:church and. ago, • In 1735' he experienced what tip-. •
the.Book of Doctrine and Covenant to peared to "him a religious awakening
the "Church of 7esus Christ of Latter-orthe change of heart, or as Wesley
Day. Saints,' . , ` expressed; hiinself."a"strangely glow of
But practically, authority and ,guid- the heart, and it is from this moment
ance for them -emanate from their liv that this influential 'Christian body..':
ing•leader, 'and few of either .chiefs or . laid claim to him ae the ;founder of -
Among the records of the Book of Mos-
inee are accounts of three imigrations
to the American continent, 1, Of
Tai a , i and his family, soon - after the
flood, from the confusion of tongues
abo a t,the Tower of Babel ; 2, Of Lehi,
i i mooned above; 3 Of a number of.
elites who came from Jerusalem: incases read any of the four sacred I Wesleyism. Years after he returned
about eleven years after Lehi:. The
honk also contains accounts of _the
coming of Christ among the early
Ar.v.ricans, about A. D. 31 and35, 'and
His repeating to therm of His Sermon
on a':e Mount, and His appointing of
tw• 1 ve American apostles, and
givi!u orders to thein-personally,touch-
iii, baptism by Immersion ands' His
hal•.• communion.
.1' : Smith, the founder of the Mor •
nu•n sect was born in Sharon, aV indsor
comity, Vermont, Dec 23, 1805. He
hat six brothers and three sister In
151 i his father moved to Palmyra and
aft••r ward to Manchester, contiguous
tot• :i in Ontario (now Waryne)County,.
N. Y. In 1820 an unusual religious
ex+•itement prevailed in Manchester
and the region round about.. 1� ive of.
the Smith family were awakened and
ante d with the Presbyterian ch urch.
Joseph. in his odyn •aecountof his early of. oderich. township,- were theto the Methodist sect prayed to be guided. and that maytwo heavenly messengers bade him notto join any sectamd, three years after -
another celestial visitant out -
books in order to know and ponderand "'to the place of his birth at Hepworth,
follow the recorded teachings. whieh•churchyardcontained the body
• Taken.froin Daniel S. Tuttle, of his father. He asked perrission• of
.(Missionary Bishopj of Iclaha the curate to holclservicetherein.;Upon
.and. Utah, : Salt. Lake City,, being refused. he sought refuge on his
Uta h) father's grave,a.placewhere hethought
BY GLE4NErt. he couldLlay Claim to without molesiia-
To be continued tion, and delivered the gospel message
- to thonsands night after night,; until
Vaarn� he was forced to Move on. Renting an
NOTES — Misses Eva and Violet old .foundry, on which. site later a
Burnsitles nye spending their holidays bemade their tiful edifice
t towards r they
with their sister. 11IrsEd Reid, Of Bay- ions their ing`. iueh •;as.the world has
field.. Miss Josephine .Postel. hats re-
turned, •.home. from London for .. 'her felt during the past 150 years.. His
holidays. The Misses McOunnell ;and
home life was not the most pleasant,
their mother have .returned to their." so leaving his farnily ties. he started
out to•. herald the glad. tidings frorn.one
end of the land to the other. Apgar
•ently in the full enjoyment of li= alth
or "died in the harness' as the old , say-
goes, he 'was . e ailed home ' to his
Maser in •1701, at the .age of 88'years.
Such was the story that was heard.
from the pulpits • of oar two edifices
last Sunday morning. Many good
points throughout the rehearsal were
introduced• by the speakers, and it'is
only for lack of space flat we refrain
from Mentioning them .
In connection with the above .• it -
would be of xiiterest,Sto append: a few
statistics, which show that there were
in the United Kingdom in the year be-
fore Wesley's ,, death, 2044 'itinerant
teachers and 71,568 members. :In the
hornet]. .Beetle,after spending a month
with her son, Alex McConnell, of this
village. Miss. Johnston,. of Zarieh, is'
visiting with ; Mrs Torrie: Mr and Mrs
osili i Jas Dewar were guests at C Ward's
life, says he became somewhat partial :fast lyee k. .1111 and.Mrs Atehesoii and
Heguests of the latter s. parents Mrs and
1rs Jones,. On Sunday. ' The .many
friends of Mr Arch;.G'albraith will be
sorry to learn he is vexysick; we hope
lined to him about the golden plates to Bear of his speedy recovery. Mis
he was to find and the prophet he was Shore is still very low, her mother, sis-
ta he ter and brother having 'come; there are
This was on Sept. , 1823 ;anal from Very .Slight hopes for het recovery.' The
this time on, he avers, his days 'and Methodist picnic was held in B�a�� yyfleld
nights were filled, and his life ..was- on JiITy 1st. . Miss Johnston, of Varna,
guided by "visions," "voices" andwas the guest of Mr Samuel J.,linston,
"angels.' The hill Cumorah was about .Babylon tine. 'gest Indies, Nova Scotia : and New-'•
four miles from Palmyra,between that Oxtr.tcx,—There was no service in fovtndlandi there were 5,350 meinberii
town and Manchester. Here, in the the Methodist church last Sunday; on In the United States of America ; there
fail of 1827, he claims he exhumed. the account of the opening of Brucefield•- were 228 itinerant preachers and 57,631
golden plates. For more than• two. Methodist church.. There will, be a ; members. • This made a total of about
years by the aid of the "tTiim and strawberry festival Monday night. . 13,5,000 (131,55) members the .year be-
ehunonrm" found with them, he was -DEATH,=•Mr John Peck died Monday fore Wesley's decease. In 1002 there
morning. at the ripe old age of 77 years. was reported a total. membershipp. >n
into English. In March, 1830, the traits- He leaves two daughters, Mrs Peter l the various Methodist bodies of 7;059,-
engaged in translating their contents
lotion was given into the printer's
hands. This is Joseph Smith's history•
of himself and of the origin oftheB00
of Mormon.
The usual belief is that most of the
Bo .k was written by one Solomon
Spaulding, a Presbyterian clergyman
of Western . Pennsylvania. He had
been accustomed to Xnaintainthat the
aborigines df America were thedescen-
dants of some of the trioes of Israel ,
and,in a time of infirm healthhetivrote
' a kind of romancesupportinathisview.
Cole. Goderich township, and Mrs Jas
Keyes, Babylon line, and one son, Mr
Nathan Peek, Babylon line Deceased
had. b 'n (Minton hospital and had
2,58 rnembers, with 48,3:59 ministers.
101,830 .local preachers, 7,207,511 Sun-
day school scholars, and church prop-
erty valued at 91300,000,000. of these
beenhome only three days when he
a a n n I immense figures the American Mctho-
died.: The funeral took place on Tues- dist churches have 6;437,461 members.
day afternoon at 2' o'clock. 42 083 ministers, 16,423 local preachers,
5,091;878 Sunday school scholars, and
To Care a Cold in one .Day: church property valued at $180,000,000.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet
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This he called "TheManuscript Found" - each box, 25a,
Those w o adhere to Methodism .are
estimated to number 2%018,710, and of
these adherents 22,531,113 are credited
to the American Methodist congrega-